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poast unpopular opinions
> jujutsu kaisen is trash but the animation quality is nice. Gojo is the only thing keeping it alive
I watched the first 8 episodes and quit because it was fucking boring, a year later I was looking for manga to read and remembered it existed, opened a few chapter and immediately gave up because of the scribbles, I don't get why it's so popular, is it because it's 24/7 fighfaggotry for niggers?
JJK being the face of modern anime is proof that it's over.
How is that an unpopular opinion anywhere besides within its fanbase
Seeing black girls with multiple pics of themselves with Sukuna face markings on, and cutesy heart filters, on dating apps, is when I knew it was over
woah, stunning, brave declarations from retard-kun
There should be more Rika porn
JJK is shit, yeah. I wished it expanded more on its world building and didn't fucking kill off characters for no reason. There's no reason for why Mechamaru and Nobara died in the anime (I know a lot more die/stop showing up). I want to really like it but it just lacks so fucking much. It should've been 200 chapters longer.
the only thing worse is my hero macadamia fans
>Gojo is the only thing keeping it alive
But he is dead.
the inevitable we wished him back guis he's not dead anymore is what people are waiting for so they can make even more cringe worthy memes and tok toks
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that's a grade A loli right there
Mai and Rika died so that Maki can live
But JJK fans are worse, I'm not even gonna lie. /a/ is the only site where you can discuss the series without a foid participating
Gojo's powers are cool. The animation is god tier. But I'm really having trouble in feeling interested in the story. How do normalfags get "compelled" by the plot?

I cannot get into it no matter how many times I reread or rewatch it. It's just so boring.
my younger brother watched it dubbed and loved it, he's a huge normalfag so i'll always associate this anime with tasteless normalfags who watch dubbed anime
That's definitely an unpopular opinion.
Are you fucking blind and stupid? The JJK anime was made by mappa and they did a bad job on purpose as usual.
Since flashing lights are enough to inpress you Iseriously have to wonder if you've ever read a manga before.
Don't even bother understanding normalfags. They will in complete sincerity say Kaijuu 8 is somehow unique and good, or recommend Terror in Resonance.
What did they mess up?
>Manga started to fall apart after his death
Dragonball isn't very good at all.
Long before that
GEGE knows how to maintain the hype of the series Gojo was only hype because of his fights when people see the other characters fighting they will hype too. What is Gojo's defining characteristic? Nobody remembers or cares. But he has sick fights
That's unpopular? Lol no
Nah, it's unironically too high iq and esoteric for 99% of anons.
>What is Gojo's defining characteristic?
Whatever Kakashi's or Urahara's is.
>JJK is trash
It's not a good shonen but it's clearly better than most that was created in the last 10 years, anime apart you can tell how current mangaka does not understand panneling like Toriyama did.
It's WWE and Gojo is the undertaker.
still no leak? grim
seeing niggers call jjk peak fiction was when i knew it never began
>Attack on Titan's final arc was far better than the first half of the series
>Naruto had an incredibly strong start and burned out after part 1
>One Piece's art style was at its peak between Alabasta and Marineford
Steins;Gate is more overrated than any shounen.
Society is crumbling. If JJK came around 10 years back instead, Rika porn would be a dime a dozen.
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I wish I had a rika loli gf
Isn't this literally a common opinion? Which is why this place loves Yuji to be contrarian?
What plot?
It's just battles and battles and "impactful" characters getting killed.
Not that it's a bad thing, but people only read to find out who stays alive in the end.
If you unironically spend money in gacha games for pulls and say its not gambling and support gacha anime, you are retarded.
But manga sold better after he died
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way way too much text . half chapters must be walls of texts and half the manga more explaining things about power system that doesnt make sense.

still it got better memes than chain saw man ,
the heinsan era meme had me rolling in laugh just last night lol

also chainsaw man authors doesnt really know what to do next from a long long time ago
not true at all lol
>chainsaw man deflection out of nowhere

lel you jujubabbies are sad
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Only pajeets are this obsessed about FAILjo
This is COGji manga btw
But anon crappa is doing exactly why they needed to do and the sales prove it. They simply knew that the type of audience that would enjoy something like jjk would find the fast moving flashing lights appealing as well.
>What did they mess up?
Nothing, this is the moneymaker ip so they actually care. The other anon is making it seem like it's csm we are talking about.
Also when he got sealed
Gojo is trash and you should feel bad for liking him, according to Gege herself.
Honestly I just don't get Gege. She claims that she loathes seeing Gojo topping popularity poll, yet it was her who made this one compelling character who has such mass appeal.
Dude when I read the manga I expected him to be more important, turns out even Nanami had more character than him
For an actual unpopular opinion I don't care about Gojo at all. I don't find him cool or interesting in the slightest. I don't even hate him I just simply find him boring and kind of annoying. I genuinely don't get the appeal nor I understand why anyone over the age of 15 would. There is literally nothing that makes this character special, everything down to the design has been done before and better.
People call Demon Slayer soulless but honestly it atleast has heart. JJK doesnt really have anything for anyone over the age 18
Its just India and his fans being fucking obnoxious and louder
Hell Toji was better, the idea of some mercenary fucking up sorcerers was cooler
Gojo dying was a good thing, because it gives a good reason for the rest of the characters to hop in, and you can't have the side characters doing everything.
The only real bad thing is the need for every side character to show up and fuck the pacing all while emphasizing they're actually doing a whole lot to Sukuna (totally), fucking miguel and the africans was terrible and the samurai dude was a waste of time
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They changed the style. Energy aura added everywhere when in canon there was none.
>They removed the thoughts on this page even though it would've been so easy to layer the audio.
They changed action scenes in the manga while misunderstanding and overblowing the scale they established.
They removed iconic scenes like Yuji's bathroom door feint in exchange for him running up and down the bathroom. That's extra work they did just to get it wrong.
In canon, Yuji willingly ate the first finger. In the anime it happens by chance as he's being attacked.
They extended and bring side panel jokes to the front and center. Again getting the tone wrong and messing up the punchline by lingering too long.
They fuck up canon events, like having an ability canceling tool hit abilities and not cancel them. (Red vs ISoH)
They DIDN'T EVEN FINISH two of the last few episodes this season before releasing them. And the reason they didn't meet the deadline? Why, it was to add cartoonish forced sakuga.
They added a shit load of fujo bait to every episode. Both non-canon and blatantly manipulative. Certainly a corporate decision.
They played the upbeat opening song during the MC's lowest point. Completely, ruining the tone of the scene to such a degree that I'm convinced they fucked it up on purpose. Or hell, they were behind schedule already, maybe they just never had anyone review it before shipping. And it was clearly a "template decision" a lazy ass attempt at anime direction where the retard in charge simply thought "Durr anime opening goes here at MC's low point". Dumbass nigger didn't even realize they used an upbeat song. You can easily test for yourself by watching the episode and simply listening to the few precious moments of silence before the OP kicks in. You don't even have to imagine the thousands of somber songs that would have worked far better.

>>269177684 > This anon guessed wrong. I bet he is too butthurt about JJK's popularity to empathize.
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Impregnating Rika
JJK fans are fucking simpletons. All they care about is "aura" and who hits harder.
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>All they care about is "aura" and who hits harder
Do you think JJK is popular among the spics too
This faggot is a DBZ hater!
Maybe for manga as a whole but for a shounen it's better than the majority
>Villains are actually threatning and capable of killing which make me actually care
>No TnJ garbage
>Characters actually have plans
>Side characters do shit
>Side characters don't overstay their welcome
>no moralizing garbage or forced redemptions
Main problems it has lack of world building and character interactions JJK needed 3 mini arcs 1 before shibuya 1 before culling and 1 before shinjuku
You just described 90% of shonenfags you retard. People who read action shonen don't care that much about deep intricate plot, they only care about dudes punching eachother in a battle of increasing stakes.
This, JJK isn't shit but it isn't some diamond in the rough either. It's just good. It fucked up alot but overall it's more enjoyable and has better moments than most shonenslop released in the past decade.
>gojo worship
>not popular
get a load of this retard
Ever since the dishonored one died, pajeets won't stop crying that the manga has "fell off" and that Gojo somehow carried the manga (despite him being absent for most of the manga's run and the manga's sales just fine)
just look at SnK when shounen try to be deep

I would take JJK with its simplicity and wasted potential over SnK with the absolute worst writing in mankind.
shin sekai yori is the deepest piece of japanese fiction
Trust me anon I can empathize.
I went through almost 2 years of people telling me how csm had the best team ever assembled and how we would get the best adaptation and it was the priority project over at crappa and I got 12 episodes of "cinematic" slop the list of which is wrong with dwarfs yours by such a degree it can't even be put into words. Not only that, even after that trainwreck I won't get a full adaptation until 2027 at the earliest making the whole thin a 7 year wait for what will still most likely be a shit adaptation of what it's left as well. I have to go through all of this while I have people screaming in my ear about how not only the adaptation is good but it SURPASSES the original.
I'm not too butthurt about jjk's popularity it's just that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. You at least have grass anon, my side is a landfield.
OK fair. I didn't know you were coming at it from a CSM perspective. I agree with you.
Also, crappa is the worst studio I know of.
Holy fuck I think I understand, you guys are just autists who need the anime to be the exact same as how you view the manga, aren't you? No wonder this csm guy tweaks out so much
This. I just don't get it.
Thatt's a bad opinion. Dragonball is VERY good. Compared to 99% of things that came after, it really is a masterpiece.
The prequel movie and season 2 are good. Season 1 is definitely trash. If not for the decent film that I watched first then I would never have continued. Watch the movie imo
>but it's clearly better than most that was created in the last 10 years
Nothing with such a nonsensical story or constant ass pull contest fights can be called "better than most"
gojo is a trash bland character with no character, you are probably a powerlevel spic
>nonsensical story
No it isn't, it's simple but it's not nonsensical
>ass pull
there isn't a lot compared to most shounen and fights are far better than lots of shounen
> "better than most"
it's better than
>Most likely one piece with how fucking dogshit the gorosei and imu are looking and NIKA NIKA NIKA NIKA NIKA NIKA
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Gojo WAS the only thing keeping it alive
Several of my criticisms were about directing decisions like misused soundtrack, removal of character moments and incorrect presentation of jokes. These criticism are unrelated to being just like the manga. Though those types of criticisms are just as valid. Changing fights and getting canon abilities wrong is objectively a bad adaption even if you don't agree that subjectively it's also a change for the worse.
Or in other words, like you were trying to say; anime is a secondary medium for secondaries.
You're right except saying that only Gojo is keeping it alive - that would be Aoi Todo.
>and getting canon abilities wrong is objectively a bad adaption
It's isn't objectively at all. Literarily only pure-grade autists and dorks care about what you just said.
No, it's normal to care about that and an objective failure. They set up a rule and broke it.
Only secondaries like you don't get it.
Nobody thinks this.
Eh. Everything can be boring.
Depends on your past experiences, expectations, etc.
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Mai was a better character than Maki
Nobody gives a shit about "canon" because Gege is a complete fucking retard and his comic book is the epitome of trash shounen. The only thing Mappa is objectively guilty of is elevating such garbage source material with good direction and animation.
It is because it is the zoomer's Jojo / HxH / Bleach i suppose. They desperately want something to call their own so they propped one up
>This is actually how animeonlies think.
lol. Just so you know, being called a called secondary is an insult.
Gojeets only look at gojo panels
Jjk doesn't have shippers like naruto and Bleach had but we have those faggots instead obsessed over a character that didn't even interact with the cast that much
No spoilers?
Playing the OP over Yuji's breakdown is a tonal mosmatch and an objectively bad direction decision.
The action decisions were embarassing like Toji flicking rubble at kung-fu bunnies and Makora balooning his size up and down between 7ft tall and 20 stories tall. Genuinely terrible directing decisions.
They lingered and extended Nobara's death for so long that secondaries keep complaining that she just stood there and took it like a retard. If they could just adapt the manga, it'd have happened in a second. Terrible direction again.
They made the curse spirit balls bright blue and jewel like, when they are actually deep black and taste like vomit rags. That and more failures somehow have 100s of posts saying they don't get why Geto turned evil. The director somehow fucked that up in ways I didn't even catch but secondaries did.
I wish, they met the quality of even one scene. And to think you actually just said they elevated the material. Why even lie like that? We both know you don't really think that. Is it just to try and troll? How sad.
Entire chapters been dumped. >>269174144
It's dumped in the thread before that one too if you want to look
People like this poor man kakashi character?
>And to think you actually just said they elevated the material. Why even lie like that
Not lying even a second. Battle shounen is always trash, the least an anime adaptation could do is the occasional decent fighting animation and maybe one or two good songs in the soundtrack. The story and characters will always be irredeemable shit no matter how accurate of an adaptation it will be, because only low-IQ morons would ever work as mangaka for WSJ.
I actually finished the whole first season before dropping it because I wanted to give it a chance.
My biggest problem with it is that it so shallow, the characters, the story, etc.
Every time I felt like there would be an interesting twist or they were going somewhere nothing interesting happend.
Feels so basic and like wasted potential.
i still cant get over how much of a jobber he is
>Every time I felt like there would be an interesting twist or they were going somewhere nothing interesting happend.
Like when
Anon where did I say that I wanted the exact same thing as how I viewed the manga? I mean obviously I would want that but I'm also open to different approaches. I watched the adaptation I though it was an abject failure as such for multiple reasons mainly the fact that if anything it was too similar while clearly traying to do something different that's the problem. If they actually commited to make the necessary changes to make the direction work I could accept it as its own thing similar to how The Shining or How to train your dragon are almost nothing like the original material but still really good movies. Beyond not adapting the manga well there are more failures unique to the anime easily observable for anyone who hasn't read it. It wasn't completely horrible and it did things really well, but only occasionally and for briefs periods of time.
Use commas
>Use commas
Ok anon, but just for you.

Where did I say that I wanted the exact same thing as how I viewed the manga? I mean obviously I would want that, but I'm also open to different approaches. I watched the adaptation and I though it was an abject failure as such for multiple reasons, mainly the fact that, if anything, it was too similar while clearly traying to do something different, that's the problem. If they actually commited to make the necessary changes to make the direction work I could accept it as its own thing, similar to how The Shining or How to train your dragon are almost nothing like the original material but still really good movies. Beyond not adapting the manga well there are more failures unique to the anime easily observable for anyone who hasn't read it. It wasn't completely horrible and it did things really well, but only occasionally and for briefs periods of time.
I like it. Guess I just have shit taste.
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Also thats a pretty lukewarm take.
mine is
>Tsukihime anime was mediocre, but not even close to being as bad as tsukihimefags say. I say this after finally playing the VN
>JJK is trash except for sakuga, and it's only popular because of gojo
>unpopular opinion
That's literally what everyone always says about JJK including JJKfags, how is that an unpopular opinion?
Yeah. Apparently they also squeezed in another chapter in the last episode. It's not a bad anime, the adaptation itself is just not good, objectively.
Yeah I do enjoy the anime a lot, even if the story/writing is shit.
Gojofags =/= jjkfags
It's not the worst anime ever made but the Tsukihime anime is still really bad, mediocre is overselling it.
It was pretty bad for its time. Consider that this was before adaptation travesties like 2016 berserk
You don't jjk is great
Haven't seen JewJew Kaiser but desu it looks overrated compared to what I consider it's "sister" works, Chainsaw Man and especially Dorohedoro. Maybe if I make an effort to see it I'll change my mind but from what I've seen I feel like it's not even worth getting into if it's just high-schoolers with anime powers beating the shit out of each other.

I realize when typically people call something "trash" it's an okayish work and they haven't seen actual trash. You call the overcooked ballpark hotdog you get at a New York street stall trash until you try a bite of some moldy bread covered in rat shit.
JJK does something similar to Dragon Ball, where things happen for the sole sake of fights happening, the thing is JJK takes a step further: Characters are introduced and their only purposed is dying to "show stakes" and to further fights. I literally do not give a fuck about any of JJK's characters, I don't even remember the name of most of them even though I've reading this manga for a while. The only character I unironically like that isn't due to memes is Cogji. It's actually funny that character deaths are supposed to exist to have an emotional impact, or to raise the stakes, but in JJK I don't care, all the characters can die and I'd just find it funny. The same is true for Chainsaw Man, the characters die there and I just find it funny.
Dragon Ball at least has the excuse for the nonsensical plot, due to originally being a comedy manga, and it actually has moments of development for the characters, the fact that Goku actually grows up, has a family, and his kids are developed and relevant is really cool as well and has rarely been done again even though dragon ball is 30 years old now. Though dragon ball went to shit after Cell Saga.
>it's better than
lmao, stopped reading there
I'm starting to believe most /a/nons haven't even read or watched DB and are just afraid to admit it.
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Gojo is old and busted, the new popular male in Japan is aoi isami
You have awful taste and your argument is just, "OK you're right and your examples are correct but I don't like battle shonen and i say its bad"
dumb, baselss opinions. A hallmark of secondaries.
Nta but the subject isn't quality but asspulls

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