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Still her birthday
Episode 13 subs waiting room
On a scale of 1 to 10 how do you rate the finale?
Spinoff for the gay roommate when?
>Didn't have a proper focus on what it wanted to do
>Underwhelming performance
Pretty bad/10

If I ever rewatch this series I might just treat episode 11 as the finale.
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Unironically the music was really mid. Funny how they went meta with that this episode.

It's unfortunate, but the music in this girls band show just wasn't ever very good
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Waiting for subs cause I'm not stupid.
New song was decent, enjoyable final episode, Hina a qt
4/10 would be 8 if it weren't the final episode
>yuricuck's meltdown
Delicious salty tears. Now you can go back to your real containment board
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Like 7. There's a lot of good character stuff and development with the band. But it doesn't have a lot of the moments I personally wanted to see. Like Nina actually getting her ASAT.
Main mystery remains unanswered: why the FUCK did Subaru cut her hair??
The full versions are better. The way the TV-sized versions are cut and mixed aren't good and I do think that's the biggest flaw with the show. Especially Nameless Name.
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Look at boyfriendshizo desperate attempts to make a comeback after months of humiliation. Look and laugh.
Give me the truth, anons.
Is the anime show named "Girls Band Cry" any good? I mean, if you had to swear on your life and happiness and on everyone you love?
Yes or no?
>le meme
Ask again later
It's over but I still want more.
Well at least I can marathon rewatch it over the weekend.
yes without a doubt
Sure, it's alright. Nothing amazing.
Yes. What kind of question is that?
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Worst song yet and a bit dull
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Bullshit ending, Hina deserves the fist
I watched the first 2 episodes and I have no earthly idea what the hype is about. Hence my question.
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The final song was togenashi. No toges. It had none of the blistering rage that was supposed to make them unique. It sounded like the most average k-on light rock shit ever, I'm sorry.
Was this even a fucking finale?? That was it? Just ended?

Was this supposed to have 2 cours or what?
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How I would brutally rape each TogeToge, and how it would effect them after the fact:


Nina and her spirit are resolute in ways that only a teenager can be. Thusly, she requires the most brutal raping in-order to break.

After carefully observing, researching, and investigating her over a lengthy period, I would approach Nina as she trekked through a residential laneway back to her apartment. My pretext would be predicated on flattery. A Togenashi Togeari superfan coming face-to-face with the band's lead vocalist. The goal? To build repertoire -- and then abduct her.

Once we had exchanged mindless pleasantries and a little bit of small talk (making sure to gush and fawn), I would force a box of expensive looking snacks from my "home prefecture" onto her. "Try these, I insist!". Nina, much like anyone else her age, is vulnerable to pressure. Doubly so from someone proclaiming to be a fan of her band. After a little bit of cajoling, Nina would surely ingest the food given to her.

Unbeknownst to our sweet little maiden; these "snacks" contain a large dose of tasteless, odorless sedatives. Enough to knock her flat given some time.

It is only now that the purpose of the conversation becomes to stall her for as long as possible. My extensive background research helps here. "You're from Kumamoto? I have family there!", "I'm so happy Momoka decided to start performing again. DiaDust just isn't the same without her.", "You're such an inspiration. I believe in you!"

Pretend to be her friend, pretend to have shared experiences. Relate twisted half truths. Prompt her to reply with open ended responses. Be as friendly, happy, charismatic, and personable as possible. Stall, stall, stall.

At this point, the sedatives begin to take effect. Nina starts to feel nauseous, thoughts shifting into disarray as her conscious fades.

"Are you OK?" I would ask in a faux-worried tone. "You look unwell. Come with me -- I'll walk you home gently."
If you aren't onboard after Nina tries to kill that guy with a lamp, it's not your scene.
Presently, Nina is far too sedated to resist. The quiet laneway is devoid of people at this time of night. No one will be around to see me leading her to an nondescript van nearby. No one will be around to hear her mewl as I restrain her. No one will be around to stop me; to stop this girl from being tossed into the throes of hell and despair.
Just don't watch past ep 11
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Oh no Tomo is in danger!
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Let's talk planning and logistics. Japan largely lacks CCTV in residential areas. This is good for us, as it makes it easier to find an area in which to approach her. The vehicle used in the abduction is obviously not our own. It is rented on our behalf by a third party for a rather equitable amount. More than likely, this "3rd party" will be some sort of miscreant involved in "yami-baito". The type who will take quasi-anonymous payment through cryptocurrency or LINE Pay and not ask questions.

In addition to a vehicle, we need a place to take our dearest Nina after her abduction. Hotels have too many cameras and too many people. Using our own domicile would be present undue risk. The sane choice here is a secluded AirBnB with no neighbours and self check-in, as it avoids involving any humans (potential witnesses).

AirBnB accounts require KYC verification, although this isn't too hard to work around. Accounts verified with stolen identity information sell for roughly $100-200 per piece on the dark web. Anonymously funding the account isn't as difficult as you would think either. Cryptocurrency payment processors such as CoinGate, BitPay, and BitRefill allow AirBnB gift cards to be purchased directly with crypto. Gift cards acquired using appropriately mixed BTC/ETH or native XMR will present a dead end for law enforcement.

Any "supplies" that can't be obtained in-person need to be shipped to an address that is not linked to us. We're looking for properties that are abandoned or owned by the bank. Websites like "AkiyaBanks" list these in droves. The "supplies" we do obtain in person should be obtained one-three months in advance and paid with cash. CCTV footage is rarely kept for longer than a few months due to storage constraints, and cash payments don't have the proverbial paper-trail card payments do.
Isn't the song they play in this episode supposed to be the love song Momoka wrote?
Why it would it all angry and edgy? Her relationship with Nina is pretty happy right now.
Is it really finished? I thought they'd make a sequelbait final episode because of the popularity.
Once Nina is restrained, it is absolutely crucial that we destroy her phone. Device pings from cellular towers can and will identify the location she was taken to given a request by law enforcement. Similarly, the phone we will carry will be one with cellular networking disabled. Our normal phone will remain at home, connected to both internet and cellular network(s) in order to prove distance from the crime scene.
9/10. It was never going to reach the high of episode 11 but it was still great.
Didnt really expect the song to be great, but this really wasnt it at all.
Should have used emptiness and catharsis as last song
>Was this supposed to have 2 cours or what?
it was always planned as 1 cour
Yes, that's why the song flopped. Momoka lost her edge.
It's more manageable.
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The car ride back to our accommodation would be excruciating. My pounding heart in sync with the growl of the engine, my erect penis chafing against my underwear, my leg bouncing at every traffic light with nervous fervour. Could I really do this? Ruin this girl? Destroy her for my own satisfaction? Calm down. Steel your resolve. Go forth with no regret. Heart rate now under control, the drive would continue: my mask of friendliness and charisma shed for one of sadism and malice.

Nina's lithe, slender body would make it trivial to carry her -- now unconscious -- inside. I would strip Nina and shackle her body to the bed post with an almost insentient demeanour before stepping out of the room.

As Nina began to gain consciousness, I would steel my resolve for one last time. 50mg of Vyvanse and a line of cocaine. Tonight would have but one goal: the total ruination of Iseri Nina. Psychologically, sexually, and otherwise.
We knew weeks ago that they had no plans for a S2.
And just when I thought Nina had become just a bit less of a pain in the ass. I love her so much
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Still groggy, Nina would awake to the smell of ammonia being wafted under her nose, eyes scanning the room in terror. Machetes, drills, pills, and intravenous drips filled with god knows what... The intrepid Nina -- in fight or flight mode -- would choose to fight. Thrashing against the bed sheets in vain, hurling calumnies at me. I'd pay no heed to this, merely letting her simmer...

The ruination of Nina Iseri would begin with a song. The same song that once filled her with hope -- the same song that saved her from a death spiral of misery and self-hatred. "VOID" by DIAMOND DUST. Throughout her night from hell, VOID would play on repeat. By the end of her ordeal, she would learn to associate the song not with hope, not with happiness, not with new beginnings, but with unimaginable pain and suffering.

Nina -- still restrained to the bed -- would begin to take an unrelenting flurry of kicks to the face and stomach. The winded Nina would splutter and yelp in anguish, tears welling in her eyes. At this point, she would begin to bargain, looking for any possible way out of her predicament. That cute, perpetually on the edge of tears voice begging me to stop... I get hard just thinking about it.

The kicking finally stops. Nina now lies shivering, sobbing, face bunched up. I hold a knife to her throat and tell her I'll cut it open if she doesn't stop crying. Nina tries her hardest to oblige, but the thought just makes her more even more upset.

I retrieve a vibrator wand and begin to use it on Nina. I do not allow her to climax. After being denied several orgasms, Nina looks like she is about to burst into tears. I now begin to viciously deride her, going for the lowest possible blows. Her suicidal ideations, her friends, her hobbies, her interests... I pick them all apart with a brutal malice. Any attempts at responding to me are swiftly met with a slap to the face. All she can do is sit there and take the abuse.
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Is that it? Is over? Who won??/
Fuck Nina
Nina finally breaks, weeping profusely. In response, I wrap a thick rope around her neck and begin to suffocate her. Allowing breaks as not to kill the girl, I explain in gruesome detail how she is going to be raped and dismembered unless she entertains me. That I'm going to do the same thing to all her friends. That I'm going to mail Momoka's mother her severed head and make Rupa eat Tomo's gutted entrails. That all of this is going to happen because of her. Nina is now barely coherent, blubbering in anguish. I continue to asphyxiate her in short intervals whilst denying her climax.

After hours of this, I ask Nina if she wants to cum. She doesn't respond at first. I ask again. She nods sheepishly. Her throat is hoarse and her tear ducts have dried up. I tell her: "then beg me to fuck you".

Nina's face begins to bundle up again. "F-f-uck me... please" the maiden croaks.

I slowly undress before inserting my penis into Nina's virgin hole. She yelps. This is her first time. I hold down her face and begin to relentlessly jack hammer her vagina. Her entire body spasms as she experiences a full body orgasm. An ethereal, girlish moan of ecstasy escapes her lips. Nina looks broken, bereft of the feisty spirit that once infested her: split between pleasure and pain. Heaven and hell.

When I tell Nina that I'm going to ejaculate inside her, that she's going to have my babies, she seems to snap back to reality. "A-anything but that, please!". Responding in turn, I thrust my erect penis into Nina's anus. She lets out a painful scream. I continue to rape her anus as savagely as possible.

After what must seem like an eternity, I ejaculate inside Nina's anus. She lies there twitching, now incontinent from pain and fear, and begins to urinate and defecate. Once proud, the maiden now lies crumpled atop a puddle of her own urine and feces. Her ordeal is far from over.
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The plan was one cour from the beginning. But it's not like this ending closed things off. The band's back to being an indie thing and they've got a lot to prove.
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Using clear tape, I attach bullet vibrators to Nina's nipples and clitoris. I then blindfold Nina and place earbuds in her left and right ear. What happens next will be a test of endurance.

The bullet vibrators are turned up to max intensity whilst VOID is played at an ear splitting volume through her earbuds. The next eight hours will be spent objecting Nina to the most abhorrent sexual and psychological torture one can imagine.

Pliers, cacti, knives, and household appliances are shoved into Nina's anus and vagina. She is subjected to repeated beatings and a never ending torrent of verbal abuse. She is made to sing until she loses her voice under threat of her vocal chords being cut out. She is waterboarded repeatedly. She is shown pictures of dismembered bodies and told they are her friends. She is burned with boiling hot water. Needles are inserted into the tips of her toes and fingers. Laxatives are given to induce a never ending spew of diarrhoea. The humiliation is recorded... and so on and so forth. The worst part of it all? There's never any breaks. Iseri Nina is kept awake with a mix of caffeine, MDMA, and epinephrine.

At a certain point, "Nina" is no longer there. She might be physically present, but she's mentally checked out. Nina hears nothing, Nina feels nothing. Nina sees herself lying under a vibrant, cerulean sky with Momoka. There's no more pain.

When morning time comes, I'll be done with Nina. As final, irrebuttable proof of what has been done, I'll engrave the word "victim" (ejiki) deep into her skin, making sure to leave a permanent scar.

The last two things Nina hears before her night from hell comes to an end is the rhythmic pitter-patter of my urine against her head, and the chorus of VOID -- droning it all out.

Yake ni shiroin da...
yatara nagain da...
>het tranny meltdown
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What lasts isn't the damage you see, but the damage you don't.

Momoka would be the first one to check on Nina after she failed to show up for practice. Shock, horror, rage, and then... despair. Despair at seeing the once lively girl all but catatonic. Despair at none of the treatment ever working. Despair at seeing someone so dear to you... fall apart. To see them become a shell of their former selves, to drift away. It hurts.

Momoka will never forget the look on Nina's face when she asked what was wrong. Momoka will never forget having to take such a young girl to file a police report. Momoka will never forget having to help Nina shower because she was "dirty". Momoka will never forget how Nina explained it in gruesome detail, wailing in abject misery. Momoka will never forget Nina's screams. Momoka will never forget. It hurts more than you could imagine.

In the wake of such a gruesome incident, TogeToge quickly fell apart. Subaru went back to acting, Tomo went to live with her relatives, and Momoka went back to meandering from part-time gig to part-time gig. No one quite knows what happened to Rupa. But Nina? Nina... never recovered.
so true
shit song that did not sound like them at all. short too skip the ed if you're a music show for fucks sake.
Imagine the hatesex.
PTSD is a strange, debilitating beast. Nina became scared of everything. Frightened of the outside. When Momoka began to remind her of what happened... she lashed out. She burned her bridges. All of them.

The Iseri family made Nina move back to Kumamoto as soon as they learned what had happened. Their daughter was shattered into a million pieces, and they were left to pick up the shards. They blamed the perpetrator, they blamed the police, but more than anyone, they blamed themselves.

Soon after, Nina flunked her entrance exams. And then... nothing. Isolation. Purgatory. The Iseri Nina that once was had gone. The new Iseri Nina was barely a person at all. Incapable of eye contact, of conversation, of basic societal function.

And how can you function? When the smallest thing can trigger a panic attack? When your assaulter was never caught? When your thigh still bears a scar? When your idea of intimacy has been destroyed? When you have to think about the horrible things that happened to you to achieve an orgasm? When the videos of your assault are sure to be out there, somewhere, being watched for the sick and twisted sexual gratification of other predators? When you still see strange people outside of your house? When you still get silent calls from unknown numbers? When even sleeping can't take you out of reality because of constant nightmares?

The thing about all debilitating ailments is that people get sick of them. In time, they wonder why you haven't improved. They grow tired of making accommodations for you.

Three years to the day, Iseri Nina was found dead in her room. An overdose claimed her life.

The Iseri family home in Kumamoto bares a memorial to their second daughter. Next to a jar of ashes rests a picture. A picture from a happier time.

A picture of the real Iseri Nina.
Anyone who actually watched this anime knows yuri won. It already won since the first half of this anime. Boyfriend schizo pretending to be multiple outraged yurifags won't change that.
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jfc anon are you ill?
No, that's the other girl band show (the shitty irrelevant one)
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>No gacha announcement
>No season 2
Its fucking over...
>No gacha announcement

>No season 2
Yuri lost again...
What is wrong with you...
dont worry anon we still love you
we'll keep talking about GBC in the Ave Mujica anime threads
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Tomo's VA already spoiled the season 2 announcement, we're getting it.
it will NEVER be licensed in America. its over. we lost.
So basically Momoka being in love made her lose her edge...
why even bring this up
you're just trying to make the antiyurifag madder
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>sorry about no Rupa episode
S2 please
>Thank you for watching. I look forward to working with you. There are many things I wanted to say, such as what I wanted to depict in the work, things I didn't expect, the production process, I'm sorry I couldn't make an individual episode for Rupa, and it's all because Nina was too troublesome and I used up so many episodes, but I've covered them quite a bit, so I'll leave that for you. Original anime is really fun! It's so hard that it makes you puke, though. See you again somewhere. #ガルクラ
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Hopefully he has an aneurysm and dies.
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So what's the moral of the story?
This had better just be him being coy about season 2.
Sticking to your guns is hard but you'll at least get a cute rocker gf out of it.
Bocchi is better akin to piss being better than shit
Hina is still a pretty big bitch
Don't let others tell you that you're wrong for wanting to be yourself
entire Rupa season confirmed
I tried to listen to the opening dialogue in Kumamoto dialect. No guarantee.
>なん? だっておかしかでしょ。あん子は何もしとらんとに。なんであぎゃんこと?
>あんた、なんでそぎゃんと? ほんなこつ、いらいらする。いいかげん、そういうのうざかったけん。
Beautiful cope btw
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So who's the best band girl
And here is a translation of them into standard Japanese. Again, no guarantee. Nina is the genuine SEIRON monster.
>あなた、どうしてそんなふうなのですか? 本当にイライラします。あなたのそういうところがずっと嫌いでした。
Once again the Japanese snatched defeat from the jaws of victory
Hina is the biggest ninafag. She already preordered 5 angry nina figures.
Opinion discarded. Try again butthurt twittercuck
It's a sting, don't respond
>yuricuck meltdown*
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What are we looking forward next season?
I'm so fascinated by your impulsive need to reply to things. Tell me do you have a disorder?
>GBC suffered from being so Nina centric entire characters felt like mascots
>Jellyfish suffered from trying to give every character a turn in the spotlight to the point the main characters' resolution ended up feeling underdeveloped
Funny how they had the exact opposite flaw.
The yuri cheerleading anime.
Most of the episode was actually completely fine. I just don't get how Nina can still have literally any positive thoughts about Hina. She abandoned her friend, tried to buy an apology out of her just to stroke her own ego and humiliate Nina and then still had the balls to be smug about it.
>attention whore avatarfag having a short attention span
Watch the show Boccuck and fuck off already
GBC being focused on Nina and Momoka was to the show's benefit. The last episode just needed more Momoka.
shes not even slightly sorry. or even tried to reach out to her before this. and we are supposed to like her now because ?
Hina, Kawasaki and Tomo
Nina's dream forefront.
>a P.A. Works original
This is masochism at this point honestly
Rin is the cutest
Girls Band Cry focus on Nina (and Momoka to an extent) is why it's so good to begin with.
used to mean something.
Momoka completely disappeared since ep.8
Nina x Momoka initial wacky interaction is the only reason this got popular at all.
Counterpoint: pretty girls in cheerleader outfits
This is /a/ my buckbroken tourist. You can reply to anyone, get over it or keep malding heh
>N-no no YOU are coping
nice deflect faggot
TRVST in MyGO!!!!! staff
The inability to not reply to every single person they don't like is THE defining characteristic of a shitposter. I think it's related to autism but I don't know for sure.
>mygo finale: doesn't even focus on mygo, just a preview for the next show
>garukura finale: status quo no ending
>bocchi finale: climatic performance in the school festival
bocchi won.
Why is she such a ikemen?
I'm sure the girls will be hot, but don't expect any yuri
>still at it
dem salty tears... Yummy
>Paripi Koumei finale: yo yo yo rap is trash yo
She didn't disappeared at all after ep 8 though.
MyGo was worse than GBC, though.
>Bocchi finale: Yamaha ad
But better than the average P.A. works original
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9.5/10 easily one of the best shows in years.
Sakiko sweeps
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Are you ready to apologize?
brought such a big smile to my face
No no, I know that. I just find it interesting how you need to reply to things that should just be ignored. with a simple phrase at that.
>how do you rate the finale?
average, 6/10, nothing special
the show is a 9.5/10 though
Sakiko won.
>kills yuri with timeskips
How about no.
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Lesbian menheras are entertaining.
That "You have a boyfriend" idol show
Bocchi only won the irrelevant FOTM award btw
K-on S1 & S2 finales + movie ending keep mogging every single anime band and seasonal show til this day. Also, GBC story and characters are still miles better than both Bocchi and MyGo shows. Go watch more anime before spouting nonsense as usual, brainlet
Koumei anime had so much potential, still mad about it.
>using a reaction image is avatarfagging
Speaking of MyGO - it's genuinely hard to watch it after getting used to GBC's smooth animation. It's like there's a 50 year gap in technology.
>ignore my shitposts plsss!!!
That's not how it works pathetic newfag
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Jellyfishchads... on behalf of all GBCbros, I FUCKING KNEEL
Sakiko has more depth than the entire casts of Bocchi and GBC put together.
Jellyfish ending was way worse
They mellowed out too much, need S2 to have them at each other's throats again.
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SHY2, Nier, Sakuna-hime, Koshitantan, both PA shows, vtuber one, can't wait to see samefag-kun seethe about all of them.
Fuck off already, holy shit
You keep spamming your shit botrash reactions in /gbc/ threads for weeks. Don't play the victim card now, BTRetard tourist
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>Show is about not being normal
>Chose the most normal ending possible
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What in my post had any reference to yuri?
we apologize to JELEE
hmm, so interesting.
Horrendous design
I don't get the hate to both jelly and this.
Both had fine ending.
All three are yuri. I won.
Pretty sure most of those shows will go unnoticed. Next season looks dry.
It's all one seething retard. Both shows were great.
Ignore the low iq shitposts, it's clearly yurifags having a meltdown when GBC still got a nice final.
>both PA shows
They're doing 3
reminds me of the antiyuri guy in the higurashi threads
of course, consoomer-san
The ending being bad has nothing to do with yuri you fucking nigger.
Deer one is already a meme.
jellyfish's finale song mogs the shit out of girls band cry's
>All three are yuri
In you head probably
>i won
the yuribait bowls
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Another show that broke /u/
probably the same person tbqh
>The ending being bad
It wasn't even bad mindbroken yurishitter
Deaf-kunt pls
Keep seething.
Who do I blame for the state of this thread?
Well yeah but third one is not original. But it's yuri so whatever.
>the kiss? nothingburger at the end
>the confession? totally forgotten in the next episodes
Right back at you my delusional newfriend
That's why I said most, not all. Maybe Sakuna will boost the game and that's it
>SotsuGou was back in 2020-2021
Holy shit that hit me like a flashbang. Feels like it was only a year ago.
I was able to watch the show without subs fine until now but even after a rewatch this episode really has me scratching my head on the whole Hina thing, I guess I get the essence that Nina got offered an easy way out of the bullying but rejected it because it would be like being in the wrong? But the idea that Hina would also be saved by Momoka's song just because Nina talked to her about it I don't really get which tells me theres something I really missed, I guess Hina may have been bullied by association too? And that text anonymous posted above has them talking about some ko, Nina stood up for some other unknown kid offscreen? aaaaa dekinai

why does the bluray promo song sound way better than the finale??
The IP counter being removed
Time has basically stopped since 2020.
Shirobako was the last good PA original.
Yurifags who say everything non-yuri is shit
I can't wait for GBC idol version
Hanada is always a hit or miss but this show definitely required a few more episodes nonetheless good show, toei will surely milk this but hope quality is not deteriorated
I blame shut ins who have no job and no friends.
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Yes yes and sex in Mahoako was also bait LMAO. You are such a sad little creature. People with IQ above 60 don't need every episode to remind them they are lesbians.
>Madoka was good surely they will milk it and make a season 2
>But it's yuri so whatever.
It's not. It's actually bestiality.
boku no pico
Shitposters that don't have anything else to do. Just enjoy the series and the episode like a normal person and leave them be.
tasteless fools
oh great another idolslop deconstruction
perfect blue already did it
They made multiple movies, games and sequel is literally coming soon. Yes making sequels for original is harder than just adapting more manga.
Mahoako is yuri.
GBC is not yuri.
You are mentally ill.
i'm not a yurifag
plenty of good shows are not yuri
plenty of yuri shows are shit
this show is yuri and happens to be good
>moving goalpost
>Mahoako out of nowhere
Lmao. Jellyfish and GBC are still non-yuri shows btw. Keep seething about it. I hope you enjoy seeing the male audience supporting fapping to the MahoAko scenes, figurines and merch too kek
You are not fooling anyone.
Yuri for male gaze is the only good yuri
The idol element is completely secondary and could be replaced with anything else. It's about obsession and ambition and the MC treating people like pawns. It's like TAR with idols.
>Non yuri ending for GBC
>Non yuri ending for Jellyfish
>Sasakoi dead
>Seiyuu has no presence
>No yuri show for the rest of the year
How will yurifags ever recover?
>woe is me im a hetslut idol
nobody will watch this
Yes? Madoka is the most beloved yuri-friendly original anime among anons, nips and normalfags. Butcher and Magica Quarter staff are that good.
With endless copes about how two girls interacting with each other surely means they're gay and totally yuri, while the rest of the board laughs at them.
No, Nina wanted to help someone who was being bullied, but Hina told her to stay out of other people's business. Nina helped anyway, but the action resulted in her getting bullied and the person she helped joined in the bullying as well.
Why can't girls be just friends?
Nips are saying Momoka lost her edge after she started dating Nina. Which is kinda true, this song is not edgy at all.
I think after Jellyfish I will not be watching idol shows anymore.
Take your pills shitposter
The same way we always have for decades. We'll scatter like cockroaches and feast on whatever morsels we can get.
I made all the posts ITT.
Jelly was not even an idol show
It was definitely an idol show.
>Nips are saying...
Any new yuri cope by gooks or chinks?
What I don't get is why these people who vehemently hate yuri and yurifags flock to every show that focuses on a bunch of girls as if they're not going to be infested
Like, if I get instantly triggered by seeing a certain race of people, I'm not going to go to the neighborhoods of town where those people live every day
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I mean she did kinda lose a lot of her edge after ep 8.
Cope shitter, it's already a success in nipland
it was idol show just as much as it was yuri
The breakup arc song will go crazy.
seriously though what happened in episode 8 that turned momoka into a lame normal girl ohhhhhh
I don't understand did they leave the company or not???
Apologize to Kano and Mahiru
lesbian sex changes a woman
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Mei was the only explicit lesbian character this season.
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Nina topped her.
The only idols were the rival group
>keroria designs
LMAOOO. Bocchi yuriturds, your "god" is into "het" music shows KEK.
No one seems to understand that the ending being mediocre had nothing to do with yuri at all.
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if those kids could read they’d be very upset
It was alright, just safe but at least not a disaster.
The only thing I really didn't like is Nina with a guitar she was much cooler on stage as a singer only.
and you have some antiyurifags going "HAHAHA THEY DIDN'T KISS YURIFAGS BTFO BEST ENDING EVER"
huh...She's never going to beat the gay allegations.
gacha marketing was already in venue before it aired
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Is it AI generated? it moves weirdly
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>they looked at each other! this is yuri!
yurifags never beating the schizo allegations
Yeah, I like Nina on vocals-only because she's more expressive and explosive that way. If she can be like that with a guitar too, then I don't mind.
No, just realistically animated.
Akanesasu Shoujo remains the only anime original that has truly delivered and stuck the landing.
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Unironcally a worse ending than Jellyfish. Because at least that WAS an ending. This was...... nothing
Jelly oversold the drama
GBC is just fine, but it sucks they're not even considering a s2
I feel like Momoka seemed way too okay this episode, she seemed more sorry towards the agency and the band in general for her song not doing better. Nina was being pushed so hard by the situation she was bawling and throwing a tantrum and Momoka knows that this is because of her, Nina not wanting her song to be wrong, coming straight from rewatching episode 5 yesterday I would expect Momoka to be getting absolutely destroyed by guilt.

Nina playing the guitar in frustration was really good though, shame the episode just sort of ended after that and what the hell is she holding hands with Hina.
LWA TV's ending was great, maybe even better than the show as a whole.
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Was Hina right?
Highspeed Etoile finale was KINO, I'm glad I stayed with it.
Her bow was supposed to represent her guilt. She completely blamed herself.
Togetoge's actual music is not very good.
do you think the producer was lying in the studio last ep?
Love Live Sunshine with guitars.
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We doing this again?
that wasn't the producer you idiot.
S2 soon, trust the plan
That's not the producer.
>yuri this antiyuri that
Shut the fuck up already
Yuri won.
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This thread lacks ROCK. I need your ROCK anon, one last time.
Is this the final thread?
Exactly what happened
the subs aren't even out yet
...a few scraps again
...375% slower orgasms than with men?
It's the easiest way to spew "outrage", aka to act like trolls.
subs sank like the yuri
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I'm gonna miss the cast and anime.
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She really did kill all bands.
Those masks are so fucking stupid
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le même is out
Yurisister.....I'm not feeling well
Finalized the GBC instruments sheet. I'll probably dip now that it's over. Will probably post more GBC fanart on occasion, shame I couldn't have done something for the finale. It was fun anons! Thanks for the drawing ideas I got from here also.
yeah no this is gbc, this is Momoka, the girl that when pushed emotionally will throw a drink in your face, threaten to punch you, or just blow everything out with her guitar or a car horn or drink it all away.
Surely Sasakoi will deliver, right?
multimedia project
im sure some new small stuff every so often
Fuck Momoka
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Yurifags, last cope
I know! But i'll probably just occasionally keep up with that on my own time rather than be here. These threads were addicting to check.
thanks anon
Fuck yes, more.
Is this your last cope?
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Give me my time back. This was a waste of 13 weeks.
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I liked it.
>rushed as fuck mess with severe QUALITY
>last 2 episodes are delayed indefinitely
It’s a massive trainwreck, why did they even make it if it was going to be this bad
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I liked it.
how did rin afford a 4000 usd guitar when she was 17 wtf?
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Women are the only people that would fuck Momoka.
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Because they love the series.
Why did it feel like this wasn't the last episode?
I don't know.
A nothing ending like this always leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Rich parents?
I mean it's getting a kiss on the lips tomorrow so that makes it better than all the bait shows.
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What is the new schizo narrative about how the epiosde was bad?
Nothing schizo about it dumbfuck. It was just a lame nothing ending, that's all. Try reading the last thread and this one first.
Any subs out yet
I'm not one of the schizos.
While I'm definitely still enjoying the show as a whole, this episode didn't feel like the ending at all.
>read my schizo shitposts
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same anon.
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This, fixed.
No matter what happened in the episode he would still claim it was horrible and ruined the series.
this episode was the ending btw
Nakayubi will be in about 3 hours.
As long as Momoka is still gay I'm good.
GBC won the battles, but Yorukura won the war
Sorry but Salad Bowl is AOTS after all.
The schizo is pretending to be a yurifag who's mad at the ending because "muh no kiss". Meanwhile the real yurifags are okay with the ending.
This happens every week before the subs are out. The shitposting is just worse now because the show is over.
There has literally been zero criticism in any of the threads today.
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The guy from ep5 became a fan.
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S2/mobage male self-insertion soon
Yeah and he and the others dudes have shin kawasaki merch so they are og fans what a fucking dork "muh girls bad are bad" sure yeah bro.
I'm 99% sure boyfriend schizo self-inserts as this fag.
He's literally me.
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>There is no criticism in GBC threads
I remember that schizo. He's Italian.
The timing.
And a fan of Momoka specifically it seems.
fuck meatballs
there will be no season 2.
damn she really like's pussy.
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The show is good, you lost. Keep wasting your time if you want.
Ignore the assblasted yuri shitposters and twattercucks saying it's boring-mid-song sucks since they have been repeating the same weak shit in the previous thread too.
GBC had a top tier decent ending and only those cucks are seething about it
This is true, but Bocchi's finale is legitimately one of the best episodes of all time and that's a hard bar for anyone to clear. GBC's last episode is hampered from needing to be inconclusive to tease more content.
To bad she doesn't give a shit about guys.
It is good. Just not amazing like Bocchi or MyGo.
Futures looking bright
You wish cuck. Mahoako and this will totally get new season if they really get 10k BDs sales
Literally laughed out loud when I read that
>to tease more content
Anon, there's no plan for S2 for now.
Hanada doesn't want to write for Nina though...
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ohh nooooooooooooo
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pretty crazy that they're hiding the fact that Subaru's VA died a week ago
Before this episode I would worry if we get yuri or not, now I feel more worried about the quality. Even if we get a season 2 that starts with a great episode I'm just going to be worried they will drop the ball at any moment.
It's true. I was really caught by surprise by that lost song. I didn't think it would be so happy. Maybe Nina should do the lyrics again.
He actually called her troublesome and said she took most of the plot. He couldn't even give Rupa her episode.
Soulless meme garbage only shilled by westoid self inserters and nihongo artists that are Aniplex-Sony bitches
Decent 3dcgi shit but still mediocre when it comes to drama and characters
Everyone shat on bocchi's last episode but NOW it's good for no real reason huh.
>Yuribait shows get all the production value
>Meanwhile actual yuri get THIS
>Hanada doesn't want to write for Nina though...
Good, he needs to flesh out DD members and make new Rupa and Soobs episodes
>This is true, but Bocchi's finale is legitimately one of the best episodes of all time
It seemed pretty meh to me, show peaked at ano bando. It was a fine episode though that transitioned into a very emotional ending song giving a decent sense of closure.
>Everyone shat on bocchi's last episode
Are we revisioning history now? The school performance was always considered the peak of the show and Seiza is THE most popular kessoku band's song.
Let's see GBC's 2d band animation.

I'll wait...
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I just know this show was so good it killed kerorira. I wonder if him and nari will kiss irl.
There are definitely plans behind the scenes. This episode was way too much of a non-ending.
but that destroys the plot of Togetoge. They might actually do season 2 with DD. Since they were the second to last shot before the ed.
The only people still even talking about Bocchi are the nutjobs from the generals
No. Everyone said that it was a nothing ending too.
He's pretending to be a "yuri-fan" that didn't like the episode because of the lack of yuri and then he replies to himself "assblasting yurifags".
Episode was fine, could've been better but it served it's purpose. See you in S2 anon.
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for the entire run, Nina's said "Momoka-san" 109 times
So just like this show? No one is talking about this crap outside of here. Lets see if the threads last as long as Bocchi.
She literally didn't give a fuck about him when they encountered each other in ep 5.
Yofukashi is dead, right?
>everyone involved says there's no plans for a season 2
no guys there's TOTALLY plans behind the scenes TRUST ME
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Why would he ever say this if there's a plan for S2
No one cares about some weirdos on /a/. If I Could Become a Constellation is already iconic and an insane amount of people were watching the episode live and Tweeting.
The last goodbye.
if we get a season 2 and Hanada doesn't write it.
The Yamaha shilling ep was funny
Next season has more of these shows.
Nothing about that tweet says there are no plans for a S2.
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Yeah it sucks that the first togetoge live after the anime will have another drummer while she heals in her dragon ball pod.
See ya there.
Nina will get dicked down sooner or later
>Ritualposting = a good anime
Bocchifags actually believe this
But the last episode wasn’t just the festival. Seiza being the BoKita anthem aside, I remember most people thinking that the improvised slide guitar wasn’t as cool as it was in the manga, and that buying the new guitar was a really odd inclusion.

Ironically I feel like Nina buying the ASAT after everything that she went through would’ve been a nice symbolic closer for GBC.
Nothing about GBC says there are plans for s2
I wouldn't worry about it too much. GBC was solid from beginning to end, I see no reason a second season by the same staff wouldn't be just as solid.
Where do you think we are?
yeah by ME
Neither of those points are wrong. Nina is a huge pain in the ass and I love her for it.
Hanada won't write it though.
>that ending
A solid piece of shit maybe
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>People actually thought there would be a whole damn gacha
Fucking embarrassing, honestly.
That just sounds like he is talking about this season. He's not saying there won't be more.
>Bocchi's finale is legitimately one of the best episodes of all time and that's a hard bar for anyone to clear
Is that how low your standards are? Wouldn't be surprised if you started watchig anime since 2022. I mean, there are MANY music/SoL/shonenshit/romcomshit/dramashit/CGDCTshit shows that had far better god-tier endings than the bland, generic ending Bocchi the Xitter anime got. Stop deluding yourself disgusting newfag
>GBC's last episode is hampered from needing to be inconclusive to tease more content
There's no new season announcement and the ending was still decent enough.
Did Hanada tell you that?
You don't hire newbie seiyuu and try to start a real band for a one-off anime. Something like that would have a cast more like Jellyfish where you get big name seiyuu and forget about live performances.
that's more possible than a season 2.
>Everyone shat on bocchi's last episode
This is Bocchi's last episode thread
The majority of people loved it
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Reminder that love live season 2 was annouced at a live event and when it comes to anime with irl events they always do that there.
>didn't give a fuck
What's a tsundere? Momoka doesn't hate boys, stop deluding yourself
Maybe he'll write for DD. TogeToge seemed to have been tied up nicely at the end. Hell, the ed was an epilogue of the events afterward.
People are contrarians and accuse anyone who likes Bocchi of being new. It's ironic, you'd need to be really new here to think people hated Bocchi.
>What's a tsundere?
Not Momoka. Keep your headcanon to yourself, faggot
Then they are going the bandori route and create a gacha game.

I mean everyone said Starlight was gonna have a season 2...but we only ended up with recap and sequel movies.
It’s literally 1(one) guy
Didn't she have an entire tsundere rant towards DD when she met them? She literally hid in the van so she didn't have to look them in the face.
He never said that there won't be a new season, just hist thoughts on this season and wished he could develop Rupa more. A fucking 3DCG having top tier BDs sales in this muh sakugashit era will just make Toei greenlight another season and more 3DCG shows. Hopefully you don't cope hard when they announce the new season
TogeToge isn't over until at least they perform at Budokan.
Today I learned that nothingness is the epitome of yuri.
that's not tsundere...TOMO is tsundere.
That's not being a tsundere, anon.
Contrarian pls, go back to your real containment board or d**cord group
The ending was good and you're the only manchild crying out right now
So what's the final, unironic, non shit post verdict?
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i liked the new song
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>everyone that didn't like the ending is the same person!!!
next season will surly be yuri!
I can fucking feel it in my guts
yuri will win!
Bandori did wind up making more Popipa anime though, even if half of S2 and S3 were dedicated to other bands. Revue Starlight ended conclusively and they literally had to make up new content for the movie.
I never said she hated boys. Just that she has zero interest in them.
I'm sure I'll like it after I watch the new episode when the subs are released. I've liked all their music so far.
I liked Bocchi before it was cool
I hated Bocchi before it was cool
This ended up conclusivly too.
But muh budokan!!!
We know, no one
If super irrelevant things like bandori and d4dj can get a season 2 anyone can while the production of the anime is made in house like with girls band cry. Just see anime that were successful but can't get the band together to make another season.
Just because you ignored other posts and made your own headcanons about that bland ending you got being good doesn't mean it was a decent or good final episode. Anyways go back and shill your trash in your dead generals
Can someone post the gofile links?
Did anybody else notice that Hina's "catchphrase" is almost the same as Mero's in Yorukura? Like, the twintailed gremlin antagonist that acts as the center of the rival idol group but turns out to be not that bad after all has almost the same signature phrase as the other twintailed gremlin antagonist that acts as the center of the rival idol group but turns out to be not that bad after all? What are the chances?
GBC desperately wishes it was as good as YoruKura.
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Only Kerorira liked bocchi before it was cool. No one gave a fuck about it.
>turns out to be not that bad after all
Literally what about Hina made her turn out to be not bad? She couldn't be any more of an unrepentant cunt.
Momoka had her tsundere moments in the show. Are you a speedwatcher or a brainlet yurifag?
>I never said she hated boys
But I bet you wanted to imply that
>Just that she has zero interest in them
Now that's just your headcanon. She's literally living with a boy and she knows him very well
they focused on a different groups
they focused on a different groups
im sure theyll make another season while shilling a new band group
Hina is a much more interesting character than Mero.
Who was talking about yurishit, braindead monkey? GBC getting a new season before your shitty fav anime will still make you seethe harder I hope
I love GBC but no, the last episode isn't conclusive. It basically ends on a cliffhanger and leaves out the reception to their performance.
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>kissed a girl
>didn't kiss any girls
Mero > Hina confirmed
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That's not my point and there is no other band. Only togetoge.
But Momoka is not a tsundere...
Hell, her being a cunt is what makes Hina an interesting character. She's a great rival.
Why is that guy so mad in every thread?
Shit song with no bite to it. TogeToge are not trve. They can kiss that King Diamond tour goodbye.
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now the Momoka waifufag is saying she's tsundere...christ. He's getting worse.
>Only togetoge.
for now...
well depends how quick they do a gacha unless its been cancelled
maybe some DD episodes
Why are shills so obvious in every thread?
I agree she's at least interesting, but there's no way she turned out to be "not so bad." If anything, she's even more of a bitch than I bet anyone expected.
yuribros we're getting fucked IN THE ASS
can we recover with hibiyuri this sunday?
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I guess this is the end. See you in the MyGo movie threads.
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Stop using mygo and jelee as an example I have no idea what you are saying because I never watched it.
Mygoshill is sad.
bocchi's seiyuu is shilling gbc... oh no no no no....
As mentioned in the thread there actually is a gacha, or at least a game unless they decide to cancel it.
>Momoka waifufag
It's just the boyfriend schizo as usual.
>Did anybody else notice that Hina's "catchphrase" is almost the same as Mero's in Yorukura?
It really isn't
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So basically they just copied Soyo/Sakiko?
She intentionally provoked Nina to make her stop Togetoge from selling out, because she knew Nina would regret it otherwise. She's a good girl at heart.
Hina loves Nina
Nina Loves Momoka
You mean Jellyfishkek and Bocchiturd spamming their retarded takes yet again. They're delusional enough to think their shitshows had better story or characters than Garukura's when that's not the case
>calls it jelee instead of the actual name
>when almost no one else has referred to it as that
Really makes you think...
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Nijika's va is great she is so good that she made Nijika great even when hamaji has no fucking idea what she is doing with the character. I like her.
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Sakiko is a good girl. Soyo is a different type of bitch. There's a type of arrogance to Hina, like she knows she's good and that the way she does things is the correct way to success and she rubs it in.
She's not that bad considering her and Nina got along and knowing Nina.
And she was nice to Nina contacting her and telling her about their manager so Nina doesn't have to regret things in the future.
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>watch the final ep
>open thread
>bunch of melties
the fuck, the ending was just safe and mild I was worried that the thread would be fucking quiet
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just show me the new rana scenes
then i wait for ave anime
Everyone calls it jelee or jellyfish not the weird ass full name.
Momoka loves Nana
Retarded yuritroon logic. Shows focused on female characters are not necessarily yuri, if they are I just don't bother. Yurifags however are mentally ill and loathsome. This may be unknown to you due to your infinite faggotry, but men are attracted to good looking girls, whenever we see a cute girl, we want to fuck her, like God intended.

GBC has attractive girls, the visuals are nice and it is a good show overall. While I'm not a fan of all the yuribaiting, I don't come here complain about it, it is just that your kind is that much repugnant, so other people can't help but to tell you to kill yourselves.

When I see a post made by a yurifag, I imagine a coward, failed man with negative testosterone, who never mentally matured past age 10. Because he couldn't become a proper man, he started to hate anything related to masculinity, including the act of dating and mating with women, which is why he "ships" (only women and fags use this word in this context) female couples. When anons makes posts expressing their lust towards some female character in a show, I often see a yurifag replying something along the lines "calm down, [female character from the show]!", as they can't possibly accept the idea of a man being with a girl.

You deserve the trolls.
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That last song was boring. It wasn't raw or interesting like any of the previous songs. It was cool seeing Nina lash out on stage in earlier episode, but this was just safe happy & boring.
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anti yurfags are weird...
It's just fake outrage, any show that gets popular on /a/ nowadays gets threads like this.
>piggybacking off of GBC's overwhelming popularity in this season
What a total sellout and attention whore she is, just like your average BTR tourist.
Holy schizo
Everyone calls it Jellyfish or Yorukura
I like girls, and I like girls kissing girls
the episode was ok, but it needed more Subaru
The BTR movie was the most popular thing this season though?
Watch the anime... having a tsundere moment doesn't make you a tsundere archetype....
This, /u/fags will deny it as always, but they're not fooling anyone.
>Holy schizo
Wow, this guy is mentally ill.
>Needed more focus on Momoka given how core to the show she was up to episode 8 and how episode 12 build her up only for them to do nothing with her this episode.
>Too much talking with little going on
>No noteable appearance of rest of daidus disappointing, especially lack of interaction with Momoka.
>Nina getting on the table playing the guitar in sadness and anger was amazing
>Nina Tomo Rupa hug nice
>Hina was supposed to carry the episode but failed, jarring to see them holding hands in the montage
>Final song was meh, cool to see Nina play guitar though we barely get to see that because of montages
>Like that they quit the agency, puts weight behind their decision to reject daidus offer but otherwise I never really cared for the agency so it took too much screentime
>Ending song montages just seem kinda random or a retreading of what they already did with episode 11 and it completely covers over the performance which I don't really like.
>Nice to see salaryman not being forgotten.

Aside from not really feeling HinaNina it's more a lack of stuff dissappointment than an ending where something shit happened
Yurikeks having a melty will never not be funny to me
Yeah you agree with yourself we know.
Monthly listeners on spotify
>100万 結束バンド(ぼざろ)
>51万 25時、ナイトコードで。(プロセカ)
>37万 Vivid BAD SQUAD(プロセカ)
>45万 ワンダーランズ×ショウタイム(プロセカ)
>27万 MORE MORE JUMP!(プロセカ)
>23万 トゲナシトゲアリ(ガルクラ) 
>22万 Leo/need(プロセカ)
>21万 涼宮ハルヒ
>19万 放課後ティータイム(けいおん)
>15万 μ’s(ラブライブ)
>13万 Roselia(バンドリ)
>9万 MyGO(バンドリ)
>9万 Aqours(ラブライブ)
>7万 虹ヶ咲(ラブライブ)
>5万 Liella(ラブライブ)
>2万 蓮ノ空(ラブライブ)

Bocchi won.
And yet no season 2.
Love live sweeeeep
But enough about Girls Band Shit
>he's still trying to push the narrative that yurifags are having a meltdown
That guy is truly mentally ill.
damn how popular is Niigo?
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Holy kek you are mad.
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I love him.
Good for you anon, good for you.
Sounds like a shill to me.
>the most popular thing this season
>what's Uma, Conan, Haikyu Blue Lock, etc?
As expected from a retarded BTR tourist. Barely knows about the anime industry, go back.
Just a question are we sure he's a guy?
"Baka ha miru" and "miro, baka" are close enough that one might be a reference to the other. Especially since Mero and Hina are pretty much the same character to begin with.
>Bocshit manchild realized his fav shitshow is pure garbage
>immediately tries to show off muh numbers
BWAHAHAHAHA. Utter mindbroken like just your typical shonenshitter who loves generic trash
I hate him for reasons that I don't want to explain here but it's cool that he likes GBC.
Literally who? I'm not memeing who's that guy?
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Holy retatds
all the confirmation needed that the people in the thread didn't watch the show
You think I don't know he's the character designer?
Nobody watched this show but me
>you must know the entire staff of every show you watch!!!
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Yeah is not that I think this anime is perfect and there is nothing bad to say about it but more like why should I care about the opinions of these kind of people kek.
It didn't really fuck up anywhere but it also didn't do anything particularly memorable. This would have been good as a filler episode mid-season, but as the final episode it feels somewhat lacking, especially compared to the previous performance.
All the """meltdowns""" ITT are obvious trollposts like "apologize to Jelee" which were no doubt made by the falseflagging retards who made the same kind of doomposts in Yorukura thread last week.
you would've known who he was if you were in any of the previous threads dumbass
bait vs those who cant recognize bait
unstoppable force vs immovable object
do better retards.
Are the falseflagging retards in the room with us right now?
It's all so tiresom, I'm just waiting for the subs so I can listen to the final song more after I finish the anime and have more context.
Yes there's one right here >>268239534
That's pretty obvious lol.
How is Aqours still mogging the other LL groups? The mismanagement is embarrassing.
I think he really is retarded. I can only pray for his own good that it's all bait.
Aside from muse, overlooked them.
I'm just surprised how popular ProSekai is. Like Niigo destroying people.
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Aqours has way better management even when the members are all doing their own thing now. Also they are having a 9 year celebration soon.
one for each country
Thanks monoka-san anon this is the most important video ever.
I didn't quite follow the episode with my machine subs, they drop out of their match with DD and leave Miura's agency, but then at the end they perform at a Toge vs DD stage anyways with Miura there. Someone help me out?
the only thing they drop out of is the agency and go indie, they still go and have the match vs DD
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Episode 13 is canon to real life
Hasunosora had insanely good songs, sadly they added new members to each subunit and lost their unique sound. Holiday Holiday will probably stay their best song ever.
Fuck, Niigo just released their new song. Togetoge is doomed...
Who is this niigro?
Nightcord 25-ji. The group that is second to bocchi.
I'm gonna miss momoka-san...
Oh the miku thing. That's cool i guess.
The montage of Momoka hanging out with old daidus felt kinda off when Momoka's last interaction with them is her taunting them while hiding in a truck, big shame we got nothing between them.
What did you enjoy about the journey so much that you don't care about the destination?
Watch the ED. The whole sequence of events is shown.
"Any" good?
Not really a fan though.
Solid 7/10
Right? A face to face confrontation would've been the perfect way to close out that character arc.
>damn long hair is a pain
>gonna cut it
been there, done that

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