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>there is 1 yuri magazine
>there are like 20 yaoi magazines
Why is yaoi so much more popular than yuri? Why don't men love yuri as much as women love yaoi?
it's because of society
men are afraid of liking anything that isn't masculine
because women are hornier than men and also yurishit is fucking gay so only fags would go out in the open and admit to being gay
Because lots of dudes are insecure fags like this anon >>268331521 that screech at the sight of any sort of yuri.
Most women can self insert as men but most men can't self insert as women.
If yaoi is more popular than yuri then why is yuri more popular than yaoi on /a/?
Yaoi is almost completely contained to those magazines. Yuri however is happily spread through many many other variety magazines. Yuri is far more mainstream and far more accepted.
women just buy more stuff in general
>I would rather watch two women masturbate eachother than fuck them myself, and that makes me super straight.
But anyway, it's 2024, it's ok to be gay, you don't have to worry about this.
>Yuri is far more mainstream and far more accepted.
You'd be surprised but outside of otaku circles yuri is actually not that mainstream, it's still niche just like yaoi. If anything, yaoi is more popular than yuri, it only seems like yuri is more popular because of /a/'s tastes.
nah, it's just that women tend to avoid this website for yk, reasons
nah, you know nothing
look at the yuri vs yaoi selling in japan or any country that sells manga
The spread of books that yuri appears in without issue suggests otherwise. Sales figures are a completely different matter.
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Actually not. "Yuribait" as in close female friendships have always been around but not it's still not actual yuri. BL is so mainstream now they get live-action dramas.
You can't fuck drawings.
When 801 threads are a thing that's not necessarily true.
>Sales figures are a completely different matter.
That's what I mean.
I enjoy yuribaiting but ultimately the lack of penis means it's hard to go much further.
Both are gay
there's category of yurishit that has penises but real world politics make most yurifags seethe about it
As does Yuri as well as anime which yaoi completely lacks. Yaoibait like most modern shonen series is accepted as part of the genre by those that enjoy it. They actually seem to prefer it in places.

Full blown yuri has appeared in everything from Comic Juice to Sunday GX, Young Champion etc etc. I would love to see what a Jump yuri series would look like and I imagine its just a matter of time till one appears.
Men can tolerate yuri but can't tolerate yaoi.
Women can tolerate yuri and love yaoi. That's why we get so many yuri-like series (or what yurifags call yuribait).
But if you count the amount of real fans, yaoi is much more popular.
Exactly. So between the two of us we have answered OPs shitty question. It was never really about popularity or number of fans. Yuri is spread through everything, yaoi is quarantined.

White people drive like this. Black people drive like this.
I just don't think it's appropriate to promote yaoi and yuri in a society with declining birth rates. Degeneracy causes civilizational collapse.
There isn't that much yuri live-action and yuri anime doesn't do well.
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If anyone's wondering:
The serious answer is the fact that most yuri mangas don't run in yuri magazines.

Manga Kirara for examples not a yuri magazine but it is 90% yuri friendly
Pension Life Vampire runs in Shounen Jump

Yuri has no problem being published alongside heterosexual stuff

The real question is why yaoi is ALWAYS segregated.
Fujos have their own place in Comiket and their own street in Akihabara. As if people just don't want them outside fo their containment zone
Because incels are insecure about their sexuality.
I notice similar thing in weird fetishes like liking piss and scat, there's category of people who like piss but scat is a no no, those pissfags behave like yurifags. They obsess with one type of faggotry, but not the other.
retards rather get cucked by generic schoolboys while pretending to be them than read yuri where you don't need to self-insert to enjoy it.
If you think about it, self-inserting is a mental illness akin to trannism. They are very loud, obnoxious, militant against everyone who disagrees with them and their delusions.
By what metric? Its popular enough to keep getting made and adapted, both to live action and anime and fucking stage plays. Yuri has integrated into the overall shonen/seinen market more than Yaoi ever will. It might sell more, it might be more popular but its still segregated and it always will be.
I am older and it boggles my mind that saying you're into lesbians gets you screeched at. I don't even understand if the people who screech are trannies or reactionaries.
I'm literally OP (>>268331735
). Popularity here means having more fans. The mainstreamness aspect is not what we're discussing here, that's an easy question to answer.
The reason why yaoi has more fans because women love yaoi but men don't love yuri as much. It's harder and more interesting to explain that phenomena
There's a lot more BL magazines once you include digital only ones.
Not at all. Weird yaoi adjacent series run perfectly fine in magazines like Cune, what will never make the breakthrough is full blown BL yaoi massive hands 8ft tall seme uke bollocks.
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Came looking for this response and this is all that needs to be said.
>Pension Life Vampire runs in Shounen Jump
Stop being retarded. It runs in Jump+
Kill yourself, retarded tourist.

>how can you like anime girls kissing or grinding together but not literal men fucking too or literal shit
You always destroy your own shit excuses of arguments. I remember a vanilla set in the library with pissing, which still isn't appealing, but didn't cause me to outright gag.
Women still read more hetshit than BL, though.
TL is significantly smaller than BL.
Now kiss
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Yuri had them too but girl stuff would always have more live-action because girls like it better when it involves their favorite actors
It's less in demand. BL went mainstream and even made a number of male actors big stars.
They read both. Fujoshi are het or "asexual".
TS isn't really accepted as GL. Not sure about BL.
>>how can you like anime girls kissing or grinding together but not literal men fucking too or literal shit
because I'm not a faggot
>I remember a vanilla set in the library with pissing, which still isn't appealing, but didn't cause me to outright gag.
called it, you're a pissfag. See what I mean? I would've stopped watching there.
Of course TL is its own thing, that was just a little joke.
Don't mix up TS and TL.
TS means Transsexual. It refers to series with gender bending.
TL means Teens' Love. It refers to erotic stories aimed at women that aren't BL.
You can have TS stories in TL but it's not the most common.
Insecurity or annoying delusional faggots that throw around cuck ever since 2014 brought more trash in.

Enjoying yuri is literally no different from male characters fucking the girl you clicked for in ecchi or hentai. You're not even remotely similar to the actual self inserts in the first place, and it's shown constantly when anons get pissed at their decisions, so they might as well be their own characters whether you even hear a name besides onii-chan or not. And that's no even mentioning the love stories where an actual identity is needed. When a guy actually does something based like fuck his sister, teacher or even multiple girls, you cheer for them as an individual and taking that step even if it could mean trouble. Never once lived vicariously through any character nor had the desire to be anyone else.
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It was just a mis-type. I am truly sorry and will excuse myself from the thread, I hope you can understand and hopefully continue to being massively condescending towards everyone else. Farewell dear anon.
You are a retarded faggot and keep spewing shit with no actual argument like girl on girl hasn't been a stereotypical fetish for straight men in general before you should've wound up in tissue instead.
>like girl on girl hasn't been a stereotypical fetish for straight men
it is indeed a fetish, also known as degenerate thing for degenerate subhumans and not something that's normal, I humbly accept your concession.
This, and even more for fujishits.
They have mental issues and will throw thousands without looking if 2 males are less than 50cm apart
They are capitalising on that
Nothing of that sort exist on the yuri fandom so no reason to try milking them
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it depends on where you're looking.
> yaoi adjacent
so uh.. what does that even mean. what do people here consider to be yaoi anyway. does picrel counts as yaoi? how about stuff from gfantasy like black butler?
Aren't Kirara (beside Foward) just yuri magazines now?
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The real yuri/GL fanbase is divided between liking lewd stuff like Asumi-chan, doujins, and all the series/one-shots featured in porn magazines (alongside het porn) and hating it for male gaze shit or objectification
The latter would rather read BL than something like Asumi-chan

So, in addition to being small, it's also a very divided fanbase that rarely support each other
Yaoi/BL is very obviously aimed at a very specific demographic of reader. What I meant by adjacent was literally pic-related the two MCs in that series are both male which surely makes yaoi right? Yet the shota spends most of his time cross dressing as a maid and is literally drawn to look as feminine as possible. Its obviously targetting a completely different kind of reader to your average yaoi series, which is why I would put a distinction on its genre. Its one of the reasons its able to run in Comic Cune, like it would never have made if the shota maid was actually a 7ft ripped butler instead.
I don't read Asumi because its garbage not because its borderline porn.
yaoi adjacent means josei/shoujo manga that have bromance/not explicit stuff between men.
100 likes btw.
Kill yourself, retarded tourist.
Don't speak of tourism until I start posting on >>>/u/, the board where your subhuman faggotry fetish belongs.
>b-b-but yurishit is anime!
so yaoifags should be posting here too? How about you are the one who kills himself, you colossal faggot.
>why is [unfounded assertion cherrypicked straight out of anon's ass]
Gee I dunno.
The main Kirara still has series with relevant male characters like Bakuchinugi or Acchi Kocchi. Max has the series with an undeclared gender.
Carat is girls only now that Usapan is over but there's no reason to expect it will stay that way.
Yaoifags do in fact post here. There isn't a whole lot of discussion on /y/ or /cm/
modern BL, the romance type, attracts more young girls than actual shoujo.
women spend a lot of money for their interests also BL is under the joseimuke umbrella, since it's mostly bought and read by women
Anyway it's known that women will read anything that it's interesting to them not matter the target while men are picky for many different (and stupid) reasons.
Good point, >>>/y/ >>>/u/ and >>>/cm/ should be merged into one degeneracy board.
nevermind, I realized that >>>/lgbt/ is already a thing, just delete aforementioned boards completely
>anyone who doesn't put up with my retarded shitposting or even likes yuri is from /u/
Every time. Guaranteed never even heard about Mai-Hime. Kill yourself, retarded tourist.
>how could he not hear of my slop yurishit tranime
this isn't /v/
Now that I think of it, yeah it's pretty wild that 4chan threw a complete 180. You're right the autistic screeching probably comes from trannies or other mentally ill losers trying to spread their misery.
Because Yuri was fine when millennial girls were young, now they grew out of that phase and zoomer girls are not interested
Also yuri genre was MASSIVELY invaded by trannies and these scare people away
It absolutely isn't ok to be gay. Never was, never will.
And if you go back a couple of decadse, the ovelap between /a/ and /u/ userbases was close to 100%, whereas nowadays it's close to 0%. At some point /u/ changed, I think i was overtaken by normalfags and other undesirables.
This. Their constant victimhood and passove agressive tone is annoying as fuck. They became 40 years creeps who want to think they are little girls
It was /co/shitters and retards that use "hetshit".
Dykes reduce the already low amount of available women, all of them must die or get cured with electroshock.
No, now that I thought about it, the screeching actually comes from both. Trannies or progressives, that kind of people, they are upset because you're a straight guy fetishizing gay women. The reactionaries are upset because even if you're a straight dude, two chicks is still gay, or they think you 're self-inserting as one of the cihcks. I've heard this once.
Even the guy here >>268332218 went on a long tirade about self-inserting which I do not understand. I just think two chicks is hot.
Americans are just mindbroken.
You ain't my boss.
I'm not familiar with /v/, so if you find another definition of tranime besides tranny yurishit, you will have to update me on that personally
The whole thing is funny and so zoomer.
In the 90 any guy saying they don't like lesbian porn would have been flagged as an obvious closet homosexual.
If you check sites like Fujisan, Japane online bookstores sites, in the anime/manga category there is boys/girls/youth/ladies magazine/manga and also include BL section (38 paper magazine, 10 digital)
>you are homosexual if you don't like porn
while you were busy jerking off to your highschool crush, I was probably the one fucking her
Yet here you are being gay as hell.
>They became /a/
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but I am a little girl, not just imagining it
his highschool crush was your hand....?
I think it was the Legend of Korra and other /co/ shows having lesbians that led to normalfags and tumblrina's flooding /u/, like >>268333045 said. This is corroborated by them having infested /co/ itself beforehand, so /co/fags telling them to fuck off to /u/ became a common thing.
>referring to xerself in 3rd person
>conceding that xe wasn't attracted to any girl in school because xe's a faggot
>somehow my hand is now a sexual object to him
I concur.
Can't get off to hot chicks, needs to see male body. Totally not gay. People used to have this superpower called common sense, my child.

Though, to be honest, the advent of internet porn completely changed things and has ruined a whole generation and half. You wouldn't understand.
moot should never have added off-topic boards that aren't strictly weeaboo interests.
And bring back /l/
I can't get off to porn, I need to stick my dick in vagina, but that might be too heterosexual for a faggot like you.
Some of those aren't comic magazines, e.g. B's Log or Otomedia.
Others are no longer publishes.
Not even sure why they included BIRZ.
Oh so that's why you're so mad
Don't worry, you'll get off one day
could you remind me what I am supposed to be mad about?
Enough fucking (You)s.
Guess things like B's Log and Otomedia falls into the category because feature BL/joseimuke media
>/u/ became containment board for /co/ shitposters
4chan lore is wild.
>i totally had sex guys!!
no u type like a permaincel, you definitely have not put ur microdick in anything
Stop giving it (You)s already
>I think it was the Legend of Korra and other /co/ shows having lesbians
Actually the very source of all this is Joss Whedon. I think Buffy was the first show that brought lesbians with the excuse of female empowerment to the general public. I'm pretty sure that Xena was relevant too but it was the more honest kind.
nice digits pedo
>no u
this has nothing to do with me, you just implied that you wanted to fuck a male hand as opposed to any woman
Those 2 predated 4Chan by years and weren't relevant to any board other than /tv/.
I wish we could go back in time.
Delete everything except the original boards (/a/-/jp/ split at the latest)

hiroshimoot should experiment with this as an april fools. Just to see what the userbases of the massive normalfag containment boards would do.
If they mostly leave without being too disruptive, make the change permanent.
I know I was making a general statement. I've been watching a reel of Xena making out with Gabrielle and after a long contemplative session I'm pretty positive it was just eye candy. It was definitely Buffy that adopted that angle that ruined lesbians forever.
Not sure, but Yaoi tend to have more Manly Men than most other genres and demographics combined.
Too much money lost and we know that's all any fucking faggots in charge of anything ever care about.
the main problem with this site right now is bots
you only need a handful of people using bots to effectively spam every slower board into uselessness
old 4chan worked because there were much fewer people on the internet back then
it's easier to draw men
Just call them normalfags.
There are very few bots and they're always easily distinguishable because they're often targeted revenge weapons by some schizo shitposter hell-bent on ruining his previous home general.
Yuri is more accepted in normal magazines, and anime, nonyurifags watch yuri too, while yaoi carved out a little spot that just for them because nonfujo aren't going to go for it.
Same reason why yaoi mostly get live action adaptions and not anime.
This might have been changing recently though, as there's been cases of yaoi getting published as seinen and a few more anime adaptions, though they all play it pretty safely compared to what's out there.
>There are very few bots
I am not sure if you're a bad faith actor, baiting or straight up retarded. This site is 90% bots and there's a very good chance that most of the fake posts are actually there to fake engagement for the actual users. I wouldn't be surprised if the only reason 4chan still exists is that it got turned into some kind of bot training / testing grounds operation.
yaoi used to have a lot of anime adaptation and ova in the past, but the market changed when it became more popular with a lot of manga published each month and things shifted a bit. now we get more anime adaptation of vanilla stuff, it makes sense, too bad that a lot of more explicit works won't get an adaptation because OVA/ONA are no longer a thing
but i have the feeling that a lot of "yuri is more accepted in normal magazine etc" relates to CGDCT and not actual yuri
I fucking hate new age anime fans mixing real life politics with fiction and hating on yaoi and their white night incel defenders that think they can earn browny points by licking their boots
I get the impression that way more women than men are fawning over romances they aren't involved in. As in series without a self-insert. Not that men never liked it, but it's way rarer, the huge majority latches onto a self-insert MC that they want to get paired up with their waifu of choices. Otome exist, but it doesn't have this monopoly on female targeted romances.

That aside reading is more of a women thing too. I rarely see other men when I go into a mangashop or bookstore. With manga it's especially extreme, at least in my country. You get maybe one man for every six or more women.
i can't even be happy about it because we get almost no anime compared to yuri
Women also like yuri but men don't like yaoi. You would be surprised how many Bravern or Blue Flag fans I have met in yuri threads and if their respective threads are anything go by I can assure you that most anons that are into these series are women.
That aside yuri threads are often infested by spammers and shizos that make like one post per minute. You can even learn to tell them apart after a while. When we still had IP counts the numbers weren't that different unless the fujo series was quite niche, remember the Free hype.
Yaoi triggers more people, nothing new. Even in the past people were hunting gay men but never women. Gay women were almost always tolerated or seen as close friends. I have never heard of or seen someone that would drop an original series because of anything yuri in it but write one gay pairing in that aren't some irrelevant background characters and there will be a meltdown.
>trannies or reactionaries
From my experience it's both. Super wokeoids hate the exact same things that extremists like fundies hate, they just lie about the reasons. The very same people that call every gay ship problematic have a whole side blog dedicated to 50 shades of gray or sparkling vampires.
Another type of hater are unironically self-inserters that get mad that you like to see their husbando with a guy. This is something I don't really see men doing. They sperg about their self-insert but I don't see them throwing a tantrum over seeing some random fan drawing yuri with the waifu. Maybe it's because women tend to be more engaged in fandoms.
Let's be honest, two attractive women kissing is the epitome of erotic beauty. It's actual peak eroticism without the grossness implied by the presence of a penis. This is why lesbians are tolerated, it's just more aesthetic. Two men buggering is always terrible. Non only there's a dick going into something, but there's also another dick flopping somewhere. It's really fucking disgusting no matter how you look at it. This goes beyond being gay or straight, or men being more or less aesthetic than women. Even the Greeks knew that dicks are gross, which is why when they depicted male beauty they undersized the dicks. This is just basic human shit, everyone thinks dicks are gross, except homo men, who are abominable specifically because of that. It's a matter of aesthetics. It's like looking at poop and saying "that's kind of nice" no it's fucking not you fucking degenerate, there is no artistic merit to this fucking dog turd no matter how fractally perfect the roll of shit looks like
Women liking gay shit is just women being women
Men liking gay shit means that man is acting like a woman, so they're either a fag, or a trans. AKA the minority.
There are some men who consumes yuri sex (mostly porn addicted bunch, but this is for another topic) and/or MMF. But only fags and trans lesbian enjoys the gay lesbian aspect in yuri. This is why series like MahoAko are quite popular because it's borderline yuri porn, while nobody cares about "lesbians being gay" series like Sasakoi.

Straight women consumes straight romance/story, and there some of them who consumes yaoi. Meanwhile straight men only consume the former.
While Real life, biological lesbian woman doesn't even watch anime in the first place, and some that does still falls into the woman category, where they would just rather consume yaoi.

Yuri will always be niche. Just because there are plenty of English speaking, terminally online MtF browsing this site won't change the fact.
That's not really true anymore. There's BL and BL-adjacent stuff that runs in seinen and other mainstream magazines now.
>which yaoi completely lacks
There's been a BL anime adaptation every season this year including this one (Tasogare Out Focus).
>I would love to see what a Jump yuri series would look like
It's called Gamma and it unfortunately only lasted 20 chapters in SQ.
I'm a straight guy and I swear to God the only reason I held back on publishing comics is that I hate the idea of some spic drawing porn of my female characters getting niggered. I remember one time some dude drew fanart of a chick character of mine, it was clean but I legit wanted to murder the guy. I hate this shit so fucking much the sole thought drives me insane. But if some fujo drew my male characters fucking each other in the ass I wouldn't care at all. It's out of my realm.
It actually kind of sucks that lots of magazines just randomly have one or two yuri manga running, outside Yuri Hime. Makes it diffcult to track or obtain.
>Manga Kirara for examples not a yuri magazine but it is 90% yuri friendly
>Pension Life Vampire runs in Shounen Jump
>Yuri has no problem being published alongside heterosexual stuff
>The real question is why yaoi is ALWAYS segregated.
It's really simple. That shit is straight gay shit while the "yurishit" is most of the time yuribait and can blend well with CGDCT, which is not yuri but the target audiences mainly overlap. They figured they can sell better if they act as symbionts or parasites. For a good comparison you would need to compare series with "gay undertones" popular with fujos like blue lock or JJK.
Not a whole lot and only in some magazines like YK Ours GH. GL is far more widespread, my estimation is that it's in half of the mags I read.
Honestly I've noticed that a lot of shonen has its mandatory dose of beefcake obviously shoved in to counterbalance the cute chicks
Obtaining them isn't that hard thanks to subscriptions.
Beefcake isn't the same as characters with homosexual tendencies or engaged in gay skinship.
The cuck- and irony-shitposter brigades were the worst influxes of people this board experienced.
>There's been a BL anime adaptation every season this year including this one
Were there any in 2023? I don't remember anything between Sasaki&Miyano and Cherry Magic.
Fucking this. Once you have a board that attracts other shitters they will flood into the rest of 4chan. Fuck this, there were more than enough other places online to discuss normalfaggotry, politics, tv shit etc.
Contraception meds make women like feminine men.
Yaoi features feminine men.
It’s as simple as that.

Faggots cope

It isn’t, yurifags are just terminally online and spam the board, but there’s few of them. They constantly have to bump their threads on page 10 so that they don’t die
>This is what /u/trannies actually believe
/a/ always hated yuri
> biological lesbian
Doesn’t exist
Also women don’t normally like gay shit either, they do nowadays because they tend to get addicted to big pharma poison that fucks with their brains
Back to twitter
"Gay women" didn’t exist until the 20th century sexual revolution, that’s why they weren’t tracked
This, most of the stuff yurifags latch onto isn’t even yuri to begin with
> two attractive women kissing is the epitome of erotic beauty
…if you’re a low T faggot.
>”Gay women" didn’t exist until the 20th century
You are so unbelievably retarded it’s unreal
>sees two beautiful women in front of him
>reacts in disgust
who’s low t?
how about it is you who will go back, to the reddit of course, incel
>moving goalposts
You literally cannot watch porn without self inserting, it’s automatic. It’s called stimulation for a reason.
If you don’t self insert as one of the characters that just means you self insert as another character watching them without participating, because that’s what you enjoy.
>self inserting as a woman
no thanks, I'm not a tranny
This. It’s painfully obvious who is pushing this.

He’s right though, if anything you’re the tourist for being okay with faggot shit
>No argument

Faggotry is never okay.

Reddit also likes that word. Go back.

Exactly, that’s why yuri is trash.
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I don’t need an “argument” to tell you that faggots and dykes have existed for thousands of years you literal monkey, they didn’t spontaneously start appearing in the 20th century.
>calling two women kissing “faggotry”
If you people were actually the high t males you claim you are your entire body would be ready to dolphin dive in with them, or even before that just be able to enjoy the scenery. Yet in reality you are closeted homosexuals obsessed with “degeneracy” because you’re ashamed of your inherent homolust, just like those anti-gay politicians that always get caught with a dick in their mouth.
homosexuality = faggotry, not much to say, faggot
> I don’t need an “argument” to tell you that faggots and dykes have existed for thousands of years
Yes you do that’s how arguments work. The word "lesbian" was invented in the 70s
> If you people were actually the high t males you claim you are your entire body would be ready to dolphin dive in with them
I am, that’s why I enjoy ffm but not yuri
> or even before that just be able to enjoy the scenery
Now that’s low T cuck shit
> closeted homosexuals
Doesn’t exist, homosexuality is a mental disorder not a physical one, you’re only a faggot if you think you are
I think /tg/ would be the only real big loss from this. But if it means being rid of these schizos it's a sacrifice worth making.
The tourism is strong with these two.
"Lesbian" comes from "Lesbos", the Greek Island that was home of the poet Sappho, btw.
> The tourism is strong with these two
You’re the one defending faggotry (twitter shit)
> "Lesbian" comes from "Lesbos", the Greek Island that was home of the poet Sappho
And it was invented in the sexual revolution
Just because it’s a reference to some degenerate woman from ancient times doesn’t means the word itself is old
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>closeted homosexuals
>Doesn’t exist
>you’re only a faggot if you think you are
holy shit you actually are one lmfao ok faggot
You know what's low T? actually looking at porn. Shit where women are degraded by dicks. I always feel like people like you are shorter than 6 feet and sort of brown and angry at women cause you never got some pussy. Honestly people who sling low T around are always spics or Indians
>twitter shit
yaoi and yuri =/= twitter shit,
is a cope word, most correct word is homosexual and it's still incorrect because sex is penis in vagina
Nope, you’re alone.
Your mental illness will never be common or normal, and it isn’t something biological you can do nothing about. You could become normal if you stopped being such a massive faggot.
>Your mental illness will never be common or normal
And you would know, sense you say that to yourself every night.
I’m whiter than you, amerimutt.
Needing sexual stimulation is normal, what you’re thinking about is porn addiction which is more common among faggots than straight people.
> women are degraded by dicks
Doesn’t exist. Man to woman relationships is what we were created for. Homosexual ones are the degrading ones. "Lesbian" porn and romance degrades women, and same goes for faggot porn and romance degrading men.

Yes, Twitter loves yuri and yaoi
Most men can't self-insert into female characters and because males are generally empathy-deficient, stories aimed at them NEED the self-insertion component. This much should be obvious.
> And you would know
Because every normal person does.
Gay people are more interesting than lesbians
Name 1 lesbian celebrity who's not Ellen DeGeneres
Twitter loves lots of things. What's your point?
>I'm whiter than you
I could tell by how much of a bitch you are.
Does anybody else really dislike the new wave of Trad larping faggots on 4chan?
I detest the new wave of trad larping faggots in general, but on 4Chan it's especially pathetic. If they were actually serious about their tradcath beliefs they wouldn't be on here to begin with.
> Twitter loves lots of things
And /a/ hates most of those, including yuri and yaoi. You finally get it. Now go back.
>Doesn’t exist. Man to woman relationships is what we were created for.
Yet you never had sex and most likely never will. Were men created to spend their days locked inside their rooms watching chinese cartoons, playing videogaymes and crying about bitches the men and women outside their rooms would rather be together with each other?
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ok but why the gay people hates bisexuals?
/a/ hates anime and manga?
Okay, I guess that checks out.
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Yeah, back when shoujo manga was still strong, you used to have plenty of BL in shoujo magazines.
>Now go back.
And what will you do if I don't? Bitch at me?
Usually bisexuals are perceived by both heterosexuals and homosexuals as disonest and lying to themselves.
It's not only me noticing this? I thought it was a coincidence. Newfags tend to be the most aggressive oldfag LARPers since they feel the need to prove that they belong here, but I didn't notice any tradfagging before. Maybe /pol/fagging, but this is slightly different.
>Making assumption about someone as an argument
You really really need to go back.

>hating two degenerate genres means hating the medium
You are fucking retarded
Let you know that you kind is what is ruining this board, not "/pol/" or "incels".
because men feel DISGUST wheen looking at guy and guy making out. like LITERAL disgust. feeling of wanting to PUKE.
I can't tolerate any male on male gayness.
but women can tolerate female on female gayness
that's why yuri is more mainstream
You don’t care about “”degeneracy”” nigger you care about proving to yourself that you aren’t a dick slurping faggot
Women buy tons of stuff, funnily enough 30-50% of yuri hime are women as well
>hating two degenerate genres means hating the medium
I'm saying Twitter likes anime and manga, so by your logic, /a/ must hate anime and manga too.
Reading comprehension isn't your forte, is it?
even just mentioning clamp would make people understand what that mean. probably nowadays authors doesn't do that much because bl publishers are big and is easier to get an editor from one of those magazine to look at your stuff and publish an explicit work instead of relying on shoujo and josei
i like how things are nowadays but also i also miss those days lol anyway, a good example of stealth bl is double, by ayako noda.
I don't need to make assumptions, no one who is having sex is entering a yuri/yaoi thread to talk about how (fictional) homosexuality is wrong.

You are a virgin, you smell like shit because you don't bath frequently, you don't have a job and you dislike your parents who give you everything you need, you are just like every single other incel and just like every single incel you will eventually troon out. You sre not special, you are not smart, you are just another loser with control issues to the point you need to enter a thread about a specific type of media that has existed for longer you have been born and sperg about it.
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>Discussing anime and manga is ruining an anime and manga board.
>But bitching about 3D women and politics isn't
What did he mean by this?
>Making assumption about someone as an argument
You really really need to go back.

> I'm saying Twitter likes anime and manga, so by your logic, /a/ must hate anime and manga too
Also twitter tends to hate straight anime, they say it’s for pedos
yurishit doesn't sell
>women are hornier than men
I wish I could live in that world.
>Needing sexual stimulation is normal
I'm talking about aesthetics though. It's typical of spics to not understand aesthetics. This is why you're into thiccshit and niggers like a dumb animal.
>ok but why the gay people hates bisexuals?
Because usually bsiexual people aways end with the opposite gender in long run for obviosu reasoning cause in most countries gay marriages/partnerships aren't possible and being bi is just easier.
Try imagine being gay/lesbian in some african or asian or muslim countries and wanting to be happy openly than doing it in some underground way so no one would dare to know, good luck to survive that.
As for the OP question the answer is simply, women lvoe yaoi, be it staight, bi, and even lesbians for some reason even if they aren't attracted to males they lvoe to see one guy fyck another guy asshole in hard way.
In comparison straight and bi guys lvoe to see lesbian porn but they don't really give a shit for lesbian/yuri romantic relationships i nfiction.
Other variety is that msot yaou stuff is adult/hardcore oriented it is just smut.
While many yuri works are barely on sexual scale they are just CGDCT variety looking at YrYr for main example which is msotly aimed at guys, meaning waifufags.
Most sexy yuri nowadays full of drama cheating and sex is of course aimed at women.
Plus male yurifags love to scream but they buy really little compared to rabid fujoshi fangirls.
Female yurifags are less than 30-40% minority which also doesn't buy much becuase they prefer to buy yaoi works.
Female mind is strange.
Also some gay guys I know buy CGDCT type of stories for cute healing factor too like many straight men do, while they would never touch romantic yuri works.
>Making assumption about someone as an argument
This is 4Chan, ofc we argue by making assumptions about other anons.
> I don't need to make assumptions, [assumptions]
Btw virgins are superior to people who had sex but never had kids

Bitching about "incels" isn’t anime discussion
You are
Now you know why the world is so shit
>Bitching about "incels" isn’t anime discussion
And bitching about 3D women and trannies is?

Ellen Page...ooops!
There is nothing aesthetic about sexual degeneracy. There is something aesthetic about friendship.

No, this happens on normalfag sites more than it does here. The only people doing this here are tourists.
Let's talk about the purest form of romance that is bara:
Good thing nobody did that
Don't know what world you're posting from, but it's certainly not Earth.

Prostitution is almost entirely female, rapes are almost all committed by men, the majority of sex-appeal advertising is targeted towards men, as is almost all porn by a comically disproportionate amount.
I'm not manly enough for that thread.
>rapes are almost all committed by men,
Because men are stronger than women. -4 STR and all that
>the majority of sex-appeal advertising is targeted towards men,
>as is almost all porn by a comically disproportionate amount.
Because marketing is run by old, out of touch suits and despite what doomers want you to believe, the world itself is still male dominated.
That still doesn't change the fact that women are horny bitches. That's why romance novels sell.
What's with all the Korean and Chinese shit?
Does MAL have an option to filter it like anidb?
It's not. Are you retarded? Josei and shoujo magazines outnumber BL mags.
That's some pretty elaborate cope. I'll address one thing:
>That's why romance novels sell.
Romance novels (especially if we restrict them to female targeted ones) are not even a drop in the endless ocean of male-oriented erotic media.
>There is nothing aesthetic about sexual degeneracy
Stop watching porn you terminally addicted retard
TL is a category of its own.
And it's not like shoujo or josei are limited to romance.
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>Women are hornier than men
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It's because BL got chased out of shoujo/josei by yumes. Comic Zero Sum got turned from a stealth BL mag that serialized Loveless and Saiyuki to a full yume magazine that basically only serializes this type of manga.
Yuri is porn
It's a big element in most shoujo and many josei. And the fantasy self-insert genre dominates otaku mags now. Just look at Comic Zero Sum now. Even the Karnivale mangaka is doing it.
and every dick haver on the planet knows just how fucking annoying and difficult is it to convince a woman to have sex
I fucking miss fantasy/action/drama series with gay shit pandering the like stuff CLAMP was doing in the past. I wish that stuff had an own name or that there was at least a magazine focusing on this, but unlike I am missing all of it since it isn't translated there don't seem to be any series like this.
I am thinking of magazines like Monthly Comic Zero Sum. Why the fuck this cease to exist? It contained the exact type of stuff I am talking about.
I wouldn't say they were chased out, a lot of BL magazines are under the same companies that own shoujo magazines, they just realized there is no need to mix two different audiences with little overlap between them. Meanwhile when it comes to yuri, ASCII Media Works does not have a yuri magazine, so they end sharing yuri between the dengeki line magazines since there is clearly some overlap with their audiences, especially on 'g'.
Monthly Comic Zero Sum still exists, though? It just became a fantasy yume mag:
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>girls kissing each other and groping a little bit is porn
you are some kind of /d/ niggervore loving furfag aren't you
Because i can't self insert as a woman. Not even "self insert", i simply cannot relate to any female issues, especially when it comes to lesbianism. It's an alien culture aggressively hostile towards males, so i have no reason to get into it either.
And no, lesbian porn is another thing entirely.
What are you talking about, guys are treated super well in yuri
Even when it’s sfw it’s still faggy
It’s hilarious how yuricucks defend a genre where every character would hate them and insult them if they existed. They truly have no self respect
pretty sure she did that because he's a maso, she went over the entire story for his sake anyway
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Is it as cringe inducing when you know the context of the story?
No anon, what is hilarious is that you believe any normal person gives a shit about what fictional characters would think about them, do you think Goku wouldn't think of you as loser faggot? Do you think Nagatoro wouldn't find you gross? The biggest irony is that fictional characters don't need to be dykes to dislike people like you, maybe Hisoka would love your fat ass if you get what I mean hehe.
Saiyuki wasn't even a BL manga, it was more like an old-fashioned shoujo like Banana Fish or CLAMP's X (where Cool Guys Do Cool Things), one not focused on your self-insert and her romance.
At this point she doesn't care about him anymore, which is why she is breaking the heart lol.

It's a funny manga, you probably would enjoy it.
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Does this count?
The tranny larper who made this image isn’t representative of old /a/
Why would I like characters that would hate me? Also stop projecting.
you did not answer the question mate
This is weird. I could have sworn some database told me it ended in the late 10s when I googled it last time. Do they still publish series Loveless, Weiß Side B, 07 Ghost or is it entirely yume now? If so, why? Most of their old series were big names or already popular enough to be known among manga fans in general. Back when manga fans were more of a community that is.
>things that do not belong
I miss these times. I still believe that allowing this garbage was the beginning of the end. We opened the floodgates of hell and normalfaggotry the moment Moot allowed every kind of shounen shit on here.
What question?
>can't even read posts right
yes, anon, your brain is fried by porn
Then you have no reason to like any character, everyone would hate you, just like IRL
faggot go back or kys, women dominate otaku culture i thought this got made clear with genshiken nidaime.
women love yaoi and nothing else there are some girls that like yuri but are minimal hence no much is done.
nope is because men don't care about fujobait like yuri or yaoi, yes yuri is fujobait.
>girls are called fujoshi.
>men are called fudanshi.
>despite seeming that they are into yaoi or bl in reality fujoshi and fudanshi like content of same sex no matter if is same sex girls.
no men will call himself a fudanshi.
Most men would rather just go for hetero porn
When something is forced into limited containment in select areas there is bound to be more of an abundance of said things in those areas. Since there is more of a general pushback against most BL stuff than GL stuff so the few areas that allow for the former get funneled into those areas and thus seem like they are in much greater frequency. This can be said for any other thing that is focused on male x male relationship series outside of just anime too.
I enjoy both as long as it's not one of those sugary romance shlogs with nothing happening. MCs that are meant for self-inserting are pure shit so I rather read yuri or gay shit. Hetero romance is just as good but the majority of it is targeted at self-insert fags.
>women love yaoi and nothing else there are some girls that like yuri but are minimal hence no much is done.
There are probably more girls who like yuri than guys, but yuri is a niche so small that minimal is an accurate description.
>more projection
I win.
If being a smelly virgin locked insidr his own room afraid of fictional lesbians anf gays is winning to you
based schizo
I think youre just repulsive...
Nigga why the fuck would I know? I'm not a woman. All I know is that I'm not enough of a self-hating cuckold to like Yuri. Do fujoshi make an entire genre out of worlds where women don't exist because they went extinct or some other shit? Do they draw women getting beaten up by men for being horrible or some shit?

No idea, really, but I imagine the answer lies there.
Actually they do have the male equivalent for both.
>But series where the virgin MC is the ONLY guy allowed to interact with the girls is fine
They do? And i don't mean some...weird Mpreg stuff or whatever, i mean the specific
>(Wo)men are all evil stinky losers, let's beat them up and them make them go extinct with our magic gay science then frolic in a field in white dresses!
or some stupid shit like that.
Yes? You have 20 times more BL than yuri and BL has existed for far longer, any concept you are thinking of is nothing new, there is a reason why stuff like omegaverse have guys impregnanting other guys after all.
Omageverse is extremely popular among fujos.

>men are all evil stinky losers, let's beat them up and them make them go extinct
This has only ever been said in like 2 forgotten and unpopular yuri manga.
Well, color me surprised. I guess the fujos just don't post that shit in one page threads so i never see it (good)

>This has only ever been said in like 2 forgotten and unpopular yuri manga.
I don't think fujos post anywhere but shonen threads, regardless 98% of yuri manga are romances which are not really worried about men, stuff like Saki where men are in fact going extinct are not common at sll.
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Is that why yurifags can't go five minutes without screaming about how every single male character is an stupid self-insert who needs to die so the girls can be gay?
Does yuri omegaverse exist? Pregnancy exists but it's usually explained by other means.
That's a bad statistic because they treat Yurihime Comics as a demographic of its own.
Web manga was also fairly dubious.
Because fujos are jealous of the self-insert female characters in manga with straight romance. Female leads need to be removed entirely so that fujos would have nobody to feel jealous about. It's the same reason why they keep asking for pretty girls to be removed from media, they're just jealous. Sounds stupid but it really is that simple
Omega shit is mostly limited to fan fics so there aren't many official works to post. Besides that it's a subgenre of yaoi and from what I get the large majority of fujos on /a/ and BL centered boards hate it. That aside I think yaoi isn't the right genre to post in OPT. Most yaoi center around the romance and romance series are rarely interesting enough for impressive single pages that are good enough on their own to attract more readers. So there aren't as many series to choose from compared to action fantasy with super detailed art or psycho thrillers.
Men are self inserters when it comes to porn on average, meaning the only men who like yuri are closet trannies or outright trannies.

Women don't really self insert, maybe because they have a weaker sense of self.
>Women don't really self insert
>Saying this when yumejos are literally everywhere
The vast majority of shoujo is self-insert shit for women, claiming they don't self-insert is just stupid
>self-inserter delusion
>seinen sold more than shonen
wtf is this? Even if seinen includes CGDCT and Isekai, there's no way it out sold shonen
I mean, in what yuri series they are doing this though? Aside from actual yuri series with male protagonists which would definitely be self inserters for the audience.
I think it's related to desires. Women that self-insert (aka yume) seem to have weaker selves than neutral ones or fujo to me. They just desire their personal prince and imagine falling in love with one in their daydreams. Meanwhile people that enjoy non-self-inserty romances don't desire them for themselves, they just have fun with the characters and dynamics.
I mean you can enjoy a thriller or dystopian story and maybe even love the characters, but you probably don't want to be one of them and get killed by the psycho or be a slave in a dictatorship.
They don't do it in yuri series, in those i presume they just scream because there was like one male character in the background or something. I don't know. I do see them do it in regular threads, however.
Don't women usually exist in those?
Yuribait more likely to be a side thing in regular het stuff while fujobait is less likely to show up.
With that being said though I think waifufags have actually started to hate men more than usual so it's pretty likely we'll see more yuri in the future (just look at anime like dragon maid where the character who would have been the male self insert is instead female).

As for why BL is more popular, it's pretty much the main thing female otakus are into with the top doujins on toranoana always being BL, while yuri is more of a side thing for men and women respectively.
They exist on paper but like betas they are irrelevant for most part.
Yes there are few yuri omegaverse works, though usually they remove the futa part or focus on the non futa characters.
>Men are self inserters when it comes to porn on average
so Americans actually want to become niggers?
The thing is, some BL doujins sell better than serializations, so it's a industry that operates on a different way.
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A lot of popular yuri series have male characters as side characters, so it's not really a big deal
More fujos go to ikebukuro's otome road which has general joseimuke stuff.
Have you ever entered a romcom thread? All the things the project on the MC is literally nigger behaviour
Yes it does faggot.
Almost none of the yuri series I watched or read did this but I agree it's bad. They absolutely should not try to encourage the type of nutcase that gets a meltdown seeing a male character in his cartoon. They need meds, not series that pander to their mental illness.
Kill yourself, retard.
>Do they draw women getting beaten up by men for being horrible or some shit?
Nah, women in BL are usually just average side characters.
Yes, and I want to kill every last one horribly. Just look at all the bitching in MT threads when we've been asking for protagonists who actually make and fuck their harems for years? How the fuck is this tolerated?
The fanbase is just bigger and more passionate (aka they spend more money for it). I have yet to see a single f/f pairing ever getting half as popular as Kaworu/Shinji, Griffith/Guts, Sephiroth/Cloud, Hetalia shit or any of the likes. Most fans of CGDCT series just like the cute girls or like them as waifus, they are less interested in gay shipping.
That aside I feel like there are more women than men who are into yuri itself.
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Male protagonist
>Ultra moralist, only does bad thing as justice
Yuri protagonist
>Goes to the grave of the rival girl who adored her like a little sister to piss on her grave while telling her she won.
Yaoi protagonist
as a real man I masturbate to both
There's been a lot of those types of retards everywhere lately, I don't even get the point of it they're not fooling anyone.
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>I have yet to see a single f/f pairing ever getting half as popular as Kaworu/Shinji, Griffith/Guts, Sephiroth/Cloud, Hetalia shit or any of the likes
Yaoi protagonist would do shitty thing, panic, and have most of the story be him freaking out before turning into a non-issue apology and then sex.
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>yaoi protagonist
Nigga there are posters on this board who have an aneurysm the moment a male character appears in even one single panel.
They are definitely bigger, like dozens of times, so it's really hard to any yuri ship to get as popular as a yaoi ship, though stuff like Bocchi is full of yuri shipping for example. There are probably more women in general into yuri, but a lot of magazines with yuri content have mostly male demographics.
I wonder if it's actually representative for /a/ or just a bunch of legit mentally ill fags. I am sure I recognize at least one of them, he gets aggressive if you even dare to talk about a male character for plot reasons for anime that aren't even romance, making any sort of discussion impossible. And then there is that ack tard.
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Madohomu is actually more popular than Kawoshin on pixiv
You will always have weirdos and larpers, on /u/ there is a certain chinese anon who always make long reviews of japanese stuff and is constantly mocked by other users for making drama over crazy shit
Because some of the best stories on mankind's history have been about bromance, girls are just boring.
imagine doing this when kawoshin is older than many anons posting here (and madoka aired back in 2011)
These retarded fucking faggots actually think they're not next right after we finally crush femishits for good to fully restore creepy pervert pandering. I've seen more and more bitching about not putting up with 3DPD when cuckservatives literally handed the enemy popular culture in the first fucking place then have the gall to still shit on it and us for not siding with because we're not too insecure and and miserable to still like cartoons and video games as adults, especially with hot schoolgirls.

Reality is you support the lesser evil for your quality of life or at least aren't actively trying to shit it up because when push comes to shove, all politcians will bitch about something as tame as My Dress Up Darling, let alone ecchi and especially loli. Do you think a single one besides Taro or Akumatsu will defend Winvurga, a manga by blatant rapefag author, who shows it in graphic detail and got depressed when he was being discouraged before switching magazines and immediately perking up like a true unapologetic madman? We are not like them and will never be, they will ALWAYS be the enemy no matter how much you want to believe otherwise. Enjoying hentai alone makes you a degenerate and enemy to society like these retarded tourists spew at you for incest or ESPECIALLY yuri.
Yaoi has always been part of Japanese culture until the Meijin restoration where they started to adopt foreign customs and fucking a younger boy wasn't a cool hobby anymore, it's still done though, just behind close doors.
Pixiv was near the height of its popularity by the time madohomu existed, whereas kawoshin predates a lots of internet image uploading sites/archives. So it's unsurprising one would be more popular on that site than the other. Perhaps it would be more fair to look at conventions and merchandising and the like?
Fics are also a good method to measure popularity, but AO3 is rather recent (2008) so it doesn't depict earlier series pretty well (despite a gorillion Megatron/Starscrean or Prowl/Jazz fics maybe, but they are part of an ongoing franchise) since most old fics were uploaded on their author's respective home pages and I don't even know if Japan has anything resembling AO3 or FF.
Would bet $200 it's 5 or less retards shitposting. Pay attention to posting style. One faggot literally spewed "tranime" while dismissing Mai-Hime days, so it's either that retarded or bait.
AO3 or any fanfic sites are dominated by women so MxM is always the most popular type of pairings by far
Because it was.
Only mai otome manga had a tranny protagonist for whatever reason
nanshoku is an topic to read about, especially because people of course mistake that as something that relate to sexuality when it was connected to Japan's caste system and their a "way of living" like the bushido,
Oh I agree 100% that Kawoshin is overall the more popular ship, I just think it's worth noting that as far as yuri goes Madohomu is definitely up there with the big yaoi ships, only other one I can think of that kinda falls into that category is Reimari and probably some love live ships.
Yeah but the question is why. I feel like the answer would also explain why there are more yaoi than yuri series. I think women are generally more actively involved in fandoms and creation. Even most of the fanart with women I see stems from female fans.
Women are more into shipping in general compared to guys, I think the only times guys get really intense about shipping is with waifu wars but that's more because they consider the protagonist to be themselves rather than a different set of people.
Also women are just naturally more artistically inclined I think, probably comes down to writing and drawing being considered more feminine hobbies.
The whole doujin scene is mostly women, this include yuri, yaoi and het, even hentai is mostly done by women too.
>Also women are just naturally more artistically inclined I think
Yeah, because most artists in history were women, right?
Women were not allowed to do shit like this for most part of history.
most artists didn't draw gay shit unless it was greek wrestling which isn't gay at all btw
That's just cope and you know it. Even today, nearly all the famous artistic stuff is done by men.
because the gooner coomers that like yuri are poor retards.
Not in japan though
>nearly all the famous artistic stuff is done by men
Yet the vast majority is done by women. Just because men get more famous doing it doesn't mean that they're better and are more frequently doing it.
Because BL/BL adjacent manga got moved to BL mags by the same publisher.
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I used to think lesbians were like, "bro girls" and because they also like girls, so they can understand you and be crazy over girlstogether
but over the past 10 years the lesbians successfully convinced me that they all hate males and will harass the first one that look weird at them, it's just so scary
even now when a lesbian character show up I just think "oh, its one of them... this one probably hates males too" and instant feel uncomfortable
I used to read yuri stuff before with that feeling of curiosity, like a whole new world
but now all I have is the desire to stay away and wish the characters I like don't get pushed into that
thanks for reading my blog
lesbians arent real in the way fags are real. they simply hate men
They are not any worse than you porn addicts.
>lesbians are real
This is why anon added the "being considered more feminine hobbies" part. Neither women nor men should be more talented but you have one gender dominating the scene thanks to cultural shit. In the past it was just hard for a woman to get this sort of job or even be allowed to do it. Nowadays people are free, but out society treats it as a "female" hobby. Boys that draw will most likely get laughed at by other boys or consider drawing unmanly. It's retarded, but you have a clear advantage if you start early with a hobby, when you are still a kid.
Most "famous" artworks nowadays are modern expressionist shit where someone draws a white line on a blue canvas.
>retard calls others mentally ill
>while he feels that he gets cucked by fictional characters
You are such a pathetic waste of oxygen, it's unreal.
There is a difference between tumblr lesbians and lesbians of older generations. The older ones I know are exactly how I imagined them before and basically 40+ year old tomboys (or tomwomen, however you call that). With the younger ones it depends. I come from a place where most girls were tomboyish though. I believe it's different in most parts of the world, especially the US. At least if social media posters and anons are anything to go by.
I don't know if lesbians actually hate men because I never interacted with one, but men who are big into yuri are 100% guaranteed to be self-hating pathetic losers who hate the entire male gender.
Nah trad larpers are based for making degenerate subhumans like you, who draw out actual discussions with their shipping faggotry, seethe.
Gacha and commissions have decimated man made fanart made for fun/passion.
Even when it comes to battle harems, new chapter fanart is clearly made by women.
If lesbians didn't hate men, they wouldn't be lesbians, stoopid.
Maybe you yurifaggots should stop acting like the most insufferable faggots known to mankind. It's your behavior that makes normal people despise you, not your fetish.
Are you really coming to this thread to beg for us to stop bullying you?
You don't belong here, subhuman. Fuck off back to your containment board.
Stop begging dude, there is nothing you can do about it.
are you talking about fanart or are you talking about porn? because the apes who buy porn are actually dumb enough to believe it's actually a woman who's selling them parasitic wank fodder and not some ugly SEAspic
You're afraid of getting cucked by fictional characters. It doesn't get more pathetic than that.
Why does it seem like yuritroons are seething and crying 24/7?
Why does it seem like yurichads are winning and dominating 24/7?
The sad part is that you don't realize saying shit like this makes you look bad not us, normal people don't think there is a possibility of getting cucked by fictional characters, what you are saying is so dumb and so alien the only answer I can give you is that it's fiction, it's not real, we don't feel attracted or want to have sex with fictional characters, because again they are not real.
>and not some ugly SEAspic
are you implying that SEAspic (female) wouldn't be just as ugly?
Asians are literally incredibly disgusting to the point where I'm surprised that there's only like 2 million hikikomoris there, anime and blue LED are unironically the only good things that ever came out of Japan.
Because we are, though the real winners are baihechads who get to read stuff like pic related.
Literally one of your fellow yuritroons said that he feels like he gets cucked by fictional male characters >>268331845
probably but in the mind of a mindbroken simp, saying you have a pussy is literally a money multiplier
it makes NO sense if you want attention on the internet to not claim you are a woman, especially when your aim is making money (and 100% of "fan" art today is some porno drivel made by someone who didn't even watch that shit)
generally speaking we're in an era where milions of horny brown monkeys will give clicks to anything that claims to have a cunt
No, he literally said you don't self insert in yuri and he even pointed out that self inserting is a mental illness, what he is basically saying is that only self inserters can get cucked because they are not reading a story, they are "living" it.

Which is actually wrong, self inserting is a brain defect not a mental illness, it's something normal when you are a small kid and you naturally lose the ability to do so as your brain starts developing, though he may be right there is an actual correlation between self inserting fantasy and troons.
>Yaoi: centuries of history
>Yuri: barely a thing prior to Marimite
It's that simple.
Pervert board. Kill yourself, retarded tourist.
Funny enough, Marimite itself was never promoted as a yuri series, it was just strongly associated with it.
BL is so odd
most bl manga have explicit sex scenes in them
why do japanese women want to see gay porn so much
>retards rather get cucked by generic schoolboys while pretending to be them
Literally how is this not him implying that he thinks that he gets cucked if a fictional male character gets together with a fictional female character?
And I hate it with a passion. Seriously, even within the gay muscle men art bubble there is a decent amount of artist that casually draw or retweet gacha shit. I don't want to know how bad it is if you follow artists that draw girls or twinks, since they are more likely to get into Genshin and all that.
They are, they're just really shit at expressing it to themselves and others so they bottle up everything and it mutates into this fucked up self-harm fetish and explodes on some random disease-riddled convict instead of a stable loving relationship
It's hot
/u/ was never a containment board and existed before you were old enough to use a computer, let alone shit up /a/. Kill yourself.
Who the fuck buys drawn porn based on the author? You buy it for the artstyle and characters that you want to see getting gangbanged.
That aside anon was talking about fandom. That includes everything and most series based doujinshi are drawn by women. Look up the 5000 gay ones that Golden Kamuy has. Not to talk about Tiger and Bunny and such.
Do you expect yurifags to be sane?
>yuricucks trying to prove how they are not mentally ill by having another good ol' yuricuck meltdown
American influence. They were in the 80s "cool gay" phase for a honorable amount of time, but now that we have rapid globohomo thanks to the internet they'll quickly catch up to 2024 gay
it's only a matter of time before you get actual wide nosed negros in mixed couples with the waifus, and unironic trannies
I give it 5 years
never really thought about it like that, must be heavily related to willingless to spend money though
t. has paid 0$ for anything related to anime, manga, any asian story etc etc
>Prostitution is almost entirely female
Because women don't have to pay for sex, even the fattest, ugliest women can effortlessly have sex with a 6/10 at worst
>rapes are almost all committed by men
See above, women don't rape because they don't have to, if they want to fuck someone they usually can. On top of that, women despise the idea of being sexually dominant or assertive so they wouldn't enjoy rape to begin with
>the majority of sex-appeal advertising is targeted towards men
>as is almost all porn by a comically disproportionate amount.
And again, only one gender has to cope for the sex they aren't having with masturbation while the other can just text one of the 5 guys they have on rotation to come over and fuck them into the mattress. When you have that ability seeing a swinging dick in a movie or whatever isn't that exciting.

I don't know why people pretend women aren't horny because they don't have to jerk off to cartoons to get off like men do
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>yurichads proving how they are mentally sound by having another good ol' yurichad discussion thread
well yeah
im a fudanshit
Fujoshits and yuricucks are both some the most deranged coomers you will find, but at least fujoshits know that their crackships are pure headcanon, meanwhile yuricucks will have a meltdown if their ship doesn't get confirmed.
>most bl manga have explicit sex scenes in them
Why do most eromanga and eroge have explicit sex scenes?
Because you are ignoring the important part
>while pretending to be them
If they pretend to be the character, how can they get cucked by that very same character?
Quit samefagging, you worthless fucking tourist. You think anyone else will read this thread and not see you're the trash shitting it up unprovoked with your cancer crossshitting lingo?
Yurishitters are failed men. I mean all shippers are, but yuricucks are a special breed of testosterone deficient freaks.
BL started as a subgenre of old school shoujo, which had a fuckton of sex and violence in it, so a genre built on a foundation of "sex is no big deal" will obviously treat having sex as no big deal.
bruh why are you so mad tho
Hetshippers are also batshit though, have you not seen how shounenfags and waifufags react when their best girl doesn’t win?
I meant that when it comes to fanart drawn by men, the mast majority is porn made for money.
Non porn story related fanart, I see women doing that.
If you have a series that centers around romance at least do it right. Otherwise you get sleeping pills like Mysterious Girlfriend X that run for a decade and don't progress at all and not even have a kiss. I totally understand if women say that this is boring.
Never said they weren't.
Proves that fujos are the most pure then
heterosexuals don't watch anime, they have sex with 3D women
Go the fuck back.
you cannot be heterosexual without sex, it's just not how it works
>Mai-Hime days
I miss the Mai-Hime days and still Sunrise best work besides Gundam.
>there is 1 yuri magazine
Is that really true though? Yuri Hime may be the only 100% dedicated yuri one but lots of magazines run yuri. Yagakimi is from Dengeki Daioh, there's obviously tons of stuff from Kirara, Cune, etc.
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Pic related suggests a different result than what you're saying. As per https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/215756537.pdf women are far less likely than men to have an orgasm regarding sex. And the way to make women enjoy it dramatically more is by being more intimate and communicating with their partners with regards to having sex. On the other hand, while they overall benefit from it, men having deeper and more intimate gestures isn't going to be as effective to reach orgasm. In other words, women are far more likely to NEED the close connection to orgasm in bed, not "just text one of the 5 guys they have on rotation". If anything, the opposite is more likely, see polyandry vs polygyny rates.
So if women are less likely to orgasm than men regarding sex, along with less satisfaction or need for sex, AND women are less likely to maturbate >>268341273 , then that simply means women aren't as horny as you're making it seem.
Dunno how accurate it is, since apparently USUK from Hetalia has more works than both on Pixiv
How many magazines run yaoi outside of BL ones?
Hetalia is arguably more popular than Madoka in Japan
How the fuck are these retards not banned. This reminds me when either IT or some other asshurt moralfaggot was spamming basically every post in a true harem thread. I won't stop until every faggot like this has been completely driven out of /a/. Muskoku Tensei threads give me the sinking feeling it's still around.

Get out of the city
You won't find "hateful" people in areas where people learn quickly what happens when you are unfriendly
>hates Naruto
They're way more based than nu-/a/
The weirdest thing about it's that the manga is still going on in Jump Plus.
I thought it died a while ago, but it's still getting new merch, new musicals and will probably get another anime season.
Have you never liked a villain before?
You must not read any yuri
IchirlRukikeks are STILL seething to this day
I am genuinely convinced that this isn't just true for yuri anime but /a/ as a whole. It's a bunch of dedicated clinical autists and crazies that are online 20h a day and post the same shit over and over again and engage in turf wars and try to fight fans of genres they don't like. It's always the same 5 or so posting styles and buzzwords that every single post of them contains.
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>series releases stuff featuring female characters in cat outfits
>wave of fan art have it on the male characters instead.
I noticed that with friends I have or had. Most of the men just needed to google a random tit photo or video to masturbate and it even works when the woman is an amateurish porn actor or doesn't look that good. Meanwhile, most of the women can only masturbate to their top tier favorite handsome anime characters and not without context either, they need the sex to be part of a story or at least a fanfic that is based on a proper story with characters, designs, chemistry and a dynamic they like. It seems to be important that they know the characters. I have never seen any of them being interested in an OC doujinshi for example, it needs to feature 2D men they are already fan of.
I feel like too many people are basing their opinions of others on bullshit they see online. I live in a huge city with drugs and all that shit and even here people are nothing like the assholes you commonly see online. People rarely start a conversation themselves, but if you or anybody else dares to break the ice you notice how chill and friendly most people are.
I see those man haters, shooter fans and other shizos everywhere online but I almost never fucking met any of them in real life. And the few that fell into that category were always legit mentally ill people that were shunned and hated by everybody else.
I always felt like I should like Hetalia but it's too cutesy for my taste. I wish it was a bit more like country balls (but with human designs, my power level isn't high enough to fap to gay balls).
Fujos are dedicated.
>In other words, women are far more likely to NEED the close connection to orgasm in bed, not "just text one of the 5 guys they have on rotation".
If women were only having and only desired sex with men they have a connection to they'd have higher orgasm rates. The fact they don't just highlights how frequently they're just fucking randos
the female orgasm isnt even a real thing in the first place
4chan has fallen
>A greater proportion of men (18.6%) compared to women (7.4%) reported having had casual sex in the month prior to assessment.
Men tend to have a far larger orgasm rate in casual hookups (83%) than women (41%). And men act on it more often. What do you make of that?
That men are more likely to admit to casual sex and cum easier, which is not surprising and has nothing to do with how horny each are
Yeah but they don't have the added insanity that a fujoshit or a yurinigger already have.
Trust me, it would be way worse.
Ah, that was ACK, newfag-kun.
They aren't.
>Because women don't have to pay for sex, even the fattest, ugliest women can effortlessly have sex with a 6/10 at worst
Because men want it way more than women, to the point where they are willing to pay for it and women care so little for it that they need to be paid to agree to it.
Yet some of the biggest online hookup sites/apps are predominantly male. Hell, check how many are setting it up as casual/hookup and you're going to have an even bigger percentage of men. https://www.businessofapps.com/data/tinder-statistics/
On the other hand, sites/apps that are more about serious dating have a closer half and half ratio. https://techreport.com/statistics/software-web/hinge-statistics/
>Because men want it way more than women, to the point where they are willing to pay for it and women care so little for it that they need to be paid to agree to it.
No, men can't get it as easily as women because women only want sex with a small percent of men.
>Yet some of the biggest online hookup sites/apps are predominantly male
Because women don't need websites for hookups, they can just leave their home instead
>No, men can't get it as easily as women because women only want sex with a small percent of men.
Because women barely care about sex in general whereas men will even fuck a corpse if they can get away with it.

You are completely delusional. No facet of reality agrees with you.
Online dating/hookups became by far the most popular form of getting with another person for both sexes, especially post-covid.
>The top place according to 45% respondents was online dating apps, followed by being connected by a friend (33%) and concerts or festivals (32%)
See how often I use actual stats and journal articles to back up my claims while yours is based on a poisoned outlook via assumptions? If you aren't trolling, I genuinely hope for you to get better. I don't care if one sex is hornier than the other. Trying to paint the opposite sex as more horny to put them down sounds pathetic. I'm not going to respond further.
I don't even know how people can take Yuri seriously. It's like a huge inside joke or something. Women can only be satisfied being penetrated by a cock. No amount of scissoring can replace that natural feeling. That's why Yuri isn't popular because it's like a joke that has gone too far.
Yes because your ass is unemployed and unserved.
and being a teen dad.
Yes we know you are a nigger.
Serious answer is because for every yaoi story, there is another harem story.
Lonely women.
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There's only one Harem magazine.
Both are shite
What country are you from?
>BL, Seinen, Shounen
Are the guys really that popular than the girls?
A lot of women buy seinen and shonen, not many men buy shojo or josei.
Have you ever considered the possibility that they just don't like it? There are people who say they like scat but not piss yet you never seem to say anything about them?
Cry harder, faggot.
Twitter doesn't exist anymore.
No, i must project my insecurity onto others. It is my only way to cope with the fact that i have a fetish i dislike. In fact, i just dislike myself, not because theres any good reason to but its simply due to a behavioral pattern i picked up from my drunk father in my childhood years.
Simple. Men don't need a lot to be happy.

Women are never fucking happy with what they have.
Yuri is socially acceptable so it doesn't need specialized magazines, it can be found in normal ones line Daioh
Why are yuritroons so prone to chimp outs?
Contrary to myth, not even the dick can fix women.
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>Delete everything except the original boards (/a/-/jp/ split at the latest)
Old /jp/ was so much fun, I miss it like you wouldn't believe.
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Weirdly yaoi harem is pretty rare, most you’re gonna get is a love triangle.
Women and Dykes read yaoi manga
>One loves hot gay action
>The other wants to be men

Dykes read Yuri
>Of course they do

Fags read Yaoi
>Of course they do

Men and Fags don't read yuri manga
>One doesn't want to see a slow-burn bishojo and not be able to relate to female problems
>The other doesn't like women

Obviously niggas will read a yuri doujin but I'm not sitting thru 5 volumes of bullshit just for them to bump clams at the end.
You will never make anyone think "ack" is real. And you will never have a safe space, !Akemi.
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>new age anime fans mixing real life politics with fiction and hating on yaoi
>Fujoshi means disgusting woman
>Yaoi's name itself is making fun of it being nothing but fanfic tier smut without any pretense of being literature
It's just a nasty fucking genre, anon. Always has been and you don't need idpol to think that. If there's anyone mixing real life politics and fiction it's that retarded propagandist spamming prepared links and pics for whatever bullshit stance it was he was trying to push here.
I'm sure things like TaiSora, Zutara and NaruSaku are peak insane
I know of a particularly insane Dakari shipper that's also a rare male fanfic writer.
Fetish lesbians are hot as fuck but lesbians IRL are severe psychopaths most of the time and they generally look like shit too.
The lesbians I met IRL rang every possible alarm bell, literally the kind of people you'd expect to plot a murder
this would be hot if both these chicks were girls
IRL lesbians are cute but dykes are just plain ugly. Feminism has ruined feminine beauty.
Yuri is targeted at women
Yaoi is targeted at women
Series that contain smut already features girl on girl action.
However, don't let the target audience for Yuri dissuade you. There's some cute series out there like Wataten
TIL I'm in the 4% of men.
shouldn't have cut your dick off
I have a dick. I only masturbate once a month or two. I spend the rest of the time being a wizard. You will never achieve my level
anon, you sweet summer child, fujos has been a dominant consumer force for manga since decades before you were born
>pic related
never heard about this
is that work about the otaku culture in the heisei era or that's just some random bit?
that's the father of lolicon there and this was Showa era
Kill yourself, retard yuricuck.
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Smut is an inherently female genre no matter if it's het, dyke or fag. Normal men don't touch that shit.
The most off-putting part of yuri is yurifags.
They make it easy to avoid yuri by being absolutely fucking deranged and autistic as fuck.
The women into yaoi aren't all fujos, some are just typical women but hornier, while 90% of guys into yuri are voyeuristic creepy weirdos who use yuri as a coping mechanism.
There's a reason almost every white yurifag nowadays is a tranny or a self-hating weirdo.
Very well said.
real men like straight vanilla.
Luckily, canon genderbent forms exist in Hetalia
I don't know why white guys and otaku always assumed that lesbians would be bros just because they also like girls.
To a lesbian you're just another form of potential competition, and the vast majority of lesbians are feminists, to whom it comes naturally to hate men.
If anything they've always been far more likely to hate men than the average woman.
> lesbians of older generations
Doesn’t exist. Female faggotry is a 70s invention
That’s just the characters already being popular and yurifags latching onto it
It’s not even canon
Yurifags might as well be women considering their irrationality and lack of testosterone.
Least schizophrenic and most understandable yurifag post
Oh, well that's simple.
Most yaoi stuff doesn't present the women in the story as contemptible, they're usually just normal women who are kind of in the background and secondary to the gay sex.
Thus you don't get the sense reading it that the women who enjoy yaoi hate other women.
Most yuri stuff either presents the men as over-the-top pigs, spineless losers, or as some kind of strawman for the author to project things he hated about other men, usually some kind of "Chad" who gets put in his place or has his ego bruised by lesbians.
Thus yuri manga appeals less to the average man since the average man does not hate all other men, and himself.
Not to say that insane fujos who hate all other women don't exist, but they're far rarer than insane yurifags who hate all other men, there's much less of a "I want revenge on other women, they're the reason I don't have a boyfriend!" aspect since that's more of a male thing.
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One of the most famous authors of the Class S genre (from the 1920-30's) was a lesbian who had a relationship with another women for over 50 years.
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>most yuri stuff either presents the men as over-the-top pigs, spineless losers, or as some kind of strawman for the author to project things he hated about other men, usually some kind of "Chad" who gets put in his place or has his ego bruised by lesbians.
I see you have read almost no yuri.
>Most yuri stuff either presents the men as over-the-top pigs, spineless losers, or as some kind of strawman for the author to project things he hated about other men, usually some kind of "Chad" who gets put in his place or has his ego bruised by lesbians.
Western slop is not "yuri"
Is this supposed to disprove something?
Go to /u/ if you want a safe space
One person being degenerate doesn’t means an entire category of people like this existed
How is he acting like an over-the-top-pig or spineless loser in that scene?
Still Hima is baiting FRUK more than USUK lately.
He seems to like America×Japan more.
It’s literally a family relative realizing the girl won’t have children and her blood line ends with her, it’s also anti men propaganda retard
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Her works which touched on those themes were very popular in Japan.
Fujos tend to only hate themselves and often consider themselves inferior to other women, while yurifags hate themselves and everyone else with a penis and will have fantasies about the eradication of all males on the planet.
It really is the difference between male behaviour and female behaviour, where women project their insecurities inwards and men project their insecurities outwards.
And have you actually read the manga to verify this?
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>realizing the girl won’t have children and her blood line ends with her
Japan doesn't really care about bloodline. There's a reason why adult adoption is so popular in Japan. And it's not even true considering that lesbians can have children through IVF.

>it’s also anti men propaganda retard
He has his own love interest. What exactly is anti-male about that?
Why should I have to? Anon posted that panel as a an argument

> Japan doesn't really care about bloodline
Lmao imagine believing this. The whole world cares about bloodlines except for the degenerate modern west
fujos are a way more sustainable demographic in the long term side of things, especially when you take into account that most yuri fans are statistically way more likely to... suddenly and completely stop spending money
You're the one claiming it's anti-male yet nothing in that page is anti-male.

How do you explain the fact that adult adoption is so common in Japan?
I'm a normal heterosexual dude. I've noticed long ago that i don't really have an aversion towards gay males as long as they keep to their spaces. Hell, a dude with a fitness program that pushed me to become fit back in the days is gay. But there's just something about the lesbians that disgusts me to the core, and i can't really put it to words. This extends to anime and manga as well, especially when this shit is presented as "the purest form of love".
Maybe it's a fairly popular notion nowadays.
Adoption is only common in degenerate times. It wasn’t common in Japan 100 years ago.
It's probably because of real life factors, like seeing and hearing the things that real life lesbians say about men.
Whereas gay men obviously don't hate other men, so it's the choice between someone who hates my guts and someone who doesn't, and obviously one is more tolerable than the other.
I hate both but yeah "purity" yurifags are the funniest ones. Faggotry isn’t pure by any straight of the imagination.
Yurisisters... my anus is still hurting after losing four times last season... I was holding out hope for an anime-original yuri end in Hibike but Kyoani baited and mocked us again... please tell me this season will be better or I don't know what I'm gonna do...
It was even more common in the past.
>only really became widely used in the Tokugawa shogunate (or Edo period), which began around 1600 and lasted until 1868
Sounds like historical revisionism from pro degeneracy activists.
>please tell me this season will be better
Spoiler: It won't be so you know what to do.
Man, you need to work on your ability to pretend to a yurifag.

And you can't be this retarded.
>I'm a normal heterosexual dude
>i don't really have an aversion towards gay males
Newfag lmao
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>after losing four times last season
Yurifags actually won.
>I'm a normal heterosexual dude.
>i don't really have an aversion towards gay males
>But there's just something about the lesbians that disgusts me
Yes, as long as they keep to themselves.
>And you can't be this retarded.
That post is correct though. Last season you had Sasakoi, this season there is nothing
>idol bitch kissing a crazy fan for business only
>last season you had Sasakoi
There was also Seiyuu Radio and Jellyfish. GBC if you want to be nice.

>this season there is nothing
Let's wait until the third episode before we decide anything.
She only does it with female fans and has an obsession with Kano's mom.
>Seiyuu Radio
Nothing happened
You mean other than the groping in the bath and the fact that they're rivals now? And Jellyfish had multiple kisses and confessions.
Naruto and Sasuke kissed and were rivals. Is Naruto yaoi?
And I only saw a friendship ending in Jellyfish.
>you know what to do.
Read Getter Robo?
>Is Naruto yaoi?
It would've made more sense if it was.
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Naruto has a wife and kids. Kano/Mahiru have never once shown interest in guys and never describe their relationship as friendship.
Mahiru will ride the cock carousel in art school, it's inevitable
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>art school
You mean where girls will see and draw naked models of women almost every week?
>especially when you take into account that most yuri fans are statistically way more likely to... suddenly and completely stop spending money

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