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what if Gon comes back with drip?
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Hunter x hunter is over.
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If hisoka was strong he would have just simply won, you think netero or ging would have lost in the same position.
I'd settle for him coming back at all
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Kurapika will recruit Machi and then forgive and seduce her
Canonically weaker than botobai so yes.
He stole that ring
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Gon has the same boring outfit in every arc. It's Killua who he plays dress up with.
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He already did
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>Never the guy
>Never drew a dime
>Never had a good battle before Greed Island and even then was carried by his vastly superior teacher
>Never cut a memorable promo
>Never put anyone over
>Never had the balls to step out his comfort zone even when Nobunaga offered him to join the Troupe
>Main evented the lowest drawing "fight" at Trick Tower
>Main evented the lowest drawing fight at Heavens Arena
>Tanked the buyrate of Greed Island in 2003 so hard the anime was some low budget hack job
>Was barely ever in Yorkshin because he was never a big enough deal
>Only the 2nd best member of the GI trio
>Only the 4th best member of the Hunter Examinees
>Only the 8th best member of the CA Extermination Team
>His backstage clique "1 in 10 mill talent" was utterly BTFO by the Troupe and achieved nothing notable except inflicting Biscuit on us
>His auction cosplay was cringeworthy
>His NGL cosplay was cringeworthy
>Unironically calls his hatsu """"""""JAJANKEN""""""""
>Shit taste in women
>Shit hairline
>Has his absent father's fishing rod
>Failed at the 5th phase so badly that he resorted to Hanzo feeling sorry for him and letting him win
>Only significant achievement was accidently being booked to have a 1v1 fight vs a Royal Guard
>Is the Nen-user equivalent of that one insufferably mediocre MC whose sole professional """""""achievement"""""" is being the same retard for 25 years
>Drew so poorly in his 1999 Heavens Arena run that Kurapika of all people had to take MC role off him spent the latter part of his career burying better written characters
>The biggest impact he had on the story was sitting around in the back deluding himself about Kite not being dead and telling one of his no-draw buddies that he was going to fix him, only to basically kill himself in the process
Since hxh is coming back soon post your fav panel
>1st to become a hunter in the exam
>gets tortured for over 3 hours straight, doesn't give a fuck
>used zetsu before learning nen
>hit Hisoka in the face before learning nen
>stole Hisoka's badge before learning nen
>outsmarted and punched Hisoka in the face again
>beat Nobunaga at arm wrestling
>came up with the escape plan
>MVP of the dodgeball game
>only character to try to catch Razor's throws
>almost beat Genthru by himself (only reason he didn't was the "I tripped on a rock" bullshit)
>almost beat Knuckle by himself (only reason he didn't was the "he ran out of aura at the last second" bullshit)
>got the most answers right at the end of Greed Island
>most memorable fight of the exam
>best fight in Heaven's Arena
>best fight in Greed Island
>most memorable fight in CA
>killed a royal guard by himself
>central in the election of the new chairman
>women want him
>fish fear him
ging has experienced nen after death and that's how he was able to teach kite how to make the revival mace.
>hater-kun memes Togashi into drawing new chapters like a workhorse
The mace is probably not the revival number, I think he would've done multiple rolls vs Pitou
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Cuckrillo cheated
Ging has the exact same personality as gon, he is a enhancer.
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...on your mother, with Machi.
>Ging has the exact same personality as gon
He really doesn't
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The OFFICIAL gacha already confirmed this.
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Chrollo was just warming up the shower water.
cheating isn't possible in nen combat btw
Watching the anime right now (just finished the greed island arc).
Holy fucking shit was the arc dragged out as fuck for no reason. The bomber story line is so fucking unnecessary, Killua didn't even end up finding out what Hisoka was doing there and neither Gon nor Killua ended up even seeing any of the Troupe members. This is rather a shame in comparison to the Yorknew city arc.
Quick question for any scholars in the thread, about something the king said in pic related regarding the succession battle. Does anyone know the specific words the jp text uses when he’s talking about “vessels”? This isn’t the first manga I’ve read where royalty were associated with the concept of receptacles or vessels; is there some sort of literary allusion that doesn’t completely translate here, or is it just that they’re a vessel for the power of the Nen beast?
Gon bottoms btw
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actually the 2011 anime speedrunned through the GI arc, skipping plenty of stuff too
Why is togash redrawing old art?
this is the volum 8 cover
Mayb he forgot?
>HxH gets adapted into a live action movie
>starring Hugh Jackman as Uvogin and Nicholas Cage as Chrollo
somehow the dodgeball fight between Gon and Razor is the climax of the arc. While the death match vs. the bombers felt like a sidequest.
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thats because we get more GODing info.
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It's the original drawing
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I like killua with this drip minus the tattoos cuz he's 12-14
Gon WILL come back as a Specialist. He’s spending time maturing as a person, and after everything that happened, being an Enhancer would no longer fit. I don’t necessarily believe this but I can see it
They are just fake tattoos that children put on
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Alluka isn't real.

She isn't a DC possessed entity. She is the DC entity. The Alluka personality is made up by the entity and fake memories pumped in to Killua. It just showed up one day and attached itself to the Zoldycks and Killua in particular. Gon's father didn't mince words or reject Alluka out of cruelty. It literally just emerged one day pretending to be part of the family, but only some of the Zoldycks are even aware of this much. Making it even more awkward to try disposing of it outright. The father eventually settled for containment and allowed the needle to be implanted in Killua as preventive measures.

Even the needle's design to keep Killua from dying in a fight was intended to placate the entity. Lest it go on a rampage from losing it's boy toy.
This is also why Killua's memories seem inconsistent at times. Killua seems aware of his family's nen powers now despite not even knowing about nen before the exam and having minimal additional contact with them since. The needle had vicious drawbacks, but it was considered acceptable due to the entity's raw power.
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How's the cover of the 38th volume gonna look like? Take a wild guess.
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This will be the 38th volume cover here
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Not the same, but close enough.
Drop the anime right now and read the manga. The beginning of the CA is absolutely awful in the anime.
Read the first chapter that has important context, and then start from chapter 185.
Lowkey I've been getting slightly more convinced about the 'Chrollo cheated' and the 'Hisoka is Chrollo' theories recently. Maybe I'm just being open-minded because we'll finally get new chapters soon
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The fan-made Volume 37 cover was better and more relevant than the one we got.
people trying to predict the cover as if 80% of the time it isn't some random shit that has basically nothing to do with the chapters
Gon and Killua wouldn't fit the vibe that the series has now. It's a manga for adults, heavy on dialogue, written by an old man. Those two will likely never appear again. Both of their character arcs pretty much came to their conclusion.
Razor was a hundred times stronger than the bomber and his minions.
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Hinrigh becoming an actual enemy to the Troupe doesn't seem like the trajectory. Hinrigh and the Troupe(Nobunaga) are a protagonist POV in the lower tiers. Ken'i is being built up as the antagonist POV(in addition to Morena, obviously).
How they respond to the powder keg scenario seems like the way to further split allegiances and give a broader purpose to there being three mafias. Hinrigh is currying favor with the Troupe and working to stop Morena. Ken'i is more concerned with stopping the Troupe. When push comes to shove purging the mafia benefits several higher level organizations, and that's something they'll have to deal with. For Hinrigh the solution could be siding with the Troupe, while for Ken'i survival could involve deepening their loyalty to the royal family.
It's "ケンイ" for Ken'i and "キーニ" for Keeney. Not very similar.
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Hunter succession war is shit
> shit ton of text as if it’s a light novel
> refuses to use show don’t tell
> over explains everything
> shit ton of random characters that can be categorized as suit men or mafia fucks, none of them being memorable, all literal whos
> slow pacing
> lack of character depth or exploration
>boring setting filled with bare hallways and rooms
> lack of thematic foundation
> about a succession war that barely has meaning to the real carrot, the Dark continent an it’s arc
>Fails to copy and live up to other acclaimed anime/manga dramas like LOTGH or actions like JOJO
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Chrollo's "cheating" required a way more ingenious plan, with Chrollo (the talented actor) playing Hisoka like a fiddle with all the misdirection involved in it. It's like he beat Hisoka with his own magic trick performance, with Hisoka only living through an escapology trick (O MY RUBBER NEN).
It makes Chrollo way more interesting as a character.
It only ruins the circlejerk of biased powerscalers, who believe Chrollo is one tier above Hisoka, even though the story suggests they are on the same level.
No, Chrollo doesn't NEED to cheat to beat Hisoka. He cheated to guarantee 100% chance of victory. Chrollo didn't give a fuck about Hisoka's homoerotic battle fantasy. He was even "nice" to him by offering him a chance to back out.
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What a your fav hxh cover since we are talking covers vol 24 is probably my fav
Now that I think about chrollo plan In that fight was really well executed.If you were in Hisoka shoes could you have figured it out his bullshit
based gon
My only main issue is how the hell did he make that Army so fucking fast>>269129538
>> shit ton of text as if it’s a light novel
That's like the entire manga experience
People don't understand what togashi meant with "both characters got to show off their manhood".

Chrollo navigating a complex, high stakes game plan with tons of moving parts, always one step ahead, always keeping the pressure up, always just out of reach straight into victory is extremely impressive.
It takes real skill, and isn't diminished by him tipping the scales, cheating, being underhanded etc. he is, and does this throughout. Its his character.

Simultaneously, Hisoka showed off raw physicality and killing potential that is basically unmatched in the entire series.
A short, brutal combo on a puppet using rubber nen, impossible to survive. Casually tearing off heads. Uncanny precision. Human sledgehammer. Absurd movement tech. Extremely advanced perception and strategizing abilities.

Hisoka is fucking dangerous. He's at the top tier, unquestionably.

This match showed all that. I don't know why spiderfags need more.
Well said.
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>My only main issue is how the hell did he make that Army so fucking fast
Koltopi was making the copies, not Chrollo. He started shortly after Chrollo activated Convert Hands, and never really stopped.
While Hisoka was chasing the fake Chrollo produced with Convert Hands + Black Voice, Chrollo couldn't be making copies with those two abilities active. This goose chase accomplished nothing for Chrollo other than buying time for someone else to make clones.
lol no
Looks fucking retarded and doesn’t match the cover making of Togashi’s volumes. He’s never put characters from completely separated plot lines on the same cover unless it was the main 4
in general togashi is not a "put the things that happened in the volume together in a collage" guy
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Does this faggot post his headcanon in every single thread?
It's true though. There wasnt enough time for Chrollo to make all those clones. Sad. There was an influx of mail-in puppets at 3 AM from Koltopi. STOP THE STEAL!
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Anon above asked a question and I answered it.
It's not headcanon that Chrollo can't make copies while using Black Voice and Convert Hands.
It's not headcanon that there's an almost tenfold difference between the number of puppets that Hisoka expected and how many he was swarmed with.
It's not headcanon that Koltopi was in the Arena.
It's not headcanon that Chrollo says he fights as part of a team or does whatever to maximize his chances of winning.
It's not headcanon to question how Hisoka even knew Koltopi was around after the fight, if he was dead when they carried him over, and Koltopi had already left after he revived.
Hisoka was never one to brutalize the corpse of his victims or make a showing of their murder. He wanted to send a message.
I'll take that as a "yes". Every fucking time I open a hunter thread I see you posting the same shit, you must be one greasy nigger.
That image was posted 3 times this month.
That's hardly every thread.
And I never bring up the topic, so it's relevant to the discussion.
>acclaimed drama
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*Tserri kills Melody*
>Tserri: Hahaha, this nen stuff is so much fun!
>Leorio: K-Kurapika! the Kurta genes!! keep them under control! otherwise your lifespan...
>Tserri: What's this? how is his "Nen" so "Strong"?!

God, it will be so sweet when Togashi reveals that Chrollo indeed cheated, so the retarded idiots like the one you are replying to finllay shuts the gell up.
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>For Hinrigh the solution could be siding with the Troupe, while for Ken'i survival could involve deepening their loyalty to the royal family.
I don't see a scenario where Hinrigh sides with the troupe here, he very much wants to just let Hisoka and them duke it out but neither family can afford to have their attention split between two fronts. Hinrigh is following his orders to the letter in finding Hisoka and getting him out to control the spiders, while also hunting Morena.

The main reason for Keni and Hinrigh's ability to focus has been the troupe started out on Tier 5 which is Cha-R territory, Keni lacks a power like Zakuro's to adequately clear his own floor while looking for Hisoka, and then Luini showed up. It also appears that Morena's crew were doing a number on Tier 5 since Cha-R seems to have lost more people compared to the Xi-Yu family casualties. I doubt he would leave while a killer is at large and the Spiders were camping out in his office with the threat they might just forego any formalities and make a break for the upper tier.

Once Luini was dead you saw Keni also make his way to Tier 3 for both Hisoka and for Morena.

>It's not headcanon that Chrollo says he fights as part of a team
It is but every time someone corrects any of these retarded talking points you just ignore it once the thread is over and start anew. Nobody can reason with you any more than people could reason with people who thought the Meteor City elder and Illumi were helping Chrollo.
Ging is the Lebron James of nen.
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I didn't ignore shit.
>woman want him
>fish fear him
I kneel God-San... Hat edit when?
>Tserri uses Parallel future to get away
>Kurapika: AAAAAAAAA I have been defeated. Leorio avenge me
>Tserri: HAHA nobody can defeat me, I have fate on my side
>Leorio: OOOOO IM so ANGRY Time to use my ace in the hole Remote punch: Requiem
>Leorio: hahaha just try to use your future sight, my remote punch requiem will search you out and destroy you like the TUMOR you are
>Tserri: Nooooo I have been defeated...
>every time someone corrects these retarded talking points
You mean ad homenim and deflect. Nobody has explained the 17 potclean proc MINIMUM requirement for Chrollo to make 200 puppets
17 procs to make 100 considering the 20-30 he already had!
For 200 we're talking about some 37 procs.
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Kurapika gonna breed this?
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Yup. Imagine the sex.
Nope. Neon is alive and well, waiting for her Nostrade man to come home
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Post proof she is dead, not speculation
He just did.
That's speculation, not proof
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>Killua: Chrollo is unable to use nen right
>Kurapika: that Judgement Chain disappeared from my pinky
>Killua: Oh dear, that means
>Kurapika: yeah, pretty much
>Kilua: your pinky is like that guy who goes bang in Inuyashiki
bro this series is dead just stop already
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It's returning in a month, shonenspic.
Nen getting stronger after death is a asspull
Wasn't it introduced so the Ryodan wouldn't go after Kurapika to kill him?
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Next you'll say nen is an asspull, just skip to the part where you claim you were merely pretending to be retarded already.
Now that hisoka can easily use texture surprise on his body without a medium he will make his entire body as hard as a diamond
it just means ghosts are real in hxh and thats how people become haunted, or places become haunted.
what is bullshit, though, is shit like cammy, and apparently hisoka somehow unlocking the ability to conjure limbs due to dying.

i say this as a giant hisokafag.
I forgot about this Renko
There are circumstances for why Ken'i has done what he's done, but Togashi is the one giving them these powers and circumstances(and Ken'i's has been obscured since he's an antagonist). His paneltime and mental energy has gone towards thinking how to deal with the Troupe, while Hinrigh was fully ready to give up his life in order to help the Troupe, then had bonding time with Nobu. Hinrigh said he wants the fight to happen and that he wants the Troupe to win. Hinrigh would reach an impasse at some point, but total upheaval and chaos will change a lot of established goals.
And then Machi will give Killua another hug and declare he is now hers
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the forbidden knowledge
Tseri or Woble dying early would be the best way to show that anybody can die
You forgot to post when Chrollo said he fights in a team. And you ignored the part right after where he then goes on to talk about how he increased the abilities he can use and waited until the conditions for certain victory were met. And as brought up last thread, you don't even have a single story example of Chrollo fighting as part of a team. Even during the Chimera Ants arc the Troupe just split up and did their own thing or watched someone else do theirs.

>You mean ad homenim and deflect
I mean pointing out like above that Chrollo never said something and having people continue to insist he does even when their own evidence says otherwise.
Do you know what "in addition" means?
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Ngl I always enjoy the STRONG autism that comes out from Hisoka vs Chrollo posts
Chorllo doesn't have preptime he is dying on the boat.
Is Hinrigh supposed to be pronounced like Heinrich
Heen-ree-gee according to the wiki
>Do you know what "in addition" means?
It doesn't mean he's admitting to fighting in a team.
First chapter of the next batch will just be 20 full pages of Gon and Killua making out
sai sho wa gu
jan ken cocky
It also keeps threads lively.
Wonder what meme this new batch will bring upon us. We should make a bingo with stuff like phantom troupe members dying. Gensuru being on boat, etc.
all the hiatus makes me unprepared for major/significant character deaths even though I'm expecting most of them, since the status quo has more or less remained the same for a decade now
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Meruem really needs to wear some pants
I think the arc could easily get the same level of treatment and reception Frieren and MAPPA AOT got by animeonlies. It fits the “poltical serious drama” of AOT anime fans always talk about, or “matureness” of Frieren, but much better written and more interesting. Combine that with battle Shonen fans and you’ve got an anime that Shonen nerds, non Shonen fans, and non anime fans can all enjoy.

The only thing keeping it back in that aspect is that people have to watch the rest of the series to get to it, and pre Yorknew Hunter can throw a lot of potential people off. You can say AOT previous seasons didn’t keep people from watching the final season, but AOT always dressed itself as a serious drama even when it was mediocre writing, where Hunter has always been a battle/adventure Shonen from the start.
Netero is evil, he murdered this innocent couple.
dawg has time to go out wearing a bike helmet but not something to cover his wily
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This will put Mereum Komugi to shame…
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Much better
there is no way Pika let Neon die. It had to be suicide.
>imagine having sex with bisky
Ging is don Freecss level btw.
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Power level check?
Stronger than Hisoka
probably as strong as a few of the lesser ants Enough to be a threat to lower nen users but not much more.
they will be of Gon meeting older women while Killua watches from the shadows
This arc has shown that bisky has weirdly mature sex appeal when she's not wearing the ridiculous magical girl getup
###-##-#### ****** *****
Has 301 been confirmed what’s it gonna be about? Is it gonna be a Kurapika, Tserreidnich, other Prince, Phantom Troupe or Hinrigh/mafia chapter?
>effortlessly killed dozens of pro hunters
Mid to high squadron leader level.
The end of the previous batch suggests it’ll at least start back with Kurapika
Back to Pika's POV, we might see Halkenburg's trial too since a lot of teasers featured jackets who probably belonged to Ben's crew.
Pumping Tubeppa coin
Don't get my hopes up about this manga anon. How this faggot has me hooked after decades is enough to make me hate myself, but knowing it will never finish because the author will die makes me want to end my life some days.
>Read Hell’s Paradise because it gives Dark Continent vibes
Does scratch the itch
>Read wild strawberry
Barely scratches it
>read Anemone
Just a scratches it enough to make me want the real shit!
I fucking hate it!!!
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Kurapika says you'd have to be an idiot to not realize you can undo the effects of Nen.
I hate ugly bastard protagonists cause I can't self insert >:[
Look at the parallel between Kuroro and Kurapika. Almost like they are both trying to do the same thing here
Kurapika promises he will take care of it. Next time we see him he is Nostrade underboss. And Chrollo can tell when he loses his stolen ability, just like Kurapika says he can with Judgement chain >>269136878
Neon is alive
We saw Day 10 from the perspective of the Troupe/mafia, so now we’ll see it from Kurapika’s perspective I guess. Halkenburg was arrested on Day 10, so his trial will be Day 11 if it follows the same pattern as Camilla’s arrest. If anything else happens on Day 10, it will probably involve shenanigans with Luzurus’s guard who was possessed by Halkenburg’s ability.
you can smile
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>tardzuku forgot about nen exorcism
Kurapika doesn't give a flying fuck about neon that bitch is dead.
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You Hunterchads might like the show Darker than Black, I mean it's not completely amazing or anything but it does have a fairly low-mid power system among a small amount of characters in the world and all of their powers have a drawback to them similar to the nen covenants, the power users are called Contractors because they have to fulfill a contract to use their power
I'm sure some of you anons have watched it and I'm curious on your thoughts? It's been a while since I've seen it but it felt very human and down to earth with a good sense of reality to it like HxH has
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Do you suppose Togashi wrote Neons fortune telling out of the series because it's too broken for such a big arc like this?
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Hunterchads I have been quite bored these past few days with pretty much everything, I know this may be a little off-topic, however the thread doesnt seem very active or like anyone is talking about anything, so could you recommend me some hunterchad approved manga? I guess other stuff like books and video games would be fine too

a few weeks ago someone here recommended me Law of Ueki and I loved it
It's possible it was out of convenience, but if so I think it would include a quick explanation of how she died. He made a cutaway for when she was missing her ability which doesn't show any sign of her later death during Greed Island of all places so I think explaining her final fate after Kurapika became Nostrade underboss would be expected
My personal theory is it will be revealed Kurapika has been following Neon's fortune the whole time and it told him to talk about the nen beasts and do the nen classes in its warning
Tserriednich and a giraffe.
Kouya ni Kemono Doukokusu
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What do you think the note said?
Will we ever know?
"lolol her pussy was tight as hell" or something like that, its up to interpretation so that you can imagine the most horrible thing possible without togashi actually having to come up with a horrible thing that could be seen as "overly edgy and trying too hard"
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Ain't no way they left a smiley face on the note
>you think ging would have lost in the same position.
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Trust me.
My casting choices
>Gon - A young Elijah Woods
>Killua - Timothy Chalamet
>Leorio - Ryan Reynolds
>Kurapika - Idris Elba
>Hisoka - Nicholas Cage
>Meruem - Dave Bautista
>Netero - Ben Kingsley
>Pitou - Anya Talyor-Joy
>Morel - Ron Perlman
>Chrollo - Steve Carell
Nobunaga - Ryan Gosling
>We used indoor fish to prevent her from dying while we carved out her pussy and head and used her as a fleshlight.
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>Sign on Tree
>The Sweetest Fruit
>Above you will find a human "Orange" ripe for the picking.

>Dear Chrollo
>She believed you would save her up until the very end. Even after she lost both her arms, she still had faith she would be "Orange tomorrow."
"Hunterchads" and their mangaka..
anyone got the oito big breast compilation art he drew
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it's canon
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Beatrice Umineko
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For the idiot who said there was no yuri implication between Kacho and Fuugetsu.
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Shitship cucked by kurtasigma. Also kys femcel.
Doesn't mean anything
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Oito was fucked by fat ugly bastard. Kurapika is not cuckold and will not fuck her after the fat bastard.
Any other manga like the Succession War?
It's my favorite part of the manga by far
Baccano (anime/ novel) is the closest thing to it.
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You will eat those words.
It's not like Kurapika deserves some pure virgin maiden anyway.
Dude, they are twin sisters. Hearts don't always mean romantic love.
Who drew this?
Kurapika wouldn't be interested in someone like Oito.
Ohh nice
Drop the nigger lingo, zoomie. This is japan
I wonder if the 13th Prince can be killed at all. His ability looks quite OP
Maybe he'll get killed next banquet as he exits his room though
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Who's shoes are those? Hinrigh's?

>No.404, final additions in progress.
That's post-rose meruem
>Those lines
Heavy aura incoming from someone begrudging
That's what it looks like when the heil ly teleport people
>1 page
it's over
Seems to be military boots
Probably one of Benjamins men reacting to Halkensburgs aura.
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I was looking through some photos I saved, does this theory have any merit or was anon just throwing things at the wall?
>Gon's shoes.
Pure schizo nonsense
This doesn't make any sense at all.
How does the last station being Wobble correlate to him winning when the 1st death wasn't the 1st station?
is this official? who made this
Pure unadultered schizo rambling
>all four of our protagonists are male
>one of them cross dresses
what does it mean
puffy ninja socks and legwarmers
Lost, post moar
>ren lines
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so we are getting chapters next month, rejoice...
The things I'm really anticipating are
>Danjin's proof of not being manipulated
>Halkenburg's court case
The former is gonna cause a ruckus one way or another. The second I believe is going to backfire on Benjamin in some way, despite Halkenburg theoretically being the one at risk.
Benjamin won't be harmed until his nen beast's ability is revealed, a lot of his men are tied to several plot lines and we've yet to see him use their abilities, Halkenburg however showed all of his cards and none of his men seem relevant, he might be a goner this patch.
To be clear, I don’t think Benjamin himself will be harmed. I just believe that something negative will happen for him. My mind goes to how Balsamilco testified against Camilla, and he’ll likely do the same thing. Him dying before he shows off is unlikely, but I feel as if ‘something’ could happen.
Is this flashback?
Probably, but alot of stones Have been left unturned in HxH
I do think Halkenburg will “lose” in the trial, but it would be funny if Benjamin doesn’t get a chance to kill him and Halkenburg just goes to jail for the time being. Benjamin’s soldiers have had the most development, but even if Benjamin dies, his soldiers can still be relevant in the Heil-Ly storyline because they’re all military.
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Gon a qt
Yes, Chrollo cheated
Yes, Feitan is a Zoldyck
Yes, Gon was born from a fucking rock

This is extremely obvious if you actually read the subtext and look for the hints Togashi plainly laid out.
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>Spiders go to the whale's Tier 1 looking for Hisoka or treasure
>Nobunaga spots Kirapika
>Nobunaga attacks Babimyna trying to get to Kurapika
>Babimyna's counter hatsu activates, killing Nobunaga instantly
>Babimyna: "Who was that?"
>Kurapika: "I don't know."
Nobunga could beat Kurapika
Were it not for Woble
holy subversion of expectations kino
it's going to happen like that, isn't it?
Babimyna's counter measure would kill Meruem, btw.
Even the Heil-ly newbies said Nobunaga was reckless to attack a group of nen users without knowing their abilities.
Try to predict Babimynas hatsu.
My guess:
>Creates a reflective shield over his En. He can't make the area smaller than 2 metres.
>The strength of the shield corresponds to the area it covers, with it being stronger if applied to a small area.
>Any projectile and nen attack will be absorbed and returned to the attacker.
>Slow moving objects can pass through the shield without them being reflected.
>Babimyna can't move as long as the shield is active and his body is only protected by a small layer of aura, meaning that if someone can actually hit him, he will take massive damage.
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Wasn't it the same with Chrollo vs Zeno?
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How would've this nigga realistically squared up against the Chimera Ants?
Squadron leader
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What would be their tax policy?
>back with the drip
Yeah from Chlamydia
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I forgot, where was it stated that he had a counter type hatsu? What do we know about it
>supposedly a great assassin
>all of his moves are some of the flashiest, most destructive we've seen so far
Illumi is the only real assassin in that family
I think it was mentioned when Furykov was pressing him on why he hadn’t written a report on Woble’s Nen Beast
It's weird how much greed island feels like a filler arc despite the plot links it has to the arc before and after it.
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For fucks sake. I guess Melody never existed in the version I got.
i just realized after all these years....it materializes the arm...
what country?
fucking brazil
His name is Gon because he's been gone for like 100 chapters
That's wrong though.
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>Hisocuck is the strongest
>Cholo is the strongest
Nah I get it.
>Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem: Sale-Sale
Should be obvious, Sale-Sale's entire ability and modus operandi was getting laid, and maybe later, getting paid.
>Jesus is stripped of his clothes: Kacho
This one is a bit more of a stretch, but it makes more sense if you switch her with her twin, changing that to
>Jesus is nailed to the cross
Kacho is instead dying for the "sins" of another and protecting them from the torment of hell.
But, we can also stretch the stripping of clothes to this, that this is the final stretch in Jesus' journey of sacrifice (as he doesn't fall again and what follows is him being nailed to the cross).
>Jesus dies on the cross: Momoze
Momoze is betrayed and then killed. Simple enough.

Now, for the one that seems to be confusing the most people:
>Jesus is placed in the tomb: Woble
There's a lot of unanswered questions in regards to the true purpose of the Succession Contest and how it will fully effect the people onboard. One element of that is that image within the image anon posted- the Kakin 'tomb', which contains 14 caskets and a device in the center. It seems to imply that either all 14 princes will die or that 13 princes and the current king will die. But, what matters is that device in the center- that would be the 'tomb' Woble is entering.

I honestly don't subscribe this this theory at all though. I fully believe we will see more than just one prince survive this arc.
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>Has 301 been confirmed what’s it gonna be about?
It will be about Meruem's return, following up what we witnessed in 299. 301 is notable as being Illumi's exam number, so I think the arc will play into that with something like Pouf trying to manipulate Meruem to do what he thinks is best(don't have friends vs. don't value humans) and there might even be some sort of memory shenanigans going on, similar to the needle placed inside Killua.
They never said that. They did act exasperated about Hinrigh and Nobunaga attacking them but that was just them being coy
It was stated by Balsamilco before they sent in Furykov, knowing they'd have a stalemate situation.
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JBC quality..
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Netero Heavens Door
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What did he mean by this?
Chrollo dying will be more impactful than Gojo dying
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Imagine if THIS happened instead
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Togashi's new tweet is kino
A girl wouldn't have Kite's original personality, wouldn't work
This copy pasta is clearly written by someone who didnt even read the succession war, or skimmed through it rapidly without even attempting to engage with it.
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Tomboys are a shit fetish
chat gpt
its Hi-N-Ri-Gi in katakana. (i is pronounced ee)
though katakana can often denote certain intentions such as dropping the i from Gi
Heenreegee or heenreeg but every syllable hee-n-ree-gee all the same length (and pretty fast and not dragged out at all)
Hin, like bin, righ like high
I am aware it's japanese but the man vibes the name
Wow he's litteraly me
Canon Oito breast size btw
It's a dead link now, but

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Stupid sexy cat
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How does one man have so much sex drive? What's his secret?
ugly bastard swagger
>I will only say one thing...
What’s the context here? To Oito’s tits being out I mean?
Thank you dearly Anon
there isn't
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It's fortunate it got posted here, it's a shame how easily things can get lost, even if they exist somewhere out there.
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Don Freecss' ability prediction:

>Name: Grand Omniarch [Mad Demiurge]
>Type: Speciality
>Description: Creation of an area around the user (visually similar to Law's fruit effect in One Piece) in which said user can temporarily and locally rewrite reality by deleting ONE one-word concept from that area. The user is submitted to the new rules of reality as much as anyone else in this area.
>Example: In order to tank a deadly attack, the user can create the area around him and delete the concept of [Death]. By doing so, everyone in the area turns impossible to kill, however that also means the user's cells continue to reproduce without dying, creating tumors, making him cough blood. Creating a new area and this time deleting the concept of [Illness] would instantly repare the user's body.
>If the user is fighting someone's whose ability triggers if they strike their opponent twice, Don can delete the concept of [Two], thus preventing his foe's ability to ever activate and rendering him powerless. Don could explore the sea indefinitely by deleting the concept of [Breathing] around him, fly by deleting the concept of [Gravity], etc.
hanzo, a foundational character
Killua? An afterthought solely created to get fujomoney
Sounds like something out of Bleach
Gon's mom? Kurapika with a ponytail
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this fanart
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I was previously of the opinion that upon suicide, Halkenburg's soldier would go back to their body, that seemed more logical to me compared to the souls switching bodies, and the other soul only waking back up when the active body is killed. But the wording of 'ability that could never directly kill a prince' is making me feel the opposite. I suppose it wouldn't exactly be direct, but shooting Benjamin, and having the soldier commit suicide, would basically be killing Benjamin with an extra step at that point.

But if we think of it from the other angle, why would Halkenburg's ability work like this? Well, as said, he can't kill a prince directly. This entire time, he's been critical of the monarchy and distant from most of his family. Couldn't it be that his ability inflicts the ultimate shame upon his family, were he to attack them with it? A commoner is now in control of a prince, basically all of the upper princes would feel insulted by it. And even if this is discovered and they are killed, the prince would be stuck in the body of the commoner, with no blood connection to the royal family, and realistically, no right to become king. Once again, it practically spits at Kakin's traditions.

Am I just full of it, or can you all see where I'm coming from?
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Chrollo stole Countdown from Genthru. Shizuku and Bolonelov will act as his sub-bombers.
I will not elaborate
He'd just needs Sub and Bara for Release, and I doubt Chrollo could voluntarily change that. Like how Yokotani's ability needs Morena to activate. I know you're shitposting but I don't GIVE A DARN.
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Togashi needed his chuunibyou outlet and he couldn't have Kurapika settle his beef with the PT off the bat
The big gay 3 all in one image, again!
proto-killua is in the bottom left
is the movie canon?
ill skip it if its not
It's not
They're both shit and not canon
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Hanzo should've kept the glasses
doesn't really match his getup
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No takers? I thought I had an interesting idea going. Though I'll admit I forgot about pic related.
I feel you but both Benjamin and Halkenburg are dying in the next batch so like it doesnt matter much
They're allowed lethal abilities, Halkenburg's GSB just wouldn't fuel him if he intended to fire an arrow at Benjamin.
Not since Tubeppa raped me
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>But the wording of 'ability that could never directly kill a prince' is making me feel the opposite.
That's most likely just talking about firing at a prince directly. Even Nasubi talks about how the GSB won't directly attack another host. But Halkenburg or one of his men possessing someone and having them do the job should be fair game. Same if Tubeppa manufactures some kind of poison and has someone else slip it to a prince during the banquet, or if Zhang's coins can generate an attack and someone uses it on a prince.

The Guardian spirits are just held back from duking it out with each other or attacking a prince with their own effort. They are supposed to be a support and a tool for a future king who has to navigate the complexities of leading a nation.

But it would be funny if the possessed Rice tries to kill Luzurus and the possession just fizzles out because it turns out even that counts as "direct" under the GSB rules.
>That's most likely just talking about firing at a prince directly.
I can believe that, but I feel like the abilities of a GSB and a naturally awakened ability might not necessarily work the same. For instance, if we believe that Camilla's ability awakened in a similar way to how Halkenburg's did, I doubt there's a 'do not kill Prince' attached to it. One could argue that due to the nature of her ability, or even just her intrinsic nature, it doesn't necessarily work the same. But considering Halkenburg's state of mind when he awakened, I feel like he could fire upon the other princes, he just couldn't kill them. Like how he fired on the king (and himself), he was willing to bend the rules, but direct killing was disallowed.
First movie has a very butchered version of some canon material that isnt fully adapted, the rest is non canon and terrible.
Second movie is completely non canon and bad enough to make the first movie look good (the first movie is like 2/10 tier garbage btw).
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What I do predict is a clever use of Luzurus' GSB in the newest batch. If Halkenburg has had one of his men possess Rice, then this GSB's ability won't be able to trigger a manipulation effect because of First-come, First-served. But it could still distract and trick Halkenburg's man by doing something like creating a fake Luzurus to be assassinated. At the very least it will alert Basho and the others and they could possibly detain Rice before he can an hero and wherever the souls go happens.

>or instance, if we believe that Camilla's ability awakened in a similar way to how Halkenburg's did
I know this isn't your point necessarily. But I don't know why this is being theorized when Cammy herself has an entire cult of nen users with a cultural history revolving around killing themselves. It's obvious she already knew nen beforehand along with just how she talks and conducts herself to people like Furykov.

>I feel like he could fire upon the other princes,
But just like how he tried to kill himself and the Beast stopped the bullet. It doesn't matter what action he himself takes the parasite has a will and rules of its own that were set centuries ago.
Depends on how powerful the emitter he's working with is (obviously)
I don't know if I'd even call the arrow manipulation, it could function purely as an emissive soul swap
>It's obvious she already knew nen beforehand along with just how she talks and conducts herself to people like Furykov.
Sure she knows Nen now, but both Tserriednech and Halkenburg unlocked their own Nen abilities without even being sure what they did until they tested it, Tse in particular was being taught the 'correct' method, and it still happened to him.

I forget, doesn't Benjamin possibly have an unrevealed lit-up star? It's very possible even he didn't learn his ability until later.
>it could function purely as an emissive soul swap
I think swapping souls would be manipulation since it deals with consciouness. We already have some indication that Halkenburg himself is a manipulator and that's what influenced his GSB to develop a soliciting type memory alteration. I also think Order Stamp indicates that manipulation can

>Sure she knows Nen now,
Not even just "now". She has a ready command of nen and already understood her pre-existing ability. Both Tserriednich and Halkenburg have had to experiment with their powers to understand them but Camilla was already confident and prepared. Using Zetsu to ensure maximum damage to herself.

>doesn't Benjamin possibly have an unrevealed lit-up star?
Yes. >>269149465 is one more star than people that have died this voyage.

>It's very possible even he didn't learn his ability until later.
Same as with Camilla. The fact that he already has an established entourage of nen users underneath him as well as evidence that he's already tested his ability which earned him his first star. Plus his whole game plan of counter nen intelligence etc, etc. Benjamin himself also confirms they checked to see if Halkenburg knew nen before the trip. The only awakenings have been Tserreidnich and Halkenburg, the former because he's a prodigy and the latter probably because of his enhancer nen beast along with his overall good genetics being part of the nen eugenics family.
I can agree that Camilla’s ability would be kind of difficult for her to know, unless the cat can speak and told her, but I do think there’s a chance that Benjamin awakened similarly, and only really learned his ability through chance one day. We didn’t see exactly how they learned Nen, and while that could be because it isn’t important, I think it leaves room open for them to have gone through a similar experience to their two younger brothers, just much, much earlier.
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>We didn’t see exactly how they learned Nen, and while that could be because it isn’t important, I think it leaves room open for them to have gone through a similar experience to their two younger brothers, just much, much earlier.
Benjamin most likely learned Nen through the military. Since he didn't have guardian spirits then I can see it being something Benjamin learned after reaching a sufficient rank. Camilla is an odd one because originally I thought she learned nen from the Untouchables, but it seems more likely she learned nen and then reached out to them to create a fodder army of nen assassins to help secure her position.

Both princes are the oldest and the most prepared for this whole war. Having the means through their mothers and the individual power and nen-capable subordinates with abilities suited to assassination. Benjamin has the better edge since his guys have actual variety and cover a broader number of situations and cases. Cammy's soldiers are definitely just trained enough to manifest their power and not much else going by how they couldn't even break down a door.
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Kek I always love Kurapika's snark
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You all know Golem will be a cute girl, right?
>bloster but retarded
Nah that's lame
Jobber X Jobber
Hisoka is not the main character
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He made Chrollo lose Lovely Ghostwriter so that he and the Troupe can die without it being a plot hole.
But what?
What did that tweet say?
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Gon's VA is a true Hunterchad. It's heartwarming to see.
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10 years after the end of the anime and this is still her cover.
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nice for her but jesus easy on the filters
She's going for the "Gon you are light" kind of look with that background.
Ayy lmao
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That was a drawing someone did for her and she's using it as her profile pic.
She's been a hunterchad longer than most of the people in this thread.
iirc it was her favourite manga as a kid, and she auditioned for the role of Killua but was cast as Gon instead. She did a really good job too.
But nothing, it was the source of the image the guy was talking about, as mentioned in the archives
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Will they fight or work together?
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Killua's VA also had HxH as her favorite manga ever since she was a kid.
They are the same age, and remained friends to this day.
They also both went on to have stellar careers after Hunter x Hunter.
It's truly a fairy tale story.
They went to Togashi's exhibition last batch together too.
Also Mito is voiced by her mother
Bets on them having crushes on Killua when they were kids and as adults.
Sex with both.
I m-meant >>269155562
Sure buddy…
Freudian slip caught in real time
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What kind of exorcist was able to steal back Neon's ability?
You'd be better off watching the old Greed Island OVA, remake anime skipped a bunch of stuff
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What did Gon mean by this?
Gons character would make way more sense if he was black
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Too late.
>gamer arc
>ends with Gon yelling "NIGGER"
Togashi... I kneel
Ging too
Togashi spends 30 hours a weak playing MMOs no way he didn't know.
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Wait WTF Mito is voiced by Gon's mother.
This is way too wholesome.
Its weird how some parts of 2011 can have so much soul, but then they butcher kite, make GI way too short, make early CA way too long, and just generally have lazy visual direction throughout and a complete aversion to risk.
If Chrollo didn't cheat then why was Hisoka swarmed with a bunch of zombies. This is obviously meant to be a one-on-one, you have speed readers that with sub 70 IQ on these threads.

My hypothesis is that every single one of them is a One Piece or Dragon Ball lurker.
>retarded post
Name a more iconic duo
>If Chrollo didn't cheat then why was Hisoka swarmed with a bunch of zombies
Do you understand this is precisely the reason why Chrollo cheated?
The clone count is WAAAY off.
Bisky is stronger than Benjamin.
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I have forgotten 99% now
It's truly a mystery.
They compose one of the most beautiful pieces of music ever made for the CA arc, but then leave fucking Departure as the opening throughout it.
Not an manga, but check out legend of the galactic heros. Closet anime/manga I've found to the succession war
GODmmy has ZERO weaknesses btw.
I don't honestly mind Departure being every ep. The bigger problem I have is 2011 has an amazing composer who made tons of amazing tracks... and then the guy in charge of inserting those tracks just decided to insert them in like one place each and never use them again, then reuse some other songs like 50 times.
So Chrollolets believe in the 2020 Hunter Chairman election?
That's all I needed to know.
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Unironcly one of the most autisitc manga I've ever read, highly recommend
Leorio won
Read this a few weeks ago because I saw someone talking about in on hunterthreads.
Unironically peak, certified hunterchad approved
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I couldn't recommend Ultimate Rock Paper Scissors more, but the "remake version" looks like trash honestly.
The original is a masterpiece.
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I want to breed Pitou and take responsibility.
Your human DNA would make the babies look like abominations and most would just die, just look at that family guy episode.
Are the Kurta the Jews of HxH?
Tell me why I should be excited for the news chapters when it's just gonna be literal whos talking
Unironically have you actually read the arc or are you just parroting shit other people who didnt read it said?
There's lots of compelling characters in the succession war both old and new, and plenty of plot points using the old cast. Its getting tiring hearing people regurgitate BS that isnt even true. Go read the arc from the beginning and actually pay attention and read everything, and make an effort to actually care instead of putting up a "someone said its bad so its bad" shield and discarding everything you might enjoy about it.
FRAUDjamin will duck Tubeppa btw.
I do read it and these are my honest feelings, I care about the spiders and Hisoka subplot, I don't care about any of the Kakin characters and Kurapika gets more boring with every chapter
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Nah kikello is. The kurta massacre was another holodomor.
>disliking Melody, Bisky, Hanzo, and Kurapika
>disliking Kacho, Fugetsu, Benjamin, Tserriednich, Halkenburg, Babymaina, Furykov and Rihan.
CA can breed with other species after the Queen dies.
Only pseudos pretend to like Rihan.
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Mogged in his debut arc
Clownsisters are we retarded?
He's not a particularly compelling character in terms of depth, but he has enough characterisation to be notable and know enough about him to like him.
I do admit the memes do endear him to me a lot more than is normal if they didnt exist though.
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Total Kurta Death
The Spiders and Hisoka subplot has much worse character bloat than the Succession War with all the random mafia. I find Succession War much more interesting
>disliking Melody, Bisky, Hanzo, and Kurapika
Melody and hanzo are way too inoffensive and safe. You are "meant" to like them.

I dislike hanzo intensely.
You reminded me to reread the epilogue part where he goes home with reina.

I cry literally every time I read that shit.

Bloster is also strong as fuck btw. Franklin tier.
>Look at this fanfic written 200 years after the fact goy, Judas was actually a good guy all along trust me.
Hisoka would never fail to impregnate a girl like Meruem did. He'll succeed where Meruem failed.
Isn't this just Franklin with extra steps?
More like the Uralians
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Chrollo is a pseudo (literal actor) that acts like he's some sort of intellectual that read books, when in reality he's a chuunibyou who only reads Shonen Jump.
Perfect representation of his fanbase.
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Say that after Franklin wins a war without any casualties.
Not really, it’s more luke a Shalnark-Illumi situation.

I wouldn’t be surpsied if Franklin has more individual firepower but the UNIT has much more utility/army based use
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The clowncuck seething has been off the charts lately, what gives?
Halkenburg is a Manipulator, but it's a power made through and fueled by his GSB so I could see it meeting down the middle as Emission working. I think putting the soul in the arrow and launching the soul into the body could just be Emission. But I could see suppressing the original soul being manipulation, possibly.
>I also think Order Stamp indicates that manipulation can
(assuming your point) I think Order Stamp just replicates concepts of a soul, it doesn't directly manipulate anything soul-related.
The ability origins are "important" enough for informing their characters, and they're the only ones who knew nen prior so it's important to think about. The only princes at least; I could see someone like Theta having her nen backstory be relevant too.
For Ben it's a given that the military higherups knew and he learned it through them, though there's the interesting idea about the ability being given to him. It's definitely something made with him being leader in mind, and I always imagined that he either had the position set up for him as firstborn or he was naturally charismatic enough to earn it - or a combinaton.
For Cammy the sequence is decently important, but I lean towards her choosing the Untouchables and then them teaching nen as it makes the most sense to me. Add in something like an Untouchable touching her cat and the royalty putting it down because of that and it's all cohesive.
The numbers of puppets are off by an order of magnitude, we did the math. Chrollo would need much more time than he had to make that many puppets without Koltopi. The Chrollohoax has been falsified with facts and logic.
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>when you gum but he keeps bombing
Everything happening in the lowers levels super boring for me though to be fair the succession war isn't amazing either.

I wish nen got fleshed out more. This arc would probably fit people intelligently min-maxing their abilities more than any of the others.
They feel more validated since they think the flashback is a sign of the troupes death. Add in Hisoka coming back last batch and Togashi soon releasing the next batch, they’ve all come out the woodworks
>the ability being given to him
I wonder if my point was just unclear. I’m sure Benjamin learned Nen the right way, but his ability is a different story. The two princes this arc who have gained an ability separate from their GSB, got their other ability instinctively. Tserriednich in particularly was learning Nen in the proper way, but his ability was still instinctive. I just think, since both Benjamin and Camilla’s initial learning of Nen wasn’t shown, we can’t be sure they also didn’t spawn their abilities instinctively. Benjamin learning the function of his ability could be explained by one of his loyal men dying, and him gaining their ability, thus intuiting how his ability works. While Camilla’s is harder to justify how she would intrinsically know how it worked.
I think the power is similar. Golem has one arm, shooting big bullets

But the entire thing looks bulletproof and strong. He can shoot while being shot. Likely wins versus Franklin in a 1v1 (+emission gunner)
In case I'M not being clear, the Benjamin concept I alluded to was his ability being something determined via the military/originally belonging to someone else and being given to him.
For Camilla the ability seems very odd/coincidental to not have Untouchable drapings, though it's possible.
>It's definitely something made with him being leader in mind, and I always imagined that he either had the position set up for him as firstborn or he was naturally charismatic enough to earn it - or a combinaton.
Likely this. Benjamin believes in the natural hierarchy given to him by birth. He is shown wrestling with a lion, as his first appearance. The idea that he's been focused on the image of himself as the "king" forever seems plausible.

Hence the leader of men, warrior-king type thing he's got, the abilities living on through him, the possibility for his men to sacrifice, live on through him without question all seem like concepts he would enjoy and strive towards.

I think he's a specialist myself.
The big thing interesting me is his Nen beast, which by its behavior promises insight into his inner world, the things we do not see because he doesn't allow himself to be weak or to be fallible or human. The beast might represent inner id.

My personal theory is that it represents homosexual thoughts he buries deep inside, and might be a very wacky and strange nen beast
It's Franklin without having to modify yourself
He probably would, lol
Franklin can be shot back, especially when he's shooting. That's one of his weaknesses
Razor in the side arm would destroy the guards.
Hm, my bad then. I felt like the other guy who talked about Benjamin learning Nen through the military sort avoided the point that even if he learned it correctly. I didn't really care too much whether he learned Nen through the military or not, just whether the ability was instinctual or not. Your idea is interesting.
Would that not apply to Stone Wall? They'd compensate with guerilla tactics, but they're low tiers(Golem notwithstanding)
Since some Hunters seem to have the authority to reduce prison sentences, is there any shot that Razor could become a Hunter? Though I guess Greed Island might not be over? I'm not sure.
There are 10 of them and Golem and the guy riding the arm can't be shot back.
I don't like the hisoka vs chrollo fight. Hisoka has this great ability to generated sticky aura so people get's stuck and can't escape, then just doesn't use it.
Not that guy but the ability does seem 100% made by him. Regular military folks wouldn't be allowed to gain direct, permanent personal power in that sort of way in a hierarchical system like Kakin.

It just doesn't make sense from a power dynamic perspective to give generals that sort of power, and allow this power to stay in the military.

Your generals are not supposed to go out and fight their own battles.

For a king though, the power makes sense. Still, I don't think it's a power "given" through ritual, but rather a way of showing Benjamin's value system. In that sense, it would diminish him if it was "given".
Golem focuses all his nen on keeping the suit activated (and likely as close to invulnerable as nen can be)

The guy in the arm, meanwhile, focuses all his nen on shooting.

The question of weak ren doesn't apply.
If Franklin shot full tilt, he would be weak to the body. All his nen would be focused on his hands.
He tried to but Chrollo outplayed him several times, he barely got a hit in
If he did catch him with gum in that fight, chrollo would be dead 100%
Yes. The ones not with Golem directly would be as susceptible as, or way more susceptible than, Franklin
How could you train a power like that though? Did he just keep killing his subordinates until it worked for the first time
Same with Camilla, how did she know it would work the first time
They are peons. Their job is just to give covering fire and pop smoke and the like, give call outs and move around.
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Exactly, it's a combo that accomplishes a long-ranged version of Ant Palm.
It's strong as FUCK.
>Hisoka would have won if he didn't get blown the fuck out
A nen ritual seems most likely.
The key is that these men must be trained under Benjamin, at his academy and swear fealty to him.

You could train this ability by making contracts at a lower level, and steadily ramp up the complexity.
>I wouldn’t be surpsied if Franklin has more individual firepower
Lol no. The condition of having two users handling the machine makes it more powerful than Franklin's nen bullets. It's an ability chosen by Beyond to accompany him to the DC, don't look don't on it.
What are you talking about? What opportunity did he have? He did use it and the person he kilt was a fake Chrollo, and he was bum rushed with exploding humans before he could even get a chance to do anything. The whole point of Chrollo’s plan was to run away so Hisoka couldn’t catch him.

Feels like people read a different fight
Fragile chrollolet thought.

Its a fact, and a core facet of the fight; chrollo would've been one shot, had he been caught with gum. these were the stakes.
This makes chrollo's win more impressive, but you lack the intellectual foundation to appreciate that.

Chrollo fought an extremely careful and pre planned fight to avoid that fate at all costs, and he succeeded. But the facts still remain, that chrollo didn't want to go anywhere near hisoka except with a ludicrous advantage and position. As he should.
Hisoka rated ging a 100 he is 2 points stronger than netero.
Its simply better.
There must be a type of "nen frame" that people use to create things like greed island and so on. If Benjamin wanted his ability, he would make the ritual frame first, and then fill it with rules and regulations
Right, and getting to them and attacking them would be an enemy's goal in a battle. They manage to avoid bulletfire while contributing, as seen in the picture sent earlier where they're presumably running alongside Golem as coverfire. Franklin can release a comparable/superior burst and swap to defenses or make use of his superhuman agility.
There were multiple times in the fight where hisoka had a good idea of where Chrollo was/was going to be. All he had to do was generate some sticky aura to block with or shoot it at Chrollo.
He's not spiderman, he has to touch something for Bungee gum to work or have it be near his body
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>Harassment at this point. I can't help but think that the author just wants to save more money
>It's not the first time it's been hard to read, but even the author's words on the back of the cover are hard to read now. I don't read this manga thoroughly anymore. But still, I can't help but sigh from the beginning, it's so boring!
>The content is of course just as difficult to read as ever.
>The quality of the pictures keeps going down. I can't tell who's talking in the speech bubbles. There are too many people and stories crammed into this book. Above all, the pages are a mess
>The description of the moon is just a circle and makes fun of it. The angle of the king in the scene where Shinobu is trying to save Momo is unnatural. The angle of the king in the scene where Shinobu tries to save Momo is unnatural. The list goes on and on. What's wrong with him? He wasn't this bad at it.
>There are too many speech balloons, and they're all over the place. If you can't even organize what you're saying. If you can't even put together what you're going to say, you shouldn't have jammed up the characters.
>There's a scene where Frankie, Jinbei, and Zoro yell at Luffy. All three of them have their mouths open, but there are two speech balloons. That means someone's not talking. I don't know who it is.
>As usual, the panels are drawn across the page. I couldn't tell where Kanjuro was lying at first. I also didn't see the part where Big Momma's power hit him.
>Also, the lines in this manga are too thick. It makes the picture look even more cramped.
>It was a very interesting manga in the beginning. I always read it ten times over when I bought it. But now I read it once and it's on the shelf. I no longer even regret buying it.
>I beg you, please finish it as soon as possible. I don't care if the rest is a recollection or a dream or a fictional story by Usopp.
That's not true, but the manga basically functions off of his nen burst lengthening to touch you is dodgeable if you see it (which chrollo would have)

He grabs five guys through nen shot from his fingers and makes a mace, remember
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>stellar careers
Megumi Han yeah. Killuas She flopped so hard as a seiyu that she does softcore porn now
>Hisoka would have won if he didn't get outsmarted and outplayed for 5 chapters straight
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Reminder ging knows everything about nen spells from all the ancient ruin knowledge he has excavated, he is just not sharing it with anyone else despite the fact that this boat is in the middle of a giant nen ritual.
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>they haven't even figured out the ritual yet?
>they are not dark continent ready
What the fuck? Chrollo would just dodge. A telegraphed gum shoot wasn’t gonna do shit . Why do you think Chrollo went to the crowd?
As I said, you're showcasing your weakness. Over and over, in every thread you post in, you keep doing it.
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Based middle east
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Plenty of people didn't incrementality train for their abilities. Neon, Bisky, Gon, all spent a lot of mental energy wanting something then spontaneously developed the ability to do it. Kurapika conjration training seemed basically just visualisation and spending all his time thinking about chains, until he could one day make them appear.
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>(assuming your point) I think Order Stamp just replicates concepts of a soul, it doesn't directly manipulate anything soul-related.
Damn I really did forget that post. Yes, my argument is that the puppets being forced to act like a person would indicate that soul stuff on some level is also a manipulation aspect. Order stamp only copies but the interesting thing is the implication that the user doesn't have to do anything but make a puppet in the image of someone. As dumb a movie s it was, Omokage's ability at least required proximity to a target to absorb thoughts and a set of eyes.

>I think putting the soul in the arrow and launching the soul into the body could just be Emission. But I could see suppressing the original soul being manipulation, possibly.
I agree. Lynch works towards demonstrating emissions separating abstract stuff from people in that she can eject memories and thoughts with a punch. Technically Pakunoda would also be doing this with Memory bomb but she uses conjuration to encapsulate the memories in the form of bullets.

>but I lean towards her choosing the Untouchables and then them teaching nen as it makes the most sense to me.
I changed to that stance when I revisited Basho's comment on hierarchical cultures using people as cannon fodder for sacrificial abilities. It makes sense that Camilla picked them after formulating a plan to get disposable nen soldiers

>we can’t be sure they also didn’t spawn their abilities instinctively.
I'm very confident in saying they didn't spawn them. Benjamin's power strikes me as Skill Hunter meets Leol's power and both were intentionally designed. There's no way to prove this beyond gut feelings from both of our perspectives though so I can't say more.

Likewise I did say I think Camilla draws inspiration from the Untouchable's afterlife partner custom.
Chrollo Oliver
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I know this is a shitpost, but Mariya Ise has landed many Main roles since HxH.
She's Reg from Made in Abyss, Ray from Promised Neverland, Rengoku from Demon Slayer (highest grossing movie in Japanese history), and Serie from Frieren.
She's still a high profile VA.
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>Chrollo styles on Hisoka so hard he has time to fuck Machi backstage and go shop for clothes
>ummmm sweaty acktually Hisoka would have won if he didn't get BTFO every step of the way
Clownfags are ironic, right?
Wait did the arab version change his name to oliver? Are islamic countries so strict you are not allowed to have any satan imagery even if it's comparing the bad guy to the devil.
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This plan is retarded and does nothing:

What Hisoka shoudlve done was launched himself to the ceiling from the start to recon the entire arena then drop down like a bat.

Even then, Chrollo would’ve still won because he’d be busy making more human bombs while having a clear idea of where and how Hisoka will come down from the ceiling
Hisoka fans have the lowest in of the fanbase, but they are the funniest
I don't get this one, what's so haram? Is it tattoos in general?
He can shoot out beams of the stuff
There's no reason he couldn't cover parts of his body in Bungee gum when chrollo goes to attack him.
Chrollo's fucking mid air, if pisoka had shot five or ten beams of Bungee gum here instead of the trying to be cleaver with the head trap, what would chrollo have done?
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Also those same Hisoka fans will get the last laugh considering Togahsi is preparing the troupe to be murdered one by one, so it doesn’t matter
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They also gave him a twin brother named Genei Ryodon who was the one doing all the bad stuff. Chrollo was actually a good guy in that version and warned the troupe not to follow his twin brother's path
christian reference?
Isn't Killua's VA also a Hunterchad? I remember reading something about her wanting to be like Killua when she was a kid
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In your spider brainrot you don't realize most of them were right.
Togashi pulled O MY RUBBER NEN because they were right about Hisoka not being able to die there.
Togashi only bothered reviving Hisoka because he will win in the end. Deep down even you know this, but you live in denial.
You will cope, seethe, and call Togashi a hack when he finally kills Chrollo and a bunch of Spiders.
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Is it a christian symbol? I assume they remove St Peter's cross from his jacket too
>a twin brother named Genei Ryodon who was the one doing all the bad stuff
Kek that's hilarious
>Be /k/onjurer
>Can conjure all kinds of fun special guns
>Bullets are weak as shit since 40% emission
>Just pack a whole emitter inside the gun, lmao.
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Did a fortune teller tell you that?
>when Chrollo goes to attack him
Then Chrollo just doesn’t go to attack him. Chrollo is fast enough to feint once he notices gum, same way Hisoka dodged the initial explosion. He just sends the human bombs at him instead of even bothering to wear m Hisoka down

>mid air
What the fuck are you talking about again? Does Hisoka have perfect aim? No, he doesn’t. Again, what part of the fight is he getting off five to ten shots of bungee gum that Chrollo could clearly dodge or see. What time would he have?

Or do Hisoka tards think Hisoka is a supersonic Spider-Man that could shoot bungee gum so fast no one could see it like he’s fucking Netero ?

Hisoka fan logic
>ummmm Hisoka can never lose, because any person that attacks him would instantly get trapped in bungee gum, you need pure hax to beat Hisoka yep yep
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>Genei Ryodon
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>was 16 spamming BOW DOWN TO CLOWN when Hisoka won
>almost 25 now
>Hisoka only appeared one chapter in those 10 years

I can't get hyped for this shit anymore when it's published so slow, all the oldfags are disillusioned with Togashi and it's mostly twitter zoomers who dont realise he will be gone for years after another 10 chapters
Arabs are so gay
>clowncucks are underageb&
It is known
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>cry about twitter zoomers
>post wojak
Do clownfags really?
Delete the pic before you get banned, clowbro.
Golem probably has more defensive abilities than Franklin. like if it gets damaged it can just conjur up armor to fix herself
Chrollo cheated, Genei Ryodon was in the crowd helping him
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Cumming on Killua's pits...
And more offensive ones, since the ability belongs to conjuration, Golem should have all kind of weird special trick shots.
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Seems like it, they just completely removed christianity from the anime
>2011 shit
>Then Chrollo just doesn’t go to attack him
That's still a good outcome for hisoka; it's dumb he didn't do it.

>Does Hisoka have perfect aim?
He aimed good enough to hit Chrollo with the head.

>Chrollo could clearly dodge
He's in mid air dumbass, he doesn't have anything to dodge off. Though desu Chrollo having better mid air movement then Hisoka is another dumb thing about the fight.
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>He's in mid air dumbass, he doesn't have anything to dodge off. Though desu Chrollo having better mid air movement then Hisoka is another dumb thing about the fight.
Well... >>269126269
I love it. 14 is such an odd ball number and it's the only thing that makes sense considering nen increases post mortem and can resurrect the deceased, as proven by hisoka. I have a feeling kurapika and hisoka may unite on a consolidated front against the spiders and assisting beyond resist Paristons influence, as he is truly in league with ging. After all, he is netero incarnate.
Reminder we have never seen machi use lighting powers so even of he was using machis thread the lighting aura chrollo hit hysoka with has never been explained.
I take it as the ability recognizing the personality of who they were modeled off of(something kortopi in some capacity covers via gallery fake), but I always assumed it could use personas of fake characters created as puppets. IDK if it's Manipulation there specifically to recognize how the soul operates
Not to be contrarian now but I do think that case uses some Manipulation, lol. I interpret that linking with that voice is Emission, but making it answer is minor Manipulation.
So there's that pipeline (Cammy somehow discovers nen -> sees value in Untouchables)
The one I'm privy to is (Cammy is endeared to the Untouchables -> recruits them -> they teach her nen, with a focus on post-mortem powers)
The reason I opt for it is that Camilla herself is actually very passive about the Untouchables doing stuff. They can if they want to, but she wanted her mom to kill Halkenburg and went to handle Benjamin herself.
>falls for first, second, and third time
These don't really make sense and really put a damper on the theory. How could this be shown?
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>Chrollo btfo'd Hisoka so hard clowntards developed schizophrenia to cope
Holy fucking shit kek
Ging based greed island on the kakin ritual.
no he didn't
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I might kill myself if hisoka dies.
chrollo or sensui?
You'll be dead of old age when we finally get to that point
chrollo by miles, though I like sensui's base design more than the sum average of chollo's
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Still lost the fight
Average clowncuck
Hisoka is my favorite on the show don't listen to these fags. Hisoka is already a Goku he died and came back.
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Why is the manlet so sexy?
chrollo is just using some low level emission ability
This is the better shinobu.

Chrollobro btw.
>goes from admirable fightfag to butthurt ganker
Shinobu. Chrollo comes off as pathetic and cringey after the flashback . He now feels like a Naruto character
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>wojak and pepe posters (twitter immigrants)
>cope and seethe in every thread
>shit and piss themselves at the mere mention of Chrollo (more mindbroken than Kurapika)
>pedophilia enjoyers
>intellectuals and avid readers
>meaningful discussion based on facts provided by the manga
>high quality posters
>large penis
Hisoka fans are dumb, but can you blame them? Togashi has built Hisoka as the baddest mf in the game (outside of Netero , adult Gon, and the ants).
Hisoka also had a bit of political induced stupidity during the fight, but I still think even if he didn’t he would’ve still lost.

Meanwhile Chrollokeks are depressed waiting for the spider to die because they’re 100% done. Even if they survive, they’ll never be the same
>Hisoka as the baddest mf in the game
Hisoka isn't even bisky level
Plot induced stupidity *
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>Hisoka will win 100%
Huh, where have I heard that one before I wonder?
The whole point of the storyline is that Hisoka is the deliverer of karma. He is the devil bringing them to hell. Who better to deliver Justice to the horrible troupe, than a horrible criminal of their own kin like Hisoka? That’s how it works in reality. The cops or victimized families like Kurpaika don’t usually kill gangs, other gang members do.

The flashback is a sign that the troupe are on their death bed. It’s a perfect set up with all the moving pieces. Even if Hisoka dies again, he won’t die un satisfyingly.

Togashi SUBVERTS, but does it SATSIFYINGLY.

Hisoka dying again without having done to accomplished shit isn’t amazing subversion, just shit writing.

So at the very least something BIG will happen to the troupe
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>The whole point of the storyline is that Hisoka is [HEADCANON]
>He is [COPE]
It's been over 8 years and clownfags are still stuck in the third stage of grief. Has a fanbase ever been blown the fuck out this hard before? I honestly can't think of a single one.
Chrollo simply lost, I use to be a chrollokek but I admit it now after the flashback death flags. We lost bros. My advice is we should enjoy the spiders until their time comes.
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>she's falseflagging now
leave her out of this
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>So at the very least something BIG will happen to the troupe
I wouldn't say dead, more like, under new management.
Calamity tier. He's not keeping people out, the Zoldyck family is keeping him in. Don Freecss is hiding from him in the Dark Continent.
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Common Chadrollo W thread.
Who here actually thought Hisoka would beat Chrollo? What about after Chrollo said he would 100% win?
I remember mostly being baffled because either of them dying wouldn't make much sense, but I assumed Hisoka would somehow win because Chrollo randomly killing him made less sense than Hisoka randomly killing Chrollo.
I expected it to go to the wire, for a giant explosion to be had, with Hisoka disappearing, and Chrollo assuming Hisoka died in the explosion, but he’s actually alive.

Pretty much I expected a “no one dies, but someone escapes while seeming like they died”
> but I always assumed it could use personas of fake characters created as puppets
That could be the case and it only works based on how the puppet creator thinks that person he's crafting would act. But the way Chrollo details how the puppets act under normal circumstances leads me to think it really is just a copy of the original persona created through some invisible connection. Not a huge plot point but still a neat quirk and probably Togashi taking the idea from Phantom Rouge and making it not clunky.

>Not to be contrarian now but I do think that case uses some Manipulation, lo
Memory stuff is still firmly manipulation, especially in this arc. I only credit emissions with moving the memories in the case of her ability.

>The reason I opt for it is that Camilla herself is actually very passive about the Untouchables doing stuff.
Benjamin and Nasubi are both mournful for the loss of their soldiers and children respectively. Benjamin himself turned his body into a literal monument to his men and their collective will in securing the future of Kakin. I can't see Camilla caring that Meshush just died in order to sniff out any HA exorcists. That's the kind of perspective I'd need to consider whether or not she even cares for them beyond their utility.

As for the timeline. We're told that it was the untouchables that pushed to reinstate afterlife companions coupled with nen. I'd also lean towards her introducing nen to them as I doubt the untouchables would have resolved to kill a prince, nor have the proximity to truly manifest a strong curse before Camilla. But they are also practiced with this ability given the Major can estimate how long a curse would take. I think Camilla might have learned about nen curses the same way Basho knows about them from a historical perspective and then decided that the untouchables were prime candidates to be disposable assassins.
I could see either or, because while I'm sure Order Stamp was made to create a sex doll I could see it being something Chrollo picked up through the Gallery Fake combo. A naturally formed puppet has the ascertained/projected personality - Gallery Fake would carry over the essence as part of its ability. I could see memory interaction as non-manipulationg, but forcing the voice to reveal itself is manipulating.
To clarify, we know the Untouchables were using nen the whole time. Hell Fruit was taught amongst themselves, and they began charging it for princes after their alliance. This is further clarified when Sarahell thinks there could be similar members among Halkenburg's group(tribes of lower caste suicide nen users).
It is a big assumption for Cammy as a character, but that's where the circumstances currently lead me. If they want to kill themselves for her Cammy would allow it, and I doubt she'd be sentimental over it in any direct way, but the signs are there to show that Cammy's whole aspect of "things not happening because you want them to" applying to people besides herself. Her unit represents the second cultural iteration of Worm Toxin, which was used to demonize a minority group in southern China, particularly their women.

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