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Episode waiting room + support group for souls who fell in love with Osanai Yuki
What has she been cooking all this time? Tune in to find out
dead thread
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Stop loving evil women.
Fuck Osanai
I can fix her.
name one (1) evil thing she's done
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normalize loving evil women
This is much worse than Hyouka
she fucked over sakagami
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>Episode waiting room
way too early, retard
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friendly reminder that in real life wolves are smarter than foxes
Cute wolf
Don't fix what isn't broken.
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what did she mean by this
Make sure to turn on captions.
didn't know you could stylize subs like that on youtube
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Where is Kongo cacao?
"i need correction"
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Anon... it's dangerous to think like that... What if Osanai is hurt by your words, have you considered the consequences?
This is like Hyouka but good
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No that's Hyouka
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Posted by an anon who has no slightest idea of Hyouka
i will join her
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I can make her worse.
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Are you all preparing good hot cocoa to drink while watching?
thanks for the reminder, imma make it.
the kengo way ofc.
just to clarify i didn't microwave the whole carton
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Is that really true, anon?
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she looks easy to kidnap
NTRGODS, assemble.
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This face has killed millions
I can... not fix her
I didn't notice the arc title in the OP until now
>orchestrates her own kidnapping
>that summer date? actually part of the plan
This woman cannot be fixed
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This was such a delightful episode.
gotta buy some ice cream before watching
>A person who kidnaps a minor using force or through enticement is punished by imprisonment for not less than 3 months but not more than 7 years.
>A person who kidnaps another person through the use of force or enticement, for the purpose of causing the kidnapped person's relatives or any other person who would be concerned about the kidnapped person's safety to grant any property, taking advantage of such situation, is punished by imprisonment for life or for a definite term of not less than 3 years.
So the lean sipping bitches were just going to rough her up and had no idea about any kidnapping or ransom?

Fucking grade A keikaku Osanai, I kneel
this bitch is crazy bro she could've got someone unrelated murdered but all she does is fake tears and eating dessert
>3 months for kidnapping a child
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The children need correction.
I.....I can't fix her...
Would it hold up in trial?
She'd claim she never asked for any ransom.
But from the horror stories I hear about Japan's legal system, they might convince her anyway.
Shut up bitch
that's a long spoon..
just right for that tall parfait
I'm sorry bros I can't watch this anymore, this is beyond Hyouka levels of boring
You try convincing the judge that you didn't make the ransom call when you in fact kidnapped the target and there's a voice changer in your car.
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Wait, so was the voice on the ransom call modulated or not? Osanai says that Kawamata did not use the changer, it was just a pre-recorded audio because they were doing it behind Isawa's back. But when she plays back the audio it doesn't have any modulation on it. And I can't imagine Osanai-mama was in on the plan and lied about it being modulated.
Besides, given Kawamata is out free, she's presumably been exonerated on the basis that she was coerced into the kidnapping, so why bother with a voice changer / modulation in the first place? Kawamata could just say she was coerced into making the ransom call too.
So did she actually feel sorry that Kengo and Kobato got hurt in her master plan? Or is she actually THAT crazy?
I don't believe that girl has any emotions
You cannot deny it.
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Does she look like she's sorry?
You record it unmodulated and feed it through the modulator while making the call.
I take back my words
She's batshit insane.
This show is literally the animators telling otaku: go to sleep, it's hours past midnight, no nothing interesting will happen.
Osanai owes him a blowjob at the very least
Yeah...about that...
Juggalo specifically says the voice changer was a "fake used to implicate Isawa and her group", i.e. it was planted and not actually used even for the pre-recorded audio.
I can just watch her eating forever. She enjoys it so much.
>What I expected: Mundane Mystery

>What I got: Gone Girl
How would the planted modulator implicate Isawa if they didn't feed the audio through a modulator?
????? I think I might be 60 IQ
holy pleb
I don't want to fix her any more. I want her to destroy me and put me to my death.
This is why they broke up huh, Osanai was too crazy
This isn't just a meme anymore, she's actually insane.
I was hoping to learn what was Osanai grudge with Iwasa.
>she dropped my eraser once in middle school
The audio that the mother heard was modulated. The voice changer was found in the car. These two things together implicate Isawa. There is no problem so far.
But then the problem is Kobato says the voice changer was not actually used. For that to be the case, the pre-recorded audio would have to have been modulated already, but it's not modulated when Osanai plays it back. That is my point.
So if the pre-recorded audio was not modulated, then Kobato has to be wrong and the voice changer *was* used with the pre-recorded audio, and then abandoned because it was no longer necessary.
where do i apply train me too
I didn't expect this series to be that much of a far cry from Hyouka, wtf
I apologize for initially calling this a knockoff
it looked fake to me, she was probably just trying to see if she could trick Kobato or she gets pleasure from trying to trick Kobato
there could be another modulator
Did she deserved it?
I mean, damn. The moment she gets out of jail I'm 110% sure she'll hunt out Osanai and fucking kill her on the spot.
now that we're done with the heavy plot, episode next we'll be back with the food mystery autism... surely...
Why are you guys calling her evil?
Literally what's wrong with punishing actual lowlife evildoers?
There exists more than one voice modulator in the world.

The group that kidnapped Osanai was Isawa and four other girls. Kawamata was not part of this group.

Those five girls kidnapped Osanai using the van. Kawamata was not around, but had planted a voice modulator in the van since she hung out with them.

When Osanai was kidnapped, Kawamata used another voice modulator to make the kidnapping call, which none of the five girls knew about. But the fact that they kidnapped her and had a voice modulator with them implicates them for the ransom call.
I'm convinced all her demeanor are manufactured and she's using them proficiently to her means. She's a psycho.
She did deserve jail time, but at most she was getting sent to juvie before Osanai intentionally escalated her crimes, so now she's turbo fucked
not just that Osanai planned all this from the start, even the episode where she makes Kobato steal her sweet to make him have to follow her map was planned
Came into the thread to post this
No, she did not make he did it. She was just happy that Kobato's now indebted to her
I think he meant "not used by Isawa".
I can still hear Osanai's teeth clattering with the spoon
none of this would have happened if she hadn't started looking for the original snitch and gone after kawamata, who in return called for osanai.
So I guess she did deserve it since she was the one who started the ball rolling
>3 months for kidnapping a child
I think these are for real rare cases like a mother running off with a child in fear of losing the child in a divorce or some shit. Something real minor were the child is in no danger but something has to be done at the same time to punish the adult.
Five slaps.
One punch to the shoulder. One to the arm.
A horrible punch to the stomach.
Two kicks to the shin.
Another to the knee that was aimed at the shin.
Tugging hair once.
>The group that kidnapped Osanai was Isawa and four other girls. Kawamata was not part of this group.
Oh shit, I missed that. You're right, it was Isawa, Houjou, Ueno, Souda and Hayashi. That explains everything then. Also answers my other original question about why she had to use a voice changer in the first place if she's out free.
how does her plan work if she doesn't make it so kobato has to follow the sweets roadmap?
She must have also planned to entice him with sweets and she just got lucky she got him on the first try with a little bit of arm twisting
Due process and all of that shit.

But the worst of it all is a detective realizing everything's not making sense and he's suspecting a foul play here. The mundane mystery can only works so much but if a literal professional needs to piece up together what happened here, Osanai is fucked.

But this is Japan with the 99% conviction rate so I guess she got the final laugh.
>Did she deserved it?
Yes, if things went her way and she kidnapped her on her terms she most likely would of killed Osanai and went in for murder, you gotta remember even with this whole thing going down how Osana wanted Osana was about to get cut up which is why the two guys went in to stop them before the cops showed up.
Push comes to shove, damsel tears come out
Nice acting
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I think this one is beyond fixing too.
I love the soundtrack that plays when Osanai is being dark
This is entrapment. Osanai is a criminal.
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Osanai-san's not impressed.

Not with that attitude.
>Osanai is a criminal.
Which makes her 10 times as hot...
And a psychopath.
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If Osanai wrongfully took revenge on someone who turned out to be innocent due to some misunderstanding (another person was at fault) do you think she would feel bad? Would she make amends?
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>if Moriarty was a pettie JK not quite GF of high school Sherlock
Prove it.
>do you think she would feel bad?
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There was no voice modulator Jogoro, it was my face stuffed with cake.
High concept
Surely she's at least genuinely thankful Kobato saved her ass from getting cut/killed? She did trust him enough to know he'd come save her
>20 minutes of talking in the same setting
Nah, actually i enjoyed the episode
not my problem teehee∼
and how would a dectective actually peace all this toguether? Kobato only got most of the details because he was an unconcious participant, he is the only one who can really snitch and he won't
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>watching gigolo-kun explaining how midget-san faked her kidnapping while she cutely eats sweets is boring
He's gay...
Just what else is she capable of
entrapment is when a police officer does it. civilians doing it is just incitement or presenting false evidence depending on what exactly you said or did.
she always had the plan B of making her acomplice call the police on the other girls with a robot voice again
And it's her mom and kobato that has to testify for the ransom call lol.
Making innocent highschool boys fall in love with her
Kobato can't really testify for anything other than he saw her mom answer the phone. Her mom will testify for the modulation part.
>why did you kidnapped Osanai and asked for a ransom?
>wtf?! i didnt do that! we just wanted to teach her a lesson!
>hmm.. what a surprising reaction. feels like she didn't do it at all.
they literally caught her in the act and she has criminal history, it's not uncommon for criminals to lie to lower their own sentences
She can't really prove a negative
Kobato is completely undisturbed by the fake cry xd. they deserve each other
[Sad News] 1 episode left
Isn't this 2 cour?
For this cour
We have another
The cops can suspect none of the five girls made the ransom call, but they probably won't be able to prove Kawamata or Osanai did it either, because both of them would also deny it. Hopefully Kawamata's been smart enough to dump whichever voice changer she used.
So assuming the cops can't find anyone to pin the ransom call on, Isawa's lawyer could be able to get the ransom part dismissed. But it'd still be a kidnapping charge anyway, so I doubt it would change much about her sentence.
Now if the cops do manage to tie Kawamata to the ransom call, say because they find proof of her buying a voice changer or whatever, it might work.
Is that info from some Chinese leaker?
Great news.
I want Osanai-san to train me too...
>But it'd still be a kidnapping charge anyway, so I doubt it would change much about her sentence.
Kidnapping for ransom is 3 years to life, kidnapping for non-ransom is 1–10 years.
Next cour is the literal shoujo plot part where they broke up and try dating some other guy and girl right before crawling back to each other right?
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Osanai-san is the most unfixable woman I've ever seen. There is no light inside. This is what it feels like to stare into the proverbial abyss.
So what was the solution to the "How did you send such a long message while you were in the car?" question? She typed it up in advance and knew she was going to be kidnapped that afternoon, so she typed it up ahead of time and scheduled it to be sent some time after that? Guess she could've just scheduled it to be sent "X minutes later" and then keep resetting the timer every X minutes that she hadn't been kidnapped.
This anon stores a felony amount of drugs in his car.
This is Japan. They'll just hold you without trial until you confess to murdering the pope. 99.8% conviction rate or thereabout.
there needs to be a version of this face but with Osanai and parfait stains
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>they literally caught her in the act and she has criminal history
She planned the whole thing. So it was probably scheduled for right as she was getting kidnapped.
>10 years vs life
Huh, I didn't think there'd be such a big difference.
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Talk about just desserts!
>battle out in a prosecution for 3 years or just admit you did it and face jail time in 1 year
Osanai purposefully pushed the ball down even further tho
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did you think she was fucking around, anon?
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She goes after people for throwing water at her by accident.
This girl is a menace and she must be punished.
>make good hot cocoa
>drink it while watching the episode
>"did I do good, kengo-sama?"
>he never shows up
I am disappoint.
She'll say Shouganai and walk away.
Nips doesn't know about accountability.
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does this look like the face of one who can feel?
Even Atri has more emotions
>she planned the whole thing
fucking knew it
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Osanai clearly doesn't give a fuck about "being ordinary" pulling off shit like this.
and she roped Kobato into it so she can say "you aren't trying to be ordinary either"
Atri has a heart, Osanai does not.
I'd say yes
she tortured and was gonna kill someone
she should've turned a new leaf and none of this would've happened
Perfect, isn't it?
The perfect organism. Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility. I admire its purity. A survivor... unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality.
>do you think she would feel bad?
no, I wonder if she even feels empathy at all
>make sure you get rid of this
>*no answer*
>we don't know each other
>*immediate answer*
she's sly
>Atri has a heart
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but the episode before this were all about the heavy plot happening in the background while the food mystery concealed it.
not saying what she did isn't bad, but the other bitch also had it comming for her
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>pretends to not have a heart when ordered to
>clearly proves to have one multiple times in the episode
Please don't compare my daughterwifebot to the likes of Osanai-san ever again please.
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Osanai "Tough Cookie" Yuki
Osanai "Just Desserts" Yuki
Osanai "Short And Sweet" Yuki
Osanai "Best Served Cold" Yuki
Osanai "Only Acting Sweet" Yuki
Osanai "Strawberry Psycho" Yuki
Osanai "Icing On The Cake" Yuki
Osanai "Vengeful Vienna Cake" Yuki
Osanai "Revenge Tastes Sweet" Yuki
Osanai "Cream-inal Mastermind" Yuki
Osanai "Had My Cake And Ate It" Yuki
Osanai "Taking Candies From Babies" Yuki
Osanai "Ruin My Pie? You Can Go Die" Yuki
Osanai "Gluttonous Lady Acting Shady" Yuki
Osanai "Reese's Pieces Are In Motion" Yuki
Osanai "Ten-Ton Sugar Terror of Tokyo" Yuki
Osanai "Smash My Cake? Smash Your Face" Yuki
Osanai "Don't Need Proof In This Pudding" Yuki
Osanai "Sweet as Honey Until You Act Funny" Yuki
Osanai "Devourer of Cakes, Hopes, and Dreams" Yuki
Osanai "Destroy My Cake? Your Body In a Lake" Yuki
Osanai "Does This Look Like The Face of Merci" Yuki
Osanai "Stop My Sweet Tooth? Punch Your Teeth In" Yuki
Osanai "Don't Try To Grapple With My Candy Apple" Yuki
Osanai "Mess With What's Sweet, Get Your Ass Beat" Yuki
Osanai "Killer of Dreams of the Whores Sippin Lean" Yuki
Osanai "Prolonged Probation If You Sour My Vacation" Yuki
Osanai "Commit Treason, Get Your Ass Raped in Prison" Yuki
Osanai "Kidnapped For Profit, Make It Home For A Parfait" Yuki
Osanai "Punishment On A Bike For The Knife-Wielding Dyke" Yuki
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>Osanai "Cream-inal Mastermind" Yuki
She'll be the cream-anal mastermind after I'm done with her if you catch my drift
>Osanai "Don't Try To Grapple With My Candy Apple" Yuki
>one episode left
You mean she got Sakagami caught for the crimes he committed? You call that evil?
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Osanai is the one that suggests breaking up

You underestimate how much Juggalo refuses to admit he enjoys the crazy, and would have kept playing along otherwise
Juggalo is just That Guy who'd stick it in crazy
and how she gave Kobato her full name as she told her not too. Osanai is ruthless
>Osanai "Prolonged Probation If You Sour My Vacation" Yuki
deep down he's probably thrilled about the mysteries Osanai can make for him, even if he want to become a shoushimin
by me
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>"fix" Osanai
>turns out she planned it all along and you were being trained
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God I love psychotic women. I just want one to stomp on my cock and balls before they kill me
She really pavlov'd the guy with cake lol
I have no idea how to feel about Osanai anymore
Thanks, I racked my brain for them
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>Oh, just one more thing, Ms. Osanai
It's not entrapment even if it was a police officer doing it. It has to be something the person is unlikely or unwilling to do for it to be entrapment. Isawa and her gang were already planning on taking revenge on and kidnapping her with or without Osanai's plan. If an undercover cop pretends to be a druggie and asks to buy drugs from a drug dealer, it's not entrapment.
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She deserved it, but Osanai taking advantage of the moment to plan out and escalate everything is still deranged. It's like knowing someone wants to break into your house so you turn the place into a Saw trap. You're in the right for killing them, but deliberately taking the chance to cause more harm is still unhinged
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Anon, are you alright?
Osanai is so pretty and stylish
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I miss when this anime was a cute girl and a dork talking about hot cocoa
Though Kobato already knows her full name and Osanai knows he knows, so it didn't matter here as Sanae was the only one not in the know.
What's this psycho trying to do now?
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blink twice if you're being tortured
/fa/ anime girl of the year?
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If I was Sanae I'd be skipping town ASAP after hearing this
This was honestly the most crazy moment of the episode to me. It fully looks like Osanai is enjoying the fact that she could fuck over Sanae with that phone. Actual lunatic
What issue does she have with Sanae?
any action she could possibly take is already priced in, anon. she became a spectator in her own life the second she the misfortune of crossing paths with she-who-shall-not-be-named-or-implicated-in-any-way
What the FUCK is wrong with her?
isn't it Sanae sucking up to the chieftain bitch and trying to cover her ass what caused them to go after Osanai in the first place? she's probably in to be punished for this whole thing as well.
She was just doing what she had to in order to survive. If anything, Osanai owes Sanae for telling her about the kidnapping plot so she could orchestrate the whole thing. If Sanae didn't do that, Osanai would be dead in a ditch somewhere
Osanai was going to be given up to the gang by Sanae to cover her own bases, Osanai saying that is just telling Sanae not to try any funny ideas
Skipping town? her fate was already sealed here. It's over for her.
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Easily. Is there even a contest?
>Isawa and her gang were already planning on taking revenge on and kidnapping her with or without Osanai's plan.
Prosecution's evidence for this would be Kawamata's testimony, who is the cop in this hypothetical, so the defense would argue entrapment.
It's meant to be an ipod I think. It has the circular dial that they had.
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Sanae only did that to rope Osanai into helping her get out of the druggy bitch brigade again
I thought it was just a voice recorder
There is nothing wrong with mutual benefit. The kidnapping plot was going to occur regardless of Sanae, it wasn't her idea. But Sanae told Osanai which let Osanai work her magic.
You make it sound bad, but the Japanese police never get off their asses unless they have a lot of evidence in advance. They're like the opposite of American cops, who arrest people for looking at them funny, then often fail to have any charges stick because they're so gung-ho about arresting people. In Japan, the cops will sit by and watch an obviously guilty dude commit crimes until they've got the full backing of the prosecution office to make the arrest, because they want to maintain that 99% conviction rate.

Sanae was the one who told Isawa about Osanai helping her before in the first place which led to the kidnapping plot

If anything Osanai should be going after Sanae next for being such an ungrateful suck up. But you learn to keep your standards low around druggies, since their next fix is more important than basic human decency
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This episode confirms that Kengo is the best
Dunno how to feel about this... Sure they are criminals, but Osanai have ruined at least 2 lives now, maybe more...
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They would've gone after Osanai for the middle school thing regardless
>maybe more...
definitely more, definitely not her first stint with how kobato described her
Osanai is kind of a druggie too if you think about it
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>with cake


We could call it that
We already knew that from the Cocoa episode.
you just know she can throw mad neck
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actual psychopath
>started out with "the mystery of how he made the hot cocoa with 3 cups"
>currently at "framing a teenager for kidnapping and ransom"
>cute girl makes veiled mafia-esque statements
Osanai's favourite music genre is classic, isn't it
It's not really framing since she did actually kidnap Osanai, but if the full details of the situation were known it's unlikely she'd spend more than a few months in juvie for it, and Osanai would probably end up on a watchlist maybe, but without hard evidence I doubt the cops would charge her with criminal conspiracy.
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I miss the cocoa segments. This kidnapping stuff makes me unhappy
Peace was never an option
>>started out with "the mystery of how he made the hot cocoa with 3 cups"
Man that episode was so comfy. I think I'm gonna redownload it and watch it again.
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This the "good" version of Osanai
You now realize the cocoa episode was training you
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Isawa? She's going to sleep with the fishes.
That's the "boring and retarded" version of Osanai
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>he deletes shoushimin episodes
Now's the good time to remember the Perfect Insider director is doing this kek
I delete all seasonal stream rips. I tend to only redownload BDs.
shes too based for that fucker
She's not even a psychopath. How dull.
>tfw no osanai san gf to groom me, manipulate me and eventually coerce me into dates with her
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>deleting it in the first place
If we can slip enough hot sauce into her sweets, we CAN defeat Osanai
I wish I could watch 20 episodes of this every day until I die
Chitanda is too much of a goody two shoes to be psychopathic, that's more of Oreki's thing and even he prefers being passive
I don't save stream rips.
That's just assuring your death.
Jesus fucking christ what an episode
And Osanai now will turn the recording over to the police so Sanae will also go to prison, as revenge for threatening her in the first place

This girl is so fucked up, i love her
The real psychopath of Hyouka is Tomoe
>Osanai trying not to laugh describing the naivete and stupidity of the girl she used
She really is a supervillain
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Based osanai riding the tiger and making the system play itself to get rid of the undesirables of her nation. Evola would be proud
She will put her detective simp on the case of finding out who spiked her sweets and then it's only a matter of time before your goose is cooked.
That's a big parfait
I don't want my body floating down a lake bro
I just remembered even Oreki is just a pawn in that series, and yeah Tomoe is Hyouka's Osanai
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How the hell does she have enough room in her stomach for this? it's literally as big as her torso
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Real psychopath of Hyouka is my wife Irisu
jk she's actually a good girl
This ain't her first rodeo. Her stomach acid could fuck up a crowbar.
it is sucked into the void where her soul is supposed to be
I used to think he looks intimidating but after knowing Osanai he now looks like a cute kid
Chewing compresses the food a fair amount
>Sanae was outside the building the whole time

What the fuck
the episode in which she openly mocks oreki and >>270787513 is what sold me that shes a turbo cunt
Kobato was going to do it anyway. He's always with her if she asks him.
She is good at stuffing big things inside her tiny body.
We need Hyouka season 2 more than anything. Too bad KyoAni would prefer making My Carpet Munching Boxer Wife Is Abusing Our Retard Son! (four seasons x 2 cours each + seven OVAs)
About the text message, is Sanae the one who sent it on Osanai's phone?
This. What the fuck? Isn't it summer? It's hot as fuck and humid outside. And she just stood there waiting until Osanai finished her parfait and told her to come in. Scary.
>you will be joining me on my sweets tour right anons?
>nothing nefarious, I promise :)
She didn't have that as a plan b because by the time Kobato called the police, Isawa was about ready to cut her up. There's no version of these events where Sanae could call the police in time.
>Implying Osanai san didnt have already a plan for that
Would you be in a rush to interact with Osanai?

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>Was getting caught part of your plan?
>Of course
No she isn't. Tomoe is the Mycroft to Houtarou's Sherlock.
How do we know the guy who stole her bike from the first episodes is ok...
What did Osanai mean when she told Sanae (offscreen) that Kobato is a dangerous guy? Is she planning to get rid of him too now that he has dirt on her?
Osanai already prayed for his safety, it's over for him.
He's having his asshole widened in prison as we speak, other than that he's fine.
We know he's not okay. He got arrested when the identity theft ring got busted.
We haven't seem him in a while. It's time to let go.
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>Who? *sips tea*
>Sanae Kawamata refused our offer in favor of yours. We had to know what she told you about us.
Can you schedule text messages?
Sanae was waiting outside for Osanai's signal, meaning she had her around as insurance in case Kobato reacted badly and decided to go tell the cops about the plan
There was no risk of that. Kobato is too well trained.
As if she'd ever forget who did her wrong
For me it was spicy cake episode where she gets what she deserves
It doesn't hurt to have a plan B

Also this implies she didn't fully trust him
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>you are kobato and you WILL have to walk on a mine field and periodically feed her sweets.
Is osanai a jirai kei?
idk man, I think it was all part of the plan at this point
Jirai kei are self destructive. Osanai simply destroys others.
Lol no. Landmines explode when you least expect it. Osanai will end your entire life slowly but surely until you kill yourself, and no thread connects back to her
Oreki is her baby brother so she's allowed to do that. Irisu deserved all the shit she gave her, and I can't help but think that part of the reason Tomoe exposed her like that is that she was sore about Irisu manipulating her younger brother for her plan.
Stay tuned for the episode where she sends the entire club including kengo and the cooking club guy to their deaths
I miss him so much already...
Irisu is a good girl, she didn't think she would hurt Oreki that badly...
>If anything Osanai should be going after Sanae next
Why do you think she was laughing at her for just handing the recording? She's 100% going after her.
Tomoe vs Yuki, who wins?
Spoiler: She is not

She used to consider Sanae a friend at some point and her talk at the end was pure bravado bullshit she didn't mean
Kengo will be ok right.....
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Considering kengo will get with her sister and osanai will make kobato put several children inside her (having planned it since middle school). Im sure they will meet again several times
>she was sore about Irisu manipulating her younger brother for her plan.
but it was tomoe who told her to use her brother, he wasnt even on her radar, tomoe tell her something like
>you can use my lilbro because hes very easy to manipulate
irisu even ask her if shes truly ok with that and tomoe is like yeah whatever lol
can a kind anon sum up Osanai's plan this episode.. I kind of lost it at some point
>1 episode left
I dont want it to end
she's a small girl
for you
she used an insider to set up ransom charges on the drug leader and find out when/where she would be kidnapped
Not only that, she also made the insider encourage the kidnapping
this much I got but they went into details about the relationship between the ring leader and Sanae and that's where I lost it
She was waiting outside on the second floor. Gigoro could have just went down the stairs and left. Also, I doubt they would be able to kidnap him just the two of them.
osanai used sanae to rat them out in middle school, the leader knew someone ratted her out and wanted revenge which is why sanae assisted osanai in her plan, to avoid being targeted
so even if she didn't help Osanai she still would have made the kidnapping happen?
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>Also, I doubt they would be able to kidnap him just the two of them.
Juggernaut fought off four girls, the powerlevels are clear here
I don't like how passive and unassertive Kobato is. He had Osanai completely exposed and was in the perfect position to punish her but instead brushes it off with a
>shikata ga nai
reaction. He should've spanked her over his knee to make her understand how dangerous and unhinged it was to pull off a stunt like that.
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I think you need to leave.
It's the opposite. Sanae threatened Osanai to make her screw over the druggie again. Sanae just helped with whatever Osanai asked after that.
>Osanai did you just murder someone?
>"I heard blueberries are in season right now"
Nah, that was probably mostly Kengo if not all.
Kengo took down knife girl. Kobato was there to prevent the other girls from interfering.
I'm confused again
osanai ratted the gang out in middle school to help sanae out
the gang got detention and once they got out they started blaming sanae for it
sanae got scared and threatened osanai because she was the rat
osanai saw an opportunity and used sanae to set up this whole thing
the gang never wanted to kidnap her, they just were going to take her to the warehouse and beat her up
osanai woked with sanae to choose a time and place for then osanai was going to get taken and beat up
osanai and sanae recorded a ransom message to be phoned to her mom so they could frame the entire thing as a kidnapping for ransom, which would put the gang in jail for way longer than a simple beating
the whole sweets tour with kobato was just to drill the map into his brain so he would immediately figure out where to go rescue her. his role was first to rescue her before they do any serious damage to osanai and second to direct the police to the warehouse so the gang would be arrested for the kidnapping immediately
Kengo only 1v1'd the one with the knife, Kobato held off the rest
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>for the price
Considering the amount of stuff that's in it that's pretty cheap.
Woudlnt the police eventually figure out about the recording and fake kidnapping voice.
I don't eat out often enough to know if this is a lot of money or not
Yeah, but held off doesn't mean he actually attacked them or subdued them. If he just had to keep them from interfering with Kengo's fight he just needed to stay out of their reach.
what about the message? how did she send it?
I can't imagine how this thing would be any good. Even the sugar addict Osanai said the watermelon doesn't fit with the cream.
she scared the fuck out of her mother
Tomoe would defeat Yuki in a battle of wits. The elder Oreki is every bit as good (possibly even better) of a sleuth as Kobato who can already figure out Osanai's plans. The difference is she wouldn't accommodate Osanai and let her get away with things the way he does. Plus, Oreki has way more world experience and no situation Osanai can put her in is worse than the situations she regularly puts herself through for shits and giggles.
>having to go through all that to get to the cereal
making the mother of all omelettes here Jack
also dont forget they are just what JKs? girls arent that strong so unless you are a skinny turbomanlet you should be fine
Are parfaits good? I never tried one and watching anime makes me want to
Though Osanai and Sanae are also JKs so it's the same but there's only two of them this time
What's this "detention" or "probation" Isawa was on in middle school? Just having the police keep tabs on you or something more serious?
He's a minor and it's a first offense. Juvie at worst, right? Definitely not prison prison?
Sanae did
I've had a few and I'd rather just have an ice cream or a shake. I've never seen the comically large parfaits they have in anime though. With those the sheer amount of sweet you'd have to consume makes me sick just to think about it.
Osanai wont ruin my life if I buy her a parfait right...
I miss Kengo's voice...
I miss Kengo's autism...
Hopefully he's well...
Haaaaaahahahaha holy shit this girl is fucking nuts. A real fucking Moriarty. It's not often we see evil mastermind characters who are legitimately 200 IQ. Her one slip up was asking for peach pie instead of candy apples.
I like them once in a very long while. It's just tasty cream with things, could be fruit or cookies or some kind of crumble. Nice dessert when they're small
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Her miss being the fault of her well established sweet tooth makes it even better
>Her one slip up was asking for peach pie instead of candy apples.
She was going to get away with it completely clean but her sweets autism kicked in at the worst moment possible. I immediately noticed she had skipped a stop when she said peach pie in the previous ep, obviously kobato was going to get hung up on that and unravel the entire thing.
This episode was so fucking good.
Don't do it anon. You'll end up like Osanai.
Don't do it anon. Your balls will explode.
Fucking great thread. I love it, It’s been a while since I’ve had fun with seasonal anime. Of course, aside from Monogatari this season.
This show has the best threads this season. Always a blast.
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>Pros: Sex on demand as long as you feed her sweets afterwards

>Cons: She is a psychopath

Your call anons
neutral evil
fruit in japan is expensive so that's probably a good deal
>on her demand
she'll never let herself get caught by the authorities and only fucks over people who don't like her, i'll take it. I can feed her sweets and our family will never have any enemies, not for long anyway.
holy fucking shit what an episode lmao
man this series is not what I fucking expected when it started
The main reason parfaits melon so fast and "lasts" so short is that there isn't much density to it. I wouldn't WANT to eat a double helping of iced cream in that timeframe, but I could easily
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I miss cute Osanai and meaningless mysteries
I will take it
Why the fuck does this good shit only get 10 episodes?
same, very original
Osanai is still cute and mystery is still meaningless (nobody will catch her)
You get another 10 on winter season
>wintertime Shoushimin
Gonna be so comfy bros. Gonna get some good hot cocoa.
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I think what misled me the most was the description that was making me think that the mystery aspect might be more supernatural in nature I guess?
I mean fuck I welcome what I got much more than that idea but god DAMN what a rollercoaster
the fucking balls on Osanai to pull a stunt like that
Do not microwave milk cartons
But if Kengo can do it...
A phone is a computer and sending a message is a program. You can make any sort of trigger you want with the right app.
You mind posting sauce on that?
Can't fucking wait. I will finally make cocoa
I'm pretty sure she started to rile Isawa up when she knew Kobato was there.
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>hot steamy climate time for me
Will still be summer on the anime by then. Osanai looked cute on her outfits
Ok, but is that a thing Osanai actually did? I think it's more likely that her inside (wo)man sent the pre-prepared text
I almost skipped it because the description made it sound like some kind of supernatural shit.
"enduring a bitter experience known as a wisdom work" what the fuck is that even supposed to mean? how is it even related to the actual plot? whoever wrote this is absolutely retarded
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awesome, thanks
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Anon, cold cocoa is just as good. Trust me
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Osanai sure was the best girl of the season
It's obviously MTL, but I assume "wisdom work" is referring to how they used their brains for something in the past, that they don't want to any more and want to become shoushimin instead.
Yeah i have a lot laying around. Hope the moths didnt get to it
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The moths will pay
Im looking forward to see more pastries and sweets
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Every mystery is better with sweets
Just put spicy in the cake and Osanai is defeated
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This character looks like my sister when she was in middle school, freaks me out.
Aaay one of the other 10 anons who watched ACCA 13.
Why poke the bear?
Craving sliced bread
>(Source: Crunchyroll)
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But Osanai doesn't have a brother...
lol I had forgotten how cryptic and inscrutable the synopsis was. I gave it a shot because I enjoyed Hyouka and saw this was based on a work by the same author.
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>You will never be trained by Osanai
Goddamn they work fast
I didn't even read the synopsis, I watched because someone posted the pv here calling it hyouka season 2, obviously realised it wasn't after finishing the trailer but it got my interest, especially since it was the same author
Best episode this season overall, I love osanai
I fully expected to drop this because it just didn't sound like my cup of tea, but I still gave it a chance because I do that with every new anime. Now it's one of my favourites this season
What if the episode 1 cakes getting smashed was also part of her plan?
>Sanae's shirt had "NO RIGHTS" printed on it
what did they mean by this?
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Bro Osanai literally framed Isawa for a crime. That makes Osanai a criminal herself. I thought these were innocent pretentious teenagers who made a big deal out of solving coffee mixing puzzles but this is actual criminal activity. What the fuck?
Kobato catches her but doesn't do anything
It was the most efficient way to eliminate hostile threats to her normalcy
Osanai is very interesting and cute!
She already started threatening to cut her up before she said anything
She's the hero Japan deserves, but the one it needs right now
And you WILL help her.
She framed her for ransom, but the kidnapping was all her. Osanai's frame job probably added years to her sentencing, and by controlling the situation she also minimized harm to herself and others. Though Kengo did get hurt which she expressed regret over. She probably doesn't regret framing Isawa at all.
What manga is this? It look like shoujo.
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>Though Kengo did get hurt which she expressed regret over.
Don't believe her lies, she hoped he'd get caught in the collateral for all the cockblocking he did
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osanai glowie
That's a great visual representation of how their relationship works.
The only question I would ask is if she still would have done the sweets summer tour map even if there was no scheme involved.
Also it was hot before when she was smugly happy about training him but it's even hotter with the context that it was multi-layered training.
This makes it look like she's getting her mugshot taken.
>multi-layered training.
Like a cake!
Damn, the opening is a fucking love letter from Kobato to Osanai.
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Actually genuinely what the fuck
She would have done the tour because she still loves sweets, she probably would have tried to get Kobato to go with her as her cafe partner, but she wouldn't have done the map or the fancy list.
no gay sex with HATS ON tab in sight, what the fuck
>Don't believe her lies, she hoped he'd get caught in the collateral for all the cockblocking he did
Makes a lot of sense. If Kengo wasn't there the first day they wouldve gotten those tarts way easier.
She sees your parfait
Don't care. Still cute.
but I don't have a parfait...
>She probably doesn't regret framing Isawa at all.
Does this look like the face of remorse?
tfw no mafia girlboss gf
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>Cyberspunk and Fag of War
why don't you just microwave the parfait? it'll all melt and then you can just drink it all up. don't even need a spoon
They went outside too.
If he punished her then he would become her next target, not worth it.
that's his fetish
I knew it was going to be kino because Hyouka is my favorite anime, I literally didn't even read the synopsis or looked it up or anything to avoid spoilers, but I really wasn't expecting this.
>Katawa Shoujo
depends if they can track down the call
>and by controlling the situation she also minimized harm to herself and others
She could have avoided harm to herself without framing someone else for a crime they didn't do because she enjoys fukushuu like the evil gremlin she is...
>it was a training arc all along
Alright kids, never use the snipping tool while drunk.
Also my taste > your taste
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Why don't you just... what...?
plaping until pregnancy
Why would they even investigate any further?
The culprits were caught in the act and with assaulted witnesses. Open and shut, send those girls to the dungeon quick enough and they can still make it in time for their first 10pm beatings.
why don't you just eat sugar, I mean it's all sugar in the end, it's cheaper too
Empirical evidence suggests this to be the case.
Little slut showing off her shoulders... 許さんぞ。。。
I was "lucky" to open a spoiler in the first threads about the cult idk if it's true, so I knew it will become serious shit at some point.
Okay but where can we go from here story-wise
back to food autism
Shut the fuck up kengo they're having a moment
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Osanai keeps escalating the fukushuu to the point Jogoro either leaves her or goes down with her.
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>don't turns off his 2nd monitor with win+p for immersion
I'm looking forward to Kengoposting in the S2 threads too
Kobato now knows she's more fucked up than he expected an a confirmed criminal, there's no way they can still play pretend normal people anymore
Look how unbothered he was about it. He just got more turned on.
He probably came 10 times figuring out the plan, honestly if this turns into a sherlock vs moriarty story where Kobato just follows her because he'll get to solve more autistic cases I'll be overjoyed
Osanai won't retaliate because she knows that if she was a bad girl by not being shoushimin, she deserves whatever punishment Kobato dishes out to her. It was secretly her plan all along. Throughout the entire summer, Osanai has been priming him by doing things to attract his attention to her butt and surreptitiously laying across his lap in certain situations (for example to reach for something) all to plant the idea of spanking her over his knee into his mind.
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Literally me
speaking of, is Moriarty the Patriot any good? Kengo's VA voices Holmes there so I'm a bit interested but it looks hella gay
uTorrent is peak basedware tho
Organized a kidnapping.
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It was a fun watch, an interesting spin by making moriarty the protag. Nothing mind-blowing but a decent Sherlock story anyway
uTorrent is literal adware, there are a thousand better products anon. Including FOSS ones.
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2.2.1 worked on my machine perfectly until I got into a sekrit club that banned it. It has a smaller memory footprint than qbit and it doesn't get >Stalled
If you use anything newer than 2.2.1, that's cringe.
>doesn't have /a/ open on the 2nd
>not even when watching trainwrecks he likes shitposting about
you're letting good fun miss you.
never had the patience to try and play the red economy
You want her to just let this psycho do as she pleases? I thought /a/ hated those types of wimpy protagonists? She contrived a scenario that would ensure Isawa got locked up for a decent amount of time, while also ensuring she'd remained focused on herself rather than somebody who would be a helpless victim.
>thread will die before I get home and watch the episode
I will remember this, /a/.
>doesn't use built in win+shift+s screenshot snip tool
You know the episode is good when the thread hits autosage this quickly
Yeah I was shocked to see this thread at bump limit already.
>not getting home earlier to watch the episode and shitpost with us
I will remember this, anon.
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I originally said that marketing Shoushimin as the next Hyouka isn't a good move because while it may initially be able to cash in on the name recognition, it'll forever stay in Hyouka's shadow. Turns out I was wrong since while it did attract Hyouka fans, Shoushimin ended up being completely different and it's own thing.
Her dangerous and unhinged stunts or spanking her?
what do you mean snip tool, mpc-hc already has a screenshot button
Yeah obviously, but I mean if you're going to take screenshots of your desktop, why not use the infinitely superior tool they put in the OS for free?
Hyouka was great beyond just the animation, so I had confidence in the author.
Please tell me this evil gremlins master plans become more nefarious and spiteful as the series goes on, that was fucking magical
Summer is great for the outfits girls wear. Not only is Osanai's dress exposing her bare shoulders, but she's also wearing pretty sandals that exposes her bare feet.
She just wants Kobato to be her BF by using nefarious schemes that ticks his detective autism.
I need her to ruin em
She's already ruining 'em all.
ruin me* fuck
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>I need her to ruin me fuck
You have to appreciate that Yonezawa writes actual, full-on novels, not light novels.
I am just going to sneak in that I dislike both the OP and the ED, but the ED is better
Yeah, Hyouka is also sold as a regular young adult novel. It's kind of sad the anime industry only focuses on slop, there must be so many great novels out there that never even get consdiered
i'd watch the ending to juuni kokuki, but from what anons say the quality fell after the anime.
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>I am just going to sneak in that
I like them both おさこわいい
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this phrase always makes me crack up for some reason
It's not surprising that this episode has gotten the most attention so far since even though it was already revealed that Osanai is unhinged, we haven't seen her do something this unhinged until now.
>You stirred the cocoa powder into hot milk, right?
Of course.
>It's well-mixed. It's not easy to make it like this.
You get it, huh?
I can teach you the trick, if you want.
>No, it's fine.
Just hear me out. There's one small trick that makes it taste entirely different.
First, you put cocoa powder in the cup.
Then, you pour steaming hot milk on top.
The trick is to start with just a little milk.
You give it just enough milk so that you can knead it into a paste.
Then, once the powder's completely dissolved into the paste, you add more hot milk.
As much as you want.
Sugar to taste.
And then, stir some more, and there you go.
That one extra step really does make a difference.
Chasing down the guy who stole her bicycle (and ruined her sweets) was also pretty extreme. She was just bailed out early in that regard.
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Nobody gets in-between a lady and her cake.
Yeah but all she did was expose their crimes. Here she orchestrated an entire plot to get herself kidnapped.
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>Wrong! This man is deceased.

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