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Hiashi is not only a master manipulator, but an award-worthy actor rivaling even Obito.
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New collab
What the hell is this
>Now this trash
Why do they accept money from these piece of shit game companies? Why do suits have no shame?
I checked, and this new one has lots of players. Or maybe the devs are fans.
>this new one has lots of players
All third worlders. And underages. And underaged third worlders. It's a trash game.
Oh look, it's the village hidden in fog (London) symbol.
Freefire is bootleg cs or something
Popular here in brazil
Maybe in china too
I never got this meme. British Police are such cucks that they count butter knives (literal butter knives with no edge) as weapons and they arrest people over it. How the fuck do stabbings become an England meme? Perhaps I'm not taking immigration into account?

Hopefully I don't get b& for off topic for asking, it's just confusing to me.
>England meme?
London has a shit mayor. Never go to London unless you're visiting the royal sites.
>Never go to London unless-
Believe me I'm never setting a foot on that shithole.
good Naruto games?
>Uzumaki Chornicels 1 & 2
>Ultimate Ninja Storm 1 - 4
>Path of the Ninja
>Rise of the Ninja
>Broken Bond
Anbu keep fighting here. It's a problem!
thank you
Why Hinata-chan loves Raikage so damn much?
above is a bot post
don't reply
You don't have to tell us, r*ikageposters fall by their own retardation every time. That's how we discovered they were behind the bort spam, the sakurafagging, the "1schizo" posting, the anti-/nart/ lore complaints and the insults against drawfags.
Shinobi Striker if you're on PlayStation
All Hinata versions have thick purple pubes exactly 17mm long. She only trims once they get longer than that and has never touched a proper razor.
Don't ask how I know this.
Ok I'll tell you. It's my Mangekyo ability. Knowing things.
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>All Hinata versions have thick purple pubes exactly 17mm long. She only trims once they get longer than that and has never touched a proper razor.
>Don't ask how I know this.
>Ok I'll tell you. It's my Mangekyo ability. Knowing things.
Immigrants get away with stabings because they dont want le racist news about immigrants stabbing white people
Is this why she hates Uchiggers? For knowing things about her?
Overall, it's just poors doing poor shit because Parliament keeps fucking things up for everyone.
The HOKAGE would govern better.
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Those... Red eye demons, they keep... Divulging information!
Just... How do they know?!?!
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The first thing you should immediately discard as a possibility is someone leaking information, you know the Hyuga Clan's secrets are all very well kept and no one in the clan (especially not your cute little sister) would ever, ever tell any of your personal stuff to these, um... "oocheegurs"?
If free ramen day and state mandated tradwifes are in his manifesto, I'll vote for Naruto.
Temari abuses Shikamaru so sadly, no.
Naruto, PLEASE give me one.
Sorry, I'm just the Support Hokage (glorified janitor). I suppose I can pass your request to him.
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I have never heard of this game
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I have a new mission for you, /nart/.
It's a Locate & Rescue, with a twist. This is the person in question, Samui of the Cloud. Her last exact location is unknown, but you must bring her to Konoha, permanently. I want her married and with children here. Do not accept no for an answer.
After locating her it will become more of a diplomatic mission, so Genin will not be of much help when trying to convince her. Take 1 Jonin and 3 Chunin of your choosing with you. Attractive Ninja to lure her, or friendly Kunoichi to tell her how good she'd have it. I don't care, we need more genes like that in our village. Just get it done.

In case I did not myself clear, GET HER OUT OF THAT SHITHOLE. Now go!
>Being this new and retarded
The meme in question was against Tsunade.
At least read the fucking thread before replying, faggot.
>That's just a cope you're saying so we don't identify you as a pinkshitter but we all know what you are
Have you forgotten that we've got resident fujos in these threads?
>Have you forgotten that we've got resident fujos in these threads?
There's no females in here. Not a one.
Nta, but not true. We've had a few. And every time they're discovered, the threads are destroyed.
>We've had a few
Not accusing you of lying, but I'm accusing you of being wrong. Probably just some faggots trying to appear feminine online. We have Kibafag (literal fag) spamming us every day, after all.
You don't need to be a girl to be considered a fujoshi nowdays.
Idk man. Do you not remember Sakurafags dumping a 10 page essay on us. Only femoids do that shit. And when they were called out, they said everyone was sexist.
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Uh, what's the sad part?
Brother, Fujo-chan and Madara's wife are a thing.
Hell, the boomers here probably remember Ratface.
What's so funny?
>Do you not remember Sakurafags dumping a 10 page essay on us
I actually do not, because I tend to completely ignore posts that are clearly mentally ill (with the exception of my own, of course).
>And when they were called out, they said everyone was sexist
How long ago did this happen again?

I dunno... Only way to convince me that someone is female in here would be a pussy pic with "/nart/" and timestamp or some kind of medical test with names showing XX chromosomes (i.e. they would have to doxx themselves).
Other than that I simply cannot believe, out of more than a decade of experience, that there are any actual females in blue boards. Anything that doesn't provide either of those two things explicitly is just a faggot in my eyes.
Wether or not those people actually had pussies doesn't matter, my point was that there were plenty of people that thinks Sasuke is a fag.
>How long ago did this happen again?
It was like last month.
>Only way to convince me that someone is female in here would be a pussy pic with "/nart/" and timestamp or some kind of medical test with names showing XX chromosomes (i.e. they would have to doxx themselves).
What's your autism spectrum?
>there were plenty of people that thinks Sasuke is a fag
But he isn't, so it really doesn't matter what they think. Why even acknowledge their existence?

>It was like last month
In that case I definitely ignored that on purpose.

In the red, apparently.
>But he isn't
Doesn't manter, look at the reply chain.
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Sit down bitch, if Shikamaru doesn't send you to the kitchen where you belong then HE will.
The question now is... How did SHE know?
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It will be done my lord
DO NOT TAKE CHOJI or he will fuck all the black girls in Kumo.
Speaking of Obito, why did the series make such a big deal of revealing his identity? It's like 300 chapters of 'OoOoOoOh who can this mystery spiral-head be? Is it Madara? stay tuned to find out!' but they literally show him in the first chapters of part 2. I get that none of the characters knew but it feels like it was supposed to be some big dramatic plot twist.
Before taking off the mask
>Tobi can't be Obito it would be too obvious I mean look at the names everyone would figure it out in a second, no one can be this much of a hack, it can't be him
After taking off the mask
>I can't fucking believe Kishi actually went through with this shit
what would a battle shonen look like without powerlevel faggotry?
There are no power levels in Naruto.
Kengan Asura.
>more focus on matchups
>skill gaps are more noticeable but hardly unassailable
>a lot more strategy
Naruto never even had real powerlevel faggotry. It was more like, part 1 has all of the younger characters be at more or less the same level (with outliers like Naruto when he loses control), and all of the higher-ranking ninja wreck them easily based on experience and skill.

In part 2 it's the same thing, only every single ninja is a grunt, while Naruto and Madara (or Pain earlier on) outclass them by ridiculous amounts. It's not reallly powerlevel stuff, it's power gap stuff.
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pinkshits BTFO
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Shinkibros we're eating good
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>fujo chan
It appears I have made the retarded bakas mad in the last thread desu...I didn't know that my true and based opinions made anon-chans so upset with the true word! !Σ( ̄□ ̄;)
Fuck off aBortion.
See? Just another filthy homosexual. No women here. Not in /a/ but particularly not in the Naruto thread.
why does the text go how it would in an eng comic?
right then down?
instead of down and then to the left line how a jp manga would have it?
>nasty projection fantasies from a faggot
If you want to pretend to be in a thread of all men then you're a gay retarded faggot anon-chan...why do you think of men so much desu? (( ̄_| don't push your tranny fantasies on me desu. Fujos are women only! A ugly smelly man like you can't comprehend a fujo mind, my love for yaoi is pure desu! I'll talk about my cute uke Naruto till the day I die!
Didn't read btw
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Anon-chan...do you really believe that? I'd think it's a joke but some Anon-chans really are that much of a baka desu. It's fake (; ・`ω・´)
where is gaara and his retarded haircut?
that's the only important question here
You just HAD to summon him didn't you?
that explains why the text looks fucked.
and on further inspection, it has decent backgrounds which ikemoto can't draw.
so yeah, it's fake.
not a burritofag either btw
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>didn't read
Sure you didn't anon-chan...you just wanted a response back from yours truly...Fujo-Chan. No need to act tsundere about it teme. It's so funny if it wasn't so embarrassing (¬∀¬) you can get my attention if you talk about naruto promise I won't rid you off the face of the earth if you stop acting like a ugly baka
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I'm not summoned you ugly pig! I come whenever I feel like it desu. There was nothing interesting happening expect that boring overused meme of Hanabi so I left for a break you baka. The content is so dry even with Boruto no one js able to do anything but do fanfiction and be schizos desu. And it's HER, but you don't get the privilege of mentioning me again you retard ((( ̄へ ̄井)
Memoryholed. 90% of Naruto was.
>I come back to see fujo and bort here
uh oh
i guess i should at least be happy i don't have to see his retarded haircut again.
but it's still a shame burrito ended up relegating old naruto chars to oblivion so burrito could be in the spotlight.
burrito sucks
yeah, I gave up on it long ago.
Ignore him and he will go away.
i'm just gonna remind everyone of this again and then leave
Bort thread made for leaks
Nobody cares aBortion.
I’m helping you dumbass
>Acknowledging the existence of bort
You are not helping at all. How dare you call ME a dumbass.
I don't like bort either what's your point desu...if you weren't here for my commentary where I've mentioned many times about my distatse for the show then you're retarded and new anon-chan.
That is obvious anon-chan. They even ruined Naruto-chan nothing is sacred anymore desu. All legacy characters either apparently don't exist or they're braindead and dumb. (  ̄- ̄) it's so aggravating and disheartening. It doesn't help that even trying to do that it doesn't fix the boruto characters. Now they're still awful while making old characters legacies bad. Anon-chan I remember vividly when I thought with a sliver of a chance the time skip could change things around. Kawaki WAS a decent character, my favortive in Boruto only, I loved kawanaru desu. Everything is garbage.
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Hanabi's succulent toes
Back off degenerate, those are for Sasuke only and he's not a footfag.
asshole move lel
Temari is a cunt.
why didn't temari get bonding sessions with gaara like kankuro did?
>Woman in a Kishi manga
That's why.
cool, thanks!
The one that spams isn’t a Kibafag, just a general fag who spams gay art of all kinds of guys randomly. Usually when people complain.
hey there's a ton of great females that do a lot of stuff in Naruto!
there's uh.....um....
Tsunade was cool for uh that one fight
and um
G-Granny Chiyo
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Hey this girl is looking really menacing and powerful, she could even be stronger than-
>It's a boy
o- oh...
The most iconic OP of the mid 2000s
90% of the femboys in Naruto pretty much
>"This Sakon girl is- wait that's a guy's name nevermind."
>"Oh wow this Sai chick is pretty cool, I wonder wh- oh that's a guy."
>"Deidara is holding her own pretty good, she- oh that's a guy."
No one ever, EVER thought Sai was a girl.
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>"This much be Orochimaru's hideout!"
>"Really? How can you tell?"
>"......Call it a hunch."
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uh huh...
I think you're just a faggot, ever thought about it?
why so hostile?
I'm being serious. There's nothing about that that makes me think of Sai as a girl.
borts are fucking pathetic.
Why does he look like that? Ikemoto ruined yet another design.
You can't ruin something that was already shit.
Don't know who that guy is btw
Naruto is a gateway anime of the worst kind. It's a bad series, a clusterfuck of story and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive shipping faggotry and DARKNESS. The normal anon can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the series itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.

However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for aspie, unsociable underageb& faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The superpowered characters all trying their hardest to look cool, the jutsus, peculiar, colorful clothes, the whole ninja faggotry and everything about the Naruto world fuels their escapist fantasies, while the pity-party character backgrounds, emphasis on revenge, and overall preachiness of the series make it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes little kiddies and underageb& retards eat this shit right the fuck up.

Naruto is basically THE series to attract the most hated anime fanbase known to /a/, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every anon to troll the fuck out of this show and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no Naruto threads ever encourage the newfriends to show their faces here.
Fuck offf
>page 10
/nart/... You're still too weak. You don't have enough hate.

How do you get so far in the manga industry without being able to draw? Every design is absolute dogshit.

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