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>Peacemaker looks like this
>the black guy still gets Haley

What is even the point of this character?
British broadcasting corporation rules.
He's supposed to look like John Cena
harley is very cute bros....
i thought you would already get the hint when deadshot doesnt look like will smith
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This is modernity goy, what can you do?
>the black guy gets the white girl in western media
>water is wet
What's new?
What do the Brits have to do with Suicide?
Too bad that Japanese hentai artists seem to disagree. They say they don't want to draw hentai of her because she "keeps hanging out with the black guy" instead of Joker Levi.

she's so fucking adorable holy shit
Harley and Joker's relationship in this series is so wholesome
Harley feet status?
This is why Western cunts trying to stick their foot in the door and influence anime is a bad thing
I like that they went with 2016's idea of The Joker having at least some emotional/curious investment in Harley. It makes the dynamic between them much more fun and the tension of the potential bad shit that he could do to Harley greater.
The japanese still have that 90's idea that real americans are tall, ripped blonde chads.
Anyone who doesn't like this show is an enemy of fun
Because it makes men look like men instead of effeminate freaks?
Does anything actually happen in this or is it just weird capeshit isekai fanservice?
As always
I find this series entertaining despite Harley, even if I liked her at the start. She's one of those characters that just overstay their welcome.
Does she really? Gross
I skimmed through it. I saw a kingdom, a princess, some antagonists, lots of monsters and the squad gets thrown in jail at some and the princess lets them out. I guess something is happening, it felt like Zelda.
Katana is definitely possessed.
>Harley gets BLACKED
Picked up!
How much fanart does Joker get? I feel like he'd get a lot.
So it's just a generic isekai plot but with the suicide squad characters instead of generic guy hit by truck-kun?
Based on what?
Where's Joker
There's no Joker in the suicide squad, he's to cool.
Telling niggers to fuck off
>chuds malding because they think they deserve a sexy girlfriend just because they go to the gym, because that's what their toxic culture tells them
The black fella got that rizz. That's why he's pounding Harley's pussy while Pissmaker dies a virgin.
picked up
The guy with the big head = the one guy who comes into this thread every week to say he lusts after Western cartoon Mikasa (Katana).
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nta but I too want to sex Katana.
Is this worth watching just for the Joker and Harley scenes?
Isn't she Canonically gave birth to at least two children ?
Is this achievable natty?
Yes, she gave birth to twins. They got burned alive when her yakuza brother-in-law was trying to rape her.
Nope, all superheroes and villains are roided up.
Huh, why a video of a floating blonde wig?
He's a big guy.
Animated by WIT studio
human growth hormone is natural
Chika Anzai voices Katana?
Why aren't his roots blonde?
Because it's a wig he stole from an elf, seems to have brown hair.
vtubers are as Japanese as idols at this point.
This is the body type homos are into, it's far more attractive to guys.
>the black guy still gets Haley
Harley is for the Joker. That's basic Batman lore. Deadshot is just the only guy in the squad who isn't an autist.
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In the thumbnail it looked like she was imagining the smell
Cumming inside Katanas' mask
This doesn't even look anime. What was the point?
>doesn't cut her sarashi
It's lame, Joker should be beating Harley into a pile carion. Harley should then crawl to Joker and kiss his feet for the good beating. What's even the purpose of clowns if they can't make me laugh?
It's literally more anime than Edgerunners was, your favorite anime of 2022.
Is this foreplay?
It's a generic Suicide Squad plot but the location is at an isekai
Look Morty urp, I'm in an isekai glurg morty!
you know... like... owning the libs?
Why are people acting like anime based on western IP's is a new thing ? I mean that was Nippon animation whole thing.
>b-b-but there was shit 15 years ago that nobody watch
Don't care, kill yourself /co/nigger.
why do you say the same thing every thread? You know you can just use a bot right?
>The thigh grab squish
This is the good stuff
Everybody watched the stuff Nippon animation pushed out when they were still in around . You being a faggot that got into anime in the mid 2010s doesn't change that fact .
Patrician taste
On the run and in all the Harley flashbacks
I really liked animated this part with the smears. This weeks’ episode was pretty solid.
Peacemaker could tame the entire elf race
Kill yourself.
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There are dozens of us
Not shown
Too white.
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Harley’s whiter
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Katana's tummy status?
Looking back, the
>i only like 2d, not 3d!
Was the original incel cope
DIO + John Cena = this Peacemaker
Still flat
Because she fits the elf archetype herself.
Gave this show three episodes, it's shit.
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>i only like 2d, not 3d!
It was to filter gross faggots like you posting shit like above. Go back.
Ready for breeding.
Go back.
The elves were worthless this episode. What happened? They were much stronger last time.
They killed Frieren in the previous episode.
Why is Dumbledore like this
Learn your place, newfags
You're will never be welcomed.
I like the visual of Joker holding and leaning Harley over the edge.
>knife ear humiliation episode
Fuck Harley
Breed Katana
If I was ever welcomed here, I'd kill myself
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>nutted but he wont stop
I turned myself into a ragdoll morty im ragdoll rick!!!!!
I mean, that was a pretty damn good episode.
It was shit.
I like how Psychotic the Suicide Squad got to be/look.
>It was the good shit.
This was a fun episode. I like how Peacemaker and Deadshot were proper assholes this time.
My only gripe was that the Peacemaker torture scene was off-screened.
>Western IP
Shouldn't this shit be at /co/
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powerful ACK!
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Did this series go "Angel Cop" on us.....
Why did she draw the harley from the harley quinn show instead of the isekai one
There's barely any gore though
There’s not a single woke thing about this show it’s an average isekai with capeshit characters on

Oshi no ko is more woke than this but for you let it slide because there’s no black people
Are we watching the same show? There has been no political soapboxing at all in Suicide Squad imo

Same with invincible? Is "superman bad" woke now?
One of the fun parts of the og Suicide Squad is that anyone could be killed at any moment. If you get someone like Harley, who not only has plot armor but an instakill button built in, it deflates tension completely.
>faggots and interracial relationships everywhere
Yes it is woke.
You need a protagonist that you can get invested in, otherwise you won't be able to connect to the show.
Nobody dies yet. Why suicide squad if nobody dies.
Is human on elf interracial
Is this interracial relationship in the room with us right now anon?
Is this true?
OK, that's a pretty damn good rage face.
I used AI to generate that saar
>Shows shit with a bunch of White people
>Calls it "woke"
Interesting how well-written shows with an exciting balance of storytelling and action are more popular than rushed, boring slop. Truly this is the liberals' fault
>well-written shows with an exciting balance of storytelling and action
What relation does that have to any of the shows in that image?
oh shit it's the Golden One
>George Floyd reference
They're just memeing everything, aren't they?
>He knows what shows anon is talking about, but he's pretending he doesn't!
>What a clever freakin' retort!!
I fucking love elves.
No I'm setting up calling someone a retard for claiming any of those shows are good.
You both should kill yourselves for watching western trash.
This thread shouldn't even exist in the first place.
Kill yourself /co/ckroaches.
I don't have to watch any of them to know they're bad.
is this yuri
Behelit tier
Yeah this was one of the better ones, especially animation wise compared to last weeks intro.
Prove it
I want to fuck sword girl.
Yup, it's exactly like Narnia.
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Hi there, lurking /co/mrade, just wanted to add my two cents to the series. Haven't seen any of it, but, I just have to ask, why did they create a wholly original world, and not use their existing properties? I swear, it is the easiest thing to do, and it helps promote their IPs, makes no sense to me
>no dancing sequence at the end
Yep this is the best episode yet.
Is it just me or has the webm bot been lazy lately? It's missing a few good scenes.
A bit, I’ve noticed that in a few threads, assuming the ones I was looking at were the bot.
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It is nice that they cut it for more action. Good art direction this episode, there were also a lot of interesting facial close ups.
I hate Harleyfaggots so fucking much.
Because they don't do what makes the most creative sense, they do it solely for the money. I can bet you the execs in charge hate comics, they were all brought over from investment funds, and they used to bully comic book fans at school.
>t. Katana
Another great episode harleychads, i will now go get master rank in multiversus with harley and tomorrow maybe there will be more harley in kiteman’s spin off show
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Only if necessary It's not necessary
The sword fight was actually pretty good choreography-wise
Not anime.
that's a man
That's a girl who looks cuter than whatever shitnugget passes for a waifu for you.
Her constantly being sex made me not like her, plus she hit the wall, isekai harley is cute and then sometimes is sexy that makes her more special
>plus she hit the wall
She looks like this RN
Lots of good faces and at least by modern standards good action. I still don't really like how disconnected from the backgrounds people tend to feel when doing 'action' like this, but it's a general trend at this point.
Yeah I hear you, it can make it look a lot more weightless to.
Based. What all elves deserve.
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I’ll miss him
They've gone too far this time.
Reminder that the Japanese are several weeks behind on this. They didn't start with the first 3 episodes and it started airing normally a week later than when we got the dump. So their episode for today is episode 4.
I want /tv/ to leave
Do you have Harley's one?
RIP in peace Malcolm Tucker
Very important scenes
Rat was cooler
Thanks, anon. I love when cute anime girls have their face distorted and look so unhinged.
He was cool. I like a nerd that can hold himself in a physical fight, even if it's with tricks.
Rat might be okay
I dunno man, he was into some weird shit
I’ve seen weirder on here today
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She’ll do the Obari yet
Damn. What are they waiting for?
She needs her actual katana first.
You can't take a clown's shoes.
Only after katana gives me a heir
this is an anime thread
Its is not.
Getting strong Fabio Lanzoni vibes from him.
Still have no idea why they chose to do their fight in the first episode using shitty rotoscoping.
it's made by japs so yes it is objectively speaking an anime, single unit of anime
Suicide squad is made by Americans.
It's not canon to DC if that's what you're asking. Wit Studio asked WB Japan to let them make an anime with the primary goal of making Harley cute and they seem to have given them more or less free reign. The characters are taken from Jail and sent on a suicide mission into this Isekai world through a portal.
mmm nyo it says right there made by WIT a japanese studio and it is directed by a nip and animated by jap hands, so it is an anime
How popular is Harley in Japan?
On the real world side of the portal. He shows up in the first episode and in a bunch of flashbacks. Would be surprised if he doesn't show up in the flesh later in the series.
WIT should have dropped this level of action SAKUGA in the first episode.
The one with Katana was honestly cringe.
>female isekai protagonist
They need to hook her up with a male elf.
More like a weeb.
No idea. The Wit Studio staff seems to really like her though and are saying it's a "dream project". I get the sense this series is aimed more at a Japanese audience though, so maybe she's popular.
I cannot believe I ate my weekly dinners* on 60% of this shit Isekai.

*Dinners being whole 400g tubs of Haagen-Dazs ice cream every week
Yeah, this is pretty nice.
It's not a Japanese interview if it's not brimming with insincere platitudes.
There is no western involvement. It's all Wit Studio, scriptwriting and everything.
Known, but not mega popular or anything.
He doesn't look like Floyd Lawton either.
At least Gunn seems to be an unapologetic comic fan
Unfortunately he's a Harley simp and that means Suicide Squad must be shilled everywhere in spite of lack of demand.
By the way, Harley is Jewish. It's canon!
Back into the oven, schlomo.
I thought harley was with joker in this one???
She is. Ignore the poltard.
Are you okay?
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Its fun, get over it.
really like that one cut
So she's a doppelganger or something right?
But they told me it's full of QUALITY
>we kakegurui now
when you want to fuck Harley this is who you want to fuck
Cute nose
My dick can tank that.
Anons keep repeating this every week but the Harley related scenes are the best thing about it, she's probably the best she's been in like a decade or something
Disgusting woke trash
A decade ago Harley was in this trash, tourist.
Just like The Big Two.
Not my Harley.
Excuses. I bet DC asked them to not sexualise Harley or show her feet.
Too bad. You said a decade.
DC asked them not to sexualise Harley Quinn, which is why they dressed her in a bikini and booty shorts. You know, for decency's sake.
>mfw I'm the fucking epitome of the "thing (japan)" meme
No nudity, no sexualisation.
Foot nudity is not real nudity
>My only gripe was that the Peacemaker torture scene was off-screened.
Though the residue reactions from the other elves was funny as hell.
I was talking about actual nudity which is non-existent here. But even feet... they haven't shown her bare feet so there's 0 nudity in this. Why are they not sexualising her?
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Why are retards saying that Deadshot is going to get Harley?

Harley is Jokers woman and almost every woman reinforces that?
Nigger fetishists
That's it, that's the entire reason
You'd have to be fucking mental to assume this version of Harley cares about anyone but Joker
I'd kill myself if I was a Bong
do you think you look like this
When the fuck is Batman showing up
She's literally dressed like a prostitute
Fucking wake up
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people are watching this?
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>WIT Studio
>Tappei Nagatsuki
unironically top 5 this season, it's a very shitty season overall i'd add.
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For me it's also a top 5 anime this season. And it's a 1/10 anime also.
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The illusion of two different faces is KINO
How are they going to resolve everything in 3 episodes? The way it's going, there has to be a season 2
But Deadshot and Harley Quin are an actual canon pairing
Because she's hooked up with Deadshot before.

Props to the studio to at least keeping that canon
actually kinda worried they're gonna surprise drop a second season at the end
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SSI Joker is like Lupin with make up. He has many identities already
Japan, and Asia in general, were big supporters of the DCEU and like everybody, they fell in love with 2016 Harley to be later disappointed by BoP and TSS
She was full nude when they went to the other side or showed the bombs getting implanted or whatever in like episode 1.
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Everyone got a shot that is exactly like this, with Harley getting more than everyone else but you are such a fucking faggot I'll only give you Deadshot's ass.
Harley is cute but that's about it, I guess Peacemaker was funny this episode but it could have been better...
I've seen that and it's that gay type of "spiritual" nudity like a magical girl transformation. It doesn't count. Harley needs to be naked out in the open, not in some Shadow Realm.
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This episode finally made me laugh at some of their jokes, not bad of an episode.
Harley is so cute.
Kek, but even this hair looks more accurate than what do in that.
When was the last time a Koyasu character got the girl? Back in the 90s?
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Maybe depends on what you mean by "the girl" and "got" but Roswaal has someone trying to rape him.
nah, the flashbacked to the princesses youth shows the queen was always a cunt
Her idea of ending the war is "If everyone is dead, then there can be no suffering" with a hint of "War keeps people occupied and makes them stop thinking that our nation is completely corrupt"
She's something, but I think she might just be the leader of both sides without necessarily having replaced the queen.
Dunno, she was cunty but the Princess still thinks there was a change. Although she's naive so maybe there wasn't.
The cabin torture scene was so hot
I was actually quite surprised about this. I didn't watch the second suicide squad movie and never knew about most of these characters in the first place. Thus while I figured this guy was an extremist to acquire peace, I didn't get him for the guy to torture a technically innocent guy.
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No, the series makes it clear that none of these people have met before. Some of them have heard of each other but that's it. The first time Harley and Deadshot interact he wakes her up on the ship, she complains and calls him ugly, and he realizes she's a crazy person.
This show isn't canon and it doesn't try to be.
with "before" that anon didn't meant in the backstory to SSIsekai, but that in a previous story of SS they became a couple. Obviously all SS stories that exist are pretty much non canon to each other
The series really doesn't seem to be going in that direction at all. Harley constantly talks about Joker and has flashbacks to them all the time showing their relationship. If anything the show is building up to them being reunited.
Are you fucking retarded? Like, actually mentally handicapped?
Obviously these characters in the story didn't spawn out of nothing to be used by Amanda. Are you really this fucking dense?
Like, how is it possible to be this illiterate? That is beyond ESL crap
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Just waiting for the isekai guys or monsters to start killing these fuckers and prove why this is a suicide mission.
I didn't say they spawned out of nowhere. I said the show makes it very clear they've never met each other when they all introduce themselves to each other. Events in different universes aren't canon to each other but there is often lore or backstory or story developments carried over because it's essential to a character (like how Peter Parker's uncle always dies). Anon said,
>Props to the studio to at least keeping that canon
implying that this is somehow canon to the show, but it is neither lore or backstory carried over nor does it seem to be intended to be a future development. The show is going all in on Harley wanting to reunite with Joker and Deadshot wanting to reunite with his daughter.
good animation but the compositing is so ass god damn
Katana a cute
Dumb nigger
The last 2 episodes were pretty ugly, specially the one with the dragon. I guess it was because they were saving all the budget for this episode.
Gave the show a shot but just didn't like it, but I have to say I like the teeth tattooed or painted on his real lips then his painted lips to make him look like he has shark teeth. They didn't have to do that, they could have just given him shark teeth.
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But not this canon, idiot
Peacemaker doesn't care how many innocent men, women, or children he needs to rip through to bring peace to the world
Anon, people don't have shark teeth
That's silly, you're silly
People in real life file their teeth down, and they draw shark teeth on people in anime all the time. I'm not silly. You're silly.
> diversity troon squad killing elves
Let me guess who is behind this production
But TSS Harley showed feet...
What illusion?
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>You're silly.
How do you live in Gotham and not know who Harley Quinn is?
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They've heard of her but don't realize that's who she is until episode 2 when an ARGUS person says who she is.
The actual dragon and choreography aren't bad. It's the compositing that is terrible. The backgrounds and ground are sloppily slapped together and don't really mix with everything else. It's a recurring problem this series some scenes do it less, like >>269180857 and some scenes do it more, like >>269180682 . The dragon scene did it a lot and it was made much more noticeable because of how the scene works.
I'm just glad we haven't gotten any more of the horrible rotoscoped fighting they had in the first episode. No idea what the fuck they were thinking. I wonder if they originally planned to animate all the combat that way until they realized how fucking awful it looked.
Harley is hotter than any elf they've shown in this show.
"No way that's Harley Quinn, that must be a completely different teenage psycho who dresses like a harlequin and wields a baseball bat"
They don't get their outfits and gear until the end of the second episode. They're just in prison garbs for the first two episodes and Peacekeeper has a bag over their head.
Correction, that doesn't happen until partway through episode 3.
err Peacemaker. What the fuck I made a bunch of errors int hat post.
>than any elf.
Based episode.
Total Elf Death.
Kill yourself, /co/cksucker.
I hate elves
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A fix as harebrained as your mother.
>int hat
Imagine pulling her mask just enough to insert your throbbing penis in.
Is he gay?
What do you see in the katana bitch? She plain to me
>Zoomer elf slop collection
weebs, milord
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When will Clayface get a W?
a what now?
On an unrelated note, who knows someone good at fanart who also does nsfw?
He constantly gets W, he is the true MVP of this team. Without him the entire team would be screwed over and over again.
Meanwhile Deadshot is pathetic. For someone whose entire gimmik is that he never misses, he sure misses a lot.
I watch this show dubbed. Only the biggest weeaboos watch this subbed
Why didn't the boss negress dance in the credits?
>harley dies content
>the princess who is crazy takes over and no one knows the difference including joker
Kino ending.
True. Deadshot has been kinda disappointing so far. Did he even get a new power after travelling to the fantasy world?
Because last week we had the no OP episode, so this week it's the no ED episode.
Holy shit what fucking garbage this is.
Who are we expecting to be in the squad for s2 assuming they kill off atleast 3 of the current ones?
Harley lives of course, likely deadshot or clayface too.
Why are anons here acting like if this was the only anime ever to feature black people?
Is this the closest thing we have to John Cena being in a Japanese cartoon.
So far no. Peacemaker either.
Peacemakers is gonna be something strength related given how he's been fucking wrestling ogres
Bleach is bad?
>For someone whose entire gimmik is that he never misses, he sure misses a lot.
Ah, just like comic Deadshot then
The one literally called Afro Samurai was great.
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Yes its pretty fun. It might be capeshit but its DC and animated so its guaranteed to at least not be complete ass.
No, it isn't.
DC hasn't had a good cartoon since... the brave and bald, probably
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I've only seen few DC animated movies here and there lately. They are pretty alright for most part. I havent cared for capeshit since bollywood avengers became popular though.
There is A Difference
Angel Cop Original manga the protag becomes A cyborg due to her catastrophic injures.
Anime Movie she was simply superhuman.
thanks 4 being a racist fag
do you expect shitposters to actually know the thing they shitpost about?
He's just like that. When people have done weird things they started glowing.
Same. This series is garbage.
I wish Deadshot was white again.
Goyslop made in Japan
Japan itself is goyslop since dubya dubya two
No. Goyslop.
That's true of literally any anime
Why the fuck is Deadshot black? Dropped
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I love Katana so fucking much.
I don't feel comfortable being attracted to a (possible) underage mother.
I feel comfortable being attracted to a (possible) underage mother.
she's got kids??
You don't belong here.
I don't trust jewish capeshit but Harley Quinn looks really good in this show.. I may pick it up just for that
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>start watching for katummy
>stay for Clay
Love this dork more and more with every episode.
He's the mvp of the show.
Harley cheats on Joker with Deadshot in this?
I just want a Justice League adaptation at this point. They’re wasting too much of their potential here
No nudity, no sexualisation.
She's still in full clown makeup
Is anyone in Japan even watching this shit?
>actually calling people weebs on an anime forum on a website based off a Japanese website
Kys tranny and go back
>just being on 4chan somehow makes you a weeb
You're retarded
The writer is. lol.
No. She talks about Joker frequently and just mindraped The Thinker with her Puddin'.
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Not anime.
*black folx
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i need him
>Who are we expecting to be in the squad for s2 assuming they kill off atleast 3 of the current ones?
100% sure no one dies
Except Adam.
Thinker didn't listen and now Katana has trapped his soul.
>I wish Deadshot was white again.
He was never white, this is hate speech
At least this is better than the Re:Zero anime
Not really a high bar.
At least this is better than the One Piece anime
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>Why is Dumbledore like this
Mr Dumbledore Goldstein will always tell you what happened to him but he'll never tell you why.
Yeah, her eye color has changed from the first episode.
maybe in japan where they believe femboys are the pinnacle of masculine beauty as coping mechanism for their own low T
Not really a high bar.
All the Big Three have black people. Dragon Ball as well (I'm not referring to mr. Popo, but General Black from the original Dragon Ball). Anons are retarded.
I'm not a niggerlover, but you are a bonafide retard.
>that thigh squish
I wrote it off thinking that even though it's an anime that it'll have DC's/the west's retarded hands all over it looks like they've been given freedom to do what they want. Is the entire show worth checking or am I reading in too much?
How is its dub?
What a shitty wiki
Garbage like all dubs.
It's a fine show. It's nothing amazing really, but it's a serviceable silly adventure.
You virgin chuds just say that because you will never speak Japanese well enough to understand how cringe anime actually sounds to native speakers.
Unlike what you dubfags like to parrot, it's easy to tell when Japanese voice actors suck.
It's more like stage acting as opposed to natural speech for the most part, but that's true of movies as well. So why are movies, tv shows, plays, and anime itself popular if everyone in them sounds cringe to any native speaker?
Lmao, Japanese in movies/TV shows/plays is nothing like the anime Japanese.
Hahaha fucking weebs can't even understand the language they think the voice acting is better in
Nip voices are fucking awful. Either squeaky like they inhaled helium or hilariously low sounding like a 15 year old trying to sound tough
That's not even remotely true. You might just be a retard.
Ha ha yeah, not like the dubs where 8-16 year-old girls sound like 50+ chain smoking hookers because that's who voices them and they can't even be assed to act or change their voice to fit a character.
Literally The Japanese Man Yuta told me this, an expert on which Japanese in anime sounds natural and which doesn't.

It's very easy to check that. Just see trailers for recent Japanese movies.


It's clearly the same exaggerated acting and intonation you'd see in anime.

Now, this isn't completely universal and you have some "cult" directors that push for more naturalistic performance, but most Japanese medie doesn't go for naturalistic acting at all, even outside of anime.
males: okay
women: meh...
You sound gay
Katana only appeals to losers who barely watched anime
Katana is a westoid take on the jap woman.
She's a shallow normal woman who kills and is quiet.
Hopefully Harley kills her soon.
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i think mori is a fat wigger but ngl bros i think the ending song is growing on me
You think I give a fuck about virtue signaling how katana is cultural appropriation when I can just jerk it to her
Lmao no it isn’t. One good episode doesn’t erase all the shitty ones, the shitty OP or the homeless guy shitting up a toilet tier ED.
You don't speak Japanese so how do you know that?
I'm something of a piss maker myself...
That's john cena
bro has STANK breath
Wigger is a word from the 2000's. It's become the baseline standard for zoomers.
I hate Japan.
well, fuck you, maybe get better women to do dubs then
Is Harley the loli of this anime?
No, that's clearly an elf.
disgusting feet
they draw her with a cute young face, but that ninja girl would be closer to one
not saying either are loli though
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>cute young face
>ninja girl
loli enough
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Looks pretty damn good.
It's fine.
>Harley gets BBC'd
How's Peace Maker in this?

Is John Cena doing the dub for the character?

I'm mainly here for Peace Keeper since the second Suicide Squad movie was dope as fuck and his show was cool too.
He's been a little understated and underused so far IMO.
I don’t think Harely should be protagonist, this should be more of a choral show. I want to know more about Clay, or Deadshot or lady Katana
she got my back
>jerks you off from behind
I don't recall seeing anyone being this butthurt about Witchblade back in the day.
isnt katana usually bat's double agent in argus?
Fore me it's Katana
redpill me on katana, why does she wear the mask?
No shit. Nobody watched it.
She's a small gal (literally, she's 5'2")
Go ahead and cry about it ESL faggot.
It still bothers me that their implanted bombs would actually be effective on Clayface.
of course they brutalize the (white) elves.
cuz it was a flop. no otaku wanted to watch some post wall roastie act like a thot when anime at the time was 99% lolis and jks.
Elves are literally subhuman scum, you can't brutalize them any more than you can brutalize a turd.
>cuz it was a flop
No. It's because you're a 2021 tourist.
It didn't attract /co/niggers.
Both "not anime" fags and /co/mblrs are the same person
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She’s a Japanese housewife turned Punisher after her family got slaughtered.
They have 3 episodes to wrap up the whole story since there won't be a season 2
Azumanga zoomer go away
This guy gonna fuck Harley too
She had a blind dog called Zatoichi.
Obari Quin
More like
Ovary Win
I’d fuck her is what I’m trying to say
Natural, Harley is Jewish so she needs to breed blacks
So, when's the Justice League going to show up and one-shot everyone?
he's a blackcel, a deadbeat father, and 121k in debt.
First AC, then this. The year is the year of blacking japan, kek. Bmaf anons are eating good
So Harley would fuck him twice
The golden one has an anime?!
assassin's creed in ancient japan era, there's a black samurai hysteria going on rn, check /v/ if you're interested.
That's just incel chuds though. Japan is saying that it's just deranged white people. Yasuke is a black samurai and it's a fact. See wikipedia.
black people built Japan, and they created suicide squad
Why do you type like a rape victim?

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