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Chapter 572 - The Times They are a-Changin'
Last Thread (566-571): >>268777776
The Beginning: https://desuarchive.org/a/thread/246835384
Previous Chapters: https://desuarchive.org/a/search/subject/Daily%20One%20Piece%20Chapter/
Arc List: https://pastebin.com/fjeg9Qwa

We are on the cruise!
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Reminder to keep all discussion of future chapters that haven't been posted yet under spoiler tags / images. This series may be 2 decades old and unfinished, but this may be some Anon's first experience with One Piece.
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The Final Orders of a Captain!
End of Chapter.
Tomorrow: The Name of this Era is "Whitebeard"
Thanks OP.
Thanks for the dump
Rocks Pirates reveal.
Thanks, OP.
these marines wear cloaks implying they're relatively high-ranked but don't seem to be haki-users
I love that Ace and Luffy panel so much
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considering the past chapters I can only conclude Sengoku got his job for his good looks. Damn!
I wish I was that sloth
based doflamingo
Haki is a specialty of the Kuja clan at this point in the lore, until it was retconned
Only some very few exceptions exist
How many times do I have to post this until everyone understands?
He must have some real "chosen one" energy considering he has a zoan that turns him into a godly figure
Thanks OP OP
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>Haki is a specialty of the Kuja clan at this point in the lore, until it was retconned
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One of the few things we have confirmation that Oda didn’t planned was Ace being Roger's son. I believe the design change from his first introduction in Alabasta was because of this new lore
this just proves how retarded squard is
he is sacrificing the only remaining usable ship to... buy the whitebeard pirates time to... swim to the next island?
Thanks OP
this green-sleeved guy got featured a lot but we never get to see his skillset
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h-haha I hope noone turns back now!
people overcome with guilt tend to not think rationally
We literally see haki before the Kujas were introduced, retard.
Thanks OP for the daily OP!
I think this is one of the best volume covers of the manga
Sweet, only 549 plus some yet unreleased chapters to go
Thank you OP.
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The Alpha of Awe. The Brute of Brawn. The Cultivator of Class. The Duke of Domination. The Emperor of Eloquence. The Fiercest of Fighters. The Greatest of Glory. The Height of Heroism. The Imperator of Intellectualism. The Jarl of Justice. The King of Knights. The Lord of Loquaciousness. The Master of Mortality. The Naysayer of Noobs. The Overlord of Obituaries. The Prince of Passion. The Que-hagen of Quixote. The Ruler of Ruination. The Sultan of Smite. The Taskmaster of Trembles. The Undertaker of Ubiquity. The Vaeyen of Vociferousness. The Warranter of Weaklings. The Xenophobe of Xenogeny. The Yardmaster of Yesteryear. The Zhar of Zoroastrianism.


Thanks OP
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t...tomorrow, right?
thanks OP,
we are close to ace's worst decision that cost the entire war to free to amount to nothing, and wasted the entire effort of all pirates that participated/and have died
NTA but at that point is was just Rayleigh, Shanks, Whitebeard, Luffy, Hancock and Sentomaru. Beside Sentomaru it's all top tiers and the main character so it's still fit the anon opinion
If it wasn't for the childhood flashback Ace would have probably been a much less loved character
>Ace is immune to sword slashes
Buggy made redundant
How did Mr 3 even reach that platform in first place and did he wants to kill Ace at first?
No, it isn't, never was.
>until it was retconned
You mean, until you were given contradictory information to your empty headcanon. You keep posting it because you're wrong and retarded. Literally nobody treated Haki as Kuja-exclusive.
>besides the character that first openly demonstrated Armament and wasn't treated as a gag, it's just something literally everyone but Kuja were using and referencing
So why would anyone convince themselves it was a Kuja-exclusive move when it was exactly what Sentomaru already did, midwit. You weren't even fucking born when those chapters came out, don't talk like you know what people were saying in 2009-10.
I think you mean completely consistent character writing that fulfills Ace's role in the story and was literally one of the main things he would die to preserve, in a way that gives Ace more agency over his own death which was entirely what the WB pirates fought for, Ace's freedom. WB was never trying to make Ace King, nor did any of the WB pirates have any expectations beyond protecting family like WB inspired them to. Hell, WB showed up ready to die, Ace didn't cause the disintegration of the WB pirates, they were doomed from the moment they set sail. Everyone that fought for Whitebeard was willing to do so, because of what he inspired, knowing the risks. Their lives weren't wasted to them.
>> WB was never trying to make Ace King, nor did any of the WB pirates have any expectations beyond protecting family like WB inspired them to. Hell, WB showed up ready to die, Ace didn't cause the disintegration of the WB pirates, they were doomed from the moment they set sail. Everyone that fought for Whitebeard was willing to do so, because of what he inspired, knowing the risks. Their lives weren't wasted to them.
what was the whole reason for the war against the marine again? is it for WB pirates to die or is it to rescue ace?
did they accomplish it? almost, but then ace gets pissed because akainu called WB a coward and loser because they are now running away after rescuing him is pure mronic, other WB pirates even called out to him to keep running and dont get provoked, what did he do then? he fought akainu instead and cost him his life, so what would you call the effort of the WB pirates then? did they accomplish what they come after or is it a wasted effort for nothing and death?
>Beside Sentomaru it's all top tiers
Still is. Haki is canonically a VA-tier ability, and there's plenty of characters in the new world that don't have it. It's just that OP is at the point where it doesn't make sense for Luffy to fight people that aren't already capable of using haki.
>No ship can carry me into the new age.
Always loved this line. Glad Viz didn't completely butcher the translation.
>did they accomplish what they come after or is it a wasted effort for nothing and death?
Well technically they did free Ace so yeah I'd say they accomplished their goals.
They got to fight and support Whitebeard until his death, as opposed to fighting and supporting Whitebeard until his death. They succeeded. Ace was doomed since childhood to die the way he did, but he got to go out in his own way while protecting his brother who came so far to rescue him. Ace died free and completely loved even for being a fuckup and apologized the whole way for it. Yeah, I think they did very well considering they all signed up to fucking die anyway regardless of the result.
Thanks OP
It looks so simple...
Was it planned at least that Luffy and Ace weren’t related by blood? Ace doesn’t really look like Luffy even here and they do have different last names
Thanks OP, Luffy and Ace fighting together is so kino
Not him but even now they look similar enough to me to believe they're bio brothers, especially in the OP universe. The last name thing was an obvious hint at something more, but that exact something could go in a lot of different directions.
It's OPs biggest flaw IMO. Battles are strictly for progressing a story and some flashy entertainment, no one is going for the kill until the plot says it's time.

I kinda have similar complaints since the execution time changed. Splat Ace, right now. Sengoku's just comes off weird, he's a stickler for protocol (executioners must land the blow, unless something major happens (but it already has, twice)) but happily plays CD dog and revels in the misinformation game.
I like it. There are times I want to know more and things speed up.

He's writing like 50% of the story on the fly, so I assume the omitted stuff is often the minor grunts info. When do we get to see the manuscript image where he's showing off his note books for future arcs? Or that wasn't in an SBS?
Why isn't he always gold?

If the logic is that Luffy IS rubber at all times he's either still different to sengoku, or always in hybrid? Was golden mode Sengoku's awakening, and without tapping into it he's what? Zen? Smart? What fucking attribute of the Bhudda does he have other than turning into a gold statue?

I don't think we'll get answers outside of some addition GV scenes, I think his time in the main story is over.
Sengoku is in his human form most of the time whereas we can assume Luffy is constantly in hybrid form probably.
Whitebeard is extraordinarily based
This and Garp purposefully losing to luffy are some of the many amazing emotional parts of this arc
iirc in an SBS Oda said that if a human ate a human human fruit they became enlightened. Maybe some of Luffy's battle sense isn't just some intuition he has from growing up the way he did but simply just another side effect of his fruit. Sengoku might have the same thing but with intelligence and calm rather than battle sense. Or maybe Chopper's human fruit is intelligence and Sengoku got the short end of the stick and just ended up with being very forgiving
Chopper got the intelligence from the human nature in his fruit the same way Lucci gets his ferocity. The term Oda uses isn't enlightenment, it's "more human" according to a translation I trust, but I've never seen the raws. The terminology for Sengoku's fruit is a bit strange, since it's Daibutsu (statue) instead of just buddha. That could have been for fun's sake to draw him as gold, but I take it the same as Gear 5: human plus human equals human, only awakening can exalt it to its ultimate form. Nika's properties passively are rubbery body, Daibutsu/Buddha's passive qualities are his expanded mind and understanding. I imagine Sengoku became like Buddha just because of the fruit giving him his insight.
Thank you for posting.
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Come for the chapter, stay for the One Piece scholarship
I think it's entirely fair to call Ace's actions consistent with his established character and the best direction for the story to move in, but on a pure personal level also a complete dick-move that harmed his friends and family in ways that they could never recover from.
>Buggy vs Mihawk (Buggy got 0 damage)
The flashback kind of hurts this dynamic since most of what they showed was Sabo being the bridge between these two.
Can you still fight, Bumpffy?!
the luffy ace tag team is great
i hope the same happens with sabo in the final war against akainu
No, it's over...
we are
Bump Piece
>It's been a long journey.
>Let's sage this thread once and for all, janny!
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Chapter 573 - The Name of this Era is "Whitebeard"
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>for extra realism he didn't even tank the fall
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>important video feed
>goes offline due to the government not wanting the broadcast to happen
>comes back online anyways after some time
I sure hope this doesn't happen again in the series
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>don't let the old man's sacrifice go to waste!!
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>visible confusion
>wasn't even trying to do anything at first
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Did you think this war would have a happy ending? That everyone would escape alive and well and they'd party just like in previous islands? Well sometimes things just don't turn out that way.
End of Chapter and Volume 58.
Tomorrow: The Death of Portgas D. Ace
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As a bonus, here are the Usopp Gallery Pirates submissions from the original Japanese release of Volume 58.
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>"Don't worry, I won't!"
>literally 10 seconds later: >>269017003
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Armament haki being common in the New World was definitely a retcon
Funniest thing is that Luffy also didn't learn this lesson 2 years later.
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he learned the lesson, now people dies and he still laughs
its OVER...
Did people noticed akainu's confusion back in the day or it was a recent thing?
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It was caught back in the day. Ace dies because he got caught by an extremely childish insult by a sore loser.
Factually what happened.
That was at the beginning. They spent more time together without him than with him
Nigga you're fucking stupid.
meta abilities are the bane of shonens
it always, always ruins the vibe
I noticed it on my first reread like 8 or 9 years ago. Makes the whole situation that much stupider/funnier
I completely forgot that Ace died before Whitebeard. The last few years I was pretty firmly under the impression that Whitebeard died standing proud and firm in assurance that he succeeded in rescuing Ace and the rest of his family, and that Ace died afterwards in a tragic gutpunch that could have been easily avoided. My entire understanding of the Akainu-Ace-dynamic was built on the idea that Akainu was trashtalking the recently deceased and the life he led, hence why Ace got so aggressive in talking back. He was defending Whitebeard because Whitebeard couldn't defend himself anymore. I'm actually a little disappointed, I think I liked my version better.
You free /a/ce then turn tail and run eh? The Bumpbeard Pirates are a pack of cowards. But considering who your leader is, that's no surprise! Bumpbeard is a loser from a bygone thread!
>Armament haki being common in the New World was definitely a retcon
It isn't, though. The only places it's "common" are Emperor crews and Vice-Admiral and up. Only Doflamingo's top three and Bellamy could use Armament. Only a handful in Wano could even use it, and most of Germa can't even use it. Only three other members on Luffy's crew can use Armament. What you're posting is Ace being un-used to being hit, which doesn't retcon against anything. As long as he's not fighting another Emperor's crew (which the Emperors aren't known for doing anyway) he'd be taking out opportunistic scrubs for Whitebeard or doing the despot takedown like Luffy.
Blogpost: I stopped reading one piece around drum island the first time around, but I remember reading this chapter in an issue of Shonen Jump back when it was still published in the US. When I eventually picked it back up I still absolutely flew through impel down to the war, even knowing how it ended it was still so exciting. I still like a lot of what comes after this, but Water 7 through marineford will always be the peak of the series to me
the color and effects contrast between Ace and Akainu's flames is really nice, color team did a great job here.
Thanks OP
Long live Akainu
The floor can use haki
I forgot this exchange, it's really bittersweet.
I can proudly say "I was there" when people spent entire months autistically arguing whether magma can scientifically "burn" fire.
My god, I almost want to kill myself just remembering.
Wasn't there when the chapter released but still got to see those arguments years later
ah yes, the floor is made of stone mined on the Kuja island, makes sense
I trust Ace completely here.
Goddamn it, this is touching.
>not even Akainu can believe this bullshit
>their sons are blood-brothers
Either high IQ foreshadowing or Viz fucked up again.
Thanks, OP.
Would have been less sad.
>their sons are blood-brothers
We know they aren't related from the Roger reveal, anon, the only reason they'd call each other kin then is if they're blood brothers.
why did you have to bring that up, I'm getting vietnam-flashbacks
can magma burn steel beams?
>Randomly shit talks. This somehow prompted the guy who's life we fight over to turn around
The horror, the horror

Thanks OP OP
Or if Rouge is Luffy's mom.
You mean the one that died giving birth to Ace?
Dragon like them cold

This is the last time an admiral felt intimidating

i was so hyped with Marinford, I didn't realise at the time, but i think peak OP was around this chapter. It's all downhill from here.
I'm one of the people who will continue insisting that One Piece is still good even post-timeskip, although certainly not to the instanely high standards of pre-timeskip, and I will admit that the writing in Wano and Egghead has been questionable.
Everyone captain and up gets to wear the coat. The captains during the Enies Lobby Buster Call all had cloaks and they were fodder.
Honestly, he doesn't even feel all that intimidating here. With Aokiji generally being somewhat of a chill softie and Akainu getting the punch on Ace less because of his abilities and more of Ace being a fucking moron, along with all 3 staring down Luffy and somehow letting him slip by, it instead feels like Kizaru in Sabaody was the only time an Admiral has been truly threatening so far. Everyone spends their time flipping shit about him coming, he makes one hell of an entrance, and then shows to everyone that they're not worth his concern but they're absolutely all still going to die.
Are you forgetting the "Whitebeard stabs Aokiji with Haki but he still dodged" panel? Ace could've dodged a Haki punch, even when grabbed, by turning his body into fire around it if not for Blackbeard taking his power away.
Fodder to pretty much any named character, but not to other fodder. Crazy that the Marines have over a hundred thousand people that are Captain rank and above. I guess it makes sense considering that they're the ones who have to police all four blues + the Grand Line.
Acebros... we got banned....
>It's the three moderators! Why do they look even scarier than the jannies?!
Thanks OP
Ace is such an idiot
Oh i still think One piece is good, and i'm even enjoying egghead. But post timeskip OP doesn't feel as good as pre timeskip, and rereading these chapters is solidfying that this isn't nostalgia.
Whitebeard is such a cool dad..

Honestly I get why Ace is mad here. Akainu is shittalking Whitebeard when he doesn't know shit about him and his dreams.

I think it makes sense for Ace to react as strongly because he knows Whitebeard isn't coming out alive, so he doesn't want to send him off by letting someone shittalk him. And Whitebeard's reaction to it is part of what made him so memorable to me.
I doubt Ace running some extra distance would have stopped Akainu from targeting either a tired Luffy stumbling or just Ace directly. Hence the whole ordeal being called wasted is a bit silly. Instead we have a better moment for ace to die standing up to lava man for his belief in white beard.
Would anyone really argue they would outrun a logia with a small lead? Luffy being there held Ace back regardless and no one could probably tank the magma strikes without dying.
Thanks OP. We are close to dive down and enter the time skip and leave these threads. Will miss this shit
>Instead we have a better moment for ace to die standing up to lava man for his belief in white beard
Ace died literally to a "youre dad gay lmao" provication
you can't get much dumber than that
if Ace died to Akainu chasing him down that would have been better imho
Seeing ace get so confrontational over someone shittalking whitebeard makes luffy flashing back to ace while getting mocked by bellamy and doing nothing really at odds
Anyways, thank you OP.
Frankly, Egghead is on track to be a top 3 arc. Some questionable writing aside the theming is on point and the answers it has for the biggest mystery going into the timeskip (besides, yknow) are incredibly gratifying and make complete sense. The new questions asked and the clash of future and past are great and Oda finally did something I was hoping he would after Wano and just skip act 2 straight to the point after cutting away.
It's funny when you put it this way.
I guess, he is a human fruit and not some paramecia statue statue: model diabutsu. Just more weirdness on the table of 'categorization as presented makes no fucking sense'.
Sweet, only 548 plus some yet unreleased chapters to go
Some one really should have knocked Ace out, or that guy who unlocked Marco's cuffs should have slapped them on Ace. Can't cure prideful stupid.
Does he flashback to ace at that part? I thought it was just shanks
IIRC no. Magma is like 700-900c, most steel (alloys, assuming no titanium/tungsten) are in the 1300-1500c range. Just watch some vids of people making magma to burn random shit.
Ace is more mature than Luffy but also more of a hothead
It's more that we go on a couple arcs of lower stakes, where the crew are back to being the bigger fish. Some people hate the switch to the world focus but I love it, I would also have liked more time for the crew and randos, but some of the randos, especially with Dessrosa fell flat. I was under the impression that Dressrosa was going to be the MF 2.0 clusterfuck because basically every faction was present.

Wano only dragged because the various teams were again flat and weak. They existed to show the scale and factions, but most turned out to just be fodder rather than having a real role to play (ninjas, numbers etc). This is the curse of watching to show more and have a larger world, but not having the time/platform to do it. Oda wants to end Soon™ but also wants to have some tidbits thrown in for randos.

Egghead has been great, those complaining about the broadcast clearly wanted the infodump that thematically belongs to Robin to deliver.
When there are no chapters left we could post the episodes in frames

>>how to waste and turn the entire operation saving 2nd commander ace into nothing burger

i know ace's death is needed for the story but to die there right after just freeing him for like 5mins is just mronic,
WB is willing to sacrifice his life for his family and ace should know that given they have like the entire war just for him, he should have ignored it like other WB pirates did
It’s also weird considering Whitebeard is still alive and able to defend his own honor at this point. Like another anon said I think it might work a little better if Whitebeard is already dead
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I can accept this, it just shows that Ace has flaws, even if they are not agreeable, I'm sure if had Ace survived and someone else had died instead, he could've recognised his mistake and know when and when not to let your hot head consume you and trouble your shipmates...
I always thought the anime version of this scene was even funnier because the moment Akainu sees how upset Ace got at his words, he goes into an entire speech talking about how awesome Roger was and how despite being a Marine Admiral so he really shouldn't be saying this, but Roger really was such a cool guy and a true king unlike Whitebeard. The man even takes off his hat and slicks back his hair as he praises Roger, all for the purpose of pissing off Ace.
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We are!
We Are!
>nobody...calls pops...a chicken.
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god, I remember reading this for the first time, and I could not fucking believe that this shit happened.
a gut-punch in more ways then one
I know this is an unpopular opinion but I feel like there's a problem when the core of this whole arc and battle is centered around two characters we barely knew or saw before the arc happened and one of them is a moron who gets himself and a whole bunch of people killed for no reason. Like sure, we care about Ace because Luffy cares about him but Ace on his own wasn't much of a character before Marineford began. And then this happened. And Whitebeard was even less of a character.
The anime version made it seem as if Akainu began insulting WB on purpose to rile them up rather than he just thinking outloud. Although the hat shit is a fucking hilarious flex.
marineford is supposed to show just how out of the league of the upper echelons luffy is.

Luffy's shenanigans are all big to him...but fucking NOTHING in the grand scheme of things.
I don't buy that, though. He already took down 2 warlords and Rob Lucci, which places him as one of the strongest characters already.
the warlords are almost all stationed in Paradise for a reason though, and lucci isn't even vice admiral tier at this point. This is showing off the new world, and the people who can actually COMPETE with admirals. Remember how luffy got clowned on by two of them? How hard the ENTIRE CREW had to work to take down a SINGLE pacifista? Then you get here and literal no-names are taking them out singlehandedly, and the admirals are struggling with crewmembers, not even whitebeard himself.

fucking petty officers were learning rokushiki by this point. Sure, Lucci was the strongest ever CP9 agent, but he's a BITCH compared to CP0 or higher ranking marines.
Luffy having a lack of interaction with people has never stopped how far he was willing to go for them before.
>one of them is a moron who gets himself and a whole bunch of people killed for no reason
People risking their lives in Whitebeard's name to save Ace is not Ace's fault. That's their own decisions and Whitebeard gave them several outs, they were there because they wanted to be.
>And Whitebeard was even less of a character.
Whitebeard is given characterization in small bits and then gets several huge moments in this arc. We know from Ace's introduction that WB is the most important person to him, we know from Ace's mission that he sees Blackbeard's betrayal as unforgivable and learn he's doing it in spite of WB's guidance. Whitebeard shows up, takes responsibility for Ace's decision immediately to assuage his guilt and goes all out to rescue him, with the implicit knowledge he's going to die in the process, because this is what's important to him. He immediately forgives the same kind of betrayal as Blackbeard's because Squard was speaking from a place of caring about his family, like Whitebeard does. He gives his support a means of escape and then covers the front line himself to give them a means to do so. Just going in you may not know much about Whitebeard but he leaves an immense impression and never felt like the focus for him was unimportant or undeserved. We only get a few crews where the members unflinchingly follow and respect their captain, and Whitebeard is one of them. Crocodile was too cold and business oriented, Enel is just a despotic ruler, Spandam is a corrupt official, Hody, Big Mom and Kaido rule too much through fear, Caesar through deception, and Doflamingo is fealty by proxy. Whitebeard proves himself this arc and goes out like an absolute master.
Ace you had one job.
Noooooo Goddamit.
Getting killed running away like one of the other random nameless pirates would be better for you as closure on Aces story? Sounds super lame and I'd take the current childish and stupid aggro moment instead. I guess it would be more sane and realistic but still a very awkward death for someone like ace.
sengoku's power are the shockwaves, maybe he can always use them. after all we see marco having the phoenix flames when he gets hit in human form, like he's constantly a flaming phoenix below the human body.
the transformation is probably just a boost to the abilities
Man, I'll never forget 7 year old me not knowing a thing about One Piece but absolutely losing my mind to the Marine Ford AMV.
This is one of the moments I remember the most clearly.
They defined made it a bit more believable.
KWAB. thanks OP.
Okay so Oda has said that the Magu Magu No Mi out of all devil fruits has the most out right offensive power and Akainu had presumably decades of Experience with his fruit over Ace so that's my cope with this scene.
>not "Was I a good father?"
Viz can't keep getting away with this.
>We have to bump!! Don't let OP's sacrifice go to waste!!
>OP is a loser from a bygone era!
>what would they feel like
>eh, bags of sand
>just how out of the league Luffy is
It doesn't really do a good job of it, considering the people he's stood alongside, the charges he lead, the freaking Admirals he stared down, and so on over the course of this arc.

Sabooty does a better job as the Straw Hats are just completely fucked up in seconds by Kuma, especially since they're just completely gone and leave no trace behind. If it was anyone else, they would've been effectively disintegrated, their friends/family/ship abandoned with no answer on what happened to them, and they would've been quietly forgotten by the world, and that's harrowing to think about.

Compared to that, Luffy just feels outclassed, but not nearly in as devastating of a way. Hell, Oda didn't even take the chance to have it so Luffy failed to protect Ace so he can break down about being too weak to save him, as Ace effectively chose suicide.
>Don't worry, I won't!
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bah. OP is a coward and a loser, just like his bumping father.
Does his tattoo imply he tried to spell his name and couldn't so he had to cross out a letter and try again? Also it's a sad moment but i forgot the reason it happens was because he was stupid enough to fail for Akainu's bait which makes me want to say he's an idiot for getting himself killed.
Honestly the bait alone is what lessens the impact. If akainu was just "i will end the sons of dragon and roger myself" and went at luffy and ace took the hit, it would be a sweet and noble sacrifice instead of this having to happen because ace had to fall for the oldest trick in the book.
Thanks OP for the daily OP!
Any person with a brain should know that the real infodump about the Void Century will be at Laugh Tale, Roger and his crew literally got it there. The real problem with the broadcast is it's length, the people in universe getting to know some of the hidden history of the world is important but since the fans already know those things Oda should have make it just a couple of chapters long instead of making us wait for months.
I never get tired of seeing this one.
>... A sager?
Imoot-sama, they're here.
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Can we bump much higher
I remember this happened around the same time everybody stabbed Hinamori thanks to Aizen's shenanigans in Bleach so there were edits of Hinamori with this page
We can make it!
sasuga ace
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Chapter 574 - The Death of Portgas D. Ace
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Why tf is Aokiji surprised?
>can't believe Akainu saved the execution just by venting
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Glad he enjoyed the life he had. No regrets as he vouched.
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Brothers Forever.
End of Chapter.
Tomorrow: Voiceless Rage
Based for actually understanding characters beyond the surface that autists do, where a character's sacrifice only means something if they end up killing a villain or something in the process.
Thanks OP.
I remember how everyone made out Dadan to be some kind of mystical powerful figure but it ended up just being a random old lady who doesn't really play much role outside the flashback
>You haki users can be such a handful
What the hell is going on here? Both Marco and Vista are using haki attacks but can't hurt Akainu??
>inb4 the same trick aokiji used a few chapters ago
No, I do not accept that answer
Poor Garp.
Law should have came up to help Ace here desu
>Yeah. It reminds me of Retcon. If I didn't have a little brother that needed to be taken care of... I would've given up then.
What did Oda mean by this?
>died like a retard
compared to this Bon Clays death scene was infinitely more impactful
>that face
I always assumed that he just had stronger haki and as a result his intangibility wasn't negated.
>2 + 2, what the fuck is going on here?
>And don't say 4, I won't accept that answer
Thanks OP
Haki doesn't negate an ability like seastone does it? It seems to me that it just allows you to harm DF users including logias. I'm a new reader so maybe I got it messed up but that's what it seems like to me.
Like for example a haki infused bullet would bounce off Luffy like normal but he would still be damaged by it, or is that wrong?
Imagine if we had the name dropped much earlier and all the theories
>haki infused bullet
there is no such thing
haki attacks only work in melee range
Always understood why people ripped on his death as hard as they did. Ace never had much going for him in his life to begin with, and here he died on his own terms protecting the two things he did have. Whitebeard and his brother.
Pretty sure the Kuja infuse haki in their arrows
Well okay then someone hits him with a rock filled with haki. Does he still deform like he's rubber?
I'm retarded
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Are you telling me he just made a hole in his own body, with the size of a cut a sword would make, exactly evading Vista's sword attack?
This is not even a retcon, as it was already established that haki attacks can hurt logia users. This is just Oda fucking up
good old jinbei
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The more things change the more they stay the same
Who the fuck is sabo?
Observation Haki lets you predict enemy attacks. A logia user can reform their body at will. Put these two together and yes, it is very much possible for someone to get so advanced they just dodge by reshaping their bodies around enemy attacks. We see Katakuri do exactly this later on.
Lmao, Admiral Fags in shambles this arc
And Bon Clay didn't even die lmao
its okay other characters have recive worse injuries, this will just come back later when Ace is fighting someone and loses due to the lasting damage that akainu left
Akainus Haki is stronger, no I'm not joking that's the reason. If your Haki is stronger then someone else's you won't be hurt by their attacks.
Garp could have for sure murdered Sakazuki here so I'm curious when exactly he became the "Strongest Marine in history"
Thanks, OP.
Because autistic losers who only see the world through "logic", and expect human beings to only make purely logical decisions, don't care or understand about how people actually think and work. They think they're so smart, but they're too dumb to understand people.
Maybe that was the original intention when Oda first designed him, but it's a tribute to Sabo which some argue that because of the tattoo Sabo was planned early on
>implying autistic people understand how emotions work
>implying that a bunch of incels and friendless losers would ever be able to understand concepts like loyalty and love
These people have nothing and stand for nothing. They will never be able to say "thank you for loving me" to people, the way Ace did in death. They lack the emotional intelligence and ability to understand these things.
Garp is a more tragic figure than Ace or Whiteboard in this arc.

Torn between duty and love.
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>Luffy was somehow able to tank a punch from Sengoku who had literally done nothing the entire battle with no damage
>Sengoku now able to hold back Enraged Garp (Top 10 in Verse, maybe Top 5 at this point in time)

I know powerscaling is for fags but Luffy getting away from Sengoku was always dumb
Thanks OP for the daily OP...
Oda might have gone overboard with the scream panel, it overshadows the rest of the chapter imo.
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>If your Haki is stronger then someone else's you won't be hurt by their attacks
>tfw watching this episode with my little brother
I know not everyone loves how this plays out but it got me so hard ;_;
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Yeah, my least favorite criticism for media is always
>wtf this character didn’t act perfectly logically and rationally and with perfect foresight in a highly emotional situation, lazy writing
>highly emotional situation
it's about literally running for your life
not even an illogical person (woman) would turn back due to an insult
This, Haki isn’t like seastone where it completely nullifies DF powers, it just makes Logia types tangible upon contact. If you use your power to avoid the haki infused attack before it lands, it won’t work
You may not know yet, but he's made of rubber.
And yet, they both are extremely popular among fans.
Yes, because Haki blunt punches hurt Luffy. They his his true body, which is still rubber, he takes the damage, but continues to be rubber. So he'd be hurt but probably not pierced by Haki bullets.
People who still claim armament haki wasn't a retcon after seeing this are already fully given to dick ride Oda all the way to eternity. They are inoperable at this point.
I miss this art style so much
>armament haki wasn't a retcon
We already saw the Admirals use advanced CoA to protect the platform chapters ago. Whether you like it or not its portrayal IS consistent beyond the black signature.
How do you speedread a daily chapter, Kizaru?
what could he do? Teleport someone else's guts ace's torso?

How is mentioning someone before they're introduced a retcon? It's not like he shows up and goes "remember? I've been here all along!"
Fuck what they say. Brotherly love is still nice.
Nice cover.
>didn’t act perfectly logically and rationally
>perfect foresight
Oh just fuck off with that. It doesn't take more than basic sense to ignore your enemy throwing out the shallowest of insults when everything else is going on.
As a little brother who was always protected by his big brother I get you man. It's a very strong moment either way.
And honestly I was never bothered by the way it played out. Whitebeard, the man who was a father to Ace, was laying down his life to save him and Akainu is shit talking him when he clearly doesn't understand anything about what makes his pirates love him. Ace is already emotional, it makes sense he doesn't act 100% logical and hoped he could at least give Akainu one good smack to set the record straight before retreating. He couldn't have known Luffy was about to collapse, and jumping in front of Luffy is a good way for him to take responsibility for putting him in danger for his own sake. The fact that Ace died in the 11th hour after the initial elation of victory is part of the tragedy.
the worst part about this is that there won't be any comeuppance, oda just can't match this tonally anymore. I'm not as anti on the nika stuff as most people on here, but we're already seeing how the looney tunes stuff crowds out any weighty moments. that plus the introduction of ambivalent marines like fujitora (+the remorseful kizaru on egghead) and the goody two shoes koby as a centerpiece will ensure that the navy will thematically be demoted to a bunch of >aw shucks guys, while any blame/the antagonistic role they held will be deferred to the WG. can't see how oda resolves this in a satisfactory fashion
thats exactly what happened, what youre seeing is literally skill difference from Akainu and the WB commanders.
simply put, Akainu is so much stronger than them so they can't even hurt him.
did you speed read the amazon lily arc?
Sweet, only 547 plus some yet unreleased chapters to go
Thanks OP
jimbe is unfathomably based. Shame we'll never see him again after this arc.
I think sabo was always intended. There was a reason for Ace's tattoo. He isn't an idiot the way Luffy is.
The tattoo was also a joke of the artist not knowing how to spell Ace's name, you're looking at it with full context. It was just a joke until it could be turned into a reference. I'm of the opinion Oda could have conceived of Sabo at any point, and regardless, was right to not mention him until right now.
Fish gets cooked like twice, yet has no scarring. I still think Jinbei is going to do something suicidal in the series.
I agree that even if it wasn't always intended, this was a good place to introduce him.
jinbei has done nothing BUT suicidal things through the entire series. Literally the only non-suicidal things he's done on screen was choose to solo who's who. He didn't even think he'd be a match for Hody Jones, but he was still ready to go take on the new fishman pirates on his own.
Gigga nigga mode vergo still got shamble'd. No visual cue that Law was using haki IIRC. Multiple characters have done the 'use fruit on me to affect a condition, I just break/negate it. ACoC vs ACoC seems to be who is stronger/better at it before they break concentration.
This namedrop was random.
People are oddly clingy for ace, who was around onscreen for like 30~ chapters.
>on the verge of death, Luffy reminds you of something you said
>something you said when grieving your fellow lost brother and Luffy asked you if you'd ever die
>when you've been functionally suicidal your entire life and Luffy wants you around and needs help handling your brother's death, throwing that feeling aside to care for him
Only seems random if you don't know or remember the context.
>until it could be turned into a reference
I don't understand how his tattoo is a reference to Sabo
Could you explain?
I thought it was just supposed to be a typo joke
the crossed out S? He was referencing his dead brother. Remember: at this point, both Ace and Luffy think Sabo is dead.
>use fruit on me to affect a condition, I just break/negate it.
the first time that happened was with doc q vs law
it's not a thing yet here
Sentomaru also used Ryou.
WB just did it against Aokiji.
So the tattoo is ASCE, with the S (second letter) crossed out
So your argument is that it's not a botched name tattoo, but like an acronym, where the S stands for Sabo, and crossed out because he is dead? Then what do the other letters stand for?
Did Oda say the tattoo was a typo or is that fan theory?
I don't think it's an acronym, I think the crossed out S is a memory of sabo, with it being in his name because he's part of who Ace is.
I don't know... you are seeing too much into it
An S with a cross through it was Sabo's jolly roger the day he set out to sea and died. That's what's turned into a reference which Oda later confirms in an SBS was his intent. Maybe not putting it on Ace in the first place, but it can be changed into that easily.
not canon
You at least have to admit that it IS inconsistent. See, WB's blow against Aokiji should've killed him much like Ace gets killed by Akainu. And Marco and Vista would've killed Akainu there, after all, his neck got sliced fuck over. To explain all this, Oda has to have deliberately turned off armament for those specific moments and it's kind of his thing say exactly that. He hadn't the system fully worked out yet and it's ok for Christ's sake. It's a story. It's a progress.
Now to justify that scene with your extrapolated gymnastics that Akainu preemptively molded the attacked region into the slice he would be inflicted –something that, btw, never happens after TS– is as ludicrous as saying that Shanks actually used CoC in the very first chapter.
Woo, consequences for punching above your weight class. Akainu shot up through my favorites after this scene on the anime.
you can see 4 yonkou in this cover
>You at least have to admit that it IS inconsistent
No? I know how to read and what characters are capable of. Aokiji dodges because logia reforming has been their thing since Smoker.
>his neck got sliced over
And Akainu demonstrably has advanced CoA, so...since he's clearly not bleeding, what's the only possibilities?
>he also used armament, consistent to how it's been used
>Oda changed his mind and retconned it so this completely consistent moment is somehow inconsistent
You're the one with the problem pattern-matching here.
>No, I do not accept that answer
Nobody can force you to accept the truth.
Sabo's symbol is a crossed S, as seen in his letter and his jolly roger
You have to admit, these are some fine last words.
eh as long as luffy beats his ass before the series is over it'll be fine if oda even remembers. There's so much going on though i hate to say i doubt it. I forget why i spoilered this.
Thank you OP.
>advanced CoA
When Oda was still struggling to consistently introduce and make sense of the concept.... Are you joking?! This more than anything would prove it's retcon! Invoking advanced fucking CoA, seriously? At Marine Ford? Sure, jan.
>the looney tunes stuff crowds out any weighty moments

We just got Bonney overcoming the architect behind her suffering in life by evoking a future of freedom and delivering an attack in the symbol and garb of her deity of liberation. That's fucking weighty.
>When Oda was still struggling to consistently introduce and make sense of the concept
This is where I think your logic fails. I believe that by this point oda pretty much had his idea of haki set in stone sans the black for armament, and even then the argument could be made that the only reason it isn't shown is that Luffy wasn't well versed enough in it to see it.
Chapter 564, pages 10-11. The three admirals hold their hands out and project a clearly dome defense that Whitebeard's attack rolls off of. Completely consistent to how ACoC was shown to Luffy in 597 by Rayleigh (in a manner literally nobody else with armament had performed until it was later learned through Ryou training with Hyogoro: projecting it beyond just your body...aside from here.

Your concession, sir...?
Kata morphs his body to dodge. Pretty sure Ceasar does at least once as well. Ace willingly didn't go intangible to tank the hit for Luffy.
Sentomaru also did something similar, not touching, causing pain and deflection.
That happens so quickly and is a sumo move so I wouldn't necessarily count that myself, but I'd believe the most defensive man in the world can do that.
both of which was there because of him for his first mistake, and the former of which only needed to be protected because of his second same mistake. Many people keep saying "consistent" to describe his character, but what does that really say about him? That he's a captain, a nakama who, due to consistency, would without fail put his teammates in danger over some petty insults, every single time. If it was his mistake? It would be heart wrenching, unfortunate, it would be "oh, what could've been". But now it just made him look stupid.
That's not to say I don't feel sad at this scene, I feel with Luffy who got his heart shattered, and that last line is such a tear jerker.
We'll be closing the loop on my One Piece reading soon

This face getting posted around /a/ along with Ace dying was some of the last bits that got me to see what I was missing

Thanks OP
>his face matches the symbols on his hat
>ace isn't skilled enough to make his own guts out of fire
baka, small fry deserved it
>I know not everyone loves how this plays out but it got me so hard
I genuinely don't understand how people misunderstand the Whitebeard/Oakiji scene. It really couldn't be clearer unless Oda added a literal diagram.
I'd say he'd have to spell it out, but he fucking does and people still don't get it. One of the background character explicitly points out that Whiteboard IS using Haki, so the only explanation is that Aokiji dodged around the attack with his ability. It's literally the only logical explanation, It happens multiple times this arc, it happens multiple times in later arcs. It's so obvious so I don't understand why people just refuse to accept it.
Retards like you are why mangaka nowadays feel the need to write essays meticulously explaining everything that's going on at any time.
>something that, btw, never happens after TS
Who the FUCK is Katakuri, I guess? You people have the memory of goldfish, I swear.
>not using spoilers to hide your text
Why would anyone ever use this thread to read one piece for the first time if you guys cant even respect first time readers
It's a matter of scale. Yeah the divide doesn't feel as big, but he's not just outclassed by one guy, he's in a battlefield where he's not far above a random mook. I think it works better that there's just that many people in the scene and all he can do against any of them is keep moving.
who's talking about things that haven't been established already?

this chapter just introduced sabo.
Luffy deals no lasting damage on anyone but mooks (and Coby) though. He makes a couple major moves, but in no way is he standing on their levels. That's why Whitebeard demands him be backed up after he shows off his ambition. Look at who his opponents were in each bout:
>the admirals
The only person he succeeds against is Hina. There is no clash he was going to win if it was drawn out. He IS outclassed, and needs rescued EVERY SINGLE STEP and he consistently shows his respect to everyone who saved him along the way.
Also...anon...Luffy DOES feel like he's too weak to have saved his brother. That's the backbone of his upcoming tantrum. He's still too weak to change the world and protect his brothers. Even if Ace's actions caused his death, Luffy's efforts until that point were for saving Ace, so not achieving that is his personal failing. Luffy is a good captain because he doesn't throw blame around for failure, he takes it on himself. Saying he won't feel the way he absolutely does is ridiculous.
Aokiji and Akainu were always at odds in their methods, Ohara showed that. I'm not sure Aokiji has ever even killed an enemy, his powers have always focused on incapacitating them.
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>What the hell is going on here? Both Marco and Vista are using haki attacks but can't hurt Akainu??
I think they ARE hurting him, even if he is turning into magma. He doesn't look like he gracefully dodged that attack, he was caught off-guard and looks very pestered and annoyed about it. I think the idea in this arc is that haki doesn't stop logia from transforming into their element, but makes their element damagable. You punch the magma and it's as if you punched akainu himself, whereas normally the magma would just be completely unharmable. See also Jozu's attack on Aokiji some chapters ago: He barges at him, Aokiji transforms into ice upon impact, reforms, but still bleeds from the attack.
man moment
Pretty sure nothing that hasn't happened yet isn't spoiled. This is just back to the old arguments of the time trying to understand how shit works, or if indeed, what we'd seen from sabody on, was consistent with now. It's consistently inconsistent because it REALLY IS MY HAKI VS YOUR HAKI. And it's all down to Oda's whims who is currently stronger.
Ace couldn't save Bumpffy from Akainu...
>Luffy deals no lasting damage and needs to be rescued
>he IS outclassed
But he's never actually beaten down enough to actually stop him. Yeah, he's out of his league, takes hits, needs more hormones, and gets people to help him out, but he's able to get those people to help him and he's able to keep running. He still makes it work and stay in the game despite being at the forefront of the war. That's nothing compared to Kuma in Sabaody, where there was no hope, no way to stall, no running, nothing. They were just effectively dead. It's the difference between
>you are out of your league
>you fucked up, you swam out of the small pond and are immediately getting eaten by the sharks

>Luffy DOES feel like he's too weak to have saved his brother
>Saying he won't feel the way he absolutely does is ridiculous.
You're not getting the point: of course Luffy will feel that way regardless, but the thing is that Oda didn't actually write it in a way that Luffy literally failed to save Ace. No matter how strong anyone was, Ace chose suicide. For us as the readers, we know Luffy just has survivor's guilt and that he didn't fail because he was too weak, and instead it was because Ace was too retarded.
Peak Comedy Piece.
Sageinu is too strong...
My headcanon cope is that it was just superior haki and Akainu was shittalking Ace.
died as he lived, like a fucking moron

OH Fuck it literally was that LMAO
What about mantra in Skypiea?
Akainu simply foresaw the attack and dodged like Katakuri does.
Forgot about that
Fightfags are so fucking stupid. Your brain actually short-circuits trying to comprehend a page because half of it isn't a novel explaining how Akainu used his Haki and the Magma Magma fruit to avoid the brunt of the damage.
It's a good thing Togashi isn't the one writing One Piece.
>I was always such a hopeless shitposter..
>I was prune spawn, the son of the janny
>Thank you.. for Bumping me!
also why did I get banned for a post I never made?
ah so haki users able to touch the real body of a logia user is a retcon, got it
Because of something called dynamic IP. You probably got an IP used by someone who actually got banned. It happened to me a couple of times. I remember when I supposedly got banned from /vp/. Thing is, I never went there.
They might of just settled for Whitebeard dying if Ace had gotten away.
>so I wouldn't necessarily count that myself
why not
it was clearly haki because bypassed luffy rubber body
"One Piece was always a goofy manga"
Of course it was, I'm saying it being advanced is uncertain, since the techniques are so fast and could simply be Haki-enhanced sumo rebuffs.
>there's a difference between...you fucked up, you swam out of the small pond and are immediately getting eaten by the sharks
Yeah, that's not the point of Marineford and never was? Where are you getting that fucking angle? That was never the narrative. The narrative was that Luffy has a long way to go before he's on par with those in Marineford, that he's outclassed, like he was back in Sabaody. Yes, Sabaody is more of an actual breakdown of his prowess not matching his opponents, but you're also misunderstanding the stakes. He doesn't need to be personally destroyed in a fight to prove that point, Luffy being on the verge of death isn't the only conflict of the story. The crew escaping was the stakes at Sabaody. Luffy failed to protect them from being lost, which is why he completely stops fighting back after Robin is poofed: Luffy already failed. Saving Ace was the conflict that kept Luffy moving forward. Losing him destroyed the last dregs of willpower he had left, even if he wasn't on borrowed time he was still barely holding it together.
I think if you're trying to look at Marineford in a way that does not align with the actual events because your metrics are skewed. Luffy would not have made it through the plaza without copious help from everyone around him, who were swayed partially by him (Whitebeard, Iva, Jimbei), partially by inherited duty (Galdino), and partially by spite against the Marines (Crocodile). Luffy was completely out of his league at Marineford. He did not make waves with his performance, he was pushed the whole way to rescue Ace. He makes the fact that he isn't up to snuff aware to the crew as well and tells them the same with 3D2Y. Luffy does not metanarratively need to be the weak link for Ace to die, because that kind of power-level-wankery is exactly why you're having this misunderstanding. For us the readers, Luffy having survivor's guilt IS the next conflict to overcome.
Thank you for posting.
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Wait Piece
>Where are you getting that fucking angle?
Read the reply chain before spitting out mucho texto.
You probably deserves it
So how about that election eh
Whitebeard and Sguardo
I'm voting for Akainu as the next Fleet Admiral
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Who is this
Holy shit Sengoku just dropped out!
The sequence was a pivot from an unrelated post, to "[Marineford] doesn't do a good job showing how out of league he is," to "yes it does, here's proof" to "but that's not the same as getting trounced in Sabaody." Which generated the comparison, which is fucking apples and oranges, and misses the point of both Sabaody AND Marineford.

Luffy getting punished for attacking a Celestial Dragon isn't him "swimming out of the small pond" it's him violating a taboo around the caste that runs the world government. Sabaody in total shows that the crew is not prepared for the New World, but it is by no means the message "you fucked up," the consequences all flow from Luffy's actions against the ruling class, not because they're too small fry getting roasted by the New World. It's an early lesson that they aren't ready but neither Kuma nor Kizaru represent the New World's threats themselves, they're both arms of the World Government, and Kuma's obliteration of the crew was a blessing in disguise to show them they weren't strong enough yet. To say there's a difference between the two is correct, but to say that Sabaody, where the crew engages nothing native to the New World and only deals with the consequences of their immediate actions, is them being small fish in a big pond, is ALSO as patently wrong as the entire premise "Marineford didn't show well how out of league Luffy was" vs Sabaody.
I remember the manga sales edits.
They were very funny.
Are there elections in one piece, or is everything despotic?
wasn't Iceburg elected as Mayor of water 7 or something?
Probably depends on the individual nation, but most have kings, though I believe Dalton basically got elected king of Drum.
The way the World Government operates does mean that no singular ruler that the world is aware of has absolute power outside of their own country and likely can't just invade other member countries without serious consequences.
I would not be surprised if the WG covertly or less covertly attempts to sabotage any attempt at abolishing monarchies within their sphere of influence, but I don't think that's ever been stated in canon.
>I don't think that's ever been stated in canon.
I mean, the Cipher Pol agencies exist for this kinda thing.
I can't believe Akainu imprisoned OP...
OP was Ace all along...
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Hey OP wake up! You missed today's chapter!!
So, the big themes are:
- liberty
- destiny
- class
What else?
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We are waiting for you, OP
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Yes, I am late. A bit too much in fact compared to usual, apologies for that. I don't want to get into details, let's just move on to what we are all here for!

Chapter 575 - Voiceless Rage
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strange that the sabaody-crowd are so shocked, you'd expect them to be cheering
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They just saw a man not only get fisted to death on live TV but also the son of Satan himself die to protect his brother. That's unheard of for pirates.
Everyone thinks white beard is saving ace just to fuck with the WG and start a war not because he actually loves them.
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ENTER... The End of the Chapter.
Tomorrow: The Great Pirate Edward Newgate
Man black beard is such a piece of shit, I mean he's been with him for like what 35 years at this point?
I wonder how liquefied Akainu's organs got from this hit.
i never undestood, did bb really hated wb or was just waiting for his chance to do the thing two chapter later?
The anime made this scene much more in line with WB's rage and akainu's "oh shit he's behind me"
Unfortunately they had to censor hellhound so it only burned off part of his mustache
I wonder how they're gonna censor the second Hell Hound on Kuma
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You know what they are all thinking
>We risked our lives for this retard?!
Why did they censor it?
Thanks OP, welcome back
What was Kizaru doing whjile this was happening
Getting part of your face burned off was probably too gruesome for One Piece's timeslot. It might be a specific thing with showing disfigured heads because there was a really weird censoring effect in Dressrosa when Kyros cut off the head of Doflamingo's string clone and the broadcast version had some really off-putting string effect to hide the fact it was a headless corpse walking around.
It'll burn the ear on his hat, or maybe they won't since he's technically not human.
i never undestood how the clone shit worked
I also like the anime version better
>more impactful
>more emotional
>showing Akainu running away
Blackbeard is an opportunist who never acts unless he knows what the benefits are. He kept quiet for 20 years, biding his time, and took the fruit when he had his chance. He targets Luffy on Jaya only once he sees the vector through it to Warlord status, fights Ace to defend himself and because Ace makes a better bargaining chip, does not waste time fighting Luffy in Impel Down at length because to what end? He's Luffy's ambition and dreams but with actual care taken into his actions. Based on how he talks with Kuzan later, his crew is not one of camaraderie, it's one of convenience. He likely never saw Whitebeard as a parental figure and played along, he chose WB simply because a higher profile crew would get him better odds of stumbling across the fruit.
Sweet, only 546 plus some yet unreleased chapters to go
>characters have recive worse injuries
name one who survived
Akainu tanked that.
Nta but Mr stitch my shredded organs back together.
Doflamingo created new organs from strings for himself after they were destroyed
but why didn't he just logia-form around those punches?
Whitebeard has stronger Haki.
for being such a big deal the skull-attack is really not getting the attention it deserves, panel-size-wise. I barely even noticed it happened in that exchange of blows
so how did Luffy get his X burnmark on his chest again? Akainu is knocked out and Luffy has no burnmarks anywhere. Does that happen later?
Someone tell me again.
Why is akainu considered the bad guy in this scenario?
All he did was do his job
>Why is akainu considered the bad guy in this scenario?
he isn't
>he isint
Then you my sane brother werent online when this chapter dropped
>440 posts already
Yes it happens later. Bullshit, but yes Akainu didn't go down with this.
Who even reads this garbage manga anymore?
>read a manga
>see "blast" or "creep" used in ways that feel completely out of place
>instantly know I'm reading something Viz translated
>whitebeard gets a whole chunk of his head removed
the anime toned that part down
Thanks for the dump like always OP.
Make no mistake. Ace was indeed a fool and yes, it was all for nothing but it's still tragic nonetheless. Ace inherited Roger's worst flaw, that he couldn't just let things go but unlike Roger who had the power to back that up every single time, Ace didn't reach the peak of his potential and died a tragic fool. Honestly, I wish more deaths were like this in shonen series, not everything should be on their own terms or in a sacrifice.
Luffy has always tanked absolutely everything with no lasting damage whatsoever (unless it's convenient for the plot and in which case it'll still be ignored when its use for the plot is done). It's no surprise here.
He's really not. He's an even bigger fool than Ace by orders of magnitude. He knows it's injustice, but stood by anyway because it's his "job". A complete fucking joke of a so called "hero" of the marines who perpetuates injustice and tyranny because his superiors told him to. His situation is complex and it doesn't make him a badly written character but he's an absolute piece of shit for this and he is VERY conscious of that fact as you see in the following arc.
And it gets more hilarious with the COMPLETE NATIVE GENOCIDE FESTIVAL.
Ace is hot.
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You have to admit, this face is priceless.
ENTER the famous BBC Black Beard Crew of grandline
Thank you OP.
Thanks OP
Thank you for posting.
>still falling for propaganda
>in the manga WB sneak attacks Akainu and loses half his face for it
>In the anime theres this whole dramatic "oh shit"
I knew toei were yonkeks
one of the best ENTER moments in the series
Thanks for the dumping.
I’ll at least credit Oda for getting his retcons in a little before I remember him putting them in
These pages are always one of the best parts of coming back every day.
For me it's turning any variation of bitch into 'wench'. The naruto TL was a big fan of that one.
Man i hate these guys so much
Same way string tvs works
Because pirates are protags and navy are antags. Except when they're not. Also akainu was doing this less out of a sense of duty and more because his duty is an excuse to massage his boner for fisting other men
Has the horny guy done anything yet
Vasco Shot? Mostly no, he's shown off a devil fruit, but its depths haven't been shown yet. Avalo Pizarro? Yes, he's a major threat for a brief cutaway about a year ago chapters-wise.
I actually forgot that he was the island. I remembered him as being the guy that hasn't done anything yet, but now I remember.
Gorosei joined the fray and Kizaru jobbed too early. In both instances we get a stronger new representative from the WG and someone on Akainu's level being taken out like trash. Akainu should have been a big opponent for Luffy on the WG side and he just indirectly feels like Sanji/Zoro fodder now.
So this is the reading comprehension of a midwit powerlevelfag...
Staying at a safe distance and not getting involved
WG is a mess.
>member nations DO invade/war each other, its mentioned during the start of the reverie
>member nations ARE NOT completely sovereign, as WG/CDs/CPs can and will investigate shit and you've got no recourse

It's UN with actual power, controlled by a group you (as a member nations delegate) don't, you also have to give them money and men (or other resources). Won't stop them generating an excuse to nope you. The reverie is largely a sham that gorosei sometimes seem to let do stuff.

Then there's the whole open slavery, non member nations are fair game etc.
I know most people are probably paying attention to Ace, but how did nobody notice the big-ass giant approaching the island?
Thanks, OP.
He was being very quiet.
>hit him from behind so he doesn't have time to transform and avoid the hit that's coming
>still reeling from the first hit he can't dodge the 2nd
WB didn't even need haki here, Akainu just played this terribly. Wonder if he got any lasting damage. Says a lot about the guy that he didn't just straight up pass out after the first hit though.
It's probably more a 'it hits anyway' thing. Being intangible doesn't stop the shockwave/crack or what ever it is from existing and hitting ya. It's going to annoy me more with the admirals doing a ryou block to nullify WBs 'after effects', we should see that more often when someone uses an aoe, but again they weren't blocking the fruits power, just the shockwave, if I interpret that scene right.
Their designs are so unsettling, it's great

A whole crew of creeps
As much as a mary sue as Whitebeard is I like this moment because nowadays everyone just has super future sight haki bullshit so seeing Whitebeard get the drop on Akainu is pretty cool.
>As much as a mary sue as Whitebeard is
Which is to say, not in the slightest
do fishmen taste like fish
Brutal, he's not gonna make it right?
If you've ever had alligator I imagine they'd taste very close to that, with some added flavor from the exact type of fishy hybrid they are.
Fishmen are literally fish, and alligators aren't. You could make an argument that they are some sort of fish-mammal hybrid, in which case I'd say they probably taste like cetacea.
>old man
>already dying from unknown disease
>tanked dozens of stab wounds and gunshots
>has a huge hole in his chest and his guts lightly toasted
>gets a portion of his head blown off
>still manages to destroy headquarters, create a massive crevasse several meters wide, who knows how deep and beat an admiral into unconsciousness
What a beast.
the basic flavor of their flesh, maybe, but since the musculature is incredibly different the meat wouldn't taste like fish you're used to
Fishmen are the epitome of semiaquatic mastery though, and being able to do that at all is what led to things like alligators tasting like a weird mix of chicken and fish despite being an ancient crocodilian. They'd definitely be closer in flavor/texture to alligators than they would to any cetacean just on physiology alone, despite being genealogy-wise extremely different.
Fuck I want some fish sticks now.
But fishmen, can fuck humans to produce offspring, and probably furries, giants etc
I don't know how your post is supposed to conflict with mine. Do you think that saying fishmen are analogous to aquatic mammals makes it less likely that they can produce offspring with... mammals?
Also we already saw a fishman/giant hybrid in the Davy Back Fight.
Akainu tanking that shit is really impressive
>gets called out on a mistake
>plays it up rather then getting mad
Always a sign of good character
I wonder if it's eggs or live births
What if it's like salmon
We are reaching the end of this journey.
Akainu is still conscious
with the cds outright able to enslave royalty it's a wonder how nations didn't start calling bullshit sooner. imagine having to tell your kingdom their beloved princess has now been kidnapped because a random cd had the hots for her and then killed her for funsies.
the world being separate islands does wonder for their despotic rule
Yeah, it's barely better than total anarchy. Or maybe it isn't.
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Garp's character filters a lot of One Piece readers. I think that's mostly because the readership obviously skews toward young people who identify more with Luffy and see Garp as some out of touch boomer at best. It can hard to understand Garp's actions if you've never been in a senior leadership position before.
>It can hard to understand Garp's actions if you've never been in a senior leadership position before.

or.. just.. you know.. have brain and use it.

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