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Imagine being beaten to death by this
Disgusting gorilla.
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Hunter x hunter is over.
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Post your oldest HxH image.
>t. 99fag
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It seems to be this, from 2017. Certainly I’m far from a veteran.
gon will find don before ging btw.
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Actually this is slightly older (besides some ‘OC’ from 2016)
don is looking for ding who is trying to find dang btw.
I don't have my old computer anymore but the oldest images I had were a bunch of Gon-san touhou edits from when it was a big meme among japanese otaku
Hisoka has developed a conjuration and transmuter hatsu. His nen after death ability with be a enhancer hatsu.
>Hisoka has been placing bits of his bungee gum everywhere
>He dies and his post-mortem nen activates
>it starts an apocalyptic nen awakening for everyone
Oh, but I do...
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And dang is trying to find dong the original absent father...
Now that hisoka can use texture surprise on bungee gum he will now activate BUNGEE WORLD
This sounds fanboyish, but I've been reading through the SW arc again, and I just don't get how people can be bored with it. Is it really just because Gon/Killua aren't there? The walls of text really aren't a bother, only relatively rarely do they even feel like walls, like the chapter with Tse's friends. And even that, upon a reread, is a bit less daunting. I just find everything going on interesting. Obviously bodyguard 4 isn't that important, you just need to know who he's with, if a character is important, it's pretty evident, pretty quickly.
No, it’s just different strokes for different strokes. Every Hunter arc is different in some way, so naturally many people may like certain arcs less. And before you go
>well Hunterchads
The majority of the fanbase are shonenshitters

The lack of standard action, amount of text (and before you go it’s not that much, relative to other manga it’s notable), amount of plots and characters to keep up with, etc, would be reasons those people wouldn’t like it.

It’s no different than people preferring Yorknew to CA.

Also, people tend to like things much more after it’s finished, and they complain the most during the buildup. See any discussions over an arc for many series. SW has been in buildup mode for almost a decade now, I’m sure the reception will be much clearer at the end
Unironically because of low iq
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I look forward to seeing Morena's crew get more mindbroken as they start to really get involved in nen combat.
Weebs have always been overly sensitive crybabies that don't stop at simply disliking something and moving on from it. It's kind of otaku culture to obsess over retarded shit.
It's a mixture of factors coinciding.
In general, most manga readers but especially battle manga readers are in a junk food mindset. You see it a lot where they will brag about reading a chapter in only three minutes- so they skim through all that text and don't pay attention to all the building mystery or stakes, and are left going "Bro what the fuck is happening??"- it's why so often you'll see a lot of manga readers of other franchises completely misunderstand the series in question.
Another factor is, of course, 2011fags. 2011 brutally raped everything the original anime covered and created a disjointed adaptation where it's 85% Gon and Killua shotacon adventures, with the remaining 15% divvied up between the Phantom Troupe, Hisoka, Kurapika, and Leorio. This won't be the first time 2011 has cut down on essential context leading to drastic misreadings of the content (cutting Kite in episode one completely skews how one is meant to view Gon's character).
So, an arc without the two perceived main characters at all is going to sting.

Another massive issue is translation quality. So many people read unofficial translations- and for Succession War, they are literally unreadable. Just not English past a point (for example, the mangastream version of that iconic page gets posted a lot- if you stop to read it you will notice is literally makes no sense. Tons of repetition with no conclusion, mistakes, and completely incorrect translations. Go to Viz and you get both a more concise and accurate TL, as well as a shorter one).
What's pariston endgame?
To make her son gon the strongest
Pariston is Sheila and her endgame is to explore the DC to find Don Freeccs who was Dino Hunter from her "Hunter book" which is the DC West edition
I don’t know, I’d just be shocked if his 5000 ants doesn’t get connected to Gyro in some way
Shizuku and Chrollo are the same person
Neon is pregnant with Kurapika's twins
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How’s everyone doing on this gummy cummy day?
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Your shitty ship is DEAD, deal with it
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Huh, youre gonna hate what Togashi has planned!
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I don't have my old computer anymore either but I made a Gon-san edit of picrel back in like 2014, I still see it posted every once in a while
I don't get the Hisoka thing, why are they spamming things that aren't true?
Are they being retarded on purpose, I genuinely can't tell
>>269230094 (You)
>as again AC=/=HF.
>>This has never been a point of confusion.
It just seems like "why haven't they continued its use?" comes up when they wouldn't stop under the scenario.
>If this power existed but was so ineffectual in history to have never left a mark it's frankly a garbage ability. The Seed Urn, Sun and Moon, even Contagion have and will all leave marks in history.
Garbage abilities can exist and the Untouchables are all run of the mill individuals. But the idea that it's had no tangible impact on history(if it did exist pre-Camilla) is speculation. If they did curse individuals successfully with caution it wouldn't be traced back to them; haunting abilities that kill people are well known as a thing that exist. This kind of stuff canonically is blamed on the acts of malicious spirits.
And FWIW the Seed Urn is conducted by the higherups(and is not well known), Sun and Moon was designed purposefully to send a message and MC had an alliance with the mafia by then. Contagion is meant to bring an end to the world and Morena waited until now to set it off. I outlined how concerted suicidal efforts would go and in my assumption the vaguest efforts would've been at some points in history for Fukataki to have context on this

There are assumptions either way. As we're going over you have to assume how Hell Fruit would be used over the generations convincingly. I think they're reasonable. If they developed it recently, Fukataki's role as an experienced elder has to have assumptions made. It can work too, I just don't find the idea too convincing.
Clownfags have been chimping out and seething non-stop since 2016. Chrollo vs Hisoka and its consequences have been a disaster for HxH threads.
So what's up with this guy? Does he really want to protect the princes? He's very convincing. Melody's judgement is likely correct that he's manipulated, but in what way? Is he manipulated by others, or by himself? Could it be an odd case where he's being manipulated to help the princes, but his regular personality is one that would want to kill them? So he would be legitimately be working for their safety, but when the time is right, the manipulation on him could turn off, and he would become aggressive. I'm just throwing things out there, I kinda like this guy, but I don't know where Togashi is going with him.
I stay out of this convo but I'll say this if it's the 50th time it gets brought up. I think it's reasonable for Chrollo to have "cheated". I do think it would have to be brought up directly if he did cheat, and make sense in the context of the story for it to be brought up. The thing that sticks out to me is Hisoka thinking about a fishing line; nothing else immediately grabs my attention as being odd, but it's a generally unanswered question within the fight and then we see Machi later.
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My oldest HxH pic is a lewd of Killua
How much STRONGER has hisokas NEN gotten
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He is more violent and direct now. He has to maintain Bungee prosthetics so that's a negative, but they can be used as an element of surprise if managed properly.
Hisoka is approximately 1× as strong as before.
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>bungee gum enhanced feet
He is faster than netero btw
actually he has to maintain more nen constructs, and gum has no muscle or ability to exert force
the reason he appears healed as though by magic is that thats his whole deal
>bungee gum enhanced fist
Hisokas punches are stronger than gings
Bun girl owes me sex!
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I definitely had older ones but this one is from feb 2017
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pocket pussy pitou
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lil gay niggas
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owes me sex
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loradio is a bottom of the iceberg tier character
Dogman's victim
>clinging to nobu for relevance
next generation of luiniheads
Spiderbros, what could Togashi possibly have meant by giving them flashbacks...? I'm scared...
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why'd he give kurapika a flashback?
because he will also perish. RIP pikabros
Cute 'chi.
It's in its own oneshot, not the main story. So cope.
I guess giving Razor a flashback is also some kind of deathflag?
Life only got better for Razor after his flashback, it's looking good for us troupebros
Yes, Razor got a flashback right when he was defeated (in his volleyball game) So did Binolt when he was defeated (in Bisky's challenge). If the Phantom Troupe lose it will mean their deaths since it's not just a game and none of Hisoka, Morena's group, or Kurapika will spare them like with Binolt
The spiderlings will be picked off one by one by the magician.
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I can see the spider dying but not every single individual member
It’s fucking insane that the longest flashback in the series is given to the childhood troupe. Not Netero (a handful of pages), not Nanik/killua (like a chapters worth), not gyro (literally a couple of pages).

But the fucking child torupe

We better get a flashback of the Kurta massacre at this point
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I think it's a coinflip on whether they live or die
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This is very cool, it's like when Meruem watched the rock fall in slow motion while mentally preparing himself to receive Netero's attack
>Why does the group who have been in the series for the vast majority of its run and are core to a major character conflict get a big flashback
>Watch my retardation as I compare their flashback to
>A side character who exhausted all merit in telling his backstory in the pages given
>A side character who exhausted all merit in telling her backstory in the pages given
>A character who hasn't even been involved in the plot
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I feel bad for her in 2011 since she gets mogged to oblivion by 99
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I just hope the flashback ends up having some relevance / ties into this current arc, I think complainers will be more accepting of the flashback depending on what happens next but you have to remember only like 3 chapters have happened since the flashback
They are more important than Netero or Meruem tbf. And yes, they're the second part in a flashback trilogy. Kurapika's at the beginning, Chrollo's at the middle, and the synthesis flashback during the climax.
specialist isn't a real category, since each specialist does somthing different when they do the water divination test.
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"Strike-type abilities" are the ones that belong to Enhancement, Emission and Transmutation.
Ging can copy those by talent because he's an Enhancer.
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How much would she go for if they auctioned her off?
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Yes, Enhancers can pull off Emission.
What planet do you think Machi will summon with her ultimate hatsu?
The flashback is for thematic relevance . To show how
>similar young Chrollo and Kurpaika were
>how the 4th prince is the exact type of perosn the young torupe would despise

It will definitely tie into some themes and character arcs, but not necessarily plot
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The Royal Guards were much better before the 2011 shitty colors.
Kurpaika’s isn’t the beginning. It’s a one shot released to tie into the movie. If it was important it would’ve been official chapters. Especially since the chaoters were released right after the DC started (literally after 340 but before 341)
Technically before the DC arc.
Togashi considers 341 the beginning. 340 would be like a Prologue of Hunter x Hunter Part 1 and 341 is the actual start of Part 2.
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Going with her female ninja / kunoichi theme, girl ninjas in anime/manga (and irl probably) very often rely on poison, and Venus supposedly has the most toxic atmosphere in our solar system, so I'm guessing she'll summon Venus which will be about as effective as the poison Meruem got hit with from the rose, though maybe just a bit weaker (it'll probably be able to be countered with strong nen / high aura capacity, but still very dangerous/lethal)
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This weird obsession with 2011 while shilling 1999 is ridiculous, both of them suck compared to the manga, if you're going to be annoying about adaptations then at least be correct
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There's only like 2 mentions of 1999 in this thread and only 1 of them is saying Machi is very pretty in 99 > 2011
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99 = 2011

that is simply the factual state of things, and the manga beats both by a huge landslide

machifags are subhuman, she's gonna die in like 20 chapters anyways so I'm glad they'll be gone soon
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Explain why this isn't your phone wallpaper.
Choose your words wisely.
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It's gonna be a fun week when she shows up and does something
But the only thing she’s gonna do is fight Hisoka…she’s not getting a subplot like Nobu group vs Hei-ly
Togashi does batches, he wouldn't return with actual chapters if he was only doing 3(lengthwise)(for the record, Kurapika's Memories is the longest flashback). Once we go into 341 onwards Kurapika's Memories is treated as known information, first alluded to in 344. The Troupe arc has callbacks to it and a third arc is fairly inevitable, so Kurta-beginning Troupe-midpoint Synthesi/Massacre-climax is a safe call.

This is all pedantics but 340 is clearly the actual start of the arc even if Togashi numbered his drafts starting from 341. That was the last chapter in his very long batch so he probably just included it as part of the election even though 339 is as much of an ending as something can possibly be.
Amazing Togashi! Making plot pivotal information as a one shot that most people couldn’t even access or casually know about! That’ll serve well!
Information from Kurapika's memories is never once mentioned in the main story
>inb4 sheila
Sheila in the PT backstory is actually the precursor to the one in the Kurta story, so the Sheila in Kurapika's memories was not necessary to understand the PT backstory.
Sheila being in Kurapika’s memories only matters if she’s relevant to this arc or the Kurta massacre. If not, Sheila’s appareance is more like a sneak peak/trophy for the phantom troupe flashback
I think he means when Kurapika mentions Pairo.
Though to be fair, Pairo had already appeared back in Yorkshin.
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If you're a 2011fag I think 1 of the first things you'd do after finishing the anime is looking up the manga, and you'll quickly be pointed towards the volume 0
So do you think the average fans knows the details of the flashback, about Sheila knowing Kurapika, etc
Pairo is a faint unnamed silhouette for a single panel in Yorknew. Kurapika mentions him by name in SW and Tse obviously has his head.
That's not how it works. You obtain information about characters by release order. D Hunter's book is not elaborated on because the reader is meant to understand it.
They released a digital version of Volume 0 in Japan recently. How other countries handle it is up to them. But I agree, working to help tie it into that shitty movie is a detriment to the series' readability.
D Hunter's book isn't necessary in the Phantom Troupe backstory either. It's just a book she has. Show one panel that can't be understood without information from volume 0 so far
Can’t wait for Sheila to get mentioned in Kurpaika’s prescence and then all the comments going
>what the fuck, since when did Kurpaika know the troupes childhood friend!

He might as well just rewrite Kurpaika’s flashback extended or compressed into a batch
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People really underestimate Togashi. They forget it’s not the trope that’s bad, but the authors writing. And Togahsi has never failed us (except maybe with kites revival , the cuckclowns revival, and Nanika). That’s why when Togashi reveals the mindfuck between Kurta/Kurapika and Sheila/troupe/meteor city, it will solidify this arc as a masterpiece and Togashi’s greatest writing achievement .
It's contextualizing characters and what drove Sheila to her journey. There's nothing to convince you because you're willingly obtuse. You don't care that Sheila and Pairo were introduced prior and are meant to be built on through the story proper, or the important thematics such as what Pairo tells Kurapika to do on his journey.
Anyone else dropping the manga if the Troupe dies?
Will job to beyonds team to hype up how strong they are as bad guys.
If that's what you mean okay, just don't say it's treated as known information if none of the information is used, as I was responding to >>269237808
You could read it before or after to get the same context information
It's just extra information about Pairo who was already shown until Sheila has an impact on Kurapika at which point it will be required information to understand the manga
Basically the only things i actually dislike about hxh is Kite's revival and Alluka. I'm fine with o my rubber nen
I'm dropping it if they survive
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Troupe won’t completely die. At least one will be alive for a Gyro/meteor city arc. Most likely single survivors/next leaders are

>Machi: has the “I’ll chase you to the end of the earth if you kill Chrollo”, is one of the nicer members, good hunches
>Nobunaga: has been one of the nicest and most reflective members, based off a historical leader samurai, and is decent at befriending and leading
>franklin: relatively calm and collected, intelligent, clear minded
>Phinks: relatively reflective (shown in the end of Yorknew with Pakunoda a death and seeing Gon/killua), shown leadership qualities In CA arc
>chrollo: would come full circle if he’s the only troupe member alive , as Kurpaika is the only Kurta. Has shown that he doesn’t care about dying, but how would he feel if everyone except himself died? Would be interesting to see a post spider Chrollo

What do you guys think
As a ClownGOD, I'm not sure if the better choice would be to let Chrollo live while the Troupe dies (which is a much more brutal outcome for Chrollo, since he doesn't care if he dies), or to let Chrollo die and have some of the Troupe members stay alive.
Franklin will probably be first to die on the boat as they will probably find him dead when they go back to Tier 5
I think the Zoldycks will survive if they counr. Tge rest will all die to wrap up Kurapika's and Hisoka's arcs
It entirely depends on what Togashi has planned imo. Though I feel like a post torupe Chrollo is pretty much a soulless character who doesn’t come back to the story, whereas I can see a non Chrollo torupe moving forward
I think the best option is a split between. Chrollo alive, but all but one or two other members dead. The torupe is pretty much dead in name and spirit, Chrollo is depressed, but he still has another member by his side in case Togashi wants to go the “growth “ route
Togashi already spelled it out for you troupe fags in greed island.

Hisoka will kill Chrollo, mAchi will survive, obsessed with chasing Hisoka in revenge.

It’s about as direct a foreshadow as Netero saying someone might have to be sacrificed to kill the ants
If Hisoka is so smart why doesn't he cut off all his limbs and BUNGEE GUM them back since it's soooo great? Huh?
Thematics are huge for a story and the end of Kurapika's Memories are meant to inform his arc going forwards. Togashi already put emphasis on Sheila, we don't need to wait for that to come to fruition to know he two moments matter.
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>see article on machine learning
>think it's an article about machi
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>overhear someone say the word "strongest"
>think they're talking about Nobunaga
Kurapika's new arc is about not having anywhere to return to after his journey and about duty vs revenge. Kurapika's memories serves as extra context to inform on what his old home was, which is helpful but not completely necessary
Sheila is still an open question, Togashi has left a lot of plot hooks hanging in the past so she may be a nothingburger
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1shots meruem by giving him 24/7 Komugi gooning PMVs
This arc is nothing but jojo references
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Togashi drew Polpo once
no joke
Nobunaga vs Hisoka, who wins?
Hisoka can nodiff any troupe member if he doesn't give any of them prep time and its a 1v1

but realistically speaking, Nobunaga wins because he's the strongest
He hard counters Nobu according to Feitan and Phinks
Who knows haven't really seen Nobu in a serious fight
that's hot
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The arc is dwelling on Kurapika's promise to Pairo(which is also what his speech in front of the eyes is addressing). There's not really a point in calling Sheila a dangling hook, the arc has been tight with its themes and characters(it's resolving kurapika and chollo)
>chrollo: would come full circle if he’s the only troupe member alive , as Kurpaika is the only Kurta.
I like this one. I can see him finally facing Hisoka after most of the troupe is dead and the boat is sinking, ready to die facing him, but Machi blocks a killing blow and takes Hisoka out with her. Now Chrollo has truly lost it all...
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I'm hoping by the end of next week chapter 410 is completed so we can have a sneaky volume soon. I want to go schitzo with theories again. I'd love shoot/knuckles to return one day, but i'm just exciting with what the new characters will bring in the coming arc.
If we assume Nobu is around Uvo level and Hisoka really didn't got a post mortem nen boost, then Hisoka wins high diff.
Nobu can’t slice through the gum. Hisoka puts gum on the sword, steals it , and beats Nobu to a pulp
Hisoka doesn't have STRONG EN he would lose.
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During Nobunagas introduction he basically said he was afraid of bungee gum iirc
>Nobunaga [HEADCANON]
chrollo had to stop him from fighting hisoka.
If the troupe all just killed hisoka when GODbunaga said so none of this would be happening btw.
Dude Machi is not that important lol
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You cant spell nen without Neon
Shoot is incredibly underrated
Yes you can, retard.
who has the strongest nen on the boat?
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Chrollo and Mochi are the lone survivors of the spiders
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You can't spell NEN without EN
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Killua was so lucky
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took me a while to get into hxh
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Post canonical gamers.
My old hdd that I had for like 8 years died somewhere around 2017-2018, I don't really care about most of the files that were lost except for a few rare hxh ones that I haven't seen posted again
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My schizotheory is that he is working for the king to help the younger princes, since the younger the prince that wins, the stronger the nen it can develop in the future.
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bisky my love
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I think Togashi merged Usagi and Chibi-usa into 1 character to create Bisky
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say it with me

the manga version of sailormoon looks like shit
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I like how Togash idraws her
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still making billions
Why does togashi give hsioka so much jesus imagery?
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Gensuru gives me kino-skin every time he's onscreen
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Hisoka would have tanked that btw
>is a emitter
>Uses a less effectual non-emitter attack
silva would lose to hisoka thanks to memory overload.
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maybe i should read this
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I think the original anime is what you want since it's created by a bunch of a horny men adding in tons of fan service, for example in the manga Sailor Moon love interest in high school while she's 14 years old, but in the anime they make him a college student while she's still 14 which just goes to show how visionary the anime directors were
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You're telling me they REMOVED an underage boy and that's somehow fanservice??? tch
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Mamoru always looked like a grown ass man to be fair
>crayon shinchan
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cant find it in nipponese but they do a full on shin chan cameo, in JP audio I believe its his actual VA
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Dilate tranny
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Hisoka is Togashi's favorite villain. He wouldn't cuck him out like that.
Hisoka WILL kill Chrollo, the question is what will happen after it.
Give me pages Togashi I'm thirsty
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The Cutest.
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Same voice btw.
Will you marry melody on the off chance that she might revert to her beautiful former self
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Nencho's reaction is so pure there.
I love her so much
With how close Fugetsu is to kicking the bucket I wonder what would happen to her if that were to pass.
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ToGODshi posted.
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Togashi is not only drawing, but writing past the storyboards he had saved.
Name ネーム are storyboards for those who don't know.
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Halkenburg just announced that he's no longer running for office.
what scene is this?
Have you not watched YYH, zoomzoom?
I have, just forgot. It was a long time ago for me.
It's one of the most emotional moments in the series, so you shouldn't have forgotten it.
He has already added dialogue and completed the instructions for chapters 405-410. This suggests that he's working on chapters 411 and beyond, and isn't waiting until he completes chapter 420. The color he mentions might even be for the color page of chapter 411. We're definitely getting a 20 chapter batch.
Kacho is so fucking cute bros
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It's the one right before the final round of the tournament, the same episode where Toguro asks for orange juice
Enter: Gong, the creator of the dark continent as well as Nen..
Naoko Takeuchi's perennial SMUGNESS does things to my soul.
It's incredible.
Every picture. Every single picture she's in, there's that cheeky smugness.
I can't-
She is obviously being sustained by nen after death.
There are only 3 options, 1.: She disappears, 2.: She stays, 3.: She turns into a rampaging eldritch monstrosity to take revenge on the killer. (This would also reveal the original form of the nen beast)
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Gon cheated
hurry up already old man
Agreed! Killua is also on the same tier of cuteness though, Togashi is a genius for creating two of the best shotas ever!
The whale? Or Biscuit, maybe.
CHADsoka cheated because he attached a fishing line to Gon's cheeks
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Kalluto calls her Matey-sensei
Gings technique seems to work like Rando in yu yu hakusho
Rando was the first like mid-tier strong antagonist and he was a technique stealer who liked to summon fish
Gon, unlike BITCHrollo, is an EnhanCHAD, and doesn't need to cheat like a SpeSISSYalit.
She has her hand in his kimono in this panel.
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>Creation of reincarnations of Sarasa and Pairo in progress
>togashi fucked her vagina
lucky man
wtf is this pedoshit
found the jp dub
My tiny wife
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Sailor Moon (Togashi's wifes series)
One Piece > HxH
Both go to shit eventually tho
HxH after Chimera Ants
One Piece after WCI
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>blocked in your country
i'll never get how they decide which country to block/allow
use vpn bruh and don't watch in on phone bruh
Dark Continent preparation + Chrollo-vs-Hisoka + Voyage arc is peak albeit thoughever
Holy smugness
Gon isn't even the main character anymore.
HxH at its lowest point is better than Wan Piss at its highest.
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I'm on a big boy computer and it's very rare that I actually see a video blocked (USA)
I think I get it, it says "blocked by Viz" and I think they really only want english speakers to watch their english dub of sailor moon since their dub is relatively new/modern afaik
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frickin based
One Piece has higher highs than HxH best arc (Chimera Ants). What Togashi achieved while impressive Oda did multiple times in a roll (Alabasta, Skypea, Water 7, Summit War).
>He's storyboarding past 430
>He's still inking chapters
>He's doing the 411 color page
>He's inserting dialogue on 411+
>He's making assistant instructions for 411+
>He's probably still doing finishing touches on 405-410
Hunterchads. We won.
Alabasta: 5/10
Skypiea: 4/10
Water 7: 5.5/10
Summit: Saobody is good i guess, Impel down is ok, Marineford is trash.
not sure why you're here, but begone from these hallowed halls wanpisser. None of your arcs you listed are better than any arc in HxH except maybe Heaven's Arena.
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This is quite literally the dumbest opinion I've ever read on /a/, and that's saying A LOT.
I am a Pitoufag
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please stop
One Piece is shit, its mostly fucking cringe man.
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Holy shit taste
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I really want to see a timeskip. They have the same child-like enthusiasm for adventure, but all grown up.
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Why do people feel the need to announce how plebeian they are like this?
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Both are on the same level of maturity if we have to be honest, and have been rival manga since the start; one became more and more childish while the other lost itself. Regardless, Shonen Jump is finished so they artificially keep them going for a decade now as the whole magazine rides on these two. At one point WanPissbros were our only nakama in the dark period ruled by Narutards and Bleachtards,
>AI slop
It's time to kys
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They are part of the same Masonic lodge
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>while the other lost itself
I don't understand why togashi's famously meandering pace suddenly became an issue for people when the succession war arc started
>meandering pace suddenly became an issue
Togashi did not release anything for almost 4 years.
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99 Machi looks much more attractive
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She is basically peak female form but I can still find 2011 cute and pretty
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chapters when...

mha last chapter is next week...i'm assuming that is what's leaving?
how is that even supposed to be a negative
>She turns into a rampaging eldritch monstrosity to take revenge on the killer
I believe in something similar, but I want to think that she won't wait for Fugetsu to be killed and she'll take the initiative to attack when there is a clear threat.
makes sense.
You must understand the average shounenspic enters a state of great distress whenever their beloved group of scrimblos isn’t constantly being tracked and oppressively involved in the narrative
This is why HxH filters so many despite itself being a shounen, it constantly pivots away from recognizable figures and allows new characters to carry meaningful plot developments by themselves
HxH is badly planned out. Leorio never played a role in the story, he is just background decoration.

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