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Which lesbian would you fuck, /a/?
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Shipping lead to toxic behavior within communities. When fans become fixated in their preferred pairings, disagreements about relationships escalate into heated arguments. This create a hostile environment, particularly when fans dismiss or belittle those who ship different pairings. This can detract from the enjoyment of the fandom experience and create rifts between fans.
Shipping can also sometimes overshadow the actual content of the media. When fans become so focused on their desired pairings, they overlook other important aspects of the story or character development. This tunnel vision can skew perception of the narrative where the emphasis on romantic relationships overshadows other elements of the plot or themes that the creators intended to explore.
Moreover, shipping occasionally result in unrealistic expectations or pressures on creators. When fans are highly invested in a particular pairing, they pressure writers and creators to alter their narratives to fit those expectations. This pressure are challenging for creators, who may face the difficult task of balancing fan desires with their own artistic vision.
The concept of shipping can sometimes lead to the objectification of characters, where the focus shifts from their individual growth and stories to how they fit into romantic scenarios. This can detract from the nuanced portrayal of characters and reduce their complexity to mere romantic archetypes.

And that's why g-bitch, and shipping sucks especially Yurishit.
Shut the fuck up, nigger. Yuri is the future.
Neither, I wouldn't do Majima dirty like that
Cute Majiwives
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"I'm a lesbian. Want to have sex with me?"

"Well, that sounds pretty goo-Hey! Wait a minute!"
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Both of them
How'd you know my name wtf?
HomuSaya is cool pair, and you can't stop people from shipping it even it never canon just like Izaya X Shizuo for fujo.
Based, Chad Guel.
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All of them!
Lucky Kai
Holy based
Yozora X Sena
Damn, LGD porn is always the hottest
aww, abandoned your previous thread?
Majima fucks both
I will make them gayer
qrd on the massquoting schizo?
Majima properties
Mass quoting means a large amount of quoting, not your autistic definition.
LGD is so kino. I want to rape Takina
Cuckina is for rape
Still a large amount of quotes, therefore it is mass quoting. Just search the term up on teh archives, this is how it's used and it has no dictionary definition. It's much like baited, actually.
uh huh melty
Raping Chisato in front of Cuckina
>Be me
>19 yr F
>Be "Lesbian"
>Take off Chisato's panties
>Get a wiff of that beautiful pussy
>Smells just like Majima
Wtf... wlwsisters?
That's you, Sean
Chisato loves broccoli
Yeah, everyone gets accused of being his boyfriend
Bold of you to assume its only one poster.
Brocolli = lucky
>schizo headcanon
Lesbians aren't real
Things that don't exist in reality can exist in anime.
Kek. It really is multiple people in this thread. I bet that faggot is laughing his way to the bank.
All of these samefag proofs are from years ago, got anything more recent? Sounds like you're just coping with the fact that you get baited by so many people desu
Yuribait never wins
Majima is so lucky
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>still no response to this
Encouraging suicide = death threat
Replying = baited
Quoting = triggered
True imo
>series where men don't exist or don't interact with the girls
Nakadashi both everyday
Are you a woman?
>no proof after 12 years
>t. Majichad
Btw way, where is my friend Kyoukonigger
You didn't answer my question >>270724764
on the other hand I didn't earn a cent for Shlomo Shekelstein so it's a win in my book
Her name isn't actually Austin btw
It's Ashley now.
Yes, HSR/GI Akemi is a separate person
Literally the first image has a guy walking in on a girls wedding. Only four of those series don't have any guys. If you want:

>New Game had guys in the office
>Iris had a male fiance
>Maki kissed her father in LL
>Hibari had a crush on a male construction sign
>Chiya's father won over Kon's mother, Asuka had the director
>Akebi had a girl who kissed multiple guys and her cool father
>Site had her brother and the idol who wanted to fuck him
>Anima Yell had the brother, Saki had the taco delivery boy
>Slow Start had a guy with a crush on the lesbian
>RPG had a male pegasus and the girl who loved him

I bet you also consider Jellyfish to be yuribait and it didn't have any guys either.
Still waiting for an answer.
>When's the last time you even considered not spending your whole day screaming about your boogieman on 4chan?
what else should I do?
Even /u/fags hated Jellyfish at the end though
post some doujins where yuri couples get dicked
Calm down
The question isn't whether yurifags consider it to be yuribait; the question is whether you consider it to be yuribait. Because if you do, you would have to concede all of those shows were in the exact same boat as Jellyfish at one point and yuri sometimes does win.
If something keeps happening that seems nonsensical to you, a reasonable person would question whether their assumptions that cause that thing to appear nonsensical are accurate or not.
>And mocking failed trolls has been common place on this site site forever.
if it's mocking why is it so unfunny
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>how you've wasted literally thousands of hours of your life screaming about him
Real talk, Chisato is 100% heterosexual.
phrenapates chad and doodle sensei fucks all female units in hoyogames btw
Kana won.
>"my girl was so tight last night"
>"mine was tighter and her sidekick even more so!"
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Holy reddit post
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>Reddit spacing
Go back
i had the chance to be some girls beard once,
Why have mods not rangebanned this faggot yet? No exaggeration to say he is slowly killing this board with his insanity.
Kai is literally Shoe, Mochizou, and Yuta though
And Kukuru and Fuuka are literally AdaShima, so that means they are canon.
Here is a picture of Kai not winning.
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He dropped Honkai thougheverbeity
Majima is so b-big...
Majima's a lucky nigga
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Chisato's breast milk is so tasty...
We know, Takina.
well it's the first time I'm seeing this, is Austin board culture now and that's why many people know about him and his life?
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Chisato is my wife.
Not Takinas, not Majimas. Mine.
That's our friend Sean for you haha...
I love Sean
Chisato's Chisatos...
Hot babymaking sex with Madoka as she leglocks me and screams my name as she cums. Homura can clean her up afterwards.
This but Homura and Cuckdoka watches.
The image was deleted, but you can't prove that it was deleted quickly or by the poster himself instead of a mod/janitor, which was the claim.

>it's literally the opposite of a name
If the name was anonymous, that would be case. But using "anonscans" and having a website where you call yourself that makes it a name someone goes by.
>It's funny how all the samefagging slowed down while you were typing out this garbage. Not reading your autistic block of text, by the way.
What a cope. This is the most insane level of confirmation bias I have seen in a long time.
Actually wait, no the oldest version of that was never deleted. You are a fucking liar.
>If you want the nonsense you typed out addressed just type like a normal person and space it out correctly by subject and topic.
This is an excuse. Would you like me to repost it in your "format"? Will you read it, and respond to it line by line? I don't think so.
>And it can literally be seen first had that while you were typing that your spam samefagging slowed down in this thread.
The only reason you say that is because you already decided that I was him samefagging. Even if I were him, my points still stand.
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The anonscans account was a password protected account that only person had access to. Other people couldn't post under the name anonscans or upload to that blog. By the way, you didn't admit to lying about that image being deleted, so no one should trust you about anything you say.
Chisato SEXO
>Space your posts correctly. "Reddit spacing" is not a thing.
I never said anything about reddit spacing. Why the fuck are you, a delusional schizo, telling me what to do?
>mindbroken about spacing now
>never took credit for anything they did, and just uploaded content anonymously
Uploading a blog with all your material and then linking to that blog on 4chan is taking credit. A true anonymous scanlator would just dump it on 4chan with no name and tripcode or work for some other group and not take credit. Neither of those things were done, so that was their name they went by.
I wish I was Yuta
You just ascribe motivations to people with no evidence. Be honest, is there ANYTHING that would convince you there is more than one person in this thread replying to you? If I spaced it your way, you'd fine some typo and latch onto that. None of this has any relation to my fundamental issue of both of you deserving a ban.
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>Lesbians who live in an all-female universe.
He's busy tapping Maki
>reddit spacing
>it isn't because I say it isn't
Great proof their chief. Just look at above. No one in the history of /a/ has used the name anonscans. It was unique. Even it stands for "anonymous scanlations" which others might used, how it was shortened was unique in history.

>neither of those things were done
Whether he (you) has done some anonymous translation does not mean that all translation/uploading you did was anonymous.
Chisato PLOP
uh oh yuripag melty
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>She thought she had a chance with Ritsuko.

That would be funny if it weren't so sad.
In other words, if some agrees with you, then they are not samefagging. My case in point. And you left off the, "...replying to you" bit. As I pointed out, by replying even though you know that is why he keeps replying, you are not just replying, but are also being baited. You seem to have no capacity for nuance. You make claims that are patently false, such as "while trying to pretend the sole problem is people calling Austin a samefag." You cannot actually substantiate this. I clearly said that both of you deserved to be banned. Nowhere did I say those calling him out for samefagging are the problem. You and him are both the problem. I've never mentioned Sean. I don't know what the fuck you mean by, "Don't spam short autistic stock phrase shitposts that you've posted thousands of times before." I haven't done that, plain and simple. And your post is sabotaged by the fact that you mass reply, because if you admit that there is a clearly identifiable chain of me and you replying, then your whole narrative falls apart.
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>it's just funny how obsessed you are with trying to pretend your boogieman has some kind of name
You're right. If only that scanlator had another tumblr where he (you) had a name. I'm sorry I called you anonscans, your actual name is besuretoactuallyread.
Don't do this anon or the shitty mods will ban for 15 days, just laugh at him like everyone else does.
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As If Mami and Kyouko weren't a couple in the pre-series continuity.

They also would have been a couple if Homura didn't interrupt the law of the cycles. Shame.
Yuuta is so lucky...
>random words
>be sure to actually read
Weird how random words spells out a command. That was the username anonscans went by on tumblr, so yes, it is your username. Again you lied about that scanlator not wanting to be anything more than anonymous.
You have a whole board.
Who is fatter, Rikka or Chisato?
They're not random then, retard. A random set of words would be "suppress acute fleet forget far" which have no sense to them. They were consciously chosen.

>Names are not random sets of words
A username is any name you give yourself. It doesn't have to be a real world name.
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Chisato's H-cups
I heard Yuta becomes a successful bioengineer in the Gridman sequel
writers get the fans they deserve.
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Enemies to lovers kino
Oh fuck off. Your canned lines are so boring and make it so that any posted can be deflected instead of answering it.
My boy and his two wives.
The best LGD stuff is always written by dykes.
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This thread gave me cancer
>You are accused of samefagging because you fit extremely strict behavior patterns. That have already been listed.
But here's the thing. You are assuming from the outset that posts I DIDN'T MAKE were actually made by me. Its totally circular. You are working backwards from the already arrived at conclusion that I am not a separate person. In reality, my posts have consistently differentiated themselves from the behavior that you have listed, and you are interpreting them as falling within that behavior by assuming other posts I didn't make are actually related to that, despite almost none of them relating to the content of what I am saying. The only example I can think of was that faggot saying, "reddit spacing" after you accused me of only making my text a certain way in fear of it.
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Why wasn't this thread pruned 150 posts ago and the schizoposter(s) banned, janny?
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Male osananajimis always win at the end of yuribait shows, it's inevitable
i have a personal theory that a nigger spamming this thread is a antiyurifaggot playing the long con
They hated him because he spoke the truth.
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The ones in Kannazuki no Miko and Kashimashi failed.
Those were yuri, not yuribait
>those were yuri, not yuribait
They were never advertised as yuri from the beginning. Isn't everything yuribait until it becomes yuri to you?
But they had blatant dykes into each other, so they were yuri
So Jellyfish was yuri.
Jellyfish didn't commit to any romance so no
You said dykes into each other, which Jellyfish had. And they never stopped being into each other.
Mahiru wasn't a dyke
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Mahiru was happy when Kano kissed her.
it's so cool how we have this thread every single day and it never gets nuked
literally bawling
based bachi enjoyer
Leave it to an ESL to make something I agree with sound like pure brain vomit.
Extremely based for an ESL
>complain about yurifags shipping characters
>all the shipping in this thread is from non-yurifags
You guys aren't too smart, huh?
Point out the grammar errors.
>that's why g-bitch,
Unnecessary comma.
So you're admitting to being a worse shipper than a yurifag?
Nothing from the entire paragraph?
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Wanting girls to get dicked down is a natural desire
It's natural to want to see other men dick down girls?
The second word in the post is missing an S at the end of it.
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Most nip artists agree
>if most nips like NTR, that makes it okay
Is this the route you want to take?
>NTR is okay if...
Who knew you were such a degenerate.
I'm actually curious, has the amount of art of rikka with yuta come close to all the ntr and enjo kosai art that got made when the Gridman anime first aired?
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>wholesome lovemaking with their male love interests
Of course a yurikek would think that
Yes, the movie converted even the most diehard NTR artist to pure vanilla sex. YutaRikka is romance of the decade easily
You are the one getting off to supposedly wholesome stuff as if it was NTR, not me. I don't want dykes to steal girls from guys either.
>YutaRikka is romance of the decade easily
This sounds delusional. Thanks for nothing.
I don't have to, you delusional bitch.
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>have to wait a billion chapters or a full season for a lackluster confession followed by so little intimacy and the series ends soon after
I genuinely don't know how you guys read that kind of stuff. At least the girls in yuri fuck after they confess and it's not just the MC who gets laid but some of her friends too.
Red and Green.
HOLY BASED! I kneel, KagurabachiCHAD
>S-shut up n-n-nigger
Quit quivering, bitch.
marry and impregnate both
Speak up, bitch.
Post this on every shipping thread.
>Still up
We know Majima
I love straight women.
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I think I finally get why you guys want to steal yuri couples so badly. It's because the modern male protagonist is so shit, isn't it? Unlike the past, you have to suffer endless teasing that goes nowhere that's even less intimate than even the tamest yuribait these days. You wish you had mcs who were even a fraction of this assertive outside of shitty fanart.
>basically blacked porn now
Not beating those NTRfag allegations.
endless cope
Male protagonists are so bad I bet we’ll all migrate to /u/ where there is a zero tolerance policy for them and stay there and definitely not force a presence on /a/ all day because we hate it there
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Canon soon
>definitely not force a presence on /a/ all day because we hate it there
Says the guy posting in a thread whose sole purpose is to get the attention of the easiest mark on 4chan and bumping the thread desperately hoping he comes back.
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>Male protagonists are so bad
I think this is a bit exaggerated. A lot of mainstream examples suck nowadays (Deku, Eren, that retard from Tokyo Revengers), but there's some gems here and there.
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To be fair, I was mostly talking about romance MCs. There are a ones that manage to be good, but they are pretty rare compared to the assortment of yuri MCs these days.
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What? This season has several good male MCs. I can't say the same about female ones
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You were saying?
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>To be fair, I was mostly talking about romance MCs.
Oh, yeah agreed. It's pretty much the same two archetypes of one note dudes who cry and piss their pants at everything, or pretentious literally me angst-lords. It's issues like these that make me understand the yuri diehards to some level.
>vtumor crap
They’re like idols. Real ones are shit but 2D ones can be good depending on how they are portrayed. A raunchy comedy with some romance is okay in my books.
>literally proved him right
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Chisato is so fucking lucky...
What will Chisato and Majima name their child?
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>Even the 4chan IRC mods when people go there to complain about you, and how nothing is done about you.
You have never provided proof for this proposition. Do you think people will just agree with you if you say it? You need proof.
Finding Insomniacs was basically discovering gold in a mountain of shit. A lot of m/f romances have a lot of bullshit that the audience has to deal with, particularly with the girl being so fucking clingy and the guy being an absolute faggot. This series has none of that. When you see a couple actually behave like a couple and treat each other with respect and are equals, it brings down other series so much it’s kind of depressing. Nakami actually is forward without being autistic or a shoujo rapechad. Magari is free spirited and open to intimacy, but not in a clingy way that is annoying. Both are receptive to each other’s feeling and gravitate closer naturally. Watching the anime then reading the manga made me wonder why don’t some romance mangakas actually put in effort like Makoto Ojiro does when writing characters like this. I can only think of a few straight romance series that has very little dragging and painful friction like this one.
>Watching the anime then reading the manga made me wonder why don’t some romance mangakas actually put in effort like Makoto Ojiro does when writing characters like this
Lack of irl experience
Whos the big 3 anons?
>majima x chisato
> yuta x rikka
Whats the last one
This or they believe a casual easygoing romance shared between two people is not worth writing (not profitable) or believe love always has to be an explosion of feelings dictated by the chase. Sometimes stories can feel too real and appear more like a documentary. I would then understand where the sentiment of them being boring comes from. I know Ojiro is a woman and is probably living a happy married life to write like that. It’s easy to spot if there’s malice in a story’s writing, with the most notable one being Kaguya’s manga later on.
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They won..
Good pick
Yuta is so lucky...
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>with the most notable one being Kaguya’s manga later on.
Well, it's what a divorce will do to a man.
cute canon lesbians
Exactly, that’s why I used that as an example. Aka’s writing reflected his mood and when he got divorced, you notice that his writing became more spiteful. With Ojiro, all her romance stories are mellow and filled with the kind of youth that tells me she’s happy. Hopefully it remains that way.
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Cute lesbian
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Having a melty
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>Only 14(You)s
He's lazy these days
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Did Majima post his amateur porn collection with Chisato why everything deleted
how are bachigods such wise and insightful scholars?
Chink yurifags will defeat Majima.
Majima's wife is too cute
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She's the only anime lesbo I can think of off the top of my head, other than that one girl from Future Diary with the hat. Good choice, she shall learn to love cock tonight
Love how pale the one on the left is, literally built for rough manhandling (so everyone can see the handprints left on her afterwards)
How do you live being this pathetic?
Literally the only thing you have in your life is shitposting on 4chan.
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Stupid sexy lesbian dragon with her slightly yandere gf. All dragon girls are meant for rough bestial sex until the room is smeared with enough cum that it smells like a fish auction
You can stop replying to your own thread now, Austin.
nah, i'd win.
Shoe and Kumiko
You know people mock mass repliers? It's board culture and everything
Good thing no one is "mass replying", and the only, single, person who's being replied to is you, Austin.

You know people mock pathetic try-hard failed troll, right? It's board culture and everything. And that's actual board culture. Not a /v/ shitpost that you are trying to parrot to fit in.
>You know people mock pathetic try-hard failed troll, right?
I'm new here, what do you mean?
Pathetic try-hard trolls that try to pretend their special and going to use 4chan to make themselves into "the next big meme" have always been ruthlessly mocked and made fun of here. And it still happens here, every day, just not in these threads where you have Troid (the mod in this thread) baby sitting Austin.
>no response
>still no proof of it
Why did he lie about it?
>Austin has never once responded to the fact he's spent 12 years of his life obsessed with his boogieman and has never once proof they are real
>also refuses to address the many, many times he's been caught samefagging and replying to himself
So you have no proof of any mods saying it? You have IRC, prove it to me.
Your arch-nemesis is shitting up another thread...
Why do you delude yourself into thinking everyone who disagrees with you is the same person?

Also, I actually found the thread on /m/ where you got the "bioengineer" thing. And you were straight up told you wouldn't be given proof, and that you were stupid for asking for unconfirmable personal details over the internet.

It's fucking crazy how you've been obsessed this shit for almost 10 fucking years now. You pick the most random things and latch onto them so fucking hard that it consumes your life.

>So you have no proof
Post proof "ack" exists, and then maybe I'll humor you.
You are no one's "nemesis", Austin. No one wants anything to do with you. Everyone just wants you to fuck off and die.
You've already seen the pastebin. That's proof enough. With regards to the bioengineering thread, you weren't able to give ANY proof. Not even proof you knew anything about the subject. For someone as egotistical as you, it confirms that you were lying.
can anyone sane explain to me why threads like this exist?
Fregoli syndrome
>still deluding yourself into thinking everyone who replies to you is the same person
Will you ever get treated for your mental disorders?

>the pastebin
You mean the pastebin where you just list random posts that you don't like because they go against your narratives, so you cope by thinking they are all by the same person? That will never be proof, and you know it. But you're so desperate you have to cling to anything you can.
>can anyone sane
not you
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I'm as sane as they come.
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You're literally the most mentally ill person to ever exist.
why don't other mods step in
Because they literally just don't give a fuck anymore. Since moot left the only purpose this site has is to farm what little ad revenue it can for gook-moot.
Because he is delusional and "Austin" doesn't post anymore.
Why are you still here then
You are drunk. Both were clearly filed under yuri, although the latter is a tranny manga but I guess you take that as a win. You do you?
Austin, you just make it so easy to tell who you are, purely by the fact you're shit eating retarded.

Even if you didn't still post here, which you do, the problem is the quality of your posts, and how your posts are objectively garbage.

You literally have HUNDERDS of rule breaking posts made in this thread, including the thread itself. And look at that? Nothing is done about it. Wonder why? Oh right, because Troid has an agenda.

The only other options are places where people put pronouns in their bios.
I didn't make any of those posts, though.
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You did. And not a single person believes otherwise.
Don't you ever get tired of being so fucking mentally ill and insane?
That's the other Aussie Akemi, not me.
Let me know when you're finished with that doujin.
I'm not trans
No, a big part of the problem that you posit is that it's one guy, which it isn't.
>GuP profile pic
all me.
I don't see the topic as inherently strange but the ludicrous screed flying back and forth sure is fucking weird
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>why do men want to discuss females they find sexually attractive
Is it really that shocking bro?
hey mods can we device ban these clowns yet?
they've been shitting up your board for years
do something, lazy fucks
Literally just this, I'm not even going to respond to that revisionist schizophrenia. It really isn't that deep.
ACK, this is really simple. The reason this behaviour only exists in these threads is because you come to these threads. It is behaviour that exists only in response to you, Fregoli.
This is why I stopped believing in free speech long ago. Kill yourselves.
Does our buddy even have a job or otherwise in employment, education, or training? It feels like he's here during all waking hours and only disappears during sleeping hours. However, I've even seen him posting when it should be late night or early morning in America. Is he seriously a NEET? I can't imagine spending all day on 4chan doing the shit he does unless he doesn't have a job to distract him.
Delete this shit thread only made for shitposting and ban everyone.
>shit Italian
what the fuck is this board
>pic from 6 years ago
not beating the mentally ill subhuman allegations
you're both mentally ill, doing this for 6 years
It's actually pathetic how obsessed you are with trying to get personal information about other posters. It does nothing but show how you genuinely don't belong here. This is an anonymous site. But the reason you're so obsessed with trying to make everything personal is because this is the only human interaction you get in your life.
Yo! Is Firefly alive or did she actually die in the most bullshit way beyond what could be imagined by someone normal?
Is it really mentally ill to just want a shitposter who ruins discussion to go away.
Not once ever has people brought up Austin unprovoked, and only respond to him after he's already shitting up threads.

What, do you think people should just give him a safe space so he thinks he's welcome here and spreads out to ruin more threads?
no, I wish he would die
How hard is it for you to answer a simple yes or no question? All you needed to do was answer with a single word: either a Yes, or a No. You can't even do that? I'm not even asking you what your job is or where you work. You can simply confirm or deny that you currently have a job without giving further details.
Answer the question is not hard, Austin. But the answer doesn't matter, and no one wants to humor you.

>You can simply confirm or deny that you currently have a job without giving further details.
This is the exact same line of "reasoning" you used when you were begging for the guy on /m/ to tell you about his job and then from that day forward you've obsessively consumed with "bioengineer".

Again, you are pathetic and this is literally all you have in your life. This is the only human interaction you get, because everyone in the real world hates you.
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I hate him in the virtual world too
Join the club.
What the fuck are you talking about? I've never posted on /m/ my entire life, and I'm not even sure if I've even checked out that board more than a handful of times. I wouldn't even know about the bioengineer thing if the people (yes, people) baiting you didn't keep bringing it up or posting the Pastebin. Whoever you're talking about isn't me.

Besides, why do you refuse to answer the question? Is it really that hard to say either "Yes, I have a job." or "No, I do not have a job"? You don't even need to say more than those short sentences.
Trying to lie over the internet is another one your textbook behavior patterns.
Thinking "replying means baited" is a text book behavior pattern for you.
Pretending anyone actually believes anything you say even though you never post proof for anything is yet another one of your behavior patterns.

And of course, being obsessed with the "person" of other posters is one of your biggest behavior patterns of all. You are literally obsessively consumed with it.
>why do you refuse to answer the question?
The post you're replying to answers this question. You are just so inhumanly stupid you can't understand anything people say.

Here's the only point that matters. YOU SHOULD NOT CARE ABOUT PEOPLE OVER AN ANONYMOUS SITE. Holy fucking shit, you're stupid. There is no "person" here. This is an anonymous site. The point of common here is to discuss topics without discussing the person making a statement. Your freak obsession with trying to make everything here personal is a result of you being pathetically alone and having nothing else in your life. Really, let's see you find a single other person in the history of the internet who's been so obsessively consumed with a single other person, like you have been obsessed with "ack".
how many "people" are in your head?
>The post you're replying to answers this question
It does not? My question was "Do you have a job?" That is a question whose only possible answers are a yes or no. You gave a non-answer. All you need to do is answer Yes or No. That's it.
>Here's the only point that matters. YOU SHOULD NOT CARE ABOUT PEOPLE OVER AN ANONYMOUS SITE. Holy fucking shit, you're stupid. There is no "person" here.
what about Austin, is he here
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Another lezzoid in need of a cock to stop her molesting ways.
No one cares about Austin. People want him to go away and stop posting. It's why no one ever brings him up unprovoked. Like he brings up "ack" unprovoked.

You will never get your "question" answered in the way you want, Austin. Just because you don't like the answer you got doesn't mean you weren't answered.
Stop being a mentally ill freak obsessively consumed with making everything personal over an anonymous site.
ack is a good person, please don't bully him
Your boogieman will never exist.
You will never bully anyone.
Why do you even refuse to answer the question? It's such a simple and easy-to-answer question too. You could even answer with just a single word. If you only answered the question, this discussion would have been over long ago. Your refusal to answer the question is only prolonging this.
please don't bully my boogieman
I don't follow the thread. But i just like the fact that yurischizos just never stops fuming thread after thread. Its calming like a bonfire
Kannazuki no Miko wasn't advertised as yuri while it was airing. No one knew it was going to have a yuri ending. It only retroactively got labled as yuri once they got together in the end.

>although the latter is a tranny manga
Genderbending isn't yuri to me; and it's far more popular with non-yurifags who hate yuri than the former.
>loli thread deleted
>this samefag heavy shit is still up with nothing banned
Kill yourself.
>pedo thread
Kill yourself, retarded tourist.
wtf Chihiro is based???
>>270743802 >>270743838
>>270743855 >>270744501
Why do you refuse to address how your "question" is meaningless, and that you're mentally ill and pathetic for being obsessed with "persons" over an anonymous website?

>this discussion would have been over long ago
You have been shitposting every single day non stop for the past 12 years.
>You have been shitposting every single day non stop for the past 12 years.
something someone totally not obsessed with "persons" over an anonymous website would say
and just as I posted it I realized it's a bit, ACK is really the Andy Kaufman of our generation, we've been had
>and it's far more popular with non-yurifags who hate yuri than the former.
Except I'm not the one who brought it up.

Furthermore, although it's too hard to find websites that host info about Kannazuki no Miko that haven't been updated since 2004 or really even talking about this series on the wayback machine, the females literally kiss on the first episode. I've never heard of this series, so that's as far as I'm willing to go with this.
No one is obsessed with you, Austin.
Why do you think people should just not notice what you're doing? You make it painfully obvious when you're in a thread. So what? Are people supposed to just pretend it's not you when you're spamming a thread? The fact you think this isn't obvious really just shows up stupid as obsessed you are.

If you stopped posting right now, not a single person would ever mention you again. Let alone spare you a passing thought.
If "ack" stopped posting you'd still spam about them every single day until you die.
He wanted examples where male childhood friends lose and he considered to be yuri, so those would count to him. Whether I consider it be yuri is a separate issue.

>the females literally kiss on the first episode
No, it was a forced kiss, not a consensual one. All of Himeko's affections were explicitly towards Souma, her childhood friend (whom she even kisses at one point). For 90% of the series, Chikane's affection to her is presented as wrong/villainous, to the point where she even rapes her at one point.
You say he's stupid and obsessed yet you are trying to reason with him, why?
i agree. G-bitch does suck.
I won
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>Brutally murders said male
>few panels later: HUMM... I CAME.
Oh my fucking god.
>Stealing memes
Because there is no other option.

Your life is a joke.
Big M inside little C
Pathetic crying loser desperatly trying to think he's making a name for himself on 4chan.
How do you not feel pathetic for living like this?
a janitor obviously made this thread
You can't be fucking serious. I already have too much hatred for these cancer.
Bait threads to attract known shitposters and to distract mods from other threads.
I want to kill.
Blame anti-yurifags for this one.
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In the end a lesbian can be defeated by only one thing. The breed greed.
There are people who feed on the seething of others. In their minds, they believe that this board is a hoard for mentally ill who can't help themselves but react to just anything that pierces through what they can tolerate.
But there is only a single anti yuri shitposter. You.
How many times do you need to get banned and caught samefagging for you stop trying to lie about it?
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>there is only a single anti yuri shitposter
I know you want to believe that everything revolves around this, but it doesn't.
>not a single one of Austin's spam shitposts has been touched
Five of the posts you just quoted are deleted.
>>not a single one of Austin's spam shitposts has been touched
but some of them were deleted, why are you lying
Looks like one of the janitors who hasn't been told by Troid not to delete your posts saw the report que.
I thought other mods hated Troid, why would they listen to him?
Janitors are not mods.
Why would janitors listen to Troid and not the other mods?
Pic too small, the hall of yurislayers is much bigger.
Because the other mods don't talk about this shit, and don't give a fuck and hardly ever around.

Go to the 4chan IRC channel and see how many of the mods are actually there. Nearly all of them are afk.
Why are you replying to your own post, Austin?
Then fuck them.
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I wish we had more of the DxDs having fun without Issei around.
why should I care for an IRC channel for anonymous imageboard
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None, I'd rather keep my girls pure.
Because it proves the vast majority of the mods for 4chan are absent and don't care.

Your life is a joke.
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Capitol screw to capitol U.

What does that shitty show have to do with anything?
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Lots of girls, not enough gay. It was a missed yuri opportunity.

Theres better potential lesbians than any of those bitches.
Like who?

Literally anyone.
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This one. The fact that she's a yapping shrew just makes it better.

I just really hate them, thats all.
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Holy based
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Miyuki-chan was pretty gay. Pretty sure it was supposed to be the awakening of a lesbian.
>mod approved bait thread
Wild times.
Please, go to a therapist, Austin.
this thread is never hitting bump limit. Infact, it will last forever
You love male characters, that’s why you’re here.
Fucking kek
Seriously, what makes you so mentally ill that you even want to act this way?
Aniki I literally just got here. Take your medicine
Majima is cumming inside Chisato again
>l- look!! i changed my 4chan theme!! that means you HAVE to think i am more than one person!!

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