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Family is absolute.
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HaremCHADS, we won.
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He should double down on that by making a sisterwife
Female cucks are as dog shit as male cucks. Absolute fucking loser behavior
I like that waifu yontsu-chan is some hell-cat that he can't bring around the others.
This has to be from JP's The Onion.
>okay Rudeus I'm going to be your friend and give you advice that will get you anything you want and lead you to live a long, happy life. only one condition: you will NOT fuck the migger
>if you do, very bad things will happen and the world will end
>also I promise I'll not betray you and twerk in front of you afterwards
There, was it that hard? Is shitogami retarded?
NEEDS a bizen doujin
>married to a handsome, high-value man
>who does everything to protect and provide for you and your babies
How exactly is that "losing"?
Is polygamy more acceptable as a "all wives have the same legal marital status" compared to a "one legal wife + concubines with no inheritance rights"?
What the fuck are they looking at?
monogamy fags BTFO
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The camera. Duh.
>one legal wife + concubines with no inheritance rights
This one makes more sense if you are a king or some shit, for a normal person it's probably better to keep everyone equal so there's no fighting

Unless you mean which one is more 'morally' acceptable, in which case who gives a shit?
Hitogami was a selfish piece of shit so not being manipulative never crossed his mind. It's poetic.
Rudy giving a title drop at the end was a really nice anime addition. 11/10 episode
Don't even try.
They are brainrotten with "muh equality."
Parental uncertainty has been an exclusively male thing even before our species was fully human.
This has shaped our minds.
Polygyny is based.
Polyandry is cringe.
Why is Mushoku Tensei so controversial compared to other harem isekaislop?
>Mutt elf girl who used to be bullied
>Marries her green eyed chad CF that saved her from the bullies when she was young
>Has a child with him
>Dude is a top 1% mage that taught her to be a top 1% mage
>Overall prodigy and genius with lots of powerful connections
>Just buys a fucking mansion for her to live in
>Will probably just get to chill back and enjoy being rich while getting fucked regularly and popping his babies out
>If fine with him taking more wives as long as she gets to approve

In the eyes of the modern woman, this is losing. She should've been able to fuck 1000 men before and stiil managing to lock chad down.
Because the protag goes through growth and earns a happy life. Also hes white and has blonde hair so they can't allow him to have that.
How many other isekai follow an openly pedophilic character?
Based Dub VA, too bad her voice is grating.
>ugly as fuck losers getting together because no one else wants them
Seems about right.
Aside from Hitogami being a massive piece of shit at all times, he's used to people just implicitly trusting him right away (he's the opposite of Orsted), so he's not really used to someone like Rudy who is very distrustful of him.
No, it's mentally ill and pathetic based solely on the fact it's inherently about unfaithful, cheap and shallow relationships where you literally can not devote yourself to another person.

All poly shit is garbage. And you are exactly the same as woke leftists on twitter.
>Roxy is older than Rudy
>Eris is older than Rudy
>Sara is older than Rudy
>Sylphie is the same age as Rudy
Hes the exact opposite
It's really not. It's just that its fans are super obnoxious and constantly spamming about it. So it makes more people want to say things against it.

>is given it all by contrived writing and wish fulfillment pandering
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There are only 3 good harems in anime and MT tops that list by leaps and bounds.
>She should've been able to fuck 1000 men before and stiil managing to lock chad down
That's just Elinalise.
When does Eris come crawling back?
What are you talking about, they're all devoted to him?
As in gender abolitionist? The theory behind that is retarded, but it is the most reasonable position within the twisted logic of ideologies that go full social constructionism.
Surprisingly based take from her.
Pretty sure that post is talking about his previous life.

Being the top of a pile of shit only means that people are forced to smell you first.
>Surprisingly based take from her.
At this point I think the only people that hate MT are those who haven't read Vol 1 to Redundancy.
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I see you've inherited my handsome genes son
Wheres the rest of the tweet?
How am I the same as woke leftists? Do you even know what they believe or the ideas that move them? I am the complete opposite. I am a sex essentialist, to use the woke leftist words. I could not be further away from woke nonsense.
Is this dude from some spinoff series? I don't remember him from the WNs unless it's like like that nose-thing from Berserk.
>they're all devoted to him?
Because it's pathetic wish fulfillment pandering.

And he isn't devoted to a single one of them. He forces them all to share him, and he is not faithful to a single one of them.

>b- but they agreed to it!!
That doesn't mean it's not being unfaithful, and not cheap/shallow relationships.
>Being the top of a pile of shit only means that people are forced to smell you first.
Don't care, I enjoy it that's all that matters in my life is what brings me joy. I searched for my perfect harem family anime and found it.
>woke leftists
- obsessed with their sexual fetishes
- demand people affirm their sexual fetishes
- have total mental break downs when people don't give them a safe space

>harem shitters
- obsessed with their sexual fetishes
- demand people affirm their sexual fetishes
- have total mental break downs when people don't give them a safe space
It takes itself seriously unlike shit like smartphone isekai. Rather than having a harem of girls simultaneously throwing themselves at him, he only romanced them one time a time and got dumped twice. But then all of a sudden in the span of two episodes, he cheats on the childhood friend he spent a dozen episodes courting marrying and having a child with, and then she accepts polygamy with no pushback.
Wow, the level of shameless coping is just pathetic. I guess you've just totally given up on even sort of pretending to have a decent life.
>liking women is a "fetish"
reddit brainrot.
They look too young. "Moe" culture is a disease.
Try watching the anime or reading the LN. Rudy is outmatched and pretty much loses every boss fight in the series. He absoutely earns that shit given the disadvantages he has
>meanwhile our genes tell a story about how we have more than double the amount of mothers as we do fathers among our ancestors
That is just normal, male sexuality. Sorry that you got that brainwashed out of you. Bless your heart.
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Yeah, sure we can go with that if that's what floats your boat, pal. I'll still love MT no matter what.
Obviously it would be morally superior were he supporting them, but he's literally his own pimp. It's time to bring back the social stigma for playa hatin'.
>anything i don't like is reddit!!!

And no, the fact you think "liking women" and "being obsessed with harem shit" are the same thing is laughably stupid.
Note the absence of a denial. This tourist has been exposed and flails wildly in response.
Her existing does not make cheating okay. If she can't handle the truth it's her problem. Norn did nothing wrong.
>no pushback
Norn pushed back.
Roxy was willing to forsake the love of his life too.
Only millisfags have an issue with polygamy in that world.
>literal subhuman trying to cope with his fetishes by pretend has "proof" it was normal

Also, there is a very obvious reason why monogamy evolved with every single human civilization. Even in entirely independent ones with no content to others.
You do realize that this is a fictional story and everything written in it is a forgone conclusion, right? The author planned the shit MC to get everything. And have his happy end, because he wants to glorify his fetishes.
No, it would be morally superior if he was actually faithful to his romantic partner.

>if you don't humor me it means anything i say is correct!
Literal retard.
Because it's amazing. If it was bad, nobody would care.
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and you have no one to be together with.
>dude literally has no job
>goes around single-handedly raising Japan's birthrate
Japan should make him a saint.
It has not lol. We have present day examples of civilizations that are not monogamous. Not only that, but even in allegedly monogamous societies we see polygyny. Again, it is not a fetish and we have not "evolved" monogamy. Monogamy is cultural tech, not our nature. It is useful in keeping the less desirable males invested in society, but there is nothing wrong with polygyny if that is what all the involved parties want.
Maybe worry about the glorification of casual sex and "finding yourself" first? Do you have the balls to openly slut shame and thot patrol or are you just a huge faggot?
>copes with his shit life by pretending all his baseless assumptions about people who say things he dislike are objective fact

Actually, no one would care if the fans of it weren't so obnoxious about trying to pretend how good it is.
yea you're definitely a virgin lol
>trying to pretend how good it is.
If they truly believe it's good how is that pretending?
Why is there now constant shitposting and discussion about mono- and polygamy in a series that is known to be a harem for more than a decade?
>i- if i say lol that meens i win!!!

>there is nothing wrong with polygyny
No, it's still an objectively bad thing. If you want to go around eating literal shit, go ahead. But you can't pretend it's objectively a good thing just because you want to do it.

>the glorification of casual sex
Yeah, that's bad too. And it in no way justifies your mental illness.

>Do you have the balls to openly slut shame
I've blatantly already made the argument about being faithful to your romantic partner. I am obviously slut shaming. Retard.
Name said fetishes
Self-inserters just can't help themselves.
The mononigger is just gonna say something about a safespace if you bring that up anon, he doesn't care that it was Polygamy from the get go, he just wants to shit post about it here.
The thread was fine until the local shitposter woke up about an hour ago.
They're all at least a western 6 because they don't get obese, get retarded piercings and tattoos, or eat only nutritionally barren junk food and let their skin turn into a paper thin, saggy mess like the dog roasties around here. And they will stay that way until around their forties.
>copes with his shit life by pretending all his baseless assumptions about people who say things he dislike are objective fact

>how is the meth addict actually doing bad because he likes meth?
>how is the alcoholic actually doing bad because he likes alcohol?
>how is the cutter actually doing bad because he likes cutting?
You are literally the most pathetic coping retard because you think "if i like it, that means it can't be bad". You have no concept of the world outside of your personal view.
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God-Empress Lara Greyrat the Chosen One is coming and there is nothing Shitogami can do about it except COPE and SEETHE.
polygyny =/= cheating
you are retarded
Because there were less threads being spammed about it. Just look at the OP.

The thread is shit by the sheer premise of what it is. Bad series begets bad threads.
Are you fucking retarded? This whole chain of posts is literally about it.
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>fictional polygamy is the equivalent to hard drugs
Yeah, you're pretty fucking cringe ngl.
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Hitocute had her dead in the ground as a wee babby until oldeus asspulled time travel, imagine needing that to win
If Rudy having sex with multiple females is okay, would it also be okay if his harem also does that? Like Sylphie and Roxy for example? They would call male prostitutes and have sex friends. That should also be okay right?
Bet it's the same guy who's been in semi-constant meltdown for the past 2-3 weeks too.
Leaving aside how the post you're replying to has nothing to do with that talking point.
And leaving aside how you're a fucking retard who thinks =/= means ≠.

Allowing someone to cheat, and agreeing to cheating doesn't mean it's not cheating.

To cheat means to be unfaithful to your spouse. To be unfaithful means to have sexual/romantic relationships with people other than your spouse (singular).

You literally can not argue against this.
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>the monoschizo is back
kek, definition of insanity.
Name the fetishes the author glorifies then
It's just so funny how you, and you alone, have total mental break downs like this. You literally can't stand not having a safe space. Exactly the same as woke leftists.
is there a plot point or is it just braindead haremshit?
i like this show overall but this feels so stupid.
If your partner cheats, it is YOUR FAULT. You can bitch all you want that they weren't being honest or loyal, but the catalyst for their treachery was you. Because you weren't good enough. Now, I know this is hard to hear, especially if you've been cheated. I felt hurt when I saw my mom making out with my dad when I thought that was our thing we did, but I realized my dad has better game than me. However, you must realize the person who cheated is probably a better person than you, and here's why: they cared. You see, they could've terminated the relationship when their feelings drifted to another person, but they didn't. They continued to let you enjoy their company, to support you, to let you stick your tongue in their mouth, and share snacks with you. They granted you happiness in this narrow period of time you call your life. Now, you'll probably be a selfish cunt and be like, "Wahhh, but their cheating made be sad!" Um, sweetie, you would've been sad if they just ended the relationship before cheating took place. You'll be sad no matter what, because you expect everyone to manage their lives according to what brings you the greatest pleasure. Your partner that cheated was feeling unsatisfied, and give you the privilege of still being with them, and then you shame them for it and break up with them when you become aware of it. If anything, you should thank them. You should kiss their feet, because they are the better person. You failed, suck it up. If anything, take their cheating as constructive criticism, and take their choice to continue to be with you a great act of empathy. You can learn a lot from them, and learn a lot about yourself. I hope every girl I have a relationship with cheats on me, so I can learn how to improve myself. I hope they smack me and call me bad when I want to get angry at them. I want this because I'm not selfish.
What makes it funnier is that from a certain point of view, you can consider that her destiny to be born was so overwhelmingly powerful that killing her spawned a timeline that backfired destiny itself to ensure it could time travel and forcibly re-rail the derailed train. Nothing Hitogami could do would have stopped Lara. Not even the rat plan, because the rat plan was retroactively destroyed by the very timeline it created.
Wow, you're retarded. He tries to glorify being polygamous, pedophilia, cheating, threesomes, etc etc. How is this not self evident to you?
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The plot started in episode 9, when God gazed upon the world, and saw the Aposte From The Other World, and said, Lo, Behold, Tis I, The God Of Man. Heed My Words, Otherworlder.
There is a plot but it tries to be deep and fails badly
If all parties involved agree, it is not cheating. Being unfaithful is not about sex necessarily. Being unfaithful is about breaking the mutually understood arrangement in your romantic relationship. Not being sexually exclusive when that is part of the arrangement is being unfaithful, but not the only way of being so. You are obsessed with the sexual aspect of relationships. I suspect you have a lot of sexual and romantic frustration.
>I felt hurt when I saw my mom making out with my dad when I thought that was our thing we did, but I realized my dad has better game than me.
Uh, what?
You forgot the incest. It's subtle for the most part but it's definitely lurking in the background.
Your Weltanschauung is alien to mine.
Women's brains are 10% smaller than a person's and they can die if they wipe their ass in the wrong direction. Taking care of as many as you can financially support is the morally superior option. A symbiotic co-dependency is irresponsible.
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I always knew destiny/fate plots were garbage, at least most of everything else is good
>If all parties involved agree, it is not cheating
>Being unfaithful is about breaking the mutually understood arrangement
Literally not what the word means.
You are LITERALLY retarded and don't even know what the words you're using mean. And you are so sure of yourself, while being wrong, that you don't even think to look up these terms before speaking.
People here won't reply to this but it's obviously not okay. They understand it's not okay. They know they are a hypocrite. Some people just want to watch their shitty harem in peace. Like what the fuck anon. Some people here might actually kill themselves if the Rudy's wives have sex with anyone besides him.
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Smells like Hitogami in here.
Otherworlders should have large families and breed to the best of their ability.
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Are you trying to cope with the fact that you're a mentally deranged schizo by crying about "muh safe space" over and over again? You're not smart, you're not "owning" anyone, (You) aren't winning any arguments, you're are quite literally just a lunatic that will post for a few days tops, get banned and then come back around a week a two later to repeat the same tired post ad infinitum.
>Retard thinks he's the only ritual shitposter that enters these threads
No, it would not be. Men and women are not the same and there is no reason for their social relationships, including romantic ones, to be perfectly symmetrical. In fact, since they are different, FORCING them into being perfectly symmetrical would be deeply unfair and something that probably came out of the mind of a sick control freak.
That's unironically the stupidest shit I've heard from people arguing against this series. Where is the chadbot nigga to keep this guy ocuppied?
You are the one who literally can not handle seeing words you dislike in threads (you make).
If you were a mentally stable person you wouldn't have an issue with people saying things you like are bad, and wouldn't be opposed to negative discussion about things you like.

>(You) aren't winning any arguments
Objectively proven that poly shit is mental illness.
meh, having an ack-lite is just not right.
What's the deal with literal retards who think "(you)s" actually mean something? Why are so obsessed with a quality of life 4chan feature?
He replied to one of my posts out of nowhere after 8/9 hours, thread went to shit shortly after that.
He's behind most of the shitposting if not all of it. Him and some discord goons.
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I guess the clinically insane don't usually think they are insane.
You really are just so pathetically obsessed with thinking that your threads should be a safe space echo chamber where you can only say good things about the garbage you like.
Pieces of shits that fapped to their niece and behave like a loser to even their nice and caring family are also not the same to normal people. Why does Rudeus have all the great things happen to him? How is that fair? Fuck off with your fair shit.
The fact the only thing you can do is name call and dismiss arguments really does prove you are the mentally unstable one here.

Really, explain why you think threads shouldn't have posts with negative statements about the thread topic?
Friendly reminder that Roxy is the only one of the 3 wives who didn't bleed when Rudy did it with her.

Miggers are experienced.
Biologically made for dick, dont have a hymen, just a perfectly tight vagina.
So is Roxy our favorite blue haired cougar isekai demon or is it Rem?
Except many royal and famous women that got the same power as royal or famous men throughout history often behave the same way, with male sex slaves and multiple partners. Hell, even in MT Ariel had like 5 kids from 5 different men.
Roxy since she's not a vegetable.
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>no u
Roxy is not a loser cuck like rem
Actually, in the MT world female harems with multiple men aren't as common as male harems, but they are still a thing that's around. As long as all parties agree, no one seems to mind. It's only the Millis church that's ass blasted about it.
Rem is miles better, so much so that her author had to delete her from the story twice to keep his OTP in the main one.
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I can't stop thinking about her...
Unfaithful: Not adhering to vows, allegiance, or duty,
You are very stupid.
Hell, even the definition that is about sex points out explicitly that it must also be IN CONTRAVENTION OF A PREVIOUS PROMISE OR UNDERSTANDING, you absolute imbecile.
We know Roxy was a femcel before she got dick.
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We know Cliff.
>safe sp-ACK
Man gets DRAINED.
Who else actually has a harem anyway? I think Luke was the only one who mentioned wanting lots of women.
She gooned to her fantasies like she breathed and was so picky that in normal timelines without an alien intervening she stays an unmarried wench for her entire extended life. Even Eris at the very least got with Luke without Rudeus around if I remember correctly
Wait until monogamy-kun finds out that homosexual relationships are perfectly fine in MT.
I'm not asking if the world is okay with that, I'm asking if anons is okay with that.
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I have been here since you told me about a fag shitting up the other thread. I have some work to finish, but I come back to this tab every now and then to shit on the monoschizo.
Ariel's father
Zanoba's father
Benedicts father
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Literally nothing about what I said is "no u" like.
And you still haven't explained why you think threads should be a safe space echo chamber.
King Dragon Realm king too I think. Pretty much any non-Millis ruler will have one. Even the Beastfolk tribes can have more than one wife for the chieftain.
Technically Paul since he married Lilia but I don’t think it was an functional one since he married her out of duty, and I’m pretty sure she never fucked him again out of respect for Zenith
Almost all royalty in Asura, male or female. Paul Greyrat, obviously. Multiple of the beast people. Rudy runs across some adventurers at some point that are in an all female group with multiple being romantic with each other. Rudy also mentions a few random NPCs with polygamous relationships. But not many of the MCs are in any relationship besides Cliff.
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None of the wives is attractive, in fact the first two look like they could be his mom.
Elinalise should mention this to Rudy.

And then tell him to tell her she belongs to him and she isn't leaving the house. She'd instantly gush with readiness for a third child, no condom is going to stop it.
Royalty does not operate on normal rules.
They can do whatever the fuck they want and their power and influence shields them from almost all the backlash.
My point is that the male mind has not been shaped by the same factors as the female mind. Parental uncertainty is an exclusively male thing.
Hell, there is a reason why men, on average, overwhelmingly say that sexual infidelity hurst more than emotional infidelity, and it goes the other way around for women.
Based. Reminded me that I still have to workout today
Jesus, it’s cute because it comes from a cute migger but try imagining that kind of monologue coming from some arrogant princess
>is a concubine
>not cucked
Roxy is a loser
>no job so has to rely on them
>even the definition that is about sex points out
Hah. Wow. Oxford's dictionary is so fucking shit and pandering to alphabet people these days. In the past year they have changed the definition of "faithful" to include that agreement shit. Woke culture is literally cancer.

>not sexually loyal to a spouse or lover; adulterous:
>Unfaithful also means having a physical relationship with a person who is not your husband or wife.
>having sexual relations with someone other than your husband or wife, or your boyfriend or girlfriend

Guess the other non woke, non main stream dictionaries didn't cave to the alphabet people yet.
Roxy is a full-fledged wife.
What are you smoking?
Well, Luke took her virginity anyways (not counting the times Ariel did it with women). And Luke has had sex with more women than she has had with men
It's fantasy with magic. Women can be like men and have multiple husbands.
>Royalty does not operate on normal rules.
So at what point is “normal”? Because 99% of humans, especially in a preindustrial age like MT, are nowhere near the amount of wealth or influence as even Paul.
She's not in her own mind.
Because said husband does that for other people instead of exclusively you most likely
You are a clown, and no one actually believes you.
If you mean when she goes to the Migurd village with Rudy, she says that to shut her mother up because her mother is browbeating her about not being good enough to be a proper wife. A "okay fine if it will shut you up call me a mistress then" statement.

Her mother is kind of a bitch about it. Meanwhile, Rudy rejects it completely in his thoughts.
I pulled those two definition from two different dictionaries, retard.
Also, nothing woke about that definition.
I have actually read the woke literature (Critical Race Theory, Queer Theory, Postcolonialism, Intersectionality, etc.) and hate it with a deep passion, but this particular definition is not woke.
And btw, adultery is "voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a person who is not his or her spouse/girlfriend", so polygyny is not inherently adulterous (because then they would be their spouse or girlfriend).
normal is whatever some fucking NPC retard thinks currently exists and should exist because that's how they grew up and being a fucking normie they screech at anything not going their way they didn't even put any thought into why it fucking should be that way in the first place
Believes that homosexual relationships are in MT? Never mind, you're tourist-kun.
Haha. The rabbit hole. It's not Oxford that changed it. It's google. Google edited that themselves, because OED doesn't actually say that.


Jesus Christ, I hate woke culture.
Roxy still thinks of herself as a concubine until Redundancy.
I am talking about reality.
In fantasy we have women that can blitz 99.999% of men. I am not seething about Ariel. I actually like her.
Well to be quite honest if my daughter was going to marry anyone I sure as hell wouldn’t want her to be second place or under some other woman
yeah, that is why most their family are polygyny enjoyers
also, kinda crazy how even Paul mogs most of his world
Rudeus is truly THE gigachad
every time a retard screeches "woke" you can already visualize that chinless impotent incel that was abandoned by its father
>those two definition
You only posted a single one. And it wasn't even a direct quote to any dictionary.

>nothing woke about that definition.
You are delusional. Woke subhumans are constantly trying to push polygamy.

>who is not his or her spouse/girlfriend
Notice how the detention did not say "spouses" or "girlfriends". Fuck, your brain is defective.
Then again, is it okay for the women in the show, especially Rudeus partners have sex with anyone besides Rudeus?
if you were even more honest you'd realize having sex isn't something that will ever happen to you
>that is why most their family are polygyny enjoyers
Lilia almost sent herself into a cold winter to die and Paul almost ruined his entire settled life because of it
Must suck knowing the only thing you can do to cope with your life is delude yourself into thinking that all your baseless assumptions rea reality.
Has there even been an official floorplan of the house, or at least an accurate fan interpretation?
>polygyny enjoyers
polygyny mentally illers*
Fixed that for you.

And in reality, they are literally just shallow tools used by the author to try and glorify his fetishes.
Who shit in your cereal nigger? Would you want your flesh and blood daughter to literally call herself a mistress in front of you and the man who fuck other women besides her?
Miggers. Miggers are self-deprecating whores. They have no self-respect for themselves or their own daughters.
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where does Eris and the kids sleep?
I hate woke bullshit too, but this is not about wokeness. Again, I actually read the shit they spout. You can be unfaithful in many different ways, not even just romantically.
>You only posted a single one. And it wasn't even a direct quote to any dictionary.

You are blind and retarded. I posted one explicitly (not adhering to vows, allegiance, or duty) and another one partially in explicit manner ([engaging in sexual relations with a person other than one's regular partner] in contravention of a previous promise or understanding) to point out how even that other definition that is closer to your mistaken idea does not match your retarded criteria.

>You are delusional. Woke subhumans are constantly trying to push polygamy.

Yeah, but mostly polyandry. They seethe about polygyny most of the time. Also, their aim is to destroy the family, not to rebuild natural aristocracy.

>Notice how the detention did not say "spouses" or "girlfriends". Fuck, your brain is defective.

You are the one mentally ill enough to be recognized as the monoschizo or the monocuck by different anons from all over the world. Think about it.
Thank you.
Eris simply takes the guest room for herself without asking anybody, and nobody opposing her.
Why do Rudeus and co. have separate rooms ?
Eris takes the empty room further down the hallway, I think. Because Nanahoshi stays that the house sometimes and ends up in the guest room next to Sylphie (because she always complains about the noise from across the hallway).

The children sleep in their mother's rooms usually, and eventually they turn one of the rooms into a sleeping room for them after they're old enough.
Only if they ask for his permission like he did.
Also, Rudeus comes from our world, so he has a psyche like ours most likely, so he would not like that at all because of how his psyche has been formed by a shitload of years of evolution characterized by parental uncertainty.
Hell, I would say most people in MT are more like regular humans mentally than what you seem to suggest.
Post your wives then.
>Eris takes the empty room further down the hallway, I think.
>Roxy gets the small cuck shed tier room
Roxy bros... not like this...
Fair enough. Makes it weird that Nanahoshi is complaining about across the hall though.
Didn’t even notice that, lmao it’s the same size as the maids
Roxy likes cramped place, which is why she also keeps using earth fortresses to snuggle inside.
Yeah, because he was dishonest about it.
Rudy did it the right way... except for the cheating part, but Sylphie forgave him. He went through some serious shit, after all.
What is the purpose of the empty rooms next to Lilia and Rudy?
The empty room next to Rudy is a private room he uses.
The books specifically mention in Vol 12 that Roxy was offered a bigger room but she wanted and prefers having a smaller room. Rudy himself said he likes smaller rooms better.
Just extra rooms.
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>no more MT for 2-3 years
I want to 3D model this. I might wait until S3 since it will show us more perspectives of the house.
you keep talking delusional shit about daughters
nobody is going to have consensual sex with you,
the only daughter you could get if you shoveled down enough viagra wouldn't want to be anywhere near you if they had the misfortune of not being aborted
>except for the cheating part
>yeah I have a blonde big tittied bombshell who’s carrying my second child but I think i’m going to fuck the maid hurr durr
>oh fuck oh god what do you mean cumming inside a pussy creates a babby?

>He went through some serious shit, after all.
>yeah I have a loving wife at home who’s carrying my child who could probably comfort me
>but I’m going to starve myself to death and likewise completely abandon them unless someone fucks me
like father like son
He did not ask for permission. He fucked Roxy even when he said he wouldn't. His wives should be able to do what he did. Fuck off oath breaker.
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Those two situations are quite different. Paul did not lose his father while he was trying to rescue his mother from a manatite hydra.
And Sylphie rejected his promise and explicitly gave him permission to have a concubine before he even received the letter. Also, someone doing something bad does not give you a pass to do something bad too. That is shit tier thinking. Literally pure resentment that will bury you alive and destroy everything you love.
Outrageoids still fuming and kvetching about this series being a harem, and demanding that the women all willingly suck a trillion dicks like a typical real-life femmoid.
Oh, so it's all about exclusivity? Just shows how irrational monogamy is.
Just read the LN, it's better anyway
He asked for permission to make Roxy his wife. He also cheated when he was traumatized by the brutal death of his father (and he savrificed himself for Rudy, imagine the guilt). Hell, Roxy even was the one putting 110% of the sexual initiative.
>Randomly guess that Roxy's family will be able to read Zenith's mind
>Convinced that Rudy will not marry Eris or any other woman in this story
Fans are loud and obnoxious, Rudy is an unrepentant piece of shit during his first life and childhood, only to "improve" later on and get rewarded for being so disgusting. Takes itself deathly seriously unlike other isekai.
Wanting exclusivitiy is perfectly rational, but a polygamous relationship is also exclusive. Polygamous relationships are not by default open "relationships."
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I just hate miggers, mmkay?
Actually it's about feelings which are also irrational, especially if it involves love. Saying "that's just how nature works" won't help some people feeling any less shit about it
Fans keep BTFO'ing and/or mocking detractors, so they call them loud and obnoxious to cope
Real shitty god if he can't just remove ONE SINGLE MIGGER.
should have alied yourself with perugius, then
That is not asking permission. You can't reject someone elses promise dumb shit. If someone promis you that you're not going to get killed but you said you don't mind dying. Finally you get killed. Is that permission from the man explicitly promised to not let you die to die? You dumb or something?
Okay, I give. Rudy deserves a happy family. I conceed that he can marry the dumb stupid blue whore. Whatever enjoy the good life Rudy. I'll make sure to send lots of snacks and desserts for you and your family to feast on. Just remember to leave them out on the table so everyone gets a chance to snack on them.
I just can't at this point. Maybe having multiple wives and all of them being friendly, raising the babies together and keeping the family strong really is the way forward.
What did Rudy do that make him deserves a happy life? Nothing in his past life. Nothing in his current life.
Mushoku Tensei has a surprisingly effective charm that makes anyone truly open minded to love the series. We see it in the VAs and even the narrator of the official audiobook visited the subreddit to gush about the series
specially Roxy. She should definitely eat lots of snacks from the pantry to satisfy her pregnancy wants
This. It's clearly roasties and kikes that are enraged by Chaddeus' success. Anyone sane and functional is simply inspired.
Ok, fine.
I concede that point.
>bro this anime is so degenerate
>never fucked his sisters
>never fucked his mothers
>only fucked single ladies of his age or older
/a/ lied to me...
Are there female characters with multiple husbands in this story?
yes Ariel
>t's really not. It's just that its fans are super obnoxious
more like redditfags calling everyone pedos while roxy is having the hots for a 17 year old rudy while being close to 50.
Mental age isn't a thing, it's just leftist trying to justify their anger, bet they didn't react like this while watching game of throneshit when the maesters were diddlin kids.
Should they hold an open casting audition for Rudy's future VA? Feels like there could be someone else who could match Uchiyama's cadence but deeper
Wow. Fucking based.
Lmao. Really? That's pretty impressive. Honestly if MT was the trash that people make it to be, it would be one of these FOTM seasonals people watch and forget.
She's so slut it breaks the barrier and circles back around to pure
Damn, I know those women aren't really attractive but how low is their self esteem? Jesus.
Only Roxy is older if you count his previous life, so at least that pairing isn't wrong.
I'm with him faggot. The waifufaggots are the most insufferable shitflingers here and everyone knows it.
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Probably quite high. Low self esteem makes it impossible to maintain functional relationships with others over long periods of time.
She's currently 50, the same age as Rudeus is if the past life is counted.
When the person needs them because he's a NEET, you'd be surprised.
If Sylphie is the wife, and Roxy is a concubine. What's Eris?
nu-/a/ is full of pearl-clutching faggots who throw a bitch-fit if even the faintest whiff of fan service is smelt.

Never fucking listen to nu-/a/.
Can someone tell me why is there a baby in the pic?
Why are people still pretending fucking the migger wasn't part of the plan? Are you guys fucking retarded? There is a reason Rudeus had to travel back to the past.
That's not /a/, just butthurt offsite tourists. Call them retards then filter and move on.
A partner, whatever that means
His husband.
Eris is the bodyguard, the bodyguard who has sex with her boss
It probably means prison abolitionist, which is not a based take
Because fucking Sylphie got her pregnant .
It's what happens when you cum inside a woman unprotected multiples times. After a timeskip of nine months that knife eared, red-eyed, brown-haired gremlim came out.

You see, when a husband and wife loved each other too much...
One single butthurt ban evading retard.
>Unofficial announcement of Redundancy audiobooks
Okay, so get off /a/ and tell all the women on /soc/
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They k-kissed...
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>mfw when rudy is American because he fucks with the red, white and blue.
Reminder you cease to exist when you die in SSW so treat each character death like one IRL.
rudy left it in sylphie's vagina for like 10 months and now it's a baby
Dudi is a Dilf at 17 years old
He's gonna be a granddilf before he turns 30
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Nice try False Allah, but the true prophet has long since exposed your wicked lies, Alhamdulillah.
*Sits (You) on my knee*
Well y'see son, when a mommy and a daddy love each ohter very much...
Sylphie is his wife, Roxy is his Goddess, Eris is his husband.
So for the Erisfags start crying becauss she doesnt exist anymore
Getting Sylphie pregnant results in the worst child. Out of six she comes in dead fucking last.
Wrong, your essence disperse and goes on.
Source: Nanahoshi and Shitogami.
Wrong. Your soul is dispersed and you become effectively one with everything.
That strong gust after Rudeus talked to his father's grave? Literally Paul.
Lite? It’s the mentally ill shitbag himself.
It's probably just one tranny, they're not actually good at organizing on discord, surprisingly. They tend to go after eachother's throats.
>not cheap/shallow relationships
t. mind-reader, able to instantly know the depths of others feelings.
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>That full ED song for episode 24
Shit. Kinda made me tear up a bit.
Son, go ask your mom.
Isn't the main reason why polygamy happen IRL is because the male is more of a benefactor than an actual husband or father?
Polygamy doesn't happen because feminism
Depends on the circumstances. What you are describing is polygamy done half-assedly, like the equivalent to monogamous and neglectful parents.
Partially (now), but far from excusively.
Also, it does happen, but I took your statement in its weak form ("is harder for it to happen" instead of "doesn't happen").
Ars is irrefutably the shittiest child, Lucy is a cute girl, but Ars is an abomination
Lucy ruined Rudy's relationship with multiple siblings.

All Ars did was get victimised by a child molester.
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just rewatched the first 3 eps of the first season, the difference in quality is stupid
Lucie is such a shit child that while all the other children got wands and swords and shit for h their birthdays, Lucie got slut earrings.
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Milfie the eilf
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Is sylphie mayonnaise now?
Shes full of rudy
Yes sir
Why didn't Sylphie cry about Paul?
No, mayonnaise is not a gender
But feminism teaches you to not embrace toxic masculinity and accept polyandry like a cuck. Otherwise you are too controlling and treating her like your property!
Would you cry about your childhood's friend father you barely knew and have not seen in over a decade? If anything, she is keeping a strong face for Rudy.
What does that even mean? Why would Sylphie turn into a condiment? Is this a Rick and Morty joke?
She practically lived with Paul and Zenith for 5 years.
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Friendly reminder.
Why is that cutie crying?
She used to be relish.
Yes, and she cums along with ketchup and... toothpaste?
We all know this anon. She passed as a boy for nearly a decade.
Together they make..... AQUAFRESH
Is it supposed to be canon that this dude is more handsome than Rudeus?
Also, flat is justice.
This nigga just blind and have bad taste.
>tfw no aquafresh harem
why live
Yes. Rudeus is supposed to be attractive, but still more or less a 8/10. Nanahoshi thinks he's hot, but she has severe white fever. Plus he looks girlish in the official art. Luke is a 10/10 handsome pretty boy.
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>part 1 of the season was rudedude curing his erectile dysfunction
>part 2 of the season was rudedude cucking his childhood friend turned elf wife
I don't think I'm going to be watching season 3 to be honest, really liked season 1 but this just wasn't it.
See you next season~!
You don't understand, getting annoyed Rudy cheated on Sylphie is just pushing your morals on someone else. Sylphie is completely normal for accepting it because her self esteem is lower that dirt and tied directly to Rudeus loving her.
Anons, why is Paul so hated?
he prevented the dead rudy kino timeline
Haha surely you will drop it. I mean, it's as you said, right? This season was just sex shenanigans no substance. whatsoever, just wish fulfilment garbanzo. Now because this season was that bad you will for sure drop it and have MT living rent free in your mind until Season 3 comes and THE CRAVINGS start, until eventually you give in and start the next season. Hahaha surely that wouldn't happen!!
he's really stupid but has good intentions for the most part, if you only focus on his mistakes he's pretty bad
Paul is great!
You must want Rudeus dick harder than Sylphie does since she was fine with it and you are not.
Also, hard to be perfect when you get shit done and shit happens to you. Lack of a chance to sin is not evidence of virtue.
The fatherless have sour grapes.
Mushoku Tensei needs a Tensura Nikki like anime ASIDE from Redundancy
Too realistic.
Everyone loved Paul this season, he grew on everyone. The only people that hated him are either fatherless or the same hatewatchers that can't help but watch MT due to how good it is
Eris is red
Miggers are blue
and shove you up my ass too
Some people lack a father figure. They hated him as a result. Common ailment in society.
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instead they're going to do vol 13 as 4 ovas and start season 3 with perugius
Too sexy. No point in resisting or she will just push you onto the bed
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He's not, people actually make a ton of excuses for him that Rudy never gets (probably because of how differently normalfags judge fat losers compared to chad). Paul is a cheater like Rudy except he did it just because he was horny. Paul was a pervert and also a rapist, for most of his life he was a pretty bad father, even if he redeemed that in the end by sacrificing himself. If you put Paul's life on paper you'd expect him to be hated a lot more than he actually is.
You incels will never never get a gf
Men and woman are not the same
I heard they are just going to skip that entirely an start with TP4
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what did she mean by this
>Paul is a cheater like Rudy except he did it just because he was horny
To be fair here, Lilia deliberately went out of her way to leave the door open while seductively washing herself naked and looking at him while blushing, at the time when Paul was backed up from not having sex with Zenith and also slightly tipsy. She went out of her way to bait the trap.
she raised a shotacon daughter in therese so she can see the signs of a predator in aisha
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Ignore this post, I just need the image hash
Rudeus should've had a migger son for his aunt.
She saw the danger signs in Aisha from very early on. Lots of people do, Rudeus is just blind to them.
his aunt is too racist to take an eternal shota demon
It's also telling that he went to prostitutes and sex friends, which are not allowed even for Rudy, so despite trying to "double standard" between the sexes that are different, he couldn't even do it right.
She would fold. The Latreias are secretly weak to cute demons.
This is true.
To be fair, Lillia is kind of a noble psychopath too.
Paul redeemed himself way earlier than the moment of his sacrifice.
Paul redeemed himself when he became a chad hero outlaw saving hundreds from slavery and reuniting families despite slowly losing hope about finding his own and all while having to be a good dad to norn + he never touched any woman cause he realized Zenith and Lilia are his true wives.
samefag btw
psychopath is too strong of a word
I would say borderline psychopathic, but not nearly as much as most adventurers of the demon continent (arguably in general), for example
still capable of fatherly love and being a pillar of his community
Very true.
You wont do shito bitchito
He didn't fuck Lilia either. Her PoV confirms she only had sex with Paul three times in her life: once when she was 13-14, once when he got her pregnant with Aisha, and once when she threw herself on his dick to assuage the succubus horny.
>once when she was 13-14
so he had forcible sex with a girl younger than Rudy's youngest and younger than the age of adulthood in their world?
Men and women are not the same
>paid to be in a harem
Alright, we need some expert fact-checkers here.
Not a sufficient answer
Even they're not the same there are many similarities between them owing to belonging to the same fucking species
He was 12 at the time. And she liked it enough that she seduced him a second time when she was their maid.
No, he's right and that is a completely sufficient answer. Holding different sexes of the same species to the same standard in areas where they differ is nonsensical.
that is the natural age of maturity, though
why do you think rites of passage of ancient religions all over the world fall around that age?
why do you think it matches certain stage in biological development?
also, he had a similar age, retard
Wanting to get all the attention for yourself and wanting your offsprings to inherit all the wealth of your husband is not irrational, retard.
but what if the new wife is wealthier than both of you combined?
And ACK is still a mentally ill subhuman retard. Your point?
I feel like MT would've been 100x less controversial if they made Rudeus an average NEET loser instead of a degenerate pedophile before getting isekai'd.
Are we going to have to wait until S4 before we see Rudy and Roxy kiss on screen again?
>caring this much about a migger when we barely got a crumb of Eris
The modern 18 (21 for some things in America) is actually at odds with some of earlier history. 18 was standard in Jewish holy law. But elsewhere in the world, young adulthood was considered to begin several years earlier.

14-15 was standard for medieval era England, for example, and this is what MT works with. In the Roman period, the age of majority varied from 20-30 depending on the century. In Greece, you were considered to be nearly an adult by the age of 15 (though voting rights and so on didn't come in until you'd done military service, particularly in Athens).
Paul just was a man. You can't blame it for it
Everyone love Paul
It just feminist dudes mad at him for cheating on his wife age ago
there is no such thing as a female cuck. the pregnancy is always theirs.
I mean, you can blame him, but it is understandable and worthy of a peaceful redemption (which, in this case, lead to a solid couple of years of happy family life)
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so what am I meant to do now that theres no shows left to watch?
Tell me LN anons. Someone gets in Rudy case not by the fact he got a second wife but because he married a demon?
read the books and send mean tweets to rifujin
Because it takes relationship seriously until it's time for the protagonist to face the concequences of his action, then the author just handwaved everything just so everyone could be happy.
Guaranteed, if it was a comic harem like in dxd or xenoblade, nobody would even say anything.
Have you tried being a little more like Rudeus today? Hell, even being more like Paul would be great.
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No. This is how V13 opens, for example. And it goes on for several pages.
seething incel thinks that higher status males means no partner for him. and he's right. you're going to die alone and better men will have multiple partners. this is the future lmao.
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I would read the LNs but last time I tried it was some MTL garbage it was unreadable
the summer season is just starting fampai
I don't think Eris and Rudy ever kiss outside of the moment from Vol 23. So thats S5 for her.
I can't cast magic or battle aura
That's not relevant to you and your offsprings unless you and your husband plan to kill her and steal her wealth
Roxy being a demon will have a major impact on the story in the next cour.
Remember anons. Silphy didn't lost the battle, she won...a wife!

A wife I dare say will always do her will. Heck I bet Silphy could fisther and make her drink her piss if she so desire.
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This is nonsense based on the idea that polygamy is inherently "not serious" and cannot be justified. Rudy doesn't fuck every person he's attracted to and live life on cruise control, he gets three wives that he loves and in the process he has to go through a lot of struggle full of consequences (most recently the death of his father and condition of his mother) to get there.
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She tongue-rapes him in V15 after the dinner where it's announced she will become his wife.
Spoil me anon. I'm gonna read the LN but not now. There is a lot before I need to read and maybe S3 gets here before I get to it so I don't care
There's nothing to spoil, he's just coping.
I hope there's a good one coming up for mageautists and swordbungas to have a good some good banter. Haven't checked out the current schedule
>Spoil me anon. I'm gonna read the LN but not now. There is a lot before I need to read and maybe S3 gets here before I get to it so I don't care

Sorry this post was for you
>can't tell the difference between anger and lust
>can't even dance anymore, just wants to FUCK
>"hmm, do what exactly"
This is the night when he truly lost his innocence forever.
no, I meant his daily life, not during turning points
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They violently kissed the first night she fucked him as a wife in Vol 15.
> Eris threw her arm around my shoulders and pulled me in for a violent kiss. Her teeth knocked against mine hard enough to send a jolt of pain through my jaw. I tried to pull back, but the door behind me made that impossible. Eris kept on grinding her forehead against mine enthusiastically
Anyone who dislikes Paul ask them if they have a good relationship with their father.
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slutxy was actually telling the truth
I am not sure that it actually qualifies as a kiss. More like fucking his throat with her tongue and smashing her teeth against his.
Perugius seethes at demons, so he doesn't let Roxy onto his fortress. She has to stay home instead. It takes him until V19 for him to agree to let her pass through, and interestingly Roxy realises very quickly that it's because he is worried she might gain an understanding of teleport magic by studying the magic circles he uses for it. Which she does, but politely doesn't push him on.
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At this point in the story sure, but if you liked Paul the entire time, even when he was being a cunt to Rudeus, then your relationship with your father is definitely fucked up.
I put off the MT LNs for a long time because of this. The Seven Seas translation is not MTL
Hymen breaks happen for a lot of reasons. You can have it break if you do a lot of horseback riding for example.
I'll give you as little detail as possible since I still wish that you avoid as many spoils as possible. But on the topic of Roxy being a demon:
Rudy will meet a character next season that hates demons and will not permit Roxy anywhere near him. This character leads Rudy on the next big adventure arc and because of this, Roxy will have to stay behind at home for the duration of that arc. His hatred of demons will be a reocurring plot point
>Relies on them for most of the family's financial needs.
kek. This guy really made it. The dream of all gold digging whores.
To be fair, Roxy would end up having to stay home anyway because she is already pregnant by the start of V14 and she doesn't give birth until right at the very end of V17.
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>horseback riding
well in Roxy's case, I think we can combine the two
Yup. Eris being a rapist as usual.
This is absolutely going to get toned down in the anime
I hope not. They are two consenting adults at that point. Well. One of them is consenting.
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damn you rudeus you lucky cunt
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This is how he wakes up the next morning.
It's a migger sized room.
>This is nonsense based on the idea that polygamy is inherently "not serious"
No, but polygamy in anime is, and you're being dishonest if you say otherwise

>Rudy doesn't fuck every person he's attracted to
you're missing the point here but why would i bother explaining anyway
Came back home and you are still here?
Dillo was forgotten about. Animeonlys don't even know who he is. Looks like Byt will win best pet hahahahah
Lillia is a commoner
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Then he reaches out to fondle her breasts, and she wakes up. Then pic related happens.
Is this a S1 Paul and Zenith moment for everyone else in the house?
No way the entire family doesn't hear this shit.
And she raped him in the morning after as soon as she woke up
Because the main character is supposedly a male pedophile. Emphasis on the "male" part.
Also emphasis on the part that it's only "controversial" outside Japan, which is the country of the target audience.
This doesn't mean Japan isn't misandrist, though. Japan is plenty misandrist in and of itself.
The entire family hears it, yes.
Cuckphie almost fainted from her cuckgasm hearing it.
noble of character
not as in nobility
>HaremCHADS, we won.
Ryuta Watanabe take polygamypill!
>Japanese man with 4 wives, 2 girlfriends wants to have 54 children
God I hope S3+ brings back the lewd sex scenes from the household's perspective. Its a shame that S1 was packed with it, and S2 toned it down/ didn't have any at all for its second cour.
Its like we went from an R rated anime to PG.
>None of the wives is attractive, in fact the first two look like they could be his mom.
Don't believe makeup anon
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we finally came full circle
>but polygamy in anime is,
No, you're projecting your modern Western subjective morality on to the media you consume and dismissing an entire subgenre out of incredulity.
>playing with her hair in front of Paul
I think what bothers me the most about all of this is how there's a perfect setup and excuse for Rudeus to have his own way with minimal consequences of having a harem/multiple wives. He was a big degenerate loser but got reincarnated into a world where he's handsome, talented, polyamory is acceptable, his father is as big of a scumbag/cheater, women won't get too mad if you steal their panties or sexually harass them, and he has an ever-loving goddess of a wife who is willing to accept the fact that her own husband is an unfaithful cheater who can't keep his promises and would rather off himself or have sex with another woman than think of returning home to his pregnant wife. I'm perfectly fine with polyamory, but the women in this story are so...argh, infuriating to watch, and some of these elements are so unnecessary
>I am not sure that it actually qualifies as a kiss. More like fucking his throat with her tongue and smashing her teeth against his.
French kiss
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has there been fanart based on this scene yet?
>Almost all of Rudy and Sylphies sex life got cut
>No Elinalise and Cliff sex scene while Rudy says bye to them
>The sucubi scene got toned down, and there was no mention of Paul's encounter with one
>All of the inner thoughts about sex with Roxy got cut
>Rudy and Aisha in the same bed together got cut
She does it whenever she gets nervous because the blue hair makes people think she's an evil demon and hate her.
well, it is kinda about giving the main character another, ideal chance and how even if you do things better this time, life happens and you must keep pushing on
The BDs might add some of that back. Probably not entire scenes like the Sylphie stuff, but the succubus scene might get more, or inner thoughts expounded on.
shouldn't you be an erisfag then?
Yh right you migger whore
Fate is a part of the story, you know, but it's not perfect anyways
>for Rudeus to have his own way
That being allowed is on Sylphy.
>He was a big degenerate loser but got reincarnated into a world where he's handsome, talented, polyamory is acceptable
He's reasonably handsome by nip standards but merely above average in-universe. He's also not particularly talented but simply worked hard from a young age. Polyamory is also about as acceptable irl: It's rare but in the right contexts one can make it work.
Frankly, you come off as sounding more jealous than actually upset over the verisimilitude of the story.
Is there a supercut of all the BD extras for the first three cours?
is the mom a vegetable or something?
Are you angry about something?
She speaks telepathically and a millis follower so she spits those veggietales to her blue haired grandaughter.
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Bad writing
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>bothers me
>so unnecessary
Why does this bother you so much? How would the story be improved by monogamy and modern feminist ideals being the norm? It's one thing to simply not be interested in a story, but to get angry over elements like this is nonsensical, I can only interpret this as projection or jealousy.
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>people act differently than they do in the current year in our current society, that's bad writing
>Expecting good writing in a harem iseaki
Tell me this femcel's been cucked without telling me she's been cucked. That too by her imaginary boyfriend.
But this is just stuff that happens in the middle east right now though. Except Norn would have been stoned to death for talking back to Rudy. DAMN IT I HATE NORN.
kek. You fucking retard, don't you know that the Middle East literally stones men to death if they are raped by a married woman?
>people act differently than they do in the current year in our current society, that's bad writing
They clearly don't, no?
If the writer aimed to show that this is the norm then we wouldn't have to deal with the drama to begin with. Norn's rant wouldn't be a thing, rudey wouldn't have to apologize and Roxy wouldn't feel shame and sylphitte wouldn't have to try and justify it to herself. They would just go on with their days like normal since nothing outrageous happened.
Why did hitogami nuke the nuka village?
I think it's a sylphyfag
Norn is married? holy fuuck
Name a bigger mistake than Shytphy and her boring ass academy arc.

Fucking cancer on these threads.
Elfags always seethe the most. Sylphitte is a cuckold so fucking what?
She knows she can't do better since she's used goods now.
Just a prank bro.
S2 was better than S1. I'm tired of denying the truth.
I can't wait for this Indonesian to go back to bed in 11 hours.
I'm saying that the Middle East doesn't treat its men well. It's not the man loving paradise you think it is. Quite the opposite, actually.
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Doubtful, it's far more likely a jealous male. The hyperfixation on the sex aspects of the story in these complaints is very telling. You'd think people concerned about "perfect setup" would be frothing about his incantationless casting and massive mana pool, but they let that go and keep going with the story. The second this former loser gets some action it's an issue and once he acquires multiple partners it's like the world is ending because it forever severs the ability for some to project themselves.
it really wasn't, you should rewatch the first season, the quality in animation and everything was miles better
I don't even remember what happened in the Academy arc anymore.
look deep in your heart
We need a feminist society like the middle east! DEATH TO RUDY! NORN RIGHTS!
I love Sylphie (Sylphie ≈ Roxy > Eris), but I am still glad she is happy with the arrangement. Also, did you know women are more bisexual than men on average? Funny how this difference plays out as "straight men find men kissing each other disgusting cuz le heteropatriarchy, unlike womyn" among the brainrotten.
He had Geese give out information that led to the death of a demon king iirc, and word got out it was a member of the Nuka tribe who did it so they got genocided. The Nuka tribe itself is irrelevant to Hitogami
>They clearly don't, no?
No, they clearly do.
she's part of a religion that's painted as extremist and her outburst is coupled with other issues like the death of her father

The fact that they feel some shame for an act does not mean that act is treated exactly the same as it is in our society. Basically you seem incapable of recognizing any modicum of nuance in any of the characters or interactions.
Rudy got a boner for some elf twink, it was pretty gay.
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Why did he think she could find his family?
Rudey was on his knees begging for forgiveness like a faggot. Stop coping
I mean, I would fuck Fitz the femboy and I am not even gay.
Yeah, for cheating, not for bringing a potential second wife.
Both seasons are fine. I just rewatched it before the most recent cour and theres barely any noticable difference. The start of S2 had solid action segments that matched the quality of S1, and the hydra fight was better than S1. My biggest complaint about S2's quality is it having an OP segment. If you cut all of them out you could have had time for two additional episodes.
Yeah he cheated and got awarded for it while his father has to suffer and die.
Rudy was acting like a person from our society because he is a person from our society. The rest of the characters are not from our society and they don't act like it.
How is this so difficult to understand?
His father would have high fived him for scoring migger puss.
Retard. We literally laughed at S2 cour 1 quality every thread.
that you don't even consider the death of his father to be a punishment for Rudeus because he gets sex is very informative
You're even more retarded than him. He has been living in the new world for decades. He's basically part of it in every way
why would he not think so?
He understands it but you keep feeding him (You)'s.
So why can't she be returned back to normal?
Very well put.
Love your parents, anons.
They love you (at the very least on some level).
You are also wrong (autistic)
Rudy is still feeling down from daddy's death, he doesn't want to fight or argue with his siter.
It's a punishment for his father not him.
Now If Roxy died or sylphitte left him that would be a punishment. His father is irrelevant especially in the latter parts of the novel when rudey seems to have completely forgotten about him
Subjectively, not really.
His old self was 33 or so.
Who TF remembers his scummy dad?
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wait i just realized Roxy is older than Paul and Zenith. and she ends up fucking their son.

absolutely based
If you count his Earth years they are the same age.
He also lost a hand and got further traumatized. Layers of trauma in fact (Orsted/dragon->Paul's death and Zenith's condition).
Why must the "punishment" need to come from his wives? Quite the opposite one would expect given what we know about their specific situation and how everyone directly involved is chill about it.
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No? He's 16. Do you even actually watch/read this series or did you come here to seethe from xitter?
>He's basically part of it in every way
He was alive for twice as long in our society and has trouble adapting to numerous aspects of the MT world throughout the story.

If this isn't trolling, your seething is actually melting your brain.
She is the same age as Rudeus counting his years before reincarnating. Yes, it was intentional to make them the same age, to add another match to them.
Yeah, but she is female so it wont make retardkun seethe.
total seamonkey death
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Sylphie is MT's only redeeming quality tho
yes I remember discord tranny. unfortunately this isn't reddit where everyone regurgitates the apparent status quo.
I would say it is a bit of both.
Seriously you're even more retarded than him. Claiming that he's still going by the old world's rules just proves that he never developed and is just larping
17 years is more than enough to adapt to a new country/place.
He knows well enough about harems of Greyrat's, the Milis religion and other things.
>he still goes
Retard, do you even nuance? Do you know what "gradual" means? Can you conceive tension emerging from within the development of an ongoing, adaptive process? Holy shit.
Knowing is not the same as feeling or behavior (in your own life).
He has experienced them first-hand... his dad has two wives.
right, just like how every immigrant completely abandons all aspects the culture they first grew up in after 17 years of a new one
And he was not hurt at all while Zenith remained in a happy marriage.
Maybe, though objecting to Mary Sue/Gary Stu characters is much more of a male thing, men want to believe in "hard work is all that matters, tough it out and you'll naturally rise to the top, win power and a nice gf through being honest and kind alone" while women don't see anything wrong with being born special and using your advantages to socially climb.
based women ngl
except for the cutthroat social climbing part
Aisha sure learned a thing or two from her mother
>The hero Rudeus would have done so
Reminder that ack is a fucked subhuman scumbag.
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this is literally an average looking in Japan
they're not all anime girls there, you know
>Why is Mushoku Tensei so controversial
It's not. It's a normie show for normies, Remember it has been in the top 10 on the largest web novel website in the world for 10 years. It was never obscure.
Because despite having a pedo protagonist who also fills the typical self insert power harem fantasy checks, the story is actually fun.

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