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Thank you Kumiko.
Thank you Kitauji.
Thank you KyoAni.
Why is Kumiko still such a dork 10 years later?
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/ourboy/ Shuuichi WON
Reina got expelled for complaining about affirmative action.
Wow, Japanese fans are vocal about the last episode, and they're not happy. They're discontented with KumiShuu being implied to be together while also offscreeing their entire relationship, pleasing no one. I guess they were holding out hope for a yuri or at least ambiguous ending. There's even a petition that's gathered thousands of signatures to have the ending changed. Obviously that won't happen, but it goes to show you how unhappy they are.
>they're still praising so much depsite have gotten many cuts
What is wrong with you?
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If only they did one scene like this in S3
>There's even a petition that's gathered thousands of signatures to have the ending changed.
Post it
>motomu having more screentime than shoe
What the hell kyoani
>Final thread
but I dont want to say goodbye
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This is the strut of a winner
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The Kumilfko Strut
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I could watch her ponytail all day
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>9 years
was it worth the wait?
this is so fucking funny and powerful at the same time. I kneel
I know it's a simple trick but this part was fucking kino
The sex with Shoe last night was too good
it's in her DNA
She must have had passionate sex with shoe1 before coming to work
Damn it I didn’t catch this.
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>anime ends the same way it started
was it cinema?
Why are there so many different kinds of clarinets
I played goddamn clarinet in school and I didn't know all these different kinds
(Granted, I'm an idiot)
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marrying shoe and mayu is the only right answer
It was kino
is being a teacher actually an enjoyable job outside of the anglosphere?
someone edit denise song to this
Blowing euphonium to blowing shuuichi's dick
Kumiko has grown up
Fuck off gay nigger >>>/y/ >>>/lgbt/
>ran crying to r*eddit straight afterwards
kek you literally cannot make this up
Imagine lying online
So what are the differences between the anime and the novel?
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>started as a freshman
>got a girlfriend
>won gold
his life peaks right here, people in his future company will worship him when he talks about highschool
Dilate e/u/nuch. You lost
you're no better reddit retard also get a rope and hang yourself
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isekai-kun made it and completed his mission to win kitauji gold
pretty sure being a teacher in Japan is even worse than it is in America, do they even have tenure?
Can someone explain shoe's rizz
How did he bag kumiko
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>recap movie
>all the extra scenes are the skipped band performances and shuuichi scenes
Do it, Kyoanus.
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You know the drill.
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who did it better?
you can google it
you're one imagining sex with shuichi, gay parasite now fuck off tourist
I vicariously have sex with kumiko by self inserting as shoe
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>"How did he bag kumiko"
>do absolutely nothing
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Step on me, teacher!
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>/u/troon automatically makes it about gay sex
Top lel. Go 41% yourself already
>i imagine myself as another man
Find it hard to understand gay nigger? Go back >>>/y/ >>>/lgbt/
Is this Sakai? Truly best girl
The one who actually can open the window
Shuichi should have been the MC
Yuritroon, please stop inviting me to your gay board. I want to fuck kumiko, not shoe.
>gay nigger outs himself
>y-you troon
Kek pathetic existence, even 41% seems to be happier than you
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>Lala has graduated
feels weird man
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One last time, rate season 3 and the entire series overall!
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woke up this rmorning
and made myself a thread~
all baitfaggots who used to lurk
they've been long dead~
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You just know this gonna happen. There's no other explanation why Kyoani omitted so many stuff, not only from Shuichi, in the anime.
>i imagine myself as another man
>i swear i am not gay
wtf we have like 5000 posts since the livestream...
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She showed this to her students one the first day
how much on futaba?
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>teaches with open toe shoes
how is anyone in her class supposed to concentrate?
>y-you tranny
I accept your concession now go back filthy parasite
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>On behalf of Kitauji and /a/, I, Tsukamoto Shuuichi, graciously accept the Kumikobowl.
Yuritroon doesn’t even know what gay means
5000 posts of yuri vs het
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they did it
>clip is attached to a notebook that gets forgotten in the teacher lounge everyday
>unironically self inserting
No wonder you're having a hard time.
This was one of the best, if not the best episode of this season imo, but the season itself was lacking quite a bit. And while the montage during the piece was nice, it's in the context of the rest of the season actively avoiding showing the performances so it kind of sours it a bit for me. Best part was probably the scene where it was flashing to all of the band members.

I honestly don't care about the Reina vs Shuuichi shit, but I have to say the series itself handled it pretty clumsily overall and felt like they didn't know what direction they wanted to go. I don't know if this is an issue with the LN as well or if it's an issue with Kyoani specifically.

I do want to rewatch the Chiaki movie though now that I actually know more about some of the characters introduced there.
Biggest cope and non canon series of the year
>gay nigger knows what being gay means
Color me surprised, your fellow friends are on another board. Go back
>yuritranny keeps seething uncontrollably because xe lost
You can't make this shit up lmao
The scene after it's with her. Are you retarded or what?
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I'm one of those people who watched Hibike Euphonium right around the time they graduated from college but it took me until I was around 26 to get my first job. Very dark and depressing NEET years, went back to school but everything is great now,

Seeing Kumiko being at the same place I was at the same age really is a special feeling I cant describe.
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I dropped it ages ago but pic related was always my OTP. Do they become Canon or at least with a possible future together?
hinata mizui has a funny expression
>y-you troon
>y-you're mad
No new template newfag tourist? Also track back the posts alzheimer patient and notice your gay posts
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He follows her to America that's why Kumiko is a KOUMON now
The novel doesn't mention that.
>Japs accept that Shuu won
Of course they do, they actually read the novels unlike the yuritroons here. Here's the scene in english:
Hearing Shuuichi's voice full of joy caused Kumiko's own heart to swell. With the competition over, everyone was smiling and laughing. It truly made Kumiko incredibly happy. Still holding the certificate, Kumiko raised her heels and grabbed the towel hanging from Shuuichi's neck, pulling him close. Shuuichi's eyes widened, but Kumiko spoke first, before he had a chance to say anything.
"I like Shuuichi."
Shuuichi stared at Kumiko, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down. Kumiko released her grip and raised her head to meet his eyes.
"How about you?" she asked.
"You... you're always doing whatever you want!" exclaimed Shuuichi. He frantically searched for something in his pockets, pulling out the sunflower hair ornament which she had returned to him a year ago. "Here, this belongs to you, take it." The hair ornament glowed a brilliant white, reflecting the sunlight. Shuuichi turned his face away, clearly blushing. Kumiko took the hair ornament and affixed it to her hair.
"How about Shuuichi?" she asked again.
"I haven't heard your answer yet." Kumiko grinned mischievously and turned her head deliberately so that the hair ornament directly faced Shuuichi.
"If I didn't like you, why would I be carrying this thing everywhere?" Shuuichi declared defensively, running a hand through his hair.
"Don't laugh at me!" Still trying to hide his embarrassment, Shuuichi lightly kicked Kumiko in the leg. "Oi! Whoever was taking a photo with the flash, get back on the bus!"
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no that's Suzuki. he isekai'd to kitauji to help them win gold. we followed Kumiko's story but in reality it was him who pulled the strings behind the scenes. we still don't know who he was in his previous life. Spin off soon.
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>until I was around 26 to get my first job
Holy shit bro I'm 26 right now and I got my first job(ai shit lmao) recently...even though I graduated uni at 20
but akio lost, anthy abandoned him to look for utena
different abandoned notebook
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Kumiko turned to see everyone watching them through the bus windows. Hazuki and Midori, seated in the first row, both gave her a thumbs-up.
"Why you...!" Shuuichi, his face red all over, quickly dashed onto the bus. Kumiko could feel her own face burning. Shuuichi was already being surrounded by the other boys.
"Happy ending," remarked Reina nonchalantly, apparently not surprised in the least. Kumiko wiped her heated face on her sleeve and waved the certificate in the air.
"Super happy."
Reina's mouth trembled in a smile and she extended a hand toward Kumiko. "Let's go. We shouldn't hold up everyone else."
Kumiko took Reina's hand and boarded the bus. From Kumiko's point of view, Reina was special and always would be.
You're not fooling anyone, /u/tranny. Everyone can see you losing your mind over Shoe posts because you lost. Now go dilate some more.
bots don't have the capability to watch the show
Umm... shoe bros? We aren't married?
>notice your gay posts
>somehow totally heterosexual sex between a man and a woman is gay shit
Why are yurifags like this
>last EVER episode after a decade of buildup
>no-one can be bothered actually engaging with it beyond autistic yuri vs. het arguments
Never mind KyoAni, /a/ needs to get arsoned ASAP
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>at least with a possible future together?
Reina has a plan that shes working on
I don't get this obsession with wanting to see the whole performance. the montage was fitting in this context and we still got to see most of the performance anyway. blowing half the episode on just that would be idiotic imo. if we had more time? sure, but with only 23 minutes you gotta cut that somehow
>i imagine myself as another man
>i am totally not gay
come up with a better template newfag tourist, also go back gay nigger.
they skipped a KumiRei scene?
Male enrollment in the Kitauji band is going to be WAY up.
Bind about to animate more Takeda hetkino



shes like 25~ years old, Japanese people dont get married that early or ever
>bot is not able to follow the posts
it has been running for too long huh
>I put myself in the shoes of a male character who is fucking a girl I am attracted to
show me exactly where this is gay
here's the definition of gay
>sexually or romantically attracted to people of one's own sex
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weeaboos HOPE
weeaboos MOPE
weeaboos COPE
weeaboos ROPE
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Do you think the other two NPCs deserve to be in this photo?
She has achieved all her goals since her childhood until now, literally 100% winrate. It's very possible.
>i imagine myself as another man
Stop making excuses gay nigger, now go back tourist
Shuuichi is so fucking lucky
One of the things people always praised Hibike for was its well animated performance sections. And they've been awkwardly cutting away from them this entire season. Based on the pacing of this season as well they should have done more episodes, then maybe it wouldn't have felt so rushed and we could have gotten more of the performances (though I doubt amount of time is the only reason they weren't doing them).
Shitposts aside, it's crazy to me that they sidelined Shuuichi so hard that he doesn't even get to appear in the nostalgic montages.
I genuinely don't understand how anyone could expect anything but yuribait from this series at this point. I like a good /u/ relationship as much as the next anon, but it was so obvious that this was not going to be the season for it.

Season felt a little too condensed overall, yeah. Could have done with a bit more breathing room.
>sexually or romantically attracted to people of one's own sex
>I put myself in the shoes of a male character
You're gay asshole, stop trying to act like you're not
Nope, it should have been her and shuichi
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God damn Shuuichi is one lucky mofo.
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why didnt Asuka show up?
>why didn't the biggest bitch in the entire series not show up to support her former kouhais
Do you need to ask?
>waaahh waaah tourist
Is this the only word you know, tranny? You lost and Shoe is cumming inside Kumiko every night. Nothing gay about this, unlike your miserable existence.
I don't know why people were ever surprised Kumiko and Shuu are a thing. Haven't you read literally every shonen ever? One love interest shows up, they get some cute scenes here and there and become Canon in the end. This happens all the time. You bitches are acting like fujos who complain that Naruto didn't marry Sasuke or Deku to Bakugo.
I want to impregnate Kitsune-kun
why yurifags are obsessed with marriage? normal people marry whenever they want, if career isn't a priority, since they can do it.
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why did they have to show a used up mask and a sign saying "please wash your hands" and showed the plexiglass nonsense in the previous scene

why did kyoani have to make it political with the china virus crap?
It's better that they cut out this scene. It makes Shoe look like a spineless bitch.
On one hand, it's hilariously how committed the director was to not give Shuichi any scenes to the point of skipping the confession and keeping the clip out of obligation.
On the other hand, it kinda feels like bullshit. It feels like winning a football match due to an executive decision after the match rather than score difference.
I can't see how this resolution pleases anyone other than antiyurischizos who are happy that yuri lost. I can't imagine honest-to-God Shoebros being happy with their boy getting no lines and his entire relationship with Kumiko being offscreen.
>fantasies about another male character cumming
So a cuck and a gay nigger? Doesn't change that you need to go back
It was shown in the last ED cuts
>no ring

i-it's not over yuribros, there's still a chance!
You're projecting your gay shit so much you prolly read that as "I put my dick in the asshole of a male character" lmao
to make you seethe
>doesnt say the line
doesnt count, same as the hairpin
Why, those are her highschool friends. You don't have photo with your friends from highschool?
or maybe you are not an adult that's why you make such stupid statements
>sex with shoe was good last night
>i-i am not gay you troon
seriously go back parasite
>the hottest bitch
Mizore's birthday soon!
Asuka is also the hottest character, yeah, but she's still a massive bitch.
Anon, they were following the novel they just had to cut scenes because prefer to focus on Kumiko's friendships than romance with the guy.
>reeee you tranny
I accept your concession now go back tourist
>troon nigger can't read and has to project his gay baggage onto everything
lmao embarrassing
>esl gay nigger unconsciously outs himself
Like pottery, now go back i am not wasting my time anymore replying to a gay freak
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>mama Reina wants Taki to impregnate her daughter
All this did was bring all the shitposters out of the woodwork who haven't even watched this anime to make these threads their culture war battleground and make it unbearable for the rest of us who actually want to discuss the show.
rich people are a different breed
>there's still a chance of Reina getting over Taki
>Sir, a third show this season ended up being yuribait
That doesn't make for a satisfying conclusion to his arc or relationship with Kumiko. It's obvious that the director hates Shuichi and wanted to erase him as much as possible.
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It's nice the Team Monaka senpais got a cameo too
>tranny keeps screeching after getting exposed as an illiterate tourist
Keep going, you will never belong here
>bot running the same scripts again
What's with the handkerchief?
She doesn't need to get over him to enjoy being fingerblasted by Kumiko.
I don't know how you guys can have an opinion on Shoe, either negative or positive, he's a total non-character.
for Taki Sensei >>268305748

someone stitch all 3 together
>kids and adults clapping to a highschooler confessing to a teacher
do japanese really?
>wanted to erase him as much as possible.
then get rid of the hairpin, they got rid of it in s2's ending too
He canonically cums inside Kumiko's tight pussy every night. He's mega based
And most importantly, thank you, /a/!
I mean it, the threads these past 9 years were a blessing! I love you all so much except for the coomers, go touch some grass already Jesus
>>y-you're mad
Go back gay nigger, this is not your gay board and you don't belong here
it's their final cope that shu1 didn't win
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such a shame that the threads for the last episode are the shittiest
I like the way Shuu plows Kumiko's tight pussy in the prone-bone position while Kumiko gehs into her pillow.
Why does random percussion girl play the harp
Harps aren't percussion
I don’t want to be a downer but am I the only one who didn’t enjoy this season very much
I mostly only enjoyed the final few episodes but even then didn’t feel much emotionally
Maybe I need to rewatch them but I felt seasons 1-2 were just miles more interesting
The Kumiko Mayu drama gets established and then there’s 0 escalation, just boring repetition over and over along with Reina insisting she wants to play the soli with Kumiko over and over, add a sarcastic comment from Kanade and that’s the episode
I still love the series though but jeez

Also adult Kumiko is hot I’m happy for her she finally grew breasts congrats Kumiko
If you don't blow into it, it's percussion.
She wants his genes.
>No u!!!
Keep malding while I keep posting about the cute, canon and wholesome heterosexual intercourse as God intended. Something you will never have, disgusting troon.
That's not what you should be complaining about when there are unironic /pol/fags ranting about the government indoctrinating people into being gay
Go back gay nigger
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Living the dream.
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Never, however you are welcome to keep seething for eternity. That's all you're good for anyway
I think you should rewatch it
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>meanwhile, in America:
Do Kumiko and Shoe try anal sometimes?
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>doing music in America
Are we just going to pretend we don't know what this really means?
Mochizou is an actual character unlike Shuu
Thoughts about the dresses?
Cute, canon, and wholesome heterosexual couple.
/pol/fags are coomers
The whole series? I guess I did watch it four years ago
little Reina Oumae
The Japanese says 続く iirc, so "continuing music", at a university.
Natsuki should have been stripped on the spot and forced into one
>yuko and natsuki
is this anime original too?
No. Reina moves to America getting fucked by black men.
by me.

Sorry anon, I think he's dead.
I mean season 3
I already rewatched it and I like it way more after that
Yes, that's how it works dumb tourist tranny. Also that filename proves I'm the opposite of a tourist, brainless retard. You don't even know how this site works you triple niggerfaggot.
Kumiko should dress like Natsuki
She learns about lgbt, realizes she's actually gay, gets a dyke cut, dyes her hair, and calls kumiko to confess her feelings only to find out she and shoe hooked up. This causes her to spiral into depression, and to cope she turns to drugs and drug fueled casual sex. Eventually she'll die from fentanyl overdose.
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Don't put those of us who just think Kumiko's bare feet are cute with those dregs of humanity.
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Speaking of Reina's betrayal...
had to do it myself
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>has more appearance in Kumiko's flashbacks than Shuuichi
Shoebros... Not once did Kumiko reminisce about her date with him.
I have that image saved since the movie, you dumb ape. You weren't here so you wouldn't know. Shoe just came inside Kumiko again btw.
Maybe I will then
Taki sensei and Reina also have the same age gap which make sit extra funny
>4 kids
the biggest loser is kanade. laughing stock of the thread
Kumiko will reminisce about their dates every time Shuuichi ejaculates inside
>her name is kumi
Also Why did she fall for that ugly bastard? Do jap girls have a thing for ugly bastards
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>Reina decides she needs to train in America before she can confess to Taki sensei
>Kumiko becomes his assistant advisor
>secretly confessed to Taki sensei in the final episode
are we sure Kumiko isnt the one gunning for Taki sensei?
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Imagine how big Mayu's chest must be after the timeskip.
Imagnie how better the show would be if Mayu didn't exist.
The yuritranny is having a meltdown, holy shit. Imagine calling others cucks when his favorite dogshit fetish is literally cuckoldry related.
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Smug bully not so smug after failing auditions twice and having her hero lose the soli.
Well. It looks like it's not over yet. Kind of.
>reina wanting to marry taki
isn't that Grooming™ ?
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Mini-Taki won as well.
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dumb poor gay nigger apes?
I know the mere mention of a penis terrorizes you so much, which is why you chopped yours off, but only a tranny would take those posts as gay. You're the only gay nigger here, you don't know how /a/ works, and your continued meltdown keeps giving it away.
Please continue, I wanna keep ridiculizing your axe wound some more.
I can't imagine how that arc would play out.
she got humbled, rightfully
So how big is taki's cock that reina lusts after him like a crazed bitch
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Jesus fuck get a room you two and leave the rest of us alone
They literally lost again today after a decade of headcanons running amok. It's Gridman 2.0
Damn what did the Shoe guy do to have so much of the fandom go feral at the mere mention of him?
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Shoe x Kumiko sex scenes confirmed
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season 3 was a bit underwhelming but I'm generally happy with the ending, especially the after-credits scene was very cute, kinda picrel it's over though after all these years

s3 was maybe 7/10, show is easily 11/10
overall ranking:
season 1
liz and the blue bird
season 2
ensemble contest
season 3
our promise
it's payback for choosing Mayu for the soli
She becomes my wife.
Sweet. More KumiRei.
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dont maker her open the window!
>yuritranny too afraid to quote anymore
>can only repeat his debunked "argument" to pretend he won
Now this is sad
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>took 9 years to see Chieri's eyes
as cute as expected
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>episode 1 starts with Kumiko waking with Disco kid in her earbuds
>series finale ends with Disco kid
How many times has she repeated this loop?
He died, very sad.
So which student is going to be madly in love with Kumiko just like Reina was to Taki-sensei
>gets called out as a tourist
>ree tranny you're mad
>I know the mere mention of a penis terrorizes you so much
And you love it so much that you even fantasize about fictional dicks, now go back gay tourist. This is not where you belong.
Haruka's so freakin pretty bros
at what point did yuri become like, a controversial thing
did gridman and hibike threads really need to be shitted up for years
Nothing. Literally nothing, in the truest sense of the word.
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He destroyed the yuri delusion.
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this guy who is just Shuuichi with glasses
unless I counted it wrong, Shoe had 2 lines this entire episode.
I don't think yuri ending is really appropriate considering the current state of Japan with their declining birth rates.
The moment yurifags started having meltdowns at the mere mention of heterosexual (normal) relationships.
Where did Taki go?
werent there like 4 yuri animes this season? why fixate on Hibike bait when you won eveywhere else?
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it was worth the wait
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fashionably late as usual or maybe he quit, he only cared about getting gold
He cured her gayness.
disco kid is a fucking banger though so I don't mind
It's funny how delusional yurikeks call you gay for enjoying het romance
It's not enough that I shall enjoy yuri, hetfags also must have their enjoyment ripped away.
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What the fuck was her problem?
It only became prime shitposting material when retards come into a show that doesn't have yuri and pretend it does well after it's been shut down completely. Red haired kid in Gridman got an entire movie where he ends up with the thick thigh girl in the end and Hibike ends with both heroines still in love with guys, Kumiko in particular actually advancing her relationship with him.
I don't know
it all just seems really benign to me and I want both of you to fuck off
because they're retarded
and it's not even bait, you'd have to be legit disabled or just completely media illiterate to think their relationship was ever romantic
My dear s/u/bhuman, you're the only tourist here seething at the mere mention of Shoe and projecting gay shit where there's none. You lost, this series is not for you, this board is not for you. Do everyone a favor and slit your throat.
If you have to ask why people hate yurifags you're part of the problem, now go back to crying about lgbt on twitter, retarded tourist.
>nooooo stop reminding me of the male organ I removed from my body
At least don't out yourself as a tranny this easily, c/u/ck
That will never happen when most anime are het just like irl. It's more like yurifags have a psychological need to claim a couple of hetero shows per season out of, I don't know,, some feeling they are resisting power kek
>>4 kids
I mean... what else is there to do with a young wife?
This is impossible when she is ready to settle down at 35.
So what's next for KyoAni?
>Dumb s/u/bhuman only focuses on the male part of a heterosexual intercourse
>projects his gayness onto everyone
>when cornered, starts calling them tourists
>seethes about it for hours
Are all yuricucks this embarrassing or is this specimen a special case?
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Retarded yuritranny, you lost stop crying about it.
what is this?
>mutt bites into post calling out his pathetic gay existence
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Look at her go, /a/.
Not sure if retarded or newfags.
But enough about yourself.
Love the "just had sex with my husband" walk
Real life LGBT discourse has unfortunately seeped into discussion about yuri and kinda poisoned the well. Now that lesbians are conpletely accepted by normalfags and courted by big business, it's inevitable that some contr/a/rians would start hating anything remotely related out of principle.
>alzheimer gay nigger trying to backpedal now
>fails embarrassingly
>ree you're mad, you lost, you tranny
Go back pathetic gay cuck
What a woman
The Shuuichi semen in her womb is doing wonders to her
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>he doesn't know
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our loveable floofer has done so well
>ow that lesbians are conpletely accepted by normalfags
She definetely had sex with Shuuichi.
No one is backpedalling dumb tranny. Shuuichi's dick going into Kumiko's pussy remains true and canon. Your axe wound will never understand.
As you can see from the other two replies, the only people who like him are self-inserters who only see him as a tool for beating yuri, not as an actual character.
Everyone is laughing at you s/u/bhumans.
what is it with post-election newfags
can't you take it to reddit
and kill yourself
t r a i n s

That confidence filled sex havers strut
I liked him in the movie. Issue is the anime omitted all his stuff but then got them together anyway which made the pairing feel weak.
Will we ever have comfy threads again?
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what went RIGHT?
>post-election newfags
That's what you are, lgbt faggot, go back to twitter and kill yourself, subhuman mongoloid.
He's not different from the standard osananajimi love interest in harems, but male
anime is over, theres no more threads anyway
>le election tourists
Nigga 2014 was 8 years ago
just fucking move on already
You laugh at the notion and yet June is accepted as Pride Month and every big city is hosting gay pride parades and festivals.
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>came out this week
reminder that its not over yet
>fantasizing about a male character
>a fictional couple is having sex and i am happy
You really don't have to repeat how you're a gay nigger and a cuck, now go back tourist or maybe even get a rope, but if you don't then rename your files better if you want larp for attention.
Who have to be guarded by the police to prevent people from killing the disgusting faggots.
Why do they let this bitch sit at their table?
a fucking WINNER
Will KyoAni ever do a manga adaptation again? Or is it just LNs forever?
There will be a movie solely for the purpose of Shuuichi kissing Kumiko
>2 years ago
What would Reina say if she see this?
There hasn't been any real yuri posting here for a long time. It's just shitposters baiting shitposters and injecting their culture war here and making things miserable for actual fans of the anime.
>>y-you're a joke
Sad retort but i accept your concession mutt
for me it's ririka's sexy forehead
They should have made a full blow yuri if the director hates Shuuichi so much lol.
>stayin alive starts playing
Kumiko is a cishet icon.
Based STRAIGHTmiko.
literally how the fuck are you able to cope about how shuuichi and kumiko aren't together?
doesn't the hairpin make it obvious?
because it's a bad idea to anger the best eupho player the night before the performance
>gookfags yapping about japan's birthrates in every tread, when their country will be literally empty in 10 years
Because Kanade got banished to the rejects table
not with you cancer
you will never fit in
I blame season 1 which literally cut Shoe's stuff out and replaced it with heavy yuribait that wasn't even in the LN
Hello, where's the yuri?
bass section, better question is why they kicked out Kanappi
I agree on these points. A fantastic episode but we deserved a better season as ending
This isn't the Lycoris thread.
HIbike was talked about in the years before season 3. Most of it was "yuri slaying" shitposting. That's not a good sign for how threads will be after the anime is over.
You're a joke, yes. When you realize that people laughed at you and not with you, you will neck yourself out of shame.
2 years after the fire
They would have shitposted anyway, yurifags are the most mentally ill posters on this board, they don't even need actual yuri to start shitting up the threads.
I blame naoko yamada(series director For s1) for that. That lesbian bitch did it intentionally. She set the tone that other seasons had to follow.
>a fictional couple is having sex and i am happy
Yes. You would be singing a different tone if a yuri end had happened, as it is typical of a projecting s/u/bhuman. Now keep crying about gays and tourists, your IQ is too low to articulate anything else.
Don't call Midori a bitch.
GBC and Kurage also got copout endings
I think the only yuri win is sasayaku koi
It's just trolls, have you forgotten where you are?
Shuuichi came inside Kumiko again
Why is nobody talking about the tragedy of Reina still pining over a man that will never love her back, like damn move on.
Yurifag brains are literally fried
>no confession
>no kiss
>no ring
>a hairpin
Yurikeks are too busy seething about Shoe to care
Jesus what a sad loser.
Reina asked Kumiko to pretend to be her friend for a little longer... for the gold.
Hatfags don't like it when they are told to play by the rules they established
Why do you think she ran off to America?
Beautiful, Shoe is so fucking lucky
>90% of the thread is yuri vs het shitposting
Ok it was nice while it lasted, I guess hibike threads are over now
>will never love her back
Proofs? Reina never misses her target.
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We need a sequel to this image.
didn't the episode where they dated and kumiko returned the hairpin have them say she'd take it back when they're ready to become a couple?
Besides, lets say that the cope is true and kumiko and shoe don't actually get together, how is a yuri ending even possible when Reina still loves sensei and isn't even physically in the same country anymore
>i fucked your gf
>here please take my eupho I don't need it anymore
What does Mayu chan mean by this?
Do we even have enough reactions this time
Damn, they cut so much, they started dating around season 2 on light novel. At this point make it yuri.
Shuuichi deserves sex from his wife Kumiko every night.
Who said anything about yuri, I'm just making fun of Shoecucks.

Why are 90% of the band attractive?
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Is her teaching position like Michie-sensei?
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How does Kyoani do it bros?
>it's been 10 years since Tamako Market Love Story
Damn. They haven't changed after a decade. I hope they continue delivering in the future
Hag feet
>won national gold 3 years in a row
is Mayu the biggest winner? she elevates everyone around her
Blame the director for capitalizing on top of yuribait, if they followed the novel from the beginning this shit wouldn't happen.

Yeah, they finally put music into their music anime. [pic related] is no longer relevant.
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Anons pleas help me I'm actually this close to jumping of a building or somthing. I'm about to jump off but I can't take a single step without tripping and theres this loud buzzing sound in my ears that's making my head hurt like hell and I cant even stand up because my eyesight's all blurry and shiit... ouch fukc fck fuckk god help me I think I chipped a tooth on the ground fcuk it hurts so bad. Pretty sure I'm bleeding right now but I can't even find where I'm bleeding from caus I'm writhing in pain. I think this is the end... sorry anons I had a good time with you all but I guess it's all over now. It didn't have to end like this... it's all my own god damn fault for betting my entire life savings and my only remaining testicle on kuumiko x riena happening but I still can't believe we lost this fucking bad like we were totally OBLITERATED, fucking ANNIHILATED by shoeicchiGODS and now there's literally nothing left for me to do but die. Now that I look back on it it's honestly kind of funny how KyoANii managed to bait us yurifags so hard... if only I wasn't a total retard and read the LN maybe it wouldn't have to end like this. Alas, I was even about to start taking estrogen... everything was going so well...
I can't take it anymore anons, we just can't stop losing. I bet Majima's gonna ruin Lycoris Recoil for us yurifags too. There's really nothing left to live on for. It's all flashing before my eyes... goodbye everyone. Hopefully I'll manage to get the captcha done in time.
A footfag for sure.
Most people would've preferred a wedding ring for solid confirmation.
You are correct.
Here an example of a mentally ill shitposter.
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Imagine the hatesex these two had.
Taki committed sudoku afterward
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>why didnt Asuka show up?

Why didn't she? What the fuck?
Most sane KumRrei fan.
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Remarkable what a bit of semen does to a girls bust size and remarkable what a girls bust size does for her confidence. She probably wrings him dry every morning and makes sure the hairpin is always with here. I still dont approve of this cause Shuu1 could have done better, but it's alright as long as he's happy. He sure seems to get a lot of morning sex.
I'm happy for Kumiko
KumiMayu is better than KumiRei anyway

Reina is a psycho
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Now that it's over, I'm gonna dump some Mayu webms
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>most people would have
Kek, who are you fooling? Even IF there would have been a wedding ring, they'd have said she married someone else cause she didnt marry him in the novel (yet). Get real, Jose. Anything short of them being shown to have a child and in wedding gowns would have resulted in the exact same reaciton.
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2014 was such a good year.
Hibike Euphonium is a regular young adult novel, not a light novel.
>what's the difference?
It's a mystery, probably the lack of interior illustrations. The publisher mainly does fashion and guidebooks, btw.
Unironically I think Reina killed the ship yet again for those who were still clinging on. The "failure as a buchou" comment was the final straw. It made people realise Reina truly does suck.

The smart ones jumped ship after S1.
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ShuuMayu is better than ShuuKumi as well

Kumi is a flat board, cant breastfeed a child and is unappreciative of someone way out of her league confessing to her.

Mayu on the other hand, yummy.
How old is kumiko is this ending?
My daughteru surely grew up.
>all that doomposting last week when Kumiko lost the solo
feels like a distant memory
I hope we get at least 2 OVAs

Looks mid-20s.
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Absolute kino
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Kino no Tabi only has illustrations for the frontispiece chapters and as chapter covers and yet is considered a LN. The LN format is probably more of a thing that matters in the industry than to the reader the more I learn about them.
And then he didn't marry her. Sad.
When she mentioned confessing I remembered the absolute pain this scene caused me.
>Happy to hear that, as an educator
>Respected, accomplished, revered
>Could pull any woman he wanted to
>Already in love with a dead chick
>At least a decade older
>Taki smiled at her once
>Good at the trumpet I guess
>Relatively stacked
It just seems completely impossible for her but she's throwing her life away for it.
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Would Kumiko be a good mom to Shoe's kids?
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uhh sorry anons
is kanade not aware that she basically behaves like motomu
Makes it easier for Kumiko to bring women back home so he can watch her being her pleasured.
?? people still think the episode was shit and it was. I dont even have a stake in this. I only watched the live broadcast for Shuu1. And the ep was straight up terrible being 50% flashbacks, the intro segments felt overly stiff, and the ending was pussified trash that was so non-committal it didnt make anyone happy. The happiest people are people like me, who dont give a shit about this mexican soap opera and only came here to see Shuu1 win.

Are wedding bands even a thing in Japan?
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My only issue with the ending is that Oumae-sensei should have had J-cups
>no ring
>same surname
Kumiko is christmas cake.
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>doesnt realize how much of a pain in the ass marrying in Japan is
If anything I am surprised they still bother. Marriage is a meme in Japan. Not only because of how family registers work, but divorce laws, allimony etc are in complete shambles.
Why would you listen to a music teacher who peaked in high school and had no musical accomplishments of her own? People respected Taki because of past career.
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>he thinks one can remove a clip and attach it to whatever book one is holding/reading, like a bookmark
Aging did wonders to her body, this is Kumiko's better form. And she still exposes her feet.
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Who won her bowl? That's all that matters.
>that image
my sides
Is Kumiko loud during sex?
>up to interpretation ending
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I DON´T CARE about the serie, the only thing
I NEED to know is
Would you?
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Because to be good at teaching you to be a team you dont need to be the best at playing music. If anything, Taki's professional career may make him less suited for highschool club shit cause he's accustome to envrionments that arent highschool-esque at all.
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>Why would you listen to a ______ teacher who had no accomplishments of their own.
Idk, you tell me.
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What's his name?
Kyoani skipped the confession so it could be an open ended ending. Bravo Kyoani, inventor of hetbait.
Did we ever get any information about her? Is she single? Does she need a good man in her life? I could be that man. I need to save her. I need to eat her ass and dick her down until her jaw unclenches and relaxes for the first time in ten years. It's my calling.
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I fucking loved that movie. KyoAni really is at their best them they do het romance.
What's the next het romance show they're doing?
with as much incel violence as I could
Wrong, it's reserved for the upcoming movie.
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Only this lucky dude knows.
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She is literally the buchou who led a historic run to victory at Nationals anon.
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I love her so much
fuck is this series that popular? I blinked and this thread almost reached bump limit.
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why are yurifags like this?
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Reminder, this is how straight, normal friends act.
>So which student is going to be madly in love with Kumiko
Every male band member
It's artificially popular because the series ended and there's also shipping shitposting. It's not actually popular like it used to be.
>Kumiko still younger than me
What the fuck when did I become old?!
It's popular on /a/.
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Because 90% are girls and you're a girl fetishist.
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When will Kyoani make real yuri?
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POV: you are an innocent JK about to get called into the teachers' lounge after practice for "skinship training"
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>trann: 19 results
>troon: 9 results
Where are these subhumans crawling out from? Now that's it's the finale they all got attracted here for prime shitposting material?
Reina never getting over the infantile obsession with Taki is easily the weakest part of the series.
Um... You okay?
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It's not really, but the people who like it really like it. It's been beloved on /a/ for a decade so you have both people who've just caught up for the finale, and people who've been waiting this whole time to fling shit over how the "romance sub-plot" (if you can even call it that) ended
It's the final episode of a series that is 9 years in the making by Kyoani.
Shoe taking a whiff of Kumiko's fluffy bush...
this finale was kind whatever. mostly just recaps and predetermined motions we already saw coming to fruition. the actual peak moment of the finale happened last episode, with kumiko's speech. having said that though i think kyoani did a great job with this season and the finale overall. i hope they can come up with a movie which covers some of the 'extra activities' the club did while prepping for the nationals. like more haruka on sax moments except with the current crew
>people like me, who dont give a shit about this mexican soap opera and only came here to see Shuu1 win
Yes, we already know the people shitting up the threads aren't fans of the series
DragonMaid is yuri

One of the protagonists of CITY is a lesbian (when they finally adapt that)
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I'm glad that in the end Mayu got to befriend Kumiko.
It definitely feels like there is an opportunity for a finale movie or OVA to give us a stronger wrap-up with all of the characters. The Okinawa thing could be a fun foundation for one.
I remember a dude who always screamed about DragonMaid being anti-yuri, or was it just schizo ramblings?
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Was this a metaphor for labia?
>Hazuki become the school bicycle at junior college and had 3 abortions before she graduated
That was kinda edgier than I expected, was that in the novel or is it a KyoAni original?
Shuuichi just came in Kumiko
it was perfect that mayu and kanade got to finally learn the piece. i'm kind of mad kumiko kept the sheetbook rather than pass it down in the club. though as deputy club advisor she is in a position to share the piece with seated eupho now
Why did Shoe win? Did Kumiko even like the guy? If she did the anime sure as shit didn't show it.
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This was pretty much the peak for me. Candid Kanade, Kumiko finally opening up and sharing Asuka's music with them the way she asked her to a year ago. Burying the hatchet with her fellow euphs. It felt like decent closure for all of that
Do they even use protection? Is Kumiko going to give birth to a whole baseball team?
Nah, just enough for a bass section
I think he's dead
Shoe is so lucky.
Kumiko is straight and Shoe is the most decent-looking guy she knows. It doesn't take a genius to figure this out
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I feel like Kumiko and Shoe would have a boring sex life. Neither of them seem particularly horny to me
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>retards replying to obvious bait
I hope we get more good hibike merch. Not enough posters for sale on Kyoani's website.
Said the tranny.
yurifags are actually like that thoever
Shuuichi is a true yurislayer, I fucking kneel
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I'm a yurifag and I'm more than fine with this ending.
You don't even believe a yurifag posted that. That's standard /dbs/ or shounenshitter shitposting.
a-at least we have liz and the blue bird yuribros...

I think Kumiko should sex Mayu. that's the only way for her to get better is to be one with someone more skilled than her
>I need a paper clip, guess Ill use this.
yeah sure.
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I submit hetfags, its over
The lowest of the low shitposting - the falseflag.
remember when naruto ended and fujos made posts like this but for real.
Kumiko's failure at the audition or how she got over it wasn't even really brought up this ep. I feel like they could have put at least one line in there to make that change feel more significant. I think it could have been worthwhile for character growth but they kind of fumbled that one
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based schizo
i kneel
no one talking about how older kumiko sounds?
The Tamako Love Story threads were relatively free of shitposting. It's amazing how much one US presidential election changed.
Were you not watching her speech and tearful admission to Reina last episode? She frustrated, but she wants to live up to her meritocratic ideals shared with Reina.
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she sounds like sex. I always loved the adult Kumiko narration
Another series to make me feel bad about my unfulfilling youth and neet present.
this is the first time
Kai lost.
Pretty much. I don't care about shipping shit, but series like this that place a huge emphasis on youth fucking kill me.
A lot of the voiceovers have clearly been adult Kumiko, come on
no way. there is a clear difference between the end of this ep and everything else.
cute and canon
Don't worry anon, these are all idealized visions of youth, you wouldn't have actually lived such a dream if you weren't a neet.
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>I was even about to start taking estrogen
my sides
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Mayu is still the cutest.
why does this happen every time /u/ loses?
I haven't watched S3 and wanted to ask, is Mayu a dyke too?
>Are wedding bands even a thing literally anywyere?
Please spend more time on Earth.
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>4 kids
>while the people complaining about this picture are childless losers who have a tapware for their medication
really makes you twink
not with tits like those
She already got over it. She was acknowledging that it was for the best while also being really frustrated, and she just had to work through the frustration. It's a pretty normal human reaction which doesn't need further elaboration.
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I am legitimated, physically sad that we did not see them.
Is this real?
Who's complaining about that picture?
actually, /u/ won
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>One of the protagonists of CITY is a lesbian (when they finally adapt that)
>Kyoani adapting anything more than trashy melodrama LNs that they publish
Dragon Maid is a fluke as far as I'm concerned right now.
I read all of that
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>when they finally adapt that
As much as I would love for Kyoani to adpat CITY, it's highly unlikely for that to happen and you shouldn't set yourself up for disappointment. Nichijou is a one of a kind anime. I doubt we can ever get something like it again.
I legitimately don't see the connection between yuri and trannies. Why does wanting to see two women make out make you want to be a woman? I suppose it is real since there's the stereotype but I don't understand why wanting to become a woman is more associated with it than being a guy and watching two women make out.
She is an even bigger brat than Motomu was
Reasoning with trolls is pointless.
anon you're responsible for this guy's >>268309255 death
there has to be some truth to it if it makes them seethe so much
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This was really popular back in the day, it aired alongside Yahari Ore and Fateshit in the same season but even still managed to keep up the popularity among them.
>reaches the bump limit in 3 hours
which one of the 10 threads we had?

also new >>268310570
Because they assume those into yuri are just like them and self insert into the characters and for some reason the thought of being a woman scares them.
reminder: /u/ lost
funny you say that but ignore the context of 90% of the posts that include that term, which are replies to an unironic tranny having a genuine meltdown and calling people gay and tourists becauss they like straight romances
but of course you're not going to call out that mental patient, i wonder why
I understand you don't like your shitposting getting called out
Last for /a/ won, /u/ lost
/u/ lost thoeverbeit

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