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Welcome little one. May your future be filled with happiness and joy.
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Watching Lucy grow up happy and strong is everything that matters. Hopefully the anime doesn't cut any of her scenes.
I hope Lucy gets tuberculosis and dies
You know Rudeus was super happy his child married the child of the man he respects the most in life, Cliff.
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Aye yeah, mommy
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The number of ahoge's in this series is baffling
and I love it
I hate Eris.
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this 16 (?) year old Rudeus looks 30 lmao
Shirotaka is on crack
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Get ready to be a big sister, Lucy.
>t. Hitogami
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go check the basement bro
Ah yes, the only time Fate is weak and Hitogami can MURDER this migger
Understandable. I think the awkwardness of the trip back from Begaritt was awkward, but I felt like it made sense that it'd be awkward. 'Lise's pushing the three together was necessary to facilitate the harem, sure, but I thought it helped build her character too as someone who would try to help everyone she cared about be happy.
I think Roxy deserves the praise in my ratings in earlier novels too because she decided of her own accord to go to Buena Villa to see what had happened and search for Rudy, where she met Talhand and Elinalise.
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>Write isekai wish fulfillment
>The wish fulfillment is being a wageslave and having a loving family
Isn't this a bit boring?
None of what you said mean anything.
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please put more effort into your next bait
If i was like everyone else i would attack your grammar to insult you but i won't since i'm a nice person.
Wageslaving to a demi-god is basically having adventures to travel the entire plane of a fantasy world, and the loving family is his home go back to for a warm welcome. It's the peak of wish-fulfillment of all wish-fulfillments.
>I think Roxy deserves the praise in my ratings in earlier novels too because she decided of her own accord to go to Buena Villa to see what had happened and search for Rudy, where she met Talhand and Elinalise
That she does, yep
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Who will Lara and Lily marry?
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what a beautiful image Shirotaka blessed for us today
>traveling around the world as a knight-mage
>your boss gives you ancient treasures worth billions on request
wtf I love wageslaving now
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>he stole more than a handful from people
Pay your taxes, wagie
I want to have babies now.
Shirotaka really cooked with this one
Robot of her own creation.
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Me (the sequel isekaijin self-insert)
you're trolling, dropped this shit when he was getting perverted about his little sisters but there's no way
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Will you listen to Bananas song?

Rudeus is a japanese man afterall, he only wants to be an overworked salaryman and absent father.
that's not her song, retard.
It's what his two dads did, so he'll honor their memories by emulating them.
Tell us about your daddy issues. We're all ears, anon
Did I miss something or did they never explain after volume 15 how Rudy was able to cast fucking McNuke in his fight against Orsted? I thought maybe he'd explain it down the road but it just ended up getting memory-holed aside from a casual comment from Orsted about how Rudy had [select+deleted] a forest later.
what's the source for this migger?
I don't have that one in my collection
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>if the next season ends on Volume 17, there's a good chance that one of the last things to happen will be Rudy licking pregnant Roxy's bellybutton
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Source: I made it the fuck up :^)
I trained a model on Lara's smugness

so fvckin zased
anon... it's clearly ai
The last thing to happen this season should be pregnant Sylphie giving Rudy a handjob, and Rudy on the verge of trying pregnancy sex, and Dillo cockblocking them by being on the side of the bed
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anon... does it matter?
If you pick it back up again, it might come true
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depends on what you value in art. you're free to enjoy your trash, philistine
The short story in volume 19 of the manga shows Aisha starting to get a desire for growing her own garden, and how very practical the magical oven is in the Greyrat mansion. And also that another reason why she doesn't want to go to school is that she then would have to take care of Norn again, which she'd rather avoid doing.
why are you losing his mind? cliff is a great guy
>he was getting perverted about his little sisters
this never happend
>perverted about his little sisters
lmao, he has zero sexual attraction to his sisters
what a weird thing to say
Why was he so based?
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leftovers will be the death of her
The philosophical implications of AI are a bit more complicated than that. I'm not stupid enough to say you're a luddite, but saying there's zero aesthetic value in filling the Migger gap until we can get more fan art when we get season 5. is acting with reckless abandon.
I just want more Lara art
>A lot of the really cool looking cuts from the trailer didn't make it into the anime
What the fuck why? Even the pre-animated trailer with all the fucked up CGI designs from S1 had some of it's cuts in the actual anime.
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An actual semen demon
The isekaijin MC for the sequel
She's a mystery. Based on Jobless Oblige, she's got options for suitors. Unlike Lara.
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>The isekaijin MC for the sequel
that's an interesting theory, however
The other isekaijin, their friend who remained on Earth, Seiji Kuroki, who saw his friends Akihito Shinohara and Shizuka Nanahoshi suddenly evaporate into nothing, while his life was saved by the fat 34 year old man named ______ who sacrificed his life to pull him away from the truck.
you think somehow he will be isekaid too? that's an interesting theory but idk how that could happen
Perhaps Shizuka's superteleportation circle she invented but apparenly won't work yet will summon Seiji, and then they later summon Akihito as well, because Seiji says that he and Nanahoshi disappeared, and the blessed child of time reversal Liria (who probably isn't that important anymore, since she burned out almost all her time powers to summon Shizuka into the past) tells them about it.
It's not impossible anymore.
>because Seiji says that he and Nanahoshi disappeared
wait when does he say that? is that from the other WNs? I'm still in the middle of reading redundancy
He doesn't say that. The whole thing is just a hypothetical to explain why both of them would be summoned.
sorry lol i assumed you were talking about the other WNs I still haven't read
Detoxification spells are a thing y'know
Who married the bigger man? Lucy or Chris?
Nothing that makes babies. For that, you must first go on a date, nya.
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blowjob. handjob. titjob. buttjob. thighjob. footjob. armpitjob. backofthekneejob. tonguejob. facejob. hairjob. tailjob.
Why are m*ggers like this?
buttjobs are also forbidden, nya.
too close to the baby-making hole, and you might feel the urge to make babies by sticking it inside before the date, nya.
even anal?
also too close, nya. tail is fine.
It's not her fault, she was born with that face
it's all Paul's genes' fault
I wish Linia were real

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