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Kayamom voicing Sylphie was a God-tier casting, this latest episode taught me that
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kneel to Norn the speaker of irrefutable facts
First for fuck Hitogami
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I love Sylphiette's VA too. I genuinely get dopamine everytime I hear it. This coupled with her design and most importantly, her personality. It just makes her the ideal waifu not only in MT, but in all of media.
Sister... have you ever wondered that maybe... Hitogami was right all along?
Norn was fucking based this episode. She salvaged much of it
So we know Ghislane probably could've killed the Hydra, could (current) Eris have helped?
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Post Greyrat family pics
She is literally going to BEG for his dick.
Now that the anime is over
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3rd season was confirmed at the end right?
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>6 mushoku threads up right now
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Nigga season 3 just got announced
Sure was
Orsted's bangs are strong enough to support la bebe gordo... sugoi
No anon, that roman numeral three was referencing how many girls rudy slept with.
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2 years
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she's the only one who called out Roxy for the whore she is
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So why do people hate this little girl?
She has it in for Rudy.
just woke up, did we win
Fatbaby cucked Rudeus out of fatherhood as she believes Orsted is her daddy. So then MT enters the "Punished Father" arc, where Rudeus goes into a massive depression, and Roxerilphiette is introduced, leading to Rudeus cheating on his wives yet again, which leads to Hitogami advising him that he will regret it, so Orsted Turning Points him until Rudeus
I hate how anime characters dont have bald spots. If i woulda done that you would see like 30% white in the middle and it would look terrible.
Monofags and sylphiefags are seething about character assassination and wish fulfillment for the nth time
Yes. Season 3 was announced and it's going to be kino
you can self insert as ruijerd instead bwo
6 threads up. We won
>Sylphiefags mad that Sylphy comes out as not only the best person in the Greyrat household but also the prime matriarch who can basically decides who stays or goes.

Fuck Roxy
chadhart is the future protagonist and if he says lara is evil.... then she's evil.
I honestly don't understand why this show makes people seethe so hard
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long hair Sylphie looks obviously much better, but I want to fuck Short Haired Sylphie more for some reason... in the ass mostly
She ruins Rudeus' relationship with his children. Minus Lara (who has future sight and knows Lucy is bullshitting) and Christina (who Rudeus made sure to raise properly away from Lucy's influence).

She's the worst fucking child and a failure of parenting by Sylphie as well, who despite being the housewife wife fails to see the problem and correct it because she's busy hating herself over giving birth to green-haired Sieg.
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Sylphie doesn't seem to have a problem keeping the door open for other girls. So why is she constantly marking territory with Nanahoshi? She literally has intense screaming sessions every time she gets within 100 meters.
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she should have been at least a little upset
What a terrible episode and terrible second half of the season. Um Rudy doesn't feel regret for going?! WTF. He lost his hand, lost his dad, and lost his moms mind. Why the fuck did he not listen to the sexy and wise god? He could have been safe at home and fine, living with two beast girl wives, but no he had to go and fuck everything up and then pretend everything is great. What a shitty character with a shitty new wife who is absolutely the worst character ever made. Like why the fuck did she get accepted into the family? Fuck this story, and fuck migurds.
Woman spotted. Post hidden.
Norn was upset for her, she didn't need to be, and her talking about not being jealous is a lie, we here that she's jealous and wished to be the only wife multiple times in her internal monologue in the LN.
I feel like its the same 2 mentally ill retards
*stokes head*
>Oldeus blocks your path
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Trans individual spotted. Post hidden.
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Sylphie folded waaaaay too easily
Even in a magic world isekai, that stands out as more unrealistic than the rest
No way
Nanahoshi attacks the core of her identity.

Sylphie's identity is as Rudy's childhood friend who grew up with him in Buena. Nanahoshi by existing makes her entire belief a lie, because she knew Rudeus from before, they have a special language only they speak with each other, they like special food they have with each other, Rudy is constantly checking in on her, and Sylphie doesn't understand any of that. And even years into their marriage Rudy is making Nanahoshi robo-maids in secret with anatomically accurate flesh so Sylphie can do nothing but seethe.

Sylphie fears Nanahoshi because she attacks the core of her identity in a way that other wives don't, and triggers extreme jealousy. Roxy and Eris don't have the same problem with Nanahoshi because their relationship with Rudeus is defined very differently. Sylphie does get jealous of Roxy too sometimes, but it's more in the sense of Roxy being much more mature than she is. Which is entirely reasonable to be jealous about because Sylphie is 16 and Roxy is 50, no shit Roxy is more mature.
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Lara pranks and Orsted is living his best life.
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The misunderstanding stems from a clash of cultures. Rudeus basically said do whatever you want, but in that setting, parents would expect their children to enter a specific field of interest that they oversee. Since Rudeus didn't do that, Lucy interpreted that Rudeus doesn't think any of them are good enough to remotely do what he can expect from them. What she failed to realize was that when Rudeus told her that they can all do what they want...he genuinely meant they can do whatever they wanted. He wasn't gonna tie them down to do something they didn't want to do. Lara was the only one to get the memo.

Miscommunication is the stem of so many issues between characters in this series.
>Sylphie folded waaaaay too easily
Why do you think it's way too easily?
She expected Rudeus would do it, she sees that the superfamous Roxy Rudeus keeps talking about how she is the greatest and she has been helping searching for his family for years now is genuinely in love with him and is not being haughty or snobbish.
Already read it Old Dragon Tale,Redundancy, Jobless Oblige last October
Is that a kakyoin edit?
Yes, It's also an FMA reference, since Rudy is an otaku.
The only thing Sylphy should have done was be more openly vocal about Rudeus's nature. Just to let everyone female in the room know who they are really dealing with and put Rudeus on notice that his ass is being watched by at least 4 pair of eyes.

She really doesn't need to be upset or mad. Just let Rudeus know she has the absolute moral high ground in the family not him.
Sylphy is the queen of the pack. Roxy is a submissive slave and Eris is a dog, the banana puts her power status at risk
i will
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FUCK sylphie

hitocutie is best
>the japanese man doesn't do traditional japanese parenting and the fantasy child immediately picked up on this and felt unloved
>blue makes blue
>red makes red
>then there's the unholy mishmash in the middle
Lucy is so hot jesus christ
She'd be hotter with green hair.
The sheer number of anime, western movies and video games Rudy talks about in the LN makes me feel so old. I feel like younger people don't capture half of them.
>i tried everything
>even though i let my guard down multiple times they even screamed at me
>even though I have future sight
if Rudy turned into a girl and the others into futas would they have way more kids?
Why didnt they ever fuck? Hes literally the only man left from her old world so in a way they are closer than everyone else
She pitied Roxy almost immediately, and stepped in right when it was about to become too late, considering any rational person would expect that if Roxy left the room she'd probably never be seen again. The writing isn't perfect, but the timing is fine.
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>They keep drawing Sylphies burned hand
>yet make no mention of it in any episode even the one where it was supposed to be mentioned.
Why? For what purpose? They might as well had retconned it in the anime.
post one
There are several indications that Nanahoshi finds him sexually attractive, Rudy just doesn't make a move on her.
God I hope we are getting another Eris OVA to tide over until S3.
>I'm glad she doesn't have green hair

That shit stung...
>Roxy gives birth to the fucking heroine
We already know who had the winning genes here.
She's loyal to her boyfriend and is waiting for him to be summoned.
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Behold. This is an Ace Combat 04 reference.
Sylphie would kill herself


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Lara and MAYBE Seig are the only two that matter, let's be real.
>if Rudy turned into a girl and the others into futas would they have way more kids?
Rudy would be giving birth to triplets with three different hair colors each time, and every night would be a threesome
Red Mama is best mama
Who ever is the parent of Ferris also matters.
And between the two of them, we know who sits on top.
Lara. Lara sits on top of Sieg.
You mean, a foursome. Three futa-chicks, one genderbent Rudeus, equals four.
Who is she looking at?
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Lara sits on top of everybody.
The chosen one, the ultimate hardworking gigachad...... and the aunt fucker
Nah, Eris isn't allowed in because she gets too intense and nobody can handle it.
idk if were gonna go here or not but sieg is obviously the strongest i mean he's a world power
Yes Eris as she has Chad and Stacy as her kids
It's a call forward too, when Sylphie looks at Sieg for the first time she sees he has green hair. And then the first thing Sieg sees as a baby is his mother looking horrified at him.
And then there are the other three no one gives a shit about. Fucked up if you ask me.
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Sieg speedbiltzs Lara on the bed btw
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>le chosen one
Imagine needing fate and time hax to carry you to the finish line
Sieg can break the bones of any retard who bullies him
I don't understand why Mangod told Rudy to impregnate the beast girls. Did he not understand he disliked them? Did he really think that would work?
Lucy is a trouble maker hired by hitogami and frankly, a whore
>And then the first thing Sieg sees as a baby is his mother looking horrified at him.
Yeah, but he's not Rudy so he's not actually going to remember that.
The aunt fucker and the hard worker are one and the same, remember it is Ars who succeeds Rudy in OrstedCorp, not any of the others.
>So we know Ghislane probably could've killed the Hydra
How would she defend against it? How would she stop it from regenerating?
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more preg sylphie
The reader/watcher will, that's why it's a call forward and is mentioned in this episode. Assuming the anime makes it all the way there.
Cut all the heads off at once and you don't need to defend against shit.
Hero of Justice
Has a cool as fuck sword

as expected of muttfie
>kills his brothers
>Does nothing for eons
He doesn't dislike them, and their bodies are sexy.
But yeah, he's just not in love with them.
And most likely, the Man God expected the relationship to probably destroy the Greyrat household, since the beastgirls are very competitive, and would try to become wife number 1, which would not work well with Sylphiette, who is willing to harmonize and be equal.

In short, the Man God wants Rudeus to suffer the hells of an incompatible harem.
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If Hitocutie just told Rudy to eat his bananas, he wouldn't have to worry about Lara or Seig.
Because Lara and Sieg have totally outgrown Rudy's shoes while Ars barely fits into one of them as a mere placeholder.
I don't mean that we should give a shit about them, just that half of Rudy's children were bad rolls and that's a lot.
I'll miss these
So this child thinks Rudy is weak? Did Luke and the cat girls also think the same thing?
He dislikes their personalities, he likes their bodies a lot. But the way Hitogami described it, it sounds like in the mating season they will push themselves hard enough that it overrides any distaste for personality and he fucks them anyway.
All of this wouldn't have happened if hitogami had sex lmao
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is that Lara's virgin blood?
What if orsted was a sexy girl?
Lara's virginity is being saved for when she NTRs Nanahoshi with Akito.
Either Hitogami fucked up because he was getting desperate, or Hitogami intended to make Rudy go against his advice and see what came of it.
Roxy had ulterior motives
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I thought OP avatar pic was depicting a snake-woman.

I... can't decide if I'm disappointed it's an elf, instead.
I really hope that Rudy has enough semen left for Aisha and Norn after plowing his wives.
Those girls need some love too.
So what? That means Linia and Pursena can be cumrags not lovers
>Lara's virginity is being saved for when she NTRs Nanahoshi with Akito.
How can you sure she wouldn't just spam shining healing right after every time she does her deeds?
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cant wait for S3
If Rudeus can get more than one wife, the girls should be allowed to have other husband too. It should be fair.
If it werent for Eris Sara would have won
What if the anime gives us bad end timeline?
Men and women are not the same. Life isnt fair.
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Rudy will never fuck either of them. He actually thinks Norn is, I quote, inoffensive and sexless with zero romantic prospects.

He's also fucking blind because she's the most popular girl in the entire university and everybody in Sharia would be lining up to beg her to hold hands if it wasn't for Rudeus terrifying them. There's even a legend in the university that nobody is allowed to date her unless they can defeat the Demonic Six and then Rudeus himself. And at one graduation ceremony, he has to spend an entire day fighting challenges, alt he while having no fucking clue that the reason why the challenges are coming is because they all want to court Norn.

She is the most desirable girl on several continents.
thats when we get Oldeus time travel
Probably a situation where the two retards have kids like Lucy and Sieg where they just try to fuck things up. Also the dog lives in that village. We'll never know but I'm sure it was a chess move.
Only woman that gets multiple "husbands" in the books is Ariel.
Poor Luke.
In this house we call them Nornalfags.
Luke is a Chad he cucks hundreds of men constantly
their face when she disciplines Rudy for bullying everyone
No, what if anime Rudy is Oldeus?
Reminder that Akihito is going to have sex with
>Robot Nana
>the Princess of Asura (Chris descendant)
>The next pope (Lucy descendant)
>Ars descendant
>Time Miko
>Insert the descendant of any other character (Nina, Isolte.....)
Nanahoshi is going to be virgin in the end
The beast person paralyzing shout seems super OP. Does it have some obvious downside? If not, then having a beast person in every party should be mandatory.
Rudeus has given me his blessing to marry Lara
>or Hitogami intended to make Rudy go against his advice and see what came of it
I think it's this
Hitogami already has Rudy in check-mate at this point whether he goes or not, he just makes it sound like he has Rudy's best interest in mind so he'll trust him unconditionally in the future while basically daring him to go and threatening that he'll regret it if he does so.
Life isn't fair, we have to cope with how it is. Men see women as sex objects, women see men as forms of physical protection. There is nothing wrong with either of these views.
lara sexo
What about the other Japanese guy?
What exactly could Mangod offered as an alternative for staying? No other girl really caught his eyes at school besides those two. Staying for Sylphy's sake wasn't compelling enough because she had Norn, Aisha, Ariel, Luke, Cliff and Zanoba to support her. There was also no imposing disaster or situation to avoid.

He would have had to blantenly lie in order to get Rudeus to stay.
Rudy is just full of openings and lacks awareness. Alex straight up told that to him in his face.
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The family is all here
What does the Arrow point at Sylphie titties say?
>There's even a legend in the university that nobody is allowed to date her unless they can defeat the Demonic Six and then Rudeus himself
Ruijuerd could do that.

>She is the most desirable girl on several continents.
Ugh I need a daughter to love me like chris what a good daughter to trust her dad
>Demonic Six and then Rudeus himself
Can Any of the other students beat any of the Demon circle?
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>Ruijuerd could do that.
Which is why he got to fuck Norn.
Yeah, one of the challengers says he has beaten I think two of the Six, but because the others weren't around he couldn't fight the rest.
Why is she doing the kon gesture to Ruijerd's balls? Is Norn a fox?
One of the kids talked about defeating some of them in ways other than combat, like beating Zanoba at their version of chess. Not in single combat though.
>Worse swordsman than a toukilet mage, when he specializes in swordsmanship
He's incompetent
>Norn is nowhere near as attractive as her mother
>Rudy is nowhere near as attractive as his father
What does that mean?
According to?
First kanji is augment or increase, second is dawn/daybreak/morning, but I can't for the life of me figure out what the third kanji is so I imagine it's something along the lines of the they're growing/grown due to her being pregnant.
>Yeah, one of the challengers says he has beaten I think two of the Six, but
Who did he beat? The weakest is cliff and most people should be able to take him easily. But the rest are petty strong and even invincible.
thats what i meant we get to see his timeline before we start the final timeline
Would you fuck Chris(loli)?
Rudy is, not sure about Norn though, too autistic to be attractive
I agree the girls should be allowed to have other husbands too.

Now find another young nobleman that isn't always shackled with family politics, is well off financially and is okay with sharing his wife with other men.

Oh wait, too late Elinalise already got him.
me :)
They beat Zanoba at chess.
No way Paul has a higher test face, Rudy looks like a hot geek compared to him
Not how it works faggot.
>First kanji is augment or increase, second is dawn/daybreak/morning, but I can't for the life of me figure out what the third kanji is
it's 増量 little buddy
Hmm, why doesn't Cliff get to cheat with other women too? It should be fair.
He 'technically' beat cliff by getting the best boy award through his noble connections in graduation. He beat Zanoba by kiting him in magical dueling class. He tried to defeat the rest but by that point they're all MIA.
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>high test face
Bad writing, noble swordsmen in Asura should know about touki especially since a Sword Autism HQ is in Ars.
Because Cliff says so, Lise wouldnt care if Cliff cucks her as shes a cuckquean like Sylphie.
The robe Orsted will give him DOES look like a dress.
It's not the kon if the thumb isn't touching the middle and ring fingers idiot
bros… I dont want to fucking read… but I must know what happens… animeonlysisters… we lost…
Makes sense. Don't remember running across 量 until now. Danke.
Definitely looks feminine there.
Anon there are audio books on youtube
She literally doesnt care, he does.
Because these nipfucks hate giving men realistic shoulder widths
Yeah it is.
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I'm anime only, but I have a rough idea of the plot, and knowledge of various spoilers just from being in these threads
Is it just me or preggo Syphie is even hotter than before?
She gives me milf vibes.
Turns out hot geeks are in right now.
He most likely got teleported into the Void Realm and killed the original man God, replacing him as Hitogami.
It's not bad writing, Luke is just incompetent, and his father likely is as well. He must be praying to gods everyday that Rudeus sama doesn't take over Notos
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She literally calls Rudy a princess, it's over.
Because Cliff is only interested in Elinalise. He is also the grandson of the Pope, giving him a personal moral high ground to believe in.
I always imagine her growing a futa dick then raping Rudeus in that princess room while Eris is dealing with her minions below
Because he is the pope of the Milis church, the religion that promotes monogamy.
Demon's are so retarded.
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Rudy is so lucky! He's married to Frieren.
Norn's VA was the best this episode.
She needs sex
Rudy goes "KYAAAA" when Eris carries him like a princess. Do you really want to keep going?
Fuck Greyrats Rudeus needs to change his last name to create his own bloodline empire
It's still funny for me that the whole beef Hitogami had with Rudy was because he was afraid of Lara.
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What's the "correct" way of reading Redundancy. Oblige and ODT? Guessing redundancy first.
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Atofe is comedy gold.
To what? Tanaka? Silent?
who would /a/ side with?
>Rudy wants to be daintily princess carried
He's really not helping his case here.
>Hey! Hands off my butt!
Only loyal to CHADman the first
>This is the last time with 3k post in a single day
well, a least this time they announced the next season with the final episode, so i hope that this time we don't need to wait too much
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Not from me thats for sure
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Would Linia and Pursena actually be all that hard to beat if you know how to deal with the beast voice magic?
There was an entire plot line about his insecurity and Hitogami taking advantage of that.
post the maker
If she thinks he is a princess then why is she mad when he grabs her ass. Anti lgbt?
It takes a true Gigachad to fight beside Perugius Demon-Hater and then decide to dick down a demon king until she becomes your wife. And get away with it too.
twinkdeus needs that bussy filled fr fr
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She is a loyal wife.
Only the slayer of demon pussy can touch her butt
>the demon king's perfect tight ass
Imagining that fatass becoming more feminine as he gets older is hilarious
With Atofes futa dick
Is getting your hips broken by Atofe worth it to have immortal children?
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Healing magic exists.
Maybe he was feminine when he waant fat
Rudy can only heal if she stops riding and takes her mouth off of his
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>unironically linking to reddit
I don't think MT threads can get any lower than this...
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But he was right next to Lara when Shitogami got sealed.
Kalman the First has God tier touki
Never heard of falseflagger trolls?
Fuck off
Linking reaction videos besides Ben and Anna.
Redundancy, and Oblige is in the middle of it, like before the last chapter, you wouldn't miss much by just reading though Redundancy first. ODT and Subjugation are side stories set in the same world but not at all in the same timeline, read them whenever
what are your bets on how they show the sword sanctum part?
>episode 1
>episode 10ish when they're close to the Orsted fight
>skip entirely
Jobless Oblige
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He knew Lara was gonna troll him into oblivion
Kinda hoping OVA or Episode 0 like we got the Fitz thing.
Who are they false flagging as? All of us?
the story of Alex?
>>skip entirely
This one. Also they will completely remove Eris from the anime. They won't even add a different ending to whole Orsted v. Eris shit. They will just have the scenes that Eris was supposed to be in without her character being drawn there at all. The characters will just talk to and look at nothing as if they are schizos
They should get Aya Hirano to voice Lara.
OVA would be best but Bind will obviously fuck it up.
I think they did ok with the Goblin Slayer OVA last season
It has Eris in it. I trust them to not fuck it up.
OVA or ep0
surely Bind couldn't be this based
Can she still do an erotic voice these days?
by the time season 3 actually gets released our ai tools will be powerful enough to automate this process
please... i need more eris
>Um Rudy doesn't feel regret for going?!
>He lost his hand
Quite possibly the least of all his concerns.
>Lost his dad
Roxy helped him cope with that. His dad died the way he'd have wanted to as well: Protecting his family. There was ultimately nothing he could do, and nothing to 'regret', without saying they should never have tried to save his mom.
>Lost his moms mind
Not his fault, not a regret.
Can you redditors mature a little before posting at least? This is honestly too easy to argue against.
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Nah, it's better to flex that a excommunicated Greyrat branch has more influence and power than they do.

Though I can see the idea. This family tree is a bush.
since it's Eris they'll probably make it a movie with constant sakuga for every minor sparring match
>We're finally at the sword sanctum
Hello world, I hate uglyass Auber.
Uuhh.. Based?
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>Incel Story
>Norn is the only one with common sense
>I hate harem
I don't know how Sylphie accepting Roxy pretty easily being a normalnigger filter never crossed my mind but here we are, I thought the miggening was the final filter I forgot about the one in the following episode. I wish we had more series like MT.
Directed and animated by Qkawa, naturally.
I'm betting on an OVA or episode 0.
What the fuck are you talking about?
So are the other two Greyrat lines just completely irrelevant to the story?
Chance of Roxy sex OVA?
They aren't relevant to this story, but they will be relevant to the Laplace war sequel.
his hair annoys me a lot. if it was just a normal hemisphere that would be okay, but it's some weird shit where it forms a circle at the top of his head and then a thin outer layer going up and out. no amount of gel could hold that shit in place.
Bind please fix his head in the anime.
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Your days are numbered, Hitogami.
morning after scene in episode 1 but no sex
I wanna know more about the Euros. They are the least explored ones, except for the fact that they make their money out of trade tariffs since they control the choke point between Asura and the rest of the continent
Are they the shotacon branch? We know each branch has its own fetish.
>"Eris Boreas Greyrat... Is Rudeus so precious to you? What of Luke?"
>pans to fucking nothing
>"The man who was destined to become your husband"
>pans to nothing again
>"I suppose it would be"
>no amount of gel could hold that shit in place.
You've never seen a MET Gala picture before.
So when will the threads slow down?
We don't know but would be based if they were into crossdressing twinks like Fitz-senpai
>Red, White and Blue
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Sylphiette and her lesserlings.
tomorrow. EST
Honestly, it might well have been this moment that Orsted realised the loop is completely different because of Rudy's strong destiny changing things. In EVERY previous loop, Eris always ended up with Luke as the love of her life. No matter what Orsted did, or Hitogami did, Eris and Luke happened.

Except this one.
The industry needs brave directors like this.
Eris always looks gross to me in this image...
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And then, I would add Eris back into the anime for the blu-rays: "Want eris? Buy the BD". BOOM. Erisfags make MT rich again. So fucking easy.
That isn't white, it's green in disguise.
The worst part about this episode was how easily Sylphie just accepted Rudy's cheating, I would've been satisfied with even a little anger, but nothing at all seems really weak and out of character...
>he trusts the mangod's lies
If he hadn't gone, Roxy would have died, his dad would have died. And mom would have been rescued 100 years later.
>out of character...
she told him before like 10 episodes ago that he could have more wives if he wanted
Sylphie is a coward with self esteem issues.
Can't wait to hear his alcoholic womanly voice
She said that he could have a concubine if she couldn't get pregnant and she was pregnant soon after, so no. Her accepting Roxy so easily with no push back is just weak writing in the context of the anime(The only thing that matters to me I don't care what happened in the novels.)
How many (You)s are you up to today?
Roxy has owned his penis since he was three. She allows others to borrow it, like checking out a library book.
He's got a point. Sylphie was jealous of Nanoshi.
As long as they are not the majority of relaitonships in a society (or to the point there is an excessive female shortage for a significant portion of less attractive/biologically fit/poor/etc), not only are they not wrong, but harmless.
this only applies to polygamous configurations with EXACTLY ONE MALE
Polygyny is based.
Polyandry is fucking cringe.
she was jealous of every girl he hung out with before they got married
>Elinalise: "I'm off to see cliff!"
>*pats womb*
>roxy only has daughters because nobody would give a fuck about rudy's migger son
very funny
Sylphie and Roxy should both fuck a bunch of males in front of Rudeus as revenge (one of them being me), it's only fair. My (You)s now, please.
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Hey Redditors, Rudeus is polyamorous. Stop being bigoted.
>to be honest when rudy talked you up i was worried that you'd make me uncomfortable like nanahoshi, but now that i see up close you're a short weak pathetic little girl i'd be happy to welcome you into our home
Why do people keep saying they don't understand? Did they even watch the episode?
Dating is a zero-sum game. You would be cucked in a polygyny world. You're imaging yourself as a Chad with multiple wives but the reality is you would get even less pussy than you do now if you even currently get any (the world is already heading that way).
back of the line bud
>"Need my pussy and womb filled right now, Rudeus, so i'm going to cliff. Bye bye. Good luck with the harem."
it's the weird ass smirk she has
No, I'd join some fighting brigade and would rape and pillage in a Polygyny world, I'd spread my seed like Genghis Khan. Or just join a polygynous society where women get stoned and killed for adultery, like Islam or ancient Judaism.
>child is just a carbon copy of the mother
I fucking hate this trope in anime
Lucy is the only one who bucks the trend
And coincidentally she's the worst child too.
Only thing Ars got from Eris is his hair color, His face, hairstyle and size are all from Paul.
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Kill Migurds. Behead Migurds. Roundhouse kick a Migurdain into the concrete. Slam dunk a Migurd baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy Migurds. Defecate in a Migurds stupid fucking turtle shell houses. Launch Migurds into the sun. Stir fry Migurds in a chop suey. Toss Migurds into active volcanoes. Urinate into a Migurds beer. Judo throw Migurds into a wood chipper. Twist Migurds heads off. Karate chop Migurds in half. Trap Migurds in a dungeon. Crush Migurds under an elephant. Roast Migurds on a fire. Dissect Migurds. Exterminate Migurds in a roman colosseum. Stomp Migurds skulls with steel boots. Lobotomize Migurds. Drown Migurds in liquid gold. Incinderate Migurds with greek fire. Kick old Migurds off a cliff. Feed Migurds to the lions. Slice Migurds with a a huge sword.
girl (male) <<<< boy (female) <<<<< girl (female)
But Lara looks like a Migurdian Rudeus?
it's still debated what Christina's eye color is because her eyes are closed in the only colored canon picture
Such is the difference in nature between a mind shaped by ancestra parental uncertainty and one that knows her own lineage for sure the moment the baby pops out
Depends on the demographics (gender and age would be the big ones). The ideal is to have a social pressure towards monogamy but allow for polygyny as long as there are enough women for most of the rest (and I say most because not everyone "deserves" one and to believe otherwise is to stagnate).
What we have today is driven by active and near all-encompassing propaganda (causal sex good, past does not matter, you can have it all hurr durr), not polygyny itself.
Rudy doesn't want to fuck her.
Nanahoshi is waiting for her boyfriend (without knowing she will be cucked by 10+ girls).
Sylphy will kill herself if Rudy fucks Nanahoshi.
>Sylphy will kill herself if Rudy fucks Nanahoshi.
Good, they should proceed with the procreation. Imagine if Nanahoshi cured Rudy's ED instead
>not you're
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Eris will make an honest wife out of Rudy.
How does she do it? She managed to be in the best two roles of the season

Is it because her voice sounds like ear sex?
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>I fucked you are husband
Kek, you would be a weak no name who gets killed off that no one gives a shit about since you're not a pretty girl (e.g. the green haired guy whose name I forgot and was a part of Sara's party)
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I can't take the complaints about this episode seriously.
>Noo Rudy needs to be punished more
>Why does Rudy get to be happy he CHEATED ack-
>Why does Sylphie just accept it so easily it's so OOC
>Harem has ruined this story
>NOOO Rudy and Roxy MUST have a bad end
>Norn is the only sane person in this series
Is there any other series where viewers complain about the MC not being crucified and beheaded for the minor bad things he's done? You'd think Rudeus is worse than Stalin with the way these normalfaggots want him to suffer. Is a protag being a perverted cheater but still a decent guy really that fucking rare in anime? Does every anime protagonist literally need to be Clark Kent or Vegeta?
UM WTF RUDY. Dumb show. Like really bad show. Bad protag. Get rid of that ugly blue wife. Shes blue dirty stinky demon. Like um um wtf. WHY not marry Natasha or whatever her weird ass name is!?!?!?! Just don't marry the stupid smelly bitch face demon bitch. God the shows ruined now. Just don't marry the blue bitch, is it that hard to not do?!?! ?! Um WTF?! ?! ?!
NTA but I would be a chad born with all the good Laplace Factors (manapool, strenght, regen, magic talent, demon eye) and would become a god tier mage at 15 years old, sword saint and north emperor. Then I'd be a absolute chad and fuck every woman I'd want and have four gigastacy wives that love me very much.
>not everyone "deserves" one
the % of people who deserve to be alone is roughly equal for men and women
>but allow for polygyny as long as there are enough women for most of the rest
If the male to female ratio is 1:1, how is this supposed to work to a significant degree?
>inb4 there are more women on Earth currently
Yeah old grannies because women live longer. No man wants to marry women past their prime. Also, I believe the current birth ratio is slightly leaning towards males.
I can't tell what's bait anymore...
I loved the part where Norn thought Roxy was the same age as her. That definitely played into the anger she had a bit.
>Cut out the part where Aisha was gisibly jealous, but then smiled and walked away knowing the door is open
it's best to assume it's all bait and not reply to any of it
I can't believe they skipped the part where Roxy and Sylphie had a magic duel and burnt the house down
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>Sylphy getting mad at the guy she married who prior to said marriage personally witnessed his father marrying and having kids with two women
>Sylphy getting mad at the guy she married who prior to said marraige personally witnessed beastgirls he captured, made them soil themselves and become personal lackies with the ass and breast constantly in his face
>>Sylphy getting mad at the guy she married who prior to said marraige personally witnessed struggling to fix his ED due to past trauma with a girl he fucked before her

Why are pretending Sylphy is some helpless retard? She walked into this marraige knowing this shit!
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No, it is not. Females produce the expensive, big gamete. Males produce the cheap, small gamete. Simple as. That is our nature. That is why I said """deserve""" in the first place. It is not a moral criteria. It is about properly weighted discrimination with intergenerational aims and not being dysgenic while retaining our liberties.
I have finally found you.... sister...
if he's super strong he should be able to run faster than that
>beastgirls he captured, made them soil themselves and become personal lackies with the ass and breast constantly in his face
this is literally what beast girls are made for, he did nothing wrong here
I just realized that doesn't make sense. They've met before, Norn should have a good idea of who Roxy is. I just double checked the LN and she was just saying that Roxy is small there
>If the male to female ratio is 1:1, how is this supposed to work to a significant degree?
Some people don't get to reproduce and/or have a exclusive long term romantic relationship.
There are more females now and that has been the trend in the past (not sure about how it breaks down recently, but it would most likely work based on way more local demographics isntead of global demgraphics).
Norn was right this episode
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>projecting preachy hypocritical moralfag
>defended by the projecting preachy hypocritical moralfag tourists shitting up these threads
Was Roxy's age explained/implied to her at that time though? She might have had the same thought then.
>There are more females now and that has been the trend in the past
Already addressed in my
>inb4 post
Address it
what are you even talking about? if we're trying to "optimize" then take the "top 1%" of males and give them each 100 wives (or less after weeding out women with particularly bad genes). is that what you want or is that too far?
did Norn cheat on her partner? Does she even have one? If so the anime hasn't mentioned it
That's a shame, that would have been cute.
she's isn't the main character so her opinion is worthless
>Address it
>not sure about how it breaks down recently,
>but it would most likely work based on way more local demographics instead of global demgraphics
>Some people don't get to reproduce and/or have a exclusive long term romantic relationship.
>Some people don't get to reproduce
The problem is that when you don't apply this to women as well as women, you end up with dysgenics taking root anyways.
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it's hypocritical because she worships Paul who is also a polygamist, rules for thee but not for daddy
it's not her relationship, so her opinion is worthless. Sylphie's opinion is the only one that matters and she is not the main character.
I think it's because Millis followers are essentially Christians if we had to equate a fantasy religion to a real one, so basically since Norn is a devout follower, she's basically like a devout Christian, who are popularly known as hypocrites
>muh millis
>marries literal demon
>give them
Who gives these wives to these top 1% chads? You are making the same mistake people trying to implement silly centrally planned solutions when thinking about the economy, where you envision yourself as some sort of God-State just implementing policies beyond the will and freedom of each individual. Anyway, it seems you missed the part where I said
>not being dysgenic while retaining our liberties
>They've met before, Norn should have a good idea of who Roxy is.
She probably forgot.
>I just double checked the LN and she was just saying that Roxy is small there
It's obvious what she's implying when she says Roxy is the same size as her, obvious enough for Roxy to reply that she's an adult.
Nirvana fallacy. It would be better than socially/morally/legally/spiritually endorsing the closest outcome to "everyone reproduces".
>Some people don't get to reproduce and/or have a exclusive long term romantic relationship.
And you think those men will just accept that?
Look at the rise in NEETs, Andrew Tate follwers, etc. who contribute less to society compared to established couples
Some schizophrenic is copy pasting from Reddit.
Some will and already do. It is not a problem as long as it does not reach a critical mass. Also, remember I said "socially enforce monogamy" too.
Fallacy fallacy.
It's irrelevant because the end result is still dysgenic, and there's nothing unrealistic about limiting the ability for the least desirable of both sexes to reproduce.
roxy gives birth to our HERO
sylphie only gives birth to useless mutants
She's fine with her father doing the same and Aisha existing, so she's a hypocritical bitch
Norn is only right if Sylphy was a complete stranger or Redeus practiced the mills religion.

Neither is the case, the only moral high ground she has is that Redeus should have formally introduced Roxy as a potential wife before they fucked.
Nta, but just thinking that it made her logic pretty easy for Rudy to argue against when she started to get angry. Which made it pretty satisfying to see him point that out. I'm sure she doesn't love that part of Paul but never wanted to think too hard about it.
You would know everything about reddit roxyschizo
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>Norn notes how Roxy is built like her, a 9yo girl.
truly brave and progressive writing. those cowards over at shaft would never.
In your society, can a STEMcel, who contributes to society but isn't the best looking, have a good chance of starting a family unlike now where they are cucked out of one?
Neither does Sylphie, but that's hecking problematic
out of 10
>there's nothing unrealistic about limiting the ability for the least desirable of both sexes to reproduce
That already happens naturally. It only happens harder to males. No need for further enforcement just for le equality. As I already said, females produce the expensive gamete and males the cheap one. Socially enforced monogamy with significant leeway for polygyny is the way.
I hope Sylphie slaps Oldeus before she leaves to be crucified.
Norn was right and her being Paul's kid doesn't change that.
Yeah, because they earn good money, have at least a couple of virtues under their belt and, on average, smart people are better looking.
Also, I should add that people should be pusehd harder to embody some virtues. It is kind of a whole package deal ideally (and it starts at home with your family).
She just disappeared one day, as you would expect.
you know what Rudeus really needs?
a 3rd wife
who would that be though
>norn was right because her morals align with mine
mine too, but she's a stupid child for forcing her morals on other people.
Nah. That's not happening. Only way it's happening is if someone just time travels and tells Rudeus he should get a third wife or he is going to regret that. But MT isn't about that.
>smart people are better looking
You mean better-looking people are considered smart (halo effect).
If an attractive person says something stupid, people see it as a silly joke and forget about it, but if an ugly one says the very same thing, they are considered an irredeemable retard that should be burnt at the stake.
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Someone he can share his whole life with.
Aisha obviously
Pursena, Elise, Nanahoshi, Aisha. All good candidates.
I'm talking about during the "Am I not good enough?" scene. I want them to really go all out on the drama.
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Stop comparing the modern world to mushoku tensei, the dynamics are completely different. Bugatti man can't burn you alive with his mind or cut you in half outside of town. NEETbux don't exist, the kingdom isn't going to subsidize you for being autistic, you're just going to starve to death. Males die at higher rates than females in adventuring, leaving an unbalanced gender ratio. We could go on and on, if you can't get a woman you cope or starve or become a thief in which case a polygamist adventurerchad sends you to the shadow realm.
She's so pretty...
there was a time when i thought it would make sense for rudy to have a red wife, a blue wife, and a green wife, but now that he has a blue wife and a white wife i have no idea what to expect.
Right about what? The only thing Rudy did wrong was cheat before asking his wife. Him actually Marrying and PLAP'ing Roxy after taking her virginity is the right thing to do.
Its not about morals, its about Sylphy. If it was just about morals Rudy wouldn't have been hesitant to be begin with.
As long as STEMcels and beta bucks are incentivized to work via a family I guess it works. Would be STEMcels and beta bucks are dropping out of society or doing the bare minimum right now since there is no incentive to try.
2.5-4 years
He didn't.
>You mean better-looking people are considered smart (halo effect).
Both things can be true at the same time. In fact, both synergize.
>If an attractive person says something stupid, people see it as a silly joke and forget about it, but if an ugly one says the very same thing, they are considered an irredeemable retard that should be burnt at the stake.
That is a rather extreme proposition, but it is obvious good looking people are treated better. Nobody is disputing that.
unless she gave this much shit to paul then it kinda does
He only didn't cheat retroactively. Which still means he cheated.
Ok if you don't consider it cheating that's fine, but he 100% broke his promise.
He absolutely did. Moralfags need to cope because Sylphie accepted it, but he still committed adultery in that moment.
About calling out Rudy and Roxy.
late 2026 to early 2028 most likely
Sylphie refused to accept his promise in the first place. She told him outright that she refused.
The family, including your extended family, is a powerful isntitution. We are so fucked in no small part due to the brutal attack (and some unintended consequences) to the family we are undergoing.
>red wife, a blue wife, and a green wife
should be a yellow wife instead to complete the color trifecta
Norn was wrong and her believing in a retarded religion doesn't change that
It's not Roxy's job to keep Sylphie husband faithful to Sylphie, Norn was just pushing her religious dogma on people who couldn't give two fucks, like Jehovah witnesses.
Honestly bruh, Rudy aint mah nigga if i was him, i wudda gon get some KFC with mah hoe roxy and left sylphie and those annoying ass kids. On god
love this
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Raped by Eris.
That is a life she was born into vs a life she is experiencing now. There would be no point in giving Paul shit because she lived most of her life with Aisha and chastising him for something that happened before she was even conscious would change nothing.
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I think this episode just turned some animeonlies into permanent Sylphiefags...
>there's no point in sticking to my morals in every scenario
lol, lmao even
Rudy didn't consent in the anime, so he didn't cheat.
Literally BOTH Rudy and Roxy gave two fucks. And Rudy promised to stay faithful. Norn's religion doesn't even matter when both Roxy and Rudy were willing to let it be until Elinalise said something.
>If the male to female ratio is 1:1, how is this supposed to work to a significant degree?

Why do you think most men should be allowed to reproduce? You do realize that most men throughout history didn't reproduce right? It's always been just a few men fathering most of the offspring
he did consent, people can consent even if they're sad and not on top
that is how I know you are black
which will make your usage of the slur "migger" quite ironic
So what, you think that Norn is a hypocrite just because she didn't try to break up the only family she ever knew?
Thank you, sir.
Show me the signed written agreement, otherwise he remained faithful and can't be considered liable for the orgasm.
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She'd be down for it.
>Literally BOTH Rudy and Roxy gave two fucks.
Bad writting.
Men can't be raped.
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>Why do you think most men should be allowed to reproduce? You do realize that most men throughout history didn't reproduce right? It's always been just a few men fathering most of the offspring
Thanks for the blackpill I didn't ask for...
the historical average is like 2:1 or so (females that reproduced vs males that reproduced)
but we know by analysis of our genetic variability (mitochondrial DNA vs Y DNA) that this has peaked up to 17:1 in the past (around the advent of agriculture)
this is lawful evil line of "reasoning"
>chastising him for something that happened before she was even conscious would change nothing.
what nonsense is this. if she gives such a fuck about cheating she should be mad at paul regardless of when it happened
4 wall NTR the anime
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Precious harem.
Sarabros we can still win
My morals state that if you take a woman's virginity you should be forced to marry and live with her forever, it would've been wrong if he didn't marry Roxy right then and there, Norn and millis a shit.
>17:1 in the past
guys have it really good today but are crying. The men of the past would kill to have the odds we have today.
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Norn's religion is the entire basis for her outburst, it's a perfect example of projection, everything she says is on the behalf of Sylphie who doesn't feel the same way at all. The feelings of Roxy and Rudy and even the morality of the act are not relevant to Norn's inability to mind her own business and stop telling other people how to feel.
It's not her relationship, moralfags need correction.
She obviously would have feelings about it but the idea that she should try and get Paul to divorce Lilia or whatever when she's lived her whole life like that is just dumb.
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>That already happens naturally.
>It only happens harder to males
Then it doesn't happen naturally, obviously.
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Linkin park?
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How would monogatari be remembered if he had sex with child bat or snail?
There's too much focus on Paul in this thread. The real focus was on Lilia. Norn calling Roxy a homewrecking whore who should fuck off is practically saying the same thing about Lilia, in front of her child. That's what makes her a bitch.
My morals state: homies over hoes. therefore rudeus should have a male harem instead
People cannot have such a broad perspective, and so every local minimum feels like hell.
Also, we need to be more strict with women, without being dicks. Basically, standing your ground (with reason) instead of giving to pressure and social manipulation. More thot patrolling and slut shaming.
Except Norn clearly cares about how Sylphy feels on the matter and isn't just riding his ass because Millis, she only references her religion once. She's thinking about how Sylphy feels and that makes her upset. Roxy and Rudy both knew that they were presenting something crazy and neither of them follow Millis.
>is practically saying the same thing about Lilia
well is she wrong
Shut the fuck up pierogi
1) The death rate for males back then was a lot higher. The men today who would have been killed while hunting, warring, doing other dangerous work, are alive right now due to medicine and how society has gotten safer over time. So now you have more disenfrachised men without a purpose.
2) The concept of monogamy and a family unit wasn't really a thing back then. Now we know how things used to be and how things are steering away from that. So this adds to the feeling of being disenfranchised.
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My morals state that you must marry a migger and impregnate her.
Pathetic dishonest framing to avoid the issue, and also very retarded if you think about it. You're painting Norn in an even worse light by trying to morph her simple hypocrisy from Paul worship into a self serving strategy. Instead of being understandably blind to the faults of her father, you're saying she tactically avoided staying true to her morality.
If Elinalise stayed the whole thing would've went over much smoother...
How many children?
True. We want chaste women or nothing.
Is this how polygyny works out? I love it.
It makes this world more beautiful.
>saying the same thing about Lilia
If Paul is to be believed, then Lilia came onto him... so yeah, she is. Just cause they made it work thanks to Rudy trying to keep their family together doesn't change that.
>Eris gave birth to reincarnations of both her father and Rudy's father
No, but saying that about her half-mother in front of her groomed-by-proxy maid sister is wrong.
17:1 at a single specific point (Maybe, the data isn't certain on that anyways), and 2:1 as a whole.
Today it's a ratio of 5:1. So no, most men of the past would not want our odds.
Does Aisha ever get a man of her own or is she even more cucked than Rudy's wives?
>Is this how polygyny works out?
Funnily enough that's how it worked in jewish old testament times, before christcuckery, it's even funnier because now it's illegal to be in a polygynous relationship in israel and they hate christianity.
>males - cheap gamete
>females - expensive gamete
Simple as. And recently it has been exacerbated (but still far from the most brutal gender disparity in this regard in the history of our species).
Redhead male next to Eris
one every other year until you die so at least 20 or 30
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Considering that every single vol minus 13 is packed with action and kino they will need much more design materials as the location will once again start changing frequently and again they'll need much more budget since as opposed to S2's SOL, S3 will be really action heavy.
I think legit they will take more than 2 years to finish it up.
Fingers crossed for them having enough budget for them to animate every single fight that will happen in S3.
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She grooms Rudy's son to fuck her. Yes she is a child molester.
kids >>>>>> women >>> men
kids are the most important, men are disposable.
now talk about mt
>at least 20 or 30 raras
you will never
why even live
meh. Lilia is simply reaping what she sowed
Or instead that she understands and DOES have issues with Paul's polygamy that didn't come up in the anime because it wasn't relevant but still respects her father for all he'd done to save the people of Buena Village and has already lived most of her life with Lilia and Aisha and thus sees no reason to needlessly cause strife to a life that existed before she did.
>season 3 is the shounen arc
>we've lost all the shounenspics
>Be wrong
>Repeat something irrelevant
>Think you're right
Many such cases with turd worlders.
also, this is oddly relevant to MT in a sense
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>she only references her religion once.
It's the basis of her argument, and the entire reason she's mad, just because she doesn't scream "MILLIS MILLIS MILLS" in their faces doesn't mean it's some side detail.
>She's thinking about how Sylphy feels and that makes her upset
No, Norn thinking about how NORN feels and projecting that onto Sylphie. If Sylphie said any of these things they would be valid, she did not.

Roxy, Rudy and Sylphie are part of the relationship in question, they are the only ones with the right to have input like this. Norn is a bystander trying to impose her beliefs on others, she has no right to do so and is (correctly) put in her place.
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>my favorite reaction channel is still seething about roxy
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score suddenly shot up by 0.2 just today
What a Kino episode, I cried bros...
>mine hasn't uploaded in 5 days
Judging by the trend, season three will reach 9 after Oldeus and Orsted fight.
Does mom.exe ever reboot?
Vol 14 has a lot of cool worldbuilding and lore bits with them touring Perugius's sky fortress but yea, this is a common thing with MT it hops between SOL and action frequently with some SOL bits being longer than others and then some action bits being longer than others(like the last stretch of the books is just non-stop action for like 3 books)
She's going to have a very sad arc in season 4 or 5.
>I won't needlessly cause strife for Paul doing something that I find immoral
>I WILL needlessly cause strife for Rudy doing something that I find immoral
Something being established and inconvenient to oppose does not alter the morality of it. If you pick and choose when to apply your convictions, they aren't real convictions and you're a hypocrite.
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She already is. She can perceive everything around her.
possibly. there are a few dedicated haters who will probably keep it below 9 but they diminish each season become most of them drop it.
Yes, but also no.
they find a wifi hotspot but it's moody
No she stays that way but we find out what she's really thinking after they employ the help of Miko who can read her memories.
She's basically stuck in her own world but she can understand to an extent about whats going on around her. She understands that Paul is dead for example she just can't express herself.
Rudy should have burned the Latreia house down.
I will never drop it. my army of alts will prevent it from ever reaching 9
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Seething Asura heretic.
I have 15 accounts that gave Frieren 10 stars and give pedo tensei 1-2 stars.
Rudy looks like a fag in this cover
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Oldeus is the catapult for the plot and meat of MT, if it doesn't get a 9.01 or 8.99 then it was kept back by bad animation. It'll definitely get the normalfags crying.
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>It's the basis of her argument
I would say the basis of her argument is that its specifically being unfaithful to Sylphy (something Rudy promised not to be) given the fact that THAT is the thing she talks about the most but sure, lets pretend its all about Millis.

>Norn thinking about how NORN feels
yeah, and Norn feels upset for Sylphy. I'm not saying that Norn isn't projecting her own feelings, but her feelings are based on how she thinks Sylphy feels and and so she's mad. Millis is only a small part of why she's upset. An even smaller portion than the fact that she thinks Rudy was just hitting it off with another woman after their father had died.

>they are the only ones with the right to have input like this
They are the ones who make the final decision, but if Norn's input didn't matter Rudy wouldn't bother trying to justify himself to her by relating their two experiences.
Kill yourself Aisha
both are cool
also, spousal configurations like those shown in MT would not be rare among nobles in Frieren's setting neither
the retard meant well, don't be too hard on her
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Unironically based, that will keep the rest of the masses away. It's bad enough now, but if it hits 9 every normalfaggot in the world will try watching it.
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Rudy legit should've just sent Norn back to Millis.
She needed to calm the fuck down and based Claire would've made sure she understood her role in the family and not to interfere in family matters.
Who the fuck does she think she is?
I see one elf, one mongrel, and one mule in that picture.
If Bind goes all out for season 3 you can expect that all the faggots that have dropped this will suddenly come back.
that would be good. it will cause everyone to accept good islamic values including polygamy.
>tfw you want a borderline ritualized humilliation ritual for the CHADeus every single time he gets a new wife
It is only fair.
>every normalfaggot in the world will try watching it.
this episode would probably make most of them drop it so it's not the worst
Norn isn't needlessly causing strife because Rudy is already shitting his britches trying to get Sylphy to agree by the time she says anything. Paul, Lilia and Zenith had long since made peace with their situation before Norn was even born and so she has no reason to make it a problem again. Rudy creating a potential problem by going back on is word to Sylphy and Norn is trying to stop him. Rudy is only lucky that Sylphy had such a low expectations to begin with.
they'll be back. they can't resist.
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He unironically should have killed his aunt.
>octroonelf has sharper ears than the mule
Honestly. I can already predict what the S3 trailer will tease. They probably have the scene of Rudeus learning King tier magic with Sylphie, and it's going to be a for sure way of judging quality. If it looks like the scene from Season 1 with Cumulonimbus then they are actually trying. Otherwise it's "prepare for shitshow" time
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I can't wait for S4 and for Rudy to absolutely stomp Therese and her fanatic goons.
If a little something like Paul dying or the sappy grave talk gets people going imagine others dying on screen or Rudy spilling his spaghetti at Orsted's feet.
She is kinda based ngl. Even though she is seething hard she still enjoys it for the drama. I thought she would flip the fuck out and drop when Sylphie didn't care but she didn't. I underestimated her.
What world do you guys think Paul reincarnated into?
>you have to be banished from Millis because my boss says so
>even though you have done nothing wrong
>and even though your mother has been kidnapped and you were very restrained in not razing our city to ash
>but don't worry I made sure you won't be killed while we banish you unless you resist
>we're just going to kangaroo court you
>and chop both of your arms off
>and then seal them with magic circles so they can't be regrown ever
>and bury the severed arms in solid rock
>but you'll be alive! Now come quietly like a good boy

Fuck Millis.
QRD on this character? Might pick up this series
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Obviously. Next season will be back to back kino. This shit will go viral a trillion times over, specially if Bind-sama puts the effort in
Original Rudeus' older brother
Sounds like a you and your genes problem
her spending an entire chapter monologing about removing his limbs was pretty psychopathic
>quarter elf
>mage warrior
>doormat wife
>can crossdress convincingly
>can make you think you're gay
>is a cuckqueen
Could this work?
I don't get why Rudy asked about opening up his marriage with his two younger siblings in the room when they had no reason to be apart of such a private conversation.
is a loser cuck
To add on this>>268327959:

Cute childhood friend gets saved from Bullies by MC, MC teaches her magic. They end up separated after an catastrophe, they end up meeting together and having a high school romance, they get married, protag impregnates her. All this happens within the span of the two seasons, no bullshit romance with children being made
>>and chop both of your arms off
>>and then seal them with magic circles so they can't be regrown ever
honestly this seems like a really dumb plan that would last only about till about five minutes after he met back up with Orsted
>Millis is only a small part of why she's upset.
It's the entire basis of her worldview on polygamy. Elinalise (Sylphie's family) also knows Rudy promised to be faithful and she isn't having a fucking meltdown because she's not a preachy Millisfaggot like Norn.
> but her feelings are based on how she thinks Sylphy feels and and so she's mad.
and she's fucking wrong, being emotional is not an excuse for this, if she thinks Sylphie is mad she should let Sylphie be mad
>but if Norn's input didn't matter Rudy wouldn't bother trying to justify himself to her by relating their two experiences.
Norn having no right to speak and being a hypocritical moralfaggot does not mean it doesn't "matter" to him. He has to deal with her bullshit because she is his sister, that doesn't make her bullshit justified.

You're just rambling and desperately grasping at this point, the simple fact that it's not her business should've been the beginning and end of this. Norn needs to worry about Norn, not about everybody else in the world.
They don't know much about Orsted. Most of Millis doesn't even believe in the strength of the Seven Powers.
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why were they even there. I imagine rudeus' conversation about his infidelity would be something that you wouldn't want children in the room for
>they end up meeting together and having a high school romance
Just a note that this is technically false, she is crossdressing and passing as a man at the time and Rudy falls in love with her male identity.

Most likely because they are his family, they live together and they are the only ones that don't know about it. Probably best to break it down before Aisha and Norn wonder why their brother is banging this little girl while married to Mrs. Sylphiette Greyrat
>opening up his marriage
don't use degenerate terms for the perfectly moral act of polygamy
Norn would've chimped out eventually although I agree she doesn't have any influence in the family she shouldn't have been involved in the actual decision-making process.
In fact she should've been sent off to Millis for being an eyesore.
>Paul living in sin?
I sleep
>Rudeus living in sin?

She is absolutely needlessly causing strife, it's a good thing all you moralfags are so completely retarded.
>falls in love with a girl crossdressing as a man
is this gay or straight
nta but normally you would talk to your wives alone (and make the decision here), and then you would talk to your sisters with your wives, and then you would talk to your mothers with your wives, and then you would talk to dillo alone
It's not gay to love a woman, anon, nor is it gay if she pounds your ass with the royal dildo
Straight, like I said there are babies being made, but the protagonist is autistic, the CF has to wear a disguise that makes her look like a male for reasons, but they hang out together, because the main character is autistic he thinks Miss CF is actually a man and he thinks he is a homossexual because she makes him feel funny down there.
it's a "further analysis needed" situation, could definitely go either way.
I guess they did it in reverse. He broke it down to his sisters keeping it PG and then privately discussed details.
norn's schizo breakdown could've been avoided if they handled it in private and then afterwards just say that he's getting a second wife and omit the cheating
>Well this immoral thing I hate happened before other immoral thing I hate, so I guess I won't say anything
It comes down to Norn being a retard.
Which is honestly one of my favorite aspects of Rifujin's writing: This is exactly how real life stupid people with strong moral beliefs act. They're always selective and hypocritical.
Elinalise also was willing to fuck anything that moved so I don't get your point here. She is also friends with Roxy and wants her to be happy too and thinks Rudy can do that. Norn only has a connection to Sylphy and has no reason to want Roxy to marry Rudy.

>being emotional is not an excuse for this
Being emotional excuses her outburst, it doesn't matter if she's wrong about how Sylphy actually feels. She' not saying anything Rudy didn't already think about himself, which is why Rudy couldn't actually say anything against her.

>that doesn't make her bullshit justified.
At the worst her "bullshit" is having feelings about Rudy's infidelity with someone who is now her sister and who she cares for deeply. Her actions aren't unjustified.

>You're just rambling and desperately grasping at this point
Says the one who clings to the idea that she's just being a moralfag despite her only bringing up Millis once and showing far greater concern for Sylphy's feelings.
nah she still would've yelled at him
It's funny how people who agree with Norn think Rifujin is a hack, and people who hate Norn think Rifujin is a good writer.
Norn is very soft hearted. Imagine immediately insulting your brother's wives twice on two different occasions and ending up becoming sisters with them anyway after some time together.
for what? having two wives, something that her father also had?
Yes? That's literally the entire point here
Look, just because you think religion is dumb and that anyone who isn't a religious zealot is hypocrite and anyone who is is an idiot doesn't mean that's how the characters are being presented.
Yes, she still would called Roxy a homebreaking whore that looks like a child who should be ashamed even if she had no idea that they had sex already.
>just because you think religion is dumb
No one said that you humongous faggot.
No, you just suck ass at hiding it.
I don't actually care much eitherway about religion, I'm just a deist.
I'm just stating a fact: Norn is pretty stupid and has strong moral beliefs, but still acts like a hypocrite with zero self awareness.
Because being a character with nuanced emotions makes you an idiot, right.
I'm sure there are plenty of religious individuals who hate outspoken hypocritical loud moralfags. Now, would you like to stop derailing?
>projection from the fag defending projection
pure pottery
Which Norn is not, but it makes it easier to screech over her outburst when you act like she's being a hypocritical moralfag.
What are we arguing about?
>muh emotions make it okay
>muh feelings
female "logic"
pepsi vs coke
The irony in this post and all others shitting on Norn.
To continue that, right after Rudeus asks her if she could turn away the person who saved her from an emotional nightmare, she literally just goes
>Uhhh what does that have to do with this?!?! It's still immoral!!!
If Rudeus wasn't a push over, that's precisely the part where Norn would've gotten a verbal or literal smack from most people for breaking basic social rules of civility. Infact, I'd say it's probably what really mellowed out Sylphy's thoughts at that moment.

What's nuanced exactly? She didn't care about Paul doing it because she loved her papa alot and she grew up with it. She got angry when Rudeus did it (Despite having far better reasons for it) purely because neither of those were quite the same.
It's simple hypocrisy.
Get some new material Sylphietard.
They both suck. I prefer sprite. Also the people who like pepsi are niggers and the people that like coke are faggots and they can both kill themselves.
Feel free to explain how she is not:
>a moralfag
So she not only crashed but is also delusional. I guess she hit some UB.
I still find it funny how she argues. It reminds me of when I was a teenager.
>Say something retarded
>Get immediately proven wrong
>Instantly deflect and keep going like nothing happened
Like how she accuses Roxy of being a little girl, gets told she's wrong, and then goes "Well uh that just means you should be more mature!"
And it works because she's (unwittingly) taking advantage of the shame that Rudy and Roxy are both feeling, to just emotionally bully them into the result she wants.
It's textbook, yet so brilliant in how it's played out and shown. God I love Norn's character. Sasuga, Rifujin-sama...
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lilia did seduce paul though
So what exactly did Roxy do to tame Norn?
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>n...no you
You revealed your hand by bringing up real life religion (while ignoring Islam) and assuming everyone who opposed you is an atheist. The Man-God of this world endorsed polygamy so you can go ahead and calm down.
have a one on one talk, bitchslap and remind her who's the child, scissoring. one of those things
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Just a little more quality could've surpassed S1C2 but yeah I consider it a win
>one of those things
I'd prefer to imagine it was all three in quick succession.
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Reminder that the only reason the score for S1C2 is that is because of MAL pseuds shitting out their 0/10 reviews because muh pedo.
Someone make a new thread and just ignore the two bait threads
It went over pretty fucking smooth
How would Fitts respond if Rudy just confessed right here and asked to make out?
probably 4 to 6 episodes for next season in the 1st cour, also, reading oldeus diary could work as a movie, like, the whole movie is oldeus timeline at the end of the movie is Rudeus reading the diary.
>"Uuhh. Ok Rudeus, let's go to my room then. There is a comfy bed for us to make out"
Rudeus puts in her ass
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b-but we're both boys!
Lilia and Roxy are both home enhancers, we've been over this.
Tell her how big Rudy's cock is while fingering her
Soon we won't have a home.
>Rudeus puts in her ass
This was during the ED arc, remember? Rudy would have 100% cleaned and lubed his rear for Fitts fat funstick
I was kinda disappointed that didn't get a payoff. Paul's case was inexcusable no matter how you look at it: He cheated on his wife just because she was preggers and he was horny.
And Aisha seems to me like she'd be the one to have stuck her neck out and told Norn to shut the fuck up before she catches some hands.
If Rifujin was a better writer, he would have made Rudy actually fuck Sylphie in the ass while still thinking she's a man. He'd reflect on it later and say "I only pulled her pants partway down because I was terrified of what I would feel if I saw her dick, or I would have noticed right then!"
Imagine the next morning when Sylphie thinks he knows and Rudy starts saying "I never thought I was gay, but I know now that I love you, will you date me Mr. Fitz?"
Yep. I agree with this. Thank you for this post
They both suck. I prefer Sylphie. Also the people who like Roxy are niggers and the people that like Eris are faggots and they can both kill themselves.
I hate Sprite and I hate Sylphie... Are you saying there's a connection here? No, wait, I hate Pepsi but I love Roxy... Looks like it's just a coincidence.

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