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Is it really gay to be attracted to this? This is basically drawn to be attractive to any heterosexual male..
Rape? Rape.
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His boyfriend is cuter
Yes, it's why masculine samurai lords like have young male "attendants" they would plow on the regular, like Oda and Ranmaru.
That's a man?! He's cute as fuck.
Both of these characters fuck and are attracted to women, faggot incel.
They can be can fuck women and still sword fight with their peepees
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How many times you fucking faggots will repeat this discussion and thread?
Hojo avoids women.
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Stop spamming this faggot thread with the same out of context image, faggot.
For another 10 years at least
>They can be can
Brain malfunctioning already?
the image that made billions of fujos kneel
I was gonna start the post with "They can be straight and still fuck women" but I realized how retarded that sounded, so I changed it to "They can still fuck woman" but didn't delete the first part of my original post because I didn't realize I typed it out subconsciously.
Too bad for you and the other transsexuals that they don't and never will, just like how Karma and Nagisa canonically never had any kind of feelings for eachother whatsoever beyond friendship.
It's retarded either way
He was angry at that scene
If it looks like a girl, then it's a girl
What do trannies have to do with this? I don't want to be a woman, I just want to fap to gay shotas
>they don't and never will
lol they're samurai
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Amazing. Here I am wanting to ram a skinny lithe japanese boy in the ass, and yet you are somehow the infinitely bigger faggot.
Okay, and? I'm still going to rape them.
Yum bisexuality
Who gives a shit, I'm still pounding his cute ass
I want to fuck a cute young Japanese boy
>Cloudmateria doesn't exist anymore
Fuck, was hoping for more cute Cloud edits
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Even with context, it's still erotic.
Why is he horny?
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This is what your precious shotas think of you
Don't rape shotas.
wanting to ram a boy's ass is ultimate infinity+1 faggotry.
Gay good.
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Incredibly gay, but that is okay.
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Shota is the only form of gay that is 100% okay.
>t. greek
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Does this show have a fucked up framerate or is my file shit?
where's yasuke
I knew the likelihood of these being bullshit numbers was high, but I went and checked anyway. Alas, they are indeed bullshit. However, consider pages 17 and 18 of chapter 86. The mangaka likes little boys and it's not even subtle.

Anyway, why don't people talk about the anime more? It's easily the best looking and least boring entry this season.
>teehee I'm gay but you're the real faggot;^)
Unironically kill yourself you fucking faggot.
>getting this butthurt on japanese boy plapping forum
Yep, you are a faggot, alright.
*pees in your butt*
it's a boy not a man
little boys don't look much different from little girls
it's more pedo than gay
Why is /a/ more afraid of being labeled gay than being labeled pedo?
No homosexuality is the attraction to men, not kids. If you are attracted to op's pic you are a pedophile.
It's up
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This doesn't explain why I like them older too...
It’s a kike psyop to make you more tolerant of faggotry, don’t fall for it.
[Tsukuru] Nagasare Supported (Otokonoko HEAVEN Vol. 27) [English]
>Tintin is called Tantan (タンタン) in Japan
Was about to remark about that localisation, then I remembered what チンチン actually means
that's more like it
Absolutely based
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>Pedo femcel is chimping out again.
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Wanting to defile a young boy isn’t very Christian of you.
>tfw into crossdressing doujins

No, it's "if it makes me hard then it's female."
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It's not
>How many times you fucking faggots will repeat this discussion and thread?
When in next season appears another show with a joung kid... remember the 7th prince? Endless spam of ironic fags that suddenly stopped once this season started.
>Not 千椿真夢, 一ノ瀬ころり or Haru Nanase
Pls update your taste.
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why do cute boys make /pol/tards seethe so hard?
some said it's because "at least being pedo isn't a degeneracy" when we all know that boy diddling is practiced by priesthood from all major religions across all major eras and civilizations, thus making it ultra based and trad
Let's go on an adventure with Tintin wink wink
Looks like he didn't get what "I have powers" was referencing.
It's actually a hatred and intolerance forum so go ahead and kill yourself like your parents wish you had when they found out how worthless you are.
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I always wonder how it is to search up some of our more obscure memes and stuff for explanations.
A lot of it isn't recorded anywhere so you'd have to lurk or find archives to get any good explainers a lot of the time.
I also wonder how some of them translate into Japanese, but I have no opportunity to post them in a relevant thread so that they show up.
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I'm glad he kept this
Tokiyuki on his way to form a harem but speciffically exclude heris immensly funny.
>Everything I don't like is /pol/.
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>everyone except Mima
so true
I am reading manga and unfortunatelly manga threads never survive long.
>draw a woman
>call it a man
Many such cases
it's perfectly fine, don't let anyone else tell you otherwise
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>Yes that's right, suspicious kid. Concubines and wives are very important, and one should always take responsibility.
>Except if they're pushy and dress like sluts. In that case you can dump their ass as soon as possible. Don't even engage.
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>He fell for the "epic hateful 4chudz" meme
I can't wait for election tourist season to end.
uh, it's been going 8 years now and shows no signs of stopping
this show filters the incels haha
*plaps shota butt*
As a proud straight man I will be content with Shizuku and only have sex with Tokiyuki when I'm drunk or the lights are off.
Pit slut
Boycunny is on the rise it seems
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>Matsui is a decent human being
>that "Honto ka na?" in the background
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>Japan's favorite
Of course they're going to eat this >>269068839 up
It is a good day to invest in boycunny stocks
Nagisa isn't attracted to Karma, but I can't say Karma isn't attracted to Nagisa.
Is there any reason to imagine your rival naked, with only a snake covering his privates?
Plus it's not like you can't lust for a friend, love and lust are two different things.
As a crossdresser I fucking hate how they can just draw a girl and say that he is a boy
You're a faggot regardless OP.
I think it might be possible to do that via gene editing (CRISPR) in 50-100 years. No invasive procedures required.
Hell, it might even be possible to get a permanent cute little boy appearance.
Cute thread.
>He is not gay.
Why even live?
>~10% dislikes
Why? His previous video had less than 1% dislikes. This video was more fun in my opinion.
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I'm hoping for this. I'm hoping I live long enough for this too.
You're hoping to live hundreds of years? I think theres a limit to optimism.
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I'll just default to some assmad redditors. I don't see any problems in the comments.
>Acknowledge the reddit complains
>Still add reddit
It's like he's taunting us. I thought he was /ourguy/
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>Nooooo, I'm so confused about my sexuality because the script said some androgynous cartoon character is male, make it stop, my personal identity, noooo.
Yes anon he does it to spite you.
I used to tag the reddit parts with sponsorblock as "filler" but they kept being disliked and removed, so I gave up.
He'll stop adding reddit when our threads stop being 90% shota lust. So about when the plot kicks in.
>I used to tag the reddit parts with sponsorblock as "filler" but they kept being disliked and removed, so I gave up.
What? What does this mean? Where and how were you "tagging" them? How do they get "sponsored"? Who's disliking and removing them?
so the next episode?
within 50 years womb transplantations will be possible
The show ended and I'm not into manga as much as I am into anime. If it gets a second season I will be there every week, if it takes too long I'll get into the manga eventually.
>permanent cute little boy appearance
What if I were an ugly kid?
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We are and always been here, its just shota shows shows are rare.
>You're hoping to live hundred of years?
Not from purely natural means of course. Best case scenario I'd still be an old husk attached to some tubes or a brain in a jar for a long while. But if I can tough it through that, then a new life as an adorable lolibaba awaits!
I saw an english comment that said he was "shocked" so I assume redditors rolled up to be pathetic like usual.
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I wish more Broly MAD got translated
It's not. Fags can never be so beautiful.
Perverted japs just drew a beautiful woman and gave her a dick.
If you can make yourself look like a little boy using that, it'd be a piece of cake to make yourself look cute using the same technology.
Heterosexual males don't find other guys attractive, you're just gay.
He unironically, not exaggerating or shitposting, gets molested/assaulted at night by his two female retainers.
So that would obviously turn him gay, right? The only sexual interactions he has with females is through molestation and rape, so he obviously doesn't like them.
I used to post pics of myself in AMERICAN boxers back when I was a twink. The /pol/ threads got quickly filled by people calling me cute and asking for more. /pol/ is very gay.
Nah. /pol/ is still pretty misandric. Some might like cute boys, but most hate gay men (but not women) and men of "other" races.
That's how tradcucks are. That's the reason MRAs hate them.
This could be a panel in a porn manga.
Ok. I understand now. SponsorBlock is an extension.
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Now you're just being ridiculous. Seeing things that aren't there.
Based, hang all the faggots
What happens in history? Does she actually take back the shogunate?
beheading correction
In real life, he gets beheaded. But this is anime, who knows what can happen
Who caught him?
>Those tiny hands
Bros... I don't want to lose him. I want to keep him tightly wrapped under my arms so that faggot Ashikaga and his cocksuckers can't behead him.
I'd keep his stuffed headless body as a personal onahole.
I'm a white latino so I guess they just loved me for ticking their colonization fetish but also being white instead of brown.

god I miss /pol/ calling me cute...
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Let's start with (You)
>He unironically, not exaggerating or shitposting, gets molested/assaulted at night by his two female retainers.
That sounds fucking hot
You can't just say that and not post it
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Well? Show us.
Should I watch? The story seems boring.
I know fuck all about Japanese history and I like it a lot
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Is this interesting to someone who is not a homo? I read the first chapter of the manga when it came out and then never again.

Why not take the robot body?
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True. Robot body is also a viable option.
>I read the first chapter of the manga when it came out and then never again
if anything i watch it for the animation. the manga art is shit however so that's understandable
>Is this interesting to someone who is not a homo?
TES is an /his/torical manga at its core, set in a relatively obscure period in Japanese history and with the same kind of humor you can find in AssClass. The main characters being pretty boys is just an artistic choice probably to make their inevitable deaths hurt more. It's worth a try if you liked AssClass and don't get filtered by history classes.
If you have to ask then it is gay, and that is a boy so it is double gay.
>when our threads stop being 90% shota lust
I don't think that's going to stop anytime soon.
>Actually, this is fun!
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Gay sexo with Tokiyuki-sama uooooooooooh!!

you got KIK???
>However, when Nitta was pursued by Ashikaga Takauji and sought refuge in Echigo Province, Tokiyuki fled to Sagami Province, where he was discovered and beheaded by forces loyal to the Ashikaga.

Horny for danger.
you mean bunny?
>literally draw a girl
>doesn't even draw the penis
>call it a boy
why are the nips so lazy?
>doesn't even draw the penis
If you look closely you can see the very small bulge. Tokiyuki have a cute feminine shota dick.
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Is this better?
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>bite mark
lost the link, check pixiv
i have already accepted im 2D gay but i will never be 3D gay
i'd be 3d gay if they're asian
I'm ok with being 3D gay if it comes to getting my ass plowed by masculine men, but I wouldn't plow their asses back or blow or kiss them, etc.,
I'd effectively be treating them as dildos and I feel bad for that.
Now, if it comes to good-looking femboys, though, I'd do everything with them, but they're very rare.
And even me getting my ass plowed is for prostate stimulation.
Pedos have stunted brains and/or excessive sadistic urges.
Gays have a visual filter you can see from gay art.

The male body is disgusting and icky, children, women and men all agree on this. Men tend to take it as a source of humor. Homosexuality gives men the same measurable disgust response as maggots on a rotten loaf do.
Without this heavy disgust response, it's unlikely men would have ever even waged wars on one another.
The problem with prostate stimulation isn't the anal, it's the lack of boobs and pretty faces, pleasant odours etc.
What sort of sound do you think Tokiyuki would make when you tickle his balls?
I think he'd try to stay silent but let out a little whimper.
What the fuck are you talking about? The art is gorgeous
I couldn't fap to thigh shota because he has the same voice as Japanese Marshall from Paw Patrol which I watch with my niece and nephew and that really put me off lol
But Tokiyuki is just fiiiiine
I come to these threads just looking for the rustled jimmies
The disgust reaction is a direct result of cultural conditioning. It’s not normal to feel distress after seeing 2 people express love, but society at large acts this way only when it’s about 2 men and in no other circumstance.
In other words, your brain has been programmed by your cultural overlords and you’re so deep in it they’ve convinced you it’s somehow natural.
Homophobia in media is no accident and it’s not a coincidence your response is excatly the one that has been conditioned.
Based. At the end of the day straight pedophilia is just considered more acceptable than homosexuality by the standard of average patriarchal values, hence why the average 4channer minds less.
Just ask a woman to peg you.
I’m actually really glad that gays and gayness has gotten more attention on /a/ lately
Some people here are almost ready to admit it to themselves already
Too bad though it’s only in the form of this pedo shit
Total faggot death.
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>Without this heavy disgust response, it's unlikely men would have ever even waged wars on one another
Lmao attraction to young men was considered as natural as attraction to women back in the ancient world.
So was cleaning your teeth with urine.
If I see this one more fucking time in the catalog I will watch it.
So you do agree wars have nothing to do with society programming you to reject homosexuality in all its forms, good to know.
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>escapes death at the last possible moment by tricking the Ashikaga into beheading someone else while thinking it’s him.
Would it be kino?
he already did this once, to do it again the second time would just cheapen the story
I'm not attracted to this boy. He's gonna lose and lose badly.

His ancestor however....
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The most recent chapter set my survival flags even higher despite the despair. If Takauji's meant to "correct the course of history", Tokiyuki's meant to escape his bad end and forge his own fictional path. Masamune's talk with Kojiro also reinforces that.
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Absolutely. He’s supposed to be the young lord who is good at running away.
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/pol/tards cant have fun
more at 11
Are you talking about his uncle? That’s not cheap, that’s setting an example.
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I like Ayako
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The art is alright but so far the anime highlights Tokiyuki’s speediness the same way a soundtrack would elevate a music based manga. I hope the budget doesn’t run out though.
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I can't wait for her and the shrine girls next saturday
I thought next episode was the Sadamune power hour
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Sadamune starts and ends with the shrine maidens
Oh right I remember now, but I forgot what Ayako even did
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Not really much at that point
If you like the author’s writing style and the historical setting then it is very interesting to see how he blends the two. But at the end of the day it’s a very niche, almost contradictory kind of appeal which is part of the reason interest in the manga had been declining before the anime came out.
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>part of the reason interest in the manga had been declining before the anime came out.
I still think that's because the pre-anime advertising was bad.
>people to this day are JUST finding out this series was made by the same person who made AssClass/Neuro. I don't know what demographic they were aiming for but the people who read those series growing up are adults now and it should've been adjusted as such
>series would go multiple volumes without any kind of motion comic PV on the Jump channel, meanwhile Undead, Yozakura, and Sakamoto got plenty
And the latest volume said that votes went down due to the pillaging chapter but I still think that was Nakano's bullshit at play.
>pleasant odours
He'd make the sound of
>*runs away*
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Damn elusive samurai brat, stop trying to escape your inevitable rape correction
Surely, A lot of samefagging is going rampant on this thread since faggot shit, and shota shit never widely popular on /a/ before IP count was abolished.
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>Damn elusive samurai brat, stop trying to escape your inevitable historical correction
Saw a great pic of the concubines double teaming a sleeping Tokiyuki
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>The male body is disgusting and icky
Come again?
Why exactly is it that we worship the aesthetics of the bodies of male mammals like lions, peacocks, reindeer, silverback gorillas, and male gaurs while the females of their species remain invisible to us, again?
I guess the human mammal is the only exception where it's the other way around. That’s probably why all ancient civilizations created art and sculptures of the female body and not the male body, rather than the other way around. Oh, wait.
And why exactly do we build so many iconic structures to resemble cocks (phallic architecture) but get a natural disgust response to cuntic structures like the Al Janoub Stadium? I guess those cocks in those structures belong to non-human animals because we have "a heavy disgust response" to male human bodies, after all.
The one on kemono? Yeah that shit is great
>Private Cloud ? We all had him.
Shota fawning aside, the first three episodes were very good and if this doesn't fall off it will be my candidate for AOTY.
Kill all faggots.
Is there anyone here who's versed enough in Japanese history that can tell me what his deal was? Mental retardation or just stupid?
He made a lot of dumb decisions and his underlings were scummy as fuck as you can see. But in the manga he did love his sons to a degree
Well share with the class, Anon.
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>animator art
Huh. I thought he was literally supposed to have suffered some kind of head trauma, but Matsui was just saying he was so stupid he may as well have been drooling on himself. Lol, brutal.
It's interesting that this is the third series Yusei Matsui had done where some bizzare figure with unclear or weird motivations swoops into the life of a seemingly "ordinary" young person and gradually unlocks their potential.

At first I thought he was just re-treading the "supernatural creature brings chaos to the life of a high-schooler" thing with AssClass after MTNN, but this series has made me realize he specially tells this kind of story a lot.
Why does both Tokiyuki and Kunitoki looks nothing like him?
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>Is it really gay to be attracted to this?
depends. do you wanna be doing the fucking or be the one getting fucked? it's only homo if you don't say no homo. in pic related's case i'd like both.
It's a good formula
You get the power level wank, eccentrics, and mentorship from one character
Then you get the character growth, straight man side, and student from the other, which provides a PoV from this character as well
There's also the role reversal of the mentor character getting depowered in some way, leading to the student character having to step up to the plate
I like his design specifically because he looks and acts boyish, not girlish. Hard to pull off especially with the long hair. Maybe others feel differently, but to me it's clearly a boy. I am not a fan of real traps are just moe ughuu girls despite that the author is trying to tell you they aren't.
I am not sure about the priest here.
What is this and why is there some stupid moeblobb with such a high pitches voice talking?
I started watching (and will read manga) because of her
Is there a name for those old school uniforms?
Because they look a billion times better than the garbage modern schools seem to have.
Even in my country it's bad because I legit didn't know it was out. I would always grab and look into historical manga and the free manga announcement books usually print extracts for every new series but I have never seen ES being printed or mentioned anywhere. Seems like there are already two volumes out.
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>vol. 5 has guy with the stupid eyes on the spine
Judging by the OP/ED I thought that this guy would be the next antagonist. Is he a long-lasting character or is the anime skipping things or the OP misleading?
He's long-lasting, the anime kinda sped through the Botan fight but I'm more than ok with that because that felt like filler other than introducing some important concepts which get shown later. Sadamune is a fan-favorite character.
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Also forgot to add, he's introduced in chapter 6, volume 1
>high pitched voice
I wanna have sex with this semen demon.
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I admire the audacity of the Japanese to be able to go, "Let's portray our historical figures as lolis/twinks/homos/molestable shotas". Seriously, I wish we could all follow their example.
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They wouldn't dare do that to their Emperors, royal family or the Kuge (Imperial Court aristocrats), though.
Their chrysanthemum taboo is the equivalent of the pedophilia taboo in the West. Several people literally got killed over their depictions in media in the 60s.
Only shoguns and below are fair game.
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If this is reverse psychology, its working
Is that why Go-Daigo is portrayed the way he is?
I don't read the manga, so I'm not sure what you mean by that.
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Other than 1 page, he's always portrayed like pic related. A silhouette with glowing eyes behind some blinds. There's a very brief shot of him in the anime OP.
So this basically confirms what I said. He isn't even drawn as something other than a silhouette.
The ancient practice of shūdo with Yoichi!
I didn't know this was by Matsui. Now I'm quite interested in picking it up, I always thought the dynamic between Neuro and Yako was really great.
Make sure to check out the anime too, it's been a great adaptation of the source material so far
The dynamic between Yorishige and Tokiyuki is the weakest of the three due to plot reasons and him just being a normal human with powers instead of a monster, but it grows on you.
>Sadamune is a fan-favorite character.
Genuinely surprised about this, but then again I don't know him yet. It's cool to hear though, usually it's always the handsome dudes and the women that are fan favorites. Weirdos deserve some recognition too.
>sped through the Botan fight but I'm more than ok with that
Yeah I feared it would be the start of a longer fight since I have witnessed many shounen doing such beast fights at the start of the series. I think it was the right decision to keep it short and not lose the momentum.
I am so mad that this series will never be finished, I had a lot of fun with it and wish I could witness a new series from the same mangaka afterwards. I love his shit.
kek. Now, THIS is good comedy. Not the inappropriate garbage with those shit eating Yorishige grins during sombre moments.
God I would cum buckets if the west was able to draw good-looking comics like that and interpret all kinds of historic western characters like this and just be creative and have their fun with them.
I wish that was the case because I liked that gag.
I think the advertisement theory would hold more water if Elusive's decline wasn't so consistent after a strong start and Yozakura/UU weren't unboostable despite their anime.
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He doesn't get much screentime and their relationship isn't really the same overpowered senior figure dynamic unfortunately
I'd rather be gay for a cute anime boy shaped like a girl than be straight for a hairy woman shaped like a man with a vagina.

But I'll always love big anime titties and thick butts on their cute girls.
same. cept i like hairy women shaped like women. pubes and pits only though.
I am rather gay than fapping to that landwhale elf that is apparently popular on /a/ these days. And no anime character will ever be as weird as the shit cartoons fags fap to.
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What the fuck am I reading?
I don't like body hair but I still respect and accept these tastes of yours, anon.
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Specifically Kyo kino
Just a little Takauji magic.
This is more /fa/ than any of the recent Jojo parts.
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I only jerk off to straight shotas, chud
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Araki's still got the /fa/ in him, but I'm not feeling the JoJolands designs much either. Then again I'm also not reading it anymore. I should change that.
Matsui learned well from Araki
This series was so fun I am sad it was never fully adapted. I should look up what that mangaka is up to nowadays.
Same. It's probably decent. But I have to admit that I was attached to the old characters and lore and the universal reset kind of killed my enthusiasm and the recent parts are very slow paced and long, especially 8. Still planning on getting into it again (one day).
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This manga is weird as fuck and I love it
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Earman's from behind hug was parodying a commercial I can't find anymore because the link is dead...
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What even is this anime?
/pol/ is gay as fuck anon, they have dedicated trap porn threads and no one bitches as much as the /a/nons here.
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Why /a/ suddenly turned gay in these years?
Astolfo, Okaeri Arisu and now this.
I love the ED.
This is correct. /pol/ loves black bitches and cute boys. /pol/ is the most diverse board on 4chan.
ask me how I know you're a tourist or underage.
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>these years
Always has been newfriend.
No, it’s not gay. Being gay is an identity, not behavior. So if you don’t identify as gay, you aren’t gay.
>What even is this anime?
A very calm and normal retelling of the Kenmu Restoration and how it leads into the Nanboku-cho Period.
Those clothes look comfy.
To this day I wanna believe they eventually got married.

Not trying to derail the thread but goddamnit the chance to talk about these two is about as rare as the planets aligning.
This feels like something out of Golden Kamuy just with funny faces instead of ikemen military men.
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This mangaka is always fucking weird, it's awesome. This is probably his least weird series.
Why can't they make normal videos anymore I don't get why it's some retarded girls narrating it. Is there a script of this shit so that I know what everybody is replying to? Or is it just another summary?
>these years
You weren't here during the age of Kamina, Code Geass, Jojo, Free or anything before 2018, were you?
Cute miko.
Wish she had more screentime.
it's something made specifically to target straight male audience, using visual elements appealing to straight men = not gay, you're bi at worst
Anon it's our threads read by cute voiceroid, the conversation are clear and there's even an arrow when something is a direct reply to another post.
No, what is it called? I've seen it pop up enough times and I've given up, I'll read/watch the damn thing.
What if I want to fuck Genba?
>tsundere loli ninjas are posting on this board right now
okay so its the elusive samurai.
I think it was some shampoo commercial. Try looking for the chapter dump thread for it.
Only faggots watch this
I'm faggots
You are always welcome to discuss any Matsui in a Speedy Shota thread if you find a way to make it relevant to Speedy Shota
Hallo faggots, how was your day?
It's the most weird of his series to me in the sense that I wouldn't expect a period piece to get the weird treatment. Demons solving mysteries? Kids in loser school? Sure, why not. Historical figures acting like nutcases? I'm not sure what he was thinking.
Can another drawfag explain exactly they are doing that makes this series look closer to cel anime than the digital shit we usually get?
I get the noise they are adding, but they also did something with the outlines that make them look more drawn. I assume it's another grain filter layer with blend mode or something
I also like that the BGs are actually painted for once.

>attractive to any heterosexual male
You mean fags and horrendous bottom feeding fujoshi.

The art of this is particularly vomit inducing, since it's literally drawn like porn. If someone want to have a wank, there are literal hentai economies with hundreds of artists making the exact kind of nasty slop you're in the mood for.

I find the active encouragement of pedophile porn being pushed in mainstream entertainment to be 100% zionist kike tier of degeneracy. Japs need to find and kill jews as effectively as they killed Shinzo Abe.
Oh nevermind that makes sense. The voices annoyed me too much so I only zapped through it quickly.
The chance that Toki Yorito will be remembered more through his manga/anime portrayal is hilarious to me and I support it 100%. Also feudal japan IS a nutcase, the Edo period is a fucking meme.
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I don't know what they're doing here's some before/after effects comparison.
I would say they're doing a lot of touch-ups to recreate "imperfections" of the era. Like how the colors are bleeding out of Godaiin's body here, or the slight camera shake throughout each episode.
Sex with Takauji
Yep, it's a rare case of digital effects being used right. They're using the on blur effect here combined with some touch ups that make it look a bit like a rough oil painting.
So many are using digital effects that only end up blurring the whole background (you probably know that Violet Evergarden pic) or make it look painfully clean or artificial. Filters can be used wisely but you need to know how. Even hollywood movies tend to look like ass. Like someone literally just slapped a high opacity color filter onto everything thought it was a good idea.
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Yeah the Ranma trailer is getting a little painful for me now because I think the animation actually looks good, but it has a very washed out look to it.
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Yeah it's especially bad when there is zero contrast or tonal difference between the character in the foreground and the background. It's all flat and they either don't use any shading at all or it's chaotic and confuses the eyes or very light and barely noticeable.
There is a reason for why many artists are drawing in grey tones first and only adding the colors later. With that method you are sure to focus more on the composition of the scene and the contrasts that give it a shape.
do seriously not know how to look up images? Surprised you made past the captcha
OP is dumping Neuro with new scans if any Matsuifags are interested
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As a bi guy, be real with me:
Is this show actually gay, or is this another case of /a/ misconstrueding their attraction towards a guy as the media itself being fruity?
It's just gaybait.
Tokiyuki only has his eyes on weird old men but at the same time, all his female retainers are serial rapists who molest him in his sleep.
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>all his female retainers are serial rapists who molest him in his sleep.
Hey, it's only two.
>watching this boy literally dancing in the middle of battlefield is enough to give his men a massive morale boost
what does this say about the samurais?
>votes went down due to the pillaging chapter
Why is /a/ full of faggots?
Always has been.
Tokiyuki is horny but not gay.
Sadamune and Ichikawa are gaybait.
Everyone else is straight, including the priest.
Else it wouldn't be /a/
>he say this when the slogan of /a/ has been "we're all little girls here" since forever
That's cute as fuck. Post it.
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I heard about that but don't know why.
Tokiyuki is dangersexual.
He can't get it up unless he's seconds away from getting an arrow through his skull.
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There's nothing strange about that, they just enjoy the dance.
Eh. Hard to say. On the one hand it's not Kuroshit-levels of homoshota where the story is centered around the relationship between an older guy serving a young vassal.

...But on the other hand that older guy does things like watch the young boy sleep and try to kiss him awake. So. Make of that what you will.
Moot is the biggest faggot
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And it makes the enemies seethe even harder
If enemies gain powers by drinking Takauji's spit, shouldn't frens (like myself and /a/nons) gain powers by drinking Tokiyuki's spit (and cum)?
You gotta love it.

>"Weeee teehee hoho haha~"
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I wonder how fake the Hojo reign was considering that Tokiyuki's father was a braindead corpse and the uncle an opportunist psychopath. It probably worked well enough as long as luck was on their side, but was only a matter of time till someone like Takauji started a coup.
>draw a girl
>pretend its a boy

cmon now
Hope we get more experimental animation
If there's any series where it fits it's this one
Even in the manga the characters complain about how shitty the Hojo were in their twilight years. If Takauji wasn't a demonic psychopath then he'd easily be framed as the good guy.
I think the uncle would have joined the rebels as well if he knew about it beforehand.
The entire Kamakura Shogunate was a ridiculous farce and clusterfuck. It was a powerless puppet emperor controlled by a powerless puppet shogun controlled by a powerless puppet "regent" controlled by some old bitch. The fact it lasted 200 years is a testament to Japanese autism.
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>draw a woman
>tell it's a man
>call everyone who disagrees with you a faggot
you can try to go against nature all you want but if you make your character look like a woman then everyone will assume it's woman, nobody cares about what cReAtOr InTeNdEd you know?
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He doesn't even look that feminine. Cute, but not very feminine. It's mainly the hair style IMO.
i love sadamune so much
I mean, doesn't that describe so many monarchies AYO
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He looks like a boy to me.
Young boys look like young girls and vice-versa. You got an issue, you'll have to take it up with god.
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I just noticed this now and I am in fact interested.
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My man deserved a better clan
>Even in the manga the characters complain about how shitty the Hojo were in their twilight years.
Yeah like how Kojiro's birth is almost a direct result of it
I really hope the anime is a success, because I love this series
They're so lucky.....
Fubuki (pregnant with my child)
I hope they defy history by saving him from his new identity.
Imagine a world where even anons would have lost their virginity
>draws a girl
>calls it a guy
Why are the japanese such promiscuous faggots?
>draws a guy
>calls it a guy
For what purpose?
No traps are attractive because of their strong femininity despite their gender. How can anyone fault a man for being interested in womanly figures?
Serious question: How come Tokiyuki still hasn't fucked older men via wakashudō yet? Did aristocratic boys not practice it? Were the aristocrats only fucking younger boys, not older men?
That's Edo period, this is Kamakura. But, if I'm wrong, it could be that he's the son of a puppet leader, who has no interest in training, so maybe he slipped through the cracks.nmop
1. It's a Shounen Jump manga
2. Tokiyuki's too high ranking to be considered an acceptable target for that kind of thing
it's insane because op didn't even imply that they were gay, just that he was attracted to them, and you're still chimping out about "nooo muh canon"
canonically no female anime character would ever have sex with you but you still jerk off to them, faggot
That's a femcel you're replying to. She was chimping out about mUh miSoGynY in the previous threads too.
>draws a demon
>calls it an uncle
Why though?
>draws a demon
>calls it a shogun
Why is this allowed?
I just read up about samurai shudō. It seems the samurai masters and students could enter into relationships if they wanted to and Tokiyuki obviously had multiple masters, so either his masters weren't interested, Tokiyuki wasn't interested, both or Matsui just didn't portray it. Or maybe Tokiyuki wan't that close to them since he was always running away.
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Since this thread's still alive, Plan A has reached 2 million views!
Tokiyuki has had multiple mentors but none of them have actually outranked him
I love samurai and wild west shit. I never understood why these genres are so unpopular nowadays. Can't get anybody but a boomer friend I have into giving these things a chance.
Trends come and go, it's just how it is. I actually think swordfighting/"swordboys" are on the cusp of a renewed interest boom.
Also if you haven't read RED yet, you should. It's really good.
I usually dislike anime OP/EDs since most of them sound like cheap ads for shitty idols and mediocre j-rock singers but in this case they are just cool and the melodies stuck after listening to them just once. My favorite OP and ED 2024 so far together with Bravern and Ranger Reject.
>Also if you haven't read RED yet, you should. It's really good.
I finally picked that up after anon started that storytime and it's fantastic. Had it on my to-read list since the 00s but never started or simply forgot about it.
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That's good. I ended up liking that series a lot. The ending hit me hard too. There's also Azumi if you want some more brutal feudal Japan stuff. (Still reading through it)
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Did anything happen two years from now, historically? Since that's what the priest was claiming.
Yes, and it's one of the best moments in the series.
People still like samurai-based swordfighters and sword fights, but a plot that follows actual history turns people off because history = boring in the minds of mediocre students like me.
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Did this ever get updated?
OP just jerked off to that pic before he opened the thread btw
No because the huge influx of new characters and the big timeskip allegiance shakeup made me procrastinate. I could easily update it up until the timeskip but I'd have to do it almost from scratch if I wanted to make a true update
So priest girl isn't actually Yorishige's real daughter but he has a real kid that is a son (who already has a son on his own)?
Wait, how old is he? He looks like 30 to me, but seems like he's older.
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>Wait, how old is he?
Ah, you gotta read Anon!
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I googled it to find the answer and Elusive Yorishige being prioritized over Real Yorishige in the search made me chuckle.
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I think that's going to end up being the case for everyone with a few exceptions likes Takauji. This whole period seems to be poorly documented in general and practically non-existent on the English parts of the internet.
>Bottom right.
Tokiyuki when I whip my cock out in front of him and he stares at it with intense focus and concentration.
Is this a show for gay homosexuals?
No. It's for straight homosexuals.
The priests would argue otherwise.
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No, not at all. Why do you ask?
I think by Japanese standards, boys probably fit that "concubine" or "rape and pillage" role where they don't really threaten the dignity of the "main wife" by being so thoroughly dehumanized and disposable. Subjugation
Boys being another victim of rape sanctioned by respectable "real women"

Feminine means target of violence and dehumanization.
>is it really gay to
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Wives typically don't like concubines. And women don't just tolerate shotalust, they participate in it themselves. There is likely a "non-threatening" aspect to it. But it's that boys are non-threatening compared to men, not that they are non-threatening like lesser women.
I'm just trying to make sense of it. It's just funny that every fucking time, the "lust" is always tied to violence.
I really like Kojiro here. Not sure why, might be the magic of slightly longer hair. In any case, I want to pinch his cheeks and tickle him.
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That's actually a genderbend. So is pic related.
You seem confused indeed.
Concubines, which are always female, are just for for sex and releasing steam. Pure lust.
Your wife/wives are for making babies, preferably boys for several obvious reasons.
And wakashuu are for true passion and love. It's not just lust. By virtue of being male, there's this common... understanding, something a woman will never be able to provide.
Huh well there's no difference from a normal trap so I will still take them as males because it just feels right.
>the "lust" is always tied to violence
It isn't, though. Most yaoi stuff is boring and non-violent.
it's okay if it's cute
Tokiyuki is NOT for ryona
>Most yaoi stuff is boring and non-violent.
In the cases where it's an equal relationship between gay men. But undeniably there's a huge amount that's more focused on the violence, anger, degradation, rape, subjugation
WAAAY better
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Anon, I think you're just fixated on that stuff and so you don't notice how much male focused eroticism is boys being happy and cute.
I don't think so. Mostly everything is about domination or violence.
Doesn't that depend on the demographic? If it's for women than domination and violence if it's for men then it boys being happy and cute.
Back to /cm/ femcel
I don't know anymore, honestly
>He doesn't know
>The whiny "gay men are misogynist" femcel is here.
I mean, the romans did say you can be in a heterosexual marriage and still fuck little boys...
I see cute young girls do that thing where they grab their arm like that and walk around all timidly.
They never said that.
boys are not men so it's in fact not gay
>inb4 but penis
not functional yet, might as well doesn't exist
Why do women love seeing boys getting roughly subjugated and tortured while at the same time whine about men being domineering and violent?
Are these things only allowed when they do it?
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Kill yourself first.
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Not really. It's a result of empathy. The thought of 2 men having gay sex is like watching a guy chop his own arm off, except you feel revulsion instead of pain. You cannot imagine why a guy would subject himself to such a terrible experience.
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I just want to make a cute shota happy
You're bisexual, OP.
Takauji offers (the predecessor of) this to Tokiyuki in Ch. 57, and Tokiyuki rejects. It is noted that offering this is deeply insulting because Tokiyuki is (the son of) Takauji's former liege.
A hundred times
Maybe more
I don't think there's a clear birth date for him, but everyone was having kids pretty young back then
>has our own conversations read back to him verbatim
>"wtf is this shit, I don't get it"
anon, I...
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For those who know, lots of stuff in a country's history may not be the most proud of moments.
For those who don't know, refusal to believe their super homogeneous conflict averse society would ever be like that / do that.
The "benefit" to being a new country is that we're still largely the same since our founding. The "con" to being an old country is a LOT of shit happens you may not necessarily agree with later.
Yeah this is old
It's almost like that's the joke
it's been done before, and japan has always been weird
I can say that because he never showed any kind of attraction beyond what the twisted mind of a fujo thinks love and lust is, and I shouldn't even have to mention what a reach it is to take the obvious visual metaphor that the two see eachother as genuine monsters to be slain and overcome in that moment and make it a horny thing. They're friends with no sexual feelings between them and that fact is an unbearable wound that very clearly still aches deep within the hearts of rotten girls and autistic gays to this day.
>out of the five Hoshina retainers only the chestburster got a name
I miss them
>I'm filled with hatred for a huge swathe of the human population because I'm just so fucking empathetic guys
If you feel enough guilt to make excuses, just let go of those negative feelings altogether.
At least these faggot threads aren't being spammed as much as yuritroon threads. But the moment faggot shippers also start to flood the catalog and drown out actual discussion of series like yuricucks do, /a/ will be truly dead.
"Faggots" and "yuritroons" have been here a lot longer than you, mister election tourist. And they'll still be here when you're gone.
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>we have been a cancer on this board for far longer than you think
Ok, that still doesn't mean that anyone likes you here.
I'm sorry you're so uncomfortable here on /a/. Have you considered joining a right wing Discord server?
>if you are annoyed by schizophrenic lunatics forcing their crackship headcanon onto a series while drowning out any meaningful discussion in the process, then you must be le right wing
You've never "meaningfully discussed" a single thing in your fucking life. You don't have the system resources.
You mean willy.
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Can someone turn this part to looping gif? it's comfy...from Episode 2.
ffmpeg anon, install it
I-I'm phon*posting
So, Takauji did all this so he could fuck Tokiyuki? Is that what you're saying?
Serious question: Why aren't they showing us Tokiyucute's wee little chinko? It's ok to show the chinkos of boys his age, right? We even got to see Rudy's cute little chinko.
This. I agree with most of this.
I don't agree with the "female concubines are for sex part, though". That role is also fulfilled by the wakashū, along with the true love role.
This happens almost everytime when an anime is featuring some historical person unless the latter is popular enough to be known among normalfags like Iskandar. If you google Fate related characters 80% of them will be prioritized over their historical counterparts.
Actually, I just looked. Even for Iskandar the Fate version gets prioritized. You have to search for Alexander the Great.
I need porn of her being defiled.
Yeah I know. In my defense I didn't listen to a single phrase just zapped through it. I have zero interest and attention span for youtube videos that aren't music.
Googling Mesopotamian and Hindu characters returns the OGs first.
This crazy samurai/shogun subgenre should have an own specific term because I want more of that.
It's maybe because they're FGO only and have less exposition than the characters in the anime. I can also imagine that there are more people searching for Hindu gods in English (or at least the Latin alphabet) than for Asian historical characters save for the big ones like Nobunaga. If I search for guys like Douman I am also mostly getting the Fate version. For Gilgamesh it's 50/50 but that's because his Fate version is insanely popular.
Elusive bussy
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I completely missed (or forgot) that the demon guy was the brother of the concubine, not the Hojo leader.
I want to see Tokiyuki get turbo mad again. It only happened twice and they were really great moments.
Yeah he’s Kunitoki’s uncle but it’s easy to miss which side of the family he’s from.
Takatoki’s actual brother is one of my favorite characters.
angry tokiyuki turning red like a boiled crab is top cute
The other dude looks funny, based on that chart he's one of those I am interested in the most right now.
Check pixiv
>discussion about a series only consists of headcanon shit flinging over which characters have sex with each other
Name a bigger red flag.
Why do some people have to pretend they're not just horny nerds like everyone else?
I know it's shocking to you, but most people don't actually think about sex and jerking off 24/7.
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The manga just had one of its best chapters last week.
Anime threads are for lusting and sakugafagging.
You're the model of saintly chastity, anonymous.
Sounds like every /a/ thread ever with the exception of harem, because nobody in harems ever has sex to begin with.
/dbs/ threads aren't like that, besides the occasional cuck posts which only serve to make fun of a character you don't like.
What if I fap to 2D violence and history shit?
Burn every dragonspic alive.
Well, fair, but DBS threads are a whole own kind of horror.
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He has the face of a sleazy politician but he's refreshingly sincere.
People like me are eager and ready to discuss the story with you, but complaining about posts you don't like isn't going to make that happen.
What's the ETA for the episode preview of this series? Does it even have previews besides the short Hojo crest scene?
I think the threads are pretty fine. Discussed a lot of story content with others so far. The horny stuff is traditionally part of most 4chan threads but it's not like modern yuri series where the posters outright ignore story content and plot related posts because they aren't about lesbian marriage.
The anime account and the website posts preview images
There's also a leaker but I forget
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Takauji looks too happy and friendly for me, his super serious sidekick has the cooler design IMO
Are you into NTR?
Asking for a friend.
N-not really, why?
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You might wish to rethink your opinion on him being cool.
no this is fantasy/2d, but the story doesnt present him sexually so its is kinda gay
Whose waifu does he fuck?
I don't know. It's kind of hard to tell which demographic is truly more violent and dehumanizes the bottoms more. Which side hates the feminine more.
Meanwhile "realism" is usually what compels people to seek this stuff
They also enjoy series where the female selfinsert gets raped or put into a cage, it's all about fetishes and fantasies. Men also fantasize about getting assraped or stepped on by a dominant femme fatale sometimes. I think it's certain aspects of the fictive dynamics that people consider hot and it doesn't necessarily translates to enjoyment of the same thing in real life. Many fujos also enjoy fanfics and art where masculine dudes they're into get gang raped or something.
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This is an extremely weird thing to notice but Yorishige's halo lights remind me a lot of how they drew the rays of light in KlK.
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Background cuties....
You think that at first. Then you realize these are genuinely held beliefs.
>fucks ten sluts at once
>then kicking them out to cook in peace like a real man
I like this guy
I love him so much
That's wrong unless you are shizo. You can separate aspects of an action in fiction and enjoy only the good part alone without the rest. I love fantasizing about being a warrior who gets beaten up and loses a leg but fights on until I eventually win because it's cool. Doesn't mean that I want to get my leg bombed away in real life.
This is because fictional scenes are abstract. I can experience an imaginary fight and imagine and enjoy the feeling of winning against all odds without feeling pain, hatred or fear or getting crippled, because it's not real. The "not real" part is what makes it enjoyable since you ignore the shitty aspects and just enjoy the cool part of it.
I mean the programming. Where you see a boy like in the OP, and say "He NEEDS to be raped, he's only good for being raped and killed"
oh you're retarded ok
>then disposes of him like trash when he gets too old
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The brother was nice, he deserved better
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You better buy his merch and vote for him in the poll anon
I'm just saying. It's "only fiction" and yet lines are clearly drawn based on strongly held beliefs
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The visual demon metaphors from episode 1 and 2 were some of the coolest shit I've seen in a while. Does the manga keep doing this for some of the villains?
Not him. Again, read my whole post and tell my why there aren't more people that deliberately let themselves getting shot or run into a war because it's cool or why there are so many fans of tragedies but nobody that enjoys tragedies in real life. You sound insincere, like a false flagging shitposter.
People enjoy tragedies when they happen to other people.

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