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Can Koharu tame even the most savage beasts?
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i want to get cuddly with arisu
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Hag sex
She looks like... hmmmmm... youknow?
I want Arisu to pi pi piyoo at me
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Hyo-kun only fucks shotas!
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like a beautiful princess?
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Please, avoid posting hags.
Sorry I haven’t posted anything, I’m cuddling in bed with Chie
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Last thread died too soon... should we be concerned idol sisters?
How close were you to bumping the previous thread before it got archived suddenly?
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Risa's butt will save us.
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Sadly I went to bed. But I was certain other producers would do a good job at keeping it alive
Kindly off yourself, off-topic poster.
Went to eat and came back to a dead thread.
I was still asleep from watching the 19th anniversary announcements last night.

Speaking of which, they're going to do an im@s exclusive official convention/expo with cosplayers and non-H doujin mangaka. There's gonna be a 765 live in K-Arena in 2025, and another MOIW in 2026.
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That's one beautiful butt, Risa's papa is so lucky to be able to witness this everyday
I love this so much
it was so cute when nina played with her hair in the anime too, more artists need to draw them doing that
Ohime-sama... it's dangerous to tease oji-sans
She's looking to produce an heir.
Lolidol hair is definitely an underrated part of lolidols
What's so dangerous about that?
Koharu only fucks shotas, even on holidays!
Like what? I don't know
ShotaP is so lucky
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imagine if bunnygirl suits of this size really existed
How can I become a shota?
They do.
H-how do you know this, producer?
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Imagine if little girls were real.
What a precious and angelic sunflower! Imagine being called Sensei by such an adorable creature. I'd melt on the spot
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Tummy kiss
What would they be thinking?
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My Miria is sheding
Those are some smooth cute looking tummies. Imagine being caught between those tummies
Absorb hag idol energy
are belly button kissu more or less lewd than indirect kissu?
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Koharu is fucking stacked.
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Risa's idea.

Will Miria be ok?
Why is it a gif now?
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Gif does what webm don't.
Kids are gross!
They touch their butts!
And then they touch their faces
then they come and touch us!
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Terrifying, imagine sailors of old seeing this creature swim up to their wooden boat
Imagine feeling Arisu's warmth as you cuddle with her
Those blushes tell me they enjoyed it.
Are tummy kisses that enjoyable?
Actual heaven
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Sorry fellow producers, I haven't been participating in the thread as much as I should've been. I will make sure to protect our lolidols and ensure their threads never archive prematurely again! In the meantime, have an image you can hear.
Thanks, RisaP!
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Childish Rika is so cute!
I don't think Risa has ever said anything else that resonates with me so well.
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She's lovely.
why does she always look like she knows exactly what I'm thinking
She always knows what drives her fans wild.
What a dangerous lolidol who knows how to play her cards perfectly. Imagine her smugly teasing you about it
Imagine giving her a nice cold drink.
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Miria no!
And have as a reward a nice warm drink later.
What a mischievous Miria!
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11-sais are naughty!
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Why does smugness do to me what it does?
かおるしあわせでーっ!! https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1249031562&ref=list&keyword=Waage unscanned kaoru doujin?
kill sunflowers
taking Chie to a punk show!
I love naughty lolidols
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Risa undressing ToT
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Tachibana Arisu, who fancies herself mature and wants to be treated like an adult, absolutely INSISTS on being called a good girl for finishing her vegetables.
I love how loose it is in the right picture
I just want to live right in there
Risa tummy...
but she didn't finish her vegetables, I saw
That's so adorable of Arisu, makes my papa instincts just flare up!
Risa chan is too sexy! ToT
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Miria-chan is unironically the "yes and" lolidol. she meets every challenge with an accepting, loving, smile. And she just can't turn that off
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She's too cute. Can she be honorary U149? She exceeds the height only by 7 cm.
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What koz said. Faggot
Wow, what a good girl she is!
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She's honorary kindergarten
sex with koharu-chan
you have to get past hyou-dono first
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God damn it Risa, I just fapped.
Risa's papa trained her to be too dangerous
Alice taking the money and leaving after the fact.webm.
>so you got got Salmonella from eating contaminated food?
New chie doujin up for preorder
34 pages https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/detail/detail.php?product_id=2491130 the art looks nice but I dunno, I feel like skipping it.
>cygays put up new u149 merch up for sale all of a sudden
>It's hag shit
>Chie already has 4 h doujins this comiket minimum
I kneel
Ohime-sama what else can you do?
is Haru's mound sporty or puffy?
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spamming kotone
Why not?
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hmm, sporty
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Why don't more anons like the ohime-sama?
Oh there's a terror I'd like to unleash on that body of water alright.

Cuddling all night with interlocked fingers
Ohime-sama is like a fine wine that should be enjoyed on special occasions, while under normal circumstances you can go for cheap fapbait like Risa or Chie.
I'd recognise that style anywhere. She won't be safe for long
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Why does Chie always look so erotic?
That's just her bunny nature

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