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Is he the best anime villain of any modern shonen?
idk, but they have a good doujin I've busted a few nuts to
dunno, let's see:
>total screentime in~60 episodes: 10 minutes
>goal: le immortality!
>op as fuck: check
>fujobait design
am i missing something? there's not much else to add now that i think about it. sounds like bottom of the barrel slop but hey, maybe that's just me
The voice alone put him pretty high up. Unique in his simplicity,cold-blooded without excess edginess.Simple goals,stylish. Amazing base. Kinda weird his origin is some random concoction a doctor made. But i've stopped reading shonen so maybe my opinion doesn't count.
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>uses himself as bait
>doesnt inform anyone except for most senior trusted member
>blows himself up along with his wife and children to no arouse any suspicion
Honestly that was pretty metal.
Why does he dress like Michael Jackson?
You know, I actually enjoy the fact he's not trying to destroy the world or whatever. He's just an evil sociopath with a god complex, who feels like he should get to do whatever the fuck he wants.
In a way, he's the perfect asshole you want to knock down a peg or two.
>The voice alone put him pretty high up
That's basically par the course for most anime villains. Aizen, Madara, Bondrewd, etc.
>Unique in his simplicity,
And that's a good thing?
>cold-blooded without excess edginess
Yeah man, killing all your mooks cuz you're moody or not letting them speak your name without their head exploding is not edgy at all.
>Simple goals,stylish
I'll give you stylish at least, he appears in a few outfits and they all look good.
>Amazing base.
True, but a lot of merit goes to the anime studio, not the author, for making it look this good.
>Kinda weird his origin is some random concoction a doctor made
It works if you accept the logic of the story, evil people getting superpowers randomly to mess with the world is a staple in old storytelling, fairy tales and such.

Overall he's a 7/10 villain, not quite Saturday cartoon slop but pretty meh. He fulfills his role in the story well and that's it; he fails to be memorable or greater-than-life to an audience.
I like that he's not really any kind of reader fantasy, you aren't secretly supposed to be living through his sadism or coolness. The guy sucks and you wouldn't want to be him even with his power and disgusting body horror immortality
Is the bar really that low that anything from Demon Slayer could be considered 'best' of any category?
The OP shows he has 6 daughters. Did just two happen to be there? Were they the only ones who wanted to come along?
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Just consult pic related (ignore the Gundam characters). He's a solid shit tier.
Anyone knows where I can find the volume or fanbook extra where it's explained ubuyashiki's daughter volunteered?
>modern battle shonen
so the 2010s? Yeah I can see that. I prefer Musashi Miyamoto from Baki-Dou though
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More like a high tier.
You're gonna see the others in later chapters.
after that cliffhanger the next week's chapter shows what the rest of his kids are doing, but it's gonna be like two years for anime onlys
He has zero charisma.
He had four daughters and one son. The eldest daughters were sacrificed to lower Muzan's guard. The others survive just fine and actually contribute a lot.
He isn't even the best villain in his own series
why the hell did he teleport all of his enemies into his secret base that is literally impossible for them to find or enter normally? Dude's a fucking retard
>my masterplan? do jack shit for centuries and wait for le macguffin girl to be born
>how I know this will happen? I just do lmao
>she finally IS born
>her brother kick my ass
>I dead
amazing villain 100/10
Yes, he is very very very strong.
The manga made it ambiguous about how the rest of the slayers got in besides Tanjiro and the pillars, like they hopped into open portals on their own or something.
The competition isn't strong. What else is there, Shigaraki? Makima? lol, Sukuna? Whatever the hell Black Clover offers?
Even teleporting a few in would be so utterly retarded. He LITERALLY has no time limit on killing the demon slayers or getting nezuko. Why is he suddenly being so rash and stupid?
Every demon he ever made was a gacha roll attempt to get one with sun immunity and he was also pursuing the lead he got from the doctor. The moons were only ever meant as body guards to protect him from another Yoriichi, he had no other purpose for them
Is it wrong I want some of his last episode scenes with SnK/AoT music?
zoomers are fucked
He still thinks that at the absolute most he just has to buy a little time to break down Tamayo's medicine. Then he'll have the whole demon slayer corps to slaughter and interrogate to find Nezuko.
He was good but I have no reason to believe he was the best, regardless of how we define "modern."
Because he had decided to wipe out the Demon Slayer Corps that night and the Infinity Caslte's layout can be changed at will to give his demons a major advantage.
The OP shows 4 white haired girls and 1 black haired.
That's not even Koku thoughbeit.
Couldn't he have won way sooner just by absorbing all the best regeneration blood arts, rather than having to wait for a sunproof demon specifically? If you can regenerate faster than the sun can disintegrate you isn't that good enough?
The black haired one is a boy
He can't exactly live like a normal human when he's constantly smoking and in pain whenever he's in the sun.
Anime only fags really do have brain damage
The sun is over rated, faggot can just switch his night and life day. You are literally near fucking immortal, what is so fucking important that you need to do in the day?
Said the gooncave dwelling anon
Imagine pretending you are some kind of socially well adjusted on fucking 4chan of all place

It's about pride. You're right that Muzan could just live peacefully and have an eternal life with basically every one of his needs met, as well as most peoples' wants - the story calls attention to this.
But the fact that there exists something in the world that is prohibited to him, even if doesn't ultimately matter, is completely unacceptable.
Muzan's entire being is grounded in a belief that he is entitled to everything in the world.
Maybe he wanted to go sunbathing at the beach.

Hey,i'm watching Kimetsu when i barely even see anything worthwhile in it what do you expect? But seriously its 5 identical girls in kimonos,how could i know one's a boy.
It's not about pride. Muzan is absolutely terrified of dying, what he desires the most is true immortality.
Bait threads are the best way to attack a series, because it basically eliminates the chances of any one or two people to claim to have actually liked it without seeming ironic or insincere, and if they in fact, are, the rest of the thread basically humiliates them retroactively.
Anyone knows who started the bait thread trend? it was somewhere in between 2 to 3 years ago, right?
>insanely powerful
>smart and crafty af
>author didn't know how to realistically kill him with all hashiras working together (they aren't strong enough even with asspulls near the end when everybody goes supersayan or some shit)
>at the end of the series makes like 10 absolutely fucking retarded decisions in a row and burns on the sun like a fucking retard
>it's safe to say he just kills himself basically
no, he's actually one of the worst and the most disappointing villains in existence
This episode just showed why KnJ is so much better than Jujutsu Kaisen. Giving the the heroes a moment to shine and looking badass against a well built up super-strong enemy is what every battle-shonen NEEDS! JJK just makes me root for the bad guys.
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tranny villains are just proof that Devilman is still influential
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True true
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I think not.
So he's great tier? Stupid doctor should have just made him perfectly immortal and none of this shit would be needed.
He would be high tier, his whole motivation is to not get melted by the sun.
when the villain's motives are better than the hero's that usually means the hero is poorly written
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oh cool, it is a tranny?
It's based when the heroes do it. Degenerate when villains do it.
Heirs of noble families were sometimes raised as girls for a time as a way to ward off evil spirits who would do harm to the heir.
that tranny should dye "her" hair white.
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He quite literally did nothing wrong. The other guy blew himself up. At this point everything he does is self defence.
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I fucking loved that episode. Despite appearing so peaceful and harmonious to the point that he radiates comfort all around him he was always burning with pure hatred towards Muzan.
>I know what eternity is
Fucking kino
He mostly sucks but his scenes with Tanjirou are hilarious:
"You don't get mad at Earthquakes and other natural disasters, however you are mad at me, trying to kill an Earthquake. Be thankful that you survived and have sex LMAO"
No way, is it real?
He is a good villain, but I don't think he is the best...
He's evil cuz he is evil
Better than my slop academia that's for sure
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lol lmao not even in the same league as shishio-sama
Nah voldermort Is better.
It's fitting. He's actually kind of retarded, which makes sense since he's some rich guy's son. He spent centuries doing nothing, and he;s traumatized because of Yorichi was on the cusp of killing him dead.
He's a glorified neet with an inheritance.
He's pretty good but he's nowhere near pre-Shitgumi Sukuna
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>didn't even got a funeral irl
We are talking about good villains, not trashy ones
That's what "pre-Shitgumi" is there for
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If by "modern" you mean "after Naruto, Super, and Bleach, ended" then the best villain would be Makima.
at least she ended as she really was
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>Hero blow himself up to kill a villain
Cheap HxH rip-off
Yes, read chapter 181.
This list is dumb because it's all just up to taste. There can be well written simple villains, and those with complex motives can suck too.

Muzan is somewhere in the middle. He's stylish, prideful and pathetic. More than many have to claim.
>He LITERALLY has no time limit on killing the demon slayers or getting nezuko.
From his POV, they could just kill her.
Wiping them all out in one fell swoop (The eyes in the previous episodes were tags) makes it that much easier, and the Upper Moons are far beyond Hashi-
Yea Marks are kinda bullshit.
Naraku lite.
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>HxH rip-off
This trope is as old as time
>pretends not to know what the word means
kek fucking retard
Rouroni Kenshin ain't modern you oldfag
kinometsu no yaiba
yeah in literally any other situation muzan would have won. hell, if he found the demon slayer base and the ubuyashiki residence like 10 years ago he would have won. this gen of hashira happen to be the strongest since yoriichis era. muzan is no genius but his plan isn't horrible, its more like 20 things happened to go really well for the heroes. normally he and the top 3 upper moons would wash the corps, but quite literally all 3 of his top moons fucking sold with one of them literally killing themselves
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>r-ruouroni Kenshin ain't m...
shut the fuck up zoomer

You sound like the ntr indians spergs.

The villain is supposed to be a bad ass, and that was a bad ass move.
How did he teleport all of his enemies into his secret base? That is unrealistic and broke my immersion.
>blows himself up along with his wife and children to no arouse any suspicion
No. The children aren't with them. They instead are somewhere else and act as mission control for everyone else.
He's a coward that ran
this reads like a shitpost but he had nakime track every single demon slayer with her little demon bug eyes
Those eyes......
>JJK just makes me root for the bad guys
Didn't the patchface curse had a shounen powerup moment? Kek. It's like the author is against his heroes.
favorite anime

favorite movie at the moment
Satan won, though. And was actually in love with the MC unlike the rest. Thus superior.
>HxH invented suicide bombing
"woke" would be a belief that inequality is caused by some kind of systemic bias toward low status, poor performing groups, and must be overcome with policies that discriminate against higher status, better performing groups. woke also refers to negative (often false) stereotypes or other evaluations of the successful groups that is primarily driven by jealousy or resentment.

not that anon though so idk if it describes dunc or toy story.
He's an awful villain.
>had nakime track every single demon slayer with her little demon bug eyes
Sounds too OP
How could he account for a plot device that makes the Hashira much stronger in the span of a few weeks. Not to mention 3 of the Upper Moons have no business being one.
Marks have to be one of the worst plot devices I've seen in a shonen in a while. Even the power increases in DB (at least pre androids) make more sense then that shit.
With how it is, Muzan and the UM come across as shit talking jobbers who've been doing literally nothing for centuries, and the Demon Slayers have been sending hundreds of men and women to their deaths and not really for much of a reason.

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