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Osanai did nothing wrong.
She's an irredeemable psychopath and a threat to society, she needs to be locked up.
do they have sex
I love and adore her
honestly, making screencaps with kino bars is like making a screencap of a '90s anime with vertical bars of anons too lazy to close fullscreen for a cap.
it could reasonably be mocked.
buddy that's literally how the show looks, the letterboxing is built in.
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She's scaring me, but she's also so small and cute...aaaah!
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Yeah, locked in with me
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she'd do nothing with you, touch your hand on her clothes and use the fingerprints as evidence for assault. then you'd have to shell out all your fukuzawas and shibusawas for sweets.
Kengo will be fine right...
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He's a big guy
someone Photoshop a taser on it please
Was getting caught part of her plan?
>woke up
>2nd thread already
what happened?
Watch the episode and you'll know why.
Crashing this parfait... with no survivors!
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Damn she's a legit psycho
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Just when I thought I was out, she pulled me back in.
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Mochiron da!
I want Osanai to rape me.
I want her to kidnap me and keep me as a pet (sexually)
I will make an honest mother out of Osanai.
She will turn the entire family into a mafia
and you will be happy
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I mean it's not like you have a choice anyway
We need an open matte release.
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>the day the first thread died faster is the day shit comes up at work and I can't leave at the usual time
>died faster
It hit bump limit faster. There's a difference.
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A second thread? For Osanai-san?
No. Imagine if she gets pregnant and she decides to get fukushuu on gigolo by having him marry her? Imagine marrying a gremlin psychopath.
Jogoro is supposed to be smart, but Osanai is so far beyond him it's like she playing pretend detective with a child.
I guess she is just his perfect counter, one was made for the other.
An entire episode of nothing but the two main characters talking at a restaurant and it was kino

All part of Osanai-san's keikaku.
It died from natural causes, then.
I'll watch the new episode in 2 hours, then finish Hyouka
Gigolo is better than her at deducing stuff. Osanai mostly just plans out stuff for him to figure out and the only times she finds things out before him are when she investigates and stalks people by herself.
I killed it
t. Osanai
Why didn't they visit Kengo?
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Has anybody told them that it was an ordinary thing to do?
she got busted as the true villain of the show, all while eating a parfait and going "are you done yet" and acting like a mafia boss
legit unhinged behaviour.
The episode was just THAT good
he didn't even finish his parfait..
that sucks bro, but don't worry, episode was good enough to warrant another thread
Was it really? I'm about to watch it, keep the thread warm for me
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Osanai-san destroyed him...
That whole "date" was really a humiliation ritual wasn't it..
So this is the Juumoji of Shoushimin?
Imagine having fun over the summer, having cake with a cute girl multiple times, and then getting dragged into a literal fucking crime
God i wish that was me
What would happen if I simultaneously stole Osanai's bike, spilled water on her, and ate her cake?
>osanai is a wolf
>that's funny, juggalo, you can't be serious
>oh no
Wolves aren't manipulative, she's more like a cat.
We would never know.
>Shoshimin: Imagine if Watson is actually Moriarty and Sherlock have sex with him
BRAVO, imagine all the autistic babies they'll create
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Pavlovian conditioning...
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How did she end up like that? Her mom seemed normal enough.
I thought that was a taser at first when I saw it on the thread before watching the episode.
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Her mom is a schizo.
>Wolves aren't manipulative
canines are far more manipulative than felines, anon
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Guys... I don't think Osanai actually wants to become ordinary.
>No rights
Is slavery legal in Japan?
>Osanai was literally training his tastebuds to like food she likes
Explain the reason Sherlocks
She also introduced him to her mom in a perfect way, as in the smart and courageous boy who rescued her from kidnappers before police could even try
How would Jonggoro respond?
She likes him
I'm starting to think she was grooming him for more than just the kidnapping...
god i wish i was osanai's norights slavbe
She's grooming him.
I finally watched the episode. I would have made some delicious cocoa beforehand but I'm tired as fuck.
She's vicious and tenacious like a wolf.
It's not the final episode
remember to make them the kengo way next week
That's a good idea, I'll do that next week.
*without microwaving the whole carton of course
Kobato only has himself to blame for getting exasperated. All he needs to do is say, "I'm sorry Osanai, I understand you were in difficult circumstances, but you went too far. As part of our pact, I will have to punish you." She'll probably even like him more for that.
Wh-what should the punishment be?
She has to accompany him to...uhh, what exactly are Kobato's interests again? Or she has to give him some of her parfait (same spoon for the indirect kiss). It's clear that this whole "let's be ordinary" thing is a sham so they might as well use it as a pretense for banter and flirting. Maybe something sexual if their relationship is at that stage.
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>one episode left
wtf it's only 10 ep???
It's split cour. One ep before the 5 year timeskip.
The five year WHAT
The what now
Osanai goes to juvie
you're trolling right
canonically built for big side character cock while the mc watches
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A man that realized he was being trained all along.
You barbaric Westerners and your lenient child upbringing, letting your children do whatever they want and never scolding them, thus producing losers and criminals for the next generation! You will never understand the greatness of our East Asian strict child upbringing that produces upstanding and honorable people! No wonder America is falling apart!
cute lesbians
is Osanai eating Jogoro's melon?
That's literally his plan though
So they didn't explicitly say what happened to him
I'm going to give Osanai a little sister by fucking her mom!
>5 year timeskip

>Likes him so much she literally forces him to break up with her
>Watches from behind the cuck tree as she psychologically destroys the next boytoy she had after him
>He is still the one that asks her to get back together

Nobody in these threads will ever reach the level of autistic/retarded love he has for Osanai
>Kengo missing for a WHOLE EPISODE
He died in the hospital...
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>>270793346 (OP)
What's wrong with this girl? How can we fix her?
Ok so Osanai is the mastermind behind everything, but what's weird is the time horizon.
The initial conflict with the punk bitch was months if not years ago in the middle school. There's no reason they just decided to take revenge in a very specific way (kidnapping to abandoned gym) this summer. the bully could've easily assaulted Osanai ANYTIME on the street.
Also I don' get why the snitch girl gave the recording of herself doing ransom call to Osanai. now Osanai has powerful weapon to blackmail her. actually I don't get why the snitch worked with Osanai to begin with. what's the point? she doesn't benefit from any of that.
>270793346 (OP) (OP)
Anon you might be retarded

All of that is explained in the episode
the explanation didn't make sense. Osanai had too much control over everything over such a long time horizon.
>Osanai and Sanae were friends prior to all this >Osanai helps her get out of druggie group
>They graduate and move on
>Sanae kisses up to Isawa again and blames Osanai for putting her on probation
>Sanae realizes she fucked up and warns Osanai about Isawa coming after her
>Meanwhile she uses all kinds of outfits "disguises" to move around town, occasionally bringing Juggernaut for extra protection to avoid Isawa's gang
>Since she is getting captured anyway she uses Sanae as a insider and plants the exact date to kidnap her within the group
>Sanae agrees cause she is scared of Isawa and doesn't want to be around her anymore
>Osanai gets kidnapped then rescued by Gigolo and Kengo
>Both Sanae and Osanai wanted Isawa gone for a long time so they planted the fake ransom call to elevate the charges
>Sanae is retarded and shouldn't have given Osanai that recorder but they used to be friends so some of that trust is still there
I can 1v1 Osanai.
>can't even show kidnapper bitches getting ryona'd
Shit series. Still mad about it.
>osanai has less money for sweets because of her sister
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so this was Sanae?
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om nom nom
She paid for it, so it's really her melon
Me on the left with my extra-baggy T-shirt.
>A person who buys another person is punished by imprisonment for not less than 3 months but not more than 5 years.
>A person who buys a minor is punished by imprisonment for not less than 3 months but not more than 7 years.
>A person who buys another person for the purpose of profit, indecency, marriage or threat to the life or body, is punished by imprisonment for not less than 1 year but not more than 10 years.
Might as well be.
fueling her 6D chess mind
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>>(OP) (OP)
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she had him eliminated
He knew too much...
If it is two cour, will we get to how Osanai and Kobato met?
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I missed the episode thread
How do we fix Osanai?
Meeting her every whim so as to not give her a reason to lose it
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Easy: you don't.
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Sanae gives her the recorder and then Osanai casually leaks her name to another witness and gives her the "i pray for your safety". She's pointing a knife at her to ward her off.
Spent the whole summer training him to protect her and give her sweets. And now he's realized he can't let her go. She might do stuff like this again. Halfway thru his reveal, she put on the tearworks and was completely fine with him only figuring out half the story. Then she smiles happily at the end when he explains the other half. He has to be with this gremlin forever. There's no escape.
I still don't understand
I thought the kidnapping episode last week felt a little contrived but I guess it makes more sense now. Did not expect the sociopath angle.
I hope Jogoro kicks her ass in the next episode. I wanna see him go ape shit and beat her to death. Evil bitch.
(This is actually a running gag in the 2ch shoushimin threads)
Holy shit, it's all coming together
Chill out, she's already in jail. Isawa won't be hurting anyone
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Sorry, Kobato-kun, Doujima-kun wasn't part of the deal.
Does Osanai need to testify in court?
>you rape Osanai
>it was all part of her plan
Your response?
is there any significance to the fact Osanai's insider is Kengo's gf's sister or it's just a coincidence
so whats the appeal of this show? I got to the episode where he brings her sweets because she can't go out or whatever? I dropped it when he was planning to eat her cake or whatever. Doesn't seem to be going anywhere and other anime have done the deductive MC bullshit before.
delicious hot cocoa
It's like Breaking Bad.
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Man I'm not gonna lie, for how cool of a twist it is I'm sad it went that way. I liked their cute platonic relationship
Rape her harder.
If you have made it there I think it's worth it to watch til ep9, pay attention to Osanai and you'll have a pretty good time.
Rape is bad... Osanai is deeply hurt by your word... You'll forgive her for what she's about to commit right?
I like this ED more than the coombait 1st ED
this is pretty boring
3 episodes left
It's more like she's Moriarty and he's Sherlock. She's brilliant at making plans, and he's brilliant at figuring them out.
See >>270807267
wait a sec, if she's a high school first-year and Kengo's gf is her younger sister, how old is the gf
Lmao, this
What Osanai with preptime?
oh what the fuck this episode was set up from the first fucking episode?
>it's a mayaka episode
I sleep
>hyouka season 2 never
>hibishit got 3 seasons and a movie
One fire wasn't enough
understandable, Hyouka is pretty boring overall
Best girl slander.
How could one hate the coombait it’s gorgeous.
I hate that there is no Irisu coombait
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Stop talking about Hyouka.
I only watched episode one of this. Should I catch up for her?
ep1 was the weakest. it's all uphill from there
I love her. I want more of her.
Go make a Hyouka thread, retard.
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done with Hyouka. that was BORING.
now I'm not sure if I want to store or delete the files.
It's only 7GB but I don't like having trash in my HDD.
Shoushimin MOGS
Both Hyouka and Shoushimin should've been a pure mystery of the week series.
Cocoa was the best by far.
Not your blog.
I liked the spicy bun case cuz it’s ez
We get it, you got filtered, no need to brag about it.
>hyouka still filtering sociopaths
>Sanae-san casually participates in a scheme to send her sister to jail
Wow, what a cunt.
Whats the name of her boyfriend again?
Holly Osanai is crazy, were her tears even real when she apologized for the injuries?

Never cross her bros, never fucking cross her
No one remembers i guess
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Why did she hand Osanai the only proof of her involvment? Literally just gave her the tool to destroy her life for seemingly no reason. And she should know that Osanai wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger on her. She could have just thrown it away.

Just why? Did she trust in that smile?
>Why did she hand Osanai the only proof of her involvment? Literally just gave her the tool to destroy her life for seemingly no reason.
If she was smart, she wouldn't be hanging out with junkies in the first place.
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I am glad she saw the error of her ways
What does Osanai see in Kobato?
Blame Kadokawa for that
A very convenient and useful tool
I'm confused now. He already knew Sanae on episode 1, but it's a big deal (as pointed out by >>270804166) that Osanai gave him her name?
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I watch for Kongo
Irisu was such a bitch.
A well-trained dog.
I rewatched hyouka.
Shoushimin is better so far despite lacking the emotional bond the hyouka characters have with each other but that could come later.
didn't the first season adapt 4 volumes and there is only 7 volumes out?
yeah but she's hot
>Should I catch up for her?
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I want to see this with Irisu
What is the message here?
Yes! Playboy bunny costume without the pantyhose. Bare legs are the best.
pleb opinion
The correct opinion is having a harem of several women in bunnysuits, and they have different combinations of pantyhose (or lack of it) and fishnets (or lack of it)
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It's not a coincidence.
If you haven't enjoyed the show by that point, you should just watch something else tbqh

Do you really think its a coincidence that Kengo just so happen to date the insiders sister?

I am sure Osanai pulled the strings to get them together so that Kengo gets involved with her matters and gives Kobato a helping hand in her "rescue".
All according to keikaku
I refuse to watch Hyouka without Takemoto and Nishiya
it's been a year since the first episode, anon
don't forget thighhighs
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their wombs say otherwise
Yeah with me
Those clothes turn me into an animal.
me inside
Reverse Raped
Huh, does Osanai truly want to become ordinary?
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Please let me lick your feet Osanai-sama
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1 week of nonstop cbt

She would give you that same smile while she uses a nutcracker on your balls if you ever happend to cross her
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They are both with each other because they are willing to stand the author's terminal form of autism, And maybe that's another form of true love, who knows.
She didn't at all hesitate to likely traumatize her mother
She unironically feels like a psychopath
>>270817511 where can I sign up for this >>270803200
>We have the guy who came up with the ED here. It sure is disgusting!
>You're so cruel!
>That was a compliment.
>The female staff weren't too amused with it.
>But it's really erotic, isn't that fine?
>Don't call it erotic!
>Then, "ero-cute"?
>No, I wanted-
>Like this part (points at >>270814667) ahhhhhh
>I intended it to be "shiny"-
>Like these flapping legs, those armpits, just mmmmm. You're a pervert, aren't you?
>Shut up.
>The reception was good.
>The reception was split in half
>Right, from a serious person's point of view-
>It's outrageous
>It's outrageous. They say "Hyouka is not that kind of series"
>The people who don't like it say it's outrageous, and the people who like it also say-
>It's outrageous.
>In the end it's simply outrageous.
>It's really nice. It's outrageous. I mean, why not, it's the ending after all!
>Yeah, about that, as for why I made it like this...

>Hyouka is Houtarou's story, but the ED is Eru and Mayaka's character song, so I wanted to cut Houtarou out completely and draw something that wouldn't fit in the main story
>They pretty much only wear school uniforms and casual clothes, so I took the chance to have some fun and have them wear something else
>After that, I basically just threw in as much of my favorite imagery and gestures as I could, and that's it.

From the blu-ray audio commentary
Someone who can be as weird and unhinged as her
I can take it, shes so cute.
>The female staff weren't too amused with it.
Are they also not amused with the Amagi Brilliant Park anime adaptation? It had a lot of erotic scenes and innuendos by the mascot characters.
Based Kyoani staff member.
I object to the lewd ED but only because Irisu isn't in it
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Post sweets workout partner
One is fanservice bait and the other is a mystery series

It's like complaining about a sex scene in a porn movie
Jogoro is a really bland character who gets completely overshadowed by Osanai and Kengo
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Reposting from yesterday:
Osanai "Tough Cookie" Yuki
Osanai "Just Desserts" Yuki
Osanai "Short And Sweet" Yuki
Osanai "Best Served Cold" Yuki
Osanai "Only Acting Sweet" Yuki
Osanai "Strawberry Psycho" Yuki
Osanai "Icing On The Cake" Yuki
Osanai "Vengeful Vienna Cake" Yuki
Osanai "Revenge Tastes Sweet" Yuki
Osanai "Cream-inal Mastermind" Yuki
Osanai "Had My Cake And Ate It" Yuki
Osanai "Taking Candies From Babies" Yuki
Osanai "Ruin My Pie? You Can Go Die" Yuki
Osanai "Gluttonous Lady Acting Shady" Yuki
Osanai "Reese's Pieces Are In Motion" Yuki
Osanai "Ten-Ton Sugar Terror of Tokyo" Yuki
Osanai "Smash My Cake? Smash Your Face" Yuki
Osanai "Don't Need Proof In This Pudding" Yuki
Osanai "Sweet as Honey Until You Act Funny" Yuki
Osanai "Devourer of Cakes, Hopes, and Dreams" Yuki
Osanai "Destroy My Cake? Your Body In a Lake" Yuki
Osanai "Does This Look Like The Face of Merci" Yuki
Osanai "Stop My Sweet Tooth? Punch Your Teeth In" Yuki
Osanai "Don't Try To Grapple With My Candy Apple" Yuki
Osanai "Mess With What's Sweet, Get Your Ass Beat" Yuki
Osanai "Killer of Dreams of the Whores Sippin Lean" Yuki
Osanai "Prolonged Probation If You Sour My Vacation" Yuki
Osanai "Commit Treason, Get Your Ass Raped in Prison" Yuki
Osanai "Kidnapped For Profit, Make It Home For A Parfait" Yuki
Osanai "Punishment On A Bike For The Knife-Wielding Dyke" Yuki
>We have the guy who came up with the ED here
Who? Takemoto Yasuhiro?
>The female staff weren't too amused with it.
>It's outrageous. They say "Hyouka is not that kind of series"
I bet they didn't have any complaints about the scene of Oreki changing to get into the onsen.
>I bet they didn't have any complaints about the scene of Oreki changing to get into the onsen.
it was a necessary scene, how else do you get into the onsen
>Who? Takemoto Yasuhiro?
Yes. The storyboarder of the ED and the director of the show as a whole.
The guy bantering with him was Gatou Shouji.
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>These guys are dead btw
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Oh shit, I didn't know that. Fucking RIP.
They all go into the onsen, but only Oreki is shown changing.
he's the main character so it's important
Kobato has a big dick, I deduced it from his boners he hides by wearing thight shorts that pull it down.
Then it should also be important to show Chitanda, the heroine, changing.
Chitanda already has the ending and the school festival arc photoshoot
>Osanai-san you can't do that it's dangerous
>it's fine, gigolo-kun, because you see, I am the danger
>oh shit I played the mastermind detective again and uncovered a mystery
>why does this happen all the time
>oh shit I orchestrated how this group of girls would kidnap me by involving an insider and having them call my mother and ask 5M in ransom to make it seem like it was them, while getting Kobato-kun on the case by training him all summer to recognize my cryptic text messages to guarantee that they don't slit my throat
>why does this happen all the time
You don't really understand the unintentional amount of emotional damage Juggalo inflicts on others because of his deductions until later on

But you don't need to be a normie to be pissed at someone for trying to uncover a secret you would rather remain hidden. He doesn't give a shit about most people and lacks empathy
I like how the Japanese get revenge in the most passive aggressive way possible
I know right
She should've just shot up that bitch's school
Putting someone in jail is not passive aggressive
I don't think this is an accurate depiction of how Japs get revenge.
Osanai is more like Gus Fring imo.
This. She is like the top leader of a crime organization who calculates every move and has everyone in her hands
Fuck Osanai
She also hides in plain sight.
If you ever get to do it, you can rest assured she's been planning it for years.
Osanai "wanna be normal" is so fare understable since she's a genuine psycho. I wonder if Kobato also has his version of it or if really was just an arrogant prick and he's trying to more sociable
He already alluded to Kengo that something bad happened because of him being nosy
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You think Kobato will pull out after that stunt?
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>Sweet as Honey Until You Act Funny
We need to correct her!
And a ching chong nip nong to you, young lady
She wouldn't let him to
For you.
None of that states that you have relinquish ownership or that ownershio itself is illegal. Or that selling is illegal even. Kinda sounds like their prostitution law where it's fine to give someone money and then have sex unrelated to that.
Just put up flyers of what she did around town. Spread it through the internets. Tell everyone. Your days are numbered Osanai.
Just wear a recording device.
What does sex with Osanai feels like?
Not to mention how far she'll go for vengeance. So does that make Kobato plus Kengo her Mike Ehrmantraut, taking the roles of his brain and brawn respectively?
>You don't really understand the unintentional amount of emotional damage Juggalo inflicts on others because of his deductions until later on
So it's like he uncovered things that would make friend groups of people fall apart and shit but couldn't resist voicing it since he's a smartass with a fuck huge ego that needs people to know he's the smartest guy in the room?
Hope you didn't add a photo of her on those flyers, 'cause that would gain you no support
You will take responsibility after she whispers in your ear
And Osanai is a small girl. Imagine manhandling her tiny body.
And he doesn't care about anything else except that. Relationships for him is just a way to get mysteries to solves. Detective autism vs revenge autism
"You aren't choking me hard enough, I can still talk"
"Yes all of your fingers, don't worry, it stretches."
"Harder. No, harder! HARDER!"
The type you feel guilty afterwards because you were trained to roleplay a rapist, but also your bed has never been so soaked before.
why is she dressed in wifecore
>it stretches
I'm in love with this machiavellian girl.
I would like to meet and young woman that dresses nicely like this.
sushi man is a cuck just like his series
but enough about OnK
If I ever see her walking down the street I couldn't control myself I would kidnap her and make her my wife
but you did know this thread would reach bump limit, right, osanai-san?
That is a very pretty outfit for a cute young woman like her.
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It WILL reach bumb limit, anon
She'd look better with it off
If Jogaro is so smart maybe he can figure out why am I such a loser who can't get laid
How tall is Osanai? How much does she weigh?
>no juggalo edits
I'm too dumb to make them myself with gimp
155cm 43kg I think
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>she's taller than me
She's a little shorter than me but I have enough muscle to throw her around as much as I want to
You made those numbers up. She's definitely way shorter than 155 cm. The average height of a Japanese girl her age is 157 cm. These anons >>270837153 >>270837171 are still very sad though.
We can all agree she's somewhere around 155cm but her weight is an enigma
She eats so much cake I bet her butt and thighs are very nice
That would make her the same height as Takarada Rikka.
No, we don't agree on that. That's ridiculous. Did you just ignore my entire post? I put her around 145 cm, likely shorter.
>but her weight is an enigma
She's skinny. We can see how skinny she is. She eats a lot of sweets but she has fast metabolism.
Why was the extra long phone call where the dude ate her sweets not mentioned?
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You should crossdress and kiss each other
honestly I would cut tie with Osanai that very moment. Being manipulated like this deserves at least getting pissed about it. Have some fucking pride
>She's skinny. We can see how skinny she is
No I need something to hold on to while I correct her
does Osanai have a good 3 point game?
I would be fucking pissed off
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