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Its back to life in the Abyss as Rudo tries to find more answers.
Vol 1: >>267905586
Vol 2: >>267937512
Vol 3: >>267976238
Vol 4: >>268055525
Vol 5: >>268097837
Vol 6: >>268135924
Vol 7: >>268170351
Vol 8: >>268211304
Vol 9: >>268241851
Vol 10: >>268319882
he really is a leach
based digits to squash nonce nuts
>dear fondling the pedo
That is Mark of Nurgle.
>the deepest lore
what a name
What happens when they run out of space in the ceiling?
>gets called racist
>immediately leaves
>The undertaker, Canis Surebrec.
I'd have thought that was The Great Unclean one, The Grandfather of Plague and Disease, Grandfather Nurgle.
both brother and sister want to fuck engin, i didn't know types could be genetic
the destined ship
Needs another punch it seems
Even without her vital instrument, Amo's BPD rage is terrifying kek
RIP, Mr. Kidnapper.
this fit goes crazy hard looks like samurai armor
When will Rudo get a girl who isn’t a psycho
I want to replay TWEWY now.
Dun dun duuun.
Enjin sure is popular with the tight-assed types.
They build more ceiling?
The missing link!
Whoa, sounds too hasty of a conclusion there.
So she's alive.
Definitely madness.
also is this just sheen or is that pit hair?
>someone served a single phallic mushroom for Dear
Oh, so there are 4 of them. Not just one.
Nice foreshadowing for future arcs, if that was the case.
They got me too.
This motherfucker have no bad intention?
I believe it's a type of hakama.
Zodyl is actually kind of handsome. I wonder if he’ll get his own “I can fix him crowd”
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So, what will happen if someone have an ability related to memory?
Will some kind of force pull them out of the city?
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head empty brain smooth
based police brutality
is this elder sister stuff an honorific or is he an actual sibling of zanka too
oh she's stacked
she is the authors self insert wouldn't you make your self insert stacked?
god i love the mask makers smugg little faces
>Zanka gets the cute medic girl
>Rudo gets all the mentally ill women
At least he won at something
I can fix her.
Guns 2 Raiders 0
A Tamsy story!
Iron stomach.
The last time he attracted a girl who didn't belong in the mental ward, she left him and dry
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I like how effective guns are so far, with Semiu as an exception.
Worst boy.
Of course the good guy with the OP power is evil
Best boy
thats the reason he jobs so much he just wants to spent time with his crush
I have a feeling he's calling her anego. That's just a guess though. Maybe anon can check the raw.
new waifu just dropped
I like all the small faces!
is that the reason why riyo wanted rudo to forget amo because she is in on the fact that the keepers have imprisoned amo or is this just some classic remlin shenanigans
fuck mend tamsy not remlin
Dios mio...la creatura...
fuck meant meant not mend
i think im too drunk
Only now did I notice the raiders also have their own uniform of sort.
Remember, in a world of poverty being fat means absurd wealth
god look at his hands, you just know he gives the most weak wristed dead fish handshakes
That better not have replaced his one question
or does he just not have fingers or are his fingers not in fingers of the glove
we are already here? we catched up fast
Only now did I notice the raiders also have their own uniform of sort.
I did not expect this.
Hey, what the fuck?
Why are there so many suspicious people in Cleaners?
Heh, I'm definitely the guy who always set up the flag.
I was expecting someone dirtier.
They huff too many gas fumes
I'm not sure if that's a low or high price.
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Time for some volume extras!
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The Canvas Town mural
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New cutie Momoa!
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Nonce-kun post testicle destruction
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A gun giver would be extremely powerful indeed.
What the fuck is going on here? Suddenly, a zombie apocalypse scenario.
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TV anime illustration. End of Volume 11. Tomorrow I will dump the rest of the chapters that are currently out, and also dump the rest of the volume extras from the other volumes. I had to dig them up from twitter. Stay tuned!
Talented people are weirdos, but they are also powerful.
Ahhh, my dick.
Is this some kind of Luigi's Mansion fanart?
Cool, thanks OP.
The author loves to draw Riyo with retarded facial expressions. I love it too.
No. It's Law of Ueki but he's a janny.
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It's great.
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riyo what happend to your legs you allright?
>cerberus backwards
is rudo related to the hell guard?
>three headed dog
>three circles on crest
like pottery
>enjin simping runs in the family
tf do you mean "up top"?
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he looks very polite
not a single thought behind those eyes, there isn't even a brain it's all just trash fumes
poor goat eyes
Most likely the Sphere.
gunpowder fumes*
Amo love, LOVE!
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>the spellcaster heritage mural's eventual fate
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they die
hey that's the name of the idol figurine the rookie got
didn't notice that, confirms me im my believe he will play a bigger role than just a henchmen for zodyl
New cutie spotted!
what I wouldn't give for a ticket to HOLE TOWN amirite fellas??
thanks OP
big naturals humina humina
I woulda guessed the former if it weren't for the mangaka's track record w/ niche fetishes so far
>porn mags
is Semiu a gooner?
I bet she drops all spaghettis whenever Enjin looks at her. At least her bro can keep his cool.
Over the fucking line.
Conceptually he'd be closer to the Watchman that guards the border.

Maybe the twist is that the Watchman isn't there to stop anyone going up, but to stop anyone coming down
Thank you for posting.

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