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Let's discuss whiplash and tonedeaf-ness. What moments in Kengan best embody those terms?
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Hassad soon.
When does Goku shows up?
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How did people manage to transform the sequence of "Julius breaks Toa's stance with Gott-Toter so Toa couldn't redirect his blow" into "Julius's Gott-Toter hard-counters Redirection Kata"?
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We as a collective of autists have the moral obligation to turn crocojutsu into an actual style. Our short king deserves it
Because 'just spin your punch' is a retarded way to counter a counter
I mean crocodilians already have a NAMED MOVE they use to kill things.
>Death Roll
>Bite then spin and just fucking twist their flesh or limbs off
And they're incredibly good at the spin part. Tail swipes are also extremely powerful though they don't rely on it much. I don't think a human could imitate that though.
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>the "tragedy"
>wu deaths aren't a valid reason for them to hate kures, but rikuto justifies genociding every wu
>the cartel execution
>the psychotic morality around shen, ryuki seeming to view him as more moral than mukaku
>willem's humiliation ritual and execution
This gives me an idea
>Prey Downing
>Making use of his short height, Lolong leans as low as he can and bites his opponent's ankle
>Still holding it with his teeth, he rapidly rises up again, making the other fighter get knocked onto the ground
>This allows Lolong to switch to his final move, the aforementioned Death Roll
Crocs... are strong!
>Still holding it with his teeth, he rapidly rises up again, making the other fighter get knocked onto the ground
I don't understand. Is he lifting his opponent with his teeth and slamming them here?
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Like this
Now how does Lolong go for the death roll? Also by biting? Grabbing and twisting?
He falls on top of the opponent and bites him wherever he pleases, neck, nose, whatever. And then starts rolling around. If the other fighter doesn't follow he can say goodbye to his nose/carotid/ear. Also he takes advantage of his foe's shock/pain to try and break his bones/joints while rolling.
It's quite a fearsome move, no wonder crocodiles can beat those wildebeests in the african documentaries.
It also has to be a very swift transition, like already falling on top of his opponent while the former is still falling onto the ground, difficult to pull off but he mastered it after his 189 win
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Crocodiles don't take them head on is the thing. Through using camoflauge through the murky water and their dark colouring, they hide and lunge at super fast speed and then bite. It shows their incredible patience and ability to do an amazing short burst of speed.
I think you could theoretically do a "death roll" without your teeth, using your arms and twisting areas of the body in places they shouldn't. Like grabbing the arm from behind them as your back is to them. Make the arm do an improper 360.
>I don't think a human could imitate that though.
You underestimate the strength of humans.
>mukbang the night before consisting of nothing but red meat
>shit yourself right when the fight begins
>use Kure Family: Clench every few inches, molding your shit into brown iron
>poop out enough to create a multifoot-long rod
>use your insane sphincter grip strength to keep the tip inside your anus
>throw that ass in a circle
>mourn the fallen
Works for me
>>throw that ass in a circle
>>mourn the fallen
I don't get it. You're trying to make a turd tail?
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Gotcha covered
Because his arms went whirrrrr before he even hit Toa the second time, giving people the impression that it was a drill punch and countered Toa’s Demonsbane on principle
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I think it's also silly that it became such a common assumption without further elaboration, but in their defense, the first time he used it it got through Toa's limpening defense without any real explanation either, so I can kinda see where the assumption that it countered limpness/redirection could form.
I love these threads.
Look at this. It had all limbs tied up yet still managed to pull one last "However!" and knocked that pig out.
Of course it's rare that a crocodile will tail slap anything but their tails are very strong indeed.
>The Lolong that fought Ohma was a Worm clone. The real one is a monster
Their tails are the reason they can jump their entire body length out of the water.
>anon, who had an autistic hyperfixation on reptiles, had this to say...
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>Strongest fighter in all of Africa's underground fighting promotions
>Epithet: The Maneater
I miss Yumi
I miss Hollis.
I miss Ji
I HATE Shen Wulong.
Hollis vs Alan would've been better than Raian vs Alan.
>Hollis actually shows off the legitimate Kure Techniques and fights smartly to overcome Alan
>Hollis beating Alan
Shut the fuck up
I didn't say he succeeded.
I retract my statement
Why did Wulong trust Luohan with the nukes and have him be in command of the Death Dealers if he supposedly thinks Luohan is a giant piece of shit and a mistake (the latter of which isn't even Luohan's fault)?
I'd have still preferred Hollis winning in a super hard fought battle of finesse vs power to the nonsensical Raian wank we got of him not even being phased by Guihun Alan.
He thought it would be funny to give the inferiority complex "monster" he abuses for fun the ability to end the world in nuclear hellfire if he had a bad enough day. Just a prank.
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It's NOT abuse and it's NOT "for fun". Luohan is the single greatest evil that has ever walked the Earth. He's worse than Hayami and Wu Hei combined. Luohan is a twisted fucking psychopath and probably the serpent of Eden who deceiveth the nations too.
Either that or Shen REALLY doesn't trust that mustache
alan losing to a shitter like hollis would make it very difficult to take the westward wu seriously. we'd be left with the same conundrum only this time it's an actual stoic nobody going over someone much cooler for no good reason, like misasa beating yumigahama
Except in this case Hollis barely wins because he doesn't brute force it
It's impossible to trust a man with a smile so radiant and kind.
it doesn't matter "what diff" it ends up being if alan's face gets turned into a crater or he's down for a full 10 second count. the westward wu's debut can't be a lameass job to a c-lister with no personality if we're expected to take them seriously
>Huge, super jacked genetic monster
>Smaller, stoic, boring fag with no fights to his name
>Wasting cool antagonist on D list Asura character just because
>While acting indignant because of last minute “they killed one of our own”
You’re literally pitching Misasa vs Yumi
>unironically getting upset about what-ifs that damage the westward faction’s threat level
Anon, I couldn’t take them less seriously if they started wearing clown makeup. Westward Wu could lose to a homeless meth addict or beat up an entire army single handed and I would still view them the same way.
explain what your foolish assumption has to do with Gilbertcoin's inevitable soar
Hollis losing is a better idea
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Should he die? Admittedly I don't give a damn about Hollis
No because that would equal a Kengan win
Nta but this would be before the west Wu were an absolute joke
Pitch your martial arts manga
Well this guy called Koga
My protagonist is a pankriatist with only one arm and a peg leg, he has bursts of unfathomable violence and vomits every time he sees how violent he was. It's not portrayed as cool bro because he vomits after he sees red. And he hates old masters who practice karate
He could finish Hollis off after the match. Kures should be dying like flies
Kay, fair enough.
Although nothing the Wu could do could make me hate them more than the Kure
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Hate them?
He loses in the semi finals of the tournament the whole manga is built around against an unfathomable 8'6 man in a horse mask who practices shoot wrestling.
Genuinely what's the problem with making your protagonist just fucking lose?
It’s almost comical how much of a charisma vacuum the Kure are

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