Last thread tidily wrapped up the first volume of this somewhat spirited adventureLet's see if we can't do it againVol 1 >>274922689
She's going to be so mad
You goofed that one, Stona
>>275044671I really want to make a case for Kouko, especially when the witch was killed by Vann, but she really doesn't make it easy when the answer is front of her; to move on from the trauma of her past lives. Granted, I have no clue how Fortuna was like, so maybe she cannot do that so easily.
is mr library today? his ending is one of the highlights of the series
>>275045060I've had those types of fevers before. It was a very unpleasant experience. It's hard for you to distract yourself from the fear you're inducing on yourself when you're that ill.
It's cute that she can't change the channel
Think I'll call it here for today. We'll jump into the next reincarnation tomorrowA fella named Flors
>>275044467Alcoholism or true friendship? You decide.
>>275044521Spirit Drunkard Vann has a point.
>>275044682Again with the violence!
>>275044929Vengeful Spirit Fone tells it how it is
>>275045370It's the mystery nigga!
>>275044807Small point but it's been bugging me, Mesoamericans didn't have metallurgy, did they?
>>275044725Still can't see how she is suppose to be better than the knight. At the very least he didn't know his practices were bullshit
>>275046513Church bad
>>275045484>>275045545It took a measure as drastic as a pantyshot, but this was the first time Kouko looked so human.
>>275046396They did have metallurgy; mostly worked with gold, silver, bronze and copper for ceremonial and non-military work purposes (e.g axes, knives, needles).
>>275044671>>275044682I knew it. There's no way to describe Vann's life that wouldn't piss her off.
>>275044649>>275044671>>275044682I always kek at how she's absolutely fucking SEETHING when she learns that Vann had a pretty good life despite everything. You can hear the REEEEEEEEEEEE all the way over here.
>>275044766>Stona could see spirits>the only purpose of the ritual was placating retardsSo she was, in fact, way worse than Vann after all. He killed the witch for the same reason, but he had no idea it was based on a lie.
>>275044725>>275044741To our new readers, make note of how Stona willingly chose to do unscrupulous deeds to uphold the status quo to keep the overall peace whereas Fone chose to disrupt it to achieve something he personally deemed worthy of fighting for despite it putting everything else at risk (even if he doesn't know it yet). It has some interesting callbacks later.
>>275044929>>275044958/ourguy/ Fone got his revenge
>>275044725>keeping it from devolving into random, blind killingsThen how was Rei selected? Why would you deliberately select a healthy young girl? If you're not doing it randomly then why would you not pick the old and sick?>>275044741And Fone is right, they could have put an end to it. There are examples from history of peoples deciding on their own that human sacrifice is no good and no longer doing it. You could even ease people off of it with animal sacrifice which, unlike human sacrifice, isn't even pointless since basically every culture that did it still ate the animal. In addition to knowing that what she was doing was wrong, she's also worse than Vann because she was in a position of authority to change things and didn't.
>>275046935Kouko is a good girl. Koko is an incredibly petty bitch though.
>>275044958Yes, it had changed. If their revolution was predicated entirely upon their dissatisfaction with being arbitrarily sacrificed, then it's unlikely that they would have continued to do that. They were executing people who had provably committed heinous crimes against the community. Them taking too much joy in that is not evidence that they would continue killing people for no reason.Fone literally did nothing wrong.
So far I see why Kouko would be mad about what happened when you consider how history judges her two past selves as evil despite Fuuta's past selves causing more death. But that's no reason to hate the present Fuuta who has done no wrong.
>>275045370I haven't read this manga before, I only know it's related to the other Mizukami's works.Is this the tribe of the void manlet?
>>275048796The sacrifices were a necessary step for their people to change from one of war and carnage to a civilized one. If the ritual was stopped without bloodshed then they would have successfully left their bloodlust in the past. But since they made it such a bloody affair it's likely that they would revert to their old ways.
>>275048888Fone didn't kill anyone and was not responsible for a single death. He is not the one that caused the people to resent the priesthood. They did that all on their own. And the fact that this was the case proves she was wrong that they were powerless to change things. There was clearly enough opposition to the sacrifices that they could have peaceably brought an end to them. They chose not to and suffered the consequences. >>275049358I doubt it. It wouldn't make political or theological sense. The overthrow of the priesthood was specifically about people hating the sacrifices. Whatever government formed after the priesthood would be essentially forced to base their legitimacy upon their opposition to the sacrifices. And if Fone did start to be worshiped as a god then the fact that he died trying to stop a sacrifice would make opposition to the sacrifices a central part of his divine character. He'd basically be a god of shoes and not sacrificing people.
>>275048796>>275048437I think Stona fumbled it by trying to say Fone's death also counted. That's what really got the people talking
>>275045210Would be weird for him to feel things for her?
>>275049961That definitely didn't help. Between that and the sandals she more or less gave away that it was all just arbitrary nonsense. That said, it was all going to implode sooner or later. Fone acted first because he knew 100% it was all fake thanks to the spirits. But there was clearly enough unrest that it was going to eventually be a problem even without him.>>275050193She's already been both his girlfriend and his daughter. It's already weird.
>>275050555Rune =/= ReiDon't get those wires crossed>>275050696She didn't say that!
>>275049903Responsible for isn't the same than being the cause. The latter is can be used as stating fact without assigning moral blame. For example, Vann caused more death to happen by killing the "witch" but the Church is responsible for that.The priesthood were trying to serve the will of the community despite being in favor of not doing the ritual. If the community peacefully made a resolution to stop the sacrifices then the priesthood would. And there wasn't enough opposition to end the ritual peacefully. If there was then the priest who tried to stop the ritual would not have been murdered without consequence and the opposition would not have to resort to violence.And no shit they wouldn't be sacrificing people. That's not what I said at all. They would revert back to their war-prone selves, what they were before the sacrifices started to pacify them.
>>275050800It's her past life from the South leaking out.
I think my favorite past life has to be Vann, love his drunk advice.As far as I remember he never takes over Fuuta like the rest, and all his influence in other lives is positive
>>275051942He doesn't really take over him like say, Fone or Flors, but he does influence him a bit without him knowing like looking for booze when he enters a convenience store or pretending he's drinking when having dinner with his family
>>275045484Nice. Everyone knows the best way to tame a mean bitch is to look at her panties.
>>275050819>The priesthood were trying to serve the will of the community despite being in favor of not doing the ritual.The priesthood were the entire source of the "support" for the sacrifices. They were the ones lying to the people about its necessity. And their overthrow being as violent as it was is indicative of more opposition, not less. If it was only a handful of pissed off people they would have been forced to talk it out and compromise with the rest of the community and the priesthood itself. That it turned into a full blown revolution means it was quite a lot of people that were fed up. And the priest that was killed was a consequence of the priesthood bribing the chosen's family with status and wealth to keep down opposition to their practices. This was entirely a problem of their own making and it was always going to end this way if they didn't end it peacefully themselves. Fone was simply the first crack in a system that was already on the verge of breaking. The priests were the cause of this, not him.>They would revert back to their war-prone selvesThere is no reason whatsoever to believe that conducting regular human sacrifice made them any less warlike. "Our records" is her outright admitting that whatever period she's talking about was beyond living memory. Even assuming the records were true, neither she nor anyone else has any idea what the root cause of that violence was and what relationship it had, if any, to the prior absence of their ritual. It's actually kind of crazy that Kouko herself is supporting Stona's position considering she is currently living in Japan, a place where people used to conduct human sacrifice to protect certain structures but who now have much more impressive architectural capabilities without human sacrifice.
>>275045545Nice way to humanize her >>275051942Agreed, i wasn't expecting it to be that wholesome. That's why the next one is my second fav for how brutal it is
>>275048607With Fortuna who wouldnt
>>275052536>The priesthood were the entire source of the "support" for the sacrificesThen the priest who tried to stop the sacrifices would have been murdered by the other priests and the elders not from the family the sacrifice came from.>If it was only a handful of pissed off people they would have been forced to talk it out and compromise with the rest of the community and the priesthood itself.Ah yes. At no time in history has the minority revolted against the majority. There's never a situation where the minority rules over the majority. Nope, never.>There is no reason whatsoever to believe that conducting regular human sacrifice made them any less warlike.You really think that people that laughed as they butchered people and poured the slain's blood into jars is not a red flag at all?
>>275045226You just know Nono and Umi got along splendidly well with Fuuta's soon to be born imouto
>>275048796They liked the sacrifices. Note that the old priest who tried to end them was murdered by the family of someone who was chosen to be a sacrifice, it's not clear if the sacrifice had been made yet either so they may have outright killed him to make sure their family member was a sacrifice. It's a terrible kind of situation and their society was pretty fucked up, so it wouldn't be any surprise if they just started using Fone's name to do the exact thing he hated.
>>275044807>>275044833Stona's greatest sin was wearing that poncho towel outfit. It's like sideboob but for the entire body. She's clothed for people immediately in front of and behind her, but flashing everyone else. Imagine what happens when she moves too quickly. My god.
>>275044682get fucked kouko
>>275052952>Then the priest who tried to stop the sacrifices would have been murdered by the other priests and the elders not from the family the sacrifice came from.If the family hadn't gotten to him first then yeah that is probably what would have happened. They had clearly set up a system where the price of opposition to the established order was death. Stona makes that pretty apparent with her belief that her own life will need to be offered if the people don't calm down. And even if they wouldn't have killed the priest themselves, they're the ones that induced the psychosis in their people that led to that priest's death. >At no time in history has the minority revolted against the majority.First of all, I never said they were a majority of the population. I just pointed out that a revolt like that would not have been possible without substantial underlying dissatisfaction. The exact kind of dissatisfaction that would have made peaceful reform possible. That same fervor that led to their executions could have been channeled into support for a shift to symbolic or animal sacrifice instead. But also, talking about this in terms of minority rule doesn't even make sense. This was a civil war. The ones revolting were not a separate people. >You really think that people that laughed as they butchered people and poured the slain's blood into jars is not a red flag at all?No, not really. I can't imagine any situation where a people come to the conclusion that their rulers are an evil elitist cabal murdering them for no reason that doesn't end that way. Just imagine it was you who had been forced to celebrate your own child's murder and, when you finally get the chance to confront the perpetrators they are, based on how Kouko still acts, completely unrepentant about it. How would you respond?
>>275054721You call that a sin I call it a blessing
>>275044336Never thought the circle would be pink
>>275044725muh dick
>>275045424WTF is this?
>>275052469My father told me to do that to an older girl that bullied me. I wish i had heeded that counsel.
>>275055991Perhaps in the next life
>>275045484>>275045545Funniest scene in the whole manga, i even have it saved. It's so fitting and well done
>>275056012>reincarnationWhat a nightmare notion. Only Nietzsche's idea of perpetual repeating lives is worse.
>>275056019>Funniest scene in the whole mangaThat would be that "what" scene.
>>275056234More memorable than many of the more impactful or emotional scenes, that one.
>>275056019A FUCKING NET
>>275056234I don't even member that
>>275052469>>275055991Back in middle school, a classmate was bickering with a girl from another class, then he pulled down her pants. From what I heard, he accidentally pulled down her panties as well.
>>275057871I'm sure that kid will remember that for the rest of his life.
>>275045545Thank you for posting.
>>275045370No. What are you going to do about it, Spacifaggot?
>>275055957That's where my lips, tongue and penis go
>>275034087Just because Fortuna said something doesn't mean it's true. The reincarnation may not be linear in time and the tower might not have forbid the birth of new humans, but it could have made the idea of incarnating into that world unattractive to spirit, as there's a good chance you'll be trapped in that incarnation for hundreds of years in an induced hallucination.
>>275057871Nice. In high school one of the hot popular girls got pantsed in gym class and I was always pissed I didn't get to see. My friend who was there said they were purple.
>>275048437>Then how was Rei selected? Why would you deliberately select a healthy young girl? If you're not doing it randomly then why would you not pick the old and sick?That's a meaningless sacrifice. Poseidon fucked Minos because of this.
>>275055957I think it's meant to be a slight shine on her lower lip.
>>275060444All of the sacrifices are meaningless. Poseidon doesn't even know who these people are.
>>275044935Yeah unless you know about Fortuna it's really never going to be a case for Kouko I'd say
>>275044833I'll give Stona one point: she really DID try to make every drop of blood worth something. Fuck Kouko's and even Stona's bullshit points but Stona did try to limit bloodshed here.
>>275044935Once you see Fortuna's life Kouko's rationale seems pretty damn justified. Even at this point though it makes sense to me that a 15 year old (don't remember how old they actually are) who's been replayed one side of a bunch of murder stories against her past lives would want to take out her "enemy" early on in this reincarnation cycle.
>>275045469Guys... I think Mizukami is a bit of a masochist
>>275048437>Then how was Rei selected? Why would you deliberately select a healthy young girl? If you're not doing it randomly then why would you not pick the old and sick?You're making a sacrifice to the gods, you don't send low worth things to gods. A young healthy person full of vitality would surely have greater worth than a sick old person at death's door. The people who are placated by such practices would worry that they weren't giving the gods something good enough to avoid their wrath.
>Already 3 lifeWhat?I remember this manga's longer
>>275062553It's only 6 volumes. I respect it, as way too many manga milk their premises and go on too long past their peak.
>>275062537>the spirits want wise people full of life experiences>please everyone, live long fulfilled lives so that you will make for better sacrifices
>>275062553Lives get a bit longer going forward, but it's a short manga, like 45 chapters or so.
>>275062553Lafalle's life is almost an entire manga anon
>>275063574It's okay, she has the Aztec pass
>>275061042The story is about not being stingy with the gods.If you sacrifice people to a god you can't have society noticing you're sending old, weak or troublesome people. Only she, gramps and Fone knew the sacrifices were in vain
>>275063574Nigel? Who's that? Another one of Fuuta's lives?
>>275066388Just do >>275063079. The Gods aren't human. It would be presumptuous and, dare I say it, blasphemous to assume that timeless beings such as they would place the same value on youth that humans do.
>>275066388>>275066805This isn't about gods this is about appeasing a crowd. You might be able to bullshit your way into sacrificing old people but who knows
>>275045824Why not both?
>>275048004Truly, it's a cathartic moment
>>275045024Good dress
>>275068456Lots of cathartic manga in this, and in any Mizukami manga really
>>275045545Oh god, Flors fucks me up every time
Since I spoke about Mizukami characters being reasonable and good-willed, here are some pretty obvious examples from last thread. I feel like these moments are underappreciated when a lot of other authors just go and make no-names arbitrarily evil or annoying for drama purposes. I guess Flors' brother was pretty evil here but there's more reasoning to it so that doesn't count.
>>275071395Yeah, the knights having polite conversation on the way to the witch's house really stuck with meIt's so simple, but like, y'know
>>275073392Even the coward one who clearly just wants Flors to do the job instead of him isn't depicted as an asshole btw
>>275068456The biggest cathartic moment in this manga for me comes right after Houtarou's life
>>275076922The ghost of the samurai?
>>275077605Fuuta realizing that Houtarou's life was not in vain and that his sister made it out alive from that mess and lived a long, happy life with his assassin friend. It's particularly powerful because everything that Flors did wrong with his relationships in life gets redeemed in Houtarou's.
Fone died a virgin. Vann died a virgin. Why was Flors such a chad?
>>275044682kek seething bitch
>>275044929Based Fone got his revenge.
>>275045370MYSTERY NIGGA
>>275044682God I wish that were me
>>275079212thats a trend throughout the lives, the regrets one of them dies with one in the next life addresses in some wayfortuna gets kicked out of rei's school, gets told "pick up a trade where you can work with your hands", becomes a shoemakerfone says he wishes he could be someone who could protect someone, becomes a knight in the next lifevann im blanking on ATMmr library wishes he couldve been better to his wife, samurai life is all about keeping her safe and getting the couple together this time aroundcant think of any for lafallegeologist wishes she had been an artist instead, leads to fuuta
>>275081310Vann wants to be a noteworthy/respectable person, which is why he wanted to be a noble knight. In his next life he is credited with the creation of monuments and people see him as a legend
>>275045370i don't understandcan you be more spascific?
Dump time!Flor it!
>>275083779But... She can interact physically, can't she?
>>275083821She supposedly can, but it seems to only work with other people. She couldn't change the channel of the TV a few chapters back if I remember correctly.
Her tsuntsun is melting to just tsun
>>275083891Oh, true. Knowing Mizukami he'd definitely keep that consistent or find a way to retroactively make it consistent, like he did with Jinun's arm
>life is just made up of the same 15 people repeated over and overI know the only two people on this site are you and me
>>275083912>>275083875The dad is coolall dads are cool in Mizukami manga
Based seifuku enjoyer
>>275083960Btzz, you forgot about me! That makes three people on this board!
>>275083960There's got to be at least like 4 of us
>>275083997Very based
>>275083972It's my first time with a Mizukami manga, but I think it's a good idea. There are less moving gears and lets me focus on the main storyline which I'm already enthralled by; also parent drama is usually a lightningrod for (bad) melodrama.
>>275083795>>275083814lmao git gud scrub
>>275084120It also makes the "growing up" part of the journey better in my opinion. Some of his teen characters are incredibly mature (the Biscuit Hammer loli for instance) but not all of them
>>275084187>fuck you, come back when you've actually read those arcs
>>275084276>mfw speedreaders
>>275084356I COULD AND I WOULD
>>275084315very cute
>>275084591>venerate the sun, bringer of knowledge that banishes the dark of ignorance.Atenbros, we won!
Roca, he's been drinking! He cannot consent!
I want to say this bald guy pops up a few timesLook out for him
>>275084769Finally, good Kouko
>>275084893Still pushy though
>>275084793Oooh, a panel trick. I love those. It's a good one here too, really makes it clear that Rica/Kouko is fully aware about the spirit circle and its implications on their lives. >>275084769She has a calm disposition here which makes me think she'll try to reconcile peacefully, but considering how many previous times she has fucked over the Fuuta reincarnations in one way or another, I wonder what her actual plan is.
>>275084951Still deflecting responsibility but not putting it on that life at least
They're spending more time together than I rememberI recalled them having, like, one conversation in this lifetime
>>275085096What is baldie's relation to the characters? Just a normal guy from that reincarnation's time period?
>>275083814This manga is switch era?
>>275085147I didn't expect Jojo here
>>275085130I think everyone who isn't Egyptian is part of Flors' company as additional supervisors
>>275085218Too old or too young to recognize a wiimote?
>>275085234Oh, I meant in terms of reincarnations.
>>275085287nta, but we always used gamecube controllers. I didn't even know you could use a wiimote like that.
>>275085287Oh yeah, last console i had was N64 then i went for PC
>>275085234I didn't think she could be this reasonable.
>>275084724I feel like the egypt stuff would happen before the knight stuff but I guess time doesn't matter in the face reincarnation
>>275085411>im having a headache?>must be flors' fault
>>275085309This page seems to have an issue retroactively I don't recall Kouko being dirty and hurt when we actually see this unfold
>>275084231The mark transcends time
>>275085464It's Roca's version
>>275085482She claims she was just an innocent herbalist but leaving a cursemark that persists between lives seems pretty witchy to me
>>275085452I like how that guy thinks
I notice that Roca and Halara character develop'd over four years
And then they had 100 babiesThe End
>>275085566The people look lined up like Hieroglyphs lol.
>>275085671>we kinda hate each other but are civil enough to handle it properly
>>275085744That's messed up.
Just to give you a hint of when this TL come from
>>275085964Epic slavery fail!
>>275085717Since the last time I read thru this I've gained an understanding of this feeling. Not for anything artistic but general work otherwise that I hated the results of even though it got me promoted. Flors knows his shit man.
>>275085913This hits hard man
>>275083912>your daughter calls me daddy too
>>2750842974th life? This is the 3rd one we see right? So we Skip fortuna for now?
>>275086076>>275086098This type of life feels so miserable, just going through the motions because your passion and love died away. I think it might be worse than Vann and that guy was regularly being hunted down by assassins and was in poverty.
>>275086055Tragic misunderstanding there
>>275085964Goddammit. What did it really say?
>>275086210Flors at least had some money from his father, he just ended up using it for booze
>>275086120He's a bit more talkative now at least
That's where that tale endsDo they not have cats in Greece?
>>275086210Vann's life was pretty okay honestly. Good friends that he could pretend to hate, good drinks, eventually not having to worry about the assassins any more, and getting to raise a cute and loving daughter who would remember and love him long after he was gone.
>>275086210It's definitely worse than Vann. He had that period right after being banished where he was miserable, but other than that he was pretty happy.
>>275086384Could be that they just had a different name for it.
>>275086177I guess Fortuna or himself are counted here
>>275085717Is there anything more to dune cat? He just couldn't sculpt it correctly?
>>275086258Why was he so bad at handling his own emotions?
>>275086384This, next chapter and the next life are probably the best parts of this manga for me.
>>275086384They knew about wildcats and eventually had housecats through Phoenician trade; Herodotus was surprised to see housecats when he first saw them in Egypt.
>>275086384He's getting more romance flags with girls besides the main girl than I remembered
Reincarnation really gets to me. This manga made me cry, that shit "cloud atlas" movie made my cry. And i cry because i don't believe it, i don't think you have lifetimes to get it right, this is it and it's been shit and ill die like this
>>275044682Absolutely seething.
>>275086384>do nothing wrong>have nothing wrong done to you>wind up miserable your entire lifeClearly killing witches is the key to a happy life.
>>275044741And he's 100% right.
>>275044766She can see spirits too? Sheesh, that Stona girl is the worst.
>>275044929>>275044958Get fucked, he did nothing wrong.
>>275085464I don't remember how dirty or injured but I recall Fortuna asking her if she injured herself in her haste
>>275045181She can touch him when she feels like it, but not other objects?
>>275086958>Soul Eater
>>275086384Was he born as Jagi in his next life?
>>275085506What a disgusting monument. The sheer awfulness of it vexes me
>>275087299She's bound to him after all
>>275045299Nyooo... tall girl... I just know he will end up with the scar bitch.
>>275045370Mystery nigga.
>>275087370We know Flors, you never stop talking about it
Does Rune watch while he... you know...?
>>275085382this is the avatar of east as a fully evolved god being from the last chapter, right?
>>275083699Not a single apology from her from all the physical abuse.
>>275086301I will arbitrarily assume she's master Rei
>>275087598... does his homework? I guess? Not sure what else Rune would be doing.
>>275083795>>275083814She's too prone to violence.
>>275086301is there any significance to the cat that runs away and the woman who calls him mr library? i cant quite place it right now
>>275083960No, it's all me replying to myself over and over with different devices.
>>275086384I must say, good idea on dumping entire reincarnations. The volumes probably get cut off and a chapter a day is a chore.Rune a qt
>>275087848Not that, dummy.
>>275084187>no sequence breaking
>>275087882There's a plot point with a cat later on but it's a spoiler
>>275084769She doesn't seem like she'd die too quick like the witch. Also liking her so far because she doesn't act like a bitch.
>>275085030>it was my fault for killing her firstShe's not that good then.
>>275085147She is that good then. But she's blaming him for killing her first?
>>275088365I think she means Fortuna.
>>275085671Surely, the crazy Japanese girl will see reason after she unlocked the Egyptian girl's memory.
>>275085891Ah, I see.
>>275086055Man, that's sad.
>>275086384I'm scared of dying like this, by my lonesome without anyone with me. Thanks for dumping.
>>275088425Now I'm curious to what Fortuna did for the girl to be obsessed.
>>275089321Especially since Rune and East don't seem to hate him and Kouko doesn't hate Rune or East. Even Fuuta himself noticed how weird that is.
>>275089321It comes up for sure.
>>275086327>>275086384This is absolutely fucking brutal manRealizing too late that you wasted your life and took those important to you for grantedBegging for one final chanceI'm gonna go hang out with my family now
>>275083997It's an amusing detail that they don't call attention to flapping her skirt, but in the next panel he's blushing.
>>275086076The fact that she briefly looks young and happy again is pretty brutal
>>275085434It's following its own linearity rather than time's. This is their third encounter even if it's technically before their second time-wise.
>>275084793Finding it interesting to realize they had that sense especially since IIRC they had it in other later reincarnations and yet all Fuuta did was fall head over heels for Kouko when she first came to class.
>>275083997Can you blame him? Black serafuku is top-tier.
>>275084187>when you try to skip to the final boss but he says "no"
>>275084479>...or maybe...;_;
>>275085434Reincarnations are not linear in this series. Flors' arc is the first time the reader is faced with that fact.
>>275086384Fuck I teared up. It's been a long time since I read Spirit Circle and I'm glad to do it again in good company. Even if I mostly just lurk. Thanks OP.
>>275085147Most savage reincarnation of Koko yet.
>>275085419She still thinks of herself as the victim, though. You can't solve a conflict on that scale with that kind of mindset.
>>275087370Calm down Flors, you are gonna pop a vein...
>>275086055>>275086076This is one of the lowest lows across all of Fuuta's lives.
>>275086384Flors' arc hits the hardest for me because it's a very realistic kind of horror you can easily get trapped in as a career man nowadays. Work is important, but also family, friends, and loved ones. Cherism them well. You blink once and you are old and alone 30+ years later.
>>275094077>The problem is not who raised hand against who, but how to prevent it from occurring again.She sounds very willing to let go of the blame game. That's a massive step in the right direction for her.
>>275094907>>The problem is not who raised hand against who, but how to prevent it from occurring again.>'s your responsibility to find a solution btw, you started it.Yeah...
>>275084088>"Fortuna sounds like he was pretty smart, how'd I get the short end?"Funny how Fuuta's whole stance on this completely reversed by the end of the manga
>>275094954That was probably just frustration at his lack of cooperation. She gave the actual reason she was bothering him about it and it had nothing to do with blaming him. She just couldn't see stuff pertaining to herself as clearly as the stuff about him so she was hoping she could jog his memory and they could figure something out together. If only Flors had been a Pythagorean, they could have been good friends.
>>275089321To be fair, she does have a pretty damn good reason to hate Fortuna's guts. The thing is that hatred spills over to the rest of his lives which are so far removed from how he was like that it's not even funny.
>>275085506Such a majestic work of art...
>>275086082Flors is such a realistic life that it's almost scary. His hyperfixation on his one self-perceived mistake, despite being celebrated by everyone, caused him to slowly but surely sabotage his own life. He was massively successful but he was never happy about it, and his family life was in shambles because he just couldn't stop thinking about that one thing he just couldn't do right (by his own standards).
>>275086055>>275086076Every time I read this part, it never fails to punch me right in the gut
>>275086258>>275086276This scene right here both hurts my soul yet makes me excited because of how much the following life fulfills this one wish. Houtarou fucking did it, the son of a bitch truly did it.
>>275087400>being all "nyooo" and also forgetting her name is Nono
>>275095595Well there's also the fact he lost his "glory days" and friends. Now alone with his wife, not talkative and grumpy, feeling inappropriate because of how much she misses her slave... Yeah he can't open up anymore, it sucks
>>275096897S-shut up, I'm bad with names.
>>275086012friendly reminder that fuuta know they had sex
>>275083960>there are anons who died browsing 4chan, reincarnated and returned back legally old enough to browse it againwhen we say you are here foreverwe do mean it
>>275085309I'd like to remind you, gentlemen, thatFortuna did nothing wrong
>>275085671And then they had hatesex.Right?
>>275085766>two sticks>supposed to be NonoMizukami's handwriting is awful
>>275086258>>275086276Umi and Fuuta didn't deserve thisIt's all clearly Koko's fault!
>>275083875>>275083912Wonder how she'd react if she knew that her father was the knight who would have killed the medicine woman if Vann hadn't volunteered.
>>275085131>>275085147>Don't blame me for following orders...>Don't blame me for defying orders...
Any hint of a Spirit Circle adaptation yet?I'm a bit worried, not for the usual quality reasons but with how the SY anime seemed to be made a bit more kiddy and simplified in places. SC is the least shouneny and most mature of them all, I hope it wouldn't get molested to try to make it more exciting.
>>275099910Spirit Circle would be quite hard to do justice but after Orb I'm more confident about structured stories like this doing fine in anime.It would be nice if we could get a Biscuit Hammer adaptation, too.
>>275097888Hell, Fuuta might even experience the sex.
>>275098481What the fuck, that's supposed to be ノノ?
>>275084297cute kuro nono
>>275099910Spirit Circle should be the easier to adapt because most of the tone is very straightforward, I don't see how they can miss the mark. Meanwhile SY has tons of more ambiguous scenes for them to shonenify because they didn't pick up the subtleties.
>>275086384The feeling of being miserable for most of your life only to realize there were things you liked but didn't appreciate until it was too late is the most realistic and heartbreaking part of this manga.Mr. Sphinx deserved better.
>>275099910Spirit Circle is the least flashy work of Mizukami so it doesn't need a big budget, just a good director like Tsutomu Mizushima.
>been a couple years since I checked if Mizukami was doing anything new>see a new title>get excited>check it out>he's only credited with writing, the art is someone else and it's generic isekai sloppaFUCK
>>275101429If you aren't aware he's also doing World End Solte at the same time
>>275101834didn't he say it was a backburner passion project that would take years? I checked the chapter count a while ago and it certainly looked that wayI wasn't going to touch it until it's finished, or however far along it is when Mizukami fucking dies (more likely)
>>275101834Solte is, and I say this without a hint of irony, native isekai
>>275101834Which might as well not exist because lol release schedule.
>>275101834Every time I go back to Solte I need to reread the whole thing
>>275101429Climax Necromance is pretty okay so far. Mizukami does the writing and storyboarding and the artist is one of his former assistants.>>275101834Solte is pretty good too, the quarterly release schedule is rough though. He did have two chapters come out with just a month in between recently so maybe he will end up picking up the pace of releases a bit in the future but who knows really.
>>275086384I want to wake up next to rune.
>>275095595In the end your own standards are the ones that really matter
>>275085964bring me back
>>275105868This but not even because SEXOOO, she soothes the mind after the Flors tragedy
>>275086076wtf was kerteros' deal?
>>275107937Social classes are a bitch
>>275083983I wonder what life she lived last. It seems she softened up after experiencing it
>>275107913This but also because SEXOOO
>>275085692>please let this assholes ship sink
>>275086055Isn't one of his lives a librarian?
>>275086055>you've got it all wrong Yet another manga ruined for me by Kengan Omega
>>275111036Many such cases
>>275101834I really like what I read of Solte, but the release schedule is so painfully slow that I'd rather try to forget about it until it's either close to ending or changes its release schedule.
>>275110950One of his lives is a rather smart researcher, but nothing really noteworthy happened to her and she was dissatisfied with how boring her life was. She wished she could've been born an artist instead, which is why Fuuta (her next life) has more of an artistic talent and is less smart than her.
>>275086384Thank you for posting.
>>275086292I just checked, it says “Very Bad”
>>275113629Hopefully the release schedule picks up eventually. I'd been hoping it would after the manga for Planet With ended, but it didn't. From his tweets around new years he seems to regret the release schedule since he was talking about how if a child started reading it when it first started the child wouldn't be a child at this point.
I think I'm going to dump the next part in a new thread, since it's two chapters and this thread only has 75 posts left
>>275117330Yeah, that would probably be a good idea.
>>275117330Link it here when you make it please
>>275118392>>275119457Why'd you nerds bump this?Next >>275119647
>>275119680Because they have the power.