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Predict sword powers
Hopefully not strong cleave or fire based.
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>Predict sword powers
I predict it will be badass, OP, and Takeru will realize he wrote himself into a corner because how the fuck is Chihiro gonna defeat El Hermano an already powerful sorcerer who's armed with the strongest weapon in the setting
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The real question is what will El Hermano's spirit animal be?
>Inb4 it's a shark
If Sojo had a dragon, he's absolutely having a tiger

Farmer might be in it for shits and giggles and will give it to someone else

Or chihiro knows the one true weakness of the SHITuchi

Or there is a reason why it can't be used right away

Or it's a counterfeit
>can't be used right away
would be utterly retarded and a pointless "twist"
it's clear from the last page of the recent chapter that it's going to be used next chapter
Takeru didn't do a countdown this time.
What went wrong?
The blade that cuts the space and world itself.

> sword swings in one panel
> chapter transitions to an entirely different mango's chapter before cutting back in with kagurabachi at the end of it
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It's beautiful
Brazil WON
Last time, it was a 3-day countdown plus a commemorative release illustration.
Vol 2 was released during Golden Week so he had some free time. I wonder if he'll do it again.
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i love it anon. thanks for your service
We went for a few hours without general, why couldnt we just go on until sunday?
Akahiro anons...
we won, rurisharts will never show their beaten face ever again
Both pointing their signature weapons is so fitting
retards lonely
>Chihikane 7
anon don't blueball us with that filename
The other 6 have been posted
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Daily Shoseki (6/28)

112. Blue Box 15
122. Sakamoto Days 17
>169. Kagurabachi 2
>215. Kagurabachi 1
311. Mission: Yozakura Family 24
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on your left, sakamoto
Is actually okay for manga to stagnate at vol 3. If 350k circulation includes Vol 3 print it means that the initial print won't be bigger than Vol 2.
It will increase speed and shoot out an element. Like the other two.
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Mr. Shiba... Please disappear from this manga.
I'm retarded, disregard what I said
Enten doesn't shoot out an element doe.
*shoot out energy
I feel that the anniversary cover (delayed by 1-2 weeks to match the timing), with Hakuri on the vol 4 cover and chapters 32 & 38 CPs as bonuses, will give it another good boost. Just make sure Takeru doesn't stumble with the story and ruin the hype.
>I'm not quite confident about Tsugimanga result honestly
Some sort of telekinesis that turns people into the ground beef.
But his main difference is that he is sentient.
You will see.
nue is actively bleeding readers and they still gave it the cover. hell, so is elusive and it has an anime airing next week. i wouldn't worry.
We don't need a general. It devolves into faggot shipping shit and retarded HYPE HYPE HYPE. drop it. You idiots will NOT sully this masterpiece.
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you shouldn't let others affect how you see a piece of work anon
> nue is actively bleeding readers
By what metric?
This guy doesn't know what Shimenawa is.
Shinuchi is confirmed to have a lifetime contract, thus it's a separate entity from its user.
it dropped for vol 4
Yes, but it also had bigger first week, but overall calling it bleeding readers is a stretch, drop is marginal. Akane is definitely does though.
>Yes, but it also had bigger first week
frontloading on the first week usually happens with series that have topped off in terms of readerbase, it means nothing if it's still selling less overall.
>It also had bigger first week
The chart there is incorrect. Volume 4 had 4 days in its first week, as opposed to the 3 volume 3 had.
That and frontloading would explain the difference.
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what is it with woman and serial killers?
why can't they just be normal and fall in love with someone wholesome like, you know, Kunishige?
The sword can't be used right away. Sacred Blades can only be used by their contractors, and the Shinuchi's contractor is elsewhere.
Fiction and reality are different anon
You don't go around playing Batman despite liking Batman do you?
29k to 28k isn't really bad at all, at this point dunno if you can call that a decline
It's stagnant at worst, which is enough to answer this anon's question >>268253812
Sazanami family invented new fetish - the weirdly-shaped phallic hair braids+rubber band.
How many day for a first week next month?
>You don't go around playing Batman despite liking Batman do you?
Y-Yeah, of course not
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>Kagura Bachi has been selected as the "Best Manga of the Year So Far" by Apple Books. Yay!!!
Based apple
4 again.
Really want to see that obi.
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Hopefully tomorrow. If not then, probably Wednesday.
If it's some shitter musician or god forbid swordsmith I'm going to do it for real.
surely it wont take them like a month of it being sold out in the big physical stores before they reprint it.........again
I think it'll be vol 2+reprint, so around 100k
>125k physical for vol 1
>100k physical for 2
>another 100k for 3
>around 30k digital for vols 1-2
Feels about right.
Hakuri indulging his aniki's cosplay hobby!
They said it'd be good
>popular mangaka
>popular music band
Popular idol unit next.
not a big reprint
I mean... 20-25k reprint got each volume, 45-50k total is big for such a young manga.
PB from Jump SQ had a reprint announced for its latest volume before release
It also blew up right before release, but the reprint was pretty small, like 10-15k since vol 1 didn't do particularly well either.
a drop at 29k is garbage no matter how you want it to sound good
the manga is not selling good
Above 25k is good for jump, so a drop as insignifiant as 29k to 28k is no big deal at all
above 25k is good for a first volume, not to stagnate at
not really good no
it's only surviving because it's lucky and new manga are full of axebaits
Many jump manga having anime are stuck at 30k, even elusive went from 90k to 40k, above 25k is a success since even jump are supporting the series with covers
>Many jump manga having anime are stuck at 30k
That doesn't mean it's good lol
they had 30K even without anime
if Nueflop gets anime it wont get major boost either
only kgb has the potential to get a massive boost outside jjk mha and maybe sakamoto
That only mean jump standard is currently there, so if new manga hit these 25k+ standards they are fine by jump
Well, it depend of the adaptation you never know which studios or what metrics can make an anime blow up, for exemple Elusive might really get a good boost seeing how good the studio adapting it is
EE anime look really good, and it's by Cloverworks, so far they boosted the sales of every anime they got (from what i know)
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Get off your ass viz!
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Just another... Huh, 4 months
But these threads already started as shitposting.
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>brazilbro stole your edit
you made it
>not selling good
miles better than most kek
go shit on actual flops anon, nue is always open for visitors
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>MangaPlus will be in the Anime Expo 2024
>More KGB merch
I want it...
>akahiro going mainstream
please no...
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>>miles better than most
>2nd worst selling series in the mag, gag notwithstanding
selling better than ichigoki or fucking red hood isn't worth patting on the back, anon
you gotta step to the competition
How big print of english release can be?
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>off to the left
>they're pushing kgb and ruri together
Just die already, bachitards
my retarded ass didn't check the previous page and assume it was about kgb, I'm a retard gomen
sisters... we lost
Haven't seen you in a while after the mass spamming, how's your day?
>all bachikek buyers who show their shit are look retarded asf

Wow what a surprise
If you put 40k reprints in total that means the initial print for vol 3 is at ~80k i.e. the same as vol 2
sorry for the inconvenience enjoyer, please have a nice visit here
it won't get a good studio retard and it doesn't need to, every sol and haremshit just gets the usual silver link or similar studio, it's not like there's good stuff to animate, the manga is CRAZY generic there is nothing original or good
At least use JJK instead of K8, retards.
How do you fumble this hard.
If you put 40k in reprints total it means it has close to a 100k first print.
200k circulation for 1-2 (already includes digital for vol 1)
+40-50k extra from the reprint
Leaves a 90-100k print for 3 (I doubt it's exactly 350k circulation, probably a bit more)
Jump+ stuff.
>ruri and chihiro
I wonder why
Except KGBkek will be axed 1 issue before annibersary
We have Necro and Bucket axes for next batch.
They are in the mangaplus panel, since they both get a ton of views and KGB seems to get like 300k views a week.
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This is duo cover potential. Wish Jump brought that back.
And probably kill blue (naturally ending )
man this just makes me excited for when kgb finally gets the cover
gonna look so good with how much he's improved these last few months
What are the actual disadvantages of manga going to J+?
>bottom 3 ranker
>doesn't even sell 25k now
saito needs to prove he can get shit done
>Not being in the same magazine as One Piece
>>That's literally it
Gotta put the ruriposters 6 feet under
Well, more seriously, it's currently impossible for Kgb, nue or any non-news series to get axed

Until August/September, MHA end, and the new batch is already bottom ranker so at best two of them will get axed in August so 3 series at the very best (which make older series basically immune)
Also add the fact that the next batch is ranking in the same timeframe so they might just replace the current bottom.
It's literally impossible to axe older series until next year
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>Literally placed next to each other
Yeah, truly cute and canon!
Fujimaki needs to make another dedicated spokon. It's pretty fucking obvious that the quality of Kill Blue increases every time its has a chapters about sports.
>Kyora is gonna use the sword next week.
>New series will be serialized mext week.
We're gonna get the axe, bros. Let me cope.
Chih/iro will die by El Hermano's hands and Hakuri will become vegetable.
Nah, nips just don't like current arc, it will bounce back like Nue.
Jump will also have tsugimanga results.
Unlike Ichinose, the reception of KGB in general isn't abysmal with constantly decreasing sales
Or jump is just tired of it underperforming since it's been five volumes already.
the current new series can get axed at worst in september if they decide to U17 Series like DA (9 week from today), Kagurabachi will get his first year anniversary at the same time.
Basically it will smoothly reache his first year
Char will possess Chihiro's body, don't worry.
>tsugimanga+anniversary cover
Will be nice.
Wish it got one in July for great sakes or whatever, but now it's busy with
>WW anime
No early authors comments?
There is also JKK and MHA ending, along with Yozakura maybe
Honestly if i were jump i would try to hold the axe for the new series until their 20s chapters to see if they will flop or not because too many big series are ending, if you add axe, it's too much lol
They wouldn't gave cover than. No manga was axed after third one since 2010 at least.
>No manga was axed after third one since 2010 at least.
New EiC, new era
Its sales dropped after the anniversary cover
JJK is closer to being a monthly manga than ending.
Pretty much everything underperformed this month from Jump. It's safe for a while anyway, it's useless to doompost it now.
BB and SD are still stuck in their usual sales I guess?
Damn it. I love Ruri, but I might actually start reading Akane Bakashi because of this stuff.
Akane has some really high highs.
I think roboco might miss out on a cover
mha is definitely getting one as a combination anniversary + movie promo + goodbye
>Akane Banashi is a rakugo manga
I must be stupid, because how could I have missed this? I fucking love rakugo!
I still think the romanticizing of swords is cringe
>Design B
>implying there's a Design A
link? I want to see the whole announcement
if you've never felt carnal desire while staring at a really cool blade are you truly a man?
Polearmlet's cope. Spear will never be popular.
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Nue FUCKING lost
ruri is the design A i think
whoops, wrong link
chapter where
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so do you guys think el hermano ENTER is still happening? with kyora doing a "demonstration" of shinuichis power i doubt that an enter from the sword saint will be that impactful. i envisioned hin introducing the shinuichi wielder to show off the imense powers of the sword, not kyora, although there is still the possibility that kyora does not show off any of its power, but el hermano steals it from him or something
I think Shinuchi will backfire on Kyora just like what he did to Tenri, and free El HERMANO in process.
trust the plan bejitabro, el hermano WILL happen
Just finished reading the first three chapters. This manga is nothing like what I was expecting, it's amazing! Akane's personality and character is already infectuous, and the first chapter gave off such a good inpression of why rakugo is not only the theme of the manga, but what makes it so special too. With this, I can already imagine Akane being one of the few people who could make Chihiro genuinely laugh out loud. I love it and I want to read even more of it.
I guess it was to avoid Shinuchiman stealing Kyora's spotlight as the main villain of the arc.
if it gets more fanart than my scribbles that i'm too embarassed to post, i'll be happy
>farmer steals shinuichi from kyora
>its revealed that el hermano was actually already killed offscreen
>he neg diffs chihiro
0% chance that happens but i will unironically drop the series if this happened
>probable traitor in the kamunabi
>el hermano is kept under watch by the kamunabi
oh no no no no no no
>or chihiro actually getting shinuichi and using it with no problems
i don't know what would be worse honestly. i think for the story to feel fresh shinuichiman actually has to get his hands on the sword by the end of the arc. if either side gets ownership of the blade this quickly it would be lame
What needs to happen (or to not happen) for you to drop kgb?
once i get really into a series i physically am unable to drop it, even if the plot turns to dogshit
sunken cost or whatever
chihiro forgiving the yakuza/hishaku/crying over killing them/giving up to live with char or something. i think it would be interesting to have him reflect on all the killings hes done and he can even feel bad about it or something (albiet all grunts and mooks so far have been irredeemable so who knows) but the story ultimately needs to revolve around the swords and chihiros revenge. no matter what happens in the plot, the story needs to ultimately revolve around chihiros revenge and his collection of the blades. for instance if this auction arc had nothing to do with the blades i would have much more mixed feelings about it. also yokaishit. like seriously if this series turned into chihiro and gang hunting fucking yokai i give up on manga
Chihiro giving up halfway through after killing 80% of the feds' enforcers.
But he hasn't even killed one of them so far? What if he never kills a single one, how long can you persist without any fed killing?
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Counterpoint to highlight your tunnel vision.
what a man he is.....
>posting a womans voluptuous and curvy body
um sir this is a FlatGOD general
Chihiro's Rumbling.
would there be any concievable way to bring kunishige back to life without it just imploding and undermining the whole story
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>kunishige stored sprit energy in enten and can appear to chihiro as a force ghost
Hishakuman puppeteering his body to mind break Chihiro?
You havent included digital from the release of vol 2 up to now, which is around 25k extra. KGB sells a lot in digital. You can count its estimated number from the 200k circulation.
i wonder what even happened to his body, actually
i hope we get a kino scene of chihiro visiting his grave at some point
If it’s only a temporary reunion like Kushina and Naruto, I'll take it. Bonus points if they hug.
Physical-wise vol 1 should be around 120k and 2 100k.
Add another 100k for 3 and you have 30-40k just in digital for 1-2.
>100 years later what's left of the Hishaku go onto destroy Japan
Kyora would've won if they had an auction off instead of a straight fight .
>i wonder what even happened to his body, actually
The farmer was about to explain it, but Chihiro interrupted him
>chihiro shows proof of ownership of the swords and takes kyora to court
>They raised him from the dead and turned him into a thrall who forges shit for them 24/7
How mindbroken would Chihiro be?
Kyora is filthy rich. No amount of lawyering up is gonna save him
>Kamunabi's lawyer takes the chance to falsify the documents and throws Chihiro in jail, accusing him of fraud.
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Endgame right here brothers.
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The sword is nerfed. The life contract works but the sword is so powerful that it doesn't fully seal the blade's power
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>almost at double the votes of 2nd place w/ revealed votes
Does anyone know what this week's author's note is
>revealed votes
where is this from
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Quick work for the Brazilian
Twitter votes.
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>nue in 2nd
>chojo in 3rd
this goes beyond simple consolewarring
if we lose to a series it has to be one not in wsj
Won't let my guard down till August... not that I do anything anyway
Your estimates are too low lmao
>200k circulation on May 2nd
This was when vol1 was at 70k sold. Considering it was fresh out of reprint there should be 20k extra in stores. We knew after a while that vol2 was printed at 80k-85k from its Shoseki ranking.
200k = 70k + 85k + 20k + ???
??? = 25k from digital vol1 on May 2nd
That means vol1 had a 25k/70k digital/physical ratio = 35%
>350k circulation on July 4th
Vol1 is now at 105k, vol2 at 80k sold. Let's just assume digital sales haven't kept up considering it's been only 2 months and the ratio went down to 25% digital/physical.
Digital for vol2 and vol1 = (105k+80k)*25% = 46k
That means the total volume sold including digital and physical is estimated at 105k + 80k + 46k = 231k
Circulation is at 350k, which means only 120k prints of vol1 up to vol3 are gonna be out there on July 4th.
It's either they reprinted only 20k vol1 and vol2 altogether so you get your 100k vol3 first print. Or, they only prints 80k for vol3 so you get your 40k vol1 and vol2 reprints. Or, they're lying and the 350k figure is made up.

Keep in mind that's at 25% digital sales ratio which is lower than the real figure.
if it really ends up being 80k Nakano really did fucking hate the series LMAO
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I can be more than 350k, just closer to it that to 400k
>Or, they're lying and the 350k figure is made up.
Unironically the likeliest option. It's probably a bit above 350k but not quite 400k. Otherwise, yeah they're underprinting. Why you would do that to the most successful battle shonen you've had in a half a decade during a time in which two of your pillars are already on their way out? Beats me.
Reminds me of the KnY trouble they went through a ways back. It's like they can't comprehend there's a new hit on the block.
They are just thinking "NOT LIKE THAT". Japanese business doesn't operates on spreadsheets, but on person-to-person connections and hierarchy.
>That means the total volume sold including digital and physical is estimated at 105k + 80k + 46k = 231k
You are forgetting that the 20-30k it already sold this month belongs to the newest reprint.
If you add the 20-30k it's already sold to the around 20-30k it has left you have 100k free.
And he'll, the 25% digital isn't too low, in fact, it's too high.
With a 180k+ physical print it passed 200k, which means it's around 20% tops.
Vol 3 having the print of vol 2+reprint is the lost likely option, which should be around 90-100k easily.
arm wrestling!
Newest reprint only sold ~15k so far with two weeks in shoseki.
crazy if all 3 volumes continue to just not stop selling, it'll be selling ~10k volumes every week for months on end
if by vol 8 it's still pulling that kind of shit, circulation is going to be crazy
and they'll still only print 100k for new releases....
Tsugimanga is going to change everything if we win. VOTE
>And he'll, the 25% digital isn't too low, in fact, it's too high
How are you saying this when the data is right in front of your face. Vol1 digital ratio was at 35%.
People probably just werent bothered to wait for reprints and bought digital. That plus kaigais buying digital but that should be way lower.
Calm down with your autism, brasil monkey. It's gonna win this year easily.
>Vol1 digital ratio was at 35%.
Because it wasn't and it doesn't add up?
>180k+ circulation (physical) for Vols 1-2
>200k circulation total
Now do the really simple math.
Shinuchi powers leaked.
It's a sword that can make swords appear inside your body at any moment.
Also it has a slash.... that kinda... cuts the world...
Okay using your estimate,
20k digital sales/70k physical sales equal what retardbro? 28%
20k digital volumes per 70k physical sales.
If vol1 and vol2 sold 185k RIGHT NOW how many estimated digital sales is that?
>Tsugimanga is going to change everything if we win
Change what, exactly? We're already doing well enough to survive
That's enough for me
it increases the chance of KGB getting a good adaptation
By what metric? UU won and got a recap fest
Flare up your autism, brazilGAWD. It's gonna be neck and neck this year easily
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look at what you done anon...
UU got a good adaptation no matter what UUtards say, especially for a shitty 30K seller
I still wanna know how the KGB got this annoying so fast.
Like even it took Chainsaw Man two years to reach that point.
then people should stop bringing it up randomly to shit on it
i find it's typically the people who shit on kgb randomly (you) who are more annoying
people who consistently chimps out (you) the moment someone even slightly implied critique are way more annoying
this is what promotes toxicity and kills healthy discussions
i hate to say it but kgb trooncord is better place for discussing manga than /kgb/ threads
which is a fucking nonsense
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Brazil dropped another one
>slightest implied critique
90% of the shit people bring up is objectively bad info to try and shit on the series, like comparing volume 1 w/ 6 months of sales to volume 2's 1 month or fucking "erm, stock issue? cope" when there's been tons of complaints about the lack of stock in japan

or bringing up 1 random JP dude shitposting and acting like its how every single person thinks
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>>comes into thread and calls people annoying
>people find this annoying
>u-uh why are you chimping out??
most of the critiques are retarded anyway, especially if you're referring to the list that anon posted yesterday
im willing to accept the series has flaws, cause it obviously does, but that's never what's discussed here. it's always
>uhhh why isn't hiyuki getting the spotlight in the sazanami arc??
>why does chihiro beat everyone without breaking a sweat??
or something to do with hakuri and being a genius or whatever
>talent over hard work
This kills the kgbtard
If these three fought who'd win?
Kagurabachi is destined to be a recap/flashbackfest if they accurately adapt the manga.
I do wonder how an anime adaptation would handle all the flashbacks in the series
I think complaint about some characters not getting enough spotlight is valid. Cast is small as fuck and the amount of semi-important characters is even smaller, not giving bigger names enough spotlight in a relatively long arc is not necessarily bad but a little weird and sets a bad precedent.
>not your arc?
>100 chapters later still not your arc?
>no spotlight/important moments for you I guess! Please wait a hundred chapters more!
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That akane edit really lit a flame in him
This isn't jjk little bro takeru doesn't hate women actively and pacing is tight so this is just hypothetical speculation which holds no weight
The only character that didn't get enough time to shine this arc is Hiyuki, and even then the arc isn't completely over yet. I wouldn't be surprised if we get a fight between her and Chihiro over possession of Enten or at the very least another confrontation
>ESL unironically wrote "this is what promotes toxicity and kills healthy discussions"
get off of english imageboards
BrazilCHAD does it again
>some characters
It's Hiyuki, just Hiyuki they complain about.
It's not her arc so she's been in the background after her intro, nothing wrong with it.
And Shiba has done more in this arc than in Sojo's.
What the fuck? Is it really that easy?
no she always buys like a billion copies of the volumes, she just set them there for the picture lmao
>Shiba has done more in this arc than in Sojo's.
Not a high bar desu. I'd say the issue is not so much the lack of focus but something else. If you are a fan of Hiyuki or Shiba you are repeatedly baited with a promise of something exciting happening with them, you almost get something, almost... And then it stops before getting to the most interesting part. Excitement repeatedly ends in blueballing. Would prefer they were just kept away the entire arc with some shitty excuse.
I'm gonna be sad when Brazil bro pisses off his local cartel on accident and is tossed into a pile of tires and lit on fire
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>It's Hiyuki, just Hiyuki they complain about.

lol, because she is the only new addition who was presented as an active story participator
i can add Hinao and Char who had like 1-2 chapters of relevance out of almost 40. FORTY!
And then there are Tou, half of which were offscreened the whole time, third one got one flashback and nothing else, and fourth one got barebones of an action.
You are just like that dude who promises the book is going to get interesting after first 100 pages and the whole book is 200 pages long.
It shouldnt be okay to introduce the character in ch19 and make her do nothing for 20 more chapters (LMAOOOOO!).
thats just dogshit planning.
>do nothing for 20 more chapters
>>do nothing
read moar
Hinao and Char don't matter.
Who cares about the Tou either? I would've gotten bored if he dragged out chapters with them.
Hinao is a background character.
Char was the damsel in distress with heavy focus in the first arc.
The relevant part of Tou (Soya) was relevant and Tenri got something.
Again, you are whining about Hiyuki, and you wouldn't be whining about it if Hakuri was a girl and Hiyuki a guy btw.
You could give them one extra chapter and no one would complain. Tou screentime+at least one full Shiba fight is too much? Could be half a chapter actually with how quick kgb fights are. Guess it's too much to ask for after all.
Show me on the doll where Hiyuki hurt you. What is with this fixation, I genuinely don't understand? She is not the only character people complain about yet you keep focusing on her.
>you wouldn't be whining about it if Hakuri was a girl and Hiyuki a guy btw.
Oh it's a fujo I get it now.
I predict it to be peak.
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so will EL HERMANO
>be far more unhinged than sojo
>be the complete opposite
>you see, she did something in the first 2 chapters out of 20

i hope you do realize how pathetic your attempts to justify the shit writing are
He'll be unhinged but in a different way, he'll be more cold and unfeeling instead of bombastically nuts like Sojo
>putting words in my mouth
there was an entire chapter in the middle of the rakuza ichi dedicated to
>oh by the way we're setting this up for later
if you can't pick up on that, it's not my fault
these are votes from a twitter poll?
>She is not the only character people complain about yet you keep focusing on her.
It's really transparent
>chihiro did stuff
>hakuri did stuff
>shiba did more stuff than usual
>relevant parts of tou did stuff
>Hiyuki didn't do stuff?
Hokazono literally doesn't want to reveal Shiba's powers yet, that's why braid's explanation got cliffhanger'd and you don't see him fightining onscreen.
>doesn't want to reveal Shiba's powers yet
>doesn't want to reveal powers of someone who jobbed to fucking tenri and had to let Chihiro with barely any charge left fight instead
Must be something uber strong and interesting huh.
>who jobbed to fucking tenri
Tenri at that moment was borderline enchanted sword level and it was a surprise hit more than anything. AND chihiro had to use a sword to defeat him.
Tenri was using performance enhancing rocks and he still jobbed to a broken Enchanted Blade
The powerlevels are
>swords (any kind)
>people high on rocks
>powerful sorcerers
>other sorcerers
It's stable enough, then again shiba wanted to let tenri blow up, it was an easy win for him there.
Need to see more, there's definitely gonna end up being sorcerer's on the level of blade wielders.
I doubt it, but I think he's at least on the level of the hishaku... executives? We need more intel but chihiro was seething too hard when hishakuman wanted to talk and rape.
I mean if 5 swords couldn't end a war, and they needed the giga nuke 6th sword to finish it

There's definitely a small handful people out there on the level of the swords
So uh. What's the point of hiding Shiba's abilities anyway? He even fought someone above his level, what kind of opponent he needs to go against to finally reveal his super secret cool technique? Fucking swordsaint? People claim Hokazono is holding back for a big reveal but Shiba is not even rock sniffing Tenri level, what is the fucking point of hiding it again?
The swords have city leveling properties.
Look at sojo using kuregumo for a week, absolutely op, dunked on the kamunabi special force with intel on its weaknesses and would have murdered shiba.
That said, I expect the Hishaku to be on par with the swords in some way, for the sake of stakes and whatever, since Chihiro can murder any sorcerer with ease.
Tenri got a pretty good unexpected blow on his sorcery arm or something.
But I think he'llgo all out against one of the hishaku and it'll explain his sorcery or whatever.
Or Hiyuki appears and Shiba saves the day and they all get away. She's not done much so far but I fully expect her to come back for enten and shinuchi and I hope she doesn't go
>well, he's a cool dude so I'm letting him go away
Obviously just being saved for a big moment to drum up hype, revealing it exists but hiding what it exactly is builds up some mystery and gives readers something to speculate and look forward to
>something to speculate and look forward to
I'm currently speculating about and looking forward to flashback about what kind of game he is currently playing with braids and ino while Chihiro and Hakuri are fighting and overcoming their limits against the big boss of the arc. Probably UNO.
He is convincing them that Kyora is a cunt and they deserve better.
Shiba is the master of pep talks
>braids and ino now
Please god let Ino live
She'll live and pester Shiba.
Braids and Ino will be put to work in Haru's cafe
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idgaf about hinao but anyone who complains about char being sidelined a bit is retarded. like what, do you faggots want her to get brought to the auction and more conflict? if char is ever involved with a fight again i think chihiro would unironically kill himself out of guilt. now if you want an explanation about her healing chihiros arm sure, but for as long as chihiro has anything to say about it, she will be in the background, safe from any of chihiros revenge faggotry
I hope he's just really chill
I hope he's evil and an ass to everyone. BUT Chihiro since he took care of the Shinuchi and is genuinely sad when he learns that Kunishige died
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i havent gotten to this point in baki yet but isnt miyamoto musashi like pretty chill but is also an insane killer who loves to kill? i feel like el hermano would be like that. maybe he has a switch when flipped he turns homicidal killing anyone in his path
I might actually consider dropping the manga if there is no good justification for Shiba not guarding Hakuri while everything is happening.
>middle of the auction venue full of mafia/sorcerers so bad and dangerous that they deserve indiscriminate bombings
>guards should be alarmed about their presence
>Hakuri has a lot of innocent lives in his hands, including Chihiro's
>he needs full concentration to help Chihiro and teleport people out
>he is already worn out from Souya's beatings so even a weaker attack at this state could spell a disaster
If Shiba is just chilling somewhere I'll be mad. You can try to come up with some justification: oh well no one will attack Hakuri just because reasons! But put yourself in their place. Leaving him there unguarded is just plain retarded.
Who's going to attack the sazanami kid with the same mask as Kyora?
Honest question, tou is done and hiyuki is dealing with the other sazanamis.
its pretty implied he is dealing with braid dude and ino, also besides kyora would anyone in that auction hall even know hakuri is the one doing the bombings? why would they attack a random person there. also the main guards there, the tou, were assigned to watch the emergency door
Who wouldn't? Why would they care? How do they know he is Sazanami? Kyoura is the big guy everyone knows and Hakuri is a literally who cosplayer doing shady shit. Why wouldn't anyone notice anything weird? Why would anyone care about a fucking prop mask, anon?
A stray Sazanami comes close to check what the fuck the bombings were, sees Hakuri. Sees the mask. Sees the enemy doing shady shit. Breathes in Hakuri's direction. Owari da.
>How do they know he is Sazanami?
They arrrr rook same.
>Why would anyone care about a fucking prop mask, anon?
Because the one thing people know about the auctioneer is the mask and how it's related to some fucked up space sorcery.
Also doesn't kyoura have an earpiece which he uses to communicate with guards/saza children? One word into mic and Hakuri is cooked.
>stray Sazanami
Implied all the guards are fighting Hiyuki.
Our FUARKING hero....
>Because the one thing people know about the auctioneer is the mask and how it's related to some fucked up space sorcery.
The auctioneer is right in front of them doing the auction business. There is supposed to be only one. No one would think some cosplayer is the real deal. Also if they did notice it's the same mask they would probably try to check out who the fuck that dude is which can also lead to big trouble.
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hakuri is literally just sitting there, doing nothing. if you were some random mook sitting there and a bunch of grenades go off you wouldn't suspect some random kid sitting there. now as for a stray sazanami, if kyora told his literal strongest tou to fuck off from the auction hall, why would any random shitter sazanamis go there. with how brainwashed they are they wouldn't leave their posts, and the narrative shows hiyuki holding off the rest of them anyways.
>guy from sazanami family
>non sorcerers won't fuck with him because he's a sorcerer
>sorcerers can tell he's actually doing sorcery and better not fuck with him
>every single guard at the auction is fighting Hiyuki
>concentrating literally all your forces in one place
How... Convenient. And stupid. Still, the audience is full of scumbags who did things so heinous they all deserve death, I'm sure someone would make trouble for Hakuri even without any guard interference.
>why would they
Why would they not? He stands out, wanted man Chihiro was standing near him for a while (flyers were given out at the entrance) (they seem to be working together)and people behind him explode.
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Memesashi is chill but is also a narcissist troll who'd do anything to get people talk about him and stand in awe at whatever he does.
He doesn't inherently care about killing people, but since he was an actual warrior, to him fights only end when the other person is dead rather than the other Bakis' philosophy of just making them not want a rematch, that's the main difference between him and the rest of the cast, he's not a murderhobo but he WILL kill if he's challenged to a fight, you piss him off or give him some sort of tangible benefit (money, fame etc.)
Wanted man Chihiro was talking to him just now. Wasn't there a plot point that a printout with his features was given out to people... Hmm
Can't you see the extra arm?
Also he keeps shouting "Chihiro" out loud. Lmao.
Stfu Shiba go be useless somewhere else.
last WSJ thread was horrible lol
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"er dur the amazon rank isn da best like a weak befur releeze dat meens ur gon cell bad"
Only positive from the rankings is that Rakuten for today actually looks like Amazon's finally.
your fault for going to thread that was only going to be full of shit
are you talking about the one where nue falseflaggers kept saying they would get a ufo adaptation lol
shit's gonna rise up when its actually release time like it always does, it did the same thing for volume 2 last time

retards are just being retarded
I swear i will kill a nuefag in broad daylight if i ever see one. Piss me the fuck off.
Funny part is that those threads always had that sort of shit flinging even before Nue and KGB, but someone is trying to gaslight others that it didn't.
Lmaoooooo calm down
I'm more curious about astro, people were hyping up its sales because of its Rakuten rankings but they tanked super hard today, so I guess people just rushed to preorder it and that's over already.
Just stop making these outside sunday and tocs anon, we always fight with Nue in the end
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Do not redeem!
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Calm down Chihiro
I expect a surprising day 1 and then flat line

much like us, but for different reasons
Nue's Exorcist is the biggest laughing stock on 4chan and no one likes it except for three tourists with bad English from SEA. Go fucking kill yourself, you fuck.
How wet do you think this hag was when Farmer tied up Chihiro with his roots?
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>I swear i will kill a nuefag in broad daylight if i ever see one. Piss me the fuck off.
>It's carrying over here
Please no, let this autistic spat die with the /wsj/ thread
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Still seething, faggot
I expect it to do above nue and that's it, despite its first print.
Jump will still give it a fake
>vol 1 is selling great!
cp, much like chojo.
Why not just make a new wsj thread if you guys didn't have enough yet?
God damn Astro went from 7th to 57 on Rakuten, what's going on lol
Be careful not to choke and die while eating you're fucking pagpag. Go die!
No dont do it, it serve zero purpose
>actually had a manga discussion going for a moment (even if a shitty one)
>suddenly wsj shit
I just want the volume 3 PV already.....
My theory is that it's actually one dude who bough a lot of Astro copy the same day, skyrocketing his rank
No, the fun part is that its general rank went from 66 to the 500s.
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By the way, the shitflinging got so bad that bachikeks couldnt follow the thread and started throwing shit at each other.
Guys just dont fall to the bait, it's easy
Is this actually possible? i mean it was 7th a day ago, how can he fall like that?
Nah, go kill yourself i had enough of you.
>ever NOT falling for the bait
>Get a sneaking suspicion that Nuefags were so BTFO in the /wsj/ shitshow that they would come here
>Open thread
>They came here
Why my peoples can't just ignore bait lol
Wait i thought Astro was leading on Amazon what's going on?
Rakuten* you mean? yeah but it look like it fell off like crazy, and i dont even know how this is possible
>twitter filename
Nuefags are such tourists lol
No one cares about asstro or nueshit, go away.
Hiyuki will ENTER next chapter, trust the plan Hiyukibros
Nah Astro always had a shit rank on Amazon, it just had like, 1 insane day at Rakuten / the other site and then it nosedived lmao
Maybe it's out of stock? this could explain the fall
Average bachikeks after getting beaten the fuck out. I assume this is you, faggot. >>268275442
I don't trust the plan and I don't trust Hokazono.
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New Astro merch!

>so butthurt he actually went to the archive thinking someone might talk shit behind his back
LOL, nue meltdown in progress
nue meltdown in progress
>Main twitter account already at 6k
Is this good?
Remember, we're in an alliance with Astro.
>so butthurt he actually went to the archive thinking someone might talk shit behind his back
> there actually was
Hahahhah seething serial killer wannabee
No you don't get it man, I just HAVE to reply
>everyone I don't like is one person
mindbroken Nuefat. DONE
>goes up for preorder
>everyone who wants to preorder it does so
>rankings immediately fall off after that
Happens to all series, except stuff that sells doesn't have huge falls, KGB and akane fell to the 150s and that's it, they are rising hard again proper to release.
At least the rankings match the order of amazon preorders now, astro was a huge anomaly.
Ok look like thread gonna turn to shit, seeya sunday when the chapter drop
I don't think it's just about taking bait. Looks like everyone who was at wsj just moved here to continue shitposting, kgbfags, nuefags and everyone else. And now these people outnumber normal posters.
Aint gonna lie though, this shit is pretty suspect. Why the fuck are are letting shitposts making you this mad lol? Shut off your pc bro.
It's a PREORDER ranking, those don't have stock and you can still preorder it.
He was 7th and drop to 50th, i dont know but i never saw a drop like that lol
So Astro wont do very well in july?
Are you*
Amazon was pointing towards no, rakuten just decided to agree.
Go kill yourself, NueESLfaggot
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> not a nue fag
> never was in a wsj thread except for ch day.
> been here since the middle of the thread
Shut off your pc.
You can't outshine other shitposters hakurischizo.
Quick someone post some CUTEyuki art, it's the only way to save the thread!
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Holy Based.
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I miss her so much bros....
Doesn't apply to people with blossoming genius blood, they master everything instantly, no need for trial and error even. You also get perfect fighting reflexes and teamwork ability immediately despite never being in a serious fight requiring fast reflexes or teamwork before.
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How much Pastro royale is gonna sell next month? Above kgb?
Screenshotting this for shitpost material before i leave.
More than nue.
Less than TES.
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Salefags stay on topic or kill yourselves
Isn’t Nue is above it on Amazon? It might be even funnier if nue beat it
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I'm counting on some crazy fujos to push it over it for vol1.
The next kill blue, pretty much.
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He'll be back soon to reap what he sowed
Anyone else think Hakuri's development is moving too fast?
anyone else think Hakuri's asshole isn't milking Chihiro's cock fast enough?
It should move even faster and kill this manga for good.
Kill blue at least got a decent premise, tho it has no excuse for dropping to 20k after selling 40k first volume
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>WSJ steal an 80 million seller from another magazine
>His new manga is projected to do 30k
It’s over for this magazine
>will do like shit
>but rank great
>get an early cover
>and an anime adaptation after 12-14 volumes
I honestly look forward for the July release, wanna see if Astro’ early toc was real
summoning the ryonafag to drown out the uncreative no-life retards who want to keep regurgitating the same stale boring """arguments"""
hakuri/souya ryonafag doko?
Mating press muscle Hinao
>already bottom 4
At least they are pretending to be fair, unlike choujo.
Just wait until Sunday thread, there will only be pointless shitposting until then.
>same stale boring """arguments"""
I think they are neat! No one refutes them which means they are correct :^)
I know mtl picks a pronoun out of a hat because nipponese can't be bothered to use he/she even though they possess the words, so I'm assuming this was about hakuri
was it about hakuri?
Astro account on twitter has already 6k, it look like it’s doing good so far?
it's all about chihiro
>there will only be pointless shitposting until then.
sometimes that can be funny
but not the consolewaring, it's forced, artificial, lacking in creativity, and extremely fucking boring
He hasn't mastered it yet.
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>Kgbfag coping over astro rank on rakuten
keep crying lol we are outselling everyone but one piece this july
It's just wsj refugees stirring shit, better stay away from the thread until they get tired and leave. Sleep time for me so I don't care lol.
Lol. Lmao. He can do basically everything Kyoura does that he is allowed to do inside someone else's storehouse. Even projection he learned on the fly. Not having enough stamina to keep up with the daddy doesn't mean he didn't master it.
this is why I'm trying to summon the ryonafag
>"cute and canon" hakuri/souya anon dokooooo<
>hakuri, hinao, don't look
they are going to burst into flames the day we get chihiro skin
Do you want a rankings update for today?
General ranking - jump only ranking

OP - 1 - 1
JJK - 2 - 2
KGB - 45 - 11
Akane - 62 - 13
WW - 119 - 21
TES - 166 - 27
Nue - 263 - 34
Astro - 533 - 57

Guess astro ran out of gas!
>Nue of all series is literally destroying Astro
Wow lmao
Look up Rakuten again if you love it so much, blindtard.
How much of a newfag can you be - thinking Rakuten is reliable.
The anime will make TES huge
>Shitter finds Chihiro
>Shitter becomes the co main character for an arc
> Receivers 50% of the series character development and stops being a shitter
>Arc ends, next shitter comes along
>current coMC development hits the breaks and they do stuff in the background to make way for the new shitter
Is this the Kagurabachi narrative loop?
Oops forgot roboco
Roboco - 418 - 47

Let's add amazon for good measure too!
OP - 7
JJK - 12
Akane - 685
KGB - 699
TES - 812
WW - 824
Nue - 1973
Roboco - 2794
Astro - 3666

But hey, it's totally selling 100k in a month, maybe 300k with fujos, even!
What will be your cope when Oricon first week comes?
Wasn't KGB got exactly the same ranking as Astro back in Feb and that sold like 24k?
Are we sure they weren't underprint it like KGB as well.
Wait for next arc to find out, too early to say. If same shit happens again then yes.
Will this sell even 30k based on the pre order?
KGB was around nue's rankings the whole pre release week.
>underprinting astro
Yeah, good luck with that.
>one arc is save the damsel in distress
>one arc is raise the shitter into your bro
If next arc is hiyuki, then it'll be different again.
But this is just a repost.
Kgb was neck neck with nue for vol.1 on preorder
Tho we wont know how much astro will sell until the first day, the best exemple was again kgb who surpassed ES on it's first day despite an amazon preorder on nue level
Cope kgbtard
>despite an amazon preorder on nue level
It did end up with nue-tier sales for its first week, so it was accurate if nothing else (only due to extreme underprintin, but still).
Astro pulling a s8 would be hilarious, jump would be the laughing stock of the manga world (again)
>poach veteran
>last manga was a mega hit with 80 million copies sold despite the horrid ending
>it's even still getting seasons and the spin off is still serialized
>new manga can't break 30k and the magazine push isn't working
still no obi rec? when is the release date anyways?
i just want a confirmation if its watsuki cooming over char or tsukushi over mr. inazuma.
Tomorrow will probably be
>40k followers bonus
>countdown pic (has to happen already)
Obi may be on release date.
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lol is that you MHfag?
>toi had an account
>the astro account is obviously to drum up interest towards the release
Astro tankoubon doesn't get 2 digits? LOL.
I wouldn't compare Astro Twitter account with these series, it feels much more "official" by the editorial than the others since they opened the account with not only a Wakui new art but saying is to coincide with vol 1 release, so it feels like a more planned account for promotion/advertising than just a editor/author opening a account when the series start, not that it means it's safe and etc.
And btw, in less than 24 hours the Astro account already surpassed the 5k of Kill Blue, not to bad for a series getting so much hate in the platform lol
>has to happen
Not really.
If it happened twice, it will happen again.
It's easy and generates interest, the Hiyuki-Shiyumi one made for some fun fanart.
MH posting from ShinukiGODS
What were the series to get that aside from KGB.
>already surpassed the 5k of Kill Blue
That account is INFAMOUSLY low.
And the account was preplanned, obviously, like everything else regarding astro except its reception feels like the most sterile and engineered shit ever.
Why is it that the black haired boy + light haired boy is such peak aesthetic?
>Banana Fish
>Owari no Seraph
>Sasaki to Miyano
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Contrasting color schemes always looks great.
Also, devilman, father of all (not so) fujobait.
Those you mentioned always end up being fujoshits' popular pair.
Many of those don't even have other pairs.
Hell, two of them are legit BL.
>ow my brain hurts
>actually surpasses limits again
only had the powers for 15 minutes btw
Based Hakuri, can't wait to see him fight next arc after an offscreen cqc training arc.
there was no countdown art for volume 1, it was just the chihiro and shiba art the day of release
are you new to action manga?
>Baby's first battle shounen
You should be doing your homework, kid.
>Frying his brain even more to help his bro
Hakuri's a real one
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Sojo onahole.
hmm does this artist have more?
is there any Tafuku fanart?
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Amazon Ranking update
Akane, ES, and Nue have revealed their obi (no circulation update tho)
Okay you guys first
Obsessed and wrong thread, retard.
Akane-sama...... please.......
I wonder if Kyoura really can't transfer Shinuchi outside the storehouse without using the emergency door. If so, then even Hakuri can't take it over.
Hey the gay meteor is there
Oops wrong reply >>268281738
still waiting on the inverse edit...
Post it.
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What are they saying?
arguing about the jump+ transfer rumours
This nigga taste is so shit lmao i can't believe
Remember, Hakuri is the coolest guy
Think about the innocent people that got bombed in auction, bachturds.
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Hakurischizo's is the master baiter of these threads.
That's Kyora.
Nah that's Chihiro's dad.
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link onegai
How about the power of FLIGHT?!
That do anything for you?
How about the power to kill a yak from 300 yards away.... WITH MIND BULLETS!!
That's telekinesis, anons.
How about the power.... to move you...
>Predict the sword powers
Shonen really hasn't changed at all, has it? 15 years ago this was a Bleach thread.
What is the secret of your power?
>it's going to be used next chapter
That's literally impossible because its user is still safe in kamunabi captivity.
Unless next chapter is the most rushed clusterfuck series of events imaginable.
>the sword has so much power the life contract can't contain all of it
In a 1vMany, always bet on Kagurabachads.
Kyora is going to use it. The leaked chapter already confirmed it.
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What's the lamest ability/abilities the Shinuchi could have?
Hopefully we get ours when the chapter releases later...
Hypnotize everyone to attack each other
I wanna see who's responsible for the stock issues!!!!!
Hope it's someone worth it
Sword that cuts the world.
>Opens the box to use the Shinuchi
>It immediatly decapitates him before he gets a chance to use it
I'd laugh
farmer could use it with limited power anytime he wanted, there must be a reason why this is part of his plan
mind controlling the user
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>farmer could use it with limited power anytime he wanted
Well there's your issue, Farmer wants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sg14jNbBb-8
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Here's Edgefuku scribbles from your local drawanon

138 9784088838809 カグラバチ 2 集英社 外薗健 2024.05.02

147 9784088838199 カグラバチ 1 集英社 外薗健 2024.02.02
I can't believe CHADfuku palm striked Char so hard her head exploded.....
vol1 keks..
Zoomerbleachshit more like.
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I hope we see Chihiro suffer more throughout the series, I want him being constantly mindbroken.
i hope he gets his own ice hag soon.
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I mean Chihiro's theme is from Bleach so it does check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ixZf5-LLek
ASStro ?
3 volumes axe
Bachikek ?
1 issue before anniversary
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>Hakuri's hag was ice
>Chihiro's hag is fire
Hiyukibros not like this.......
Tf is that? A hollow mask?
both will be pillars of the magazine in 3 years desu
Read the manga and find out
Hiyuki is a YOUNG lady and I will not tolerate any more slander about her age.
lmao even
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The only young lady in this series is Char, anon.
No new bread until dump.
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>drops a little with the new releases
>always manages to somehow stabilise in the mid 100s
im genuinely very curious when--if, even--we'll stop ranking
I wanna see if we will for real be doing like 10k in sales every week for months on end w/ volume 3
cooler than cooler?
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Not even meming or cooming but so far from the little information we have been given it doesn't make sense for Hiyuki to be only 18 like Chihiro. She has to have been a child soldier, recruited young and working for the Kamunabi long enough to rise up the ranks to be bound to Rikuo. Even if she got Rikuo at a young age she'd still need time to have developed a career. It's a similar situation to Hinao where it makes sense for her to be in her early 20s at the youngest. I can buy Hiyuki being mid 20s or older.
He HAD Kuregumo but she's dead now . . .
When was the last time battle shounen manga got me excited to follow weekly?
I can feel hiatus apporaching in future.
I really hope it gets a Tsukishi rec for volume 3 so we can get some Mr. Inazuma swimsuit illustration.
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>Chapter ends on a cliffhanger of El Hermano ENTERING
>2 week break afterwards
Newbies don't get to rest until anime, sadly.
If they didn't underprint us as usual then I could see us doing 10K per week
Obviously I mean after the inevitable reprint
Soya? Getting a redemption arc.
Amazon preorder rank:
>Me and Roboco - 3,380
>Astro royale - 4,622
It’s actually worrying for Astro sales
i think its funny people associate this song with enough time has passed rather than whatever it was used for in bleach. i even watched the whole show minus tybw and i dont rememeber this song at all
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to be fair, our amazon rank tends to jump up quite a bit just before release so id take astro's with a grain of salt as well. but for a veteran coming from a success like TR it is... maybe not the best look. that first day shoseki thread is going to be very interesting, for better or for worse.
Everything jumps on release, but it should be ranking WAY better, at least above roboco or nue.
I wonder where all the people expecting a 100k FM from Shitstro are now
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This protagonist reminds me Legend of the Gambler: Tetsuya.
I feel that at least a good portion of volume-only readers will notice and buy it if it's stacked next to the latest volumes of OP and JJK in bookstores.
Do you enjoy numbers? Not manga?
ChihiTen shippers are just the worst
I enjoy good manga getting good numbers, and shit manga getting shit numbers. Catharsis like nothing else knowing talentless hacks are driven from the industry despite their best shilling.
The animal that manifests is a tiger and it cuts really really well.
They're all the same battle manga. What's the difference if they're just about tragic characters killing each other? You're just like people who get excited about the number of views on K-POP videos.
>They're all the same battle manga. What's the difference if they're just about tragic characters killing each other?
What? No, the difference is one is well written and one is not
You shouldn't want shitters to succeed purely based on name alone or else Squid 8 would be hamming up the magazine even now.
>Sitting next to Yuki-Onee all day
Of course he is

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