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This little girl is the only damn character is this Sword Art Online wannabe fulfillment story that has any damn common sense, AND EVERYONE IN THE SHOW CONDEMNS HER FOR IT.
Stop watching isekai garbage.

This was the last episode of the season, idk about OP but I'm not going any further. Fuck the faggots who keep shilling this shit "it'll get good!" "He'll redeem himself!"
it'll get good. He'll redeem himself.
>>This was the last episode of the season, idk about OP but I'm not going any further. Fuck the faggots who keep shilling this shit "it'll get good!" "He'll redeem himself!"
Stay filtered.
This “Roxy healed me with sex after my dad died” has to be the most childish writing about the whole situation
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kys reddit
That's nice, hope you mom wipes your ass for you too since you're not able to think for yourself.
it'll stay shit. He'll redeem.
Good, stay away. Stop posting about it too.
Instant classic
Had everyone talking about it be it good or bad
Thats what anime of old used to do
>common sense
According to whomst?
that site sure lives rent-free in your mind...
Retards refuse to acknowledge that Norn was right. They will tell you she has no business in it when in fact she had all the reason to crucify her brother for cheating. Sylphy is just a doormat
He already redeemed himself in my eyes, he's much more tolerable than in S1C1.
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Kek for real, the fact that the author made the mouthpiece of all the valid complaints against his fucked up views on cheating an immature child just shows how little he cared to show nuance in the story.
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Best character.
Nobody cares about some post you made 12 years ago.
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I just watched this anime for the adventure and there’s been absolutely ZERO adventuring going on. Why the fuck should I tune in for the next season?
Wait, he fucked his teacher? Now hold up I might’ve been overreacting >>268317099
>how can you cheat on your pregnant wife while she was so worried about you and after you promised to be faithful?
>um Norn.. you’re just imposing your views on others :/
10/10 writing
As always, fpbp
Nobody cares about a post you made at any time, so you're even I guess.
He's going to marry his teacher too. He's going to have an actual harem, not no play dense protagonist one where the girls just follow him around, either.
I watch Mushoku because Roxy makes my dick hard
Its mostly 90% filler. The adventuring happened with Rujierd and Eris.
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They hated her because she spoke the truth
Nobody likes women who mouth off.
Is this an AI generated anime? Everything about it has that AI look to it, like they probably generated all of the imagery in AI and then just had humans check over it and correct the mistakes.
Reminder that polyshit is core woke leftist ideology. Supporting sexual depravity and demanding that people affirm your fetishes is also core leftist mentality.
If you like Mushshit Tenshit you are literally exactly the same as trans woke activists.
All isekai is tranny garbage
This is like when boomers call Hitler a leftist because he was a national socialist. One man claiming multiple women isn't the same as a polyamorous free-for-all.
Her line would make sense if not for the fact that Rudy and Roxy fucked after Paul had died
Wanting to fuck multiple women isn't the same wanting to cut my dick
>mentally ill freaks get mad when people point it out
See? You are literally exactly the same as trannys. You literally can't function without people giving you a safe space.

>One man claiming multiple women isn't the same as a polyamorous free-for-all.
It is. You just don't want to admit it because you can't cope with the fact you are as pathetic and deranged as people you hate. You just don't want to accept that you're sexually depraved in the exact same way as the leftists you hate.
There's two ways in which polygamy can work:
Either both parties are ultra progressive perverted freaks or women have a much lower social standing in general and will get publicly executed if they dare to speak up.
It's the horseshoe theory live at work.
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Why does Norn hate Rudy for trying to live up to Paul's example? I thought she respected her father.
>Shitdit is the most commonly used community website in the westoid world
It is surely over
You cannot convince me this shit isn't AI generated and then just reworked by a vietnamese animation sweatshop to have the correct number of fingers on each hand. This looks EXACTLY like the sea of ai generated anime images that are flooding the internet now.
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that season came out before the generative AI boom
unironically because she is only one following god
It's from season 1, which was back in early 2021. AI art wasn't a serious thing until 2022.
>You literally can't function without people giving you a safe space.
I made one short reply to you. If anyone's acting hysterical here, it's you.
>You just don't want to accept that you're sexually depraved in the exact same way as the leftists you hate.
Every great man in history effectively had a harem through mistresses and concubines. Were they all leftists and trannies too?
>I made one short reply to you.
Okay? And? Length of post has nothing to with anything. You don't like that people say what you like is mental illness. You literally can't not try to defend it.

>Every great man in history effectively had a harem
Not really. Only a very limited number of cases that you focus on because it validates your depravity.

>Were they all leftists and trannies too?
Maybe. But they were also lesser evolved apes.
Again, what's the correlation between wanting to have intimate relationships with multiple women and wanting to pretend to be one by mutilating my body parts? Don't lump me together with those mentally ill freaks. Also, For someone who hates trannies you sure can't stop thinking about them
It has literally already been explained to you in the posts you've replied to. Maybe if you didn't have such horrible brain rot from being a porn addicted you'd be able to understand such simple things.

>Also, For someone who hates trannies you sure can't stop thinking about them
Nice phone posting, retard. Also, it's funny how you try to pretend that because I can hold a line of cohesive discussion that I "can't stop thinking about them". The whole point of this discussion is that you are like them, why wouldn't the topic come up multiple times?
>Only a very limited number of cases
Some kingdoms had semi-official positions for royal mistresses. That alone shows it was anything but a rarity.
>But they were also lesser evolved apes.
Our brains have been getting progressively smaller ever since the agricultural revolution. If anything, we're devolving.
So what would rudy have done if sylphie didnt accept her?
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It's honestly impressive how dumb you are. And how you are totally just delusional or straight up lying.
There were no "some kingdoms" that you are talking about. There's maybe one or two. That you don't even know the name of, that you are just making things up to pretend your mental illness has validation.

There's a reason that monogyny evolved all over the world, in every single independent civilization.

>if something is smaller that means it functions worse
Okay, retard.
>thread about relationship between a man and women
Procreation is the most natural occurrence in this world. Do you know what's not? Whatever the fuck is happening with the alphabet people. Maybe if you didn't have such horrible brain rot from being a porn addicted you'd be able to understand such simple things.
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put her to the streets like she deserves
>literal retard is also autistic and trying to parrot what people say to him back at them

Again, clown. How you are the same as them has already been explained. Do you really need it repeated to you? You share the SAME MENTALITY.
You both try to glamorized sexual depravity.
You both support polygamy.
You both can't stand when people don't affirm your fetishes.

I am genuinely laughing at how a polygamy subhuman is trying to accuse other people of having porn brain rot. You are literally going to die a virgin, unless you pay a prostitute with your welfare money.
pedo tensei is bad also is a cheap ripoff of dragon quest V.
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If I die in this world without having a love and losing my virginity it means that I will be rewarded in the next life in the isekai world.
It's my right, and I refuse to believe otherwise, I haven't rejected all these women jumping on me for over 30 years to not have at least two wives in isekai, and you have the audacity to complain about that fuck you.
>There's a reason that monogyny evolved all over the world, in every single independent civilization.
And there's a reason why, all over the world, high-status men tend to procreate with multiple women.
>if something is smaller that means it functions worse
Yeah, I guess it's just a coincidence that whites and asians have the largest brains, while niggers have the smallest.
That followed by Sylphy not getting mad at all. On another note isn't weird that Rudy could only get hard for his childhood acquaintances after Eris left him? Poor Sara didn't realize she was gonna give it up to a homo
yeah it's really just relationship drama most of the time. Some fantasy anime lol
AI can't time travel, son.
>This looks EXACTLY like the sea of ai generated anime images that are flooding the internet now.
because AI is based on popular artwork, sometimes stealing techniques and appearances wholesale. AI will ALWAYS look like what's trendy right now.
>why high-status men tend to procreate with multiple women.
Nepotism and abuse of status. Duh.

It's just so funny how you refused to address 90% of the post you're replying to. You know you don't actually have an argument.
Stop pretending to be religious you jealous fucking incels you are only mad because you get 0 pussy or turned trans because of it
>i- im such a chad!!! i spam about fucking anime characters on 4chan!! a- all the girls want to fuck me because of how often i spam on 4chan!
Thinking you need pussy to be a chad in the first place is what makes you a incel retard
Nepotism isn't inherently bad. People with better genes (the majority of high-status men) using their status to secure their reproduction is a good thing.
If you don't know how to spot AI, don't try.
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Nah, her dad did the exact same thing and she still thought of him as the best human being on the planet. So she can choke on a dick for what i care. Ruijerd's, specifically.
T. Faggotlord

We already live in a chad-takes-all world and everybody is ok with it

But my boy Chadeus gets a second wife and everybody fucking loses their minds
The anime doesn't condemn her for it, the characters just point out her hipocrisy on not minding his cheater dad and her stepmom but going ballistic on her brother doing the same shit.
>People with better genes (the majority of high-status men)
People with high status are often figure heads with no skills of their own, you absolute retard.

It is, again, hilarious how you get called out on no addressing 90% of what's said to you, and you respond by doing the exact same thing.

It's almost as funny as the fact you're consumed with "reproduction", while you're a perma virgin loser who spends his entire life shitposting on 4chan about how much of a "chad" he is because he likes harem anime.
Outside of threesomes and reverse gangbangs . Polygamy sounds like a pain in the ass . One woman's bullshit is hard enough to deal with . Just imagine have to deal with multiple versions of that shit . >>268320694
Most of histories "high status" men were unremarkable inbred losers who lucked out lol . What with modern obession with divine right /mandate of heaven type bullshit with terminally online losers ?
Anon, it's supposed to be casual and anything that comes of it is supposed to be aborted. Forming a loving family and having many children is what an evil fascist would do.
Stop watching seasonal trash
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Not seasonal trash
Was nip rudy a muslim? Cause it seems he has been rewarded with beautiful virgins after his qurban lmao
Yeah, it's just regular trash.
Stop bringing up sandniggers shill
You do realize every anime that ain't ova or film used to be a seasonal anime?
Retard, the city he is in right now is literally called sharia lmao
>Most of histories "high status" men were unremarkable inbred losers who lucked out lol
>People with high status are often figure heads with no skills of their own, you absolute retard.
Anon, if you think you’re so great and better than them… how come (you) aren’t high status and they are?
He fucks his mom, sisters, step-mom, and daughters right?
How does a beta bitch like this keep one woman under control, let alone two?
It's the most unrealistic part of the show.
Even her mother was angry at his father until rudy intervened to magically fix it
>how come (you) aren’t high status and they are?
Because I live in the first world and not a mud hut in Africa.
By the way, you have yet to give any examples of these "high status" people, and to show they are actually common place and not something you made up to try and validate your fetsihes.

>STILL refusing to address what's actually said to him
>won't even acknowledge his blatant tunnel vision
Funny stuff.
Through the magic of self insert power fantasy pandering.
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One of them is a submissive doormat cuckqueen
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>under control
>By the way, you have yet to give any examples of these "high status" people
Like… the vast majority of Emperors and Kings in all of history?
Have u ever get out of your counyry?
>judges you for being a chad like your dad, Paul, who she defended
Also Norn
>seduces an anciently old man and fucks his brains out
The only countries with polygamy are one's where women can't even chose what they wear or go out alone, and where who they get married is decided by which guy can pay their dad the most goats.
Rudy's wives are capable of taking care of themselves and could choose to be with anyone, but of course they want to be with the protagonist even if they have to share because that's the lot of being an isekai heroine. You exist to slobber over the MCs dick for the gratification of the fanbase.
>has multiple wives
>the name Aisha is used, Aisha was a wife of Mohammed
>lives in SHARIA
I mean.
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so no afterlife for the world of MT? then why does the church of Millis exist if there isn't an afterlife? this sucks. had rudeus not had his back against the hydra, he could have moved before Paul kicked him out of the way.
try using fewer buzzwords next time newfriend, your bait might get more (you)'s
sex with aisha
Loving all rage from Rudy getting a second wife.
It's femanons isn't it?
It's whatever group of people you need to believe it is to protect your ego and keep telling yourself you're not a loser for reading self insert power fantasy garbage.
Kek this is completely true.
Manwhores get the rope.
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They don't worship a god.
They worship millis and his way of life trying to imitate it.
For example:
>Before heading to certain death, Saint Millis gave an ornamental necklace to her most beloved who gave him a kiss on his forehead and wished for his return. When Saint Millis was in danger, her beloved one offered the necklace to God who was touched by the exquisite necklace and beloved's love and intervenes to save Saint Millis.
>This become a part of the Milis Religion wedding ceremony where a replica of the Necklace of Milis is a requirement of every Milis Church. The priest hands over the necklace to the groom who puts it on her bride. Then the bride kisses the groom on his forehead, a kiss of oath similar to the legend

In the first place the Kingdom of Millis are one of the few survivors from the times of old demon-human wars.
They're on the frontier basically.
They also developed holy magic as a measure against necromancy during the wars and today necromancy doesn't exist anymore it's practically extinct by the Millisians.
They're extremely aggressive and don't even care about sending their different knight orders to other countries to kill people.

The purpose of the church was being the leadership of Millis and also ensuring mental stability of their people vs enormous threats they faced in the past.
I don't even like but I just love how it reveals the hypocrisy of you fuckers.
>You proclaim you want scumbag MCs>
You get one? You throw a bitchfit. >You proclaim you want an MC you actual fucks the women who want him in haremshit instead of just choosing one or never choosing at all.
You get one, you throw a bitchfit with buzzword after buzzword.
This fundamentally means the only acceptable MC is the bland moral fag goody two shoes but you throw a bitchfit buzzword salad about those type of MCs as well. So you can never be be made happy.
Better editing
>You proclaim you want scumbag MCs
You get one? You throw a bitchfit.
>You proclaim you want an MC you actual fucks the women who want him in haremshit instead of just choosing one or never choosing at all.
You get one, you throw a bitchfit with buzzword after buzzword.
This fundamentally means the only acceptable MC is the bland moral fag goody two shoes but you throw a bitchfit buzzword salad about those type of MCs as well. So you can never be be made happy.
Incel wannabe NEETs will tell you that she was wrong for doing this.
How dare an harem MC actually fuck his harem.
You're probably a fag that complained that harem MCs don't dick down their harem but throw a bitchfit when one actually does so.
Ahh it makes sense now. In the modern world, women all chase after the top few guys. It's natural for that to happen. In this instance, Rudeus is that guy betas are envious of. His actions destroy peoples self insert because how can they self insert when women have never even looked at them. But remember, his past life is your self insert.
Could have made this make way more sense if Roxy and Sylphy spent some time together becoming friends, with Sylphy sussing out Roxy's feelings for Rudy on her own and knowing how much Roxy meant to him being the one to offer to let Rudy take her as a second wife. The fact that Rudy has such a weak excuse coupled with Sylphy just letting her husband marry a complete stranger just because she knew he would break his promise just makes all of them look bad. It would have also actually made Norn look like she was in the wrong if she still disagreed.
>What with modern obession with divine right /mandate of heaven type bullshit with terminally online losers ?
they unironically cant think for themselves and want big daddy strongman to lead them
pitiful, really
Just watched the episode. It was really bad. The migger is really bad. Blue is really bad. Bad blue wife. Bad demon, bad choice. If he just listened, but no he needed to shove his dick into the blue stinky uggo skank.
Rudy talks about her all the time.
I know, but Sylphy doesn't actually know Roxy outside what Rudy says.
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Sylphie is a doormat, it makes perfect sense.
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So how do the logistics of this work? Do all three share a bed? Every wife gets one bed, same room? Different rooms? Does Rudy rotate?

I really want to know.
I knew it. Always felt like MTfags were r*dditors and there it is.
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Rudy has the main bedroom, each wife takes a separate bedroom. They take turns going in and sleeping with him, though it isn't a perfect turn system, since while Sylphie is pregnant or feeding for example Roxy spends more time with him, and no sex with a wife when they're pregnant (so Roxy doesn't get sex from V15 through to V17).

Sometimes they both go in for a threesome, which is a semi special occasion, pic related.
Is something wrong with a man having 2 loving wives? lol
Who wouldn't want to self insert as that vs living in the reality of having a non-virgin fake wife with bad carfax?
MT is so controversial, I love it.
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Is polygamy really so controversial in this? It's a fantasy world. I wonder what it'd be like if they adapted the rest of Bookworm. Would people be crying about half of the male adult characters having like three wives + concubines?
Norn was just angry her dad died and wanted someone to blame for it, or someone to share her pain. Meanwhile what the fuck did she do? Sit home while the man of the house was out risking his life. Notice how none of the other party who watched Paul die blamed Rudy, because they were there for it. She wasn't.
Because Rudy made her stay home. He was going to bitch out and follow Hitogami's advice until Norn tried to go and help by herself.
Isn't that a series with a female MC? It's okay when a girl does it.
>MT is so controversial, I love it.

Is it? While I wouldn't say I "like" Rudy as a character, I appreciate he's not a milquetoast isekai MC.
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not of her own volition
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I guess that makes sense.
Season 3 kino soon

She would have been of zero help if she had been there. Would have gotten herself killed within five minutes.
he’s literally generic harem overpowered isekai MC
you’re full of shit
Wait one second, Ack Sean, is that you?
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The author knew that the harem would never work if Sylphy was anything other than a complete doormat, but he also wanted some kind of pushback otherwise it would have been too contrived. The solution was choosing the character with the least amount of authority and who's the easiest to discredit to speak up.
Truly a master of his craft.
Yes, she likely would. But that wasn't the question, the accusation was that she just sat around. When in truth she was going to go herself because Rudeus wasn't, she "sat around" because he forced her to.
Holy shit it is, the lolcow himself kek
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In a more down to earth scenario. Shilphy would dump him right away while also taking the house with her. Roxy would left him as well as she feel like she should not deserve him after making such a fuss in someone else's marriage. Then Rudy will eventually settle down with Eris years later, which would be a sloppy second from Luke at that point. But alas the MT audience couldn't stomach such realistic homewrecking scenario.
He got his father killed and almost died to some hydra, outta here with that muh overpowered angle lol guy's a glass cannon
>proceeds to lose every fight he's ever been in
>mormons are leftist
No, the accusation was that she was useless. And that doesn't change just because she wanted to become an even greater liability.
Sean is so retarded
haremcucks can never redeem themselves
It's funny because he did cry like this when fighting Auber
You're describing Muslims right now.
How is he so recognisable even when not screeching about his boyfriend?
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Norn is Rifujin’s self insert but Aisha is superior in every way
is there anything besides shipping crap in this novel?
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Romance/shipping or whatever you want to call it takes up very small amount of this series.
We just finished the prologue btw
They should all just sleep together.
Season 3 episode 5 or 6 is when the plot starts.
How many full seasons would it take to get to the ending, like 3 more?
A lot of anime generally has a protagonist-centric sense of morality. So even if someone is right, even if they make perfect sense and do nothing wrong they'll be wrong because something something DATESHITEMO.
Eris doesn't like to do that when she joins. Sylphie and Roxy would probably be fine with it though.
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Yes. There are moments of supreme comedic kino.
Harems are natural unlike womens rights. Feminist retards over taken the internet, by Allah.
Feminism being cancer doesn't make sandniggerdom not also cancer faggot.
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>pays for Eris's mistakes
she was robbed
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Eris doesn't like her. It would never work out.
by Odin then
>fucks wives and slaves and raided village teens
MT is just wish-fulfilment haremshit with extra steps.
Based Sara calling out the dumb gorilla.
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he is Eris's destined partner after all
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eris deserves the scolding
Look at those people. Imagine being a redditor plus isekaislop consumer plus pedoshit enabler plus cuckoldry supporter, all at once. How much more of a subhuman piece of garbage can one human possibly be?
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Eris still gets possessive.
Rudy is such a submissive wife.
>generic harem protag
He fucks and impregnates his harem in the middle of the story instead of at the end. And generic Harem protags only choose one girl at the end.
Uhhh.. continue on? What happens next?
How can anyone take this seriously when the MC looks and sounds like a middle-schooler?
You know the anime is good when 2 episodes soans hundreds of threads talking about it.
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it will be even worse as he gets older. They wont replace the va because they would have done it this season if they meant to
Mushoku tensei is a way better show than i imagined, the last 4 episodes were really good. The writting and direction is miles better than most isekai.
fuck the elf and miggers, without them eris would have non stop kids
>...and then Eris comes back and has to scold her and Roxy for staying back and twiddling their thumbs while "their" husband is in a life-and-death battle against Orsted
Should I finally give in and read the LN or wait for the manga to catch up?
Imaging arguing about this wish-fulfillment trash today instead of watching kino slayer

>but muh shonen slop
still miles better than this crap.
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>male seiyuu suck at little boy voices
>so the role is given to women
>but seiyuu nepotism and the Japanese unhealthy fear of not rocking the boat means that woman's claim on the role WILL be permanent
>Common sense
She's a hypocrite with no actual moral convictions. She's the equivalent of someone with an alcoholic father who they were just about to bring a six pack to seeing a guy drinking on his birthday and spazzing out at him because alcohol is evil.
*fear of rocking the boat
Imagine losing time with shit like kimetsu, it's even worth to be a wish fulfilment show, it's nothing, you get nothing from it.
LN >>>>> anime >>> manga
>male seiyuu suck at little boy voices
There's plenty that can do a well enough job, like the guy that did 9S in Nier Automata. Hopefully they do reauditions if they make a season 3 and replace Rudy VA with someone more fitting.
Can I look up until which volume the anime covered the story and keep reading from there or is the story of the LN told in a different chronological order?
Who cares
>tries to force Milis ideology on everyone else
>breeds with a demon
I dislike hypocrites
The anime adapted to vol 12. Start with vol 13 if you want to continue where it ended.
Everyone recommends starting from vol 1 though since the anime skipped a ton of things.
no sex during pregnancy or period.
>Shilphy would dump him right away while also taking the house with her
>Taking the House
>Nigger doesnt know about Oldeus Timeline
good luck
hwo come the nigga with one of the most "im the villain" designs is soooo fucking wholesome?
Or failing that just have Sugita do it all
Seeing so many people mad at MT makes me feel kind of happy knowing the series lives rent free in their heads.
This. Where are these insufferable fucking moralfaggots coming from? Only issue is cheating on his wife, but that's not what these gnats are actually mad about, just the idea of him having multiple wives.

You don't belong on /a/.
I love how much seething Rudeus GreyChad squeezes out each season kek
Bro just wants to cook.
Babyvoices on grown men is honestly the number one most retarded thing regarding Nip voice acting
the holy trinity of isekino: mushoku, rezero, konosuba
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Nothing, it isn't about him fucking them that time, it's about chatting regarding his upcoming fight with Orsted and that he's likely going to die. Also that they're going to write to Eris.

Pic related is how the chapter ends though.
what about frieren
assuming you are not retarded or trolling.
explain how is Frieren an isekai
Heh, you fool. I'm both.
>his fucked up views on cheating
"My body my choice" applies to sexual relationships too, faggot. A pinky promise in front of a priest doesn't override that.
No pregnancy sex is dumb, there's nothing wrong with it. It's actually healthy.
Is MT just another sword art online? I see it every where but I see the words harem and isekai and lose interest.
>hiatus between seasons was too long
>dropped the interesting characters (ruijerd and eris)
>replaced them with a bunch of boring characters I don't give a fuck about
>too much filler
>MC went full 50 year old pedophile
>QUALITY everywhere
I dropped this shit early on in season 2
>Saint Millis gave an ornamental necklace to *her* most beloved
>who gave *him* a kiss on *his* forehead and wished for *his* return
>When Saint Millis was in danger, *her* beloved one
>The priest hands over the necklace to the *groom* who puts it on *her* bride.
whoever wrote this drivel should kill themselves because they clearly dont understand how pronouns work
explain that to people that think PTSD is cause by a curse
I said in more realistic scenario. Even Oldeus timeline is still wish fulfilment bullshit with Eris died unmarried as somehow she still went for Oldeus for the rest of her life. A realistic MT would have Rudy married with sloppy second Eris ending and raised Luke's children after getting dumped by Shilphy and Roxy.

God, just imagine the shitstorm had it happened
Lex was right about this shitshow
By "realistic" you mean "modern-day westernized".
It is to Rudy that doesnt have touki
Now imagine Paul having sex with fragile pregnant zenith and activating touki. RIP her
The “it’s a fantasy world” thing is an excuse only the left is apparently allowed to use
>yes it’s a fantasy world, this character can stay a big fatso and still be a strong soldier without suffering none of the problems caused from obesity. Stop being fat phobic
>yes it’s a fantasy world, people with different colors simply spowned and dance cumbaya togheter since their creation instead of coming from different backgrounds and places. Stop being racist

>this male character is living a poligamus marriage, which according to the lore of the world is a thing culturally accepted alongside monogamous as long you aren’t part of a specific cult?!
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god I want Norn to scold me like that
Rudy has all the luck
Can’t wait to see his retarded shenaningans animated
Love him
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That whole volume will benefit immensely from an anime adaption.
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Do you have the bit after it? Where Rudeus is thinking about how Orsted put his hand through her chest to kill her not to make sure she died Orr as a particular punishment, but just because it was the quickest and most efficient way to delete her.
I really hope that the team that animated the first Orsted fight does this
I cannot wait for this and it had better be fucking kino. Begin with the JOLT as everybody suddenly comes in range of Orsted's curse. And then the steadily worsening horror, culminating in the doors opening and the nightmare of nightmares walking in then just putting his hand through the chest of the Water God in one shot. Fuck they had better do it right.
>>268329430 >>268332988
>>268329458 >>268329624
>>268329546 >>268329522
>>268329600 >>268328507
It's just so funny how totally mentally unstable you are, !Akemi. You literally can't even sort of function normally. Can never hold real discussion. And have total mental break downs when people go against your safe space.
>still zero examples
You literally know nothing about history, and just delude yourself into thinking there are people out there that validate your mental illness and fetishes.
>Wants to be a Ninja but the profession doesnt exists yet
MT's harem is unusual in that there's only one girl at any given time orbiting the protag. Until very recently, and he actually marries them now.
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>MC went full 50 year old pedophile
>two loli wives + daughter-wife
I wonder why this isn't discussed more.
Did all twittertrannies drop the show already?
You seethe every time you see anything with a harem in it thoughever. Sounds like you're upset about your safe space being violated to me
Nothing like that on the next page I think you're misremembering.
>nufag pretending to be cool
your cracker ass is not fitting in, you will always be a outsider twitter tard
>35 year old antisocial NEET virgin with no skills, social or otherwise
>gets isekaid and becomes super powerful and popular and multiple wives and everybody loves him
it would've been more realistic, and funnier, if he was a loser and a failure in the new world too
What's it like constantly coping with your shit life by screaming "reee!! ur seething!!" at everything you don't like?
fair, but for all his talents he couldn't even leave his house in the beginning
roxy had to un-neet him manually
>author use self aware
>is unaware
so stupid and fuck this show
I guess so, I was sure it was in Vol 17 though.
still holds true to this day
just change it to something more time relevant like Bocchi the Rock or Frieren
Is there anyone denying it's a wish fulfillment show? The guy literally goes from a fat ugly Asian bastard to a handsome Aryan wonderboy.
Only you have meltdowns when people post things you don't like. Mass quoting, spamming, reposting your deleted posts, and seething for well over 10 hours straight, is something only you do, Crack-kun. That's something no Akemi does. Why are you seething so much?
Ack btfo...
>He fucks his mom, sisters, step-mom, and daughters right?
only one daughter
guess which one
Who the fuck is Akemi and why do you mass reply like that?
His Fregoli delusion boogeyman
I'm sorry that you were born in the XXI century America anon, but this kind of shit is not normal
thanks for the (you)'s ack
Mass quoting = very triggered
Thoughts on Shuuichi winning?
funny because /jp/'s エロゲスレ basically fits that last one
They could post on 4chan
No, but "wish fulfillment" isn't a valid criticism.
Luke died with Ariel and Sylphy and the whole reason she got stronger is her autism for swords and Rudy's dick. Try again.
Why does a delusional rage-bait thread about something that didn't even happen in the show have so many replies? And no, I'm not reading a word more of this shit thread.
It is though because wish fulfillment is objective loser/failed human shit.
No, it's a buzzword for people who want to complain but can't formulate their issues coherently.
venting about fiction probably helps them to not shoot up a school
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>Sword Art Online
Remember that this is a harem story not a polyamory story
The dog can sleep outside the house, inside a kennel
Is that a MALE CHARACTER!?!?
Is that a MALE CHARACTER having GOOD THINGS happening to him!?!?!
NOT HIM!!!!!!
i dont get it. is this your own post that you screencapped?
If you use any of those buzzwords its an automatic concession. No one would ever want to wish to be a loser who is constantly getting fucking mogged in fights on top of getting his own dad killed.
pretty much. I think we've managed to pull in every femanon on this website.
Honestly that's more interesting than a generic bland adult male voice. She pretty much made the character her own at this point so why bother changing it
Do you not understand that animators can trace copy and scale their own work? They dont have to free hand every line, especially in frame by frame anime.
There's a growing amount of people on /a/ who are realizing the truth about sao.
Woman moment to be sure.
Aww, !Akemi is having a total mental break down and projecting his rage onto everyone who says anything he doesn't like.
huh? sao has been ridiculed since it came out. but people stopped caring so its threads are left alone. you were just late to the party.
More people who compare things to sao or call sao an isekai are getting mocked for being retarded.
I hate such depravity and accept i am like that. Nta but the thing that pisses me off is not the depravity but the cult of betrayal. It would be easier to swallow without vows to the contrary, and unlike rudys mom having a slut slave do all of her responsabilities its hard to think of rudy as having a comparable excuse.
We're in a world where everyone is consuming rom com slop and then freaking the fuck out when we get rom com slop that actually goes all the way instead of blue balling.
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the deathcult absolutely hates the idea of people forming families and having children. the entire political purpose of the lgbt movement is designed to normalize childlessness. western birthrates are below replacement level not because 'rich people in first world countries prefer to have less kids' but because our entire society has been slowly but intentionally propped up to discourage reproduction.

people think sex is for enjoyment, for fun, for recreation. Both the state run school and the popular culture constantly reinforce this by implying that sex is about 'love' or 'enjoyment' when in reality its suppose to be about reproduction. You are taught from an early age that you should always 'use protection' as if a baby was some kind of illness or disease and if you some how 'have an accident' and make a new life, you are suppose to instantly consider killing it.

If MT was about some loser reincarnating into a fantasy world and just having a harem with 3 chicks, nobody would give a fuck. But Rudeus dares to be a responsible loving husband and father and thats dangerous for our democracy.
Shit that never happened for 500. Women got harsh punishments for adultery because of succession disputes. In every day life when that didnt happen female transgressions were swept under the rug by simps and cucks as usual. Even ghengis fucking khan was one and you think he is a tolerant guy?
>theres no some kingdoms, theres one or two.
Youve gone from being unassailably right to leaving your fortress of truth to go get dismembered in detail.
Ack, calm down please
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And I know you're right because what you just mentioned has been a thing for a long time when anyone mentions MT.
Fighting family values is #1 trait of a fujo MT detractor.
If rudy or the wives sing hes not a real halal mudslime.
Quoting = baited
Replying = triggered
Why do you spend so much effort posting twice in the same minute? It never fools anyone into thinking you are multiple people.

You still have yet to give a single named example of your case, and just keep repeating yourself.

And of course, like always, you will never make anyone mad.
It's funny how desperate your coping devices are, !Akemi. You literally can't function without deluding yourself into thinking other people are mad.
So is ack just the guy who posts the shitty /pol/tard pasta in every mushoku thread? I noticed he spammed this one after posting it in another.
I'm not the anon you're arguing with. I'm just here to bait you with some classics, Degeneracy-kun.
>Reddit spacing
>they dont all sleep in one bed kawa style
Rudy should be put to death desu senpai.
It's great how you have such simple stock phrases that you spam at everything you dislike because you can't figure out how to make actual valid arguments.

You can't bait anyone, !Akemi. You're too retarded. And so you cope by pretending "replying means baited."
It's over? I don't have to see isekai pedoshit on /a/ every fucking day? Thank god.
I dont even tolertate her abandoning her family.
No it wasnt you goal post moving kike.
>>268318328 This one? If so, yes. He often joins these threads to call the series degenerate.
"ack" is something the mentally ill freak you're replying to made up out of whole cloth. Ask him for proof his boogieman is real and the best you will get is a deleted pastebin with a list of posts he doesn't like where he claims they are all the same person.

You will never fit in here, !Akemi.
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You'll get to see it for the rest of your life considering we're getting a full adaption.
This show brings in the worst newfags ive ever seen.
You will never make anyone think "ack" is real, !Akemi.
I got filtered by kid Rudy. What a manipulative piece of shit. 10 more volumes of him getting handed more happiness after all that disgusting behavior. Such an inspirational story!
Wow, this shit if fucking pathetic. It's literally just a sexual fetish power fantasy for perma virgin losers trying to live vicariously through low effort picture books.
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Yeah he posted that copypasta elsewhere before this thread got active again.
I suppose sexless autists aren't anything new here, but I'll never understand why someone latches onto a series they actually hate instead of seeking something they enjoy instead.
Abridged Kirito is a better bestgirl than all of the characters put together.
The truth is that abridged is just superior
Hes not a responsible father thoughbeit? Tranny janny pleas go.
Nice deleted pastebin that is nothing but a list of posts where you cry about them hurting your feelings. Not a single thing in this is a fact, or proof of anything. It's literally all just you making baseless claims.
Honestly that guy might not make it.
But at least he'll make it to S3 when MT will be dubbed as anime of the decade considering what's being adapted.
Funny how there's more outrage at Rudeus taking Roxy as his second wife after owning up he cheated while emotionally at his weakest and not last week where it was shown to animeonlies that Roxy came onto him first.
Yes? Who do you think the audience is for self insertion isekai sloppa?
Actually it's not really "common" sense since the millis believers are the only one who strictly believe in having a single partner only in the six faced world
Hello, !Akemi. No one is triggered by any of your posts. You are not "just posting the color green". You are pretending it represents Majima, and you think you make people mad by posting Majima. Because you are desperate to think you are an "epic troll" you refuse to accept you fail.
>>268339443 (Me)
The poster in question isn't reprimand Rudeus, but calling out how out of context, this sounds wild. The words on that tweet really shows the tourists though.
needs correction. big superd cock will teach her to behave.
Sara is a bitch all the way through, compare her reaction to Sylphie's when Rudy couldn't get it up. They were both virgins, similar situation yet one allowed him to explain his situation and genuinely cared for him. If Sara weren't attractive no one would defend her
That's literally how bumpslut operates. I've been shitting him down for years though he's finished.
seriously ack, how badly does one have to fail at life to be this unreasonably angry at some illusionary anon, and an Isekai anime that you have to come into every single thread to post how much you hate it.
I dont watch this show so i dont care but im not shocked that this is true. None the less i completely stand by what i said. That entire family should be put to death. They do not have real values. The children will grow up thinking the entire home is a frustrated mormon hovel instead of seeing that all the wives care for one another. Imagine needing to sleep in seperate rooms and beds. This kind of shit and rudys mom taking on a maid to do all of her own chores are exactly the kind of cancer that leads to the onslaught of valid roasty complaining. Adults always do this shit. Fill their childrens lives with divorce at worst or empty family homes of people living increadibly seperate lives.
yeah she wasnt a good match
her rudeness reminded him of eris but she didn't have that loveable tard energy
Objectively, irrespective of precedent, what's wrong/immoral about harems?
You, !Akemi, will never accept that no one is mad because this is the only way you're able to cope and avoid killing yourself. And of course, you will never stop deluding yourself into thinking that everyone who says anything you dislike is the same person.
I am suprised people care more about the harem than Roxy corny love at first sight bullshit and grieve sex. Maybe the execution is better in the webnovel
Real harems are bad for economy and dating market.
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That's just projection from your side because this story actually tackles the growth of his kids especially in redundancy and we know exactly how they grow up
Yeah, totally. The harem should have sex in front the children to show how much they all love each other. That will create of a healthy home life and children with good moral values. Totally.
>this is the only way you're able to cope and avoid killing yourself
damn anon, seek professional help
She apparently wasn't in the WN either right? I've only been reading the LN so I can't say for sure. But you simply can't introduce her with major plot changes, she was a stepping stone in the story and you don't really have to wife any woman that shows some interest in you in the first place. I'd say they would've broken up after a few years at best
Ack-kun, stop this, it's not healthy
Uhhh, Aisha? What are you doing there?!
Objective unfaithful by sheer premise of what a harem is.
Built in unfairness and uneven relationships.
Built in weak and shallow relationships due to not being faithful.
Broken pair bonding psychology.
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Women who dont deserve to procreate get bred on the sexual whims of retards without the capacity for delayed gratification. Its possible you can avoid this outcome but realistically you cant have a system like that and expect only the smart men to benefit. The retards are going ti sew their seed. Its only lately when women have gotten so bad that men are just letting them hold their bags as their sexual market value and reproductitu is in free fall. The more this happens the better off women will be in the long run. Traditional values are harder to justify when population isnt needed and most work women are mentally and physically able to do is automated. Basically the only way forward for roasties is through.
>gets called out on being totally unable to accept that he's not make anyone mad
>responds by screaming at people that they are mad
It's hilarious how this is literally the one thing you've done with your life for the past 11 straight years.
It's just green, why are you so triggered by it nigga. Your schizo theory is just that
Learn what kawa style is.
>um ackshully the childless virgin who wrote this said they grew up fine.
>ack is not real
you know, when there are websites outside of 4chan that are documenting some of your obvious posting history, you really can't pretend to be some sort of internet cryptid
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>Sieghart Saladin Greyrat
If you think it's so great, why haven't you converted to Islam or Mormonism yet?
Its a bot retard. Ack died.
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Are you talking about Sieg by any chance?
The 5th of the Great World Powers, spawn of the Magic King and 7th of the Great World Powers, Quagmire Rudeus Greyrat, the fang of the Dragon God, 2nd of the Great World Powers Orsted?

About the North Emperor crowned by the former 7th of the Great World Powers, North God Kalman III, son of Kalman II, son of Kalman I and Demon King Atoferatofe Raibaku, sister of the 3rd of the Great World Powers, Fighting God Demon King Badigadi, fiancée of the Demon Realm's Great Empress, Kishirika Kishirisu of the 12 Demon Eyes.

You know, the man raised by the King class royal magician of Shirone's court, Roxy Migurdia Greyrat, the Mad Sword King, Eris Greyrat, and the King class water magician Sylphiette Greyrat, former bodyguard of the current ruler of Asura Kingdom, Asura Queen Ariel Anemoi Asura.

The man whose origins trace back to prestigious noble houses from Asura and Millis, as well as Elinalise Dragonroad, the S ranked adventurer formerly known as Rostelina, servant and experiment of the 1st and 4th of the Great World Powers, Demon-Technique Dragon God Laplace, whose essence flows within his own veins in form of the "Laplace Factor".

Yes, the underdog sibling of the head of the famous Rudo Mercenary Company, Ars Greyrat, of one of the consort princesses of Asura, Christina Anemoi Asura, of the daughter-in-law of the pope of Millis Cliff Grimoire, Lucy Grimoire, and even of the legendary chosen hero of the beast race who will save the world accompanied by the mythical divine beast, Lara Greyrat.

Indeed, I'm talking about the comrade of Pax Junior, the son of the princess of Kingdragon Kingdom, Benedikte Kingdragon, as well as Pax Shirone, the fallen righteous king from Shirone Kingdom, younger brother of the blessed child and famous and revolutionary inventor and producer of automatons, the war hero Zanoba Shirone.
For the former daily reminder that music is illegal in muslim land.
It's fucking hilarious how the post you're replying to predicted exactly how you would respond, and you're so mentally ill and stupid that you can't even sort of break your scripted behavior.

And no, !Akemi. Your kiwifarms thread that you made is not people "documenting" your boogieman. And even on kiwifarms people there told you that you have no proof "ack" is real.
>what's wrong/immoral about harems?
3 body problem.
Harems unironically works if there is a primary wife.
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The boy baptized by the slayer of Laplace, the man who marked an entire era, the master of the flying fortress, Sky Castle [Chaos Breaker], none other than the Armored Dragon King Perugius Dola himself. Yes, all this time I have been talking about the nephew of the mysterious shady hero who aided Perugius in his final battle, the leader of the Superd tribe, Ruijerd Superdia.

The hero that smashes evil, the ally of justice, the black knight of the Order of Dragon Knights, the conqueror of the dark tribes and wielder of the sword that reveals itself under the moon, [Moonlight Darksword], the fearless man who withstands even Orsted, the most dangerous creature of this world, unfazed, the one and only Death God Sieghart Saladin Greyrat!
ACC is alive and I know because I bait and trigger him frequently. Solar beam!
>Abridged kirito is good
My fucking sides
Oh yeah why do people say Rudeus isn't OP when he literally becomes top 7 because of his inborn magic bullshit?
>ctrl+f slop
>ctrl+f pedo
I can only imagine the sate of upcoming monogatari shit threads
Why are people pretending to be upset about this? MT has been around long enough everyone already knew Rudy was going to get a harem.
>i- i am epic troll meme!!! i- i win because i say so!!
It's just a bot. It never actually changes up the posts. And yes, some people are ill enough to pay for VPNs. There's this argentinian schizo shitting up a nord general on /int/ for 4 years straight, constantly changing IP while at it.
Because some Norwegian said the schizo wasn't welcome to their general once.
Get out of here kyoukonigger
Hey, retard bro. Can you explain something to me?
What thought process goes through your head when you go around screaming at people that they are mad when they say things you like are mad?
Like, do you actually think "mad = wrong" and that somehow validates you?
There is no such thing as "posting style", !Akemi. You literally get mad over stand format English.
>he likes milqtoadtrito
Lol. Lmao. Kirito is great. Abrdiged didnt just make sword art better, they saved kirito. They made the worst character in the entire show the best.
What the fuck are you even trying to say schizo?
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When I was younger anytime a serious discussion came on, children were told to go out and play because the adults are going to talk but here they actively let this child participate in the conversation like she has any say on the matter. Most retarded shit I've seen.
What I said is extremely simple, and the fact you're confused by it only shows how mentally inept you are.

You very clearly have the coping device "people who says things i dislike are mad. mad = wrongs. People who don't things i don't like a mad, thus wrong". It's literally circular logic used to cope.
It knows too much about ACK history to be a bot.
Bot post.
Go be trans somewhere else
Anyone with a tiny bit of attention would have picked up on "history" within 6 months of lurking.
Copycatting and making bots isn't something hard to master
I'm not that schizo kek
The holy FPBP
>!Akemi copy pasting his own shitposts from the thread he mad to try and pretend people actually agree with him that his boogieman is real
Hey, !Akemi. Why isn't it possible for people to identify you by your "posting style"? People have spelled out the way you act in every single one of your posts. And your only response is screaming "schizo". While you on the other hand think countless different people are "ack" all because they used normal format English and tell you to stop shitposting.
anon, Rudeus is 17 himself and was just put in the role of the head of the family, cut him some slack
Reddit also breathes oxigen. You should stop doing that too ASAP
reddit likes anime too? Guess we gotta go do something else now huh
It's just so funny how all of your posts are short mindless garbage that you spam as fast as you can because you think it's "proof" you're more than one person.
Not true at all. He makes references to things only someone who's been around a long time or has spent a lot of time searching the archives would know.
It's just so funny how your posts are short mindless garbage that you spam as fast as you can because you think it's "proof" you're not many people.
It's too true. I can't stop my hateboner though. Reading it fuels my shitposting.
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Sylphie is like barely an elf. And Sieg's genes were diluted even further.
Also he has the blessings of the CEO of racism so he's gucci.
removing IP counter was the worst decision ever
Mormons are dorky fags that get cucked all the time. Muslims actually are pretty cool, but they're ONLY allowed 4 wives!
Muslims banned music. Theyre sandniggers
Gotta make sure the political shill agencies gets an easier time pushing narratives on 4chan after all.
The OnlyFans ad money ain't cutting it for rapeape.
>T. The blackest guy on 4chan
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Your sons name? It's Saladin, no need to thank me.
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very well, carry on then
question For how long has Geeze being a disciple or more like, is he Always one of just On/Off???
have you seen the lyrics to songs these days
maybe muslims were right all along
who is the main audience for this?
Otaku isekai enjoyers.
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Yes buddy, you cracked it.
Every single person on 4chan agrees with you except for one single samefag spammer
I agree that it was wrong for Rudy to sit his sisters down for the adult conversation that was none of their business. It shows how his inexperience leads to not making the best decisions and having the right words to say a lot of the time, and the pace he finds himself having important conversations and making consequential life decisions at. Ankther example, how he totally stumbled over his words asking Roxy to marry him and she had to be excessively patient. More believable than most shows where the writer hashes out the ideal plan to overcome a major challenge and writes that the MC came up with it in half a second and executed it flawlessly.
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Since the very beginning of this story.
Geese is a sociopath who only ever cares about living for as long as possible and despite Hitogami constantly fucking him over, he was always ensured to survive as long as he followed Hitogami's orders. Geese has no talent and as such he would have most definitely died as soon as he ran away from his village if not for Hitogami and he could have died many times after had he not listened to Hitogami. Since his number one goal is to live as long as possible (preferably while living out his adventurer fantasies and gambling), he is eternally grateful to Hitogami. The only other person he ever felt gratitude toward was Paul since he took him into his party despite having no talent thus fulfilling Geese's fantasy of being an adventurer. Since Geese is a sociopath, this gratitude only extended to Paul and not to any of his friends and family which is why he doesn't mind killing Rudy if hito orders it and the other Greyrats. He also couldn't really turn to anyone else for help escaping Hitogami's influence

Also how do you think he managed to find him in the great forest? He mentions this in vol 21 as well.
Although at that time the objective was to help Rudeus because it was imperative for Hito to get Ruijerd to central continent while he was still using Rudy to change various events for the future.

As for what happened in the labyrinth I'm pretty sure Geese wasn't under any orders whatsoever although that comment he made in the labyrinth for Rudeus to trust his instincts and find Roxy does imply he actually knows about their fate.
Which would further imply he actually wanted them to hook up after which hito would initiate the rat plan since fate is the weakest during pregnancy and we get the oldeus timeline(anyhow ignore the last part you still won't get it yet)

tldr: yes
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Japanese people.
Im white but i would rather be the blackest gorilla nigger in the world than hate music
The problem isn't so much that the story is harem slop, because there's tons of acceptable harem slop out there, it's that the story begins as a coming of age story that develops into a love story, but then the author inserts some absolutely retarded bullshit to turn it into harem slop that absolves Rudeus of any sin of cheating on his wife.

Fortunately people will realize how dogshit the writing gets when Eris decides to spend a few nights at the Greyrat brothel and forces herself into the harem very early into next season
Bumpslut kid listen everyone agrees that MT is a masterpiece ok? Give it a rest.
>have you eaten garbage lately? Maybe mudslims where right about starving ourselves to death.
In truth, Isekai is a tool to demoralize and push losers into suicide to rid society of dead weight.
Slowly the realization will dawn upon the lonely unloved virgin that he will NEVER be the MC, his hand will never be dealt a strong card, and only in death will he escape this cruel world to be reborn in a magical world where he's suddenly the most amazing man in the realm. And that's when the depression sets in, intrusive thoughts of escaping this life making their way...
Roxy has a love story, Eris and Sylphie have fucked up interactions with a man masquerading as a child and end up obsessed with him forever.
I meant
Orsted Said Hito can only have 3 apostles at the time.
Does he always kept Geeze/ Y/ Z

Or did he drop Geeze at moments and went with X/Y/Z instead?
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Can't wait for Eris to come in and see the reactions.
>roxy has a love story
Roxy has a rape story. Rudeus was infatuated with her going through his childhood but it had been like a decade since then.
So when do they start working? The intrusive thoughts i mean. Ive had bad ones since childhood but none the less i cant muster up anything but aversion ti suicide. Seems like a half baked plan at best if someone as hopeless and pathetic as me isnt affected.
How long do elves lives in MT? How long will Sylphie live?
I'm positively sure he always keeps Geese, always.
After all he is extremely resourceful and even Orsted despite knowing basically every single apostle that exists could not out Geese.
The perfect sleeper agent.
All three wives had creepy starts but Roxy's was the nicest, even though it was literally fated and not up to Rudy. They were fucking.
easily assume centuries (if not millennia)
But Sylphy is only 1/4 Elf
Most men fail to compete now in countries where monogamous marriage is mandated by law. Should the men and women who want to marry and reproduce be disincentivized from doing that? Should women be left out of the equation be childless or single mothers instead?
It's a poor love story.
Sylphie's love story is actually decent. Eris's is pretty shit too but unlike Roxy you can at least sort of twist it as she never got over Rudy, but in no way would Rudy have not gotten over her
How do you not feel pathetic for living your life like this, !Akemi?
Apparently Mormons use harems as bait to get people to join. But most young men end up with the mandated village uggos while the elders take the prettiest girls.
I take it none of you guys are gonna watch season 3 then? Thanks, then I can enjoy it in quietude.
Well i'll be damned, FPBP once again
>only left in the first place because of Norn
>goes illegal stuff to get there
>comforts his drunkard father
>helps them navigate the dungeon
>recovers lost party member
>is a key part of the fighting force
>comes up with the plan to beat the hydra
>beats the hydra
>loses his arm
>father dies protecting him, leaving him fatherless and with survivors guilt
>has to watch his fathers corpse burn
>decades of depression and self loathing resurfaces
>girl who herself was depressed over nothing and was just waiting at home now tells you that you had it easy
Anyone who thinks Norn was talking sense here is an absolute brainlet. Her own father had two wives and her sister from the second wife was right next to her while she spouted her bullshit. She was a hypocrite and speaking purely on emotion.

See you when s3 comes out
I don't frequent the mushoku threads but why is the yurifag shitting up mushoku threads now?
I'll watch it, unless I finally decide to isekai myself before the season's premiere.
All 3 had decent starts to their romances

Roxy was the magic teacher he greatly admired and they both respected each other for years. Rudeus became the man of her dreams and through tragedy grew closer. As anon said before, they were destined to fuck.

Sylphiette was the poor, bullied childhood friend who grew attached to Rudy because he was her first friend, taught her incantation-less magic, and being the only hope spot in her rather bleak life outside her parents. While apart, she grows up into a mature, dependable, and sweet person who Rudeus gets attracted to. Their romance is probably the most rom-com.

Eris really fumbled the bag with Rudeus for being the first (and most likely only) wife. She spent the most time with Rudeus, grew up together with him, was taught by him, traveled together with him, and they both naturally fell in love with each other. Had she not left him and stayed, he would have absolutely stayed loyal to her and she wouldn't have accepted any other wives into the family.
How lucky for him that they never meet anyone as awesome as him. What were the odds.
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What do you mean?
There are many people who hook up in this series you know including Ariel who has the all you can eat cock buffet every day.
The only ones Rudy ends up with are Eris Roxy and Sylphie.
What do you mean what were the odds they were all deeply involved in his life.
>and through tragedy grew closer.
Though tragedy she raped him, he wanted to move on, but she acted suicidal and forced her way into the harem
>Had she not left him
Yea, but she did, made him an emotional wreckage, and be moved on. No normal person would want to go back to her
I blame Trash Taste for bringing their normalnig faggotry with them to the subculture.
Sylphie being a cuck doormat is the worst thing desu.

O-oh yeah, you should fuck other women because I'm useless and you're just so great pleasedontleavemeimnothing...
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Because it feels artificial. Sylphie never had a crush on any handsome superstar magician, Roxy with all her blandness never met anyone she could connect with, just this OP kid who turned out to be a son of her friends and Eris the dumbass stayed as a loyal dog and her personal life never developed. It's a word that has been conjured for the MC to be in its centre just like in any other bland isekai.
Of course it was. Rudeus is the chosen one that will sire Hitogami's killer. It's fate, bro.
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Sylphie was groom'd, Paul had to seperate them because she couldn't even thing independently anymore and was almost like a slave.

Eris was also groom'd but it took some effort there because she's like a wild animal.

As for Roxy Rudy was counter groom'd hence the obsession to her as a goddess. It all makes perfect sense.
>Millis tard spotted
>too much filler
There's no filler, everything is important for what will happened next.
>it feels artificial
Is this your first anime or something?
kirito asuna is artificial
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This. Pretty much every single thing that happens is extremely important and they even cut out some stuff that would be important.
The only thing that is not important are Linia and Pursena.
Otherwise literally EVERYTHING is important. You as a watcher just don't realize it yet.
Watch abridged
No ammount of cope or dead seasons will make me watch this slop. I will wait for otome survival to be animated.
only trannies cant separate reality from fiction, and their suicide rates are already high, so I don't think theres an actual point
>le abridged is better than original and uses its characters better or something because they all act like sociopaths which they realistically would become given the circumstances
that only serves as a testament to how shit SAO was
>Roxy was the magic teacher he greatly admired
Worshipped, after she cured his agoraphobia.
We were denied the true love story of what would happen when Rudy and Roxy met each other again on the demon continent, and together with Elinalise and Tallhand (and Eris and Ruijerd) returned to the central continent. Hitogami fucked it up, so destiny had to do a quick and dirty solve.

He carried her panties with him the entire time, he definitely was still obsessed with her.
>Pushing reddit tier fanfic garbage
fuck off
You're right I always see people seething about pictures of people with families of 10+ kids, how do you get that brainwashed
I don't think 4chan basement trolls are representatives of democracy.
They associate it with poverty and backwardness.
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>All 3 had decent starts to their romances
Roxy did not start seeing Rudy as a MANLY MAN until she was saved by him in the labyrinth, they proceed to get married 4 episodes later.
>aisha’s hand
He becomes top 7 because he last hits a strengthtard after literally everybody he knows tires him out, wiki-kun
Eris wasn't groomed lol
Why would it be hard to keep them under control?
It's more than likely MTL'd
Chills when he bit Orsted's boot and his arm started glowing...
He's killed 10's of thousands...
You same faggots would be calling it shitty misery porn instead.
We got a real fippy bippy right here.
Only the youngest daughter grows up to become a slut.
>Should the men and women who want to marry and reproduce be disincentivized from doing that? Should women be left out of the equation be childless or single mothers instead?
>he would have absolutely stayed loyal to her and she wouldn't have accepted any other wives into the family.
both statements are wrong.
4 Episodes but 5+ Months in-universe time.
>>only left in the first place because of Norn
>>goes illegal stuff to get there
>>comforts his drunkard father
>>helps them navigate the dungeon
>>recovers lost party member
>>is a key part of the fighting force
>>comes up with the plan to beat the hydra
>>beats the hydra
>>loses his arm
>>father dies protecting him, leaving him fatherless and with survivors guilt
>>has to watch his fathers corpse burn
>>decades of depression and self loathing resurfaces
>>girl who herself was depressed over nothing and was just waiting at home now tells you that you had it easy
>Anyone who thinks Norn was talking sense here is an absolute brainlet. Her own father had two wives and her sister from the second wife was right next to her while she spouted her bullshit. She was a hypocrite and speaking purely on emotion.
I'll be using this.
still forced and off screen, for a girl who was fated to marry rudy the author did a piss poor job with her. also roxy is half of the story irrelevant
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I couldn't fucking believe his wife was ok with it. I already knew what was going to happen but that entire interaction was so mind-numbingly absurd I actually cringed.
How the fuck did Rudius find the only women in the entire universe that would not be jealous of another woman? You can stretch the suspension of disbelief only so much.
Fucking lol'd so hard when they pulled that.
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>MTfags constantly talk about how down to earth and realistic it is
>He cheats on his pregnant wife who is shown to be extremely jealous of other women but is completely fine with him cucking her and marrying the homewrecker
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She knew the kind of man she was marrying
>>He cheats on his pregnant wife who is shown to be extremely jealous of other women but is completely fine with him cucking her and marrying the homewrecker
She isn't fine with it, inwardly she's putting on a front outwardly.
Did he have the Paul lecture flashback in LN too? I don't remember.
How though? All she did was marry royalty.
She marries into the most degenerate family in the entire world. She's definitely getting fucked sideways by all the males and females there like her whore Mother-in-Law aka the Queen of Asura.
She married into nobility, the people with the most degenerate fetishes alive. I bet Edward got some kinks of his own and is into orgies and bukkake.

Sieg was almost reeled in by Sariel, but he went to help his bro instead. Bros before hoes.
This series really bends over backwards to not punish Rudy... even when he does get "punished" it's erased via time travel, none of his allies even die in the final battle.
Love won, get over it Christcuck.
>Not punished
>His dad is dead and his mom is a vegetable
Sure and next you're going to say that it's bad that something good happens to him and its not enough when something bad happens to him.
Sword art online doesn't have an actual harem you fucking brainless cuck. Kirito gets saddled in with the true mary sue self insert that is stronger than him and everyone loves.
>His dad is dead
So is Eris, Norn, Sylphie and Aisha, big whoop.
>Mom is a vegetable
He isn't even tasked with taking care of her he has a step mother that does all the work, big whoop.
Losing parents is punishment for bad actions.
Why did Grabel and Darius attempt to kill Ariel, but only wanted to get the other siblings out of the way without literally murdering them?
Why should he be punished for no reason? Suffering for the sake of suffering is just lame.
He should be punished because male BAD and female GOOD
What sort of punishment are you looking for?
Loss of friendships and Romantic companionship at the minimum. Castration and Divorce is what he deserves.
Now that's what i call some cuck mentality.
What were you expecting? We literally saw this situation play out before with Paul, Zenith, and Lilia, except Sylphy doesn't have the religious qualms Zenith had and the affair with Roxy had more mitigating circumstances than "Lilia got horny and deliberately left the door open to the bath and Paul swooped in".
That's stupid of you to think that.
Yeah and he'll gain new friends and bitches to fuck and we'll be right back here with your complaints.
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I never thought about it that way. Lilia and Paul were literally fucking out of pure lust with no love involved for the sole purpose of orgasms. Roxy fucked Rudy out of love and to take his mind off of his parent and killing himself via self inflicted malnutrition. They really are entirely different circumstances.
Nah, the most severe consequence within reason would've been Sylphy putting her foot down and saying "her or me", but that just wasn't in her character.
People are still bitching about this?
Lets say she did say "Her or Me", would Rudy leave is pregnant wife for Roxy? How would the rest of the story even play out if Sylphie made that ultimatum, I just know it would just be more depressing miserywank.
No pregnant woman in the universe would ever look at a husband that promised to be faithful to her, just to be lied too and cheated on and to say, "that's fine".
It's different when it's the loser protagonist, idiot. Paul was an attractive chad.
She would in a world without alimony.
She already had the princess to fall back too, so no, not really.
I was talking in general, but sure she can fall back on the princess and die, that would make for a more interesting story, all divorce roads lead to Oldeus timelines.
Most realistically, Rudy would just be in the dog house for a little while until Elinalise talked it out with Sylphy and smoothed things over, a la how Rudy held things together in his own family. Beyond that, it would start getting out of character for Sylphy to be totally unyielding after the shock wore off.
A lot of tourists for just this episode. Impressive.
>Rudy would just be in the dog house for a little while until Elinalise talked it out with Sylphy and smoothed things over
I don't hate the way it went down in the LN and Anime, but this would've 100% been better.
Paul dying caused some traffic too. Season 3 is gonna be great when we get to Oldeus.
If Sylphie was any other character who this happened to, sure, this seems like the decision to make the most sense from an outside lens. But because it isn't and considering her upbringing, this wouldn't have made sense .
Pretentious power fantasy slop. The redditors that watch this should stop pretending its more than it is.
>Society were polygamy is common
>Except in one religion
>Only the member of that religion has a problem with it.
So what's the issue?
Wrong, we hate key for betraying their eroge routes and there's only a couple of loud chuuniggers.
Well it would've just been a retread of Paul/Zenith/Lilia. I wonder if that's why the author leaned towards a smoother resolution. Reasonably, Sylphy was uniquely prepared for this exact situation, given who she is.
Outrage for the sake of outrage, mostly.
It's basically the same thing as when they bought Julie. It's a touchy subject and the morality of the situation isn't super clean. Plus the anime trimmed things down a bit as always, which didn't help.
I don't care about some fantasy world

polygamy is unrealistic IRL.
What about the places where it is/was practiced?
Then you probably should have avoided this series that signaled early on that polygamy was part of it.
Polygamy isn't common in MT, it just isn't looked down upon as morally wrong outside of Millis. Rudy himself being polygamous is retarded though.
So why are you in the thread about the fantasy world?
Tourists mostly

Anyone who has watched the series since the start isn't even remotely caught off guard by this.
Why are you watching a show beloved by tourists? Do you have normie taste?
every character introduced this season is filler
Zanoba will have an arc
Cliff will have an arc
Roxy nearly dies in Zanoba's arc

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