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Hello again anons, welcome back for volume 5 of Moto Hagio's A Savage God Reigns. Jeremy's life continues to get more interesting, with a new therapist, dalliances with boys at his dorm, and feelings for a young girl who plays the organ. What will be the consequences?

The works of Hagio and her contemporaries ("the '49ers") represented an experimental new direction in girls' and women's manga in terms of both content and style. I hope some anons who might be unfamiliar with these mangaka and their works, or who might generally avoid girls' comics or older manga altogether, will consider reading along and trying something new. You might be surprised.

For those who would like to catch up and join in, here are the previous threads:
Vol. 1: >>268448441
Vol. 2: >>268501695
Vol. 3: >>268540638
Vol. 4: >>268581029

For the Japanese-speaking anons among us: tinyurl dot com slash 4wj859pp

Once more unto the breach.
It's surprising Ian never got to lick Jeremy's eyebrows with how unbelievably erect they seem to make him.
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>loud snorers
>if I were living in a posh boarding school they would've given me a cozy room all for myself while everyone else would have to share theirs with at least 3 other monkeys
Man, he is busted
This motherfucker
And that is volume 5. Partly brought to us by gao, and partly by carfish. Thanks to everyone who is following along.
Do painkillers of heroin variety really work that fast?
Amazing Greg there.
>welcome to our dorm!
>your room will be the cramped closet we filled with mothballs and dusty sweaters
Was this all part of Greg's keikaku?
ian ADHD moments
I forget, why does Matt react so badly to the mask?
Natasha said somewhere in a thought bubble that he probably saw her getting whipped by greg while wearing that mask.
He was too young to remember, but it did leave an impression on him
>while i'm listening to you play the organ it doesn't reek anymore
nadia is unphased by this
sandra is so stupid sometimes, my god.
"Feel it"? Does Ian know what cars are for?
Greg was just out for blood this night.
>It’s the color of my eyes, salmon pink.
…What? Is the ESL translator high again?

>Greg el forma Super Saiyan Gun
Come the fuck on
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can we please acknowledge this talking dog
Artfully done, Jer.
One of my favorite pages in the manga.
Jeremy comes off like an absolute psycho to Ian here.
Greg has the abuser game down to an art form. As soon as Jeremy finds solace in nurturing a connection with another person, he hones in on it and poisons Jeremy's feelings for them so that he associates them with horrible memories, further isolating him.
Ian as Mary punching the shit out of Joseph is the funniest shit. Forget the drama, I want to see that play.
everything is falling to pieces! brought to you by gao-subs
greg's neck fetish strikes again
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one of the gregs of all time
sandra feels like she's doing a jeremy impression here
idk guys, i'm kinda starting to think this guy might be a lil crazy
The flowers were burning on the stove, but then there's a panel focusing on healthy ones for no reason. Is it her physical state? Something else? A coincidence?
>MC is a rape magnet
It’s shoujo, alright.
When taken orally, definitely not. These might as well be fantasy drugs.
Never met a car fan, I see. Touching a beautifully made car feels really good.
What I'm getting from this is that car fans are perverts.
>i don't need drugs anymore, i'm a corpse
a bold new anti-drug campaign slogan
I don't know whether to laugh or cry
>here's your single room so you can continue more of the behaviour that got you moved, but now you can do it uninterrupted and in private
sounds like Sandra is
just Greg things
where's the lie, Greg?
Gotta hustle to catch up now.
When I get up each morning to make the next thread there's always still discussion going on. I do wonder maybe doing one thread every 48 hours would give people a bit more time to read and discuss.
Just part of the format of daily storytimes.
If you get behind a volume, especially on a series like this where you might take breaks when reading, it can be hard to catch up on a standard schedule. But on the other hand, it saves you from having to wait 6 months to read the whole series.
That is a pretty typical response, particularly in these kinds of schools. He may calm down eventually, or he might not, but in the meantime they've made it harder for him to cause problems for the other students. Fixing whatever's he's got going on isn't a priority, unfortunately.
It's normal for people to try to keep discussion going until the next one, I think irregular or non-daily releases actually make it harder because people forget if there was supposed to be a chapter that day and don't show up to discuss or they get tired of the wait and drop off. Daily is generally preferable.
The daily volume posts are easier to remember to check in for
Thank you for posting.
There's no way he planned it but he must have been very pleased at the opportunity.
That's quite an outfit.
I'm going to miss gao subs and their wacky watermarking ways
Sandra is the perfect annoying mother figure in that her hysterics throw off even the main villain.
Greg can barely keep up with her when she gets going, so it never feels like she's irrationally tag-teaming Jeremy. Instead she's a loose cannon that will throw a self-pity party in any direction.
Extremely shoujo reaction face.
Sandra wanted Natasha to die so bad kek
Jeremy talking back to Sandra is how you know shit's getting to be too much for him.
This felt extremely satisfying
>Oh, this? It's laced with drugs.jpg
that jeremy boy ain't right
The top-right corner is so sad. The family's happiness is on full display but so is the silent suffering of the child that happiness depends on.
Hallelujah and the angel's trumpet as shorthand for the urge to kill is an... interesting idea. I wonder why she went with that though.
greg has a phd in guilt tripping
I can recall a lot of incidents in the news where someone with mental health problems broke down and attacked a family member claiming that God sanctioned the act. I think in part it's the conflict between impulse and morality, the individual can't explain why the impulse is so potent and frequent when it doesn't match who they are, so attributing it to an outside force that communicates in vague signs open to their interpretation is welcomed. The stress of responsibility for those impulses is lifted and their message justified by a higher rank than the individual, overruling what they've stood by in the past and relieving them of making the choice. Also Greg and Nadia conveniently introduced church attendance so the imagery works its way in smoothly for readers.
It could also be a judgement thing. Or salvation from Greg's abuse from Jeremy's perspective.
Ian is a caring guy, but unless Jeremy talks there’s absolutely no way for him to guess what’s going on.
Sandra is one of those "Moto maybe hates women" moments.
Really interesting visual going on here. Is it meant to be an allusion to Noah's Arc? I don't know shit about the bible.
Greg flexing that he's a bad parent.
Thanks, OP. This was quite a depressing volume, wasn't it? It feels like Jeremy's old self has crumbled completely and what's left is a shell who sees no way out but to kill. Surely this is the low point and things can only go uphill from here. :^)
Corrections. Sorry these are so late, I was too exhausted to stay up late reading yesterday.
"The color of my eyes" should be "the color that matches my eyes" (as in a complimentary way, not the same color).
"Because you left" should be "After you left."
their uniforms are powder blue? what the fuck?
With this and strangling Lilia, Greg seems to have a weird boner for telling his bedmates he's killed someone
Ian flings off his coat to show the DARE shirt underneath.
Depressing-ass page
So Greg is 48? I wonder if there's any age gap between him and Sandra or if they're around the same age.
True love.
Yeah, I wonder too. I'd guess she's late 30s or early 40s.
he's losing it
I have no idea how I felt sympathy for Ian first time I read this
I mean, he doesn't know. It really sucks that he says these things, but he doesn't know.
I don't give a fuck, that guy was groping and forcing himself on his younger brother
In a previous thread, I brought up reading this on Mangafox ages ago and that I didn't realize it was missing multiple chapters until later. One of these pages is exactly where it skipped ahead to, so the Sharon subplot was cut but not Jeremy wigging out that Greg killed her and searching for her body. I'm still bemused it took me so long to notice with how out of left field that is removed from context.
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it was just a kiss, bro
Actually, I'm curious what the school is supposed to do in this situation. Savage instigated the assault, which is a crime, but Jeremy escalated it with a much more violent assault. Seems like a real legal mess.
Ian and those goddamn eyebrows.
His eyes are down there, dude.
The general rule is that you can defend yourself proportionately to the amount of physical danger you are in. In this case Jeremy would be more in the wrong, because his response was disproportionately violent and he added another hit even when Savage was obviously incapacitated.
Normally I'm able to plow through a volume of manga pretty fast, but with this one I gotta stop and take a break every 10 or so pages.
It is a rough one.
As far as he knows, it was just a kiss. Shit like that happens all the time in same-sex boarding schools, and he’s spent his whole life there.
It's also complicated by the fact that only those two were witnesses, and they'd be more likely to take Savage's word about what happened over Jeremy's. Most schools would use this as a reason to hang Jeremy out to dry and fully expel him I think.
i don't know about every women but Moto hagio sure as hell hated both her parents, she said that in itw, and it shows in her manga
That's how I've heard it.
Apparently oral does too if Pansy's anything to go by.
I think she was moping about the ring, though that would have been funny
if he's such a drug maniac then how has pansy not been expelled yet
Geggu was probably good buds with Epstein.
He's got that Harry Potter real estate.
Someone pays good money for him to be there.

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