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If it goes like the previous 2 fights, the match should end this chapter.
Predictions for next chapter?
Perfect Dragon Shot. A shockwave bubble will completely encase Julius to show the power of the move
I predict:
>Absolute crazy feat out of nowhere
>Agito wins but he will say that Julius was about to kill him and he only got lucky
>"Julius will now grow even further!"
Kanoh will unlock TRUE formless and become a puddle of water
Absolutely excellent Sandro writing!!!! Julius would never say that he's finally caught up to Agito after dealing no damage and just eating shit the entire match. CLEARLY he now has brain damage!!!!
Genuinely why is Sandro such a moron
>I've caught up to you.
>Face is bruised and half caved in, damage everywhere while Agito is fine.
We're so close to the Lolong fight...
Please let him job again.
i hate the fact that this is very much possible, SANDROOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
He still has plenty of oxygen
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>brain damage is a buff actually
>Julius has so much muscle control he can "mimic" formless by bullshit muscle bending
>Yan is wanking both of them
>agito throws a new supreme bullshit dragon god-killing shot
>"You were amazing Julius... i'll wait for you there...."
>bullshit AI art full of peaks
>Alisa shows her pits calling the next fights
Why do Kengan feats have so little impact to them?
Breaking concrete and shaking the place seems to be their limits
This series has always been style over substance
Because it's not consistent. Frankly I don't think any shonen properly follows it. Kengan always had characters being able to shatter stuff and we've not really moved on from that. Maybe speed feats or foresight bullshit but that's often stupid. Then you have feats that are straight up wrong like how Masaki can't be knocked out because he can't feel pain. Like what. And as a bonus
Because it's all a matter of presentation.
Justin Shaking a Stadium is legit top 5 feats in Kengan, but it feels lame because:
1:Daro's GPU couldn't sell the impact, so visually it looks underwhelming, fucking Riko Kicking a bike felt more impactful than that
2: we weren't engaged with the fight, the stadium shaking felt like it came out of nowhere because nobody cares about that fight so when something important happened it just felt out of place
3: next to 0 build up, Justin just took punches and then he grabbed Hiraku and slammed him, that's it, we needed something else to make us interested on this guy and somehow "sell" his strength to us. Contrary to popular belief it is a good thing that your audience can see some future plot developments coming, here no one could see that feat coming, and nobody cared.
Actually I think it’s the other way around.
There is NO creativity or thematic presence within the feats. It’s just
>He shook the stadium
>He broke concrete
Over and over again. While it’s technically more impressive than ripping a table apart, there is NO fucking pizzaz to it.
That's what that means. It's flashy but tiresome
Instead of trying to predict what will happen we should imagine the worst possible outcome for these fights, that way we won't feel underwhelmed
>Julius does another attack
>Gets slapped around even more
>Tries another definitely not a technique move
>Gets hit by Divine Dragon Shot
>Julius loses
>A shot of Shen farting and sneezing, wondering if someone is thinking about him
Idiot. It’s the literal opposite of flashy. It has zero fucking style to it
To that WORM in the other thread.
Dude the Tiger's Vessel *IS* Shen AND Ohma. It just means the receptacle of the Tiger personality of which Shen contains and Ohma was meant to contain through Sandro's sci-fi babble so they could randomly fight at some point. So by proxy Shen/Ryuki are the "dragon's" vessel, it's just not something brought up because Shen himself is in full control of his own faculties but he still planned (until sandro said lolidon'tcare) to huisheng Ryuki who was meant to house him specifically.
Kengan's writing lacks any sort of mystique compared to other more legitimate mangas like Baki or YYH. It's a congenital weakness which was present since Asura
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What was the last fight you guys actually cared about? mine was picrel
It’s not even that. It’s rooted in this powerscaler/fraudwatch culture where you can’t have cool imagery for the sake of it and it needs to be calculated in-universe
Agito turns into water and drowns Julius
Someone shaking a stadium and making le shockwaves and pulverizing concrete is flashy by design. There's just nothing else to it
Edward vs. Raian because the bad guys needed a win and Eddie killing Raian would put some stakes back into everything. Then that happened
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It's because Sandro's a shit writer.
>Make a series that is all about shonenshit technique yelling with worse meta than modern YGO
>Completely nonsensical feats like Rihito being able to erase steel beams with his fingers but somehow being an absolute entry level shitter that later gets beaten by a fucking Narutard with bad hygiene
>Powerscaling is all over the place in general because all that matters is whether your XYZ Pendulum summon technique has enough plot immunities to beat the card the opponent will use on their turn and whether the opponent is topdecking harder than you
>We're supposed to believe that human beings with physiology that allows them to tank concrete shattering blows in one fight can somehow get damage by kicking or punching them in the right joint (unless they can LITERALLY turn into jelly like Ohma or Lolong)
>Completely nonsensical asspulls like Otakemaru being somehow impossible to lift for a guy with le superman syndrome because the weight is distributed in a really funny way
>All of this is taken absolutely seriously and even presented as super cool stuff without the slightest hint of irony
>Sandro's notorious favoritism only makes things worse because he can't stop stacking the villains' feats only to make them absolute jobbers so his favorite Kenganvengers can look cool and show off their newest techniques, which is the YGO equivalent of the "Buy Blackwings" meme but somehow worse and much more frequent
You know it's bad when even Itagaki in his laziest possible phase and with senility onsets is still able to sell his hype better than you by simply giving a bit of a shit about the writing, despite the many inconsistencies Baki always had
Ashura mogged Baki though
>>We're supposed to believe that human beings with physiology that allows them to tank concrete shattering blows in one fight can somehow get damage by kicking or punching them in the right joint
To be fair Baki also had this but handled it better.
>Umm you can just imply to punch the chin and it'd 100% knock you out
In what way?
I really liked Pickle's neck anatomy and how it made him impossible to concuss with regular blows. Pickle's neck bones are thicker than most people's entire necks
that was the biggest letdown from omega, Edward was no-diffing everyone without using his removal, how the fuck does he end up losing?

Easier to follow story, more clean portrayal of MA, Actual showcase of what good grappling looks like, better balance between dialogue and action during fights, better progression, and a better ending (if we ignore the existence of omega)
Hell, if we take all the wormshit that was meant to tease Omega out and the let the Kenganverse close with Ohma's death Ashura is top 3 martial arts manga of all times
This fight was going on when I was still at school, damn. I remember even dming my friend who also read it and saying "dude dont spoil me at all on this"
no Kengan is definitely a "dirty" manga compared to the big boys. whether it's a good manga or a bad manga or if the power scalers like it because of how many hundreds of M1 Abrams Julius can totally lift is a different discussion
Your first two points are straight up wrong. Baki is a story a toddler could follow. The aesthetics of martial arts are crisper in Baki, it's just that not everyone got their turn.
Grappling is a true point but Kengan's grappling is a weak point and tedious as shit.
Better progression and ending are both complete biased nonsense
How does food reach his stomach?
I hate this fight so much. Why is Julius just a meathead when he's been characterized as being smart before? Julius should be aware that Formless is his worst match-up and should have at least attempted to create countermeasures like how Waka tried to counter Fei's Niko Style, but Julius doesn't even get that. I know it's common to dunk on Juliusfags, but surely it's too late for some early Ashura tier jobbing? We're in a tournament hyped as being a Gu ritual between the best of the best and so far a good chunk of the competition feels like buffoons. If Lolong vs Ramon turns out to be another skinny striker vs tanky grappler match then Sandro has officially run out of ideas.
>Why is Julius just a meathead when he's been characterized as being smart before?
Let's back up a bit, does he even have fight IQ intelligence moments before? He's only been mentioned as smart outside the fights for the purposes of selling the idea that he's musclemaxxing but I don't quite recall him being smart in fights.
>Lu Tian said Tiger Niko gave up on the Niko style and started teaching his students only the "Perfected Formless"
Why didnt Fei use formless then? Lu is clearly older than Fei. The timelines dont match at all.
NTA but yes he's supposed to be a smart fighter. Like how he avoided Blast Core the second time around when he fought Wakatsuki
Lu Tian was 19. The stress of being a beast of no nation (white man in China) aged him beyond his years
>Baki is a story a toddler could follow
It is not, and I'm not talking about the messy translations we EoPs have or something like that, the way Itagaki structured his story makes it easy for people to just lose interest, get confused with the developments, or outright not care about the story.
It is hard for you and me to see this because we care about Baki, we know Itagaki's ideas, and since we are fans we can put up with the quirks this series has, BUT the people that buy enough manga for you to live off from it are the casual readers, and for most of them Baki can come off as Regular show Nonsense sometimes, Kengan Ashura however is easier to follow, is a tournament there's a clear goal here.
>The aesthetics of martial arts are crisper in Bak
Art is subjective, but when it comes to represent how MA work I've seen way more people praise Ashura than Baki, when Baki gets praise is because individual instances, when Ashura used to get praise is because entire segments like Agito Vs Gaolang/Okubo, or Cosmo Vs Ohma.
>Better progression and ending are both complete biased nonsense
The KAT is a masterpiece when it comes to pacing, the way the tournament naturally builds itself as it goes on, while still leaving room to breathe and see the characters interact, is not something easy to get correctly.
There's a reason why most fights just get better and better the more we advance in the rounds.
And the ending is Good... As long as you ignore Omega.

Now being fair Baki is structured very differently to Ashura, some arcs in Baki are greatly paced, and others are horribly paced... And we don't have an "ending" for Baki either so it is true that "Better ending" is kinda wrong since there's nothing we can compare here
Is that really impressive though? Someone gets hit by a surprisingly strong attack and they'll just expect more of it.
You, "my friend", have "got it all wrong". Shen is made up of "Tiger" and "Shen". But Shen is just Shen, he is not "dragon". Either or Ohma or Ryuki will be either "Shen" or "Tiger" but there is no "Dragon". This is what will easily lead to the ending teaser of Omega before Kengan Samsara that will show that "Evil is on the move once more" as it showcases Dragon, Tortoise and Vermillion Bird.
>Try to make a big deal out of how Lihito is just way too big for him to knock out and damage
>The difference isn't that much compared to several other fights where the smaller guy won
I'm not replying to this, take my concession or whatever
It's that he figured out Blast Core has a limited viable range and adjusted his strategy accordingly
He could suck a golf ball through a garden hose
Eddie wasn’t even being cocky
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I thought Sandro was this big gymbro and way into lifting, so why is it that every time a character is shown lifting weights (off the top of my head Waka and Julius) it's always curls? Or am I misremembering?
Baki's superiority, haw haw, is already stirring up some trouble in this thread so I'll make this brief. At least it had bench presses, hack squats, PROPER barbell curls, dumbbell rows, deadlifts, lat pulldowns, etc
Sandro pisses me off so ungodly much it’s unreal.
I have never truly hated a mangaka before but Sandro’s writing isn’t just bad, it’s downright infuriating
Anon. Flashy is doing something cool like breaking someone’s fingers with your eyeballs.
Thoughts on Carlos vs Gaolang?
Started out very strong but Sandro’s favoritism kicked in at this exact moment
Flashy isn't a compliment. It describes something showy but tasteless
Anon, Kengan feats aren’t even showy. They’re just boring as shit
I used to think it was complete shit, now I just think it's mediocre, maybe leaning bad a little. Carlos had a meme dex build and paid for it, nothing more nothing less. If he had more power so he can really damage Gaolang he might have had a clean victory instead of going for a shitty ringout.
Do you just want to argue with me or something?
In a vacuum it's mediocre. In context it's complete dogshit
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>It describes something showy but tasteless
Flashy does not describe tasteless. Don't spew bullshit. The only bullshit meant to be consumed here is Sandro's slop.
How does it feel that I can tell you're the cornball poster from one word? I can always see these posts in every thread.
Genuinely stupid that Gaolang decided to lean on his arm to land. He could've won still.
Ostentatious is synonymous with tasteless. But let's not argue semantics here, or I will decimate you
Carlos should have won
>Anon, who understood both of the characters, had this to say
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Less than 24 Gaolangs into musclechucks are humiliated in these threads forever.
Only a tenth?
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When are "we" going to see "that character" do "that"?
I genuinely cannot see Lolong beating even half of the guys Ohma beat.
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I think Lolong could take them.
I'm equating Shen to being the dragon because lets be real Sandro hits people with the subtlety of a sledgehammer given both his and Ryuki's names and the whole Dragon vs Tiger myth aspect
Lolong would beat 2 Wakatsukis easily
I tought Gaolangs were meant to be minutes, not hours?
>Shen is the White Tiger of the West
>Ryuki is the Azure Dragon of the East
>Ohma is the Vermillion Bird of the South
>And Koga is the Black Tortoise of the North
Fuck it actually makes sense
Why didnt Tiger Niko use formless against Setsuna? It would counter perfectly the rakshakas palm
Because at this point the only struggle Julius would get from squatting would be to draw him squatting two cars which would be a bitch to draw.
AI should take care of it. Give Julius that Mr. Incredible workout routine.
It’s unproven Julius could even squat 800lbs.
Oh, Bob Parr would pulverize Shen Wulong. He is by far the strongest of the Westward Wu
Just reminded that Julius was originally shilled as very strong because an F1 car couldn't pull him and that the driver had his family threatened and he died. I'm still confused as to why that happened.
Not when Shen simply "holds down the point of force". Bob never stood a chance.
The Omni-Droid's metal claws were the size of a car, unevenly distributed and rocket propelled and Bob held down their point of force with ease!
It was a pointless feat of strength since Jules is an amateur strongman instead of a bodybuilder. At most you could say it's to show how his steroids surpassed machines but making it a F1 car was a laughable way to show it
Nope, Bob simply pulled its claws off, that is not "holding down the point of force", he does not rely on "principles".
Would have preferred Carlos being an actual Kuroki but the memes were great. I think that fight had the highest amount of fan content and user engagement other than Wakatsuki vs Fei. The ending causing endless seething that still echoes to this day was the cherry on top
Beating a dead horse, no one expects Julius to do even remotely well this chapter. This is probably the end of his character
He "held down" the "point of force" effortlessly. The word "Principles" was made for Mr. Incredible.
From a meta point of view probably because Tiger Niko has been talking again and again about evolving the Niko style and taking it to the next level, so him using Formless instead would make him look kind of stupid (well even stupider) for hyping up his style only to use something completely different (Especially since we've already seen Ohma counter the rakshakas palm with the Niko style all the way back at the end of Ashura)
The intent was probably to show that Tiger Niko was also a master of the Niko style but in a different direction than Ohma's. The issue is that Sandro kind of hard fumbled the execution and just made someone who should be fairly high tier look like a complete joke.
Or to explain it Sandro style, the formless style? That's "outdated". His Nike Style has "evolved" to the "next level" thanks to his "data".
How is it laughable? He didn't pull it until it zoomed at full speed while he's got extremely large heavy chains around him. The force of the car pulling on him exceeds the weight of the car itself by orders of magnitude. Strongmen have been able to move vehicles but they can't fucking move one with the gas on.
To show you that Julius Strong! and Hayami Evil!
Can F1 cars even pull shit? Those things are fragile as hell. Would've been better if it was an actual truck or something. Or if Sandro's feeling it, one of the CAT dumptrucks.
Might as well show him pulling something with more mass and torque or known for its ability to pull weight. Julius is a weak bitch who's afraid of NASCAR and Humvees. Simple as that.
This is pathetic, Julius. Just admit you ducked the Toyota Hilux
technically speaking they have a lot of "power" but probably couldn't pull more than a really big rhino or an elephant
Sandro has this delusion that speed = power
And Julius is no where near the size of even a small rhinoceros.
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>won't squat
>won't bench
>won't deadlift
>won't clean and jerk
>won't snatch
>gimmick is curling barbells with fake plates
>barbell he bent like a pretzel didn't shatter, it was fake plastic shit
>signature "feat of strength" is pulling a racecar smaller than a sedan
>finishing maneuver consists of stiffening his arm and telegraphing strikes
Is Julius the biggest fraud and the weakest bitch in Kengan?
Anon, a barbell would shatter if it was plastic.
>compared to other more legitimate mangas like Baki
I can tell you haven’t read Baki recently, lol.
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>won't squat
>won't bench
>won't deadlift
>won't clean and jerk
>won't snatch
>gimmick is curling barbells with fake plates
>finishing maneuver consists of stiffening his body and telegraphing strikes
The Jack homoeroticism is pretty legitimate though
Wakatsuki exists. The man born pissing himself before every fight
The people in baki threads are actually happy when they read the newest chapter
Can you say the same?
I think Sandro hates Waka almost as much as monke
Man that was so funny watching it live.
>this manga isn’t adhering to real world physics so I’m going to judge this character as if it did
EXCUSES. Just show him repping this deadlift with maximum ROM
Tell me you losers don't actually work out right? Just buy a sword with a funny weight distribution.
He on arm curled over 1000 pounds. Squats are bare minimum 2.5x greater than your curls (Unless your genetics are just absolutely top heavy). He should be able to squat 2 tons easily.
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Could Rolon take Waka's cavity?
So you're saying a punch throw at half a mile an hour is the same strength as one thrown 100 miles and hour?
I'm happy when reading both because I truly enjoy train wrecks and poor writing. But you can't pretend Baki is "a legitimate manga" when it's literally no better that Omega. It's like you have no self awareness whatsoever and truly believe you're reading something good simply because it has Baki in the title. I'll give it to the kengan-onlies, they at least didn't delude themselves into thinking Sandro had a golden touch the way baki-onlies do.
But it is? A 100mph punch from even a 40kg person is more than a 200kg person punching at 15mph.
Chapter-by-chapter, Rahen is far better than Omega currently lmfao
Wakas cavity looks way less severe
I dont know how Lolong is even alive after picrel
Plastic wouldn't shatter it'd fucking bend.
He has pectus excavatum, but he covered it up with makeup out of shame
>when it's literally no better that Omega.
But more importantly, probably not even a legitimate opinion
I think instigating another retarded kengan vs baki shitposting session is the only way to keep this thread alive, and that's what you're opting for
Kengan is actually peak manga fr fr no kizzie no cap on baby
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I see ZERO reason why animals can not compete in Kengan matches.
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You really think Julius is squatting 800 pounds? 800 solid-ass pounds? Julius doesn't squat. His knee shattered and made a noise like when I chew pork rind after Agito stepped on it. That fake tough guy bitch has synthol muscles, not real muscles
Anon that's not how it works
Metsudo isn't really all that much of a schizo Tokugawa is so we're not getting tigers fight.
They already do, its the womens division.
Anything is better than omega nowadays, even fucking Sumo arc is better, at least there I cared about what was happening, even if what happened was shit for the most part.
Here all it's shit and I don't even care about it.
I struggle to think about something on this level of shit, maybe Boruto?
Force= Mass times acceleration
You have never touched plastic in your life.
Waka stood up from his and kept fighting
Anon, metal doesn't shatter
Watch your tongue, in a few months Isshou Senkin will surpass Omega and that manga will become the sole thing keeping the sandroverse alive
He's not talking about some stiff as fuck hollow plastic broomstick
>Anon, metal doesn't shatter
Stop starting your posts with a condescending "Anon," you fucking jobber. And metal used on weights WOULD shatter. Never seen a hydraulic press?
Forgets often overlooked: Grip Strength. Can't punch someone hard with a limp wrist now can you?
Months? No, but probably in a year or two after it eventually gets its anime adaptation
That doesn't make any sense. Metal shattering rather than deforming to a new position, that is
Well that's what Sandro thinks
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Remember back when fighters would die from obviously fatal inj- Oops, one fighter would die?
Steel does shatter. Barbells can snap like twigs if you put too many plates on them
It's weird
To this day I still laugh at the "Setsuna used rakshakas palm in himself and shifted his organs from position to not get fatally stabed!"
I dont understand how its not a regular meme in these threads
Maybe because hes just a nothingburger character?
I've seen it brought up here and there and bootlickers never fail to defend it like it's religion
I have seen it brought up and I don't remember people "defend it"
Purgatory wasnt that far into the past. Naiden died, Alan died, Fei died, the other Wu hei's died, Edward died and Lu tian got lobotomized. The Kengan Annihilation Tournament was peaceful all things considered
Who could possibly beat him?
Oh, so you're defending the defenders?? What kind of watchmen bullshit is this?
>"There's no rules in the book that says the dog CAN'T fight in Kengan matches!"
>at least there I cared about what was happening
Why? Like what actually was there to care about?
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Metal absolutely does shatter, doubly so if it's subject to heavy and continuous stress, the more stress you put on metals the brittler they become because the crystalline structure can only be deformed so much before breaking, the only exception to this is shape memory alloys which were created precisely to avoid that issue.
This is why annealing is a key process of anything that involves metalworking, proper annealing soft resets a metal's crystalline structure, restoring elasticity and avoiding otherwise fatal embrittlement.
You might not see it with your eyes, but every single time you're lifting your weights, the metal barbell develops tiny cracks in its crystalline structure due to the stress of supporting the metal weights, the more it bends the more cracks it develops in fact, which is also why at some point it will not return to its original straight form, because not only is the crystalline structure of the metal deformed and cracked, it has become dangerously brittle due to the natural loss of the elasticity that allowed that bend to form in the first place, and at some point it will inevitably snap because the metal has become so brittle and fragile it cannot support any more weight stress.

This is also why things like gas tanks have to regularly go through safety checks and maintenance, the constant internal pressure of the gas slowly, but surely deforms the tank from wiithin as the tank's structures compresses those gases in a way that allows us to keep them in a liquid state, gas tanks can explode precisely because they're undergoing a constant state of physical stress which leads to embrittlement.
In other words, metals....ARE STRONG!
Yeah but that was Purgatory casualties
>That doesn't make any sense. Metal shattering rather than deforming to a new position, that is
Very cool!
NTA; it was just fun and didn't pretend to have additional stakes. A hundred times better on a reread
What kind of dog should fight in the Kengan matches? Adam would be like a pitbull, Agito I'm assuming a wolfdog
Itagaki's smaller cast of characters (or at least important characters) makes it easier to grow attached to them, even if I didn't care for the sumo jobbers I cared about seeing Hanayama and Hatsumi fight, also I got a bit hyped for Jack Vs Sukune (although that's mainly because I lurk the Baki threads and that sometimes makes things a bit more enjoyable)
I still think the sumo arc was overall pretty shit, but I can't say I didn't care about it when I was reading.
Currently in Omega I genuinely don't care about the outcome of this tournament, I'm only here because the seething from these threads can get funny
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How far would Brian Chaomi get in the Annihilation Tournament?
A simple science thing you can do to check this at home is using tin wire and twisting it, take a section of tin wire, bend it to form two parallel ends and then twist it unto itself to form a small tin rope of sorts.
As you keep bending it over and over you'll star to notice how the bends are developing small cracks, at some point the wire will shatter and break because the tin's crystalline structure can no longer support physical stress, you'll also notice how the more you twist it the less elastic and malleable the tin becomes.
Harder metals are no different, all metal undergoes this process, the good thing is that you can still melt it again, rework it into shape and reuse it infinitely.
Gonna have to agree to disagree then because I legitimately hate Sumo arc
He's larger than everyone, he loses.
I also dislike it a lot, but still I think Omega is way worse.
The difference is that Sumo arc was mainly the slow, agonizing, boring type of shit, while omega feels like the explosive diarrhea type of shit...
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I didn't go into it expecting an international thriller with secret organizations, cutting edge character development and brand new martial arts that turn you into a superhero so it was easily digestible. And these spreads rock. I'd probably like it more if I were Japanese and Sumo was, ostensibly, my national sport
A lot of people actually. Katsumi beat a stronger one in the Maxim tournament and Katsumi was a jobber whose one big win was Hanayama which took literally everything he had to win even getting a proverbial spirit bomb from his school.
The martial arts capitals of the world are
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I think it would make for a really cool and unique framing of the match if Ramon was a big sturdy grappler to contrast Lolong's striking. The fight can focus on the struggle of them both being specialist in different fields, as Lolong can land strikes but Ramon is too sturdy to take down. It might seem like has the upper hand initially, but Ramon could turn it all around in the moment if he "gets the timing right".
It'd be cool if Ramon uses a traditionally soft or "Weak" style like Aikido or Tai Chi, only he's a huge motherfucker so it's way more effective when he grabs your wrist to throw you
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>Next fight after that is Gaolang vs Justin
>Grappler vs Striker
Actually, scratch that, make him use Hapkido
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I think grapplers suck
This. It would be so cool if Julius had Demonsbane too and was Samoan, can you imagine that?
I don't like fighting them but it's so fun to bitch them.
You get the point, asshat
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I just thought of this guy who has assassin techniques but also has 100% guihun and superman syndrome so he uses moves that let the weak kill the strong while also being the strongest.
What the fuck do you think Ramon will be.
>So varicose you can see his veins through cotton pants and a hoodie
That's not healthy. Raian put Willem out of his misery before he developed a nasty case of venous insufficiency. Maybe he's just misunderstood...
Wakatsuki, but 2 meters tall, with 120x Superman Syndrome, weighing 300kg and he practices Pankration, hates TMA and his star pupil is a one handed Nak Muay
>Covers your face
>Punches you from the side
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Long been overshadowed by worse fights, but still pretty bad in how it set the tone of a lot of things to come.
>sandro writes kengan opposed character as being extremely strong, supposedly on the level of kuroki/agito
>writes the reasonable result of this extremely briefly, with the kengan character overwhelmed
>panics and gets cold feet at the idea of committing to this, immediately rewrites the character from boxing kuroki to capoeira meme man
>writes that he can't cause any significant damage due to muh weight gap despite being wanked as some transcendent god of striking technique and precision
>other characters(read: kengan characters) go on to cause massive damage to their opponent through far more severe weight gaps with no issue
Then he did it AGAIN with Jurota, where he straight up admitted in his bio that he wrote Jurota too strong and then had to struggle to think of how to make him job, because the concept of an enemy character being strong and that not being used as the punchline of a subversion when they lose is utterly foreign and unfathomable to Sandro's brain.
You love this manga and you love Sandro. no other reason you would be speculating on how cool the next jobber will be.
Sambo, probably
Steve Buscemi's going to look like this in a few years
I just want Ramon to not job. He has a distinctive design
This is what I mean by genuinely infuriating.
>Agito vs Lolong in the second round
Have we ever seen a Sandro storyboard?
You are INVESTED into this series and into Sandroslop. The bell and whistles of gpt-5 ensnared you in a trance of wanting. Because Sandro is a good author in the sense of keeping audience and attention.
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It's a shit fight but I think the aftermath has been weirder, Carlos goes into 100% schizo salty bitch mode during the fight but as soon as the fight ends that character essentially dies. Carlos is now a friendly, chill guy to other characters who definitely didn't seethe like a malding bitch when he started losing. He doesn't seem any bigger despite resolving to put on some more weight after his KVP match to get some more power behind his punches. He's just gone nowhere and is for some reason getting a lot of cameo "remember this guy?" appearances.

He really sucks and I hope he gets used as a jobber for someone like Waka or Rei.
Look, I get that Carlos one-sidedly bulldozing Gaolang would make for a really boring fight, but just fucking even it out a bit instead of going in the opposite direction, Sandro
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I can't remember the last fight that had at least decent choreography. It feels like Sandro just doesn't care when it comes to that department anymore.
I didn't dislike it but Sukune got done dirty, he was so intimidating in the first few volumes and then got ali jr'd by the end
"Stop my punch at the very end just to cover the guys eyes so he doesn't see my haymaker coming" has to be the worst choreography in this manga
How would you translate the Kamehameha into a Kengan move? Maybe some of full body Blast Core?
That's what you get for daring to get one over Yujiro in any way.
Unless you're Kaku.
kill yourself, footfag
An airblast.
>Cup your hands hard
>Hard enough that it vacuums air
>Release it hard
Kinda like Nikaido's nonsense.
I've heard that out boxers keep their arm outstretched for some effect like that.
Personally I wouldn't want to think about how to transfer shounen toddler moves to kengan more than there already has.
There are better ways to do that, for fucks sake. The whole "Removing opponent's awareness of an incoming attack" thing.
Blast Core already works like that. I think, at least.
I love Kaku. I'd root for him against most other top tiers
Double palm strike that makes the opponent feel like light has shot through them.
That's different to actually committing to the swing just to stop it against an opponent that in the assumed scenario just doesn't dodge
What's worse is that it's actually done well in an early Ryuki fight, where the hand follows Ryuki's natural movements and doesn't assume the opponent is a mouthbreather
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Julius sparring with Toa and not winning a SINGLE match. Why? Absolute strength can only get you so far. Julius has no cards to play and Toa is prepared for anything even God Drills.
Julius realises that knowledge is also a real power in a fight. So in order to win against a soft style like Agito he has to use something he has never seen before from him.
ENTER Open Palm Strike! A loud *SLAP* is heard throughout the arena. Agito reels in pain as his skin burns almost peeling off. This gives Julius the opening to land his first solid blow. Agito is knocked off stage.
Julius WINS (Toa in the crowd smiling „You have arrived, fellow Seeker.”
A ultra fast double palm strike that has a wind up and is described as 'blinding' does sound like a good equivalent.
>Kinda like Nikaido's nonsense.
I thought of it but it sounded a bit too easy / obvious, no?
>I love Kaku. I'd root for him against most other top tiers
Based footchad.
>Blast Core already works like that. I think, at least.
Gonna be honest, I'm not sure how a lot of Kengan moves actually work. Like I'm still not over Kaneda's spider web.
>Like I'm still not over Kaneda's spider web.
I think you're confusing characters.
Wasn't that the name of Kaneda's bullshit against Hatsumi?
Genuinely why does Sandro seem to think high level techniques are bullshido
You'd think Toa and Julius would hang out. They're basically the same size, and can actually hard spar one another as long as they want. Instead Julius continues being an antisocial NEET who's still tsundere to Wakatsuki
Kokuro and Jose should've been Koga's friends, not the supernovas
I don't think Toa would hang out with anyone really. He's a conceited asshole who thinks highly of himself (then we're told that Lolong easily beat him???). I don't think Toa would take that loss lightly.
I think we saw them in some creative process bonus page and it would be generous to call them stick figures.
We've gotten to this point where Sandro has an inverse understanding of martial arts knowledge.
Getting punched is good, blocking and dodging is bad in his eyes
Fei did the hand motion, didn't he?
Very strange. He’s the perfect sparring bro for both Waka and Julius thanks to his size and soft style mastery. I hope he comes back at least for the big tournament and not just as a jobber.
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Whatever happened to these two?
Yeah as a joke. I will now also remind you that he could do Blood Bullets. How? Fuck you.
Julius is the same. Love is the answer to all problems. Love can fix Toa. Love can fix Julius.
>Two distinct characters who contribute a lot to Koga's character
Lolong is his father figure. Agito is his mother figure.
The only way to redeem Lolong at this point is a complete overhaul of his fighting style
To be fair, if Sandro wanted Koga to even compete with top tiers, he'd need better trainers other than jobber 1 and jobber 2.
>So in order to win against a soft style like Agito
Huh? I thought Agito went hard.
Yeah but why can't he still be friends with them?
It's not like they can't train either
Turning into liquid is the opposite of hard.
It's Omega, we barely get friendly interactions as is.
That's just a visual metaphor for him rolling with a punch/going limp.
Formless is soft. But current Agito isn't soft, he's unfathomable.
This makes too much sense for Sandro. You wouldn’t be able to go limp against a palm strike and the pain would be unavoidable.
Love never showed... all these travesties could have been avoided. The king of mercy would still be alive and Xia Ji safe.
Wouldn't it be funny if Lolong does the punch/elbow spam against Ramon, only for him to actually dodge and block them like a fucking normal person, which everyone calls a high level technique or some shit?
And then Ramon proceeds to one-sidedly manhandle Lolong, but gets DQ'd because the underground now has even more rules so Lolong still wins anyways
You should really stop sending (you)'s when the trite you spill is only tangientally related.
Kokuro got wheeled out to job to Koga after the timeskip to lazily show how much stronger Koga is now, so Sandro could skip the arc of him training in Purgatory with a bunch of characters we had just gotten attached to.
Jose just kind of faded from reality after the Yumi incident, since Sandro completely dumpstered any kind of credibility he he had by having him lose to Yumi TWICE, only to make Yumi be a complete joke of a fighter with amateurish movements and strategy who didn't even land a single clean hit on his opponent. I think the only time since then Jose appeared was to briefly cheerlead for Koga at the berserker bowl.
Now would be the right time for a flashback, since Agito's playing hard to get with Julius's strikes
Sandro wrote Toa as alolan Julius to lose a mirror match with him and barely gave any thought to his character outside of it. He got by far the least focus/characterization of any Purgatory character, and after his match got zero reflection/further dialogue or characterization to indicate that he might do anything in the future. I don't think he even appeared in any omakes.
Daro went all out drawing him for a couple pages, though. Must've been craving that BMC
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Yea, the art was splendid in that fight.
I'd say Alan got shafted harder. We didn't even get a flashback of him doing something cool when Wu Xing said he was totally a hyper badass terminator
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>Tanks a gut punch from Julius
>Somehow the same punch from Lolong hurt him
Lolong is just stronger, that's all there is to it.
Rotating shoulders are a filthy t*chnique, he ain't using that shit
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Alan did get to be the exposition character till he died at the very least
The more I look at all of this the more I wonder why Sandro is the way he is. He creates stupidly likable and charismatic characters and then has them job to boring-ass invincible plot-armored fucks.
>Are they like a couple
Nicolas was too based for his own good
he's gonna use that gaylord chinese technique that mukaku knew and lolong is gonna be like wow this is peak worm powerlevel but then he wins anyhow because lolong losing again will just make him the butt of every joke

then lolong beats agito too because otherwise he'll still be the butt of every joke

then lolong beats gaolang because the entire point of this tournament is to show that lolong is not a pathetic jobber
Lolong deserves to job to the entire verse. He killed innocent Worms
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Nicolas is genuinely one of the most baffling things Sandro has ever written to me.
>introduces him early on and immediately sets him up as dangerous/bloodthirsty
>gets among the most bench screentime out of Purgatory, and tons of background moments like that or playing with the butterflies and stuff
>tied into the liu plotline via friendship, got the DONT TRUST NICOLAS shit to further create buildup for him
>appears in multiple purgatory omake chapters
>another fighter's entire reason for being there is him
>gets one of the best/most in depth backstories of any new omega character
>actually doing well in his fight as well as generally delivering one of the best matches of the tournament
And then
>match gets cancelled to wank lolong because sandro thought him punching two half dead people made him look strong
>vanished to literal purgatory in the hospital
>spends rest of tournament unconscious
>naidan apparently chose to spend his last words about him because he was "a fellow killer" despite that also describing half the fucking roster too, and he never bothered doing this before for some reason, also the panel zoomed in on nicolas staring ominously as naidan said that meant nothing
>gets one last scene in the hospital with terashi where he starts to become aware that he isn't the real nicolas
>vanishes from the entire fucking manga before we can see where that goes, never appeared or even been MENTIONED since in years of serialization
What the fuck did Sandro mean by him?
naidan vs ryuki. you can say that the manga started going downhill with ohma's comeback but it took a nosedive after that fight

remember how naidan had to make ryuki kill him? for absolutely no reason? remember when ryuki was supposed to be a top tier fighter when he wasn't holding back? remember koga (lol)? remember you had to watch your back around the french? remember that the worm's goal has already been accomplished so they can stop existing at any time? remember the cyberbrain?
It's so weird how Ohma's comeback wasn't even the reason the choreography got bad
Don't Trust Nicolas is probably the greatest bait in this manga. So much speculations only for it to amount to
>No, he's genuinely mentally ill. Stay away
The only explanation I could "fathom" is that one of the editors kept winning Kengan Matches until they started losing and until they win again Nicolas just won't be in the story..
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Hassad soon.
Can someone compile a list of all the times Sandro has had a genuine fucking delusion about physics or biology?
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Except for the little goof of the stomp being the wrong foot ya
something happened around that time, i don't know if the editor left, sandro had multiple aneurysms, covid impacted them in ways we can't tell or what but even the plot points changed midway through kengan vs purgatory (on top of him literally rewriting characters mid fight like carlos)

also remember when lolong was supposed to be this out of control wacko who everyone was scared of when he stopped the akoya vs nicholas fight? this series has had so much poorly written bullshit since kengan vs purgatory that it makes trash like jujutsu kaisen look good

remember the death dealers? ohma con bigote being a failed clone? ryuki being convinced of setsuna's schizo bs in 5 minutes when koga couldn't get to him with reasonable points over the span of months?

remember the leader of the african gangs? fucking kek
I thought of a bit of an analogy for Sandro's writing.
Imagine a project to build this amazing, huge building that's going to be super important. A massive skyscraper project years in the making and is years into its building process then-
It is then decided it must be demolished out of the blue, barely any warning given at all, it is then demolished in public with no warning to anyone around to stay way from the building (it's also over 20 stories high already) so it just causes mass death and hysteria because they had no regard for anyone working on it or anyone else who'd been affected by it. It is then declared that a new building will be in its place, a building that is even better and bigger, then the same thing happens 10 years later and repeat.
Does that fit?
Jurota's swing being a near instantaneous throw if he so much touches you as this somehow doesn't just rip your flesh or clothes
Nicolas poke thing
Masaki being impossible to knock out due to feel no pain
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remember when MONKE was supposed to be agito tier?

you could write a compilation of bs in this manga that would span an entire novel
It's going to be a double KO so they can focus on the new jobbers instead.
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Daro still remembers him even if Sandro doesn't, drew this dumb little Nicolas thing with Akoya and fake Nicolas not too long ago.
Why are these dumb fatty cheeked girls laughing at me with their incomplete gloves?
i can honestly see that happening so agito isn't forced to lose to lolong and spares one of the kengan snowflakes from looking bad. two, actually, since it would also make julius look better

he could also have lolong lose to agito but that'd just make him the butt of every joke
I think the post is just being ironic.
I think I get the mechanics of Swing.
It's Jurota just throwing and sweeping you up in it
it's pretty clear. i know it was said the median age here is 14, but the rate of autism is probably 40%
Is this a Turn-A Gundam reference?
Well.... Yes
Fucker's got support grip like Lihito has pinch grip
Sandro could have just said that Toa had to be aware of the attack coming to limp it and Lolong used the invisible elbow thing, but he unironically just had Daro draw that page because he got backed into a corner in a twitter Q&A.
At some point we'll get bench talk from Jurota as he exposits that he "couldn't hope to match Agito now".
>he got backed into a corner in a twitter Q&A
could you elaborate?
I'm not kidding, during one of the Q&As he used to do(mostly fujos asking for random personal details about the purgatory characters), someone asked him since Lolong was the champion, how he'd managed to beat someone like Toa who was gigantic and also had Niko techniques.
Sandro clammed up and posted some nonsense excuse about how he couldn't answer because it was major spoilers and we'd see eventually, and then later when the fight came we randomly got that one off page of Toa being oneshotted by him with zero elaboration.
>Kaneda’s spider web
All he’s doing is baiting his opponent into using less optimal moves by intentionally putting himself in a position that makes him easier to strike with a less dangerous move. It’s pretty retarded.
>oh he shifted his head slightly so now I’ll kick him instead of stomping him and ending the fight
>wait why did I kick him instead of stomping him? am I really the one in control of this fight???
It’s supposed to make Kaneda seem like a 200 IQ manipulator that can lead his opponent into moving how he wants and controlling the pace of the fight. But it just makes his opponent seem like a retard when there’s no need to be cautious against an average guy like Kaneda.
That said, I still think Kaneda got done the most dirty out of everyone. Foresight should have stayed something that was specific to him rather than it just becoming something that most experienced fighters have anyway.
No because let’s be real Toa could talk over ten of those invisible elbows without flinching. Lolong would need some jump kick shit and unless the marijuana has damaged my memory Sandrovish has yet to make that part of his character. Size equals a stentgth. if you have the economic opportunity price to read this post you have the ability to go consume protein. Right now. Everyone. Go eat protein. Plant or animal. Eat more protein.
>Sandro writes several strong characters
>doesn't realise the champion of Purgatory would have to have fought and beaten them
How does he do it? How did Sandro not have a single answer for how Lolong beat Toa?
Fei and Lu Tian holding back this whole time just makes Lolong even more of a joke, as many other anons have already pointed out.
If you really wanted to emphasize that Lolong fucking hurts, have him do something like, I dunno, attacking Toa the exact moment his body goes soft
Lolong is going to absolutely shit on everyone and win the entire tournament. Then you’ll see. Then you’ll all see
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Genuinely can't buy it. It's not that Ohma fodderized him, it's that Lolong genuinely doesn't feel like he could touch even half of the KAT roster
And that's why you'll never eat a 72 ounce hamburg steak and two dozen eggs while coaching Koga alongside your beautiful Gu Ritual survivor boywife, weakling
I really can't think of any way to justify Lolong beating some of the guys like Fei or Toa
Tager's such a cool character, too bad he's stuck in a game where almost everyone else is exponentially more overpowered. It was cool to see him win CEO this year though.
I think it's an improvement over the initial draft of it but god it still needed more work.
>Maybe because hes just a nothingburger character?
What? Setsuna was one of the least applicable characters you could apply that word for.
Kengan Buddies, somebody make it.
Because it isn’t really a problem.
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Plenty of Purgatory fighters had their personalities retconned, not just Carlos. Liu belittled Falcon for the way his match ended even though he can clearly see Falcon is covered in blood and injuries. Can't imagine the later Liu doing that.
Purgatory was likely supposed to be far more antagonistic, but then Sandro changed his plans like he always did.
>Lolong totally doesn't look like he'd win past round 2 of the KAT
Fuck off with this complete nonsense. Yes the fight was shit and Ohma didn't look as pressed as he should have been but to say that is just being obtuse. We already saw him slam past Ohma's attempt at pre-initiative and tanked a ton of incredibly hard blows with no issue, including a full powered advance level 3 punch to the chin and then being slammed into the ground at full force.
What will Toa’s new personality be?
The point is that Lolong’s techniques don’t feel like they could take down even Rei
>The point is that Lolong’s techniques don’t feel like they could take down even Rei
You are making shit up just to diss Lolong. He wasn't flashy, his fighting style was boring, but inefficient? Aside from the shoulder punches no.
Lolong is a meme character so who gives a shit
They fucking suck on paper anon
there was nothing wrong with Lolong's subduing technique or the invisible elbow. or that bullshit pre initiative stack. the rotating shoulders sucked but they were effective and got the better of Ohma
How is
>Striking from a blindspot
>That thing he did where he stomped through Ohma's pre-initiative
Bad "on paper"
How do you feel about Nezu?
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when did things go bad?
Anon. Look at me. Those are his only two good skills.
>Rotating/dislocating shoulders
>Limp in the joints
>Finger measurements
It just comes across as comically amateurish
The issue is the presentation, Sandro wanted another le epic fundamentalrinos character who doesn't need flashy moves to be top tier, to try and recapture the Kuroki magic. The problem is that Lolong didn't have the advantage of prime Daro art to sell it, only had one match of spotlight to prove his worth in, and Sandro clearly didn't put nearly as much heart into ideas or choreography as back then.
On paper clearly that isn't the case. There is no way that "half the KAT roster" could put full power Ohma on the ground even temporarily like Lolong did or get up after the giga advance throw, but the problem is that nothing he did felt impactful and Sandro was scraping the bottom of the barrel for special traits to give him, from O MY JOINT LIMPNESS to shoulder dislocating windmill punches.
just say you're racist against filipinos, pastebinfag
This might be a bad over the top idea but do you think it would've been a better call to omit most of the pointless character interactions post match (good job Gaolang we know who won) in favor of, I dunno, flashbacks of each Purg fighter, whether they win or lose, about how they lost to Lolong? But I guess he was only ever going to pay off as a character if he beat Ohma
Saw's bones became stronger after enduring micro fractures. Metal gradually becomes weaker. Is this the riddle of steel?
I think the best way to handle it would be to move the tournament back and have the Koga in Purgatory arc happen before the tournament instead. Even if it was just 10-20 chapters or something. Introduce us to the Purgatory cast ahead of time, give us teases and glimpses of their styles as they coach Koga and show their dynamics with each other in advance. Make them feel more like characters in their own right, so Koga is more sympathetic to them during the tournament as well when they get mangled by Kenganvengers since we/he know them(and ideally make some of them do better).
A mini arc like that would also let us get introduced to Lolong in advance and show how he's given deference even among all these strong people Koga is being taught by, and we could get Koga watching a few Purgatory matches over the course of the arc to hype up certain members of the team who needed the most establishing like Lolong. Also show Fei or Lu Tian fighting with their fake styles so it's actually a twist when they reveal themselves rather than a nothingburger like "OH NO HE USES THE LEGENDARY WUWANG FI-oh he's just writhing around like a wind sock instead".
for a second there I had no idea what you were talking about. I didn't remember Koga exists.
If bones are stronger than metal, why do knife wielders keep jobbing?
whats stopping metal from just scaling to bones?
Bones are “too strong to win”, but since everyone has them, it evens out. Therefore, when you bring a weapon into the equation, the wielder of said weapon then becomes “too strong to win”. That’s also why Ohma and Agito are so strong, since they can remove their bones, thus buffing their opponents without them realizing it.
We need a fighter with metal implants to sort this out. Somebody call Hanafusa
In Strike It Rich the latest jobber had her skeleton replaced with titanium and it made her too strong to win.
Didn't SiR just job out a fighter with titanium bones?
If the whole thing is made of titanium with no bones left then there's nothing to scale to!
There were still some bones left, technically.
God that was probably the single most disturbing thing I’ve ever seen
Was it really? Jesus anon
Liu at least has an excuse in that he progressively got more and more mind broken as the tournament went on and it got revealed that all his friends were actually schizos or secretly someone else on top of his best friend killing himself which would obviously change his personality. This is still start of tournament Liu when he's still cocky and thinking that it'll be an easy Purg sweep so all he has to do is just sit there and watch other people win and then he can go home and play mahjong and chill or whatever, so he's fucking around here. And then Naidan tells him that he'll see him the "Azure Sky" and then everything goes to hell for Liu for the rest of the tournament.
I genuinely believe that Sandro is literally just making up shit as he goes along now. He might have some plans for things a couple of chapters in advance, but I doubt he has anything planned further.
If you told me that Sandro still hadn't actually decided yet who was the other 'Tiger' at the time that Naiden was revealed to be a worm and there was a page wondering who it was, I'd believe you.
If you told me that Sandro rolled a die to determine if Nicholas was the other 'Tiger', another worm agent, or just schizo to decide the payoff for Naiden's warning, I'd believe that too.
Defeat only made her titanium stronger, you see
Why doesn't someone just clone a dinosaur and make shen fight it?
Because "cloning" is a "violation" against the "natural order"
I dunno it just fucked with me for some reason
Liu is one of those characters who’s just going to suffer isn’t he.
He deserves to have more friends
The Worm wants to keep Shen alive. A TRIceratops has three points of force, and Shen only has two hands
Why was Sandro expecting us to root for Kengan in KVP. Most of them are complete pieces of shit while Purgs fighters are much nicer and more adjusted on average
Lu Tian was a hometown hero and an Indo European throwback while Agito is an autistic edgelord who only wears black leather, and I'm supposed to root for Agito
I think it’s because Lu kept working with Tiger?
But in that case, shouldn’t Agito have reached a hand out to him?
>Liu befriends Masaki a week before he goes full Meguro crazy and kills a bunch of fighters and vanishing
>He gives up and befriends a complete stranger who has nothing to do with underground fighting. It turns out to be a worm agent who kills themself because that's what worms do.
Once again, love was the answer. The love between two broken souls. Brothers. And once again, love was rebuked by our evil protagonists
>while Purgs fighters are much nicer and more adjusted on average
Were they though? Half of them were assholes or literal schizos.
>Monke: complete asshole
>Liu (at the start anyway) arrogant and cocky little shit that kept making snide comments and talking down to everyone
>Toa: didn't really see him interact with the others but from his backstory he was probably an asshole as well
>Nicolas: literally insane
>Lu Tian: acted calm but then busted out the le crazy face against agito
>Fei: his whole personality was a facade
Alan seemed fine, but he had a crazy side like Raian. The chill ones were Carlos (but even he had kind of a meltdown against Gaolang), Arashiyama, Naidan, Terashi, Lolong, and Falcon, so they were about evenly balanced out.
Meanwhile, on the Kengan side, the only two straight up psychos were Raian and Akoya. Everyone else were characters we already knew were chill and friendly for the most part. Even Masaki was polite and respectful despite being brainwashed.
Agito went out of his way to bully and belittle Lu Tian to bring out that Formless side of him. He's the monster, not Lu Tian
What the fuck even was Lu Tian's deal? It's not even like he was given some special mission by Tiger Niko where he had to win at all costs in order to become the Tiger's Vessel. It's also not like he was ordered by the Worm to kill himself for some reason in order to "Connect" Ryuki, whatever that means.
He just shows up, reveals that he's a worm, gives himself brain damage from using guihan, and gets oneshot and loses. Why? What was his plan? Did he just love purgatory that much? Did seeing Alan make him want to show off? Let's say he won, he beat Agito, and then what? How did he even escape?
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Stop asking questions.
I think the only Kengan fighter who had a legitimate moral high ground against his opponent was Waka.
>Just some relatively well-adjusted if nervous 40 something year old Karate man who takes each fight very seriously. Probably hasn’t killed anyone.
>Guy who has partaken in Gu rituals voluntarily and relentlessly mocks his opponent.
i was convinced this dude was tiger's vessel lmao.
I mean, technically Okubo was just some wrestling champion cosplaying as a clown facing up against a hitman who for some reason got hired to perform the world's stupidest assassination and had to give himself brain surgery to even have a hope of completing the contract.
>We need you to kill this target.
>Sure, no problem, I can think of a dozen different ways I could take him out-
>And you can't kill him using weapons, it has to be bare handed and during a highly public yet also underground fighting organization.
>Look, I think you might be misunderstanding something. I'm not a martial artist. I use guns. If you want assassins who can kill with their bare hands, I can recommend you some guys like the Kure clan or Kurok-
>We're paying you 600 million dollars to get this job done, and here's 300 million up front, now get moving.
>...ah fuck. I wonder if that doc that did my plastic surgery can give me some kind of fucking superpower, he seemed like kind of a mad scientist, otherwise I have no idea how I'm supposed to do this.
It’s not like Terashi couldn’t just get some combat tips. He’s got a good build
Unless he was the greatest martial arts prodigy in history, there's no way a few combat tips would be enough to raise his level far enough to kill Nicholas in a 1v1 fight while making it look like an accident.
Yeah but he was there for a year. Not like he couldn’t have learned a few tricks
>Carlos vs. Gaolang
Two boxers that had respect for each other and wanted to fight each other at their best. Until Carlos has his little meltdown anyway.
>Falcon vs. Rihito
Didn't really have any connection with each other or shared any themes. I guess you can say they were both autists; Falcon with his Ninja fetish and Rihito constantly calling himself a Superman. And they both went on to become Kuroki's students, but that's it.
>Toa vs. Julius
Two guys that put strength above everything else, except Toa was willing to use techniques to prove his strength while Julius was set on brute forcing everything
>Yumi vs. Misasa
Metsudo and bodyguard drama that no one cared about out of nowhere. Misasa putting Yumi in his place didn't mean much because Misasa was a literally who who was only connected to him through their job. Agito being the one to beat Yumi would have been more "satisfying".
>Lu Tian vs. Agito
Both survivors of the Gu Ritual. Worm drama
>Alan vs. Raian
Both psycho murderous mutants
>Arashiyama vs. Masaki
Arashiyama finally met the object of his obsessions to get the match he always wanted. Masaki was just happy to be there.
>Nicolas vs. Akoya
Two literal psychopaths going at it. They were technically on opposite sides of "justice" but that was never really focused on
>Nitoku vs. Liu
I honestly don't remember what either of their deals were. Nitoku was sad that people kept pushing him to be a fighter when he just wanted to be a writer? Liu has his whole spiel about friendship not needing to make sense. They came to mutually respect each other at the end but it was still kind of a random fight.
>Okubo vs. Terashi
Okubo was just some dude who happened to get matched up with an undercover hitman. I guess the "lesson" of the fight was "don't look down on martial arts" or whatever.
>Waka vs. Fei
Again just two random dudes who got paired with each other like you said.
>Lolong vs. Ohma
They did make a big deal about how he had a lot of raw potential and talent, but like most character arcs Sandro teases, nothing came of it.
It would be too strong to live.
How would I do against Shen?
Nitoku vs Liu was them both relating to how they felt "forced" into fighting for different reasons (Nitoku to make money for his real passion, Liu by the expectations of his family) and how their fight reminded both of them that they actually loved fighting for their own reasons in spite of that
It was the only kino fight in all of KvP because it actually focused on the the parallels and chemistry between the fighters
Kengan feats are mostly presentation and not meant to be taken at face value. This is because of a mix between Sandro not really actively considering feats for power scaling and just writing what he thinks is cool and Daro relying on the same old tricks of shockwaves and impact craters to sell impact because doing it any other way is too much work.
It ended like a food poisoning fart with a creamy little treat at the end, though
269 wasn't a perfect chapter but still better than the one before.
My prediction is that 270 will continue the trend of being slightly underwhelming but an improvement from the previous one. This might even turn into a 4-chapter fight.
What's your big three total? Do you also know martial arts?
Depends on how good you are at pretending to be retarded
Loves food and never talks. Not like Sandro could be bothered to come up with a different personality type for a side character.
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>Why is Julius just a meathead when he's been characterized as being smart before?

Because the type of archetype Julius is suppose to be doesn't match up well against characters that aren't already similar to them
He's a roided out meathead who towards over most of the cast with his sheer muscle mass, he prides himself on not using technique and instead using his muscles to win fights. His two fights beforehand were near mirrior matches, one just happened to have techniques and was slightly shorter and the other was a goober and brown
Characters like Julius are only allowed to shine in fights where they're practically fighting themselves, they aren't allowed to shine when fighting smaller opponent because everyone takes their fighting notes from David and Goliath

>>Completely nonsensical feats like Rihito being able to erase steel beams with his fingers but somehow being an absolute entry level shitter that later gets beaten by a fucking Narutard with bad hygiene

This is why I can't take that fight seriously or believe anyone who said it was good with a straight face
The guy with the already busted ability who trained under the Hype man himself for 2 years somehow can't beat out a Larper who's Martial art is him winging it because he thought Naruto looked cool and his groddy ass fingers. Instead Lihito's awakening was during a Money Prize Tournament against fucking Saw Paing
What a fucking waste of a character arc
Yea, but even this page looks 10x better than anything in this recent tournament.
NTA but Itagaki has a severe problem with making chapters nothing but talking
The last few chapters of the Musashi arc was constant jibber jabber to explain Musashi and Baki trying to out-schizo each other. The Sumo arc was a giant waste of time from the beginning with the MMA jobbers to Itagaki getting bored and capping off the story by having both Sukune and Kehaya be massive one-off jobbers because he realized he was doing the Alai Jr arc again
It wouldn't even be that bad if he didn't take a break every other chapter
Principles is the Lysenkoism of martial arts manga.
>It wouldn't even be that bad if he didn't take a break every other chapter
The most severe issue honestly. Baki is not one of those works that is nice to follow as it comes out.
Keeping this fight going would necessitate Sandro coming up with another move for Julius beyond bear hugs and punching hard, which he won't.
Eh, I wouldn't undersell Hayafusa. Before he became a narutard he was one of the best merc Muteba knows, then became champion of a smaller fighting org.
His martial arts is mainly based on magic misredirection, the ninja stuff is mostly flair.
Muteba's word doesn't mean much. He's a weak bitch who surrenders after any serious opposition and only fights mentally ill people and fake tough guys. The moment he faced Wakatsuki, he became demoralized and quit on the spot
Every now and then I think about just how terribly this manga has failed at communicating the meaning of "principles" to us. What Sandro likely intended to tell us was that what Shen does isn't really a technique in the traditional sense but rather just an intuitive application of an extremely deep understanding of physics and biology. Essentially the same basic ideas of hardness and limpness / force and precision that he's been reheating since early Ashura, but applied at such a high level that they seem like magic, which really isn't that far beyond the shit the Niko style has been pulling all along. But Sandro instead frames it as a power-up, in that you either have principles or you don't when really, every fighter in the series uses techniques that apply these principles in some way or another, Shen just understands them intuitively from 1000 years of practice.
That just proves that Muteba has a good eye for judging how strong people are. He was absolutely correct about every fight that he opted out of, he would have lost every last one of them.
It could be a chapter of them wrestling with Agito showing off his groundwork techniques and Julius powering through them with pure muscle strength.
>Characters like Julius are only allowed to shine in fights where they're practically fighting themselves, they aren't allowed to shine when fighting smaller opponent because everyone takes their fighting notes from David and Goliath
Big guy rolls over smaller big guy with his raw stats is a concept that's way harder to make engaging fights out of.
I think it works as a battle of inches. Julius is not skilled enough to land a clean hit on Agito, thats perfectly fine. However, when he does graze, bump into or even poorly grab Agito, it should do about as much damage as a normal fighters clean hit. Remember when Julius grabbed Agitos arm? Agitos arm should have been weakened by that
Gott Toter should also somewhat negate formless making evasion a priority, it shouldnt be easy to limp out of something thats screwdriving into you unless you can rotate your whole body along with it
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When are we getting this BEAST back
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>Why is Julius just a meathead when he's been characterized as being smart before
I don't know why people keep complaining about this. He's been characterized as the exact opposite of a meathead in all his fights.
>Against Waka he deduced that Blast Core had an effective range after getting hit by it one time and played around that. A meathead would have just kept running into it or thinking they could tank it
>Against Toa figured out how Breathing Mountain worked and stopped his counter from working by rotating his arm at the last second and bumping Toa's hands out of the way. A meathead would have just tried to power through it like normal
>Even in this fight he recognized that strikes weren't going to get him anywhere and opting for a ringout was a better option. Which isn't much, but he didn't continue to just swing with no thought
It's like people want him to start doing nuclear physics in the middle of a fight just to show how much of a genius he is. There's only show many ways you can show how "smart" someone is during fight, and it's usually things like figuring out how a technique works mid battle or baiting an opponent into doing a certain thing so you can counter with a different thing. And both of those are more about having enough battle experience/a good battle sense rather than just plain being smart.
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Sandro never could
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It just ties in to the main overall issue with Julius and how as an ongoing character he's incompatible with the series. The series is about martial arts and people who want to hone them to get even stronger. Julius is a character whose philosophy is the exact opposite of literally every protagonist, that all techniques are copium and the only real strength is roids and muscles.
This works fine as a one off heel like he was in the KAT, but it becomes more and more glaring when Sandro keeps him around and keeps giving him fights. His philosophy in the context of Kengan is delusional, but he's a Kenganvenger so everyone has to humor it, and he gets powerups that also can't be called techniques for it to not contradict, he just isn't built to be a regular cast member who gets stronger alongside everyone else because where does he even go from here?
>It's like people want him to start doing nuclear physics in the middle of a fight just to show how much of a genius he is. There's only show many ways you can show how "smart" someone is during fight
And then you have this as the other aspect of his character, which also has clear limits. Sandro is completely checked out, so in depth strategizing for a character is out. And he can't learn foresight because that would be a technique. So the best Sandro can do to show Julius is "smart" is have him talk like a DBS shitposter going "VERILY I MUST JUDICIOUSLY SCRUTINIZE HIS PROTEAN MOTIONS IF I AM TO INDUBITABLY METAPHORPHIZE INTO THE VICTOR OF THIS FRAY, POSTHASTE"
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Same thing that happened to these two.
Fuck off.
>more clean portrayal of MA, Actual showcase of what good grappling looks like
You have never set foot on a competition scale.
Can some takented anon swap their heads?
That I cared, was Waka vs. Fei. But that I've enjoyed was Liu vs. the writer guy
>the casual readers
I don't give a flying fuck about the casual readers. For all I care reading Baki could be restricted to people who could take Itagaki himself in a spar. Who the fuck cares about making a unique series blander to pander to normal taste. You just proved Baki is a better, more sincere more unique series than Kengan'll ever be.
You know nothing and it shows.
You're sucking Ashura for a single tournament arc, which never reached the level of the Maximum Tournament. Sit down.
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Same. I'd happily beat this man I've never met into a bloody pulp, simply because he's a garbage writer that's somehow successful.
>it's literally no better that Omega
I don't have the raging level of genuine personal hatred a lot of anons have for Sandro, but the success part is genuinely pretty infuriating. Sandro is a gigantic fucking hack who blundered into a situation where he has THREE fairly popular series' running. And not just that, he doesn't even draw them. He has one good artist and Daro's GPU lined up to draw his hackery down into a form people will actually read and pay for, because if he was stuck on his own he'd be creating sub-ONE tier scribbles. His only role in the creative process is to be the "idea" man, which from what we can tell seems to mostly consist of going "what if there was a big cool strong bad guy for my beloved pet to butcher" and then approving the design.
It's not even a matter of personal jealousy of him having this cushy career, but the comparative success he has to others. Compare his post-Ashura slop to something like the Hinomaru Sumo author trying a second series that showed promise but got axed by Jump, while Sandro continues to churn out the shit he does week after week, or the fact that Kengan as a whole has effectively cornered the title of "modern Baki" to a lot of people, and Sandro himself is even getting to fucking judge the manga submissions of amateurs so I guess he can critique them if they accidentally allow a villain to survive their first fight.
>he straight up admitted in his bio that he wrote Jurota too strong and then had to struggle to think of how to make him job, because the concept of an enemy character being strong and that not being used as the punchline of a subversion when they lose is utterly foreign and unfathomable to Sandro's brain
Want to strangle that hack.
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>Forgetting your friends after you get what you need from them
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, where did I see this one before?
The Kengan Annihilation Tournament is a 'masterpiece' at giving us Superman and Flash in martial arts tournament form, and not in a good way. It's completely alien and grotesque compared to the "martial arts" sincerity you see in Baki's Maximum Tournament, but it's "cool" because Gaolang challenged the hecking Fang, and he's this super cool undisputed Nak Muay, who is 6'2'' and 200lbs (lol) turned undisputed, undersized heavyweight boxer instead of a Nak Muay or a Boxer. You have Kiozan putting a jet engine on his ass because he has strong legs. You have Rei having concave shins so he can run at sonic speeds, RUN at sonic speeds. You have Sekibayashi being an effeminate piece of shit who can't just block attacks, but has to do the defence equivalent of passive aggressive snide remarks. This is where Kengan fails at portraying martial arts and it can't be argued, it can only be excused
>I genuinely believe that Sandro is literally just making up shit as he goes along now.
Literally everybody knows that mate. It's 99.9% certain.
Kengan being a "dirty" manga compared to the greats makes a lot more sense with every post
>His philosophy in the context of Kengan is delusional, but he's a Kenganvenger so everyone has to humor it, and he gets powerups that also can't be called techniques for it to not contradict, he just isn't built to be a regular cast member who gets stronger alongside everyone else because where does he even go from here?
This. Julius is a shitty character that's only loved by fitness sissies.
It's more of a problem with Kengan as a setting, especially in Omega.Sandro's characters have a juvenile "let me get my shit in" thing going on, so everyone's got stupid techniques, meme counters, cinematic timing and over the top flippyshit presentation out the ass
Isn't Julius literally the only KAT participant that hasn't had their backstory revealed? Why does nobody give a shit about Julius's past? Why don't the people who allegedly like him gripe more about this? Instead people just talk about how big his number is when I don't even think Sandro cares about consistency. Raian holding down Willem's point of force should have made it clear Superman Syndrome and everything else that isn't Principles is now fucking outclassed utterly and completely.
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Exactly. We're of the same mind, except I'm fucking boiling with hatred thinking how many good realistic MMA manga made with passion and talent get axed before they get off the ground. Meanwhile this fucking arrested development manchild's only achievement is having produced ONE good manga that's essentially just one relatively good tournament arc.
And seeing him cynically turn to waifu appeal in order to shit out two other garbage series that succeed, and usurp such a high status that aspiring mangaka have to bow and be judged by a faggot who couldn't recognize a single form correct punch if it hit him in the face is such an injustice I can't stomach.
At this point I know that if my friends manage to drag me on their upcoming trip to Japan, I know that setting foot in Tokyo means that man will die.
It's only wrong if the character doing it is supposed to be evil. Koga is this manga's saint so him doing it can even be considered admirable.
The "infection" is how the cast is going to reach Shen's level. So why wasn't it used for Raian as well?
Instead, a confrontation between the Wu and Kure was off-screened, the uneven sword was asspulled into existence, and he even got a couple of chapters to dunk on Willem just to highlight his powers. Was Sandro too scared to include him in this tournament and have him lose?
Princess Raian can't fit him any better.
>Isn't Julius literally the only KAT participant that hasn't had their backstory revealed? Why does nobody give a shit about Julius's past?
He's a professor that likes to get super ripped and beat up martial artists as a hobby.
This Kure vs Westward nonsense feels like a bad Gaiden
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>genuinely seething with hatred over some japanese guy whom you've never met before in your life, and likely will never meet
>just because he made a poorly written manga
Some of you are terminally autistic. I mean yeah Omega is shit and he's a hack, but you're acting like he ran over your dog and raped your mother.
It's just there so Raian gets his own person arc and major bad guy who will job to him every step of the way but it's fine because he totally lost offscreen.
>defending Sandro
Slurpers never get tired. And quote people properly you reddit using faggot.
>I genuinely believe that Sandro is literally just making up shit as he goes along
I believe Sandro had it all planned but he's got the mentality of a child so he has rewritten his plans dozens of times by now.
It's a form of "making it up as he goes", yes, but at the same time he also has some form of idea of what he wants to do 100 chapters down the line before he again changes his mind 5 chapters later to have a different thing planned to happen 100 chapters later. As a result you get all sorts of weird shit happening and plotlines that are forgotten, ignored or retconned.
The realism obsessed autists here seem to have it the worst.
On that front, Sandro, you waste of oxygen
>Genuinely seething with hatred over some opportunistic, promising, gifted youth
>Just because he outsourced techniques to aid in his burgeoning martial arts career, and accepted a higher-paying job with health insurance and no creepy doctors asking if they can dissect you
I mean yeah, he was mean and stuff, but you're acting like he wiped out a whole clan of his allies just because they disagreed with human cloning
it's called "the spirit of a true samurai", Sandroid
>but you're acting like he wiped out a whole clan of his allies just because they disagreed with human cloning
That was so fucking bad. The one time Shen is being sold to us as some kind of fucked up evil, and it's an act that genuinely reduces the inefficiency and cruelty of Huisheng. Sandro is excellent at making people feel the exact opposite of what they should.
Here's hoping Yumigahama doesn't die immediately when he returns.
I'm not slurping anyone you mongoloid. I'm just pointing out how much of a sperg you are. But you seem to be quite adept at doing that yourself.
Can you prove he didn't rape my mother? No,you can't prove it so it might as well have happened.
>Can you see a straw? Can you prove there's a straw in my mouth? No? Then it can't be said that I'm 'slurping' anyone
Why are you like this
>keng/a/n posters insulting each other's intelligence: episode #592730
huh? He still fought them you retard, the only reason he's still alive is because Waka and Tiger Man went easy on him for no reason. If he actually had good sense he wouldn't have fought either of them.
kys faggot cock sucker
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How could you not hate Sandro? He personally visited my house just to take a diarrhea dump in my toilet, and he didn't even flush it.
every reply like this just proves my point kek
To be fair to Muteba he was going for some kind of surprise attack on Tiger Niko with that dinky Derringer. The classic Sandroism of buttering up a character's loss, I know, but it IS there.
For Waka it's more so that Muteba would have been unable to fight altogether in the next round no matter the result, but he did have some chance.
Sandro once paid me to adjust his dumbbell shaped buttplug and when I did, he put his underwear on backwards. And when I took it up with keng/a/n I was told "His buttplug is a masterpiece of narrative and aesthetics". That sick fuck
There's talking about it and then there's actually doing it. Having been on the Birdren and OPM threads this is honestly quite tame language, but I understand my sensibilities are fucked.
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Sandro raped me.
Muteba is just a weak bitch. He played possum after Niko hit him one time
That's nothing. I heard from a very reliable source that during a sparring match Sandro used someone else's technique without permission!!!
What's the appeal of the Lincoln beard?
Julius Reinhold is going to fucking die today
Wait till you see what he did to Xia Ji. But you know. Right, Koga?
Sandro's subversions makes me hard
Slander. He used Kure Copy like a true hero
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Reminder that the Westward Wu's techniques are shit on purpose solely because of Kure Clan: Copy.
My source? I made it up.
You deserved it, Koga. Toa could stretch your asshole until I could use it like a mitt and work your mouth like a puppet and you'd still deserve it
>Can't find the pic with Sandro as Yujiro and anon as Joe Williams.
Is Julius a saiyan? Getting hurt=power up?
Remember when Lolong randomly acted like Raian for two chapters
>there is no explicit rule against rape in the Kengan matches
>Hanafusa and Kaburagi were allowed through technicalities, so even if there WAS a rule, Metsudo would probably have excused it
Sandro forgot his personality (even though Lolong never really had one). Do understand.
>Chapter 270: The Evolving World
The "infection" is "spreading" and "power creep" is "on the move".
Waka never went easy on Muteba what the fuck are you talking about? He got scared as shit around Muteba and almost died until his last second blast core as Muteba pierced his neck.
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It's okay, because Ryuki understands that Shen is the real victim in the entire Mukaku scenario and that Mukaku deserved everything. After all, he even stole Ryuki from his rightful place, being locked in a cloning lab until Shen was ready to groom and hypnotize him, the monster.
And you expect "us" to wait until he does both of those things?
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Alright, which one of you was this?
In his infinite desire to make all kenganvengers seem equal, Sandro has introduced a new rubberbanding mechanic to make everyone "power up" whenever a stronger guy enters the room
We already got the surprise in the form of Agito learning the principles. At this point Julius winning would subvert our expectations.
I’m scaling right now.
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>What matters most is your free will
>Also I'm going to transfer half my brain into your body in order to take control and have a fight with myself
"Guilty" as "charged".
Me too, I'm getting a raging scaling right now
He did give up on that plan as soon as Kazzy informed him of how it would kill Ryuki's original personality so maybe Shen just hadn't thought about the consequences before.
>just hadn't thought about the consequences before
Sandro didn't either, poor Shen Wulong never had a "chance".
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The dawn of the final 2 hours. I predict that after Julius inevitably loses he will never fight again. Hell, he'll be lucky if he even appears in like the final chapter after the story ends just for a "look what those characters are up to!". Musclefags will cope, will seethe, but this is their last moment of relevancy.

[inb4 fight doesnt end this chapter/spoiler]
>havent enjoyed this manga since like january 2022
>still reading because it might get better
great metaphor for life. god i hate life man
>For all I care reading Baki could be restricted to people who could take Itagaki himself in a spar
And then Baki wouldn't have half the reputation it has nowadays, leading people to only see the bad stuff in it (because no one would care about the characters since no one knows the manga)
Baki is a manga, not an ancient MA scroll to teach you the meaning of the fist. It is an entertainment product meant to engage the readers in it's story, and while it has lots of good things, the way said story is crafted sometimes goes against this very purpose, and That's fucking horrible.
Casual readers are the ones that will give you the most objective opinions about a show, because fans are biased and will say everything is either the best or the worst.
>You're sucking Ashura for a single tournament arc, which never reached the level of the Maximum Tournament
KAT mogs the shit out of Maximum tournament though.
An still it manages to be better than Baki's esoteric and magical portrayal of martial arts.
When actual martial artist talk about Baki is always something like "yeah this is cool, and this other bit is accurate, but not like this"
Baki stylizes it's shit way too much to the point it looks like The characters are making Ukiyo-e poses (completely intentional)
When actual martial artist talk about Ashura is always something like "Yes this character actually does this small thing we boxers do sometimes, yes that's how would you pull that submission hold off, etc"
You are just focusing on the more whimsical aspects of Ashura and generalizing when I could do the same with Baki and it would make it look way worse (Lmao, Aiki Magic, Lmao let's just enter a guy's anus and exit from his mouth, just grab someone's head and shake it dude!)
Wakatsuki has never lost a fight on-screen
>Lmao let's just enter a guy's anus and exit from his mouth
To be fair, that chapter IS side material. All the examples in the post being responded to used material from the main chapters. Better examples would be "a cretaceous human-like creature with a transformation" or "resurrecting historical figures with a kiss".
>just grab someone's head and shake it dude!
It's weirder that Waka or Julius don't do this honestly. They should be able to replicate Rihito's Razor's Edge easily, but nope, only Rihito can use it.
>Casual readers are the ones that will give you the most objective opinions about a show
Didn't a lot of people outside of this site think Raian looked cool when he killed Edward or when he showed up again with Otakemaru? Kengan isn't the best context to use this point.
Julius will beat Chiba offscreen
I was downright baffled when I read positive comments and people being hyped after Raian killed Willem
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i mean, he managed to get a draw with Kuroki, so of course he could
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Sandro should just fucking kill him via steroid induced heart attack, i dont want him to suffer the same fate as Yumigahama
You didn't even read your own manga, Sandrobitch? Waka literally had his plans laid out the moment he saw Muteba had new eyes
>to read and write japanese
Did mukaku raise him in chinese?
>He's an already strong protagonist
Sandro you lying fuck
Mukaku is Chinese so it makes sense but there's zero indication of Ryuki having trouble understanding Japanese anywhere in the manga so it's probably yet another thing Sandro added for flavor without thinking
>He creates stupidly likable and charismatic characters
Unintentionally. The key aspect is "unintentionally".
The guy seems to write like he thinks the readers can read his mind as they read the chapters, and so understand from his perspective why the good guys are so fucking cool, yo.
Nicolas my beloved character meant for a filler fight but instead ended up as one of the best fights of this whole mess...
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>Akoya Seishu, how DARE you put my FRIEND, Murobuchi Gozo, into the HOSPITAL! I would NEVER deal him such a DASTARDLY wound!
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Murobuchi tanked that
It's probably more that he tried to execute Gozo.
>Thoughts on Carlos vs Gaolang?
Then wouldn't it be kinda inconsistent on Waka's part that he didn't go confront Akoya after what he did to Cosmo, whom Waka also knows?
>Liu spends the rest of his days in the local Mahjong parlor
>it's all just old ladies
>they all get to know and befriend him like he's one of their own
>Lu just enjoys spending his time playing Mahjong with a group of nice grannies
>Shen Wulong dies
>one granny takes off her glasses
>"Did you sense 'that'?"
>another granny nods
>"Of course 'we' sensed 'that."
>"Shen Wulong was always the weakest amongst 'us'. He was never the Abyss's Vessel," chimes the third granny
>"evil" is on the "move"
>the last granny, covered by the absence of light, gently raises her hand
>forcefully slams it on the table, with a tile in hand
Is he having a premonition?
I love how "I'll accept the results of whatever happens inside of that ring" stops mattering when one of the good guys get hurt instead.
Remember how everyone had an issue with Monke for what he did to Jose?
>Baki's primary roider character is currently on a winning streak
>Sandro makes his roider job to avoid copycat allegations
How likely is this?
>Waka literally had his plans laid out
Who the fuck cares about that? So did Hatsumi to Agito and he jobbed hard as fuck. What matters is what was shown and Muteba almost killed Waka.
Yeah, you know nothing about martial arts and probably LOVE pankration. You could also be a spic on top of all that.
I will have "sex" with Xia Ji and get her "boipregnant"
Writing as you go is a perfectly valid way of doing things, it's what a lot of writers do, be it for novels, movies or other things.
What is different about Sandrobitch is that he makes things up last second with vagueposts that will allude to a supposed later development, when he has no idea what that would be and is clearly only there to pad out the manga.
Julius will get a pity hit (everyone including Kazzy will wank this) and then Agito will tank it (because Formless bullshit) and win the fight
That was a fair match, Akoya’s punches were weaker but he said Justice while he did it.
sandro would redeem himself if ramon stomps
Ramon will be substituted out
What if Ramon is "Kuroki's friend" unmasked?
I haven't had "my expectations" subverted in a while.
Add in the fact that he doesn't keep track of what he's already written so he'll contradict himself without paying attention. And the fact that he has no qualms about writing himself into a corner and simply getting up and shamelessly walking over his writings.
What if Ramon is literally Kuroki, metaphorically?
>I think it would make for a really cool and unique framing of the match if Ramon was a big sturdy grappler to contrast Lolong's striking. The fight can focus on the struggle of them both being specialist in different fields
Lolong's whole deal is that he isn't specialized in any particular field, he's a perfect all-rounder. Basically Okubo but better. His Silat elbows and shoulder rotation are his main focus though, but he's an excellent grappler as well.
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Dubs and Julius does the impossible and win.
>Technique has an actual explanation and clear function behind it
>It also has good presentation
Why is Sandro like this
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Checked. Strongman gods will win.
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Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he vanished.
Kanoh getting out unscathed from Julius bearhug is beyond retarded
It’s depressing
Trips and it's a tie (and Wakatsuki appears in the public)
basically this
Why does this manga have the same feeling as Grinch’s Ultimatum at this point?
This feeling of isolation and a distant, vague memory of warmth and how they’ve reached the end.
Telling anons to stop with the genuine seething is a good way to farm (you)s from the look of things
This thread "scaled" the bump "limit".
For Koga
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Then "I" will go "even further beyond"
Quads and Julius dies
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Fool! If Julius dies, he wins!
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Dubs and the fight won’t end this chapter.
Julius WILL surpass Agito
Daro you shouldn't be posting here sensei...
Someone needs to immediately make a new drop chapter in 2 minutes.
??? They never did the She was too strong to win. Bro seek therapy
Why didn't Julius fight Jack instead, they at least have more in common than them trying to convince us that the skinny feral creature Jack turned into was a transformation he could do willingly on command and was something akin to Removal
He wasn't saying that the phrase showed up in there?
of course
"We" were too strong
It feels like complete unironic seething hatred of Kengan has gotten more and more to be the prevailing opinion here. Is it a few raging autists or is it actually fun to get threads to bump limit just talking about how much it all sucks?
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Why can't Comikey ever work right for more than a few weeks at a time
"Too strong to win" is just used to mean a character lost in those threads, anon.
It's a joke.
I know You idiot. I mean they don't even imply it.
I think kengan broke his mind and they can't understand media anymore
It's over, Juliusbros...
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Julius actually did NOTHING
It is a few autists
Well that was limp
How long until Agito pulls out a literal Shoryuken with his new naming conventions?
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oh fuck off Sandro you're such a fucking shameless hack
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That was embarrassing, might as well be a free round for Agito
>julius didn't land a single hit
How embarassing
Fuck Sandro, Julius should have won over the twink
>has gotten more and more to be the prevailing opinion here
Hasn't this always been the case ever since the KvP ended?
>I mean they don't even imply it.
Ah, ok.
I'm not sure how you got that interpretation from that post though. I think he's just saying Hazuki lost but in a joking manner, I've seen that phrase used that way plenty of times. You might be taking the in-jokes too seriously.
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>Hiraku is dead next chapter
Can a named fighter job harder than this?
>talk about an intense fight
>shows kanoh unscathed
kek, sandro never fails to deliver on the comedy
Hikaru’s got this, he’ll reclaim his spot here and now.
>Hiraku getting fed to Ramon so he can then be fed to Lolong
I'm rooting for Ramon here
>the twist is that he actually was a Worm all along and lost his fight on purpose
This was one of the worst fights yet; it was just Agito wank the entire way through. Julius didn't deserve this.
You think Julius would just try to crush his shoulder in. I’m just now a fan of how they main made him go for the gottentoter hits and grabs when he should have a lot more.
>tfw my 200IQ fails me
It's becoming more and more obvious that spite is Sandro's current biggest motivator for writing this series
>Hiraku is going full Sandro
And once again Sandro refuses to let the strongman use his actual strength. He doesn't let him crush Kanoh's body with his grip, he let's Julius fall to generic ass countermovements and locks eventhough his whole deal is that he's too strong to be lead and held like that.

Unrealistic and lame.
Name one thing Julius did to Agito this fight
Agito's weight is unevenly distributed so Julius can't exert his strength, please understand.
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Juliusbros.... We're not S tier aren't we
Julius can most likely beat Jurota!
Shut the fuck up Sandro. Just stop writing.
I'll be honest this manga has ceased to be enjoyable in the slightest, I can't even see a single page that would make for a fun edit.
I'm out. See "you", "me".
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Yes this exactly, but what if for Hikaru…
Personally I'm looking forward to feeding Ramon the twunk, shame it'll probably be just to give him a bit if meat before Lolong beats him to try and claw back some credibility.
>Hiraku has already healed all his damage
See "you" "next week", "me"
>An ephitet and mystery box actually making sense
>Julius didn't get one (1) uno clean hit on Agito that entire fight

Holy fuck thank god I'm not a Juliusfag, there isn't enough copium in the world to sustain my heartbeat after this
>juliusfags unironically thought he would win
>loses without dealing any damage
musclesissies forever and eternally blown the fuck out. He was always a jobber whose only win was against an even bigger throwaway jobber.
Did Agito make a bigger "shockwave" than Justin?
Even had the "if he made 1 wrong move 1 millisecond earlier the fight would have been COMPLETELY different." I used to shit on the threads for these saying that it's over exaggerating but I'm starting to see the strings...
He reached Kanoh's domain.
I think Sandro hates this series even more than us at this point
He grabbed him earlier but also had grip broken
from the minds that brought you the 30y old boomer and >her dick, we now present the 203cm 136kg twink
But bro the bubbles said the match was actually razor close bro Sandro said it himself dude
>do about as much damage as a normal fighters clean hit
Which is apparently only superficial given how many hits get shrugged off in this manga.
Honestly Julius should have just stuck his arms out and spun. Like a certain winner.
>trannies out of nowhere
You have something you wanna get off your chest?
Still not as bad as rubberbanding power levels in the Naruto War Arc.
I swear to god everyone became Akatsuki level for no reason off screen.


dump anon i summon you!
>"I'm on your level now"
>"Then I'll go even further ahead"
>Stomp continues
Was it so hard to let him get a single hit on in your fucking boycrush Kenganvenger, Sandronigger
Really wonky proportions for Julius this match, even if it got slightly better as the "fight" developed. I wonder if Daro doesn't like drawing Julius.
It's not exactly on command. I think it was when he OD'd on doping and almost died, but Hanma blood allowed him to withstand the worst of it.
Edit this one to make Sandro ask to assassinate “us” or Omega.
>I didn't actually lose, I was just pretending to be weak for the entire match so I could go perform an in-between-chapters offscreen jobbing for another guy a couple chapters later
Sandro really hates Koreans eh
>An ephitet actually making sense
The fuck
No Julius is S tier
Agito simply "moved" to "SS" "tier"
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What happened to Julius' durability? Waka had a lead in hits on him and he still had the advantage. How can Kanoh's hits damage him so much?
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Not gonna lie friends I'm tired of Sandro naming every. single. move.
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This is an insulting page.
le Dragonshot "hitting vitals"
Physical stats change on Sandro's whims rather than anything to do with internal consistency.
His hits did so much damage because he really really really wanted to surpass Shen, so now he's hitting harder than Mr.Superman Syndrome himself
I hear you
Thanks anon.
>I'm tired of Sandro naming every. single. move.
I agree. Why can't a knee to the face just be a normal knee to the face, why does it need to have a special name just because it's Agito doing a knee to the face
The Real Evolved Carlos soon
Agito has Niko's style and armor piercing hits
Is that fucking Hassad
>Formless is soft
Formless is neither soft nor hard but is also both. The whole point is that it's adaptable. It contains soft and hard movements depending on what he needs.
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>I wonder if Daro doesn't like drawing Julius.
Justin really think he's part of the team
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Kanoh literally should not have been able to do what he does here.
Soft hits
Thanks. Kill Sandrobitch.
He will soon be relevant again
He had some Niko-eqsue redirection going on.
The one thing i like about Baki is the steadt amount of recurring techniques that aren't named as well as overarching logic behind all of them.
Like, Baki mastering the mental liquefaction is nothing else than movement-oriented xiaori.

As for the misc moves they use, there'a the nutshots, hairgrab with feet, the baseball-inspired all out punch, the thing where they prnetrate ears with fingers, etc.

All of these come back throughout the series but are never specifically classified or named
Julius should be too strong for that though. Techniques like that should not work on him.
>too strong
And that, anon, is why they work on him.
It did a first for Toa but he got past that and I also assumed him being of equal frame made it fully possible.
>too strong
too strong... you say?
Is Ramon the darkhorse of this tourney. Its fucking NPC vs NPC next chapter and Lolong's gonna have to fight one of the two, whoever will win in their offscreened fight. Will Lolong job or will he redeem himself on his second full fight. Would love to see an Agito vs Lolong in the semis, but what if Lolong jobs to Ramona
it was the other example I had to mind of a comedically obvious contradiction, feel free to provide your own
Ramon is obviously just going to absolutely nosell the korean
Thank you!
M-my Jcoins...gone...
I don’t foresee my expectations being subverted for the Agito Lolong fight happening here.
Notice how Koga & Kiryuki are the ones closest to the connector, foreshadowing that they'll tag-team and rape the connector from behind
Rubberbanding powerlevels are good when One Piece does it (unironically). But yeah it is funny that a random jonin in the War Arc would've shitstomped Hiruzen and Orochimaru at the time of their climactic fight during Destroy Konoha.
>I can take the Slaughter Murder Champion no problem
>I’m the new elegant champion of my group with my soft punches
Actually "I" am closest to the connector.
Am I in opposite land? The only reason Julius was still standing after taking a shitload of clean hits from a juggernaut like Agito is because he's stupidly durable to begin with. Agito wasn't just punching wildly either, he hit him like a surgeon. That Julius lasted as ling as it is is unironically a durability feat on par with his fight with Waka.
>it is funny that a random jonin in the War Arc would've shitstomped Hiruzen and Orochimaru at the time of their climactic fight during Destroy Konoha
You mean black Kakashi? He wasn't random
Gotta respect juliusfags, even after suffering one of the most humilliatingly one-sided thrashings in the series they're still in the trenches.
Liu just liked a bit of catty banter. He was a shittalker along with Nicolas, but his best friend dying took the wind out of his sails and spoiled the fun of the competition for him.
>m-matchup was c-closer than it looked like! Honest!
When did Sandro became so shameless of his flaws?
Well One Piece in general always had a higher power floor than Naruto and never shied away from making the next arc villains significantly stronger than the last (Foxy being the lone exception)

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