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126th Period
Previous chapter:
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Yokoi's gonna cut a bitch!
Done. That's property damage, Rumi.
Do you play with dolls?
See you tomorrow!
>Do you play with dolls?
They're called action figures MOM!
I think this might be the only double page in the series.
Gawd bless'm
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where's my nigga mo?
Yokoi finally snapped.
It was only a matter of time.
The CBT really escalated
>with scissors
I don't wanna know.
Kek, when was this published? The Boys and Invincible have been popular for a bit, but I feel like the last time an edgy cape thing was popular before that was Kick-Ass, which visually matches this chapter more.
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they're tactical dolls and I'm their shikikan
Seki isn't good at english, the chapter have the word spelled right when Yokoi is thinking about it >>268847762
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My country police force? From which game?
Thanks OP
>Do you play with dolls?
Breaking toys in pieces and adding new parts turningbthem into Frankenstein monsters.
Making toys from zero using cardboard, duct tape and split pins.
Fusing Bionicle together into giant robots.
are you the kid from toy story
the chapter where he was doing yoyo tricks had an english misspelling too, didn't it? this may or may not correlate with him constantly goofing off in class.
Seki guarding his wiener.
Thanks OP
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Girls Frontline, but it's just a costume for SPAS-12, since she's an Italian gun. It's also tied to getting one of the game's artbooks, so you can't even get it with the generously-awarded in-game currency
If you're still looking for more Carabinieri, the WW1 shooter Isonzo (Italian vs Austro-Hungarian/German front) features the Lucerna with the Reserve Units costume pack
I love that she gets more and more into it as time goes on
This is great, but I'd also love to see it with the back covers included.
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>Seki's desk is bigger on the inside
Justice Jun is awesome
Justice Yokoi is pretty cool too
Thanks OP
I just took toys and make them better by using parts of already broken ones, I still remember using an elbow as a knee to repair my favorite one
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that's an odd interpretation of tennant
Any italian loli?
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In her room
Hell yeah
The smuggest Yokoi. She's such a hardline bitch about cute girls doing girl things.
Thanks for the read, OP
>Do you play with dollas
Never particularly, not even action figures when I was younger
Although of course now I like displaying figures on my shelf
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God damn Seki better make at LEAST five babies with her
How do you even remodel your desk?
Thank you for posting.
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it's the rare double censor.
Bye bye
we can censor it further
I don't want to say goodbye to Seki's mom
Where is Junjustice? Junstice?
That no doll, thats walking fat with a shotgun
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Thanks OP. When I was a kid, I played with my sister's dolls if there were no other toys in the vicinity.
If you never stripped them than you are GAY
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Go where?
to the big train station in the sky
A train to the afterlife?
127th Period
This mangaka seems to really like Shogi
It's very nice of Seki that he started involving Yokoi in his playtime
Done. Goto really lies? No dignity.
Will you rise against your neighbor?
See you tomorrow!
I want to chase them too
Thanks OP
>Will you rise against your neighbor?
Yes, ready to reform the Roman Empire
Somehow, this just became ActRaiser
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she cute
>I can't allow such a cruel ending!
She says, assuming the role of an angry god
Spot on
>The villagers are fighting? SMITE THEM
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The Carcano sisters (M91∕38 and M1891) both have loli costumes
she's not fat
what a good girl
thanks, OP. He gave me a cat tower for free, I couldn't rise against him like that
Nah, just wholesome spooning.
>yokoi on top
Thanks OP
Maybe not, he hasn't played a real game of Shogi.
You are telling me Seki isn't playing it right?
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Thank you for posting.
How many times a day?
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Can Man live with such little stimulation?
Children are the root of evil
Thank God Gotou stopped them from fucking like dogs.
>tag: corruption
>Will you rise against your neighbor?
Sounds like a pain, let's not.
Was this drawn by one of the assistants? It looks very different to the way the mangaka draws people
It's a miracle we get such vanilla doujin.
she needs to stop thwarting Seki's new era of free love
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It's the most likely explanation I think.
Age of Empires, not even once
Yokoi is so fucked up
It's a disease.
This manga must have the best hentai

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