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New 4koma
Pretty Rhythm Miniskirt and the original manga is 14 years old today, say something nice about where it all started.
Rizumu is so much prettier than everyone else in that pic for some reason...
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academy will have sidles
Just a little bit longer.
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strangely canon
It's okay, he likes it.
serial button pusher momoyama mirai
>schizoposters weren't awake to bump the last thread
Last thread went to bump limit. It's a bit sad that we had no thread for almost half of a day, but it is what it is.
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Chii is in good company. Someone is missing.
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how hard does a can have to be thrown at your head to injure you?
idles are especially weak to cans
how does this work? will i gain the weakness if i wear my sion cosplay? or is it genetic?
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Have you bought her CD yet?
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It’s one of the dangers that comes with idle activities, just look at what cans did to this >>268842858 one.
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i will keep this in mind, thank you
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cute, love robo idles, but i think i prefer obake tsu to robot tsu
spooky netorilu ghost
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As expected of country grown vegetables.
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it's hot
Fiercely cuddling a screaming Miruki!
pretty sure the massive gravitational force exerted by miruki's sheer size would crush any feeble ainon in close proximity
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big naru
Which one will the KiNG pick?
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big naru's hair is more pretty but small naru's size is more imagine-er so its hard to say
I think my ghost got stuck loading.
love forever
When Himari woke up in her dorm room, her hands and feet were tightly bound with rope and she couldn't move.
"Mitsuki-chan... what's wrong?"
"This was the only way I could monopolize Himari-chan, so don't take it personally..."
The light in Mitsuki's pupils seemed to have disappeared, and Himari was terrified.
>himari the depressed schizo idle
>miichan the domestic violence idle
>tsumugi the retarded ghost idle
what a unit
A ghost in the shell
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Mitsuki might be hiding a knife behind her clothes... Himari needs to get out now.
Himari needs to learn self defense from Mirai.
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the perfect time for a murder
Correct Naru because she's closer to looking like Bell.
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Who do you choose to take to the beach?
Someone is missing.
The midget but I also don’t want to get shot so maybe I’ll just get drunk with the old hag
The traitor
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no one is missing.
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eyes only for yuzuru
Rinka has the scent off the sea Emo said
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hapi midge
Mouthes too.
How fishy. A sign of a poor hygiene.
thats just perfect already for ainon's crazy eyes miichan edit
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Imagine the smell ~DESU WA
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i just cant find the yellow one attractive at all
She's the frog, btw.
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Shion love is alive and well.
Ako sex
a frog ghost is fine too
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summer keeps going.
oh festival!
not gonna lie, the autistic one sometimes is cute
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Ichigo love is alive and well.
Aikatsu Academy
>Aikatsu Academy is V-Tubers
she aikatsu on my academy
>Not a new series or anime
And so Aikatsu continues to be dead.
I mean it's technically a new series.
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sis thinks she's hasu
>Goth girl has the best design
>Pop girl has the worst design
Guess some things will never change no matter what.
One of the girls is designed by OGkatsu designer
One of the girls is designed by Stars designer
One of the girls is designed by Friends designer
>Genki pink retard
Goth girl is by OGkatsu designer
Cute girl is by Stars designer
Pop girl is by Friends designer
Pink's character profile says that her personality is just an act.
that's cute
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The fuck is this?
Uh, are we back...are we celebrating? I'm honestly hyped but ;;
It seems to be not-vtubers.
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Wow acrylics spam already how exciting yay...
It's literally this:
I don't know what that is.
Link! Like! Love Live!
Love Live's pseudo-v-tuber branch.
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she looks like a silver aoi.
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>animated trailer
>not an anime
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Well at least we can have more content that way
It's literally Hasunosora but Aikatsu
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Aikatsu is dead to me.
>mamimu meh
creativity is dead
>literally the best thing that could happen so far
>ainons are still being doomer
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At least we have the memories we made along the way and actresses that left their agencies.
It looks like a project to gather money for a new anime. 憧れをチカラにかえて、みんなでつくる新たなアイカツ! Slogan literally says this.
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ainons were doomposting about Aipri too
maybe everyone are just depressed
Aipri is just kind of meh. It's making Prichan look good.
I like vtubers so I'm okay with this, but these kind of "actual fictional character" vtubers never work out. If >>268859537 is right then I'm not optimistic (but still hopeful).
Are you familiar with Link Like Love Live?
LOL this is the same shit Bamco pulled with Idolmasters Vtuber branch that nobody gives a shit about. They have zero faith in a new series if they're seriously crowdfunding through vtubing.
Is that the one that covered a few aikatsu songs? I don't really know much about it other than that.
Hasunosora is doing well while va-liv is kind of a failure
Let's see which one Aikatsu Academy will be
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beneath its façade /ai/ is reclining
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Can't believe they got their series name wrong
grim future ahead
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>12 years
But jungle fire isn't even a year old
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I think they straight-up used DeepL translation for the EN sites
There's an en site?
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How many people who asked for more Aikatsu do you think wanted it in the form of Vtuber lore videos?
top right language switch button
Sad as it may sound that's more effort than 99% of people do.
I doubt that this was their first choice, my guess is that this is some sort of "prove there's an audience for another full anime" type of project.
The first and normal logical choice is just do another anime.
This just feels like another misguided attempt at throwing shit at the wall and hoping for something to stick except now it's Capcom-tier you better buy it so that we know you're interested so we can make the REAL thing then it would be a shame if no one buys it.
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>the suicide captain
>The suicide captain
Very fitting...
idles told ainons to die
Not quite. To create a modern anime, you need sponsors, and to get sponsors, you need to give them a good project proposal. A popular youtube channel with millions of subscribers will surely get potential sponsors' attention.
this is beyond grim
Aikatsu is dead
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I'm beginning to believe the theory that Chii is Cirno.
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These designs look too flashy and v-tubery and, dare I say, shitty.
Not looking forward to that, it seems like another AiPla, I fear.
because they are vtubers
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Ah well, then there's no reason to be excited at all.
that's it, i'm switching to precure
goodbye /ai/
LoveLive only got 270k subs after an entire year
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Yeah, I had so many good memories from this place, even though it was just 2 years ago.
I'll miss you all!
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All Mewkledreamy posting aside: Are people really THAT desperate for a new Aikatsu anime that the same three people would inflate the discussion this much?
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>Are people really THAT desperate for a new Aikatsu anime
I am getting into Aikatsu with Academy. Glad it's not gachashit like Hasunosora. I hope it is yuri. I heard Friends was the yuri one.
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they're following emerging markets, not really surprising after declining profits with the exact previous markets.
why do they all have chinese names? are we being infected again just like in 2019
Those are Japanese names though
I will NEVER speak Japanese, but even I know "Wao Parin" isn't Japanese native.
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>create a new idle
>her name is "Meh"

Yeah I'm sure this won't spawn memes around here...
Wao is a common Japanese surname, such as Wao Youka.
Parin is probably just made up.
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We're currently on the "No she's not" phase.
Eventually, we'll be on the "Yeah she's similar but Cirno didn't invent that personality" phase.
>common Japanese surname
It isn't common, this surname doesn't exist. Her real name is Oukawa Takako. There's a name using the same kanji as 和央, but it reads differently.
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You would think the glaring bow buns on her head would have been a super giveaway. I wonder if she'll go "Ni hao!" in the anime or if CCS has a copyright on that (being sarcastic on that last part).
Oh yeah, I'm dumb.
Anyway, I'd wager the vtuber's surname was taken from her.
I'd rather if there's any kids/little girls show other than Aikatsu, but other than AiPri which is I'm not into, most of these shows nowadays are worthless.
What happened to Sanrio, by the way?
I am going to make a schizo prediction RIGHT NOW:

There is going to be a fourth member.

We have heart, diamond, and clover. You just KNOW they will introduce spade at some point.
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>muh yum
2024 and it's completely forgotten.
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Oh look. Another one of these dumb pyramid eye things. I know AiPri has one too and I forgot to point it out but it gets kinda fatiguing when every single one of these shows in this genre has this.
Dumb attention whore literally never leaves
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I am sure you haven't watched every older little girls show.
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>not a single iota out of you until I pointed out the eye symbolism
Is it just me, or does the PV look 2D but have a 3D feel to it? Like they're tracing/rotoscoping 3D models to help with the 2D animation? I think I've seen it in other idle anime before, but it's hard to describe. The animation feels off.
i think you're right
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How the heck are we going to change "AiPri - Aikatsu and Pretty Series" now? Do we put "Aikatsu Academy and AiPri" or "Aikatsu and Pretty Series"? Because it's beyond stupid to give AiPri special attention in the title now that Academy is coming out soon.
I was talking about kids shows in recent years.
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I'm someone who honestly likes vtubers currently mostly watching Cecilia Immergreen who just debuted on Hololive, I also like the FuwaMoco twins but it's hard to get excited over a project like this because it feels like they control their talents too much and their charms don't shine through in a genuine way, especially if they have to hold back their true selves for a kid's audience.
I do think the artstyle they went with is... Interesting to say the least, it works well in 3D but definitively feels a bit surreal in 2D animation.
Could've been a more hype reveal, but it also doesn't feel like it's over for realsies? Like they still could make a new TV anime depending on reception and even if it has a tough path ahead, it still could do alright enough to make it happen.
Aikatsu is truly doing the equivalent of edging the viewers for years... AiPla in general seeming like a bold desperate direction but then ending too early, then Starway as a last throwback, then more teasing... It feels like it went from a Team A franchise to a Team B franchise, but now it's kinda on this limbo where it miiiight become Team A again but they're still experimenting, honestly I would rather end this never-ending suspense already and just have them making a new IP for little girls, Princession is pretty much what I wanted to see Bandai doing.
A lot of us realized it was possible. We just didn't want to actually believe it would happen. Aikatsu honestly might have been better off inactive than whatever this thing is.
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I miss the original Aikatsu/s future/70s setting.
I don't know how to feel. I can watch a show about people doing literally anything and be entertained, but I can't watch actual vtuber content. Hopefully there's something for me in the near future.
I miss Aikatsu Stars.
All of us do, ainon.
The goth is cute. Pink is cute, but her hair is complicated enough to draw where she can look a bit off. I'm not really a fan of Blue's design. They all look cuter when you simplify their designs a bit.
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Forgot the picture.
based banrise proving you retards will consoom anything with the word aikatsu in it.
Yeah, totally not suspicious fourth space in that picture!
Uh oh, Mieru has hearts in her eyes.
Where's my sex type!
I'm not hype anymore
I fucking hate vtubers now they ruined idol franchise everywhere
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Nice boat.
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i just saw the news !!
all three of their hairdos are too weird
Goth is fine.
Pop is typical retarded pop. They never have a normal or good hair.
But did Cute need a gorillion ribbons there?
Pop screams 'we liked Myamu but her design belongs to another IP'
Aikatsu died after Akarigen.
>Emerging markets
Emerging my ass.
The vtuber market is already extremely oversaturated and completely dominated and on a stranglehold by Hololive and Niji (in Japan lol NijiEN)
We've seen countless big-ass companies trying to get a slice of the vtuber pie just to completely fall on its face.
I love ainons
Vtubing was an emerging market when Prichan featured it years ago
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We already had a vtuber idol, and it was the only time it was done well.
>girl behind model is portrayed as insecure stalker

Do little girls even watch vtubers?
I don't like the implication that is gonna be directed at older age groups.
Maybe I'm just out of touch but vtuber feels to me like something that's mainly on a teenage/adult audience.
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Yeah, this thing is definitively for big friends.
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Children watch Pekora. Marine also has done collab stuff with Ciao, but her stuff was with Ciao plus, which I think is targeted towards JC instead of JS.
So in context the plot is girls at the idol acadmey are steamers as part of their aikatsu not vtubers, the media its presented in is vtubing. It will probably be more like a plot line presented through the characters streams than actual open streaming.
I mean considering this is not-vtubers it would be weirder if they don't add more members as time goes.
Woke up only to find out vtubing Aikatsu is a thing? Am I dreamposting? How odd...
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Why is this font so soulless and awful.
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>All of us
No, we don't.
What if Aikatsu was never actually good?
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I wish it had been only the OG designer.
The other two girls feel way overdesigned.
Yes they do, it's free endless content accesible by phone with a default app, that's a very low entry barrier for kids and parents looking for a quick solution to entertain them.
Pekora is well-known to have a kids audience but I bet it extends to pretty much any vtuber on the dorky side.
Seems like they were made thinking about 3D more than 2D, the main content IS going to be 3D after all.
I haven't watched the original since 2012, so sometimes I find myself thinking this. I'm too scared to actually go back and check though.
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When are we getting the full Aipri songs?
I was a latefag and I genuinely liked S1, I would put it up there as a solid little girl anime, then S2 starts terrible, but has good episods whenever ir laser-focuses on S1 characters or Akari, S3 is more stable but also where it starts getting a bit stale, Stars feels really hype at first but yeah I also felt some of the well-known problems, haven't watched aifure/pare but I did watch aipla weekly, it drags for the first 10 eps by having too much exposition, starts getting good then suddenly ends, weird ride.
an MLB team just had a Hololive night so at the very least they're all-ages content
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i mean, im glad aikatsu isnt completely dead, but man, talk about a monkey's paw. least we'll get some cute art again out of the old aikatsu artists who were sleeping
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first cd comes out in august
We'll think about it when/if Academy will get an anime.
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>i am forgotten
More or less agreed.
>OG1 good
>OG2 mixed
>OG3 good again but reaching the limits of what it could do
>Stars lots of wasted potential and really mixed
>Friends it's okay nothing bad but nothinig amazing
>lol Planet

It's odd. Aikatsu didn't become straight-up bad or anything. And it's not like it didn't find its formula or its footing either. It just kinda fizzled out on its own just like that.
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>the myamu survived primagi
good on her, wish it was the bunny though
>the goth is beta sumire
the lore...
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>literally named meh
the sumire curse continues...
Just hope her future sexy girlfriend has a good design. Preferably from the OG designer too.
bunny ran so that myam survived
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The LORE of Aikatsu...
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Happy Birthday to Yuu!
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Happy Birthday to Yuu!
Academy will fail spectacularly because they don't understand vtuber culture or why people tune into streams. The kayfabe era of vtubing also ended like 4 years ago, so trying to do in-character, setting accurate streams feels like reaching for an audience that doesn't exist.
Translate it weebs
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Happy Birthday, Yuu Hattori!
How did va-liv and Link Like Love Live did it?
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Happy Birthday, to Yuu!
There's a reason the former completely failed and the latter is just running on LL brand and even so it's just a fraction as popular as the previous groups.
>spend 200 yen
>get a random picture for your album
>has a voice line too
>that's it
Oh man.
how the hell did Planet last that long
It didn't.
It's just them shamelessly trying to obscure the dead period on technicality.
It didn't. I'm assuming that was the length of time they were still selling planet merch, or they're just trying to save face.
Yes, but this isn't for kids. Lack of an arcade cabinet is all you need to know.
I heard that Hasunosora is at least more popular than Liella.
They're shamelessly including the original announcement from Summer 2020, the early test locations of the cabinet from December 2020, and the shutdown of the arcade cabinet from March 2023 to bloat that period.
Yeah, the branch itself is doing well and its game is very popular, it's just completely inaccessible to the average overseas Love Live fan.
But that's the kicker, Hasu has an actual game and it's another branch in Love Live while Aquors and Liella are still active. Aikatsu Academy is all we're getting for now, so it feels like they aren't giving you a choice at all.
ainons are my friends.
Prichan, a show aimed at children no older than 9, was based on vtubers as a concept and that was in 2018. What do you think?
Prichan was based on youtubers, there's a distinction. The only overlap with vtubers was Daia specifically.
Prichan was Youtubers and Streamers.
Vtubers were barely starting in 2018.
Beggars can't be choosers.
They should try this with Boykatsu.
To be fair, it's not like we've ever gotten anything Aikatsu ourselves. It's all been through fan efforts. So in that regard nothing has changed.
LL is an odd case because it's super popular overseas and yet they do nothing to milk and exploit that popularity and if anything it feels like they're putting effort to exclude baka gaijins out of it.
Vtubers have been around longer than that. Kizuna Ai got very popular in 2016/2017. The current incarnation of big vtuber groups that are popular today were starting to get popular around then, but as a concept they were already popular.
what the hell are these?
You could argue that Vtubers existed since the fucking annoying orange, but you and well as I knows that would be being pedantic as shit.
Vtubers in no way shape or form were even tenth as popular as they are right now. They were existing, they were starting, but they were in no way something everyone and their mom wanted to jump in as the new big thing around that time.
>Prichan was Youtubers and Streamers.
Didn't that get dropped pretty early on as well?
idle antenna
That is actually how I remember it around that time. Around early-mid 2018 outside they got so popular I thought it was some kind of money laundering scheme with the kind of donations I saw on superchats or whatever they were called back then
They never dropped it, it just became largely irrelevant after season 1.
So, idle vtubers.
Who did it first, Mashumairesh or Shining Star?
I honestly wouldn't consider vtubers to have been truly "popular" until during/after the covid boom.
They were moderately popular for sure but nothing out of this world like that.
The rona was the ingredient that truly made them explode.
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Birthday girl
Kirari Party Time?
Yeah good point. Before COVID they were popular but only in otaku communities. People who liked anime knew about them and not many other people. In 2020 they got way more popular with people who watched regular streamers, now in 2024 a cunny shark girl just sang at the dodgers stadium
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Someone is missing.
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Does the short one have to voice both twins now.
I wonder if she regrets it
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S1 is still excellent
S2 fumbled it hard, but recovers by the end
Past that something always feels missing
>>268873789 (Zu)
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S1 also has superior songs and soundtrack
zuccposting is the best part of these threads.
literally a single person
is missing
From what I know, no.
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dv idles are alive and not well
ribbon gremlin
ainon’s idle activites are finished.
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It'll be their turn soon.
>artist already remarking about the hair being hard to draw
its funny that she seems to be the most popular one while simultaneously being a pain to draw
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Miichan seems to have grown fed up with Himari's repeated cheating and is furious.
mii-chan hiss
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The main character bias is strong. I guess her ribbon spam being comical gives artists more to work with than the others.
what does the founder of facebook have to do with this place?
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that shoudl be good news because hasunosora is well liked, the only '''downside'' of hasunosora so far is that it doesnt have an anime yet, other than tha its pretty good
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> top box: Datacardass & Animation
> bottom box: Virtual Entertainment
Sure seems like an anime/gaming component aren't priorities
Aikatsu is out of creativity. Planet was creative, but it was boring. Friends is uncreative and boring too.
Aikatsu could drop the school theme; it's repetitive, the narrative is becoming increasingly rigid, and there's not much left to explore. Love Live and Gakumas already explore school idols. I want a different narrative perspective.
What remains for Aikatsu and Pretty series is to repeat the theme infinitely, AiPri is a "copy" of PriPara/AiPlane.
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Eh, it's a kids anime so they have young characters attending school.
I'm pretty sure the only reason Tokusatsu doesn't do school (for 95% of the time at least) is because they need older actors, they simply have more skill, have a closer height to at least look like they could fit a hero suit, plus they're handsome to soccer moms, otherwise I think they would do school too to be relatable to the target audience.
I liked the theorycrafting when we got the "Aikatsu Planet" title, something like Gundam colonies and singing in space like Macross.
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Miichan might be having a heavy period.
Ainon would date a fatty like Miruki or Riamu.
Is “fatty” the next stage after “a guy with a job”?
There's no problem with going to school; the issue is focusing solely on the school environment. Some Precure series don't take place in school all the time, and sometimes they have different school settings, like in Mahoutsukai. Jewelpet has different approaches, and each series was a different genre. Pretty Rhythm doesn't use the school setting all the time and even mixes idols with ice skating (at the time, there were few anime about ice skating). PriPara has a school setting, but the focus is on the PriPara world. What I want in Aikatsu is something that doesn't just focus on school but explores other ways to approach the idol theme.
In fact, the title "Aikatsu Academy" is very generic.
Don't give Mii-chan a moment's opportunity.
We got that with Aikatsu Planet and it was lame. The school setting worked well with the series until they diminished it's presence in Friends and removed it entirely in Planet.
mii's chan's magic eyes.
Aikatsu Friends wasn't a specific school for idols; they placed it in a regular school and didn't add anything interesting to replace that, so it became generic, uncreative, and boring. In Aikatsu Planet, at least they created an interesting virtual world, and the idea of combining live-action with animation was quite unusual. The problem was that they didn't know how to execute it properly, and it had the misfortune of being during the pandemic. I don't want Aikatsu and Pretty to become an endless, uncreative repetition like Precure and Love Live.
Pokemon is a successful children's franchise and rarely focuses on the school environment; it only addressed it recently in Scarlet & Violet.
Aikatsu's gimmick IS going to school. That's the big Aikatsu thing that sets it apart.
You'd have a easier time divorcing school from Love Live t. b. h.
That being said, Aikatsu Xenoglossia when?
If it's an Aikatsu school as creative as Jewelpet Sunshine and Twinkle I would approve.
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need the UC aikatsu spinoff...
Aikatsu Gakuen
I don't speak Japanese. Has an anime not even been announced yet?
What is it they're announcing then if not an anime?
Damn, that one is scarier than the ghost.
How about an Aikatsu series where it takes place under the sea? It would be a school for mermaid idols, it would also explore the aquatic environment. It would definitely be more creative than Tropical Rouge Precure.
You mean live vtubers? So they're going to do livestreams and answer super chats?
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"Tsumugi-chan is no longer with us, and if she was, I drowned her..."
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Why couldn't we have gotten Shining Star 2 instead
It's basically Bloomy*Cafe 2 but with a new generation instead of Planet.
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According to the press release, the current projects include a group live released via Youtube, individual channels for the three characters where they will host individual streams, a phone app where you can collect digital cards related to the series, the release of the song from the PV, a special feature in Ciao, a bunch of related merch at the official store (including academypans), and a vague teaser with "collaborations with previous Aikatsu idols"
Imagine the sheer vitriol that show would have with a rival school like dreaca.
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ngl, that seems like a lot to keep up with.
Watching a show weekly is one thing, but I dunno if I want to commit to having to follow three different channels for this.
This seems like a big ask, especially for a franchise that's been dormant for so long.
It's clear that the title "Himitsu no Aipri" hides the dreaded "Himitsu."
Never meet your idles.
even besides the eyes, something about mii's face just is a bit off there, very kowai (and maybe a bit kawaii too i think)
Is Anyamal Tantei Kiruminzoo any good if I enjoy shows like PriPara and Aikatsu?
Never Mii your idles.
Of all the protagonists in the Pretty Series, Mitsuki is probably the one who can instantly look the most terrifying just by removing the highlights from her eyes.
hmm its not really comparable to those but its still a cute show so id say give it a shot and see, its more like a more sanitized tokyo mew mew, or superficially a not-insane damedame detectives
When is /ai/ getting a gospel song like Tomorrow Song
Look, I think the Mitsuki psychopathic eyes things is cute, but let's be real here: Tamaki is the most frightening AiPri.
>no lewds allowed

It's so fucking over
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I miss her.
oh yeah? prove it.
Is bandai learning from the horses?
So which one of these 3 is voiced by Zucchan.
Zucchan was already fired from Bandai (Denonbu).
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I thought there would be blood splatters on her face from the thumbnail
spooky. base picture?
This feels like cheating somehow
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Says Who? I'm going to have to practice drawing more.
Tamaki would kill Sakura's enemies without hesitation.
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big naru
We lost...
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her lucky numbers
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It should have been him...
Okay but why Rinrin of all characters?
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Hold up, there's actual lore behind this?
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I don't see what's so beautiful about them...
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well deserved
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Are the vtubers VA/actresses minors? Maybe they want to avoid trouble, but weird they didn't do this to aipla given it's literally their face exposed.
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That would never be a reason.
>No korean idols
>Are the vtubers VA/actresses minors?

Since when does Japan care about such thing?

Gotchard girls are minors and they still got a lot of porn
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Really? that's awful.... where?
>B-But Precure!
>B-But Sentai!
>B-B-But Pokemon!
Why are we pretending Toei and TPC bucks and being decades old established monopolizing are the same as Scamco being retarded with idols for the umpteenth time?
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I love Yuu
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lemon in the summer.
That would get people cancelled so hard if it was a western show...
saw Nagomi Yui at a grocery store in Flavortown yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.
She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “Delicious smile! Delicious smile! Delicious smile!” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like five whole kilos of rice in her hands without paying.
The lady at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma'am, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When the cashier took one of the packages of rice and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any delicous-ctrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that's a word. After the lady scanned each package and put them in a bag and started to say the price, Yui kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
Mitsuki will have no hesitation in eliminating the Otomodachi that approach Himari.
grilled lemon
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what happened to that show anyway? I remember an anon usually posting screenshots but at one point he stopped
It ended because there seemed to be some behind the scenes issues with the artistic direction of S2.
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Flowering Heart is the one that got canceled before season 2 started. Shining Star ended properly after 1 season.
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Shining Star DMF never ever
run and rurun run
fly high
If these are official merchandise: Cute!
If these are fan creations: Japanese fans are insane to make these this quickly
those are the official ones, the physical aikatsu store stocked the new merch immediately today
Why do we talk about korean animu but not chinese animu like babala? >>268889801
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Because it belongs in /pc/.
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i have nothing against it as a concept but i havent seen any (actual) chinese cartoons so i have nothing to add to that convo
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best korean
luv macaron
Isn't that just Yurika?
Of all the Yurika/Aroma-type idles I have seen, the one from Roselia in OG Bandori has to be the weakest one, she can't even remember her chuuni rants and everybody talks over her.
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not exactly
They were going to do more. There was even a sequelbait teaser at the end of Hera's movie. But the new art-style was controversial and the project basically died after a hiatus. It did have a proper ending, though.
Oh yeah, I still have the raw for the Hera movie in my Google Drive.
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Takusan no ichiban~
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Academy is just a thing on the side. They're going to announce a real, 50-episode Noellekatsu anime soon.
"There's nothing in it..."
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New chapter
I wonder if AiPri will ever get a beach episode
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If you liked Lilpri or Fushigiboshi no Futagohime you would like it, but that probably doesn't help.

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