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Was Norn right?
>Having two wives is bad because... it is okay?
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it is when you cheat
>butting into others family affairs
She needs correction
>noooo you can’t tell your brother off for cheating on his wife with some skank
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She was right, but we operate in a world of moral relativism and everyone but her has had infidelity... Nornalized?
She literally thought Milphy was a skank when they first showed up this season.
you should keep your promises to people, especially if they're your pregnant wife
I understand how it happened but I'm still mad at Rudy
Can you retards stay in one thread and stop shitting up the catalog?
total. norn. death.
what kind of dumb name is norn anyways
Norn is based and will never accept a Migger joining the family
Norn loved her polygamous daddy, she just needs a moment to consider the migger possibility. A sudden loli can be a shock to the system.
Rudy gets to break his promises whenever he wants with no consequences because he has MC privilege.
It's more than that though, the story has been building these relationships for a while. Sylphie didn't just out of the blue accept this because he's the MC, she did it because the this is who Rudy is.
>she did it because the this is who Rudy is.
And she tolerate who he is because of his MC privilege.
No one asked for her opinion.
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realistically Norn has slicked to the sounds of Rudy fucking right?
Don't just use circular logic dismissively here. Sylphie grew up next to Rudy in a house with a polygamous relationship and saw that it worked for them. It's not a gigantic leap in logic to see that she could accept the same thing for herself.
remove mobile posters who can't open more than one thread on their shit devices from the board and watch all sorts of shit veiled generals disappear
older or even pre catalog /a/ were free of them and had multiple threads up for a single series, even if it didn't air that day or lacked popularity
>she did it because the this is who Rudy is.
She did it because she has low self esteem
She is not a real person. She's a character who's written like that because this is a harem show where MC has to have multiple wives. There's nothing more or less to it.
How convenient that this beautiful, talented girl with connections to a powerful and wealthy noble benefactor just so happens to have terrible self esteem which compels her to let her husband (who just happens to be the MC) break his promises to her and just instantly forgive him.
I didn't watch the episode but in the LN she says "I was worried you're gonna abandon me for her", and in other volumes it is shown that she feels jealousy. It does seem like she mostly accepted rudy because she's afraid of losing him, and that rudy deserves more than her in her self depreciating mindset.
That's definitely a big part of it. Rudy has been outshining her since day 1 really. Even that little comment about how she was happy her kid didn't have green hair made me feel a little bad for her. I'm sure she doesn't feel like she's good enough for Rudy.
How is this not bad? He left his pregnant wife because of an emergency, he had to rescue his Mom. Sure, that's understandable...But then he comes back and goes:
>"Darling, this is my old flame. I met on when we went to rescue my Mom. Also, we had sex after my dad died, it was a very emotional moment. I may have agreed to marry her, in the heat of the moment. That is, when I was balls-deep in her pussy."
>"You don't mind having a second wife join the family, do you?"
How is that remotely acceptable? It would be if your wife went off on an adventure, and then she comes back and says she wants to be in a polygamous relationship with Miguel, a strapping guy she met along the way who happens to be her ex.
Oh yeah, and they were already screwing. Just rabid animal sex, god knows how many times, when you were desperately worried for her.
You don't mind that, do you?
I can fit the pieces together logically for Sylphie and Roxy but I am really looking forward to how the hell Eris is going to fit into all of this.
Yeah that's why it sucks.
Men having multiple partners = skilled Chad
Women having multiple partners = easy, undesirable gross slut
Why? Because it's easy for women to have sex while it's hard for men. It's very simple.
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she's not a degenerate like Roxy
Norn has no right to say anything about Rudy's relationship. She's just upset that he's not a broken mess after Paul died.
>dad has two wives (not even mentioning how messed up Lilia's relationship with Paul was throughout her life)
>I love daddy :)
>brother has two wives

What was her problem?
god Norn is so fucking cute
oh this comment is from reddit
she's a child
also forgiving =/= condoning. dad was still a manwhore and I wouldn't want my brother go to down that path too.
Okay I'm a chud but she was right in this case, and it really just came down to bad timing. Imagine leaving your wife when she's pregant with your first baby and coming back with another woman and dropping this shit on her when she's literally due in a month, belly sticking out and everything.
He should've told Roxy to wait a while, at least until the baby is delivered. Just on principle, if nothing else.
I think her heart was in the right place but Sylphie calling her out for her not saying anything when Paul was the same was on target. Roxy has class though, she chose herself to wait til after the baby til marriage.
I can save her from this shitty show. She deserves to be in something more grounded.
She never felt inferior because of Rudy. We know this because when she lost the duel to him she didn't care at all. She just puts him on a pedestal because he's an ikemen and makes her feel safe.
Problem is that everything is going Rudy's way too easily.
Roxy is better. Simple as.
Yeah, except who was actually telling her that what Dad did was wrong? She was basically a toddler when the teleportation disaster happened. Not really old enough to pick up on any lingering bitterness Zenith might've had about the arrangement and I doubt Paul or Lilia were telling her it was a horrible thing.
Aside from his father dying in front of his eyes and his mother becoming a vegetable and losing one of his hands. No yeah, catching a break with Sylphy and Roxy is a step too far.
It doesn't really matter if she is "right" or not, it's not her relationship. What she thinks matters as much as some random person on the street.
I get the feeling Norn was only included in the conversation to create tension in the scene. If the scene was just "I want Roxy as 2nd wife" "Okay", it would've gone way too smoothly and been over in a second but if Norn is there to act as the moralfag strawman and then Sylphie steps in to stop her, it adds tension and also makes Sylphie appear to be the more "reasonable" person compared to Norn's butthurt outburst. A classic "I am silly" argument.
>losing one of his hands.
There's no way this is actually permanent right? I've been watching the whole time thinking that they would meet a convenient super healer on the way back home, that will be able to regrow his hand but I'm starting to have doubts
It's weird how people are projecting their own values onto other people and think Sylphy should be indignant, when she in reality doesn't care as much. Yes Rudy made a promise with her, but she never thought deeply about it. He just made that promise because that was what was normal in Japan. Is it bad to break a promise? Yeah. But I don't overreact and change my entire relationship with someone just because they made a promise I never expected them to keep. She likes Rudy for other reasons.
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Imagine getting to fuck this body..... im su fucken jealous bros............
She sure likes getting rammed by 15 inches Superdian cock though.
He gets a prosthetic with Zanoba's help and then much later gets it fully restored by someone else.
iirc he uses prosthetics for a while, and then later a certain person uses a King tier healing magic to restore his flesh hand.
>She is not a real person
There are real life examples of successful polygamy. This is a braindead take.
What does Milis say about racial mixing with demons?
but there's no need to make such a fuss, even the migger herself knows that she's just a glorified concubine in the house
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Probably nothing particular as the Millis-fags are divided between pro-Demons and anti-Demons
It's weird, but it can be explained.
Alot of people today expect stories to revolve around exalting their current lifestyles while indirectly telling them how good and blessed they are as people in some way, shape, or form. This has always been true to an extent, but this view is accelerating in popularity as things gradually get worse and life gets tougher and people need some way to cope with it. And their entertainment mediums are a great cope, by telling them that they're actually right, and that anyone who disagrees is wrong or evil and bound to suffer punishment.
So in short, it's mental illness manifesting itself.
whoops, was meant for OP, kek
it would make 0 sense for him to stay permanently dismembered in this setting with his set of skills and connections. In any case if you think the arm is the thing that's bothering him the most about what happened you might be retarded and the other two things aren't getting fixed by a King tier spell
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>When Sylphie is Rudy's first wife, he's willing to cheat on her and marry another woman
>If Roxy was Rudy's first wife, he will never cheat on her and marry another woman
Sylphie won as a wife because Rudy saw her first!
I mean what exactly would Sylphie save Rudy from if Roxy had already kinda been there and done it all?
So, Roxy was actually the one who got cucked by Sylphie?
Honestly, I find it kinda funny that this created so much buzz among westoids.

I was in this series 6 years ago, and people were a lot sadder over Paul dying rather than the harem growing, which was expected. It came outta nowhere and I felt pretty sad.
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they gave pursena her proper size
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Just change the scenario a bit where Rudy met Roxy at the magic academy and cured his ED, and later on when Rudy joins Paul's party Sylphie was there in Roxy's place and tried to comfort Rudy while he was depressed for getting his father killed.
It's cheating that's bad you stupid cuck
Yeah I mean, he didn't even wait for his wife to give birth before cheating on her.
She literally expected him to do it and even told him she was okay with him having multiple wives day 1.
The only part he fucked up on is not asking first.
But that wouldn't happen. Sylphy would be with Ariel's group still so she'd just not be there.
Nobody's complaining about that tourist. They're bitching that Rudy doesn't get turned into a permanent slave because of his momentary infidelity and instead gets to keep both of the people he loves.
Is he wrong?
>She literally expected him to do it
It’s sad that she knew she would be cheated on while she was pregnant, I hope you understand this
He loses it again later.
They all seemed pretty happy to me.
I guess so. I've always enjoyed stories and the way they can show different perspectives. As long as there's some underlying logical thought then I can respect any piece of media.
>happy cuck
Listen. The episode was not it. The season was not it. And I'll tell you why.
1)Rudy should have stayed home and never gone to save his mom
2)Rudy should have never stepped foot into that labyrinth, or at least took a nap first or something? Did he really need to get to the third sanctum that fast?!
3)Why couldn't Rudy just stay depressed?He didn't need help, let him cry it out of his system, and then go home without the help of someone really really really really really irrelevant and blue
5)Stay faithful Rudy...Why would he cheat? He should have stayed home and never cheated and gotten his beast girl harem like I told him.
6)pick up sticks
7)Okay he married the dirty blue slut, but like I mean couldn't he just tell her to leave? Like please couldn't he just try asking her to get the fuck out and never come back in the same zipcode again?
Okay if shes not going to leave, just lock her up in has panty dungeon and never let her out. I'm being really nice here, I'll even help give him a telescope for an eye or some shit.
Happy harem*
Same. But the average person is kind of shitty and is more interested in getting an easy hit of dopamine.
It's not a matter about projecting values onto a character, but giving a thinking, critical look at the media we're consuming and what a turn like this does to its overall quality. Honestly, the only person's values we should care about is not any of the characters in the story, but the author's.
>don't go there
>you'll fuck Roxy
WTF Hitogami
how long is the lifespan of beastfolk like linia and ghislaine? is it longer than like elfs and migurds because they're demons too?
Sylphie only accepted Roxy as the second wife because she knew Rudy might resent her deep down for denying her, especially knowing how much Rudy worships Roxy.
They should do an Eris sword sanctum training OVA
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nooooo they're miserable can you not see how miserable they are?! just look at their miserable expressions!!
all i know is that norn on my face is right
you want spoilers or nah?
Go to bed Hito
No. Norn should've been slapped across her dumb face and told to leave the room. That's no way for a kid to talk to an adult, let alone a cutie like Roxy. Rudy has no self respect though, so he let her mistreat even him in front of everyone.
Might've been a subconscious factor, but her empathy for Roxy's position is pretty genuine.
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i love miggers
She didn't care at all because she's already internalized her inferiority. If you look at her past you can clearly see why she believes herself insufficient for him. Without some 5 y/o wunderkind miraculously appearing to save her she would still have been a green-haired freak in a backwater village getting mud plastered on her, and then a smear on the ground once the teleportation disaster occurred. She would never have learned awesome magic, would never have become friends with Ariel and Luke or achieved any of the things she has. She really believes she owes everything to him.
I know you thought you had a real gacha moment, but when you're engaging with fiction you have to put yourself in the character's shoes and try to understand how they feel. After all, fiction is meant to engage with your emotions, not your logic
Trying to "break the 4th wall" like that makes you look like you're incapable of abstract thinking
Aisha should have slapped her shit for for indirectly insulting her and her mother despite all the support they gave to the family.
You lost, hitonigger
is there really a setup for him not leaving and being around the beast girls with more info given?
So what values do you think the author is expressing? Because I don't think he's saying it's alright to break a promise. I think he's saying that when you break a promise then you have to take responsibility for your actions and tell the truth. If Rudy was punished for it then you could instead say "oh well then maybe he should've lied about it lol".
i can picture exactly the type of household yall grew up on
True. I completely forgot about that part during Norn's cringeworthy temper tantrum, but she did apologize to Aisha when they were all outside.
>indirectly insulting her
by saying the truth?
Pretty sure they want their offspring so they can babytrap and manipulate rudy. They would probably try to separate him from shirufi or something like that
Yeah, a functioning one.
you're a victim
No, you are.
how could i be a victim when my dad didn't beat the shit out of me for looking at him
unlike your abusive household
>So what values do you think the author is expressing?
The values of a guy who wants to write a wish fulfillment power fantasy, of course.
And before you assume anything, yes I read your entire post. The rest of it was just too silly to respond to.
You're a victim because you never had a father in the first place. It's why you have trouble speaking to others honestly.
I get that you don't want to discuss the novel but at least try to say something of value.
She only accepted Roxy cause she knew she was exploitable the moment she saw her going out the door herself after taking in Norn's knabs. She figured Roxy would be easy to handle, and won't impose herself.
What truth? She got slapped down in the argument several times for being outright wrong, and just ignored that or pivoted from it.
She also literally didn't even think for a second of how she was also shitting on her dead father and both of his wives during her temper tantrum because he did the same thing, but had literally no excuse besides being horny.
Norn is a wonderfully written character, but that character is a dumb brat sitting on a high horse.
yea, I'm pretty sure in the LN she was okay with him getting another girl and HE was the one who said "no, no, I'm going to be 100% faithful only to you!". So yea she really didn't care about it since the beginning, the only thing she was afraid of was him leaving for another girl
>Abusive household is when you are not allowed to act retarded and disrespectful without punishment
If Norn spoke the way she did to Rudy to certain other people, she'd literally lose her life.
Damn seeing my boy Rudy get that far got me a little emotional. What a comfy life would that be, even without a hand
I literally just had breakfast with my dad and saw him off to work. When was the last time you could call him "dad" instead of "sir"?
Okay then, I'll humor you.
Is your idea of taking responsibility for your actions -- i.e., cheating on your pregnant wife with your ex girlfriend -- taking on that girlfriend as a second wife? Would that be anyone's idea of taking responsibility, anywhere in the developed world?
I'm sure you did, which is why you think talking disrespectfully to people while being a hypocrite is normal.
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Whats the best place to read the web novel? I can't wait two fucking years for season 3 to come out.
it's a child throwing a tantrum because she doesn't know any better
yea, I'm sure beating the shit out of him would be the best solution
>Would that be anyone's idea of taking responsibility, anywhere in the developed world?
Buddy, are you really bringing your Christcuck westoid values in a fantasy series?

Monogamy isn't really practiced in that world and same goes for most of our world as well before western poisoning.
a GRIEVING* child
forgot to add that part. Norn was NOT in the best place mentally or emotionally. BEATING HER would LITERALLY the most retarded fucking thing to do
but you think that's okay because your dad is abusive, so you think rudy should be too
Just download it from here, anon. That's all of volumes translated.
Don't forget the fact that the new waifu is literal pedobait.
Lol, the backflips the people in this thread do to defend their degeneracy "literature".
This isn't the first time Norn acted like a complete twat.
>it's a child throwing a tantrum
Okay. Is it normal in your part of the world that you are coddled like a baby until you're 18?
>she doesn't know any better
Sounds like her problem or Paul's fault.
>yea, I'm sure beating the shit out of him
Oh, you have no idea what the show is even about or what was said.
Well secondary, I suggest you go back to fantasizing about having been born to functional, decent parents instead of losing arguments on here.
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Imagine being some shitty Millisfag.
Roxy isn't his ex girlfriend. She's his teacher who helped him change his life, and also a girl who is in hopelessly love with him. Imagine how shitty she would feel if after they had sex he just cut off all connection with her. That's not taking responsibility at all. That's sacrificing her to avoid the awkwardness of talking it through with his wife. And Sylphy ended up not caring as much as he thought she would. Again, you're just projecting your own values onto other people despite it not even being relevant.
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Thanks anon, you just got my sack hard.
Where do you retarded tourists even come from? Get the fuck out.
Why is Norn so shit? She ruined the whole episode.
They come from the Shonen threads.
I'm glad almost all shonen threads have been dying lately on /a/, just one active one left.
Unironically this.
>Slap her
Let me guess, you've never worked a day in your life because your parents never loved you?
>Waaaahhhh Someone made fun of my shitty isekai by pointing out its glaring flaws
I'm sorry for invading your safespac,e Anon.
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this retarded threw 2 punches that didnt land and UNIRONICALLY pulled this card
and he thinks he won
acting disingenuous just makes you look like a pussy. Why didn't you reply to >>268332323? because your stupid argument would fall apart instantly. Retard
>Okay. Is it normal in your part of the world that you are coddled like a baby until you're 18?
she's TEN
Indulge me. What did Eris do when she found out Rudy married not one but 2 (two) wives when she finally met him again? She had to be pissed right?
Taking her into the household is certainly more responsible than pumping and dumping her. What if he'd gotten her pregnant? It'd literally be a Paul and Lilia situation. Back then, would kicking Lilia out of the house have been the responsible thing to do?
she's obsessed with Rudy, and she realized she fucked up. So she accepts it surprisingly easily
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>this retarded threw 2 punches that didnt land
Are you talking about yourself? You liked to imagine everyone else came from a broken household, but it's pretty obvious that you were unloved as a child and think discipline and social rules are evil as a result.
>acting disingenuous
You equated a slap from one's sister to a getting the shit beaten out of you.
>Why didn't you reply to my irrelevant post?!
What little substance there was in it had already been addressed.
>she's TEN
So, yes, you think you should be coddled like a newborn until you're 18? Gosh, no wonder you can't go one post without being dishonest.
Absolutely. On the other hand, Rudy being unfaithful shows that he's human and makes mistakes. In a perfect world or a blander series, no one died, Rudy didn't lost his hand and neither cheat, then would've married Roxy anyway, also the mother would've been not retarded.
Bad things happening isn't better writing per say, but it takes the chance to be more relatable (as bad things do happen) and to develop on certain themes.
Yeah, the truth is that Chad (aka a man that women look up to) has always been able to have multiple wives in history. Sylphie sees him as a God who saved her from bullying, released her of her stigma and taught her magic, which is the only real skill she has and allowed her to bond with the princess.
Plus she thinks she's going to get cheated on anyways so she might as well control it somehow.
exactly, she has been an outcast her whole childhood and still has that low self esteem
in a world where polygamy is not looked down upon aside from Millisfags, and seeing that Rudy grew up with Paul as a dad, Sylphie surely expected that possibility and was mentally prepared for another wife
Rudy won.
Roxy won.
Sylphie won.
Millis lost.
Hitogami lost.
MortalChads win as always.
While I don't think slapping the kid is the right thing to do, she deserved a stern word. There's a limit to how much a kid can get away with talking to an adult like that, even under the circumstances.
Honestly, I don't even think it's a self esteem thing since Sylphy could've just kept her mouth shut and let the chihuahua bark until Roxy was gone.
I think a physical reprimand fits for Norn's personality best because she's clearly kind of stupid.
And you can't reason with stupid people, you just have to assert some kind of authority over them and try to guide them to rigidly follow principles that will make them avoid acting retarded.
That said, I'm not directly experienced with it myself. My own kid has always been quick to learn and wasn't sheltered from the harsh realities of life the way Norn is kind of written to be.
Stop talking about this dumb story as if it's some sort of historical document. This is a light novel written by a sweaty nihonjin who wanted to fuck all the girls he had a crush on in high school but couldn't so he made up a world where his MC could.
>polygamy is okay in this world
>except for when your wife is preggers because I said so
No, not everyone else, just the two retards who think getting physical would've solved anything. If your first reaction would be to slap her, then that tells me enough about how you grew up. My mom and dad were very loving to me my whole life, instead of beating me, they would teach me why what I did or said was bad and what were the consequences of my actions. They taught me how to better understand the people around me
You're the guy who can't show basic empathy to a literal child and I'm the one who grew up unloved? You're talking about physically punishing a child who 10 minutes before had just learned the most important person in her world died, she's emotionally unstable. She's lashing out based on her beliefs, and your response is beating her instead of properly reprimanding her (like Rudeus did when he told her she went too far)
While I admit I was hyperbole when I accused you of wanting Rudeus to "beat the shit out of her", my point still stands that you wanted him to get physical in that situation, when it would undoubtedly be the worst possible decision
>What little substance there was in it had already been addressed.
No, you're simply incapable of doing so.
>So, yes, you think you should be coddled like a newborn until you're 18? Gosh, no wonder you can't go one post without being dishonest.
Acting disingenuous again? You just can't help yourself, huh
And you're mad about this because...?
The way you're wording it in misleading. Is it bad to be 'inferior' to your parents because they're the reason for you existence? Is it bad to be 'inferior' to your role model because you respect him? It's just ridiculous that you would think someone has an inferiority complex because they were saved by a person.
She did deserve a stern word, i'm not saying what she did was right by all means, but getting physical would only make things worse
Holy kek this thread is full of retarded tourists blogging.
And over cute Milisfag Norn too.

Start reporting and sweep'em up.
You're not helping yourself, but thanks anyway for proving you're just a pathetic incel reading a story written by another pathetic incel.
Polygamy is ok, cheating isn’t. Did you even watch the last 2 episodes?
This board is not for free speech, yes. You don't have the right to spew your annoying, sanctimonious trash here anymore than in any daily fap thread where bitching about ages makes YOU more likely to get removed. Fuck off back to whatever shithole you crawled from because it wasn't here.
The cheater isn't the cuck lol retard
>No, not everyone else, just the two
Three. You've claimed it of three separate people in your posts.
>who think getting physical would've solved anything.
Getting physical will solve almost anything, it's just a question of whether the solution is ideal or not.
>If your first reaction would be to slap her, then that tells me enough about how you grew up.
That I grew up being taught how to be respectful and without being coddled like an infant?
>My mom and dad were very loving to me my whole life, instead of beating me, they would teach me why what I did or said was bad and what were the consequences of my actions. They taught me how to better understand the people around me
Clearly not, since you've missed every punch and insult you've thrown and have been completely incapable of honest communication so far.
>You're the guy who can't show basic empathy to a literal child
Empathy is not the same as letting people do whatever they want. You parents clearly let you get away with whatever you wanted, and now you believe this to be the case. So yes, you were 100% unloved.
>who 10 minutes before
It was a few hours ago, tourist.
>She's lashing out
And your logic once again defaults to "Well, she can't be responsible for any actions and should suffer no reprimand for heavily insulting her dead father, her brother, the person who saved her brother's life, her brother's wife, and her own half-sister, and both of her father's wives... Well just because!"
You also equate a slap with beating. You are simply dishonest and stupid, much like the character you sympathize with, since empathy is probably beyond you.
>While I admit I was hyperbole
Please learn to speak a little English, unloved child.
>when it would undoubtedly be the worst possible decision
No, the worst possible-yet-plausible decision would be Rudy telling her to shut up and screaming at her. That's not physical at all, but it is absolutely the worst way a parent can handle such a situation.
Cheating is okay unless you're a Millisfag.
god I wish I were miserable
I've been here longer than you, I just don't watch garbage.
>This board is not for free speech
Lol. Lmao, even.
>No, you're simply incapable of doing so.
I already addressed it just fine. Believe whatever fantasies you want, unloved-kun, but lying to yourself won't win arguments with other people, the same way telling yourself that your parents lack of involvement is proof of their love and trust, won't change the fact that they don't care much for you.
>Acting disingenuous again?
That would be you, which is ironic. You quite literally admitted you were being disingenuous by equating a slap from Aisha to a full on beating-to-a-pulp from Rudeus, yet you did it multiple times in the very post you admitted it anyways.
I, however, simply asked a question, which you deflected from. Obviously the answer was a simple "Yes", but you realized it would make you look like a retard to say so.
Polygamy is okay unless you're a Millisfag
Can you two fuck off? you're dumb as fuck and the other one is faggot. End of argument
You clearly haven't read the novel if you those analogies make any sense whatsoever.
if you think*
And that's bad because? Heaps of femcels flicking their bean to their c.ai imaginary boyfriends every day. User numbers are in the millions and they are all living out fantasies they would get laughed at for in every space imaginable. I don't see you leaving crude comments under every reddit thread about it.

The issue is that people are having fun without you involved in any part of it. You are bitter loser so obviously it makes you mad. But try not to be such a pathetically disingenuous next time eh?
You all say this exact shit and no one buys it because you all post the same. You're not welcome here or ever getting rid of any of this.
>Screaming in someone's face is ok
>Lightly slapping them bad
Why are Amerikeks all so retarded?
icecream deserves three wives too
taki, reina, and shuuichi in that order
canada can stay butthurt
She doesn't accept Roxy because she feels like she owes Rudeus. She accepts Roxy because she believes she'll be a good addition to their family. If it were Nanahoshi then she'd be adamantly against it.
>My mom and dad were very loving to me my whole life, instead of beating me, they would teach me why what I did or said was bad and what were the consequences of my actions. They taught me how to better understand the people around me
How can you unironically say this while proving you don't understand anyone around you at all? This is like how Norn didn't even think about Aisha when she started ranting and raving like a lunatic.
And Eris
>While I admit I was hyperbole when I accused you of wanting Rudeus to "beat the shit out of her", my point still stands
>While I admit I was being totally disingenuous and straight up lied, I'm still entirely right just because I say so.
Nvm this is literally just someone roleplaying as Norn
That's part of it. It doesn't change that she has an inferiority complex toward him.
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That description doesn't sit right with me. She doesn't exhibit any of the symptoms.
>Sylphie = Taki, an okay wife
>Roxy = Reina, best wife
>Eris = Shoe, meh
>Sara = Canada, better than meh but not a wife
I don't know what to tell you except read the novel, animeonly.
Not an argument.
Norn is a walking contradiction of a person. She deserves to be punched in the stomach.
It's not really limited to Americans, but the worship of violence as something unforgivable while allowing anything else is common across many failing western cultures.
Slap your kid? That's evil, that's child abuse, you should immediately lose custody of your kid so they can be sent to CPS and sexually abused.
Tell them to their face that you wish they were dead, should never have been born, and threaten to put them up for adoption if they don't do as you command? Hell yeah put that shit up on youtube nobody cares. That's definitely not traumatizing at all.
Guys. Why is MT so heckin bad? Why does MC get two wives, that makes no heckin sense! Oh my science, I do not care about any of the world building and character writing on why Sylpherino would allow this, it's le doyolist and watsonian bro! They are characters! I do not care that Paul died or Zenith is braindead! They are heckin characters and the author wrote them that way, he should've just written them as not being dead and not being brainded it's that heckin easy. Also why bother writing the protagonist getting his arm ripped off? That's not wholesome. The readers of the book have already told me he gets a prosthetic why didn't the author just write it so he never lost it in the first heckin place!!!
None of that sounds like western culture and your last line makes me believe your only exposure is from online videos.
No, you really are just arguing about things you have no idea about. Perhaps the anime didn't spell things out clearly enough because it did cut a massive amount of content.
You must not have been around many westerners then. It is quite literally illegal in most of their countries to lay a hand on your own child, but it is perfectly acceptable to tell them they should be dead.
And that sort of abuse is disturbingly common over there. One more factor in why the suicide rates are so insanely high.
Well I've read both the WN and LN, and you seem to not be able to come up with a better rebuttal. Good talk bro!
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Roxy won
Shitogami lost
I doubt that you have but if you did you must have speedread to misunderstand Sylphie's character so completely.
>takes a whole year to tell Rudeus she's his childhood friend because she's so deathly afraid he has forgotten her
Yeah, totally not insecure.
what are some things kids could have if particular races are married?
like longevity, telepathy, beast shout stun(?), etc
Roxy is 150cm, there are plenty of fully developed women alive today who are that height and they don't have neotenous features.
>"Ayo Sylphie. Meet mah new hoe Roxy, just letting yall know i'm finna leave this place and all yo bitch asses and i'm gon go grab some popeyes with mah new hoe n' shiet. Yall can keep the crib tho is all good, i'm making stacks selling that good begaritt shiet. All RIP my nigga Paul. He left me one last time to meet with Jesus Christ."
Roxy somehow lacks the telepathy of Migurds but her hybrid daughter has not just telepathy but complete future prescience, while being a hybrid human-Migurd. And her prescient future sight isn't just a spell, either. She had that shit from birth and was actively using it when she was like a year old at most. It also bypasses the draconic arts that block Orsted and Rudeus from Hitogami, allowing her total access to the future.

It is completely and totally fucking busted.

And she appears to have the full Migurd longevity, no reduced lifespan. And she also has personal exceptional skill in magic, particularly summoning but also the magic bolstered by Aqua Heartia.

And you have to wonder if all of it, particularly the future sight, is something unique to Lara, or if ANY hybrid human-Migurd might theoretically be able to access that power with the right combination of genes and talent. Or if it's something that she can only have because of her mother's lack of it, or who knows what. If it is any human-Migurd crossbreed, then no fucking wonder they are kept well away in a quiet corner of the demon continent where nobody will find them, and it's a good thing that there haven't been more crossbreeds before now. You'd end up going full Dune God Emperor Leto II.
How the fuck is Rifujin going to write the novel if Lara is this busted? Its going to be Death Note as L.ara vs Hitolight?
>There are real life examples of successful polygamy
Okay, I'll bite. Any non-Islam examples?
I may also need this for future arguments.
Literally any Asian culture had it in spades, China and Japan as particular examples of success.
>change Rudeus skin color to black
>He disappears as soon as Sylphie gives birth
She's probably going to end up more like the Merlin, with Type-Moon/Fate style Clairvoyance.
The entire History of the non-christian world my man.
Chinese, Indian, African, etc.

The main issue is that women are < men, which is why Polygamy is less now to make them more equal.
However those things don't apply in fantasy worlds.
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Most of the European nobility, despite being openly Christian, would often have concubines and mistresses.
Probably the kids killing each other. There is the theory that Sieg's son will be Laplace thus will make him go against Orsted to protect him
Predictions on S3 release? I would love for them to take their time and actually deliver the sakuga that is deserved for this part of the story. I wonder who they'll find to direct it. Any leaks or anything?
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Is Ars strong or is Eris' line the weakest in terms of combat abilities ? Sylphie has Sieg and Roxy has Lara, both of which are crazy. Both of Eris' children seem kinda normal in comparision
Isn't he a sword King or something?
Eris herself is the strongest out of the 3 wives, so she will probably pass it on.
She was shocked to find out that he thought she had dumped him.
Then he says that he's resuming the death match against Orsted, and that makes her happy, because that's what she's been training for 5 years, and she will come to his rescue.
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Ars is a Sword King and Rudeus' successor as Chairman of OrstedCorp.

Lily becomes a genius researcher in magic circles at Ranoa. Christina does nothing much but marries Prince Edward of Asura Kingdom. Lucy is unambiguously worst child by far.
Y'know the irony of Christianity's influence on Europe is that by limiting them to having mistresses/concubines, it probably caused more wars and political instability by limiting the nobility's power to form more solid alliances with one another.
How does this happen?
>Aside from his four wives, Ryuta also has two girlfriends
He's King tier, and the second strongest of the children. Only Sieg is stronger than him
Probably 2 years from now, maybe 3.
>I wonder who they'll find to direct it. Any leaks or anything?
No. Too early. We'll probably get some news in th event this month or maybe only next year
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Pic related.

Next page she reads I'm lying she has it read to her because she's completely illiterate and can't spell her own name anymore kek the "PS I'm gonna fight Orsted if you wanna join" and her brain discards the entire rest of the letter, she flexes the bicep she uses to think with, hops on a horse, and gets moving.

The chapters after the fight where they have a heart to heart and she settles into the household were a bit heartbreaking though.
which rudy daughters are papafags?
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Bros, is it true? Do the fictional characters in the fictional world act the way they do because the author wrote their characters and circumstances to be that way!? WTF?? I never realized how contrived this story is! I'm gonna drop it but follow every episode to nigger out about it anyways!
only his youngest child.
Pumping hundreds of miglets into a disgusting migger.

Lara too, mainly because she doesn't buy into the bullshit Lucy peddles to the rest of the siblings as a result of knowing the future and that Lucy is misinformed.
>as a result of knowing the future and that Lucy is misinformed.
What's she misinformed about exactly?
I need names. Specifics. Preferably recent ones.
I'd mate with them frequently and keep both of them pregnant and say stuff like, "Cat is more fertile, you should try harder", I'd know they were about the same, but seeing them fighting and competitive while pregnant would make my rock hard pee pee the diamond cutting pee pee.
Lily didn't buy it as well. All she cared about was a cool, brain-freezing staff
Rudeus told Lucy he didn't have any expectations for his children, and they should do what they want to do when they grow up. Which is fair, he doesn't want to force them down his very dangerous path preparing for Laplace and the Hitogami fight, but to let them grow at their own pace and discover the world.

Lucy interpreted that as her father (who had always been away anyway when she was a child so she didn't ever really know him, remember she thought Orsted was her real father for a while because he was actually around the house more often than Rudy was) considering his children worthless and unable to measure up to his ubermensch magic king status. In short, Rudy and Sylphie fucked up when they were raising her and shit flowed downstream to several of her siblings.
Damn even retarded I bet Zenith is a fucking top tier lay, if I were Rudy I'd plant my seed in her multiple times a day.
Less of a recent one: William Moulton Marston. This guy created wonder woman, and he was married to two women. He had children with both and when he died both of his wives still lived together and took care of his children.
Abe would be proud
correct, low trust behavior is bad.
Anon, you're on literal anime board on 4chan, dont act like you're a properly raised guy.
No he wouldn't, you need at least 3 children per woman for a proper growth rate. 2 is replacement level, 1 is failure.
William the Conqueror (AKA William the Bastard) was the illegitimate child of Duke Robert I of Normandy and his mistress Herleva.
Oh. Oh man. Oh man Rudeus fucked up baaaaaaad holy shit.
That's so incredibly like him though.
it's mainly Sylphie's fault, she's at home the most, yet she failed to see such a sign.
Also, Rudeus was the last one to know about Cliff's situation, shit fucked up
Sylphie has the personality of a wet rag and only lives for Rudeus's love. Completely useless and deserves to be cucked by Roxy and Eris.
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You should read the article.
>muh abe
moonland has no idea about such stuff posted
they just have shit like a mislabel for how they use him, like he says something like "4chan" and try to say he said "4chon" instead etc
Actually, fictional characters are like tulpas. They have minds of their own.
>I am still searching for a new wife
I fucking kneel.
Eventually Lucy just marries Cliff's son, switches to Millis, and becomes a political wife. But yes, Rudy fucked up. So did Sylphie.

Yes, like I said I apportion blame on both of them for that. Then there was the whole green hair Sieg issue.

Rudy may have had six children, but it's like less than half of them got properly raised.
Well, shit. I rescind what I said wholesale, anon. He is a fucking hero.
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In the modern world, it wouldn't be unreasonable to think this way, especially if she's religious.
Though I can't imagine anyone here getting very upset at a 9 or 10 year old child having their own values, albeit right or wrong. The kid is still growing up, always willing to change.
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Rudy gets to fuck this on nights when he isn't fucking Sylphy.
You just know that Roxy has probably worn something like that in the bedroom to experiment.
>if rudy doesnt impregnate roxy the world will end
>if rudy doesnt practice polygamy the world will end
what is the problem here?
Norn's outburst is partially also because she just found out that her father died. If Rudeus had then let her grieve for Paul for one to three days, and then broken the news that he intends to take Roxy as a wife, she would probably still be disapproving, but not angry and yelling at Roxy to fuck off.
Still, I think it was better narratively to have it happen right after the news of Paul's demise, as everyone's feelings comes clear.
By the virtue that Sylphie constantly makes you seethe, she's defo got more personality than Rox or Ers
>prease ero-larpu as sekushi succubusu onegaishimasu
>>Dudi, why are you talking so weirdly?
>oh, sorry, Roxy
>I just wanted to get in mood for it
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What are you talking about it's the opposite precisely because he impregnated Roxy the world will end.
Thankfully the good guy of mushoku tensei is going to massacre his family one day.
i actually hate how they begin to talk, there was no tact there and it should have been handled better.
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>t. seething voidshitter parasite
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>yeah just rape your brain dead mother everyday bro that's so fucking hot!!
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You lost, keep coping
>makes you seethe
What? That was my first post in this thread. I just find her boring as shit.
Kek, elftroons are literally mindbroken.
Kek, eristroons are literally mindbroken
I finished part 1 of this recently and thought it was dogshit but apparently that's a common opinion. Is part 2 any better?
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No I'd recommend you drop it right now. Rudeus gets ED again at the start of the next part
Rudeus is much worse as a child. Pretty much all the pedo accusations and weird isekai tropes happen there.
Sylph is a doormat. Anyone would get bored with her after a while.
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Millisfag detected.
She's lucky Rudy didn't resort to a swift rape correction.
Unironically, she deserves punishment for lashing out like anybody is going to give her the time of day aside from Rudy.
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I got bored with Roxy and Eris the first time I engaged with them. Only Sylphie kept my interest, and my main reason of being invested in the series
I find Roxy and Eris boring as shit though, I'm not even trolling. Only Sylphie is actually good
You're gay.

I got bored on episode 1 in the first 10 seconds of the show, the only reason I didn't drop it is because I dreamed Sylphie would appear soon before I even knew she was a character
sylphoid-doomer keeps being a repetitive shitposter. at least he realized that the roxyschizo-meme he tried to perpetuate was pointless.
t. mormon
you literally cannot. it's entirely his own business and you have no say in it, whore.
Not gonna lie, the first time I engaged with MT I kinda knew how much widh-fulfillment-ish its gonna become, but I also expected some kino the author has in store. Which is why I only really liked MT at the Academy, sorta like an information osmosis happened to me
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>I want to have 54 children
>I am still searching for a new wife
we know, ruijerd
they're all fucking boring i stayed for ariel instead
>I kinda knew how much widh-fulfillment-ish its gonna become
It's a shosetsu novel named "Jobless Reincarnation". As in, the pull is supposed to be "waaaah I'm an unemployed lolicon that can now masquerade as a child and have massive magical powers and try to fuck my 10 year old cousin". The wish fulfillment is off the charts from the start.
They definitely have memes about declining birthrates. But yeah they hate abe and think he sold out to gaijin.
Yeaaahhh, I mean all entertainment media is wish-fulfillment in a way. Even the shit /a/ praises for being critically realistic has some kind of bullshit behind it to make it work. No idea how people can cry like this over anime, but still don't get how these things are crafted
I agree. Eris was character assassinated.
>you have to put yourself in the shoes of a girl that has sex with a man
Gay nigger kill yourself
>After all, fiction is meant to engage with your emotions, not your logic
Says who?
It's a spectrum
If Asoiaf is on one side of the spectrum then mushoku tensei the other
Haters humiliated, ridiculed, forced to obsess and malding for real.
sure but i'm saying they don't use him like some crossboarder tier fags here do
>all entertainment media is wish-fulfillment in a way.
Well yeah, in a way, but these kinda isekai novels are custom made for self inserting in a way most other media isn't. Entire premise is to do things over again with adult knowledge and make a better life. The freaking out about MT comes from the "peak fiction" ESLs falling for every bit of bait possible, ala this thread and the previous thread and every other thread from here unto eternity.
Why do you think 4chan should be a carbon copy of Japan? When I feel like talking to Japanese people then I talk to Japanese people.
No. Norn is supposed to be the normal person in a family of extraordinary people, and she’s written like a real little sister. Aisha is the fetish incest imouto in this series.
>I don't even think it's a self esteem thing
It is, it's obvious during her internal monologue in the LN, she has low self esteem, but its get better as she gets older and she starts putting Rudy in his place.
Considering asoiaf fulfills many wishes, not at all.
It definitely wasn't hard for fucking paul
>It would be if your wife went off on an adventure, and then she comes back and...
No, it would not. Men and women are not the same. Egalitarianism is nonsense. Do you just accept every single contemporary dogma automatically? Consider not doing that.
>since Sylphy could've just kept her mouth shut and let the chihuahua bark until Roxy was gone.
The thing is she prolly thought that would make rudy depressed and eventually abandon her
I don't believe this in the slightest.
This literal retard thinks "i promised not to eat the last cookie" and "i promise to be faithful to you" are the same thing. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Asoiaf is wish fulfilment alright, just fullfils all of the fat fucks's fetishes
i already mentioned crossboarder tier
there's gaijin chinese cartoon fandom, and there's cancer like muh goku, nurutu, etc
If that's true then what a fucking shit character jesus christ.
>Groomed to have no self esteem and be fully dependent on Rudy.
Retard, if you completely mangle the definition of wish fulfillment and stretch it to cosmic proportions to mean "if a work of fiction satisfies viewer in any way" then it's completely useless. I understand why you guys try to do it tho. It's cause you want your wank material to stand besides the giants of literature.
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Would you care to offer a non-apebrained reason as to why breaking different promises is not equal? It's a matter of expected trust, you know.

See >>268332241
>Uhhhh no you can't use the actual definition of wish fulfillment!!!!!
Pre-emptively getting upset because you know you're fighting a losing battle, that's a new one.
No, she was trying to force her beliefs on someone else. That is never the right answer.
>actual definition
Retard, we both know that's not what you're doing here. Your semantic tricks won't work on me.
Haha, how does someone end up as stupid as you are.
You are literally using circular logic by trying to use the fact the author writes them as being "happy" because that his wish fulfillment power fantasy that it's not possible for there to be actual problems with poly shit.
wish ful·fill·ment
noun: wish-fulfilment; noun: wish fulfilment; plural noun: wish fulfilments; noun: wish fulfillment; plural noun: wish fulfillments

the realization of a desire or wish

You've already lost, and I accept your concession.
Just read the LN, retards
>“About our conversation before,” she began, being the first to speak. “I had something absolute tragic pictured in my mind when you said you had something to talk about and you had Roxy standing beside you.”
>“What’s that?” I asked.
>“I thought you might tell me that you couldn’t love me anymore and you wanted me to leave.”
This just only in vol 12
And she says similar shits all the time
>"if a work of fiction satisfies viewer in any way"
Adding the author into the mix as well, isn't that the literal definition of wish fulfilment? What difference does it make someone having a fantasy of reincarnating with their memories fulfilled by a series, or having a fetish fulfilled by a series, or having the fantasy of suddenly going on a adventure on a magical world, or any other type of irrealistic fantasy fulfilled by a series, wouldn't all of that be wish fulfilment?
Sylphie, the cuckwife
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theres once again nothing wrong with wish fulfilment. you are allowed to have dreams and desires.
I would. But I think it's funnier how woefully ignorant and stupid you are about basic human interactions. Like, you are genuine autism. And it's no wonder you try to live out your deranged fetishes vicariously on the internet. Because you can't get any people to be around you in the real world.
That's alot of words to say "I can't actually."
No, she unironically had no right to talk like that and didn't know her place as she tried to force her religious beliefs onto her brother and his wife.
Honestly they should have just talked this out between the three of them and kept the kids and other uninvolved parties out of it.
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I'm still right though, Sylphie isn't just muh no self-esteem, she's compromising to make up with it, that's why her accepting Roxy isn't just out of her own issues, but also her damage controlling
a lot*
Imagine being so dumb you can't even spell a single letter word correctly.

And you can think whatever you want. I won't be responsible for helping fix your pathetic life. It's better that your genes totally die off.
People are getting confused with wish fulfillment and media made to be self inserted into.

Like your pic, as an example nobody reads Jujutsu and goes wow Yuji is so me that could be me the natural superman chad. People like isekai stuff because the protags are written to be bland fags, or in Rudeus's case, actual pieces of shit with nowhere to go but up.

MT is made for self insertion because Rudy is a Duneish savant child who can manipulate the world around him with his insane magic power and deceptive maturity.
>Noooooo they should be miserable and not happy
>W-why? b-because I don't want them to be that's wish fulfillment that's wrooooooong!
Just go read your mudcore slop, nobody will begrudge you for it.
NOOOOOOOOOO having two wives is stupid wish fulfillment garbage trash while a story about a NEET isekai'ing to a fantasy world with genius level magic powers and having a demon eye thrashing every opponent he finds and becoming a legendary status hero by the time he's like 20 isn't
>A single letter word
Imagine being so dumb you can't discern between one, two, and three.
It's painfully obvious you're exactly the kind of person I'm talking about.
Your picrel is just literally her expressing her low self esteem
I like how you didn't even pretend address the actual point of that post because you're too stupid to understand what it is.
Again, your circular logic is laughably stupid.
>nobody reads Jujutsu and goes wow Yuji is so me that could be me the natural superman chad.
I do actually. Yuji is literally me because I also want to punch things, and then punch things even harder while being able to tank bullets.
You spelled "a" wrong. That's a single letter word, retard clown.
You have no point worthy of being addressed.
Yeah. But it also states that she still wanted Rudy for herself. Her answer to it is to be open-minded about it, and hold the decision on whose girls gets to be on his harem
>she's compromising to make up with it,
Her low self esteem is making her ignore her self interest and compromise with rudy's selfish shit. Both are inextricably linked.
Your values are objectively wrong, and you pretending all values are equal just because they are values is laughably stupid.
>He still can't distinguish between one, two, and three
Actually embarrassing. You ESLs really are pitiable.
>retard directly uses circular logic to try and validate his claims
>i- i win bcause i no address wut u say!! i- i win!!!
Imagine unironically liking a fucking elf.
>retard cant into context
harem is based. rudy is shit
Seethe and die mad about it.
Don't ever leave your own country, the culture shock might be too much.
It's funny how hard you are trying to damage control.
When does Eris come and ruin the happy family?
Heh, he's two steps ahead of you retard, he'll never even leave his basement.
>But it also states that she still wanted Rudy for herself.
She wanted to monopolize him but the fact that she is fearful of him abandoning her and the fact that she has low self esteem made her submit
That's how low self esteem makes you accept being a cuck irl too
Yes, but her selfishness is also made her be vigilant about his harem, and do the girls who gets to be in it
Sylphie doesnt want Rudy to leave her, but she also wants Rudy for herself, so her approving of the girls coming after her means she can control on who gets his attention and make sure she still gets what she's after. Those too are unquestionably linked
Has he gotten an ability yet, or does he just punch EVEN harder now?
>reee!! ur mad because im retarded!!!
It's already obvious who you are. But your way of trying to hold "discussion" just stands out so much.
>muh culture shock
>cultural relativism
There are superior cultures and there are inferior cultures, leftoid retard.
He learned like everything. Blood manipulation, reverse curse, unlimited black flashes.
See >>268335223
Also, Roxy has less self-esteem than Sylphie, and she thinks of herself as a concubine. And Eris is literally autistic and retarded
>You don't mind that, do you?
This is the one.
By all means, be as blatantly shameless as you can in in creating or enjoying a harem story where everyone orbits the MC's cock exclusively if the reason is just "because I like it". Don't be shy about it being wish fulfillment, it's just fiction in the end. It only gets weird when the author or the fans start coming up with a list of reasons as to why it's totally ok and wholesome that MC's cock is orbited by women who are both exclusive to him and just accept him grabbing more women when he goes out, despite the fact it would become a horror story out of someone's worst NTR nightmare if you flipped the script and one of the women decided to do the same.

Either be shameless in your desire to reap all the benefits of wanting multiple partners while the partners can''t do the same because it's hot., or accept the reality of an open relationship and the endless cuckposting involved, just don't scramble for some even moral ground because it only makes you look ashamed of it.
NTA, but let me offer you some advice and a rule of the internet: If someone is having an argument and ever announces something is funny when it's not, they are actually fuming with rage at it.

The last time I read anything he was also just TANKING hits, which is even more based. Punch hard and shrug off mortal wounds, those are the two superpowers I'd want if I could choose any of them.
Don't worry. I never plan to visit sand nigger land, or mud huts in actual nigger land. Because those are literally the only (third world) places that support your mental illness.
Maybe he shouldn't have been galavanting around impregnating elves and playing house ? Fucking priorities
He could've done that shit later
Should've dumped the ugly elf altogether and be with his eternal loli instead.
>Don't worry. I never plan to visit sand nigger land, or mud huts in actual nigger land
Or the grass on the lawn.
Let me offer you some advice, ass clown.
No believes you when you try to lie and pretend you're more than one person to damage control.
Does this guy actually end up fucking Aisha? Thats kidna fucked up
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Cope, Sylphie is irrefutably the best
>Sylphie doesnt want Rudy to leave her, but she also wants Rudy for herself
She wants rudy ALL for herself but she's willing to share her because she thinks that's the only way she can be with rudy even if she can't monopolize him. That's the primary reason. Everything else is just her coping with her shitty situation and making the best out of it.
She doesn't hold the decision entirely, she will agree if he pushes. It's why she worries about Nanahoshi when she thinks he's considering it at one point, because she will agree if he says so but will not want to. She also had prepped herself for Sara, and was actually surprised when he said no, she didn't understand why not.
Your samefagging to try and damage control is laughable.
And no, using your phone and PC at the same time to make two posts a minute does not fool anyone into thinking you're multiple people.
rape the maids
If you say so.
No, his son does.
MT is both and both of those aspects are interconnect.
Sylphie is the glass of water with white bread of waifus
Legitimately do not know what people see in her. THE most boring choice out of probably the last 10 years of anime. Literally no one ever goes "HOLY SHIT WATER AND BREAD WHAT AN AMAZING MEAL!!!", that's what you sylphieniggas sound like
is it revealed who made the murder doll?
Yes, Sylphie is willing to share, but she won't share over girls that she won't approve of. She has her own standards for it, she's only approving of girls she thinks she can manage and handle
And? Nanahoshi never got in. Even rudy himself later on knows that Sylphie doesn't like her which is why he never even thought of it
oh hell naw zenith turned into a rabbid
You've just never had good bread and a nice crisp glass of water
The problem with MT is that it's wish fulfillment for incel NEETs
Still mad he didn't fuck his sisters.
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Holy shit, kill yourself tastelet. Roxy and Eris is shit, no one ever goes "WHOA WHAT A LOAD OF SHIT YUM YUM IN MY MOUTH" That's what you retards sounds like
>but she won't share over girls that she won't approve of
Lol no that's not what she means. The primary reason she's willing to share is cause she thinks if she didn't rudy will just leave her for other girls. She's just aiming to the better girl within his harem.
Man, timmy really is mad today. Shouldn't he be busy crying about how he's going extinct in his totally-civilized-definitely-functional homeland?
Not in Saudi Arabia and middle east. If he can take care of all the wife's and kids. I don't see a problem.
He probably should have considering what happens when he didn't
foids should just stop watching they just complain all the time
Haven't really seen any evidence for this beyond schizoposters thinking Sylphy fearing the worst represents their own insecure tendencies.
Maniacal Dragon King Chaos I think is the lead suspect, Perugius says it's his work.
>willing to share is cause she thinks if she didn't rudy will just leave her for other girls
Yes. But she won't share over a girl that she thinks "can take Rudy away from her" like Nanahoshi, who has some mysterious bond with Rudeus. Sylphie doesn't like her since she thinks she will be hard to handle and that there's a chance she'll actually sweep Rudy away from her, which is the last thing she doesn't want
>remove mobile posters who can't open more than one thread on their shit devices
I think we found someone older than rudeus in this thread
>elftard malding
Lmao. Nobody likes your shitty, ugly elf.
>but she won't share over girls that she won't approve of
You ascribe your headcanon levels of agency to her.
a starving person would say that
considering rudy's flaccid condition it is quite similar
Not my fault you can't even read the Pic you posted yourself >>268335060 and also >>268334992
That's fine and there are tons of stories that consist of only that. People claiming that MT isn't that kind of series is where all the trolling stems from.
Season 3 will have longer production.
It won't.
ED was just a non-sense plot contrivance.
>But she won't share over a girl that she thinks "can take Rudy away from her" like Nanahoshi, who has some mysterious bond with Rudeus.
She literally didn't say that. I don't know where you even got that shit.
>Everyone is the same poster
Paranoid schizophrenia remains the most common factor between sylphtards.
It's the same schizo as always, with the same meltdowns. You can track it by time of day at this point.
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Sucks to be you, but reality dictates that Sylphie is the best. You keep seething about it, I keep loving Sylphie and keep being a patrician
2025 /a/ has been saved
Then shut the fuck up and let others who have read it debate it
Expected really, though I'd love some Eris Sword Sanctum OVAs in the meantime.
when is season 3? 2025?
Bro, the way Sylphie has been written on the series is really subtle, and reader interpretation is a thing
That is why she's interesting, there's a lot of sides to her character
Nah. None of what you replied to supported your claim.
Yeah ofc it doesn't support your headcanon
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>I'll be in my 30s when S3 airs
Why should I seethe about an absolutely irrelevant girl lol? She is just a glorified babby-sister for the rest of the LN anyway.
>It's fine for Rudeus to be able to grab a new wife(wives) without asking, despite promising otherwise, because in the end he'll be forgiven
All lengthy moralizing aside, this is just a bad look from any angle you look at it. This situation doesn't end in total collapse ONLY because the women involved decide to simply accept it for whatever reason, but no sane person would find it unreasonable for the cheated party to just walk out on such blatant disrespect.
Then again this is Paul's son, getting away with scum behavior was something everyone expected really.
Ok, so it really is your headcanon then.
She's really not that deep. You can find characters like her in cuckshit all the time.
Season 3 will have Ariel peeing right?
It's headcanon that Sylphie willingly accepted Roxy instead of letting her leave?
Does anyone care when Rudy says "hey I'm actually like 30 years older than everyone else and have been this entire time"?
* babby-sitter
>I'll be in my 70s when S5 airs
It's over.
>Without asking
He does ask tho. people who think this should've ended in a meltdown are secondaries with zero ability to understand people and zero romantic experience.
MC is so morally bankrupt that the writer had to send him to a morally bankrupt world where his father is a scummy bastard too
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Quick Popularity Ranking:
Roxy = Eris >>>>> Sylphiette

Quick Lore relevancy ranking
No, why would they?
How old is Rudy right now again? 17?
rudy is a lucky bastard for marrying the doormat cuckquean first
you would think it was his plan all along but we know he's not smart enough for that
>Sylphie willingly accepted Roxy
The problem is you're missing the nuance. Why she accepted rudy is tied to her personality, her low self esteem, her abandonment issues.
I agree. Sylphie could leave him but like a pathetic cuckquean she accepted being cucked.
>Rudy is cheating on his wife while she's pregnant?
>Hahaha, he's a real Greyrat, isn't he!

It really is bad.
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I was wrong, I thought sex appeals were all about ass and boobs. Yet I got a boner over preggo Sylphie. Holy christ, she's sexo as fuck. Now I crave for some pettanko preggo girl doujins.
Your mother had five dicks at once and all the men accepted sharing her faggot, shut the fuck up.
Funny because incels irl are unironically like "feminists are the reason I'm not successful in my life. If I only I were in born in the ancient/medieval world". MT is wish fulfillment for incel NEETs.
>the women involved decide to simply accept it for whatever reason
Because Rudy is just THAT great, for whatever reason. He has sex with all of them all the time and he's a magical god and can do whatever he wants! He deserves this!
You sound like you really want Sylphie to be more in control than she actually is canonically. She's not the head wife.
>He does ask tho
After he porked her and agreed to marriage of course, but I suppose that's alright because he didn't outright put the ring without giving the wife a heads up first. I suppose we can say it's a 50% bad action and just call it a passing grade, eh?
where do these moralizing foids even come from? the yaoi general?
>feminists are the reason
I think Jews are the reason actually.
sylphie < green hair sylphie < added green eyes sylphie
Really? I argue Sylphie's character in good faith and you resort to shitposting? All I said is true, anyone who can read past beyond surface level would see it
You're not in gaza or west bank.
Nah, she'd like it, plus she's hot.
Welcome to hell.
69 of truth
>After he porked her
More that she fucked him when he was in the worst place mentally he'd ever been.
>and agreed to marriage
He agreed to try and find a way to make it work. And that was under the belief that Roxy had gotten pregnant, too.
Overall, he handled it about as well as one could expect, short of simply not getting depressed about his dad dying at all.
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Hugging in front feels like she got the best out of it. Main wife confirmed.
does therese like adult rudy?
Wow, xhe is really mad.
Hopefully they're holding QKawa in captivity to animate literally all action scenes.
I will never be able to unsee this, and now I regret ever playing left 4 dead 2.
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Rudeus, fuck your mom
I only like Sylphie out of there. I'm also learning to draw, so I can draw her more and having fun with it :3
MT isn't really the perfect series, so the lore doesn't really matter. Roxy's relevance is just Lara and muh fate anyways, Sylphie's relevance to the Laplace side-plot is much bigger is its been going since vol 14 with Perugius
kek this, the rabbi tried
Yeah If he doesn't particularly feel attached to zenith as a mother, why doesn't he fuck her anyway
She's positioned in front because Rudy's afraid she'll run away as soon as he takes his eyes off her.
Sylphie is irrelevant and unpopular.
Wouldn't a lot of their childhood encounters seem somewhat off knowing Rudeus had a mental age of around 40? Eris presented herself to him at like 10, and he was going to fuck her.
Trips of truth
He got a little baby boner from being breast fed. You go baby Rudy.
I only like Sylphie in there :3
I never liked Roxy and Eris, sorry. Eris is better than Roxy, but she's a bit short enough for me
Maybe if they were Earthlings with western views, but they're aliens from a different world.
Oh come now, you can't say that and actually believe it.
>you can't say that and actually believe it.
Why can't I? Everything I said was factual.
>I'd mate with them frequently
They are pretty much a-sexual, outside of the mating season. If you made a move on your beastgirl-waifu, while she is not in heat, she would just scratch your face.
When mating season starts, you are in for 1 month of non-stop babymaking sex. Sou you would literally be an incel for 11 months out of 12.
So they both got abandonment fear for each other? Cute
>Nobody would ever not agree with my retarded and asinine views
Know how I know you're American?
You just have to be stronger than them or own them and you can fuck them at any time.
>See Boreas house servants
Nah, just cause they aren't in heat doesn't mean you can't practice every night, plus their beast women, if they're wife/concubine you've probably already defeated them in sex and they're down for whatever you wanna do.
Norn is right but not correct.
sauros deserved to see ERISUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU get married
fucking based asshole is living the harem dream while we just watch
Maybe it's different with dog girls but at least for the cat-girls it's canon, according to the LN.
Women don't give a shit as long as you're Chad
What he said as well.
She'd change her tune if you dicked her down enough, just because you can't knock her up doesn't mean all her lady bits stop working.
Yes, luckily Roxy and Eris are reliable wives so they make up for Sylphie's skittishness.
No but, like, they're obviously humans with human emotions that we can understand and Norn is reacting like a normal person would here. They're not inexplicable aliens at all.
men don't give a shit as long as they're lolibabas.
There's another Japanese one, he's a calligrapher.

>"People don't share your views."
>Insists the same retarded views are absolute truth and must be accepted by everyone
Kek, go drink your hourly tub of corn syrup.
Teasing Lolibabas with huge tits a teasing attitude that turns to mush if teased back.
Mohammed fucked a 10 year old and 2 billion people accept him, so no.
Anon, you getting so defensive when someone mentions pedophilia in this threads is pretty pathetic
>Rudeus is Mohammed
At last I truly see...
I'm actually impressed how normies are basically entirely fine with Rudy having two wives - a proof that most people will accept anything as long as it's properly packaged.
Just another proof that doomer are wrong and most people can easily be re-brained washed into the opposite of the current zeitgeist within a single generation.
But... Nobody mentioned pedophilia in that conversation?
Where am I getting "so defensive?"
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Mommy elf
He did literally found his own religion.
It would be okay if Rudy and Sylphie would both at the same time hook up with roxie, make a threesome, and then decided together " lets take her in" Then it would be guchi
these femoids aren't even hiding themselves anymore
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Mushoku Tensei is the peak of Islamic literature:
>sister is named Aisha
>son is named Saladin
>practices polygamy
>lives and abides under Sharia law(literally the town where he settles down is called sharia)
>prays 5 times a day
>wives are pure and untainted
>is a follower of the al-Masih
>is waging a lifelong jihad against the False Allah
Havent read the LN but wasn't it from staying at her grandmother's place for a bit?
Is this official?
Nah Rudy is based because he's shit. I'm tired of goody two shoe protags.
Could panty worship be recognized as a form of Islam? He rises in the morning and prays to Mecca(panties)
>Eris presented herself to him at like 10, and he was going to fuck her.
It's supposed to be creepy. Rudeus still had a lot of growing up to do.
Later on, when he rescued Aisha and her mom and Aisha told him she would grow up to be a sexy lady, he scolded her - whereas the Rudeus you are referring to would have started drooling and told her "sure, hehehhe, come along now"...
>some nip muslim dies
>Goes to another world where he's surrounded by virgin cuties
Wallahi brother
>Al-Masih = Messiah = Son of God
I'm guessing this is Orsted?

>False Allah
And this is Hitogami? He's waging a lifelong war against him?
>Rudeus still had a lot of growing up to do.
Bro was fucking 40.
>I'm guessing this is Orsted?
>Hitogami? He's waging a lifelong war against him?
No, he was 10.
If you're anime only get the fuck out now
And you will never be a woman.
The point of the story must have flown miles over your head.
You clearly don't know the joy of having a girl embrace you from behind so you can lean back into her chest/lap.
Even knowing that Orsted is someone's son seems to prove that he isn't Animeonly or he's already been fucked by spoilers.
Rudy should have taken Aisha as a concubine, that's why she was sent to his house in the first place.
Some 40 year olds IRL need a lot of growing up to do as well
Because he was a skilled Chad
Especialy in the age of manchildren who use words like "adulting" unironically.
>The point of the story must have flown miles over your head.
The point of the story is if you're a fat pedo incel NEET, your life would definitely improve if you get reborn in a game tier world to nobility as a handsome boy where you'll be surrounded by everyone that supports you.
Is Ruby from Oshi no Ko a 30 year old woman then?
Ruby was legal the moment she was born.
It's quicker to name the women Paul hasn't had sex with then the ones he has, it's a miracle Sylphie isn't his half sister.
Meant for
You are acting like a roastie. If a thot did this it would be unforgivable.

Tranny jannys tongue my anus.
yes ahmed, it's bad. fuck off
>No you can't have two wives it's bad
>Western birthrates plummet even further making way for the true religion
That's because Jews and roasties destroyed the family unit
(Not that anon) but you really should not apply this logic to reincarnation scenarios.

>If you get a girlfriend/wife your own age, you are a pedo
>If you have the decency to wait until you are physically old enough in your new body, it would still be creepy do to the mental age gap
>If you dated someone of your own mental age, that someone would be a pedo for being into you, so it would still be wrong.

According to people who will never be women, the only acceptable thing for Rudeus to do would be to live his entire new life in eternal celibacy, even though sex is a part of being human and in some countries IRL it is even seen as a human right, which is why some country pay hookers for you.
>muzzoku fans are muzzies
it all makes sense now
That's what happens when you give women rights.
Waiting for the rich muslim princes to watch MT and fund this shit into back to back movie level quality
Guess Mushokuchads will inherit the earth.

"I don't know.

In this situation, I can't visualize a way to explain myself clearly. Future Sight be damned.

Someone? Anyone? Convey my feelings for me?

As if begging for help, my eyes shift towards Roxy.

But she just looked downcast and pitiful.

"If only I... realized it earlier..."

She murmured.

No, this unreliable Roxy.

Utterly unhelpful.

It can't be helped. She's clueless in the subject of love.

Then... Eris? No, she's even worse.

I can only count on Sylphy."
Wait, so Rudy (child body) (mental age 40ish) fucking a 10 year old Eris who also thinks he's a child isn't creepy or deceptive at all?
That never happened
Aaaaaaahhhh, I want it. I might actually buy it
But Rudy would've done it if Eris agreed, no?
>Mental age 40ish
This sounds like something a pedophile would say.
I don't think those parts work if you're 8
Seeing yourself as some foreign object for your entire life is also not healthy so accepting the reincarnation and just going along with it would be something that, I think, literally every psychologist IRL would reccoment and approve of.
Still the only wife to abandon Rudeus for reals.
I don't think that's what Rudy was grappling with. He was stoked to possibly lose his virginity with a 10 year old.
Why are you malding about her? I also know the real reason for that. Rifujin has that planned, and it's hidden with his subtle writing integral to Sylphie's character
Rudy stacks his flatty wives to make a glorious flat sandwich, they kiss and lez out for his enjoyment.
>I don't think that's what Rudy was grappling with.
It 100% is, that's the only reason he still sees himself as a fat bastard in Hitocuties dreamscape.
Wdym? This is just canon.
??? But he was going to fuck her. Isn't that accepting his little kid self?
She was 12, prime breeding age, only Rudy was 10.
Another shitflinging mess
No? People have even less sympathy for black or brown cheaters. The only people who'd be happy are porn addicts who think the world stops at interracial porn
Reminder that if you like this garbage you are the same as woke leftist trannies. Poly shit is for mentally ill subhumans.

>b- but im an epic chad sand nigger and/or muslim!!1
If you're a sand nigger go blow yourself up with a pipe bomb.
If you're a muslim, get off the internet.
It's not poly, they're all into him and not each other.
Do you even attempt to think before you make posts and proceed to look like a retard?
Self awareness check.

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