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What a shit chapter, Julius should have won.
>kengan ashura season 2 part 2 on august 15
cant wait to see the hatsumi humiliation ritual animated.
Would lose to Justin btw.
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This is what should have happened here
I want to hear from Juliusfags themselves, how do you think he should have been defeated?
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>That power's on par with Julius
Agito defeated a Julius level fighter already, Julius never stood a chance
we really did get 3 fights in a row where one guy gets pummeled until he does a big moves that either hits or gets countered and ends the match
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But could Lolong take him?
old KA art style was so much grittier and fun to look at
This is even worse Because Julius legit didn't do shit
Juurota had his swing
Justin him super suplex
Julius Had nothing, he never landed shit, and didn't even sell us the idea that maaaybe he had a chance if he landed a good shot.
This was, by all accounts, a Stomp
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Where does Julius go from here? He had his ideology crushed
Kanoh should have went for body strikes, and realized they did jack shit against Julius. Kanoh should then have went for strikes to the head, ankles, spine, and knees. Kanoh should have tried Wata Kata holds and redirection magic. Julius should have surprised Kanoh with his tanking of most of the attacks, and Kanoh should have been heavily damaged from a few counter-attacks. Kanoh should have gone into Formless, but Julius would surprise him with a an anti-formless strategy he has concocted for a while. Muscle Control and Julius' intelligence should have had a bigger part.

Just lots of stuff honestly. If I had a week I could have made an infinitely more interesting fight that would have showcased each characters strength and would have respected them both. I honestly wouldn't care who would have won.
Agito is more than 2 meters tall and weighs 130 kg,
Being big and strong is great for Julius when facing twinks, but when fighting someone who can't break bones like dust, he's in trouble.
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Yes he can, he beat Tao (a musclefag) already, he can take Julius no problem
He will make his on Niko style and continue pretending that none of the shit he is using counts as techniques.
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>Where does Julius go from here?
The garbage bin
Not really. Julius just started climbing the wall mid-fight, Kanoh had much more time, and arguably would have lost against Julius pre-Shen encounter.

I'm guessing Julius will get a huge comeback a few years down the line the next time he fights. His improvements will be an evolution of him climbing the wall, which basically is just better utilizing his pre-existing power during fights, and also more tenacity and likely some new imrovement to Gott-Toter Steinbohrer.

If you want to go further, Julius could aquire Pre-Initiative or become faster
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It's jarring how Daro/Sandro don't care about this manga. No love for either the characters, the plot, the art, and worst of all martial arts. I hope they're at least making money, because this reads like a soulless cashgrab.
>He had his ideology crushed
He’ll brush this off as him not being strong enough and then go lift more weights.
Agito is big and strong in general, but a weak twink compared to Julius. Julius should have no problem crushing his wrist.
>but a weak twink compared to Julius
Where do you faggots get these hallucinations from? Agito was the undisputed king before the KAT. He was king in a world where Julius was actively competing.
We still don't know what makes the new Formless different.
Its too funny, thats why Sandro wont do it
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>Where does Julius go from here?
He needs to learn "martial arts" and start using "techniques"
It's even more formless
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Why are you trying to argue who's the better fighter, when I was talking about pure physical strenght?

Raian could rip a guy in half and you don't think Julius who's much stronger than Raian, can break Agito's wrist?
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He can grow a tail
He will go curl some more plastic barbells because he can’t bench press, deadlift or squat
>still dont know why hiraku is so heavy despite looking like 90kg at best
>still dont know what changed in agitos formless
Julius needs to learn Razor's Edge, Devil's Lance, Shen's principles, Pre-Initiative, and the Earthquake foot.
>Ohma is the only one saying and doing nothing
>He is also the only one given a name bubble
I fucking love this.
>climbing the wall
Do not legitimize this shit. There is no powercreep here. Julius was made to be weak/retarded so Agito could win, the same way Agito was made to be retarded against Jurota.
There’s a massive disconnect between Agito and Julius in how their power is presented. Julius may as well be the Incredible Hulk compared to everyone else
>still dont know why hiraku is so heavy despite looking like 90kg at best
Now that you spelt it out, its gotta be superman syndrome. Jobbing is a prominent symptom of superman syndrome
>this was many people's most hyped up fight
Does anyone think this tournament had the slightest chance of redeeming itself into "ok" territory?
He will learn Sekibayashi Style: Cope, and start believing that sticking to his guns makes him the real winner.
Aside from this, I disliked how Agito best Julius. When we got a flashback on how Agito defeated Wakatsuki the first time, the latter wasn’t that beat up (definitely not as much as Julius here), but had his ankle crippled. That showed us what Agito needed to do that to win. And comparing the kind of damage Wakatsuki and Julius did to one another, the damage Agito did seemed like a lot more. I don’t care if he’s got his “Dragon Shot” gimmick of having all of his punches always being at his maximum strength, it takes away from what the Superhuman Syndrome’s gimmick was (and from Julius’ freakish strength that could match that as well). Not that Omega hasn’t already heavily discounted and ruined the appeal of the Superhuman Syndrome gimmick already with how flippantly it’s been throwing it around.
This has always been the case. Wakatsuki and Julius belonged to a different manga in terms of strength for some reason. They were both tearing the whole arena apart
>>>this was many people's most hyped up fight
fucking whos
remember when only two super heavyweights clashing fists could shake the stadium? now I’m half expecting Lolong’s invisible elbow to send a massive shockwave(!!!) that shakes the stadium(!!!!) and blows people’s hats off
Agito's fights are all the same, the ones where he wins he comes out with no damage whatsoever, Julius should've broken a few ribs with his bear hug at least.
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Julius is superior than Ohma at Adamantine Kata

Jurota is superior than Ohma at Redirection Kata

Gaolang is superior than Ohma at Fire Kata

Fei is superior than Ohma at Water Kata
Agito is a massive pile of muscles, the difference between him and Julius is that Agito is natty and isn't retarded about techniques.
Wakek is the bigger loser here cause his superman syndrome basically nerfs his entire martials arts as well. At least Gotterman doesn't use any and just goes unga bunga which means people have a better chance against him.
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>300lbs of lean muscle
the difference is Julius could curl Agito’s deadlift with one hand
You guys are thinking small picture, Julius didn't job because Agito is an elite kenganvenger
Julius jobbed because Agito needed to be kept clean for when he gets fed to the true protagonist of this tournament, Lolong
After learning to shift his elbow 3 degree inward, Ohma’s water kata is so good that he can pee into his opponents mouth without taking his pants off
>the difference between him and Julius is that Agito is natty and isn't retarded about techniques.
No, the difference is simply that Julius is incredibly far above Agito in sheer strength. They're not comparable, stop pretending that they are. Julius also is an exceptional individual without the steroids, it's been stated that no ordinary man would be able to handle what he does.

Agito is strong but is flesh and bone still, and likely weaker than Alan Wu since Kure's and Wu's are made of sturdy stuff.
Going for the eyes
I think we are most of the way through the tank vs dex saga. I have a strong feeling that Agito vs Lolong is going to be alot like Ohma vs Lolong though
Kinda happy I figured out the formless weakness before the chapter.
>This was, by all accounts, a Stomp
As it should, Julius taking on fucking Agito was always retarded
My hatred for Sandro is so great and so through that it's impossible to put into words
Except Lolong just went through a tough fight and is injured, Agito is completely unharmed.
>>ching chong bing bong
>its time to go back, Zhulei. Ya still seething that Tarantino exposed Chinky Lee as the fake tough guy that he was?
Why would you trust a movie director who never worked with martial arts on someone he never met? You aren't pastebin/cornball/pankration poster but this post still applies to you nonetheless. Kill yourself.
>and so through
poor guy can’t even spell anymore
>Julius was made to be weak/retarded
Bitch, you just overinflated Julius's strength just because he snapped one twink's ankle one time. Guess what? Agito snapped fucking WAKA's ankle. His strength really isn't that far behind.
i hate this series i quit see you next week
But anon, he’s EXTREMELY tired. Did you even see how much he was exerting himself every time he caved in Julius’s torso?
I think your time machine needs to be recalibrated
kek what a mad little stinky chinky
How would it go if Julius had to fight Kaku Kaioh? The man who tried to prove Chinese martial arts/soft shit was useless before overwhelming power until the one day he got royally BTFO'd? Kaku ought to give him a good lecture.
Cliff baited Bruce Lee into kicking him the same way. That’s how he pulled off a counter
Then it shouldn't have dedicated 4 chapters to it
We already know Julius is a jobber and his mantra is ridiculous
But since Sandro always wants to prop up everyone in a fight, he makes Agito look weaker by taking this long to deal with a retard who refuses to learn a single technique
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I think the Julius vs Agito result was partly a compatibility thing honestly, like how Jurota lost against Masaki. Of all the true master martial artists around, Agito is by far the biggest and physically strongest around, which may have been just about enough to make his strikes deal just enough damage that he didn't exhaust himself completely against Julius before taking him down, like others would have.

You can't tell me Ohma, Gaolang or Lolong could have gotten out of Julius' bear hug like pic related. Even Agito really shouldn't have desu.
Agito going undamaged in consecutive fights means he's gonna job big time, same shit happened in Ashura
>Raian could rip a guy in half and you don't think Julius who's much stronger than Raian, can break Agito's wrist?
No. Alan was weak, that's all there is to it. Agito is much stronger.
/fit/ is right. It's all genetics.
Watch Sandro say "Nah they could've done that because techniques negate all physicality"
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>still 4 more fights to go until this filler tournament arc is over
They at least caused Agito to bleed in Asura.
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"We" have "scaled" to Sandro's "subversions".
Kaku would fuck Julius up
>No, the difference is simply that Julius is incredibly far above Agito in sheer strength. They're not comparable
The manga says otherwise. And no, Kures and Wu's are physically inferior to Agito as Agito physically dominates people that are always compared to those two, they're nothing.
no I mean him being completely fine after getting pounded into the ground by Gaolang
>superhuman eugenics man unleashing 100% of his potential is weaker than a chinese manlet who trained in a basement for a few months
>Chinese manlet
Agito is way fucking bigger than Alan.
I'm gonna draw martial arts stuff now. The question is what does keng/a/n like
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I'm reminded of this post every few fucking months at this point
How would Kuroki defeat Julius?
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Draw a rooster doing its own martial arts.
Taekwondo girls that wear jeans with one leg cut off so high that her panties are exposed.
>The manga says otherwise.
No it doesn't, retard. Kanoh isn't even as strong as Naidan, who's even lighter than him in weight.

Agito is almost 100kg's lighter than Julius, who literally dedicates his life to sheer physical power. What is this delusion?

Julius/Waka >>> Willem >> Raian > Naidan/Sekibayashi > Agito.
All the juliusfags crawled out of their holes today just to call a 6'7 285 pound man a twink and a manlet.
Dodge him then stab him, like how Agito won except with stabbing.
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Agito is bigger than this?
I still love this post
The "disease" is "spreading." The "evolution" of shitposting has begun.
Devil's Lance or going for his balls is the only way. Kuroki's whole fighting style revolves around blocking and parrying, which isn't really an option against Julius.
The manga says Raian is third after Wakatsuki and Julius. Agito isn’t even in the running
>Masaka.... His heavy steroid use inverted them into his body!!
I don't read manga for martial arts.
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Power is presented in a weird way in Asura, which evokes a lot more imagery of animals and objects to present a character's physical power. This happens with Agito, Waka, Kuroki, Inaba, Akoya, and a few others. I don't think Julius had this happen during Asura, his power is presented by his massive frame taking up a lot of space on the page and his blows shaking the arena. Omega's sort of stopped doing these metaphorical shows of strength, everyone gets the more direct Julius approach. (Stuff like Liu rippling the ground like water with earthquake foot is more of a literal direct show of strength even if it is exaggerated for effect.)
pre-Omega: very carefully.
post-Omega: by no-selling all hjs attacks because something something principles of sanchin.
flashback showing that he was friends with Kaneda's teacher and uses his style to "pierce" Julius' "armor of flesh"
Out of the 36-ish fighters I have done for my tournament, only a few use actual fighting styles.
>Collar and Elbow
>Krav Maga
The rest are either no techniques, custom-made stuff or Karo-style where they just do whatever they do and turn it into a fighting style. Like a clown or a
>I don't think Julius had this happen during Asura
Not with a visual metaphor, but his fight with Waka was described as a fight between kaijus.
Bros lately I've been working out and forgetting about kengan on wednesdays, I barely remembered about today just now. What's happening to me? Help...
Kuroki could very easily parry Julius. His strength was already on par with Agito's anyway.
I too remember that girl in Kenichi
>actual fighting styles
>krav maga
You've stopped caring.
A character uses Aikido and Classical Jujitsu but then I realized "That's not a real fighting style, that's bullshido"
>No it doesn't
Where is your evidence of the contrary? Julius dedicates himself to physical power, but Agito snapped Wakatsuki's ankle, I don't see Julius doing anything equivalent to that.
Yes. He looks big as shit here but ultimately it's just a visual quirk, his actual weight is still below Agito by over 20kg.
You've learned of "higher heights" and "scaled" "the wall".
I don't get anons who wanted Julius to get a hit on Agito.
Did the Terminator get a hit in on Sarah Connor? Did the shark get to bite the marine biologist?
It was done like shit but the point was that Julius is so strong that he would have won if he had managed to hit agito Just once.
Like what happened with Justin and the pretty boy
So is krav maga.
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Now that musclekeks are completely and utterly humiliated who will be their next Champion?
Waka is a fraud, and Julius just got treated like a sissy by a TechniCHAD.
Will they stick to Justin now?
krav maga is like the holocaust, fake
>Joblius jobbed
And water is wet. You have to be an absolute retard to not see that his only purpose as a character is to make others look stronger
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I hope Ramon walks into the arena carrying Hiraku's severed head.
are you being for real right now? Agito injured Wakatsuki's ankle probably through attrition and then some kind of hold. Julius grabbed Sawada's leg and turned his bone into sawdust by the mundane act of closing his hand around it with ill intent
You're being transformed into a Kengan character. Soon you'll forget that you ever read Kengan, and a new fighter named Anon will appear in the next arc
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I've got the perfect pic for Sakigake next chapter.
>The manga says Raian is third after Wakatsuki and Julius
Nope. Never even alluded to. Just that Raian is physically weaker than Wakatsuki, nothing to do with Agito here.
As in you're saying Agito never even broke it and Wakatsuki broke it himself? What, are you going to say Wakatsuki is "too strong" now?
He is pound for pound far stronger than Agito, this is before he becomes substantially stronger via guihun. Reminder that a "shitty guihun" turned Lu tian (Agito's build) into someone comparable to Julius, approximately 70kg heavier
Theres zero chance that Alan is weaker than Agito
>screenshotting your own post while ignoring all the replies shitting on you for being a retard
this is some pathetic shit
>Do not legitimize this shit
go complain with the author then. He's the one who put it in the manga, and madet a point to say that characters got much stronger by witnessing Shen fighting.
It was actually spoonfed to the readers, I'm sorry that your brain is too strong to understand it.
I'm just depressed how Sandro only cares about
LE TECHNIQUES even when they're just bullshit
Kuroki is weaker than Agito who is FAR weaker than Julius, what are you on about? Perhaps you noticed that Agito dodged every single one of Julius' punches? It's because he had to, if he tried to block he would get his arm destroyed, and parries would be overpowered and hit him anyway.
I'm all for shitting on juliusfags, but don't pretend your schizo rambling is anything close to an own
as in he didn't just rip Wakatsuki's foot in half. he snapped something in there, most likely a tendon, which is a lot different from turning bone into sawdust by closing one's hand
>overinflated Julius's strength
He failed to lift Agito off the ground. He was nerfed. Would he have lost anyway? Yeah, probably.
Stop calling everyone a Juliusfag. These fights are all stupid. The last decent match was Masaki v. Jurota.
You are either being disingenous or are legitimately retarded. If you don't realize that Jullius and Waka are far above the rest of the cast when it comes to physical strength, they you haven't read the actual manga. Everyone's ankles can get snapped.
you guys know what would have saved the fight? If when Julius grabbed Kanoh just that was enough to seriously damage his shoulder leaving Kanoh with a limp arm.
With everything else being the same just that would have been enough to sell Julius' dangerousness
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>Reminder that a "shitty guihun" turned Lu tian (Agito's build) into someone comparable to Julius
A "shitty guihun" is never even explained what that would entail and Agito blocked Lu Tian's hits easily and then mogged him in nearly an instant. Lu Tian also had at least 96% guihun.
>He would get his arm destroyed
>turning bone into sawdust by closing one's hand
Against someone massively massively weaker in terms of bones, thickness, muscle, build and absolutely everything else I could say, than Agito. Do not compare Sawada to Agito.
Pray tell how big you think the difference is? Five times? Ten times?
I'm starting to think Julius could actually beat Kuroki.
Kuroki isnt fast enough to dodge, or strong enough to match him, he would have to end it with one very well placed devil lance
Could he parry him tho?

not a julius fag btw
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You don't read Kengan so why are you here?
Terminator lost
Shark lost
Omega feels like it's just a Wakatsuki humiliation ritual
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I love her
you're the one who should stop with the comparisons. acting like Agito did to Waka what Julius did to Sawada because you're this desperate to defend Omega
He mogged a man who was in the process of turning himself into a cripple, the guy already had brain damage when Agito knocked him out as he was acting like an ape on crack
The point is that if Raian can rip Alan in two, Julius should be able to do the same to Agito
and Julius lost.
But you wouldn't call the terminator or the shark weak because they didn't manage to hit the main character.

In fact their sense of danger comes from that. You could riddle Termie with bullets and he keeps goingbut just needs to hit you once to terminate you
>All those talks about looking forward to this fight
>now a cesspool of seething and arguments when it ends
you are all Tsundere for Sandro, are you guys?
>At least
At most, why does everyone forget that the 96% guihun gave him permanent nerve damage? he could do it safely at 74%. How they knew these numbers or how Lu manually regulated it (somehow everyone can???) I don't know.
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I don't remember making these posts, but then again, I suppose we're all "me" here.
>Against someone massively massively weaker in terms of bones, thickness, muscle, build and absolutely everything else I could say, than Agito. Do not compare Sawada to Agito.
More or less equal in terms of bones. Your ankle isn't exactly covered by thick muscles, that's why it was implied Agito attacked it, because it was one of the areas he could hurt Waka.
Leave your faggotry out of other manga.
Lu Tian would obliterate Julius.
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Lu Tian wasn't going 96% in that page. He was still in the seventies, and he was far, FAR stronger than Agito, who couldn't do any damage with strikes and simply fought with more finesse. Once Lu Tian broke his brain and went 96%, that's when Agito stopped taking hits and pieced him up
>he says this in the thread that constantly talks about other martial arts manga
welcome, “me”
Wha killed the hype? That was the closest fight in ages, and yet people are seething.
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>Pray tell how big you think the difference is? Five times? Ten times?
Probably 10 times or so. Agito could probably maybe curl 50kgs with one hand, which is pretty exceptional irl, and we know Julius can curl 540kgs with one arm. Probably more since he's gained 5kgs since this feat.
Talking about them is one thing, injecting your faggotry into it is another.
I will allow "You've got it all wrong" edits when a character actually says the line.
Yeah this fight was razor thick and the razor was pretty thick
>That was the closest fight in ages
Yeah okay Sandro, I'll pretend that the fight was really even if you have Ramon kill Hiraku onscreen next week.
>He thinks I am defending Omega
No, I am simply telling musclejobbers that their precious big boy with no balls isn't anywhere near as strong relative to the cast as they think. Julius factually can not beat Agito in one punch and Agito could have blocked his hits just fine, as an entire fight from Gaolang and beyond slammed hard down onto the concrete with his head by Okubo can attest.
"FAR stronger" yet not by the amount that he couldn't block as he is clearly blocking all of his moves with no issue.
>Couldn't do any damage with strikes
>Beats him with one strike
>That was the closest fight in ages
Is this a shitpost?
He gets "stronger" and due to Sandro booking him as the muscle guy he can't get any real techniques unless he copes super hard and claims random shit suddenly art techniques or something. Then Sandro feeds some random A-tier guy at him to make Julius look good
you're only exposing your own ignorance and idiotic spite. there is a whale in between Agito and Julius in strength and I have no idea why you're so eager to say otherwise
Cope harder, juliuscel. Max output Lu Tian is physically stronger than Julius.
Waka has never lost a fight onscreen
>Talking about them is one thing, injecting your faggotry into it is another.
This is a literal nothing statement.
For me? It's

Koga immediately reverses the alleged "advantage" Ryuki has in a handful of exchanges, while the narrative tries to pretend Ryuki is only just getting started. "You were awesome, Ryuki" he'll say, ducking him as Ryuki uses Earth-Crouching Dragon for the 20th time that night. "Definitely one of the top 5 opponents I've faced, for sure" he'll add, using his Niko bullshit to flip him on his ass. "Damn, this was a close fight. Almost as close as when I fought Xia Ji. But now...it's all over" he'll finally say as Ryuki stands up with a broken arm, a fractured skull, a missing eyeball and starts rambling that he's stronger than ever now that his killing intent is maximum. He sticks out his tongue, makes a crazy smile while beating his chest like an angry gorilla and tears off his shirt as he screams that he's the only Omega that we need-and pulls out a knife Setsuna slipped him before the match. Only for Koga to shout "FIST EYE ACTIVATE" he'll shout, as he activates the Sharingan and traps Ryuki in a genjutsu that baits us all by tricking us into believing Ryuki actually won and tore out Koga's throat for another week, only for it to have been a fake premonition ending with Ryuki Demonsbane'd so hard he's stuck in a Ryuki-shaped crater in the opposite wall.

And then to add insult to injury, instead of finishing him off Koga will start crying and hug him telling him he'll never leave him alone again and all of Ryuki's killing intent will drain away as he starts crying too. And the audience just goes wild, especially the fujos, as the two half-naked boys clutch each other while soaked in their own fluids. And Ohma nods to himself while saying "Koga, you truly showed me your resolve and tenacity out there today. Damn, I wish I was you"

And Setsuna just despawns from embarrassment.
I assume so. Everyone last week was predicting exactly this outcome.
Let's be real. That was a good outcome for Juliusgods. If we won against Agito, we would be humbled by Lolong.
Why do you think that? The manga even tells us it was extremely close.
You're so surrounded by faggotry that you can't even see what you're doing, your faggotry forest is a disease to humble manga, don't plant your faggy trees near them.
>clearly blocking all of his moves with no issue
Agito looks like he is constipated, despite blocking his head still got flung back. He is having issues here
The manga said it was a razors edge except the razor is huge, that clearly means it wasn't close at all.
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>Agito fucks up Waka's ankle
>Waka wants a runback
>Julius rips half of his face off
>Ohma off-screens him
>Kuroki beats him to defeating Agito
>Fei plays with him like a toy before suiciding
>Xia Ji and Willem steal his gimmick and make it a joke
>Agito loses AGAIN, this time to Jurota, before Waka can rematch him
>Waka is cucked out of a spot in the current tournament and is only around to make reaction faces
>Agito blows out one of Waka's most difficult opponents with minimum damage
We'll reach total Wakasuki death when a third character (Lolong) beats his longtime rival before he gets another crack at him.
>faggot faggot fagotty faggot faggotry
You're trying way too hard "me" but don't worry. Lurk a couple years and you'll fit in in no time
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The problem isn't the lack of "techniques" honestly, it's the lack of experience, battle IQ, and knowing what move to use at the right time. Kinda like with Okubo, who narratively was said doesn't need any fancy techniques, he's just really good at the basics and switching between strikes, throws and holds.

That's really just what Julius needs in addition to pre-initiative, and it seems to be what Julius was improving at when "climbing the wall" during this fight. Julius doesn't need Rakshashas Palm, Redirection Kata or Formless, he just needs to get better at the basic stuff and get experience.
I'm just calling it as I see it gay boy.
>Fei was so strong because he met Shen and got the passive principles buff
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>Kanoh barely gets touched
>Julius lands zero clean blows
>Kanoh gets slightly tired
>end of the fight
Don't fucking insult me Sandro you BITCH.
Fei's built different, didn't you read his fight?
Bros, I just realized something. Due to the tournament structure, one of the fighters in the final isn't scaling. In theory, either Agito or Shoshort will fight a shitty unscaled fighter.
They never actually met
Agito looks like he's dying over there and getting ragdolled about and that's just Lu Tian with Removal in the 70s, not the 90s when Yamashita conjectured that he was as powerful as Julius, which is most certainly wrong when compared to the greater context we're provided
It was a very big razor anon, please understandu
Why musclebros always job in fighting mangas
Their speed is inferior, please understand...
>Julius lost
I was right to drop this series and keep it dropped
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I love Sandro's even fights.
Because no one is impressed when the smaller guy loses.
At least Yumi made him bleed, he made him work for it.
when is this retard ever going to fight again
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What's the plan here? He can't just commit murder before a match begins. How's he going to get away with it? Even worse Ramon is at full health, Terashi was smart enough to wait until Nicolas was in the hospital.
What an unbelievably thin yet thick razor
you really like this image
Never? He is fraudfang, wasn't even choosen for filler tournment.
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>He can't just commit murder before a match begins.
Yeah what the fuck why did he wait until after he got his ass beat and before the other guy had his fight to try and assassinate him, this guy's a fucking retard.
Lolong already has SIlat covered so there's no real point.
"Big dudes win because they won the genetic lottery" is not a pleasant message that most stories want to share. Techniques are universal in that anyone can train in them, if techniques are superior to strength, suddenly everyone has potential to be a winner. Its twink cope
Still confuses me why he got Silat as well when there's a bunch of other things to use.
>Would you be so kind to let me kill you?
>Ok, bye.
B-b-b-b-but it was a different Silat!
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This is the thread where we laugh at Juliuskeks
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How thick was the razor here?
It's a misdirection to make people with your thought process think he didn't do it.
To be fair, his head did get suplexed into concrete by a big black man about 10 minutes ago in universe. He is probably not mentally well
That's not fair.
Julius only lost because Agito dodged punches like a complete coward.
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Sandro betrayed his own idea.
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Fei didn't meet him, he might have realized what was going on if he did. Tiger controlled him by gaslighting him into believing he was the Tiger Vessel and that he was important and special because of that. Fei coming into contact with Shen is an unnecessary risk because Fei needed to be kept in the dark as a guinea pig about the whole brain transfer plan. If Fei ever realized that he was a meaningless test subject or a potential brainjack host he runs the fuck away or starts trying to kill the worm.
Why does Rei look like a tranny?
he was too strong
that's why he lost
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But Fei realized at the last minute who Ohma had to have been cloned from.
This is an Asura moment I'm confident in saying is on the level of an Omega moment, build up a unique fighter with a really interesting reveal just to make Sasuke look super strong. At least the big bearded man royally broke him.
Lets not pretend dudes like Kuroki, Agito, and Jurota aren't also winning the genetic lottery on top of having insane martial arts talent as well. It's just that musclefags are one-note good for their obligated thrashing of ANOTHER equally muscly dude or opening by killing some random twink to "set the tone" but they'll never be able to take on an actual main eventer
prolonged exposure to Rino’s estrogen aura
Justify why a supposed intellectual like Julius would be averse to using techniques.
Raian coping with the fact that he clearly lost this fight by a 2 mile razor is sad
It's more like he's against using fancy overly technical techniques. He obviously can throw a punch or kick in an efficient way, but the thinks his overwhelming strength is a better way to focus his time on, rather than practicing said techniques.
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It comes from the heart. The first type of strength most people want is pure power, they only cope with techniques when they find that their raw power is limited. Julius does not betray his initial ideal and in a sense, he is right. If you put Nappa in the kengan tournament, their techniques really wouldnt matter
my boy was done dirty. sandro insists on making him a colossal jobber.
>loses in a flashback, whatever
>survives getting his skull used as a concrete excavation tool, comes back and wins
>his one single present-day loss is to the literal main character's plot armor
>Fei can't beat him despite going super saiyan
>Xia Ji and Willem establish that he's not just being carried by his gimmick
>Waka is too honest to pretend to not be a Kengan fighter just to get a spot in some random tournament
We'll reach total Wakatsuki domination in KAT 2, trust the plan.
Wakatsuki will face Raian in the first round and get physically overpowered and tanking every hit with only minor bleeding to show how much STRONGER Raian has become as he has finally surpassed Erioh in his prime.
>no-diffs sawada
>barely loses to waka
>low-diffs toa
>loses to Agito aka one of sandro's favorite characters
his record is better than most.
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Okay... Loser's bracked fight. Both showed all they got...

Who would win Julius or Jurota?
It's okay though, because afterwards, Raian will grin as he turns away from Waka's cratered face and say "Wakatsuki Takeshi... I'd wager you have the strongest muscles in the world"
at this rate? Jurota.
Jurota is the hardest counter to Julius on the planet. Mr "Im weak to redirection" going up against THE redirection man does not bode well
Jurota takes more advice from his Masaki tulpa and throws Julius skyward
Jurota, especially after this fight destroyed the headcanon that Gott Totter is magically immune to redirection.
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To those tho think Julius really really should have won. Why? Why would you want to prop up a two bit meathead up to the top who actively refuses to do anything but unga bunga?
Julius is more pure in heart. That should matter more than Agito being a Sanro's princess.
>Julius comes back looking like 100% Toguro
Julius, he counters Jurota hard.
because Julius deserves better
The only "pure" thing here is his stupidity.
Julius work so much harder.
>Lifts some weights
>Vs a gu ritual and Metsudo's military slave training
Julius is cooler and overwhelming strength beats gay ass mystical kung fu any day of the week irl.
It's all about the volume
>And Setsuna just despawns from embarrassment.
More like he despawns from Koga's friendship curing Ryuki's schizophrenia
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Does Toa realistically have a chance of beating Agito?
>Jurota dedicates himself to one thing
>this makes him strong
>Julius dedicates himself to one thing
I'll never understand Sandro.
with the way sandro favors magic kung fu over colossal powerhouses: no
Unga bunga is more entertaining than the bullshittery that Formless and similar concepts have become in this manga
Toa's too busy beating his wife.
Proof? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_plQnUT92bo
Where's the strength? I'm only seeing flab.
>Incredibly linear and repetitive way of fighting good
>Flexible and multiple different ways kind of fighting bad
Do you enjoy lying to yourself? Waka vs Julius is the only good Julius fight and it's entirely because Waka is effectively another Julius but less shit.
Of course, if he lost it would surely be by a razor thin margin.
> Incredibly linear and repetitive way of fighting good
And yet Jurota/Kuroki are praised for just spamming swing/lance.
>Flexible and multiple different ways kind of fighting bad
Except that's not what Sandro brand fights have been in years. It's just fighter X spamming his gimmick until fighter Y howevers with his own in an even more repetitive showing than a standard slugfest.
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power moves are just cool, bro
I mean, Agito does turn into water but that's basically all he does nowadays.
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Why didn't Julius do this to Agito when he got close?
Didn't you read the fight? He couldn't even lift agito.
No? Kuroki being reduced to devil lance spam in the Shen fight was pretty well criticized, and he didn't do that before. Likewise, Jurota's choreography gets criticism for how it's blatantly a way for Sandro/Daro to get around drawing actual judo moves or grappling.
Jurota (No Schizophrenia) would destroy Julius.
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>I mean, Agito does turn into water but that's basically all he does nowadays.
>He couldn't even lift agito.
that's some serious bullshit
That's a tall fat guy, not a strongman

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fuckin lmao
It is, yet here we are.
If he went into a bit of detail like he did with Naidan then maybe I'd accept it, but as it stands the context is literally just that he wasn't able to lift Agito.
In this fight alone Agito has done far more than that and even produced another technique where he practically ATATATA's with his one hand flicker jabbing like he's Mashiba from Ippo. This meme about Agito doing only one thing is forced.
>he... PUNCHED!?
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>Wakeks is a clown
>Cucklius jobbed to techniques
ENTER: The queen of muscles! The Unga Bunga Empress! The duchess of retardation! The Apsara of Violence!
Sena Riko! The new face of Musclefaggotry!
She already lost to chink wank techniques. Though at least she didn't get KO'd from it I suppose.
If Raian didn't use his techniques..... there's no telling how this match would go!
Sometimes it takes a REAL WOMAN to do a mans job
To be fair the winner would've been a muscle queen either way, her opponent fought fucking bears.
Sandro admitted Lolong was made up on the fly. He was supposed to get destroyed by Ohma in a couple strikes at most, it says so in the character page. He's just an aftertought that has been shilled into an actual character only after he got humiliated in his purgatory match.
Have you even seen that Asterix movie where the dwarf judoka just flings and slams Obelix six gorillion times until the later just gives up? That's the fight, arguably even shorter since I doubt even a behemoth like Julius can tank more than 6 throws in a row.
>He was supposed to get destroyed by Ohma in a couple strikes at most, it says so in the character page
The meltdown from this would have been one for the ages.
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There is ZERO reason why animals CAN'T fight in Kengan matches. There is NO reason why someone can't find a grizzly bear with superman syndrome to fight in matches for them.
It would have been quite funny to be honest. Instead he still got humiliated badly, but held his own enough so Sandro's cope about him being on par with Ohma and Raian could get shoehorned and a big retarded portion of the fanbase could get behind it.
So what do Japanese readers think of this retarded tournament arc so far?
That was proto-Lolong, it's a bit disingenous to directly compare what we know of him and what his character is now to that.
His original character was literally just supposed to be a 'parody' black haired chungus stereotypical young fighting manga MC who practiced some weird martial art then Daro produced a random draft of some white looking guy with a cocky smile. It spiralled from there when Sandro wrote Lolong to be sitting the entire time looking like a prophet
Nah, the Lolong we got was entirely different from Sandro's plan from the beginning. Sandro told Daro to draw a Genki young character (so he could get one shot by ohma), Daro drew 40 year old grizzly lolong so sandro changed his character entirely
His personality would have likely been completely different so it wouldnt be as funny
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fucking kek
Can someone edit that text about razor thin shit here please
I do think it's funny that you can see people arguing about the usage of AI in pro/anti factions on /a/ but they're talking about it in future terms or relating to manga translations but Kengan is probably the biggest boon you can give to the anti-faction even if you can probably mostly attribute it to Daro being a checked out faggot
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What a good set of threads. Haven't seen "this level" of seethe in a while. Not enough vagueposting.
>Sees some kid in the TV
>Gets a murderboner thinking about him
>Fucks off to the woods for like 2 decades
>Comes back and kinda just gives up looking for said kid
>Manages to fight him
>Gets soccer kicked thrice and beaten with hammerfists
>Hasn't even been properly thrown I think
>He's happy about this
Jurota has such a funny story arc.
It would validate a philosophy that is totally unique in the setting, and a very refreshing one, might makes right, strength over all.
Now have him fight Brian Shaw
She's the same as Julius where she can only fight against other roid monsters, jobbing against technique users.
But Toa has magic kung fu as well
God all this pretentious limit breaking shit is so fucking retarded. it's basically just a reason to say screw relative prior strength everyone can be on the same relative playing field and even as strong as beard if we say so
why does he do the meme intro boxes on main characters? Is it just a way to get out of drawing 1/80th of the page?
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Yes because Julius almost touched kanoh and if he had touched kanohnhe would have won
Not really. Yuzuha couldn't properly damage Riko enough and was forced to abuse Valkyria rules.
>Manages to fight his clone who is pretty much nothing like the original
>Got thrown once
>Proceeds to develop that clone as a tulpa for some reason somehow
>loses to Gaolong
He really did, huh?
My big question is what Sandro thinks his readerbase will think
She's gonna job to the new psycho, you know that?
>chapter 17
That looks like a van...
Lifting a japanese truck/van is honestly underwhelming desu. IRL strongmen can already do that.
>Koizan? Raian? (one one brawling)
>Mokichi? (the reader)
>villain surviving her first fight
She's going to try to kill Nozomi out of jealousy of how close she and Hina are and get completely humiliated, then kill herself while trying to force herself out of a lock or something.
Was Gaolang originally supposed to be obese?
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Post other manga written by Sandro
Jobius lost?
How shocking.
I think the one at the waterfall is actually Takemoto Hisayasu. The white at the top of his head seems to imply baldness and he has the same hair length only down the back.
He was supposed to look like a generic Thai mook at first and since he's a heavy weight box he was probably also going to be on the bigger side.
Where is the lie?
I want to write a fighting manga where the following things are jobber flags
>Being smaller
>Being weaker
>Using martial arts techniques more complicated than "Kick his ass"
this is an ascended meme, holy shit
>4 howevers in inventory
You don't write nor do you want to write truthfully. You just want to get one over Sandro because of the seething he caused you.
Is there a single character in this manga Baki wouldn't tolerate?
Baki's a very kind man, I don't see why he wouldn't tolerate any of them.
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>if you can't describe your technique in 3 words or less it's a bullshit technique
>Provoking the tier list fag to make a list
Yumigahama after he steals the demon back.
Baki's a weirdo who can get along with pretty much anyone no matter what. He wouldn't even dislike Raian.
Baki's very tolerant really.
>Using martial arts techniques more complicated than "Kick his ass"
But all techniques are with that goal in mind. What the fuck are you talking about?
He is but I feel like the sheer morality bullshit of the Kenganvengers would irk him at least.
>Sees them basically performing a cartel execution on Xia Ji
I think Baki would straight up turn on the Kengan side just after seeing the shit they've subjected all those poor Worms to
>born a day after hitler
The four idiots for being tryhards
>a cartel execution
Speaking of the cartel execution, anyone else annoyed how it hasn't been brought up a single time after he recovered?
Did Koga win?
Who is the one reading, one under waterfall and one bearing people?
By a razor thin margin it seems.
We still don't know whether he won on his own or if the bodyguards finished up.
The only flaw here is that in Sandro's Dragonball, Vegeta wouldn't be alive to say this.
Raditz would have been killed by baby Gohan with one hit as Goku lay injured talking about how Gohan was going to surpass him in his prime, then Raditz would talk about how this was just the start of a planet-wide party on his deathbed.
Vegeta and Nappa would "arrive", and Nappa would take on everybody initially only to be killed by Chiaotzu's sacrifice(but he survived anyway). Vegeta would strip out of his armor into black jobbing pants and declare that the others were worthless, and he's the only "ruler" the Saiyans need and pummel everybody for 3 chapters straight but yet somehow not be able to cause more than light scuff marks on everyone. Goku would show up to fight him, after which Vegeta would be enraged by a fossil like him putting up a fight and unleash Saiyan Royal Family Secret Technique: Planet Vegeta Tenfold Ape Destruction Fist only for it to not hurt Goku. Goku would retaliate with a Kamehameha that completely vaporized Vegeta and muse "Thank you, Vegeta... you've shown me a level of power beyond anything I'd ever known... you were incredible, I'll become even stronger thanks to you."
There would of course be no need to revive anybody or go to Namek to try and find new Dragon Balls, but King Kai would inform everybody that Guru was hosting a tournament there to decide the strongest in the galaxy.
I hate it because it's realistic
Baki wouldn't care about those sorts of things, the weak get wiped out is the name of the game there.
>then Raditz would talk about how this was just the start of a planet-wide party on his deathbed.
He already did that, complete with a "Heh, I was always the weakest among us"
Cope more, size and strength > magical unrealistic wushu techniques.
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Hassad soon.
>size and strength > magical unrealistic wushu techniques.
Post examples in sports. Also elaborate on what you mean by "magical unrealistic wushu techniques" in the context of real life.
Julius LOST btw
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This is misunderstanding the reason why people dislike the concept.
It's not that people don't understand it, the fundamental issue is that it feels like a forced rubberbanding mechanic to give everybody buffs, because Sandro made Shen ridiculously powerful when he didn't need to. It's essentially what everybody was fearing when Principles was introduced - namely, that all relevant characters are going to have to learn it and use it. If everybody was learning the Niko Style it'd essentially be working from the same foundation of needless powercreep.
Does anybody here have the Kuroki Schizo image on hand? (pretty please)
No need to project unto me, ywnbaw.
>>All those talks about looking forward to this fight
A good chunk of people were more so looking forward to the shitposting material the fight might generate, but apparently even that was raising expectations "too high".
In hindsight? Yeah, it's silly that people held out so much hope for this tournament simply going by Sandro's current track record of writing fights. Pre-50 Omega, Kengan vs Purgatory and Xia Ji getting hunted down for his cartel not-execution was probably the most fun Omega has ever been.
>This is misunderstanding the reason why people dislike the concept.
Nah, you're coping. The majority of the people in the thread disliked it because they legitimately couldn't understand the hypothetical. There were people unironically saying
>there's a mountain
>but imagine if there was a bigger one
There was going to be a meltdown regardless of the outcome. It would have been embarrassing for Agito to lose onscreen twice in a row. People were already calling his loss against Jurota bullshit.
Meanwhile Julius have gassed him up as being literally invincible since Asura, even though he wasn’t, and keep trying to argue realism in a manga that has been about magical martial arts bullshit since the very beginning.
Between the two, the Juliusfag meltdown is more entertaining. He didn’t just lose; he got absolutely destroyed. I’d say this is going to finally humble them but I know they’re just going to keep coping and seething in every thread from now on.
People just wanted a good fight.
People were calling BS on Agito’s loss to Jurota because it was underwhelming and didn’t feel like a fight between two fighters of that caliber
Julius’s performance was by all means a complete letdown and the power creep element was only enjoyed by people who like power levels
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You ask the impossible, my friend. "We" left good fights behind long ago.
Then what are your personal thoughts on that inclusion, if you don't contest the statements about it being forced rubberbanding? Just to clarify.
>>there's a mountain
>>but imagine if there was a bigger one
I saw more complaints about the concept of someone giving up mountain climbing after they reached the highest peak, less so about Shen himself. But there's nothing wrong with making fun of it, the way Sandro worded it IS pretty goofy. It reads almost like an AI wrote it, Yan at the bottom of the page rephrasing what the narrator said didn't help matters.
If we're dragging the conversation back to Kuroki being the mountain, I have to disagree that Kuroki was a smaller mountain. I think it's pretty clear Sandro is trying to protect Kuroki's dignity and that we're supposed to believe Kuroki is close to Shen, they're just not fighting because the plot would end. Shen held back against Mukaku too, and Mukaku just got stomped anticlimactically even though he's already fought Shen three times, and somehow never scaled. It's something he wrote up on the spot to justify Agito getting a power-up.
Pretty much more show-don't-tell
I always saw Baki as the story of a young man completely losing his humanity and giving himself over to fight autism
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>Shen held back against Mukaku too, and Mukaku just got stomped anticlimactically even though he's already fought Shen three times, and somehow never scaled. It's something he wrote up on the spot to justify Agito getting a power-up.
"Uhhhh, Mukaku never scaled because unlike a noble Kenganvenger like Agito, he was always a scumbag who held onto grudges about silly little things like his entire family being slaughtered in front of him. He had no faith in martial arts and lacked a "warrior's spirit" despite fighting in the inside for decades upon decades until he was covered in scars and developing multiple martial arts on his own. Wasn't he just awful?" - Sandro probably
He made most of his human connections through fighting. He wouldn't have even met Kozue or Hanayama without it. He fixed his relationship with his dad through fighting. It's less so that he lost his humanity and more so that it's all he knows and the most reliable way he has to express his feelings
Looking forward to chapter 990 revealing everything past this was just Koga's near death delirium
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Why is Sandro like this.
Is there any explanation behind why he makes the absurd narrative choices he does?
If we're talking purely about the mountain hypothetical and not about rubber banding, it's perfectly fine. If you notice it doesn't say that they stop climbing just that they don't train to climb something larger because nothing larger exists Hell, if there are some at the peak they may even get bored (though that only seems to apply to Shen). If they did find a larger mountain then they would be excited for it and work to climb it.
Basically everyone in this manga is like Koga/Ohma and are in this to be the strongest, knowing there's a new peak would either give them that urgency of being further behind than they thought (a la rubber banding), something that encouraged Koga when he beat Orca, or it would just give them a new obtainable goal.
>It's something he wrote up on the spot to justify Agito getting a power-up.
This entire tournament arc is to somehow create fighters capable of fighting Shen. It does make sense in the grand scheme of things. Maybe not with round 2's fighters, but still.
Besides there's no need to justify Agito getting a power-up, evolving as a fighter is supposed to be his gimmick.
That's tragic
>Besides there's no need to justify Agito getting a power-up, evolving as a fighter is supposed to be his gimmick.
you forgot that Julius, Justin, Lolong, Okubo, etc are all in for the ride. they are Yan's "brethren". in for a penny in for a power creep. in for a pile of shit.
Everyone in Omega went through extreme character assassination during and post-purgatory
Including Ohma, who might have the worst character assassination I've ever seen in a Kengan character
That metaphor is made fun off the same way the "razor-thin line, but it's a thick razor" metaphor in this chapter is made fun of. It's just a shoddily-constructed metaphor. Mountains can be easily measured regardless if you do mountain-climbing, and the differences between one mountain and another can be obvious from a glance.
A better analogy would have been about dipping in an ocean and realising it was much deeper than you thought looking at it from the beach. In the same way a fighter can't tell the difference between Rei and Kuroki if they're a C-List Purgatory Gladiator, by going "deeper in the water" - i.e devoting more to fighting and getting stronger - you realise how much of a gap there is that you couldn't comprehend before. Again, for mountains, it is obvious from afar - i.e from a casual standpoint - which is taller, which doesn't work.
>Besides there's no need to justify Agito getting a power-up, evolving as a fighter is supposed to be his gimmick.
Yet the justification is there regardless. Formless has been character assassinated away from being about evolution, it's just Agito turning into water now.
And the metaphor is applying to much more than just Agito. It applies to Julius and other participants in this tournament, and people who aren't like Koga and Ryuki and Ohma.
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Post your favourite vagueposts
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The Purgatory gladiators were so clearly being written on the spot its painful.
Remember when Terashi was supposed to be someone we knew, but in the end turned out to be someone else entirely?
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>A better analogy would have been about dipping in an ocean and realising it was much deeper than you thought
You mean like this?
Yup, basically just Kure Clan: Copy how Shuumatsu no Valkyrie did it. Kinda miss posting in the early threads of that.
The one reading is Muteba
The razor-thin razor-thick metaphor is made fun of because it's directly contradictory.
If it was razor thin then it was very close.
If it was a thick razor then it wasn't close at all, so why did they just say it was close?
he touched him multiple times though
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wait isn't this literally the move katsumi uses in baki but he does it as a staged kick?
I have "scaled" the "mountain" and "arrived" at the "summit" by getting the "timing" right with my "thick razor".
Speaking of Muteba it's such a shame he's guaranteed to get no more fights. He had no specific style, just the basics (of which he was good at), high strength and anything goes killing moves or anything else that would destabilize his opponent. He went for deadly force with no qualms of maiming his opponent permanently and enjoyed "the thrill of the hunt" as he would put it against Wakatsuki. He can't fit into the Chungus metagame of Omega now and he's been turned into a punchline with his "I surrender!" antics against Shen.
Yeah, the contradiction is clearer than with the mountain analogy. My point was that both misunderstand something key. Didn't intend to state otherwise, my bad.
julius fans now feeling the same pain us okubo fans felt with the out of character retarded fight shit
fuck sandrovich
>Golden Eight Seconds is Okubo holding his breath for eight seconds
>meanwhile in Asura Ohma was shadow-boxing underwater for around half an hour
Muteba can never fight again after the arc of Koga and Kazuo clutching their pearls whenever Ryuki dared to do any kind of remotely dangerous move in their wholesome underground bloodsport promotion.
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How do I defeat magic kung fu?
Grab them and squeeze.
Figure out formless gains a form when attacking, then punch his first.
That wasn't a compatibility thing. Jurota was deliberately handicapping himself and he said as much.
At least something good came out of this chapter.
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Nope, Juliussissies are NOT invited to the Okubro table. Julius was 100% in character throughout that fight and pulled similar tactics to when he fought Wakatsuki. Your musclecuck just fucking jobbed and that's that.
Brock Lesnar would destroy everyone not in his weight class with his sheer physical stats alone, no one would even come close, especially some chink with his kungfluke
Yeah that golden eight seconds was fucking retarded, he's supposed to be the switch-up guy who combines fundamentals well, not a striker.
I'm still seething at the fact that okubo, the guy who was a literal wrestler couldn't block a DDT

You just have to fucking MM! them. You know what I mean? Wait until they begin making a stance and just fucking MMMM!
In this era of gimmicks, being well rounded and adaptable means nothing. Even Agito’s adaptability is only given lip service while he spams “dragon X” attacks. If you didn’t have a gimmick, you don’t have a chance.
>I think the Julius vs Agito result was partly a compatibility thing honestly
I agree in the most literal sense. Agito and Jurota are definitely his hard counters in this bracket. While I don't think he'd beat Gaolang or Lolong in the end, he'd at least have a chance and would put up a decent struggle.
you need to start naming your moves, bro
If America wasn't full of pussies and Brock was allowed to be 300 pounds when he fought I really don't know who could beat him before diverticulitis strikes
I'm talking about returning Ashura characters
So you're saying he'd defeat MMA champions that use karate? With his record of 5-3?
Agito's "evolution" gimmick really died after his fight with Gaolang, he's basically been "generic martial arts man" since the Hatsumi fight
Not really. It's more that everyone as just become either one of the following
It really did, didn't it?
How do "we" get the timing right?
Julius is a dumb character with a dumb gimmick. The whole concept of 'strength' and 'technique' being mutually exclusive is retarded.

In the first place, it's impossible to fight without using any technique. Punching someone in the face is a technique. Bear hugs are a technique. Feinting, like what Julius did in this fight, is a technique.

It's not like Julius is suppose to be a moron who makes up for his shitty technique with pure strength. He's constantly shown to be an intelligent fighter, and we're told he's a genius who has studied both both physics and physiology to maximize his strength. And yet somehow employing clever tactics and efficiently moving your body doesn't count as using technique.

Yes, this fight sucked, but not because Julius should have won. It sucks because all Julius fights suck. Because Julius, himself, sucks.
yes? He beat Frank Mir a heavyweight submissions specialist by basically stat checking him
Can you shut up about "ATATATATA"
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Technique is the application of power learned to defeat an enemy stronger than yourself, his goal is to be so strong that technique is irrelevant.
He really is just a worse Wakatsuki. Maybe Wakatsuki really should have been in his place, or maybe not so Waka fans are spared yet another humilation ritual.
What would Waka have done differently? He still would've missed everything.
That's the thing, it's better for Wakatsuki to be there on principle for his status but if he was he'd just inevitably look like a joke so maybe not.
Wakatsuki should've fought Gaolang. I'm genuinely curious how Sandro would write that
it would just be a shittier version of Gaolang vs Agito except this one ends in a curbstomp for Gaolang cause Waka is simply outclassed in terms of pre initiative
Liver shot. Liver shot. Liver shot. Liver shot.
I was wondering how Gaolang would fight Julius myself. A good (though maybe "too strong") upgrade for Gaolang would involve all of his fits being the strength of the God Glow or greater.
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What did Hatsumi mean by this?
Gaolang spends two chapters hammering on Wakatsuki like a sandbag as he endures to try and find the chance to land "that strike" as a counter, because he knows he can allow himself to endure the ordinary hits as long as Gaolang doesn't use "that other strike". He counterattacks a few times and lands direct hits on Gaolang's guard, but it doesn't hurt him besides Gaolang wincing a little and his forearms getting scuffed up a bit.
After another chapter or so of this, Sandro gets bored and declares that "the endgame" has "begun" and that neither of them can keep going any longer even though a page ago they seemed fine. Waka tries to use blast core, but Gaolang dodges, only for it to have been a feint for the real blast core, but Gaolang's dodge was a feint for god glow which in itself was a feint for his new move, the God Knee, that implodes Waka's entire jaw as Gaolang mutters about how close that was and how he's never felt such raw tension even against Agito.
Could Hatsumi beat Julius? He did beat Waka after all.
>forgetting about the "infection" and "scaling the new mountain"
he realized waka was blind on that side
Extreme German Precisioning. Julius would've won had any of his hits not fucking miss
well he did flip Bando up at least 10 feet into the air and made him do a 180 using only his arm so probably?
>Wakatsuki stacks a Blast Core on top of a roundhouse kick to the liver
>Still can't rupture Gaolang's liver because "the infection has spread"
Hafthor Bjornsson would annihilate Connor McGregor or Logan Paul any day of the week.
>Gaolang gets the "infection" and defeats Waka"s new "Demon Core" with his new "JRPG Protag Glow"
Insane how Riko is 50kgs lighter than Agito desu.
Unironically yes because of “compatibility” and soft styles > hard styles.
He beat Waka like you said and it was implied that it wasn’t even a tough fight. He also put Seki on his ass with ease. He best Bando who was also a giant that was actively trying to kill him and had the ability to end the fight with one direct hit. He has no problem dealing with guys physically stronger and way bigger than him.
Someone is going to say that he “struggled” against Kaneda but to show that Kaneda’s Determinate Prediction allowed him to close the huge gap between him and other fighters. Sandro really wants to sell the idea that Kaneda is only held back by his weak body. Reminder that before that fight, Kaneda “beat” Ohma offscreen using Determinate Prediction, but no one in their right mind is going to argue that means he’s stronger than Ohma.
Hatsumi would do some magical Aikido bullshit and grab Julius’ pinky which would somehow nullify all his strength and then flip him in the air as if he weighed nothing and drop him on his head.
delusion musclefags
powerlifting has nothing to do with fighting ability
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I don't doubt he would do well. I love to bring up Karelin, being 130kg or over is a massive advantage over most but it alone is not all there is to it.
Speaking of which, would the 5'7 over 400 pound Louis Cyr from the 1890's do good in combat sports? Pic related was the kind of feats he could perform.
Hafthor is a world class strongman as well as a powerlifter. That takes more than just static strength. He happens to be 6'9'' and peaked at well over 400 pounds, that's a different animal right there
Total weight doesn't determine strength alone either right? Otherwise it'd be no different from numerical power levels.
Could "I" have taken "him"
You are still too "non spreading"
Frame and height unironically matters. A really big heavyweight boxer could probably beat Hafthor, but if Hafthor got a hold of said person it would be a different story.

Louis Cyr would do good but not become a champion or anything.
Like body weight? It doesn't have a monopoly, but it does contribute greatly to absolute strength
I say let's teach him Judo and see what happens
A 5'7 400lb man would be obese as fuck
mass moves mass. a strongman with more mass but lower static strength may find it easier to flip tractor tires or get in a shoving match compared to a strongman who weighs less but has better static numbers
>400 lbs
those are superman syndrome numbers, instant jobber flag
>His recorded feats, including lifting 500 pounds (227 kg) (1/4 ton) with one finger and backlifting 4,337 pounds (1,967 kg) (2 tons), show Cyr to be, according to former International Federation of BodyBuilding and Fitness chairman Ben Weider as stated in 2000, the strongest man ever.
Seems I was off with numbers but he was 5'8 and 280-340 pounds.
>totally real numbers
Why would anyone believe such obvious horseshit?
Could he be on Naidan's level? Unfathomable...
It’s depressing how soft>hard in Kengan
>Waka somehow changes back to early KAT Ashura’s artstyle
>Everyone else feels weird looking at Waka
>Agito “Feels” a “Pressure”
>This just keeps getting louder
>Agito starts to see an imaginary tiger like Muteba did
>Waka, through sheer force of seething, has undone his meta nerfs
>If Shen is the infection, Waka’s immune system was stronger
Does Sandro have a Twitter?
No matter what nonsense you asshats type, you will never convince me that Hatsumi's bitch soft ass is going to beat Julius. Hatsumi has been phased out completely, he sucks. At least Shibukawa from Baki has many decades of experience and techniques to use in his repertoire but Hatsumi is limited. He is shit in conditioning and his strength is pathetic.

One good monster jab from Julius knocks him on his ass and rings his head and then gets stomped out for the finish. Hell, I would put my money on the sumo guy instead of Hatsumi.
Yeah, that's where he imparts important lore to us like how Lu Tian liked to eat ramen with his friends before Sandro lobotomized him into a sewer ape and then had him killed with a flashlight.
God, why did all of the Worms have genuinely sympathetic characterizations.
Name one dead Worm who was genuinely evil
I’m just going by the logic presented in the manga itself. I’m not saying it wouldn’t be bullshit. He dabbed on Waka, Seki, and Bando. All powerhouses that were much bigger than him and had the strength to end the fight in one good hit. And he had no problem flipping Bando in the air like a leaf. It would be another fight to wank off how soft styles beat hard styles.
That one worm in italy.
Xia Ji
Yeah right
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>I've caught up to you Agit-ACK
>Techniques are useless in the face of overwhelming stre-ACK
I can't remember the last time a character got shit on this hard. Waka is a joke these days but he had multiple on screen wins and there was a time when he was presented as "THE guy" with a lot of hype in-universe. Even in his fight against Fei where he got completely dogged on, he still managed to at least hit him a couple of times.
Julius got absolutely destroyed here without landing a single hit and his entire philosophy was shattered.
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>has anyone ever held out against a rush from kanoh agito for this long
I dunno, maybe Kuroki?
Kuroki was actively guarding against Agito's attacks. I think that was even the fight where he did that stupid looking stance where he put his knees together and held his arms in front of him in a weird way and everyone was like "IT'S ONE OF THE MOST BASIC KATAS BUT SUPER EFFECTIVE AND CAN SHAKE OFF ANY BLOW".
Julius was just getting straight pummeled here and would have been knocked out a lot earlier if not for his size.
I want to hope Waka comes back and remembers he knows Karate
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Yeah that was it.
To add credence to your claim even if it's just crossover jerking. Sandro fully believes that Hatsumi can flip Oliva and Goki can flip Julius so yeah
That’s not how it works Kuroki.
Fei obviously, for daring to use the advance while not being Ohma.
I don’t know what to do, man…
Remember when Xia Ji murdered his father then cried he wasn't given the position as head?
Keng/a/n doesn't remember.
Anon, who fucking cares if Xia murdered his father.
He’s still not anywhere near as despicable as Metsudo
They also forgot about his own attempted cartel execution from 4 years ago
Evil is evil and is on the move
He was banned from karate anon, he isn't allowed to sully their name with illegal behaviour.
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I genuinely don't know why Sandro dropped Waka so hard. And don't give me that "he's too strong to win" bullshit. It was established from his introduction that he lost to people before and that there's certain styles he struggles against. He was built up as an extremely strong fighter but still had a clear road for growth, and was humanized by things like how he admitted he got nervous before fights and has to go all from the start because he acknowledges that he could lose if he doesn't take his opponents seriously. There were plenty of ways to keep developing him. He had tons of great pages too.
Now he's just a reaction guy that gets surprised by everything even though he's one of the most veteran and experienced fighters.
>Evil is evil and is on the move
At last I truly see. Lolong is good because he sits.
He dropped the ball with all the genuinely likable characters.
Imagine an ideal reality where Sandro’s pets were the characters we actually cared about.
>Purg’s roster sans Lolong and Jurota
And so on
There are some genuine Xia simps who don't actually think he did anything wrong, but I think most people just see it as an example of the psychotic Kenganvenger morality where we're apparently supposed to cheer at the prospect of Himuro torturing him with a knife and see the latter as a noble hero rather than another fucked up underworld enforcer who just happens to be on our side.
>He doesn't like Jurota
>Launches himself 3 feet off the ground as an opener
>Straight up outpaces Ohma
>Out-fucking-played Muteba
>Ohma had to use Indestructible at full blast to not just die on the spot
>Ohma got most of his Niko shit negated
Fei is a genuinely confusing one.
With Naidan you can argue "Yeah he's a worm stooge, maybe he had a mission to kill himself" or some dumb shit, Fei had a ton of personality and had literally 0 reason to die, the only possible reason would be to reduce the character pool but there are so many non-characters who could take that place instead.
>character is clearly evil/an asshole
>"yeah but there's also assholes on the kengan side so that somehow makes them sympathetic and not that bad!"
Can't we just admit that this manga is full of morally terrible characters on both sides?
They didn't though, people complain just as much about Xia Ji being casually let go by literally everybody including the Worm, even though it's very likely he held a lot of important information. And even though we literally saw Himuro trying to torture him a few chapters ago. It's zigs and zags with no rhyme or reason.
>both sides
That's EXACTLY the problem.
Even then, the Worm itself is still conceptually more noble than the Kengan Association, because the Worm's current goal is to protect the world from Shen Wulong, while the Kengan Association's main goal is to make rich CEOs even richer.
Sure, as soon as Sandro does.
Reminder that the Westward Wu spent more time killing each other in a civil war than actually fighting the Kure Clan.
The Westward faction is STRONGER than ever for it, you fossil. Those other Westward Wu were the weakest among us, just dragging us down.
They didn't let Xia Ji walk out of the building still homeless. (Or maybe the did but) in a later chapter I can't be assed to find they mentioned he was their "worm informant" but that they "couldn't get good information from him" somehow.
Remember the Kure Clan trying to kill Kenzo for no discernible reason outside of Erioh wanting to get back at Ohma because Karla likes him, and accomplishing it by abusing police authority?
You could have just waited for them to scale to the stronger members, damn it.
All the talk of ideals in martial arts manga kind of irks me.
In Baki it’s all about ideals and philosophies and belonging in the world
In Kengan it’s about furthering your path and trying to aim for the top
I kinda want a fighter like Ghat from Zeno Clash who fights because he has beef with whoever he’s up against
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RIP Bozo
NikoGAWDS own this board
I hate this "go beyond the wall shit". Shen wasnt impressive because he was in another level, he was impressive because he can blow a wall with his fist and doesnt need to breath, not because he is just in "super fighter 2" mode.

Also like 20 chapters ago the supposedly source of his power was "move your feet 2 inches to the left and put your tongue against your 11th teeth just like so while punching".

This changed basically nothing about the fighters, we are told they "more awesome now" but its not like they are doing anything that they were not doing before, its like a fucking haki check.
I compared Shen to George Dillman
>Remember the Kure Clan trying to kill Kenzo for no discernible reason

Good god I remember that. I was introduced to Kengan through the anime so when it got to that part I was horribly confounded by the sudden switch up since Kenzo wasn't shown doing anything wrong
Figured it was an anime-only situation but even in the manga it's not clear why Erioh was being a giant faggot and when KvP happened with Raian and Alan it's confirmed that the Kure are incredibly unreliable assassins that will fuck up everything for personal gain
Reminder that Erioh happily worked for years as Metsudo's bitch, the person who loved going on about how fighters are just disposable slaves of their employer, but the moment someone else wanted to hire a Kure via a proxy, he lost his fucking mind and decided to commit domestic terrorism.
>barbell he bent didn't shatter
>thus it was plastic, not metal
Anon doesn't know steel bends
Karate fighters are so prideful when all their moves are cheap.
It made him strong, but not strong enough to overcome someone equally devoted but smarter about it.
Xia Ji isn't dead, anon.
Guys guys.
Then HARD > ???
What do hard styles beat?
>Jurota dedicates himself to one thing
Jurota deviated from being a pure thrower when he picked up some striking lessons to fight Agito, so not the best example.
Kuroki was able to evade Setsuna's Mingling of the Fox and Tiger. I feel like people underestimate Kuroki's agility and assume he would try the same strategy against any opponent, when it isn't the case at all.
The objective real Sandro reason is that he wants to prop up Ramon before his fight with Lolong, and he can't do that if they fight first
Sandrovich's Razor, if the visible damage suggests a level of difficulty it's most likely the opposite.
It's actually depressing to see how much more character and mystique Agito had to him in Asura compared to Omega
the 5 year old's "I need to pee real bad" stance
Maybe because Julius did not have a real fight in round 1 and and the visual metaphors were dropped with the artstyle shift in round 2 ?
Is anyone here actually happy with this tournament arc? Do you feel like it's been worth spending the past 3-4 months on this?
It's complete filler and it's not even funny like KvP
No, it's terrible and not even in a funny way. It's not even bad in a creative way, it's just following our most effortless shitposts beat by beat. Every single fight so far has been
>Fighter A runs circles around Fighter B beating the shit out of him
>But it's okay because Fighter B is very sturdy! That means he can take infinite heavyweight strikes to the face as long as none of them are named!
>Fighter A might seem to be winning, but he has to be very careful... Fighter B could turn it around with just one grapple...
>Fighter B grimaces. "I must "get the timing right" when he uses "that strike""
>the "climax" has "arrived"!
>Fighter A aims for the finisher, but Fighter B throws out one last ditch gamble grapple
>Match is over
The only variation is that twice now, the last ditch grapple has failed and once it worked. The same fucking shit, it's fucking deranged. If you told me Sandro was dead and Daro was trying to hide it by just recycling the same idea/choreo for the first round as long as he can, I'd believe you. Can't wait for Ramon to be a big durable grappler who Lolong can't afford to take lightly even after elbowing him ten million times, because at any moment he could "time" and "scale".
he's too strong to make interesting fights against most of the cast.
Like Julius. Either he always wins or he's not even allowed to hit the opponent but that just makes him look like a chump that cannot fight
I think Sandro read complaints about him wasting characters so all the newcomers in this arc get their mandatory two fights before they get relegated to the occasional single panel cameo.
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True, Jurota is a non-character after his fight with Kanoh, his actual gimmick got replaced by schizophrenia.
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Surely all the kino has been saved and accumulated all for the Ramon fight...
He's not stoic enough to become part of Sandro's statue garden, or obnoxious and arrogant enough to make Sandro horny like Raian, so he just falls in the cracks into irrelevance.
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>Pablito Garcia: please have Carlos help in the fight against los insectos (the worm XD)
You can't make this shit up
He got Carlos in the group shot, that totally counts right?
I hope Garcia is satisfied
That example was just people making fun of the phrasing. You might be looking too much into it. There's no need to recite what happened on recent threads when most of us have already posted there.
If you don't have a pleasant time in the threads, my condolences, sincerely. But there's being mindbroken by the manga and then there's being mindbroken by the Kengan threads on 4chan. Just be careful.
It makes no sense how fighters like Yumigahama or Mark Myers don't scale to Lolong even though they should be able to comprehend how much higher up the metaphorical mountain Lolong is.
Meanwhile it now seems like Raian was retroactively scaling against the King of Mercy, Edward Wu all along.
Himuro Ryo, the man on par with the legends, didn't participate, so of course it's shit.
One of the best panels in Kengan.
That usually gets overshadowed by Jack losing to Raian or the Kuroki-Yujiro comparison (before Asura's anime was even finished, mind you), but yeah. Nobody seems to talk about that.
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So this is the man who made Mukaku cough up blood... what an unfathomable monster... he's definitely top 5 for sure...
Still can't believe we actually saw the day somebody gets stomped by Agito even harder than Lu Tian.
How thick is Sandrovich's Razor?
Is losing against a Kenganvenger that bad if you're not a designated antagonist? Hanafusa exists so I don't have to worry too much about my wounds, and I get to have my dick sucked by the guy who just shredded me apart. It's something.
>Agito is by far the biggest and physically strongest around
>You can't tell me Ohma, Gaolang or Lolong could have gotten out of Julius' bear hug like pic related
>>Even Agito really shouldn't have desu
And there's the problem. If Agito couldn't but did anyway, what's stopping Sandro from having Ohma do it? He could just unveil a new grappling Demonsbane. Lolong managed to go limp in his fucking spine somehow, it wouldn't surprise me if he can apply it to his entire body and become Agito 2.
It scales to my mother.
Just like real life.
>Supergrizzly fights a badger
>Badger holds down his point of force
>crushes the Supergrizzly under his own weight
>Supergrizzly groans something that sounds vaguely like jobber talk
>Badger vomits a strange looking sword before looking wistfully at it because his opponent died before he could use it
Kill yourself.
Crumb did a comic out of Graeber's book ?
Lmao faggot where do you live ? I want to beat using only traditional Shaolin forms.
Julius has had more fights in Omega than Waka. Think about it.
You're fucking dumb mate. You're really trying to argue that Sandro the manchild's writing can somehow fly over anyone's head.
Like>>269166040 it's obviously a last-minute panic measure to make everyone catch up to Shen.
People joke about Lolong vanishing after he lost his match, but Waka kind of did the same thing didn't he? Waka just screamed deliriously about who won the match before the narrative moved on and then it's suddenly Ohma vs Lolong.
Remember when people were panic-posting about Kaneda using the Niko Style?
>see a mountain
>Kure Clan: Copy
>you have now "scaled"
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Why didn't the king scale to Askeladd?
This. Even narratively he sucks. He can only stomp with his overwhelming strength, or get fucked.
It's kinda like the whole Rei situation where you need some sort of answer to Julius's strength in order to have an even match. Rei's not a very fun character either for similar reasons.
did he go back to streaming?
Fuck off.

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