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What is it about Rudy that makes him such a great protagonist to read about?
He is mentally ill, thus appeals to mentally ill people.
Cute pedo, will segs him later.
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He actually romances, marries, and starts a family with his love interests all while the story goes on and how it changes him becoming a family man. You don't see that with many isekai stories, considering all the isekai writers that copied MT.
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Love Miggers, simple as.
Nice oxymoron.
You don't know what oxymoron means
Rudy is one of the worst characters ever. He's got zero redeeming qualities and that's a fact.
He gets whatever he wants with minimal effort and the universe revolves around him. Typical narcissist fantasy.
He wasn't even moving, starving himself for days in his room. The teleport room, the trip there and then the trip home still takes about 2 months. He was in a dire state. Sylphie was not "right there".
Yeah, not to be quirky tumblr teen, but I'm going to be honest here. The shit he went through I found very relatable and somewhat important to understand about how fallible human beings are. The fact they don't shy away from how deep, how real his decent was and his recovery with his second makes this show actually important to me.
Humans are capable of healing and recovering, they just need enough time and support and people who are able to understand them.
Many shows preach this, but never challenge you with how humans might realistically act if they truly have given up entirely.
It's impossible to have romance in polygamy.
Thus, saying this shit has romance is a oxymoron.
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He becomes a guy who couldn't care about himself or those around him seriously to becoming a guy who would stop at nothing to protect his family.
Your small heart might be a medical problem, get it checked.
As for the small pp, its normal, d'worry.
he allows me to literally be ME. I can literally see myself in Rudeus if I had magic powers and based genes. Hell yea, I'll be fucking bitches left and right and if anyone tries to fuck with me or my family, I'll be blasting that nigga with a level 99 water blast using my big dick energy. That's just badass, and he's exactly what i would do if I was in the world.
It's entirely possible
_____ is literally me
He never accomplishes anything of note. His story is nothing. There's no lesson to be learned from watching him. Mushoku tensei would be better if it wasn't a isekai about a reincarnated loser like Rudy and could've been a normal story about a kid who becomes a Magician. It would immediately become more compelling.
No, it isn't. Because polygamy is literally built on the premise of not being faithful or devoted, thus, not romantic.

And no, saying "i- i love ALL of them!!" doesn't actually mean anything.
that's the sequel you fuckin doofus
Sex toys*

If he wanted to protect them he would be a shallow and deranged pervert.
well, good thing you aren't loved by anyone.
No woman would want to be with someone this sad and petty.
he doesn't fuck his kids, his sisters or his mom dude
polygamy is garbage and 99 times out of a hundred it is just cheating but i think you're retarded regardless
>I have this arbitrary definition and you must agree with it!
Melty melty.
It's just so funny how obsessed you are thinking you make other people mad.
Ngl I do like the polygamy in rezero because it leans in on the bpd/low self value aspect of it. I hope it doesn't go well.
And? Why didn't they open up with that idea first and make it comfy SoL with some action. The show just doesn't know how to tell a good story really.
MT bad
Please clap
Couldn't they just carry him, or remind him of his heavily pregnant wife and how he might miss the birth of his first child?
Wouldn't that be a big enough deal to pull him through?
i will post this every day until you like it
>birth of firstborn daughter
Dad died, too sad
>Roxy sex wife
Yes, light speed
This. He's a soon-to-be father with his wife waiting for him at home, it's just unrealistic for him to not care about anything at that point no matter how depressed he became
>Hey, your dad died because of you and now your sisters don't have either parent because of you and you're currently gaslighting yourself that you never cared about your family due to your guilt weighing you down and you haven't eaten in week, but remember your wife is home!
Guilt warps your perspective. Immediate attention is better at breaking you out of the mindset than a reminder of something far away. And his guilt might be convincing him he isn't worthy of being a dad from how he treated his family up to this point.
Keep in mind that he's a double-life loser at this point, having been a garbage son to his nipponese parents, and being a failure to his six-worlder parents, so he's super-depressed.
At this point, telling him that he has a duty to return to his wife and unborn child would be just as pointless as when his first-life brother tried to convince him to stop wasting away in his room.
read the novel, anime was way too rushed
The writing is just atrocious Lol
Amazing writing, character development, and plot direction. Rudy struggles, and grows. And he has to work for everything he earns.
it does, you're just retarded
>but remember your wife is home!
He feels guilty about how he treated his family but the prospect of treating his wife and child just as badly and not being there at the birth wouldn't be enough to make him move?
I can understand Rudy being blinded by grief, I don't get why nobody even tried to punch him in the face and say "move you dumb fuck, you have a baby."
As we all know, when you're in a guilt fueled mental broken state, you're very logical and rational.
Sorry if I'm being too sassy, but you're trying to look at this through logic and not how humans actually behave.
This is the same guy who didn't even think if his family could be in danger after a massive teleport wave hit the country side. He doesn't consider all angles of a situation. Which is very human.
tbf they still had plenty of time, he spends three weeks moping and they still make it back over a month early.
No, you need to understand. He needs to have sex and cheat on his wife at that moment or else, the harem wouldn't happen
You're not straight up calling me autistic so it's k. That being said, I still feel like it's a "I want Roxy to be his wife too so I'm just going to push it in here." deal.
i spoiled almost everything thanks to fucking youtubers and my own stupid curiosity , according to the canon lara greyrat will be the fated hero and all that shit , but lara is female do you think she will be our main pov/protagonist in the next novels? i dont think it will be fun reading this type of history from the pov of a girl , do you think she will be our main pov and if the answeris yes , doyou like a female main pov.
I guess in this case, it does make sense that they changed it to Roxy making the first move.
Actually yeah, maybe that's a good rewrite, it fixes the issue you have. He didn't make a move cause he knew his wife was at home, but didn't have the will power to resist a move from Roxy.
>This is the same guy who didn't even think if his family could be in danger after a massive teleport wave hit the country side.
This is a lot more understandable, honestly. It basically started right above them, he had no idea how far away it was. It's not like with everyone who was in Buena where they saw a big pillar of light coming towards him, he had no idea how far it would go before it stopped. For all Rudeus knew the only people affected were him, Eris and Ghislaine.

The protagonist of the sequels is probably going to be banana's boyfriend.
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If you haven't read it and only know it from youtube videos than you know nothing who Lara is.
And yes, I would much rather prefer her to any new Isekaijin
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The protagonist is probably gonna be this dude. It not Akito though.
that was another good change in the anime because in the books it blows up roa first before spreading to the three of them out in the field
>Nosebleed and bruises
Based, she took a hit and still kept swinging.
The protagonist of the sequel series is going to be Kuroki Satoshi, their friend who was left behind in the mundane world, who must enter the gate that Nanahoshi Shizuka created to save Shinohara Akito, who was summoned by Liria, the Blessed Child of Time Reversal, to be with Akito.
Lara's exploits and the war between the Dragon God and the Man God are just background fluff that happens while the question must be answered if Nanahoshi will cuck Shinohara by fucking Kuroki, and Shinohara gets fucked by Liria.
nah it's akito, but he ages normally and banana is going to age normally once he shows up
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It can't be Akito because there was another guy that was described just like Akito.
I think it's just a native who hasn't been introduced yet. There's no guarantee that Asian-like people don't exist in the six-sided world, and either Rudy, Nanahoshi, or Akihito could have introduced Japanese bowing as a gesture at some point.
>either Rudy, Nanahoshi, or Akihito could have introduced Japanese bowing as a gesture at some point.
the mercenary company does it
I hate Eris.
Kuroki Satoshi was mentioned, so the chances of hm playing a role as well is very high.
You have a guy whose two friends suddenly disappeared right in front of hs eye, and the barefoot fatso who saved him died horribly, so you can have him have survivor's guilt and be obsessed to find out what happened to Nanahoshi Shizuka and Shinohara Akito.
Seiji will save the multiverse.
what if it's the fucking truck driver
I would kill Rudy, eris, and roxy without hesitation and save us all from bad isekai characters.
It's the whole "You really can have it all" bit that's the hilarious part. Stories need a certain degree of setbacks to have verisimilitude, so it just really takes me out of it.
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we already know who was driving the truck
you haven't read it have you? especially the first half. first half is like 80% setbacks
Not really, though. He still gets with all three girls with very little friction, the teleport accident turns out to be a cool adventure that is essential for his growth, and Daddy dies because that's what a warrior-dad has to do in stories like this anyway.
Getting ED and missing out on Sara is a setback, but did it really fuck his life in the grand scheme of things? It's not like Eris comes back with a gaggle of kids, after all.
>the teleport accident turns out to be a cool adventure that is essential for his growth
fuckin okay PAUL
No he's not.
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I feel on some level you need that kind of escapism for it to still be palatable to the readers. There are a lot of Western novels that just go in an unhappy direction at the end, and they leave you feeling cheated.
>Main love interest decides to fuck the protagonist's dad, Zeus, instead of marrying the MC (Last Sword of Power)
>Protagonist loses his childhood friend, gets trapped in a loveless marriage, childhood friend sells out her new lover for political safety. Both of them prepare to go to war against each other. (Age of Madness).
>Princess ends up in a political marriage with a man twenty years her senior, protagonist leaves the kingdom for more adventures (Heaven will Fall trilogy)
>Protagonist's wife dies, his daughter leaves him, he retires to a monastery after faking his death to live alone after committing genocide (Sun Eater)
>Protagonist's rival turns out to be the actual chosen one, they swap waifus and the love interest turns out to be a lot happier with the new guy. Meanwhile, the MC retires. (Dragon Lords.)
I could go on, but yeah.
t. (You)
Western writing is fucking misery porn unless it's YA or aimed at women. Nobody reads this shit for a reason, people are too fucking obsessed with being "different" and "subversive" that they all end up doing the same fucking thing because they're comparing themselves to good books that are over 40 years old at this point.
Wow those sound actually fucking awful
Anime onlys:
What are you hopes and predictions for season 3?
Show getting canceled is the only good outcome for this garbage series.
I know a slight out of context spoiler, so I'll spoiler text my prediction just in case.

The "Rat" will have its identity revealed. I think this Rat will be a major villain, if not the main villain of the series. I predict he will hurt or kill someone important to Rudy and cause him to go Ultra Instinct SSJ God. I'm thinking it will be Zenith, or maybe Aisha that gets killed.
I also predict that Rudy gets a new hand, and that Eris or Sara will return.
great ntr story for ntr enjoyers
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hes a muscular chad like me
>Protagonist loses his childhood friend, gets trapped in a loveless marriage, childhood friend sells out her new lover for political safety. Both of them prepare to go to war against each other. (Age of Madness).
How did things actually get to this point
The fact that orsted didn't affect him is obviously pointing out that he's a transportee.
migger butts drive me nuts
In brief, the story follows two characters, a handsome young warrior (Leo) and a rather lazy Prince (Orso) who has to step up after the King dies, revealing that he's actually quite smart, charismatic and cunning.
Leo has a childhood friend called Rikki, a barbarian sorceress with a precognition power called the 'The Long Eye'. Orso is romancing a beautiful woman named Sabine, who is actually his half-sister (they don't know).
Both men eventually cross paths after a victory by Leo. Orso is rejected because Sabine finds out she's his half-sister, Rikke has a falling-out with Leo after Leo refuses to kill her nemesis, a guy he defeated in single combat.
Rikke ends up fucking Orso, and Leo fucks Sabine. Sabine ends up pregnant, and Leo marries her. He later ends up leading a revolt against King Orso (egged on by his wife).
Leo loses, and gets his arm and leg hideously mangled. However, they're saved by the French Revolution, and Orso ends up a prisoner. Leo eventually mounts a coup, and (like a young Napoleon) installs himself as dictator.
Sabine helps Orso escape, so he runs to Rikke. But Leo finds them, and Rikke betrays Orso to Leo for the safety of her people.
In the end, Leo has Orso executed by hanging. However, he's now a cripple who can't fight, and he's in constant pain. His wife also hates him for killing her lover / half-brother. Also, he's planning to go to war against the barbarians when he gets the chance, since he only cares about conquest now.
Rikke ends up in a sexual relationship with a fellow tribesman, a weirdly skeevy guy called the Nail. She's queen of the tribes, but in the absolute last page she sees a future vision showing that everyone will die horribly and there will be an era of awful, apocalyptic bloodshed beyond imagining, led by the children of her defeated rivals.
Any MT news lately?
Show is being recognized by the normalfag fanbase as peak isekai harem slop.
Blu-ray is out tomorrow
Issue 102 of manga should be out and translated soon
Video game is pretty decent.
New cross over just announced for gatcha

OVA could drop in the near future
This actually sounds like a cool story, but also so intensely miserable it's unreadable
Actual harem.
the info that only 2 teenagers were missing was never confirmed in the LNs besides Nanahoshi's crackpot theories, right? Did the anime ironically spoil LN readers?
Kinda, but [Past Rudy] knew that he pulled the other kid out of the way of the truck before he hit Shinohara and Nanahoshi, so at the very least they knew he wasn't dead.
>OVA could drop in the near future
anon, I...
MT is shit and it's fans are as braindead as Rudeus' mom.
Maybe they successfully got rid of his curse.
The LN suggests that he successfully pushes Kuroki Satoshi out of the way and then there was a flash of light behind him (where Nanahoshi and Akito were at the moment).
>She's queen of the tribes, but in the absolute last page she sees a future vision showing that everyone will die horribly and there will be an era of awful, apocalyptic bloodshed beyond imagining, led by the children of her defeated rivals.
so what was the point
Could anybody edit the show to get rid of most of the violence and sex stuff so I could watch it?
no, man up faggot
I don't like seeing blood. It freaks me out especially when it happens to female characters like them being stabbed or whatnot.
As far as I remember, there are only three episodes with blood in them so far. Its not that bloody.
Sex is mostly fade to black, nothimg explicit yet.
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damn that sucks
I think there are 5 episodes:
Ep 5, 14, 21, 24, 47
27 has censored blood but uncensored in the BD.
>good protagonist
Please tell me this is bait.
no it's real and 100% true, your shit taste is terminal, sadly.

you must be really glad they removed the IP count, huh?
>everyone who don't agree is the same person
He is so good. Sequel(if ever written) won’t be the same without him.
I miss the Mf like you wouldn’t believe. In ODT you have Laplace and then in Orc Eroica you have bash but they just don’t bring the banter that Rudy does whether that’s when interacting with other characters or in his inner monologues.

I think Rifu needs to focus on writing a more talkative MC like Rudy next time.
I mean this looks cool but like I can't look at it when that blade connects...I tend to have a better time in reading manga with blood because it's not colored red.
>gets amputated when fighting the hydra and Heracles is kaput
Ok I tried again. I'm surprised roxy is so good at fighting now apparently
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At least Heracles took down the Hydra with him
Roxy is much more experienced than both Sylphie and Rudy. Especially when it comes to combat even though she doesn't have as much mana or chantless casting she still has more fighting sense than those two.
She also kills people without batting an eye while Rudy can have some trouble finishing people off especially those he knows.
We 100% knew this so it isn’t that much of a surprise. Although it’s nice that the anime version confirmed it.
Just realized I meant eris. Roxy is the blue one. Eris is red. And the green one is the Sylphie? Also don't ask me to spell ghisline right.
Ghislaine fuck you
Sounds like you just want suffering porn
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Eris was always a very violent person so she fit right there with the sword mongoloids.
She and her touki improved A LOT during their demon continent adventures. And after it.
She already had the basics down with Ghislaine and then got practical experience thanks to Ruijerd
That guy is pretty good with that spear. Man I wish I liked this show it's animation is very nice. But I just can't get over it's content being what it is.
Quest of Memories game came out but it’s a barebones dungeon crawler with copy/pasted LN and anime content and nothing new.
i know this is bait but the fact that there's people out there who unironically think this is so weird to me
I think it’s unironically hilarious. The derangement from Twitter was especially funny during S1 and not so much in S2 surprisingly .
The truck driver is unharmed, according to the anime. Doubtful that Rifujin would say otherwise.
kino we need a what if
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Roxy can't survive fights like this thoughever
The other anon meant Eris.
im on my hands and knees for that ova announcement
Things I don't like in MT:
Murder, slavery, blood, rudy (but mainly because it makes me sad to think about my own regrets in life).
Things I do like in MT: the girls are hot, animation is neat (the waterball Rudy did was impressive looking), the comedy is ok
>I hate reading and words
>I need pretty girls and shiny objects to distract me from thinking
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MTbros... our response?
was this about that shitty parody series that got cancelled?
Yea I mean. Plus sized elves is the best anime this season. Also Roshidere.
Pretty girls are one of the only reasons to watch anime nowadays for me. We don't really get them in western media like that anymore.
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What youtuber says this? I don't get it why am I baiting if I don't like the content in MT? Is it because it's popular?
Would you like your woman to also love and fuck with two other guys? Although according to your type of writing, you are a whore and a scum of a subhuman. That anon is right, there is no romance and fidelity in this shit
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interestingly enough even isek/a/i general as brainlet as they are understood that Rudeus was nowhere to be seen there and it was Kenja no Mago’s MC that got dunked on. Along with featuring other characters from many other isekai series.

After Rifu as the god-emperor of isekai saw the happening he commented on it saying the dude making money off having blatantly copying characters(and he meant wakaru katachi as in not using an archetype of a character but literally copy/pasting them from other series) is a problem due to copyright ofc but it’s not that big of an issue considering the narou environment.

But obviously when you have say blatant copy not even bothering to change their names like say Subaru with Toyota, Ainz and Ainzz etc etc and then dunking on those characters thus degrading the works of other authors and making money off that, that’s of course a no no.

After the god-emperor Rifujin who is also judge jury and executioner issued his decree it was executed immediately and Kadokawa shut Kakegurui’s authors project down.

One of the better precendents in this industry for sure.
Of course, apart from the anime character design in general, shit
idk what it sais so i have no response.
Roxy used to spend almost her entire time solo-clearing the hardest labyrinths she could find while she was Shirone's Court Magician. She has by far the most combat and adventuring experience of the wives, though Eris is better in a fight because Sword King.
I mean. Logically there's gonna be more women than men around and I'm not sure what the setting of MT is like and if polygamy is common however Rudy does have to try and win the girls over from what I've heard. And this possibly was foreshadow in the first season with him managing to get his dad to make his wife and the maid also have a similar relationship. At the end of the day it's just something to think about if it's morally justified or not. I think of it being more like the writer just didn't want to leave any particular girl un fucked by rudy.
>even though she doesn't have as much mana
Mana means less in a fight between mages, it's stated that most mages don't bother with more than intermediate spells in duels and combat because it'd take too long to cast them from long chant times, you lose the split second especially when solo, so intermediate spells are the bread and butter and those are spammable. One of the reasons Rudeus is so crazy is he has a massive mana pool, so he can spam those high tier spells easily.
Roxy is quicker than most, able to shorten her incantations further. Not to true chantless, but she is noticeably faster than the average or even some of the exceptional human mages.
Big spells are better set up with circles and lots of mages channeling mana into them in a mass battle scenario.
It's pretty cool for Mt to have strong female characters capable of winning fights. Which I can appreciate in a show also having the side characters be competent.
>if I don't like the content in MT
Just phrasing it like that is evidence enough that you don't/can't comprehend anything other than "pretty girl on screen"
There's a difference between not liking something because it tastes bad and not liking it because you can't taste it.
>having the side characters be competent
This alone separates it from the sea of isekai anime available, which are just poorly disguised harem shows with failed shounen elements.
You just want me to like mushoku tensei for more than just the porn it provides. Well I'm not gonna watch the show or read the light novel because I don't want to. It seems like it's kinda depressing. And I prefer happy and more light hearted anime that are easy to consume. Like why should I see the beast people be slaughtered by bandits that sucks. Or child slavery that sucks. It could've just been a fun fantasy show with good animation with some proper romance arcs, and I'd have liked it.
Well it probably helps when the Mc isn't broken with some hax so the side characters can actually fight in major battles and contribute as well. I don't watch isekai like that so I can't say how big a problem this is.
>with good animation with some proper romance arcs, and I'd have liked it
Why waste time and money on animation and writing?
They could put tits and ass on a screen for 24 minutes straight and you'd have liked it.
I'm just trying to say I don't like edgy shit how is that hard to understand you...
I'm not trying to watch stuff that makes me uncomfortable. And I can't be the only one who thinks like that. I mean there's some anime I really like that still make me wish they didn't have to be so dark all the time.
Except it isn't dark or edgy, it's just not contrived like other isekai. You just have a very low tolerance threshold for tragedy.
The darkest it's been is when he asked the dwarven slave girl if she wanted to die. And he wasn't doing that to be edgy, he was empathizing with her since he has mentally been in the same position as her.
Yea I do have a very low tolerance. And I don't find myself wanting to see tragic shit constantly. People have been posting this apparent hydra fight where the dad dies but I don't even wanna look at it. I just think the writer sucks because he had to do it to em besides having him live. Also because yknow rudy got cocky or w/e. Hope he at least didn't suffer.
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They’re really scared of him, couldn’t even parody Rudy or put his name in there. But to be honest what would even be a parody of Rudy. We already have an Oldeus arc it just doesn’t work.
>I don't like spicy food
>picture of the hot sauce used
You're funny but really You're just desensitized to seeing this shit nowadays. But whatever enjoy your goddamn misery porn.
What's even the point of watching a show when everything just doesn't go how you'd want it to. Shits frustrating might as well just make your own story.
The opposite in fact. I have very broad threshold.
Where you can only recognize the tragedy aspect I can glean much more from the same scene than just tragedy. I can feel determination, loss, will, duty, urgency, and even hope.
For you, a spicy food overwhelms your tongue leaving you unable to taste anything else.
For me, I'm able to savor every flavor and ingredient due to my tolerance and threshold for flavor.
Must be nice not having depression lol
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Actually, I'm pretty sure most women do prefer men who are faithful and not polygamous. Have you ever met one?
>he actually believes 4channers greentext babbles to the point of reposting their bullshit, not aware it only makes him look like a retard
What you call depression, we call just being sad.
And we ain't got time to be sad all the time.

And yet she'll always blame the man when ever she's caught cheating.
Curious, isn't it?
Whoa, Anon. It kinda sounds like that comment is coming from a pretty dark, personal place. Almost like you don't really respect women at all. Maybe that's the real reason why you think it's okay to cheat on them with other """"wives"""".
A man who cheats on his wife should be given a stern talk.
A woman who cheats on her husband should be whipped 40 times, have all her teeth punched out, have all her assets confiscated, thrown out to the streets, disowned by both her husband's family and her own family, be made sterile, and whatever progeny she spawned should deny being related to her in any way, and get filth thrown at by old religious nasty hags who enjoy humiliating young women caught being insufficient to their impossible standards.
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Depression isn’t real.
Men and women aren’t the same. Men can cheat but for women it’s a big no no they would be whores and nobody likes whores.
Men and women are not the same.
Holy based.
Btw I like how Kishirika is so faithful.
>coming from a pretty dark, personal place.
the universe is a dark place, otherwise the night wouldn't be so dark.
>Almost like you don't really respect women at all
You shouldn't respect anyone whose IQ is lower than yours OR those who don't take responsibility for their actions.
Badigadi's sister would kick her ass otherwise.
I'm looking for a book to read similar to MT, i like going blind so ill try anything you throw at me. I prefer long books so the longer the better, if i end up liking it 5k pages is not enough.
Preferably a book about someones life from birth to death
You probably don't understand this, but marriage is a social contract. It's not cheating for a man to marry more women, UNLESS, specified by the contract.
No sensible man would agree to a contract that doesn't benefit them. And since it's the man that brings more to the negotiating table it's only right he gets to set the terms. If the woman doesn't like it she can go marry someone else.

Only thing similar that I know of is "Min-Maxing My TRPG Build in Another World"
>marriage is a social contract
Wrong. It's a covenant before God.
But still, based recommendation. Min-Maxing was written by a real fa/tg/uy and features a spider loli childhood friend.
>cheating is bad
>stay monogamous

do americans really propogate this
Our divorce courts are really bad.
>saying anything i don't like is trolling
Mentally ill much?
Explain why you think people should only be allowed to say positive things about the garbage that you like. Threads are not your safe space echo chamber.
Being a pedophile groomer doesn't make you mentally ill
Pretty sure he couldn't even be a groomer, because even his family wanted nothing to do with him, so he had no chance to "groom" anyone.
I have literally never heard of anyone being arrest for Polygymy in the US. They just marry the first wife on paper and the others just live there unofficially.
I like how you are trying to pretend there are countless number of cases where it happens and polygamy is some widely rampant thing. When in reality, just like being a tranny, it's an extreme minority thing.
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All Mormons are polygamists and I never here about them being arrested for polygamy
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>I have literally never heard of anyone being arrest for Polygymy in the US
unlike most countries which are listed on the map US has substantial laws that discriminate polygamy (mostly aimed against the Mormons)
In other countries the "illegality" of polygamy is down to not being able to officially authorise by the state for other purposes like inheritance, divorces, social services or any other legal agreements.
But yeah in the US they can actually punish you for it.
Pic related is the totally not polygamous marriage where both "wives" post on TikTok.
The husband married one, had kids, then divorced her and married the other. They have two houses next to each other, they raise their kids together, the husband still screws his "ex-wife" but they're totally not in a polygamous relationship legally speaking so no one can do anything about it.
I love how you tried to ignore that you exactly the same as woke minorities and just screech super loud.

And it sure is a good thing your first hand personal experiences don't actually reflect reality. In typical woke talking points, you are trying to use your "lived experiences" as proof.

Also, if you love mormans so much, get off the internet.
Nothing of what you just said had anything to do with the question legality or prosecution of polygamy in the US.
Are you an actual bastard or something?
The only people that feel so strongly about polygamy are those whose father don't acknowledge them. Were you born out of wedlock?
You sound pretty triggered. Are you alright?
>The only people that feel so strongly about polygamy are those whose father don't acknowledge them.
This is hilariously delusional considering 90% of the world outlaws the practice of it.
And no, you will never "trigger" anyone, and you're obsessed with thinking you do because it's how you cope with your awful life.
>actually triggered
When's the last time you've seen your father?
Do you even know your father?
My father's birthday is in February, when was your father born?
>You are the stereotypical loser who got bullied in school
projection is strong in this one
You're so obsessed about the existence of Polygamy that you literally make shit to be mad about.
Didn't the big guy had a sister. She single?
Still waiting to hear about how your father.
>She single?
She's a widow.
Probably, she has some sort of personal collections of warriors she kidnapped who she never gives vacation time too.
Not true. She gives 2 years vacation for every 10 years of service.
Because he appeals to perspectivless pedos such as yourself
>And you will never make anyone mad. Stop coping.
he said through tears
So you're saying he appeals to successful business men, politicians, and millionaires?
>side step and name call
Did you mean to talk about yourself there or did your brain not register what you just wrote?
I'm still waiting to hear about your father.
And I meant bastard literally. Do you know your father? Because you've been sidestepping that issue while namecalling me the entire time.
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What is this mental illness called? I guess you would puke all over the place every time you have or see an irl injury
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kek nice
>smartest wife is first
>dumbest wife is last
what did rifujin mean by this
Pretty sure Roxy is the smartest wife.
just normal daily reminder
Roxy has autism, Sylphie is smarter than her.
You'd think so, but then you dig into her past looking for a fateful encounter in random dungeons. and then there's the whole Pax incidents (plural) she indirectly caused.
She's book smart but makes dumb decisions

In the WN it was actual CP and not just a hidden camera video of his niece and he was at home jerking off on the day of his parents funeral to actual CP, too. It's why his brother smashed his PC up and forced him out in a fit of anger.
One of the things that annoys me the most about this work is that the author emphasises that the protagonist doesn't rely on any cheating abilities like other Isekai reincarnation works. However, the point is that Rudy's reincarnation is a cheat because of all the great opportunities he encounters after his reincarnation. The marriage with Sylphy is so simple that it doesn't feel real. Life is full of suffering, and this work emphasises that, but Rudy is simply in easy mode after reincarnation.
So. No mushoku, only tensei. Plot is good though.
In the WN, it was a recording of his niece. LN/anime it was loli porn.
>when his first-life brother tried to convince him to stop wasting away in his room.
I am entirely convinced because of the way the nips view mental illness. That the "convincing" was just U BRING GRET DIHONA SEPUKU URSELF HOW DO THINK THE NEBOURS WILL TALK ABOUT OUR FAMAILY.
The dude was basically tortured, humiliated and sexually assaulted by sociopathic teenagers over a slight. I think his family did him wrong to be honest.
The way to fugging Sylphie with his ED was a struggle thoever
>I think his family did him wrong to be honest.
I can't really fault them either, it's a complicated situation that needs full communication from the affected party about something their society, in particular, chooses to stay silent about.
>The marriage with Sylphy is so simple that it doesn't feel real
Well yes, because Hitogami deliberately set it up that way to give him an easy ride.
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>The marriage with Sylphy is so simple that it doesn't feel real
He was kinda laying the groundwork when they were still children, even Paul was creeped out when he noticed.

>but Rudy is simply in easy mode after reincarnation.
Didn't you know? Japanese Normal Mode is American Hard Mode.

>No mushoku, only tensei
Except it's still mushoku (無色)
It has 2 meanings: Unemployed and Colorless
His life was Colorless/lacking in color
If you paid attention to the hair colors of the girls you'd notice that they represent colors (Blue, Green, and Red, in that order) rather than being primary colors of Red, Blue, and Yellow. On the screen of a CRT tv there are Red, green, and blue sub pixels that combine to make a dot of color. Only when all three are present can you get every color. Rudeus is Colorless before meeting Roxy. Roxy (Blue) gave him his first color by guiding him outside and freeing him from his first trauma allowing him to finally go out into the world. Sylphy (Green) gave him his second color in the form of a friend he could let his guard down and open up to, allowing him to form connections with others and open up. Eris (Red) would give him his third color, it's hard to explain. She taught him what it means to love other people and I don't mean romantically. He was charged with educating her for the sake of earning Sylphy's half of the tuition to join him in going to the magic Academy. What I mean by to love is very close to how a parent raises a child. To consider what they would need to succeed in the future and provide it. he had to consider how to instill all the knowledge she requires to take on the responsibilities of her household as a noble much as how a parent has to teach their child the skills they will need as an adult it's a unique sort of selflessness, to teach. To examine her for who she is and to predict what problems she may face in the future and give her the skills to overcome them.

I need to flesh this out more later
What's the meaning of green turning into white?
The 3 girls each gave him something he didn't have before in his previous life. Aspects that make him actually human.
Before Eris he didn't/couldn't truly love Roxy or Sylphy, He was just sexually attracted to Roxy due to his previous life's fetish and was just grooming Sylphy so that he could fuck her later. He initially was planning the same with Eris but at that point his growth as a person that had been stunted during his time as a NEET had begun to start again. Up until that point he didn't regard Paul and Zenith as his parents in his heart. But the time spent with the Sauros' reminded him of what a family really feels like.

I would say that her green hair was a good representation of her dependence on Rudeus.
She kept it hidden as much as she could since having it out only brought her suffering. Only upon Rudeus commenting that he liked it and being the first friend she ever had she decided it was worth the risk leaving it exposed since it would keep him close. She was Rudeus' only friend and he was her's. The whole reason Rudeus was trying to earn her half of the tuition is because he realized how dependent he made her on him and felt responsible for her.
It even reached the point where Paul had to interfere by force when Rudeus was considering giving up on going to the academy to stay with Sylphy. Of course Sylphy did not take his forceful departure well and was only able to cope due to "bridal training" that Lilia was giving her let her believe that Rudeus will have a reason to come back and the she and Rudeus are as good as already married.
But then the Teleportation incident happen, her world literally turned upside that moment. And she had to adapt quickly or she was certain to die. Her very instinct before this point was to believe Rudeus would come and save her should anything happen. But the reality in front of her, and her own will, knew that was going to happen if she were to just wait for Rudeus.

Given how he was born in a well off family in Japan too and still fucked up his life is kind of the point here.
Take every opportunity you get, no matter your life circumstances. Even if they're easily given to you, and you still don't take them, you're going to end up as a homeless hobo just before your death either way.
So the Moment she Relied on herself of her own will fully she rid herself of her dependance on Rudeus and coincidentally lost the very first thing that connected them together, her green hair. and with that she was no longer the Sylphy Rudeus would recognize. But with the loss of the first Green that allowed him someone to open up to and trust, came the second Green that he could open up to and trust, Ruijerd.
You can't love all the women of your children? You can't love your entire family?
>I can't really fault them either
I can. They failed to protect their son. They failed to seek justice or recompense. They failed to seek professional help. Knowing japs they just cared what the other mothers in the houses next to theirs were shit talking their family. What we see and are told is that they just stood at his door and said dismissive lines at him. Telling him "it will pass" and "get over it" and "your running away".
In my view, Jap Rudy was the way he was because his family failed him. They fucking strung him naked to the school front gate and got away with it.
>Well he should not have been the nail to stand up.
Japs are cowards. It is reflected in their fiction, how broken their values are.
The first Green allowed him to open up to someone else without fear, the second Green allowed him to put his trust into someone else without fear. And it was now his turn to become dependent on someone.
I don't know if it was intentional or not but it just fits to well to be a coincidence.

I'm gonna need to rewatch the anime and reread the LN to refresh.
So does Rudy ever like end the slave trade or something? Or is the plot of it ignored?
Did the LN change Eris calling Gall feminine during their fight or did the official tl take liberties again?
Rudeus is a piece of shit who should die
>end the slave trade
>dude, just like, close the black market
>it's, like, that easy
if money and people exist at any point of time then you'll be able to buy people with money.
Slavery is going to exist so long as there are people to sell, even in the US
So the point of the anime having slavery was to say there's nothing we can do about slavery it's ok just ignore it. Wow what a shit anime it's fans are complete retards.
Women dont like cheaters either
I'm surprised you aren't complaining about the lack of gay marriage as well, if slavery ruffles your jimmies
I'm sure you have enough gay sex to cover for it.
I've got little slave girls for that.
Thanks for your concern, though.

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