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In all seriousness though: is there any other plausible explanation for Kumiko having the hairpin again if she and Shuichi didn't get back together? Not memeing here, genuinely asking.
Shoe tragically got truck'd shortly after graduating. Kumiko felt bad about his unrequited crush on her never getting resolved so she kept the hairpin as a memento

this explains why she's still unmarried
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I will start reporting people if this turns into a schizo shipping wars thread.
>No animeonly yuri ending for Hibike
>Non yuri ending for GBC
>Non yuri ending for Jellyfish
>Sasakoi dead
>Seiyuu has no presence
>No yuri show for the rest of the year
How will yurifags ever recover?
Wasn't there that upcoming yuri original later this year or something? Momentary Lily?
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>We did it Kumiko! We saved Kitauji!
so which season had the best op
Why is KyoAni so allergic to animating performances? Even Haruchika wasn't like that.
Remember that the hairpin was back in his possession and thus something needed to happen for her to have it again, so that makes no sense.
>>No animeonly yuri ending for Hibike
>>Non yuri ending for GBC
>>Non yuri ending for Jellyfish
>>Sasakoi dead
>>Seiyuu has no presence
>>No yuri show for the rest of the year
>How will yurifags ever recover?
Pffthahahaa hetchads won
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Season 2. Best lyrics too. https://openings.moe/?video=Opening1-Hibike%21Euphonium2
>>Non yuri ending for GBC
>>Non yuri ending for Jellyfish
Neither of these are true. Not to mention that Bad Girl could air in Fall.
Both of those shows ended in friendship, though
None of the pairings ever described their relationship and they kissed/confessed (more than some other series with romance have gotten).
Remember when people said they were going to put all their resources into a spectacular final performance?
>inb4 the schizo posts it again
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/ourboy/ Shuuichi won, just like Mochizou, Yuta, Guel, Majima, Kai, Laois and Stark
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A moment of silence for out dearly departed yurifags.
this ones for you, best girls anon
Simple, all Kumiko has to say is this:

>thank you for the pin but I don't want to date you anymore
They aren't dating anymore cuz they're already married.
Why do people hate shoe but not taki?
they both are a threat to the yuri ship
Then where's her ring? Why didn't she change her last name?
In other words, you got yuribaited again
taki isn't a real threat
So the ending of Hibike was hetbait by your retarded logic? Of course not. Obvious both of those shows were yuri just like Hibike had a heterosexual ending.
Isn't Fall too early for Bad Girl?
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long live the eupho dynasty
No, we know that Shoe canonically cums inside Kumiko every night thanks to the novels. Those other shows being anything but yuribait is pure headcanon on the other hand
why would she keep it as a treasured object then?
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>Yes!! Fuck my daughter Sensei!!
What did Mama Reina mean by this?
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Shuuichi won
He technically did, but it's a rather hollow ending with how much they cut out. Is it even worth it at this point?

>we know that Shoe canonically cums inside Kumiko every night
Now THAT is headcanon.
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>Guel, Majima, Kai, Laois
I don't know, I'm just wondering why does all the het porn have to be BBC.
And we know that the girls are gay in Jellyfish due to the novels and manga.
Only Mei is gay. Kano is a maybe. Mahiru is 100% straight. Homophobic at that.
>Mahiru is 100% straight
You know she confessed right?
>Thread turned into retarded shipping discourse between two schizo again
It is funny that the only people still watching this all have a bone on the yuri/anti yuri tribalism war.
What exactly is going on here? What is the significance of the white cloth?
eupho for ants
The guy is very clearly a schizo.
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>Mahiru is 100% straight.
>Neither of these are true
>Confession? Never happened!
>Kiss? Never happened!
Kek, enjoy your shallow "victory". Meanwhile KumikoxShoe is literally canon.
yes because you 2 are non characters
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Copium. Osananajimi always wins in yuribait shows
As opposed to a series where there was no kiss or confession? That's the victory you hold so dear? Even if you support Kumiko and Shoe, are fans really satisfied with that? Honestly?

Did you even watch Yorukura? There was a cheek kiss.
If she's 100% gay, why is there so much goddamn BBC fanart?
Nobody still watching this cares. The ending of the anime just attracted the most mentally ill shitposters. They even admitted that they don't like or care about Hibike Euphonium.
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Guel lost though
The same reason why there's still tons of Kumiko x Reina art even if Kumiko canonically likes Shoe and Reina canonically likes Taki. Canon doesn't necessarily get in the way of shippers and shipping art.
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Don't worry, Kyoani will pull another masterpiece movie dedicated exclusively to their romance.
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>Kumiko after a night full of sex with Shoe
>so much goddamn BBC fanart?
lol kurage wishes it had more than 20 r18 images related to it
Even if Shoe won, how much Shoefags are celebrating his "victory" is kinda pathetic. It's sort of a pyrrhic victory anyway given how they didn't even commit to it. Now you know how the yurifags in Yorukura felt with its ending.
>There was a cheek kiss.
And? That's just the average yuribait shit and it was never mentioned again anyway kek
I think that schizo was banned
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no more sad Mayu, only smiles from now on
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I humbly accept the kumibowl trophy.
Mochizou was an actual character. Kyoani gutted even the little bit Shuuichi had.
It still went a lot more than the typical yuri show. If people can declare Aquatope yuri despite the lack of a confession or a kiss, or heck G-Witch with its wedding rings but a lack of a kiss or onscreen confession, then what makes Yorukura different?
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Yep, Kai will win in the movie. The buildup is there already. He will follow in Mochi, Shoe and Yuta's footsteps
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>it was never mentioned again anyway
are you putting an on-screen kiss over actual marriage?
Pretty sure no one has ever declared Aquatope as yuri though. Not here nor in Japan
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>is featured more in Kumiko's flashbacks than Shoe
My point is simply that if people can think that Aquatope is yuri despite the lack of a kiss or confession, but think that Yorukura is *not* yuri despite there being a kiss, then they have problems.

You'd be wrong.
Not gonna lie, I'm actually fucking ECSTATIC this past week watching yurifags meltdown as every "yuri" show this season turned out to be bait as usual. The actual yuri anime flopping and crashing was just the cherry on top.
in real life, sure, he's got no use for it even if he gets rejected so he could easily tell her to just toss it herself if she doesn't want it, and then she doesn't because it's a nice reminder of the first confession she ever got, or something

narratively, no, but in this context instead of being confirmation it's just bait for the open ending, just like not having a wedding ring, it plants an idea in your head without being too committal
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It just proves that no matter how much you show a girl interacting with other girls, they will always fall for the dick in the end. The ultimate straight victory.
>every "yuri" show this season turned out to be bait as usual
But they weren't?
Hibike definitely is bait given the strong implication of a yuri end, even GBC also had a friendship ending, but in what universe is Yorukura NOT yuri?
because she's kind and still treasures him as a long time friend. but i'm not that anon and i personally don't see it this way, they're definitely together.
>they will always fall for the dick in the end
Yuu Koito would disagree with your argument.
literally rent-free, we might as well be the reason you even watch anime at this point, lol. Guess you were a tsundere all along.
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>wins the Kumikobowl
>You'd be wrong.
How so? I was in the threads when the show was airing, and people called it yuribait at most. It also had zero presence on /u/. Lastly, it barely got any yuri fanart or lewds
G-witch avoided on-screen action so that we wouldn't fap to it, but this is coming from the franchise well-known for its nipples and the infamous on-screen heterosexual sex scene in Seed, despite so many WFMfags claiming it's for fujos.
Whether he was or wasn't doesn't matter when he'll just ban evade. In fact, he's still posting in this thread right now, making the same posts he made in previous threads.
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I can't believe shoe got cucked in front of the whole band..
How do we know you're not this person right now?
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I had to double take who said that, that bit was strange. Nobody even batted an eye when she said that.
Keep coping. Your tears are delicious.
>what universe is Yorukura NOT yuri?
Tell that to everyone in the thread complaining it's not yuri LMAO
It stopped being rent free when yurifaggots ALWAYS shit up the thread of anime I'm trying to enjoy.
>Reina is a bitch
>Kanade is neglected
>Kumiko doesn't get the solo
>Natsuki isn't around anymore
This season kinda sucked desu
>ehem I love the band, lets win gold. Oh by the way I love Taki-sensei
That was so random.
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Sally did!
He's been a cuck since day one. Kumiko can't stop attracting these dark-haired hotties. Taki will probably think of Kumiko before he even considers Reina at this point.
Shally actually has that surprised look
That's nice. When are you going to get bored and move on from shitposting about these nonexistent yuri meltdowns so those of us who actually want to discuss these shows can? Especially here where there's no one remaining who's actually watching this anime for yuri.
>no ring
>no confession
>no marriage
How will shoefags ever recover?
Yuri only ever won in G-Bitch. That's it
Stop pretending you're happy with other yuribait shows because no one believes that
Kumiko has a dirty mind. In the newest side story novel, She thought Shuuichi was planning to go on a lover's trip with her where they will spend the night. He was referring to the seniors graduation trip.
>keep coping
That sounds like what you're doing considering you're bringing it up in a completely unrelated thread for a series that had far less romantic interaction during the entire season than any of those series mentioned. You keep ruining the threads for non-yuri people who just want to talk about the music, you know.
why does kyoani not get shit for using 3DCG backgrounds?
We don't need to recover because we have Mahoako. Mahoako won so hard that it eclipses all the other Yuri animes.
Just a bit of a jab to reina for being a bitch all the time
Won what? The irrelevant award? The anime didn't show them together, so it's not canon
>nonexistent yuri meltdowns
>Kaho in front of her senpais
She needs to be taught some respect
There have been other shows where yuri has ended up winning. At least a dozen by last count, plus an additional two in their manga's the last week alone.
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IIRC G-witch had that microgravity hug + confession and dat hand SEX scene, both sequences were unironically lewd and romantic too.
Just give up Jellyfishtard you're making a fool of yourself right now. Now stay on topic and let's talk about Asuka. Why is she such a goddess? I don't think /a/ can't deny she's one of the best Hibike girls or probably the best one. I love her so much bros.
Taki was crying. Yuuko telling Reina to give him a hankey
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i want to have sex with her
You can stop trying to force that. You're just being an annoyance to those of us actually watching the show.
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Suzume is a fucking slob
She's the next buchou after Kanade, need some exposure
Novelfags. What are the shorts stories bundled by the dvd/bd gonna be about?
So Reina is fucking grandpa Taki as we speak? Does the novel confirm if Reina is dating Taki or anyone?
The only straight pairings that have a change of getting a movie are Midori/Motomu/Kanade, because unlike Shuichi, he's cute and interesting
Knowing Kyoani, it's going to be anime original KumiRei short episodes.
I told you he's still posting. >>268323842
He has to crosslink to his post now to avoid getting banned.
I'm pretty sure the novel doesn't have the timeskip, which is maybe why the anime was so vague about what everyone is doing in the future.
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When will the eupho nepotism stop?
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Reminder to BUY YAMAHA so you can win nationals and be laughin like Kanade and Kumiko
Recover from what? Shoe won the Kumikobowl. It's literally canon.
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Shuuichi is so fucking lucky
>Shoe won the Kumikobowl
Not in the anime
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reminder that Micchan's haiku won nationals
They could have dated again for a time but it didn't work out and she kept it this time for the memories
t. didn't watch the final episode
Is this what schizophrenia looks like?
>Hairpin is the sign Shuuichi won the kumikobowl
>It was always there, was not added later in the BD as a cope mechanism
Oh but I did watch. It was the dog who fucked her in the anime canon.
Yes, this >>268323842 is most likely caused by schizophrenia
>Ara ara! Your tone is far too weak. Meet me in the teachers' lounge after practice for some extra training…
Indecent conduct by a prefectural high school instructor: Defendant: "If you have sex, your tone will improve" -- Second hearing / Yamanashi ◇
Indecent conduct with a student The second hearing of the trial of Yoshito Hagiwara (33), a manufacturing worker living at Fujimigaoka 1, Nirasaki City, who was charged with violating the Child Welfare Act (indecent conduct) for indecent conduct with a female student at a prefectural high school he was coaching in a club activity, was held on the 26th at Kofu Family Court (Judge Yasushi Watanabe). The prosecution revealed that Hagiwara had deceived the students by telling them, "If you have sex, your tone will improve," and had engaged in indecent conduct with a total of 13 students.

According to the prosecution's opening statement, Hagiwara had told a student who was worried about her playing technique, "Your tone is weak, so you'll be in trouble if you don't have sex. I'll help you," and then engaged in indecent conduct. He continued to think that "if a student was having trouble playing, I could have sex with him under the guise of practice", and made the student anxious by saying things like "If you want to be a musician, your current sound won't do", and "You have no choice but to change inside your body in order to master abdominal breathing". Once he was successful, he would tell the student "You have to keep going until you can stabilize your tone", and would repeat the act two to three times a week.
Kaho, more like Kawho?
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Yurifags and not accepting defeat
Name a more iconic duo
But hey, at least I'm not racist.
I found it interesting that there was LESS post-processing on a lot of scenes this season.
Still has it (obviously) but the lines look so crisp and nice on the right side; guess it's because Yamada is gone.
Is this real?
Honestly, if Kumiko was my teacher I'd have a hard time not trying to hit on her.
How attractive is Kumiko canonically?
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Shoe definitely gave her oral that morning, Look at her go!
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Does the LN give a reason why Asuka was not there at the end??
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Taki-sensei gave her candy after all
as real as Kumiko
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asuka's such a bitch for not showing up. Surprised kaori didnt drag her along
She stopped caring about bands for kids
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Apparenly another Manga of hers will get an Anime next year. Is /a/ gonna watch it?
Well, natsuki and ribbon should be there too
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but they were? They just showed up late cause they were busy scissoring each other
I will try it.
it's yuuko's fault for being an alcoholic
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Mizore and Nozomi should have also been there
>One year into college and Yuuko is a lesbian alcoholic
Fox News was right
going to recitals even as a parent is torturous, why should anyone not related to you give a fuck
They were busy having a drink (sex) thats why they were late.
Shoe just came inside Kumiko again...
The reason they didn't win the first two years
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It's time for the Ririka spinoff that details her time as Buchou next year
Now that I see them side by side, I like that season 3 has less of the filter or bloom effect or whatever making the colors look washed out. One of the few things about season 3 that I think is better than the first year.
>Mizore and Nozomi should have also been there

I'll give you Mizore, particularly since the girls went to her concert.
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is shoe a quiet or loud nutter, does kumiko moan like those JAV girls?
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A lot of people seem to be misunderstanding what happened. She's not the musical leader of the band. She's just a regular teacher that's an administrator for the club. The equivalent of picrel.
Japanese fans are wondering if the lack of animation in the final episode is due to the fact that KyoAni's veteran animators responsible for Euphonium Season 1 and 2 have already passed away and KyoAni's current animators would rather not try to embarrass themselves with half assed concert band animations and therefore, they settled for a slideshow. Also, there seems to be a lot of bashing or criticism toward the scriptwriter, who apparently has garnered an infamous reputation for writing controversial endings.

Thoughts on the final episode of Sound! Euphonium 3. After 10 years, Euphonium has finally come to an end!: http://yaraon-blog.com/archives/260251
Of course Asuka wouldn't show up. She's a self-centered cunt that very clearly didn't really care about anyone else.
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she had a hard life

Is she? So where's the conductor?
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Why are you thinking that your beloved lesbian fetishism are on the same level as normal straight relationship?
The majority of people will always think that two girls being touchy and girly with each other as a sign of a friendship.
If you see a guy and a girl being touchy, it would be seen as a PDA, and a show of interest with each other. That's how the world works. Just like why dorm rooms and toilet are separated by gender.

This is why why people like you are so desperate for a kiss and confession scenes to validate your lesbian ship, to break that barrier between girl friendship and romantic partner. This is not the case for normal, healthy straight relationship, since they have a different weight and connotation.
All they need to do is show Kumiko carrying Shuuichi's gifted hairpin, and anyone can easily see that they're currently dating by the end. Whoever can't see this are genuinely retarded, and/or simply coping by avoiding the fact.

TLDR: Picrel
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Release the Shuuichi movie cut.
her husband shuuichi probably slept in after a sleepless night so she filled in
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I guess some anons need to be spoonfed.
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>fucking door got stuck!
What the hell is wrong with Kitauji's windows and doors? Is it the humid Kyoto weather?
It may still be Taki.
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I love Cute and Canon so much, bros
Common Shuu W

I think they would give us a peek of him, if that were the case.
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Why hasn't Shuu married Kumiko yet?
Imagine how much coping Yuuko and Natsuki's parents are doing trying to believe their daughters aren't lesbians
Show their marriage, confession or date screenshot of the last episode. Oh, wait
Is Kaori cheating behind Asuka's back?
Yurifags getting btfo in all angles is always fun to watch. They have been really toxic and annoying especially these past few years. Glad hetgods always win in the end
He may have moved on, or it's possible the C part was rushed as fuck and we weren't shown what happened to anyone but Kumiko, Michie and the principal (!?)
>anyone can easily see that they're currently dating by the end
The fact that you think it's about provability is sad. A good romance develops over the course of the series, not ignored until the very last minute in a blink-and-you'll-miss-it scene. Removing all of Shuuichi's scenes throughout the season and the confession was a terrible decision.
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Complete this sentence:

>"Hibike! Euphonium" is about __________.
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I am a yurifag and I still dont believe it yet we're here

sorry to disappoint you but kyoani purposefully left it open ended so you fags seethe endlessly
What's happening to yurifags? >>268309255
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>Is Kaori cheating behind Asuka's back?

I hope she is. Why the fuck is Asuka not there? I cannot fucking let this go!
Is that your best attempt at falseflagging?
Your kind are the one seething though? You can convince they left it open ended, the implications of it being a het ending still far outweigh than it being a yuri ending. You are clearly not winning this one.
what the fuck are they smoking, the animation was good
why are you so upset about the fact that Shuichi won?
>How will yurifags ever recover?
We scatter like cockroaches and wait for the next non-yuri series to latch on to as usual while ignoring actual yuri shows.
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>you fags
NTA, but let me get this straight... You absolutely hate het but you're straight?
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why would I care? We got natusko anyways, I am happy. Hetfags wont ever let this go and I'll be here enjoying the show
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Shoe will never let her go again. Beautiful love
They aren't doing too well... >>268323842
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mommy Reina wants to be a grandmother.
I'm not? Even if the season ended with Kumiko/Reina kissing on screen and rejecting both Taki/Shuuichi, I'm not into yuri between bisexual girls.

You can watch both canon yuri and hope that series with yuri fanservice go all the way.
I am not a shipfag like you, we're not the same
Yurifags are mentally ill, if you weren't aware.
>i-it's fine w-we got the consolation prize anyways!!!
It's just so sad to watch
You forfeit the right to call yourself straight the moment you say this.
>I'm not
you seem pretty upset over here:
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HetGODS got Gridman last year and Hibike this year. The future of yurislaying looks promising
I encourage people to go back and watch the first season. Interesting to see where KyoAni was clearly still figuring out what the show's identity should be
Yes anon, I jumped off building and now I am perfectly calm. You don't need to keep referring back to your shitpost. Everybody has already seen it.
>not a shipfag
>a yurifag who apparently does not ship
I never shipped anyone. But why the "open ended" cope then?
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what does this have to do with my sexuality? All you shipfags are unsufferable its actually brain worms. Like I said earlier, I do not care for shipwars but its funny to me that kyoani would make you faggots seethe so hard making the ending ambiguous
clearly kyoani didnt want to upset anyone before the BD sales
>I'm not a shipfag
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>no confession scene
>doesn't appear in kumiko's flashbacks
>kumiko doesn't even wear the hairpin during the timeskip
>not included in the picture on kumiko's desk
>no ring
>kumiko still retains her family name
>did nothing in the entire series
Too late to backtrack now. Get a brain.
>complains about yurifags using words like het yet uses them himself
What did he mean by this?
Just how retarded this guy is that he genuinely thinks anyone is falling for his retarded falseflag?
she is saving herself for Reina
I think it's pretty clear that KyoAni is still recovering talent-wise from the arson.

Which is not a shock because the arson killed off their best director, the senior animator / episode director who had been the key artistic voice in the company since the early 90's when they decided to step up to do full episodes instead of just sub or a sub work and a bunch of other super talented senior staff.

That was all talent they had built over over the course of the previous 20+ years wiped out in one shot.
>implied relationship
I guess both are ambiguous then, but atleast we got more scenes with natsuko than shoemiko
He's even more retarded in other threads where he uses the same filename for all of his images.
How old is everyone in the Timeskip? 25?
is that the new yurifag buzzword?
who are you talking about?
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I see yuri, I slay it.
I see yuribait, I slay it.
They call me...the yuri slayer.
That's your schizophrenia.
The guy going on how "yuri slaying" and what not.

Normal people use words like straight, not tumblr words like het.
Reina murdered Shuuichi and stole the hairpin off his mutilated corpse then presented it to Kumiko.
Performances aren't visually interesting. In real life only (some) soloists - the ones whose name goes in the title of the performance when they're advertising - only those guys put any effort into showmanship in terms of body language. I actually really love the vague dreamlike imagery for the performances. It reminds me of how the mind wanders a bit when you're just listening to music.
Shuu won.
Majima won.
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Lycoris is next no doubt.
Mieruko-chan, akebi, aquatope, dungeon meshi, frieren also have potential to rip yurifags a new one sooner or later
>Reina would still go for an old grandpa Taki
Her lust knows no bounds.
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>The guy going on how "yuri slaying" and what not.
So any normal /a/non? No one sane can deny that the yuri was slayed in these shows.
See what I mean? Exact same filename.
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Another victory for normal romance. This makes it the 57 Anime out of 63 airing this season to end with normal romance domination. Feels good
I wonder if I've ever inadvertently smiled at a toddler and gave them an weird lifelong obsession with me
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I only see someone dropping truth bombs there
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Don't forget about the yurislayer of Gundam too.
Your specific terminology of "yuri slaying" is only used by you. The LGD thread here that never uses the term.
And the worst executives goes to...
holy shit anon how do you exist without knowing what a handkerchief is. While I'm at it I ought to also let you know that those pieces of glass on Taki's face are called glasses (or megane in nihongonese) and their primary purpose is to complement his perpetual bed hair to create that preppy ikemen look. They are also used for vision correction
>"Hibike! Euphonium" is about __________.
19 hours, not counting the recap movies. And less if you skip the OP/EDs and movie credits.
accepting mediocrity
I don't care if they're a yurifag or a non-yurifag. They're a humongous faggot either way.
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Nah he's a based Majimabro
wew Reina looks like she's under some pressure.
The building, much like Michie-sensei, is old as fuck.
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So what's next for the franchise? Is it true a movie is coming? Hibike Next Generations when
You don't even watch these shows just like how you haven't watched Hibike Euphonium but came into these threads because you heard about "yuri slaying" and want to use it for shitposting material. "Normal /a/nons" don't care about your antiyuri war and just want to discuss the show and all you're accomplishing is pissing them off.
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Cute loli Reina
Why is Kumiko so heterosexual?
She's just a normal, mentally healthy girl.
She loves Shuuichi and Shuuichi loves her.
>So what's next for the franchise?
Movie or long OVA adapting the epilogue LN at best for the 10th or 15th anniv.

>Hibike Next Generations
Let it rest anon, Kyoani is in desperate need of a new flagship
Gay archers flopped
>t. retard that didn't even watch that Gundam show
Wonder if you're also a brainlet now. Anyway can you newfags at least stay on topic? This is a Hibikek thread, go have a meltdown about your schizo ships elsewhere
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>The reason they didn't win the first two years
Reposting the statistics of just how much Nozomi's drama affected the band's strength and destroyed her year's member strength and made the band rely more on 1st years.
>1st year; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBF1gWvEERk
>Total of 1st year on the Competition team: 15
>2nd year; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LL9l6gCrZFY
>Total of 1st year on the Competition team: 21
>3rd year; Pic related
>Total of 1st year on the Competition team: 6

Kitauji basically won this year off of the brute force of more experienced seniors in the band.
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>shoe chose this over Hazuki
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it had a perfect ending, no need for more
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Why are they so cute and so canon?
She was way better than Kumikek but oh well at least he got chicks during his high school days
Yuri lost? I will now watch your show.
>no pity win
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Nothing can compete against the pureness and wholesomeness of osananajimi love.
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>winning nationals with your lover beside you
The best memory.
I don't understand the point of yuribait.
Not a single person in their right fucking mind watches hibike for its straight romance. Why not just go all the way with the yuri?
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I started watching Eupho earlier this month. I almost regret watching everything so fast but it is what it is. This is a great series. I'm really happy I picked it up. I wish I could've been there along for the ride from the beginning.
Is that sort of reaction typical for yurifags?
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>First time Reina got wet was as a toddler
This girl i swear
Kyoani hates yuri and yurifags. They're one of the most based anime studios alongside Trigger and PA works.
No, that's the kind of post you find from /dbs/
I hate Mayu so much it's unreal
Season 3 was a total waste of time thanks to her retarded melodrama. Worst ""antagonist"" NPC in any seasonal show
This isn't a romance anime. The pertinent aspect of Reina and Kumiko's relationship is not romantic. Can you honestly tell me that, for example, the ending of EP12 would be better or even different if they were fucking?
>Kyoani hates yuri
The same studio that added a yuri side pairing to Chuu2 and adapted Dragon Maid?
Yes but they deny it every time a yurifag has a visible mental breakdown.
I really love it when yuri shippers get a platinum sombrero despite being so confident and cocky for weeks.
>Dragon Maid
yuribait side pairing*
Shinka is a dogfucker first and foremost.
wtf? i love kyoani now
KEK my thoughts exactly. Probably the falseflag is a dbspic who got bored of his cancerous roleplaying generals and came to ruin Hibike as soon as it ended.
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yurifags meltdowns come in different shape and forms.
>57 Anime out of 63
What are those 6?
Cool has written yuri before, do you think that Dragon Maid isn't going to deliver, even the second season had them both in wedding dresses?

If that's what you're into.
You're mentally ill for having that saved on your computer.
Hahaha, it's been years since I saw this retarded word posted here. I wonder if that dude finally killed himself.
kek, I guess I'll go finish this show now that I know yurifags seethed about it
It's not even the worst
I can't believe Hazuki and Midori died after the performance.
Is this worthy of Halls of Anal devastation?
did someone read the new LN short stories ?
it has cute Shoe x Kumiko moments
their sacrifice was not in vain
Episode 12 was essentially all anime original. In the LNs apparently Kumiko got the soli at the auditions. I really have to wonder what the point of that change was. It really was just for the sake of DRAMA.

Nips really do love fumbling the ending. There is no good reason this season was only 13 episodes. It clearly was not enough, and everything felt rushed as fuck. Even the epilogue, if you can call it that, was a disappointment.
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>I don't understand the point of yuribait.
Is only yuribait when the characters kiss and then never bring it up again.
More like Reina had a heart attack after realizing Taki will never love her
>new LN short stories ?
Pretty sure it's just Kumiko and Reina doing gay shit like confessing to each other in the bath of course.
Anime that simply had no romance whatsoever like Kimetsu No Yaiba
It's for keeping her purity for the waifufags
Do you have any links or TLs? Anons posted some shit from nip forums about a bath scene and the new bucchou but that's it
The whole only-in-love-while-male thing was backtracked.
another mental breakdown?
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Built for Shoe-only.
You didn't even watch the show. They brought it up again twice.

Depends on the instrument how dynamic the performance body language can be.


Look at this. The flute, recorder, and string players are weaving all around while the horns and trombones are completely frozen. Because brass requires very precise tension and pressure, they kind of have to be.
Isn't it "FUARK" you? Go back to your shithole and let men discuss about their waifus
I mean, females have to practice for a real relationship somehow.
>They brought it up again twice.
Yeah, with the MC making fun of the other girl for kissing her, and then they stayed as good friends without it leading anywhere romantic
S3 was such a nothingburger season, we didn't get a decent performance. It was more about redundant melodrama that barely amounted to anything
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I watched most of S3 today so to be honest and I haven't had much time to think, but I find kanade's point of view that Mayu is fucking with kumiko to be pretty unconvincing. I find her awkwardness and earnestness to be very endearing. Her mannerisms too, obviously. I wish we got to see more of her but I understand that she had to be an outsider of sorts for her dynamic with Kumiko to work.
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And did something come out of it? Of course not. If it was truly romantic then something would have happened like in the gazillion of normal love stories
Was Kumiko a popular and respected president?
It was one of the important memories the other girl remembers after their fight and then includes a love confession in the lyrics of her last song for her. Not to mention the other kiss in the series which shows how gay all the girls were.
>Gay archers flopped
What's that?
They went on a date to the beach and decided to sing/draw for each other.
Full baseball team
Nice pasta, what's the original?
Don't porn unless it's canon BBC.
His favorite anime
Enough to fix the birthrate decline
Staffs already confirmed that it's gay.
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>Ririka's birthday
>Win Nationals on the same day
What a blessed Buchou. She's going to win Gold again next year
This is exactly the same shit as Tsurune. Even the senseis in both series are the same character. It's no different than a teenage dorama in anime format.
yes, case in point >>268326454
does she have to be married in her 20s?
also it could have just been a high school romance
Shuu is my hero..
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A whole soccer team, which she cannot make with another girl, only with a virile stud such as Shuuichi.
please tell me where to find uncropped version of this!
But is it gay or homobait like Free?
>Staffs already confirmed that [headcanon]
>Lying on the internet
Wow, you know what he said and it wasn't that
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Suzume carried them to victory
Forgot about this guy, why did he do it again? I forgot what he was delusional about
Kyoani only makes fujobait and yuribait shows nowadays
Super best friendship != gay
>Best Friends ending confirmation outside the show
Wow, you must be so happy
But lying about the kiss not being brought up again is fine?

>best friends
They didn't say that. Second, there was a confession in the show itself.
A friend confession that led nowhere
The usual place.
she was very controversial because many anons mistook her autism for deliberate maliciousness. There are people that have a natural aversion to drama that did not associate her nagging reluctancy as the unstoppable force to Kumiko and kitauji's immovable object that is their "meritocracy" which was the point of the season -- that Kumiko's determination to stick to her principles is the reason thay won gold, even if it means sacrificing your solo and perfect ending. also the pacing didn't help flesh out Mayu's motivations outside of her interactions with kumiko, so her history at seira probably dulled her feelings towards gold at nationals as "whatever we win it all the time and it's not that big of a deal" compared to the rest of kitauji, which isn't properly shown on screen. most people will fill in the blanks, and have some empathy towards her position, and how the two two overcame it in the end, but that requires infering a lot about her character and assuming that she wasn't "dark evil kumiko" but rather "kumiko from 3 years ago", before she met reina and changed for the better
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>accepting mediocrity
get this fucking samefagging retard out of this thread. I want to actually talk about this fucking show.
Are you ACK's sibling or something?
Whats the track name in the scene?
Kuroe Mayu is definitely Asperger's. She keeps saying the same thing over and over again, "Should I get off?" I'm sure she means well and is based on past experiences, but she's very persistent. What were the creators thinking when they wrote this "Should I get off?" robot? In the episode about the training camp, when Kumiko was asked the same thing again, she forced a smile and said, "No, you don't have to get off. I'm tired today, so I'm going back to my room." It was like an exchange between an Asperger's husband and a Cassandra wife.

I thought she had Asperger's, but then Hisaishi Kanade said, "That guy is just being sarcastic," and she went from "innocent Asperger's" to "a terrible, shady guy," and Kuroe Mayu became just a mean, shitty character, lol.
>why did he do it again?
Schizo thought a scene in Tsurune about two guys shopping at the market was a direct ripoff of a scene he wrote for a novel competition hosted by KyoAni.

I'm not trolling you.
I'm not saying musicians can't be showy at all. Just that in my experience they tend not to be in a symphony orchestra setting. On one hand a concert band is not the same thing but on the other hand when they're playing in a concert hall like they are during competitions the overall atmosphere is somewhat similar (although it's funny to me how quiet the audience is when no one is playing... there's usually a lot of throat clearing/coughing during pauses) and it would be especially somber since it's a competition. It's hard to imagine anyone vibing with the music in an environment like that
uh oh yuricuck melty!
Does Ririka really have the force of personality to be a good buchou?
The confession line used was unambiguously romantic and they are back together again. Even Mei got another lesbian fan-girl, and Kiui got the biker dyke. Literally everyone was gay there.
>Being friends with other lesbians
At least yuri won in GBC.
This is fiction, anon. It's allowed to be unrealistic.
Why does she have heart eyes...
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>The confession?
Never happened.
>Momoka and Nina?
Platonic best friends.
Idolshit band that did nothing wrong.
Hothead gremlin that needed to take her pills and calm down.
>How did /gbc/ end?
Friendship route ending.
When Koreyui Gaiji first trolled the SAO thread, he said that because the character designer for Secret of Mana and the heroine in SAO have the same last name, Ries is a rip-off of Asuna, and Asuna is a rip-off of Ries, and started an absurd conflict with both of them, but was stopped, and a while later he started saying that SAO was a rip-off of Koreyui.
He was originally a confirmed troll on the Secret of Mana thread, and while he was using SAO to troll the Secret of Mana, he created a setting in his own mind that SAO was a rip-off of Koreyui, and has continued to believe that to be the case to this day.
You're the only idiot who's been an SAO hater for 7 years without even watching SAO, lol. Don't you have nothing else to do, lol
I remember the director once saying something about not being worthy of yuri, for what it's worth, but it seems the tweets were deleted. There's still lots of seethe coming from people that may or may have not seen them. Homophobia claims. These meltdowns wouldn't be happening if there weren't yuri issues.
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Fuck, whenever I listen to Liz and the Bluebird I immediately start to tear up. Crescent Moon Dance creates waves of nostalgia. Whatever piece they played this year has held no emotional weight for me at all and I think that emptiness hurts the most. I'll have to come back to S3 in a few months.
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>she was very controversial because many anons mistook her autism for deliberate maliciousness
I gathered as much from lurking these threads a bit without reading too much into what was said. To be honest I was really looking forward to seeing just how evil she was.
>but that requires infering a lot about her character and assuming that she wasn't "dark evil kumiko" but rather "kumiko from 3 years ago", before she met reina and changed for the better
That was stated explicitly in EP12 wasn't it? Did anons change their mind about her after that?
Go back there.

>these meltdowns wouldn't be happening if there weren't yuri issues
Maybe because the ending was a shitshow in all other aspects other than the yuri?
>Never happened.
They were dating after the confession.
At least watch the show.
>Platonic best friends.
No "platonic best friends" behave like MomoNina. If Momoka was a male this wouldn't even be a debate.
>Idolshit band that did nothing wrong.
Watch the show.
>Friendship route ending.
>Go back there.
I have no reason to.
>Maybe because the ending was a shitshow in all other aspects other than the yuri?
That doesn't cover the homophobia claims.
Westerners have retarded definitions of homophobia and think everything that isn't woke is homophobic. This wasn't the reaction from Japan at all.

Hibike: Hetero ending
GBC: Friendship
Jellyfish: Friendship
Shumatsu: Friendship

Thats 0 out of 4 for the to/u/rists
>They were [headcanon] after the confession.
>No "platonic best friends" behave like MomoNina
>he says this in a Hibike thread of all places
Right back at you
I heard Rikka's president milks her first year's boys for team morale when they're feeling down.
The staff explicitly said they were more than friends though.
And the only actual yuri show of the season is a QUALITY shitshow that nuked itself kek
I just miss Kyoani's more otakuish projects. I miss Takemoto+Gatou. If current Kyoani had to adapt K-on nowadays, they would turn it into a retarded soap opera with lots of forced drama.
That's wrong considering seiyuu Radio is yuri too.
I do think that this 3rd year piece was the least good of all of them, but a lot of it is also that we barely got to fucking hear it at all this season. In s1 and s2 we heard crescent moon dance in its entirety multiple times, and parts of it countless times throughout the season. We really felt what they were getting at, what they were practicing. With this we just get the solo a couple of times, and the first few bars like once. and then at the end we get the song as a complete parcel but it doesn't really mean much because we haven't really heard it before.
>Zero progress in the LN
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>it's yuri because a girl fondled another girl's boobs in the bath!
You do realize that this is originally a haremshit trope meant to make male viewers horny, right? It has nothing to do with yuri whatsoever.
Has anybody made one of these yet?

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I only caught up today so up until now I've only been skimming through these threads and I thought that "Canada" was referring to Ririka and because of that I thought she was a foreigner. I don't know where I got the idea...
Nips agree they were dating.
MomoNina was much MUCH gayer than KumiRei.
Yes, you're a retard for denying yuri in a yuri series.
Damn, this looks like a straight show for straight males such as myself. Name?
Boku no Pico
You have any idea when they're going to do other than planning for a comeback in the 2030s?
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>zero progress in the LN
It's a series where the romrnatic relationship development will happen at the end. Shouldn't you be familiar with that because that's how most heterosexual seinen and shounen romance operates?

That's wrong. It was published as yuri.
>Nips agree that [headcanon]
>MomoNina were [headcanon]
Meanwhile, nips didn't even acknowledge GBC's existence in a recent yuri poll they made https://archive.is/p6pMC
Even Jellyfish is there despite coming out at the same time and being less popular.
Try again delusional faggot
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>tfw someone reposted my memepasta
Suddenly I feel vindicated, thanks anon
What the fuck are you people talking about, I thought this was a euphonium thread
>Shouldn't you be familiar with that because that's how most heterosexual seinen and shounen romance operates?
That's a light novel though. The average heterosexual LN romance has the characters at least confessing and kissing at the mid-point
Yeah, there was no time to connect with the piece at all. It hurts.
>average heterosexual LN romance has the characters at least confessing and kissing at the mid-point
You have to be joking.
Damn you just BTFO'D the yurifag.
so we're getting specials again with the BDs and a recap movie with sunfes and the okinawa/roadtrip movie right bros?
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I still think the changes in EP12 were for the best, we get to see Kumiko at its finest assuming her role as buchou, understanding band's interest. Kumiko always tried to keep armony between members like it did with Natsuki, Asuka, Mizore and Kanade. This time, she had to concede.
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I'm not
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Yes and then Hibike Shuffle!
>a kiss on the cheek
What good friends. Seriously though, an exception does not prove the rule.
That porn is not yuri?! It's safe for /a/ because it looks like yuri, the fondling hides the privates, and the stand-in for semen is just cream, btw.
Ok, why the hell didn't Asuka show up?
Yuri lost FOUR times this season alone. That has to be a record.
why would she. Why do people keep thinking that she has any interest in kumiko or the band
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They already fugged in the LN though. There are other examples. Most LNs nowadays are either normal romances with actual progression or isekai harems where the MC impregnates his love interests. Long gone are the days of blueballing shit like Infinite Stratos or Haganai taking the spotlight in the LN medium.
She called someone an "anta baka" and found out.
She got as much as she could have out of concert band, didn't she? She took up euphonium to get closer to her dad, which happened but in a very underwhelming way. She doesn't really care about any of the people currently in the band except maybe Kumiko and even that is a bit tenuous. I don't think she would enjoy going back there.
>can't win the argument so goes back debunked talking points

If you say so. Obviously there are going to be some yuri that take longer to develop than others. Most CGDCTs that go down the yuri route, for example, only confirm the relationship in the last volume or so.
>If I keep saying they're headcanon maybe it will be true!
>ONE poll represents all of Japan.
Yeah like how 1 poll on /a/ represents the whole board.
Also LycoReco was there so you literally admitted it's yuri kek, there's no debate about that anymore.
You can stop samefagging.
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What next straight AKA Normal romance series are we watching next season bros?
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There are many to choose from, unlike yurifags who will have to settle for a few scraps again, kek
What argument? You mean the same headcanon that yurifaggots spam? That's an argument for you?
There's no headcanon involved here. Your main point of contention is that the shows don't bring up the kisses/confessions afterwards (which is also wrong). You agree that they happened.
Yeah, even yuribait maximus Lycoris is there and not GBC despite muh confession and muh headcanon dating
That says a lot about how much yurifags in nipland couldn't care less about it, the opposite of what you claimed
Go away betafags or landwhales. /a/ only enjoys """romance""" when it comes to haremshit with good animation or ecchi without censorship.
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For me, it's the Russian tsundere goddess. Old school romcoms are so back.
They actually never brought up the confession again thoughbeit.
Shuuichi just ejaculated inside Kumiko again, btw
They do in Jellyfish, which is the one I'm talking about. I haven't watched GBC.
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chinks and nips got mad that they were yuribaited? lol
no complaints queen
Can you post links? Websites I mean
I don't recognize anythig but the MALshit score
I don't understand.
Why would yurifags watch Hibike when the source material is very explicitly straight?
There are other pairings who are kind of gay outside of Kumiko/Reina.
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Who is your favourite girl? For me it's
>in terms of character
Kumiko is a great protagonist but just saying Kumiko is a boring answer. I'd say either Asuka in S2 or Nozomi in Liz. I get the impression that some people don't like Nozomi but I really enjoyed her and Mizore in S2 but especially in Liz.
>In terms of looks
Asuka or Nozomi. Or Mayu for that matter. Maybe it's just my dick talking but aside from looks I just really like how these three look in motion, in terms of demeanor.
>Yurifags avoiding actual lesbian series while latching on non lesbian series
Meanwhile, water is wet.
When will we ever get an unambiguously yuri anime with a romantic development, love confession, kiss, marriage and sex, yuribros? It seems that we can only get at most one of those, and most of the time we get nothing at all after entire seasons baiting the fuck out of us. Even most anime adaptations of explicit yuri works are low quality garbage that will never see another season and barely cover the romance. It's just not fair.
So now that it's over, what are you watching in the next season Hibikebros?
For me it's PA works originals and OnK s2
>in terms of character and looks
Asuka. The correct answer is Asuka
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On the offchance you're not just shitposting, yuri anime do exist.
Im personally more of a fan of shonen romance
Sasakoi and Hibike had similar enough streaming numbers at the beginning of the season. Their novels/manga combined even sell roughly about the same.

>romantic development, love confession, kiss, marriage and sex
Valkyrive Drive exists.
Go away fujo
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yurifags literally ignored the only actual yuri show of the season. They only like to get baited
Do they have these annoying anti-yuri crusaders over there too?
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I see multiple non-yuri anime there tho
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Her hair is so beautiful. It's like the perfect balance of straightness, curliness, messiness, it's just perfect.
>Two Car
>Uma Musume
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Sasakoi has more sales per volume than Hibike does across it's 15 books + 8 manga.
Fuck you, Michie-chan is still pichi-pichi!
Those pairings in Urara and Two Car are gay and not into guys. Lycoris isn't over and will never be heterosexual.
I think that's a bit too cynical a read, really.

Asuka shows up for the 2nd year performance in the movie, despite being much less close to any of those members. Her absence for Kumiko's final performance is intentional.

Kumiko's the only person in the band who was ever able to unmask her - both the surface-level bubbly persona she uses at first and the "true" (but not really) persona of being detached and uninterested in the band outside of an opportunity to play. Kumiko's the only person that's really able to get under her skin.

Asuka's still too prideful to ever admit that Kumiko was right, and so she tries to play it off as detachment- the whole "not liking goodbyes" thing. Well, this year is the last year she knew and the last people she cared about when she was in the band. Going to the performance would be a symbolic goodbye not only to Kumiko but to the concert band as a whole - which, deep down, she really did love. That's why she skipped out.
>Lycoris isn't over and will never be heterosexual.
Majima won.
A bullet.
And /u/ still hates it, just like they hate Citrus and YagaKimi. Weird how they hate the most popular and representative yuri series but will rabidly defend shit like Lycoreco
There are some people who like it and some people who don't. No need to generalize.

>rabidly defend shit like Lycoreco
/u/ dislikes Lycoris more than YagaKimi or Sasakoi, don't lie.
Why do you know? Go back.
His bullet will penetrate Chisato's womb, yes
She was the VP her final year and drum major. It would be reasonable to assume she would take some pride in the players she recruited.
Still waiting for the inevitable adaptation
having sex with kumiko must be very erotic
>she was vp
>and drum major
all pushed upon her by others believing she's "special", none that she passionately pursued for. Asuka's now having the time of her life slapping Kaori around, free from the cursed band and its responsibilities.
Only Shuuichi can ever know about what sex with Kumiko feels like
You're probably right. To be honest I forgot she showed up in the movie.
>Kumiko's the only person in the band who was ever able to unmask her - both the surface-level bubbly persona she uses at first and the "true" (but not really) persona of being detached and uninterested in the band outside of an opportunity to play. Kumiko's the only person that's really able to get under her skin.
I wonder if that's still true. On one hand I want to know but on the other hand it's best left unsaid.
Are shoefags actually fine with him getting sidelined even if he "won"
Holy based
Could you say this is the carrot and the stick approach with yurifags? How do they keep falling for it?
I kneel to these HEROES
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they're definitely fine with it after making such a conundrum today. I dont even think yurifags care as much as them
This is getting boring. Can't normal folks enjoy their 100+ straight Anime per year while /u/fags enjoy their 5 or so, actual canon lesbian Anime in peace?
There are no shoefags. Just shitposters using him for their crusade.
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There are lots of series that have ended up delivering for yurifags though?
I'm still euphoric about the ending.
There were 0 this season kek
This wouldn't happen if yurikeks didn't get so cocky about some yuribait shows being popular and making outlandish claims about yuri winning and dominating the industry or whatever.
They are reaping what they sowed.
Sasakoi thread is 2 blocks down.
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This is not a romance Anime. He won the MCbowl so i don't really mind. I can always check the source material. It's like complaining that the love interest of the shonen MC did jackshit when the story isn't about that. Is silly to complain get it?
Today. I will remind them.

>Ayano Takeda: Shuichi is special as well, but for Kumiko, Reina is depicted as a presence that is above him. Before Kumiko met her, he may have been her special guy, but now her relationship with Reina is eternal.

Yuri won.
Eternal friends and she is Shuuichi eternal lover
Good to know they have their schizos too
If it's adapted by kyoani again, yes
>making outlandish claims about yuri winning and dominating the industry or whatever
We don't. There's always far more shitposting when yurifags lose than when yurifags win. You probably can't even name 3 anime beyond G-Witch where yurifags ended up winning without looking it up despite there been easily 15+ now. And the fact that "losing" is now every bad faith interpretation of shows like GBC/YoruKura doesn't help your case that it's yurifags who are the shitposters. The latter threads had no issues with yurifags in them.
You're missing the point. Hibike is not a romance show, samething with Gridman, same thing with LWA. But yet the yuri bait garnish was enough for yuri shippers to get emotionally invested in it.
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Shuuichi won
>the yuri bait garnish was enough for yuri shippers to get emotionally invested in it
Sometimes that yuri fanservice turns out to be real yuri.
>all the salarymen with boners on their way to work
So that's how Japan turned their suicide rates around
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The romance aspect of Eupho never felt important but it is a bit sad to see the relationship with Shuichi go completely unaddressed in the epilogue. My impression from the way she interacted with him up to and including the movie is that she didn't want to do anything unless she was going to be serious about their relationship, which showed that she cared. And on the other side of that, Shuichi's screen presence throughout S3 can be summed up with "he worries about Kumiko, feels upset/angry on her behalf and tries to help her". I did notice the pin at the end and it's hard for me to articulate a different concept for what should've been done, and I did say that the romance aspect of this show was not important. Still, I feel bad for the guy. I wanted to see him happy.
>This wouldn't happen if yurikeks didn't get so cocky about some yuribait shows being popular
Give me one example of this happening that wasn't just a retort to some fag making the common shitpost of "why did they flop?" or "yurishit doesn't sell".
>And the fact that "losing" is now every bad faith interpretation of shows like GBC/YoruKura doesn't help your case that it's yurifags who are the shitposters
There was a huge meltdown in the /u/ Yorukura thread when the show ended, it's not a secret that yurifags are far more self-destructing and cause more damage than any anti-yurifag you can think of. For fuck's sake, you have had ACK in your ranks for over a decade.
I spent the entire second half in tears. I wasn't as big a mess as I thought I'd be but I took more than one sniff.
This is the equivalent of a hetfag getting invested in a ship because Mikoto interacts with her cousin Kei sometimes. If the relationship is not important to the story and character, you have no business being invested in it.
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>The romance aspect of Eupho never felt important
Except for the fact that it did, during the first season, under the pretense that the romance was going to be yuri.
Almost every single time Kumiko was deeply affected, everything that made her move forward as a character, every arc, every big episode was strongly related to her having an important scene with Reina.
But then of course, the first season was proven to be KyoAni adding their own hefty serving of original content turning the season into the pinnacle of bait.
"According to Chiwa Saitō and Aoi Yūki, Homura's love for Madoka is a feeling of dependence rather than attraction." Don't know anything about the rest, so I'd rather not comment. Wait huh? Girls' Last Tour?
yuri romance
>a huge meltdown in the /u/ Yorukura thread
People criticizing a mediocre ending is now a meltdown to you? Even people who didn't care about the yuri aspects of the show had their reservations about it. You and everyone else haven't even watched the show; you just jump onto the tinyest bit of shitposting and run with it spreading obvious falsehoods.
That basically became the main yurifag shitpost after Lycoris and GWitch. There's one loud retard in particular who goes into threads claiming about how yuri is the most popular shit ever and how it "saved" those franchises.
Before summer 2022 this type of narrative didn't exist at all.
It's almost crazy to remember that there was a time when Reina and Kumiko weren't even friends. Makes me want to watch the first season again.
she got the hairpin thats pretty much enough. Kumiko is a shy girl who gets flustered easily so she prefers to keep her love life private and discreet.

can you imagine the amount of butthurt all around if after all this buildup they actually dont get gold
how exactly are they judged anyway
People crying they didn't get their explicit gay validation for hundreds of posts seems like a meltdown to me, yes.
I watched the show and don't deny the yuri fanservice bits it had, mainly thanks to Mei, but there's nothing shitposting about the truth of it being another cowardly bait in the end.
Why not? Japan needs all the babies they can get
season 1 being the lowest on MAL is insane
That guy isn't a yurifag, just another shitposter.

This statement probably explains why there's only BBC porn, at least partially.
Kumiko's relationshp with Reina is not romantic in nature. Yes, they hold each other tight and touch each other's lips and all that. But their relationship is pretty narrow in scope. Reina is laser focused on the band, her music, and her goals. Kumiko admires her deeply for that.
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>Don't know anything about the rest, so I'd rather not comment
Come on... not even love live?
on a music teacher's salary?
I'm surprised I didn't completely lose it during the UMAKU NARITAI flashback. I cried the entire performance.
Love Live has an explicit yuri couple. In fact, many of the series there have explicit yuri elements.
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never felt like romance to me, it was mostly idealization from Kumiko
or maybe the author just forgot...
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I wouldn't call it idealization when Reina consistently lives up to her ideals.
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LycoReco is not a franchise, and GWitch did revive gundam. The yuri aspect notwithstanding.
That being said, GWitch threads were mostly nothingburgers with most drama being about the marriage scandal, and you cannot even have a LycoReco thread anymore without it being overrun by Majimafags and it's been that way almost since the last episode aired. The idea that you think anything compares to the antiyurifag shitposting both series receive is nothing short of intense gaslighting.
What does this tell us about westard?
You're wrong about that. Saw as much anti-"hetshit" (straight btw) posting in those threads as the shitstorms that were the early Bocchi threads.
People complaining is not crying.

>the truth of it being another cowardly bait in the end.
And why is it bait? Because the characters didn't pass through the randomly chosen goalposts that kept getting moved back every episode? The characters kissed and talked about love and there was nothing in the ending that said they were only friends.
Those are the same thread
Asuka is going to be so disappointed knowing that Kumiko is missing out on eating pussy every night.
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I often find myself wondering whether shitposters on this board are bots or just people who act like bots, and then I wonder which is worse. Seriously. A great show just ended. Didn't you have fun? Do you really have nothing to say about it?
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5inchbros we fucking did it
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>Kumiko's relationshp with Reina is not romantic in nature.
Would you still say that if either Reina or Kumiko were male?

If either Reina and Kumiko were male and had a scene like this?
The yuri community in 4chan has generated multiple schizos. The worst you can imagine. They deserve their horrible reputation and I'm glad people are waking up
Government gives out subsidies for every babies young people pop out now
GBC threads were infested with actual trannies. I could barely manage to post there during airing days. I felt like I was on some twitter/reddit circlejerk and not /a/.
>I felt like I was on some twitter/reddit circlejerk and not /a/.
I thought I was the only one who felt like this.
I wish I could give Micchan the daisuki na haggu
>they deserve their horrible reputation
And how is that yurifags fault? That's just the bad luck of the draw.
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You can't put same sex relationships on the same level as a man and a woman, anon. That's not how it works both in fiction and irl
theyre girls dumdum they get away with lots of skinship when theyre great friends
Are these schizos in the room with us right now, Anonymous?
Please my autists, it's been nearly 10 years, when will you understand that girls do not do that with one another.
Why did you cut the subs? Isn't this where Reina says "This is a confession" or did I take the wrong pills?
The answer is no, but the fact is that being gay (weird, queer) needs to be MUCH more heavily communicated than being straight (normal, assumed)
This isn't a value judgement. They're both valid romances. But if you're going gay then you need to seriously and genuinely "come out" about it - otherwise the rest of the world will assume it's het, and expect you to be het, until you explicitly show them otherwise. And if you introduce confusion then we get a mess like this thread
>and you cannot even have a LycoReco thread anymore without it being overrun by Majimafags
You can blame the anime itself for that
some do
i know that for a fact, ive been around some touchy women
The post-processing woman has left the building. She's post-processing for monkeys now
>If Reina was a male no one would deny it's romance
>If Takina was a male no one would deny it's romance
>If Momoka was a male no one would deny it's romance
>If Kano was a male no one would deny it's romance
Funny how that works.
I'll tell you this at least. You are easily the most sane yurifag i have chatted with till now. If only more of them could be like you
I saw plenty of crying though.
>And why is it bait?
Because they teased a romance and didn't follow through with it. I get it that you're satisfied as long as you are thrown a bone in the form of muh lyrics and symbolism at the end, but the writers were terribly afraid of writing an actual, proper romance.
Congratulations, anon. You know non-straight women.
Also you are still an autist.
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In Anime they do and is still straight at the end of the day. Blame it on Japan being super over the top in everything they do
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Is he /our guy/?
Canonically lusts after sensei dick.
Canonically is just a friend.
Canonically just a bandmate.
Canonically just a friend.
literally rape
>In Anime they do and is still straight at the end of the day
Give an example, Anon. I'm honestly curious as to what you think is comparable to the scene in >>268329333
>Would you still say that if either Reina or Kumiko were male?
Yeah. They like each other and are close, but they are not romantic partners and they're not going to be romantic partners. Their relationship is defined by Kumiko looking up to Reina and deriving inspiration from the latter's earnestness and passion.
>with actual trannies
and you know they're actual trannies how?
>I could barely manage to post there during airing days. I felt like I was on some twitter/reddit circlejerk and not /a/.
Can't be worse than the threads for the final Hibike episode, especially since the threads were mostly okay in the previous weeks. That really showed what kinds of posters are the ones who crawled out of their shitholes to spread cancer.
>if you don't accept the ending, you're a crying loser
>if you do accept the ending, you're a crumb eater
Funny how no matter what option I pick, you'll end up complaining. And I consider Jellyfish yuri because the girls kissed and went on a date and nothing about the finale changed their relationship from those episodes. In fact, the lyrics support that but I guess they don't count to you unlike a certain hairclip.

By the way, I agree that Hibike had a heterosexual endings and never thought Kumiko/Reina was yuri. It's almost like I have consistent standards for what I consider to be romantic or something.
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So, one says to the other, while caressing their hand on their cheek, that what they are saying is "a confession of love" (which mind you, is in response to the other's "confession of love" given a few episodes earlier) and you don't think such a scene between a male and female character would be interpreted as romantic? By.....anyone?
>yurifags STILL falling for Hibike's certified, transparent yuribait
How does it keep happening? I genuinely don't understand
I mean, nothing comes close to the level of yuribait that exists in Hibike. All I'm saying is that Anime can get away with doing some really gay shit and in the end saying the characters are straight.
Yurifag here. I (and likely most of us) dropped this series after the second season, or are not watching it with yuri in mind. Sorry the minority of stragglers gave you the wrong idea.
you can look at it however you want, im not gonna police your thoughts, i wave it off as "they're just good friends" because that's what i think. love isnt always just about romance
That's called bait, Anonymous.
>Canonically lusts after sensei dick
That's not the point here. If Reina was a male then the dynamic between Kumiko and Reina would 100% be considered romantic.
>Canonically just a bandmate
Watch the show.
>Canonically just a friend
Not according to the staffs
Some of you people are literally autistic, just accept it.
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>nothing comes close to the level of yuribait that exists in Hibike
You need to watch more anime.
Make no mistake, the ending was shit and it's perfectly valid to criticize it, but for /u/fags it was solely shit because they didn't get their gay parade, hence the crying.
Jellyfish had nothing going for it outside the yuri, so nothing was going to save the last episode since it was clear by that point that the romance was never going anywhere. Comparing that to a solid show in every sense like Hibike is laughable
PuriPuri is actually just yuri.
What was that yuri anime in which guts just start flying everywhere randomly? It scared me at first, but now I'm trying to fap to it. However, I lost it.
Kumiko pleases old men
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Question: If you've read LoTR or watched the movies, do you think that Sam and Frodo are gay? Anyway,
>and you don't think such a scene between a male and female character would be interpreted as romantic
Yes someone can totally interpret those scenes as romantic. And if they don't watch the actual show they can come away with an impression that there's a yuri romance there. But if someone watches the anime they would quickly notice that the vast majority of interactions between the two lack any sexual tension. They would notice that neither girl shows any sexual interest in the other. They would notice that Kumiko's feelings toward Reina are very specific. And oh yeah they might also notice Reina telling Kumiko about how she's in love with a man. A keen viewer might pick up on several scenes where Reina displays sexual attraction towards said man, and jealously towards other girls who show interest in that man. They might also notice that bit in the movie where Kumiko dated a guy...
People brought plenty of criticisms up both here and on /u/ that had to do with Kano's mom. You're taking the most extreme opinion as the majority.

>by that point that the romance was never going anywhere
The romance has already developed. There was nothing really left for it to go other than to get them back together again.

>Comparing that to a solid show in every sense like Hibike is laughable
I compared it because even though Hibike ignored the romance in the last season, it's still obvious that the characters are together in the end, just like with Jellyfish.
>But if someone watches the anime they would quickly notice that the vast majority of interactions between the two lack any sexual tension.
They blush around each other, are caught staring at each other, go on a date where they play a loves ong with each other, and both clearly act like kids who have crushes on one another for the first half of the show.

Again, speaking only about the super baity first season, but seriously, why do you insist on being so emotionally dishonest? The YagaKimi mangaka literally called Hibike S1 the yuri she'd always wanted to write.
im honestly not the person in these threads insisting on something to be gay when the show is actually not really about that at all, hopefully you can figure it out eventually without projecting
kumirei won
shoe lost
yurisisters? are you okay?
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>for the first half of the show.
And then the second half of the show happens, and then S2 happens. And then there's 2 movies, and OVA and another season

Let's start from the beginning. I said that the romance aspect of this show is not important, and that Reina and Kumiko's relationship is ultimately not romantic in nature in so far as it is important. Yes there were a few racy scenes and some skinship which without the benefit of knowing what we now know may have appeared important but now that the series is over we know for a fact that nothing came of it nor will come of it. I'm sorry that the series made you think it would appeal to your fetish but it's been 10 years it's time to move on. Go watch the Revue movie again or something.
>And then the second half of the show happens, and then S2 happens. And then there's 2 movies, and OVA and another season
Were you even following the conversation? This has been about what the first season was doing, explicitly.
rarest chieri of all time, CUTE!
Her orifices are shaped by his cock now.
Homofags always put Eros as the highest form of love
Based, these two are cute and pure.
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