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Toyotaro, make it happen
Goku is a cuck.
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Fat loli sex.
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Toyotaro, make it happen
That's an edit of Mai with Trunks' child btw. It has Vegeta's hair from recessive genes.
>poop baby
Good night everyone! I hope I dream about Pancutie tonight... I've even begun trying to lucid dream just to see him...
Reminder that Frieza unanimously undoubtedly won the last thread
>Freiza (twice) (thrice if you count his other reply)
>Homosexual erotica
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Toyotaro, make it happen
He is a pudgy 110lb British pedophile with yellow crooked teeth
>ran from everyone into the Tienfag and Gigitranny thread
Kek. Cooler mindbroke you.
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No such thing.
Gohan's love doll.
…is Akane Tendo.
's friend Ryoga.
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Dragon Ball reached peak coolness here.
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Boom. Too easy.
What happens if you impregnate her and then pour water on her?
I always knew Gohan was gay. It’s why he likes boy hair Videl
Many are saying this.
>My BEST FRIEND and HERO giving me a thumbs up for winning this thread
Yup yup yup.
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Reminder that Boo Saga Goku is a goofball like in Super
he mad
(OG Dragon ball) Tao Pai Pai and Red Ribbon Army Confirmed For Dragon Ball Sparking Zero
SHITlerlards desperate falseflag attempt is desperate

Reminder that they resorted to talking about dragon ball heroes in the other thread LMAO Frieza WARPED you
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confirmed by this guy. My hero
His name is Buu.
he's this mad
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>still having a meltdown
What broke him?
My name is Buu?
Reminder that this is the type of Brazilian fanfic fantasy SHITlerfats have to cling on to cope with the fact their hero is non canon and has been unfathomably surpassed for the past DECADE by his own brother
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If it makes you feel better I scale SDBH Freiza as equal to Golden Metal Cooler for standing next to each other.
Chronoa is a little outdated actually. If I make a new tierlist I'll bump up at least her Chaos Wall ability.
Bibidi, Babidi,Boo .. what of it?
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>gag panel about Goku being unable to believe he'd have to fuse with Mr. Satan, a reasonable response to such a thing
>excited confidence over having the potara and having the ability to defeat buutenks
>concern and shock over how Gohan was absorbed
Not really.
>gag argument
could literally make the same case about Super Goku panels then
I remember there was this one wiki that had music automatically play when you open certain pages. It sucked in retrospect.
It's ok I forgive you.
>ignoring the rest of the line
>Gigi gave birth to Uub
Holy fuark... Is Puub Bejita's son???
TARDyama lost.
Please continue obsessing over this for the rest of the thread.
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...verse sucks.
…of copycats.
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guys rate my idea:
>when android 17 wished all the universes back, the future trunks timeline was restored because of reasons
>the z warriors from that timeline are also resurrected because of reasons
>the future trunks timeline then becomes dragon ball gt
Why does Good Buu exist?
Give me a reason Goku and Vegeta haven't killed Frieza yet despite him still terrorizing poor aliens across the cosmos. While those fuckers stuff their mouth with food, countless innocents die
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Images of Cooler on rule34
Images of Frieza on ruler34
>over 800
It's shit and GT will forever remain non-canon.
Same reason they don't get potential unleashed.
Waku waku!
UGLYler pigs......
In the Broly movie Goku says that as long as Frieza doesn't target him specifically, he doesn't care how many people he kills.
The Z-Team from the future would still be too weak to do anything.
>In the Broly movie Goku says
he does not say that
“Not my problem”.
yeah but trunks can train them because he has his bullshit super saiyan ikari form
He can't.
NTA but Goku there is much older than our Goku and could be training in the afterlife.
>*sniff* p-please stop bullying LARDler for being a surpassed weakling kek who will NCB
>GODza is a million times more popular than SURPASSEDler but only has 4x the porn
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keep going
You lost.
more dramatic about shitselfler
Goku wouldn’t have the god forms or Ultra Instinct since he’s dead.
Beerus has a killcount in the trillions and Wakuwaku man and him are best chums. Goku does not give a fuck, he says shit like "You may kill me but you'll never kill the ideas of justice I represent!" to Kid Buu but then he doesn't lift a finger to try putting a stop to Frieza after reviving him and he having served his purpose. If he was really a good guy, he would have asked Vegeta to help him shitstomp freezypop back into the afterlife again on the spot right after the ToP ended.
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At best he has mastered super saiyan 3 but I think that's enough for what he will deal with.
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>SURPASSEDler was stronger than Frieza for like a whole movie before jobbing and never coming back you know...
Reminder that the SHITlerfag even used ebonics to reply to me

How much harder can a man possibly lose in a span of... Half a thread? I genuinely feel sorry for the SHITlerkek; I do not take pleasure in beating the disabled. I will happily depart from this thread victorious however, knowing that people will remember this massive FAGler loss every time he posts his fanfiction collage that nobody ever reads.
>if I post more non-canon shart I win......
>never coming back
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D-Dragonbros… I need a HERO to protect me from these fiends!
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Birth by Sleep Nail?
>never coming back you know...
>forgetting GODler came back for another movie
>thinks everyone who replies to him is the same person
>I-I must flee!
D? one.
I don't know who these are.
I'm depressed. There's nothing for me to look forward to. I can't even be in Dragon Ball related communities without being stuck with you niggers.
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Dont click.
What is this about? Doesn't make any sense to argue Cooler's statements are non-canon.
Aw I love you too anon.
>Does it really matter?!
>Not to you, Gohan, but to a Warrior it matters greatly.
Meta cooler isn't cooler. And bio broly isn't broly. Done
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Venti won btw.
Do you consider Dr. Gero and Android 20 different people?
I can agree with that. Future Goku would easily be the strongest in the afterlife. Future Gohan was pretty weak for his age and would take some time to catch up, if he ever does. Future Piccolo wouldn’t fuse with Kami since they wouldn’t have a need to, being dead and all. Future Bejita would likely not keep his body since he was still bad.
Do you consider Elvis Presley and Austin Butler different people?
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Austin Butler has Elvis' brain? HOLY SHIT!
Who and who?
Meta Cooler is just Cooler using the big gete star with his brain that was intact. Not unlike Dr. Wheelo.
Do you consider Bruno Ganz and Adolf Hitler the same?
You lost
This is why DB fans aren't in charge of the franchise
Why is he comparing brain transplants to being portrayed by actors?
Why's that guy got 3 eyes. Tell him to go away
Beerus has literally killed more and Goku and Vegeta are buddy-buddy with him.

Plus, Frieza is currently stronger.
Why is SHITler such a weak surpassed kek while his brother is the strongest character in all of dragon ball?
>You lost
...the having no argument competition.
>Future Gohan was pretty weak for his age
tbf, that Gohan only had like 5 months of training then like 3 months of image training with Krillin. Main timeline Gohan had 3 years of training with both Goku and Piccolo and almost a year with Goku learning how control SS1 and go further beyond.
Why did the last thread get deleted?
...you did, however, win the most retarded argument competition
The Jirenpajeet spammed it after getting BTFO
bump limit
Chun-li huge_ass pantyhose
To save the SHITLERKEKS from the horrific embarrassment they suffered when I obliterated them intellectually
Shitlerbro you're drunk
it wasn't archived though
>all the guys look the same age
>all the women show varying signs of ageing
>July is almost over
oh nvm my bad I see it now
>GOONler too braindamaged to differentiate between the gelbooru search tags and the 4chan replying format
I wonder how many people in real life have taken a picture with their grandpa and their other grandpa's father in law.
Those years of training in his formative years really did help Present Gohan, even if he slacked off a lot later on. He also realized his potential is pretty big and became afraid of losing control of himself (Super Saiyan 2). Future Gohan thought standard Super Saiyan was the apex of Saiyan power and couldn’t figure out how to surpass it on his own.
I am literally Gohan
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Holy shit, Kratos is in Dragon Ball!
>>all guys look the same age
Mr. Satan is around the same age as Goku and he’s balding.
>video game moeshit character
Don't care
Sex with Miss Piiza.
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>say you're going to bed in the other thread
>continue seething
>say you're not continuing anymore and are "logging off"
>continue seething, by now reduced to zero arguments
>claim you're departing once again in this thread
>continue seething like a drunken zombie
What rare level of mindbreak am I witnessing here?
dude i was balding at 19
Mechikabura had the equivalent to Demon God 6 like 75 million years before the 2nd Demon God 1 and I think that's funny.
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Fav Genshin Loli?
I didn't even look at that jobber
Who's the orange haired chick?
Satan’s third wife.
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>b-but he's not a lo-
Take your meds.
What happened to his first and second ones?
>When you can't waku waku
I'm gonna licky
Died from childbirth
Divorced him after not kicking Buu out
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SCATler lost completely for 2 (TWO) threads in a row. I rest my case. It is done. Finished.
Reminder that acting = literally having the person's brain
Do we like Chronoa?
I like Chronoa.
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Chichi would have less haters if she wasn't wearing that hair bun.
Slow night huh
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She peaked at the start of Z, it was all downhill from there.
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Yep, Tienbros are delusional in thinking their less than door tier jobber can do that.
Where is everyone, it's weekend don't tell me you actually have lives?
Unknown ass character, get this moeshit out of these halls.
Isn't that a shared anti-feat between the two of them?
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Honest thoughts on the original manga's ending?
Except Krillin pushed back SSJB Goku.
Uub has no hype. The cast members being distant apparently is kind of sad. Still better than the GT ending.
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>confirmed Red Ribbon and Tao Pai Pai
>confirmed Chichi
Are you going to pre-order?

I never played the BT games. I should probably play them first before Sparking Zero, right? Should I just play 3 first or is it worth playing through them in order?
A hundred men, maybe more.
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Nta but I only remember playing 3. I don't think the order matters, but I could be wrong.
Healthy not fat! She’s never going to fuck you if you keep calling her fat.
Well Sparking Zero is called that because it's meant to be a starting point for new and old fans alike, but if you plan to play online you should probably practice with BT3 and 2. According to people that've played the demo, the combat takes more after 2, but there are more characters you can try with 3 so get both if you want.
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Grandpa Gohan...
I thought it was called Sparking Zero because it sparkles like spring water.
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lol Vegeta would not look good with that crown. How would that even fit?
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Kakarot...Bulma found the piss drawer....
This pic always makes me laugh for some reason
Vegeta we need to blow up the Earth
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Domain expansion is an advanced technique where the sorcerer manifests their innate domain into the real world. This is done by the sorcerer using a unique hand sign or signal to initiate the expansion, and then using their cursed energy to expand the domain and enclose it in a barrier.
Gokek has no answer to this.
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>16 minutes ago
>page 6
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Isn't he dead?
>When Kakarot eats the food induced with aphrodisiac and I lock him and Bulma together in the time chamber
Friezadamn, DISCORDler got destroyed this thread.
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Why did you make this?
>induced with aphrodisiac
Cuckbro is IESLB and probably Latin American too KEK
throne of villains he jobbed to and his guards are people he loses to ... bejitafags are so funny for making this
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>throne of villains he jobbed to and his guards are people he loses to ... bejitafags are so funny for making this
Finish the sentence bitch
What did you expect from a Gokubro.
aka Great Grandpa
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>Optional moeshit prequel is confirmed to be in Sparking Zero
>Still no GT despite that being what everyone actually wants
Juunanagou is my friend.
No one likes GT, though.
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where'd everyone go
dont leave me here..
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Says who? You?
I wanna fuck her
>>Optional moeshit prequel
IMPOSTER. Panfriend would never say that.
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Post the Tien edit (canon)
I didn't say Great Grandpa because I wanted to be specific that the relatives are really far on the family tree.
All I know is that I'm going to make some kickass SDBH mods.
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TenGODhan rules these threads.
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>out of nowhere
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caption this gif
>when you put super glue in Bulma's vagina so Kakarot's cock will be stuck in there forever
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>>when you put super glue in Bulma's vagina so Kakarot's cock will be stuck in there forever
Is Frieza really that bad? All he does is glass planets and sell them to jerks.
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>>>when you put super glue in Bulma's vagina so Kakarot's cock will be stuck in there forever
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>>>when you put super glue in Bulma's vagina so Kakarot's cock will be stuck in there forever
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Kek, I remember this chapter.
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Many are saying this.
They aren’t heroes.
Honestly it’s something I dislike a lot about super. It was nice knowing the strongest warriors in the universe, stronger than gods even, were a kind group of fighters located in a backwater planet Earth.
And then Super comes along and ruins that with even more gods that are not only unsurpassable but fucking evil and there’s nothing you can do about it. Goku doesn’t seem to mind it as much either and just constantly drools at the fact that he can get stronger, despite a big part of Namek saga was him being disgusted at Frieza that he didn’t even want to fight him anymore.
Like I said I don’t like super, but if Frieza goal is to destroy the gods for being above him, I would like that a lot.
Goku never wins.
This is part of the SDBH appeal to me.
Because of Super.
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>meanwhile in the official Goku Superman crossover
Based Genshin boys appreciator.
You mean Goku, Vegeta actually wants to smoke Frieza out but that retard Goku goes NO YOU CANT DO THAT WHAT ABOUT THE WAKU WAKU?
We don't like Jiren
Base form goku is too much for MOEtama the ONE JOKE man.
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>needs permission
Honestly makes Bejita look like the vassal. Now they're both paying the consequences of their shitty decisions.
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... we ADORE him.
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>One punched man
Yep. Official Crossover Powerscale:
Bulma > All of Fortnite Pre-August 2022
Just use the dragon balls to wish yourself stronger than Nigger Frieza duhhh
>but the dragon balls
Sorry Granolah retconned that horseshit the Dragon Balls can do fucking anything except screw with Zeno.
It adds up.
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DB wasn't using Fortnite Goku and Superman. They used Rebirth Superman and Composite manga/anime super Goku with a made up MUI kaioken to give him a chance. Goku never stood a chance if you know anything about Rebirth Superman. I don't get why they didn't use a composite super/ Dragon Ball Heroes Gokj with the universe Tree power up that made him stronger than Zeno. Could also give him that audience fusion from the universal ride just to spice it up.
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I made a post complaining about this before.
>Oh man. Freiza who has previously surpassed years of my training in 4 months has now trained for 10 years. What should I do?
>A: Exploit the Dragon Ball trick I just learned about.
>B: Go back to Planet Yardrat and master their abilities and my mind. A stronger mind leads to stronger ki.
>C: The androids were very strong and my wife is a genius who has the blueprints. Perhaps I must take this shortcut.
>D: Gohan is using a unique powerup where he doesn't go super saiyan. Maybe I should look into that.
>E: Freiza used the time chamber so I will too. I'll grant myself immortality and train in their as long as it takes. I may unleash master Ultra Ego.
>F: Continue the same Beerus Planet training I've been doing for like 5 years.
The strongest human!
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You seriously thought we forgot.

You actually unironically thought we forgot what you and the G*g*BITCH did, motherfucker.

You thought wrong.

You thought wrong.
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They gave this explanation but I think it's kind of bullshit because they gave them equal speed and even Goku isn't going to let Superman build the most complex machine in his cosmology mid-fight.
Yeah, shit on him!!
Also Good Buu has OP magic and regen hacks and can continue to train in a fit buu form like he did in Super.
Gigi's sweaty balls
Bejita's face
Do the math
Before the fight I was actually expecting some crazy Universe Tree Giant UI Goku where the Universe Tree Power acts as a replacement for Uub's power. I imagine that as the least fanficy "Composite Goku at their strongest" form.
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That was merely a fraction of my power. Do you think these halls can withstand another janny rampage assault?
Reminds me of Zen Buu Training Uub, he undoes any injury Uub got allowing Uub to basically train forever without any problems.
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Fortnite accidentally directly scaling Bulma above an Omniverse containing both the DC and Marvel cosmology is peak powerscaling.
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Tao Pai Pai and Adult Chi-Chi were just confirmed for the Sparking Zero video toy.
Nice, now I'll buy your game.
We wanted Kid Chi-Chi.

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>nappa gonna lose so i do the pervert dance
>shakey shakey shakey
What’s the matter? Getting angry?
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>incoherent screeching
I won.
SCUMmy sold out his friend for a pack of rats and got his business closed. That rat is no chad of ours.
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Tenshinhan? A Hero in these Halls.
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It was an honest mistake and they opened a new business funded by the critic who looked past him being a literal rat because HIS food was just that good. A new business where his friend is no longer stressed as the head of his father's work place as a fraud and he gets to fuck a hot french babe.
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El hermano....
has returned..
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Never gone for long
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>doraemoe granny dies
>doesn't get a sticky
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The FUCKCOCKBAGS, they're.... they're making me sick. Sick in the head. I feel it slipping.

I'm starting to think the SHITCUNTFARTfags need to start stapling their mouths the fuck shut before something 𝑩𝑨𝑫 happens to them.
Why are you like this, RTHly?
And what will tickingtimebombmy do when that one also inevitably closes too due to his involvement.
They gave it a rat logo and it has the same three humans associated with the last controversy so if they would have been closed it would have happened already. BITCH Inspector is too much of a pussy to investigate and get his ass BDSMed by the CHADS again.
The CHADspector did what was right and is simply biding his time waiting to collect all the necessary evidence.
The INSECTor is a racist and EFLOW knew true talent when he saw it.
Curse temporarily becomes permanent if he gets pregnant and won't unlock until he gives birth. An anon told me.
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Well? Get angry.
Tenshinhan fans are the GOAT. I've seen enough.
>defending diseased rodent scum
Gusto would be rolling in his grave
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Can we get back to training, please?
Chi Chi is so hot.
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It's your own fault that you can't imprehd rhe point, bejitabro
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Does having Fat Buu absorbed really amp Buu's power that much? Like the mere existence of Super Buu really made Goku poop his pants to the point where the only way to beat him was to fuse into Vegito or Gogeta.
what if water falls on her during sex, while your dick is deep inside her pussy?
NTA but I imagine it transfer into anal. Yes anal also transfers into anal.
hanshoku biyori
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>imprehd rhe
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Kensuke's cockslut is so cute
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Venti my beloved
Imblegassi-dono... I...
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Did I miss a fucking Frieza VS Cooler war while sleeping? Better not have.
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>this can only be the work of THAT fiend.
At least post good hentai, this shit is too unappealing for me to beat off
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Dragon Scholar Test
>Who is this a silhouette of?
Hint 1: Each piece of their typical outfit is monochromatic. An exception to this hint is hidden.
Hint 2: They're more muscular than average, but you will never see them do something Nam couldn't physically do.
Reveal Date: 8/9
Next Hint Date: 7/30
Perhaps there were better conditions earlier in the day to post this. Oh well.
You did. It was kind of dumb.
>this mindbroken over Goku's first rival who only got a few cool scenes after
Don't answer him he's only pretending to ask from his second device so he has an alibi when he's rightfully accused for the spam
Post Gigi hentai.
This shit is lame.
Sounds interesting.
Fuck off, you delusional retard.
Remember to ALWAYS respect and KNEEL before your OLDER and SUPERIOR brothers, young weaklings with small heads and brains (Microcephaly ability users)
Who broke the Gokubro this time?
What set off the Bejitabro?
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Just ignore that retard, faggot is always calling me a boogeyman for liking Tenshinhan. Sounds painfully familiar.

It's open and shut. Cooler was stronger and Goku himself says so if you need any more convincing, otherwise, why did he even struggle with his supernova as a Super Saiyan? His entire identity is being better than Frieza, which is why I was seething when they gave him gay ass Golden in Pedroes instead of platinum. There is only one thing higher in value than gold. It's RIGHT FUCKING THERE.
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>damage control
Wouldn't that just look like a Fifth Form Metal Cooler? Might be a little confusing.
No, just his final form with tweaks like Frieza and platinum coloring. I've already seen some fanart that illustrates it perfectly.
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>Gokubro falseflags as a Bejitabro
>they immediately get called out as a Gokubro
>someone falseflags as a Tienbro
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I taught I remember that fanart and I tried to search it up. Google's fucking time range feature doesn't even FUCKING WORK ANYMORE!
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What do you think Jiren's sweaty balls smell like? God I'd do anything to choke on his cock.
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What the FUCK!?
Bejitabro, btw.
Try searching Cooler for DBS OPs in the archives. It should pop up right away. Don't like how whatever blue variant looks, too similar to shitty Meta, which I hate.
>shitty Meta
like the fucky early video game version?
Is it the images where Freiza is beat up?
Yeah. I fucking hate Meta Cooler and Xenoverse hasn't done him any favors. As far as I'm concerned, he's only been good for tongue in cheek shitposting. Cooler is supposed to be cool, not this gay infinite robot shit.
Ok, fagola.
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I love Horang's fanart.
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I'm interested in everyone's numbers now.
Meta doesn't even have his final form. How is that not already a worse Frieza?
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I'm learning :)
Yamoshi looks like a fucking faggot.
They should have put the red square on the alien.
why are beerus and shin so dogshit at their job
>Cell that low
It must be Hell.
Unfortunately, Toyotaro got relegated to doing promotional artwork.
He literally just teleported Goku and co. out of a situation. Genuinely got zero new scaling.
I forgot why I put Shin above him. I'm assuming I'm using the Otherworld Tournament scaling since that's canon to this.
Why would they care if people died if they know they have a literal heaven to go to and can be brought back
Laggs' voice actress is named Shino Shimoji. I find that name fun.
Hearts is so lucky.
Shut up cuck
He sure seems so.
I don't need to live vicariously through any character. Now blow it out your ass, faggot.
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Shhh no more fighting, I slumber.
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>she fell asleep
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The ideas conveyed in Dragon Ball, Dragonball Z and Dragon Ball Super are those of Buddhism.
To believe in one self, to strengthen ones body and mind, to not worship gods (especially not the genocidal ones), to never turn a blind eye to evil (Gohan's arc) and so on.
Or how Toriyama has borrowed elements from many religion, like introducing Zeno also known as the Scientologist's Xenu, to make a complete mockery out of him. Or like how Zamasu's angels and halo show the author's rejection and resistance against the rise of Christianity in Japan (all religions for that matter, but it was clearly Christianity in this case).
Or like how Zamasu had his name from Shamash, the Babylonian sun god, as in, he thought that he was the light and was blinded by himself in the end (a tale of conceit, similar to another Buddhist story).
Or how the Buddha rejected gods and how this reflects in Toriyama's work in which the protagonists are literally training to defeat/surpass the gods.
You don't know how deep Dragon Ball is, because you have no knowledge of Buddhism, other ancient far Eastern and ancient near Eastern religions, mythologies and philosophies.

Dragon Ball teaches the viewer that they should better themselves and it gives Goku and Gohan as examples on how to achieve that.
By training the mind (studying) and the body (martial arts).
Which also reflects the real story of Bodhidarma, the Indian monk who brought martial arts to China.
I've just shat myself. AMA.
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Venti? Won.
Holy FUAK why is this place dead..
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Maybe everyone is asleep?
>on Friday night
You're a sad, lonely person.
What makes you love Bejita so much?
I can't get over how fucking stupid the Bojack movie is. Literally makes no damn sense.
>Ey boss where we goin now?
>uh okay boss, you the boss, boss...
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No one shares my fucked up schedule. I sleep more than any human alive and prefer to be up at night or early morning when it's the most quiet and comfy. Also the perfect time to necrobump shit until it's alive again. Though my body fights with me constantly about it.
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It's Saturday.
His backstory, his motivation and his place in the main cast.
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Roshi this isn't Google Search you senile fuck.
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Trunks loves his buttboy and letting his buttboy suck his toes and lick his butt but Bra loves powering up and creating extreme lightning storms and breaking mountains apart with her ki and flexing her Super Saiyan muscles after 168-hour brutal training sessions with her turbo-warrior father
At this advanced state of gymbro macho posturing, Bra has left her mother an emotional wreck because she won't go back to school to hang around with the Stacies who used to be her BFFs while instead doing nothing but being a hooligan with Bejita and now looks roided out and battle-scarred. Imagine the bloodrush of feeling the raw power around you, electricity exploding everywhere, mountains and plateaus shattering apart and lifting into sky, and your muscles twitching from the sheer strength
I love imagining Bra throwing everything away to join Bejita as a fightoholic to the point she wants to get ripped and master Super Saiyan 2 Grade 3 just for the muscles and goes insane with aggression and battlelust as she ascends further.
She can't take passivity and femininity anymore. All she cares about now is getting stronger and proving her worth in the thick of brutal gruesome battle and breaking faces and getting her own face broken

Trunks is content feeling Goten's tongue on his taint while both twink boys are squeezed into shiny latex
the series is literally cancelled why are you retards still camping here everday months later
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Here's your new home
Gohan's lawfully wedded wife is so cute.
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It's over...
Yu Gi Oh Abridged is better than DBZ Abridged
Which CHAD would win in a CHAD contest?
Absolutely wrong and LittleKuriboh became an equally apologetic leftard faggot.
Rewatching the Baby Arc and it's fucking hilarious how they used Piccolo. He really just showed up, gets oneshot by Gohan, and never shows up again until it's time for him to be killed off.
I don’t know about all that, but Vegeta is undefeated against Goku.
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S-Shut up
What the fuck, is this real?
And where's all this wind coming from that makes his cape flow like this?
Vegeta is 3-0 vs Goku. As in Vegeta won thrice. Vegeta beat Goku three times. Vegeta=3 wins, Goku=0 wins. Vegeta won 3 times. Vegeta won thrice. Vegeta beat Goku once and then once more, and then again for a total of three times. Goku has never beaten or won against Vegeta. Vegeta beat and won against Goku thrice. Three times. Not just once but thrice that Vegeta won. Goku has 0 (zero) wins against Vegeta, while Vegeta has 3 (three) wins against Goku.
Damn this thread still up?
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Made for Renji.
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>they're up
>expecting a fast thread during euro hours
I can dump my scat folder to speed this thread up.
Kek at the CANON ending
What the fuck is this amateur trash?
It's cinema, that's what it is.
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Who wins in a job off, Piccolo or Bejita?
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Cell was created from the DNA of various individuals.

How did his cells all work in conjunction without trying to kill eachother?
>jobbed to death against a minion
>other beat both MCs
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Piccolo has never lost to a woman, so Bejita.
>Piccolo has never lost to a woman
He lost to Freeza though.
Piccolo got his green ass clapped by Frieza what the FUCK are you talking about
Didnt she kill Piccolo in Future Trunks' timeline. I know your post is disingenuous regardless
A man.
I'd lose to her any day
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>It's not exactly the same. I mean, GT has never attempted to potentially retcon any aspect of the previous series and it takes place after the EoZ, leaving room for unlimited creativity.
Hmm, unlimited creativity, you say? What happened?
>You said, "anything after 1997".
And....what does that mean?
>Which hardened it even further?
Huh? What if it was boiled?
>Because Pan is a relation of Goku.
She's not his daughter.
>Goku and Vegeta thought differently, and they were proven correct..
Goku is a sportsman, a true athlete, and Vegeta is just obsessed with Goku, Gohan is an intellectual.
>That one interview, where Toriyama stated that DBGT is the continuation of the Dragon Ball story?
What exactly did he say?
>That's correct. Pan has never stolen a single thing in her life..
Hmm, what about Bulma's ship? Doesn't that count? What about the key? What about Giru's apples? What about Goten's tranquillity???
>I think Goku is capable of showing respect towards others, but not in the subjective manner that those "others" demand from him..
I think he kind of respects Muten Roshi.
>Videl was sitting in Goku's place..
I wasn't aware that there were designated seats in that ship...
>Subpar? Hmm...........I guess it would depend on how you look at it?
I think we can both agree that Pan's plans were all very childish.
>That vehicle was designed to carry ships, so I highly doubt that thing was used as a toy..
>Even if he had the physical ability, he can't comprehend how to operate one.
I don't, he was very clever...
>Why? Because Bee cannot read instructions or even unstand our language..
What about Pan?
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They'd find someway to job at the same time.
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>Majin Buu could've feed the people by transforming landfill sites into food..
Hmm, that kind of disgusting...
>Pan's bandana is obviously her favourite thing to wear on her head, so by giving it to Giru, it shows great trust in him.
How is Giru supposed to know that?
>Pan is not an alien..
She was one on that planet...
>Eh? It's like adjusting to a new car, you know? This is exactly what Pan was seen doing in episode 4..
Hmmm, but that wasn't really a car, it was a very simple machine.
>What were we talking about again?
Pan being envious of her uncle's romantic life.
>Goku or Gohan paid for them? There was never any mention of Goten's employment. I mean, it's not a bad thing if those things were bought for him by his family.
You have no proof, no proof. And how do explain all the women swarming to date him, did Gohan pay for that too?
>Rilldo was clearly seen flying into the distance, because of Pan's punch..
Maybe he lowered his power level?
>Vegeta? How did he ruin it?
Vegeta allowed Babidi to control him and forced Goku to fight him.
>Goku's observations and past experience with sensing power levels..
Hmm, that's all very vague, don't you think?
>Why not?
Because he was starving.
>Pan made that decision in the cafe. Her plan came to fruition..
Didn't she decide to go to the ship?
>I fail to see anything of the sort. Do you have any examples of GT being described in that way?
Huh? Described by whom?
>I'm 100% confident there's more than one order. Hmmm..... or are you speaking hypothetically?
Hmm, we know that one person did preorder it, right?
>I assume it's for the upcoming anime..
Yes, they must be.
>Here's the pic..
Huh? Where's Pan?
>monkeypox ridden fantasies about his emperor
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>What difference does that make? Goku couldn't handle the heart virus even in SS..
That's different...
>It's implied that God has always existed. I mean, I can't actually prove or dispove any part of that claim, but the fact we exist is an oddity in of itself, right?
Hmm, in the real world, I think that the concept of an entity who created everything, has pretty much been proven wrong.
>How so? Pan is clearly making the effort to extinguish the life of General Rilldo..
Hmm, that sounds kind of evil...
>You doubt?
More or less...
>Naturon was defeated by Pan (mostly Goku)..
>Hmm.......why did Trunks take so long to turn off the electric? Where's his sense of urgency?
He thought Pan could handle it?
>Pan was the one who came up with the plan..
Plan? Meh...
>Here's the pic..
What does it mean?
>How? Spiders are living things and their webs trap dust from other creatures and decaying building material..
There can't be any spiders in Dende's palace, that's impossible.
>This sounds awfully similar to a certain anime series..
Huh? Which one?
>Pan lives for over 100 years, right? Absolutely anything could happen during those years..
Like what? There were no martial artists any more and there were no dragon balls?
>That seems kinda mean. Why?
It's not mean, it's just sad, she decided to give up on her revenge and fade away.
>Hmm......what other implications would it have on Pan?
She would become several times stronger...
>How did he know about the Dragon Balls?
The dragon balls have been around for a very long time.
>Was anything released during that year?
Very soon.
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i wish he'd only do his stupid RTH spam during eurocuck hours, at least then no one would see it. I'd prefer he'd just not do it at all and kill himself though
It's funny because he actually is a euroBITCH.
Bejita is a manlet and would never be able to tank Super Saiyan in base.
I want to marry him though.
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I can't see the Panbro as a man so it's not gay.
Good morning cutie!! I wish I could sleep with you...
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wakey wakey TINBITCHHIN
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Edit: I'm rereading DBZ and I don't get this fight at all. Why did Piccolo and Bejita have to fight, exactly? And why was it so fucking brutal compared to the rest of the fights? There as no real reason for that sadistic groin injury scene either. Toriyama brought his A game here yeah, but it didn't really resolve anything or matter in any way.
Hated that fight personally, because there was no reason for either of them to pause the fight just to hold down Krillin and Tien and repeatedly take turns butt raping them against very hot jagged rocks that pressed very harshly against their groins or for Kamiccolo to twist his sharp pointy nail inside Oolong's urethra for 4 whole chapters. I also don't get why Trunks just... let that happen
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This weak character is actually god tier shit has never been funny.
I agree, we need to shut the Bejitafags up while we still can
I need to kiss Pancutie? I agree with that!
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>piccolo gets to fuck those two
He's so lucky
Make the head smaller, retard.
I refuse
Piccolo's fucking the seagull and the life guard? Lucky guy.
M4 >>269245647
Yes, Pan gets fucked by her futa BBC teacher while Piccolo is claiming white man. ass. They are teaching the colonizers their lesson.
Couldn't have said it any better myself, Tienbro.
Don't reply to me, whyteboi
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Paizuri slut
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Roshi motorboated those tits btw
Omg is that a one piece reference lol xD
Bejita is the only one to ever cum on those. Lucky
>___-sama... I-I kneel...
>___bro btw.
>Meds. Now.
>k, b, c.
ly he plans to share his wife with every other character.
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I'm an EuroSTACY and these are the comfiest hours.
>moeshitter is a euroBITCH
Grass? Green.
Freeza? Winner.
Fuck off, we hate women here.
I say all of these things
>"waku waku..." He whispers in my ear.
This, we only like men.
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>Makimasis: So I can't get a period?
>Doctor Piccolo: Nope.
>Makimasis: What about eggs?
>Doctor Piccolo: Nada.
>Makimasis: Do I at least have a womb?
>Doctor Piccolo: Nope.
>Makimasis: So I can't get pregnant?
>Doctor Piccolo: Pretty much.
>Makimasis:......so I'm not a woman, I'm just a man with a mutilated penis.
>Doctor Piccolo: Correct.
>Makimasis gets up sadly to leave
>Doctor Piccolo: Oh Mr. B.
>Makimasis: Y-Yeah?
>Doctor Piccolo hands him a small waffle.
>Doctor Piccolo: Don't forget your dilator.
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Gammasister, did I give you permission to leave the kitchen?
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Good girl.
Doctor... I think it's time for my prostate orga- I mean exam. Take your time with it! :)
>The indian monk who brought martial arts to China

Pretty sure that's been refuted
Buddhism is satanic.
Orthodox Christianity is the truth.
Jiren is fucking ugly and disgusting, stop posting him or else.
>talk about me
No one cares about IRRELEVANTren though
Yamcha canonically fucked these titties and got so bored he cheated on her

So did Goku
Which CHAD has beaten the most other CHADs?
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>Gammasister, did I give you permission to leave the kitchen?
>so stupid and new he doesn't know she is brazillian
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Why would Yamcha need Bulma when he has Puar
That never happened, sorry.
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guys, ive been hearing rumours that android 17 and freeza both outlasted vegeta in the tournament of power despite him being the deuteragonist. please tell me this isnt true, it just cant be!
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Who cares? At least he isn't kissless at 55 like your hero!
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Great Spirit of Strength and Wisdom,

We come before you with gratitude for the courage and dedication of Tien Shinhan. Bless him with continued fortitude and perseverance in his journey, both in combat and in his personal growth.

Grant him clarity and inner peace, so that his path may be guided by virtue and honor. May his efforts inspire others to seek justice and balance in their own lives.

Protect him from harm and grant him the wisdom to use his skills for the greater good. May his spirit remain unyielding and his heart compassionate.

We honor his commitment and seek your blessing for his ongoing quest for self-improvement and his service to others.

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Tien's a cuck lol
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Why didn't the Spirit Bomb destroy Namek?
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Makimasis... please... a taste of your feet...

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