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Space is a horrific place full of eldritch creatures. In the distant future, 4 evils run through the endless space: Zaha Sanko, his living backpack Avakian, alluring Shimada Death, and mysterious xXxHellMaster98xXx.

Solar Mass (company and religious cult) ordered to destroy them and looks like they have enough resources to bring this plan to life. Will they succeed? Let's see

Chapters 1-5>>271407903
Chapter 6 >>271596095
Chapters 7-11 >>271635740
Chapters 12-13 >>271821093
Chapter 14 >>271892321
Chapters 15-16 >>271925030
Chapters 17-21 >>271995587
Chapters 22-26 >>272165259
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Chapter 27 - Meticulous Memories
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He is just a 16-year boy from the block
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Avakian saved his ass by changing the topic of the conversation
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>your chairs with clothes at 3pm
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Shimada will not leave it so easy
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More and more mysterious
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Cool introduction time!
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Wow, Shimada. How can you get to molest TWO teens?
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Damn, the patent mafia is powerful as always
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Well, I am not sure if her lie detector really works on him.
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They are too cocky, considering the last encounter
Calm down girl. The poor boy did nothing to you.
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Is she developing a crush on him?
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I would say yes, considering some of her actions in the next chapters
Aaand that's all for today, Dark dwellers, not so much but it was a cozy tea ceremony
Massa Solaris Delenda Est
Are she seething because she feels weaker the first time?
God. Seeing the lads (and lady) all together in colour never gets old. Terrific main cast design all around
I fucking love it when a series (even in written form) shows the main cast from an outside perspective like this
The Four Evils are now the Five Evils
Thanks OP
Dark is made of seething people
Knowing what we know about where “Nagurun” came from, that’s basically correct.
I bet it has to do with the shadows, the horrible sounds Hellmaster heard were from the shadows.
Honestly, why re they the four evils to start with?
Avakian and Sanko are attached at the hip, and have been since Sanko was a kid, you'd think they'd be packaged as one.
Also, Sanko and Damemaru are both valuable to catch, Shimada is actually a threat even if she wasn't pursued... what makes Avakian special?
>the guy that can't die
Makes sense to me
Did The Hole become The Dark? Their societal reliance on bones would make sense, considering what happened at the end.
Hole-kun is a Dark Core Human
Misetani repaired him under very mysterious circumstances so there definitely something up with him.
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avakian there reminded me a little of ebisu
Dai bumpy
cute worm
Don't dai
I miss her...
Dai dai
I really like the concept of Sanko doing mischief in the background of this serious conversation and everyone just stop every once in a while during the fallout of the explosions.
He's just enjoying the snacks
Somewhat similiar process of there being a "soup" but also using way, WAY more sacrifices.
>Even mini-Moja is squinting
I'm dai-ing
Shimada Death may be my favorite super powerful character in fiction.
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My cute retarded child
From running a pawn shop and making movies to owning 20 stars. A real self made woman.
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I think Avakian is alive, Shimada is wrongly considering him a machine too
>And this is our son's ro-
i mean his name is awake-Ian. sounds pretty alive
Funny enough Avakian sounds like an Armenian surname not sure was it intentional
>Avakian is Armenian
>Damemaru is Japanese
>Sanko is Polish
>Shimada is an eldritch abomination
My wife is so cute!
Same thing I thought.
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same energy
Partially why i look forward to when Q does some chapter of a crew of idiots stupid enough to board Moja and get to deal with that.
Soon (tm)
Don't dai!
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you must digest additional pylons!
ancient meme
That's a lot of skills you have there
I miss Sho. He showed up this early, too.
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One lie so far it's the first sentence
so cool
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Shimada apparently can't read him
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and we're rollerballing into the darkness...

Chapter 28 - A New Light
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school photos surprisingly they use just tombstones
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Press [sacrifice 900 followers] to continue
Saucy cover
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Didn't Solar Mass leader already know that the cult would wipe out followers to make a super follower?
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white phosphorus scene
Just 900 more sacrifices bro. I promise Bro we gonna defeat the 4 devils bro just 900 more sacrifices bro we gonna create the perfect warrior of light bro...
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The soup is ready
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How do you do, fellow loser?
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Would he die if I took off his eyebrows?
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terrible idea honestly
one super soldier can be credible threat, even if he jobs once in a while
an army of super soldiers will never be more than fodder for the heroes to defeat by the dozen easily
it's an application of the inverse ninja law
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Say goodbye to pickas' pikas
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nepo magic
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It's kinda nice of him, honestly. Thanks granddad.
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This bully doesn't look good anymore and never was
Aaand that's all for today, keep your pikas boggo
They kept him alive for 4 years, but couldn't get him some new bones?
Bones work differently in this world, if it was just calcium foam, Misetami wouldn't buy it.
Big Pingas
be careful who's bones you pick in elementary school...
Cheers OP
This raises the question how Sanko got his axe, it was quite expensive
I look like this.
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The Four Little Shits
sex with all 5
Maybe it's okay for after school cartoon but they are really 4 horsemen of the apocalypse, not some noisy hooligans
>not some noisy hooligans
Did you miss Sanko's mochi exploding throughout their discussion?
I wonder who could've done that
Thanks OP
Thank you for posting.
Did Shimada visit Sanko occasionally or willingly during his school days? I still can't get.
Also it looks like she promised to travel with him but only if he get a spaceship and considering that price it was almost impossible
>Maybe it's okay for after school cartoon
What do you mean?
If I had to guess, he doesn't like 4匹の害悪 being rendered as "The Four Little Shits."
Based off of the last battle, a dude with no bones seems like a pretty viable threat.
>damemaru is unknowingly cucking zaha sanko
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thanks OP
It's funny you make that joke, the sound effect I imagined for that panel and its comedic beat was something like the Spire select sound.
I don't remember the scene, did she specify a dark core spaceship? There are plenty of junk spaceships drifting around in this universe, Moja's ship is just a super fancy one compatible with Dark.
Oh come on man, that guy JUST finished making a complete recovery from his last sperg assault. Not cool.
"I am not going to make the same mistake, I'm gonna make MANY"
>900 sacrifices.
>Best he was able to do was kill Damemura, dent Avakian and melt an axe.
>With them now knowing it that aside killing Damemaru probably won't repeat.

Big Dick is shit at investing.
Clearly getting bones out is easier than getting them back in.
I wonder if he could be motivated to dedicate so much help for his grandson because he feels partly responsible. He sneaked on his school ship and gave him an assassin just for shits and giggle, the assassin business might've went sour and left his grandson with enemies. The Light Core dude might be 99% rage and 1% "shit maybe I should've given him a video games instead of an assassin".
He killed Damemura (immortality doesn't count) and Avakian (repairs don't count) which means he wiped off half of the four evils. Pretty good track record desu. Big Pikachu is mathematically correct, just add another Light Core Human and I'm sure Sanko/Shimada will fall just as easily.
The entry for Shimada Death in the Dai Dark wiki was written/edited by a master troll.
>Shimada is a tall and muscular blonde humanoid with six eyes and large breasts.
>Without his cloak, they only wear stakes over his body and simple underwear.
>He appears careless and irresponsible
>Her mask has six eyeholes and seven stakes.
>She once disguised herself as a member of the Lighthead Order, and stood out due to his enormous height
That is bound to get rewritten/deleted for quality.
Don't you have to create more Light Fodder Humans, Pika?
Every new line was added after every new chapter
The sad part of being a nice guy
I'll try.
Can you imagine just how much money must be worth Big Pikas' bones? They must be sooooo valuable, I bet even the bones of Light Core humans would look worthless compared to them. I bet you could buy all of Dark with them, it would destroy the intergalactic bone economy. You could eat mebaspa sandwich everyday and fit all your weapons with dark cores. Why should Big Pikas keep her bones? She's not even using them, she just sits on her butt all day and make Light Core humans. She's keeping her skeleton hostage and it's time to set it free.
Well, there is chance his image is kinda fake
Every wiki for works that are not massively popular are crapshoots. It's just one or two fans writing whatever.
I'm the man in the box
Buried in my shit...
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two super solders at once is a bigger threat than one super solder twice
>Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
90% of prophets give up just before they're about to purify the universe. Just 900 more souls bro.
English wasn't made for eldritch creatures
>implying anglos aren't eldritch creatures
>Space is a horrific place
Nah, space is wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross.
But it's not for the timid.
I don't know man. It's seemed pretty horrific so far
That would be the welsh, Lovecraft was very specific about that.
Still impressive how he survived, if it was Sanko with his axe
I honestly have a lot of trouble distinguishing between the Solar Mass and the Light Head Brotherhood
They look exactly the same and they have essentially the same role as antagonists to the heroes.
I don't if it's a joke I'm missing on
Light Head Brotherhood is the more /religiouszealotry based subfaction of the Solar Mass, so the overlap is there by default.
Weren't the Solar Mass an offshoot of the Light Head?
Solar mass is like a bank of the Vatican(Light Head Brotherhood) that grew up to Amazon. And Amazon has different interests than the pontifex
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Back to school, boggos

Chapter 29 - Deattthly Test of Courage
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the life never was so good
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Hmm, they look like robo Shimada
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look at his lil basket. cute
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Hey, teacher, leave them kids alone
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the same story for all schools
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>Sanko snacks on hot chip.

Damn it, the Zoomers have won.
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this kid watched too much pop science videos
>best buds with Death
>calls immediate bullshit on ghosts
>The kid with the magic skeleton liberating axe talks about scientifically impossible.
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hehe Death will be laughing
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>Shimada´s pretty cute, isn´t he.

Why on earth would this guy think Shimada is a he.
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Shimada's charms
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This is the translation flaw, even if Shimada uses an appeal of an unspecified kind, it would be correct to use "she" in the school where nobody knows her supernatural origin
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Its a translation issue, the original was gender neutral and the translator doesn't want to correct his previous mistranslations.
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Well, at least they didn't try to kill him
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The ghost wasn't inside
Surprisingly mature and candid for him
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Avakian is a ghost denier
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Science says no ghosts are allowed
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Ruined the prank
>Next time FOR SURE
This time FOR SURE
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree
>Nah, I'd win
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>proceeds to get deboned like a turkey.
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He took that lie too serious
Aaand the lesson is over, go to your rooms, ghost deniers
Thanks OP
I've seen this shit many times, so I am not even sure if it is some meta-joke or if writers do it occasionally
Cheers OP
I just assumed it was done on purpose
Given ghosts are just free souls yeah, why would you believe in ghosts when you know Death eats them like Doritos.
of course its shimada death lol
Is it a monthly manga? Q keeps a slow pace
Such a cute page. Shimada is cute, but kid Sanko is cutest of all.
They are literally just some noisy hooligans.
Why do you insist on making this manga edgier than it really is?
I reject your reality.
He doesn't even look like a woman
You are going to look retarded in later chapters if you are new to reading this
I think this is a textbook example of trolling through story structure. In the previous chapter we learn that the bully kid lost all his bones and this chapter naturally looks like the backstory of that event. The chapter is slow and casual, very slice-of-life, and the effect is less pronounced since we're reading this on a screen but with a physical media I think the reader would be highly aware of the number of pages left. The story is taking too long to cover what it was supposed to cover, the thickness of the remaining pages is dwindling down to nothing. Soon enough there's but one page left. But wait! The bullies lie defeated on the ground, our protagonists are towering over them, this last page must reveal whether it was Sanko who took the bones, or Shimada, or some third party that interfered at this key moment.

What's the last page? A time skip. The mangaka waves a finger and calls it a day. What happened after the ghost? Well the kids went to eat some snacks, the end. The morale of the story is, Sanko isn't afraid of ghosts. Expectation status: subverted.
They aren't, like the only thing that prevents Sanko from being a xXxDarkLordxXx is lack of ambitions, but he's still a kid, Big Pikas is right, honestly, 4evils can destroy anything, and if would be better to prevent this catastrophe somehow
Spaceship design in this manga really grew on me
"Ghosts are just silly made up stories" say otherworldly beings who dwell in the spooky domension behind black holes.
I wonder where the inspiration was, I feel some strange vibe of neverhood, earthworm Jim and clay figures of prehistoric civilizations
Because Kirei Cake is SHIT
I do not care.
you lack a feel for the tone of the manga
nah, we were told that was on graduation, it wasn't going to show up on a random day flashback
It doesn't feel lighthearted, seven seas translation tries to make it more an Invader Zim - like black comedy but it's more like a horror with a few common gags(Damemaru is dead, Shimada eats and don't care, Sanko does it for bones). Boggo's storyline is dark, big pickas' sad, even Misetami Box is hiding something unpleasant.
The only thing that lightening it is Sanko's optimism, he rejects to be depressed, even when everyone tries to kill him and machines are only his real friends
Please understand his mother has cancer...for the last decade.
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>It doesn't feel lighthearted
I strongly disagree.
Ack, I forgot about the graduation detail. I guess I was wrong with the level of tease, although it's still kind of teasy to have a mini-flashback arc featuring the bully but doesn't link to the de-boning event. Or maybe it's related later I haven't read ahead.
I have strong doubts about the sick mother and the pleading emotional bait is annoying but long-lasting crippling illnesses do exist so I don't think that part's the problem.
nigga, they're literally the penguins of madagascar
It can be possible that the Four Evils are both a pack of goofballs and a gang of incredibly dangerous killers with a bone to pick against the closest thing the cold, dark universe has to a government
Anon, the tone of a story is determined by its presentation, not by its content.
And the presentation of Dai Dark is decidedly light hearted.
How many people those penguins kill each episode? Which one has boobs? Do you understand that inspiration isn't a carbon copy? And even if you copy some characters' dynamic there is no guarantee it will work in the same way.
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>It doesn't feel lighthearted
The lightheartednesss comes from the characters interactions, Dorohedoro had it why wouldn't this? We even have dorohedoro anime for reference.
I actually think Kirei Cake's clunky dialogue is clouding your ability to understand the tone of this manga.
Hayashida Q has a type and it's glorious. I hope she finds herself a nice pure of heart beefcake with murderhobo vibes.
I ain't afraid of no ghosts!
This looks interesting, is it ongoing or has it finished?
Yup, it's monthly
cute dummy
What a cuties
Good to know.
It's not dialogs problem, you can't balance betrayal with a cooking episode. I read both and official is just a bit more quirky

Ah yes, Dai Dark, the cosmic horror manga about betrayal and death.

Wait what?!
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The Four Based Retards*
Apparently Moja comes from a cute-ugly doll that Q saw on vacation in Australia that she was upset she didn't buy. Would be funny if a lot of the ships are just random things she's seen.
Apparently his mother's sickness is extreme OCD that developed into full psychosis
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Dorohedoro has real friends and lovers when it looks like only machines are real friends of Sanko
Abysmal take. I would loathe to be trapped with your comprehension, forced to see things as askew and slightly incorrect, through no fault of your own, nor have any awareness of it. I am so sorry anon.
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Fear death
Come to think of it, how come she was eating a corpse? Every other time we see Shimada eats she's munching on the death spirits thingies.
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Sometimes you just feel like having a snack
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She was obviously pranking the kids and then lied about her motives and played dumb
I don't mind Sanko being a kid that can rip adults part with his bare hands, I don't mind Sanko being bulletproof and having his own spaceship and being best friend with Death and having a nice backpack, but I draw the line at him being immune to binging on junk food. Mary sue detected.
He made his spaceship by himself so 100% Mary Sue
I mean its like Humans and Sorcerers, they might look the same but their biology is totally different
crazy how people got super upset about that star wars character being called a mary sue a couple years ago. some people take entertainment and or the internet way to seriously
Did you make this?
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Your take hitting our faces
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Nah it's made by doujin figure maker called Lucha Futo. He's made a lot of Dorohedoro stuff too. Would love to get my hands on some but it seems he only sells them in person at events.
Nice figurine
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The end of the volume is near, repent, walking skeletons!

Chapter 30 - Mt. Blade Day
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time to be edgy
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Damemaru is a carder
Where did Moja come from, anyway?
Moja is the ship AI.
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Sanko officially lost his status as the only person who saw Shimada naked
I thought the ship was called Moja as well
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God I want to suck on Shimada's nipples until they're red and raw. I'd accept the most painful death she can give me if I could just flick them around with my tongue for a few seconds.
They´re both the same Moja, the clay figures just how it interacts with the crew.
It was on that day Damemaru experienced what in the business later on would be called a "Death Boner".
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Something tells me that Shimada expected SUCH a reaction from 8-year-old Sanko back then
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The whole gang dripped out and ready for carnage.
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Big Pickas is here
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Hmm, Meba?
Cutemada Desu
Teenager Shimada?
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Finally big city
Yeah, she downsized after last time had her stand out too much by being massive i guess.
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dad Hellmaster
This Shimada reminds me of Kikurage
Just a single dad and his two cute kids.
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+1 warrior of light
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Okay, this supper-soldier project doesn't look promising
What a dork
Mind always on the money, is Sanko the last Jew in space or something?
that would make the lights head brotherhood a bunch of intergalactic nazis.
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He has had to scrape by with whatever he could due to being chased for most of his life.
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Sounds like the grandpa from Maus, but younger.
nice fake names
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dead Hellmaster
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Shima isn't impressed
Classic hellmaster
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NOW this is closer to be a Dorohedoro sequel.
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That's our Damemaru!
cue laugh track
Never forget, this IS kinda a magical girl manga, transformations included!
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When you realize that your boyclub has a girl in it.
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Boggo soup is ready
fuck woodelves
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Okay, this time Omake is stolen from the publisher
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This is what a little shit does
the fact that it can be night time on a star is somewhat amusing
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*Katastraphos means Destruction
He meets new people and the first thing he thinks of is how he wants to skin them alive and sell their bones
What a nice young man
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He's a hard worker, Shop Valley is the jew
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This is suspicious as hell
you know if I had to guess which character in this manga was named Big Pikas it would probably be this guy
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Wake up babe, Mary Sue has a new ability
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Death Women Love Me
Devils Fear Me
Warriors of Light Turn Their Eyes Away From Me
As I Walk No Beast Dares Make A Sound In My Presence
I Am Alone On This Barren Universe.
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my heart fucking melts
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the little shit ate Damemaru
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I was hoping that Destruction sleeping in his bed with him meant there was mutual affection
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Keep reading, it is.
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>Doom Eternal OST - The Only Thing They Fear Is You
>no -kun
Feels wrong
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Aaand that's all, hehe
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Phew, i feared for a moment that Damemaru would survive a entire volume and then we get a double again!

10, by the way. Damemaru has filled out the score card for a free Me-Me-Me-Meal.
What a lovely pair they are
What's happening on this page? As I understand this is some important foreshadowing
Thanks OP
threadly reminder that OP is a nigger for not dumping the objectively superior volume version
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reminder you should be kys and become light
That omake was enough to convince me that Kirei Cake is better
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You said Sanko is a penguin? Looks like Driver to me
Even if kirei cake wasn't absolute dogshit (which it is), the volume version should be preferred because of the updated art and added pages.
And I don't mean the extras that OP has been dumping, but the extensions made to the chapters.
Seven Seas translated 44 chapters from 52
Do you not understand how manga volumes are released?
Anyways, just switch to the scanlation after the volumes are over, this should be common sense.
Oh I always thought the lowest set on the mask were Shimada's bottom eyes, but that's wrong. Actually that still looks wrong. When she's eating her mouth is higher than that.
They're not actually representative of where the faces are. Sanko's eyes are much lower than the mask's, for example.
>mostly naked Shimada will never laugh at you
I think it's just Seven Seas "art" like the crossword. they just reused images from the manga
I like "paggy" more too
I disagree with you.
You sound like a solar mass employee.
I bet you ain’t even been to Dark.
Big Pikas did nothing wrong
Three Zero needs to make more Dorohedoro figures, I'd kill for Curse.
And that's really tame compared to Dorohedoro's later volumes, Nikaido was naked a lot of times near the end of the story.
There is no sexual tension between Sanko and Shimada so this fancervice is just for us, probably as bait to continue
There was no sexual tension between Kaiman and Nikaido either.
Indeed, they are truly best friends.
yeah the tension is between chidaruma and shinmada
"paggy" and "four little shits" is so revolting that I would prefer MTL over it
That's coz you're a faggot.
you resort to name calling because you have nothing else to defend your position with
I don't argue with MTLfags, faggot-kun.
we've been through this before, japan doesn't make any distinction between star and planet and translators only make the distinction whenever they please
why does all the architecture in this universe look like dried turds?
>thorn-shaped skull
Most planets are shitholes in this part of the universe.
the pose he strikes is more akin to He-man or thundercats
awwww he's smiling
no time for sightseeing. Reminds me of the first visit to the magic user city it was also over so fast...
Hello, fellow teenagers
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You'd be wrong, because it's in the raws, as well as the crossword.
7 Seas did lose the color, though.
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Not sure how they got so many followers with such methods
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Some moments overload my cringe muscle
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Same, anon.
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I've lost who is a grandpa of Boggo, I thought this guy
No, Magma Ride-on is grandpa.
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Is it her fetish? Pretending to be a damsel in distress?
>7 Seas did lose the color
Of course
For how much english tanks cost, they really skimp on just about everything
Which He-Man especially is just magical girl but dude!
That's pretty common with most licensers
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For $13.99 each I wish they were the larger like Viz's Dorohedoro books.
Yeah, I know. So it goes.
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get a load of this spaceling. mfw this dumpy doesn't get:
>Great Luminary
>Photo-Nuclear Man
>and much much more!
>All of which are quite intentional and excellent puns, like the original. Just like Dorohedoro had many double-or-triple-entendre names.
i'm looking forward to him confronting meatballs and spaghetti
Not bad for 4v1 desu.
He's surprisingly tough for a spineless creature
Shimada daughterfu!
I regret not picking this up when it started
You're here now, and that's all that matters
Dumpy is late again
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New day - new dark, hehe

Chapter 031 - Pointy Hunt
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They are from South America
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according to keikaku
The colour spreads for this series are always so great
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To be or not to be?
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>killed comrades before acquiring the bones
He's not so bright
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dubs get!
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This is her best form
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need to restore his body, again...
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Hellmaster's juice
Poor Holey, his best friend is so bad at staying alive.
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I see why they hate the evils
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wrong floor
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Thankfully he is even worse at staying dead.
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I like to imagine one dude in the background frantically pressing the Close button
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That should be a really powerful waste disposal machine
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rip small pikas
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Man they really are just as bad as the propaganda says.
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Mess with Zanko, your skeleton says hello. They started it.
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Aaaand it's over, for the chapter and probably for Sanko
Thanks OP
HellMaster gets to fuck that?!!!
>Shimada teasing you mid-sex by turning from her big form to her loli form and calling you a lolicon
Necessary battle damage scene
I bet her kiss alone would make his head explode
uh was that some kind of school field trip or are these pointy head aliens just short? Sanko is huge for a 14 year old..
I wonder is Sanko is the only one that doesn't waste all his bones in manju.
Not enough damage
Probably some alien gnomes, doesn't look like light believers keep anyone younger than 2k years here, tourists transform to juice, I can assume they are based on elongated skulls found around the globe
That was probably a self-fulfilling prophecy, they understood how dangerous evils are when team up an tried to prevent it
anon, this is not Dumpy chan, Dumpy is doing the Mahoutsukai to Aka no Pilgrim daily
yet they always starts posting when I call them out
This might be the smartest alien we've seen so far.

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