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"Debut and Impatience"
Published in Weekly Shōnen Jump on December 22, 2008.
Previous Thread (12-18)
>Just write as you want without even thinking about it.

I believe thats the Toriyama method.
The quality difference between Obatas work and the average series is insane, he is a master.
His style is good and distinct. I've found a few images I thought to myself "That HAS to be Obata". I think that's an accomplishment in it's own right.
And that's it for today Bakubros.
Here's all the chapters posted so far for those just joining or need to catch up
Seeing their notes and doubts definitely adds to the experience of this manga.
Sasuga. He literally explained axebait.
I think another problem is that ideas are good, but it just feels bland. For example there's a manga currently running that I keep comparing to Bakuman called Hakutaku. It's about video game high school video developers, and it's something fresh to the magazine but none of the storylines seem to land or hardly relatable.
I've been really enjoying Show-ha Shoten and Obata has managed to create pacing that works for its humor very well. Even if not every joke is very funny I still laugh every chapter.
Whoops, forgot to be here since the previous thread died.
>Create a cute heroine
What series popularized this to the extent where it's now almost mandatory?
Despite saying yesterday that he's autistic and not playing 4D chess, he does have a grasp this sort of soft manipulation to make things go his way.
>Our real battle has just begun
You can't say that!
I vaguely remember this guy being much more of a dick, but he seems somewhat reasonable about how stupid this is.
She's right, honestly.
This is probably my favorite so far, actually seeing notes about stuff. Not much back and forth, which would be really interesting though.
Ohba is praising Obata here
Hakutaku is bad because it's not actually interested in delving into game development, the thing it's supposedly about.
Bakuman spends the first 2, maybe even 3 volumes glacially going through the basics of making manga before starting to spread more into other stuff, and even then, it has long stretches focused on what goes into making their creation work.
Meanwhile Hakutaku is a volume in and they've created 3 or 4 games of varying scale, barely explaining anything other than "the MC sees the world in the form of games so it just works"
I'm actually shocked that manzai in manga form manages to land as well for me as it does with it.
The expressions get across the tone of the characters insanely well and the actual meta flow of each competition impacting the performances adds a depth to it that shows the author's understanding while making it tense for a chapter-by-chapter process.
Look at all that seethe coming from Mashiro
Thanks OP
Seeing their notes is pretty interesting
Ohba telling the editor not to call before 4 is kinda funny
It's interesting to think of if/how recent Jump series do this at their start.
A lot of editors, frankly, suck at creativity, which means artists who are also wholly uncreative get nothing but tropey suggestions trying to grab attention and follow a formula they don't quite understand the appeal of. Like a game of telephone but much more meta.
Literally me with that Dandadan episode.
>t. thinks they're superior to media for not engaging with it in good faith
Thank you for posting.
He explained a concept that random anons noticed and gave their own name 15 years later. This concept has been around for far longer than /a/ was aware of it, as it's how Jump's operated since before anybody reading this post has been alive.

No "one series" did that. It's just the editorial response to reader demand. Works with cute heroines tend to perform better, so they advise authors to put a cute heroine in their works.
Yeah that EMAIRU was kinda gay
Yeah, it's great.
I skimmed through whatever chapters of Hakutaku I could find and it feels like it's glossing over the technical stuff despite a few nods and notes to some advising the author got on some stuff. The manga gives the impression of someone who likes the idea of making games rather than someone who likes making games. I guess the key difference and lesson there is how deeply invested a creative team is in a topic whether through experience or willingness to do research.

Speaking of manga about creative work I saw that Brazilian favela manga dump by the asperger girl mangaka which is thematically interesting (third world brown kid with potential is unable to act on it due to not getting the same opportunities as the protagonist) but the potential pitfall I'm seeing is how well the author handles the industry part. Maybe it's not as important if character drama is the focus but pulling it off well certainly adds a greater level of realism and immersion.
A male hero being motivated by an attractive woman is a tale older than manga itself.
>The enemy character is equally or more attractive than the main character.
>In fact, that reminds me. Be sure to give the main character and rival some homoerotic tension. They should always feel like a kiss on the next page wouldn't be out of place.
>What? You think that's gay? No, no. It just needs to FEEL gay. The cute heroine is there to help you toe the line!
>Every mainstream shonen strikes this perfect balance. Feeling gay without actually being gay.
he is kinda both
deep down he is a good guy who supports his actresses, but he also doesn't mind selling them out as whores if that will help make them sell more
basically, if his actresses can show some backbone he is willing to help them, if not, they should be prepared to show some tits
I agree that the narration is not needed, the dialogue already recaps what we know from the previous chapter. Heck, while rereading this chapter in this dump I thought "what is the point of this recap box?"
It also implies that this manga is a story being recalled by one of them, which it's not.
Thanks for the dump. My best friend raved about this back in high school but I never got around to reading it, sounded boring. I understand why he liked it so much now tho, quality stuff.
>potential pitfall I'm seeing is how well the author handles the industry part
Does he just blame all the issues on greedy capitalism?
This tends to be an issue with some manga when in tank format. As weekly chapters it makes a bit more sense.
>As weekly chapters it makes a bit more sense.
I disagree. A good author can make readers catch up to what happened last week through the natural dialogue/visuals. And heck, it happened here too, except they felt they had to do it twice for some reason.
Let's take a look at the narration
"We believed that we had to create a mainstream battle manga to get to the top of weekly jump"
in the very first sentence by hattori "Mainstream Manga, eh?" We already covered that part.
"We decided to go against Mr Hattori's wishes to create a cult manga"
in the second sentence of hattori "I don't think we need any more of those in the current jump" already covers it, and shujin himself later quotes it too "You're so kind, even though we went against your decision"
"and won the opportunity to create a classic boys manga" is covered by the entire conversation as Hattori is giving them advice how to do it
Only the "under the condition that we succeed in six months" is not mentioned again, but that could have easily been put somewhere in the dialogue naturally if one needed to.
i think it speaks of obata's talent that even what's supposed to be a throwaway generic manga still manages to look charismatic. i still remember that villain's design 15 years later
That's fair. I think I was more thinking how series like Toriko sometimes recycle the last page of the previous chapter, not specifically this scenario.
Some manga format themselves to place those recaps in chapters that will open each volume, like One Piece regularly does. Dumb fucks reading weekly saying it's wasting pages are ignoring the fanbase that reads by volume only and might need a refresher after a few months.
Recapping the previous chapter's events are probably done best within a single panel if possible, but sometimes that isn't easily possible. Sprinkling it within the chapter if necessary is also good if one panel isn't feasible, but then you sometimes have series like Bleach who use massive panels for everything and the recap is often the entire first page. While it's good for art quality, it's not necessarily the best pacing.
That's just Sephiroth...

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