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Dragon Ball Super started in the summer of 2015
That means someone who started watching DBS as a little chillin at age 9 is about to start their freshman year of college
There are "people" who have no knowledge of OG DBZ whatsoever who are big fans of Dragon Ball through DBS and DBZ Kai because DBZ went off the air years before they were even born
Their little kid siblings born in 2010 are in high school now too, might even be on /dbs/
This fuck is this OP u stupod idiot
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idk what OP is but it's not Dragon Ball so I've gotta assume it's moeshit.
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Vegeta is 3-0 vs Goku. As in Vegeta won thrice. Vegeta beat Goku three times. Vegeta=3 wins, Goku=0 wins. Vegeta won 3 times. Vegeta won thrice. Vegeta beat Goku once and then once more, and then again for a total of three times. Goku has never beaten or won against Vegeta. Vegeta beat and won against Goku thrice. Three times. Not just once but thrice that Vegeta won. Goku has 0 (zero) wins against Vegeta, while Vegeta has 3 (three) wins against Goku.
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Tenny, Shinny, Hanny, moe!

Who's the CHADDEST of them all?
Jiren without even powering up is stronger. We already know this for a fact.
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i wish i could go bak to 1977 to 少林寺 to Leijiagou Village 雷家沟村 and fistfight mystical a Saiyajin muscular woman hotblooded and wild サイヤ人
why was king vegeta such a fucking loser? he achieved absolutely nothing with his life
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Like father, like son.
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lol wtf is broly gay??
Gohan genuinely tanked that. And won.
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>Goku fucks Cell bad bad bad.webm
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What if they fused?
Why is Broly asking that if he's fucking Bejita from the front? He should be able to see Bejita's cock pathetically and uncontrollably spew out cum with each thrust into his prostate.
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Pick one.
Gross they're all bad. Far right is the least gross tho
It says a lot that you can just splice a bunch of anime frames together and make coherent fights out of this series.
Broly or Broly?
What happens if you impregnate her and then she takes a bath?
I want to kiss Pan's cunny.
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Broly's Boy Bulge
Delicious brown on the right
Holy YUM
Grandpa Gohanbro btw
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I like Super Broly but the plotline doesn't REALLY work after Buu.
Some guy showing up and becoming stronger than everyone else from being weaker than anyone else feels contrived after we've stopped the immortal unstoppable space curse, evil Lucifer from another timeline, participated in a multiversal tournament, etc.

Broly's story could've been really good if introduced between Cell and Buu.
What if they fused?
What is this moe?
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I am watching OG DB, I have never seen any DB except for one VHS video when I was a kid where I remember I saw a penis. Usually I watch in Japanese but people say I should really watch the English dub, what do you guys think
>Goku never actually tracked down Grandpa Gohan in Otherworld and apologized
Cutest Dragon.
The Makima picture in the last thread was so sexy...
Is the BBC island real?
Where did Turtles get the megaseed?
... is Ruri.
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I learned the Gammasister (whom I fucked btw) is a Brazilian.

Just lost all interest.
I agree.
I like how they didn't have a reason he just looked like Goku.
He looked like Goku because he did.
But he did a better job than anyone else showing off that the saiyans were space pirates.
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Fit in status?
Yes, it's called Jamaica.
>fucking someone you don't even know the nationality of
Why are you such a slut, Gohanbro?
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That gif is fabricated.
For a God of Destruction, Beerus is incredibly lenient
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>more posts in 30 minutes than the previous thread had in hours
Is this the power of CHAD CHAD HakuCHAD?
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Male blacks should somehow be banned from hentai and any western SHART involving anime.
Mountains should be banned from Dragon Ball.
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/dbs/ lost.
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>no more SHARTnga
What a wonderful day
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Let's all post failed, jobber secondary characters that never made it out of the background.
It's not that I don't like the manga.
It's that I think the separate continuities is lame and retarded.
Goku never wins. Gokh would buckle under the weight of that arena if he tried to carry it.
>wallahi i'm finished
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Buck status?
No, eurocuck hours are ending.
What about these characters?
Holy based.
Need to fuck her
This guy might ACTUALLY be Tenshinhan
Have we actually ever seen anyone in Dragon Ball Z blow up a planet? Outside of filler and movies?
I want to inseminate that thing on the top
Beerus and that retard.
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Bejita's going to lose his head over this.
A hundred men, maybe more.
Makimasis' simps...
this thread has no place in /a/
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Sometimes it takes an infusion of TESTOSTERONE for CHADS to get back on their feet
I love this pic so much.
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> /*/
Why do seasonal sloppers feel such a strong urge to come here in the CHADs den to WEEP about our mere existence?
Must be miserable outside of here.
What a fucking BITCH.
CapeGODS... Have mercy..
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Venti? Won.
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>this thread has no place in /a/
What if they fused?
Gohan Mistico is stronger than Gogeta.
grandpa gohans dick would explode
Grandpa Gohan's sluts are so cute...
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Why didn't this ever happen?
Why was DB cursed to crossover with fucking WAN PISS (MULTIPLE TIMES) and Toriko (Who?) but never had a single crossover with one of the few actual battle shonen that even remotely felt like Dragon Ball? Why did we never get a DB x Fist of the North Star crossover in the CHAD 90s with SOVLFUL cel art and animation? Instead we get GoKEK and KEKfy doing goofy faces with 2010s sterile noodle animation
At least we got this gif eternally and forever out of it so it wasn't a total loss
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>doesn't even break the bed
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What... prize did he mean?
If 18 is only willing to fight for the universe's survival if she gets paid, what else is she willing to do for money alone?
How does Bejita go to Beerus' planet without instant transmission?
Arale is cute
He eats Goku's scat in exchange for a ride.
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She's a woman
Women in DB (like in real life) are not motivated by the MANLY WILL TO POWER for the sake of self improvement and proving themselves unto themselves, only materialistic selfish gain and looking pretty
I married a rich WHORE!
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>Goku can only beat up children
Good thing all american sigma cape chads exist to correct him.
Ichijo Raku...
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Does this make sense?
The prize was a trip to the Bahamas.
Silence, INCELren.
Left or Right?
how does vegeta feel about his hag wife constantly summoning a divine dragon so she can make herself younger by a couple years?
Both are mid
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So why can't Tenshinhan get stronger when he stays away from women as well?

>ackshually according to this databook
This is 100% canon.
Tenshinhan IS a woman
He was trans all along
>SLUTffy's mouth is wide open
Tien is a pedo.
Projecting Piccolokek.
Post HIM.
If China had access to Saiyan women, wouldn't they already be a superpower by 1980?
It's crazy how shitty Oda's stuff looks next to Toriyama's.
GODa mogs Toriyama so hard...
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Left so I can hold on her pigtails while she eats my Schlong.
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DB is so overpowered that even pre-Z Teen Goku should be able to one-shot Yusuke at any point in the story
... on opossite day.
The jobber cuck dance
Woof woof.
This is KINO
Know the difference.
Sir don't you disrespecting Jiren basterd bitch sir.
Luffy's mouth is ready to take that BBC
Broly (The cool one).
Big Boa Clit
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How many black men would it take to satisfy her?
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Yup, YUP.
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>Go-Han and evil Gokek going to study some bugs for their phds.
Trunks is so lucky.
Just think about it. What if Goku wrote the manga Dragon Ball?
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Chronoa got BIG!
he would be exposed to more old men balls
Future Bulma getting raped by Android 17
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Way less than 18 for sure.
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Without Toriyama they will absolutely make that atrocious SS4 form canon, right?
it is in Pedroes
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Despite all the shitposting, the truth is that Tien remains the most respected human by the fandom.

No matter how much Toriyama claimed Krillin was the strongest, fans could never see him as anything other than comic relief, but Tien...Tien is different, he's seen as a true hero, a true badass, a true idol.
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She's pretty tight, ngl.

But after learning she's a BR I don't wanna fuck her anymore.
Chichi screams this every time she orgasms.
Toriyama has already made that striking SS4 form canon, right?
Kid Buu.
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I can't imagine who would say such a thing.
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I like that theory which states Goku being able to attain SS3 way back on Cell arc, but was holding back all the time.
>all the good posters have left
>it's only schizos RTHing now
It's over...
Bejita would've committed suicide right there.
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I'm still around.
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But I'm still here?
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How are you doing, anons?
So whose idea was it to give goku brain damage in Super?
You can't even fuck your wife, Gohan.
Based Dodoriabro.
How do you think a hypothetical Black Frieza arc would end?
What the... Her breasts grow bigger with each transformation...?
With White Frieza.
By Goku sharing his black dildo with Frieza which would make them forget all of their problems and become friends.
Probably a generic scenario where Goku get another powerup to defeat Frieza and Frieza goes back to Hell only to return later anyways.
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The gammasis is the QUEEN of /dbs/ and you WILL show her the PROPER respect.
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here's the truth.

everything after baby Goku hit his head on a rock is just a dream. all the adventures, piccolo, vegeta, frieza, cell, buu - it's all just one big dream.

in reality he's in a coma, he's a vegetable laying in a hospital bed while occasionally getting visits from grandpa Gohan.

this explains why Goku is the hero of his own story, seemingly the main character who everyone bonds around. it's all just delusion.

Some of you cannot handle this redpill, but this is the fact.
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I've accidentally said "Holy YUM" while looking at dog shitting on the street. These halls have ruined me.
Fags not welcome, GAYccolobro.
Yep that's a Gokubro alright.
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>while occasionally getting visits from grandpa Gohan.
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Not funny.
Very funny.
Unironically I said JirenDAMN at work a few times and people think I have autism or something now.
You have autism bro.
I know what you may think, but that wasn't (entirely) planned by Bulma.
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What if he never hit his head?

>Raditz arrives
>sees the world population has been devastated
>congratulates his brother
>together they go into space and meet up with Vegeta & Nappa
>they work their entire lives for Frieza, conquering and selling planets
Evil Goku would have been killed by TienGAWD.
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It's fine.
Raditz and Goku were below saibaman tier
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I know you are but what am I?
>>sees the world population has been devastated
What if he doesn't train and he just gets killed by one of the big shots of earth. Even Grandpa Gohan can easily kill him when he is still a toddler.
This. Even with Roshi's training he still lost, now imagine him without, let alone facing Taopaipai.
An adult Great Ape has a power level of 100,000 (Captain Ginyu tier)
Even as a child, we see how destructive Oozaru Goku and Oozaru Gohan were.

Nobody on earth has a power level above 1000. The only one I can realistically see stopping him is Piccolo. Which requires Pilaf to resurrect him.
Without magic water asspull he'd get killed by some random street thug armed with a knife.
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Raditz is 1500
Saibaman is 1200
>An adult Great Ape has a power level of 100,000
There are lot of ways to get around Ozaru without fighting him head on.
>you refuse
>makima beats you up
>refuse again
>she beats you again
>beats you badly
>cannot fight back
>collar is put on you
We hate fanfiction here
Nice dubs, doc. Also thanks for the dose.
Fucking scum
Launch x Raditz.
Eww, he was a baby!
... out of 10?
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Those are really big fingers for a three year old babby girl.
>forgetting Kid Goku with a power level of 10 could already tank bullets

If he reaches adulthood and has control over his Oozaru form (like Vegeta did in DBZ), it's pretty much over.
Earth stands no chance.

Even if you had a plan to kill him while he's still a child, what makes you think he isn't elusive?
Kakarot would live in the wild and be like untraceable. He occasionally pops up as a giant ape to destroy a city before going back into the forest.

There's a reason why the Saiyans sent him to Earth - they mention it's a shitty backwater planet without much resistance. 1 low-class Saiyan is enough.
That Final Flash would've killed JOBly
deranged schizo fantasies

meanwhile in relaity Jiren would 1-shot Bejito.
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>reddit spacing
SHITly would die to a particularly strong shart.
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The hero of these halls... Why is he like this?
What about the Evil Containment Wave?
Roshi could do that.
>the faggoty alien jobbed to tired base Goku and Frieza
she drools all over Bardock wdym
you do realize Jiren was holding back because a serious punch would kill Goku and Bejita which s ahiganmt the rules
Baba can just tell them to cut off his tail. You keep forgetting how powerful Goku is BECAUSE of his training. Without it, Roshi can easily blow him away or even hit the moon on accident. No one else will collect the Dragon Ball's besides Pilaf or the Red Ribbon (after running a train on prime Bulma), which guarantees they make a wish that allows them to deal with him.
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>his hero is a fucking CAT
>y-you do realize I wrote a fanfiction about POOPOOren and in it he was holding back s-so um
Be quiet, Jobrenjester.
>s ahiganmt
Uh oh, the FATrenFAT had a stroke!
Gentleman... this is UNACCEPTABLE.
What alien tongue is this, SHITdockbitch? Bardock is DEAD. ARYANks is alive. She is for Trunks.
>all these headcanon numbers
He would have been BETRAYED.
Opening wide for a creamy ebony load
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>gentweman.. uguu.., this is unacceptable (* ^ ω ^)
CHADitz did it better.
I look and act like this
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>raditz' power level was in triple digits
>Bardock's was 10000
Was Gine some Genetic dead end or something?
Canon Bardock > Toei Bardock.
beijitabro btw if that matters
Imagine the same scenario where they lure him in there, but deliberately don't even have any fucking food this time. Brutal.
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>didn't warn the Z Fighters of Buu's ability to absorb people
>didn't know the Saiyans were already much stronger than he thought
>"I-I should have paid more attention to this part of the universe..!"
>despite that can't even SENSE their power until he visually sees them fight
>yet had psychic power to read Piccolo and Vegeta's minds

>overhyped fucking Pui Pui, a Namek-saga tier threat at best
>then proceeds to hype up Yakon, which is just a gimmick character
>his best plan was to ALLOW Majin minions to steal SSJ2 Gohan's energy (thus being closer to reviving Majin Buu) instead of just following the minions normally until they go back to Babidi eventually
>is so incredibly naïve he thinks he can take on Super Buu after fusing with Kibito through the potara earrings

For being the most divine, highest being in DBZ, this character is such a massive fuckup. At least Future Trunks has the excuse of being a mortal with limits so his fuckups are forgiveable.
GODitz was barely stopped by SHITcolo and KAMIku (the STRONGEST) working together.
It's over. Even the kai of time falls under the common female stereotype.
>Bardock was 10000
Fake news.

Nappa was 6000 and considered part of the elite nobility. There's no way Bardock is above that.

Average low-class saiyans are 2,000 at best.
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>black toenails
Shin was too young to take the throne, and he didn't have a support system. Beerus didn't give a shit and all his mentors were dead.
It just goes to show how important the masters are in dbz. Poor fool is an orphan god.
It's canon NappaRAT.
Maybe Bardock's power level being so high for the low caste is what allowed his son to be in Prince Vegeta's royal guard?
What is over?
Didn't Bejita once state that saiyans are naturally attracted to fierce females? There must be a reason for that...
Imagine freezing Gine, so she's forced to watch her man stolen by an actual deity.
No it's not.

Vegeta's whole thing about Goku being a descendant of poor low-class trash doesn't work if Bardock had a PL of fucking 10k.

It undoes Goku's hard work and training talent and just makes it so he's genetically gifted, which is not what his story is about.

Bardock did not have a power level above Nappa.
Bardock was not a brilliant scientist.
Bardock was not a Super Saiyan.
Bardock was a random average normal saiyan who had visions of Frieza destroying their planet. That's it.
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The prototype for Goku was literally named "Tongpoo"


Toriyama was behind SHARTku DECADES ahead of everyone else.
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Not true. Tarble is fucking THIS thing.
Kek, let me guess, Bejita's name was Bbcita?
No it's not. The Bardock special is not and has never been canon.
Shut up Jirenpajeet
Bardock had a PL of 10k after recovering from his battle with Dodoria
It was implied to be lower than Raditz before that
Post the funniest db-related video you have ever seen.
For me it's
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>And he was literally named "Tongue Poo"
There is no coming back from this one, Gokusisters. We lost at long last.
Why are you seething and jealous of our HERO, GODdock?
Fucking ugly.
>no argument
That's what I thought.
My favorite what-if is if Goku hits his head hard again through training with Uub, and reverts his saiyan instincts to being evil.
Now you have an evil Goku who can turn SSJ3.
They're the same guy.
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I prefer Tangtong.
>universes out there exists where smileys are real
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Beijita comes from a tainted and WORTHLESS bloodline compared to GODku, that's why he married used goods and that's why his brother is using some doll as an onahole while COWERING in a corner.
Eat some scat, faggot.
SSJ3 Gotenks and Ultimate Gohan could easily stop him.

Gotenks can wrap Goku into a Galactic Donut and boom he's stuck.
Worst case scenario Gohan can just kill Goku.
Gobitches... It's over...
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Would Super Saiyan 4 look different if it's made from a blue monkey instead of a yellow one?
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>There's no way Bardock is above that
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Put me in the screencap
Not at that point. After training with Uub, base Goku was on par with Majin Buu. SHIThan, SHITen, and SHITunks also never trained.
>Making fun of Chinese names
Xi won't be happy about this.
The mythical 4-0.... This is a massive W for Vegetabros.
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How will the Nappabros recover after this?
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Shut the fuck up KEKjitaBITCH.
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Gohan would never hurt his father, even if he turned evil.
Remember that Gohan struggled to even attack Ginyuku just because he had Goku's body.
Broly becoming canon already ruined the whole power level thing. Unless you rightfully don't consider Super to be canon.
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It's....... over........
trust me if goku laid a finger on videl or pan, gohan wouldn't hesitate to obliterate him
Super ISN'T canon.
Super is canon. Cry and cope, cope and cry, and while you're at it, fucking die.
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>RTH meltodown
Mindbroken PIG
B-but Cell was supposed to kill them...
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Why didn't King Piccolo just regenerate? Is he dumb stupid idiot like my kids?
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The day Bejitabros gained another score.
Vegeta 4 - 0 SHITku.
What if Pan enjoyed Goku's finger?
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Toyonny Shinny
Tarble is also not a normal saiyan. He's a blight on the Vegetan bloodline, a weak coward of a saiyan who was banished for being an embarrassment.

Tarble should've been female, should've been single, and should've ended up as Yamcha's wife
He isn't Buu.

He can only regenerate limbs, not important organs like heart or brain.
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He is right, RTH scat posting Gigi masturbating PIG.
They'll post him beating up Tenshinhan and...um...also...
Regeneration is linked to powerlevel and ki.
King Piccolo was to weak for regeneration.
Piccolo improved his regeneration later.
Remember he could only regerate limbs before. By the Buu arc he could regenerate as long as his brain was intact
Hohols out of nowhere.
>Tarble should've been female, should've been single, and should've ended up as Yamcha's wife
All true. But he should have stayed male.
One day I'll murder the family "friend" that came into our house while we had it up for sale and stole all our old shit, including my massive collection of DB action figures. I had most of the 12 inch tall ones. That shit is worth serious money now. Fucking bitch, I hope she gets cancer.
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>Assuming an alien slug man has a heart
When is it ever stated Piccolo trained his self regernation?
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I said so in my fanfiction, BITCH.
You were involved with GT? KILL yourself.
>When is it ever stated Piccolo trained his self regernation?
It's not explicitly said.
But you can reach that conclusion since his Regeneration improved greatly during the series.
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AAAIIII How can I retort this?!
Pan won btw.
No, I was talking about Super.
>Gigi masturbating
fuck I want to see that
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>Hmm, unlimited creativity, you say? What happened?
It ended..
>And....what does that mean?
It means the series ended in 1997 and not 1998..
>Huh? What if it was boiled?
Boiled? Why would Chichi waste all that energy for a single Beetle? I'm thinking it was ocnomical to oven them instead..
>She's not his daughter.
Yes, but she is his granddaughter, right?
>Goku is a sportsman, a true athlete, and Vegeta is just obsessed with Goku, Gohan is an intellectual.
Sure, but Gohan's studies have brought anything significant towards saving the Earth. Just look at how he was easily beaten by Frieza (Super)?
>What exactly did he say?
I'll need to find it..
>Hmm, what about Bulma's ship?
Trunks never once accusted Pan of apprehending the ship.
>What about the key?
That was a part of Pan's plan.
>What about Giru's apples?
Giru was the one who stole the apple.
>What about Goten's tranquillity???
Goten created the condiitions that led to his anger and frustration.
>I think he kind of respects Muten Roshi.
What about the time Goku took Muten Roshi's sunglasses and without his permission?
>I wasn't aware that there were designated seats in that ship...
Trunks was going to be the pilot, so that seat was already spoken for. whereas the other two seats are anyones guess (one of them is Pan's seat)?
>I think we can both agree that Pan's plans were all very childish.
How so? See pic related? Pan is striking an important compromise with the villagers.
It's true, isn't it?
>I don't, he was very clever...
I see. Eitherway, Pan showcases the ability to drive a vehicle and without any prompting or advice.
>What about Pan?
I think seeing her drive answers that question. How else would she know how to steer correctly?
What were we talking about again?
>Hmm, that kind of disgusting...
How so? It solves two problems, doesn't it?

This is literally CP, why is this in the Dragon Ball franchise?
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Nulybro btw.
CANONper has nothing to do with the discussion. Why would you bring up TORIYAMAAPPROVEDper when we're discussing FANFICTION(GT)?
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>How is Giru supposed to know that?
Giru has the ability to observe his surroundings. He knows how important that bandana is to her.
>She was one on that planet...
Planet M-2?
>Hmmm, but that wasn't really a car, it was a very simple machine.
Eh? That was just an analogy. Hmm..........I suppose it's similar to drving a small car and then a bus?
>You have no proof, no proof. And how do explain all the women swarming to date him, did Gohan pay for that too?
I may not have anything tangible, but I can base my assumptions on what we've seen in GT.
As for Goten's dating life, he is an unemployed adult (in his 20s), with (seemingly) no further education, but that never stopped him from getting attention from those women.
>Maybe he lowered his power level?
Wait. Doesn't that make General Rilldo even more powerful?

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Funimation quality
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>The DETECTIVEccolofag has been absent for weeks

The anti-piccolo posting worked.. we chased him out. Great job guys.
It's hot.
>Why did you bring up shitty fanfiction when talking about shitty fanfiction
PicCULO is a JOKE.
We won!
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>Vegeta allowed Babidi to control him and forced Goku to fight him.
Hmm.......how did the Kaioshin impliment his plan during future Trunks's era?
>Hmm, that's all very vague, don't you think?
How? Pic related? Goku was being very specific about it..
>Didn't she decide to go to the ship?
Yes. That was the initial step in her plan.
>Huh? Described by whom?
You described GT as "superficial", right?
Which country is the manga printed?
>Hmm, we know that one person did preorder it, right?
I remember reading that quite a few posters have pre ordered Pan..
>Huh? Where's Pan?
What do you mean?
>That's different...
>Hmm, in the real world, I think that the concept of an entity who created everything, has pretty much been proven wrong.
I'd like to see this answer. I've always wanted to know the truth about God's existence.
>Hmm, that sounds kind of evil...
How? Rilldo wanted them dead. It was an act of self-defense..
>More or less...
Based on?
It's true, right?
>He thought Pan could handle it?
Pan handled it in a brave manner.
>Plan? Meh...
How else would they have defeated pic related? That thing was a menance to the villagers society.
>What does it mean?
>There can't be any spiders in Dende's palace, that's impossible.
How'd do you explain the cobwebs you previously mentioned?
>Huh? Which one?
Dragon Ball GT..
>Like what? There were no martial artists any more and there were no dragon balls?
Pan, Goku Jr and Vegeta Jr?
>It's not mean, it's just sad, she decided to give up on her revenge and fade away.
Perhaps Pan could've convinced her to stay?
>She would become several times stronger...
And nothing else?
>The dragon balls have been around for a very long time.
Okay, so we can confirm the Old Kai knew about those balls and still proclaimed they should not be used?
>Very soon.
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We did it! Yippiee!!
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I saw the schizo retard a few days ago. Of course he got relentlessly mocked by everyone.
RTHly posts less too. We literally won.
Never watched SHITper, what the FUCK is this shit?
>Getting knocked out by chopsticks

Thank God this is non-canon.
are you gonna spam your human and bleach garbage as well, toyobitch?
I'll let you go with a warning this time because you were making fun of KEKccolo. But DO NOT let me catch you posting the cat again.
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BoG is Z. Cope.
My hero surpassed the Grand Priest.
Based. Fuck that pedo.
I find it more heinous that there are DB fans that never saw/read OG Dragon Ball, even in current year there are "people" who skip over this kino. There are some in this thread right now.
MY HERO? Surpassed the Grand Wizard.
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can we go back to shitting on this loser?
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my hero likes having his asshole peed in
>raging erection
Silence, Gokuccolokek.
You lost in this thread.
cheelai. sex.
Speak up, Gokuccologod.
You won in this thread.
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sex with yamcha
Scat. In my mouth. Right. Now.
why are you fags even hear all the time? what was the last relevant thing about Dragonball?
At least let Nuly watch.
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>I'll let you go with a warning this time because you were making fun of KEKccolo. But DO NOT let me catch you posting the cat again.
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Or what, you fat bitch?
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>p-please make fun of Tenshinhan instead
Either Gohan or Roshi kills him before he reaches adulthood
>moebitch crying over piccolo again
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>Tienrusfag is having a meltdown already

You have my permission to continue, only because we haven't seen one of your melties in several days now.
Kek, he really is like that.
The Gokeks and Pedoccolokeks are THAT pathetic after getting humiliated.
surely you didnt just call the great freeza-sama "beerus"? do i look like a leprosy-stricken dumpster cat to you?
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>RTHly is about to have a meltdown
Piccolo won and you're not a woman.
TienrusGOD is winning.
Nulyccoloku is losing.
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I sleep.
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>CHADrus mindbroke him so hard that one picture unrelated to his dog drove him over the edge
Gigi TANKED that btw
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Is that a cat?
Into my blender you go!
God dayum we love CHADccolo
>actually kissing yourself but from another universe
>he's unleashing all of his personas
Fuck whoever made this.
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>GODLY out of nowhere
INEPTrusfags are OBSESSED.
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>Bleach out of fucking nowhere
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>o-out of nowhere
What does that even mean, you fucking retard? How is CHADly anything like a cat?
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Who is winning and who is losing?
>just an edit of a cat pic
Shut up and quit trying to over-analyze everything, you autistic freak.
RTHccololy lost.
Tanked btw.
Piccolo broke your mind SO hard.
What 14 year old is on 4chan?
Tenshinhan is winning without Tenbros even posting him.
Nulyfag is throwing a bitchfit for absolutely no reason other than someone literally just posting Beerus.
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>goku doesn't know his face is freaky during ssj3
I need to fuck a boy
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>Who is winning
>and who is losing?
Also me.
>cancelled fanfic manga
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How old?
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Post a panel not from fanfiction to prove your headcanon next time, kid.
>seething Toeikek
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Queen of /dbs/.
General Blue...
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Goku is a pedophile.
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Literally me on the left.
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Stronger than SSJ3 Goku and Kid Buu btw.
Can all the [IRRELEVANT CHARACTER]fags shut up?
Sorry, Trunks-sama...
trunks and goten were so cool before super, i was hoping theyd fill in the gap that kid gohan left before he became boring
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Seriously? I go on vacation for a few weeks and I come back to see THIS degeneracy? Who the FUCK let someone put MOESHIT in the thread OP, and why are all of you in this thread in the first place? Is this what the Hallowed Halls have been reduced to? This place doesn't even feel like /dbs/ at ALL.
Yeah, Shartku and Shitjita faggots need to die.
Jiren and Gokek LOST.
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We love moekino, newfriend.
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True. Gokubros and Bejitabros should be quiet while the adults are talking.
Grandpa Gohan...
Fucking HAG get away, a saiyan should not spill his seed into a barren land
Toriyama put it in his offical canon manga. I'm going to see some proof I'm I'm going to assume you have pants on fire.
Fucking love CHADhan's evolution line like you wouldn't believe. No useless amounts of god forms just ULTIMATEhan being SSB levels and BEAST being above MUI levels of power. The only thing Super did right simple and clean.
Coping GohanTARD.
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>when a fat spic spends 1000 pesos on jpeg/png images.
>proto-goku is korean
This doesn't make any sense with how the ultimate form was explained. He shouldn't have more latent power. The ultimate form should be all of it including the Beast form. Toei dropped the ball hard with this shit.
SHITper doesn't make sense because Ultimate was supposed to be just his 'Base' form but maxed out beyond Super Saiyan levels, so all of Gohan's genetics are unlocked.

Ultimate/Mystic Gohan is supposed to be his last form.
SHITper is non-canon.
In the film itself, Turles says that he looks like Goku because they are low-class and because the low-class don't have many distinct physical looks.
In fairness he should never have been able to LEAVE Ultimate Form either
And as the Z-swordsman he should be the strongest unrivaled warrior in existence.
IE: Super pushes the fuck you button pretty often.
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Super has ruined every character.
That's why it's better to pretend it doesn't exist, just like we did for years with GT.
They even dropped the ball with their own characters.
Zamasu's 3rd act was lame.
Making it Goku Black instead of Gohan Black was lame since Trunks was the protagonist of the arc
so on and so forth.
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HOLY kek!
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Wow, that's.... sad. And funny
Yup yup!
*tongue kisses here*
What now, bitch?
>0 wins
>*tongue poo here*
Wins aren't the only metric to judge characters by, retard. There are many other factors. Power, for one.
Where's THAT tattoo?
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You lose today bigly, Gokubros
...and Gotenks is weak as shit.
If a giant tree in the forest falls and nobody is around to hear it, did it make a sound?
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I am going to sue 4chan for the mental damages these threads have done to me.
Scat and pedophilia.
I'm glad we're all mature enough to realize that Trunks is the protagonist of this story
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>If a giant tree in the forest falls and nobody is around to hear it, did it make a sound?

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