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Chapter 47: A Desperate Struggle in Rainy Weather
41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 >>268809944
And that's it. I can't believe he mains Tamago. Lame.
What games are you playing?
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This damn lump...


What a tryhard
Absolutely nothing
Thanks as always OP!
She just like me
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Thanks OP
I mostly play visual novels, but I bought the original Fallout recently
Sexy wet shirt Uneras...
>tfw no Magu-chan videogame
I want Uneras to dominate me (in Minecraft).
What type of game would it be?
Ruru is literally me, so I only stick to games that don't require much eye-hand coordination.
I got Summer Clover last week. It's fun. And hot!
You know, I always thought Akari's dub VA was a bad fit, but she's actually presented a lot more grounded and mature in the manga than in the anime.
Thanks OP. I've been playing Etrian Odyssey 3. I got halfway through it about five years ago, and I picked up where I left off. There's something cathartic about that.
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Thanks OP.
>What games are you playing?
Ar tonelico, Final fantasy tactics A2, Shining soul II, Diablo 2 and Dungeon Siege where I finished the multiplayer campaing today.
It's fun to see Magu like this, the author could have easily given this role to Naputaaku.
Thanks OP. Because of the announcement of a new Famicom Detective Club game I've been replaying the Switch remakes and the SNES remake of 2. I've also played The Portopia Serial Murder case and Nakayami Miho Tokimeki (Though I got the bad ending in that.)
Leaks underground?
Thanks OP
I got back into New Vegas again this week
Thank you for posting.
>wiimote with a control stick at the bottom
Truly a heinous abomination
Thanks OP
>What games are you playing?
Unicorn Overlord has invaded my brainspace for the last few weeks so basically just that. After that I think I'm gonna pick up Tales of Vesperia since I dropped it like 5 years ago for no distinct reason and I at least wanna give that game a fairer shot
>video games are really fun
She spent a century playing games without enjoying them? lmao
being the best is suffering
The struggle is real.
If this were an actual game, Uneras would totally be the twist villain
Of course she t-bags
Thanks for the dump OP
>What games are you playing?
I've been playing the Kirby series lately, spin-offs and all. I'm on Mass Attack right now.
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Ended up doing this one twice
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Congratulations to the Yona Yona Yona daily for completing their dump.
Good stuff
Evil stuff
I was reading some japanese comments for the Salamander No Shuujin oneshot by the mangaka and they also agree that he was good at storytelling and hope that he makes a new series sometime soon.
Is it almost over?
Around thirty chapters left.
She's just like me...
>not playing on the rain
Weak, rain is the best weather.
Raising sim, choose wich god or rankless creature you want to help get back into it's proper form, or convince them to stay as they are.
Multiple endings.
Took me a second.
There is a hole board dedicated to that anon. It's pretty common.
Tags: domination loss, gangbang, ryona
Thanks OP.
A second run on Fallout 1.
Trying Chrono Trigger for the first time.
Getting filtered by Fear and Hunger.
Giving the Breath of Fire War of the Goddess hack a try, already beat the GBA port of 1 and 2.
Slowly working my way to 100% Mega Man Star Force 3.
And I need to finish Wolfenstein The New Order soon, it's good but doesn't capture me how Return to Castle Wolfenstein did.
>That was a good game.
LMAO, Magu's a sore winner.
Thanks! I mostly like RPGs and Adventure games. Right now, I'm wrapping up the Elden Ring DLC and replaying GTA V.
>hole board
*clever word play based on your incorrect usage of "hole"*
"a-hole" is right
Fire Emblem Three Houses.
Damn I'm starting to hate so many of the support conversations. Some are just too silly.
What a sexy Pokemon
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she is solewd
It's pretty close. I was almost fooled by the one on the right.
Thanks OP.
I'm still working my way through the Elden Ring DLC and I've been playing Sakuna again because of the anime.
noda kisaragi > true kisaragi
Do you think the anime will lead to a sequel game?
Cute Rin
I heard rumors they were making a Kokorowa game, but I don't know if there's any truth to it.
I guess I'll cope for a while with that.
It goes in the jar
>Half price
What a steal
>nobody thought she was worth full-price
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More for me then
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How big is your GA screencap folder
panties included?
g-guys what would a cross between a man and an evil deity look like?
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About 2000 images. It’s not that big comparatively, but GA is a pretty short manga page wise, so that’s pretty much every notable Kisaragi screencap and general usable reaction image
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>usable reaction image
Any image with Kisaragi in it is unusable
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I agree
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I admire the dedication
Chapter 48: A Fatherly Figure
Hey hi hello
the author knows what he's doing
Rin’s the best
Uneras browses /v/ and /a/, while Napu browses /ck/.
And that's it. Magu is a cool dad.
How's your dad?
Thanks OP
Doing pretty awful. Can’t say he doesn’t deserve it
>Chapter 48
>Age 48
Thanks OP, he’s well.
What about yours?
Pretty good.
Thanks OP
>How's your dad?
Died last year, but he was never part of my life so whatever. He did screw me out of quite the hefty inheritance though so thats a fun parting gift
Very cute

What a good son

He's not a stepdad, he's a dad that stepped up
He's a hypochondriac, so he's never truly well. At least in the head
Thanks as always OP!
kek, look how happy he is
Mom is back! Again!
Napu's love of cooking is a highlight of this manga for me. Love how gleeful he is about his food being appreciated.
Magu you idiot, to become Ruru's new dad you have to marry her mom.
Thanks OP.
>How's your dad?
I don't care about him at all.
Thanks OP.
He's been a little nervous lately but he's doing good. Great guy outside of that.
The incurable blank face syndrome has another victim
What is he nervous about?
Ruru's mom has got it going on
>how's your dad
he died few years ago and he he struggle with depression and usually directed his anger on me and my mother
so not the greatest. He wsnt always a piece of shit, but i didnt have the greatest childhood
>high-speed crouching intimidation
This now has an actual use in Super Smash Bros after Kazuya Mishima was added as a playable character. He has a movement tech exclusive to him called crouch dashing (a reference to wavedashing from Tekken) which has invincibility frames. That's right. You can t-bag while running at your opponent and it's optimal.
Thanks OP. Jesus, am I the only one who gets along well with my dad?
>How's your dad?
He's doing really well lately. Sometimes I worry about him since he's stomach is getting more sensitive so he can't eat what he used to. My dad really likes doing house projects like renovating rooms, but lately I've noticed that sometimes he has a hard time lifting things. He's still really strong, but I see those signs of him slowing down and it makes me worry. I nearly started crying at the gym the other day because My Way by Frank Sinatra came on and I remembered my dad telling me that he wants that song to play when he's lowered into the ground at his funeral. If I ever had a hero, it would be him. He's pretty much exactly who I wish I could be
I wish Uneras would help me become a father...
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You're a good son anon. I'm sure he's proud of you
Country is a shithole and the economy is getting worse slowly but surely.
Hear hear
Wasn't the Wii like 15 years old when this was published?
Ruru is destitute
Anon stop, don't mention the Wii as if it was old.
Given what happened in the next panel, it's probably a butt.
Thank you for posting.
You think she's squeak if you used her like a uneonahole?
Oh you like retro consoles?
I know that feel.
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Just someone does something all day, doesn't mean they're having fun.
I post with you lot.
There are model kits of people?
Cute ugly toy.
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>I was didn't know
He's the best. Got my sense of humour from him.
It breaks my heart to see him start to forget things. But I'll be with him until the end. Best part is that we'll be able to watch all the movies he made me watch when I was little and it'll be like the first time.
>her father is a stone
What kind of rad rock powers does Ruru get?
the power to rock and roll all night, and party every day
Jump and shoot, in time even slide.
Magu wants to be a daddy dom
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Getting old can be a cruel fate.
That cat will never not look weird to me. At least it's not as bad as Amanchu.
they look cute
Which are better, autumn or spring colors?
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I prefer Spring
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>those clothes
Thanks OP
I am playing Zelda TOTK for the second time, hopong to reach at least 95%
So Akane's dad was a Magu reference.
Chapter 49: The Boundary Between Us and the Stars
Good afternoon.
And that's it. Shooting destruction lasers is the answer to everything.
What's your wish?
Setting off for my place
Thanks OP
I just want everyone to be happy
>What's your wish?
i hope everyone's wishes don't come true, in order to cause a paradox
I wish for the super AI to come soon so I can stop worrying about whether I'll get to live forever or not.
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I wish to be happy and healthy
Thanks as always OP!
Thanks for the read, OP
>What's your wish
A care package containing
1) $40,000,000
2) Three hams
3) A gun
how can humans be an OTP? What did the original Japanese say?
At least this mean that Uneras didn't want Magu to fuck Ruru.
Thanks OP, i wish for my family to be happy.
I wish for a mkre stable schedule for Mieruko-Chan.
One True Pairings i.e. their ships i.e. Ruru and Ren.
She was also an humans otaku in the original.
thanks, OP. I wish my cats would either:
>learn how the younger one plays
>stop attacking the older one
Based crabs.
Thanks OP
>What's your wish?
I can't tell you
I wish Magu-chan's mangaka's next series is succesful!
Cat pic
Thanks for the dump like always OP.
I imagine they're her oshi in the original
We've passed Kabu no Isaki.

I miss it so much.
Not a bad guy, but not a likeable person.
Smart but lacking in empathy for others, but not cruel.
The ways that I'm most like him, I don't really like.
To be the only one whose wish is granted.
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more like pissed
Thank you for posting. I wish to escape stagnation.
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New daily! Yomawari Sensei
>What's your wish?
Serialized Naputaaku sequel.
Of course. I thought it was pretty clear that Uneras wants Ren to fuck Ruru.
Uneras would use her magic to help out Ren if she was a real shipper
She did give him those chocolates, even if Napu was the one who used them. Her magic doesn't last long.
>very well
Even the Magu-chan copy wrote a wish
>Her magic doesn't last long
NTA but fair enough.
I wonder what Hotori thinks of it.
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no magu
can anyone post the color version of this one?
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there's probably a version with better quality somewhere
An elegant tool from a more civilized age.
Nice pussy.
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why didn't I see these threads before? fuck...
Chapter 50: Fate vs. Destruction
sex with the mom
He's dead
Did you really have to resize this one? It’s not even a spread
Was getting connection errors when posting images. Weird.
human extinction attack
Thanks OP
>Rin panel
>chapter instantly gets good
How does she do it
And that's it. Yay, BS is back.
Do you get a lot of sleep?
Thanks OP
I'm unemployed right now, but I set an alarm to try be productive. So no
>Do you get a lot of sleep?
I haven't been sleeping well the last few days because I've been sick.
B.S. best boy
Ok so it's not just me. I get connection errors when posting certain images that persist until I change to a different image
Thanks OP
I keep trying to wake up before 11am, but sinister forces conspire to keep me in bed until noon
Thanks OP
Thanks for the read, OP
It's the only way I can get through the day anymore
Thanks OP.
Close to 8 hours every day plus the occasional nap. I don't function well when I'm sleep-deprived.

Sleepy girls are the best
More than enough
Thanks as always OP!
This is just cruel.
I would pollinate her, if you catch my drift
Thanks OP. Ever since i studied architecture i barely sleep at night. There was a time i would stay awake 36 hours.
Thanks OP
>Do you get a lot of sleep?
About 7-8 daily hours, more 7 than 8 even on weekends.
Since when were you under the impression that there were only five pillars?
Because that's how many are listed in the Holy Quran
Shit man. My record was 67 hours before I passed out.
There was a period of two weeks before my final project where I was only sleeping 2~3 hours a day before I just went back to AutoCAD.
Cheer up. It gets better.
Thanks OP
I try to but I inevitably end up getting 6-6.5 too many times in a row, and have to take a sick day to recover.
Thank you for posting.
>Do you get a lot of sleep?
No. I wish I did.
I thought it was seven.
thanks, OP. I've been having trouble falling asleep for some nights, even though I'm reading for an hour and not looking at my phone/computer, I still lie there for another hour, even when I was feeling extra tired when I stopped reading
Let's go!
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pity post
Post pitys!
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My inability to sleep is literally going to kill me, I need a God to put me in sleep asap.
She's begging for the banana.
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Uneras is a true shipper so she knows there's no point if she uses her magic to make Ruru fall in love with Ren. The chocolates' effects are temporary, so they were never meant for that purpose.
>This artist drew porn
Goes without saying. But this one published in official h-magazines.
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Napu is such an exemplary worker.
He earns his wages.
Put me in Uneras' shoes and I'd get Ren to rape Ruru within 5 hours
that's not cool
Put me in Uneras's shoes and I'd get Ruru to rape Ren within 5 minutes
Put me in Ren's shoes and I'd rape Uneras within 5 minutes
I want to rape Ruru
No, you don't.
I wonder if rape anon is still here. I want to know his thoughts on Uneras.
NTA but uneras is a sentient fleshlight
Looks like Ren
If I know Rape Anon, he prefers to corrupt innocence. Uneras is too slutty for him.
Ah, so Ruru would be a better rape target.
She's taken
Well, if she's not giving, someone was gonna do the taking.
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Something in your smile was so exciting
I'm still here, >>269150866 has pegged me right. While Uneras is to slutty for me to want to rape, I would still use her like an onahole, just like any self-respecting gentleman
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Something in my heart told me I must have you!
How do you feel about Ruru?
Chapter 51: The Town Sleeping in Mist
And that's it. Naputaaku finally gets a cool moment.
What do you dream about?
Extremely exciting
I don't remember most of my dreams
Thanks as always OP!
Ruru's cute, but she doesn't make me want to rape her. Maybe it's the whole dead dad/distant mom thing. I always feel so bad for kids who have to go through stuff like that
was waiting for this chapter for this page
Thanks OP
I tend to have dreams that either make me anxious or horny
How can that unblinking blob convey so much emotion?
our hero
If his issue is that humans with free will always cause trouble, he'd be better off getting Napu's power a his side rather than Magu's, since Napu could dominate the minds of humans and rob them of their wills. Magu can just blow things up, which doesn't really adress the issue unless his plan is to destroy all humans.
I love my dreams.
The other night, just as I was about to fall asleep, my mind pictured myself sitting on a couch. Then, all of a sudden, the other me stood up, walked to my bed, leaned over me and said "While you sleep, I'll go out for a bit."
Good times.
Naputaaku continues to be the best character
Thanks. I dream about all the money I'm losing on the stock market.
Have you tried selling while it's up?
At least Rapeanon has standards
I'm all heart
The problem is that it keeps going down and down.
Well, sell now before it goes even further down.
so what sea critter is this one supposed to be?
It's been a bad month, I'll give you that. But it'll go up eventually
I last had a good night's sleep at the end of August 2020
Thanks OP
Last night I was having a fun dream that ended with a voice that sounded like both my parents shouting my name at once. I woke up with my heart beating so hard I could hear it and had to spend a few minutes breathing
>had to spend a few minutes breathing
That's better than waking up and spending a few minutes not breathing
Probably some kind of sea anemone or something.
Uneras/Nosu Koshu yuri doujins when?
The literal mad lad.
The cruel indifference of fate vs the indomitable hissy fit of Napu
holy shit he's fucking dead
Wagie rage is something to behold.
I love this little narcoleptic so much it's unreal.
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She's carrying the manga
Not the only one.
See I'd get it if Uneras looked like this instead of a flying water bottle
Post the panel of feeder Nee-san
>a flying water bottle
Flying onahole
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She's the best
She kinda has a Midna thing going on, which is really hot.
Muscar is such a fag.
Napu has found something in his life that makes him happy and makes others happy too. Muscar on the other hand keeps being obssesed about Magu and keeps complaining about lowly humans, but cant do shit for himself and blames Ruru.
Serves him right.
Thanks OP.
I don't dream much these days.
>Muscar is such a fag.
The NEET fears the wagie.
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soup's up
fuck yeah
thanks, OP. It's always weird stories, never any kind of premonitions or nightmares
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>Napu has found something in his life that makes him happy and makes others happy too. Muscar on the other hand keeps being obssesed about Magu and keeps complaining about lowly humans, but cant do shit for himself and blames Ruru.
Reminds me of Anonymous
That's all I needed.
BRB, I gotta jack off.
Muscar a smelly NEET who smells of squid.
I'd fuck Muscars little boyhole so hard
How hard are we talking about?
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>literally how Uneras acts towards Ren and Ruru
Hips not wide enough to be Une-san
Thanks OP
>What do you dream about?
Usually weird stuff
Get fucking wrecked Shitcar. This is Naputaaku country.
Nice paneling
When the overpowered comic relief reminds everyone he's overpowered
The Magu-chan verse spits on Determinism.
Uneras is hotter.
And sluttier.
What happened to axed daily?
This is the last I've seen of it.
It got axed
one more chapter for this thread!
>What do you dream about?
I dream of electric sheeps
Thematically fitting.
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one last bump
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Chapter 52: The Conclusion of the Gods
I like how the face-hole of his hood looks like an eye with his face as the pupil
The hood and shadow over his face looking like a fucked up eyeball is a really great artistic choice
What an ominous page.
And that's it. Goodbye shota form Mu.
Have a nice day.
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thanks for posting
Depression mood
It not fucking fair.
Ruru really is the edge and stakes killer.
This girl is too pure for this sinful Earth.
We TTGL now
Thanks OP
You too
Thanks OP. Little Mu should have been a squid, not a chibi shota.
It's always painful breaking free from the Black Mercy
turned it into ika
Thank you for possting.
Great page

Extremely cute form
Thanks as always OP!
This anon is a snake.
based smellCHAD
oh ssshit, I've been found out
Fuck you, stupid gag manga. You're not supposed to make me tear up.
Thanks, OP.
Muscar is silly. He'll never get his battle shonen.
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We've been here before
Fuck being happy
Cucking > Killing
Why kill your enemies when you can completely emasculate them?

Magu quiere ser hardcore y su Ruru no lo deja.
You might be a bit early here.
OP... is sick
So he went on a trip to help him get better
He needs some time to rest
esto es el fin, muscar
women are scary
Just wait until later.
This is not the time for tears.
Very well.
Like a Kirby final boss
Just how pure can this girl be?
She's more naive than pure, I would say
Uneras corrected that brat. Look at how smug she is. She was waiting for the chance to punish Mu-chan and now she's in total control. But she shouldn't have let him get away since he still hasn't learned his lesson. She should've captured him then subjected him to some harsh discipline. She'd be very good at it and make him a submissive boy who knows his place in no time.
Fair enough.
That's a nice comparison.
>He'll never get his battle shonen
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Zawa zawa
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Last bump.
We did it!
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Good morning
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I love this manga so fucking much.
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Soaking wet Hotori...
File: Hotori splash stings.png (198 KB, 1032x488)
198 KB
198 KB PNG
File: acrobatics .jpg (78 KB, 436x317)
78 KB
You got one part right
File: beach Hotori.jpg (293 KB, 940x968)
293 KB
293 KB JPG
File: what .jpg (25 KB, 171x307)
25 KB
File: lost swimsuit.jpg (255 KB, 1076x746)
255 KB
255 KB JPG
File: drown Hotori pool.jpg (79 KB, 510x380)
79 KB

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