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Chisato and Takina
Sisters, ages 17 and 16
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Maji wives
Majimas wives
Literally built for green haired cock
You know, the baiting has become much worse than what it's attempting to bait.
They seem to be of different races, but can they be called sisters?
Green and red.
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Majima's properties
White chocolate and banana milk chocolate
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Chisato hard carried this show
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I like how they both have slightly different skin tones.
No, Chisato and Takina's relationship carried the show, which is why all the spin-off and promotional material focuses on both of them rather than Chisato.
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Race isn't real
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Imagine being stepped on by Takina's cute bare feet.
How big is Takina down there?
this show would have been so much better if they weren't scared to show blood
Armpitfags need to be killed
cuckina is literally just Chisato's sidekick. Chisato can sell your show not that boring jobber
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At age 16 (JK2), it was 21.28 cm. This is the average for East Asian girls.
Which is why the novels with no fanservice of Chisato's body sold so well, right? Really struck a nerve.
I feel sad for fans of this show. No idea how it became this much of a bait magnet on /a/
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why would you care about their feet size
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no, which is why chisato has almost the double of fanart on pixiv for one. you can pair her up with anyone and still have fun scenes, while kekina would only bring boredom. she's tolerable with chisato because chisato makes any scene fun by herself.
>thread is about two cute females
how has /a/ become so gay?
And people like pairing her up with Takina, not anyone else.
Because I like girls' feet. I need to know the exact measurements to imagine them.
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Chisato likes cock. Terrorist cock to be exact.
I have written East Asia, but this diagram shows the foot sizes of Japanese high school girls.
Can you not use a single character to spell cm? Thanks.
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>>271212209 (You) # Incidentally, according to that site, the average for 15-year-old girls (JK1) was 20.8㎝. Could you please tell me the shoe size of girls in your country who are about the same age as Takina and Chisato?
>sees a girl
>thinks about some man's cock
Similar to the gridman threads which are unusable due to 3 letters kun
I wrote the wrong high school grade, so I corrected it.
lucky nigga
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Perfect couple
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I get so horny for Chisato, I wish she was real so I could rub my penis all over her body. She's perfect from head to toes. I bet she fucks like a jackhammer with that heart of hers.
Unfortunately lucky boys winning over yuribait girls will always cause havoc. It's unavoidable, but nothing is more satisfying than pure wholesome heterosexual love winning.
17 yo
Your delusions don't apply to this show.
What about Takina?
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True. That's why you have to post the same 20 pieces of fan art and the same 7 screen caps.
She's cute too, would invite for a threesome on weekends.
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Quality over quantity. Chisato and Majima had the best chemistry in the show
Go back to your tumblr blog.
Chisato is either white or half Japanese and half white.
I checked and jk1 is 21.8cm.
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Never had one, unlike a certain yurifag lol.
>letting some yurifag occupy your thoughts 24/7
It's just sad.
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you're the one imagining tumblr blogs that only exist on yuritard shipping sides. I only care about factual aspects of the show
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Sisters sharing food is cute.
You do know that heterosexual shippers also used tumblr too, right?

>I only care about factual aspects of the show
Your headcanon is not facts.
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Looks like you need another reminder
I support both Chisato x Takina and Chisato x Majima tbdesusempai. Three ways is okay too but with Chisato being the one wearing the pants
Of a scene where the author said nothing romantic happened? You have to take off your goggles.
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Fact is Chisato and Majima are not that good a pair even as a villain x hero thing. They are too different from one another and could not really meet in the middle at least during the show. One is ideologically driven, the other does not care. One values their support group, the other abandons them to the secret police. Throughout the show, Majima tried but failed to sway Chisato on DA or Alan. Takina and Chisato start off as opposites but hold sway over one another by the end.
Characters who emerged victorious aka won:

y/u/rifags lost
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Would Takina's nude photos be considered child pornography in the US or Europe?
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A tale as old as time
confirmed couple
confirmed couple
thrown off building, all his minions captured by DA, girls in Hawaii, he's stuck in bandages in Japan
confirmed couple
CEO, but the girls married each other not him.
he'll win just slowly.
still adventuring

Guel lost. Majima is losing badly. Stark and Laios have yet to win. Mochizou, Yuta and Shuuichi did win.
But personally, Takina is a 7.5/10 while Chisato is a 12/10. When the plot was stupid, Chisato's smile and attitude carried me through. She really is one of the best Best Girls in anime.
Is AI slop shit all majimafags can resort to now?
Chisato is a sex icon.
Because popular shows attract IP-stealing pests that shit out OOC porn for money.
If an American was that size, he would be about 12 years old.
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shes classic in that shes into bad boys
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Would you drink this, /a/?
>Chisato sandwiched between Majima
They know
truth. and she's able to carry anyone else with her, even someone as boring as Takina.
Imagine licking those pits
I would if I was already drunk
Kys homophile
>confirmed couple
Open ending. Kumiko still retains her family name.
wow is the background an upside down lesbian pride flag?
I wonder what they were trying to say here
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Cute couple
Considering the show had an actual gay interracial couple while yuricucks got fuckall, nothing.
Majichad is so lucky
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What is with this obsession with lesbianism among men? Shouldn't a man, with a penis, want to see a girl get used for her biological purpose and bred?
Isin't that what girls is for?
Girls x Girls will never be happy together, they will never make another life, they will never reach fulfilment. A guy is required to make any girl happy, it's just how it works yurifags. Your parents were hetfags.
Insiderbro here. Im glad Majima isnt in Season 2.
How will Chisato cope?
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Maybe, because she's not an adult. In my shithole you'd be charged with CP but would receive a light sentence unless you strongarmed her into stripping down
acceptable, but Chisato's is still way better.
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She's too hot. I lost...
holy fuck you troons are mentally ill
Depends on a number of factors, see:

Was she posed sexually or engaged in sexual activity? Are the pictures of a sexual nature? If we're discussing charges, then who were the picture disseminated to? A prosecutor is unlikely to press charges if the intended recipient was a significant other (Chisato) of a similar age. If the nude photos somehow found their way into the possession of an older individual, then they may be charged with possession of child pornography. It's exceedingly rare for minors to be charged with manufacture of child pornography when the subject is themself.
explain marathons then
Chisato when she sees me fapping right now.
Majimacuck literally has nothing better to do than spam these threads everyday. Pathetic.
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The only cuck is Kekina
Majima went farther with Chisato than Takina
you disappoint me. 30 seconds average? awful, sempai!
How can they be sisters if their ages don't match?
it's inevitable, with chisato everybody loses, she breaks the hearts of kith and kin and roams the world at will.
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Gooning to fat anime tittysluts
Great artist. Would milk Chisato like a cow and impregnate.
Majima properties
He can have Takina. Chisato is mine.
Yuritroons ain't men. They are these ugly, unlovable subhumans who know no female would ever want them, so they rather jerk off in the corner, or self-insert as one of the pretty girls instead. Low t. cuck faggots.
I do wonder what they look like, or what led them down this road. Is it intense jealousy or completely giving up on relationships
No lies detected.
>17 and 16
In the ripe age perfect for impregnation
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stop posting this kind of stuff, my dick was not designed to whitstand such strain tensors.
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Chisato is for protecting in all ways. I would fight the world to protect her smile, and she has joined the pantheon of girls where it somewhat upsets me to see anons lewd her.

And fuck that literal faggot dad who devoted his life towards making her take lives. What an asshole. He even got me to like Takina a bit when she almost shot him.
what a lovely slut.
Only decent post itt
c/u/cks prefer to see females fingering each other instead I see.
Takina is so beautiful, guys.
I almost can't take it.
It's funny how yurifags can't even come up with a cope response to this.
Shame about the personality, though.
what a cock slut
that's adorable, anon.
Pretty low tier armpits desu
I know what you mean.
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>Sorry, that post has been deleted.
teh heehehe~
shut up fag
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god i hate 2024 western memes
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Solar Beam
These days the majority of yurifags are trannies
garbage series
Yes but the girls are cute and the action was fun. Turn your brain off, anon.
Real talk, i don't get it either. What's compels a man to prefer yuri over ffm? I would probably be classified as "completely giving up on relationships" since i don't go after 3D women, but i still don't get it at all.
I'm not deep into yuri, but I love yuri subtext, because it enables the girls to be slightly lewd with each other. I prefer not to see boys, because they're boring and not attractive. If they were lewd with boys it'd be too serious and might aim towards romance, and I'm not interested in romantic comedy or romantic drama either. Yuri subtext just tickles your lewd senses right.
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>If they were lewd with boys it'd be too serious and might aim towards romance
So it's just to avoid it becoming a major plot point? A lot of series have girls interested in boys without it becoming a central thing, so what's the point of wanting it to be yuri instead of just side stuff?
Also my question was about yuri porn as well. I don't get why anyone would want to masturbate to yuri over ffm
So what you're essentially saying is that you're addicted to cute girls so much that every second a male character is on screen your dopamine drops down through the floor. You need constant sexy/cute female to be on screen at all times or else life becomes too painful.

So, what I'm getting from this, is you're completely porn addicted and this is the way that addiction manifested. Like some people who become footfags or others obsessed with impregnation(like me) or wrestling and other weird fetishes. Fascinating.
But plenty of actual yuri series show males no problem yet still go hard into yuri. YagaKimi is a notable example of this. Does that mean you don't like even hard yuri like that, just because they have males?
>girls interested in boys without it becoming a central thing, so what's the point of wanting it to be yuri instead of just side stuff?
I don't want to have boys in my girls only cast just so they can flirt. It's different with an anime like Lycoris Recoil, but I assume you asked in general.
>yuri porn
I fap to both, whatever comes my way and has the better eroticism.

You're projecting dumb shit.
>I don't want to have boys in my girls only cast just so they can flirt
I mean yeah i can get not wanting pointless badly written characters that are there just for shipfags, but then, why want romance to happen at all?
>but then, why want romance to happen at all?
Because I like fanservice and girls not being asexual?
This is not projection. Your porn addiction made you a yurifag. I hate yuri and find it cringe.
But fanservice can happen without romance. In fact, didn't you say you didn't want romance? Why not just wish for better male characters (like most of us do) if you're ok with romance?
And wouldn't them being homosexual be even worse than them being asexual?
Your porn addiction made you an anti yurifag. You hate yuri and find it cringe.
>Why not just wish for better male characters (like most of us do) if you're ok with romance?
Most CGDCT fags don't want extra boys. Also just because you wish for a pony you won't get one.
>And wouldn't them being homosexual be even worse than them being asexual?
It's ok if they're girls.
>Most CGDCT fags don't want extra boys
Most people don't want yuri either. How is that an argument? If anything you asking for something different from the majority proves you're not a sheep.
>It's ok if they're girls
Why is is more ok than them being "asexual"?
So a normal well adjusted person likes lesbians but hates normal relationships? What does that say about your parents coombrain?
>Most people don't want yuri either.
That's decidedly false, at least as far as yuri subtext in otaku anime goes.
>How is that an argument?
I'm just stating facts.
>If anything you asking for something different from the majority proves you're not a sheep.
What is your point with saying that? Aren't you arguing that hetero romance is more popular than yuri, aren't you arguing against yuri? Does that mean you're calling yourself a sheep? I don't get it.

>more projection and strawman shit
You're a mentally ill zoomer troll who doesn't belong on 4chan. Using words like "coombrain" is objective proof.
I mean yes hetero romance is more popular but that's not my point. I'm just wondering why you, or anyone else, would actively seek out yuri or hope for something to be yuri over basically anything else, especially ffm/harem stuff that also involve multiple girls but also a guy to self insert as
I wonder why you won't answer anything. Does the truth hurt?
Well, I tried to explain it. Maybe my explanation was bad, or you have trouble understanding other people, or maybe this whole discussion is just there because you want it to force to arrive at a certain conclusion or implication.

No. I wonder why you don't deny anything. Was it because I told you the truth about yourself?
>or you have trouble understanding other people
In this particular case yes i do
I can at least somewhat understand the appeal of most fetishes even those i don't have, but for yuri i just don't get it.
Too bad. I didn't even express a strong preference, just a weak one, and tried to explain why it's common in anime. Does it trouble you that such people exist?
Well to be fair i was mostly expecting replies from people who are actually rabid yurifags who want everything to be yuri and hate on people who don't like it. You don't seem like that kind of people though. Weird how there are none in this thread. Or maybe they don't reply to me because they think i want to troll them or something
Yeah, I felt like the purpose of this was bait. Regrettable that /a/ has to be like this now.
>changing the subject
I actually denied your "projection" projection already. You seem really rattled. I guess I'll leave you alone since you're so scared to admit yuri is just a sexual fetish on par with feet and wrestling. Except it's gay and low T.
The only thing I'm rattled about is that you're such a dumb and blatant troll who probably spams jaks (which he drew himself) at other times.
Chinese yurifags will defeat majimafags. LycoReco twitter is afraid posting Majima & Chisato without getting death threats.
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despite how bad the anime and the threads were I'm grateful for all the quality R-18 content we got out of it, truly a rare gem in the era of gacha
Majima is cumming inside Chisato again
It's tough being a fan of a well produced series with soft yuribait on /a/. But I will endure just a little longer by scrolling past the walls of text to admire the cute fanarts of Chisato.
Arima Kana really won, just like Majima
Why would Chisato, or anyone on the show, even watch a movie like Die Hard? (Is it ever implied that they watched Rambo, too?)

They are ninjas. They don't need anything from the action movies: actions, guns, high tech gadgets, police procedures, American heroes...

If they are bored with their jobs and training, why would they like the movies?
If they are interested in actions, wouldn't they immediately spot ten goofs or mistakes in the actions and tactics?

And why would Chisato relate to the characters???
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>want to see a girl get used for her biological purpose and bred?
Not every girl needs to straight. I would rather see a girl happy can be forced to do something that would make her unhappy.

>Girls x Girls will never be happy together, they will never make another life, they will never reach fulfilment
This is fiction, not reality. Girls in fiction can be happy with each other and make more lives.
>what's compels a man to prefer yuri over ffm?
Why does ever FF relationship need a man? Keep FF and FFM relationships separate; I wouldn't want the two girls in a FFM relationship to break up with the guy and go out with each other instead. That's not the kind of yuri I want to see.
Why would Chisato relate to Powell's character anyway? Powell has a normal life. No baggage. He only shot once and he shot to kill. He is the opposite of what Chisato is doing.
>why you would actively seek out yuri or hope for something to be yuri over basically anything else
Because every genre has its own conventions and tropes and I like how yuri romance plays out compared to most seinen/shounen heterosexual romances for guys these days.
But you willingly choose to ship FF instead of MF. Why? Girls usually become happier after they have children even in fiction.
Why would I ship a MF relationship when there are none in Lycoris?

>girls usually become happier after they have children
Girls can have children with each other in fiction.
Based and canon
>Why would I ship a MF relationship when there are none in Lycoris?
There are no FF relationships either though.
Where is IT? I'm going into withdrawal
There's at least fanservice, which even people who aren't non-yurifags can recognize as yuribait. Is it so weird to see yuribait and want it to become full-fledged relationship?

Aren't you happy with the other yurifags giving you attention?
>Is it weird to want yuri to become a real relationship?
For a man with a penis, yes.
>There's at least fanservice, which even people who aren't non-yurifags can recognize as yuribait. Is it so weird to see yuribait and want it to become full-fledged relationship?
Lmao. You're really going with "they joked about it"? By that logic you could say that chisato x majima is just as valid.
Why? It's not like there are any guys in-universe who rare romantically interested in Chisato/Takina.

The scenes involving Chisato/Takina's relationship aren't always played off as jokes though. In the novels for example, you had Takina want to run away with Chisato and have it be just the two of them. It's clear that they mean a lot to each other, and the creators tease it might be something more, so why not go all the way?
uh huh melty
Calm down, please. Your boogeyman isn't here
Brain damex, perhaps?
So many threads to bump..
Big Majidick inside tight Chisato pussy
You are mad right now thoughever.
>he didn't get it
I'm disappointed, Sean. He's your arch-nemesis, you should get this.
If you're not mad, then just don't reply?
But I want you to reply to me. Making you mad is why I do all this and how I win. You lost just by replying to me hahahahahahahaha. Baited!
Nigga im not your boogeyman, i just agree with him
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loveraping Takina
She is very rapeable.
But isn't it like, just, better if there's also a man? What downside does it have?
This desu. People have their own insecurities and built in thoughts from society that make it seem like a cute wholesome woman having sex with a man is dirty and disgusting - no, not all men are pigs. This Majima shit is insane but the folks who get mad when a male viewer wants to date or have sex with her are even moreso.
>you are the most unique poster to ever exist on this site
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imagine looking at Takina and not wanting to forcefully imprint your DNA in her flawless body
No, because the tropes and plot developments associated with FFM threesome relationships aren't that much better than your average harem.

Most yurifags don't care about waifufags who want to fuck the girls.
I want to make her cry.
With the age of consent being 16 in over half the U.S, having sex with Chisato and Takina is perfectly legal even if you're 10 years older. However, nude images of them are still illegal to possess
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But the "tropes and plot developments" vary from thing to thing. Are you just saying that most non-romance yuri anime is bad, which is why you turned to yuri, kind of by default?
Also, do you fap to yuri?
>that day is the day that literally broke you and forever ruined your life
Ironic. Maybe if his tripcode hadn't been banned, you wouldn't have become such a schizo.
>Restrained ACK
Soulless. Break the seal already
He's been struggling to post lately. It might not be long before the Akemis win for good.
The dev team seems to have added filters tailor made to counter his posting style that take effect when your session is new. He's officially part of 4chan's DNA
Raping Takina and Chisato!
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this shit was gay, no matter how many posts you make
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You can't rape the willing, Majima
Sir, I, anon #3, do not know who Austin is lmao. I literally said the Majima shit is insane, but any fierce warrior like protection for an uncomfirmed yuri pairing is odd online, and I do think it's interesting what would cause a man to go there.
The pastebin is all the proof anyone needs.
I'm just a lonely ass man who wants to stop hearing people say men are so filthy that touching them is disgusting
Why is my life a joke for wanting to rape Takina and Chisato? Any man would.
I'm saying it's not to my taste. One example is how fast it takes the characters to get together? Would you prefer it happen in 10 chapters or 100 chapters in general? My answer is that I greatly prefer the former. And generally, a lot of seinen/shounen heterosexual romance falls in the later category rather than the former whereas yuri is the opposite. Of course, heterosexual romance where the characters get together quickly exists, but it's rather uncommon. I would rather spend my time reading yuri where it's likely to happen rather than looking through a lot of heterosexual series to find the one that will cater the most to my taste. And when I look at the critera that are the most important for me in romance, yuri is the genre where most of the works best fit what I'm looking for.

>do you fap to yuri?
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Posting style exists.
You don't want to rape them? Get your testosterone levels checked, Sean.
Does 4chan have some kind of schizo wiki I can go through and find all the various schizos who waste their life on this shitty website?
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Made for rape.
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other people can post in threads too, honestly this is just really goofy to spectate. I will once again say Austin sounds insane, but thou art quite silly as well. It really is not healthy to hold this much hate for your sake either, and if you close the tab you'll remember how little this random guy matters in your life, and that you don't need to be one to take him down. I'll leave this lovers quarrell now.
>Of course, heterosexual romance where the characters get together quickly exists, but it's rather uncommon.
This season alone has several straight romances where the main characters get together. In comparison there aren't even any yuri romances airing
But people have already exhaustively listed many of your tells. You are the most predictable poster on /a/.
>Not imagine if
It's normal for any heterosexual man. Then again, you have a boyfriend, so I shouldn't be surprised that you're acting like this.
Kek yurincel melty
>In comparison there aren't even any yuri romances airing
I also read manga and LNs in addition to watching anime. And just to clarify, I'm not against all straight series. I do in fact read/watch some heterosexual series if they catch my eye. I liked the Insomniacs one a few seasons ago, for example.
Doesn't that also apply to the way you respond to every single post on every thread you ever read, even those on other boards?
There's a reason everyone can tell whenever you come around and start shitting up the threads
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hey there's nothing wrong with being a schizo and wasting your life away on this shithole
>t. low test fag
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For rape
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>Chisato will never look at you with lustful eyes after sharing her drink with her saliva in it with you
All of what you just said applies to you. You get wiped every thread you enter, there's even code designed specifically to ban you.
Proving individual cases of samefagging means nothing if you can't prove all the cases are the same person.
ok so apparently you can't reply to people at all on a new session. Going a bit far with these ACK filters, ACK isn't the only one replying to people as far as i'm aware.

So it's not because it's yuri, it's just because the characters get together fast?
Why do you fap to yuri over ffm stuff or regular heterosexual stuff? Is it just because the characters you like only get yuri doujins?

That's actually a good idea, but it would probably get flooded by schizos trying to delete or edit their page and make a page for their boogeyman.
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Very rapeable
What you always forget here is that you're an exceptional existence. Countless people come from across /a/ to post stuff like that specifically to bait you, because you're a lolcow.
>from across /a/
try across the entire website considering people on /vp/, /vg/ and probably also other boards completely unrelated to /a/ topics somehow also found out he was posting there, partially because of his distinct posting style (which he claims isn't real) and partially because he can't stop himself from sperging out at anyone who mildly disagrees with him
Of course he's also going to claim this is another case of samefagging
True. The Walpurgisnacht of schizos.
Takina + Chisato X My dick = OTP
See >>271236117
>just because
There are several other factors than just the speed of the romance. The degree of mutual physical intimacy, the presence of side couples, the prevalence of certain character archtypes, and few others. I even find that the moe artstyle of yuri to be more speaking than the bishoujo style of a lot of heterosexual works.

>is it just because the characters you like only get yuri doujins
That might be a factor, however, another big factor at least for heterosexual doujins is that there are too many fluids for me in most doujins. The guy cums on/in the girl and it just goes everywhere and it’s just a major turnoff for me.
He's also apparently on /v/ since he claims his boogeyman is active there, he sometimes posts screencaps from /int/ and there are old posts of him on [S4S] as well.
chisato is white
Very self-aware kek
>schizo headcanon
But basically it's because of the way it's presented rather than the yuri itself. I'm wondering then. Why are there people who wish a series was yuri, or attempt to loophole a series into being yuri, when none of what you're talking about would be changed if it was?
>there are too many fluids for me in most doujins. The guy cums on/in the girl and it just goes everywhere and it’s just a major turnoff for me
That's the first time i heard this but fair. Some of them do go overboard with it kek
you wish. she only rapes chisato.
How wlong are you going to believe this? Maybe when erykaWaltz returns to the Madoka threads after Kaiten drops you'll finally realise that you were wrong. Or maybe you'll keep accusing hundreds of anons a week of being your arch-nemesis boogeyman boyfriend.
I'm going to rape her in front of Chisato.
Because the series that people want to be yuri are mostly CGDCTs and other all-girl series that are closer to yuri than heterosexual romance.
Yeah, but why straight up WANT for them to be yuri and get mad when people say it's not or the girls should date guys?
long-hair chisato is a marvel of the universe.
Are you looking forward to Kaiten, ACK?
>people say it's not or the girls should date guys
Because often these shows have some kind of yuri fanservice and they aren’t interacting with guys, so the people who say they should date guys are basically saying that the girls should get off-screen boyfriends or introduce guys into the mix, changing the dynamic of the series.
>You are typing with the same exact retarded nonsense that you've been saying even since
>refuse to address
have some self awareness man
unless you have majima-level skills (or better) you'll just get shot (or worse).
That's what I'm trying to do by asking you about anime. It seems like all you want to do is sperg about your boogeyman desu.
too old
why did he latch on to this show in particular?
i know, right?
IMO, Chisato is incomplete without her short hair.
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cute butt
>short hair

she's perfect either way!
>Timeskip Chisato has long hair
>Timeskip Takina has short hair
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both ruined but especially Chisato who's much cuter
Big M
How would something happening off screen change the dynamic of the series?
How would new characters being introduced change it more than characters getting with each other?
Guys, what does Takina's butt feel like?
>How would new characters being introduced change it more than characters getting with each other?
If you introduced boyfriends for all the girls in a CGDCT, you would need to take away time from all the girl-girl interactions to focus on guy-girl interactions which would change the nature of the show. A CGDCT is essentially about girls interacting with each other, which can include both friendships and romance.

>How would something happening off screen change the dynamic of the series?
It wouldn't and I didn't mean to imply it would, but if all the boyfriends are off-screen, what's the point? You would almost never see them so why include that detail in a CGDCT (or any story for that matter)?
CGDCTs usually don't have a romance element, so wanting there to be one would already change the dynamic of the series
probably feels nice considering Chisato keeps finding excuses to touch it
Lots of CGDCTs, including popular ones, have one-sided yuri crushes already. Not to mention that roughly 30% of the works in the primary CGDCT magazine are/have explicit yuri. So it's already a part of the genre.
Genres are never really an argument because every show is different
Sure, and I could understand this criticism if a yurifag was shipping the girls in a series that had very little or no yuri fanservice whatsoever like Frieren or Dungeon Meshi. But on the flipside, it shouldn't be surprising that yurifags like something like Bocchi the Rock when one of the girls joined the band because she was in love with another girl and want something sapphic to happen because of that.
I mean yeah, if it's already presented as a possibility, but yurifags tend to take it insanely far and try to "claim" series that sometimes don't even have any kind of canon yuri in them, i don't get what compels them to do that, why do they absolutely want the characters to be gay even when everything points to the opposite?
Where are you finding those yurifags that try to claim series that have canon heterosexual romance? If a series isn't concluded all sides can make claims as ludicrous as they may be. It is probably just a vain hope that their argument can influence the public into strong arming the creators into getting the ending they desire. It isn't exclusive to yuri fags if we look at this thread, or the madoka threads.
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like muscle. Takina is /fit/.
Madoka is a great example, yurifags are all over that franchise even though it has no yuri. Why is that?
Homura's Aiyo and that whole rebellion kidnapping is why yuri fags latch on. Possession, consensual or not is a feature of romance.
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Majima and Chisato are going at it like rabbits again...
They latched on to Madoka even before Rebellion came out though. And they want characters that we know to be straight to be gay as well. What's the point?
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Madoka aired almost 15 years ago. That was at a different time when there were far less yuri series. And ever since Rebellion, as you said, the series has gone to appeal more to yurifags. Even when you mention girls like Sayaka, who were in love with guy, she lost in the end and got over her crush. So it's not exactly like people are removing her from an already established pairing.
Coolmura was seemingly coming on hard to Madoka, so you see the results. As for wanting straight characters to be gay, Sayaka, may be more a case of her getting a happy ending, since she lost out on Kyosuke. She's available for the rebound. I don't think any other character in PMMM meets the requirement for being explicitly straight.
>literally only one canon couple
>Pic related
does a really good job of encapsulating series that will attract a yuri audience in current decade, really good pairings.
I still don't get it at all. These people outright get mad when you question pairings that aren't canon in the slightest

Most of the characters in PMMM have statements that confirm they're straight and not a single one of them has done anything even remotely gay, the only way you could call them gay is if you want them to be. Which, again, why? Why would anyone want that?
Did I say that they were all canon couples? I'm using them to illustrate what yurifags are into.
they're literally children you sick fuck.
Chisato is into age gaps with old men
>when you question pairings that aren't canon in the slightest
Maybe it depends on how intense you are when you question them. You've already admitted that some of girls in PMMM like Homura have been questionably attracted to Madoka since Rebellion, so it seems like yurifags who watched the first season were right if they picked up on hints that she had something more than friendship going on.
Canon is not a requirement for ships to exist, my friend. Getting mad is a part that constant drive to magically influence the suits to get a desired ending.

PMMM doesn't address gay or straight explicitly with the sole exception of Sayaka and Hitomi. Everything is fair game and googles are tight. You can keep trying to say they are all straight by default, however default simply doesn't exist nowadays.
>You've already admitted that some of girls in PMMM like Homura have been questionably attracted to Madoka since Rebellion
No, i don't believe that at all. When did i say that? And no, it doesn't depend on anything, these people are extremely autistic about their ships, more so than other crack yurifags like the ones in, say, GuP threads.

PMMM characters basically all said being attracted to guys at some point so you'd have to be either stupid or extremely biased to call them gay. Clearly it's not in authorial intent for them to be gay at all
>default simply doesn't exist nowadays
Yes it does, human biology doesn't change. Also, Madoka came out in 2011.
I am a yurichad
If i want Takina and Chisato to have sex, then they're canon
simple as
I am arguing from the fanbase perspective of rapid shippers. You are trying to argue with biology. I don't question biology but I thought you wanted to understand why they believe what they believe, yurifags, yaoifags, hetfags and other shipperfags I may have missed. They do it because they want to influence the suits somehow via these imageboards. Logic went out the window a while ago.
>aiyo and that whole rebellion kidnapping is why yuri fags latch on
>they latched on to Madoka even before Rebellion came out though
It seems like you were conceding on the Ai Yo point, unless you want to argue that it is all friendship in the end. And you're bringing up another decade+ old series to make these points.

>human biology doesn't change
Characters in 2D are not necessarily bound by the laws of human biology.
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Majima's properties btw
So it all comes back to them wanting it to be canon. My question is then the same, why? Why would you want characters to be gay? I understand prefering how yuri shows usually play like that other anon, but a show becoming yuri or not wouldn't change how it plays. So why do they want that?

You said that was the reason why yurifags were latching on to Madoka, i said that's impossible since they were doing it before.
>Characters in 2D are not necessarily bound by the laws of human biology.
I will never understand this argument, 2D imitates 3D, and there is no universal law for all fictional universes, just because more authors write gay shit now than before doesn't means stuff is more likely to be gay especially when nothing indicates that.
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>No soldiers
>No money
>No rights
If he can't collect soon, he defaults on his properties
What's the logic behind wanting that though? Why want them to be gay when they could just be with a guy instead (Majima or someone else idc)
>a show becoming yuri or not wouldn't change how it plays. So why do they want that?
Affecting the ending doesn't change out how it plays. It does, as it is the ending, people wanting their perferred ending is normal. That is simply emotional investment. When you deal with emotions logic is thrown out.
> people wanting their perferred ending is normal
My question is why would someone's preferred ending be yuri over something else
>why do people like different things than me?
And they latched on before because they saw Homura's extreme dedication to saving Madoka as romantic, and yurifags seem to be vindicated with Rebellion.

>there is no universal law for all fictional universes
Correct, but unless a series says explicitly something, we can't know for sure if the girls are straight, gay, or bi until the series explicitly tells us.

Because the majority of the series is dedicated to their relationship which is teased to be romantic, not their relationship with a guy.
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I want them to end up together because their relationship build up is uniquely good going from dislike to being able to properly support one another emotional and professionally. Other characters aren't able to connect as well with Chisato and Takina, the way they connect with each other.
This whole comment thread is me trying to figure out how yurifags work, i know people have different tastes but like, tastes are usually stuff like prefering blonde girls or those with black hair, why would ANY man want for an anime girl to be gay and outright prefer it this way? Ironically the fucking lgbt retards from twitter actually kind of have an explanation for this since they just want gay shit to be everywhere for "representation". But nobody here is like that so i just don't get the thought process behind it.

>and yurifags seem to be vindicated with Rebellion
No they aren't that movie made fun of them actually
>we can't know for sure if the girls are straight, gay, or bi until the series explicitly tells us
That doesn't make any sense, straight is just how everyone is naturally, gay or bi are stuff society made up and much more rare, why would it be on an equal footing? And obviously if a girl already talked about being attracted to boys we know that she's straight
>the majority of the series is dedicated to their relationship which is teased to be romantic
Is it really the case though? A lot of the time these "yuri subtexts" are just headcanons. It's easy to mistake personal interpretations for implications.

But a new character could change that? Also, they would still be able to have that kind of relationship without being gay or by also having a husband
Show me that character then. Yes any character can do that, but Takina and Chisato met each other and connected first. I'm not against it but I need that viable character to exist. Without it, I'll go with the "default" this show gave me. That is my preference, you go with yours.
Oh i definitely agree with the sentiment of wanting the characters to be good, especially when male characters tend to be faggots in modern anime, i guess i can get this reason but it's weird to prefer outright homosexuality to just new characters (and also as i said they can keep their relationship with each other even if it isn't romantic)
>Is it really the case though?
Chisato defends her gay dads, gushes when she sees wedding photos of her and Takina together, kisses Takina on the back of the neck, and gets super pissed when some other girls try to imply their relationship is just a phase of youth. Takina on the other hand wants to run away with and live together with Chisato with no one else.
Dude, it is not that hard, some people just enjoy watching cute girls without a dick in the middle. How hard can that be to understand?
Did the movie make fun of yurifags? Considering the most recent trailor has Homura forcing Madoka to do a waltz with her, it definitely seems like it's leaning more in that romantic direction than making fun of yurifags.

>why would it be on an equal footing?
The majority of people in society are ugly or at least not super attractive whereas most characters in fiction are attractive. How is that possible? Because fiction does not represent reality 100%. A girl talking about liking guys in the abstract isn't necessarily a yuri killer because they could be bisexual. Unless the girl is in love with an actual guy or confirms that they are straight, there's nothing really stopping the relationship from happening.
Really hard actually especially since you're talking about porn
Porn is about stimulation, you look at a picture and imagine what it shows happening to you, that's how you consume it. How does that work if there's no male character? What do you imagine? What do you relate to? What are you stimuling?

Rebellion is intentionally structured like a bad fanfiction where everyone breaks character, also, that Homura in the new trailer is Homura's evil side, you can tell by her eyes. So if anything that shits on yurifags even more by calling their version of the character evil and fundamentally different from how Homura is in canon

>The majority of people in society are ugly or at least not super attractive whereas most characters in fiction are attractive. How is that possible?
Because nobody wants to see ugly characters
>A girl talking about liking guys in the abstract isn't necessarily a yuri killer because they could be bisexual.
By that logic a girl being attracted to a girl doesn't prove she isn't also attracted to guys because she could be "bisexual" so yuri doesn't actually exist since all the girls also like guys.
>Unless the girl is in love with an actual guy or confirms that they are straight
That's the case with a lot of Madoka characters actually, doesn't stop yurifags from shipping them. I just don't get why people from here would go to such insane mental gymnastics to claim a character is gay in canon
That's yuribait 101
I love my imaginary 2D daughter.
We don't know if it's her evil side or a repressed side. Just that it's an element of her personality.

>because nobody wants to see ugly characters
And people clearly want to see yuri in all-girl genres considering that ~30% of CGDCTs are yuri and another third of them have at least one girl who is attracted to another girl.

>so yuri doesn't actually exist since all the girls also like guys.
Yuri isn't always about lesbian women; it can include bisexual women. As long as they are in love with or dating guys by the end.

>That's the case with a lot of Madoka characters actually
Sayaka was in love with a guy but seems to have gotten over them. Only Hitomi seems to dislike girl-girl relationships and none of the other care.

The fact that you call it yuribait instead of normal friendship means its not normal for girls to do.
>We don't know if it's her evil side or a repressed side
The eyes and expression make it pretty clear that she's evil.
>people clearly want to see yuri in all-girl genres
No, not necessarily. All girl genres are more popular among waifufags than yurifags (because waifufags are a much bigger demographic).
>Sayaka was in love with a guy but seems to have gotten over them. Only Hitomi seems to dislike girl-girl relationships and none of the other care.
Hitomi and Sayaka think girls can't love girls, Kyouko in TDS says her loving a girl would be weird, and it's consistent with their characters too, being heroic and with Kyouko being religious. That's half of the relevant cast who we know to not be attracted to girls at all
shut up you dumb retard
Waifufags are more populous in geral, but the fact that 30% of CGDCTs are yuri and many more have lesbians show that most of the waifufags who watch these kinds of shows are okay with some amout of yuri. Not all waifufags are a fan of all-girl series, even those without yuri, after all.

>The eyes and expression make it pretty clear that she's evil.
Even if she's evil, is she evil because she's a lesbian or because she's so aggressive with Madoka? Only the movie will tell us.

>Kyouko in TDS says her loving a girl would be weird
We've mostly been talking about Madoka/Homura though. And if you bring up TDS, then yurifags can bring up the gacha or Oriko or one of the myriad of other spin-offs.
ACK is a mentally ill nigger
>The fact that you call it yuribait instead of normal friendship means its not normal for girls to do.
No, it's normal for close friends to want to support, tease, defend, etc, each other, it's just presented in a way that lets yurifags delude themselves into thinking they will become girlfriends, but in reality they will abandon the status quo, that's why it's bait.
they will never abandon*
>it's just presented in a way that lets yurifags delude themselves into thinking they will become girlfriends
So you admit that the creators are intentionally trying to capture a yuri audience?

>but in reality they will abandon the status quo
People have said this about other series and turned out to be wrong. I'm not going to say it's going to happen for Lycoris, but we won't know until its finally over.
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Holy shit, that dude talking about fucking Austin was insane. I don't even know the other guy, kek. To be a weird yuri hater seems a bit more tolerable than replying to every single post in a thread without fail. Maybe he was replying to himself?
first week here?
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>he doesn't know
Lycoris threads have been a battleground with many different armed autists since it's ending.
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Only one autist here and he goes by the name of Sean/ACK
They desperately need a man
>a-ack will never be re-ACK!
The stage play has the juice scene too?
>Too sweet
ask her husband
Why are you replying to yourself?
I dunno I heard the name !Akemi too many times and I still don't know who that is
Austin, what do you except people to say to you when you constantly will not answer anything said to you?
Do you think that the root cause of things being repeated to you so many times is you constantly doing the same things over and over?

Because Austin is extremely mentally ill.

Really, what the fuck is wrong with you?
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Gee. If only pictures of him and his posting history were posted constantly.

Almost like you are lying and playing stupid to try and pretend everyone doesn't know who you are.
You're more retarded than a meth addict.
Will you ever move on with your life, or do you actually plan to die while you're shitposting on 4chan?
>Chief didn't die
>Majima didn't die
>Takina and Chisato are on the run
Were they thinking they would get a season 2?
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He's here lmao
It's genuinely fucking hilarious how blatantly obvious it is Troid gives absolutely zero fucks about enforcing the rules.

Literally hundreds of posts in this thread are off topic shitposts.
Objectively breaking the rules. And that's leaving aside how Austin is breaking multiple other rules. Like trying to "troll" and ban evading. Yet Troid did not touch a fucking SINGLE one of Austin's posts. And specifically went out of his way to delete every single post that tells him to stop shitposting.

How can even pretend Troid is doing the job of a mod? He's literally just a power tripping clown trying to ruin /a/ and make it into his safe space.

Hey, Austin. What's it like knowing you would have killed yourself years ago if you didn't have Troid protecting you?
How do you live like this, Austin? Seriously, what the fuck went so wrong with your life that you even want to live this way? No sane person does what you do. Everyone knows that you are the only person who shitposts like this. And everyone has seen you get IP banned numerous times, always getting caught talking to yourself and samefagging.
Unpopular opinion: The baiters are worse than "him".
I genuinely wonder if you have actual brain damage. Like, there's nothing else that would explain you acting this way.
Imagine watching yuribait but you get canon yaoi and the main heroine indirect kissing the villian.
Sorry, it's just too funny.
No, that's the common opinion, Austin.
Literally no one likes you, and wants you ruining threads.
Genuine question, do you think anyone at all cares about your personal grudges against people who don't give you safe space and would rather have shitpost threads instead of talking about shows they like?

Imagine being Austin and ruining your own life over trying to troll on 4chan.
You still have yet to explain why magically "everyone" thinks telling you to stop shitposting makes someone a "lolcow". But in other threads where you don't post, people take zero issue with shitposters being called out. Almost like your behavior is totally unique.
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C'mon, reply to me, little BITCH!

How many times do you need to get caught samefagging before you kill yourself?
>if i make a lot of posts, and spam really hard, that means if anyone says i am samefagging i can scream at them they are schizo
Austin's "logic".
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I will never not laugh about this.
Imagine being so fucking retarded you get IP banned and caught samefagging in multiple threads at the same time.
>>>/u/ lost
>>>/lgbt/ lost
>>>/trash/ lost
it's so over yurisisters
why are yuri threads like this?
Because the only mod who looks at the /a/ report cue regularly is Troid. And he is extremely mentally ill and biased. Openly writes porn fanfics about My Little Pony. Cosplays as video game characters. And straight up admits he doesn't care about the quality of 4chan and wants it to be his personal safe space.

He protects shitposters, and bans people who tells shitposters to stop. You can see it happen first hand in this thread. And what happens when you protect shitposters? They feel validated and act worse and worse. Like dogs getting trained.
schizo battlefield (all me btw)
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Yes, and they somehow made Chisato try to save him from falling in the live action.
Because it's a battle ground for baiters and the baited. Mods have long given up.
It's honestly funny how your whole life's meaning is "if i make a lot of posts people are forced to accept i am more than one person". Literally retarded.
All me!
You will never bait anyone, Austin. You are totally alone in your freak obsession with trying to make everything on 4chan into a personal fight. No one fucking cares about your "memes" and "bait" (failures). People just want to talk about anime. You know. What this board is for. You directly take away people's chances to talk about shows they like. Why the fuck would anyone like you?
mindbroken c/u/cks
I honestly funny as fuck how your whole life revolves around you thinking you make other people mad. It's literally the only thing stopping you from killing yourself.
top tier damn
dude are you for real
Austin crying alone in his room.
Pathetically trying to make other people feel bad.

No, you just want to believe that other people are mad. Because you want to think that you're an "epic troll" and hurt other people with your posts.
You don't want to accept that you're a failure. So you cope by blocking out reality and screaming at people.
I won't lie: the parody "When You Say Nothing At All" lyrics are actually pretty funny and catchy and I couldn't help but sing to them.
nice ages
You're no one's "nemesis", Austin. You are literally just an autistic shitposter. You're so desperate to make everything on this site personal. Because this is the only human interaction you get in your life.

Okay, you just replied. That means you're mad. You can kill yourself now.

And just a reminder, you are literally the only person in the history of the human race to say "replying means baited". Not a single source or citation agrees with you.

You want people to stop replying to you, so you can 1) have a safe space, 2) think you "win".

>literally zero proof at all that "ack" exists, yet spends over a 100 hours a week screaming about him
Dude, are you for real?
You can stop replying to yourself, Austin.
No one, but you, thinks "replying means mad". And the only reason you think that is because you're coping and don't want to admit you're a failed troll.

People have by replying to, and mocking, failed trolls since this site was made. You are not special, you are just the most retarded.

It's just so fucking funny how easy it is to tell who you are, Austin. You are the most unique poster to ever exist on this site.

It's just so funny how you got directly called out on your bull shit, how no one, not a single person, thinks "replying means baited". And how no citation agrees with you. And you replied pretending to be multiple people, and neither of them address it.

Right now, Austin, link to a third party website, not an anonymous post, that says "replying means baited". You will REFUSE to do this.

And no, saying "nigga" will never "change your posting style".
No, Austin. That image gets posted so much because it hurts you the most. That day is the day that literally broke you and forever ruined your life.
Chisato loves broccoli so much
>i- if i just say NO U!!! enough times that means i win!!
Hey, Austin. Can you explain why it isn't "schizo" that you think "ack" exists, even though "ack" has never been real, and is name you made up in the first place. Why is it only "schizo" for people to call you out on samefagging and say they can recognize you?

Reminder, you have been caught samefagging when IP banned literally hundreds of times.
No, Austin. They (Troid alone) is trying to stop many people from posting. Mainly the people who tell off shitposters. Because Troid hates when people tell off shitposters and thinks that he should be the sole authority of everything on the site.

You mean the pastebin that you, Austin, made yourself. And do nothing but list posts you don't like and claim they are by the same person, for no reason other than you don't like them?

No, Austin. Being mentally ill like you is not normal.
>l- look!! i said LMAo!!! t- that changes me poisting sty;le u no tell who i am!!!
Why are you so inhumanly stupid?

Your life is such a joke.
It's actually hilarious the extreme length's Troid will go to, to protect Austin and let him shitpost as much as he wants.

Troid could literally just enforce the rules (i.e. Ban Austin for trying to "troll" and flame bait). And literally all of this would stop on the spot.

Austin can't handle any kind pressure against his posting form the mods. At once point he tried spamming on /int/ and the mods banned him the second he posted, and he gave up in a matter of hours.

Not imagine if Troid did the same here. Threads would actually be usable.

Sure. "posting style" exists. And you are too stupid to tell who anyone is, and think that "person who says thing i dislike", or "person who uses correct English" is "the same person".
Your boogieman will never be real, Austin. And it's honestly just so funny how easy it is to tell who you are. You, and you alone, have this extremely insane obsession with rape.

>this post tells me to stop shitposting!! that means it's the same person!!!
Not a "tell", Austin.
Your idea of a "tell" is "something i don't like, and i see it in a post".
No, being obsessed with rape is not normal. That's just what you tell yourself to cope with your deranged fucked up life.

Sure is interesting how all the "different akemis" refuse to address how no external citation says "replying means baited" or will talk about the many, many times Austin has been caught samefagging.
obsessed, mindbroken schizo
That post must have really hurt your feelings, Austin.

You, Austin, are the only person who thinks telling you to stop shitposting makes a thread bad. Why would anyone, at all, other than you think this? Why do you try so hard to pretend that 4chan is your personal safe space and that everyone here will jump to defend you at a second's notice?

People have caught you getting IP banned and constantly samefagging, talking to yourself and trying to fake narratives. Why wouldn't people think you're a problem?

No, Austin. No one you have ever called "ack" has been banned and caught talking to themselves to pretend people agree with their narrative. That has never happened to anyone but you.

And no, there are no scripts to ban anyone. It only blocks certain things, or otherwise doesn't ban at all. Why doesn't it ban? Because Troid knows it's actually a lot of different people who say it, and he can't justify banning them all to the head mods.
do not interact with the schizo
You will never "mindbreak" anyone, Austin.
Also funny as fuck how you clearly deleted your cookies and are ban evading. Because you can't make a post linking more than 4 replies either.

You are so fucking pathetically obsessed with thinking you hurt people on 4chan with your posts. And that you make other people are miserable as you are.
But it's totally fine for you to claim that every single post that tells you to stop shitposting is the same person?

And yeah, Austin. I'm sure there is totally just some rouge mods out there specifically banning you while you're samefagging and ruining the narratives you are trying to force.

It's also interesting how all of these cases of IP bans getting caught samefagging are talking about "ack", or talking about crack shipping.

Occam's razor. What's more like, that all people who talk about crack and "ack" are samefagging who talk to themselves, or it's one ban evading shitposter constantly getting banned.

You will never make anyone think "ack" is real, Austin.
Haha, look at literally begging people to think you're more than one person and trying to pretend you are some kind of magical special exception.

You are the only person who thinks "ack" is real, just like you are the only person who thinks "replying means baited". Look at how you have specifically been called out on never citing sources where this is said (other than by you). And all the different people you pretend to be refuse to address this.,

And of course, not even kiwifarms wants anything to do with you, you are that mentally ill. They don't want an "ack" thread, closed your thread, called you a sperg, and won't let you make a new thread. Why? Because even they know your boogieman isn't real.

>distinct posting style
You literally just think anyone who calls you a samefag is the same person. That's what triggers you the most, and you will never, under any circumstance ever, be able to ignore it. Like normal posters do.

Let's see you explain why you're so special, and why when you get told to stop shitposting "everyone" starts screaming "schizo". But when shitposters get called out in other threads no one bats an eye.
Why did you stop saying !akemi?
>n- no u!!!
This is literally the only thing you are able to do, Austin. You can never address anything said to you, and always think that if you just "ignore" how people prove you wrong that it means you "win".

You are typing with the same exact retarded nonsense that you've been saying even since you had a tripcode. No one thinks that you are "triggering" people by giving yourself obvious behavior patterns.

Maybe if all your different "personas" didn't act exact the same way, and all refuse to address the same exact talking points you wouldn't stand out so much.
enjoy ack's very own sperg general, /a/!
Imagine literally every single day of your life revolving around "ack" and trying to "bait" (fail) a single person every fucking day of your life. How do you even want to live like this? You have never answered this, Austin. Why don't you just want to talk about anime?

Because Troid set a word filter for any post with a cookie less than 24 hours old to be auto deleted (not banned) if they say !-Akemi.

Troid will set up entire scripts to delete posts that tell Austin to stop shitposting. But he won't enforce the rules on a blatant ban evader who openly admits he's shitposting and trying to ruin threads.
/a/ - ACK & Friends
You will never make anyone think "ack" is real, Austin.
Why do you have cookies less than 24 hours old? Are you ban evading perhaps?
You replied to 2 posts made in the same minute
Of course people are ban evading. Troid is obsessively banning people who don't break the rules, and do normal things like tell off shitposters. Troid, in his own words, said he does not care about the rules of 4chan. He said he just wants /a/ to be his safe space.
Why the fuck would anyone not ban evade bans given by such a blatantly biased mod.

And? You are well known for ban evading and proxy posting. It is not hard to post multiple times in the same minute.
>ACK just admitted that he makes up random names for anyone who disagrees with him
holy schizo
Ack btfo
>people are ban evading
it's only (You) tho
LMAO the schizo just admitted he ban evades
No, Austin. The name isn't random. Unlike "sean" and "ack" which you made up out of whole cloth.

Everyone knows you fucked up and posted your google Chrome on accident and showed everyone your name.

And yes, everyone hates you. You stop literally thousands of people from talking about shows they like. Why wouldn't thousands of people dislike you?
Qrd on the "akemi" schizo?
You're ban evading right now, Austin. And of course, you're the real schizo here. No matter how much baby sitting you get from Troid.

Can't help but notice you've pretended to be dozens of different people this thread and none of them have addressed how blatantly obvious it is the mod (Troid) is not enforcing the rules.

And no, saying "qrd" like you're shitposting on /qa/ does not make you look like a new poster.
What? I was merely asking a question.
please allow it to prepare its automated botpost
it might take a moment
No, you weren't "just asking a question". You were making a post to passive aggressively try to imply there was "someone new" in the thread, and that this "new person" agrees with your narrative that people telling you to stop shitposting makes them "schizo".

You are not smart, Austin.
What? But I just asked a question..
Wow I was wondering where my good friend was for the past two weeks. Glad to see him still here.
>>Because Troid set a word filter for any post with a cookie less than 24 hours old to be auto deleted (not banned) if they say !-Akemi.
damn, this troid guy is kind of based
This is what mods need to do to stop schizos like 3 letters
>another yurishit thread successfully derailed
/u/ never fails to lose
Chisato and Majima are soul mates
be sure to actually read
he should world filter austin,ack and troid too
what kind of schizo would dispute this?
Why are you pretending you didn't create the thread?
You will never make anyone "sperg", Austin. You are totally alone in your freak obsession.
You will never fool anyone with your obvious passive aggressive behavior, you will never be even close to as smart as you think you are.
You mean yourself
(You) are here either way
/u/ lost
Imagine being Austin and literally ruining your life over trying to "troll" on 4chan. And getting so mind broken by people see through your samefagging that it consumes your life trying to attack people in response.
Isn't ACK the one who creates these threads and blames it on akemj?
>concedes he indeed created the thread
too easy
Does it suck knowing that the second you die all your shitposting narratives will stop on the spot?

No matter how much you samefag and spam right now, it will be obvious you are the only person who does this as soon as you die and it all stops instantly.
"ack" can't make threads, Austin. Because "ack" doesn't exist. It's something you made up to cope with the fact you ruined your already miserable life.
No, it will stop when you stop posting
this ack dude will NEVER have a civil yuri thread on /a/
and it's his own fault
Hey, Austin. Why do all the "different akemis" in this thread refuse to address how people tell off shitposters in other threads, which you don't post in, and nothing at all happens. No one tries to pretend it makes them "lolcows". People call out samefagging in other threads as well. And guess what? Nothing like your spastic reaction ever happens.

And no, bad threads are all yours and Troid's fault, Austin. People telling you to stop shitposting is not bad. And it's not their fault you are mentally ill and spastically spiteful.
You are the only person who denies their own existence
Good night ack, see you in the next thread
Asumi-chan best yuri btw
your welcome
But you, Austin, constantly try to claim you're not still posting on 4chan. Even though you blatantly are.

And you are the one who make up "ack" out of nothing.

And you're still going to be posting. You're lying and just trying to passive aggressively imply you're more than one person.
I'm not austim
he really is obsessed isn't he
Thought you said you were going to bed?

>makes 100+ unprovoked shitposts about "ack" daily
>never so much as mentions Austin unless he is already shitposting in threads
You are the obsessed one.
who else?
That was a different person. The rest of us are still here.
Why do you talk to yourself so much? You don't think it actually fools anyone, do you?

It's honestly funny as fuck. Because even after people call you out on blatantly refusing to address certain talking points, while pretending to be dozens of different people, you still can't break script to even pretend to be someone new or different. You just try to pretend that every "new" person just acts like you.

You will never fool anyone.
we derailed your yurishit thread
get over it
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You are a single person, Austin. No matter how much you beg, you will never make anyone think you are multiple people.

The more you refuse to address what's said to you, the more your behavior patterns stand out.
qrd on the schizo?
please be patient while we process your prompt
Everyone hates you.

Austin is a mentally ill freak who thought 4chan was his group of friends. And he got banned, and everyone mocked him and laughed at him. So now he spends every waking second of his life ruining yuri threads and obsessing over "ack" to try and cope with his misery.
>Takina gets to eat this everyday
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>never so much as mentions Austin unless he is already shitposting in threads
You have a whole board where you jerk off with others (really just yourself) about him.
>ruining yuri threads
sounds based
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And before you lie, that's what it was supposedly for.
The board about you is just screen shots of your posts, when you get IP banned and caught samefagging, etc etc. No one actually gives a shit about you. It's just information to throw at you when you start shitting up threads.
yep, based
It's funny, because you still haven't found the board.
And yes, you are the subject of the board, but again, it's purely for linking information to use against you.

Like topics you will refuse to address.
Phrases you start spamming, like "self aware". etc etc.
get a room
Iwas talking about you
>no one actually gives a shit about you
>that's why I made an entire board about you
This is next level denial. And there's no need to share the

>because you still haven't found the board.
Because it A.) probably doesn't exist and B.) I don't particularly care that much about you to go looking.
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>tfw no Chisato loliwife
ACK is italian?
another yurishit thread ruined
The countries keep changing. It's obviously someone changing their IP via VPN.
Oh yeah? Go ahead, explain how telling an extremely mentally ill freak to stop shitposting makes someone "schizo".

Why do you think only a single person hates you, Austin?
Why do you think only a single person doesn't like how you make it impossible to discuss certain anime?
Why do you, while pretending to be dozens of different people, all refuse to address the same talking points? What are the odds that all these "different people" will all refuse to address the same things?
holy obsessed
>if someone says i am using a VPN it means they are schizo!!!!
>if i accuse other people of using VPN it meens i win!!! REEE!!! stop saying things i don't like!!!
you have to understand that yuri will never win
>why do you think a a single person
I don't. I think that one person makes the majority of posts talking about !Akemi. That's not the same thing.

It's obvious you're using a VPN because French and Italian posters are speaking in American English instead of being ESL.
incoherent schizo rambling
didn't read btw
yuri lost again!
>if i name call and spam hard enough that means i win!!!

>I don't.
No, you do. That's why you obsessively scream "ack" at everything you don't like.
>because French and Italian posters are speaking in American English instead of being ESL.
Basically you're just mad that people are smarter than you and fluent in multiple languages. English is the most known language around the word. And this is an English site. It's a given there will be English speakers here.
>fight against yuri on baby easy mode
>think you're some amazing shitposter
You don't get any points for this.
>austin is obsessed with winning and losing on 4chan because this is literally the only thing he has in his life
Sad. Pathetic.
Deus vult
A random list of posts that hurt your feelings is not proof "ack" exists, Austin.
>That's why you obsessively scream "ack" at everything you don't like.
I don't. There are several other posters I know to exist other than people who are against crack. Do you want a list?

>it's a given there will be English speakers here
There are also a good number of ESL posters here. The odds of two ESLs posting in the same minute with that level of English is practically Impossible. And futhermore, if there are really so many people against crack, why do my posts only get one response? Surely if there's multiple people against me, I should have 5-10 posts against me from everyone on your circlejerk board telling me off. Yet it's only poster everytime. Curious.
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Look, here's a poster who called my post wrong and I don't think they're ACK.
Does that scare you, Austin?
ACK is the last sound you'll make when you expire
every post you just replied to is mine
Majima was a mistake.
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It's honestly just stupid funny how easy it is to pick out your posts, Austin.

>Do you want a list?
Does that list include mods who ban you for breaking the rules and posting low quality off topic shipping cancer garbage?

>why do my posts only get one response?
Surely you can figure this out on your own. Look at the extreme lengths Troid goes to, to protect you here. He's set up multiple filters and scripts to try and censor people and stop them from telling you to stop shitposting.
who are you talking to, ack?
Does it suck knowing how badly you fucked up your life and how you going to get literally nothing for all this effort you put into trying to force narratives?
The mods just ban low-quality garbage. They don't actually engage in self-moderation like you do.

>surely you can figure this out on your own
You figured out a way to get around all of that bullshit but none of your other friends can do it? It's because they don't exist.
yuri lost albeit
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Majima was a miracle
t. Chisato
So this is the power of ack, bump limit
yuri threads are like NTR threads
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Last post of this thread will end with ChisaTaki.
Chisato wants a man
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>The mods just ban low-quality garbage. They don't actually engage in self-moderation like you do.
The mods have specifically called out shipping cancer garbage as something that is bad.
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>ignored the point about how he can get around all the filters and scripts but his friends can't
You just proved my point, by the way. Those mods just delete the threads. They don't give long-winded explanations as to why everyone posting them is the same person and why crack-shipping is bad. And that's because the real reason those people hate crack-shipping is because it reminds them of tumblr and obnoxious fan-girls. They don't have some retarded ontological argument against why it's bad.
He's still at it? What a lolcow
Last word for ACK is a mentally ill nigger
yurifags btfo
everyone above me is wrong
>yurifag* btfo
You lost against actual competent yurifags arguing against you.
all me btw
>competent yurifags
competent in what, ACK-ing themselves?
In correctly predicitng which series will go yuri while retards cry about how there will definitely be a Aquatope Love Story movie announced in the next two weeks.
Stop projecting, Austin. No one cares about your insane freak obsession with dick.

>They don't give long-winded explanations
Because they are just enforcing the rules as they are written?
Also, the only reason people need "long-winded explanations" is because you're so fucking retarded you need things explained to you thousands of different ways for you to finally understand it.

>some retarded ontological argument
This site is for making posts about anime. Your crack shipping is not anime related. It's that simple.
wow you sure are competent
Seriously, what the fuck went so wrong with your life that you ended up this way, Austin?

How can you think it's even sort of sane to spend every single day of your life constantly screaming about what you, insanely, think is a single other person on the internet?
mentally ill post
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>the only reason people need "long-winded explanations"
You made you entire long-ass argument way before you even heard of !Akemi.

Now you're just mindbroken like your favourite yurifag.
another thread derailed
Do you really think your life isn't pathetic as fuck, Austin? How do you live knowing that this is all you have?
Majima's properties
No, Austin. The only reason those arguments even got posted in the first place is because of you, and how you tried to pretend there was nothing wrong with your shitposts.
(New) last word for ACK is a mentally ill nigger
thread derailed
abandon ship
>those arguments even got posted in the first place is because of you,
You made the argument originally on your tumblr blog and then started another one to argue about it with randoms on the internet.
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Imagine pic related being the defining moment of your life.
>majima tangina
>majima chitato
flips haha
based & true
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Even the official account supports Kai, movie will definitely happen
Your life actually, since this is the post that started the broken record that is you.
>your tumblr blog
Leaving aside your deranged mental illness and your insane obsession with thinking everyone who says anything you dislike is the same person. This is just straight up objectively wrong.

People were telling you off your crack shipping garbage long, long before that tumblr blog you think belongs to your boogieman existed. Like, by 10+ years. 5+ years after you got here started screaming about "ack".
>supports Kai by posting him a random picture of Fuuka
I want to pretend that your just pretending to be retarded, but I know deep down you actually believe some of things you say.
so... ACK lost again? boring!
Last word for ACK is a mentally ill nigger
That's you, Melori
The only reason things get repeated to you so much is because you are constantly doing the same things over and over. Do you really think just ignoring this obvious fact means you "win" or something?
obsessed schizophrenic
Noone said anything like that. Stop making schizo shit, ACKSean.
Not Akemi here and Ack lost imo
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Kai is literally the same as Mochizou, Yuta and Shoe, there's nothing retarded about it
>People were telling you off your crack shipping garbage long, long before that tumblr blog you think belongs to your boogieman existed
We were specifically talking about the long-ass argument method, which only you do and support. And I can prove you. The mods have never once said that cracks degrades the characters; they hate it for the other reasons mentioned before. That's only something you say.
>Austin spastically spamming as hard as he can at the end of the thread so be can pretend "everyone" likes his "memes"
true, he did
Hu Tao is for rape
ack killed himself. tragic!
It's just so funny how easy it is to spot Austin's posts.
He can't make anything longer than a few words because he is rushing so much to spam.
Other than the fact that he was so fucking mad about the relationship the girl he liked had with her "friend"?
Calm down
Nope. The "long posts" that hurt your feelings and trigger your autism existed long before that blog as well. The whole reason you started screeching about "ack" in the first place is because of the "long posts" that hurt your feelings.
not surprising
Last for ACK is a mentally ill nigger
Takina? For rape
>Austin literally ruined his own life in his freak obsession with screaming at people on 4chan that they are mad
yeah, he had it coming
Why are you calling yourself a freak, ack?
I just said calm down. Why did you assume that referred to you? Are you angry?
>gets called out for spamming short posts because he's rushing to samefag
>deludes himself into thinking his short posts "trigger" people
And you were the only one making them back then too. Go on, show me a mod saying that crack degrades the characters if everyone agrees with you. You can't.
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Last for Kai's wives
it's a schizo, that's why
it's a schizo
Because no one other than you is obsessed with screaming at people on 4chan that they are mad. So it's obvious what the intention of your post was.

You're not smart, Austin.

Nope. Many people were explaining to you how crack shipping is garabge.

Austin, you fucking retard, people were saying that crack degrades the characters as a way of explaining to you that crack shipping is low quality and thus against the rules. You're just so fucking stupid you can't understand anything.
do it again, Austin
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Seriously, do you think anyone at all falls for this?
It's just so easy to tell which posts are yours.
underage b&
You will never make anyone think you're multiple people, Austin.
yep, all mine
Yeah, he's always angry. No wonder he always screeches about "akemi".
>Many people were explaining to you how crack shipping is garabge.
>people were saying that crack degrades the characters as a way of explaining to you that crack shipping is low quality and thus against the rule
Saying multiple people did it doesn't make it true. Only you argue that it degrades the characters. Everyone else who dislikes does so because they dislike shipping in general. They don't give a shit about degrading the characters.

But if everyone agrees, surely you can find evidence of someone before 2013 saying that crack degrades the characters specifically if it's such a universal belief. You can't because your the first person in the history of western civilization to ever argue that it does.
meds. now.
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Last for OTP
You're the only one screeching here, Austin.
And you do it unprovoked. Literally every single day. For hundreds and hundreds of posts.

Saying "it was only ack" doesn't make it true.

>before 2013
You weren't posting here. So no one would have had to make the argument against you.
me x chisato
>does so because they dislike shipping in general.
And why do they dislike it?
Right, because it's low quality garbage that's not actually anime related and thus lowers the quality of discussion. Literally exactly what the mods said.
You are the only person who needs such simple concepts explained it you in roundabout ways.

You are the most mentally ill person to ever exist.
lol you sound mad
desu baiting ACK is a lot less fun now that he can't do his massquotes anymore.
Nope. That's just what you tell yourself to cope with the fact you ruined your life over trying to "troll", and you failed at it. You don't want to accept that you're a failure at everything.
imagine caring about that shit
One person came up with the argument that cracks degrades the characters because you can only find it on one blog.

>So no one would have had to make the argument against you.
Crack shipping exists on other corners of internet (and even before then). Yet no one else has come up those arguments before you.

>you are the only person who needs such simple concepts explained it you in roundabout ways.
No, you're the only one retarded enough to try to justify it using logic.
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Watching these threads consistently exceed the bump limit has been more entertaining than this whole season
ACK is a mentally ill nigger
thread derailed
No one ever mass quotes you, Austin.
Mass quoting is when many people are replied to. You are the only one who gets called out like this.

Go to a therapist, Austin.
>Go to a therapist, Austin.
Stamping your feet like this isn't an argument. Face it, no one else uses the "degrades the characters" argument but you.
ACK, stop shilling oxylabs
post hands, ack
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People called out samefags before you started posting, and you are the only person to ever react the way you do.
People called out crack shitpoisting retards before you posted here, and none of them ever reacted the way you do.

>No {name calling}
Your usual argument.
God, your responses are so boring. Can you not post in these threads if your just going to mindlessly repeat the same phrases we've seen dozens of time before.
ACK is supposed to be in uppercase
They're brown, Austin
So what?
I'll do you one better, Austin.

I'll post a video of my max dead lift. And if I lift more than you can, you have to kill yourself on live stream.

"ack" will never exist, by the way.
>dozens of time
Ack, you're an esl?
>Austin spamming so much to make posts as fast as he can he can't even sort of type anything longer than a few words
How do you live being this pathetic?
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>People called out crack shitpoisting retards before you posted here
And no one ever tried to justify why it was bad using an argument they wrote on their tumblr blog until you. That's why your ACK and not a regular anon who hates crack-shipping.

>I'll post a video of my max dead lift
Like when you posted a photoshopped image of a bodybuilder?
Post the video
>Like when you posted a photoshopped image of a bodybuilder?
Holy kek
we all knew that, ack
It's the most bizarre thing ever how Austin tries to pretend that everyone on the board is his personal army and will jump to defend him when he gets told to fuck off and stop shitting up threads.

After you sign a contracting stating you will kill yourself when you lose the bet.

Why isn't it schizo you think everyone who's ever said anything you dislike is the same person.

>And no one ever tried to justify why it was bad using an argument they wrote on their tumblr blog until you.
The argument existed here long before that trumblr blog.
>Austin literally spamming and BEGGING people to think he's more than one person

Really rushing to samefag, huh?

And again, the only reason that argument exists is because of you. And you being so retarded you need things explained to you that way.
ACK, you just admitted you're brown >>271249251
>Austin spamming replies at his own post pretending "people" believe him

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