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Father of the year. Anime of the year.
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Rudy will never live up to him
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Rudy is the gayest man with three wives
Rudy will never be as sexy as him
as anime only the dialogue is pretty cringey in this episode
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Son of the year.
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What does Rudy think about his second wife lusting over his father?
rudy more like Dr disrespect
>Fully NTRed Cuckolded anime
>Anime of the year
How low we fall
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he's much worse

reminder this is a 30+ reincarnated fat Japanese neet
LNbros weren't lying, the novel truly does add way more depth to almost everything
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This'll be the last Julie I get for years. See you when I see you Bind
What did he do wrong here?
This is r*ddit's aoty after all
blocked the face when she went for the chest
>Looks like a kid
>Same age as a kid
>Acts like a kid
>B-b-b-b-but he's actually a 50 year old man I swear guys and it would totes be legal for me to ra- I mean fuck him
People who unironically believe this are pedophiles.
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so is this pedophilia?
>two people who are exactly the same "mental age" and approximately the same "physical age" kissing
>is this pedophilia?
Fails 2/3 of the criteria at worst and all three if you're not retarded and don't think "Height of consent" is real.
Just to make sure, you are aware that he's not the same age in this video and the previous one, right?
I think it is close desu.
I go between Sylphie >= Roxy >= Eris
Roxy >= Sylphie >= Eris
Women can't be cuckolds and "cuckquean" is just fetish shit.
just woke up, did we win?
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I know he says their names, but I don't remember. Have we met these two prior to this season?
if you really think about it, Norn killed Paul
and saved Roxy
Bikini armor chick and nervous robe accountant from Paul's gang in S1.
paul's companions helping him free slaves when they reunite in s1
wtf i love norn now
Yes, Roxy is a pedophile groomer
Rudy has one wife who can successfully pass as a man.

One wife who looks like a child.

And one husband.
Roxy and Rudy are the same age.
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she didn't know that
They are Shira and Virra(I don't remember which is which). They were in Millis with Paul, the taller one was the bikini warrior
I lost all respect I had for Rudy and Roxy.
They are both terrible persons.
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but what about sylphie for accepting them?
luckily he's over the age of consent
She was wrong, she should have killed Roxy (Easy enough the migger had way less mana) and then took the house and her kid after kicking Rudy out. She should castrate him too, but he'd win and the laws in that shithole probably wouldn't help or matter.
Will Rudy fuck the foureyes redhead milf?
It honestly made zero sense. I get that Sylphy is supposed to be a fictional character but it stretches disbelief, ANY sane persno wouldn't stand for getting cheated on by some effeminate douchebag hypocrite, did sylphy just lose her mind because she was pregnant? she must live out the rest of the novel seething with fucking anger at the homewrecker taking control of her entire life and turning her into a bitch. I honestly should have quit this series during the first volume but it got better, but now it's gotten worse than it ever was, worse than anything i've ever. even. read.
How many (You)s are you up to now?
That's fucking gay because she's the hottest
Why is the schizo reposting Reddit comments now?
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>why didnt you ask me to marry you after the night in the school
You are all redditors, pedos, and virgins for loving this pedo male wish fulfillment.
>No argument
Lol typical for slop consumers
I love Roxy
But I can. I can't be fully self-inserted into mc. This why normal relationship and sex are forbidden in anime, for a reason.
If I were Rudy I'd have Sara as yellow wife and Linia, Pursena, Lilia and Aisha as concubines.
If I was Rudy I would only have Sylphie but only if she dyed her hair green again.
I was just thinking about that.
I hope Rifujin writes something in LN Redundancy about how Rudy discovers green hair dye/dying magic and BEGS Sylphie to let him do it for some childhood friend sexytimes
I kinda doubt Sylphie would be too happy about that unless it's temporary. Like 'wouldn't be strange that she isn't seen outside the home for that long' temporary.

I do have a fanfic idea of Rudy finding a single green hair in her head of white and stealing it for his little shrine.
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S2 had some nice bits, but it wasn't as good as S1.
Definitely not.
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Only the production values. In reality, the Begaritt with Paul and Hydra is much better than anything Season 1 had to offer
Nah, S1 had way too many good Ruijerd scenes and Orsted scene too.
S2's only good scene was Hydra and Paul stuff.
Season 1 fell off when they got to Demon Continent with Ruijerd.
What are you talking about my guy.
Mushoku peaks there and is in a constant decline after that, until Vol14 where things start picking up again.
You're wrong, bro. Mushoku fell off exactly when they got teleported at Demon Continent. Everything pre-Teleportation was better than the adventure arc in Season 1.
I liked S2 Banana episode
Elinalise is a titlet
I can't wait for Roxy to catch a deadly disease and Sylphie to be dismembered and hung on a cross.
That's fucked up anon.
>migger had way less mana
No she doesn't
Yes she does.
Yes she does retarded secondary
So it's not pedo if you don't know their age?
I liked that shot. It means they got over their differences and became friends in that month.
Nope. Miggers have a larger window for training their mana capacity.
Doesn't matter, laplace factor+Sylphie practiced from a younger age.
No they don't.
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Clean version.
Sylphie has a mana pool between 1.5x to 2x Roxy going off Rudy's estimations, because she has a Laplace factor and trained from childhood. Roxy never trained her pool from a young age like Sylphie did. If she had it might well be much closer to parity, but she did not. For the record, Rudy considers Roxy to have a very large mana pool, she would probably be in the top 10 non-freak wizards in the world.

But there is more to casting than just mana pool.

For example, Sylphie cannot into higher tier spells in any disciplines we have seen her try. She struggles with casting Saint tier, and completely fails at King tier. It's not a question of mana pool, but aptitude and strength of will or visualisation/imagination. Roxy has that, hence she is King tier at Water (but she is held back by her mana pool because she only has enough mana for one King spell at a time, even though she can solidly comprehend the actual spell itself), and she even managed to shorten the incantations down, which is incredibly rare. She's known to be excellent at efficiency and has very high control over her mana use, meaning she can use much less mana and still get the spell off compared with, say, Rudeus, who could also brute force it and get the same result because he has so much more to spare that he doesn't need to give a shit about efficiency.

Sylphie still has beginner/intermediate and some advanced spells that she can voiceless cast and because of her mana pool she can spam that shit, of course. But she hits a wall at the actual higher ranks. This is also the case for Rudeus, he cannot into healing magic and so he cannot use voiceless casting for it no matter how ludicrously oversized his mana pool is. Sylphie by contrast CAN into healing magic which is why she so casually heals voicelessly (but compare again with how inferior she is at Disturb compared to Rudeus).

tl;dr they all have strengths/weaknesses.

They don't.
>she only has enough mana for one King Tier Spell
Nope, she only has enough mana for one saint tier spell and needs Mana Crystals to cast King Tier Spells.
Anyone got a webm of norn just dropping rudy like nothing
Nope, she has enough to safely cast the King spell because she doesn't get mana stress white hair after. So she has mana left.
I just hate Rudy. Like really hate him. He's trash piece of shit and the second he gets a second chance, he starts to perv on women. Not only that but he is quadruple special born to a dead baby, into a special family, gets a harem even when he supposesly don't plan to, learn special magic, defeated gods, and create a well known group. All of this for being a piece of shit in the real world. Even saints get less. And you pedople praise the hell out of this. Really the spawn of satan type shit.
Rudy didn't get the mana stress white hair either, when he emptied his mana pool with waterfalls when he was a toddler back in Episode 1
No she doesn't, she literally states in EP2 that she can only cast Cumulonimbus once so Rudy better pay attention. She needed magic crystal to supplement her mana for the King tier spell.
Mana pool can still increase after childhood, it's just really fucking slow.
Damaged goods whore
Sylphy shouldn't have just kicked his cheating ass to the curb, she should have dropped the entire BOOK on him. No house, no kids, no money, make him pay HER so she never has to work, etc.
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Why does he make you seethe so much when you can just ignore his series instead? Are you autistic? Just watch/read something else lmao.
He did when he emptied his mana pool against Orsted.

She improved over time. There is no mention of her using mana crystals. Screencap and post the text or fuck off.
Why should I ignore people I hate enjoying something
If I spam naruto on the front page would you ignore it?
Sylphie is really insecure and doesn't want Rudy to hare her at this point. But I believe she can do all the stuff you listed after a while, in Redundancy Rudy mentions himself Sylphie got him whipped


I've never clicked on a shonen thread outside of /Dragon Ball Super/ in the 14+ years I've browsed this site, so yes I would just ignore it.
I didn't ask dipshit
"Improved over time" Dumbass. That only works on kids, it won't work again when they're adult, and Roxy already stated that she can only cast Cumulonimbus a Saint tier spell once
Lol. Why lie?
Okay, have a nice day
Yes, Shilphie is the most 3dpd of the love interests after all.
>after a while
You mean after the 10th harem member which would be his own granddaughter right?
I'm the same but for all of the big three
Though I've clicked on the db threads a couple times to shitpost and call people hispanic names, just because it was really funny.
Sylphie is the most soulful, you mean. My life would be much easier if 3DPD can even try to be like Sylphie
That other anon isn't me, but this doesn't really matter because she's already a ruined character at that point. She should've been confident enough to just DESTROY rudy when he tried to fuck her over
Because he was under severe stress while fighting Orsted, checks out
You know it's a bannable offense to spam in series you don't like, right? Mods have even addressed this.
There are plenty of 3DPD women who are complete doormats to any abusive sociopath that comes their way
No. Its all just a matter of timing. Sylphie is perfect.
It does improve slowly over time, that's part of how Orsted improved. It's just irrelevant for humans. Per Rifujin, some people started training their mana much later in life than Sylphie or Rudeus, and ended up with more mana than Sylphie.
>Lol. Why lie?
Prove that I'm lying retard.
There are plenty of 3DPD women who will bail on you when difficulty comes their way.
You mean socipathic Chad
No you're just a self inserter, you don't actually care about what a proper woman would do
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Reject whores and lizard niggers

Embrace hitocute
You mean non-Chads
>my wife would be much easier if women were timid submissive doormats with no agency who'll just accept whatever bullshit I'll throw at them
Incel retard
Why yes anon. I know what a ban is. So does the same retards that spam the boards previously.
>There is no mention of her using mana crystals
You're right I misread, I'm a retard, but you're still a faggot.
Screencaps or fuck off
Last time moetards say they don't care about dragon ball. Then the /dbs/ retards spam the board. You know who complained? Moefags.
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Holy SEETHE, stop projecting your shitty life unto me pls
Not in the west. They only let themselves be exploited by chads during their "fuck around" phase. After that they'll look for a nice guy to settle down with. Most of the drama is due to her suspecting you might be cheating on me.
Season 1 was the peak. Season 2 first half took a steaming dump on everything previously built. Only at the near end did Season 2 start to get better.
I wonder. Is it really that hard for this guy to comprehend ignoring things you don't like, or are you just shitposting?
Personally, I only post in threads for enjoyment. I either want to have genuine discussions that are fun like in yesterday's mushoku thread, or shitpost and make people angry for no reason (Like pasting comments from retarded redditors in Mushoku threads or calling DB watchers pedros or deliberately misinterpreting how stands work in Jojo threads)
Suppose doing something you hate makes sense if you have an agenda, but then you're just evil and subhuman.
When did I complain about /DragonBall Super/? threads? I quite literally said over the last 14+ years those were the only shonen threads I've visited because Dragon Ball is the only shonen I've ever watched.
Well anons generally make one thread per series. Occasionally a second or even third thread gets made. That doesn't mean you can shitpost in them without the risk of a ban.
So spam in threads that don't have Mushoku Tensei in the subject, those are bait anyways and you'll be more likely to get away with it, not here
I hope the next woman you look at takes the house and kills your dog.
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Just a husband and wife celebrating the success together.
Making Sylphie a cuck was pathetic.
If you marry a non-virgin that's your fault at this point. Non-virgin women are for pump and dumps or stringing along until they ask for marriage.
That's an example dumdum. Just telling you that people that previously say they don't care would care if they get affected like right after their thread get bumped of early because of the spam.
Plebs always says that but then real patricians goes off to realize that the adventure arc in Season 1 is where it really went to shit
>of course you can cheat on me while I’m pregnant Rudy, that’s what a good wife allows after all haha
>p-p-please don’t leave me…
Why are women so obsessed with MT?
I'm not autistic enough to care about my thread being bumped off, I'm just autistic enough to make a two new ones instead though,
You sound kind of delusional and confused.
Outside of some conversations with Ruijerd the demon continent adventure arc was the most generic arc in all of MT. Not saying it was bad but it is wholly overrated by the fandom.
Can't find the Sylphie one, but here's the reference to Orsted originally in his earlier loops only being known as an amateur with high potential, nothing more. He died repeatedly in early loops. He also has to retrain at the start of every loop, including a decade of pure body and muscle training.
Obviously, since it's the only one to receive a proper animation with Season 1
But everything pre-Teleportation also got a better treatment, so with it you can really see how mid the Demon Continent is
Season 2 did the Labyrinth dirty
>Season 2 did the Labyrinth dirty
Sure but I still consider "Parents" the best episode of MT Season 1 included.
You only say that because you're a newfag.
you're right
I've been here longer than you though.
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That's about Orsted though? The fucking God walking over earth in the cube world
Now here's the screencap where Roxy uses a mana stone >>268337329 dunno why anon deleted it tho
She isn't using a mana stone, she's gripping the stone on her staff, that's why I deleted it, I was wrong.

Anon, that post chain is talking about how mana improves over time and you don't have to be a child for it to still slowly return. Orsted was even mentioned in the chain?
Doesn't those have the same effect?
>and you don't have to be a child for it to still slowly return. Orsted was even mentioned in the chain?
Ok, now you're just wrong with this. Orsted was conserving mana because he literally carries a curse that makes his mana rejuvenation slow. Orsted's man capacity doesn't really grow I think, he's just replenishing it over time
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>only one round tonight?
I don't think that's ever stated, it literally just the crystal attached to her staff, like Rudy's blue orb attached to his staff.
Other than Sylphie the other 2 look fucking weird... I literally can't picture MT characters as asian other than the literal asians in MT....
Full ED song from EP24 ending.
Even Sylphie looks weird. And since when are Elves Asian?
Threadly reminder that anyone who accuses any aspect of this story of "pedophilia" is either jewish, will never be a woman or is themselves a pedophile - or, which is more likely - all of the above.

Every loop he has to start out retraining himself so he isn't just a high potential but actually has the capacity, his body resets every loop. The regeneration is just an added problem that carries through the rest of the loop.
Why did aisha's after story rile up nips?
Sylphie still at least looks a little cute, the other 2 are uncanny, and I never said Elves should be asian.
Because it was the first time the writer decided to not reward a pedo groomer and that made nips lose their minds and so they canceled it
My bad since you said Sylphie didn't look weird, followed by
>I literally can't picture MT characters as asian other than the literal asians in MT....
I thought you were implying Elves were Asian
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Okay, it's clear that Roxy can do cast the King tier spell Lightning, even without "mana crystal", but she says that even with her staff she can only cast it once and after that, it even leaves her completely exhausted unable to stand
So this means that Roxy can't cast Lightning without her staff, Rudys Aqua Heartia also has the effect of reducing mana consumption of spells, so Roxys staff probably works the same. Either way, if with just her own mana pool, Roxy can't cast Lightning
Even Rudeus himself, in episode 1, said they all looked like europeans. Everyone, that is, not just the elves.
Yeah, truthfully the spell is basically useless in Roxy's hands, she gets one shot and then she's a sitting duck, did Sylphie cast Cumulonimbus with her shitty Wand? If so her Mana far outclasses Roxy's.
I know that. Which is why I thought it was weird when you said you thought only Asians look Asian in MT. There's literally only one, even she doesn't look that Asian. She looks a lot prettier than the average Nip and Nips don't have gray eyes.
>Rudys Aqua Heartia also has the effect of reducing mana consumption of spells
It makes spell more powerful than they should be, given the amount of mana being used.
This results in spells using less mana, if you adjust your mana output accordingly - but what it actually does is to make spells more powerful.
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LN is on another level.
Anime is watered down and simple
where are the lewds of this? they look uncanny but curiosity still gets me
She failed once and succeeded the second time, she is shit at the spell but has enough mana to do it.
Is there an Novel to Anime/Live Action adaptation that isn't watered down?
Aqua Heartia makes spells more powerful. You still need to be able to cast the spell.
They look good.
So if Rudy had been practicing magic since the literal day he was born, would he be strong enough to beat Orsted?
I don't know if I want season 3 given Bind's current production quality.
Why not
Fuck no. In a 1v1 Orsted always has an instant win button, The God Sword.
No use worrying about it since it will happen regardless.
Hbo's mushoku tensei adaptation...
She's already better at it than Roxy since she can do it chantless
I wish they focused entirely on MT instead of distracting over tranny shit like onimai
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In general nobody can beat Orsted other than Hitogami.
And of course Only Orsted can beat Hitogami.

This is because non larping actual gods and demigods are fundamentally built different from ALL the other living organisms in this setting.
Like creating torandos by waving hands tier shit you can see in ODT.
Eris = Black
Roxy = Latina
Sylphie = Asian
Rudeus = Mystery Meat
Paul = Black
Zenith = The whitest, palest blone haired, blue eyed woman they can find
Objects with enough mana can ignore the Godsword, so if the magic armor had been souped up by a Rudy that was several times stronger, he would 100% be able to disregard it.
Yeah, Hitogami literally lifted his arm in the air and told the world to disappear and it literally started falling apart, the powercreep when it comes to gods is absurd.
So who's voicing Oldeus?
Why would they pair a black man with the whitest woman they can find?
So if we're gonna give Rudeus stupid buffs, lets remove Orsted's debuffs as well. Rudy gets absolutely raped either way.
That was because he crushed the dragon cuck which is why the realm started crumbling but yea they're on a different level from all the others.
What debuffs?
Because jews cum in their pants over the thought of white people getting bred out of existence by blacks. And jews control Hollywood and HBO.
You know exactly why those Hollywood jews would do that
The same seiyuu. Rudy will sound forever like a woman and you will rike it.
Sugita Tomokazu
She can't do it chantless. You have to be able to comprehend how the mana flows and replicate that to do it chantless, and Sylphie cannot properly into Saint or higher Water spells. Shame reason Rudy can't chantless healing, he cannot into the mana feeling even though he can cast the spell with the chant just fine.
Based. I fucking love them
t. Non white
Oldeus lucked out the didn't reach Hitocutie otherwise he would've been in for a rude awakening.
Womp womp
It's quite ironic since they're the ones who are so rapidly declining. They used to be close to 2% of the global population, and now they've fallen to <0.2%.
>Shame reason Rudy can't chantless healing, he cannot into the mana feeling even though he can cast the spell with the chant just fine.
No, it's literally spelled out to you that he's an autist who has a hard time empathizing with others, putting himself in the shoes of others, and healing magic requires that shit.
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It wasn't the Gods dying that caused the worlds to fall apart it was them literally destroying the Worlds, the dragon world wasn't collapsing until Hitocute shot his blast towards the surface. The human world being destroyed by his death was probably a lie.
There's really no source for that, I don't think there's even a scene in the LN of Sylphie chanting
Even if she did chant Cumolonimbus first, she can probably do it chantless after like Rudy can since she already felt the mana flow in that try
Gay shit, tranny shit, it's all same shit.
It feels like the people who appreciate normal shit are rare these days.
Slow mana regeneration due to time loop magic placed on him by his father, that prevents him from going all out immediately.
Doesn't really change much since I was assuming that anyways. There's no point in Orsted holding back if his life ends up on the line.
That isn't what Aqua Heartia does, but other anons already said as much.

My personal guess is that if Roxy has 10 units of mana, Cumulonimbus probably takes 6 and Lightning probably takes 10. Either becomes 1/day because the leftover 4/10 from Cumulonimbus means she isn't casting it a second time, and the leftover 0/10 for Lightning means she definitely isn't casting that a second time. Numbers picked to convey the theory, not suggest she has a measured 10.
It really has been just downhill, and it ain't getting any better either
Israel's fertility rate is 3
Then he blitzes and one shots Rudy every single time, the level of powers god level character deal with can literally wipeout mountains in a single punch. Orsted is literally 3/4ths of a actual dieties.
So if Roxy is a 10, Sylphie is 20 and Rudy is a 10000
>Hitogami the weakest god just one shotted a world
Oldeus would've gotten assfucked if he was able to actually make it... maybe even literally.
Why do all people who like Mushit Tenshit have total mental break downs when you say their cringy self insert power fantasy fetish shit show is bad?

Is it because they are all woke leftist and can't stand it when people don't affirm their sexual fetishes?
That's mostly among Muslims and Ultra-Orthodox Jews, and the latter see half of their children opt out and end up not reproducing. They've had a pretty stable population for the last half a century.
Nice try jew.
It didn't work though.
No go back to the gas chamber.
And now the world is filled with Indians. Pajeets are going to remove the concept of Chad, because they are the exact opposite, to get a chance at competing for white woman. The irony is when the Pajeetification of the world happens, the very thing the sought after will be extinct.
What got skipped from S2? What volumes should I read if I want to read the skipped parts
No, because just feeling the mana flow isn't necessarily enough to replicate a spell chantless. We know because Sylphie's chantless Disturb is significantly less capable than Rudy's, it has more limited range and effect for her than it does for others, and she struggled to learn it at all.

Some people just aren't good at certain magic types.
Volume 1-12
The main way in which a pajeet procreates is group-rape, since they are to pathetic to rape just by themselves.
I mean hey, have you seen the average Jewish woman? You'd have to stick me in a hellish kibbutz with no other pussy around for miles from BIRTH to get me to fuck one of them.
And that's just based on appearances, don't even get me started on personality.
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migger raped rudy that's a fact
There is only one empirical measurement on their relative differences, it's from Nanahoshi with circle powering.
Rudeus was feeling tired after powering fifty circles.
Fitz was feeling tired after powering twenty circles.
But she still casted Disturb chantless however. Also, it's literally impossible for Sylphie to have a bad attribute with water magic, it's the first spell Rudy taught her and practiced in childhood
How many can Roxy do?
Israel doesn't really represent Jews globally though. They're not even a majority of them.
Overall for non-Israelis, Jews average a birth rate of 1.5. It dips lower the more educated/well off they are, while the literal only sub-group of Jews breeding above replacement are non-college educated Orthodox Jews marrying other non-college educated Orthodox Jews (Which is a big problem since they're all 5th cousins and closer).
In a century, they might end up extinct due to their less-than-sustainable practices.
>Rudeus was feeling tired after powering fifty circles.
Was this stated?
She says "even with" her staff she can only cast it once, which language wise says that without the staff she could cast it and would just be fucked more than she was when using her staff. If her staff is like Aqua Heartia then it would make the spell more powerful, so she can reduce how much mana she feeds into it, but even if she does that she will still only be able to do it once.

So, she can cast it once. Or once with change using her staff, if her staff works like Aqua Heartia.
Half a circle
Yeah, he says he's tired but thinks he's okay.

She never took part, it was during the university arc.
MT is unabashedly a self insert anime bit I dont think it is by any means bad. The power scaling is defined and there are stuff to explore. Really just ignore rudeus and his unrealistic harem and you got yourself a good time
>She says "even with" her staff she can only cast it once, which language wise says that without the staff she could cast it and would just be fucked more than she was when using her staff.
I'm pretty sure that's not how it works. And she can't even stand after casting it, even with her staff
It depends on the tastes too.
I like watching Rudy becoming less shitty as the story goes. He is still not an admirable guy, but becomes way better than the shitty fatty neet he was in his previous life at the end of the story.
For isekai with a good person as a protagonist I would read something like Saihate no Paladin.
The staff also reduces the amount of Mana you need to cast spells, She definitely couldn't do it without the staff.
It isn't impossible at all, just because it was the first spell doesn't mean she automatically is good with it. She's way better with healing than she is with water.
If you mix dog shit into cake batter, the whole cake is tainted.

>becomes more and more sexually depraved and more and more a self insert power fantasy as the story goes on
Yeah, he literally gets worse as a character the more the story continues.
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Uchiyama won...
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>ignore rudeus and his unrealistic harem
Why when it's literally the only reason I picked it up in the first place?
No, she doesn't say she can't do it without the staff. She says EVEN WITH the staff she can only do it once per day. The language follows:
>I can cast this once per day
>unstated query: what if you use your staff to help?
>still only once per day

So rules of logic, the statement says nothing about needing the staff to cast it, it only speaks to the efficacy of the staff in helping: specifically, that the staff helping is not enough to let her cast it more than once per day.
Impossible. Orsted is the cheat character of the story.
Overpowered strength, mastery of every sword style, overpowered magic power, mastery of most magic, super armor, super battle aura and pain immunity.
He doesn't assault people anymore (a low bar, I know), he learns how to take care of his family, accept that it was mostly his fault that his previous life was a complete mess and challenges his fears instead of hiding in a corner.
Yesn't, that isn't what the staff does.
I see where you're coming from, but I surely don't take it that way.
So do all of his wives end up dying in the light novel or what??
No, we're talking about Roxy's staff it seems like from her sentence, her staff looks like it helps in regards of mana for the spell
Orsted is a literal God that has stacked 3 crippling curses on him to be able to reach and kill another God. Rody would probably become a Godslayer if he didn't have the lifespan of a measly human and if he hadn't dropped the mindset he had towards developing magic he had before meeting Roxy, just like Oldeus said.
Only Eris.
Sylphy and Roxy too if we take the timeloop into consideration
How would the Hydra fight go down if Sylphie was there? I'm sure with her Gale boots she'd be less likely to get caught in the final attack like Rudy did.
That's fine anon, you don't need to agree for that to be what she says. Unless the translation itself is wrong from the original moon, but I don't have a moon runes copy anyway, so I will take it as is.

All magic tools are amplifiers, they make a spell effect stronger. They can be used to feed less mana into a spell and get the same effect as without, but that is not actually what they do.
I doubt any amount of lifespan would put him on the level of even the weakest Dragon General if he's still a fucking human.
Sylphie would be a game changer since she can insta heal
Eris dies at the age of 75. She comes back from a morning run, lies down to take a nap, and never wakes up.

Sylphie is still alive when Rudeus dies, she looks late 40s.

Roxy is still alive when Rudeus dies, she looks the same as always.
That's unfortunate.
>he learns how to take care of his family
By cheating on his pregnant wife and being unfaithful to her?
Sylphie, Ghislaine, Paul and Rudy would've finished the fight in like 20 seconds. Too bad the dumb dog is babysitting a dumber dog.
>she looks late 40s.
Grim, Her grandmother will probably outlive her by centuries. Sylphie's mutt genes might give her the same life span as Roxy so if they're lucky they'll die together in 80 more years.
Sylphy biggest contribution is her silent healing.
She looks late 40s while being mid 70s, so if she gets to the age of 75 equivalent she'll die by the time Roxy is about 150. Roxy will outlive her by several decades since Migurds go up to 200 or so.
If not for the water shield she'd probably be more useful than Rudeus in the battle.
>Can fry the necks with instant silent magic
>Can self heal instantly
>Has enhanced boots that increase her speed by a lot
The biggest problem is only Rudy could stop the breath attack.
As you've been told already, Rudy and Roxy aren't terrible people, you just got filtered.
I liked that shot. It means they got over their differences and became friends with benefits in that month.
She's mostly just a healbot in that situation, what you actually want is Ghislaine for Sword autism.
Roxy is 35 years older than Rudy right? So she'd be around 104 when Rudy dies, I assumed that Sylphie would live another 70 years max which would put Roxy around 174 around Sylphie's presumed death, Roxy's dad said they live to about 200 so that can be anywhere from slightly above 200 to slightly below, so maybe she'll have an extra decade or two over Sylphie at most.
It makes no sense seeing as in the following volume Norn still has some issues with Roxy. Until Roxy helps her catch a fish. From that image it looks like they just got done 69ing each other
As I recall, in that volume isn't it Rudy who insists Norn come along because he thinks Norn still hates Roxy? Would not be surprised if he miscommunicated. Again.
I only follow this to masturbate to the characters.
Later, after he cheats on his wives again he stops cheating and starts working to make a world in which his children can be safe.
His first kid with Roxy is the one who has the key to reach Hitogami and seal him forever so Hitogami makes everything he can to stop her birth.
Rudy makes a deal with Orsted. He becomes his subordinate and do everything he can to help him, in exchange he will grant Rudy's family the protection that blocks Hitogami's interference.
Rudy starts to build connections and slowly shape the world so his kids will have an easier time in saving the world in the future.
He also makes sure to have his Zenobia and Lilia (whom he considers his second mom) to have a comfortable life.
He makes sure that Norn can marry the one she loves (at first she thought that she had to do a political marriage for the sake of her family) and give her all the support she needs so she can be independent.
Rudy messed up again later in his life when he berated Aisha for fucking his son (yes, Aisha is also bad).
Rudy also becomes a good friend. He works to help Nanahoshi's goal of returning home and he also helped her make the sleep chamber to stop her aging while she waits for the time lock to end.
He makes a huge project to clean the Superd rae name in order to make Rujierd (his friend and childhood hero) accepted in the world and make everyone realize that he is a great guy.
He works together with Cliff to clean Orsted's curse that makes everyone hate him and be afraid of him. That's not part of the deal, but Rudy still wants to make Orsted happy. At his deathbed, he told Orsted that nobody here can hate him (Otherworlder and their descendants are immune to that curse and when he was dying he was surrounded by most of kids and grandkids).
wtf, I had the impression that as the story progresses certain important characters (wives) get killed off. Does everybody literally live happily ever after?
She'd be able to free up Roxy from being a healslut to help with burning and distracting the Hydra.
Sylphie would use her womanly vices to seduce the hydra.
I need to know, how many of the ones pictured here did Paul fuck?
No, it's an excuse. Rudy wants to get Norn and Aisha out of the house while Sylphie sets up for the party. Roxy is going with him because she is also getting presents at the party and Rudy wants her out of the house as well, but she thinks it's just for Norn and Aisha. He calls it a family outing, but Norn is confused about why Rudy wants to take Roxy but not Sylphie on a family outing.

Sylphie claims first that she has to take care of Lucy, then Norn says that Rudy, Sylphie and Roxy "all went away together" before and it was fine (read: one of their threesomes). So Sylphie has to bluff and claim that she thinks Norn hasn't warmed up enough to Roxy yet. Norn gives a noncommittal dubious agreement, and is fine learning and chatting with Roxy later on the trip, but the whole thing was just and excuse to get them out of the house.
Only Elinalise
Elinalise confirmed during the Fangs of the Black Wolf days. Tallhand not that we know, but Tallhand is gay and who could have known what happened when the drinks were flowing and the orgies were going. The other two no.
>They can be used to feed less mana into a spell and get the same effect as without, but that is not actually what they do.
That's clearly another big usage of it. Though I'll concede, I'll consider that Roxy can cast Lightning even without her staff, but if even with her staff, it leaves her unable to stand. I'd say that Roxy casting Lightning without her staff would empty her mana and leave her to pass out after casting it. Lightning depletes her mana pool, and that's her utmost limit
All of them.
This was Paul's harem party. The Notos line loves big chests and all of them have huge chests, especially Tallhand.
i'm not gay but i'd definitely plow fitz senpai's ass all night long
Yes, that assumption seems fair, passing out is probably likely.
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I wanna see Orsted so bad bros
Roxy's mana limit: One King-tier spell-Lightning

Sylphie's mana limit: One failed Saint-tier spell-Cumulonimbus
One successful Saint-tier spell- Cumulonimbus
One failed King-tier spell- Lightning
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I want to see him doing cute SOL babysitting of the children.
Is the insert song from the last episode out yet?
Women share chad irl
Women share chad in the cartoon

How this stretches disbelief?
Hydra would be too easy if Ghislaine is in the party
Vol 13 is so kino. some of the best SoL of any series I've ever consoomed.
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It also has the moment I am waiting for.
Didn't this already happen in S2P1?
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Demon pussy
Is that an edit? I don't remember it showing all the way to ass fang.
True patrons of millis would never partake in the abomination of migurdian demon pussy! She MUST BE ANALLY PURGED IN THE NAME OF SAINT MILLIS INSTEAD!
No, it's the beginning of V13 so it should be S3.
You sound like an Expulsionist heretic.
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there was a similar scene in season 2 Cour 1
We should have got a Zanoba reaction on Rudy marrying the figure girl
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>Anime of the year.
For redditors
Its anime of the year everywhere
So where will be a good place to end the first cour of S3? Walking back with Eris in the sunset after getting employed?
All I see is coping, power fantasy self insert shit, and excuses.

>makes sure that Norn can marry the one she loves
And how many other women does that guy marry?
>broken English
>porn brain rot
>literal retard
As many as he wants.
Polygamy should go both ways in MT's world.
Why do you care so much?
Rudeus did nothing wrong in episode 11 btw, he only betrayed his own promise. Sylphy never agreed to anything and was always open to this. So no cheating occurred.
You're retarded and can't even read. Also, all poly shit is mental illness.

Why do you pretend that people have to be obsessively emotionally invested in something in order to discuss it?
>he only betrayed his own promise
If you can't keep promises to yourself you shouldn't be in a relationship...

Crying about the same shit 49 episodes in is autism, faggot.
Just a heads up for everyone in this thread: Eris was specifically, and I mean genetically, made for Greyrat cock. Specially her cousins. This means that her body was made for this, and by pure instinct she know how to milk her Greyrat cousins dry to make sure she gets pregnant.
>If you can't keep promises to yourself you shouldn't be in a relationship...
Only true if your significant other agreed with the promise
No, she was just coping from the start because she knew her husband was an unfaithful shit bag.
Literally just being a door mat from the start. Keep your expectations low and then you don't feel as bad when something happens.
>l- look!! spammed /v/ buzz words!! that meens i win!!!
Wow, you sure know how to make yourself look smart.
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Yes, and? She's an insecure teenager with a lot of self doubt and low self-esteem, crazy concept I know.
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>u- ur crying!! ur obsessed!! u- ur mad!!!
Honest question. Do you even sort of know how to function around other people without trying to claim that they are emotionally impaired and thus "wrong" in your deranged world view?
Oldeus arrival.
Holy fucking shit yiu guys are STILL arguing abou this shit. With the same faggot as well? My god. I made myself some food, brushed my teeth, slept, finished my exams, went home, and you motherfuckers are still arguing about this? Impressive
Every time you post this I remember that scene from Civil War
>What kind of american are you
>oh china *bang*

>oh 4chan *bang*
So you are telling me she new about the situation previously, she then agreed to those terms and Rudeus did nothing that broke her trust? Sounds like there is no problem after all
Hah, god damn, you're retarded.
How do you not understand that what you're saying doesn't excuse any of this shitbag's behavior.
Just because someone thinks that cheating on them is okay doesn't mean it's actually okay. Fuck, you're dumb.
You didn't offer any argument either
Why do you samefag just to make the same stupid argument in both posts you make?
Either way, See >>268342639

>everyone in the world who says anything i dislike is the same person!
Norn's husband is Rujierd. He only marries her.
Yes, this series is a power fantasy I won't deny that. However Rudy is not the absolute strongest, all the dragons, the emperor tier sword masters, Rujierd and demon lords are stronger than him.
As I said, Rudy is not a good guy, but he becomes better as time passes and learns from his own failures.
What's there to say other than some ESL with porn brain rot is wrong about is delusions of what happens in reality?
>Rudy, if you ever need to shit, know that I am ok if you use a random toilet instead of ours
>Dear, I would never do that!
>*dad dies*
>*massive stress induced diarrhea*
>*uses random toilet*
>Comes back home with new toilet
>Rudy, I knew you would eventually shit yourself outside so I am ok with this
Same shit
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>by pure instinct she know how to milk her Greyrat cousins dry to make sure she gets pregnant
>make sure she gets pregnant
Eris was so retarded she failed to get pregnant for months and months despite milking Rudy completely dry multiple times a day.
Nice try. You lost, MT won. You know the drill
>i- i win because i say so!! all i have to do is block out reality and i win!!
Is that what wifey told you?
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>samefagging in less than 30s
Pic related, it is (You)
That would be too fast-paced since we should be only getting up to 17 for the 2 cours. I'd personally want them to expand on the diary stuff under Rifujin's supervision, and split up volume 15 between the two cours instead of rushing it.
There was a kind of interesting alternate conversation happening, but it got drowned out.
How can you claim he gets better as the series goes on when he continues to cheat and continues to promote polygamy shit? If he was going to improve as a character he would stop doing morally deprave shit.
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Honest question, Do you ever consider maybe your slightly autistic and worthless to the point where the only way to pass your free time is to spam the same retarded points day after day in a thread centered around something you don't like? You ever sit and think to yourself "Damn, maybe I am a faggot that inserts himself into stories too hard" as a way to not literally get offended by fiction? Were you coddled as a child your entire life and never afforded the luxury of getting punched in the mouth for overstepping your boundaries? Maybe you should go talk to a therapist or better yet a psychologist. Why does Unreasonable Grandson make you seethe so violently?
Well. Her instinct is to ride greyrat cousin cock until nothing else comes out, in a normal situation that'd be enough to get her pregnant, but Eris is special
In five simultaneous threads no less!
If by special you mean she replaced her brain with an extra bicep, sure.
The next harem member isn't cheating, they all accept her.
>m- maybe if i pretend it's impossible to avoid the post timer people won't think that's what i am doing
You will never make anyone mad, and your obsession with screaming at people that they are "seething" only makes you look retarded.
Wow, so hard.

>reee!!! give me a safe space to spam about my fetsihes!!! everyone who says something i no liek is the same person!!
>Eris just walks around the house grinning and snickering and rubbing her belly all day long
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Behold my enthralling blade faggot!
Because he stopped cheating after Eris. I am saying that he slowly becomes better. He is still shitty at the end, but way better than how he was at the start.
Promoting polygamy is bad for you, not for them. Even Ariel (the princess and future queen of Asura Kingdom) has a harem. In that world, only the Milis church promotes monogamy.
Eris also has a harem of beastgirls (and probably some breastboys mixed there).
Just because you agree to let someone cheat doesn't mean it's not cheating.
And again, he doesn't change as a character at all. He's still just as much of a shit bag now as when the story started.
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>safe space
Ah, so you're that mononigger, thanks for revealing yourself now it'll be easier to ignore you, have a final (You) for your troubles.
>emotional shit
>>>268342755 (You)
So Suzanne caught a glimpse of Timothy's BWC and fell in love, right? Thats the canon answer?
i always thought people who liked sylphie were just simping for her but after seeing her belly my testosterone started acting and my penis got as hard as steel, i would unironically keep her pregnant all year long every year, i hope we can see the other girls with their belly too, it might be a little bit shocking with roxy since she's tiny, but damn i want more pregnant women in anime, also laughed a lot when sylphie accepted roxy but never apologized for what norn said, she was a bit mad but still choose the best option for everyone lol
Would be funny if Ghislaine turned up at Rudys place with her twins and just dumps them there.
He didn't cheat when he acquired Eris, he quite literally asked the permission of his two wives who stated volumes beforehand that "If you want to bring home another girl bring her to us first and we'll make our decision." He's only ever cheated once in the maintimeline.
When are you going to blow yourself up with a pipe bomb? It's not like anyone in the world wants you alive anyway. Literally the only thing you have is spamming about your fetishes on 4chan.
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See >>268342921

Leave your Christcucks values into the trash.
Again, agreeing to let someone cheat does not mean they aren't cheating. How does this simple concept confuse you so much?

>In that world, only the Milis church promotes monogamy.
And you think this somehow excuses it, why? Just because the author uses the story as a tool to drive his fetishes doesn't mean that his fetishes are acceptable. You have literal self fulfilling circular logic here.
Christianity does not promote monogamy, only your new age pagan trash does.
Next cope?
The initial Rudy is someone who can't control his libido, blames everyone else for his failures, won't appreciate help from his family nor friends and is afraid of challenges.
Rudy at his deathbed is someone who can control his libido (he is still a pervert, but he thinks of his wives to control himself), accept that his shitty previous life was his fault, can accept affection from family and help and reciprocrates it, is willing to throw away his pride to protect his family and friends and is willing to challenge impossible odds in order to protect what he cares for.
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Roxy spends all of V15-17 pregnant.
>agreeing to let someone cheat does not mean they aren't cheating
He didn't cheat, what you call cheating, I don't, simple as. We'll never agree on this because I don't think Polygyny is cheating to begin with.
It's not cheating if the wives don't consider it cheating. Pretty simple.
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This literally has nothing to do with religious values. Even non-religious cultures all over the world developed monogamy independent of influence from other nations. And this happened in countless places across the whole world.

This is also a just a matter of basic vocabulary. Again, letting someone cheat doesn't mean they aren't cheating. Retard.
Polygamy is bad in our world because of the gender issues. Is usually the stereotypical rich fat guy using his influence to have a lot of women as his sex slaves masking it as wives.
In Mushoku Tensei worlds, there is no issue with power balance because of literal magic. That's why women and man can have multiple spouses.
Also, I said that he stopped cheating after Eris, do you have reading comprehension issues?
i can't picture her without feeling weird, but can't wait to see it
>I don't
And you are objectively wrong.
To cheat means to be unfaithful to your spouse. You are not faithful to your spouse if you have sex with other people. Even if they say you can, it's still be unfaithful. This is literally simple vocabulary, you ass clown retard.
They only developed it in the last 100 years after massive funding by 'them', what a coincidence huh.
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>Again, letting someone cheat doesn't mean they aren't cheating
Non religious cultures all over the world developed polygamy. If you were rich, you could have multiple wives and concubines.
There are some amazonian tribes in which the girl have a harem though, but that's an unique case.
LMAO this fucking Christcuck.
Learn about other religions already you mutt.
Fuck these two last episides, fuck them. No I'm not seething over the Roxy deal, it's simply so terrible how the arc was translated into anime, completely tone deaf, terrible hype for what can be considered the most important romance arc in the story. What the hell were they thinking.
>To cheat means to be unfaithful to your spouse
To cheat is to betray your agreements with your someone. They never agreed on the topic, thus he didn't cheat, it's that simple.
If she knew from the start prior to the marriage, prior to being pregnant then what's the issue here? It's not like she gets the short end of the stick here either.

Let's not forget that Sylphy in return gets to become the primary matriarch of the Greyrat branch, is financially well off and has offspring with one of the strongest mages in the world. As a bonus Rudeus's family connections allowed Sylphy to find out and reunite with her Great Grandmother Elinalise. So she still has at least one blood family member to rely on after her parents death.

At the end of the day, if she wanted to prioritize faithfulness she should have married a man of mills devotion.
You're getting your concepts mixed up. Sure, he's technically not faithful to them because he brings in another woman, even with their permission. But explain how that is in itself a bad thing if all parties involved find no issue with it?
haha, you get so fucking mad when people shit on your fetishes. You are literally exactly the same as woke leftist trannys who think people should constantly affirm your sexual mental illness and give you a safe space.

>They only developed it in the last 100 years
Objectively wrong.
>Non religious cultures all over the world developed polygamy.
Nope. You are literally just talking out of your ass to pretend you are validated.
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>Sylphy: I was ok with it and now I CONSENT
Were you raised by a single mother, or was your dad also this much of a pussy?
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Envision it in the meantime then, anon. Here's another.
>To cheat is to betray your agreements with your someone
You're so fucking dumb. You don't even sort of attempt to fact check what you say before you talk. Likely because you're rushing to spam as many shitposts as you can to pretend you're more than one person.
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>haha, you get so fucking mad when people shit on your fetishes.
>can't form a proper argument so let's just project bullshit, since i am a degenerate redditor who sees sex in everything then they must be the same!!
>You are literally exactly the same as woke leftist trannys who think people should constantly affirm your sexual mental illness and give you a safe space.
All we are doing is interpreting something that happening in their world and in their relationship from the POV of someone from their world and their relationship, if you disagree with it just write an spin-off or something.
Why do they hate geese after knowing he's hitogami's servant?
He didn't do anything wrong all this time.
>primary matriarch
Rudy doesn't rank his wives.
is that his daughter?
Yes, and that's canon.
After that, he stopped sneaking behind Roxy to avoid another accident.
I literally got nothing mixed up.

>But explain how that is in itself a bad thing if all parties involved find no issue with it?
If you and your friend both agree to go eat pig shit all day does that mean you both didn't do something bad? Duh.

Either way, to answer your stupid question.
1. The sheer concept of a harem is unfaithful by definition.
2. Results is objectively weak and shallow relationships because they are not able to full devote themselves to their loved one.
3. Broken pair bonding.
Why do you samefag so much and get so mad when people shit on your fetishes?
Someone needs to create a variant of the "Isn't there someone you forgot to ask?" meme with Rudeus, Slyphy, Roxy and Eris all saying they consent, but with Faggots, Fujos, Norn, and Hitogami on the other side all autistically screeching.
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>Why do you samefag
Mark every same fag post I've made, schizo retard.
Oldeus theorises that the rat was brought back somehow from the Begaritt continent. Guess who was there just recently in a labyrinth. And is Hitogami's servant.
Why do you beg people to think you're more than one person?

>from the POV of someone from their world
It's literally just the author of the story using the story as a tool to drive his sexual fetishes. You trying to pretend you are smart and that this is some kind of profound literature is laughable.
Anon, you really need to grow up and stop putting "marriage" on a pedestal.
You sound very naive and underage.

Please research some history, you will find 99% of the world practiced Polygamy or Concubine stuff.
Many animals naturally have harems, showing it as a natural thing.
Add Lara consenting as well for the fun of it.
In fairness, Lara deliberately braided her hair like her mother. And can see the future. She knew what was going to happen when she did it.
It's hilarious watching you accuse other people of screeching when you literally have totally spastic mental break downs any time you see someone say your fetish shit is bad.
that really helps actually, i can see her belly not being full round but kinda like "tear" shape? i can't find the words, but yeah looks cute and fits her body proportions, also cute interaction, i would definitely cuddle my wife in this situation
So it's literally just you attempting to enforce your own arbitrary values on fictional characters. Your analogy is completely subjective.
>Results is objectively weak and shallow relationships because they are not able to full devote themselves to their loved one
and things like work, children, obligations and shopping for groceries also comes in the way of "devoting oneself fully" to a loved one
>broken pair bonding
lmao, this isn't real life fucktard
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>Retard keeps posting his personal feelings as if they were facts.
Why are you retards still giving this spic (You)'s?
Chinese royal harem
Korean royal harem.
Japanese royal harem.
European nobles with their mistress.
Some Tibetans polyandry.
Some Amazonian tribes polygamy.
Just google polygamy for fuck sake.
The reason why polygamy is bad in our world is due to the gender power balance.
Gentle reminder that Roxy would have fucked Paul if he noticed her fapping to him and invited her in.

By far the least pure out of all 3 wives. Norn did nothing wrong.
>Please research some history, you will find 99% of the world practiced Polygamy or Concubine stuff.
>Many animals naturally have harems, showing it as a natural thing.
Hahah, again, you are constantly just talking out of your ass and literally making things up to pretend you have some sort of validation.

I also said nothing about marriage. You just hate the idea of being a good person, because it means you are wrong for how you like to act.

>Many animals naturally have harems,
Thanks for admitting you are lesser evolved than a normal human.
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You've yet to do what I said, schizonigger.
Oh hey, it's you again, always with the same image too, lmao, don't you get tired of this? And no, Paul wouldn't have fucked her despite what you keep telling yourself with your cuck fanfictions.
I just got here after watching the episode mate, but reading through your schizo postchain is fucking hilarious.
You really should do as >>268343499 said and learn some history. Most English Kings/Nobles and even the European ones had concubines.
Pro tip, she is doing the exact thing all pregnant women do. When they start crying, you have to immediately reinforce their perception or it snowballs because their hormones and emotions are going out of control. Personal experience.
You're so fucking mad. And you are just spastically samefagging.

>that whole clown list
You do realize you are talking about niche examples, that only happened for limited time. And was in no way reflecting the actual population of the country/nation, correct?
Paul would never have fucked her. Tits too small.
i don't really mind harems cause they never put any thought in the relation besides sharing their love, and i think this is the first time i see them kinda trying to explain why they are agreeing into it, the 100 wifes anime already kinda tried to do it but it ended up being too comical to be taken serious, this is the right amount without being too dramatic
Why the fuck does Rudeus first think of GREAT EMPEROR OF THE DEMON WORLD.
But the women do rank themselves. Rudy's sisters have automatically ranked Sylphy as top brass hence Norn's disrespectful behavior to Roxy. Roxy already acknowledges Sylphy as the first wife and high ground of morality hence she only agrees when Sylphy consents and only marries Rudy after Sylphy has her child.

Zenith is a vegetable, Lilia views Sylphy as the "Zenith" in the household. Aisha is neutral but understands the territory Roxy's own children will fall into compared to Sylphy's.Meanwhile Elinalise will always view Sylphy as the primary wife.

Sylphy is the primary matriarch period. Rudy isn't going to challenge the women in his household about that.
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If I keep posting pictures of the harem, will you finally break down in tears?
in the manga or are you trolling?
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Love Roxy
Love Sylphie
Love Eris
Simple as.
The same filename
The same retarded spacing
The same dumb argument each time
Why do you make yourself so easy to recognise?
Or course it doesn't reflect the population because as I said before, polygamy was the method rich people used to have sex slaves masked as wives.
Why do you think polygamy is shunned by our modern society (besdies Roman Christian values).
Also, your accussation of samefagging is pathetic.
In the novels. No, I am not trolling. Rudy likes kinky plays and he tried to do the assaulting from behind play with Roxy, but the one he hugged was Lara.
After that, he stopped sneaking behind Roxy. He probably got some trauma from that incident.
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Any common chad has several side bitches in "situationships" or girls that post about him in "are we dating the same guy" facebook groups

Any high status chad like a famous musician has groupies that function basically as a harem
The point isn't that Paul would have fucked her, we know he couldn't because at that point he was only with one wife.

The fact is, Roxy WANTED to fuck Paul, and would have let him do so. Roxy is a little migger whore and nothing you can say will ever change that. Your waifu wanted to fuck the father of her husband.

Rudy married used goods. She didn't even bleed on the sheets like Sylphy.
it's kinda different between women but yeah, i agree you have to be acting immediately, not from personal experience but from dealing with women in general
>brain dead retard can't even type
>says "lmao"
>has porn brain rot
Funny stuff.

>things like work, children, obligations and shopping for groceries also comes in the way of "devoting oneself fully" to a loved one
I knew you would make this argument because you're retarded. Let me explain basic common sense to you.
Assume you split your "person" into the following segments.
Social responsibilities (work, chores, hobbies, etc).
Personal responsibilities (children, health, etc)
Romantic responsibilities.

No matter how you split it, when you have less of yourself to devote to your romantic partner if you have multiple of them.
You in monogamy = 25% SR, 25% PR, 50% RR.
You in polygamy = 25% SR, 25% PR, 25% RR1, 25% RR2.

And yes, even if all the parties involved agree to this cheap and weak relationships doesn't mean it's not cheap and weak.
US has a 50% divorce rate, Spain has a 80% divorce rate.
Is that enough to destroy your marriage fantasies anon?
>The fact is, Roxy WANTED to fuck Paul, and would have let him do so. Roxy is a little migger whore and nothing you can say will ever change that. Your waifu wanted to fuck the father of her husband.
Quit sharing your cuck fantasies every thread you worthless troglodyte.
I am not emotionally invested in posts on 4chan like you are. You will never make anyone mad.

>Also, your accussation of samefagging is pathetic.
Nah, what's pathetic is your spelling and how you're samefagging to try and damage control.

>Why do you think polygamy is shunned by our modern society
Because it's objectively bad.

>Or course it doesn't reflect the population
Thanks for agreeing that it's not a popular thing, and wasn't practiced by many people. And only happened in extremely niche situations.
It's pretty easy to recognise this schizo's posts because for whatever reason they keep adding unnesccary spacing to their posts.
I like how you didn't even sort of address the argument made against you.
And I STILL have said nothing about marriage.

And yes, the current era of the world is shit. That does nothing to disprove my point.
Or, or, how about this. They can use the greater numbers of their group to divide the responsibilities in such a way that it offloads each of them individually. Crazy concept right?
It's really easy to recognize you. Because you constantly try to screech "reddit spacing" at normally formatted posts.
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>In the novels. No, I am not trolling. Rudy likes kinky plays and he tried to do the assaulting from behind play with Roxy, but the one he hugged was Lara.
>After that, he stopped sneaking behind Roxy. He probably got some trauma from that incident.
oh wow
Mushoku Tensei is so based for making seethoids kvetch and screech.
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>didn't refute a single one of my ironclad points
Very telling, miggercuck
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I never mentioned "reddit" you retard, I don't know where you get that from,, nothing about the way those posts are formatted is "normal"
>They can use the greater numbers of their group to divide the responsibilities in such a way that it offloads each of them individually.
Each person can only be 100% of a person. The fuck are you trying to say, retard. You don't magically get to be "more of a person" because you are into poly shit. Each person still has their own life, and their own responsibilities.

And even assuming they do get more time by having more people around (stop concept). They are still splitting that time and dividing it among multiple people, thus still resulting in shallow relationships.
You seem quite distressed for someone claiming not to be emotionally invested in 4chan posts.
>double commas
Put down the keyboard, lardass
You're fuming
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Irrelevant, Rudy is the patriarch and he doesn't rank his wives, there is no primary matriarch. There is one wife who is a housewife, but that is not matriarch any more than Claire is the Latreia housewife over in Millis.
Tight migger pussy.
>ironclad points
Your cuck fantasises are anything but "ironclad" and besides I already raped your "points" in a previous thread but you're still here spamming the same shit because you're a dishonest shitposter, you are also assuming I'm a Roxyfag because only Roxyfags would find you and your posts obnoxious right?
Remove the blue whore and it's perfect
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This place needs ip tracking just to shut down smaefag crying schizos.
Most people didn't have the money to have a harem. Read the ethnographic codebook for fuck sake to see how polygamy was widespread.
I keep saying that polygamy is bad in our society due to gender power abuse, that is not the same situation in Mushoku Tensei world.
I know that MT is a power fantasy isekai for fat neckbeard neets to live their fantasy of having a harem, but your argument for why is bad is so bad that is hilarious.
As a sidenote, Lara at that point had precognition and liked to pull pranks. This is pure theory crafting (or maybe it was stated and I forgot), but it makes you think if it really was an accident.
No need to project
>You're fuming
About what exactly...? I'm just catching up on this thread and it seems like you're the one screeching into the void wastefully.
Maybe if you weren't rushing to samefag so much you wouldn't make yourself look so retarded.
And I've see you, yes you specifically, trying to call double line breaks "unnesccary (learn to spell) spacing" a lot over the past few weeks. You know you get mocked for saying "reddit spacing" like a retard, so you're trying to cope up with other things to say.

Line breaking on subject changing is literally standard English. And only you try to pretend otherwise.
Stop projecting so much, pedo
You can like Roxy just fine its already immoral enough, you don't need to also cope about her not being used goods
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Remove the white whore and it's perfect.
Erase the azure wench and its exquisite
back to your yaoi trash generals, foid
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Only the third post is mine schizo, you're literally seething at multiple posters.
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>person 1 handles cooking
>person 2 handles education
>person 3 handles [insert random thing here]
Is the basic concept behind how groups work too elevated for you?
>gets called out on how he will never make anyone mad by spamming pictures
>keeps spamming them because he's insanely desperate to try and hurt the people who don't give him a safe space
Literal clown.

>I keep saying that polygamy is bad in our society due to gender power abuse
No, it's because for all the other reasons previously explained. And you ignoring that and just saying "durrr it bad argument" doesn't actually mean you win.
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Who cares if you're a human if you can create a black hole inside the brains of your target or disintegrate them with a single glance?
It's like seeing a new ack-akemi!-schizo being born.
No, all of the posts are yours. Screaming crying the word "schizo" doesn't actually mean anyone has to believe anything you say.
Is there any good art of his daughter?
Honestly, I didn't read that argument because you didn't tag me.
Write the arguments again and tag this post this time.
The one projecting is you cuck, you literally keep spamming cuck fantasies because that's all you are good for.
>you don't need to also cope about her not being used goods
Go on, find me the LN line that confirms she's had sex before fucking Rudy, go on.
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the guy bro really is schizo lmao
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lol I take it back. ywnbaw.
>Rudy is the patriarch and he doesn't rank his wives, there is no primary matriarch

Which is why he had to grovel on the floor to ask for forgiveness and to ask for Sylphy's permission to accept Roxy in the household right?
they are even, as he got to suck on paul's wife's nipples.
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>my mere posting of images makes the mononigger seethe
How can one man have all this power?
The post you're replying to literally explains how your premise is wrong. How are you so fucking stupid that you can't understand this simple concept even after it's explained to you, let alone be able to understand it on your own.

>person 1 handles cooking
>person 2 handles education
>person 3 handles [insert random thing here]
That's literally just trading the time spent doing something onto someone else. It's not making more time for other things. Two people spending 15 minutes cooking is the same as one person spending 30 minutes cooking.
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We're gonna build a wall folks, a big beautiful wall and keep the blue whore demons out

And we're gonna make the miggers pay for it
How are we coping with the news?
Bind betrayed us bros...
Again, only one post is mine and I don't get what's with all this projection nonsense, I called you a schizo because you are one, it's that simple and doesn't require much effort and I've gathered you don't believe anything I say because you don't even believe your own posts I imagine.
NTA, but it seems you have never cooked in your entire life.
Anon... you fell for it huh
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You're the only person in the whole world who tries to call replies on this site "tags".
You're also the only person who is so fucking obsessively consumed with thinking other people are mad.

>my mere posting of images makes the mononigger seethe
Nah, you are the one seething, because you're mad as fuck words that hurt your feelings exist in the thread. That's why you're spamming to try and attack people.
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So is the current nonsense I'm seeing in this thread the sylphoid-doomer's new tactic?
Doubtful. If it were, he'd already have started calling everyone akemi!
Seems to be simply a random angry redditor.
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>only one post is mine
You're the only person who's so fucking dumb you constantly try to lie over the internet as an alibi.

>and I've gathered you don't believe anything I say
Because everything you say is wrong and has been explained as such.
Nah, I am just bored and arguing with your bad points, 3/4 of them I didn't read because you didn't tag me.
Tag the ones who says that Rudy is a shitty person. That says that this is a power fantasy isekai for neckbeards. The arguments for why polygamy is bad in our world.
I got banned once because I was falseflagging as Akemi!
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He literally refers to sylphie as the head wife in one of his internal monologues.
On the flip side, drunk sylphie admits that roxy is his #1, I mean he never does shut ups about her.
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Best girl coming through!
Stop posting right after my own posts dammit! It really seems like samefagging ajajaja.
Do you think the number of chores scales exactly in proportion to the number of people within the group? If there's one person handling three different chores, do you think the number of chores will magically multiply if you add two more people so you have three people doing three chores instead of one person for each chore?
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MT is fucking done, i hate bind so fucking much
>t- they bad points because i say so!!!
It's also hilarious how you REFUSE to type your tripcode correctly.

It's hilarious how you try to pretend that people will copy your incorrect typing of your tripcode, by they won't copy it when your tripcode is typed the right way.

Here you go saying this again. It's just so funny how scripted your behavior is.
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Just tell me what it is for fuck sake!
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Anons, I strongly urge you to let MT threads rest for a bit, season 2 is done and it was fun but please, take a break from making these, don't let MT threads go down the same way Re:Zero threads did.
>tfw Konosuba won
We have been dethroned as the grandfather of isekai
Of course I am using tag, just to keep the consistency.
Also I am >>268344598
Your refusal of posting your arguments again makes me think that you didn't post any argument in the first place.
You're so mad right now lmao

We know there's confirmation with both Sylphy and Eris that Rudy was their first and only man, no such confirmation when it comes to Whorexy.

Why are you so in denial about it? She's like 50 and is physically attractive and sexually active, of course she's had sex before. Use your stunted pedo brain for once.
Haha, you're just fucking mad and going totally ape shit because you can't have a safe space.

>Do you think the number of chores scales exactly in proportion to the number of people within the group?
Yes, duh? The more people in the group the more chores need to be done. More food needs to be made. More clothes need to be washed. More money is needed to support them. etc etc.

And, AGAIN, even if they gained more time by working as a group, they are still splitting that "extra time" among multiple other people. Thus their relationships are cheap and shallow.
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Mushoku threads were good until the schizo redditor showed up.
We already have a resident shitposter, the sylphoid-doomer.
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>just to keep the consistency.
Yeah, you're doing it to pretend that people copy you and want to act like you. You are desperate to pretend that you fit in here.

>Your refusal of posting your arguments again
Here's an idea. Just look at the posts that were already made this thread.
>You're so mad right now lmao
The lack of self awareness is palpable.
> of course she's had sex before
Show me the line then, you can do it can you? If you aren't just living out your cuck fantasy then show me the line.
Is this the same schizo that invades 100 Kanojo threads as well? For someone that hates harems he sure does spend a lot of his time shitting up the threads of harem series.
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Ack has been very vocal about the newest episode of Mushoku Tensei and he's not happy.
He's discontented with the way Rudeus got a harem and even his first wife accepted it.
I guess he was holding out hope for an anime-only ending and story rewrite.
There's even a petition which garnered thousand of signatures from his bot accounts to have the episode remade. Obviously that won't happen but it shows how unhappy he is.
There is no such thing as "reddit spacing" and you will never fit in here.

>everyone in the world who says something i dislike and doesn't give me a safe space is the same person

Harem shit threads are shit by default, by the way.
love yuri

Also, more time for them to cook MT is good, as unlike the school arc which is universally considered the worst, S3 will contain the good stuff and Eris is back.
It's a logical point that more people generally mean more chores and resources are needed to support them. However, the idea that relationships become "cheap and shallow" when responsibilities are shared among multiple people can vary greatly depending on the context and dynamics of those relationships.

Sharing responsibilities can indeed change the nature of interactions between people, but whether it makes relationships "cheap and shallow" is subjective and depends on how those individuals perceive and value their connections.
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Good thing they are rich and have maids to take care of shit for them.
Ponytail-Eris is supercute.
As someone who cooks, I will say that cooking for 2 and 3 people is not that different if I am making the same dish.
Cleaning a house will be easier with more people, but it won't be that much harder if more people live because is still the same house.
The only problem with polygamy in a fair society is that you need more money to keep the household.
>Here's an idea. Just look at the posts that were already made this thread.
Do it yourself. I am ctrl f is not helping me too much here.
>be wrong
>be projecting
>be against the majority
>still thinking we are samefagging
Why are you acting like you're a different person when it so obvious you're that same faggot? Down to the way you word your shitpost.
It's just so funny how easy it is to tell who you are, and which posts are yours. You are so desperate to believe that anyone who goes against your safe space is the same person.

>self awareness
It's funny how obsessed you are with saying this.
>There's even a petition
Please be real. The thought of someone dedicating this much willpower into something so inconsequential is hilarious
I wish we could've gotten them all pregnant at the same time.
You just continue to ignore my points and shift the goal posts. Your cranium is fried.

Based retarded pedo living a fantasy.
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I was right
While I am arguing against the retard, I don't think I am part of the majority replying to him.
It seems there are at most 3 to 4 bored people doing it.
You it's obvious to every single poster here just how bitter you are, infact, in a previous thread you practially begged one poster to "get off your back" you are bitter, bitter that people prefer Eris and Roxy over Sylphie, you're bitter that the anime didn't live up to your unrealistic expectations, shit sucks, get over it or keep being a little bitch and showing everyone what a bitch you are, has no effect on me or actual MT fans that love all three wives.
i know you're ragebaiting at this point, but Roxy was indeed a virgin before Rudeus, orsted mentions how roxy always dies single in every timeline and roxy herself says she wanted to fall in love with a guy in a labyrinth and give her ''first time'' to him
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>Harem shit threads are shit by default, by the way.
idk about that, it was pretty fun until you started shitposting.
>She's like 50 and is physically attractive and sexually active, of course she's had sex before
he didn't read the official roxy manga written (not illustrated) by the author
The summary of this and the previous thread are:
Monofag v/s Polyfag.
Sylphyfag v/s Roxyfag.
Urinal thread.
>It's just so funny how easy it is to tell who you are,
Clearly it isn't since you constantly reply to multiple posts HOPING that they'll be the same poster.
anon, how new are you?
>However, the idea that relationships become "cheap and shallow" when responsibilities are shared among multiple people
That is literally not what's being said. Holy fuck, you are retarded and can not understand anything that people say to you.

>but whether it makes relationships "cheap and shallow" is subjective
Objectively wrong. If you are not devoting all of your person (outside of what time must go to your social responsibilities) to your romantic partner, than your relationship with that partner is weak and shallow. If you are splitting the time (excluding time spent on your social responsibilities) with two "romantic" partners, your relationship with them is literally half of what it should be.
Pathetic. Look how easy it is to find your posts, Shitposter-kun.
>You just continue to ignore my points
I'm not, I'm actively asking you to PROVE the pathetic nonsense you are trying so very hard to sell, so go on, show me the line.
Please, stop biting the troll with the 4chan pass already.
It's very obviously a shitposter.

Here's a tip for newfags, get 4chanX and press the hide chain button.
I'm laughing non stop at these faggots going at it kek
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The "monofag" and the "Sylphyfag" (not that I actually consider them a Sylphyfag) are the same poster, but yes this thread is hot garbage.
why didn't Orsted cuck Akito? He had a young, beautiful banana at his side and didn't do anything, what a dragoncel
I don't believe in romance, only reproduction and gene spreading.
I apologize for any frustration caused. Your perspective suggests a strong emphasis on individual devotion and exclusivity in relationships. You believe sharing responsibilities weakens the bond between romantic partners. I understand this view, even if I don't share it. It seems that you're advocating for a highly exclusive and devoted approach to relationships, where one's primary focus is on their romantic partner(s). You believe that sharing time and responsibilities with others dilutes the depth of those connections, making them "weak" or "shallow". However this couldn't be further from the truth. It promotes bond, group responsiblity, and shared values.
But I am bored. I have to do an exam in which I am fully prepared, but is an oral examination so I have to wait for my turn.
>>268344771 >>268344788
>>268344791 >>268344792
>>268344823 >>268344845
>>268344853 >>268344867
>>268344894 >>268344922
>any posts that does give me a safe space is by the same person!! give me a safe space!!
>only i am allowed to accuse people of samefagging!! if you say im samefagging that ur schizo!!!
Story of your life.
more like Sylphyfag falseflagger, that nigger is probably not even watching the anime, just read the wiki summary
Congratulation, you managed to tag 2 of my posts.
Yes, I am the tag guy and I am also the one asking you to please state your arguments.
You're simplifying this to an unrealistic degree. Sure, they have more cooking and laundry to do but each member can also focus on fewer tasks, reducing overall workload and can perform tasks they excel at, allowing for overall greater efficiency.
>any posts that does give me a safe sp-ACK
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Well this thread is going places, I may as well ask this now, would anyone have any serious objections to me commissioning a Lara/Norn/Sieg threesome down the line?
>As someone who
>lies over the internet to try and give an alibi*
Yeah, your posts always stand out so much. And again, you are totally failing to understand the post. Just read >>268344919
Not that you will understand it.

Ironic. Because you're going to die a virgin.

>You believe sharing responsibilities weakens the bond between romantic partners
Literally no one said this. Holy fuck, you are stupid.
lol the faggot managed to quote 3 of mine
Go ahead based anon
Godspeed anon, make us proud, you have my full approval
You don't "trigger" anyone by making yourself look retarded.

Why do you keep samefagging and in every single post you still fail to understand the actual point of the post? Read >>268344919 over and over until you understand it.
add lucy too, I want to see that little bitch's ass clapped
>Because you're going to die a virgin.
Why are you projecting so hard? Unlike you I actually have children.
Will you ever stop crying and begging people to think you're more than one person?

>trying to lie over the internet as proof
You're just so dumb.
540 posts?
All mine btw
anon, she's happily married to clive.
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Sorry, !Akemi Chads will rule these threads
Thank you for posting your shitty argument.
I am the one who said about how your cooking arguement is bad precisely because it was a bad example, but the part you are right is the devoting your all to a single person because time is limited and you can't have nice private moment with all your wives at the same time.
she doesn't deserve her happiness
Begging people to think you're more than one person will never work.
Being hyperbolic and claiming that everyone is accused of being you will only make you look retarded.
You're trying too hard.
take meds
Sylphy lost
>ur argument is shitty because i say so!!!
>ur argument is bad because i say so!!

This takes zero effort. Don't tell you're so stupid it takes you effort to make posts.
I admitted that your argument about devoting time is a good one though?
It seems that you really have reading comprehension issues.
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>safe space
>Akemi/ACK thread
Migrate here away from those schizos
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I have seen it.
>1 quarter
Yeah, I don't think you understand the chart you posted.
>This takes zero effort.
>he says ass he cheeto dusted fingers smash into his uncleaned semen stained keyboard as his fat sweaty body jiggles at his computer desk
But doomsissies keep giving me sloppy blowjobs to convince me MT is losing... what the hell???? Am I being bamboozled????
By your logic we shouldn't have children, friends or other relationships either since they take away time we could spend on our loved ones.
And before you cope with "no, it's different because it's romantic!" that's literally just an arbitrary delineation on your end.
Hi, I'm an obsessed loser and I took it upon myself to be as insufferable as possible on 4chan after my friends stopped talking to me. I hope I didn't bother anyone with my incessant obsession with some fictional characters. This obsession results from my own personal failures and lack of meaningful relationships outside of online spaces, so it is my sincerest hope that you will not hold it against me. I hope we can get along in the future :)
I am not that schizo, but I get his point.
Time is limited so dividing the your private times between wives is a detriment. On the other hand, nobody can stick together for more than 3 hours withotu feeling tired.
It's just so funny how you have to cope with your shit life by pretending other people are miserable as you are.
>Time is limited so dividing the your private times between wives is a detriment
Yeah, but that's true for literally any relationship. No need to draw the line at romantic ones.
>On the other hand, nobody can stick together for more than 3 hours withotu feeling tired.
Nice broken English. Also, way to out yourself as being literally autistic.

No, because maintaining a healthy social lie is necessary for maintaining a healthy romantic life. You can't have one without the other. Fuck, you are just so socially inept.
Your relationship with your romantic partner should have more meaning to you than your relationship with random social acquaintances. Duh. You aren't intimate with strangers you see on the street.
And who's to say sacrificing a romantic relationship isn't a bigger loss than sacrificing a non-romantic ones. Drawing universal boundaries like that is no good either.
>Your relationship with your romantic partner should have more meaning to you than your relationship with random social acquaintances
Why? Who came up with that shitty rule?
Sorry. Hopefully you get better
Obviously, but if it's a matter of time and energy then you should cut away children before you do lovers.
That's why that's the only point I agreed with him.
Your time is limited with work, friends and family. Someone as rich as Rudy should have enough time for 3 wives though.
>Obviously, but if it's a matter of time and energy then you should cut away children before you do lovers.
Again, learn to read, you stupid fuck. A normal and healthy social life is required to have a normal and healthy romantic life. You can't have one without the other.

>Someone as rich as Rudy should have enough time for 3 wives though.
Fuck, you're stupid. Having 3 wives would mean that he to divide himself 3 ways to cater to each other them. All of that time he could have otherwise spent devoted to one wife, and have a stronger relationship with her.
>Who came up with that shitty rule?
Human evolution.
Yeah, whatever. Keep believing you know the universal truth about everything. It's not like you can affect more change than seething on an imageboard.
Source, since you are talking about evolution you must have actual scientific research. Give me 10 of them, in fact, make me an essay. 10K words at least.
It's just too funny. Literally all you have is screaming at people that they are "seething".
The entire population of the human race not practicing polyshit.
6 to 7 hours to sleep.
2 hours of exclusively private moment with each wife.
6 hours of work.
6 hours of free time.
Because is socially wrong in our world due to the power imbalance. How many times do I have to tell you this?
Polygamy was done from most cultures by the rich and powerful.
And each wife gets 1/3rd of the time that should would otherwise get if they were in a mongongos relationship.
Objectively more shallow and weak than a normal relationship.
>Polygamy was done from most cultures
Your English is just slipping more and more. And no, it was not done by most cultures. It was done a very, very small handful.

And polyshit is wrong for all the reasons already explained to you.
Try to stay with the same person all the time for hours without getting tired.
Polygamy is wrong due to power imbalance, not due to your notions of dividing love.
>Try to stay with the same person all the time for hours without getting tired.
Very easy, actually. God, you are so fucking socially inept and ignorant to how the world (and people) actually function.

>Polygamy is wrong due to power imbalance
Just because you keep repeating yourself doesn't mean you are correct. Or that this makes any sense at all. You can't even sort of coherently explain what this even means.
Mashallah, faggot.
When are you going to blow yourself up with a pipe bomb, sand nigger.
>Just because you keep repeating...
The same applies to you.
History and genetic studies has shown that polygamy was common. It used to be more common for a single woman to sire babies from different man at first then that was turned around as history advanced until we reached this monogamous society.
>The same applies to you.
No, it actually doesn't. Because I've actually explained by stance and giving reasoning to support it. While all you've done is repeat yourself.

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