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Season 2 start
Who is the true Yuusha?
I dropped this crap I think halfway on the last season. Every episode was basically
>He is.... the big chungus... of reddit
Meanwhile writers self-insert (isekai'd from nipponland) niggers everyone he meets
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why should I still keep watching this when all the sexo girls already dead?
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Plenty of sexo girls have yet to be introduced.
Girl in the op was already (un)dead anyway and she gets better later
She got resurrected?
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>Who is the true Yuusha?
Unironically Isekai TouMAN
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An accident
All my favorite characters died on S1, why keep going?
Hidow's still alive.
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>his favorite character isn't Kuze
Get better taste
>Kia the World Word fought against Regnejee the Sunset Wings while Curte the Clear Sky of New Principality of Lithia fought Soujiro the Willow-Sword.

There's too many fucking characters in the show I don't remember a damn thing about season 1.
Time for a rewatch, then.
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shes just sleeping right guys?
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please tell me my boy Alus is ok?
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Sneed the Feeding Seeder
but they didn't start dying until like ep 8
Nip dude lost the fight and got his leg cut off in the tournament
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her hatred of him is hilariously stupid
>he said something rude
>she declares vengeance against him and wants to kill him
unironically yes
Did they cut off her tits when they resurrected her?
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S1 was by far one of the shittiest shows of its season, surprised it's getting a S2

What a clusterfuck man
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onahole and detective
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megaten characters
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I liked the skeleton guy, is he going to be relevent this season?
no thanks, I'd rather wait for a not-trash release
You know they're just ripping off streaming platforms like any other uploader right?
They're really fucking doing this shit again? 20 half-episodes of completely isolated stories, then a couple of very poorly-written full episodes at the end where they attempt to tie it all together?
Technically no she's a golem just like her mech and the bandit guy didn't destroy her core.
toonshub is bitrate starved, that's what I'm talking about
anyways a better release is out so whatever
I will watch this and I will enjoy it.
>toonshub is bitrate starved
They don't reencode. If you have a problem with the streaming service they ripped from for this specific release you have to be more specific.
>better release is out so whatever
>no fingers
>needs to be dressed
yeah I spoke too soon
Are the DSNP and Hulu subs the same or different?
Shouldn't have been a cripple if he didn't want to get sacrificed to the storm.
Why does he use a bow if he's an archer?
no one finished S1
it's only good for the pure action 1st episode and booba zombie lady
Alus being a retard was also great.
Holy fuck that wasnt all the competitors in season 1?
Soujirou is so lucky bros..
She just got anime enhancements
Isnt the cutie in the first episode gay?
>Back to reveal episodes
Rather annoying. The end of season 1 was fun.
This anime will become better if they kill off the cheerleader, if you know what I mean.
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and a rapist too
yes, half of the s1 was a setup and after that the action starts
Just checked the final episode of season 1.
They currently only have 4 competitors.

Alus the Star Runner
Kia the World Word
Nastique the Quiet Singer
Soujirou the Willow-Sword

Need more than 4 to run a proper tournament. Probably more like 16, or based on the openings 32 or so.

So another 3-4 seasons before we actually get to the tournament.
Nah we'll have all the competitors with pov's by the end of this season the rest of them are random assholes. Not to say that the random assholes are fodder but the tournament will start on episode 1 of a hypothetical season 3 with the first random asshole ripping off Soujirou's leg
So what's the point of the particle storm that just eviscerated the kid
My understanding was that the tribe that lives there sacrifices the weak and infirm to the storm by telling them that it's a paradise.
Yeah but is there any significance to the story or is just random world building
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It's a dragon and the plotline for a few of the characters this season.
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>season starts with some rando crippled kid limping, crying and then getting obliterated

S1 ep1 literally starts with a massive mech, short memory-kun
It looked less sci-fi and more steampunk-ish, I think.
>another intro episode

Kill me now.
No killing until 8 episodes in.
she's got a hateboner for him
the giant dude was based
Giant dude is fodder. All impressions were they'd fight inside a colosseum and he's a big, long range archer.
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>another 10 episodes of intros
We are so fucking back
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We are STILL doing intro episodes??
why would you expect any different?
great ED

Most of the previously introduced people ended up being jobbers at the end of the season.
still mad about how Higuare got offed by the bullshit tulpa
Don't worry next ln volume might off both her and the priest.
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>they really did mean a fucking thousand shuras
Yeah bro i unironically love it
They're fun, but it also means the story is delayed for two months.
cute pocket cunny
...This got a season 2?
>another spider tits op
Old habtits die hard I see
that midriff
What a little shit, needs to get squashed
It's pronounced Cuneigh.
Ishura won honorable mention >>274888006
I miss her...
uuuuooohh Cuneigh
This show sucks ass
This show kick ass
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anon don't you remember she was beheaded? She lost everything below the neck and became was a talking head for the next 8 volumes.
Why did they downgrade the tits for her new body though?
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this subs are funny sometimes
cute family
bro volume 10 is already out
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i miss her bros
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any stitch of this part?
I wonder how long before we get the intro for the sniper lady that Shalk one shots
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>>He is.... the big chungus... of reddit
Kek. I'm not sure what youre trying to say, but you made it sound hilarious. Please explain?
can someone give me a quick rundown on the politics again? all I remember is that some city state started shit and then got completely obliterated
also the bird girl is cute, I hope nothing bad happens to her
Who died this time?
Every named character gets a title because that's how the setting works. This angers retards.
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>Every named character gets a title because that's how the setting works. This angers retards.
good thing i'm used to it
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I wanted fun gigga niggas killing eachother not lolis suffering
fuck haters, intros and world building was the best part of s1
Those breasts are beautiful
It was a ploy to gather giganiggas and get them to kill each other
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That was kino
>every character I like ends up dying first
Damn, Mele never got a chance.
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What did we exactly learn here?
>True Demon Lord went around destroyed pretty much everything then suddenly disappeared
>Largest surviving nation absorbed everyone else and declared that all other leaders are False Demon Lords (basically a statement that gets thrown at every self-made leader and has since the big kingdoms declared everyone else illegitimate)
>Senate of the now massive nation wants to make a big spectacle of finding the hero that slew the True Demon Lord
>Might makes right so every Senator presents their own champion as a potential hero and the empire is going to run them through a tournament winner take all
>Power levels are bullshit so the competitors range from random asshole knights to actual dragons
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better watch your fucking tone, boy
Sounds to based to be true
He is half wrong, nipman lost a leg but won because his opponent got mindbroken and forfeited the match.
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that little girls deserve a gruesome death or something
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they better introduce the mini skirt redhead soon
>most subtle footfag.
Honestly it's hard to tell since a bunch of people were shown to likely have died but with no body to be 100% sure or the narration stopping short of showing their actual dying scenes. That being said, Ozonezma got obliterated together with the whole area around him, there is likely nothing left. Tsu got a serious injury within Uhaku's magic denial zone and possibly will die? (please I hope not). It was a rough volume for Izick's creations. Also Enu and Viga got caught be a vengeful Dark Brotherhood and lied saying Linaris is dead, this is probably the last we see of them.
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Did Kuzu and Nastique survive gundam? How is Soujirou going to face Rimuru with no limbs?
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Oh my god, it's a tiny bird!
Just imagine how horrible that cockpit smells.
based simple enjoyer
we are getting both
You now remember Alus and his bullshit

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They did, I'm not sure if you want it all spoiled but in the end he basically walks away from everything and now wanders alone with his tulpa. During the match he used that shield artifact that belonged to Alus (which is why his hair is white and his fingers fell off), but ultimately upon seeing the queen he couldn't bring himself to kill her/make Nastique take another life and just gave up on his plans and the match. Somehow his "display of faith" during the match moved the spectators though and public opinion about the church recovered a bit for it, and yes, that one loli is still hoping she can marry Kuze someday. Soujirou has been told there is no fixing his body but doesn't seem to be fazed by it and 100% intends to continue fighting, not sure how.
based lolicon priest
>I feel like the only one who can fix Soujirou is Kia with her power but I don't see how can the author make it so they meet and she agrees to heal him/make him grow back his limbs.
Soujirou will fuck both Yuno and Kia
I'm sure the author intends to something about it eventually, but I don't see it happening soon considering Kia is growing more disgruntled and edgy every volume.
What was the point of this intro?
Someone explain to me the Yamaga part
for the loli sacrifice enjoyers
Yuno hates him and only likes girls.
I wonder if the tiny homunculus girl will ever meet the giant.
>Nip dude lost the fight and got his leg cut off in the tournament
Fucking wrong. He still won against the beast at the cost of his leg and then despite being crippled he beat the gigachad knight too in the most retarded fucking way. He's obviously going to win the whole thing. Why are you lying?
It's not true.
Then he went on to murder the most chad character by asspulling his own sharpened bones into swords. He's not going to lose. It's so fucking obvious. All these interesting characters and Japan Man is going to be the ultimate winner.
This guy had to make sure he got the first post, lmao.
Does he get a prosthetic leg or regenerate his leg or something, or he keeps fighting barely able to move or what?
He pulls through with nippon spirit no joke
But...how? I don't mean in the fight where he lost his leg, I mean after that.
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Is this going to be another gurobait where they cuck out after the first episode?
Did you even watch the first season?

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his shitty trainer vest shouldn't really provide much protection against gallons of blood pouring down on him
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Characters get hyped up only to die after barely doing anything
Why doesn't she wear shoes anyway?
He literally get's pampered by sorcerers in all his battles, Kia would have killed him in their bout if it wasnt by the sorcerers casting magic to keep him alive, I will give you that having an inmense will to live to the point of ignoring Kia's power when she tried to make him voice his surrender was cool but he is a worst mr. Satan, at least Satan had the balls to confront opponents that could kill him with no secret help or backing.
This anime is like MOBA adaption. Feels more like MOBA than Arcane or DOTA show (yes, DOTA have adaption)
I like how the mecha spider girl looked like the stereotypical crazy sadist muderhobo girl, but in the end she might have been the most normal, with most normal goals of the chars.
Why the fuck are there only dubtitles? Judas, EMBER, SubsPlease, Erai-raws, etc haven't picked it up at all. I can't find shit on nyaa
That's becasuse the disney+(DNSP) rips only have the dubtitles while the hulu rips have the subtitles
The dnsp rip has higher bitrate so it's seeded more
what was up with the intro?
>can see a bit into the future
>can shoot mini arrows

eh this guy seems pretty weak
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afaik he's a supporter like the hobbit from last season not one of the competitors.
>the hobbit
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This was me the whole first season. Will the tournament actually start in this one?
lol no first episode of a hypothetical season 3 should be tournament kickoff.
>Yuno hates him
it's so obvious that she's in denial that she wants his dick it's not even funny
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>lyria + vyrn
So why the hell hasn't any other sub group picked it up yet? I can't find any decent subs on nyaa
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The more I think about it the more the show is starting to seem like a holy grail war for OCs
it's called battle royale
>fate invented battle royale.
I like how many anons are gettting confused by the intro, can't blame you cause I'm on the same boat
I'm really not going to bother reading the LN if the show is already confusing as it is. I couldn't even understand what was going on in season 1.
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She traded her flesh and got turned into the wind god
>The plot is explained at the beginning of each episode.
>People don't know what the plot is.
I love Cocona
I literally explained to you that the rips from Hulu have the subs, both the dubtitles and subtitles have earing impared descriptions in them but they are different.
I think toonshub is the only one who ripped from hulu.
>inb4 it's a normie ploy to get all the freaks in the world to butcher each other and then fill the last one standing with crossbow bolts to end them forever
Heard its a awful adptations of the novels but are the novels themselves any good, from what I've heard it sounds a lot like Diaes Irae and the anime adaptation of that was absolute hot garbage
Will anyone in this anime go Ultra Instinct too?
The anime adaptation is a pretty fine adaptation, its problems are largely the same problems the novel has, I think it would have been better if it was rewritten entirely to better fit an anime rather than being faithful to the novel's structure. Because as is I believe this would only truly work as 1 hour episodes.
Also the english translation of the novels are clearly rushed which makes for an awkward read sometimes so maybe it is a whole lot better in its original language and I'm totally wrong.
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Oh this show got me rock hard S1Ep1, when that cute girl was violently ripped apart limb by limb, then smashed into a puddle of blood in front of her friend.

Lost interest around ep 5-6. Too all over the place, and 200 different characters.
This getting a second season made me curious about the first one that I completely skipped. Ended up binging it in a day. I love this slop shows with a million characters with different powers that just die unexpectedly.
Reminds me of that Zodiac War anime, I rewatched that a couple of months ago.
>that Zodiac War anime
I wonder if the author of Ishura was inspired by Nisio
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Holy shit, a fellow Hidow appreciator!
Dakai killing those absolute scrubs and correcting people about being a bandit and not a swordsman was cool, so was the Alus vs. Renegee fight.
It's not *that* many characters, Anon.
In other words, there are a thousand more introductions to be made.
I want to feed the little bird cookies ^^
I can smell these pictures.
was skeleton boy actually the demon lord butthurt wanting to find his own resting place or i imagined things¿
Characters actually have logical reasons for wanting to participate in a battle royale, so probably not.
lol lmao
Soujirou just wants to fight strong opponents, how is that not a logical reason to participate in a tournament?
the adaptation is fine for LN readers who already know what happens and just want to see it animated, but the pacing is a bit too slow for first time viewers. S1 adapted a single volume.
>S1 adapted a single volume
it didn't feel rushed nor too slow, so that was the right call
and I'm saying that as someone who never read the novels
Alus' reason is explicitally to either join Harghent or go against Harghent's champion, in a way that can prove to others that his best friend is far more admirable than what they give him credit for, from his perspective he's not doing anything solely for the sake of himself and he wouldn't care for the tournament if it didn't involve Harghent.
Soujirou on the other hand just wants to fight strong opponents waku waku.
>Soujirou is swordsman Goku.
swordsman Goku if he grew up in Fist of the North Star Japan
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what? no
he wasn't even introduced properly
Shalk? No. If I recall correctly, the True Demon Lord was a woman.
>Mele is the friend of all the villagers
>his heart is as large as the mountains
>he is an archer that shoots railguns
>he is a gigant
Yeah, he'll totally job immediately, right?
I'm surprised he even survived until the end of the episode.
No Shalk is basically a bone golem, he's not a classic undead,
He doesn't have and could not have memories of when he was "alive", since that wasn't really him anyway.
He wants to know whose bones he's made of, and think he's made of the bone of the hero.
>this guy has been protecting us for some generations
>lets sign him up for a death match
what?! why would you do that? asshole villagers
but its fine to see if your hero to compete against the other so-called-heroes
You could argue that they didn't think he could lose, but still not doesn't seem what you'd want for the protector of your people.
What did samurai mean by this? Is he a nintendofag?

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