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Our fuarking heroes, Yu and Yu.
Yuko lost btw
Toji won btw
So the 3rd protagonist will be another Yu?
Chapter is called end of dream. This means that we are about to be mindfucked next chapter.
Gojo return scare thread: >>271176547

Initial leak thread: >>271184518

In order leak thread: >>271187854

Raws: https://imgur.com/a/jjk-chapter-270-Tm6HBWl
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>people think Takaba can just will Gojo back to life
Wouldn't he literally be tethered to Takaba's comedy routine
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Solos JJK.
>Our last week together shitposting about JJK

I will miss you fags a little bit
[Spoiler]Gojo is coming back btw[Spoiler]
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>jujutsu "nobody dies" gaysen
did they at least save gojo's sperm for utahime?
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GODjo had a vasectomy...
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I love Nobara
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You believe Gojeets are capable of rational thought?
she will sing if gojo comes back?
Power's not even dead
No that's a vibrator anon, she will stick it in her pussy and masturbate to japanese cartoons like the deranged rape victim she is
Miwa has a hilariously higher chance of scoring Gojo than anyone and that's really funny
I got really anxious not having a thread for a while... is this how its going to be after next week????
I'll be back for the anime adaptation
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gojo type
>Gojo likes nice girls
bpd femcel whore sisters...
Nigga got lip gloss on talking about he want miwaUSSY.
Miwa in last week's chapter was basically Yuji in a wig
Suddenly the webm makes sense now...
He doesn't have black eyebrows
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Quick, give gaygay suggestion for the 3rd Yu's name.

>inb4 Yugi the ancient king of curse from Egypt
Gotta keep his lips soft and moist. The most important part of being a powerful sorcerer.
I'm the fraudest of all the frauds :D

I died a fraud YIPEEEEE
>next chappy will have gojo and geto reunion sex
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This but Yuji and Nobara
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We shall see who wins (they’re all dead and in tsukuyomi that belongs either yuji’s or kenjaku’s domain
You may choose 1.

a) Peak MAPPA animating the manga with no changes

b) B-team Shingeki/CSM MAPPA animating but adding anime only scenes fleshing out Kenjaku and the rest of the side of characters
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I can't wait for the last chapter to casually kill off the main trio so that gege finishes cursing the audience forever and as a reminder that death is always around the corner
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In my humble opinion this is one of the best manga panels from Shibuya
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I fucking hope jjk doesn’t get a part 2.
How poor did gege get that he has to resort to continuing something he wished ended lol. I also want to see Twitter malding over the ending
Editor carry
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>Died but at least ensured no one else from Kyoto died, including Miwa.
>Also managed to give Yuji a headstart in the information war during Shibuya with the message he left behind. (Nobody would've known Gojo got sealed if it wasn't for him)
Insane how Mechamaru died achieving more of his goals than Kenny or Sukuna.
a) easily
He causes most of that to happen by being a mole
>made a fucking giant robot
>didn't bother to set up ethernet cable
What the fuck was he thinking?
>looks at nanami & gojo
Yeah... anyway, csm part 2 sucks.
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Now that JJK is about to end, do you think leak culture has been a benefit or a detriment to the manga/community? Like did seeing pages drop one by one with incomplete translations help or hurt your experience personally?
i forgot how zesty s1 gojo was kek
Damn, forgot to change my name
Yuta won btw
JJK leaks are either dumb or boring for whatever reason
Simultaneously, leaks are immensely fun and honestly the worst way to experience the manga

Leaks for 268-270 have been fun, as they aren't primarily fighting or action based and deal with logistics/scenarios with the crew. However, most people don't read the manga and only take leaks are their primary source for information

Translated chapters > Raw Images >>> Leaks
if leaks didn't exist those people would be getting their shit from out of context panels on twitter or tiktok summaries or thread osmosis or whatever
posting in these threads during leaks made the experience for me
236, and the Kashimo and Kusakabe chapters wouldn't have been nearly as fun to experience without it
>mogs JJK so hard by 20 years earlier as urban ghost battle manga
>better cast, art, powersystem and many more including better Sukuna.
>actually impregnated the heroine as a fucking middle-schooler
>would solo JJK verse and the MC isn't even the top 3 of the verse and he's fine with it
Apologize right now
As if twitter/tiktok fags don't broadcast leak spoilers as soon as they hit the community
Will Gege really release JJK2 with Yuta as the MC?
Would Gege come this far for his love of Yuta?
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Mechatardu could control puppets all across japan, had a backup computer ready to activate when it sensed Gojo being sealed (how the fuck?), had mini earpiece drones and somehow picked up his fucking life support bathtub and moved it out of that room Utahime brought the Tokyo kids to confront him, but couldn't have some mini puppet fly to the school and alert Gojo/Miwa/Fucking Anyone in advance before fighting Mahito. Even just 10 minutes before or something. Complete and utter fraud
what a shity chapter holy fuck
>Which piece of toast do you want, the burnt one or the slightly less burnt one?

an inevitability

here's your pity (you), faggot
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For me it is Kekkaishi and Nuraihyon No Mago
Gojo won.
... the final popularity poll. Based.
He broke a record didn't he? As expected the strongest
What was it all for?
>better Sukuna.
huh? Hao is nothing like Sukuna
Hao actually had ideals and was a good character.
They don't even get killed by the fish eyed fuck, they just get hit by a car after off screening them. And become the main antagonists for the first arc of part 2, as curses
Hao is actually a proper parallel to Yoh and not a half assed soul uncle one like Sukuna
if anything Hao is more like Geto
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Bunch of cool looking fights, please ignore all the asspulls
What's the ultimate moral of the story?
Kekkaishi actually had an ending that tied most things up good enough.
Even though the series ended up being more about Yoshimori and Masamori than Yoshimori and Tokine.

I liked that Yoshimori's mom was just a turbo autist. At least I understood why she treated her family the way she did.
Unfortunately Yuji doesn't get any kind of interactions like that with Kenny.
Do not declare victory early
There is none, although I'm pretty sure Gege will tell you "don't murder people but also forgive mass murderers after defeating them"
Manga is literally only saved if Gojo either revives or is shown happily in heaven training with powerful comrades like Goku.
That's it.
Maybe a Yuji x Nobara babies ending would somewhat make it better, but nothing else. Gege's options are limited and SHE should know it
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Eww shitbara is talking to miwa again
Fish eyes is the buff guy. His gf is the cursed one that’s how she’s been seeing him the past couple weeks.
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Mappa's character design mogs the Gege so hard it's not even funny
that's a man
they forgot to draw the lapels on her coat
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The only good thing about "leak culture" are the fake leaks that end up being better than what we get.
I do wonder what he’s thinking. Why start a rando filler arc on your LAST CHAPTER? It’s either going to be a couple page long nothing burger and roll into the epilogue or something is up
I don't think I have ever been less hyped for an ending in a manga than I am for JJK.
Do you really expect everyone to follow mha till the end?
MHA didn't have background characters dropping random ass lore to justify the mangaka's creative decisions in the ending.
you can't stop thinking about mha while jjk will simply be forgotten
2ch warped me
we know, gege... for your own sake I wouldn't look at it now
The reaction to the Nobara leaks were underwhelming though. I suppose everyone is just kind of fed up at this point.
We are talking about endings, after killing shigaraki what memorable things happened?
I almost forgot to aggressively and mightily pray for all of your suicides today!!!
100%, people are worn out
Generals are not allowed on /a/
Once Gojo died, the rose-tinted glasses came off of everyone and they realized how shit this series always been.
Why wasn't Gojo the MC?
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Nothing really, 100% pure evil demons appeared to kill and the sorcerers stopped them. There was no ideological contrast here, the demons were just evil so they offered no nuance.
And I can't even say it's Good vs Evil because sorcerers are barely good themselves, it's mostly just Yuji. They're jannies on cleanup duty, so the human side offers little nuance as well. They're occasionally evil themselves such as the gratuitous Zenin clan torturing their own members for being born with the ability to be as physically strong as the King of Curses but they don't consider that a cursed technique because..?
Can't say it's about the power of friendship either. In fact Megumi lets them get slaughtered by Sukuna because he was feeling sad so... Fuck them I guess? I lose my sister to Sukuna so it's fine if I let him kill the rest of my people?
Also they never helped Gojo battle Sukuna, which could have added an emotional angle of
>You don't have to do everything alone, sensei
Or an angle of the kids growing up and catching up with the masters, but that didn't happen (they puppeteered his corpse though).
Gojo and Sukuna could have been THE fight to showcase the themes of the series, having the most prominent characters from both sides, but it was more like an arranged / forced fight because both are the only worthy adversary. Not even an honorable duel, Gojo starts it with help trying to one shot Sukuna with a hidden 200% purple and Sukuna ends it with a binding vow of
>FUCK this enemy in particular this one time
I've said it before, it should have been about the past vs modernity. Gojo can understand Sukuna as both are the strongest, he'd try to change his mind about the present world being boring shit.
Gojo is into anime, fashion, videogames, and likes hanging out. Could have convinced Sukuna even if they regrettably have to fight to death.

But it wasn't a fightfag battle either, the Kenpachis fighting is a true bloodlusted bout, enjoying to the fullest
Thoughts? Gege did say the ending would make fans happy
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>chapter was shit but because it caused someone to seethe its actually good
This is why the manga has gone downhill.
Nah, he sucks
Seriously? Just bring back Gojo already literally what the fuck am I reading. No one died except Gojo???
Sukunas rival will always be Yuji, not gojo
Kenjaku won
Are you, mayhaps, a seething fujo?
Chapter 269 is still the worst JJK chapter ever released desu.
... the "become a literal joke" award
Gojo could get close to convincing him then write Yuji finishing the job. At least Gojo could have died showing him he can feel friendship or appreciate the more mundane stuff of the modern world.
Uhhh did we forget that Sukuna plotted the entire series just for a way to take down Gojo and his infinity? Sukuna had a deep seethed hatred of Gojo since their first meeting at the school
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Yeah, I wish Yuji got more attention, I loved the punching and pure hatred and disrespect between Yuji and sukuna kek
The chapter isn't good, but it's good that it makes fujos seethe.
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>did we forget that [headcanon]
gege saying he was discussing how to have sukuna kill gojo is not the same thing
sukuna was confident he could kill gojo using yuji's body before he knew of megumi's powers and way before he knew about mahoraga
This but when Nanami died. I'm kind of glad he's died when he did. The story and characters degrade from that point on for me.
I realized that there only a handful characters in this series that can carry the plot. Gege can do decent to good character writing but, I assume he just doesn't care anymore

Why would you want him back? So Gege can shit on him instead of his corpse? He's just going to be drawn ugly like everyone else and he's just going to be around people who mostly don't give a shit about him. (excluding Yuji and Yuta) Just let him rest. He's with his friends and teacher in the afterlife.
Where? All I see are theories
The why bother taming Mahoraga at all? There's only one answer, and that is that he knew he wouldn't have been able to get past Gojo's infinity at all. The proof is right there.
The chapter feels really weird. Maybe they are dead?
Here >>271188929
>He's with his friends and teacher in the afterlife.

That was just a hallucination his dying brain was giving him though.
I unironically think Takaba IS Kenjaku. He shifted to Takaba at some point and made his body the new reality
>why bother getting this cool monster pet that can get any power ever
are you retarded
Leaks are really fun, but Gojo fandom became too mentally ill they literally created their own canon in their heads. For example, whoever binged the manga or didn't participate at all just saw Gojo as a cool guy who shared SOME panels with the characters, he was never the very best friend of someone to pretend characters should spend years crying about him. Actually Nanami acted more like a teacher for Yuji.
I think it's the biggest mass hysteria schizophrenia I have seen in a while.
Sukuna was always the curious/nerd type
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This will have the most memorable ending in wsj history
Only if gege makes a bad ending
>deep seethed hatred of Gojo
If anything they mutually respected each other. Sukuna considered Gojo the pinnacle for Jogo to have reached and Gojo was honored that Sukuna wanted to kill him.
>why bother getting this cool monster pet that can get any power ever

What's that? Is that cope I'm hearing? Yes it is. Sukuna is bitch made a needed Mahoraga to beat Gojo and he knew it, I'm glad you think so too.
>Actually Nanami acted more like a teacher for Yuji.
And yet, who words of wisdom did Yuki recall at the most critical moment against Sukuna? Without Gojo's tutelage, Yuki wouldn't have thought about using DE. Gojo was in fact the better teacher.
It's funny how Gojofags deluded themselves into thinking Gojo was the MC all along kek.
blackbreads bitch
I can understand wanting him to be back but honestly I don't see him doing anything interesting. Like you said people headcanon too much.
Even Kenjaku, Sukuna and Mahito coming back can be interesting (Kenny has Takaba and yuji, Sukuna has Yuju/the trio as some meme mascot, Mahito....well is Mahito) but I don't see Gojo having any interesting interaction with anyone from the cast
What is she observing?
I disagree but, you made me realized every time Sukuna killed someone (Jogo, Gojo, Kashimo, and even Choso) has had a similar death experience. So I do see your point.

If that's the case, is Kenny going to pull a Pucci? What kind of bullshit are we getting if that's the direction the ending's going?
>What's that? Is that cope I'm hearing?
it's cope that you're posting that's for sure
Your lack of logical rebuttal betrays your lack of conviction. Accept Gojo into your heart and all will be well
>whoever binged the manga
This is the MASSIVE difference. I still remember animefags complaining about the HI flashback and wanting to move on to the present. Sure they will wet their pants during Gojo and Sukuna fight, but so they will during Maki arc, Culling Games fights and the ENTERS against Sukuna
They live in their own reality, and I really pity whoever works in the sequel (if it exists)
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She is waiting for her turn. She will appear next chapter
Who cares about megumi fujos and post got deleted rip
Im not just talking of this chapter, previous ones during the Sukuna fight too where people defend the stupid things Gege was doing cause Gojo/Yuta/Maki/Yujifags were "BTFO" either cause Sukuna styled them or someone was having the spotlight over them.
When did this ever happen? Maybe with Yuji.
Yuta was wanked to the death
that's just tribal general culture in a nutshell
These aren't real opinions. JJK is a popular series so you have people shitposting and saying every chapter sucks. Because 4chan is contrarian, even some people who liked the chapter will say things like "this chapter was only good because of x". T;dr- its all shitposting mate.
The same can be applied to Sukuna and Sukunafags though
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>Nobara was sidelined because she could've dealt with more than half the Post-Shibuya enemies by herself
>Including Sukuna
Special Grade tits over here
Shipperfags will commit mass suicide when Gege ends the series with zero romance.
This chapter had plenty of shipping bait though.
Yuta and Megumi already have setup
And Yuji
imagine how ripe & humid it would get im there in summer
I think that's just that Yutafag that's always seething about sukuna and todo
Yuta and Maki suck though, so their spotlight being stolen is good
Leak culture has always been fucking gay all the way back to the days of people posting random pictures stolen from a chinese warehouse of the last page contextless so people can go YOOOOOO, it's just been magnified by the growing popularity of manga and normalfags on twitter but at its core it was ALWAYS the same faggotry
I feel like since the writing has gone to shit, the only thing others can be hyped for is a particular character getting shitted on.
What else is there to look forward to if people think the writing is bad?
I was kind of hoping a lot of characters just die during Shinjuku because, a lot of the characters have become unlikable to me.
I fucking wish. All shipping becomes retarded when it comes to shit that's popular.
not really?
Nobara is cursed as the main female lead to remain platonic, and Ozawa has not been mentioned since the one chapter she was in.
They are mentally ill
>this whole last 3 chapters is just Yuji's wishful thinking in his domain, Nobara actually is dead, he just wished she came back
NTA but you have a point. Yukofags are just shitposters but Nobara is just that of a Rukia/Sakura. Usually love interests don't interact that much in shounens which is why I doubt Yuji Nobara will happen
If you really think about it logically, objectively, and critically, the real winner at the end was Sukuna.
If you really think about it logically, objectively, and critically, the real winner at the end was Gojo

Incredible observation, I couldn't agree more
I also think they are still inside in 265.
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I love leaks night because of /jjk// anons, I wouldn't bother with leaks anywhere else. You guys are my Specialz
Sukuna lost the hardest out of anyone because the only guy who actually ended up being stronger than him is the one person he never wanted to lose too
shipgods won
He would win if he came back and was saved from his cycle of misery, unironically, but he rejected that salvation and embraced his stubborn mentality
Sukuna is really underrated as a character
If you really think about it logically, objectively, and critically, the real winner at the end was Jin.
Will it be a End of Hypnosis type of chapter?
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I only read this for yuji and sukuna though
I agree, Nobara is Sakura but less feminine.
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Just use your imagination bro
>Sequel Happens
>Have to deal with Gege's bullshit for round 2
>No Sequel
>JJK just end on a whimper of wasted potential
sad times
You are going to upset that nobarafag that selfinserts way too much kek, but yes, usually romance is too autistic and shy for nips, heroine =/= love interest most of the time, you are not going to get le boyfriend and le gf joking around
Jjk is too profitable, but it's biggest flaw is the author being lazy and hating every popular aspect of the manga. Being his editor sounds frustrated as fuck and he kept raging about editors here. We get it. Go make your Yuta Maki Gaiden and leave the Naruto trio to a different author, let's see which manga manages to survive
more like they will flood the catalogue with cuck copypastas
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>Gege made Hana x Megumi to kill Megumi's popularity
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I can’t believe a brain had the capacity of having friendship
Based and true. Some anons are legit schizos but I've had cool interactions / discussions here, I will miss the fuckery when it ends
aren't you also a brain anon
I will miss uncle boomer memes and the Kashimo schizo
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>COGji single handedly ruined gaygay's creative mind on this manga
and this is why editor should never push their OC as protagonist
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Yuji is a 15 year old orphan what the hell does he know about raising a family?
>they are complaining about Tsumiki getting a funeral but not Gojo
Lmao, I swear Gege is trolling them at this point
You posting this in every thread is getting bored retard
Fuck off Yutard
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Oh fuck. Fuck you, you made me think too deep
yuji is a gege creation though
I notice he does this everytime someone says he likes both yuji and sukuna kek, probably some butthurt fag (Gojo? Yuta?) falseflagging
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I have so many bruises on my body..
Why is he always imagining her looking like that
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Like what?
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That sucks. There are people who just enjoy both as they complement each other (no fujo faggotry please)
Trust me, don't do this to yourselves. The ones over analyzing always lose
Aside from quirk singularity every single MHA plot point was already resolved so there's nothing to look forward to aside from ship confirmations yet Hori somehow still failed to deliver.
JJK has a bunch of unresolved plot points so people are just clinging to the false hope that they will be resolved in the very last chap. Quite impossible to tell if Gege made none of the characters mention Gojo because he wanted to milk Gojojeets to the very last minute or because he legitimately forgot
Gojo himself put it directly
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Don't do what?
I think if anything a lot of Yujifags don't bother anymore since gege hates him so they threw the towel
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Gege needs to STOP drawing this type of mouth.
That. Rukiafags also spammed all the marketing and even the movie baited them hard.
With the peace sign I don’t even remember her ever doing it
Couldnt have said it better
Its so frustrating because this fag can do it if he tries/wants to but he’s so obsessed with sucking Yuta/Maki’s anuses off that he’s killing the manga
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I just simply brought some food for discussion. And my point does hold some truth behind too. We would definitely get a better story without COGji here.

>inb4 Yuta
Nobody brought up Yuta, his story got warped up in 0. Megumi or Maki would do just fine as MC

>inb4 manga would tank
Nope when we still got heavy hitters like Gojo, Megumi, Sukuna, Toji, Naoya and such. Losing COGji would hurt that much. The fanbase could potentially go bigger as the story gets better and better. Don't delude yourself, plenty of readers out there would read this manga without COGji.

Gaygay has no interest whatsoever in developing COGji related potential plot points like Kenjaku, Wasuke, Death Paintings and more. Just remove them altogether.
Mention gojo why? He got his arc, his fight, and people commented during all the fucking fight
Seriously what more do you want? His fans are just too delusional
I don't even like romance but the idea of Megumi getting laid before Yuji does is just weird to me
Gege hates Yuji
Hell Gege may not even show his talk with Gojo which probably was about his family kek
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Is that so?
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It’s not weird to me because Gege the worthless faggot hates Yuji. Imagine hating your best character lmao this shit would’ve been U19 axe material if that faggot shitgumi or puta got a full serialization
My problem with baiting Gojofags is that those who don't even care about him also suffer through those baits, that Yutajo man, we lost like one month in that shit
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Yujis lip thing he does
Man I'm not even sure if this can even be called an ending.
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>some food for discussion
Your "food for discussion" is shitpost and spam the same retarded COGJI COGJI WAHHH. how can you be this assblasted by Yuji?
>Nope when we still got heavy hitters like Gojo, Megumi
After this arc? Megumi of all people? KEK. I read everything I need to know, maybe fuck off with your delusions of grandeur, fag. I'm ashamed you like Sukuna as I do.
Not really, Yuji is even more oblivious and dense to romance than Megumi who one can always point to being a siscon at least.
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Oh no...
Pretty sure gege is dishonest and didn't even want to make Megumi as the mc. He was just fooling the editor during enough time till he could reintroduce Yuta and Maki again. Just look at how he never gave Megumi his full DE, Tsumiki ignored, any Megumi and Sukuna talking (and not that shitty one page), or participate at all in the Zenin clan. Just look at how as soon he regained freedom by firing the editor he brought Yuta back and gave him and Maki a lot of fights while Megumi just had one fight and became Sukuna's bitch
Gege is some manipulative dishonest prick and it shows when he keeps raging about editors, as if the Editor making you fucking rich and settle for life at a young age was a fucking crime
the kind of fap you take to the grave
I'm pretty sure he is not a Sukuna fag of Gojofag, just some assblasted Yuta hiding behind other characters
It makes all his characters look like retards
He also needs to stop drawing giant alien eyes and then giving character small eyeballs, it’s fucking weird
Yuji is too wholesome
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Dogshit flashback btw, should've been a Hakari vs Urame fight confirming that they'll be fighting to a standstill, like a ring girl announcing the next part to the Sukuna cycle instead of having Gojo dogeza before Africa's finest
I just remembered something. KENJAKU, the guy who has been plotting the series for ages, was revealed to to it for the lols.
Can't make this up, Geto at least had the theme of survival of the fittest / evolution going on. Kenjaku could have steered the series into some meaning but he didn't.

Actually that made me remember, HIDDEN INVENTORY DOES HAVE THEMES it's like a different manga within JJK, I'd say it's about the value of life. We have Geto and Gojo wondering if humans are worth saving at all, Riko having to choose between sacrificing herself or pursuing a happy life, an Toji the assassin disregarding its value for money (and finding a spark of purpose in his final fight).
And I'm sure a lot more can be extracted from Gojo & Geto, friendship would also be a big theme in that story, I wish Hidden inventory had a real sequel that wasn't any of the JJK we know. I picture then like Xavier and Magneto, regretfully fighting while Gojo tries to find good in him.
Real Sukunabros can appreciate Yuji and understand Gege did Yuuji dirty and this also indirectly affects Sukuna since both are supposed to be the same character born with different luck/company.
You think Sukunafags didn't want a MGS4 or dmc3 moment? It was literally denied by gege bringing back random characters to interrupt those moments. Even Sukuna's death was rushed since obviously Sukuna's end needed to be related to Yuji but Gege can't do that for too long
Yuji has a gravure wallpaper in his room, one of his first greetings to the principal is about his taste in women and even in the LN there’s a joke about him hoping Nobara didn’t see his porn mags in his room
People forget Miguel came from jjk0. Miguel Larue shit was literally just jjk0 advertising
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Nobara is gonna end up with that friend she left behind in her flashback. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
>Xavier vs Magneto
That's a lot of credit to give to JJK
Nobara is straight
The amount of screentime Yuta and Maki got after shibuya is genuinely cancerous. If this was a much longer manga it wouldn’t be a problem for a 300 chapter shounen your ocdonutsteel side characters should not be acting like main characters for over 100 chapters
he could've just given her power a limited range, but apparently that was too much work
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holy fuck the rest of it is pretty funny
He probably is, I thought Gojeets on Xitter were the prime example of obsessed retards but clearly that's not the case
He also had the snk syndrome aka cuck/kill the characters that are more popular and give EVERYTHING to your pets.
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Having a body type doesn't necessarily reflect on being romantically interested, especially since its not really in the forefront of Yuji's mind. Megumi's more single focused/devoted on a particular girl while Yuji just treats all his friends the same.
Last week chapter with like 4 characters praising Yuta's plan (notice how gege replaced Kusakabe with yuta as the plan guy) was so obvious. It's okay to like other characters better but be less fucking obvious holy shit.
Someone suggested Yuta Gaiden manga and I can't understand why Gege won't do just that, it's almost like he knows if he doesn't bait gojofags or add Yuji doing funny shit in the background no one would read it
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Keep dreaming, yuritranny.
Superpower by 2030 bros
gojo is gay, he wouldn't want that
i feel bad for anyone who read the sumo/katana stuff weekly
Fair. Thought you were trying to say he’s dense like those asexual protags when Yuji clearly has a regular sex drive like any 15 y/o boy. Different topics.
Yuji doesn't even jerk off.
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>Having a body type doesn't necessarily reflect on being romantically interested, especially since its not really in the forefront of Yuji's mind.
> notice how gege replaced Kusakabe with yuta as the plan guy
Kek I actually forgot Kusakabe was the original plan guy, Gege you sly motherfucker
i dont think we can really say one way or the other since like 95% of the time we see yuji he's either in life or death situations or coming directly out of them
Uraume is boring, Naoya should have lived and forced to serve Sukuna after this one killed the Zenins using MEGUMI'S body
Would have been funny seeing Naoya serving Megukuna who would kind of remind him of Toji
Also yeah more fujo fanservice uhm
...Nobara instead gives him paizuris
because he's a retard like Ritsuko who designed Evangelion without battery nor remote control
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He also try to give Yuta cringe humor moments, random power shit (Rika is a tv now haha rike it) and casually killed like thousands of curses in like 10 minutes. He was so bitter by Todo and Yuji kino he immediately interrupted it and brought Yuta (with a flashback with Gojo sucking his cock)
would you jerk off if it meant risking sukuna biting your cock?
yozoru should've either taken the uraume slot, or hung out with the other sorcerers or something
Man this really is manga the wasted potential. Also laughed a lot with Gege killing Naoya a second time because he beat Maki in polls lmao. Can't imagine his suffering when Naoya gets animated
We know more about Yorozu than we know about Uraume
Literally nobody knows uraume cooks unless they read it in the internet. Hell, why not have Uraume protecting the last finger and that way you have Nobara busy fighting her instead of waking up at the convenient moment?
Ritsuko was a teenager in school while the evas were being designed.
The units having internal batteries is a plot point in multiple episodes.
>I just want your dicks and I'm not afraid of fighting you no matter which form
>Sukuna fangirls over Maki instead of admiring Yorozu stubbornness
Gege please
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What if the clocks mean they are dead and everyone went to the airport.
Zoomers have this fixation on rape and pedophiles. Think it's gonna bite their ass in about 10 years from now, on top of shit like
>frying their brains on straight nicotine and min-maxed marijuana concentrate
>engaging in hugboxes without understanding the greater context as to why it'd be a good thing to fuck off to a forum instead
>gambling addictions (gacha, online gambling like stake.us, queuing up for games with friends and insisting to leave on a win)
There's conflict, but no themes. Yes the Zenin tortured the heavenly restriction kids for no fucking purpose and got killed, good riddance, that's not much of a theme.
They're just enemies like the Curses.
JJK doesn't even respect its own theme. Letting go your loved ones instead of making them suffer with you? Lol no, Rika remains his monster next time he shows up with no in-universe explanation, forget that you saw her pass on to the afterlife.

Maybe the theme of JJK was becoming a monster to do what's necessary? Gojo killing the elders, Yuta using his corpse, Yuji the cog?
Not sure that's big enough to be a theme
walk me through that thought process
I still can't figure out where gege can place yuji and gojo flashback
>Tiktok and Twitter is 30% of the world population
Rika is the biggest bullshit. Yuta story should have ended in 0 and have him just as Maki boyfriend being normal. There was nothing wrong in that

You're being defensive. Looks like I struck a nerve.
Look if you want me to bring up cringe faggy shit millenials have done, I'll gladly do it.
That could've actually be cool. Better than having her & Hakari offscreen the entire time. I guess he just really wanted the surprise reveal
>only lasts for like 3 minutes (like Ultraman)
>meanwhile Gundam
Eva series is a joke
Yeah, I agree. The fight could've featured more interactions since both characters benefit from each other but the cat just had to insert x and y because *reasons*. A mgs4 or dmc3 would've been kino desu
We see clock in the airport and that weird big shot of the clock. We see someone like Kenjaku/Geto too.
Maybe this is like that shark movie where we thought the girl escaped with her sister only for the movie to show she is still in the sea just hallucinating by the lack of oxygen
Senpais are supposed to be cool accessories to the main show, not stealing the entire main show and hogging all the screentime
Agreed here. It's hinted Sukuna was unwanted and his background really sounds like Angra in Fate ataraxia, just some unlucky kid who was convinced he was evil just for really bad luck.
Who knows which plan Kenny had with Yuji, but it seems he really was saved thanks to Wasuke
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I accept your concession Zoomer. Don't let the gambling addiction turn you into a child rapist for hire okay? See you in 2034 when global warming continues to not exist and we see your generation as hypocrites who love their substance abuse and pedophilia.
I accept your trannycession.
I was excited to see if this moeshitter...
It was not.
>global warming continues to not exist
polnigger schizo out of nowhere
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What was that? It's 2024 switch up your lingo. Facebook is calling, they want their comments section back.
I think the only fanbase I've seen that's dumber than JJK's is SnK's
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I'm glad someone spelled it this way, yeah. I feel like their fight was missing 1 solid chapter of real fighting which I THOUGHT we were getting when Nobara weakened him and Yuji did the final punch.
I thought for sure next chapter Sukuna would acknowledge him (they were setting this up with Pic related months ago) and have a mano a mano recognizing their differences but respecting each other as foes.

But no he just fucking turned into goo when the fight was getting good.
Stop fighting… we only have 1 week left together…
Making iphones cheaper in india killed the internet
It's still September?
I'm only here because my best friend is a retard (she walked back to her ex boyfriend half-nigger who liked beating and gaslighting her and got her pregnant) that really likes Megumi and Choso
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How would (You) react to the reveal in the final chapter that Kusakabe is now dating his cute and useless student Miwa?
Girl here, I hate stupid bitches like that. We are never getting out of the gutter.
Thank fucking god
Hahaha as if.
Focusing on literally who characters wouldn't be that bad if GEGE didn't avoid all the interaction/background people wanted to see
At this point I expect some Momo's friend saying she has problems with maths or something, why not
gege doesn't get anywhere near enough flak for completely ignoring his arc just because he apparently couldn't bear the thought of him not having a special power. it's so blatantly hacky that it would get called out in a fanfic let alone an actually published work. on top of that, it actually makes him less cool when he does come back into the story. a dude who gave up his hax power because it was the right thing to do, but still punches above his weight with skill and other techniques would be a much more badass supporting character, and imo fit his role as a returning character who's already figured himself out. you could do things like have him show off some unique african sorcery techniques or tricks that blindsides japanese sorcerers or something man anything
Are you a racist, sister?
You’re best friends with a girl?
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Don’t be so tsundere
What chapter is this?
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>won bigly last week
>refuses to elaborate
Doesn't matter what will happen next, Yuta already won btw
What did he win.
A pegging secession from Maki
Yeah, she's fucking retarded and she's like a female mirror version of me. Except obviously I'm not as retarded. Don't imply that I wanted to fuck her by the way, when she told me her slut stories during her break with half nigger I was absolutely disgusted.
Is it me or are women retarded and incapable of internalizing the thought that being seen as a sex friend means you're being used for sex?
I am dying next chapter
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All the pussies >>271209088
I didn’t read all that but being best friends with a girl is really gay
Exactly. Gege is really childish when he comes to his bias
Even the harem aspect just feels like Gege desperately trying to make him more popular, when I liked that he loved Rika but it couldnt happen after Rika died, then rejected her power so she could finally move on then he could move on with Maki. I expect Uro appearing naked next chapter telling us to like Yuta or some shit, or some more random quirky shit
Are you happy?
You must be really fucking retarded to be able to read enough to accept JJK but not read my post entirely
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I think I understand why Yujifags are seething now. They just want Gege to suck Yuji's anus and wank him to because special grade, probably because their favorite anime YouTuber told them he's the chosen one or something. The fact that Yuji turned out to be mediocre, couldn’t heal his fingers, and will probably lose to Maki, Hakari, or Megumi’s Mahoraga suicide attempt broke them
Your best friend is girl under 18? Lmao least obvious falseflag
>Shit chapter last week
>This chapter is already better without him
Fix your English
Yuji would easily defeat Mahoraga
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Subara would've been far too strong.
This but irl
No. Woman. Instant job.
Meant for >>271215058
Whatever, gaylord
My fuarking HERO Yuta won btw
Retard retard
But... he didn't defeat Sukuna (twice).
Who cares about Nobara’s mom
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>won bigly last week
So same as every week.
>Nobara's mom before Gojo's parents
If I were his old editor I would convince some mangaka to make a manga about some cat alien with one eye being bullied
Imagine being so attention-starved you have to pretend to like Yuta for attention
>the Yutard samefagging again using the same pics and same order again
i care but not about seeing what retarded shit gege would inevitably do with it.
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>Cogji fag btw
Yuta had the lolicon angle going for him but it wasn't capitalized on. Adding a flaw like that to him, with comedic moments of people going
Seeing him sperg out about his cute 12 yo wife would make him a fun character
He almost defeated Sukuna in a 1v1 as Yutajo. Just a bit more control over Purple so he doesn't hit his own barrier and Sukuna is toast (Shrine disappears, Unlimited Void is still up, no more Mahoraga). Only one other person can claim to have almost defeated Sukuna in a 1v1 and that's the previous owner of the body Yuta was in.
have a scene with him & todo, ez
>He almost defeated Sukuna in a 1v1 as Yutajo
Meaning he lost.
he looks like a rodent
Correct, as did everyone else that took the challenge. The manner in which he lost is where the nuance lies.
Survived this with no consequences whatsoever
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I want to suck on Nobara's tits
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Yeah? Got a fucking problem, pussy? I don’t have to hide behind other characters or falseflag to call Yuta the shit faggot he is.
Divine Dog will be revealed to have inherited Mahoraga's powers and Megumi will finally live up to his potential. Screencap this
And we will see it all in one chapter?
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My favorite is geto, my friend’s favorite is nanami, my male friend who hasn’t watched/read jjk thinks gojorino is cool because of le strongest and shitock edits.
Favorite character? Friend’s favorite character?
how many people do you think have posted in this thread
It just takes up a panel or two namefag
cute bara hat
That kid from chapter 5…
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>I don’t have to hide behind other characters or falseflag
No, you simply have to be retarded to be the way you are.
Good job!
all me btw
That... hurts my brain.
>Takaba found a guy with Geto's exact haircut
I am hopping between here and /vg/
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But sugarman and the fat fuck needed 2.5 pages because..?
He's most likely conjuring his imaginary friend with his CT
Fuck off im not in your tranny general fortunately
He doesn't even have a fatass stitch across his dumbass blouse to remind us that it's only been a few days since Sukuna nearly killed him. Fucking retarded ending.
They are all dead. They just don't know it yet
It's why we will see dead characters randomly appear
Damn nobara used to be really cute too bad she’s hideous now
Kashimo but I think mainly because he just really likes lightning powers.
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Yuta is so boring he would make even Todo boring. Even gojo is suffering from his boring presence
I don’t like any of the characters and I don’t have any friends
jujutsu high canonically stocks a bunch of exact duplicates of everyone's outfits just in case. that's why yutajo didn't have a cut in his shirt and his pants weren't soaked in blood.
Realistically speaking can Yuji beat Yuta now?
Me: Yuji
Don’t have friends but my sister’s favorite is also Nanami and Yuji
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You’re cool
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>world slash kills gojo in 1 hit
>Yuta tanks it for the lulz
>getting hit was part of the plan
>undoes the DE to Maki can peg Sukuna
>goes and gets GOJO's body
>comes back as the STRONGEST
>even sukuna so fucking impressed to the point he calls him by his full name (Sukuna only did that with Gojo and Yuji)
Wuta wins again
Yuta has one of the most refined domains in the series to the point where even Sukuna was thinking his barrier techniques were unbelievable. Yuji gets dumpstered immediately as soon as the domain clash occurs
The real one is not among them
>noooo you must like my ocdonutsteel or you’re a retaaaarrddd
Gege, shouldn’t you be filling Hori’s anus with your cum right now? Get the fuck out of here
Fuck me, I hate it when the MC fails to become the strongest one in his verse.
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>Yuta struggling against a 1 arm Sukuna
Mine: Sukuna
Friend: MeiMei
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He doesn't.
And he doesn't have to.
Wuji and Wuta are bros.
Unlike Legumi they were actually goats like Gojo and pretty great students that saw him as a human rather than just a weapon, monster, or "the strongest".
what's this from, some bonus?
>Yuta has one of the most refined domains in the series to the point where even Sukuna was thinking his barrier techniques were unbelievable
Of course he does lmao
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>Rika crying
You know, gotta love Rika 2.0 holding on to hope and healing up Yuta's body even as everyone thinks its pretty likely that he'll die as soon as the 5 minute timer is up. But she pushes on anyways, just in case.
Its nice.
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>Wuji and Wuta are bros.
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Audio drama bonus art
They went karaoke, they went to some place near Sendai(?) and they went to some restaurant Megumi picked for them in 3 separate audios. Just short fun stuff Gege cucked us out of
What tf did Gojo do with Geto’s body afterwards and how did he keep it fresh? Did he not notice the body was gone kek
Hana should love Todo after saving her life from the king of curses after emogumi put her in danger
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Was Yuta wearing airpods
>the ending is so bad fanbases are fighting each other
Were SnK threads the same when their ending dropped?
maaaaan fuck having to look at stuff like this and LNs just to get the main characters doing things that aren't fighting or talking about fighting
>he missed out on 7 years of EM vs EH
Oh no… imagine missing out on that
it was pure mental illness
Those were worst
current yuji no timeskip yuji 100% soul damage is the key
Don’t worry final chapter will be SoL kino whenever the monster of the week is taken care of
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Here’s the final one in the restaurant
Yes it’s extremely fucking gay and lame that none of this shit is in the manga. In the trio chapter of LN there’s even some nice stuff about how Yuji’s “death” kinda affected nobara and Megumi, how they were acting a bit weird when he came back (like choosing the activities he wanted to do/food he wanted to eat etc) and Megumi noticing a change in his smile after Junpei events, nobara and Megumi talking about this, etc etc just decent character exploration that is simply skipped over entirely in this manga
Rika is such best girl that A LITERAL COPY of her mutilated cursed form is still the best fucking girl in the series.

Only right that she's the only girl who got the ring.
He is such a boring Gary Stu
They should unironically be studied
First shounen?
SnK threads were historically bad because their fanbase was so mentally ill even it would even give /dbs/ a moment of pause. Their refugees in /jjk/ are the worst posters here as well.
Yuta physically wasn't that much stronger than Yuji at the start of the CG and needed Rika to win, now Yuji has two busted CTs, a domain and the best RCT in the series outside Hakari
Well I was just coomposting while watching the chimps fight each other so it was mildly entertaining
/jjk/ is filled with /snk/ and /csm/ refugees and rejects I noticed.
Don't forget Hakari is a full on Faggot
Better than being a /vg/ reject from the biggest tranny ERP general
No. It'd be a hard fight for Yuta with Yuji's toughness and strength after his awakening but Yuta just has too many options + a more refined domain.
But is he cool?
I don't think I used /vg/ until 2024, and I was here during Gojo vs Sukuna.
Gege really wanted us to believe a literal homofaggot trannyfucker was cool lmao you could delete Hakari, Kashimo and Uraume from the manga and nothing would change
Gambling isn't cool
But that's how farmers think
Kashimo, Uraume, offered a good insight to what old sorcerers were like. Ryu felt very modern to me.
Sukuna will reincarnate as Yuji's grandkid btw
>Kashimo, Hakari and Uraume were pointless
>Yuta and Maki hogged screentime
That’s like 90% of the manga after Shibuya. Funny how much of our time Gege wasted with these shit characters.
You should become a JJK YTer that just shits on Yuta and Maki.
Yuta and Maki were a mistake
That's probably because Ryu was a lot more indulgent in just regular pleasures than pretty much any other past sorcerer. He craved more but wasn't autistic about it.
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I dunno... But the indulgence in regular pleasures definitely makes me think about humanity as a whole, and what's kind of fucked up about us. Kashimo and Uraume were much more behaved.
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Yuta defeated Dhruv Uro Ryu Kurourushi at the same time. Current Yuji would job to the cockroach if he isn't careful lol
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One more week
There are still MHA threads and it's been a month since it ended.
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>But the indulgence in regular pleasures definitely makes me think about humanity as a whole,
Thats why Ryu feels more relevant to the modern day to you. This is a core piece of humanity that is timeliness.
Kashimo, Uraume, Sukuna's autisms are also kind of timeless, but its been weeded out of humans for the most part. Thanks to civilization, we don't need to be strong. We need to be smart and rich. Its a different paradigm. And thats not to say there are no longer people who seek being strong. Thats pretty much was sports is nowadays. Its the autistically competitive faggots throwing away everything just to be the best, the strongest. And on some level, thats why we admire them. But the average modern man is disconnected from that drive.
Imagine Yuta died I think that would be really cool
Yuji is so cute
The last two panels do scream "Hahaha... nothing bad could ever happen to us!..."
>But the average modern man is disconnected from that drive.
I don't know if you have the answer, but I want to ask. How does a man reconnect to it?
exactly what i was thinking of. some of the stuff in those LNs, while nice, is definitely spinoff material. like i liked the chapter with mai and her friend, it's good characterization but that's not something you break the main narrative for. the trio stuff though easily could've been worked into the transitional chapters between arcs, just something to give a little more breathing room and characterization
the second to last chapter of yuyu hakusho was a random one-off story about terrorists trying to blow up the universe.
gege is an unoriginal hack right up until the end.
I does feel like he's going for that. Kino if uncle intervenes to save kozo's life. >you will live kozo, to see your loved ones die before you... besides I owe you one
I dunno. I've never had it, and never sought it out. And I don't know if we even should. Because its at odds with how society and modern civilization is structured. Thats why we've lost it in the first place.
The non-sportsmen people who have that drive are the madlad CEOs who work 24/7 to make more and more money, the guys who just want to see the number go higher. Mei Mei, basically. But if you're an average person, that kind of drive is gonna fuck you over if you don't find something to put it into.
We need a JJK otome game
Alright my final question and this one is important.
Is life worth living?
We need a JJK character action/adventure game with social elements.
Bad person to ask. I'm literally waiting to die. If I had the balls, I would kill myself today.
This manga needed more rapist sukuna
I would fix him in the Otome version though
We need a 2d fighting game
How would you rate this chapter out of 10?
I'm thinking like a 2.
god i wish
i'll let you know when it's hosted on manga+
That doesn't make me happy.
4 tops, probably solid 3
CEOs had the drive, but it doesn't mean their kids are the same. If anything, I notice a HUGE disconnect between old ceos and modern life men
You see those old farts just want to accumulate money but not create shit. Modern men eventually escaped to the virtual world where they can have some kind of "freedom"
Personally I would love to have kids if I were rich just to isolate them for the modern world, but modern life is so, SO bad I don't think I want a kid to suffer that
I want to have a kid but everything is so shit now....it breaks my heart. I can even notice the same sadness around me
And all because CEOs don't have their own lives or simple entertainment. Can't believe there are old farts with tons of money that are just constantly thinking about how to fuck up your life even the shut ins ones instead of just enjoying life

In a way that's why I like the soccer players, because they just enjoy their own life in their manor, with their wife and kids. I believe CEOs lack of exercise and extreme sadism made them this miserable, actually
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yukofags been real quiet after this drop
It is what it is.

Yeah. CEOs have the mentality, but its applied differently. Its like a combination of the "be strongest" drive and the "pleasure over everything" drive. Gluttony for money paired with an "be above everyone, the best you can be" mindset.
She is the secret sorcerer
So is Not!Kenjaku just a gag
I actually believe nu riches became cucks and at some point their wives took too much control, which is why their kids are less quality now
Money can't really defeat nature after all. It was to make sure rich men didn't travel and found a better woman outside
The current modern world really feels like some feminism cult, I dont think men are ruling here actually
>gojo funeral missing
Best part of the ending.
No. It's Geto. Everyone died. The twist is that we are seeing dead characters because everyone died
It’s probably Tengen
No, Darth Kenjaku is The Takaperor's apprentice in Part 2.
Yuji wakes up from his near-death dream.

>Kozo... you were strong... in another life where I didn't use that extra 1% of my power you could've won.

Sukuna walks off into the sunset.

>I await my next... Sorcery Fight.
A FUCKING DOG solos JJK. Persona makes the Xeelee look like Breaking Bad in terms of power level
Only the repeated impregnation of Nobara can save this shit ending
It was 3 years at best.
People mostly liked their onecreen friendship during Uprising arc, but it had yet to be considered more possible than EM.
It wasn’t until chapter 107 that people started truly to belive it.
Didn’t helped that EM was drammatically undercooked as relationship and that the EM fags were among the most abnoxious shippers since 2013
my goat yu befriends all of the jujutsu high students, helps them fix their problems in 10 hang outs and then no diffs the merger with hassou tobi
It won't be a no diff, he'll go down first then all the people he got to level 10 hangout will speak to him in his mind which will give him a big power boost and then he'll one shot the merger.
rct is stupid plot convenience
sasuga shonenfag
Yuta became the strongest after Sukuna and Gojo died though
you're right wtf was i thinking
>starts yuji's s-link
>gets false memories of maxing it out
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Well yeah he does
He's so fucking cringe tho
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Well chosen, brother.
I hate it when he does.
Maki's arc felt pointless after how Gege wrote her in the final battle against Sukuna.
*3 shot
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Yuta won btw

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