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General for western YouTuber lewds, mainly relating to Storytime Animators (STAs) and related creators, but any and all youtubers are accepted.
>All YouTube related content, including avatars, OCs, etc. are welcome.
>Don't spam/beg for a delivery of any request you have.
>No direct uploads for real life pics of any creators. Use catbox for those, especially if they're hot.
>Keep drama to a minimum.
>Keep it hate-free. Don't use this thread to attack those who use usernames before they have even posted, or if they have already posted but are just trying to contribute.
>No virtue signalling of any kind. If you see something you don't like, hide it, and if you think it breaks the global or board rules, you're welcome to report it.
>No diaper, scat OR fart porn. It'll be considered troll posting and will be reported as such.
>Have fun y'all.

Fanfics: https://pastebin.com/uSr5FFSc (last updated circa. mid 2023)
The OSP Archive:
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lGGqaV1thjD4BKYe2ZitrE5xMHzU4SVU?usp=share_link (last updated March 2024)
https://mega.nz/folder/Ia90TbQR#2clwpj3Y0sP9sN98x4yLZQ (last updated June 2024)
Previous Threads:
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>removed the "no underage youtubers rule"
Well way to make it clear from the start where you stand
Pack it up boys this ones gonna be shit
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Just report it, stupid.
It's already a rule for this whole board. Read the sticky.
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Great OP image
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To answer your question, I will if I get the itching to do so I'm afraid.
There’s a Quinn version of this or something similar does anyone have it
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Hallelujah, Shenanigals OP!!
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The cutest
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To answer your question, I do have a rentry.

It's under LonLonAnonArchive.
Thanks. They're fun reads
>be on youtube
>see luvvucy in reccomendeds
>Don't reccomend channel
What a fucking mediocre start.

>No virtue signalling of any kind. If you see something you don't like, hide it, and if you think it breaks the global or board rules, you're welcome to report it
Cool rule change clearly in response to the pinkink situation. The reason "DO NOT POST UNDERAGE YOUTUBERS" was chosen was because clearly some people needed this rule to be stated.
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why is she so perfect bros
Hey I'm curious, do you have any other art planned
Cute. Who drew?
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Do these count?

On one hand, not of P.M Seymor's stuff is actually of HIM or his avatar.

On the other hand, he draws good art.

Ultimately I don't think we should include Youtubers that just so happen to draw porn. If we did, we'd have to include people like Zedrin or Derpixion, porn artists that just so happen to have a Youtube channel.

Still though, nice art.
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Nice cumflation porn
Still hoping for isopod feet
>no shitty rules edition
>adds a shitty rule replacing a rule that was proven to be necessary.

Good job anon. You failed
They did what?
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Anyone know YouTubers who don't have porn yet but you'd feel bad requesting for?
Need more Red Bard in my life
Yes, but that's exactly why I'm not requesting them lol
One day someone will draw porn of them and you'll feel less bad asking for more.
Very interesting
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I'm going to think lewd thoughts about the cartoon character just because it drives you insane and you cannot stop me
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Figured it did since the op says YouTuber’s OCs welcome
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And now for the 4th member.
Beautiful. And with all the innuendo jokes in the Silver Campaign, bout time they got lewds
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Always nice to see someone else around here that appreciates this cutie goddess
Cool my idea got drawn, the self facial.
This is a good image, thank you anon.
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I am once again requesting nsfw art of t b e shortstack version of chaos55t
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Perfection. I hope others make more of them.
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Fat isopod tiddies
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Requesting a muscular humanized male version of "this video has been removed for violating TOS" icon raping any ADULT FEMALE youtuber
Bit late on this but could you post the full?
I want to ride Lio and drain him completely. I love damaged men. I think my pussy would make him forget about what that British girl did.
Didn't someone do this with SavannahXYZ?
Down with the sickness for that thiccass
No I think that was with adblock I think not the youtube face
did the other thread finally fucking die
that guys a total lolcow
What did they do? This is the 1st time I've heard their name
No, the thread 100 with the shitty rules 8s still up.
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I really wanna fuck Honobread and make her poledance on my cock
Honestly I Really like this character
As do I anon. As do i
Is the guy who did those osp edits still here? It's been forever since we last heard from him
Penny's fat, milky tits and her drippy hard cock!
What osp edits?
Did the OSP goddess stuff get split off into it's own thread? I feell like I remember that happening.
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Seconded. Preferably her cumming while getting fucked.
He used like screenshots and a ai art generator thing to make osp lewds
Ah well. Least some of his porn was good.
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This is my favorite Penny image
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Who is this.
One of P.M. Semour's OCs. His NSFW is PurpleGuyRi if you want more.
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Itzal was and still is a real one for taking my request and drawing that
I have kinda the opposite problem, there's a YTer I'd love to see ANY art of. I've mentioned her here a couple times, but so far, nothing.
What youtuber?
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Have the Quinn version of this
>I've mentioned her here a couple times
Ur Chaos anon, aren't you
He is not. I asked >>8352043 because I'm also curious what youtuber he is even talking about.

Thank you for assuming tho shenanigals anon <3
Phone 4chan musta bugged out baka
I retract my last part of my statement, I probably shouldn't have assumed either.

My point is the same tho >>8351914 isn't me
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>assuming tho shenanigals anon <3
That's not me, I'm this post >>8352467
>thats not me
Yeah I know that now that arachna added her name.
As I said I probably shouldn't have assumed.

Also it seems we both wanna know what he's on about here >>8351914
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happy New Lizie Art to those who celebrate
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Time that didn't come here. Does anyone have a request that I can make?, simply and in a sketch?

Greetings everyone by the way, I hurt my dominant hand so I can't draw so detailed.
Alpharad fucking Jaiden
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Hello Steca, I hope you recover well.
May I request Scomic maker sitting topless like this: https://files.catbox.moe/tcmzv7.jpg ?
hahaha I have always thought about drawing a drawing of them together, but according to them they are more friends than lovers XD
>https://files.catbox.moe/tcmzv7.jpg ?
You say sitting topless? if so oki
Ye, thanks.
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Red Bard showing off her pussy
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femdom amazon position with gomotion

Draw her giving a titfuck to Jaidens mom
Arachna Thighjob (Just to give the anons what they want)
SavanahXYZ as a mermaid
All the thighs
I'm still mad theres an anon with a whole ass folder of irl nudes of her and wont share
Eh, I doubt it's real at this point
He unfortunately had proof
That was just one pic
That is proof that he does have more like he said he did
No. Its proof he has 1 image. Unless he posts more it was just as likely they were bluffing
Based based BASED
Finally my dick can feel the embrace of Arachna's thighs
hey screenshot edit anon are you here with us? i have some requests.
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found more of that harpy shenanigal
Oh nice, where'd ya find it?
A fair enough position to hold anon
found it on Twitter. There's a lot more of than I thought there'd be, but I guess she's cool with it

Oh lol, well no turning back now.
Can we get some pin ups of Skeleharpy? I SUPER NEED THAT
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Yeah maybe although I'm more in favor of her cloaca being pounded. For now we can post what already exists.
This fat autistic Jew gives me such a hard on
hot damn I'm with you there
didn't realize she could have wings or just actual arms... the possibilities
Yeah according to Skele the arms appear after molting.
I needed this, thanks anon
haven't heard the word "molting" since the Johnny Depp lizard movie lol which would mean the arms are for mating
Nice! I mean I'm down for it I just want more of her, she's got a nice ass and I def wanna see more
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Requesting Shgurr swallowing down a huge mouthful of cum after a blowjob
Shgurr giving a titjob to a dude
Nude Jaiden, Rebecca (LMES) and Happy comparing ass sizes (smallest to largest: Jaiden, Happy, and Becca)
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>Found more art of that shenanigal
>but I guess she's cool with it
I always like it more when they enjoy it.
>in favor of her cloaca being pounded
I wonder if she saw that threesome art.

I feel like Krooked Glasses would hate it.
Lucy would be okay with it from her vibes.
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And some more

Butt focus. Noted.
No problem. You got any other ideas for him?
>I feel like Krooked Glasses would hate it.
I wonder if the dude was Lythero instead of a generic that she would be less disgusted by it.
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>if the dude was Lythero instead of a generic
I don't know maybe, but only shared privately
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I don't like the shenanigals but I do like krooked glasses in this form
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Something about the design just kinda works
I'd honestly really enjoy a more "on-model" one with her small boobs
I like the bigger boobs tho
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Who doesn't like bigger boobs lol
Still a huge fan of this drawing. Gives off shortstack vibes.
Big boobs are the go-to. Small Boobs are heavily overshadowed in porn stuff. Small Boobs are closer to the heart after all.
Big boobs do be bodacious
If I masturbate and cum in my hand, then go to a palm reader. Do yall think they would still read it? And if they did what would it mean?
i like big boobs, and boobelicious bugs
What does this have to do with youtubers
Well I gotta find out somehow if I'll ever fuck one. Might as well troll a palm reader while I do it
I have been summoned, what you got?
>I wonder if she saw that threesome art.
that's a good question. I doubt it, but who knows lol. Wonder how she'd react
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girls from the Gilgamesh video

the bull demon kings new fox wife

girls from " Hou Yi and Chang'E" video
i've also got other screenshots i want to share but like most are kind of repeat requests and i don't know if those are allowed or if your cool with that.
Also are you ok with request focusing or including dudes or is apollo still the only exception? and are older women and monster girls alright? all OSP related of course
I’m fine with repeats and really any character requests whether or not I’ll fulfill them is another matter. Honestly been a little bored since I sorta ran out of screen shots Xd.
nice your GF is so lucky getting a piece of that bug ass.
cool, thanks for the answer. getting my requests screens in order now.
Nice art
I think your gf counts as furry.

Also isopod feet when?
Impregnated. Woo.
hey dude are these all requests, or personal projects.
Regarding the numbered ones it's a personal project, however, I have taken a few requests before. One was from the thread, and the rest were from fellers in the Discord
Is there any chance you could make one using the image of red, blue, and cyan are all fucking while indigo records them?
Someone else requested that, but yeah, I'll do it.
I hope you do more edits of the dudes that are shown
I see roxy privated her twitter again. Why did she do it this time?
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Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.
i promise you nobody gives a fuck
I'm genuinely asking why but thanks
Oh sorry to bother you with a double request, I didnt see it but thanks
You're being needlessly hostile over a simple question
i suppose i was. i apologize.

i just don't want to deal with happy's shit on a mostly unrelated thread.

but since you asked, tldr: streamline workshop made a video about some shit involving unknown spy and happy dealing with a minor that wouldn't stop harassing them and and happy's now getting bombarded with yet another wave of hate on twitter.

i won't elaborate further, nor bother to correct myself if i got anything wrong. i just don't give a shit about this woman and her simps.
Thx for explaining and yeah I get not wanting drana here.
How rare it is to see a normal conversation on the internet not devolve into blatant cussing and racial slurs. I'm proud to goon with both of you anons
Who's Drana
Is she a new youtuber?
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Are you referring to this?
Yes I am
Are you a fan of Blue having a harem?
I know I am, at least.
Oh my god, I'm the same also
Pretty much this, yes. Streamline is now saving face at vidcon after making her statements that I groom kids by making my content "too accessible" but her video caused tons of children to flock to my channel/Twitter/server just to see if I am really a pedophile. Now all of a sudden it's not her responsibility to redirect her fanbase, something she does keep me accountable for as she's by now admitted to having derived EVERYTHING she knows from just interacting with my fanbase. She didn't speak to me or spy once.

I've learned she went through this song and dance before. She attacked another nsfw artist for the same reactions, apologized in another video, then changed her mind in the third. She then took this trilogy down cause it makes her look bad.

On her patreon she's pretty much stated herself she picks whichever side of dramas makes her look good. If she agrees with the "wrong" side she simply won't bring it up.

She's also been cropping screenshots and messing with her "evidence".

Streamline also apparently just had a bias against nsfw in general because of her own unresolved childhood trauma. I've had several people trying to excuse her with the fact she got groomed by a nsfw artist therefore can't respect anyone anymore.

If any of you - since you're weirdly clever - know more about streamline or the way she's straight up manipulating, please let me know.

I was literally drama free had blocked hundreds of people, was mostly being left alone but then this bitch decided she wanted views
Little bit yea. It's more the idea they are all casually having sex with each other I'm a fan of
I agree, took the words right out of my mind
but I also really like the idea of Blue and his wife fucking Red and Indigo together too

She has probably already told her wokies at vidcon
Oh yea definitely, gotta pair them up somehow since blue and cyan are married
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Do you have any ideas/scenarios involving the OSP?

Also here's an edit I made of Blue having fucked Red and Cyan
Doesn’t surprise me. She seems unhinged and vindictive. I know she went after some other YouTuber recently because she thought it’d make her look good.
I think these threads are the only place I've heard of her, and funnily enough I think it was in the context of hate fucking if I remember right.

She sounds unpleasant if what you're saying is true

Streamline probably really really hates your existence and the fact you're too different from other animators and her own bias, so I think she's going to make a follow up focusing only on Happy since she sees that her comments on her latest video are very negative towards her.

Happy, please for the love of god stop immediately intervening on that since you're slowly digging your own grave and making her highly influenceable audience hate you even more and the hate train is going to continuously grow and grow.

I suggest disappearing from the internet for a few months.

Happy should be a lesson on everyone on why being too public online is too dangerous, especially if you're part of the animation community.
Whether I interact with her or not really doesn't matter. So far having my word out has helped a fair bit. I learned more about streamline and the stuff she does online. She just silences those who criticize her.
Honest to god this doesn't surprise me one bit

Further context and all things I've noticed in her video are in my post in my community tab, since my Twitter is currently locked down. Noi's been sending too many kids my way and it's downright annoying
To expand on this. I blocked well over like 300 people. They make alts. They spam pedo in my discord server among other things. If you remain quiet they do that Fallacy thing there they burden you to prove it, or else it must be true

Bottom line I WANT to be left alone but staying quiet does NOT allow that to happen :/ there's so much in my dms and comment section filters that you as a consumer don't see.

It's also knowing that the minors joining my server now, will be weaponized as proof in the future that we "allow" minors or that it's "too accessible" while in reality the issues had mostly settled down, untill Bitchline workshop needed to make a video and literally point them the way. It all never ends. I'm sick and tired of it.

Maybe you should just... Completely abandon the Happy persona and just start another channel unrelated to Happy?

They literally won't notice if you're good enough.
Easier said than done.

Speaking as an artist, when you've built your entire brand around something like that, it's hard to just... abandon it just like that.
I'd rather not. Justice should prevail one day. I know I didn't do jack shit wrong
Streamline doesn’t actually care if kids are in danger or not. She only cares if she gets Twitter likes off talking down to other people. It’s why she never gets involved to actually help anyone. Just to boost her own ego. You should consider getting a hold of other people she’s gone after to see if they know anything.

I don't know Happy but... This is literally something far greater than previous dramas and thanks to that Streamline whore and the woke and cancel loving nature of the animation community this may become harder and harder to try to contain.

You shouldn't have been too public after all.
I've tried contacting somebody from that trilogy stream took down, but they stopped posting back in 2022 and still have comments to all their Instagram posts disabled.

I was sent the following by a few people

Video 1 is the accusations https://youtu.be/qRjDNoPPwkQ

video 2 is apologizing
(tinyurl link 4chan won't let me post)

video 3 is reversing the apology https://youtu.be/mV5H_Xad5Xs
I have to disagree. The allegations have nothing to do with my open-ness. They were made up by Noi, then people such as Streamrabbit2 used it to justify his weird hate porn comics, my former harassers and irl stalkers used it to justify still talking about me etc. The issue was already there before I ever spoke out. I'm just entirely transparent as a person. They will not find any dirt on me as a person, cause there simply isn't any.

They still think they're discovering something huge when they learn i have an onlyfans. I'm not kidding. Some child sent Pureboiii/my bf a fucking email ordering to break up with me cause I have an onlyfans. Sweetheart. He took the pictures, and none of it has ever been a secret. Sit back down :D
As I suggested awhilebago maybe change the discord link, make it so you and only those you trust have it for now.

Sure some fans who aren't there may be sad but it is genuinely the best option you have against the raiding.

Animation meme YouTubers should never have an onlyfans
You could always try that lio guy. Stream seems to have a particularly strong hate boner for him for some reason.
You got any links for me? Your information is greatly appreciated.
Because I'm not allowed to have several forms of content, okay.
Who is Streamrabbit2?
Do you mean lioconvoy? Idk much about him but he doesn't seem that great from what I've seen.
To stream’s stuff or lio?
He’s got problems, but I think the dogpiling is a bit much. I’d still take him over streamline any day. From what I’ve seen of his server, he’s actually a decent guy. I can’t say the same about stream.

It's fucking anormal
Not here to argue who's better I'm just saying he's not great. But nobody in the commentary community really is from what I've seen.
This is some genuine advice roxy
I'm still allowed to have several social media platforms. I can't help the stigma around animation meme content suggesting it's just for kids. I won't further argue about this cause it's just stupid.

Ihos stuff please.

I had paused invites for a good bit. The big raids have stopped by now but kids have come in daily, consistently for now months so that's something I'll just have to deal with unfortunately. My carrd link however is temporarily down, Twitter is closed. Insta is privated. My YouTube has age disclaimers but I think it's so overreactive. I've deleted some of my former tweets since it's only responded to with pedo allegations. There's a lengthy response in the pins on my own Noi video as well as on my community tab, because I don't want to look like I'm silenced by this. I've made it known to people there WILL be a video. We banned around 10 confirmed minors from the server this weekend alone. That's ignoring the 15 or so trolls and "unspecified" bans. I blocked 5 kids rampaging on my Twitter the same hour I privated my account. I'm doing all I can, trust me but I also don't want to worry my fans.

Oh love having a divided fanbase!!! Hahaha I'm making an of!!! I'm sure this won't exacerbate the amount of stalkers and haters!!! I love ignoring the rules of YouTube being that you should have a centralised fanbase and stuff!!!
Did some digging. Here’s what I got.
Server https://discord.com/invite/z8k8d62h twitter @liomanbad and looks like he has two discord accounts lioconvoy and dudeman28 and here’s his youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-feweA_NQnjBKKK4gR7iHA
mf what "youtube rules" are you talking about lol
also you are REALLY hung up on the onlyfans thing, huh?
Right? Lmao but it'll be spun into me bringing drama to the thread or being snarky or whatever

Thanks so much! I greatly appreciate this. Despite some of you actually hating my ass it's so refreshing seeing you can judge the situation with an open mind instead of just scrutinizing me.

The fact that some anons that hate you also write positive about you
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Oh for fucks sake do not get in contact with Lio he himself is just as bad as Stream when it comes to being genuine and honest or have you forgotten he's also Commentary Community? The dude has so much dirt on him made public that you'd need a shovel to reach him through it all , he's the same dude who lied and downplayed the fuck out of bad people and their actions just because he was friends with them or they were useful to him. HopelessPeaches is the big, fat example that.

As for any info between Lio and Stream, there is none. They were never friends and Lio only tried using her to stir up some drama or try to deflect his own bullshit. If anything getting in contact with Lio will do more harm than good especially if Stream finds out about it.
Honest to god I don't know SHIT about any of these people
I heavily dislike you but you are in the right for this situation so I've been trying to give more helpful coments.
Who cares? Info is info. Cope.
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Good, keep it that way and if anyone in your groups tells you to go to any Youtuber for help demand that person to tell you what they know about them and if their answer is any form of "lol idk" disregard immediately.

I just told you there's zero fucking info between you idiot. This was already made public when Lio was being dragging over the coals for his fuck ups.

She's stuck between making her own video about it with a 50/50 chance of success and doing the usual policing
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Requesting Gomotion exposing her tits like kyouka while looking smug and saying "I have tits, bro!"
>the usual policing
What do you mean
Why are you so mad? There’s no need to be mad.
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Dude, fuck off.
Krooked Glasses and Lythero fuckin', with IHeartJustice and Zyzx_ playing UMVC3 in the background or something
How about Jaiden checking out her new boobs after getting implants?
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Nice idea, mind if I steal it?
I still think the shortstack version of chaos deserves more porn
Idk man, he gave some pretty good reasons on why you shouldn't go to lioconvoy for this
He gave me a list with no sources. And got mad. He just sounds unhinged to me. No reason to be so mad.
Who are you?
The post was directed towards Happy to stay away from Lio. The only anger was from you not being able to read more than a single sentence to claim there is info where there is none.
lol go back to twitter loser

>Of is the most twitter shit imaginable
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No problem. Do us Shenanigooners proud
All of them just standing in a room playing soggy biscuit
the point still stands nigga, go back
Lmao, you're such an obsessed little sperg, why don't you just stop already, it'll be good for your mental health.
do you can make a caption based on this pic >>8353997 since aphrodite was made from foam and possibly semen from Ouranos's severed ball sack maybe aphrodite every year have men give her a bukkake shower as a form of tribute with the semen and lust impowering her.
I'm once again requesting more porn and art of Skeleharpy. I wanna see more of that girl
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Bet, someone been uploading stuff with her on R34 and I've been fiending pretty hard.
Heh, going by uploader names Skeleharpy might one of them.
Shenanigals oversaturation continues
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Hmmm, normally that sorta thing ain't really my cup of tea, but that could be an interesting thing.

Nah you point ain't shit
just you considering it does me a great honor
well we have to break up the Jaiden and Red worship every once in a while
Jaiden art has barely shown up i. These threads lately
i feel like not enough of this stuff makes good use of them being youtubers and having to keep up an "internet personality"
need more pics of them interacting with fans or pretending it's a video they would actually make.
yeah i think it is
guess that means she DEFINITELY saw the group art seeing as that is on there lol
Pole dancing would be so hot
While the shortstack one is usually better, the tall one has superior feet
seconding this
i agree smut based on the youtubers career or public life is always a treat like jaiden talking about some sexual escapade, though i get some just liking the avatar itself rather than the actual person's profession. i like the lewd headcanon that all the YT celebs that meet up at vidcon have open hookups and sex parties like regular celebs
I’m glad you think my writing is good enough for you to be honored
Jaiden animations wearing a latex catsuit and tied up and ball gagged

Damn I should posted porn of them sooner.
Is she really gooning to porn of herself
>You got any other ideas
Reposting this idea for Topspin
I like this because it references a video
I made the joke about the Fireball whisky idea, cuz of Gary living life dangerously
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I remember that joke, he drinks jumbo sized
And he chugs a whole bottle before basically coughing himself onto the floor
Itzal posted new osp art and its fire
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Cool. You gonna post it?
Jaiden ripping a fat fart and fanning the stink away with an embarrassed, blushing expression, her other hand on her stomach
Somebody needs to read the fucking rules more
I am afraid that the most recent image caption is a bit too large for 4chan (at 10 megabytes), so instead I am going to post the links to it in the archives. Hope y'all enjoy


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It's a real nice pose y'know.
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Butt. Also a follow-up to the last pic.
Maybe next thread won't be
Anon you are the best, hoping more people draw more of her in the future
Which youtuber is this again?
holy FUCK these are so good! Thank you for feeding us
Sorry, I clicked the wrong thing, I was talking to >>8360408
Danke shoen
Danke shoen
Streamline just brought me up on her account again. I had closed my accounts so she had to refuel the fire. I'm getting death threats in my YouTube comments ATP and due to homelessness I cannot travel back to get to my pc. Wtf. These commentary youtubers are literally pests
Sounds delicious

How screwed are you right now in a scale of 1 to 10?
But didn't you say you lived with your bf?
Ehhhh not too screwed I'm just working some shit out privately. It's just streamline still having an aneurysm while I literally just can't do shit about it is what irks me

Pretty sure she knows how to strike at the perfect moment
If someone is able to make some hate stuff between me and stream that would be so incredibly funny right now. Just me sitting on her or something. Preferably not too sexual but it'd be golden if you get my vision XD

Hope no one tells stream about your 4chan activities

You're literally going to make shit even worse idiot, she's extremely anti porn and she'll call it harassment
Like I care. She's bound to find out anyway with her weird happylikeawall obsession. I've more than enough right to make fun of her still crying about this all
Then don't make it nsfw. It's really just mockery then. She's already lieing about facing harassment by me and my fanbase claiming she's sent threats and whatnot but won't come foreward with evidence

Girl the shit you said on 4chan could already agravate the situation dum dum
The girl will literally bring up random shit anyway to justify herself, haven't you noticed?

Anyway! I'm willing to commission whoever. It'd be funny for my server banner. Just reach out on Twitter or something ^^

Your haters would grow dramatically lol, why you still thinking you're a god
So... You're not making the video anymore or what?
I am it's just delayed :/
Oh, well it's probably better not to. Is Stream's last tweet is anything to go by then if you don't make a video then she won't say anything back at you. To make a video will only prolong and increase your current annoyance of people not leaving you alone. You've already had haters prior and getting into CC drama nonsense will only put more eyes on you because I honestly doubt you'll stop after one video if she responds.
I've been meaning to make 1 video for a while talking about dumb allegations and the fact the internet has never been a safe space for children. It's a thing that's been on my mind. Streamline is in a way a good gateway. I really am intending to cover EVERYTHING in my video and leave it at that. That way I can link people to it and have it over with. I'll make a great point out of streamline constantly instigating with me, so if she continues in any shape or form after my video drops, it proves me right
This would be petty and just make you look worse. I would suggest not making the drama worse
Depending on how things go there will definitely be an NSFW piece made out of it should the drama continue.
Maybe you're right though it's not nearly as bad as this borderline targeted harassment. You could even say she indirectly endangers kids by direction them to me. You know, since I should be a pedo or something

Yeah it would probably make Stream gang up with other YouTubers to dig deeper into Happy's story
Yes what she is doing is far worse but I'd say being the bigger person and not stooping that low is the best move.

If you get that kind of petty art made it could be used against you but if you're being the bigger person her argument will hold less weight

She'll use a secret tool called victimization and try to get attention for a bigger dramatuber to touch the theme
Who will? Roxy or streamline?
well hate fucks are the best fucks

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They're really not, I've never seen the appeal of them. To me its just kinda petty and weird
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happy I'm serious she could call this sexual harassment and you'd be in deep shit

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