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From the anime studio that brought you "Ghost in the Shell", comes a new chapter in the Terminator saga.

TERMINATOR ZERO premieres on Judgement Day (August 29th) only on Netflix.

Fuck this shit
Not anime.
It's pretty much by the Psycho-Pass production team.
Into the trash it goes.
Netflix seal of quality
It’s anime.

Like this anime
>From the anime studio that brought you "Ghost in the Shell"
i really dislike this type of dishonest marketing
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another day, another chagen being a netflix shill thread
another day, another chagen being a troll
Naked man
it literally is, who are this neo-anons that spam this?
Not anime.
They keep shitting up the suicide squad anime general too. Wish the jannies would get off their ass and do something about it
Illiterate fag

Japanese voice cast
It's shit.
Anime ! >>269185962
Not anime & manga.
Hot muscular woman terminator onee-san and young boys MCs.
I dig it.
> Not anime
> From the anime studio that brought you "Ghost in the Shell"
>terminator skull has an angry expression
fucking retarded.
Psycho-Pass was boring as hell.
KV looks AI generated.
It looks like a skull.
You can tell it's going to be perfectly watchable because it's making all the weebcels seethe like there's no tomorrow.
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No one actually thinks this is anime right? Hell they advertised English VA first so it's not meant for the Japanese audience.
Can already tell from the trailers its going to be woke garbage.
>Skull, 3 child's and a naked men with tits
>woke garbage.
Nothing in it actually indicates that, we don't see terminator woman making out with a colored boy or girl at all.
no such thing
now back to >>>/co/
How many more years can IG coast off being "the anime studio that brought you 'Ghost in the Shell'"?
I pray on my knees that it fails so badly western studios just decide to go back to ruining their own live action franchises, if it succeeds we will eventually have racial quotas and tranny shit like blue period in every fkn anime
If the characters don't turn into chibis occationally, it's not a proper anime.
The animatrix was a mistake.
>Westrn IP.
Shouldn't this shit be on /co/?
Fucking retards who think western franchises were never made into anime
But then again I don't completely blame them, at least to some degree, Netflix has been calling a lot of animation projects anime even though they were made by gooks or westerners
not watching anything from that shit.
nothing about this is anime
just looking at the poster being CG trash
I guess anything made by Ufotable isn't anime either
Unf naked muscle mommy
not even pluto or crybaby? kill yourself retard they have some good animes
Look at the names at the top. Are they japanese? No? Then it's not an anime.
this is just another feminist woke propaganda.
>NO arnold type terminator
>NO sarah connor
>NO future hero Jhon Connor
>NO already used on first 3 movies enemies
So if your show has an English dub it's not considered to be anime anymore?
good anime are in AT-X or Animax channels, netflix doesn't have anything good.
That's the woke terminator for that series, just feminist propaganda similar to the last terminator movie
youre visually illiterate
This poster looking like generic coporate designed mcu slop should tell you all you need to know about this shit.
This anime looks pretty good. Hype!
Who gives a fuck? You sound so retarded.
Not anime.
>nothing about this is anime
Some of the character art is 2D and looks like anime or at least the style is close.
You sound like you're sub 80 IQ, KEK.
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best terminator (even dubbed by the same seiyuu that voiced terminator in japanese).
Looks anime to me. Way more anime than the rick and morty shit from recently.
It's not even out yet.
How is it "dishonest"? If it's by Production IG then that's a literal fact.
It's anime.
Look at Suicide Squad
Looks like anime of the year incoming.
Hew can stay. I want to talk about this series on /a/. This show doesn't look cartoon styled so it's better here IMO.
Garbage western franchises are not anime.
Why? Cyberpunk Edgerunners was allowed so why not this?
Why do they keep trying to force terminator? Everything after the first two movies has been garbage.
Nice. Sound like this is going to be good.
Arcane > Anime
I agree but this show looks more japanese in style so I think it should stay.

>Garbage western franchises are not anime.
Kid this is not the first or last time this will happen
He has boobs tho
WTF. You guys told me Japan was moving away from the Western creators...
Trans (WO)man
>Racism outside of /b/
Honestly, a terminator anime would be kinda cool. I want this. Terminator is one of the few good western movie series so I want to see it get an anime. Not everything out of the west is automatically bad. Western animation may be ugly and shit but there are plenty of cool western live action movies.
Arcane > all anime
You do know that the Terminator franchise has 6 films right? Only 2 were good.
Itt: Jewflix shills and tourists trying to astroturf everyone into thinking that this shit is anime and old /a/ would've watched this pile of crap
2022: A future war has raged for decades between the few human survivors and an endless army of machines. 1997: The AI known as Skynet gained self-awareness and began its war against humanity.

Caught between the future and this past is a soldier sent back in time to change the fate of humanity. She arrives in 1997 to protect a scientist named Malcolm Lee who works to launch a new AI system designed to compete with Skynet’s impending attack on humanity. As Malcolm navigates the moral complexities of his creation, he’s hunted by an unrelenting assassin from the future, which forever alters the fate of his three children.

(Source: Netflix)
Why are you here then? Go watch it on repeat.
Never thought I'd see the day /co/ turns into discount /a/, a tragedy.
You seem confused. /a/ is getting more /co/
English cast.
Main character Malcolm Lee is Black.

Dude they don't even have faith on their own western animations. This is a desperate attempt at getting an audience because "those animes are getting popular with the youth", and I highly bet they think it's only because of the art style.
>tin foil schizobabble
We get trash like Overlord and Ex Arm from Japan these days. This looks great by comparison.
Nope. It's just opting for cheaper animation. Japs will animate anything for peanuts.
Any info on how many episodes this kino is gonna be?
>This looks great by comparison.
No it doesn't go back to /co/
Then why are they marketing it as "anime"?
This looks 100 times more /a/ than rick and morty.
Because it is anime. Like I said, it's /a/. Just leaning towards /co/ because japs work for peanuts.
0 * 100 = 0
>Nope. It's just opting for cheaper animation
There's nothing cheaper than garbage western tweening shit
>go back to /co/
I've never been in that shithole though. I hate cartoons but this show doesn't look like a cartoon. It's not simplistic or exaggerated like an ugly cartoon so I want it here. Anime are better than cartoons.
Lol. You think Netflix likes burning money? Japs just work for peanuts.
>3rd season was dogshit
Yeah this netflix shit isn't going to be good either
This can't possibly be worse than the movies...right?
When is the PV coming out?
>Lol. You think Netflix likes burning money?
Considering all the other shitty tumblr-pandering animated stuff they've greenlit and subsequently cancelled, yes
Westerners ape anime because calarts feminists destroyed the reputation of western animation with young people
It's a dead franchise being milked for profit Anon, what do (you) think?
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>No it doesn't
You think this new netflix show doesn't look great compared to EX Arm? ARE YOU FUCKED IN THE HEAD????
Making a Terminator anime is really fitting, considering how many 80s OVA had a random terminator clone show up for no reason
Not a japanese IP, doesn't look like anime at all, so yes it looks even worse than Ex Arm, now fuck off to jewflix.
>old /a/ would've watched this pile of crap
You don't know jack shit about old /a/, because you came here in 2016 faggot
You know nothing about production. They got cancelled because taking losses were deemed better than releasing it and incurring more losses while not gaining any profit. This isn't Westerners aping anime. It's literally Production I.G. Complain about japs taking up Western works not the other way around. Give peanuts to japs and they'll make anything for you.
>already projecting
Keep going you might be able to convince someone to watch this shit retard.
Trying to leech off of anime's success.
>literally cartoon shit style
>eng dub
Lol, lmao even.
> Anime are better than cartoons.

Arcane is better

Avatar the last airbender is better

Spiderverse is better
How come this thread is on /a/ and up for 3 hours? /a/ is for Japanese media while Terminator Zero is from a Californian company.
Not anime
Cope and seethe retard, your shitty cartoons will never be anime.
I.G is Japanese
>cartoon shit style
It looks like Psycho-pass, anon. In any case, the looks don't even come into play here. You must be new to anime to have this kind of reaction to an anime adaptation of a foreign IP. This is nothing new to the industry and frankly, looks like an overreaction to Netflix's previous attempts at branding non-Japanese animation as anime.
Skydance are the ones running the show.
Every time I think the bar can't get any lower western writers somehow manage it. So yeah I'm not optimistic
>It looks like Psycho-pass
No, it doesn't.
>You must be new to anime to have this kind of reaction to an anime adaptation
I've been watching anime for longer than you have been alive.
>This is nothing new to the industry
And nobody gave a shit about this kind of crap ever, all this shitty attempts of the western infection to get a hold of anime/manga because their media is dying will never amount to anything.
Reminder that Japanese creators like Tomino want future generations to make something like Spiderverse. Anime in the past or present can't come to close to it.
Still anime like cyberpunk edge runners

Obviously the IP's owners will have some level of involvement. But make no mistake, Production IG aren't mere animation subcontractors here and also have their say in the animation production. That's how these projects usually work.
>still anime like this other non-anime
I am replying to an obvious troll haha so funny man
> can't come to close to it.
Mob psycho
Space dandy
>Reminder that japanese creators are now being bribed into making slop by shady companies with trillions to waste
Tomino never talked about them or praised them.
Guano is literal shit, it's edible and it's better than most meds. So I advise you to eat shit.

Look, we all know that western media has its own barrel of problems, but that has nothing to do with collaborations like this. Both the western and japanese parties just want to make money (and sometimes explore the creative possibilities in better projects like The Animatrix) by banking on the appeal of a big western IP and japanese animation. Stop thinking in terms of the culture war brainrot.
I ask again, what are we going to do once EVERYTHING becomes anime?
>There's nothing cheaper than garbage western tweening shit
This. Western cartoon shit is so ugly.
The industry will collapse first as anime studios will run out of capacity long before. The cracks are already showing, with studios being unable to keep up with demand while production costs spiral due to messy production circumstances.
Congrats on outing yourself as the thread clown. hahahaha

>doesn't look like anime at all
It objectively does in some ways so stop being disingenuous. It has shading, it has anatomical characters and it has 2d characters.
The industry is moving towards a duopoly. Kadokawa is buying everything and Netflix is forcing studios to work for them.
Kill yourself jewflix kike
You think that realistic style is "cartoon". Wait until you see triggershit. It's on a whole other level of cancer.
Why is cyberpunk and Isekai Suicide squad and Rick and Morty shit allowed here then?
A westaboo studio doing westaboo shit, no surprise.
Say that again
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>doesn't look like anime at all
Anime has so many styles, that doesn't make sense. Just because there a popular approaches that doesn't mean Japanese animation that stray from the design trends don't count.
It always is between Kadokawa and Sony
Netflix is a complete non-factor
I hate cuntflix though. This new thing looks decent so I will give it credit though.
Same reason why most of 4chan.org/rules is completely ignored.
Some of the older guard at Trigger like western stuff, but their animation is very much built upon their Japanese predecessors. Imaishi and Amemiya for instance draw their inspiration from Kanada and Obari respectively. It is wrong to characterise Trigger's animation as being "westernised".
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/a/ verdict is in. Now just wait for it to get spammed.
>Imaishi and Amemiya for instance draw their inspiration from Kanada and Obari respectively.
Not exclusively. Triggershit looks repugnant.
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Typical hollywood directors and producers. I highly doubt it's going to worth watching.
writers* and producers
The director did Hayate.
This is the upcoming anime that I'm most hyped for. I love Terminator and anime and this combines two of my favorite things.
why is /a/ like this
>This is the upcoming anime that I'm most hyped for. I love Terminator and anime and this combines two of my favorite things.
It could be better if it was a wanky CGDCT comedy with terminator joining their circle for whatever reason from future and Skynet checking them out.
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Fuck you.
This is anime!

Trans waifu!
Terminator is not.
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>Anime has so many styles
Oh fuck off that BS you charlatan. Anime has a recognizable style and it's the one in this picture.
Yasuke is anime!
And was a samurai!
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All this misdirection. The only thing that matters is the writers and producers behind the project.
Now it is >>269191460
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I guess I'll do a second update. Yeah, /a/ mostly doesn't have an issue with this new netflix show. It's just a vocal minority.
THank god you're not in charge of writing or making anime. LOL!
Cute girls do make everything better but this still looks like it'll be fun.
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Anime with great correct racial casting
It's going to be shit, not because Netflix is behindit nor because it's a western franchise....but because Terminator universe has been exploited to death, hardly anything new to explore other than LOOK AT THIS NEW VERSION OF THE KILLER ROBOT THAT WE'RE GONNA SEND BACK IN TIME.
Fuck it.
>Anime has a recognizable style and it's the one in this picture.
why'd you post cringe cancer? next you'll post doraemon abominations. fuck off kid
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Vocal minority who seethe about non japanese anime confirmed. If "no" votes get spammed after this then it's deffo a proxy.
That's clearly a simplstic cartoon styled abomination. Anime are not cartoons you newfag. Nip cartoons are allowed on /a/ just like 3dshit but none of that is anime.
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quads confirm, termin/a/tor is /our/ show
You're mentally ill.
>anime ceases to be anime once it gets EN dub
Might as well ban 99% of threads on /a/ then.
Keep seething you turd.
When is this new terminator anime coming out?
You're the one seething. I don't give a shit about it being an anime or not. It can be, whatever, no one cares. You're just a fucking weirdo for making polls, rigging them, then repeatedly updating an imaginary audience. It's like watching a guy on a street corner talking to himself. You're creepy.
This looks like it will be a good anime. Too much romcom shit recently
Stop replying to trolls. They live for your tears.
Haha You seethe so much, this anger can't be good for you. Try not to have such a meltdown.
He's not a troll he's just insane. I'm just slapping him around a bit for fun.
Motherfcuker, that's not even my poll and you just replied to yourself. I'm not making an account on some shitty poll website. Why do you think I post on 4chan? no signup is needed
I know right? That guy is seething like someone just shot his dog or something What the fuck.
This looks good.
It's all chagen replying to himself to make his own thread look active. Lurk moar.
picked up. is this the only trailer we have so far?
Why are you giving (You)'s to a mad sperg? New terminator anime is good.
PPPFFFFFFTTTT AHAHAHAHHAHA You're literally just mad and coping that the thread is active. Thanks for giving me a laugh. hahahahahahha
>no grammatical errors
You're finally improving, but I suggest toning down the all-caps spam. It's a little too obvious.
Not anime.
Mental illness.
>still crying and acting deranged
you wet yourself
>everyone else is the same person!!!!
As i said. Mental illness.
>western writers
>made specific for english audience
not anime. this is like saying legend of korra is anime. I dont care what this is but it isnt anime. anime is short for "japanime" which is short for "japanese animation"
>Trying to leech off of anime's success.
This is nothing. That's what triggershit and gaynax trash does. Literal cartoons pretending to be anime and calling themselves anime. It's so gross.
>this is like saying legend of korra is anime.
It has anatomically corrects characters and shading so it's more like anime than 99% of western animation.
It's not tho anime, Isekai Suicide Squad is anime.
>Suicide Squad is being written, directed, animated, etc.. all by Wit Studio using Japanese staff and voice actors. There is zero western involvement.
>Terminator Zero is being made entirely by Americans and then they're outsourcing the animation to Production I.G. and the CGI to some western studio. They're using American voice actors and everything. Production I.G. isn't involved in anything but animation.
At least this has some 2D in it unlike girls band cry cancer.
Suicide squad is not anime.
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>netflix takes an existing story and remakes it with a female protagonist
Stop this shit
i dont care if it is "more like" anime. it isn't anime. it was written by western writers. this amount of obfuscation is ridiculous. anime is written by the japanese and then imported around the world. western animation outsources spongebob to korea all the time but that doesnt make spongebob "korean"
This terminator show is anime. Isekai Suicide Squad has ugly characters that don't look like anime.
>but that doesnt make spongebob "korean"
Yes it literally does you moron. It's korean made. So partly korean. The IP is not Korean but the animation is.
This thread is moving fast enough that no one will know I farted.
Why is it on My Anime List then?
Ironically a good chunk of western franchises would be good in anime format.
Animatrix is proof of it.
why? female protags are better. are you gay?
>The only thing that matters is the writers and producers behind the project.
Fuck off. Visuals are the most important things.
So is this going to be an original story or is it going to follow the movies?
Based Kinoflix putting out more great stuff. Best streaming platform.
...how is this fucking franchise not dead yet after all that happened?!
What happened?
/a/ needs even more gatekeeping
i thought you retards were the safest board on that regard
Fuck off with this western zombie franchise and fuck this shill thread, take this to /co/ or /tv/
Very good looking cover image.
Blame the idiot who thought it was a good idea to allow shounon shit here.
They drove the franchise into the ground and kept going until it dropped into hell. The matter was exacerbated by the fact that the franchise creator was at the helm, so you can't blame dA jOoS this time around.
more like we need another board for this pretend anime trash
/a/ was fucked when mods decided to allow 3dcg shit and cartoons here. /a/ was never good for gatekeeping.
You fuck off you turd.
>They drove the franchise into the ground and kept going until it dropped into hell.
What the hell are you referring to? Elaborate. I've watched some terminator movies years ago and I only remember them being great.
>this pretend anime trash
this looks semi okay though. it's more anime than berserk 2016
Looks like ass.
Nta but it's simple
>T1 was great
>T2 was great
>T3 was ok at best and unnecessary
>T4 had an interesting change to the formula but was also just ok
>T5 was dog shit
>T6 was somehow even worse
>japanese DUB cast
not anime confirmed
>we don't see terminator woman making out with a colored boy or girl at all
But it'd be super hot if she seduced the baseball kid
>Mob psycho
This was shit though
How will blaming moot convince hiro to sell the site to me?
>>T3 was ok at best and unnecessary
The action was good.

>T5 was dog shit
Why though? What was actually wrong with it?
Are you disabled?
Spiderverse is dogshit. If what you said is true then Tomino is a subhuman piece of trash.
>The action was good.
It wasn't.
it's the one with the modified girl terminator right? that one had good action
>ambiguous races

No thanks.
He didn't mean make films exactly like Spiderverse, but he wanted anime studios to create a style that is new and makes as big of an impact as Spiderverse.

Tomino has always had a competitive spirit and wants the industry to aim to beat the best. It's part of the reason why he seemingly has a massive chip on his shoulder about Miyazaki since he saw him as his main competitor and was never able to "beat" him.
> ambiguous
No black. See anon >>269191679
No. It was kino and best new gen shounen
It's terminator so yeah.
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>This is the answer from Hollywood, is put an anime filter in worn out IPs.
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>Having the audacity to make more Terminator when they killed off John corner and replaced him with a womanlet
I have to admit the ''not anime'' poster have a point here.
(i think Cyberpunk and SSI are anime)
I bet you can't what for the Rick & Morty anime considering how bad your taste is
>and was never able to "beat" him.
Gundam is fuckhuge as a franchise. I wonder why he said that?
Who the fuck want to watch that shit ? If I'm watching anime it's to avoid amerigoyslop.
I don't watch that garbage.
Cyberpunk literally had western writers and just about the same amount of western shit behind the scenes.
This is not /a/
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kids dont know about this kino
we need more subs
Anime or not?
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These kinds of western IP tie-ins aren't anything now.
Yeah and they aren't anime.
The most I know about Nintama Rantaro is from fujo fanart.
japan thinks is anime
OP didn't ask
Maybe Skynet wanted it to look angry because it knows it would scare humans.
There are special people who make that assertion about dubs specifically, yes.
I stopped being interested in the Terminator Franchise after the third movie, and I only watched that because it had an ending where humanity gets nuked to hell. Now that this is a franchise zombie being desperately kept alive by the hollywood studios, I don't care enough that I would even bother pirating this series, nor would I talk about it with my friends and acquaintances and fellow anons on /a/.
looks cool
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The continuity is a huge mess. The rights have switched hands a ton of times too.
>Salvation was intended to be a new trilogy but the movie did so bad the company went bankrupt and the rights were auctioned off.
>Genisys was supposed to be a new trilogy but it did so bad that they dropped it and started over with the next movie
>Dark Fate was done with James Cameron who said the previous movies were being considered as a bad dream or alternate timeline
killer robots owe me sex
Bump for interest.
>No Arnold face
>No John Connor
>No Sarah Connor
This is DC Isekai = Suicide Squad faggotry all over again
/co/ always picked to shittiest cartoons to shill
This is not Terminator
>Upcoming Terminator and LOTR anime
>It's about a bunch of literal whos instead of the cast that we familiar with
Fuck you /co/, fuck you

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