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>goes out with a whimper
why did they keep this around for so long, anyway?
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>Already putting out half chapters
Takeru is the second coming of Gege
KGB needs more filler SoL chapters while main plot should be untoched.
UU ended? I've only seen the first season of the anime I might read the entire manga if it's already finished.
You will never be an editor.
>nuetards thought rezero didnt bombed hard as first
god..... these retards are giving me headache.
Your english is giving me a headache.
I understand how UU lasted for 200+ chapters, it has enough plot to fit into 500 chapters so the hook is there. I'd like to know how the fuck Yozakura managed to last for 5 years.
It did, you dont need to argue more.
>kill off main villain group you spent 100 chapters hyping up and preparing for in a single chapter
not ended, but ending yes
not yet, it's definitely ending within a few weeks unless something completely unexpected happens though
Because UU is in a position where it performs way better than the axebaits, but couldn't quite grow even with the anime.
So Syd Craft might actually flop...
who's in the right mind thought a niche and even less popular source material from manga sphere can blow up in the year of our lord 2024?
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>Shitting on Kgb without naming him
Ichi the Witch just had a fantastic color page :(
That reminds be, which Jump+ manga that wasn't a huge hit managed to grow decently in sales after the anime?
please dont drag the isekai autists into your consolewar, you will only end up embarrassed when their combined autism shuts you down, cause you know, theres more than a single person behind their madness
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Anime is inevitable
they dont lurk shonen threads. Shoo shoo shoo.
name 3 from 2020s
none of LN sources ever gotten popular until they gamble it with anime or die after it flopped. rezero was weird, actually. It should've die since ss1, but maybe Felix introduction gave it some breathing room.
>none of LN sources ever gotten popular until they gamble it with anime
mushoku tensei was hugely popular after turning point 4
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SamuraGAWDS our response...??
>not a single example
Looks like GMR will be the first, it's already doing well pre-anime
Excuse me? What, you think articles from 10 fucking years ago are fake now?
>What amounts to a volume extra ranking top 5
I don't see the point
No idea. How did Torture Princess and Red Cat Ramen do?
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1 One Piece 12.49%

2 Blue Box 20.30%
3 Ichi the Witch 20.54%
4 Sakamoto Days 20.58%
5 Akane-banashi 30.76%

6 Witch Watch 39.19%
7 Shinobi Undercover 41.67%
8 Hima-Ten! 42.31%
9 Mission: Yozakura Family 43.96%
10 Me & Roboco 45.50%
11 Kagurabachi 48.25%
12 The Elusive Samurai 49.28%

13 Undead Unluck 56.40%
14 Super Psychic Policeman Chojo 58.04%
15 Nue's Exorcist 59.03%
16 Kill Blue 61.50%
17 Astro Royale 63.53%

18 Ultimate Exorcist Kiyoshi 68.62%
19 Hunter × Hunter 68.75%

20 Hakutaku 85.42%
nothing existed 10 years ago, so they must be
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>Can't be second coming of Hori because even his doodles art is league a head of Hackazono "Art"
astro is so fucking low
Cute girl, boring as shit CP otherwise, especially for a dedicated artist.
The existence of the top 10 Master Rules even being different from the rest of them UMA was only said in chapter 174. So it was around 50 chapters, still bad considering how everybody was trying to hype up the rest of fights after Language and Beast.
Despite being a huge fan of the series I kind of just went to get to the epilogue to see everybody happy at this point. I wonder if Sun gets killed in one chapter too.
My bad, a lot of this loop has kind of blurred together for me. It's kind of weird they let it drag on for as long as it has only to force Tozuka to the finish line right when it's already in sight.
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Xitter and Plebbit is that way, tourist.
They don't care about what happens, they care about length and tozuka has no concept of pacing.
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You two need therapy stat.
>need to wait a whole week to see him get mindbroken for real
this place is glorified reddit at this point, has been for years
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Is there a secret Jump cabal?
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>mindbreak (edition el lcp)
i expect a sad memorial lcp for uruha
Ran's rans are for Chihiro only
the only anime adaptation that could save it is an Ufotable one, anything less than that and it will flop harshly, the manga is extremely boring and bland outside of the fights, it needs an anime studio with the best fighting animations, and that's only Ufotable
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>They ran out of shitty LN authors to praise it on xitter
>Sales are still dropping
>ToC still hasn't recovered
It's very evitable, actually.
if Ufotable was able to make Fate Stay Knight popular with its shit story and boring characters it can make Nue the next one million seller pillar, but jump may give Nue to Pierrot and give Kagurabachi to Ufotable which has a higher potential of becoming a worldwide hit
he's losing so much hair he's gonna go bald soon
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>Fate Stay Knight
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>It's very evitable, actually.
Toei is getting Ichi the Witch, Pierrot is getting Nue, Ufotable is getting Kagurabachi, Mappa is getting all the shojo manga including Shinobigoto
They don't even sell more than 50k bro
KGB going to J+ with Ruri soon
>Schizo thinks I'm an ESL because I removed the in- from inevitable as a joke
Meds. Now.
I don't believe either of you are real fans of Sachi at all.
the fate stay knight franchise, they made fate zero and then fate stay knight unlimited blade works, before that the franchise was even more niche than to aru majutsu no index
>not being able to pick up on wordplay
>calling someone an esl
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>doubleposts because he's been called out
Wow, I'm so whelmed.
Nothing has been working for the manga itself so I respect this blatant meta self-advert
Hopefully he draws a proper manga next time
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>can't even praise it because he doesn't read shit
>Fate Stay Knight (x3)
>Niche before ufotable
Who are you trying to bait with this retardation? Fateniggers are not here
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Nue anime by Bandai Nameco studio would be fire
This year has been an interesting one for Jump. With so many old series ending the magazine will soon be majority new manga no matter who gets axed next year.
fr fr no cap
Wistoria was actually good, I think this kind of studio would fit for Nue
fate stay knight used to be a very niche series before unlimited blade works, even fate zero wasn't a huge anime everyone watched but the word of mouth made it popular years after, then Ufotable made UBW and the franchise became popular
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>uh it's good, but i don't like the manga so go away
bandai namco animes have shit animation specially for a battle manga, if people are shitting on Sakamoto Days for not being on par with Ufotable animation when TMS is one of the best anime studios for fighting animation I can't imagine the slop Nue will end up becoming under bandai, even Mappa would be better
>/vt/umor pic
>/co/ pic
>tumblr pic
>MH crossposting earlier
God damn who invited these faggots
what's wrong with reaction images?
Bejitabro btw, forgot to mention that
go back
nigger toaru was huge for its time
so its over?
7 chapter left for an epilogue chapter per character?
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i hope hokazono dies from all these LCP he got
If Nue get Wistoria team in BDN then the adaptation is a success guarantee
sachi is cool though
where were you in the sachi threads then
i don't look for sachi threads most of the time because there wasn't any when i did look
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>11 Kagurabachi 48.25%
>12 The Elusive Samurai 49.28%
These two fought tooth and nail to escape the bottom of the TOC during Nakano's era until they finally got into the upper half. Congratulations.
Imagine if One Piece ends up like Golgo 13.
Wistoria went from 15k to around 33k this month even with all the buzz and stellar animation.
Nue still won't beat pre-anime Akane with BDN. I wouldn't say that's a guaranteed success.
RuriPOW she WON
was it? why does absolutely nobody talks about it today then? has the story ended already?
>KGB trying to cozy up to Elusive Samurai now
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Tafuku's second wife...
I helped bumped them, how could you not see them?
>stellar animation
it was a normal animation, nothing impressive
There is no such thing as guaranteed success. Pretending anime studio = sales is for retarded chimps
because of terrible management that caused all the fans to seethe and slowly drop it
like waiting 7 years to announce Season 3, have Mami Kawada sing all the OPs on stage before her retirement only for them to not announce it and announce another series by the same author
Then they actually announce it a couple of years later as a damage control after Kadokawa fired Kemono Friends director and the adaptation was shit and killed the remaining hype
Well I'm not hateful enough to call Nuefags retarded chimps
That was good nonetheless
i fucking love ruri so much
Don't compare this gay shit to my favorite manga
well, that's how popular Fate Stay Knight used to be before Ufotable
Sakaday anime boost is gonna be great, I’m not asking the haters about it’s boost anyway
A simple internet surf of japs and kaigai streaming services comments say otherwise bro
we have people shitting on Sakamoto Days for having a "shit animation" when in fact it has a better animation than the average anime, even better than Wistoria
What is your reaction if Nue get Ufotable?
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>sakaday anime
needs to be animated to be considered anime
the correct term would be "sakamoto slideshow"
>already leaked that the whole production fell apart
>"fate stay knight" was not popular
>wistoria didn't have great animation
>sakamoto days have better animation than the average anime
Some people are just throwing shit at the wall to bump the thread
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Our WINNERS get to be in color again
>getting dabbed on by Reddit and Morty
>blue lock s2 isn't going to be that bad it's an exaggeration
>blue lock anime
>Sakamoto days anime isn't going to be that bad it's an exaggeration
You know the situation is dire when selling 10k is considered good. MMYY probably would have survived if it started 9 months later. Is it what happened in 2020 when you had Agravity Boys running for the whole year?
>Take a frame
everyone knew blue lock was going to be shit, that's why it had zero marketing and promotion, Sakamoto Days has a huge promotion and marketing behind, it is one of the most awaited anime for next year, twitter trannies writing headcanon means nothing
nah, Mikoto was so popular that her nickname (biribiri) became the name for Chinese YT (bilibili)
too busy keeping up with the news
>exact same leaks mean nothing because they hurt my feefees
Normalfags have already decided Sakamoto will be the next big thing regardless of quality, so it will be popular
It's still gonna look like ass though
That's just western normalfags, they can hype it up all they want.
after blue box anything will seem like a sakugafest
a random twitter tranny writing a doujinshi
As the other anon said, the Master Rules were introduced ~50 chapters ago and they fucked up by not being able to stop Juiz form getting Unjustice, the thing the manga explicitly said held them back.
The conclusion is a bit rushed and the recruitment arcs lasted too long, yeah, but acting like things went to shit and the story is ending is agony is beyond dumb
Nah, JP Sakamotofags are annoying too
blue LOCK*
>a frame
anon that's actually a webm of the first episode
like i said, slideshow
Did you seriously made a thread to shit on UU? Not having JJK and MHA to shit on made you resort to shitposting on a manga only a handful of people care about? That's just pathetic...
post the webm then faggot
>doesn't get the joke
who should weekly shonen jump waste their ufotable load on?

on one hand it is the only way to save Nue since otherwise it is 100% getting axed and it is also the complete opposite of getting axed but having the opportunity of transforming an axbait manga into a 400k+ seller

on the other hand Kagurabachi by Ufotable has the potential of becoming the most popular anime/manga of its generation, the Dragon Ball of its generation, but even without Ufotable that is something still possible to achieve if they get a good anime studio like Pierrot
>plastered not one but TWO Sakamoto ads in the fucking KGB extra
That's just sad.
Kgb by Ufo is a shit idea, tho it’s still better than PIERROT
no one because China has all of ufo schedule booked for a decade with Hoyoshit
Bleach has better animation than Jujutsu Kaisen, actually it has one of the best animation of the year and probably one of the best one in the industry only below ufotable with kimetsu no yaiba

I need to remind that K8 got a SHIT anime but got a big ass boost
In reality both are gonna get picked by Mappa
Undead Unluck won my heart, and that's all that matters.
>Bleach has better animation than Jujutsu Kaisen
>blackrock bots
Kgb by bones is already a certainty
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Mah wife...
I still remember when the Kaiju No.8 anime came out 4 years ago, man everyone was talking about it for the whole year, youtube was full of manga edits with phonk music on the background, people discussing it daily here on /a/, good times
Leila and Victor are missing...
needs to be raped
>inb4 kgb by Gayvid studios
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There was a falling out...
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>magic katana
Even if it was awful, the general public would see UFO Kaurabachi as "oh so it's the next Kimetsu?" and the boost would be unreal. For the record, I don't think they're taking up any WSJ series until the KnY well has all dried up, but KGB would be a slam dunk. If only it came by a few years later.
It's not rape if she consents, Tafuku.
>His editor is MHA’s former editor
It’s honestly a big enough reason for it to get bones
Gachiakuta also got bones because he was friend with Okubo and his editor, which got Soul eater who was made by bones
Get off the computer and go protect the blade wielders Tafuku.
kek not even K8 fans believe that shit
It went from a potential SxF tier into just WT tier in a mere two years
all the anime youtubers jumping on the ship and making weekly videos about Kaiju No.8 theories, time flies
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Once UU and YF end Ruri will officially be the strongest...
She was Okubo's assistant and he called her her successor. That's already enough of a reason for a studio to bet on it
Kimetsu no Yaiba is ending already anon, the infinity castle is the last arc of the manga and Kagurabachi has less than 80 chapters, it has perfect timing
>Kimetsu no Yaiba is ending already anon
There are three movies left, anon. That's three years AT LEAST.
>This freak is still alive and rampant
ehh takueru!?
isn't the last season already airing?
nue ufo anime soon
can't wait for bachitrannies to get btfo soon too
the first movie already released, the other two are releasing next year back to back
Based, you've removed yourself from the cycle of salefaggotry and reached enlightement
7 chapters of baby making sex with mutsumi to give the twins a younger sibling
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W-What? No, there was a season that ended a few months ago but it leads into the movie trilogy that has yet to even begin dropping. Between that, Genshin, Mahoyo, Fate, etc, it's gonna take years before they're actually free again.
Like I said, bad timing. UFO Kagurabachi would have done insanely well by pure association and having a vaguely similar outline to Kimetsu.
>two years
nigger the anime came out THIS Year, everything about it are inflated blackrock bots
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>The first movie already released, the other two are releasing next year back to back
No it hasn't
Kagurabachi looks too dirty and sketchy and Bones' anime usually has very clean look. That's why I don't think they are a good match.
yeah. sakamoto is literally gojo and geto's lovechild after all
it is releasing this month, it has already released, the second movie releases on may and the third in november again
Laugh at the negative money it will make
Check Gachiakuta
Anon I'm talking about K8 1 mil circulation for volume 1 in 2020/2021 which it squandered before the anime even aired
I pity the studio that has to make Nue's terrible early chapters look good
Nue needs to survive until the end of next year first.
ufo can easily turn shit into gold, anon.
nue is basically the next kny global phenomenon
fsn was already popular before ufotable fucking dumb secondary, dominated the VN scene and FGO is dominating gacha games. cope
fuck it can we get kagurabachi animated by queen bee
they wont, it will be JC Staff 10 fps goodness
I know someone who only cares about SD anime existence because she wants Shishiba to get a bunch of anime figures.
visual flight (ex arm studio) will be handling kgb and you will rike it

>dominated the VN scene
that was skip beats and all the shit done by that anime studio

stop being a lying subhuman for once in your life faggot
No anon, FSN was the best selling VN of the 00s, and it got a shitton amount of content afterwards.
Nue will get A-1 Pictures.
1%< chance they even consider it
>Kawae will request an anime original scene where it shows Shiroha being raped by her family
Ken, if Nue gets anime first people will compare kagurabachi anime to it
what is steins;gate what is CLANNAD????? everything CLANNAD released was extremely popular
No one will watch the nue anime just like no one watched the UU anime or the yoza anime.
So people know that UFOTABLE is busy with Genshin and a KGB anime by them wouldn't happen for a long time right?
The husbandofags will still buy the merch even if the anime and the voices are shit. They have the og manga.
You used the sign wrong idiot, the way you typed it says the chance can only ever be larger than 1%
Anon, there's hard data in that regard.
Clannad sold a tiny bit worse than air on release which did worse than FSN.
FSN was unironically the best selling eroge.
>1% chance
>99% faith
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That would be great for Nue
KGB will get Powerhouse Animation Studios.
This will become babies first haremslop.
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>This whole thread
As if Kagurabachi wasn't gayer than elusam
Nothing is gayer than TES.
Im not sure at this point, it feels like it been ending for a while now so it probably end February
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Meanwhile we Ichi-Iruma bros are just having a good time
This Yugioh ass hairstyle would look like a pain to animate
Nue finally got good?
It's not like it has anything to actually animate.
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>Nothing is gayer than TES.
will GMR finally reach 100k next volume and we get the 100k+ trio?
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What's gayer, Tokiyuki holding onto a pole like this or Hakuri having "Chihiro's aroma all over him"?
>from 40k to 100k
I doubt it.
January will be a shitshow if this flops
It won't flop, but it'll do something like WW-akane numbers and stay there.
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I fucking lol'ed

January? What?
ichi will join the 30k club after its first few volumes
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YUP. My FUCKING heroes.
Sub 30k club*
It would show how desperate they are to replicate the KNY effect.
>KGB and TES next to each other
Brothers in arms.
Okay, I think it will be like this
>February batch
Hakutaku axed, Yozakura ends naturally, HxH becomes irregular, UU maybe ends. Kiyoshi might end too but now I think it's not happening.
>April batch
UU 100% ends if it didn't end in February, Choujo might end if it keeps performing poorly, Kill Blue ends right after its 2nd Anniversary, 85% chance of Kiyoshi ending if it didn't end in February but Shinobigoto could be in danger too
I pray hokazono dies in 2025 lmao
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Madan no ichi

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