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Weekly Shonen Jump Issue #52 (2024)
Undead Unluck (Cover and Lead Color Pages)
Blue Box
Ichi the Witch
Syd Craft no Saishu Suiri (Color Page; Second Chapter; 25p)
Shinobi Undercover
Me & Roboco (Color Page)
The Elusive Samurai
Ultimate Exorcist Kiyoshi
Super Psychic Policeman Chojo
Nue's Exorcist (Color Page)
Mission: Yozakura Family
Astro Royale
Kill Blue

Weekly Shonen Jump Issue #1 (Preview)
Cover & LCP: Kagurabachi
CP: Blue Box; Akane Banashi; Ultimate Exorcist Kiyoshi
Additional Pages: Syd Craft no Saishu Suiri (**3rd Chapter/23p**)
1 ・ Hima-Ten! ・ No. 13: Study Group
>SAKAMOTO DAYS was on a break eight issues ago.
2 ・ Blue Box ・ #167: If It's Not Too Late
3 ・ Ichi the Witch ・ 5th Hunt: Shirabedonna, the Analytic Witch
4 ・ Kagurabachi ・ Chapter 52: Just the Two of Us
5 ・ Shinobi Undercover ・ CHAPTER 4: THE JOY OF CLUBS
6 ・ Akane-banashi ・ STORY 129: IS THIS RAKUGO?
7 ・ The Elusive Samurai ・ CHAPTER 175: RESPONSIBILITY 1338
8 ・ WITCH WATCH ・ 174 Sneeze Explosion
9 ・ Ultimate Exorcist Kiyoshi ・ Chapter 15: The Final Test
10 ・ Super Psychic Policeman Chojo ・ #33 The Senior Police Officer Named Andre
11 ・ Hunter x Hunter ・ No. 401: Moonlight
12 ・ Mission: Yozakura Family ・ MISSION 245: CONQUEST
13 ・ Astro Royale ・ CHAPTER 24: KINPA'S WISH
14 ・ Hakutaku ・ Chapter 3: Hikuma and Noto
15 ・ Kill Blue ・ Page 72: Nice One, Ogami!
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December volumes
- Wednesday the 4th
>My Hero Academia #42 (final)
>Mission: Yozakura Family #27
>The Elusive Samurai #18
>Blue Box #18
>Nue's Exorcist #7
>Kagurabachi #5
>Astro Royale #3
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xitterfags leaking KGB chapter, its a bonus chapter and only 11 pages
Damn that's an ugly cover.
can kill blue get axed already? this is pathetic
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- Wednesday the 25th
>Jujutsu Kaisen #29
>Jujutsu Kaisen #30 (final)
Every covers are good aside from BB
>hokazono was legitimately ill all along
garbage leak
everything UU looks ugly as shit
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>1 ・ Hima-Ten! ・ No. 13: Study Group
today was a good day
They are also using it to plug every other series releasing a volume with it, even sakamoto days lol
It might be in Mach/April.
BB covers have gone into full melt for 4 or 5 volumes now. No idea why.
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Another Gakuro win
wdym by that
>ill + cover
they are asking for another hiatus
Did they organize a meeting to come up with the most bland cover possible? How the fuck Is the possibile?
I say this as a UU fan: that's a shit cover
but... that's the reason for this one
There's promos for sakamoto days and astro royale

Also telling people to send fan letters to takeru and follow the official twitter
You need multiple new series to outsell kill blue first but I guess that's impossible for current Jump
I meant Ruri
Well maybe if they will try to make him spam these he will be able to produce at least one good one.
>using kgb to promote sakamoto days
How the mighty have fallen.
at the cost of the chapter itself lmao
R.I.P. ducky
The author doesn't decide the cover though?
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join the hiatus club Takeru
Worst UU cover by far
I don't care what you fags say, I liked the bonus chapter and Takeru does great SoL
If you actually liked it you would've posted it.
Yes they do lmao, only Group cover is guided by jump
>ntr manga top 1
it's over for this magazine
No, there was a whole thing with Horikoshi how they are basically told what to make even for individual covers
No, the covers are designed by jump, the lcp is free for the author but the cover design is enforced.
Doesn't Takeru himself want to make it look as great as possible while still matching editorial's description?
Question then why people in charge of them let other series WSJ covers (SD as a recent example) look various, neat and nice to look at while Kagurabachi's covers can easily pass for a regular color page, not even the good one.
No, author don't get to decide even individual covers
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Ichi Top 5 streak
Say hi to Jump's savior
Are they axing Kiyoshi or not. I know sometimes they might give color pages 6 chapters before the axe but still. Do they want it to live until they see Vol 2 sales?
Cover art seems sketchier and less polished compared to other recent UU color illustrations, reminds me of early UU art.
i really miss the quality bb covers from the earlier volumes
the current ones are melting so much that might as well call it ai gen
Kiyoshi will live if Usui is up to do cover pages spam
Better cover than Weekly Gravure3dpd Sunday and Weekly Reuse Magazine.
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This is the third cover SD ever got.
Now tell me how great it is and how it's not basically a cp.
>two shojo manga in the top 5
shonen jump is never getting a manga that sells 300k per volume ever again
SD's cover looks just as generic
Kiyoshi and Shinobi are UU and yoza replacements in the EXISTS tier
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>takeru starts dying
why does Sunday do gravure? aren't most of their readers kids and women? they have the most female readers than any other magazine, except for modern day jump apparently
Dude held out until the samura cliffhanger at least even if he was dying.
astro (nepotism) is the uu replacement
Shinobi ToC shits on Yozakura
>im such a happy cuck smile
/dbs/ destroyed my mind
Shinobigoto is just sakamoto days but with an insufferable cast that you wish they could all get murdered in each chapter, specially the girl they are supposed to protect, she is such an annoying piece of shit
>5 ・ Shinobi Undercover ・ CHAPTER 4: THE JOY OF CLUBS
people actually like this crap?
Shinobi is the kb replacement after it gets axed with hakutaku.
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>issue 40
>issue 46
>issue 1
it was fun, takeru
I'm not sure how they will even manage to stretch Kiyoshi, it started as something borderline plotless. I guess introducing a human big bad group and then just slowly going through them?
The same way stuff like mashle gets extended, countless fodder enemy groups.
>himaten first
based as fuck although I only care about the manga when there's Kanna the big milker
KGB leaks >>273340155
I would prefer if Nue or Kb got the cover instead of seeing Jump kill Hokazono like thidñs
even if the whole story only lasts 100 chapters it has better potential for good sales than kill blue and nue
Doubt about KB, UU and Yoza have 1 volume worth of chapters left.
Then how come it never beat kill blue once in shoseki?
I guess it's tradition? Both WSM and Sunday seem to have a slight older audience than WSJ, so a gravure cover isn't that weird
the only reason I like Ultimate Exorcist Kiyoshi is because although the story has no plot the characters, dialogues, pacing, narrative, and artstyle are top notch, shonen jump should make a deal with the mangaka, we axe Kiyoshi's full potential, but in exchange we give you the Astro Royale, Ichi the Witch, Kill Blue treatment, make your passion project and we will let you stay alive as long as it doesn't drop below 20k in sales
because it is an exorcist manga by a new mangaka without any fans, the Oda recomendation can only do so much, the first volume is really good tho, I hope the kids spread the word that it is good
Shoseki Ranking Top 500 (November 19)
2. ONE PIECE #110
159. Akane-banashi #14
198. WITCH WATCH #19
233. Hima-Ten! #1
352. Kill Blue #7
377. Ultimate Exorcist Kiyoshi #1

Shoseki Ranking Top 500 (November 20)
3. ONE PIECE #110
240. Akane-banashi #14
275. WITCH WATCH #19
372. Kill Blue #7
439. Hima-Ten! #1
Bleach route, introduce the demon realm and their version of Espadas. Throw in a princess rescue arc or two.
I do.
Japanese are subhuman
Kill Blue keeps free falling in sales while Kiyoshi is barely selling worse than it in its first volume, you would expect the second volume of Kiyoshi to do better than Kill Blue
What a shitty chapter lmaooo
It's the third time this week I hear how Mashle was heavily artificially extended. Did mangaka want it to be a short manga? Like, CSM Part 1 short?
females have incredibly shit taste
Kill blue sell 19k
Kiyoshi sold 11k, barely above Chojun
>post a manga page to prove his manga is good
what am I supposed to look here anon?
KB used to do at least 25k a month.
kill blue is in 17k don't lie subhuman
Shinobigoto is just dogshit version of sakamoto days anyway
I don't expect KB sales to drop too much from previous volume in monthly shoseki.
>Takeru is getting another two covers at once
Are the other series this fucking dead that they all getting hard carried by KGB?
>Takeru is getting another two covers at once
Huh? It's just the cover for Issue 1, is it not?
its time to bring back Ruri on physical with a shared slot with Burn the witch and both are biweekly but they rotate
KGB? Lost.
Lmao imagine being a fan of this fag. First you get shit art, then you get panel reuse, then you finally get "bonus" chapters lmao.
I bet the "lcp" is just gonna be red and black again.
They should just risk it and give ichi a cover + advertise it on tv before the first volume. Doesn't hurt to try again.
It was at 18k on weekly shoseki retard
kgb has shit art, I refuse to read those scribbles just as I refuse to read oda's crime against drawing
isn't ruri on hiatus for the rest of this month
Maybe they should do something interesting with covers again? Like, one artist drawing a group cover for all current WSJ protagonists.
next issue will be on dec 1 though
a bunch of series dont even have antagonists yet
that's why i said
>the rest of this month
>this month
which is november
it's still november anon
+ ruri's last chapter was nov 3rd (and a color drawing on the 17th lol)
This is the last issue of the month though
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Fuck it just put the mangakas in the cover, oh wait I forgot modern day mangaka are a bunch of shut in losers who have a panic attack if they show their face in public
Meanwhile look at this chads
araki hasnt aged a day
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>2 ・ Blue Box ・ #167: If It's Not Too Late
anon what are you even trying to do with that comment?
you were earlier saying ruri should come back to physical on a biweekly schedule but ruri's taking a whole month off
the man can't keep up biweekly
and burn the witch isn't coming back, let it go
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it's BSS and it's number 2
shout out to the guy dressed as a cow
i wonder if the cowman was the cp guy back then
This dudes FUCK and you can tell, you really think the kagurabachi author has ever spoken to a woman that's not his mom or the clerk at a store?
it wouldnt have been much different other tham him taking a break
and kubo would do the same desu
He literally hides his face behind masks to avoid having to pay child support
His description by his uni friends is
>outgoing chad who is the moodmaker at parties
He's waiting to pull an Oda and marry a Hiyuki cosplayer
i wonder if there's a hierarchy with the suit colors they're wearing
yes, they are, Kagurabachi is the best selling manga of the new generation with 150k

Blue Box also sells 150k but it has a fucking anime ongoing so that's literally its ceiling, say hello to the new pillar of weekly shonen jump

never happening because shonen jump doesn't want to make Iruma popular by making Nishi popular, they will wait until it gets an anime to start riding it, I bet Ichi is selling around 50k on its first volume, if it is a 100k seller on its first volume it will be a loss for shonen jump, why? because it will make a huge buzz in the manga industry and it will make Nishi popular, making Iruma popular

why is Iruma getting popular such a bad thing? because it is the best manga of the post pillar era and the oy reason it is not more popular is because it is a shonen champion manga and barely nobody buys their shit, it is impressive, Iruma could have easily became the new flagship anime for Toei but their loyalty to jump stops them from overtaking the market, now bandai has the advantage and the fourth season is coming out next year
>shonen jump doesn't want to make Iruma popular by making Nishi popular,
too late, all the comments about Ichi talk about Iruma
Who is the bachi guy love interest?
>oh wait I forgot modern day mangaka are a bunch of shut in losers who have a panic attack if they show their face in public
Look what site you're posting on dumbass
Privacy for me but not for thee
I'd say that's just showing it has no fans beyond Iruma fans.
>Kgb is already dying
No wonder the plot is way worse now, the hype didn’t even lasted a year
N/A but it unironically might be Hakuri, there's still 0 real explanation for him reeking of Chihiro
>Blue Box also sells 150k but it has a fucking anime ongoing so that's literally its ceiling
isn't the upcoming volume going to be its first volume that goes on sale during the anime though?
>never happening because shonen jump doesn't want to make Iruma popular by making Nishi popular,
You're a retard.
if it sells half of iruma that turns into a big success
Not even mafia sells half of iruma, and that should be a 1:1.
Last volume was. BB was stagnate at 100-110k but the anime broke it through 130k
>Iruma could have easily became the new flagship anime for Toei but their loyalty to jump stops them from overtaking the market, now bandai has the advantage
Relax iruma is not that big. Also rundown on the toei thing?
>nips are dooming about and booing kagurabachi for copy pasta frenzy and now hiatus
Doesn't have one yet, one might show up later tho, it took a while for Kanao to appear in kimetsu.
Either that or they commit to making it a full homo manga like jujutsu.
not in japan, most of the people reading Ichi the Witch are Act Age fags and women with zero idea of anything happening around them, Nishi doesn't even appear in any promotion of it, but her name will appear in the manga volume and if it sells 100k even if it is only Iruma fans buying it it will make a huge buzz and a lot of japanese will try to look at what it is all about, then look at the name of Nishi and say "who is this mangaka? what has she worked on previously? what is this "Mairimashita! Iruma-kun" thing?" boom it will create a chain reaction that won't be stopped, I at first didn't believe the rumors of how good Iruma is, it is that good
That's the previous volume that went on sale just when the anime started.
Please take your meds.
Okay yeah this is clearly a falseflag.
Iruma only sells 150k per volume at best
>goes on sale during the anime
volume 17 went on sale almost the same day as the anime premiere
>Author burns out before 100 chapter
Kagurabachi is definitely gonna go through freefall lmao
>sell 130k+
>still a weekly slave
>Iruma is not that big
that's what I mean, it is not a big series by any means, but its quality is bigger than all the other anime released today, it is better than JJK and KnY, it is better than Chainsawman, better than dandadan, but nobody reads it or watched the anime, nobody cared about it when it first came out, the only people that watched the potential was Bandai, and yet still, since it comes from such a niche editorial it is still not as popular as it should be, I am talking about something as bug as Blue Lock right now, it is that good
Now that's the worst attempt at shilling I've ever seen.
Yeah and it had an affect, Blue Box was stagnant for a very long time up to that point
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ugly finger
Can't believe Nue used to have shooters in this threads...
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Day 1 kagurabachi enjoyer
Day 1 Himaten enjoyer
Day 1 shinobi enjoyer
life was pretty good recently
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tsunomaro the goat
Makibao is great
Posting your face irl as the mangaka of the most popular magazine - dominated by mentally ill women - is a good way to get yourself killed before they finished their manga.
>day one kagurabachi enjoyer
they were all brazilians, not a single japanese cared and to show you that your other two pics are absolute dogshit not even urasunday would publish, himaten makes nisekoi look like the excellence of comic literature and shinobigoto is full of annoying castrating characters with zero redeeming qualities, the protagonist is Deku but worse, the feMC insufferable and annoying, the other two characters are barely characters, it is shit
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Ichi the Witcher
Delicious tears
>le only Brazil liked it
300k on J+ week one. Shut it fatty.
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>Kgb dead
Save the Shonen jump
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KGB? Lost.
this is the thing anon, back in the day shonen jump was read by shonen, not by females and trannies with dogshit taste
I would suck and fuck Takeru's rotten corpse if he didn't make it out alive.
Every single one of those views? Brazilian
enjoy the death of shonen jump faggot
I don't get it - don't authors make chapters in advance? I thought Takeru had at least few more ready chapters just in case of burnout or illness.
they also make covers in advance and volume illustrations and extras
Since next issue is #1, it's probably deliberate putting padding so next issue will be outstanding
The last two weeks were that.
Seems he's been ill for a while if he had to settle for an extra.
Anon...your reading comprehension...
finally... brazilian cope
This, but with Akutami Gege
KGN on J+ soon
This, but with Aqua - a fictional character written by Red Akasaka
>cowering in fear of fat smelly fujos who are not even the target audience for the magazine
is truly over for Japan...
He cosplayed as female character from his series btw
>I'm sorry! I had to take a break this week. Drawing a Sojo side chapter healed me
Bug Ego was better than anything SJ put up in this decade
>more or less managed to reach the first climax of the arc in time for the cover.
>drawing Sojo naked for rehab
I don't mind having bonus(pseudo cooldown chapter).
more filler episode materials for Pierrot.
>i can't draw the main story, I liked to draw sojo in the bath instead
This won't go well with WSJ fags
>MH is mocking Kgb author for taking a break
Hype is really dead lmao
shonen jump looks their sales going down with every year and they don't stop to think, maybe we should stop pandering to fujos, that being said barely any kids are left in japan and they have to pander to older people around 25 years of age

this may sound suicidal and I don't want japan to get westernized, but just pander to the brazilians now, look at what we are excited about and shill that to the fujo retards who will eat anything popular in the magazine

we have shittier taste than japanese men but we definitively have better taste than any female will ever have
>Pushing the Pierrot Bachi agenda
give up and accept your crappa overlords already
This, i need Souya SoL with his little brother bonus chapter as well.
bonus chapter will only be adored by fujo horde.
Was all the panel reuse the same excuse?
I swear people wouldnt survive a shinigami subtitute arc nowadays
It reads like something brasilbro would write in another of his tweetlongers.
Pretty sure it's just the people who want KGB out of the way thinking it'll lead their pet series to victory.
>Shindo escaped the weekly grind while getting the benefits of being published along One Piece then comes back with a flexible biweekly schedule
he won so hard...
People fight leak
the few teenage boys that remain are spending all their money in live service games, gacha and vtubers anyway
society has collapsed
Shitnuki is shitting on it lmao
This nigga gay as fuck
well yes he was literally a tranny camwhore
Yaay!! Its been a while since we had mangahelpers gossip!
I'm not even kidding, it's a legitimate problem and one of the factors of why the sales of all otaku related physical media has declined so much
Man, Ichi is being EXTREMELY popular
Now, watch when its fm sales drop. Chojo was shilled as "high popularity" too
Kek just last week Shitnuki was crying and begging Nue to get a cover and now he's shitting on Hokazono for getting one
>M-muh Saito is ruining the newbies health!
MH getting the last laugh at kgb wasn’t on my bingo
Big difference because Ichi is popular everywhere, Chojo was clearly pushed
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>so ill he's making half chapters barely a year into serialisation
fuck, he is just gege 2.0 isn't he?
Better than troons from kgb discord posting here
you're assuming they're not the same?
so his normal workload when you take out the reused panels lmao
I can wait for sharkbait's opinion!!
so in order for something to get popular now it needs to be an anime in an streaming app like netflix, this explains why modern day manga has nowhere else seen peaks in popularity after the anime airs, youngsters don't have time to read books but they have time to watch anime in their phones, after they watch something they like they buy the manga
>force volume work, cp and cover on the author while he's kinda ill
Not helping, probably forced himself to reach the last chapter as a stopping point.
We're occupied MH, Discord and 4chan.
I told you, Hokazono was the worst Mangaka in SJ currently, he keep copy pasting panel everytime
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>take a break on the series' biggest cliffhanger yet
hopefully there aren't a ton of reused panels next chapter
Kgbfag literally come from Reddit, it’s well known already
Nurturing New Talent is Fine, but not against Jump semi plundering authors from series as writers and have someone else as artist

chapter 53 is over a year, and he has done 9 Color Pages AND 3 Lead Color Pages
They probably want to wait until volume 1 is out for an ichi cover
He's gotten himself more CPs and Cover more than Suzuki in a single year.
jump is psycho desu.
Hokazono is Gege but worse
If he had a whole week of break, I'm guessing it will be the normal stuff without reuse spam.
>Brazilian cope was real
this explains why Tougen Anki sells like shit but the anime announcement is more popular than the one for Sakamoto Days among the japanese

anime has always been a way to promote a manga, at least since the Hokuto no Ken days, but now anime is GOD, in order to become popular you need to get an anime
are we sure the swords are 100% him
dude is overworking himself.
yes, check his old one-shot.
he spent his time detailing the katana.
>Sales are dropping
>The Author is dying
>Story became boring
>In the span of a year
What went wrong?
>9 Color Pages AND 3 Lead Color Pages
How far above the average is that?
Shueisha will ensure Takeru becomes a sickly man in constant pain like the rest of their mangaka
It is tradition after all
Yep, the way he draws them really feels like his boner is guiding him.
A 13k seller is ranked first. Imagine still taking ToC as an objective measure.
i think you should note how the rate picked up
after the obligatory color pages for the first two chapters
and then!
>ch.47 lcp+cover
>ch.53 lcp+cover
>ch.59 lcp+cover (coming soon_
it was because its the fanservice chapter
Frieren season 2
Witch Hat Atelier
Iruma season 4
Sakamoto Days
Tougen Anki
Jujutsu Kaisen final season
Boku no Hero Academia final season

am I missing another important anime releasing next year?
KGB on Winter
Chainsawman movie LMAO
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>Jujutsu Kaisen final season
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Chapter 38 is when its tsugimanga win basically got confirmed.
You can feel how hard they reved up the promotion.
He is living his best life
by the next volume the bachi author will be coughing blood, bitch ass new gen mangaka are literally made of paper
Your NEETass would too
it already adapted everything but Gojo and Sukuna having gay sex for 4 volumes
Yaiba remake
Will we get JJK last movie?
after CSM movie
>Jujutsu Kaisen final season
JJK has next season and AT LEAST 1 more after.

>am I missing another important anime releasing next year?
Übel Blatt
Dr S4-Final
Solo Leveling S2
Fire Force S3
Black Buttler: Witch of the Forest Arc
Undead Unluck S2
Looking up to Magical Girls S2
It’s me or Kgbfag got chased out this thread? They seem quiet all of a sudden
in amazon when you try to buy a Kagurabachi volume it appears that the people that usually buy Kagurabachi also buy the volumes of Gachiakuta

how many of you have read Gachiakuta?
>how many of you have read Gachiakuta?
Plot is weird but author is the true heir to Okubo Style
As of Issue 1 2025, of the last 14 issues 3 issues would have Kagurabachi as the LCP and Cover not even JJK had that many in such a short time. Why are people acting like he's just taking it easy even Akane's artist complained about colored work and they share the responsibility of making the series with someone else.
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This shit is fire yo.
Ubel Blatt is the only that can generate some buzz from those

JJK only has like two arcs after the shibuya one, the one before the Gojo vs sukuna, and the gojo vs sukuna arc which is the final one, all that can be animated in 25 episodes
It's because all the complaining is just excuse to shit on KGB anon
>its all possible excuses and reasons (of course exclusive to him), but not Takeru being a slow shitter himself

Do you really need to cope here on top of doing the same in the kgb discord, the most bootlicker friendly place around?
Not to mention he's basically had some kinda of color page nearly every 3 chapters, not just the 3 cover+lcps
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I've been reading it weekly along with Ranger Reject, mao, frieren and kaihen.
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mfw hokazono will take a 2 year break because he stubbed his toe
January volumes
>Undead Unluck #24
>Me & Roboco #20
>Sakamoto Days #20
>Witch Watch #20
>Kill Blue #8
>Yokai Buster Murakami #2 (final)
>Hima-Ten! #2
>Ichi the Witch #1
>Shinobi Undercover #1
JJK miss
>Zenin Clan Arc
>ALL Culling Game
>Mini Prep Arc
>Gojo vs Sukuna
>Sukuna's Guantlet
>Series Wrap up
That all is, at least, 2 seasons
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Average ToC rank of last 8 weeks

02.00 One Piece

02.67 Blue Box
03.00 Ichi the Witch
03.40 Sakamoto Days
04.17 Akane-banashi
04.71 The Elusive Samurai

06.00 Kagurabachi
06.00 Me & Roboco
06.14 Undead Unluck
06.50 Hima-Ten!
06.67 Shinobi Undercover
06.86 Witch Watch

09.57 Mission: Yozakura Family

09.83 Astro Royale
09.86 Ultimate Exorcist Kiyoshi
10.17 Super Psychic Policeman Chojo
11.00 Hunter × Hunter
11.83 Nue's Exorcist

12.57 Kill Blue
13.67 Hakutaku
>Average ToC rank (percent) of last 8 weeks

One Piece 8.12%
Blue Box 13.29%
Ichi the Witch 16.07%
Sakamoto Days 18.40%
Akane-banashi 23.41%

The Elusive Samurai 28.23%
Kagurabachi 37.90%
Shinobi Undercover 40.48%
Me & Roboco 41.02%
Undead Unluck 41.76%
Hima-Ten! 44.93%
Witch Watch 46.58%

Mission: Yozakura Family 67.24%
Astro Royale 69.46%
Hunter × Hunter 71.43%
Ultimate Exorcist Kiyoshi 71.57%
Super Psychic Policeman Chojo 72.02%

Nue's Exorcist 86.71%
Hakutaku 90.48%
Kill Blue 93.15%
>nobody cares about UU cover
dead manga
Ichi supremacy
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No need for a thread this week.
Piss is in hiatus so kekmagazine pretty much is in hiatus too because it will sell 0 copies this week.
How long until they send KGB to be with his wife - Ruri?
if all they have is vets, newbies are putting up shit like kiyoshi and hakutaku might as well make J+ the main magazinr where all the newbies prefer debutting
>b-but it needs series like Ruri which are wsj
yeah and Shindo was smart
Prease understandu, making color pages and not reusing shit ton of panels every chapter is a thing unheard of in Jump. Surely shit ton of other popular artists managed to do that but they weren't the genius Takeru is either.
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>kgbfags WANT to kill their author
you haven't read a single page of Gachiakuta
>fotm anime already forgotten
>no one cares about the manga
>lives only through coomer fanart and thots "cosplays"
get the fuck out of here
Elusive is pretty interesting because it's rankings were so bad earlier in the year now it's in the top third ranking wise of the magazine. It literally spent multiple chapters one spot above bot 5 or 6 for the longest guess that clover works adaptation did wonders. It was a good one imo, horses notwithstanding.
Frieren is anime of the year tho
Takeru has connection with Momiyama. He can leave if he wants.
Ok, explain the heavens to me, the guardian and some inconsistencies on the rule of Jinki like the Paintbrush.
Why are you describing all 19 nu kekmagazine series anon?
>great art
the author doesnt know how to draw expressions besides autistic stoic face
>consolewar schizo trying to switch to Astro now
You don't like Frieren otherwise you would never criticize it other for absentee shit. Frieren is a borderline triweekly manga nowadays as well. Which I'm assuming is because of the anime adaptation work but for a duo project I'm surprised how often Frieren doesn't get chapters like it's still sub 200 chapters total despite being like well over 5 years old.
>the author
Taking issue 30 2024 to issue 1 2025
Yeah, Kagurabachi has done the most color page work with 3 LCP and 4 CP
>tons of mangaka reuse shit
Stop acting like he's the only one that does just cause you don't like him
No need to throw your tantrum to wss.
Just focus on your kekmagazine that will sell 0 copy this week because piss is in hiatus.
UU is a borderline toxic brand for WSJ at this point. Anime not boosting manga sales is a very bad sign. You have an extremely niche topic manga like Orb getting anime boost but UU is supposed to be something from the best selling weekly magazine.
Because orb is a good, (actually respected) award winning manga.
UU is UU.
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Actually sells well internationallybachi.
>12.57 Kill Blue
>13.67 Hakutaku

Just kill Kill BLue already
>[0] weeks since UU made salesfags seethe
It's got one volume left at best, no need to be so butthurt about it now
it's official. SEA acknowledged it as pillar.
Global South has united.
Indonesian version is also coming next year
And it had to rush through the end.
Yoza and UU are truly night and day.
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I cant read latinx but somethingsomething Jujutsu Kaisen and One Piece
imagine being this much of an ignoramus.
Whatever, Kiyoshi is getting a cp to start a new arc.
That means it's alive for a while and jump has (some) trust placed on it. has been avoiding bot 5 ever since it went on sale, which is pretty nice.
you need to be able to understand basic latin to post here. go back.
>Nue CP ranked below Roboco's
Retards keep doubting oda protection
In truth Saito probably can't justify a Kiyoshi axe at the moment because it's selling way too close to Himaten which he has been actively pushing
>kill blue cp in bot 5
>astro cp just above that
>nue ditto
They literaly couldn't place any lower.
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It can only grow from here. Kiyoshi is picking up pace SOON
Annnnd Oda puts his thumb on the scale
>oda comes back
>decides to murder hokazono and shill kiyoshi
>Weekly nepotism jump
Do you miss nakano yet ? at least he axed everything that had a shitty ranking.
>series he doesn't want to axe despite doing like shit get artificially good rankings
How was that any better?
>axed everything that had a shitty ranking.
UU survived for nearly half a decade
>Cover & LCP: Kagurabachi
>CP: BLEAK Box; AKINO-BaNINO; Ultimate Exorcist KINOshi
Legendary lineup right here.
UU is doing better than the new series for its survival

Himaten getting #1 with absoulute garbage sales
>femc: Akane
>cuck mc: kiyoshi
>BVLL: chihiro
Différent genre, just like a comedy doing 15k is now good in jump
Romcoms in jump used to do good, you know, they don't get gag protection just like shonen doesn't.
Look at bb, 100k right off the bat.
I know about the gags, but how much does a romcom have to sell for minimums?
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>bottom 3
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Cipherchads... We still alive

UU had okay sales and bad rankings, bad sales and okay rankings, or bad sales, bad rankings and anime protection
It’s hard to tell because Jump didn’t got a “true“ romcom since age, even BB is actually a sport romance series unlike Himaten who is only a romcom
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Average ToC 2024

01.84 One Piece
03.00 Ichi the Witch
03.06 Blue Box
03.10 Sakamoto Days
03.12 Jujutsu Kaisen

03.53 My Hero Academia
04.57 Akane-banashi

05.80 Witch Watch
06.10 Hima-Ten!
06.46 Mission: Yozakura Family
06.67 Shinobi Undercover
06.68 Me & Roboco
07.14 Kagurabachi
07.38 The Elusive Samurai

08.39 Undead Unluck
08.54 Super Psychic Policeman Chojo
08.78 Nue's Exorcist
09.05 Kill Blue
09.32 Astro Royale

10.00 Ultimate Exorcist Kiyoshi
11.00 Hunter × Hunter
11.61 Green Green Greens

11.87 MamaYuyu
12.33 Martial Master Asumi
12.50 Cipher Academy
12.80 Dear Anemone
13.09 Kyokuto Necromance
13.29 Two on Ice
13.42 Shadow Eliminators
13.60 Psych House
13.67 Hakutaku
>07.14 Kagurabachi
>07.38 The Elusive Samurai

>Kagurabachi 48.25%
>The Elusive Samurai 49.28%

It really was an uphill battle for these two.
>noooo too dark and too many people dying
t. Nakano
Nice to see the artist still around
I don't really wish for any manga to be axed, but I find it somewhat funny how /wsj/ had a sudden boner about Saito bringing back U19 only for him to possibly be as lenient as Nakano (if not more).
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Ichi the Winner.
*tips magical hat with a built-in visor*
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>Himaten got top 1
We are here to stay (one year at least) Himabros
>second bestseller
>still the bottom of C tier
Even with Saito at helm it still doesn't make sense
I just need home to AXE KILL BLUE
only cuz the 1st half of the year drags down its numbers due to nakano sabotage
>lower than hima15k
oh no no no bachisisterts....
the fact it's in c at all after all those shitty rankings from nakano is a miracle
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Weighted average ToC 2024 by percent (the more series that ranked in a week, the more weight is given to their placement)

1 One Piece 12.49%

2 Blue Box 20.30%
3 Ichi the Witch 20.54%
4 Sakamoto Days 20.58%
Jujutsu Kaisen 21.08%
My Hero Academia 23.54%
5 Akane-banashi 30.76%

6 Witch Watch 39.19%
7 Shinobi Undercover 41.67%
8 Hima-Ten! 42.31%
9 Mission: Yozakura Family 43.96%
10 Me & Roboco 45.50%
11 Kagurabachi 48.25%
12 The Elusive Samurai 49.28%

13 Undead Unluck 56.40%
14 Super Psychic Policeman Chojo 58.04%
15 Nue's Exorcist 59.03%
16 Kill Blue 61.50%
17 Astro Royale 63.53%

18 Ultimate Exorcist Kiyoshi 68.62%
19 Hunter × Hunter 68.75%
Green Green Greens 78.25%
MamaYuyu 78.35%
Martial Master Asumi 82.61%

Cipher Academy 83.41%
20 Hakutaku 85.42%
Shadow Eliminators 86.47%
Two on Ice 87.32%
Dear Anemone 88.05%
Kyokuto Necromance 88.91%
Psych House 91.23%
Dandadan won.
Great Art and the artist knows when to take a break.
He doesn't do shit like reuse panels.
>he thinks he knows how color page works
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Thank this fucking idiot for that. Also thank him for Nue not being even lower than it is.
Color pages are ranked in order of importance.
The Good, the Ugly, and the Ugly.
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>Making fun of his scar
Akane, how could you?
...only to be axed at 42.
>he still thinks he knows how color pages works
They are strictly placed in the order of how jump wants to promote the series in question.
Double Oda nepotism mamma mia.
Rent free, bitch.
^it’s correct
>coping this hard
they value roboco over nue
Akane-banashi was first place 8 times
Astro Royale was last place 1 time
Blue Box was first place 8 times
Cipher Academy was last place 2 times
Dear Anemone was last place 5 times
Green Green Greens was last place 3 times
Hakutaku was last place 1 time
Hima-Ten! was first place 1 time
Ichi the Witch was first place 1 time
Jujutsu Kaisen was first place 1 time
Kagurabachi was first place 3 times and last place 1 time
Kill Blue was first place 1 time and last place 4 times
Kyokuto Necromance was last place 4 times
MamaYuyu was last place 3 times
Martial Master Asumi was last place 3 times
Me & Roboco was first place 2 times
Mission: Yozakura Family was first place 5 times
Nue's Exorcist was first place 1 time and last place 1 time
One Piece was first place 3 times
Psych House was last place 7 times
Sakamoto Days was first place 8 times
Shadow Eliminators was last place 3 times
Super Psychic Policeman Chojo was first place 1 time and last place 1 time
The Elusive Samurai was first place 2 times
Two on Ice was last place 6 times
Undead Unluck was last place 2 times
Witch Watch was first place 3 times and last place 1 time
Yeah, rent free in the bottom 5.
>Astro bottom 3
>Kill blue bottom 1
>he doubleposts because he thinks he knows how colorpages work
Can't hear you over your whining bitch.
Maybe you should be thankful, because he hid the fact your author is a wimp.
CP importance is only relevant compared to other color pages, there is zero point in comparing a CP with a normally ranked serie
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>doesn't know how color pages work
>is also a schizo
I cannot even tell what is getting axed at this point. Is it doable to finish UU withing 8 chapters?
>rush the rest of the bosses
>have soul die in one chapter
>a couple to deal with sun and luna
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>doesn't know how color pages work
>is also a retard
Nothing but Hakutaku get the axe
Kill blue and Chojo clearly deserve it but UU and Yoza are ending too so they live a bit more
Chojo has 40 chapters. Will it get anni cover protection?
I swear if they already greenlit Kill Blue anime...
>kill off all the antags you took 100 chapters setting up in 20 pages
it's ending in a few weeks
Just fucking axes kill blue and nue already
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Defend to 20.0
It’s bottom 1 with 18k sales and still not axed, there is obviously some anime stuff involved
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>Kill Blue gets an anime adaption
>turns out to be a hit, against all odds
>starts ranking on top of ToC again
Imagine the seethe.
Or it's a way to give fujimaki money.
I pray god we get someday Kill blue circulation number
>kill blue's circulation numbers
>nue's circulation numbers
>one piece's actually sold volumes
Top 3 things jump doesn't want you to know right now.
Where the CPs?
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>kgb gets 5 billion circulation updates
>meanwhile nue and kb haven't had 1 between them
fujimaki is planning a hit on hokazono as we speak
imagine going from a hit like kuroko's to the magazine's punching bag in both rxl and kb
>>nue's circulation numbers
didn't someone said that it sold 1m digital copies before kgb did thanks to the cafe?
I know autism is a real thing, but that was a joke.
If either nue or kill blue had over a million in circulation jump would have said so because at the very least it's implying they do over 100k/volume somehow.
bring back the trio alliance.
Will it be
your choice. I personally chose A.k.u because it sounds cooler.
>b-b-but trio alliance only work if they are from the same timeframe!!!!
bring back the trio alliance.
>fujimaki is planning a hit on hokazono as we speak
He doesn't need to, Hokazono is already dying.
>>kgb gets 5 billion circulation updates
1.5mil for vol 5...
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What happened to Astro Kiyoshi Kgb alliance ?
It will reach 2 million digital copies with NueLand next year after NueCafe
Kiyoshi and KGB alliance still exists, asstro was never part of it
>salestrannies went from "Jump is not promoting Kagurabachi enough with the rank and color pages" to "Jump killed another author's health from overwork"
Them being usually NEET made it more hilarious
Why is Astro not as popular as Kiyoshi here? I think Kiyoshi is just so-so.
The main antagonist has always been Sol and Luna, not the jobber squad known as the Master Rules.
Because astro doesn't even reach so-so.
There's a definite middle ground to be had between literally nothing and 3 LCPs in 3 months on top of normal color pages
>KGB don’t get promoted enough!
>Promote it more
>The author die
>the jobber squad known as the Master Rules.
I don't read UU but this is the one thing I don't understand about the doomposting. Has there ever been a big group of extremely powerful enemies right before the final boss fight that didn't turn out to be massive shitters?
>There's a definite middle ground to be h-ACK
There's a difference when the 2 weakest ones got 6 chapter fights and another 4 just got one shot in 1 chapter

There also was clear character buildup that just got completely ignored
Sowing vs Reaping
i hope hokazono dies from this, for real.
>Them being usually NEET
This is the problem. None of them exercise and shit. Like not even daily walk or something
It's one thing to spend 6 chapters against a single major threat, you can't do that against a whole group of them without it dragging on for everyone, especially on the climax when the focus should be on the final boss. At worst this sounds like poor planning from the author.
Main issue is that he established two of them as mega threats and fodderized the rest after having proper set up.
The actual issue is the recruitment arc that killed the manga by going on forever.
The last 12 issues only has 2 Kagurabachi LCP and one CP.
This is the same topic as Ruri or when Miura died, people trying to act as they know shit about the industry
>has to say 12 because if he said 13 it'd be THREE lcps and one cp
That hasn't happened as of recently for most bottom of the barrel jump Manga
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Mah wife...
12 issues is 3 months ...
Not necessarily.
Kagurabachi got its first cover on september 2.
Next one will be on december 2. Exactly three months in between covers, and got another cover and a cp in between.
>90% of the thread is the same three fags crying about KGB/Takeru
So basically, Takeru won?
I dont care until he does a color page of Char. Fucker had all the time in the world and still hasn't done it yet.
There are the discord user
They are right now talking about the 3 lcp in 13 weeks too
Based Weekly Romance Jump.
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>Jump's Uncrowned King
>Gate Keeper of the Hall of Greats
>1 of the only 3 Manga of this Generation who's on 100M Club
CSM, Black Clover,Oshinoko,Blue Lock and Kaiju 8 are all fraud compere to MHA.
>unable to get a single 1 million first print through its lifetime
What a blunder.
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¡nué mierdamente perdido
>100M seller
That's blunder alright. God I want that blunder too.
>half of it from overseas
Yes, blunder.

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