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Discuss and post golden girl and related characters.

The Wikis


The Boorus


Golden Girl requests pastebin
The old one is ded. make a new one

Note: AI art goes in the Stable diffusion thread. You want us to see your stuff. Post there and link here

Previous Thread: >>8067490
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So here is my Dream. I will do drawings if it will help.
We get Polybits or Rushzilla to do a 3d model of GG

Ploybits may be the easier one to get.

They then have a tendency to ship their models to this company for 3d printing and painting

They do pretty decent work. I WANT a golden girl statue. SOME ONE MAKE IT HAPPEN!
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I've been getting really good renders with the loras posted, I'd like to learn more about in painting before I post
So long are we're talking impossible dreams, I've always thought Redmoa would make the best GG model honestly. She's got a lot of design elements similar to Gwen,Raven and Violet already.
(Copying this from previous thread for people that missed it)

Not!Vamnon here I guess

Don't mind the shirt clipping. Found out how to fix that after I do this. Working a lot recently and honestly wouldn't have did this had some old ass tv show I had on for background noise hadn't have someone say golly to remind me of GG. I apologize for the file size I forget I have my recordings in 1440p. Will try to do more if personal time allow it.

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What kind of Villain's do you think Donna Dynamo has?
She's a weather and science hero right?
Like Anon said in the co an evil weather man or maybe a giant zamboni robot robot that spreads ice.
Have any anons posted outfits for Audrey to wear other than the poodle-dress? I feel like we need some inspiration and variety besides the dress and the hero outfit
She's had a few outfits
Pajamas Audrey, mechanic Audrey, a few formal dress Audreys, plenty of bathing suit Audreys, even karate gi.

Is there something specific you're looking for?
Like just a change of day to day wear other than the skirt?
Gym uniform that Vannn did with the situps comic was great. Maybe something sporty
Please not those colors though
>Is there something specific you're looking for?
Just visual references, honestly, though if you have any other unused ideas for 50's girls' fashion, I'm all ears
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Pretty wild outfit ideas here. I enjoy them, but they will certainly give you something to think about
Hope Van returns soon. Been since Christmas from his last work.
A piolet air jockey villain maybe?
What is this though? I get a kind of Waw2 vibe from it
Same diff actually, be cool to see her in a WW2 solider uniform and helmet with a few buttons pop off on the chest area while holding a Thompson.
Damn, those are nice spine snappers she has there. I'm in for it.
Wish he made a version of her without clothes.
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GG would be perfect for this kind of facesitting+rimjob titfuck
lmao retard
Hmm, Maybe a funny titfuck gone wrong? Also not sure it's been done before already.
Be nice to see Iris and Audrey mud wrestling.
How would you adapt The Developing Adventures of Golden Girl into vidya?
Point and click adventure. navigating life of Audrey hiding her Identity and GG making her way out of villainous traps.
Items/inventory stored in the cleavage.
Honestly I want to do a 2.5D beatemup.
Live the school life, go on missions, level up. Cool twists and cool fights to be had.
Point and click sounds awesome but way more heavily dependant on the story aspect of it - a skill I lack in. Would still play.
First person ace attorney sort of point and click?
Or more lucasarts like in that the character walks around to where you point sort of thing?
>I want to do a 2.5D beatemup
Same. Something like the TMNT game would be cool.
I really need to learn how to animate
Someone was working on that but it was never completed. I don't care really what a GG game will be but remember that boob physics is essential.
Which is better?
3D jiggle physics or jiggle pixels?
Jiggle pixels. Retro beat-em-ups are in these days.
so far i don't think there's been any art of it yet
Personally 2d and pixel animated jiggle is better. But it can be done right in 3d. If you played as Rouge the bat in SB2 as an example, the physics were very detailed and the game. Find a glitch somewhere in the game and GGs boobs will bounce forever lol.
Shame Terrible still suspended on X. Anyone know his secondary place he post?
merry christmas anon
Thanks for this fellas!
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Should be her standard size desu
Think Audrey has a six pack?
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When she's older, yes.
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>Iris and Audrey mud wrestling.
Or instead of mud, Yogurt!
Wish we got more focus on the other girls in GG universe.
They need bigger tits for that to happen. I wish we had more boys to pair Audrey with instead.
no, the other girls having bigger than average tits would downplay the comedy of Audrey existing around them
Just make Audrey even bigger
>6'3" muscle red head.
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6'4" and auburn, actually, but yes.
Yeah agreed, especially Iron Girl.
Saburox should do more Bullion.
There's an entire team of teen guys in the lore that nobody uses. Don't make up excuses
I hope they'll be a colored version of the newspaper pic in the back.
It just looks like a regular ass newspaper page, probably nothing of note. Looks like a modern car.
I think I see an adult Audrey leaning on the car though. Or to me it kinda looks like it.
Au shit you're right, I misread that as some other shapes. Now I wanna see it too
I mean I could be wrong but I think I can make out Audrey sitting on the car. Really hard to see if it's real.
Should she wear a one piece swimsuit or two?
Let's see In two.
The bikini wasn't invented until she was a hag.
The cut would be a little different but what people know as the modern bikini was invented in 1946. A year after Audrey was born.
It's actually skimpy because of the cloth rationing from WW2. They were considered daring and controversial for the next decade and didn't really gain widescale acceptance until the 60s.
But circa 1955? They absolutely existed.

Having said that a one piece would still be more in character, if people here indeed care about that.
Then it's official,
Two piece vote for me.
>Having said that a one piece would still be more in character, if people here indeed care about that
This. I can imagine Katya wearing the proto-bikinis due to her surfer dude pals' influence.

Maybe Audrey is forced to wear one due to Katya's insistence?
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Second best mechanic Audrey art next to Saburox's.
Fuck that AI using prick!
you realize that disqualifies Hagfish too right?
Lol, Hag just said he traced over the bike. No one cares if they use AI if it's backgrounds as long as GG looks good.
Even GG looks embarrassed Hag used an AI background! Jk.
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He stopped doing AI backgrounds because of you retards and you still give him shit because of course you fucking do.
Just fucking kys already.
Probably the same asswipe that complains about every little small shit on new GG post
Audrey and Katya in a surfing contest maybe?
A wet shirt contest instead!
Them using this tshirt
Few more days.
Someone has her locked up it looks like. That all she got to wear in that padded cell? lol
Holy crap that's nice! How'd you do it?
I love it when she wears cow prints!
It's pretty clearly done using the ponyxl model and golden girl lora that was posted earlier. Probably with either a controlnet based on the 3d render or img2img.
No wonder why the computer put a toilet in the image. this is pure crap
Oh it's shitstain again, surprised you're still around and not in some AI thread trying to shit on everyone there. The toilet was genned to capture all the shit you spew, you know.
yall are making me turn colors lol! but yeah Im surprised anon can tell its ponyxl, but i just ran it thorough img2img with some quality control loras all the details are on the civitai golden girl page
>Im surprised anon can tell its ponyxl,
Resolution was too high and the fact that it made the eyes yellowish meant there was more Hagfish in the training data, both of which pointed towards the pony version.
Please keep it up! I really loved to see more in the future.
Wow, we have a time traveler among us!
Any new art?
i got something for friday
Having fun with the GG lora. Had to learn Comfy because Stable XL models and its variants don't seem to work on my machine... Even with fresh windows and fresh Stable Froge installations...

Crazy, some look just as good as the originals but that's my opinion. Not bad!
I wonder what Van's drawing would look like since he draws her chest super large.
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it might not be much but here is a teaser
Looks cool, can't wait!
semi-random but anyone happen to have a good card of our main girl for honeyselect2?
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Happy Birthday Audrey!
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and a follow up
Those are fantastic. Thank you for sharing.
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Long comic here for Audrey's Birthday. Basically the same thing as the last bimbo thing I did but fuck it, I'm a one-trick pony with GG recently.
Silver Queen travels to some jungle country south of the border because whatever XYZ super criminal thing. Golden Girl tags along and puts her detective skills to use, leading her to discover time forgotten temple and encounter the secrets within.

Hope some people enjoy this.
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Full res aztec Audrey
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Blue paint alt
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Hard to see these.
But appreciate these. Nice job!
not enough time to work on these unfortunately, I'd like to do more koikatsu posing

This was a great GG bday. Can't wait for next year.
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Was hoping this one would get colors. Good work
thanks. had the other colored but it was passed the size limit
here it is
Very nice
When do you think she'll embarrass her chest?
damn, i wish i could smash those mellons with my dick.
She'll smash your dick like smashing a melon between thighs. Only instead of painful bloody explosion, it's coomplosion.
God damn.
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I kinda wanna do some story ideas. I recall someone mentioned mind control

What villains they are & what you'd suggest for it?
Mary Jane or Dr Verrukt
Audrey thinks she's pregnant but it's actually an air enema. Going out, buying maternity wear, swimming in the swimming pool oddly buoyant, or in the bath tub. When she finally finds out she isn't pregnant she's heartbroken.
That's too sad my dude.
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Can we get that a bit larger Azul? BTW Love it!
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These are cute! Again, underrated GG artist!
Much! Thank you.
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Idea of new Audrey art were she nervously invites a lucky guy to sleep with her

Show her being very shy as this is her first time doing this
Not sure about the villain but maybe a slow mind control where she dresses more and more provocative. gets more sexually interested, the plan to make her to busy sucking cocks and getting fucked to fight crime.
I think they Drew one of her already possibly.
All I can say is good luck with that.
Idk why but i love her big ears
I may be /aco/ biased but is there a joke or underlying gag like >>8355324 ?
I thought I once saw one. There's a lot of pics on the booru that wouldn't surprise me if there was one. If not, I would want to see your request too.
I was going for a "Oh it's so pretty, I'll cherish it forever" "Well too bad, we are going to destroy it" sort of joke, but I couldn't get it to work right
It definitely works well, great job!
Not Golden Girl related, but I think people here would like this anyway ^_^

BE is shit and will always be shit.
Interesting, any nsfw fan art yet?

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