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I hate Sandro’s technique worship
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I am "him"
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What vital point is that supposed to be on the side of the thigh?
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Dude wishes he was a single 1% is cool as kenshiro
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Femoral artery. That one actually makes sense.
No idea what the vital point on ankle/shin is supposed to be.
Whatever Sandro says it is
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The ouchy spot.
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The femoral artery (and triangle) is on the inside of the thigh, not the outside.
So we all agree this was weeping willow right?
Oh no the jobber framing
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>Agito with not a single scratch on him
>Julius got clobbered so hard he resembles a lump of red meat more than a human
This is beyond insulting. Even Monke managed to land a couple hits on Misasa.
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Hey at least we’re getting Agito vs Kuroki animated
I refuse to watch this. A twink should not be manhandling a real man
I see Kanoh's new autistic gimmick is naming every single one of his moves something dragon related.
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You were the best Jobberlius
Jesus, even Waka wouldn't be able to simply pull Julius's arm like that but for some reason this manlet chink could do it.
Must be nice being one of the "Sandro's Little Princess" characters.
>impluing that he doesn't have more muscle than every poster in this thread combined
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say it with me /a/
he was:
>Literally just fell over
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Yes I see that the choreography is utterly mediocre, but goddamn it doesn't get better than seeing Julius finally get humiliated as he should have in Ashura.
How hard are Juliuskeks seething at this outcome?
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>opponent says ggs
>it was a complete stomp
how do you deal with this?
He's abusing the meta. If only named moves deal damage, then naming every single of your moves is the way to go.
>one sided shit kicking
>but agito was a bit tired from kicking the shit out of julius so it was totally intense and close
>I’m no muscular fool
>Oh no
Not a t*chnique btw
he's a big guy
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you were awesome julius
Juliusfags are completely mindbroken, holy shit. I guess I can't blame them. This how been this most embarrassing stomp since Rei blitzing Nezu. Hell even Chiba managed to get a hit on Hatsumi before getting blown the fuck out.
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>a simple knee to the face
This fight was dogshit
>That exchange was to frightening
>Julius was playing into Agito's hand all along
Just shut up, Sandro.
classic sandro cope
>actually this is an extreme diff fight
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>this match came down to a razor-thin margin
musclefags will literaly never recover
No, look guys, Agito's hair is slightly messed up, he really got pushed to the edge here.
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People were really gassing up Julius way too hard based on LE HECKIN CHUNGUSTOTTER which for those not versed in sandronomics pretty much nerfed him into irrelevance because it means that none of his regular strikes matter except for ones enhanced with that MMO skill activation passive. And surprise surprise, gottentotter or not he still gets raped by soft technique in manga and can't just no-sell it. Juliusfags are as deluded as Chibafags would've been based off that LolongXAgito synthesis page if he had won against Ryuki.
I know Agito is strong, but could Julius have not tried to go for a crush with a right arm here
He’s right
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garbage fight. no stakes whatsoever
>i was too strong to win
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>knee kick, normal person:
Fuck Sandro
Cute alisa.
If the Worms goal is to prevent the Connector from destroying the world, shouldnt they use this opportunity of everyone getting buffed and jump the Connector like 100-1?
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This is literally a repeat of Kaneda
Kure family technique: Leg thrust
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You were awesome Julius, even caught up to my domain and almost beat me, top 5 closest fight I’ve ever had.
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>this is one thick razor
Yeah he's thick indeed
>6'7 280 pound man is a twink
You're calling Aleksandr Karelin a fucking twink
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>This entire chapter
well Julius is so strong that he would have defeated agito with a simple hut so he was not allowed to get any hit on him which makes him look like shit but is an attempt from Sandro to make him look dangerous
When's that coming out?
So we're getting the new way Shen will get to fight an equal ? Fuck, how many retcons are we deep in regarding this whole Shen debacle ?
I still don't get what's the point of the chungustotter. Vibrating the sides of your arm doesn't change your punch. Anyway FUCK JULIUSFAGGOTS.
It was a one-sided fight
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Hassad soon.
Of fucking course, to the suprise of no one Agito wins with his retarded magic kung fu. The cope next chapter will be "shit, Julius was strong I was holding that attack back for Lolong". So fucking gay. I sleep.
the average keng/a/n poster is 7'2'' 400 lbs ripped and has mastered the niko style and all four katas
>trailer spoils the entire tournament outcome
lmao even
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>plebs not waiting till the dump has finished before posting images
>the only visibile damage Agito took is a few holes in his jumpsuit and 1 singular bruise on his chest
Unironically what the fuck did Sandro (or the translators) mean by this?
>It was a razor thin margin
>But the razor was thick lol
Does he know the original meaning of the phrase? This is driving me insane
Don't worry about it, the next chapter will start with Ramon hiding dead Hiraku in the toilet so this only wasted 2 pages
I can't even imagine Ramon Yuko losing
Shut up bitch
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But could Lolong take them?
I was kinda right, he did hit him hard and a shockwave the size of Julius did happen.
I go back to the lab and practise my hit confirms.
>"he’s about to collapse from exhaustion from how much he was beating Julius’ ass, it’s such a close match!"
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Thx babe
I specialize in the soft styles so I'm 500lbs and 60% of it is fat. You'll never meet a man as soft as me.
tell him he's still green
Going by Sandro postmatchjerkscaling, Lu Tian unironically pressed Agito more because Sandro felt sorry enough to give him a random panel of him kneeling from exhaustion
>The difference between fighters was paper-thin. Although, this paper was pretty damn thick.
Classic Sandroism.
Agito is also >>269147481
Sandro was the one to call him a delicate prettyboy. Heights and weights are hard for the Nipponese mind to comprehend.
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Kek nice
>Grappler vs Striker
>The striker wins
>Grappler vs Striker
>The grappler wins
>Grappler vs Striker
>The striker wins
Ramon vs Lolong will be Grappler vs Striker and the grappler will win. Knowing this we can determine the tournament outcome.
>Gaolang vs Justin
>Gaolang wins
>Agito vs Lolong
>Lolong wins (Agito will switch to grappler)
>Gaolang vs Agito
>Gaolang wins
Could have messed up but I think my theory is sound.
I specialize in pre-pre-pre-pre-initiative so strong that my opponent's blows somehow land in his own face without me even having to move.
I think it's meant to be wordplay that Kanoh with his techniques is like a razorblade to Julius' sledgehammer, but the blade is also thick (strong)?
It might be lost in translation, it makes little sense
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damn bro, that was easily the worst Kengan Omega chapter I’ve read this week
>6'7 is now too short
It's so fucking over for us
Now we'll never know if Lolong could take him.
It was a curbstomp -- but just barely! Talk about a nail-biter.
I think it's safe to announce that literally no one was subverted this time.
>everyone is stronger now because the connector exists
I’m so fucking sick of Sandro’s Gary Stu super special OC
When the fuck was Agito EVER called "delicate"?
Julius wins againt recurring characters :
I want Ramon to kill this fuckboy for wasting our time but realistically he's probably just going to brush him off to show off how strong he is or something.
I think anon confused the talk with Hiraku with the talk about Agito. Hiraku WAS called a pretty boy.
Lu Tian actually managed to kick Agito in the arms with his supposedly Julius level strength and his arms tanked it.
im 8ft tall 400lbs and suffer from wendigo arms syndrom which is why they are very long so i specialise in flick jabs that are the strength of a tank cannon
"Anons" are too strong, that's why "we" lose
Juliusfags will NEVER recover from this. Every time he's brought up now they'll just get laughed at.
You better prepare for the inevitable COOLEST GUY moment at the end of the manga
>whole gimmicks is having the strongest muscles
>but they redirect his strikes
>escape his grabs
>escape his fucking bear hug of all things
What the actual fuck? This cant be it?
Remove these and the manga immediately improves.
Same energy
This is just Sandro speaking through Yan, since when did Yan love all these metaphors?
Also they're really exaggerating the effect Shen is having on these fighters. All Shen did was tap people, hardly anything to be inspired by.
Heh... is this the best Keng/a/n's got? I, Finley Wu, am unimpressed.
>unsheathes formerly long lost family sword
This blade's name is the Kusanagi... before my family moved west with the others, my ancestors had a brief stint in Japan... and forged this legendary blade!
>uses 100% Guihun
>combines it with Divine Demon
With my almighty physique, nobody in the world can stop me! And with my 65 times Superman Syndrome, I'd wager I have no equal when it comes to power!
>goes limp
Basically it’s saying that, while it was close, that gap is hard to cross over, or rather, it’s hard to break through that barrier of a difference despite how close it is.
>spreads my arms at you
You are already in my “web”
fuck this dogshit manga
Trashgan isn't worthy the respect of letting the dump finish before I shitpost
With this chapter, can we all agree that Julius is the single most overrated and overhyped character in all of Kengan? For years Juliusfags blabbed about how he was immune to techniques, how he was tougg enough to no-sell any attack, how he'd just one-shot just about anyone. And here we are after four chapters of one of the most one-sided manhandlings in all of Kengan for fighters supposedly on the same level. Julius is, was and always will be an archetypal jobber and nothing more.
You can pretend it makes sense all you want, but he was obviously missing the metaphor.
>Not a single hit
>Not 1 (one, uno, ichi, eins) hit
>Shitshowvich unironically pretends the match was anything but a one-sided beatdown
Julius was hyped to be fang level by multiple people in this cancer manga and man must they feel stupid now
It's called pre-initiative.
>takes out my dirty diaper
>smells it
heh looks like "we" just had "a" little accident
Can Sandro drop Julius now? There's no reason to have him around anymore, there's nowhere to take this character after completely fodderizing him.
I've seen half-baked attempts at making the losing opponent look like they had a chance, I've read Baki but Julius didn't even get a clean hit in. He bear hugged Agito and then had to let go because he kept getting elbowed
At least Jurota THREEEWW, at least Justin SLAMMED

Gayest fucking page in the manga so far
Can you really blame people? When the manga itself reads like a longform shitpost, more people shitting on it just feels like adding to the story.
I thought it was just a pun about Agito being thicc
It's just the blast core argument where if anybody lets Waka punch their head or stomach undefended he'd win instantly except that would never fucking happen. It's like saying the average anon here would no-diff any real life fighting champion of their choice because "I'd kick them in the balls really hard they wouldn't expect it!" it's unironically the same exact argument. It's also clear that both Waka and Julius have no real skill to tighten the gap between them and actual competent fighters.
After the Godzilla stuff I can absolutely see Agito having a Falcon moment and getting obsessed with dragons

Look at these faces, Jesus. How embarrassing for Julius.
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Vastus Lateralis.
If you can traumatize that muscle, you can basically kill someone's leg.
While you'd think a strike to the inside of the thigh would be worse, it is actually the outside that is the best to target.
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People didn't really have illusions, but the fight was indeed an extremely predictable stomp this time around. That makes 1:1 in terms of predictions. See you next week for Hiraku's offscreen instant loss!
We've gotten a few fights of that type, haven't we.
>it's a small difference
>but actually it's also very hard to break through, making it essentially a big difference
What's the meaningful distinction between a large difference that has no meaning, and a small difference? Flip that around and it would make as much sense.
He was always a jobber. It was just a dedicated few seething fitcels that self-inserted as him that kept gassing him up.
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our hero
Chungustotter was specifically built to counter redirectionshit, assuming the user is dumb enough to try and tank it. Just yet another instance of Toa existing for no reason other than give Julius a pity win.
Look, the strength that Julius should have had all along!
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>All Shen did was tap people, hardly anything to be inspired by.
But those small taps from him were all at least as effective as all of Agito's named techniques. Imagine how strong his punches would be.
That panel is so funny with the Julius cope and him laying there all bent over.
All in on Ramoncoin (until he gets destroyed by Lolong cause the Manlet of Manila needs some cred)
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>It's like saying the average anon here would no-diff any real life fighting champion of their choice because "I'd kick them in the balls really hard they wouldn't expect it!" it's unironically the same exact argument.
To be fair, Sandro himself has used this concept.
Nice power ya got there.
To bad my jab cannons cant hurt you.
But "you" had it all wrong!
I shall show you now my ultimate technique that "i" myself have "developed since birth!
>dies from asthma attack, winning by technicality
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We already did.
thanks brother
It's just funny wordplay. If you want, you can take it as "the differencrle was small, but it couldn't have turned out any other way".
Holy shit this man loves his job
Juliuskeks got humbled.
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Bullshit chapter, bullshit fight. Julius was not allowed to use his overwhelming strength, his durability was nerfed as hell, and he was susceptible to basic locks and holds that he should have easily been able to force himself out of.
You’re either being disingenuous, or you also don’t understand the original metaphor. The razor isn’t a wall. It’s not a gap. It’s not something to break through or overcome. It represents a delicate balance that can go either way with even the slightest touch. The balance is so tenuous because a razor is so thin. Saying the razor is thick completely invalidates the metaphor because it’s infinitely easier to balance something on a thicker edge, making it more stable. Honestly, he shouldn’t have used the razor metaphor in the first place because it’s not even thematically appropriate for two men engaging in combat. It’s better used for quiet tensions like the political strains of trying to avoid a war.
"it" has begun
"it" cannot be stopped
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Chinese are STRONK.

Get fucked
I was agreeing with you anon. But yeah, looking back I'm not satisfied with the way I phrased it.
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This is just the good guy kenganvenger version of this
This point here Julius could have just tightened his grip slightly and broken Agito's entire shoulder blade.
The wordplay is saying that it would have only taken a small change of events to have gone the other way, but when you're talking about Agito, that small change might as well have been a mile. Because he's so skilled and powerful.
I feel like Hiraku would be killed on screen instead to create hype.
I see... Thanks to this "pebble" I can finally reach for the ""stars"".
Thanks based Anon'.
The dick
>and he was susceptible to basic locks and holds that he should have easily been able to force himself out of.
No one tell him.
This is just a fucking Haki check. Fighters without "pebble fundamentals" can't hurt "pebble fundamentals" fighters.
Agito is a complete twink compared to Julius. Agito is closer to Cosmo in strength than he is to Julius.
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Compared to Hafthor Bjornsson he is scrawny.
>Ephitet actually has a reason behind it
Twink doesn't mean what you think it means. Give it up Juliusfag. Your muscle boy lost.
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>not even a full Thor
Genuinely why is Shen such a genuinely infuriating character
>a mail piercer
It might even pierce samurai armour...
Except he can't because he's already been beat down and Agito isn't some twink. You faggots bring this up every time like he's some kind of muscle magician that hasn't been fucking throttled for two chapters straight by this point.
the connecter has been around for centuries tho. Why is this "ripple" only happening now?
Or to be more specific: If A) knowing about the connector makes you stronger B) the connecter WANTS to fight someone equal to him in strength and C) the worm exists to do the connector's bidding, then what is the point of hiding the connector's existence from the world?
Sandro loves his mystery boxes though so having Ramon kill Hiraku offscreen instead would drive up the hype while also keeping his techniques a secret for a while longer.
>Genuinely why is genuinely Nezu FUCKING infuriating genuinely
Why do you make pointless posts every thread pastebin?
It's the Sandro jobber softlanding special
>Yeah you might've gotten your ass beat without a single signifant strike to your opponent or leaving any lasting injury *BUT* I'm pretty sure if you did this one thing differently you might've won/made a difference/changed the entire fight
First we mocked him. Then we hated him. Now we've joined him.

Daro was just a man ahead of his time.
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Tell me what?
Was it so fucking hard to at least show how Gilbert managed to get through Howard's big fuck-off blade on-screen?
>his durability was nerfed as hell
>beaten down over and over and over again by one of the strongest strikers in the series going for vital points
The cope is real
A full Thor would be too strong to compete
If STR hits, kills. So DEX needs to make sure he isn't touched.
Agito is a twink compared to Julius, and Julius can easily crush his limbs with his grip.
It’d be cooler if Ramon has a legitimate sense of honor or something
Could Karelin throw Bjornsson? Could Bjornsson do good in a fight?
Kengan was fantastical but avoided the chi and chakra stuff that a lot of fighting series get into.
Shen is just a kungfu master from a wuxia tale, complete with all the same chi magic.
>Julius can easily (headcanon)
Kaneda can literally force Julius to shit himself
I think Ramon as a stoic murderer would be the best splitting of the difference.
He kills all the time, but does so without le crazy face, just a calm placidity to his extreme violence.
Post that pic of Alisa in her DOA costume
I hope they never bring Seki back, he's the only Asura character Sandro hasn't ruined yet
>He is dindu
>Huisheng bullshit
>Principles are ridiculously overpowered while operating on troll physics
>Invalidates all previous villains
>Plot and meta is centered around wanking him
>opponent is a bloody disfigured heap on the ground
>winner has a few scratches on him and is sweating hard
>"you were amazing, unfathomable even. if i had been 1 microsecond slower, i would have lost"
this cope will never not get a laugh out of me. it must honestly be 100% intentional at this point.
Kaneda could force Julius to use techniques. Julius will use the dragon shot, Sawada's spinning kicks and Hatsumi's log throw whatever thing and he will give up because he can't stop using techniques.
inb4 Hikaru kills Ramon and the new mystery box becomes figuring out his motives
>Full Thor
>Eddie Hall (hydatred)
Who's stronger?
I'm going to vent a little.

I'm a bigger Agito fan than Julius however...in no way did I expect Agito to win this. Julius was only injured by blast cores back in Ashura but suddenly Agito has power to bring an even stronger Julius down.

Let's recap, this is the guy that an F1 Car can't budge. This is the guy that can 1 shot arguably anyone with a single hit. This is a guy who can effortlessly crush a barbell with weights on it, which is a stupidly insane feat of strength.

I can ACCEPT Agito being slimmy and Julius having a hard time hitting him but the moment he caught him, be it bear hug or anything, they should instantly be crushed.

Same issue I have with Rihito, literally just grab them and squeeze. When you can cut sheets of steel like butter then human flesh should be like water.
For Julius... the "moral victory" against Kaneda... would be impossible.
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Weights don't fight back. And Karelin wasn't "just" lifting heavy guys, he was lifting high-level wrestlers while they were trying to counter. It's almost the same as trying to lift Raian's sword.
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Yuzuha's revenge-for-her-senpai arc would go hard
Looking back, Jesus what a boring fight. Art was dogshit for most of it too. Only thing worth checking out was the musclecucks seething in threads.
No, he's not and no, he apparently cannot.
There is a point of diminishing returns. Agito is huge himself at nearly 300 lbs and 6' 7", and he brutalized Julius incredibly hard and wore him down. You fuckers can keep parroting this limb crushing shit all you want, but he only managed to do that once to a spindly ballerina.
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>could karelin throw bjornsson
Yes. He'd dominate Bjornsson.
But Karelin would also be dominated by Fedor, so really life is just that way.
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Agito's punches are nowhere near as strong as Waka's, and yet Julius took dozens of them no problem. Hell for some reason Dragon shot seemed to cause Julius as much pain as a fucking Blast Core for some inexplicable reason. Julius' abs should be strong enough that Agito's strikes shouldn't really hurt him that much at all.

Julius' was nerfed as hell this fight so that Sandro could wank his little princess. The problem isn't that Agito could win, it's how he won. Agito should not be able to fight Julius the same way he fought Okubo or Gaolang going for normal blows to normal spots. The seams of the muscles is a copout too.
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I'm so weak that Kaneda is too strong to beat me.
I'm not particularly angry at Julius losing because lose one win one seems to be Sandro's latest writing habit for the top tiers, but what is absolutely infuriating is him trying to convince the reader that the fight was in anyway even or close when Julius was getting completely mauled with the bearhug being the only moment where he momentarily got the upper hand. Also, I guess everything Agito uses in Martial Arts mode is now "DRAGON" something.
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So what changed in Agitos formless? Sandro, you forgot to fucking tell us.
He "scaled"
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The read redpill is that "principles" being an end-all-be-all was just a way to reeet the meta and allow Sandro to do whatever the fuck he wanted.
>No, he's not and no, he apparently cannot.
He is and he didn't because Sandro is shit at writing fights now. Same with how Waka got a hold of Fei multiple times and didn't just crush him. Fei is also an average sized fighter so there's no excuse there.

It's lame how Julius and Waka aren't really allowed to use their overwhelming strength, just throw random full body swings that always misses.
>There is a point of diminishing returns. Agito is huge himself at nearly 300 lbs and 6' 7"
And Julius has 85kgs on him and can curl 500kgs with one hand. Agito is strong, but Julius outclasses him by a mile.
I mean, Fedor isn't a twink either. Isn't he, like, almost 190cm and over 100kg.
Terashi better be fucking there to commentate on Lolong's match. Please, Sandro. Just this little crumb of bread.
>Karelin would also be dominated by Fedor
Karelin would have had three inches and 53 pounds on him if they were both in their prime. If we’re just talking about wrestling, Karelin sweeps.
>I don't really know anything about martial arts but it seems like Lolong is rotating his knees
I dunno, I think his fight with Okubo was kind of dog trash
I say this as an unironic Okubo fag btw
Is this true??!
Apparently not.
Turns out they can't just turn bones to dust willy nilly like you think they can. Lifting weight doesn't immediately correlate to having crushing grip strength. This applies doubly so when you're trying to exert it on an uber-chink who has been beating your ass and is actively resisting you. Sawada got caught off guard and is much smaller than Agito. He had also dealt 0 damage to Julius. The situations aren't remotely comparable. They clearly cannot just crush limbs on a whim and need to be in full control of the situation. People actively resisting reduces their ability to exert their grip.
Get Julius's shrunken cock and balls out of your mouth, because we've been shown several times that that isn't how it works and you just got it all wrong.
Agito has "scaled the wall", juliusfag. Each of his named attacks is now as strong as the meme core.
Not huge, but a tough guy.
Yeah, in a wrestling match.
>Julius' was nerfed as hell this fight so that Sandro could wank his little princess
You're dead wrong faggot. The truth is that Julius was inexplicably buffed beyond all reason against Wakek who by all means should've wiped the floor with him.
Agito winning isn’t really the issue. It’s how it’s just “Punch him a bunch of time in made up vital spots while he ineffectually throws haymakers and bear hugs”
oh my god Sandro please shut the fuck up
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He introduced a power system that now everyone else has to play with if they want to get anywhere close to being near him
He's also as bad as Ohma with how non-confrontational he is in regards to the plot, almost refusing to engage with it unless it's on terms that make him look good
>agito shouldn't have won because of cope, cope, giga cope
Look, I don't like it when the character I like loses either, but you get over it eventually. Just take deep breaths.
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>Turns out they can't just turn bones to dust willy nilly like you think they can. Lifting weight doesn't immediately correlate to having crushing grip strength.
What a load of bullshit, Julius has already crushed limbs to dust before. Hell fucking Koga has done it too to Leonardo Silva.

Real life strongmen has incredibly strong crushing grip strength, both from doing heavy deadlifts and various other isolation work.
Bro You are reading an martial art manga
Okubros, are we back???
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>Hell for some reason Dragon shot seemed to cause Julius as much pain as a fucking Blast Core for some inexplicable reason. Julius' abs should be strong enough that Agito's strikes shouldn't really hurt him that much at all.
I think you guys just can't read Sandro's mind as well as i can. It's honestly the same Principle as with Ohma's magic.
This. Big guy with no techniques has no right to be anything above Orca tier jobber.
Huh, smaller than i remember. I guess his record made him look bigger in my head.
>Agito winning isn’t really the issue. It’s how it’s just “Punch him a bunch of time in made up vital spots while he ineffectually throws haymakers and bear hugs”
Yep exactly. Agito going for a straight up body blow against Julius is so fucking retarded. Dragon Shot against Julius' face at least made sense.
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Wtf how did you guys know
Best case scenario
>Ramon is a simple old man who’s been champion of SC for a long time now.
>He used to be far more brutal but mellowed out
>He’s also very supportive of Yuhuza and is like a father figure to her
>He doesn’t try to kill or maim, just win as efficiently as he can
It’d be a pleasant surprise if the SC champion was just a level headed person. Not a psychopath or a HECKIN’ wholesome, but just a simple man
Problem is that the SC is a Yakuza funded effort, so this is another family trying to kill him to cripple said family.
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I'm a worm
Sandro is caught in our "web".
He filters retards
At least that graph could explain it a little lmao.
What is Sandro’s problem?
I’m an amateur writer but even I could do this plot better
This is no different from the semi-final match in Ashura tho, You are just muscle freaks mad Julius didnt win
Julius had more durability and resilience, as well as likely being slightly physically stronger. Waka had karate which was showcased by him having the lead in blows, but it wasn't enough.
He's too good of a writer to make good manga, you're an amateur so you could write better than him because you're bad enough to write good manga.
Ohma isn’t even that magical to be honest.
Genuinely surprised 11 retards tought the guy whose whole gimmick is disrespecting martial arts would win against the guy whose gimmick is doing any martial arts.
Look at this page. Waka is wailing on Julius' guard and getting nowhere. Agito is landing clean hits on Julius' vitals repeatedly. Musclefags really deluded themselves into thinking Julius can just facetank any hit from any fighter under 150kg.
Why are we stars posting now.
It’s mostly because Sandro treats martial arts as damage multipliers rather than actual skills
You will never get a 100% consensus, because a portion of any betting pool is going to be guided by nothing other than "wouldn't it be cool if I bet on the impossible outcome and won"
At least now we know that's 15% of any strawpoll
Waka (inexplicably) getting a hold of Fei was the reason the fight was even a draw because Fei had to overclock DD to get out of the bearhug.
They fell right into his "Subversion". They were waiting to be subverted and thus failed to see the lack of subversion.
>boat jobber-tier noname is the same as the champion martial artist the size of a minivan
juliusfags, everyone
>i-it was actually super close trust me bro
kaneda vs sen was a closer fight lmfao
Agito was the character with the best fights in Ashura, but so far all of his Omega fights were dogshit.
>Julius was only injured by blast cores back in Ashura
He was hurt by everything Wakatsuki threw at him. What are you talking about? He wasn't even beaten with a blast core.
Leg bones are really sturdy though so comparing a jobber's leg bones to Agito's arm bones seems like a fair deal to me
>Agito's punches are nowhere near as strong as Waka's
No, they're arguably even stronger just judging by what is shown. Julius bled and got way more hurt from Agito's hits than he did the usual one from Julius. The difference isn't that big.
Are you stupid? How could he have been buffed when it was his second fight and his first was against the twinky Sawada who effortlessly demolished? We hadn't even seen his true capabilities yet until Waka.
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>yfw you've been shitting on Julius since Ashura
Julius was having his guard up in that panel alone, Waka got a ton of clean hits in on Julius.
He can eat an unrealistic amount of food
This is also ignoring that Agito is leagues and leagues ahead of Sawada in durability. It's not even a comparison.
You're the one who said that Julius' can't crush bones to dust, faggot.
I hate all of this
>gottentoter is now just a damage buff
>Agito can now buff his strikes just by calling them "Dragon"
It's all so tiresome
Maybe Ramon will be nice and only beat Hiraku into a coma. Don't see Sandro wanting to dumpster Hiraku so soon. Can't see how else this will go, I doubt Sandro will kill Ramon and give Lolong a free ride to the next round.
>Not dumpstering characters too soon
"Anon", "you're" still "green"
He’ll just be an arrogant crazyface that Lolong dumpsters
>”blast core was the only thing that could hurt julius”
>blast core wasn’t even the deciding factor of the fight, waka won by kicking him in the fucking head
Are people just forgetting that fight or are juliusfags coping by trying to rewrite history?
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When will Shen's next fight happen? Roughly in 70 chapters?
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>Hiraku kills Ramon offscreen
>gets to fight in his place
>loses again
I’d clap
What the hell are you talking about? It's not like Waka couldn't hurt Julius but Blast Core was the only really threatening attack to him. It was a possible oneshot. But Waka's kick to the face on an unprepared Julius was not something you can shrug off
God, 0:22 looks like something that can happen in Omega.
>assassinates Justin after Justin beats Gaolang to replace him in the finals
>loses again
El Jamon has the highest likelihood of being the next literally kuroki
Ramon is the only new character that looks cool and has literally zero buildup around him so I can't wait to see how horribly Sandro wastes him.
I believe Sandro legitimately thinks that he portrayed Hiraku convincingly against Justin and he thinks that the readers are actually thinking "wow he really is among the very top of fighters." This way, he believes that by making Ramon easily brutalize Hiraku (most likely offscreen), the readers will go "WOW Ramon means business!"
has this manga ever had a huge fuckoff guy that didn't instantly job?
>Had Julius not lost, he'd have won
Incredible writing
Ramon genuinely gives off more champion vibes than Lolong ever could
>shift the point of impact
sounds like a technique
And thats exactly why Lolong will win.
thotter bros, I don't feel so good....
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The really funny thing about this chapter is going to be when we get to the semi-finals fight between Agito and Justin, and Justin actually puts up a better fight with his secret ace-in-the-hole moves instead of getting absolutely shitstomped like Julius.
>Hiraku gets slammed so hard the whole arena feels the impact
>later he appears to be fully healed against Ramon
I don't know that seems a little impressive.
He was a top tier Greco wrestler, retard. He not only was big and strong, he had great skill.
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Agito is going to fight Lolong/Ramon. Gaolang will fight Justin
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I would say Waka but he became a punching bag later anyway.
Fedor is also not a small person, he was a super heavyweight.
He used muscle control to shift his innards out of the way
Oh yeah I'm retarded
Cmon guys… Agito needed this win.
>Not huge, but a tough guy.

are you american? fat people cannot compare, lol.
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>today is arms day
>but i also need to not be sore tomorrow
Fuck, hate dilemmas. Wish Julius was my bro, so i could ask him about lifting.
hahahahaha, perfect
Did Julius even land a single hit this fight?
He landed a clap on the shoulder to congratulate Agito.
i don't know why everyone is seething, Agito is one of the strongest characters in the series and was always stronger than Julius, this is the natural result
I hate Lolong so fucking much it's crazy.
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He had the look and build of an average drunk dad.
He was never jacked.
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Well this fight sucked ass
Omega is the Waka humiliation ritual.
thinking someone over 100kg is not huge is just a fat boy cope, anon.
He was smirking as he was being carried away, which I assume was supposed to imply that he lost on purpose or wasn’t taking the fight seriously. I would say I’m interested in seeing where this is going, but knowing Sandro it’s going to be a complete wet fart.
Professional fighters rarely look like they have 2% body fat.
Most likely.
Request Green Anon as Sakigake coming to kill Sandro.
how long until julius gives in and uses techniques?
Yeah, I don’t know why people are acting like Agito wasn’t the favorite to win the KAT back in Asura and was objectively Top 3 in the entire tournament. He was second only to Kuroki.
It's not that he won, it's how
I really want Ramon to just maim Lolong so badly he never fights again.
I hate Lolong more than I hate Raian or Shen or Metsudo or Kuroki or any of Sandro's pets
You mean that weird shit he does with his arms isn't a technique?
>Naidan sacrificed himself
>the Worm has killed and replaced countless people
>incredible feats in technology like perfect cloning has been developed
>Italy was bombed
>many Gu rituals performed
>sacrifices upon sacrifices
>all done for a wholesome chungus airhead that doesn't care about anything beyond the cloning, nor does he feel responsible for the Worm at all, bringing into question what the point of the majority of Omega's plot
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Cro Cop had the best aesthetically build in his time.
>i also need to not be sore tomorrow
Solid edit. Very subtle in a tasteful way. And thank god you didn't write "mangakas".
This fight is a bigger curbstomp than Kuroki vs Rihito, Agito is obviously stronger than Julius but not that much
He almost looks like Recoome here
I need to help my brother with something physical.
He won by not even getting touched once against a guy who was considered top tier
>job crop
Reminder that Sen would also absolutely destroy Julius. He’d nullify his strength with Aikido bullshit and then flip him 50 feet in the air as if he weighed nothing and slam him on his head.
Shut the fuck up, his pinky finger has more guts than the entirety of this thread combined.
I don't understand musclefags and their delusions.
It’s just /fit/cels who see Julius and think “omg he’s just like me” and self insert as him.
Dunning–Kruger effect.
The are ignorant about fighting which makes them the most vocal and arrogant.
>>all done for a wholesome chungus airhead that doesn't care about anything beyond the cloning

Which he fucking dropped based on the promise of Kazzy finding a more suitable fighter to challenge him on Fridays and because of the moral implications of cloning someone just to have their autonomy taken away from them at certain time
What made Eddie, Fei or Lu tian not worth Shen's time? Shen says he's fine with Tiger being a traitor just so long as Tiger can potentially create a worthy challenger from all the "experimenting" he's been doing. We already have characters like Kuroki and Joji that are more than enough for Shen but they won't play that role because they don't feel like apparently
I thought he tried to meme that it didn't count as one back with the Toa fight
>purg was like 4 years ago
Where the fuck does the time go
He did try that but anyone else would acknowledge it as what it is, a technique. Which is why there's nowhere else to take Julius as a character where even his techniques are classified as techniques, he can't grow from this
Evolution requires procreation.
How many of those fight autist you see practicing it instead of saying it will suck their gains.
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Bravo, Sandro!
>hardcore gay incest
You all fucked once Julius finishes climbing up that wall
I never did care for power creep
With Ramon also being a stoic boring retard, the only fighter with actual personality left in this tournament is Justin. Fuck it, I'm investing in blackcoin.
My sides
>but this is one thick razor...!!
I think this one will get me for a while. Its such a stupid cherry on top of Sandros cope cake
ramon will 100% win it. maybe even offscreen as >>269148760 says. the gay jobber will just be used to hype up ramon so lolong's victory doesn't feel as empty. which in turn lets sandro have agito beat lolong since agito is one of the asura snowflakes and lolong can go back to being the butt of every joke again
Nah it was just Waka being constantly nerfed. Dude is legitimately Koga tier without his 100kg of super man syndrome muscles. Waka vs Ohma was legitimately the only fight that felt properly in that he was post awakening Ohma tier in striking, dominating him due to strength advantage, and losing only to a completely bullshit ultimate technique nobody has ever seen before.

Otherwise Julius vs Wakatsuki should look like current Agito vs Julius except he comes out of the fight with some scratches and can actually block and parry all those strikes without drilly hands to worry about. Seriously why did that retard never thought about a fucking low kick like Agito did?

TL;DR is that Wakatsuki's quality build is too broken on paper so he is just a more tactical musclehead. Imagine losing an outfight to a guy who never did boxing doing boxing.
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Uhhhmm, Shenbros, what's our counter to this?
>With Ramon also being a stoic boring retard
He only had one lime of dialogue you disingenuous dumbass.
Sandro is almost completely unpredictable in matchups with new-ish characters. The logical thing is that Ramon wins since Hiraku already had his showing but its possible that Ramon dies, Hiraku leaves and Lolong advances without a fight
why cant sandro write fun one sided fights? his one side fights fucking suck
Lolong needs to lose to Ramon
Principles piss me off because they’re about as far from martial arts as you can get
his character arc should've been over. he's no longer metsudo's lapdog. all of his improvements had already happened in asura, except now that he's "crossed the wall" which means whatever the fuck sandro wants on a a different day of the week
Because of Strike it Rich's recent chapter about Star Children
That line tells me everything I need to know.
You clearly havent arrived yet.
that would be funny. i doubt it's happening though. either way i think agito or lolong wins this thing. lolong so he stops being a joke, agito because he's protected
>But Karelin would also be dominated by Fedor
Is this Fedor fellow really that unfathomable?
A fun one sided fight would require some small level of exchange, you know like landing a fucking punch
Baki's spin-off series Chiharu gaiden just got done with Chiharu fighting Ron Shobun and it was pretty one-sided with Ron dominating the fight and Chiharu getting not a single clean punch in. It was still fun though because of what Chiharu stands for as a fighter and the spectacle getting made out of a weak broken man still fighting someone leagues above him.
Managing to break both Rons fingers before getting knocked out and losing the fight anyway.
Chiharu lost cleanly but it was still fun
Yeah, in hindsight it would have been preferable if Kanoh became a murderhobo like Kuroki and didnt interact with the story at all. He fights like a B-tier scrub now, this is not the same Kanoh who fought Kuroki
Well, he was 100+kg guy, but was as agile as many 60kg guys. Strong, fast and technical as fuck.
Because he mostly kept to the shadows? Like this lifetime is the most open he's ever been publicly.
Heck I'd even go so far as to say the idea he makes people stronger just by seeing him fight was potentially foreshadowed as Goah despite how stupidly weak Shen made him look was so strong Ohma was convinced he couldn't beat him
The choreography and techniques took a fucking nosedive
I'm genuinely surprised we didnt get a flashback for Agito this fight, at least showing what he was up to in America during the timeskip.
Made me remember reading one comment, a guy allegedly met Karelin in real life, shook his hand and noticed that Karelin's hand was so goddamn hard, it felt like touching a solid piece of metal.
What the fuck are you calling me a retard for? I'm not the one calling someone (Agito) the size of Karelin a twink. Even then Agito is an underground fighting champion that went 150+-0. Fuck are you babbling about?
Waka and Whatsisname, the thriatlon guy
Justin coin has indirectly skyrocketed btw
the black okubo? he's gonna get fed to gaolang
Normal Kanoh fight in the year of our lord 2024:
>he forgot Murobuchi
Why didn't Mukaku scale?
The genuine hatred I have for Sandro’s treatment of characters isn’t just intense, it’s bottomless
Reminder Lolong's going to clear
cmon man, the last time he was mentioned we were still hopeful about Omega
Sandro’s thing is making up every excuse he has to make his pets win
it didnt exist back when he first fought the Connector. please understand
He thought that weapons and Adamantine Kata (the opposite of going limp) will be meta. Should've gone Agito route with going limp. He was simply outmatched from the start...
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This was one of the fights I was actually excited for.
So the Connector's power is like Covid, hence the mask.
Why does Yan want to avoid the "infection"? What are the side effects?
They make you obsessed
Yan's been "infected" for a long time. He doesn't want it to spread from him.
I think the KAT 1st round stomps were alright, if only because the losers (except Nezu I guess) get to show off their shit
lol. did the sekibayashi vs okubo match not teach you anything? or kaneda vs sen?

it's not about the fighters, the writing is simply dogshit
Why are Koga and Ryuki there? They haven't seen Shen fight yet nor are they here watching Agito fight.
Shen taught Koga how to Principle better and would have taught him more had Ohma not butted in and he also gave Ryuki the option to learn Mukakus old family jobber Martial art
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finally finished my binge and i gotta ask
is it just me or is omega way weaker than ashura?
Shen just told Koga to lift.
omega was better until the akoya vs ryuki fight. after that it started going downhill
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What an absolutely shit fight.

Bring back Kogakino.
"My brethren"? Yan is such a fucking goober. I didn't think you could get cornier than Justin's "IMMA KILL YOU CAUSE YOU TOO COOL CUH"
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>Carlos is watching
>Jurota is too busy being unconscious to watch
Esto es el fin, numero segundo el rey de purgatory
Ashura was basically one huge tournament arc. It had a mostly clear direction once the main fights started. Omega is the garbage sequel where the author's lack of planning gets exposed.
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I hope this guy turbostomps Fagaku.
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Sandro is stealing from us again.
>Carlos mops the floor with bunch of white worms
>You released the app about principles?
>Sorry, I needed some money for booze
You bitches moaned and complained about Koga when he was becoming strong and beating real opponents with Niko style.
I'm going to keep this in mind. Never know when one might need it
I want to hope that Ramon says absolutely nothing
The Niko Style character assassination is what people hated
I hope that he turbostomps Lolong
>Because of Strike it Rich's recent chapter about Star Children
this star shit is bizarre to me since it's in the same universe as kengan. where any round 1 kengan fighter never mind top tier dudes like agito could easily mog any of the respective girls. so him trying to up the stakes with le hecking crazy high school girl cult feels weak af.
no, people complained about sandro skipping his development (going from a shitter to a round 1 kat fighter), which he did because he clearly had no idea how to make a regular person turn into someone who can break huge rocks with their fist. then people complained that koga just turned into a weaker ohma with shitty niko style
I mean Katsuya is supposed to exist in the Kengan universe also but somehow Shen has trouble finding a worthy opponent
>strike it rich
sandro is planning the inevitable avengers endgame-tier crossovers between the 3 where they team up to take down a "common enemy"
climbing is a technique
>Ramon Vs Lolong happens.
>Ramon actually uses legitimate techniques and tactics
>This is seen as amateur shit by the story
>Ramon smashes Lolong’s ribs in like Kamogawa did Anderson
>This means Lolong wins
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Alright, I mean, everyone knew Julius was going to lose this one, but my predictions are still holding true. We're going to see Kaolan become King of Kings.
Tips to create my own tulpa? Personally I want a haughty fairy-sized girl like Othinus who encourages him and points me in the right direction
This is such a fucking real statement holy shit
That last part is what pisses me off.
I liked Koga forging his own path, but then he had to learn Niko shit and we skipped all the cool shit.
I GENUINELY want to know what Sandro’s motivation is with this
His very EXISTENCE inspires people, LOL
Like, that last part is what confuses me the most.
What does Sandro expect us to feel when he makes a character job or skips over an entire story beat?
Whats the easiest way for Koga to get stronger? Learning the magical martial arts that can do everything. That was the motivation
Kaolan is winning the entire thing. He's stronger than Agito.
You have to let her beat you first.
Is it even possible to tell over show harder than this shit?
I love Yan do much.
That part is what pisses me off.
Niko just being better for no reason even when it’s doing the same shit as other styles is what enrages me.
The point was that the Niko Style was VERSATILE and potency was up to the individual
>Julius is a shit character
>Julius gets utterly humiliated

Nice fight. I had fun.
fun is a technique
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>hurrrr undisputed champion of a "no rules" underground arena is ackchually a doting father to muh little chink waifu
Kill yourself Sandro you "hecking wholesome" SoL subhuman.
go back pastebinfag
>Dodges the question
I want to punch you in the face
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Nah it's kino time.
Yes. I want a crazy tongue showing psycho shit talker, but one who actually wins.
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Hell yeah. Fuck fitness sissies.
Anything is better than SiR pastebin.
I just don’t like the Niko Style. And now that we had a fresh protagonist with no flashback baggage, who could forge his own path it got simply thrown away in favor of the old reliable
Physically not possible within Sandroverse
Edward Wu is the way to go. He’s like Shaq if he got into martial arts instead of playing ball
Please Sandro, even a small droplet of personality that isn't stoic martial arts man or wholesome alcoholic...
That is funny that they’re there. They’ll be in the upper echelon soon enough.
But able to dominate Aleksandr "The Experiment" Karelin? I find that hard to believe.
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This is the point where Julius should have undoubtedly won.

I say it again, Sandro refuses to let Julius actually use his strength in other ways than throwing haymakers. Julius was supposed to be this guy who's so incredibly strong, that if he even touches you you are in mortal danger. Did he just stand there for 10 seconds without lifting or crushing Agito, while Agito got in multiple elbows on him?
Consider another crazy face self proclaiming strongest of them all-man
>i want ramon to have personality instead of being stoic!
>what if hes a chill fatherly figure guy then?
>nooo that also sucks
you fags dont know what you even want
Agito isn't Saw Paing bro, he doesn't train his bones.
Hate how this is unironically true.
Yeah Agito slipping out was way to easy of an out for that scenario.
Looks like typical joint control.
Father figure to whom? Hikaru?
How come Julius couldn’t just pick him up and slam him? Agito isn’t a sumo wrestler
We live in a verse where Raiana grabbing onto someone else can casually rip them in half in a second but Julius who can move a Formula 1 car at maximum horsepower who has Agito in his grasp can't crush his ribcage in a second.

People shouldn't be surprised that this is seen as a joke manga.
My MMA coach used to play his entrance song during training. Reminded me of watching his fights as a kid.
>the right kick is a ticket to the hospital. The left, to the morgue.
You want that, retard, you care that much.
Ryuki. Ramon must show Ryuki the love that Mukaku never could. This cycle of hate, death and destruction must end
Agito goes into the next round with 0 (zero) damage.
But he got squeezed real hard and was kinda tired at the end!
He really is the true villain
The sickness is spreading
>Nah it was just Waka being constantly nerfed. Dude is legitimately Koga tier without his 100kg of super man syndrome muscles. Waka vs Ohma was legitimately the only fight that felt properly in that he was post awakening Ohma tier in striking, dominating him due to strength advantage, and losing only to a completely bullshit ultimate technique nobody has ever seen before.
I agree with everything here except that Wakek was still weak during his fight with Ohma. Landing a full force liver kick and Ohma simply putting a knee down without getting finished here and there was stupid.
Did you miss the hypothetical mountain of last chapter? It was explained quite clearly.
Ah I see, that could be a way to go, but in fighting I kind of want him to be an actual wrecker that Lolong was supposed to be, and actually still be brutally damaging to his opponents body.
Worst case scenario
>Hiraku offscreens Ramon, we never see what he can do
>No Lolong fight at all, he gets a bye as a result
>Then we get Gao vs Justin, Agito vs Lolong, and Agito vs Gao, all filler fights with obvious outcomes
My chuuni gambler and her former murderer senpais
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>You were truly a peak of martial arts Connector
>But I've climbed up to you.
>You were simply too strong, that's why you lost Shithead!
Not with his standard throw, he's proven (with one of his only losses) that a wide waist counters it.
>It's actually just Thanos.
>Julius was supposed to be this guy who's so incredibly strong, that if he even touches you you are in mortal danger.

Where did this headcanon sprout from?
Chucklius only knows how to do barbell curls.
Rei’s probably dead by the time of this tournament
That's the proper martial arts build.

High muslce mass + high body fat as stores of energy.
He was a “mythical fighter” all the time
>Koga vs Shen
>Final of the second KAT
>Chapter 800
>Koga demonsbane
You saw it here first.
Screencaping this
Unlike you there's a lot of muscle under that flab.
Change the text on Okubo and Justin's shirts since it's a giveaway.
Fucking love this
Koga beats Shen with STINGER, proving the point that martial arts are developed from principles
But are they invincible?
A genuine personality for him to have would be him not acting cartoonish and instead acting like a legitimate human being.
But when he fights Lolong it plays out like picrel
Julius will never reach the top of "that mountain". He's like Sisyphus and the boulder.
Go,go, Justin.

You're out only hope for fun.
Lol, JP is dead as fuck
New worst fight of the series
Karelin was 6’3’’ but the same weight. He’s built a lot stockier than Agito
There was no need to explain this sequence. The previous pages were self explanatory enough.
>Yes. I want a crazy tongue showing psycho shit talker, but one who actually wins.
AND HIS NAME IS KURE RAIAN https://youtu.be/-cZ7ndjhhps?si=yMFvutm0M8sHI1cO
I look like this.
>kokuro randomly meets shen and tries to fight him
>shen goes slightly too far and kills him
>in front of koga
>back to the fight
>"this is for you, kokuro"
>shen falls
I would kneel.
That's a pretty nice cope you got there. Julius was getting phased by all of Agito's hits, so why not get fucked up by elbows near the neck area? It was never going to happen.
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Why would Ramon be acquainted with Monkey Boy? You mean HiRAku right?
Those last three sentences kinda made me tear up
you keep saying that, but wanting something means nothing when you refuse to stop being a faggot
I thought that was because he had to switch his grip which was at that point considered a rule break (and wasn't for most of his matches). The guy he was wrestling was also trying to resist him the whole match afterward too. It can't just be a wide waist alone because he fought over 800 matches.
People treat this as a joke but it isn't, these threads are filled with subhumans who can't even understand a hypothetical as proven by last chapter.
>Ramon Vs Lolong happens
>Ramon actually fights like a legitimate martial artist. No gimmicky techniques or anything
>He actually uses legitimate techniques from IRL stuff in a proper way
>Everyone calls this amateurish
It’d be funny
Careful, you being raised by single mother is showing.
I highly doubt anyone watching the anime is not a fan of the manga to begin with.
He had to switch his grip because his normal grip wasn't tight enough thanks to the sheer size of the lad.
>erm, it has been clearly established for one (1) chapter already
It doesn’t matter if it’s been 60 chapters, it’s the stupidest shit on earth.
>We live in a verse where Raiana grabbing onto someone else can casually rip them in half in a second but Julius who can move a Formula 1 car at maximum horsepower who has Agito in his grasp can't crush his ribcage in a second.
Good point desu.
Various statements by Sandro and in-universe. Julius was said to be the subversion of the "big strong guy loses to smaller master martial artist", as he was so just so strong he invalidated the trope.

Also in terms of physical strength, Julius >> Willem >> Raian
>one (1) chapter
Yes, the previous chapter.
Go Rei off a cliff.
Go Nidan yourself.
Go get Alan'd.
Do an Ohma but don't come back.
Go to detroit and get Muteba'd.

Literal retard.
I pointed out something simimarly a few chapters ago. Sandro shows a character thinking to himelf his next move, then he does said move.
Next panel is Kazzy explaining everything all over again.
This man can't do manga 101 nowadays
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Guess a steel chain pulled by a race car isn't as damaging as Agito's elbows then...

Julius isn't and shouldn't be unbeatable or anything, but even master martial artists have to be extremely careful and strategic when fighting him. I don't have a problem with Agito beating Julius, I have a problem with Agito going for body blows, and getting out of Julius' hold by striking with his elbows to the traps on Julius. Julius narratively should have no problem tanking either. Unless you're Waka, you beat Julius by going for his head, ankles or spine, you don't punch him in his core or chest, and you don't use standard grappling moves or holds, as that should be useless.
The mountain already existed, he was called Kuroki, you fucking retarded sandroslopper
Still waiting for Willem's profile to confirm his level of superman syndrome. Do you guys think he will cope and make it something small like 3 times a normal human, or will he go full on hackery and make it higher than Waka?
Basically the connector experience.
The connector is a bigger mountain than Kuroki.
They aren't aiming for Kuroki anymore and falling up short, they're aiming past him.
Pathetic. I won't even grace you with the blogpost you're hoping with.
The scaling is supposed to remove mental bottleneck that prevents people at the top from improving further.
Except they aren't at the top and were constantly improving by leaps and bounds.
They were basically at the top, you stop trying so hard when you're pretty much there. Agito vs Kuroki was very close and Agito clearly improved in Omega.
I don't know why you're seething so hard about it..
how can they climb any higher when they haven't even reached the kuroki peak yet?
We’re getting “too strong” at this.
>shitstomped by schizo jobber
Not reaching the current peak doesn't change the boost you'd get from an even higher peak.
What the fuck are you talking about? When was Agito shit stomped?
Do you even read the manga you're spending so much effort to bitch about?
I wouldnt say undoubtedly but the chance of him winning should have been there which it wasnt. The only way a lower stat fighter can win against a higher stat fighter is if the latter consistently makes worse moves than the former.
This is an RNG check, there will be times when even an idiot will make a move that is very close to optimal by sheer luck in which case the lower stat fighter is shit out of luck. This actually happened in the fight as Julius was able to grab Agito due to accidentally making a good move but Sandro cast a heinous debuff on Julius's strength so that it wouldnt matter
Why not just imagine a higher peak? Like a double Shen or 1.5 Kuroki?
Pulling shit straight out your ass is one thing, but Sandro outright lying here and such obvious lie is incredibly insulting. There was never any bottleneck. Even Kuroki who was at very top was still improving.
what a retarded coping chink you are
>There was never any bottleneck. Even Kuroki who was at very top was still improving.
He was trying to improve, did he improve?
And an exception doesn't disprove the rule. Of course someone's going to be the tallest peak.
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Connector is the mountain now
I'm going to take that as a "no, I don't read the manga, I just come to shit up the thread".
The ending to Ashura was literally Kuroki saying he was still too green, there was never any need for the connector to motivate the fighters to improve, you fucking retard. Did you even read it?
He harmed Shen while taking zero damage and despite holding back. You tell me if he improved at all.
by this logic kuroki would literally wipe the floor with mukaku btw
>The ending to Ashura was literally Kuroki saying he was still too green
So? I've already covered this.

Shen was fucking around too.
>retarded sandrococksucker chink still coping and seething
take a break and drink some gutter oil, Xhang
The funny part is Asura proved this mountain analogy already existed. Agito was constantly improving as he won fights against strong people (calling Gaolang the strongest he'd fought thus far), Sen climbed to the peak of Round 2 Agito but wasn't prepared for Round 3 Agito.
Do you have any argument or are you just going to seethe over the fact that a hypothetical filtered the shit out of you?
A rematch between Gaolang and Kanoh would be both the worst and best thing to happen in Omega

Worst: It will be a complete shitshow compared to their former fight.

Best: It might finally wake up some of the remaining Kengan Dickriders to just how much the quality has fallen from Ashura to Omega.
>ching chong bing bong
its time to go back, Zhulei. Ya still seething that Tarantino exposed Chinky Lee as the fake tough guy that he was?
Isn't that the same thing Seki does? Slightly move the target so he takes less damage?
You aren't even making it related to Kengan anymore. It isn't even related to Anime.
Also, most of the best fighters in the manga are chinks so I don't see what you're getting at. In fact Kuroki's the only strong actual japanese, though you could also include Raian there but his clan's tough to fit into a race (from China, doesn't breed with the local population, breeds with strong people).
You are an actual retard if you think something stupid suddenly becomes immune to criticism after one chapter has passed.
>they were basically at the top
2/10 bait
How was Agito not on the level of Kuroki at this point?
It wasn't being criticized it was being completely ignored. Probably because hypothetical questions go over his little head.
nah, kys chink
Say that to Agito's face and not online and see what happens.
>fucking undamaged
because the second half of that fight was basically Kuroki dominating and countering Kanoh, including his two "evolutions", it was not close at all
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Jesus fucking Christ Sandro
>of that fight
And Kuroki said he's not sure if he'd be able to win now, as of the KvP fight.
The latter
I just want to see a low tier Kure girl mogging all those star bitches.
Do we have a general level of where Hana's at? She looks really strong but that might just be because everyone else is shit.
>Ramon actually dodges and blocks Lolong's punches
>Has legitimate footwork and uses counterattacks
>Tries to keep Lolong off-balance and mixes it up in a smart way
>Everyone wonders why he's not using any techniques
>No, I'm busy
>Oh, ok
Guess how it's gonna play out
Why were almost all of Ashura's fights so good?
Probably because they were the story, here they're a side thing and the worm shit is the story so he's spending less effort on them. Or maybe the current fights are just throw away fights while he plans in the future (lmao).
I like how Baki does the same ripple thing every arc but somehow it's fifty times less shit.

Like how Pickle became the Harem romcom MC
I'm not so sure.
It’s fucked up how this is most likely it
Could the other grip have worked then? He only couldn't get away with it because of the rules at the time, he spent most of his matches in a time where that wasn't against the rules.
Naidan really sacrificed himself for one of the most annoying characters in manga.
Shen Wulong. The Madara. The Sukuna. The Yujiro.
He'd be considered lucky to even have 0.0000000001% of the presence even a bitch like Sukuna has

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