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Chapter 555 - Oars and the Hat
Last Thread (553+554): >>268311849
The Beginning: https://desuarchive.org/a/thread/246835384
Previous Chapters: https://desuarchive.org/a/search/subject/Daily%20One%20Piece%20Chapter/
Arc List: https://pastebin.com/fjeg9Qwa

We are on the cruise!
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Reminder to keep all discussion of future chapters that haven't been posted yet under spoiler tags / images. This series may be 2 decades old and unfinished, but this may be some Anon's first experience with One Piece.
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I wonder if Loki is related to Oars
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There are probably more double page spreads in this arc than single pages.
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Yeah, I just realized.
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End of Chapter.
Tomorrow: Justice Will Prevail!
But Loki is from Marvel.
Do you think that Hancock wears panties?
>I learned how to make them from the Wano cunny
What did Ace mean by this?
God damn it, Oda, don't make me feel sad for a character you just introduced.
Thanks, OP.
Nami sexy body...
Hancock is so rapable... My cock...
Kek, what an asshole.
Well... RIP
Thanks OP btw.
I'm curious why Oda goes for this kind of paneling.
>except him
Yes, me.
Thanks OP
>Ursus Shock
One of the rare times the anime making things longer was good
>the Wano people
Since Oden and his plot was 100% a much later addition I wonder what was the original plot for Ace going to Wano
It definitely worked better when the art was so clean.
Sweet, only 564 plus some yet unreleased chapters to go
tragic, really great part of the story that stands a lot more than all the Commander/ViceAdmiral/Warlord chaff.
Thank you OP.
There's definitely some spreads that could have been done better with two separate pages, or adding an additional page so things aren't as scrunched, but I understand that now that he's beelining towards the endgame sometimes a lot needs to happen in a chapter to end on a particular point.
Thanks OP
Bratty Boa, in need of correction
Do you think you could just run up and stick your face in amidst all the chaos and with her legs constantly up
Thanks for the read, OP
The number will only increase
That's why me and my comrades raped her along her sisters.
She was asking for it.
>every time a friend or acquaintance died, I matured and understood how bad those words really are
Unless Oda turn into a huge hack with his silhouette he is a normal giant
Middle right panel. Wonder if that's a devil fruit power.
Are all Vikings Giants or there are Vikings Humans?
I don't see it
Under the halberd guy. Either a weird smoke effect or a special cloth.
I can't wait for the ancient giant lore drop.
Funny that I think this chapter is still the most we've seen Boa fight.
Is Luffy immune from these kind of attacks?
Considering she could petrify fucking cannon balls, I gonna guess not.
These are both really great shots.

Oars Jr's beatdown is probably the most obvious showcase of the SHs current level and how unprepared they really were for the big leagues.
It took the entire crew all they had to fight Oars, and even then they needed the help of 100 shadows to win, and now a guy just like him isn't even enough to really make a difference at the highest level. Works better than the clashes between Mihawk/Kizaru and Jozu/Marco imo.

Oars Jr. was a good boy though, he didn't deserve this shit.

Thanks OP! I quite like Oda's explanation for why he doesn't like to use death lightly in his story. Makes me respect some of the more "offensive" surprise survivals a bit more.
I find her attack ability pretty inconsistent. I remember Luffy is hurt when she used pistol kiss but that was maybe haki?
Some Paramecia with little to no direct offensive power sometimes get this kind of bullshit attack. I don't know if you've seen Viola with her "tears" in Dressrosa?
>what are you doing outside
What do they mean? What kind of "inside" is there for him to be in?
Missed opportunity?
>Hancock is so rapable...
If you think about it, she's one of the least rapeable female characters. Not only is she really strong, but if you get turned on enough to rape her, she can use that lust to turn you to stone. I think Nami is the most rapeable, because legally financial coercion can be rape, and you could probably get her to reluctantly allow you to fuck her if you paid her enough.
No. The Sniper King Bumpeking
Thanks OP for the daily OP!
we are
It's over...
Thanks for the dumping like always OP
this allow him to show more things in less pages
it's ugly but works
>Oars Jr's beatdown is probably the most obvious showcase of the SHs current level and how unprepared they really were for the big leagues
nah, Boa destroying pacifistas with single kicks is better
Not yet!
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Chapter 556 - Justice Will Prevail!
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this is why he didn't get promotion later
how strange, a dedicated double spread for the vice admirals, five of them front and center, four of them are the Buster Call guys except one who was randomly replaced. Who is the mustache-dude, and what did he do to my cigar-friend?
I remember Mihawk causing a ton of discussion back in the day, there was a sizable number of fans who thought he was using that slash to literally measure the distance between him and the ship
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Definitely a top 10 speech in this series.
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Ugh, this chapter just reminds me of how disappointing Dressrosa and Doflamingo ended up being. He was so cool at Marineford.
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The Fake Crew comprised of the Impel Down Escapees have arrived to the Battlefield!

End of Chapter.
Tomorrow: Luffy and Whitebeard
Doflamingo didn't change at all, but alright.
Lmao, Garp would fucking rape Sengoku
I like Hannyabal's Big Melons underwear
>that schedule
he’s just like me...
thanks for sharing the chapter
Sengoku was probably on par with (if not stronger) than Garp in their prime but Garp kept fighting even as he grew older whereas Sengoku got a desk job so the difference in power between them changed greatly over the years
Thank you OP.
Nami ass...
Thanks OP
>The Fake Crew
I think you meant The Best Crew, right?
Nami ass...
Jesus, RIP.
This works so well with Doflamingo's backstory.
What a shitty devil fruit, lmao.
Thanks, OP.
Sengoku also has haoshoku haki, so they're probably at least even in strength, not to mention the admirals. Still, Garp doesn't know how weak Whitebeard has become, so him not switching sides probably has more to do with conviction than thinking that he can't.
>the Wano people
Dance powder?
>the womans devil fruit ability is to wash clothes
Very early on, but I had a minor Skypiea question. Why did Gan Fall not have wings like the other Skypieans?

>Ace! Why?! Why didn't you become a Navy officer and participate in the yearly genocide funfair?
Sudden wackyness to break the tension, Luffy is such a toon...

Thanks OP OP
I don't think they were as much of a late addition as people think.
I'd say the main layout and key notes were played out but the flash back was probably a late addition.
So they only reason this is legal and dance powder isn't is that this is imported weather instead of stolen rain?
Thanks OP for the daily OP!
>What a shitty devil fruit
It's probably a stronger version of the soap soap fruit that doesn't get cancelled by water
Whitebeard's anger always being the silent and controlled kind is one of my favourite parts of his character. Just casually stomping someone to let out a bit of steam.

I really can't blame this guy considering all the insane shit that already happened in just the opening volleys of the war. I'd run too.

This is such a great spread. Crocodile and Jinbe falling with their arms casually crossed is hilarious. I like that even Marineford takes time to slow down for a joke.
Why is Buggy scared of falling though, can't he just split and float down while just his feet fall? Surely just the feet landing wouldn't hurt that much.
I don't like nitpicking "potholes" but it's very obvious Oda only made up these guys long after Alabasta and didn't think of the implications. Why else would Cobra not have just hired these guys?
anon they are using the same illegal dance powder here
I'd argue Doffy's downfall was how much bullshit Oda gave him in the same vein as how ridiculously versatile Moria got to be.
Anon, sky islands aren't even widely known things that exist. Weatheria is probably a very exclusive place climatologists are invited to, period. And the climate of Alabasta was already the problem: there wasn't enough water in the atmosphere to generate rain clouds because Croc was dance powdering around Alabasta. A desert kingdom having a drought isn't something that can be solved by just seeking outside sources, it's an act of nature.
>If I were going to do something, I'd have done it a long time ago.
I wonder how long ago he's referring to. Shortly after Ace got captured, or as far back as God Valley?
Sweet, only 563 plus some yet unreleased chapters to go
The wings are fake
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>selling out family to the government
there is literally nothing wrong with that, not even irl
criminal family member = disowned
>breaking dying wishes
literally who cares about that
>there is no such thing as a justified crime/action that is criminalized
>the law is immutable, government unimpeachable, laws are absolute right
Laws are made by people, anon, people can be wrong and have motives.
>literally who cares about that
Maybe you'd have some left with you if you had any family you didn't disown for jaywalking.
Ancient Kingdom war foreshadowing .
Thanks for the read, OP
So it's Tama's fault Oars Jr lost a leg
Thank you for posting.
We are!
Not even a big feat, Saul could do this.
Cram more shit in. It's only going to get worse, but this is when it really starts IMO, there's been times before now when it can get as bad as this, but only for short stretches.

>want to add all these scenes with nobodies, chaos and reactions
>want to end the series soonâ„¢
>want to do this cool double spread but the editor said no extra pages
Probably back then, or just after it. I hope we'll get to see the rest of GV play out, or have some time with ROCKs vs Garp to have him exposed to other shit CDs were up to. His 'I am never directly submitting myself by being an admiral' thing has to come from somewhere.
the giants who got completely shat on were the same rank as Saul right? I have some doubts...
I love these shots of absolute nobodies making this feel like an earth-shaking battle, dude lives on his farm in bumfuck nowhere, doesn't have a snail, and is just wondering why there's earthquakes all of a sudden. makes me wish he wad a shot of some rando feeling something go horribly wrong when the gorosei got summoned.
Not yet.
Thanks OP
No! SORE OTOKO! I tell when to take breaks so Orijinaru Postua can catch up!
He's back!
What made you disappointed anon?
He should have grabbed the ship with one hand like it was a toy
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Are onis supposed to be related to ancient giants? It just hit me how similar they look.
LeG dAy?
Regarding garp
We have already been told that the only reason the WG hasn't disposed of him was due to his reputation. I get the feeling he does often try to do good but knows he doesn't have the power to bring down the WG an so therefore picks his battles
I wouldn't be surprised if this tendency to make concessions in regards to his morals was a big part of what drove dragon to form the revolutionaries
Same reason enel doesn't have them (no reason)
>Why is Buggy scared of falling though, can't he just split and float down while just his feet fall? Surely just the feet landing wouldn't hurt that much.
Buggy is only able to float if his feet touch solid ground. Remember, back on level 1 Luffy needed to carry Buggy's fleet, and when he hitched a ride on Buggy's back he had to throw the feet on the ground.
He did cut them
I can't believe doffy is fucking DEAD
He tanked this btw
The Mother Flame!!!
They are decoration
He stopped smiling completely, for one thing. His usual carefree attitude also completely disappeared. Ik it makes sense given what happened, but it just didn't feel like him
Oh my fucking god(a)....
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>He stopped smiling completely
no he didn't
>with the exception of like 2 or 3 panels
Most of dressrosa he just had a regular scowl on his face
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Chapter 557 - Luffy and Whitebeard
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My heroes Buggy and Crocodile!
...and others.
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Was Crocodile embarassingly rescued by Jimbe too or did he manage to land himself out of the water?
The better Strawhats
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love how Mihawk, Moria, Jango and Fullbody all remember Luffy from various different arcs and react accordingly. It's like they all hold vastly different puzzle pieces that come together to form one whole image.
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That girl and the others were never saved btw
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End of Chapter.
Tomorrow: Little Brother
>b-but they're mostly villain-
That right panel would've made a cool full page and you could probably cut 2 or 3 of the other panels
If this was Luffy's crew he would've gotten the One Piece already.
luffy and buggy appear to be the only DF users who were soaked.
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Stop trying to make Onis happen, it's not going to happen.
>Brook's question mark has a skull
It's the small things.
What's Garp's deal?
Thanks, OP.
Jimbei is so fucking cool
Thanks OP for the daily OP!
>This is the first instance of Akainu implying he has personal beef with Garp and Dragon
Sweet, only 562 plus some yet unreleased chapters to go
The trannies, the asexual, the clown and the figger.
I honestly love how whitebeard IMMEDIATELY takes a shine to Luffy once he sees his resolve. Luffy is so, SO fucking outclassed, but he's still going to do everything he can.
>the asexual
Gentlemen, post the SBS.
Thanks OP
rare moment where one piece goes off-model. looks how long whitebeard's mustache is.
White bay
More like white babe
No, we are better than /opg/
speaking of that, as someone who just started reading why are the one piece threads so horrible? i know its shonen shit and shonen threads are always noticeably worse, but it's like /v/ in those threads.
Whitey Bay? More like Sexy Bae.
because of many factors
General shonen 'totally not a general mods :^)' shittery of endlessly repeating the same low quality posts and arguments.
I am honestly pleasantly surprised by how normal these threads are. I figured opg would start leaking into here a lot more than it has, or it'd just end up turning into the standard endless repetitive spam you get with most story time threads, but I guess a chapter per day keeps the adhd kids away.
i actually didn't believe there were new readers here
Thanks for the dump, like always OP.
Tank you OP.
this is par for the course for almost all shonen generals (see DBS especially, but also jjk, csm and kagurabachi soon/arguably already), for most people in there it's literally just a replacement for social interaction, so it's no wonder it always devolves into pure shitposting & memes
Not enough content to justify a general, and yet the general continues to exist. They shitpost because there's nothing else to do while waiting for a new chapter to drop.
We are nearing ace's rescue, his dumdum death because he got pissed and wasted effort of the whole rescue
Meant for here >>268461966
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It was just Akainu getting rid of a lolicon
Thanks for the read, OP
Thanks OP
4th of July bump.
did whitebeard just let oars die? because theyre running over his body now to get to ace. was oars' death all according to keikaku or did they really think he had a chance at beating the warlords and the admirals?
Or that he sounds like Roger, just like everybody else remarked
garp having a mental breakdown because he doesn't want to lose two of his grandchildren...
I personally blame the Dragon Ball Super threads.
I just looked at the spoiler threads, otherwise those threads are horrible.
Basically, you have to be smart to enjoy one piece, and a lot of /a/ users aren't smart

I love this crew so much
>talking about croc as if that's a bad thing
Thank you for posting.
>listen here you little shit
great chap
Luffy would've never joined his crew like Ace but I bet he would've ended up under his umbrella as an ally if they had met in the New World under regular circumstances (likely after Luffy got his shit kicked in by another yonko).
quite, ol chum
piss bump
Like all giants
/dbs/posting outside of /dbs/ should be bannable

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