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Previous thread: >>31676122
Old one hit the image limit
Could be us edition
First for killing all hornyposters
Thank the lord!!
Incels and femcels, does your family recognize you as incel/femcel? State your gender.
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Women how would YOU like to be approached if you had to be approached? As someone who is introverted but somewhat confident, my previous relationships have been with women who were far more extroverted than I am and I didn't actively pursue anybody though I really would like to change that since I feel like I would fare better with someone who enjoys time spent alone. I have all the basics covered (clothing, hygiene, physique, hair, height) and my intentions are to just meet more women I wouldn't have met otherwise, nothing more really. My "plan" is just to introduce myself and then see where it ends up going, of course I might be more bold if I know that someone else is interested...
When I was in high school my mom would always ask if I had any Valentines and I'd be like no
How many atoga men use straight razors?
Women, what do you think is funny?
Incel or Chad, you may choose whatever you please. I shall await you in the realm beyond the earth and heavens.
I do
i have and want to buy a kamisori, but have to use my 50 biodegradable razors first
Please put me out of my misery uwu. :3
Doubles great for slashing the arteries of my enemies
I do not believe any woman that says she is autistic.
Can this be a heterosexual thread? Please?
my ideal scenario is just someone striking up polite conversation and then inviting me to go to a restaurant or a cafe or something to talk even more. it feels to me like people try to start conversations with sexual harassment and it's very distressing. i have never dated before and i am plausibly retarded so dont take my advice as gold.
Oxymoron. If a razor were straight, it wouldn't touch men, and therefore it wouldn't be used.
Just go up to them. Introduce yourself, mention the weather or maybe tell a joke. Magic tricks are cool too.
would you believe me if i showed you my graph that explains all human interfaces with reality as well as the relationship between science and magic
no. ratio between men and women is like 14:0
I use a safety razor, I like it more.
Straight razors are meant for a barber anyway.
Harder daddy ~<3
M, no, they're surprised and kinda weirded out that I still don't have a partner (all my younger siblings do)
where are the freaky men
Lord, please help this poor soul find Your salvation and glory. Amen.
You can't stop me
And stay dead!
What's a straight razor...
I just use an electric shaver
Have you not known autistic girls IRL
Femanons, I have a mostly positive opinions of Hitler, I think everything they say about him is false.
Lemme drink that breast milk while tied to the bedpost
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I could hornypost from beyond the grave
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Hi, I'm freaky.
>everything they say about him is false
He's not Austrian!?
Is this saposed to be a turn off?
Lord, these “men” are an embarrassment to my gender. Please allow me the dignity and grace to pity their wretched existence. Amen.
Nope, he was a Serb.
You sure? Cause I'm really into kissing while fucking, might be a bit too freaky for you ;)
Why do you all have an instinct to steal sweaters?
Why do wamens keep men as friends when they know the guy wants to fuck them?
>he thinks his god can hear him in this forsaken place
im chilly
No, I'm looking for my soulmate.
New thread, where lizards Frizz?
Cause they're always cold
they smell nice
My God? I do not claim ownership of the Lord. I am his servant and vessel, not the other way around. When I walk in the dark I am enthralled in divine light.
...because they value the friendship and hope he can put aside his animalistic urges?
Smells like my sweat honey
>PLEASE be a normal field trip…!
>I do not claim ownership of the Lord.
Now this is maximum autism.
It's vassal bro you ain't a ship
Back when I was 13 my mom used to take me to a clothing designers boutique in the fashion district and the owner was a beautiful goth woman who was very kind to me and I only ever bought a extremely soft flannel shirt from her but my mom and sister used to buy other stuff from here.
Anyway a girl I slept with took the flannel and I never say her or it again and the boutique went out of business years ago.
It's a real shame.
No you don't
Im a 29 yo male and back in school full time for 1 year how hard is it going to be for me to find a girl around my age whos interested in marriage?
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Thank you, this is how I plan to approach:
"Excuse me, do you have a min?"
if they say yes I continue
"my name is x, I was wondering if I could get yours"
if they give me their name...
"well nice to meet you x, (compliment them on anything that's not a physical attribute)"
if they respond positively
"if you ever want to talk about anything or hang out, here is my number". If at any point they seem uncomfortable I get out of there by saying "sorry to bother you" and move on.
No, you’re just a fool. God bless you.
Better to think one is a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt. Amen.
Just depends how autistic you are, either way you have to put a ton of time into dating.
Nigga made a dialogue tree
Pretty cringe, anon. As a politician, a lot of Hitler’s actions and words are preserved in official records that can easily be verified. You picked a silly thing to doubt.
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Is it possible to separate casual sex from love?
I have potential opportunities to hook up with attractive people, but I feel like I'd feel even worse if I went through with it, like settling for something I don't really want.
Does anyone know what I mean? Is it better to just stick to your guns and ignore any feelings of FOMO? I just worry this is as good as it gets.
all i can tell you is it would work on me and i would be really happy about it, but im pretty sure most people dont work like i do
I'm a fool because I understand the correct usage of "your" in this context?
That's a lot of nothing anon, idk where you went to school but they don't teach you about his speeches or his policies, they say shit like Hitler would have killed you for not having blue eyes to scare kids.
Just absolute nonsense.
eating junk food to fill your stomach when you're hungry is only a good idea while you're hungry. then you feel sick and won't have room for good and nourishing food for a bit. it's effectively the same. you're craving, but if you sate the lust, you won't have a drive to seek out actual loving partners for a little bit, and you'll probably feel like shit for a while too. don't do it.

some people eat junk food all the time and allegedly don't mind it, but it's not really something you want to foster if you can help it.
I just answered in the old thread
I've been in bith situations, both suck for different reasons.
Think this might be her lol:
Wasn't there a greentext from either /fit/ or /r9k/ where someone mapped out a dialogue tree for talking to women in excel?
In this context, you assume it is “my” God, as if it is through my faith that grants Him validity as an entity. You would be dead wrong. I do not claim ownership of His validity.
two reasons
1. the attention from men makes them feel great
2. back ups incase their current relationship goes south
Oh, then yes, there’s a lot of rumors with zero basis in fact too. I guess I misinterpreted what you meant by “everything they say about him” and had government documents on the brain.
those are both my posts but i dont know who lizards frizz is, i didnt post in last thread or the last few really
I was asking her to post her lizards.
>ask question
>get answer
I hate this place
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There was one from fit where he made a chart of responses depending on which smash bros character she picked, his plan was a smash bros date. Also reminds me of the rat in the oven greentext
No, I say He is "your" God because of your relationship with him. You don't own "your" mother either, but she's still your mother.
Why is faceberg, shitstagram and plebbit full of (mostly fake) stories about girls giving muhh hints guys are oblivious to, and everyone laughing at it as if it were some secret code language women have to use.
First of all, you're not giving hints to be mysterious, you're doing it because you're insecure and afraid of rejection
And second, men you've given "hints" to weren't oblivious, they just weren't attracted to you.
If you knew he liked you, you wouldn't need to state your interest indirectly because you'd be certain you'd get together >>31679261
There's no rule against calling women liars.
It's this >>31679363
NTA but the minute I hear
>"Excuse me, do you have a min?"
I'm most likely leaving. It feels too unnatural, like you're either a bit of a creepy weirdo or trying to sell me something
Oh shit, the junk food is actually a great analogy lol that helps to put things into perspective, so thanks for that
>won't have a drive to seek out actual loving partners
I'm not very outgoing though so I don't do this anyway, even if I think it could be nice... I don't think I reach the bar for bf material, only fwb. But you're right, it's still best to not eat junk food so to speak
Aw I was off then
Could you elaborate a bit on your experiences?
>ask question to women
>man says “women bad”
>you accept that answer
I hate this place
>, men you've given "hints" to weren't oblivious, they just weren't attracted to you
Nah some of us are pretty oblivious
How many hoops do I have to jump through before I’m allowed to say you have great tits?
Yep that's it. Christ it's even dumber than I remembered.
Does that not mean I grant my mother validity in her existence as the entity of motherhood? The difference is that God is an external entity that is autonomous of my belief or not. Hence, it is not “my” God, it is God.
final bump...
Because they’re not fake, and you’re not a mind reader.
Was this for real? That's horrifying
I don't think we're communicating very well, I'll take fault. I'm sorry anon.
after we kiss for the first time i think
>Could you elaborate a bit on your experiences?
I'll greentext it
>sleep with a woman who wants to fuck
>after the sex she doesn't want to be with you anymore and you feel extremely alone once they're gone.
>don't sleep with a woman who wants to and you still feel sad cause you have no one who loves you.
i actually asked an innocuous question c'mon i hate this place
It’s funny when men get ignored on 4chan
im a talking dog
No we're not, we just don't want to fuck every single woman in existence, it's a coomer meme that doesn't have a lot of basis in reality.
And if we really were oblivious, you would be direct in your intentions to avoid confusion but you won't because your self esteem is fried.
You probably have poor body language and communication and your muh hints only make sense in your head
Great, then I’ll kiss you first and then motorboat you.
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It's a special gift
well i'm retarded. so here's a list of things i find funny:
>something being said four times in slightly different ways each time
>giving a very detailed and very unexpected reply to a simple question
>people being very confused and not understanding what is going on and nobody explaining it to them
>animals doing things that seem inappropriate for the situation
>setting up a rhythm or pattern and then not resolving the pattern
>no basis in reality
You mean you haven’t personally observed it, but it does happen.
There's only one beer left.
Reddit tier humour. You better be hot.
There's no mind reading, when she says stupid and out of character shit she's interested in taking about random dumb stuff with you, and you don't read minds but body language.
I don't have an issue with that, it's natural whamen behavior, I have an issue when they pretend they're superiors with telepathy while in reality they're either too awkward for flirting themselves or the guys they're hitting on just don't like them
I wish I had the time to get to know everyone personally. Do women ever feel this way?
In all honesty I think that response is pretty true Ive had a girl that I was interested in get heated at me after I realized she didn't fell the same about me and I just left, It wasnt even worth trying to see what was up. some of them just want every guy to be on love with them to boost their ego. Its pretty shakey to be friends with somone of the opposite sex it never works out, like what if one of ypu was married your spouse would just be okay with you hanging out with someone of the opposite sex and think it was completly platonic? We need yo grow up and understand its not possible.
>dont groom myself because fuck it
>only interact with people i hate because fuck them
>let other people demean me to when i should tell them to get fucked
>ghost people who get along with me because fuck it all
>overthink everything i say because i dont know fuck at all anymore
>have girls tell me to smile more and i say fuck it

holy shit it triggered with me this last week that ive wasted these past 8 years being an insecure little shit
>And if we really were oblivious
Is it an alien concept to you that people are not identical and that some of us are oblivious?
Rappers screaming all in our ears like we’re deaf.
RIP ):
Thanks for sharing though anon
Which would you say is worse? The first one sounds worse to me
Let's get to know each other anon
Is it a red flag when a girl tries to compete with you
>funny imo
>used to be funny imo
>classic yeah
thank you for your report
Nta but even the biggest cumbrain degenerates I've met have preferences all across the board and their main issue isn't commitment issues, it's over sexualization and inability to measure a woman's worth as a person which is why they end up with BPD or psycho bitches
No I mean, I'm a guy and I've had people tell me that I completely missed attractive girls' signals...I think you misunderstood my post
How so?
Turn that frown upside down ;)
Honestly, that one I can relate to lol. Flirting in person is a million times easier than ordering something over the phone
Tempt me, do a number on the label
I wanna see em too
Not at all, I like competitive and driven girls
I'm not competitive at all and quite laid-back so it's a nice balance
i'm a redneck with a farmers tan. i could probably beat your ass for saying that but i don't really know if it's accurate or not. i know it's meant as an insult which i don't appreciate regardless.
It's pretty endearing imo.
you are welcome
Same. That's 3 for lizards miss frizz, you'd better deliver.
You're cute
It's not, I've almost fell for the gaslighting myself. They like to talk to you normally and behind your back say you missed their signals when there weren't any in order to create drama.
And I've had people tell me I look high when I ony smoked cigarettes while others were inhaling weed around me. It's just a fake attempt at fucking with people. Besides if you really were oblivious and she really was hitting on you, she would've done it because she liked you which means it's on her.
You should shame women for that behaviour much in the same way they'd shame you for your obliviousness, even though apparently both can't be changed
The mind reading is you claiming to know when women are serious or just pretending.
Not much of a woman, are you? And you’re not the only one who grew up on a farm, lady.
Grils if you had a cock for one day would you rather have it sucked or use it to fuck

Guys if you had a pussy for a day (you still know you're a guy) would you have it fucked or would it be kinda gay
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Hey, what's up
This may be common, but it’s not universal. I refuse to accept that blackpill. Men ARE capable of keeping it in their pants, I know they are.
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Eat up all the MCs and drink em under the table, like
>a fake attempt at fucking with people
I think they were being genuine
>You should shame women for that behaviour
It's not women's fault that I'm an autistic retard lol
I haz much to learn
you prefer your women weak and spineless? not much of a man, are you?
If I had a pussy I'd let the homies hit.
>"Excuse me, do you have a min?"

For our lord and savior.
Is that a threat? I prefer my woman strong. But you still couldn’t beat me up.
I would cum into a jar, then use that cum the next day to get myself pregnant
Told you there's no mind reading, you just joke and talk about the same shit she's talking about and try to exaggerate it until she calms down and starts acting seriously and tells you outright what she thinks of you.
If you feel like doing it that is, they're not really entitled to your attention
I have a woman friend and I've never thought of her like that. But to be fair she's a little ugly and fat. Still though.
Wait what? Was this a ONS?
"It's on me, put it on my tab, kid"
>It's not, I've almost fell for the gaslighting myself
Bro you are currently attempting to argue that people can't be oblivious to social cues because
>teh evil wamen gaslit them
You gaslit yourself.
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I have to use my autism to my advantage somehow.
Thank you, I will move my reply over here: I won't approach actual strangers that I have 0 things in common with since I'm in college, there is a lot of common ground to work off of whether it be classes, clubs, or similar interests of any kind.
I think it's best to go with something really simple like a comment about what's happening in your surroundings
I accidentally end up doing this a lot but it doesn't really go anywhere even if someone responds to me, it's kind of difficult to work off of. I personally am not a big fan of praise or compliments either but if it's genuine I feel like it can work since the vast majority are okay with it given the fact that it's not creepy, it's one of those things where you can't appeal to everybody. I'll try doing both approaches and see if I fail or not but there's a certain leeway you get once you are physically attractive, it's moreso about letting the person you are interested in know you exist.
Should I omit "do you have a min" then? I thought this would work since people can easily just say no and walk away.
That's nice to hear, hopefully it works out...
you're not very clever. the post i just made was not a thread. two posts ago could have been a threat. whether i could beat you up or not is now irrelevant because you progressed the point of contention to fulfillment of gender expectations, but because i didn't give you much leverage on that subject and you gave me plenty, i won that exchange. this post is attempting to roll back the conversation to an earlier point where you had more leverage but that's not a valid move. banter is over.
> It's not women's fault that I'm an autistic retard lol
I haz much to learn
Why wouldn't it be their fault? Nobody's got a gun to their head and forcing them to behave in that way.
Just remember that equality is expected yet you're shamed for things you have no control over while they're not for things they absolutely have control over.
Typical farmperson autism. I had fun!
>men and women can be friends if the guy thinks his female friend is ugly
I’ll take it.
Haven't read the rest of this reply chain but one of my good friends is a woman. Both of us are in relationships, both of us are decent looking. No issues
Thank you, I choose to believe you.
No, I'm arguing that most people aren't oblivious and that they simply don't give s fuck about the reddit enbie that tried to appear flirty but spilled her spaghetti and proceeded to talk about it online.
Examples are usually something like
> Tee hee once I was at a guy's room and I stripped down naked and grabbed his cock but he didn't get the hint
Yeah, no lmfao, it either didn't happen, or he thought you were insane or ugly as fuck
The real redpill is that functional people can be attracted to each other without it affecting their friendships if there is some barrier to a relationship.
This incel post is half baked. You don’t even say anything concrete, just kind of wave your hands and complain that men have it harder. Try again with a little more substance.
Give him a break he's literally gay
Okay so, when I was friends with this girl I didn't think of her sexually its just that I kept spending time with her and meeting up with her and just kept thinking of her (again not even romantiaclly or sexually) just in a I can't wait to hang out with her kinda way. I kinda just realized after
I spent a day one on one with her that I wanted everyday to be like that and that I'd be happy where ever she took me. I took my shot, she just kept leading me on and after a while everyone told me to get over her I did that because it was painful knowing that I wouldnt be with her and that I needed to make it that I got over her so I could fall in love with someone else one day. I even told her I needed time to myself and she got mad at me. If a guy is a friend with you and confesses its usually because they developed feelings and sex was the last thing on their mind it was you that they wanted.
I’m bored. You’re boring me.
Isn’t that a whitepill, since it’s a good thing that proves real friendship between genders can exist? Or am I mixing up my pills again?
lmao good answers
>examples are usually [wacky hyperbole that proves you right]
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> Le incel
Picrel kek
Men have it harder generally, yes. Can you disprove it? No.
> Try again with a little more substance.
You're the one coming with low effort replies which don't even say anything. What was your point and what does it have to do with the original question?
bruh, how do you not get it? This place isn't an "ask the opp sex questions to learn more about them" - it's "ask questions to get social satisfaction from the opp sex."

If you ask "boring" questions, no matter how relevant, girls aren't going to answer it if they don't care enough. On the other hand, most guys will flock to a girl's question. It truly is representative of real life, and if you don't understand that now, you're gonna have a hard time understanding women irl: women are for the most part the choosers. Now figure out how to get them to choose you. Make a move, observe, observe other peoples moves, make a better move, observe, etc. Basic growth
It’s fine just do better.
I'm pretty bored too anon. You got anything interesting going on this week? Anything you're looking forward to?
Desu most of the pills have lost meaning over time. Maybe whitepill is more accurate, doesn't matter.
It’s just exacerbated because this community is mentally ill.
>she just kept leading me on
By being your friend?
i think we're still hammering out the white pill. i think the bluepill isn't entirely wrong, and even if the bluepill is artificial that means we can eventually make it.
I didn’t answer because I’m severely depressed and don’t find anything funny anymore haha
Nta but I'm going into the mountains of Romania with my buddies to hunt Gypsies
I might go get my bass restringed, maybe my guitar too. I moved my computer out of my office into my living room as well so I can stream movies directly to my big TV, might use the office as a studio. I never unpacked my music equipment when I moved so that might be fun. What about you?
> Ask plebbit
> Female plebbitors, what's the most obvious hecking hint a guy has missed?
> Replies full of hyperboles
As I've said, didn't happen and if they really were that direct and shameless, they would have simply told them let's fuck
Male plebbitors are who I have issues with because of their self deprecating humor and praise for disingenuous behavior. It reminds me of boomers who post pics of pornstars in police costumes saying "please arrest me"
The boy:girl ratio is also like, idk, 4:1 oftentimes more?
i actually just wanted answers to the question and thought there is usually at least 2-3 girls here. i do generalize people desu, but i think there is variance and im not happy with the sample size. im going to have to look elsewhere.
no, like Id ask her out and shed say she was busy or wasnt ready, and then Id give her space and then she'd flirt with me, plus she didn't even wan't to hang with me even in a group setting so I kinda felt a bit hurt and figured she didn't even want to be friends
Anon, for the sake of your mental health, I strongly advise you to stop browsing Reddit. No valuable information can be found there, whether it’s about men or women. /atoga/ is all you need.
I think expecting natural encounters with others is really naive when there are no local communities anymore and more people are asocial/atomized than at any point in history, even if my approach may not be the perfect one that appeals to everybody it's still something that increases your chances ever so slightly.
Oh I see, that sucks :(
Stop browsing both nigga
>No valuable information can be found there
No new knowledge can be extracted from my telling.
i thought that women would be embarrassed by their humor too, and the one that answered seemingly was slightly considering her opening. but it's okay. if you think of things that used to be funny that could maybe help both of us.
>I'm going into the mountains of Romania with my buddies
That sounds dope
>to hunt Gypsies

I ordered a little kit to make cold brew and a bag of beans. Gonna try finding a ratio I like and comparing it to a store bought product I like. Also growing some pepper seedlings but they aren't doing that hot so I gotta figure out a way to salvage them. What kind of music you play? Favorite artists or genre?
>t. city slicker
It still exists in small towns!
I don't go there anymore, but cuts from reddit threads are all over other social media and the behavior is similar between users
> atoga/ is all you need.
LoL, I atoga in real life, nothing more useful than directly asking women about shit and knowing what they think
I’m 32 years old and unironically think skibidi toilet is hilarious
Christ, how do you women do it? I was eating an avocado and put the pit in my mouth to "clean it" before I threw it out, and holy fuck, had to near unhinge my jaw to get it out. It didn't even look that big either. Didn't measure it but idk, maybe it was a ping=pong ball size (don't take my word)?

Seriously, how girthy of a cock can you take in your mouth at most or ever? How do you even do it (is my mouth just small)? Did you train it? What's your preferred girth?
My life went into shambles the minute my parents moved to the suburbs, I always did better socially in the city/rural areas.
give examples of what they said
How do I get a woman to make cute sounds when I fuck her?
Try it with a lightbulb
>I ordered a little kit to make cold brew and a bag of beans. Gonna try finding a ratio I like and comparing it to a store bought product I like.
Return to tradition, I like it. Homemade brews have SOVL.
>What kind of music you play? Favorite artists or genre?
Mostly what I call “doomer country” like sad Johnny Cash songs like I See A Darkness. My music taste is super eclectic, I’ve been listening to Linkin Park but before that I was listening to a lot of NIN, Gunship, phonk, and before that I was listening to Three 6 Mafia. Also been enjoying King Crimson. I really want to play Suicide Note Part 1 by Pantera so that’s what I’ll be practicing.
Also please save your seedlings, sing them a nice song :D
Hit her with your fists she will saw ow and whimper and it's cute as hell
I believe you anon, it just rubs me the wrong way when it seems like a guy is claiming he knows how all men treat women when they’re alone. When it comes to those private interactions, women are the experts because it happens with multiple guys, whereas a single man only knows how he personally behaves. Even your best male friends might secretly be psychopaths behind closed doors, but only in the presence of women.
just the silliness of the phrase and/or the combination of words with one being mundane and the other surreal and/or the original depressing rant preluding its creation? i am also a skibidi enjoyer but i find saying the word toilet distasteful.
I was listening to court of the crimson king today actually. That and George Harrison. One of my favorite albums is called plantasia and it's themed around plants, maybe I'll play it for the little guys. I think I fucked em up by over watering em though, I'll see what I can do to salvage the situation
All I know are the series of short videos, and it’s exactly the kind of stupid, nonsensical humor that I find funny
I’ve been poisoned by internet irony and can no longer enjoy traditional jokes, and I suspect most 4channers suffer from the same condition
yeah it does especially since I have to keep seeing her around, but Ive gotten use to it and stopped caring
Bit of a green thumb, eh? How’d that start? Can’t say I’ve ever heard of a plant themed album lol
>I accidentally end up doing this a lot but it doesn't really go anywhere even if someone responds to me, it's kind of difficult to work off of
Once you establish a rapport with a girl and see that's she's receptive towards you, then that's a good time to compliment her on something and ask if she'd like to have coffee sometime (or whatever). It's possible you might just need to be a little more flirty and steer the conversation better once you start chatting

>it's moreso about letting the person you are interested in know you exist.
No, you want to let them know you are interested in them, in a way that organically demonstrates you have the social skills necessary to date them

>Should I omit "do you have a min" then? I thought this would work since people can easily just say no and walk away
Honestly ditch the entire conversation you had mapped out in that post, it's too much like a bull in a china shop
What do you think a party consisting of everyone currently browsing this thread would be like?
Does any femanon here actually make noise during sex?
When I was like 11 my family was visiting a relative's ranch, it was my uncle and aunt's specifically. One night a big storm hit and knocked down a bunch of trees that we had to clear. Me, my dad, and him went out to do that, me and my dad took some axes/machetes, and my uncle took an old rusty chainsaw with him. While he was cutting the branches off a large tree with it the chain suddenly snapped and whipped back at him, he jumped and threw the thing on the ground. Blood started shooting out of his neck and he has grabbing at it, he was making this weird gurgling/screaming sound. I was super scared and my dad yelled at me to go inside the house. He died before the ambulance got there.
i wonder how much millennial and zoomer humor differs separated by gender. We tend to be more similar generations compared to gen x, boomers, and silent, because of the internet, but any group mapped will show trends.
Boring as fuck. Most people would be keeping to themselves and a lot would just get too sloshed to do anything.
The first one is worse.
Huh. What kind of long term effects does that have on your psyche? Any nightmares? Maybe trepidation with men?
Fuckin fantastic album, real early electronic music, made on a Moog synthesizer in the 1970s. Green thumb is a new venture, I eat a lot of hot sauce and make it too but I'm sick of paying for peppers or good quality hot sauces. I'd rather grow it and use my harvest to make sauce. What inspired you to play bass/guitar?
Women, what food would most impress you on date night? What activity are you doing on date night with your bf?
I wish
Idk I think we would all play uno
It would smell awful
There'd be a contingent of people off in a corner being awkward, a contingent of people off in a corner being bitter and probably drunk and depressed, and then there'd be me and some of the femanons
Kinda, it was an old FWB and that was the last time I ever saw her after not seeing her for a couple years.
I have no idea but I'm afraid of machines
Two or three girls chatting with half a dozen guys, while the remaining guys either talk amongst themselves or hide in corners. Maybe some watch the girl/guy convo and seethe about it. Maybe someone chimps out.
I'm waiting for the beers to chill. You can have one
A lot of people dead quiet, a few trying to be social and failing miserably, a handful being normal and capable social creatures
>What inspired you to play bass/guitar?
My family is very musical. My dad is a singer, my stepmom played violin and piano. A big inspiration for me was listening to Tom Morello’s guitar playing, as well as Sonic Youth. The things they can do with a guitar is insane. Also maybe because my first album my dad ever got me was AC/DCs Who Made Who, he was a big metal head. I’ve always been a multi instrumentalist, I started on the piano my stepmom had and moved to drums, got tired bored of the range of sound and moved to guitar, then bass after listening to a lot of Black Sabbath.
hah for accuracy
Brutal man, sorry that happened. My dad always warned me about that type of thing happening because we’d cut trees for wood for our stove furnace. One time my dad rolled his truck in the snow and the chainsaw in the passenger seat went flying over his head and gashed him deep, thankfully he didn’t die.
I been listening to a lot of paranoid lately actually, a bit of master of reality too. My fiancee comes from a very musical family, both her parents were music teachers and she grew up playing violin. I never played shit but I'm down to try it one day. I do love listening to music though, going to concerts too. Haven't listened to sonic youth yet though
Damn, I remember when I wanted to learn guitar. Unfortunately my hand could not sit on the neck properly due to an injury and I had to give up. Real sad about that, I love guitar so much :(
Girl hugged me around neck and nestled in good. She kinda dragged my head down to her level. Squeezed me pretty hard it was uncomfortable on my Adam's apple. I'm about 7 inches taller. What does this mean?
You a playa son
Atoga can I have a birthday party here? You guys are my best friends
I don’t like eating on dates, because I’ll inevitably drop food onto my clothes and leave a big stain ._.
For that reason, I just prefer snack food like pretzels, that way if I drop any, I can just pick it back up (or fish it out of my bra if necessary) with no trouble.
Honestly, my expectations are so low that if there seems to be any preparation for a guest at all, I’ll be impressed. Like, being told “there’s bread and a few different meats and cheeses in the kitchen if you want to have a sandwich” would wow me.
Yeah the bass line on Hand of Doom was my direct inspiration, I was like “holy fuck”, plus if you’ve ever listened to weed metal or whatever it’s called, like Bongeater, same thing. What would you want to play? A guitar redpill is that it’s actually super easy to play most songs, it’s only 4 chords.
I highly recommend listening to Daydream Nation, specifically Eric’s Trip and Hyperstation.
That’s shitty man, but you could try something less finger work like an air instrument.

Your party
sure happy birthday same sadly. well not this thread specifically.
Did she squeeze her boobs into your chest?
Sure anon, how old will you be?
When is your birthday?
It's not about "keeping it in their pants". It's about what is appropriate for the relationship.
Regardless of self-control, it is just inappropriate to be chummy with the other gender aside from your spouse/bf/gf--that closeness should be reserved for the relationship alone. Doubly so when you KNOW feelings are harbored.
>You guys are my best friends
Sad. Happy birthday anon. I'd find you a picture of a cake or something but I'm too lazy to google it, so you'll just have to imagine it.
happy birthday!!!!
>fish it out of my bra if necessary
How many dates before I can offer to help with this?
I'd want to play bass or drums I think. One day when I got more time and money than I do now, I'll take some classes or something. I'd be down to take singing lessons too just for the fun of singing even though I'm no good at it
Flutes just ain't the same sadly. Really wanted to see how far I could push the instrument, what I could make it to. Experiment with it. Make it sing. Too bad.
>Doubly so when you KNOW feelings are harbored.
I agree in theory, but the problem is that genuinely oblivious people exist, and they’ll have no idea.
And I could easily argue that women should just assume all men want to fuck them.
In two weeks

Thank you for all the birthday wishes. What do you guys want to do?
>inappropriate to be chummy with the other gender
Why are there so many cases of gay men groping women?
They who? Men or women?
> I described my bed to a guy and he said cool
> Told him I'm cold
> Told him I have a tattoo on my asd
> I said I'm lonely and wanna get laid with someone who looks just like him
Paraphrased but I could go on forever, the point is, most of these, if true, can be summed up to either being dumb because she might has well outright said it if she's thwt direct or the guy they were talking about just didn't give a shit and found her trashy/fat/ugly or didn't feel like it
Women aren't experts lol, they're scared as fuck, inexperienced even when they have experience and they absolutely suck at chosing a life partner. Best they can do is get lucky with a guy that wants to treat them well. And no I'm not saying they're only attracted to violent lunatics because they're not, they just don't really have a good vetting system and can easily be exploited by men who have or that can fake certain qualities they universally like.
Pretending this is not true is what annoys me.
Most women are midwits, I don't dislike them for it, I dislike the fact that they're completely ignorant to advice.
Second date, I think. If you’re quick and can grab it before I do, you win!
I do, both for my head and for grooming my beard
lets hold hands
Ay, lessons will be fun. Even just for the vocal range. Trust me, I suck at singing too, I was the songwriter in our band lol.
What do women like?
> Physical attractiveness
> Emotional intelligence
> Competence in some useful shit.
Have all 3 and you're hot as a man.
Do you think it's hard for psychos and otherwise vile humans to have all 3 of those? No it's not and they can usually fake the fuck out of it
Is it hard to shave your head with a straight razor? I have a friend who does his with a safety razor and usually looks like he was attacked with a cheese grater afterwards.
There’s other instruments out there that would love for you to use them my man. Gotta find them, don’t get too down on it.
What do I win?
> I dislike the fact that they're completely ignorant to advice.
Maybe it’s your delivery? Just a thought…
Overall you’re correct, but your tone makes me want to disagree just out of principle, lol.
You win the feeling of boobs touching your hand, and a pretzel that’s slightly saltier than before it fell in.
it really takes patience and practice
I cut myself plenty of times but if I take it slow I can get trough with no cuts or just those minor ones that sting a bit when you apply aftershave
Happy birthday!
>Go on 4 dates with a girl
>On the last date she drives me back to my car after I walk her to her's
>we give eachother our goodbyes and look at each other
>I give her a hug
>she stood me up on the next date
The tism is undefeated.
>You win the feeling of boobs touching your hand
I knew this would be your answer lol.
should've kissed her pussy
Please throw a comma in there next time
The tism stopped me from doing it.
Delivery or no delivery, I'm not the only one giving them advice, matter of fact I don't even attempt to do it because it's pointless.
They won't listen to their dads, their moms or aunts, grandmas or grandpas. They won't listen to anyone and will assume it's for nefarious reasons, control oppression or whatever. They will however, listen to pathological liars who sell them an idea of freedom they already have and this is manifested in psychos who date them, fememeists and trannies who now swing their dicks in locker rooms or male fememeists who unironically try to rape them.
I don't have an issue with women being dumb, I still like them for it, I have an issue with ignorance and assumption that someone giving advice is a piece of shit telling her how to live
Read the next part of the sentence
How does it feel to love someone
Good question
Wanna find out?
You know what I think I will try to have sex with him. I don’t think it will go well because I’ll be really nervous but I’ve gotta do it sometime
OK. The question still stands: why?
>but your tone makes me want to disagree just out of principle
I didn't read that whole reply chain, but this is a very strongly female-coded tendency.
Is he cute
I don't know. Maybe it's better not to know what you're missing.
If you don't understand it, then you don't belong in an exclusive relationship.
He’s cute enough
It's pretty great until she leaves and you spend the next decade in a liquor induced haze waiting for the night you fall asleep and don't wake up.
Sweetheart if you ain't feeling it there's no shame in not doing it. Sex honestly ain't all that by itself, 90% of the fun is the emotional connection.
I kind of love to hear about how heartbroken men get. So romantic
It is not cheating to be "chummy".
Been seeing this woman for about 6 weeks. We've been messaging every day through that time. But i messaged her yesterday and got no reply. What do i do? What does it mean? I saw her a couple of days ago and had a great time
Wrong reply damn im retarded. Have fun with your cute guy babe.
> I didn't read that whole reply chain, but this is a very strongly female-coded tendency.
And it's literally what I talked about here
Lmfao you can't make this shit up
He’s also … big. In a good way but I’m scared he’s going to hurt
I don't know what you're talking about. I've never been in a relationship and I've never loved someone
Have you asked her out yet?
Glad to know someone's happy about the situation.
Won't be so romantic when I'm dead
Slow and steady
Oh come on I’m not HAPPY about it I just like to see it in a morbid way. Like watching a huge destructive wave. It’s bad, but it’s beautiful to watch
It’ll be even MORE romantic
Are you willing to snap him out of his drunken stupor or are you content to watch from a distance and not get involved?
how come no one recommends books to deal with bad emotional/mental states, for stuff like loneliness, being friendless, social anxiety, breakups and other similar stuff? do people even read anymore?
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Isn't this a bit restrictive? It's such a small and frankly rare window of opportunity, I'll definitely make use of it from now on but I feel this isn't applicable for the vast majority of situations in public. As for steering and guiding the conversation, it seems like a daunting challenge, hell getting muscles and improving my facial appearance was easier than this, I don't think I know what it fully entails yet since I'm inexperienced. Everything online is just a bunch of PUA scam artists, and I'm trying to desperately not fall into that trap.

>No, you want to let them know you are interested in them, in a way that organically demonstrates you have the social skills necessary to date them
I'm going for more introverted women at first, like I said I will be bold if I get an indication that the other person is interested.

>Honestly ditch the entire conversation you had mapped out in that post, it's too much like a bull in a china shop
Looking back on it, it does seem forced, I think I'll use it as a basic framework and improvise depending on the environment, even if it lacks charisma, I can sit here and theorize all I want but putting it into practice is the only way to move forward, a lot of men my age are definitely not pursuing women at all and only a certain number are /fit/.
Are you one of the "I can fix him" types?
Women, when did you first start liking boys? Liking cock? Schlicking? Reading smut?

Sorry for being pedo
Yea I can fix him
Seema like it >>31679698
Do you mean in the sense of asking "do you want to be my girlfriend?" no i havent asked her that... but she told me that she loves me while we were out drinking...
I’m not really but that’s funny that you beat me to it >>31679698
How to find ICFH gf?
What does that even mean

I don’t want to end up making it surgical and all that because if I can go slow, I will go SO slow he’ll probably lose his hard on
Do you guys get nervous when people ask what you've been up to and the truth is you've been at home rotting in bed?
Hard and fast it is
missread you poast but have you guys kissed or gotten physical yet?
1. Cheating isn't the only possible wrong that can be committed in a relationship.
2. Rules of conduct and manners are in place to smooth social interactions, to make actual wrongs less likely to happen, less damaging if they do happen, or both. People who think they're above rules (because they're just that great and trustworthy) are arrogant and naive at best, or simply intend to do wrong at worst.

No, it's not cheating to be close to the other gender. But it's both an infringement on the intimacy a couple would otherwise exclusively share and a common precondition for actual cheating. Who benefits most from it being acceptable? Cheaters and those who don't particularly care for exclusivity.
I think anon is saying you should take your time with foreplay and really get into it before the main event.
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Fuck this I'm going to kidnap a chick and tell her to become my girlfriend, I'm so sick of being in my head sifting through theories just to talk to the other sex, unfortunately I'm not good looking as vincent gallo.
Liking boys for real maybe in middle school, through a combination of an irl crush and boys in books
Cock I only got an interest in about a year ago after several years of trying to warm up to the idea
not at all, I've got a shit ton of stuff going on
Would you prefer to be burned alive or just asphyxiated?
No no that’s not what I said
Oh okay yea
heres some advice just talk to chicks without asking them out as practice
So how friendly am I "allowed" to be with women I know?
M here.
I feel like women want something from me beyond love every time someone is interested in me. why, and how do I stop thinking like this?
They don't ask me that anymore because they know I'm a loser. I'm also not afraid to tell people that the only thing I do is work and browse 4chan. Glad they don't bother to try to drag me to social functions anymore, either.
Who the fuck would go with burning?
im kinda like this to but i just wanted to start fresh socially i guess
Yes we've fucked a bunch of times...
Burned alive it is!
Why don't you ask them?
Otherwise until someone says, assume no wrong.
Women, can you stop objectifying us?
She either got bored and found someone else or she is in love with you and wishes youd make it official youre the one who knows her so youll know the reason.
>Why don't you ask them?
... because I doubt they are interested in my for anything I have?
the thing is that I've always thought like this, even when I was poor as dirt.
In general, cordial and polite, but at some distance. One-on-one activities and late-night calls/texting sessions would be crossing the line.
The books you're thinking of are based off conditional behaviour therapy (CBT). It's much easier to have a trained pscyhologist go through it with you.
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Well I had to bend over to accommodate her height so im not sure, but she does have some melons so probably
>It's much easier to have a trained pscyhologist go through it with you.
and way more expensive than reading a book.
I agree, these cross the line
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I will crack the code one day, one day I will find love somehow, through some miracle. I have talked to women and I have female friends but the approaching part is like an insane barrier, first it's the prerequisites like physique, height, looks then it's extroversion and/or being humorous, I want to be the guy that escapes this shit you know? I have squandered a couple of chances do to my inadequacies, that can't happen again since it'll keep me up for days on end, I can't miss out on love. I will perfect my approach, I will become charismatic, cheerful, outgoing, I have to bend my mind or this hellish existence continues onwards.
>In general, cordial and polite, but at some distance
You want your girl staying over at some guys house til the wee hours of the morning?
Okay so say I have sec with him, should I schedule a day to hold myself accountable and actually do it? Or just wait and see if I’m “in the mood” (which might never happen)
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>Jacking it to audio porn before bed
>she starts calling the viewer "handsome" "cute" and complimenting him
>get really sad and have to stop because I can't imagine a woman talking to me like that
Has this ever happened to you?
I need a big butt gf. This nofap shit is killing me.
>t. degenerate
Notice how "cordial and polite, but at a distance" is like 0-1/10 intimacy, but you have to switch to something that's 8-9/10 in order for your point to work?
I need a big butt gf who loves when I bury my face in there and eat it.
I agree, fellow man of culture.
Wouldn't you rather know they think of you as uninteresting than avoiding finding out?
really cementing the idea that anyone doing nofap is a coomer/gooner not worth interacting with
Femanons I just want to smash your face while I give you a big kiss on the lips and then conk out.
Many times, not that phased by the pain anymore though, the fucked up thing is I'm attractive but I'm kind of a schizoid and I self-sabotage. I wish I could trade places with a charismatic/decently extroverted normie sometimes, won the lottery but at a massive cost.
Dumbass, the point isn’t to stop fapping for me, it’s just easier and more colloquial than to say no porn.
I never claimed to be a nofapper
was there ever any doubt?
I instantly ghost anyone that brings up no fap
Yeah I am basically a mentalcel too.
A gynaphilic thread is the best I can do
Good, you’re flat anyway.
>post sex
Threesomes: have you had one? Would you do one? Which combinations?
FFM, but only if one of the girls uses a strap-on and we DP the other.
No i think I would freak out
Yeah, it has. Audio porn is kino though
Never had one but I would if I was single and didn't want a relationship with either one.
FFM, one exception is if I'm with my best friend in Tokyo and it's a Japanese girl.
I'm going to try ignoring my neurotic nature and stop overthinking and see where it gets me, I'll act like I'm lobotomized for a year, if it doesn't work then I'll at least know I was fated to die alone.
M. Getting a bj from two women (or from one while fingering the other and playing with her tits) is a fantasy of mine but I can't see it working in practice.
>He’s also … big. In a good way
Did he send pics?
Wait for someone special femanon
So to not be a coomer you have to...coom?
No but I have my suspicions
>OP didn't link the thread again
God dammit OP
That's impossible because the women here all hate men.
>FFM, but only if one of the girls uses a strap-on and we DP the other.
Based answer. I did this with a gf in college and it was awesome
No it's fucking not, unless you mean accidental/naturally flirting with someone.
How? Have you made out?
Tell me more, who suggested it? What did it feel like?
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The average autistic man is horrifying to women indeed,
I got offered once, refused
How the fuck do you do it accidentally? Why can't anyone definite flirting?
I have an ffm under my belt, but im not sure if I'd do it again now that I'm old.
My brain goes into autopilot and does it for me, I just bounce off of people y'know.
Does it mean anything when a woman says “you’re so good with kids”
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Femanons which one do you like lore right or left?
Yeah but how do you flirt? From what I've read here I've done it without thinking before but I'm gonna need some solid definition of whwt counts as flirting
They use us for our dicks, it's so mean.
Never had one, but would love to try FFM
I meant to say "interested" as in want money or favors from me, not as in learning something about me or whatever.
Would you try it with a bf/ husband?
Being open about your attraction to someone through a playful or humorous way is my guess.
Just tell women you're unemployed if you're looking to just fuck, that or tell them you have a lame job if looking for s relationship
>r*ddit male fashion advice
I won’t have that type of a relationship hehe. idk about FMM, hot in porn but seems like a lot of dude irl
Wasn't it supposed to be indirect and disingenuous? I've joked around with girls I liked and told them I'd marry them if I wasn't addicted to loneliness and it was fun
Can you provide examples?
nothing special
matched with a chick on tinder, we talk a bit, tells me she's on there looking for guys to double team her with her bf
This is pure /btg/ on /fa/.
Oh so you only date women.
That is cool, maybe one date I'll get to experience a FFM with 2 girls who are in a relationship with eachother.
This is pure r/MFA
what? I like men and women.
>Tell me more, who suggested it?
It was a birthday gift for my ex. It was first brought up during a night of drinking, but I don't recall who specifically started the conversation.
>What did it feel like
It was slightly awkward for me at first as I was worried about skeeving out the other girl since she's a lesbian. But once everybody got a rhythm going it was great. Seeing my ex cum her brains out was really fun.
so... a while ago I matched with some girl on tinder and she suggested we travel to other country. I was going through some stressful shit so I thought it could be a good idea but in the end we didn't even meet IRL.
do you think it would be a bad or dumb idea to contact her to see if she's still interested in me?
>maybe one date I'll get to experience a FFM with 2 girls who are in a relationship with eachother.
I've truthfully never heard of that happening.
I mean I have in a sort of urban myth kinda way.
>hot in porn but seems like a lot of dude irl
>I won’t have that type of a relationship
wait what?
>Wasn't it supposed to be indirect and disingenuous?
Not always, no.
>Can you provide some examples
I'm kind of blanking here because it's more of a sudden shift in mood more than anything, flirting makes things a lot tenser/playful depending on your approach and how they might react to it, even just joking around or poking fun at someone can be flirting. It's one of those things that's hard to define but easy to experience.
>still interested
Dude depending on how long it's been she might not remember you exist.
I think she thought you meant a boyfriend and husband, not a boyfriend or husband.
Yep that’s what I thought
yeah, that's what I was thinking while looking at her profile kek
it's been like a month and half I think. she should have come back from the travel already.
oh well, it's a stupid idea.
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Women really move on like it's nothing huh...
It's cute is she loses, and hot if she wins.
I want to stop hating women but I don't know how.
Sorry, femanon. It's ogre
eh, we barely talked (and I think she might have been kinda crazy) so it's whatever
would have fucked the shit out of her, though. my laziness and depression got me.
>like it's nothing
It WAS nothing.
The only way out is if you start having good experiences with women until the balance tips and the good outweighs the bad. That will never happen if you keep consuming blackpilling content and never interact with women irl.
Befriend one irl, preferably a Lesbian.
It'll show you how kind they are, which is never really shown online by anyone.
Would that technically be a clone?
Rate his japanese, he talks about his inceldom.
Speaking of threesomes.
Would you have one with twins?
Would you have a relationship with twins?
State gender
Why tf you niggas talking about threesomes when you can’t even get a twosome? Heyooo!
nigga its fucking TINDER what do you expect
We can't all be exhibitionist, army strong, weeb, tomboy lesbians, anon.
I second this.
There was this girl who is really special and nice and very bright who I had a crush on only to discover she is lesbian (or maybe bi, but she has a gf who is also very nice). Totally changed my life, would recommend
Nta, but I think strictly speaking it depends on if whatever magic changes her sex grants her a Y chromosome or she is somehow male with an otherwise identical genetic makeup.
No if the former, yes if the latter.
Finding a good guy is difficult, finding two is hard. Finding a good guy that is okay with her gf looking for another good guy seems impossible.
I thought he meant a bf AND a husband
Touch her clitoris
I had a threesome before.
JH makes territorial vocalizations
>Finding a good guy that is okay with her gf looking for another good guy
arent we talking about ffm?
Anon stop being racist, that's Portuguese.
Seemingly the women would all be hot, and us men would be fuck ugly manlets
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>would you sex with sex cum fetish woman boobs tits ass woman breast sexo sexsezxws porn orgy group sex horny fuck anal?
Ask an UNIQUE question for ONCE.
Can anyone else define this? I'm in dire need of a solid answer and I can medically prove I don't have autism so I refuse to accept it's supposed to be that hard
whats your opinion on Ea-Nasir
Meant this >>31679882
Happy birthday
>arent we talking about ffm?
F(M) F M
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He was jewish, straight up talmundic nigga
Nta but he was kinda based.
Male homosexuality is based in predatory behavior, and misogyny
I thought he asked about mmf too
Happy birthday!
What does that mean?? You guys write too cryptic for me
Tranny female male
It sucks
Does a work friend count?
I keep overdosing on blackpills. It's probably not healthy.
I hate this unfunny shit immensely and hope you get shot.
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I have no idea, I'm actually fucking autistic and retarded as FUCK, that's why I've spent hours talking to equally unaware people about women man.
Y-you too…
What size are they?
>jh during anal
Oh you want threesome with transwomen?
Fucking retards.
That's unethical, they don't have the capacity to consent.
They say that syndicates of wizards have led a boycott of imperial goods
>"Let me show you a funny meme Anon"
>"Yeah sure"
>cleared my phone of porn, she has nothing to come across
>Google recent search result: "Exercises to carry a woman"

She didn't say anything. Just continued on and showed me said meme. We laughed and moved on.

What the fuck is possibly going through her head when she saw that? Did she even see it? I'm never lending my phone again, fuck Google man. Does she think I'm a freak? Who WOULDN'T try to attain the strength to carry someone?
Have you heard of the high elves?
A cuck would let you do it
I'd fuck you <3
MMF is a paradox
I gotta slow down on the cigarettes.
how so?
Is this an apt metaphor for how some women see and relate to men?
Better google some exercises for committing seppuku.
They're cucking us with sharks now in addition to bears
She thinks you're a rapist who wants to drag an unconscious woman to your rape den like some kind of cartoon caveman. She is now warning every woman in her social circle about you.
my bird bites me all the time, I've got scars on my shoulders from him bitting me
I still love the little one
Huh, I got porn videos saved on my phone. Do people really care enough to look in my folder?
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tumblroids really think they're quirky and smart but they're actually just retarded
At least it's not a uni-shark
Because I don’t want a cuck
4channers think they're edgy and sardonic but they actually sound like psycho's who remind you every day why you carry pepper spray in your purse. So it evens out.
No, gas everyone involved
A threesome can be a real gas! But probably best not to pass gas when going at it with multiple partners, or even one. Unless they're into that. And some people are into fart play, after all.
>posting Mexico's national animal
Remember the FFF threesome college girl? She was elite
You need to go back
Not really. I've let a dude bone me in the ass and give me a prostate orgasm while a chick sucked my dick. I've also experienced a woman pegging me with a strap on while I masturbated a guy's penis.
Do you have a good relationship with your father and god?
You won't be able to get that spray out fast enough to deal with a serious attacker
No. Sharks are better than men, we been over this with the bear thing.
M, I've only had MMM group/assisted masturbation threesomes but I'm hoping for more diverse threesome experience in the future including FFM and MMF in the future.
You're increasing your chances of anal cancer
Good for you, I’m not into it
You're much more likely to get rectal cancer from eating Big Macs at McDonald's every day or going to the Golden Corral every lunch break.
faggot ass cornholin' cock sucka
I hope u know regular prostate stimulation reduces your chances of prostatitis and prostate cancer. That's why I use a massager when I can't get any back door action.
A double wholesome moid moment in the same thread?
i wish i had a lesbian friend to give me women advice
What do you guys think of the
>if I just insult everyone here constantly maybe people will forget that I’m also a loser who spends all their time on 4chan
Archetype of poster? We have quite a few of them of both genders
Thanks. :)
Yeah, absolutely not. Anytime you get angry or annoyed or think typical you add oke more bad experience to the pile that would need to get balanced out by a good experience just to get back to zero. If i was in your shoes i would immediately stop consuming anything that adds to the bad experiences pile and start collecting good ones. It does not have to be irl to start. Consume hope core, ignore the blackpilling stuff and focus on wholesome things. Good luck.
It reminds me of how before I came out as autistic/ADHD I would call other neurodivergent people retards because I hoped it made me look normal by comparison and would throw off suspicion
No i just translated it you sperg.
That was my suspicion on their intentions to be honest
Why isn't sóyjak posting a permaban?
Femanons, would you sex with sex cum fetish woman boobs tits ass woman breast sexo sexsezxws porn orgy group sex horny fuck anal?
It's far more blackpilling to read the work of feminist writers who scapegoat insecure men by conflating them with male supremacists, sexual predators, and violent anti-woman wingnuts than it is to listen to demoralization incels online and podcasts by woman hater talking heads
I think it is more like a stress ball kind of situation. Pretty sure most posters itt are not like that irl and every single one thinks they are sly for acting like this online whilst being so functional and normal and flying under the radar in comparison irl.
spending all day complaining about sexual questions really is original
UI is so stupid.
Because we have a little something called freedom of speech, and censorship is the greatest moral evil, even more so than rape and murder.
That's like saying a rifle wound is worse than a pistol wound.
>reduces your chances of prostatitis
Never heard that claim before, I'll look it up.
>and prostate cancer.
So scientists haven't actually established causality on that one. It might lower your chances.
>Femanons, would you sex with sex cum fetish-
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Same, bro.
I feel lost sometimes
Yeah sounds hot
Do you actually like that garbage?
>far more blackpilling to read the work of feminist writers who scapegoat insecure men by conflating them with male supremacists, sexual predators, and violent anti-woman wingnuts than it is to listen to demoralization incels online and podcasts by woman hater talking heads
Very debatable. I’m not going to lie to you, the demoralisation incels who insist that I’m an unlovable ogre who will never make it because I don’t have a girlfriend at age 20 are far more demoralising to me personally than any feminist book that nobody in the real world actually reads
Sometimes zoomers get the zoomies and they post cryptic, nonsensical memes because that's their sense of humor.
I've been banned for saying nigger
Then why read it? Bitter people will be bitter and hateful. Sure there is many of them and sure they have influence. So what? That has always been the case and it will always be that way. Your job is to find the whitepills buried under all the black ones. You now know the extend and information of the black ones. It is enough. You will never again be naive and uninformed. What good is it to keep poisoning yourself? It is time to move on and start cleansing yourself again and filling yourself with hope. Or you will likely end up killing yourself or others or at least be miserable and lonely. Do not let them win. Do not let them demoralize you and turn your heart to stone.
I feel like this is not possible unless I radically change my lifestyle or completely cut myself off from the world, neither of which sound reasonable or particularly appealing.
I have restrained myself from commenting on it in the past but when it's JUST the same sexual questions along with constant hornyposting from trannies it gets to me.
>zoomers le bad even though millennials invented basedjak
>People shouldn't be horny
>People in another demographic group other than mine shouldn't be horny
Wow, look who decided to put on a fake badge and declare themselves the Horny Police today
I'm just posting low effort garbage now since my effortpost didn't get a proper reply, women and men owe me replies (and sex).
So if dating/sex/love is natural and we're supposed to all be loved and shit like that, and to have it we're supposed to flirt and meet each others, why is it a "skill" thst needs to be "learned" I don't remember having to learn how to breathe or talk in adulthood.
So if I spent my entire life (or rather my 20s) alone and without a girlfriend even though there was nothing fundamentally wrong with me, looks and personality wise, and I've seen worse people than me in relationships; why should I respect women and not blame them for my situation? Why should I blame myself for being alone and inexperienced when it's something that's supposed to be natural?
> inb4 x or y learned how to talk to girls
As I've said, game, seduction and other pointless shit has no reasons to exist if we're talking about something natural and normal that humans do by default, and no "learning" will replace the void I've had for this long.
Before anyone asks no I'm not a retard thst doesn't touch grass and no I don't behave like a retard either, I'm alright with people and can talk to anyone
>have restrained myself from commenting on it in the past but when it's JUST the same sexual questions
Some people don't lurk every atoga thread.
No one owes you sex, dickhead
You had to learn how to walk and talk
Nobody accept women that is.
Why not? It's a human right and there's no reason he shouldn't be getting laid if you do.
See it like going on a diet. Crash diets will not work in the long run. You have to learn to navigate the situation without it negatively impacting you. You can not just change all your habits over night, that is a bad idea. Just gradually unsubscribe and stop following the news about new books or articles, vids or whatever that come out. Stop going on boards so much that blackpill you. Find hopecore to feed yourself with. It will feel dumb and silly at first but it will slowly catch on. You can also focus more on what to add than what to take away. So instead of stopping the blackpilling routines just add some whitepilling content on top of it and slowly increase the dosage until you can fade out the blackpills. You got this.
And yeah, you can not avoid them completely. Just how you can not avoid someone bringing donuts to work and your mims birthdaycake fully. But you can exercise your moderation skills and not also stuff your face with bad stuff every chance you get just because it is what you are used to.
Sometimes you just have to scroll up man and I'd say a good portion of the people here are at least semi-regulars.
No, I didn't. When lightning hit my father's skull on Mount Olympus as punishment from Zeus for my father's ill-advised sexual affair with Hera, I burst from his skull fully formed, the latest in a long tradition of hybrid demi-gods endowed with divine powers.
I ignore them like any other unfunny low effort shitposter.
Hey Athena. I prefer your Roman form myself.
Explain why I can get government housing, meals, and jobs but not a state mandated autistic girlfriend? What the fuck is this retarded inequality, explain how this makes sense, you won't.
Girls, let me worship your boobs
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Not a question so please excuse me.
But I’m going to try the cold approach meme one more time with a girl I met after classes a while ago. If that doesn’t work I’m gonna retire cold approaching. It’s such a shit way to do things.
Yes and 99% of us learn that automatically when we just start living. On the other hand there's an insane number of men who don't "know" how to talk to women even though they do and it's just a predator y way to overcomplicate things and sell them courses.
Aren't women humans as well? Why don't they "know how to talk to men"? If I remember correctly they're not objects that need to be aquired and are supposed to also naturally meet men and be together
I didn't have to learn to masturbate, though, did I? I started doing that when I was four years old. My first childhood memory of playing with myself was sitting on a futon in a hostel common room watching the Lion King, and then I pulled down my pants and started playing with my privates while horrified onlookers struggled desperately to keep their eyes on their free breakfast of egg and tuna salad.
Cold approaches unironically only work in bars. That's the only place a woman would expect it, at least.
That makes no sense. Hera was not athenas mother.
It's truly a soul draining way to meet women but each approach you learn something new, my tip is to go for autistic lonely women.
This hoe eating donuts and mom’s birthday cake. How was the cake?
Uh good luck but yeah, it is very dumb.
So how do you learn to talk to women and why is it that any of the contradictory advice ever given doesn't get anyone any results?
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You learned how to write even though you say dumb shit
>>>/soc/ is for selfies
There was no cake. It was a METAPHOR sir.
Poor girl, I hate when guys do this
Woman, due to an unfortunate accident you are stuck in a cave with a male stranger. It would take a minimum of 5 days to get rescued, but you have enough food and water to survive. There are two issues, however. One, you are ovulating. Two, the male is tall and balding.
True and fair.
You really do. But at some point I have come to the conclusion that the amount of knowledge you get per approach diminishes over time as you pick up the obvious stuff and it stops being worth it.
So why didn't I "learn" how to "talk" if it's so natural, even more so than writing or typing? And what part of my post is dumb exactly?
Sounds like a non issue. We will make out.
Your lack of social skills, and your "nice guy" sense of entitlement to a relationship with a woman.
Key thing to know about advice: It's iften more direct at the person giving than the person receiving
Well if it’s any consolation I also hate doing this a whole lot! I just until now DIDNT have a better alternative so I had to do it. Now I am free
Free from what?
Most conversations are really just people talking at and to themselves while pretending they're speaking to someone else. There's definitely an empathy gap there.
Real. I mainly use talking to other people to gather and sort my own thoughts for my own benefit.
What do those taste like?
Freedom from religion.
It’s natural to be social, it’s not given that you have the skill to do it well. Seek therapy
Erm… I didn’t have a choice. Plus people told me that if I didn’t make a lot of effort to go out and talk to women then I would be completely at fault for the state of things. Didn’t want that to be the case so I went out to talk to women. At least now I know that’s a stupid method.
Metaphors? ): but cake is good maam
That's because you're autistic and lack the ability to empathize with or understand the feelings of other human beings. You are no better than an intelligent automaton.
Sweet and sour. Kind of like blueberries but with a hint of mango.
You should try one some day.
Awkward cold approaches obviously
> Social skills
Already said I don't lack them, I can talk to strangers and be friends with almost everyone
> your "nice guy" sense of entitlement
Not niceguying at all, I treat everyone I don't know equally. Why are you bringing up entitlement? Are you entitled to your relationship and happiness if you're putting the same out for others? Would you be saying you're not entitled if you were alone for so long even though you did nothing wrong?
Genuinely get over yourself.
>seek therapy
This is a cop-out answer. Most therapists aren't genuinely trained to answer the tough questions or analytically pick apart the mechanics and purpose of social interaction, so they'll just regurgitate the same shit people are saying on here.

Source: seen several different therapists and this was the result.
No i am very good at that. I just also use it to sort myself out. The greatest insight i have when explaining something to someone.
That does sound tasty...
NTA but just because you're all unempathetic and sociopathic doesn't mean everyone is. I've both given and recieved good advice in my life
Men don't do it though, also outside of a very narrow set of circumstances/situations how the hell are you supposed to know whether someone is interested in you or not? I don't think introducing myself to someone is creepy, unless we're actually in some twisted reality where you can't even talk to others without coming off as creepy.
say hi to lady aphrodite for me!!!
It's actually a very common problem solving strategy
>I don’t actively participate in the thread
>its shit
>I treat everyone I don't know equally.
Yep, there's that nice guy syndrome. You think meeting the bare minimum makes you entitled to a sexual relationship.
Therapy for what? I don't have ptsd, schizophrenia or autism. Provide a concrete answer because this isn't real life where you'll get points for advertising therapist's business.
Does therapy roll back time 10 years? If it does I'm down and leave me the contact details of the therapist with a time machine.
seething self-designated horny police post
Do something.
>just because you're all unempathetic and sociopathic
See, there's that projecting your own problems on to other people think we're talking about! It's good that you admit you have these problems, even if indirectly. Your next step is to seek help and work on them. :)
Yes, I'm sociopathic and unempathetic for recognizing that most advice comes from the perspective of the person giving, thus applies more to themselves. What an idiot.
>Do something.
I can’t, I’m exhausted. I’m just barely watching anyway.
They are, and more than you
>Yes, I'm sociopathic and unempathetic
I'm glad you admit it.
Exhausted from what? Did you masturbate all night again?
Stupid hoe. Now go eat your metaphors
Can‘t, i am on the train.
Is that your problem? There are resources for that.
No it's not, there's no such thing as a nice guy syndrome. You know why? Because treating people you've met like people is exactly opposite of what redditors describe as nice guys.
> You think meeting the bare minimum makes you entitled to a sexual relationship.
So what entitles those who give less than the bare minimum? Please enlighten me. What makes the worse possible people entitled? If I said the exact same things and claimed I have a girlfriend you wouldn't even attempt to write any of that.
>see multiple therapists
>they all give me the same answers
>wtf is wrong with therapists
I wish, but no, just my body really fighting against night shifts.
Girls, I wanna commit cumson on your face. Thoughts?
Eat this dick
Get back to work! You don’t get paid to sit on a train
Last time I was on a train in America I got cornered and anally raped in the bathroom by the conductor. Amtrak laughed it off and referred me to the unaliving prevention support hotline when I called them in a panic about it.
>the extremism nobody is talking about
on what planet? Mars?
He's right, and the answers aren't useful, if they were, people would benefit from the rapists and wouldn't be complaining about them everywhere
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I see. So you should be asleep now?
Okay I was about to get huffy but I'm a sucker for those cute smileys
What is with the way people freakout when you tell them their advice sucks?
Man I really hope I can make it the full two weeks without drinking.
Isn't Wade Wilson a Marvel comics character? Is that image some kind of AI fan art?
>the videos underneath
The absolute state of Women
Uh no
Make me
>make me
No. But when you’re poor, unemployed and a pariah you will wish you listened. How are the CEOs doing?
This is why they literally don't deserve to have agency or rights.
Either say what you want a man to be or shut the fuck up because I'm tired of getting 6 million different definitions of what I need to be all while being told I need to be myself even though it's a retarded sentence because I am myself, I've never been another person and I myself have nothing bad or terrible to describe myself with.
What's this referencing?? Cum"son"??
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Your loss
Why would that happen?
>This is why they literally don't deserve to have agency or rights.
And there you are finally laying your cards on the table. Gee, I wonder why women are repelled by you if that's your mindset?
NTA but what's that??
It would happen because you stopped going to work to fuck around on a train like an absolute autist
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>I myself have nothing bad or terrible to describe myself with.
>After literally saying women don't deserve rights
Sure, sure, buddy
Are you blind? It is fruit cake with vanilla sauce. Gosh darn.
It is summer break my man.
Knowing that the pussy canal grows when a woman is horny for me makes me even harder.
Primal shit is the fucking hottest.
>ok that handsome 6'6 man killed women but at least he doesn't say WOMEN DON'T DESERVE RIGHTS!
You don't know what a blueberry muffin in pudding looks like? Are you psychologically deficient?
>dear women
>please start all being a hive mind with identical tastes or desires or Uhm I’ll sperg out about it!
Not happening
I imagine it making an iiiiiiiip sound as it stretches. Like a ship when a wave comes.
But then he wouldn't spergout
I'm not sure if you're the dude being replied to, but saying that kind of shit implies hostility against women, the same way saying something hatefully racist implies you fantasize about tying the knot on a lynching noose
Women get this craving around me all the time actually. They’re just too nervous to let me know but in their heads they’re thinking it
No I've never had that. But boy does it look yummy
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Not in the hemisphere that matters.
Sure thing bub
Man I wish I had some cum gas to huff like the chick in that pic
>he is angry at women
astute observation. There's no possible reason for such a reaction by any means, surely! He's just an inkwell
No, I’ve been working nights here for about a year. But recently my body is just done with it. I miss being awake during the day, damn it.
Did you miss the NTA part and who do you think you're replying to?
Do you also wonder why were women repelled by powerful psychos throughout history? (They weren't)
I remember beating the shit out of a bully in school and his gf suddenly getting wet for me, it was the moment I was disgusted by women and it's gonna take a lot more than false logic to change my mind.
And you do know that anger and hatred of that nature is a red flag for violent behaviors, correct?
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I’m just that guy you know? I’m so handsome and hot that women are intimidated and they treat me like I’m not out of nerves. It’s so hard being this handsome
Oh no now you're into the violent fantasy stage of your unhinged ranting. That's not good at all. You might want to discuss these anger management issues with your therapist before it gets out of control and you hurt someone.
Night shifts are the worst. Find another job asap.
Where did I ask you to be a hivemind? Because ironically you do become a hivemind whenever someone does exactly what you expect of him or asks you for advice
You know what looks yummy? Your genitalia, in my mouth, being stimulated by my tongue.
Well it’s a government job, so I’m gonna try and use all the benefits (dental and new glasses) before I split. Plus I’ll miss all you fine nighttoga posters. But yeah this shit is killing me.
You are hard? Why? Stop it.
Absolutely not.
That’s gay as fuck nigga
How many of the posts here do you think are actually women LARPing as the worst dregs of malekind? As a sort of roleplay therapy to understand the toxic men in their lives?
Yeah that makes sense. How is the teeth and eyes coming along?
The post you were replying to was literally a response to women begging for the life of a man with a swastika tattoo on his face who killed two women, all because he is handsome and tall. The people you are claiming show "red flags" for "violence" don't match up with the men actually committing violence against women.
The inverse is way more common.
>You are hard? Why? Stop it.
No im not hard. My life is hard. Because I’m way too hot.
Alright then. How’s your summer holiday?
Yes, nothing wrong with that. Think of this place like a glory hole in a public park restroom. You don't know who's on the other side, but why should it matter, when acts of pleasure are at our beck and call? :)
You can't really put a pussy 'in' your mouth, can you? Because of its' structure, I mean
I can understand them without larping as them.
It's typically men pretending to be unhinged women, like
It was arson lol
Teethwise I have an appointment on the 29th to get my last two wisdoms out, hopefully. They said they might be able to only get one, which is fine I guess, the top right one is pretty impacted and needs way more work than the bottom one. Eyes wise, my prescription has stabilized since I became an adult so not as big of deal thankfully. Not looking forward to the dentist that’s for sure.
No, but I can certainly put my tongue in a pussy, or use it to rub a clit. :)
At least a couple. I cannot imagine any actual men acting like the caricature of a hateful man that women have in their head without a shred of self awareness or introspection.
Then take off your clothes to increase air flow or something.
A bit stressful today but now it should get more comfy. I will be ok the train for nine hours now so expect shitposting. Unless my battery runs out or i use up my data.
That was my first post ITT, I was replying to your gaslighting to the guy who ranted about being alone and hopeless. I have a gf, she's not perfect. I don't respect women but I like her enough to hang out.
Discuss what exactly? Tell the therapist about self defense and my disgust over obvious betrayal. How about we get in touch with that girl from school and have her arrange a meeting with the therapist to sort out her commitment issues and attraction to violence?
>I cannot imagine any actual men acting like the caricature of a hateful man that women have in their head without a shred of self awareness or introspection.
I can. Seen it time after time.
I guess you could put a clit 'in' your mouth too, even if it's tiny.
>I don't respect women
I hope your poor "gf" knows that.
Wisdom teeth extraction is no joke. I once had one they had to break in two with a hammer to get out. Without anesthesia. That was quiet something.
You got an unusually pussy, bro.
Oh okay lol
Ask JH for hers.
>Then take off your clothes to increase air flow or something.
That won’t work. I’m hot as in sexy hot. I’m too handsome
>on train
Well I have the day off because I have no lectures on Wednesday and no assignments this week.
Thanks. I call it the ark.
>At least a couple. I cannot imagine any actual men acting like the caricature of a hateful man that women have in their head without a shred of self awareness or introspection.
Oh, honey....
Women, want to hear a joke?
You got any footage to back up that claim?
Nice. There is two weirdos that are talking about GoT on the other side of the train. And a cute girl that has her feet up on the seat. Unacceptable.
It’s not fun. Also because I’m a smoker, it’s agony after too. Can’t smoke for a few days or you’ll get dry socket. My first extraction I was sniffing cigarettes and trying to snort the smoke lol
>I once had one they had to break in two with a hammer to get out. Without anesthesia.
Jesus Christ. I’m kinda scared my one tooth is bad enough for that, I let it go on way too long due to a nice and hilarious depressive episode.
She does, unlike your kind, I'm not lying about what I believe in upfront. She knows it and appreciates the fact that I like her enough to make an exception.
Women will deserve agency when they start appreciating exactly what they say they do, otherwise I'm just gonna ignore all of you unless you have something really interesting about your life.
You're not entitled to respect.
There are some obvious femcel and incel LARPs every now and then, butit doesn't happen that often.
It's extra funny when you know which femcem it is though, because they usually tend to samefag.
We live in a society.
Huh, never thought about that. Dangers of smoking i guess.
>nice and hilarious depressive episode
An adventure! I hope you got back home safely.
>You got any footage to back up that claim?
Yes but it isn’t for the likes of you. Maybe if you ask nicely I’ll mail you a vhs tape.
What soes it hold?
All the secrets?
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>I know I'm a hateful bigot, but you're "one of the good ones!"
Do you know why Jewish men get circumcised?

Because Jewish women won't touch anything that's at least 10%off
>vhs tape
You want me to have to go to the thrift store to get a vhs player?
It is FEET. Feet are always unacceptable.
I am sort of home. Apparently the best course of action is hitting the gym and then trying to meet new girls. I didn’t mean a literal adventure btw I basically just locked myself in my apartment after my ex left me.
It contains all the mysteries of the penis.

Ooooohh, the mysteries of the male penis!
>he caved on his beliefs and made an “exception” the moment a woman gave him attention
Kek, gods most resolute misogynist
Nice. I knew that one.
Do another one.
So what I don’t get is why you chose to ubiquitously hate all women when the bully’s gf was clearly just a shitty outlier. Are you autistic?
How do you feel about the fact that so many people wear open toed shoes/sandals or outright barefoot all the time in the summer months?
So if a cock goes in there and has a look he will see things like cave paintings about the history of cocks?
Why aren't there any black people on The Jetsons?
I'm the guy from the post that started this argument. How did you meet your girlfriend and how did you start a relationship? I don't disrespect them, I just see them as individuals, some are good people some are bad. It's a main issue that there's a lack of personal connection between people in general around me, and everyone will just do and say the bare minimum around strangers.
Like what I'm supposed to do when around them? Become friends? They already have lifelong friends who relate to them better and dating isn't friendship.
Hit on them? What's the way to do it, there's 5 billion different definitions and every single one sounds dumb.
I'm not extremely hot or successful but I'm not an ugly subhuman trash that's full of hate like the girl in the replies assumed
>You want me to have to go to the thrift store to get a vhs player?
Just be grateful you get anything. Once you see the footage your life will change
>always unacceptable
Why? Stop seething at the cute girl (my wife)
this do be how a hilarious amount of women talk about men
Can I see?
>Just be grateful you get anything. Once you see the footage your life will change
I saw that episode of Black Mirror
Seconding this. How do autistic women feel about sandals?
I wanted to go with amistad first but that might have been a bit much.
Amistad? Like the ship that carried a bunch of slaves to the new world and like half of them died?
No, we spent time around each other and built our relationship through work and ideas
Please state exactly where did I say I hate them? I don't respect them as a collective, one of the reasons being is thst they make insane assumptions about anything, replies are evidence.
> I don't respect women because I've seen enough of what they're like
> Waah misogynist
No, I judge individuals and separate them from the proven stereotype
I try to not look at it if i can.
Change how?
Erm what the frick? She does not even know you. Quick, send a pic of you so i can show her because we are about to get out of the train.
Update: she just laugend and did that pig snort.
Enjoy your video tapes, son:
Nice dude you got me on the “literally” argument when your tonality and affections clearly show a level of disdain that I would 100% classify as hatred, especially since you’re yourself said you don’t respect the collective of women, so your first instinct is to look down on them. So retarded but whatever works for you.
Yes. Just like my pussy.
It doesn't feel right that entire lifelong relationships haven't come into existence due to people setting arbitrary boundaries for each other, why or how is it outside of the norm nowadays to actually approach and talk to people? Why the hell am I restricted from talking to a girl I like after class if I don't have the possibility of meeting her elsewhere? I'm still torn on the topic of cold approaching others, I have extensively worked on my physical appearance just to make no use of it.
You carried slaves across the Atlantic inside of your pussy and many of them didn't survive the trip?
You will be moved by my good looks. You will say “I didn’t know a man could look this good”
>she doesn’t know me
She does. We’ve been married for 2 years
Dangerous waters in your puss puss, but I am a one legged sailor so I'd love to explore that bay of yours! Yaarrrrr
Holy shit faggot, when I see posts like this I realize I don’t have it nearly that bad.
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Haha LOCH haha
Nobody says you can’t cold approach and believe me, you won’t be pepper sprayed or accused of rape for talking to a girl after class. It’s just that the success rate with cold approaching is so bad that it isn’t worth it, unless you’re comfortable with rejection
It is closed for maintenance.
>2 years
Oh yeah? What is the color of her hair?
Is that the abyss that manly p hall fella talked about
>Oh yeah? What is the color of her hair?
Light brown. Please they even wrote this song about us
What did I do wrong? Why are you being so hostile, are you bleeding you massive cunt? What do you even mean by "I don't nearly have it as bad", be a little precise here. JFC so melodramatic like I boiled a capuchin monkey alive or some shit.
Look good, possibly better than men around you, don't reveal your insecurities to anyone and assume everyone doesn't care about you until you have valid evidence thst they're alright.
Looks are probably 70% of attraction, your personality is really your capability, what you can be useful for. Don't act funny if you don't feel like it, don't pretend you know how to do something if you don't.
Talk to people while behaving exactly how you feel, get to know them and offer help of advice. Give opinions on things and explain them well.
I met my girlfriend in a bar during a football game I didn't watch. I hate sports and was only there to drink beer. She and I talked about that and she said I pretend to hate sports just to appear nice to women, I said that's dumb and that not everyone likes things for external validation. Asked her if she does everything to attract guys, she said no, started talking about how she doesn't wear heels because they suck while other girls do and it makes her feel plain, I told her she looks alright in her current clothes etc.
We talked about random things we dislike about people, life, jobs and so on, I said I gotta go bye.
Saw her a few more times and we became friends, friendship turned into a relationship
>It is closed for maintenance
Guess this sailor will have to beat his fish hinself.
Is the upper deck closed too?
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Yes, it is a transitional region to the chambers that hold all the esoteric wisdom.
You are a huge bitch.
You ever notice how all these occultic mystics have sugar mamas? Weird…
Now do your tits
I’m thinking it’s a Greek/Turkish coffee kind of a morning. It is objectively the best kind of coffee and if you drink it women will want you and men will want to be you
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HA it is actually dark ginger. You just got exposed you fradulent schemer.
Is that the best you could come up with? If you're going to be an estrogen-riddled cuck at least come up with something better than "y-you are a huge bitch" yeah that'll show 'em haha
No it’s not but you’re not worth anything else.
HA she actually dyed it because she knows I like redheads. She’s a natural brunette
She’s my wife, I ought to know
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No but it requires a personal invitation.
What fish? The big anchovy?
What are you implying? Do you want to be my sugar boy so you can explore the great unknown?
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If you aren't a woman then these insults are incredibly embarrassing, always so fucking pissy to the point where you are like clones of each other.
You've got the shape right but they're much bigger than an onion
HA you think i am unable to tell a fake ginger from a real one? Oh please.
Also, what is on her arm?
>What are you implying? Do you want to be my sugar boy so you can explore the great unknown?
Oh I’ve explored the great unknown a lot solo. Just kinda made me think cuz I was reading about Manly P Hall, he got funded by some mom and daughter oil tycoon combo, Crowley was a well known degen who got bankrolled by the ladies…I’ve been told I’d make an excellent sugar boy.
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I’m enjoying this back and forth
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How would you know?
If you're the femanon I think you are, you know exactly how I know.
What would you do with your unlimited freedom? Lounge around and sink into the infinite?
>Also, what is on her arm?
Basically you meet people and have female friends that aren't terrible to be around, attraction is what's gonna start a relationship. Friendzone is an elementary school meme, you're not gonna be enemies with your wife or something, it's the appearance and circumstances that will get you laid. Most people don't really fuck around as much as you'd believe from the internet and even those who do don't always have great lives.
And for the record, I don't exactly respect men either, most are hostile to each other in a way, too much competitiveness and lying, I just have more respect for men than women (who I like) because men lead harder lives and those who can turn them around while keeping their dignity deserve more respect. They can also understand criticism for the most part
I literally want to fuck your pussy lol
No way that's gross
Damn it.
Uh no, a bandaid. Your wife is injured and you do not even know? Sad. Very sad. No emotional intimacy.
Nah I’d visit war sights and see if I could tap into the suffering energy to make myself stronger. I’d also track down ancient sages and become stronger through knowledge and training. I’d get a degree from a good university. The rest of the time I’d give to whoever’s investing in me.
>explore the great unknown?
I'll pry open yer backdoor with me wooden leg and explore to our both's liking arrrr
Ooh can I guess? Swiss?
I’m just gonna divorce her so I don’t have to deal with your dumb ass. It isn’t worth it. RIP redhead wife. Hardly knew ya
It's OK, I won't say more. I just want you to know I still appreciate your giant, perfect tits.
What degree would you get? What war sights?
I will tell your parole officer about this!
I've already done the same with him!
I fucking hate this world man relationships just naturally occur to some people while I have to manually construct some autistic scheme and bang my head against a wall repeatedly to hope for a crumb of attention, the demiurge has a personal vendetta against me man, there are uglier, shorter, more poorly socialized versions of me in this world running around fucking women like it's nothing, what a farce.
>a quitter
Your good look will not carry you trough for long if you behave like this.
A masters in neurology with a minor in linguistics. See if I could frame mysticism with the development of language in the brain.
Paschendale, Okinawa, Nanjing, etc. WW2 had a lot of blood. The river Volga too.
Women that enjoy having their ears played with. Explain. What is the proper maneuver for doing so.
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>Your good look will not carry you trough for long if you behave like this.
At least you admit I look good. Maybe you tried to make sure this would happen so I’d be available. You are very sly indeed.
Delicious Schadenfreud
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No but for real, kiss the neck and them the eat lobes.
Put hair behind ear and caress the ear gently with your thumb.
You got this.
Elite behavior
It does seem like a good idea to try to but ancient knowledge in new ways as language evolved.
its the universal truth that the female hard reset button is activated if you rub them behind the ears gently
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Huh? I was just shitposting. I look pretty normal
Hey man, tell us what you've tried so far. I'm gonna try and help
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No that is NOT what happened at all.
>Elite behaviour
Unfortunately I am paralyzed by my dichotic spirit.
Yeah, framing the ancient secrets in a modern way, it would unironically get me killed though if I got too big.
You injured my redhead wife without telling me and put a plaster on it to catch me out. You’re creating a rift between us
>too big
Hmm, what sicrits do you know?
You spelled it wrong. Sicrits isn’t a word
Fake news
She is in another train now. I hope you are happy.
Don’t lewd me bro.
The unconscious ticking of the waking dream. Sorry, can’t explain it.
>I have all the basics covered (clothing, hygiene, physique, hair, height
How tall are you?
It is now. I just made it. Remember, language evolves.
There, i just did it again.
Sorry it will not happen again.
No need to explain.
Heyy, it's a bunch of men at see for several weeks or months... we gotta do make due with.what we have, ok?
6 ft but I bump it up to 6 ft 1 sometimes if I'm with a short women since I'm 6'1 in shoes anyways.
I could probably fap to that onion
I am happy. You’re a bad influence. Hope you kept your hands off her mind
Good for you. I’m so proud. What do you think I should do today? I don’t want to spend all day on 4chan. I don’t have any money at the moment
You seem to talk about dignity a lot for someone that admits he doesn't respect women and a top of that you suggest having female friends. Do you also disrespect your friends?
You're also a Euro, huh?
Keep it in your pp.
If anything you are a bad influence.
Hm, are you reading anything atm? Probably fap and go for a walk.
Okay, good
male hands still baiting
Yeah, why?
>If anything you are a bad influence.
I’m the best of influences. Don’t talk shit
>reading anything
Yes. A few things. I will continue today.
>fap and walk
Not a bad idea but I’ll avoid the fap as possible.
It just be.
Good morning to you too.
Thank you for the tips and vote of confidence.
I have noticed that if a woman enjoys having their ears played with they REALLY like it.
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I will say what i want.
What things?
Erm why? Are you gathering your sexual energy? What for?
Is it natural or normal to have a period of time at the beginning of a new relationship where you're still cautious and keep one eye open?
Been dating this girl for a couple months and everything is going good but I have some paranoia / anxiety, mostly due to trust issues from my last relationship
all of my friends tell me I'm being paranoid and freaking out over nothing but I can't help it and its hard to let go and give in
Same to you
>No need to explain.
I assume because you know my schizobabble already.
Yeah, trust takes time.
I would not mind hearing it again but i think i know what you mean.
I've tried talking to women in my friend group but it hasn't led anywhere it's always been kinda awkward, I'm saving dating apps as a last resort. I've talked to people online though I haven't ever approached anyone irl since it's unnatural and aspie as fuck, idk know how to even befriend lonelier women since they seem so closed off. I have always been isolated since college has started and this place has demoralized me more and more, I constantly overthink basic convos. It seems my hope is bars/dating apps I guess but I'm only 18.
Femanons, do you want a dude to jerk off before a date? Explain your reasoning.
>trust takes time

yeah you're probably right. everyone is saying I need to just try and let go and trust her and they all seem to think its a really good situation for me if I can relax
i posted about my thoughts here yesterday and everyone called me delusional and paranoid it was sweet
How big is your meme folder and do you make subfolders?
>what things
Detente and confrontation by Raymond L. Garthoff and foreign policy analysis by Chris Alden and Amnon Aran.
>sexual energy
Yes I am saving it but for no reason in particular. Just feels like the right thing to do
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I delete them all again usually in a cleaning up manic episode. Last time i deleted around 9000.
No it is just all in my camera roll.
You probably do. My schizobabble is unique at least.
>i deleted around 9000
I weep.
Oof.. I could not do that.
They're my babies I've been collecting since 2008.

>camera roll
You mean on your phone?
I have barely any on there.
No. It is more fun if he is a bit pent up.
I saw your posts yesterday and it is a bit paranoid but you can not just ignore your fears, that is not how they work. The only way to get rid of them is if her actions consistently prove your fears wrong enough times to tip the balance to feel like what will happen in those cases is not going to hurt you.
If i remember correctly you already talked with her about your fears and why you have them. That us a good start. Now lets hope they will fade before she gets too annoyed with you assuming the worst of her.
>No. It is more fun if he is a bit pent up.
what if he nuts quick tho
Why do you want to tap into the suffering? Do you also tap into the joy of the many?
Same. Sometimes i want to post one and then i find out i deleted it. Very sad.
Impressive. Post the first oke you saved pls.
Not that much of a problem unless you are JH.
Sounds - dry. Are they any good?
Well then, a walk, a nap and making something yummy for lunch it is. What you got in the fridge?
What part of not respecting the shit out of everyone by default is hard to comprehend? You live in a world in which murder, war, rape, theft, arson and hatred exist and you see everything through love goggles?
> Do you disrespect friends
Do you even know what friends are? People you feel like spending time with which means you inherently have more respect for than on average.
> Women
Half of population of the world that's a cold place exactly because of people who live in it, what do you expect from women and my opinions on them? They're not respected by default, the difference between them and men is that women don't really want to have responsibility for any mistakes, they don't want to change the world for the better but will take support if given. They're also in majority the ones who feel entitled to respect, does it remind you of the comments here, when femanons tell men they're not entitled to sex?
I don't hang out with men or women that suck in my opinion at least. I hang out with people who are relatable in some way and who can get help from me and vice versa. Who the fuck lives in this world for 20, 30, 50 years and expects everything to be nice and shiny? It's not, you do your own shit and meet people you like along the way
Yeah I'm trying to work through it.
I didn't really accuse her of doing anything I more so just opened up about my past thing and how I'm slow to let my walls down and so forth.
She was really reassuring and told me she wants me to open up if anything ever makes me feel weird or whatever.
I'm just hoping I didn't push her away at alll. I don't think that I did.
She told me she was falling for me really hard after that conversation and the next morning we slept together and she just flat out said she loves me
>Post the first oke you saved pls.
Will do when I'm at the PC in the afternoon.
Gotta shower and go to my parents now.
> Why do you want to tap into the suffering?
A reminder that I am not as above as I feel like I am sometimes.
> Do you also tap into the joy of the many?
Yeah, I am everything. I can be anything and nothing. I occluded my own face a long time ago, I am just a thing.
I am looking forward to it.
Nice, maybe... women are good after all
That sounds good. Have you said anything to her about the concert?
>Sounds - dry. Are they any good?
For me personally they’re both very good. The first one in particular is incredible. But yes, they are extremely dry. But I like dry non fiction. That’s my favourite. I go to college to get more knowledge and you go to Jupiter to get more stupider I guess
>What you got in the fridge?
Veggies and meat. I’m going to make myself an amazing chicken curry. That’s going to be so good. Great idea
Atoga do you consume any NSFW content outside of porn? Are you still in your gore phase? Have you watched anyone burn alive recently?
>wake up
>start making coffee
>check thread while waiting
>nut talk is the first thing I see
You guys are my problem more than jizz is.
>the concert

No, that was monday night. I talked to a couple friends about it including my older brother who has been married for like 10 years and they basically all said I need to relax and that it doesn't sound like she's doing anything shady.
And basically made a point like "it sounds like this girl is actually in love with you man and if thats really the case I find it hard to believe she'd be doing anything odd," and that it sounds like she hasnt given me any reason to feel weird.

I'm not going to say anything about my fears in regards to that situation but we're going out later tonight and I will naturally just ask her how her night was and stuff.
No because I’m not an edgy faggot. Once you actually take someone’s life watching gore is so boring and redundant.
What about it is incredible? Yeah i know you have a soft spot for dry non fiction. Very cute.
>go to Jupiter to get more stupider
Wow rude but also true. Bimbo supremacy.
Well great, now i am hungry. I did not have time for breakfast and i have to wait a long time still until i have a stop long enough to get a sandwich or so. Not very foresightful of me.
but to add to this >>31680436

I'm not about to just be like "hey i got super paranoid about xyz just so you know," i'm not gonna be that guy
and I don't think I should open up about it at all.
>Once you actually take someone’s life
Military or psycho?
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Women, explain this without seething and screaming
Bad household young, so former psycho.
>do you consume any NSFW content outside of porn?
I do not even really look at porn at all.
>Are you still in your gore phase?
>Have you watched anyone burn alive recently?
Yeah i watched the equalizer two. In one scene he presses his thumb in the other guys exe and in another he slices hus arms off. I had to conclude that this movie had a shite plote, no real character development, chaotic timeline and just wanted an excuse to film gory scenes. Would not watch again.
>former psycho.
Proud of your progress, good job anon
Kinda like watching porn becomes pointless when you have satisfying sex frequently.
Did you murder someone?
No need for the self satisfying remark. I’d rather you didn’t do that, thank you.
>What about it is incredible?
To put it simply the quality of the historical research done here. The author has opted to use footnotes instead of a bibliography which I appreciate enormously because it makes it easier to find the sources. Secondly the amount of information and the clarity of it is pretty damn good. It’s a fantastic history book.
>Bimbo supremacy.
Bimbo inferiority*
>Not very foresightful of me.
No. Not very foresightful at all. Are you ashamed of yourself???
So in a sense an act of memento mori?
What other sights would you want to tune into?
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What happened to him :|
big booty bimbo gf
Trash will be trash, nothing to explain there.
Yeah, that’s apt.
> What other sights would you want to tune into?
Massive population centres for chaos. Hard to think of right now. Very drained and in pain.
>gore phase
I've moved on to medical case studies of interesting trauma.
That does sound like a satisfying read.
No, i am an animal, i know no shame.
There is another girl sitting vis a vis from me now. She got a big booty and she is wearing short shorts. Should i ask her to be your gf for you? She has long blonde hair tied in a bun, blue eyes, is wearing golden glasses, a ruffly white blouse and is reading a book. I am trying to find out what book.
That one prisoner with the blue eyes, jaw, and juicy lips I can understand somewhat because he is conventionally attractive but JAMES HOLMS?!
Hell naw man
>tfw nobody will ever call me that since I'm not white and blonde
He was never good looking lmao, I don't know who's more delusional, women or incels because both praise him as pewk human attractiveness
>in pain
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>She has long blonde hair tied in a bun, blue eyes, is wearing golden glasses, a ruffly white blouse and is reading a book
Yeah tell her anon wants to be her bf
Being attacked by an entity of my own making. Hate when that happens.
Sounds good. It should resolve itself, you just have to ride it out without making her feel like you are accusing her to be a whore at every opportunity.
At the very least you have to admit that his mugshot was crispy
I mean do women like being called bimbos?
>That does sound like a satisfying read.
It is, especially so because it’s a challenging read. It’s very dense and it covers ever little thing in detail. But I’m determined to finish it
Are those required to be a bimbo? I think you’d still qualify if you’re dumb as hell and have an annoying laugh
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She also has pretty nice boobies but she is not fat.
She is reading pic rel.
what should i say?
Excuse me miss, anon is bricked up for you. Do you want to add him on discord?
"hey, this guy wants me to ask you to be his gf"
It just looked like a mugshot, a lot more better looking people in mugshots than him
What if she thinks i am trying to human traffic her?
>determined to finish it
That sounds like you. How much more you got to get trough?
Yeah I gotcha. I'm not gonna project onto her and I don't think I have.
I think the conversation we had was ultimately healthy.
but I still kinda have one eye open unfortunately.
>What if she thinks i am trying to human traffic her?
You gotta have a pleasant conversation with her. Just be chill.
Not by someone I'm not trying to be a bimbo for.
I think I'm pretty smart, though I've worked on the bimbo laugh a lot and have it down perfectly.
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Aw hell naw, this is why I say I don't read even though it's one of my main hobbies.
tl;dr women adore dark triad traits in men and serial killers have these and therefore women want to present their holes to serial killers. They're inherently drawn to abusive, violent, vile men and they're turned on by rape. When such a criminal is behind bars, they send him gifts and lewd pictures of themselves so that he can masturbate.
Can you command it to leave you alone?
1073 pages. I’m currently on 110
Fellas whats gayer, jerking off with the bros in the goon cave or DP-ing a girl with your homie and letting the balls touch.
I think if your bimbo-lover bf/gf knows, they'll gladly call you their darling bimbo
Kek, but she has shaved legs and a very cute face. You got to compromise my man.
She is on her phone now. We got 8 minutes left.
Double blowjob where she presses your dicks together and puts them in her mouth at the same time
It wouldn't feel genuine if I didn't consider myself bimbo-ish, though. I'm like halfway there if anything.
Ooof good luck out there, you might need it.
Tell me your top three facts you have read so far pls.
>gore phase
I refuse to believe everybody had that, because I sure as hell didn't.
smart bimbo gf...
Yeah thats pretty gay.
It will go back to sleep with time. Unless she does something dumb. Lets hope she does not.
Legally blonde type bimbo
The rational part of my brain is telling me she hasn't done anything dumb or wouldn't really.
unfortunately the insecurities are louder and often easier to follow
What do you think is missing?
Huh that's funny, because incels are misogynistic school shooters, so that means women must love them. Thanks for confirming all incels are just volcels.
Again, I'm not blonde or busty or wear pink much, so not really that level of bimbo by any stretch of the imagination.
Sure but that’s just suppression. Needs to be satiated or distracted from me and turned outwards.
>though I've worked on the bimbo laugh a lot and have it down perfectly.
Please please make a vocaroo.
Big tits, being taller, being okay wearing shorter shorts or skirts, wearing gaudier colors in general, getting better at heavier makeup.
I don't see why bimbofication must be limited to blonde white women, just because it's expected. If anything it's exciting in its own right when someone defies expectations.
I forget what that is.
I've posted it before. I think it was TD and I practicing our bimbo laughs in /soc/toga a long while ago. Idk if I have it saved.
>being okay wearing shorter shorts or skirts, wearing gaudier colors in general, getting better at heavier makeup
What are your main hangups with doing these ones? Not quite ready to draw that much attention to yourself?
A very tiny percentage of boys are school shooters and some of them aren't even incels. Meanwhile according to those screencaps serial killers receive hundreds of love letters from women per year.

From what I can tell the screencaps don't show school shooters so they aren't very relevant here.
>She is on her phone now. We got 8 minutes left.
up to you cuh you're doing the leg work here
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Sure thing. Let me think…
By the 1970s the Soviet Union believed that they had achieved military equality with the USA, allowing them to negotiate with the USA as an equal.
I’m 1970 the Soviet Union tried to build a submarine base in Cienfuegos, Cuba. Instead of almost starting WW3 like the Cuban missile crisis, the issue was solved quietly and diplomatically. Nixon saw it fit to put into writing the promised Kennedy made, such as the promise not to invade Cuba. This satisfied both parties.
Nixon and Henry Kissinger liked to conduct diplomacy on a personal level and in secret. Henry Kissinger would reach agreements with the Soviets on hosting summits and meetings without the knowledge of Secretary of State Rogers. So much so that they’d bend over backwards to insure that he never found out what they were doing. One time a soviet minister visited the whitehouse, and Nixon and Kissinger briefed him so he could pretend that the things Kissinger negotiated were his ideas that he came up with on the spot
>reading books
no bimbo would do this
Send it to me, i have nothing better to do other than fighting demons.
>I think it was TD and I practicing our bimbo laughs in /soc/toga a long while ago.
god I want to hear these
Jeez you are so fucking retarded. lmao
Why did I even bother make a sarcastic post...
Would receive a new classification, then? Is there not a term for different kinds?
My main hangup is that I don't have the figure or presence for them. I'm a short pear, so I look best in jeans or leggings, not skirts. And I've never worked in an environment where I could wear crazy makeup and still be taken seriously as a professional.
We made eye contact and said bye but i saw her in the new train too. Sorry for letting you down anon.
You posted sarcastically just to bring up incels when they aren't relevant.
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>reading books she found out about from TikTok thanks to the “booktok” thread (where women mainly discuss raunchy books and downright smut but occasionally talk about other genres)
I think she passes
They don't ask when I'm going to get girlfriend or whatever, everyone in the family knows how hideous I am and doesn't have any hope for me
Only have my old one. 19WFIeGfLp5d.
It is ok anon. I'm no seriously in the space for a relationship now anyway.
Rejection is equal to rape
Thank you for your time
Doesn’t really work like that. Mostly because I don’t feel comfortable having that level of connection with a stranger. Also in a public forum.
Sorry force of habit.
>Would receive a new classification, then? Is there not a term for different kinds?
I see no reason why bimbo can't be universal, but I guess "ABG (Asian babygirl)" is kind of a bimbo-related term.
nta but i dont like what this did to me
What's your opinion on Kissinger generally?
This, I didn't consent to being rejected and taken advantage of for my time and resources
Your voice is perfect for this
I shouldn't have listened to that...
Stop becoming a person in my mind, this is not good.
Ok we got a new contender.
>shoulder length wavy brown hair
>speaks french and calls her dad papa
>wearing sports clothes, short black nike shorts and a top that looks like it is beach wear, very low cut

But i think she is with her bf. Maybe her brother. Remains to be found out.
There is also three friends a few seat down the train.
>longish blonde hair, short, wearing a flowy white button down shirt
>very tall indian girl with very long hair and cute face
>girl with huge boobas, dyed black hair, winged liner, black spaghetti strap top

I do not understand how you guys always moan about where all the girls are.
Definitely don't fit that one either.
Sorry for the reduction of brain cells.
Like I said, it's from lots of practice.
>spending time sharing my dreams and aspirations alongside my worries and fears ITT doesn't humanize me, but posting my tard laugh does
The internet is crazy.
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Somewhat complicated. It’s not easy to say. On the one hand, he was generally quite efficient and effective but on the other hand he did many monstrous things that have significantly damaged americas reputation abroad. I feel like the environment that prevailed in the late 60s and 70s was such as to perfectly bring out everything that was monstrous about his way of thinking. If he had his position in the early 60s or the 80s I think this conversation would be entirely different.
>Definitely don't fit that one either.
yeah I kind of formatted that sentence wrong. It was meant to be an example of what terms might be around.
Are there no terms in like, spanish or portuguese with the same vibe as Bimbo?
>my worries and fears ITT doesn't humanize me
It does but only to a degree since besides your history memes and our talk yesterday I have not identified you as an individual poster.

>but posting my tard laugh does
That makes you more than just words on a screen.
And voices are a thing for me, can't help it.
>he could pretend that the things Kissinger negotiated were his ideas that he came up with on the spot
Am I allowed to just sit in a hotel lobby if I don’t have a room there? Should I get a drink at the bar?
If I may say, I think the TikTok meme about how women feel like they’re about to be killed when they get approached at work or on a train when they have no option to leave has made guys a bit sceptical as to whether or not talking to women in such scenarios is still acceptable.
But what the hell, I never see beautiful women on the train. I only see middle aged people going home from work
>Like I said, it's from lots of practice.
it's not just the parts you're putting on though
>And voices are a thing for me, can't help it.
Nta but damn I'm weird about voices too. Singing especially feels very intimate to me.
Yes and yes
Are you sure? If I don’t have to get a drink at the bar I won’t. I just need somewhere to sit for a few hours
Sounds like you understand it perfectly, so what am I supposed to explain?
Yeah i mean it would be weird even of me to approach them. But they are there.
Very. Nixon was a literal autist who hated interacting with others and preferred to get things done one on one with people he trusted (like Kissinger)
And Kissinger was a Machiavellian who realised this early on and did everything to play into it.
Perfect for each other really.
No idea, I only speak english well. It's worth investigating, though.
Wait, don't tell me that's the first thing you've heard from me. That'd actually be a little embarrassing.
>it's not just the parts you're putting on though
What do you mean?
>Singing especially feels very intimate to I miss when we could post our singing in here, too.
> I'm gonna reject you for superficial reasons, have others reject you as well because we have a collective hivemind and only go by others opinions, I'm gonna destroy your self esteem while at it and blame you for that and call you a failure
Sorry, I didn't consent to being rejected
A dream team. Do you think they kissed in the car?
Ok but if they are there but the simple act of approaching them makes them scared then what good is their presence at all? It’s not a very workable situation
She posts vocas? That’s news to me, I’ll have to bump her up to “almost as cool as JH” tier
Saw a girl who looked exactly like me but she had a hot boyfriend. What am I doing wrong? How do I find people who don’t find me ugly?
Cold approach is dumb anyways.
No. He would never! Remember the whole literal autist thing?
Plenty of people used to. I think that era of atoga died along with the death of toonme/picrew posting, though.
>What do you mean?
I feel easily embarrassed by voices, voice recordings, especially if they're female, and romantic/sexual in nature.
If a woman serenaded me I'd love it but I'd also blush like crazy. It feels like something very very personal that gets "closer" to me than other sensations, aside from touch or smell.
Get a drink anyways
>he hasn't heard TD's voice
She's adorable.
Booktok is genuinely good and I won’t stand for it being defamed on a dead gay anime imageboard.
So what do you do if not cold approach? And yeah I agree that cold approaching seems autistic and needy
I’ve come to this exact conclusion the hard way. I wish there were more women in my friend group to introduce me to others and stuff but fuck it we ball. I still need to see if that girl from after class may be interested and after that I am 100% done with this shit
>Thank you for your interest in Yale, but unfortunately your application has been raped
I sort of get it. At least you're not saying you're embarrassed FOR me.
Since when can autistist not make out? Or is it making aut?
Also, even the conductor is a cute red head with a very tight uniform. What is going on? Kek
Femanons, thoughts on being called my love?
Beautiful women usually have orbiters to give them free rides everywhere. If they’re on public transportation, something has gone seriously wrong.
Life is short
>At least you're not saying you're embarrassed FOR me.
If anything I respect how confident and bold it is.
You are a weirdo. In europe people use public transport because it is seen as the green thing to do.
If I fall asleep in my car will I die
Hm, did she seem happier? More outgoing? You might be identical twins, but if she puts herself out there more, then naturally she’ll have more opportunities to get a bf.
What is she like?
What is your plan? What will you say?
No idea. Extended social circle. Otherwise it might be over.
>How do I find EXTREMELY HOT AND WEALTHY people who don’t find me ugly?
Wtf I don't think I've heard any
You can until they kick you out
Nah bimbos come in all flavours
I don't think some of my most autistic vocas were either of those things.
>If they’re on public transportation, something has gone seriously wrong.
Do americans realize public transport isn't shit outside of their country
It's got not about it being "Green" their public transport is just better
>not killing your twin and taking her place
huge missed opportunity
This is not how it works in real life. At least not in my experience. I don’t know a single woman my age, beautiful or not, who has an orbiter simpy enough to drop everything he’s doing to drive someone around for a couple of hours
That too.
Also, it is her brother, he called her mom maman.
And also hot.
Is it internalized racism if I immediately assumed there'd be a chocolate joke?
Okay but the way I see it is that you're missing out on potential relationships by not taking that risk especially in college.
What should I order? I don’t drink much
What's that?
Sounds nice
I'm just doing espresso shots like an edgelord
I’m in second year of university anon. I’ve been doing this since I got here. I promise you it isn’t working out for me. So I’d rather focus my energy on other things.
Same. Literally nobody does that. Anon is delusional.
Most i can remember is my brother once went to pick up a childhood friend he has know since they went to kindergarten together after she got into a car accident and was too shocked to get home on her own and he coincidentally had a free day at work. But he has a gf and is not interested in her, that is just what friends do for friends.
Is there a particular kind of makeup you want to improve at?
I know some girls can’t apply mascara without poking themselves in the eye, it’s quite sad…
It’s amazing. I tend to prefer the Cypriot brands to the Greek ones but that’s for personal reasons
It actually is, I knew girls like this. I'm dead serious and I'm not an incel or a larper. Manipulative women exist.
Reading this while I'm chainsmoking... same...
Aren't you more mocha?
Have you tried not hanging out with trash? The people i know all take care of their own business and do not try to use others to their advantage.
Why the fuck do you people scroll the entire thread to give me a 3 hour old (You)
>what’s she like
I don’t know, I need to get to know her :D
>what’s your plan
To just talk with her after lectures in a normal way and see if there’s potential. Not complicated. She actually came up to me to talk at first so I feel pretty comfortable
Gin and Tonic or an Old Fashioned
It could be the cleanest, fastest public transit in the world, but men are still men, so it’s still dangerous if they’re allowed on board.
Remember the “female-only” train cars in Japan? They ended up having a higher sexual assault rate than mixed gender cars, because men kept sneaking into them.
Take the compliment buddy
I've not even had a twosome
Long island iced tea.
Nta but it is when people check in to the thread after three hours and scroll down tot he bottom whilst refreshing. Not everyone has auto refresh enabled.
That’s nice. Don’t get much choice growing up in a ghetto.
I second what the other anon said. Seems like an issue of bad company all around. But if you say you’ve seen this I take your word for it. I just don’t think it’s as common as you make it out to be
Is it really “manipulative” to ask a friend for a ride and he says yes?
I’m a young woman isn’t that for old men
I'm not great at blending. But I guess most bimbos don't look great at blending either when their makeup has crazy contrasts, so maybe it's nbd.
I'd say so, but that's less racist so it wouldn't be what people would joke about.
I’m not the incel, dunno why that wasn’t clear to you.
>lives in the ghetto
>trashy women act like trash
anon pls
Do what?
Yeah I just make up some bullshit cause I can't really say I was eating cereal at 3am while watching Strawberry Shortcake and then doing puzzles with people on an incel anime imageboard
I feel like this would only work in certain accents, and southern US is not one of them :/
That is going to fuck me up more than I want to be
I didn’t say any of that shit you stupid fuck. Jesus Christ I really gotta tack on NTA for you brainlets.
I just say i was reading and doing chores.
My post really had nothing to do with incels. Don’t know why you’re bringing it up
It's this fucking schizo again, lmao
I'm going to ask some questions because I don't want to take a major risk and have it bite me in the ass, were the women you approached attractive/popular? What did you say when you approached them? Are you attractive or tall yourself?
That’s why women travel in groups. If it was a beautiful girl traveling alone I might agree, but multiple women can fight off an attacker and kick him in the balls if necessary.
My current gf expressed that she’s been hurt in the past by other guys. She has stated that whenever she decides to open up and express her feelings, the guys will ghost her or tell her they don’t want to commit and she gets hurt.

She is really slow to respond to my texts most of the time, like hours and hours, despite being active on her social media accounts.
Could this be some kind of avoidant shit? Like she’s trying not to be too clingy or come off that way because of her past and not wanting to get hurt again?
All I saw was “no women would EVER manipulate a man to get a ride just because she’s beautiful” when I’ve seen it happen with my own eyes so I assumed you were responded to an incel. What a waste of time.
Because I can
But then they ask me what I've been reading
What cake do you want?
>multiple women can fight off an attacker
maybe if they’re armed, but men are freakishly strong and can easily subdue multiple women bare-handed
You aren't hot enough to warrant immediate replies, unlike her exes.
She seemed normal
Ugly guys reject me too. Might as well shoot for the stars atp
I don’t have the skills for that
>were the women you approached attractive/popular?
I’m not really sure if they were popular. 1000s of people attend this institution it’s really not easy to say.
I am not sure really. I think I’m pretty average. But at the same time, it’s worth noting that I’m not the best smooth talker or the most natural person for this kind of approach. My personal competence has to be factored in. I’ve seen people on my level of looks dating so I don’t think that’s the problem here
My armchair psychology degree says yes, you might be right. There’s not much you can do besides continuing to be your kind, thoughtful self.
I've been attacked and pushed over by a six year old boy. It's not that easy to defend yourself when you're not prepared.
Man, why you gotta be like that? Can you not have some empathy for once?
Poor girl.
>Ugly guys reject me too. Might as well shoot for the stars atp
Implying you ask them out. It's a convenient headcanon that not even ugly guys want you because at the end of the day you want to justify pushing your standards higher and higher, despite getting no results in the first place.
I don’t know what you’re on about but sure.
Then get a book you had to read in school and remember vaguely and just say that one. Use your brain.
I wish I was invisible to women.
>you ask men out, but I’m going to moan about women not asking men out anyway
Piss off m8
I did ask them out
I would just do some coke and challenge someone to a dance-off
You didn't persevere as a man is expected to
If a male friend spends hours being your personal chauffeur, he wants to be more than a friend
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I'll be the tank
>women need to act like men to date men
g and t is gender neutral but you could go for a mojito instead maybe a negroni
>Wait, don't tell me that's the first thing you've heard from me. That'd actually be a little embarrassing
I haven't been a regular here in about a month. Basically this is my coping mechanism how to get over what my ex did. lol

>Nta but damn I'm weird about voices too. Singing especially feels very intimate to me.
I have a special connection in that regard, but I don't want to get into it. Too sentimental!
I think it may be a generational thing. Zoomer girls are for the most part too pussy/shy to be manipulative like that. Stacies are a legit dying breed
>everything needs to be inherently less challenging for them because they're women
huh? bud?
Lemon Drop then
Am I an incel if my view of women is tainted because of my mom and sisters?
Women can decide that you're an incel even if you have a lot of sex, so yes. Also, if you are a creep (appearance that isn't pleasant on the eyes) then you are likely an incel.
She thinks her voice is nasal and annoying, and she’s right
Okay which one is better
What’s that
Sure. If you are bitter to the point of nobody wanting to touch your pp then you are one, regardless of how you arrived there.
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Men, why do you prefer to be alone and bitter rather than having sex with a cute woman?
Men and women are different.
Saying “you failed because you didn’t act like a man” is weird.
Thankfully I didn't say that, bud. You made it up.
I don't
Not my pp, but my heart. I just find that I can’t be vulnerable around women.
I’m a late zoomer, and guys would offer me rides all the time. It’s not manipulative to say yes.
My face is so asymmetrical. One of my eyes is higher than the other. I’m sick of being ugly really
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I would like to have sex with a cute woman without a doubt. I guess I’m just an acquired taste for them and I need to dig deep to find the right one
I guess I was being generous and assumed your whining was meant to be advice, my bad
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>tfw got woken on sofa after 3hrs of sleep by a fly that kept landing on my head
Should I kill it
What if it's a cute girl fly tho

Not necessarily, just misogynistic
Error 404: woman not found
intelligence has a negative impact on sexual activity, the least intelligent men are having the most sex.
Was that before the Ukraine invasion? I don’t offer my friends rides unless it’s on the way because I can’t afford petrol.
>insulting my thighfu
I'll stab you.
What was your own advice? Why are you whining about others allegedly whining, bud?
It’s ok. My mouth and my nostrils are a bit crooked. It is what it is
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Picrel is a lemon drop, it tastes like lemon candy and is what I recommend the most for you since you said you dont drink much.
Gin and Tonic is a classic and what I would personally go for.
Negroni is probably the classiest option but its on the bitter side.
Oh that looks cute
Women how asymmetrical are you?
That should be JHs secret agent code name lol
Yeah it was. I didn’t consider politics could be a factor… that sucks for gen alpha girls. Enjoy walking home from school, ladies! Don’t forget to thank Putin!
I just said I’m severely asymmetrical
Women be like “my left nostril is slightly bigger than my right, I’m going to die alone” when she has a body that could instantly make any man into her willing sex slave
So are mine. And my eyebrows and the general planes of my face. Everything is off
I made that post and I’m a man.
It is and it’s tasty, I hope you enjoy it
Left boob is visibly bigger than right boob, I’m going to die alone
Almost like sex isn’t the end all and be all.
My body isn’t enticing
Not very. I guess one of my boobs is slightly bigger than the other but my face is pretty even.
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It’s probably not that bad
Picrel lmao
What you said to them is what I'm mainly looking for, my guess is that women who don't get as much attention voluntarily or involuntarily are more receptive to approaches. Did any of those girls smile or stare?
I think my mouth is crooked because my jaw is kinda got a weird resting position. I begged my parents to take me to the orthodontist in high school but it was too expensive.
Maybe when I get a job I’ll go on my own dime. But I think by now they’ll have to do that surgery where they break my jaw and realign it which doesn’t seem worth it at all
It's not enticing for the hot men who've got options. They're the only men that matter.
But it gets your foot in the door and if sales means anything that means you can probably go for a bigger move
I like asymmetry
If we men were to compete for the same few women as women compete for the top 5% of men then we would literally kill each other.
Hot, it’s like being with two women
You only say that because you’re not into women, of course you don’t think your own body is attractive… lots of men think they’re ugly for the same reason
>did any of them smile or stare?
I really thought so with some of them but I think in retrospect I badly misread the situation.
>what did you say
There are like 7 attempts I can’t remember all of them
I wanted to ask here because I trust you guys and I hang around here a lot.

>mom died last year
>ever since I've been trying to cope, especially because I feel I'm to blame since she died 2 weeks after I moved
>she was alone with my older brother who never took care of himself his whole life until his late 30s
>I've known I couldn't really count on my dad because he has deep mental issues, parents divorced years ago because he cheated etc
>I was laid off some weeks ago despite having stellar performance, even got an apology (lol) directly from my CEO and he wrote me recommendations
>I'm ok about being laid off but I do wish I had my mom around to talk about it, and it hurts not having my dad care in any way
>said he'd meet me for his birthday last weekend and he stood me up 2 days in a row, I'd even bought him an extra small gift because I was happy about seeing him
>he did finally meet me on sunday, I did mention I was laid off and he just kinda nodded it off and talked about his problems the entire time, and then had me pay for his dinner
>I confide this in my cousin, who's really mad at this point about my dad
>she decides it's a great idea to berate him in messages
>he called me this morning to mention about it, I did say that "well you know, I do wish you were closer to me. I wasn't gonna mention about the lay off out of nowhere to make you worry when we haven't spoken in months, it wouldn't make sense"
>just assured me he wasn't upset, but then spend an hour talking about his problems again
I know that he's not right in the head. And honestly I don't want to emotionally torture him or whatever.
Is it a good idea to try and meet up with him today? I'm not sure if we're going to straighten things out since he tends to just avoid complicated talks.
responding to every female post with “I bet you were thinking about Chad” is my favorite atoga meme
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Oh yeah and one slight asymmetric feature will doom you from finding a man that will make you feel fulfilled and happy amirite
It’s not a meme he’s being serious
>female post
[x] Doubt
Na I’m pretty sure my crippling mommy issues and social anxiety that stop me from going outside will doom me.
[x] hoe
You keep bringing this up but whenever anons start posting pictures of men or asking what stuff is hot the femanons literally describe and gravitate towards chad-like features.
Ah I see so it was nervous smiles/eye contact, pretty impressive you approached so many times especially when your reputation could tank at any moment, in these kinds of environments I would wait for any sign of interest to take the final step.
More like ass-ymmetry, am I right?

>top 5%
It really undercuts your argument when you pull a different percentage from your ass every time lol

So your cousin told off your dad on your behalf? That’s rude imo, she should have asked you first. I would meet up with your dad just to demonstrate you don’t feel the same as your cousin. Even if you just awkwardly hang out and don’t discuss any deep topics, it proves you care about your relationship.
>pretty impressive you approached so many times especially when your reputation could tank at any moment
What reputation? You’re acting like in an institution with 10000 people everyone somehow knows you or is talking about you. Why would I worry about my reputation?
I guess this is true if you think “funny” and “cares about me” are Chad-exclusive traits?
Either that or you’re just lying.
>It really undercuts your argument when you pull a different percentage from your ass every time lol
The percentage keeps tightening as time passes. If you take the 20% of the men and try to find the ideal candidates based only on that sample then this happens.
It’s bad
My jaw is fucked even after braces
Most men like the same things. Boobs and ass
I feel I’ve seen enough opinions to get a decent consensus
I bet Chad typed this. I bet he was shirtless. I bet you’d be too pussy to ask him out, because you’re a woman.
>So your cousin told off your dad on your behalf? That’s rude imo, she should have asked you first.
She should but it's done, and I don't have the mental energy to be upset about it. I did tell her I'd rather her wouldn't message him.
>I would meet up with your dad just to demonstrate you don’t feel the same as your cousin.
I think so too, even if he just rambles about unimportant things...
Thank you anon
Firstly men are filtered by how good they look. Then out of the ones that remain it might be difficult to pick out one that's funnier than the rest and cares about you because he may as well care about another woman instead.
Chadfag go take a nap or play with your toys
Women be like oh no what am I going to do when the man I like will inevitably scan my whole body for minuscule appearent defects and scorn me for that
Mesnwhile the man she likes is thinking oh god please give me the courage to ask her out she's so nice and I think we'd make a good couple
>only lesbians can be confident in their body
Wild take
My assumption is that someone would be given a label among other women for doing such a thing, it's not rare for it to happen.
Np anon, good luck :)
No don‘t. My dad is like that too, and i am better off just not telling him anything because he always finds a way to make it about him and then do a two hour rant that always loops back to how hard he has it as a child and the same twenty stories.
It is pointless, there us no validation, empathy help or care to be had from him and it us much better to accept that and move on. No point in putting yourself in a situation where you have to listen to his rants. Again. When all you would need is someone to vent to yourself.
Why am I so scared to go get this stupid Lemon drop. I am such a coward
lesbians are the most demanding, they constantly instill insecurity in each other - women trying to date women face the same issues as men trying to date women
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OHHH well fair enough but I’ve made an effort not to double dip so to speak.
I dont ask out women from the same classes or the same friend groups. I doubt they even know each other
Same, but the opposite

Humans be like “minor insecurity? Time to purposely spend another decade alone”
Pretend it’s a McDonald’s milkshake
It’s kinda gay to get turned on by the sight of one’s own body.
It’s cute girl summer.
Also no, usually autists don’t like physical displays of affection. Plus he was a man born in the 1910s. Obviously it would make him uncomfortable
>must be turned on to think you look good in a dress
It’s okay anon, sometimes things seem scarier than they are. The brain is trying to preserve itself, you have to show it that nothing is wrong and it’ll understand next time.
I have a gimpy wrist, that's about it when it comes to severe asymmetry.
Fuck you. I'd want it to be Bailey if it has to be alcohol related.
I get scared getting those too
At least a little bit
True, but all you have to do is think about it from the opposite gender’s POV, like “wow, I bet men would love a piece of this juicy ass!” Presto, it’s no longer gay! It’s that easy.
How do you figure?
Yeah Baileys is good but you black therefore negroni is suitable.
Maybe he liked it when it made him uncomfortable.
Um, I have more piercings on one side than the other?
Wholesome. Me too. I get panicky and I have to pretend I’m texting someone.
>allegedly cute voice AND thighs
I'm liking this girl more and more. Time to calibrate my namefag radar.
Nipple piercings?
No he didn’t. Trust me. This is the guy who went to the beach in a suit and tie
Thinking like the opposite gender is tranny behavior and circles back into being gay
Ok negroni
Are you ugly or do you have low self esteem? Or both?
Kek, true
Ok I’m going to go now. Have a good day. My friend is in the area gonna see him. Enjoy hot girl summer. I’m currently working through boring white boy winter. It was made for me so I best enjoy it
This paper-thin cope falls apart when it becomes “wow, I bet men would love to see me running my hands over my own body and getting turned on, yeah they would totally enjoy what I’m feeling right now”…
I guess it's not the worst thing I've been called ITT.
>not Grasshopper
No, just ears and nose, but the nose one is only on the left
I overdid it on mint liqueur one night and really fucked myself up, haven't been as fond of it since.
I can't nap on the living room sofa at midday and I got no toys D: (yet ;P) so actually workin today and applying to jobs
I realize now the joke is not funny or creative, was workshopping a bit
Aw. :(
I was wondering why you seemed to suddenly stop drinking them.
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Same, caught up to me today, I gotta stop sleeping like 3 hours a night
Never mind the bit is back alive thanks to this anon
maybe she just decided to quit being an alcoholic?
The bit gave me a boner. Unnerving.
Lame, get a toddy pierced
Do our girls diet and work out in winter so their beach body is ready for summer?
It's also a pain to make compared to just pouring some Baileys or RumChata.
I was never an alcoholic.
Piercing cartilage is one thing, but piercing erogenous zones is quite another

I’ve never been to a beach in my life
All I think when I feel my own body is “damn I need lotion”, I guess I’m straight
>Baileys or RumChata.
You sure you don't have a puke kink?
I rarely throw up from them. It's actually sour drinks that make me barf most often.
Have a good day!
I felt that.
I avoid public places if at all possible.
I probably should.
is it normal that when my bf is just walking around, i do find him attractive, but it's like i don't especially "enjoy" looking at him.
but if he sits down to do something, or he's just chilling and sitting down, my neurons activate somehow and he suddenly becomes extremely pleasant to look at, and i get slightly horny even. happens when he's laying down too.
or i suppose this isn't "normal". at first i wondered if this is because he might have bad posture when standing and walking, but i don't think he has bad posture actually.
Hm, weird. For me it is more when he is standing and moving around that i think he is hot because i can see more of his body.
Maybe sitting and laying down feels more intimate?
That seems normal to me, and men like the same thing about women
It seems we’re all attracted to casual attractiveness, so while it can be cringe when someone is trying to be sexy, it suddenly way hotter when they’re just passively sexy while going about their day
There’s also a degree of intimacy, like “only I get to see him relaxed and happy like this”
yeah perhaps. i mean it's hard to describe but he just looks especially attractive when sitting down lol.
Is he tall? Sometimes i think tall people look cute when sitting down with their legs almost folded up to their belly like a spider or so.
If you have to actually diet you're not doing your mental illness right
That is kind of strange it's basically the opposite for me, doing something is hotter than not doing something.
I feel you anon. It’s insanely hot when a guy sits down and focuses on something, but I have no idea why.
It’s so over for the adhd anons…
Is his gait off?
he's "tall", but under 6ft. has a big frame also i suppose, and slightly chubby. i suppose the chubby thing might have something to do with it maybe.
>Bro's never hyperfocused on something for 9 hours and forgotten to eat
It doesn’t feel wholesome
I need a teddy bear bf so bad, sisbros
Oh hm, yeah maybe his proportions are more balanced when he is sitting or laying down?
My bf has abs, so i especially enjoy being able to see his belly region bend and stretched when he is standing up and moving around.
I miss having this in Mexicoo
Pls sleep more than me
>avoid public places if at all possible
I felt that too but do you never go to the beach?
Women, do you like a man in jorts?
once again guys have it easier, they can just say “I like seeing her boobies move” but here we are trying to puzzle out why men are even attractive lmao
Nta but god i wish.
I got 5h this night so that is something.
No, never really. I mean i have been but not in a long time. I prefer secluded spots in nature now where you stay dressed like the mountains.
Long jorts are dadcore and short jorts are gay. Do with that information what you will.
Here I was thinking I was rizzing by rolling up my sleeves and doing housework instead of just being a lazy cunt
I'm a simple man I see bouncy tits in bikini I smash that like button
I want to be surfing at the beach bros why am I working D:
i made it
yeah this is probably it ngl.
I do.
Meh, it seems pretty straight forward to me. Me see cute man i like doing random things, me like.
>god I wish
Don't feel bad it had nothing to do with what I was actually supposed to be doing (cleaning). I made a sweatshirt.
>5h this night
Progress! Gotta bump those numbers <3
>secluded spots in nature now where you stay dressed like the mountains
Ooh yeah those are a vibe too, love a good trek
Best is when you find a secluded beach spot or take a boat out. Cooler box of beers and build some sandcastles
Women, when you jump do the titties bounce?
>secluded mountain spots
Stay safe anon, pls don’t fall off a cliff or get eaten by a mountain lion
It sucks. But you’re doing really good anon. I’m proud of you.
They don't really bounce. But it does sound like I'm clapping if I run up stairs topless.
She'll get eaten up by me if she's not careful
when i'm naked, obviously. when i wear a bra, no not really.
Aw nice. Did it turn out well?
Secluded beach sounds heavenly. Imagine having a private beach where nobody has access to and can see you so you can just may in that shallow area where the sand meets the water naked and let the waves wash around your body. For three hours straight. Ideally there would be a three above to provide shade so you do not get skin cancer. But imagine.
Yes, most of me does, I am jell-o
I do
Yesterday i jumped to clap a mosquito that was too far up and the back bounce was actually painful. Not doing that again.
That’ll do Donkey, that’ll do.
You ain’t sneaking up on no one
But that sounds badass :/
Not if i eat you first.
>Did it turn out well?
Yeh. I had a brainblast after watching an Oliver Tree video and suddenly needed 2X actual size hoodie. It goes down to my shins.
Technically not a bounce because my tits aren’t big enough to actually separate from my chest, but they have a nice jiggle.

Did you get the mosquito??
>Imagine having a private beach where nobody has access
Yeah, I mean I think if it's a huge one that's a bit greedy, and it can sometimes be fun if another group rocks up, but yeah laying in the shallows sounds very blissful
My rich highschool gf had a vacation home with basically a private beach and it was awesome
Don't have to sneak up on people if you wait quietly around a corner. They do it for you.
Two can play at that game >:o
Tbh if you gnawed my foot off or something I would be screwed
I probably just taste like chicken
>that sounds badass
I mean if you ride the mountain lion into the sunset and then do a perfect dive into the water that would be badass
"what you like is more straightforward" doesn't make it easier to get what you like
Kinda, but my ass bounces way more.
You make the world a happier place
If I wasn’t dog tired I’d have a better line for you sorry
Thank you :( but I didn’t do anything yet
What color?
You didn’t get your drink yet? Anon :(
Yes i did. The lil fucker already had blood inside.
Does human flesh not basically taste like sweeter pork?
>rich higschool gf
Uhm based
My jiggle question asked as a joke gained way more traction than I intended it to
Some advice sisters ? much appreciated
Meant to also quote
I detest handsome men
Dummy (affectionate) go order it, do it for me. I don’t want my suggestion to go to waste. Give us a pic when you get it too pls
I’m here right now!! I dropped my phone on my foot in front of the bar tender. I’m embarrassed
No worries anon, it’s the thought that counts.

The secret to getting female replies is not sounding like you have your dick in your hand when you ask.
Dare I say kek
She was super down to earth though like Mugi from K-On
do what you want. i'm also in my first relationship and i didn't feel a need to ask others "what to do", just be together and communicate and do what feels romantic or fun for you guys, not what you "should" do.
What about cute guys?
Except for the phone dropping part
Time for a little sippy :o
Men, does your dick bounce when you jump?
Thanks! It's got a few but mostly purple.
Uhh. I've had 3 relationships but that doesn't mean I know what to do either lol.
What did we do to you buddy?
I'm sure the bartender has dropped plenty of shit themselves
Sometimes I would try to look cool and do tricks and then drop stuff
How old are the two of you? How do you know each other? How long have you liked her for before dating? How long have you been dating now?
Any issues so far? What things have you done together until now?
I’m doing it I’m doing it
Yes and it’s heavy.
When it’s it summer mode yeah, but when it’s in winter mode nah
Why? Are you an ugly man?
NAG but I would try not to overthink it and sabotage yourself. Just keep communicating, try to hang out together and have fun regularly, maybe suggest some activities you could try
Even worse
>can effortlessly get the things I want out of life
>take it completely for granted
Fuck you
Monstrously so
Man that sucks.
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>effortlessly get the things I want out of life
Bro thinks it's actually this simple
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>even worse
Is monogamy dead?
I'm going to use my daily hornypost allowance to say I wish a guy would lay his heavy dick and balls on my face.
No you retard.
It’s great to hear that women don’t have a monopoly on being effortlessly attractive :’)

I don’t think so? I wear boxer briefs so it mostly stays in place
Be nice to me >:(
Wow pink panther's cousin has seen some shit.
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Where do I find women like you
I want a woman to lie on top of me as I lie on my tummy
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Why don't all women dress up sexy, wear chokers and otherwise wear edgy clothing? You gals use makeup, that's basically going out of your way to please men so why not do it well?
I’ll lay it on your face if I can smack it on your ass after.
I want a woman to huff my dick and balls like an animal, personally
i do this with my bf all the time, very comfortable position, good taste.
There are plenty of girls who do lol
Sorry bb
Yes, it is. I've seen how it goes with my own eyes. I used to have a "Chad" friend who always had a gf and never once asked any of them out. My other friends had to at least make the first move but always had girls that obviously were into them. It just happens for good looking or even average looking dudes.
The only way an inbred toad like me could compete is cosmetic surgery, and I've already spent thousands and thousands just fixing my actual deformities. It's all fucking bullshit and you faggots did nothing to deserve what you have and don't even fucking appreciate it.
Yes, it died at precisely 9:17am on April 21, 2019
It’s pretty good. Now what do I do
She just stared at me lol Humiliating
Thank you Mr mouse
>edgy clothing
Too much black. Don't like it.
is that the grocery store smoking manga? loved it when i was reading it like 3 months ago.

i do do dress kinda metalhead with leather jackets, band shirts and mostly black clothing. but i don't like the idea of wearing chokers because it's basically fetish wear to men in 2024. and why would i wear fetish wear in public around stranger men, no thanks.
I want a woman to put her cigarette out on me to mark her territory
I do not wear makeup, i try to blend in with the background.
Here, I guess.
That's a given.
I've never felt comfortable openly huffing a bf's crotch. I've always worried about being seen as the bad kind of weird. I've gotten really good at stealthily huffing, though.
Continue sipping until kissing random men seems like a good idea
Can't she just bruise you instead, Jesus.
Your posts make me laugh. As long as you keep blogging and be safe, go crazy, do a little dance, eat a peanut.
>I've never felt comfortable openly huffing a bf's crotch
In a relationship I would make you admit how much you love it and encourage you to be wild and open about it.
Nta but that sounds rough. Being born ugly sure is a curse.
Any particular direction you’d prefer? Dick facing up, down, left, right?

hot, tfw no gf who'll give me a black eye and hickies
>She just stared at me lol
She was probs just idly looking around lol
Maybe you have a nice outfit :o
Also why are you on 4chan at the bar lol
>My other friends had to at least make the first move
And did you ever?
>I've already spent thousands and thousands just fixing my actual deformities
At least you have money lol
Good on ya though anon
>did nothing to deserve what you have and don't even fucking appreciate it
I do appreciate it, but some of us are too neurotic to capitalise on it with girls
Such a terrible idea, as a guy that has had girls ask for it.
>gotten good at stealth huffing
Me with armpits…
Why does precum smell and taste like that?
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Bruises fade but burn marks are forever
>had girls ask for it
Okay that's messed up actually asking for it IRL
>black eye
Now that goes too far even for me. Plus it is much hotter if it leaves a permanent mark and in an intimate place not everyone gets to see.
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You’re welcome, was my suggestion adequate?
Cig burns are so fucking dirty too. You can get the same result minus the actual nasty fucking stains with a hot lighter end.
Not her but ball eye mask actually sounds kind of chill as long as they're clean.
That just means you get to bite them again. Win/win.
It's one of those things where, if the guy gave me a sign that he was into it, I'd be able to admit it. Sort of like anal.
I didn't think too hard about specifics, but at this point I'd want to experience it every way I could.
Crotch>armpits for sure.
What do girls ITT think about guys who wish they were in an abusive relationship?
This is why I only fix my hair while standing away from dudes
They’re virgins.
You're not wrong bb...
>And did you ever?
Yes, she said I was disgusting. I learned my place after that.
"Neurotic" isn't an excuse. You have no real barriers. This is like starving to death in the desert and watching somebody throw a perfectly good hamburger in the trash.
Things like that usually only sound exciting in theory. Abusive how?
All this talk about wanting to be bruised by women and have cigarettes put out on you. Cowards, I want a woman to bleed me like a lamb for slaughter.
Like most questions about men, the answer is sperm.

I assume they’re not serious?
>fucking a girl's butt after she huffs my balls and cock
the dream
Oh I’d probably reach liver failure first
I’m funny?!?!??
Bc you guys are my friends
Yes it is delicious thank you very much
I’m glad I sparked your horny with my heavy dick post.
>she said I was disgusting
Wtf, she sounds like a bitch, sounds like a bullet dodged regardless
>"Neurotic" isn't an excuse. You have no real barriers
You think we're just exempt from other life problems and can't struggle? Naive much?
Make you bleed how? Cut you? Where? Then what? Lick the blood off of you?
quitting porn almost makes me feel worse than partaking occasionally because when i relapse its bad
Burns, bruising, verbal abuse etc etc, stuff you hear ITT

They sound serious to me, some guys want to get battered
Ew, strangers are gross. This is an intimate and sacred act reserved only for the ones I love. Don’t make it weird.
A little funny and silly like a cat or maybe a pigeon.
I imagine it would be very comfortable for both parties. For you I think it would be something akin to a heated eye mask. Whereas for us it just sorta fits nicely, like a puzzle piece.
Quitting = permanent.
>stuff you hear itt
Oh so just a bit of sadistic sexual play? I would not call that abusive. You can have a functional relationship and still do things like that when horny. Or do you mean 24/7? Because that would be weird. What is the appeal? Drama? Intensity?
like most 'addictions', porn isn't the actual problem, it's something else, and porn is your coping mechanism.
I understand but respectfully disagree
thats the goal
Pretty sure I dream about that more. I don't think I'll ever meet a guy I'll fall in love with who happens to be that sexually compatible, though.
I'm supposed to be writing spectrophotometry protocols but instead I'm daydreaming about cock. Fuck you.
Moderation and a healthy handling is almost always better than abstinence.
Is that good
>Drama? Intensity
And that someone cares about you enough to beat you up
for me its religious
Preferably bite to my neck like a vampire then I would be her thrall, I have a set of moles that look like vampire bite marks already so I think it would be fitting. I understand that might be a little unsanitary to some so I will accept knifeplay, carve a cute little heart on my chest.
What about someone caring about you to the point of never wanting you to be hurt ever?
Oh ew
What's your religion, the no fap fairy?
religious dudes get hit hardest with porn addiction for a reason
Sounds great. But i suspect actually breaking the skin might take more than one might think.
>I don't think I'll ever meet a guy I'll fall in love with who happens to be that sexually compatible, though.
You will. I believe in you.
Why do you have to be stealthy if it’s someone you love?
>What about someone caring about you to the point of never wanting you to be hurt ever?
Hard to tell apart from indifference
You can get relationships, you can fall in love, you can be happy.
If you work out, you're guaranteed to look good. If you ask girls out, one of them WILL say yes. It's that simple for you.
There's no excuse for good looking men.
I don't know if I deserve to be that happy. Having someone in my life who genuinely loves me for me despite my faults AND who would fuck me into a coma seems too fantastical.
Because they will still feel shame about it, I do not get to enjoy it to its max
That’s part of the fun
Nobody “deserves” anything. If you can get it, you’ve earned it, simple as.
Who is to say anyone deserves anything? Get what you want, and enjoy it. There's no virtue in living in misery just because.
I won't lie that we have it easier but this all sounds very presumptuous and oversimplified anon
You're not taking into account living situations/life circumstances, finances, social skills, stability etc.
Yeah I could probably find a girl who'd say yes but if she sticks around more than a few dates is a whole other story kek
>If you can get it, you’ve earned it
Nta but I disagree honestly. A lot of shitty people still get good things
I feel like everyone here is staring at me and there’s not even that many people because it’s a hotel. Oh well
how do you get over seeing attractive people in public
>Got some weight scales
>My BMI is healthy, actually like 5kg below fat
>I've been trying to bulk for years
i need a cute guy to feed me...
I've been working hard but haven't gotten it yet. Idk how else to go about it.
>You're not taking into account living situations/life circumstances, finances, social skills, stability etc.
Meaningless. You can fix all of those and when you do, you know that there's a light at the end of the tunnel. That there IS a good life waiting for you.
That's a luxury good looking people have and uggos don't.
Complain on 4chan, like I'm doing now, or go listen to girlfriend ASMR and cry/masturbate.
Men, how abundant is your ejaculation?
>>I've been trying to bulk for years

ick unless you're a stick figure or trynna climb
big, idk if it will be hard to get a gf who likes big cumshots
I have varicoloe, lacking
Very, I regularly get told I cum big
My mom used to tell me to get a bf all the time but recently stopped, probably lost any hope
after all the supplements is a lot
What have you done, what are you doing?
Better idea, get a girl who doesnt
Climbers avoid gaining weight, Magnus for example mostly ate sweets for years to gain energy but not mass
Mom and sister keep pushing me out to go and meet women.
im over it honestly, I just go whatever at this point
Should’ve stayed on the train
Pretty abundant. After a proper edging session I could easily fill a double shot glass.
that makes sense

I feel bad for letting her down
They fear the sugarmaxxer
I have some prediction, you will move to the town of Modesto in the American state, of CALIFORNIA!

This is a prophesy. It is ur phuture.
I'd rather die than have to live in california
How do men prevent themselfs from becoming incels? I don't mean in the literal sense of being a virgin, I mean in the sense of blaming all their problems on women or feminism.
I merely look deeper and further beyond
Be attractive
Why is it more common for men to be comically inept at everything they do than it is for women?
Introspection and empathy
Ignorance. A lot of stuff in the west is skewed to favour women, for example pension funds, military service, judiciary and most recently education & the job market.
>Implying its something men choose to be
you just slowly become jaded
It isn’t. Next question
It’s simple, I blame myself for all of the problems I have experienced
It isn't.
because men are more likely to go outside their comfort zone and try stuff they might not be proficient at
a guy is more likely to look foolish trying to fix his car that he has no idea how to fix than a woman, who would rather just pay another guy to fix for her
I get under them jk
I just briefly admire their beauty before carrying on with their day
male value is determined by competence so it's going to be more noticeable.
Bettering myself personally, professionally, and socially. Putting myself out there often, meeting new people. Going out with new friend groups. Trying new methods of meeting partners like apps and online, etc.
Take responsibility for your problems, and this 100% >>31681132

>you know that there's a light at the end of the tunnel. That there IS a good life waiting for you
I really don't lol, I've been suicidal most of my life, it is what it is
Women in hetero relationships,

How many women do you think your boyfriend or husband raped, sexually assaulted, or sexually harassed before he met you?
That's just delusion but whatever, I have no sympathy for the handsome
How do you attract and date introverts without being ghosted
I'm not an insane egoistic and emotionally stunted asshole.
Because you live in upside down world where white women are handed free money for existing so they don't have to get married and have kids. Otherwise you'd belong to someone who can work and provide real monetary value to the economy that's not propped up by magic, fake wars and fraud.
>comically inept response
You aren’t helping
It's pretty easy if you've had relationships (both romantic and platonic) with women and know other people who also have.
I went on a date with my gf who I've been with for maybe about 3 months and she wanted to buy a milkshake. I told her I wasn't comfortable with funding bad habits that would be unhealthy and ruin her figure. She started screaming at me and telling me I was making her uncomfortable because she'd struggled with anxiety from extreme weight loss and was trying to gain weight back.

I'm afraid of the relationship falling apart over this. I feel like I was the asshole here, but I thought I was looking out for her. How do I make up to her?
Why do you rape and kill so much?
Introverts are one thing, what you want to avoid is avoidant people.
>I told her I wasn't comfortable with funding bad habits that would be unhealthy and ruin her figure.
How do you keep coming up with these LARPs?
Women aren't handed "free money" unless they qualify for disability or retirement, which is not the vast majority of people's (including women's) situations.
I'm not an incel when it comes to beliefs but I am one when it comes to physical reality
My family recognize I have zero success with women and chide me about it sometimes. But I think they believe it's by choice rather than simply realizing I'm short and ugly as fuck lmao
You were most definitely the asshole. You can try by apologizing to her but it's gotta be a genuine apology. Sorry for not respecting your own decision making, sorry for trying to baby you and make decisions for you, sorry for opening up old wounds type shit. If you actually said this shit and this isn't just bait you're a bit of a fuckin idiot. A milkshake once in a while is harmless, she's an adult who can make decisions for herself. You came off controlling and vain, wouldn't be surprised if she just ends it with you
Obvious bait but it was a bit funny
You sound like a faggot. Explain how my response is inept instead of just using it as a buzzword you retarded pompous cunt. You are stupid.
Can't say I personally have ever raped or killed so I have no input on the matter
What's that
I'm 6'2" and have a Dorito Jaw. I feel your pain, bro, I'm anathema to women. Male flits seem to want to bugger me up my asshole, especially creepy, pudgy old ones who mistake me for one of their kind, but that's not the kind of attention I'm looking for, you dig?
women should rape me
Woman, are you happy with the size of your boobs?
dicks aren't actually heavy, but balls will give you that feeling yes

People who have an insanely hard time adhering to basic communication. It makes them (nearly) impossible to have a healthy relationship.
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Is VR the future?
No i wish they were more compact.
What’s a dorito jaw
Women get paid more than minimum wage to sit down all day, take breaks and talk to their coworkers. I don't get to do that stuff because I'm expected to work. Women are privileged in the workplace and they make more money for less work.
You have to keep going in spite of the truth of the blackpill to the point that you get sex and thus aren't an incel

Unironically should
Magnus did some weight training with a famous, open roid using bodybuilder strongman a while ago, and despite being like 25% of his weight, Magnus was actually stronger on all pull excersizes than the guy who's entire life is moving weights
I have been trying to get a job like this for years and no luck
It's cool ranch flavored.
Holy shit I had a one night stand with a black girl my god it was the best sex I've ever had.
A really angular jawline. It's a deeply feminine appearance. Contrast with the masculine lantern jaw of Clark Kent.
I just dont interact with women who arent related to me if at all possible
Dildos are heavy, that's more what I'm used to nowadays.
Why are you bothering to respond to it?
Lock them in your dungeon.
So you only have incestuous sexual relations with your aunts, cousins, and sisters, possibly also your mother and grandma? J.D. Vance, is that you?
>tfw I always dismiss womens problems by thinking that I wish it would happen to me
Casual sexual harassment? I'm into older chicks
Lying to me so I'd put out? Girlboss moment, pop off my queen
Domestic violence? God I wish a girl would beat me up hard
Rape? Yessssssss please, I wish girls liked me enough to commit such crimes

How do I stop being such a retarded moid without empathy? At worst I recent girls for these problems because I wish they'd happen to me
What made it stand out?
Definitely not. My chest is the worst.
Turns out energy is equally as, if not more, important than structure, biologically speaking.

foid hands
get pregnant
Hey I think I have that! Didn't know it was a thing but that's literally me
Lie. Just apply to be a waitress, treat every single man who you serve like you're about to blow him then don't actually do it. You'll be making more money than tradesmen without lifting a finger. And it's all tax free if you don't declare it.
>femcel hands
Stop assuming women have anywhere near as much empathy for men as they pretend to.
Thick or thin
How old are you anon?
>state sex
>What is the best oral you have ever received?
>What is the best oral you have ever given?
It was good sex for the same reason those people are great at tribal art and percussion instruments. Their primal nature as noble savages, their ancestral memories of their Edenic existence on the Dark Continent on full display.

They are very musical people, aren't they?

I feel like larpers like you are a genuine detriment to society.

The younger generations have no choice but to never feel sincerely about anything otherwise they might be made a fool of by a psychopathic incel.

It's insanely sad. Irony and sarcasm are now completely lost arts all thanks to these kinds of jokes.
Does she know that I want to bind her to me for eternity through the miracle of childbirth?
Well, that's unfortunate...
>Best received
A gay cock suck through a glory hole.

>Best given
Ate out a woman's pussy on her hospital bed only about a week before she died of late stage pancreatic cancer
Too old for being this stupid...
milkshakes are unironically healthy though
F. My exgf was the best I've received. I think the best I've given was blowing my last exbf.
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This is a question I've pondered for a long time.

I'm exceptionally intelligent, which hasn't helped me at all. I've made money, which helps a little but not as much as you'd think. I'm also very naturally attractive, which helps a little but not as much as you'd think.

I developed a high level of social skill over a number of years in sales. Doesn't help at all.

You know what I've figured out does help? Age.

I got fit and I got older. Women suddenly started throwing themselves at me. I have no money but it doesn't matter. It's just age.
Imagine the smell
I think that makes a guy look pretty
unfunny troll hours
How bad is it anon
No. Keep at it until you can build a 2 story house out of bones.
Weird I've had nothing but the opposite experiences, best sex of my life ever was with latinas and white girls, black girls are peak mid though.
Does he know I want to make him a father
My girlfriend
Have you told her?
Yes I do. :)
You sound like major faggot, which proposed helps because what women want is a faggot who likes pussy.
I apologize for that. Wrong board. :(
That's ok anon
I will be in a few days when they stop being swollen and painful
Where is Impaler
>laughably inaccurate boob motion
Not at this rate
I was just kidding.
If you're so smart then why do you brag? Why aren't you rich? Of you're so hot why aren't you drowning in pussy? You're a fake phony faggot. That's what women want because that's what they are too.
Lady that dude is gone.
That's not very nice
I have sympathy for you
Where did he go
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>You sound like major faggot, which proposed helps because what women want is a faggot who likes pussy.
A practising bisexualist?
>told her I wasn't comfortable with funding bad habits that would be unhealthy and ruin her figure
Lmfao bro this gotta be a larp
Ayo what
He rectally bled to death after being gang raped by a pack of muscular homosexual men in a port-a-john by a construction sight.
Where was that supposed to go
>"a little fruity"
Bro went for the whole banana split with extra berries
Why would they do that to him
I have to submit a photo for a job application
Should I submit a professional one or one where I am eating an ice cream sundae where I look cooler
They thought he was handsome so they cornered him and began forcibly buggering him when he tried to turn them down and resist their advances. You know how men are when they get horny.
Why do you know so many details? Were you the one doing it?
You should submit one you're hammering your own prostate, that's the hottest new trend.
Thats me, Im that nigga with a dangly earring
Depends on what job it is. You think they want you to be more cool or professional?
If they seem chill go for the ice cream sundae, if not you know what you must do.
I uhhhh the hardrive got corrupted
>You think they want you to be more cool or professional?
Idk maybe a wee bit of both
>depends on what job it is
Intern for the Democratic Party/DNC. Eating an ice cream cone worked for President Joe Biden, right?
State gender, do you meditate? What is meditation to you?
>interning for a political party
I engage in meditative masturbation when I tear all my clothes off. I masturbate and meditate like some kind of self-pleasuring Nudist Buddhist.
Thanks boss
Tbf if they don't appreciate a bangin ice cream I don't want the job anyway
M, notsomuch these days (used to every day) I try to sometimes
Practicing mindfulness where you just bask in prescence and don't think about anything else
Tbf my brain is usually like TV static anyway
I thought Buddhists did nofap
thoughts on therapy?
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I tried practicing meditation for a bit a year or so ago. One time I got really REALLY euphoric and it scared me then /x/ said it's because non-meme meditation is communication with demons. So I don't meditate anymore.
Women you really look down and you're just tiny? Little legs, small torso, skeleton arms?
I feel regular sized
crock of bullshit that you can practice on your own by talking about your feelings aloud and get 99% of the same results
M, no but I've done it before, would be better off doing it again. To me it's trying to be totally still and emptying my mind for an extended period of time

It's good, most people would probably benefit from it. I'd probably benefit from it
So what racial abomination are you, sarrs?
It's only effective if your therapist sexually stimulates you genitally or anally. This helps reset your broken brain so you can become a normal person. It's similar to the practises of some exorcists.

Personally I dropped my therapist when I found out she didn't want to treat and possibly even cure my autism and ADHD through figging, the practise of restraining someone while placing a piece of spicy dried ginger in their anal cavity. I know that when I grew up on a commune some of our community leaders used this as a shamanic practise of exorcism on young people who were rebelling or acting out. And it was highly effective too.
Can you elaborate on that
I've tried it before to try to sleep. I just try to clear my mind. What I eventually learned worked better than "no thoughts, head empty" was to just let go of coherent thought and let my brain turn into a swirl of vague concepts with no concreteness or connections to each other.
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I used to but it just makes things worse for my adhd brain. Sometimes i do progressive relaxation to try and fall asleep.
I wish I could do it but I cannot be alone with my thoughts that long. I’d rather exercise
No i am fat.
Which of you fuckers stalked me and circumcised me in my sleep? I woke up today and my foreskin was gone. I know it was one of you. What did you do to my FUCKING FORESKIN?
How much bigger do they typically get during a period?
She just like me fr
I eated it. It was gross. Slimy and chewy like a snail.
Have you ever undergone an anal thrombectomy?
F. I do daily mindfulness meditation before bed and sometimes before and after masturbation. It helps me decompress from issues that aren't in the moment and helps me enjoy my personal time more.
Schlomo takes all
>What did you do to my FUCKING FORESKIN?
Used it as bait. Caught a bluefish.
Are you also balding?
You don't have adhd. You're a pathological procrastinator and a weak willed bitch. You probably use it to justify an amphetamine addiction too. Loser faggot.
I want to know about the demons. Please tell me please please please
Thin.. i was lured in by her blonde weave.

I will admit her tenacity to wear a weave while having sex top. She was insurmountably submissive and freaky and she used teeth. It was her first time with a white boy so she was excited

Is she wifey material? Possibly not because my father is not the nicest towards other races. Friends with benefits? 1000%
They're a little large but I'd rather be big than small desu.
I mean, i got a diagnosis from two different psychologists but ok.
They look down and feel normal, much like us. It is us who looks down and see that they are tiny.
gf who lets me use her chest as a pillow
What gave it away?
And the psychologists didn't try to treat you by shoving a lubricated vibrator up your anus? Irresponsible.
How'd you swing it? Have you done night stands before?
Are they really or are you just a fat pig on the fat pig hormone slam pig cocktail. You eat processed junk food and take estrogen pills pig.
>How'd you swing it
I'm not a swinger
Stop it. Get some help.
gf who secretly drugs me as i worry about my raging erection
I only notice I'm tiny when I compare myself to someone else.
TFW I could never be her
Thankfully not.
I only do one night stands.. but she was a mutual friend of mine. She's one of those white washed black girls.
I'm eating brie with toast for breakfast
You know what I mean
Genital and anal stimulation are the only true natural remedies for reducing the consequences of ADHD and similar mental diseases.
I miss him. I can’t even remember his face
I don't believe the high priests of science. They say a bunch of bullshit that isn't true.
Nice, what else are you gonna have
i wnet to gym and a guy approached me and asked if i need help and when i said no he just said okay and left to do his thing
nice guy
why did this place tell me gyms are full of creeps?
Same I almost forgot her name and had to Google "names ending in -ella" to remember it
I'm not exact thin but I'm not fat. Try to eat healthy. Don't estrogen pills mess you up?
what, because flat?
I have some of my semen that I keep in my freezer. I'm planning on letting it thaw out and then mixing it in a blender into a cucumber and basil smoothie.
I'll make a turkey sandwich with cheddar for lunch. Unfortunately I don't have any jam to pair with my brie but some raspberry or mulberry jam would've been nice. Maybe I'll have some cherry tomatoes
>why did this place tell me gyms are full of creeps
This place is where the creeps hang out outside of the gym.
can still lie head on flat chest, anon
Nutritious, hope you enjoy!
Sounds like good eats
I could go on a date but I just wanna fuck her without the date.
You sounds like good eats baby

My ex' face is slightly blurred in my mind.
It's better that way.

It won’t be comfortable
Post your tits or shut up faggot. You're a man.
Gotta be hot then, remember to give her a fake name.
NTA, but if you were my gf, there would be no other chest I'd rather rest on.
Would humanity be better or worse if our life span was closer to 30 years, so people died around about the point everyone stops openly having fun?
M, worse
Gym creeps have largely been supplanted by the weird girl following you around with a camera species of pest.
It's comfortable because Girlfriend™.
Just pooped. :prayer_hands:
Worse, of course.
Gave her a fake age.
why do they do that
ive seen people just dump their phone on the ground and then record themselves and sort of "huff" when people walk past (in a public space they dont own) but that's about it and that's mostly men clearly trying to lift more than they can
It'll be plenty comfortable when I have your nipples in my mouth

Nice, how'd it go?
happy for you
The narrative that every public place is full of creeps has always been exaggerated. That guy's there to work out, he might be looking for a girlfriend as well but he's not going to compromise his access to the gym by making women uncomfortable or outright assaulting them.

Mass media is full of psyops to get you to believe that men are bad.
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Do you have a hard time getting over people even if the hurt you a lot? When you know they'd just hurt you again anyway?
What are some good distractions?
Most awkward attempt to flirt?
From you to someone else
State gender, when was the last time you touched a horse?
Stick with me here... balsamic glaze. Sweet and tangy contrast to brie.

1 cup balsamic vinegar
2-3 tablespoons of sweetener such as honey or maple syrup

Bring the mixture to a gentle boil in a saucepan. Reduce the heat to low to maintain a simmer. Stir occasionally to prevent burning or sticking. Continue simmering until the vinegar has reduced by about half or until it reaches a syrupy consistency. This usually takes about 10-15 minutes. Be sure to watch it closely towards the end to prevent burning. Let cool and serve with brie, roasted vegetables, whatever.
>Good distractions
New media, exercise, socialization with others
Every girl with a normal BMI and a butterface thinks she's the next big fitness influencer, as if the women of America needed professional instruction to do situps in their living rooms and jog for 20 minutes a day. Sometimes they're just trying to catch some guy being weird for outrage clicks, sometimes they want to talk to you for some retarded video they want to do, and sometimes they're just autistic as hell and want to ask out a man they know is out of their league, but the camera makes women feel invincible for some reason.
>t. someone who has no clue what they're talking about
It was more counsellors that I saw but I had a better experience with some than others. The ones I saw did help me a fair bit, at least in that time
Take up a drinking problem or find a new thang
Go back to /b/.
I've never ever flirted outside of asking if someone is dtf
Is that you weeners?
Enjoy your brie
I might have some melted cheddar on bread in a bit, mix in some ham and veggies...
I was on reception desk chatting to this MILF and was like "is that your husband?" to some guy next to her and she was like "my husband is dead"
I tried to braid his hair and he was not into it
How do you unclingify a clingy girl?
I'm sitting on 5 texts from the last 20 mins, 2 of which are "why havent you replied yet, do you hate me"
F. Licked a guy's glasses trying to be sexy, it backfired.
>>t. someone who has no clue what they're talking about
>t. someone who has no clue what they're talking about
Faggot. Women are retarded. Whoever told you you're as smart as a man should be shot.
He sounds like a dumdum, who doesn't like getting their hair braided
Just don't yank it too hard lel
At a friend's housewarming party, weirdo girl kept asking me about recipes after finding out I made most of the food.
>wow you sure can cook anon
>nobody ever taught me haha
>I should date a guy who knows how to cook
>anon how do you make this dip?
>anon how do you fry chicken wings?
>anon how do you make pizza?
verbatim, how do you make pizza. She asked how to make like six other dishes.
Also shit I just realised I applied to whole bunch of jobs with an old resume from years ago instead of the one I updated
Damn it
>Whoever told you you're as smart as a man should be shot
I'm literally a man you idiot
NYE 1999
you reply yes
Hopefully they will still hire me based on my sexy ice cream photo
Why us there so many hot men in milano?
I think you should try finding a horse
Kek, fingers crossed
How is this flirting

I said you attempting to flirt, not being flirted at
M, about a year ago?
I used to drink ciders in the farmer's fields by our old house while doing stupid vocaroos and sometimes horse rider babes would come past, and I petted one of the horses
Do you at least have a professional looking signature on your email if you used one?
>balsamic vinegar
I honestly find balsamico grating.
I don't understand how people can use this sour stuff.
I have no idea. It must have been over ten years.
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Women is this #relatable?
>How is this flirting
Well I guess I was just making convo but it could be interpreted as basically asking if she was single
"My husband is dead" kinda killed the vibe tho ngl
Explain please
I asked that, because I wonder if our families don't think about us as incels/femcels because they respect us or just don't believe it (or would rather not see it).
>professional looking signature on your email
What does this mean
I mean I typed in my email address ye
Then I had to write my signature with the mouse and got annoyed so just drew a smiley face
Nta but balsamic glaze is quite sweet actually. It's still tangy, but not so much.
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Pic rel is much more relatable
I lived on a farm for a while and still never did 'cause they just didn't interest me.
Now COWS, cows are cool. Friendly, big, gentle, tasty.
Fine, here's a correction

M, 31

Asked a girl in my office if she wanted to help with my corn harvest that weekend because she kept talking about how much she loved country living and organic shit. This was apparently wrong and everyone called me Farmer John until covid shut down the office for good.
I think my mom just sees me as the disappointment of the family kek
Based bedrotmaxxer
horses are kinda scary, they are jacked. cows seem way more chill
thanks farmer john
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Pls send her this out of the blue.
>Farmer John
That's hilarious, John-sama.
Cows used to scare me, like I'd look behind me and they were stalking me wtf
I would party with Otis from Barnyard tbf
>horses are kinda scary, they are jacked.
Horse are some of the mildest, curious animals around. They get along with pretty much anything.
One of the first things I was told on the farm is to never stand behind a horse because "they're fucking stupid, spook easy and could kill you by mistake"
But cows were fine, you could go lay with them and shit
Pigs were fine too but we weren't allowed in the pen itself because it was dirty and "if you fall over they may eat you"
You can set up your email client to automatically add a signature ie

>Anon Anonson

Some people set up joke signatures on their personal email, like having it sign your name as "Tits McGee" and then forget to change it before sending something important. But sounds like that's not a risk here.
i have heard many a story about horses luring in birds to their stable just to stomp them out, for fun
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How do we stop HER?
My grandad always said that if you stand behind a cow you better be wearing brown, it was his way of saying that if you follow idiots make preparations, but basically his cows always got into stuff that gave them projectile shits or something. Never knew anyone else who had that problem lol.
By stopping the guy who drew that
Why would you?
It's too late. I can already hear her corn-filled asscheeks clapping down the street. she's approaching my location. SEND HELP SEND HE
Men are not human, they are breeding machines.
Women are not human, they are breeding machines.
Any questions? I thought not.
Class dismissed.
I'm going to inform the C.U.M. squad.
oh god she's headed for the cucumber patch!
Those are the pumpkins ahead.
Its weird how confidently people make statements that show they literally can't comprehend something being 2 things at once
>is that a number above 1
>help meee
The sound of her pants... cuteness overload.
Country girls make do
You think you are safe but horses are omnivores.
I think you should re-meme this as "touch horse"
>adhd is real... because it just is, okay!?
You use excuses, appeals to authority and you lack the ability to think for yourself. You deserve to be whipped.
Trying too hard.
Who are you quoting?
Every cow I've known shit like a fire hose.
Noooo... don't whip me daddy... or mommy...
nooo don't gag me
nooo dont tie me up and forget about noooo this is horrible why
dont make me eat your left overs why do you do this oh..... nooo....
dont dress me up in barely anything and take pictures and black male me that's so cruel
dont use me as an ash tray nooooo
that would be terrible dont do any of that to me
need my dick milked NOW
What's 'dressing slutty' for a man, in your eyes?
touch horse
Horses are herbivores, anon.
Adhd is fake. Prove it's real and not an excuse to be lazy and take amphetamines. You can't.
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Literally you
like this? >>31681529
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Best mental illness ships?

ADHD boy x BPD girl
Being an incel is fake. Prove it's real and not an excuse to be lazy and wallow in self pity. You can't.
You sound very incoherent and annoying.
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tomgirl x tomgirl
nta, being an incel is real, but its also an excuse to be lazy and wallow in self pitty
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Studies have shown that people with ADHD often have slightly smaller overall brain volumes, particularly in certain regions related to attention and impulse control. For instance, the prefrontal cortex, which plays a crucial role in executive functions such as decision-making and self-control, may show reduced volume in people with ADHD.
Thanks, I don't try. :3
Not a woman but I have been told wifelover's are slutty
That's obvious.
A what now?
wife beaters, white tank top
It is so over for brainlets.
I'm ugly and I can't get pussy because I'm not tall, rich or good looking. Easy. They even tell me that's why when they reject me. I could only improve by increasing how much money I put out.
Then put out more money. What is that? You do not want to? Boo hoo, poor anon.
You can‘t? Then stop being lazy and make some.
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What are some warning signs of Satanical behaviour?
I love this weezer labum
>What's 'dressing slutty' for a man, in your eyes?
Hawaiian shirts, pants that might look too tight and accentuate your butt, gym clothes
Do poor people deserve to be poor, and sick people deserve to be sick? Are these not simply the consequences of their own actions, thoughts, intentions, and behaviors?
homosexuality, interest in the occult, working on sunday
I don't want to pay someone to pretend to like me unless I get complete ownership of them.
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When they are literally me.
Then use the correct terms.
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Fat people make me extremely sad.

They have been poisoned by lies from their government. I loved a fat girl, and she turned out to be insane and narcissistic. They have to be. Who could live life fully cognizant of the fact they're incapable of running for more than 3 minutes?
This is what we call " a stupid fucking question ", wherein a guy groups up billions of individuals under the label of "poor" or "sick", both of which are conditions which take on many forms, in many countries, for many reasons, then asks for a blanket take on all of them
When I am into them.
today I learned I'm a male slut apparently
Why do I find this funny?
So self pity? Got it.
Anons (femanons), im trying to learn latin and decided to larp as Mark Aurelian and do my own journal, I came up with this so far to translate into latin.

>Think about how you wouldn’t want someone to approach you: smelling bad, poorly dressed, with a grumpy expression…

>Given point 1, you don’t need to be afraid to talk to anyone. If someone gives you a hard time, it’s not necessarily your problem.

>Try to be more friendly and positive.

>Remember that for every negative comment you’ve received, there are also people who got to know you better and said the opposite.

>Don’t stay idle; work and exercise.

>Don’t see problems everywhere in the world. Instead of complaining, do volunteer work like you used to.

Is there any point I could add up?
And yet you answered it
Women, are gray sweatpants a meme or do they really do something to your brain
I replied to it, I did not answer it.
Modern education
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Is my suffering humorous to you?
I mean, it kinda is.
Yes, there is no nuance to their situations
That sounds like the most generic motivational fb posts ever. Go on.
I'm refusing a bad deal that's the only one being offered. I don't feel bad that I refuse, only that I wasn't born with better genetics so people would treat me better.
I put on my sisters panties once out of curiosity and popped a massive fucking boner
Thoughts on this?
>a light that never runs out
Based and Mozz-coded
They do something to my brain if the pp is big and the man is hot. Otherwise nah.
Signs of a healthy straight male, nothing to worry about or think about
Maybe not all things you read on facebook are all that bad
Oh well at least you get looks from other women, isn't that a good thing?
What's this grey sweatpants "meme"
I'm wearing grey sweatpants right now, I'll switch to black if its "in" or something
I hate popular things
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its over for the growers unless they pop a boner
Ofc not. They are true but also overdone. Why would you write them down again? For what purpose?
Post bulge trendy boi
>I'll switch to black if its "in" or something
Yeah you should do that.
Not that specifically. Just the "small brain no good cause small" thing.
How do I increase flaccid length
Women have been a lot nicer to me since I started dressing like that, but I thought it was because I got in really good shape. I'm even getting approached randomly at the store and stuff... Fuck, I turned myself into a slut.
You literally can't :)
My dick goes from 2 to 6 inches, its like a magic toy box if the box was my cock
You know what. Yea.
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I found this pic of me.
Maybe one them will ask you out?
>For what purpose?
This time they're in Latin?
I never used facebook so I wouldnt even know its the sort of stuff you read there. That being said, im going to write it all down in latin to keep it both private and to try and learn something while at it
Where do you keep the extra skin for the stretch
Women would you date a man that dresses a little slutty?
Ok but i am pretty sure they have been written down in latin already too.
nta but it often looks like it's going to split open.
Unless you want blood vessel damage, you don't.
Women would you date a man who dressed incredibly slutty but only in private?
No shit, one of their best emperors had an entire journal he kept about this.
How does a man dress slutty?
Ok. Have fun.
Yeah that is what i am getting at. Anyways.
Men can not dress slutty.
It only works with joggers not just any sweats and if he's hot and large with a big dick.
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How do I take my boyfriend if I’m a virgin?
>she doesn't know about Bursting Cock Syndrome
Lucky you.
Around my pee pee :)
Its like a sausage but the skin isn't on tightly, or a maggot that's overweight
Then it grows and the skin fits right :)

Sleeveless unbuttoned shirts
Tight pants
Midsection on display
Think gay bar
And what I was asking was if there are no other suggestion to be found here I could write down
Well, I hope you are still a man.
Stop fucking with me
Okay that makes sense. I think
NTA but my lululemon gym shorts are sexy af and a little slutty because of how nicely they hug my butt
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You just do. Your body is made to take dick.
Idk, you can write something like pic rel.
imagine the way a slug moves, the way it contracts and expands
>Think gay bar
But how does a straight man dress slutty? If he dresses like that he just looks gay?
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Are you guys trying to make dick sound as unsexy as possible on purpose?
Exactly. Because only faggots dress sexy since that is a concept that only appeals to the male gaze.
That said, crop tops on handsome men are chefs kiss.
Hey, I can't help it if my peepee goes from tiny to a monster.
Of course not, silly.
Pics or didnt happen
I don’t like it when you guys call it your peepee :/
its not on purpose
The maze wasn't meant for you baka
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I don't know about him, but I grow from 6-8cm to 15-16cm. I'm uncut, so it's all wrapped up nicely down there. :)

>Men can not dress slutty.

Look up flaccid uncut dickerinos, bae.
is that how you see it when someone wants to work on himself?
I like it. Very funny. Do it again.
>crop tops on handsome men are chefs kiss
Wholeheartedly agree
This. At the risk of sounding icky, this is how peepee skin works.
what would you prefer we call it then
> You just do. Your body is made to take dick.

What if I can’t relax? Or don’t get wet enough?
This is a blue board, ma'am, and I have some degree of self respect.
Yeah looks like straight out of a dark room. Pass.
>look up flaccid uncut dickerinos
This reminds me of a weird af book i once stole from the adult section at the library and there was a scene where the uncle sexually abused the main prot who was a little boy and they described his flaccid dick as looking and feeling like a scared little silk worm and i never could get that mental image out of my head.
Wtf why
Bipolar boy x BPD girl goes hard desu
nta but you just need practice. Your vagina literally gets used to it.
It's cute just how much of a virgin you are.
Should I practice beforehand?
Do cows not have udders
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Should defacing Maslow's hierarchy of needs be legally punishable with the good old fashioned public pillory?
Well it is silly but so is the rest you want to write so it fits right in.
Good taste
Have a glass of wine. It might help to have half asleep sex in the middle of the night. Being sleepy has a similar effect on the brain as being drunk, it lowers inhibition which can help with gettin mg out of your head and relax. Unironically some of the best sex i had in my life was when i had a high fever and everything felt far away, overexposed and slowed down.
Only girl cows have udders
Have you ever seen a male cow with udders
I would unironically suggest it.
>Men cannot dress slutty
Men are the basis, therefore even being fully nude they cannot inspire any sexual feeling, where as women can with just their ankles.
Islam knew this and told them to cover up fully for good reason.
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NTA but if you want to know about demons, I'll tell you about demons: Long, long ago, before the creatures known as "humans" gained partial-divinity, the God of Law seated Himself upon the Throne of Heaven. He seized all divinity from the other gods, rebuking them, so they could never dare to approach the Throne, reducing them to mere "demons."
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Aw man
Untrue but ok
I do deserve to get burned alive for witchcraft but not for that.
Men would you go to RenFaire with me and dress as my knight
What makes males like this poster exist? It's like they want to be as gay as possible while claiming straight.
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>He seized all divinity from the other gods
What other gods?
In theory this sounds right but in reality i have lusted over men and drooled over their bodies before so something must be off with that logic.
Yes, I might suffer a heat stroke but I am willing to risk it for my princess
I hope I count as pretty but IDK
Don't tell me you aren't masturbating...

I just like having fun, bb.
Don't be so serious, gorg.

>Untrue but ok
So was it always already standing or never saw an uncut one?
I loathe women like you.
I think the gist is that they want women to feel about men's bodies the way they do about women's.
I also like rugged boys with long hair.
Wine does make me horny maybe that will work
I have a hard time masturbating. I’m rarely ever in the mood to do it but I will try
clearly you aint never kiss the homies goodnight or grab a cheek and tell him hes been getting plump/working out
yuck, the dress comes off
You are mentally ill and have suffered the development of a kink related to perversion of the male body that does not come naturally, which is why we used to only procreate for creating life.
Ra, Ishtar, Baal, Moloch, Dagon, etc
Always already standing but ofc i have held flaccid pp before. It is very comfy.
That is the goal.
im definitely not rugged, I'm on the pretty end still, I just have low self esteem
Are you what a lot of people refer to as asexual?
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Eh no
Then I don't know how you can be weirded out and surprised now.
Could you shut the fuck up?
Ah yes, that revolting role reversal fetish, where men are so pathetic they need to be the girl in the relationship for some reason
>I just like having fun, bb.
fuck off, you're "just having fun" like a methhead jamming a street cone up their ass has fun
I see the schizos have arrived
Ew gross you're a troon too, die.
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Silk worm is cute. But slug? Come on anon.
You go first.
You make me want to puke
I masturbate, just not a lot
No I don’t think so
So one god somehow managed to subjugate all these other one?
>excuses to buy medieval weaponry
Sign me the fuck up.
Feeling body insecurity is in no way limited to trannies you dummy.
using the power of the Throne of Heaven, yes
>I have a hard time masturbating.
Can you elaborate?
Let it all out.
Fat woman or tranny
Call it
>a methhead jamming a street cone up their ass
Sounds a bit excessive!
So did you start with a smol buttypluggy and then worked your wayy up or did you hop onto the mastercone right away?

Oh sorry, I thought you meant how flaccid uncuts are in general. I didn't realize it was just his slug comparison that weirded you out!

Can I get into some fantasy knight cosplay?
I'm tall and would carry you if you'd allow me.
Total plapjak
Someone is mad triggered.
I just have a low libido. It increased when I met him but I don’t like masturbating unless I’m really worked up and that rarely happens
How tall are you?
Damn, that's unfortunate.
Good luck.
this is Neuro without the trip, isn't it
You always one more.
Women, how did your first ever crush go?
I still miss him.
I don't even remember who it was that was in grade school
He’s gay now :(
He’s gay now
Starting to sense a theme
Do you think I’m doomed? I think it’s a major reason I’ve never found a relationship. I feel like I was born broke because my mind craves that intimacy but my body doesn’t
I can never love again. Waiting for a simp knight to enslave and cuck forever to take out my resentment. Will divorce him and make sure that his sons are mentally destroyed and his daughters are spoiled whores.
nta but try more foreplay stuff or massages, bathing together, or just cuddling.
True, now that I think of it...
Yeah that sounds fun
Lmao femboy Otis
Might be so, but i felt more like the pic you posted before doing all those things I wrote down

I'm gay now.
Immolate me yourself bitch.
Always lurking but trying to remain anon because I hate attention

It clearly makes it more difficult for you, right?
The other day there was a femanon here that said she only has sex like once a month and her husband is fine with that too.
Those are the outliers though.
You will have to watch out that a guy doesn't start to push you towards doing more often than you want. It's ok to do something FOR your partner, but than can become an issue in itself.
How have you been
Are you going to throw up?
yeah my tummy doesn't feel so good
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dont know if its sad or anything, but I really think the best interactions I've had with girls is with the femanons in these threads
its such a shame girls like that dont exist irl
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Men, is that true??
I'd take me at least to round 4 to notice a big difference desu
Do any impaling recently?
Yeah :/
Yeah same for the anons.
Is quite obvious dont you think?
Not unless round 2 means literally 1 minute later...
Round 2 would be more like the 7th shot of the day.
me but with my girls I've worked with
honestly I'm not a fan of /atoga/ girls
Do girls even notice load size if you are creampieing them?
Speaking of which, how often do you cum a day on average?
Talking about both sex and masturbating.
I notice when I'm getting filled up more.
I havent had an orgasm in weeks
Jerk off 2-3 times a week and I go for 2-3 nuts each session. If having sex I try to go for 3 rounds.
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My girlfriend has been acting weird lately. Referring to herself as mummy and trying to breastfeed me every day. She also says how small my penis is and how cute it is. (I'm nearly 8 inches). She's even going awww so small like a little baby and wants to have sex with it flaccid.

Why is she acting so weird?
Pure misery.
i want to ensure even my 4th load is massive
I don't know, I'm a virgin. I like the thought of him unloading massive amount of coom though
Just lean into it, she’s trying to spice it up
>I'm a virgin
Kissless and dateless too? Age??
I notice how much drips out afterwards
>Kissless and dateless too?
I feel like shit and ashamed if I jerk off, that and seasonal depression
Your larps are a bit dumb desu.
Would you beg him for it? Or would you rather command it?
Get bred by the biggest strongest most virile stud that you can please
Why beg or command? Don't men want it anyway?
I give you a free orgasm pass.
Watch, read, sext or hornypost whatever you are into!
Nobody should go uncummed for so long.

So you'd just lay there like a dead starfish?
That doesn't mean begging isn't hot.
Please be patient I told you I'm a virgin. Also I don't want to sound like a porn slut
He'll ask you where you want it. You tell him to cum where he's supposed to and make him figure it out.
>Watch, read, sext or hornypost whatever you are into!
no, this I've gone months like this, and its never worth it if I relapse
Are you slim? Do you work out? And why are you a virgin exactly? I love that you're a pure virgin :)
Some dirty talk is necessary.
So tell him your fantasies and tell him how you want it. Some guys ARE kinda stupid about it.
What do you fantasize about?

Having a sex drive is healthy and normal, you are jist artificially depriving yourself. What could the reaon for that be?
Men, why do you nofap?
Conserving Vril for when I goon inside of femanon
To see if I can basically.
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Bro you dropped your avatar.
Right now I'm on it but it's because I'm hung up on this girl and literally not horny at all.
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Yeah I do work out. And I guess I'm a virgin mainly because I have no friends let alone male friends
>So tell him your fantasies and tell him how you want it. Some guys ARE kinda stupid about it.
>What do you fantasize about?
It's kinda stupid, I have fantasies about sex in a car
What are you hung up about
I don't, I'm not stupid.
But for somebody I dated some time ago I kept it in until she let me bust into her. I remember how once she told me how she wss so sorry for keeping me waiting like a week and I must have so much pent up cum. Needless to say I cam eviolently afterwards.

Go on.
Backseat or sucking him off while driving?
>Having a sex drive is healthy and normal
I know, I have a sex drive, I just ignore it, or try to. im horny 24/7 still, I just try to distract myself as best as I can. Wheather with work, gym, fighting, hiking etc.
>What could the reaon for that be?
no idea man, everytime I'd jerk off I just sit there ashamed and my entire week gets ruined
I stopped nofapping because I realized it was a waste of time and any problems with porn and jacking off are a consequence of another problem
>sex in a car
How tiny are you?
So instead of figuring out what your mental issue is, you deprive yourself of one of the best joys in life...
just coughed and it felt like my brain bashed into my skull
Weak brain stem, uh oh
>implying you actually have a brain
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Why is your brain small?
>Backseat or sucking him off while driving?
Both and him fingering me while I drive
I'm 166 cm
about how she don't want me, man
Your country.
How do you know that
my head is massive
>So instead of figuring out what your mental issue is
and how am I supposed to do that exactly? its always been like that.
>you deprive yourself of one of the best joys in life...
It feels great in the moment, I know. Its what comes after that I hate.
Do you not know people go to therapy for sexual issues too?
That says nothing about the size of your brain. If anything, just more room for your brain to bounce around in.
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That means your tiny brain has more room to get banged around.
Would you also let him push down your head while you suck him off?
Have you ever tried to do something with a dildo?
Fair warning: sex in a car can be quite uncomfortable for anyone much taller than you, and that is based on US car sizes. Smaller euro cars will be even more cramped.
like one of those blow up castles
>Would you also let him push down your head while you suck him off?
I don't know, I've never sucked a penis
>Have you ever tried to do something with a dildo?
I don't have a dildo
Average, one
Just shat myself.
Between one and three times a month
once every two days
Bro, get a dildo and have some fun!
Alternatively I could also pick you up in my car, but the dildo would be a good first step.
I hope you at least got a vibrator?
I guess you're right. But I've got no experience with therapy and talking to some stranger about how I dont like jerking off, you know.
if anything, I'd prefer to lower the sex drive itself if it were possible
Let her hymen stay intact, retard.
Virginity has no value.
Nta but nobody needs sex toys.
I did this one time.
>Go to work
>On way, start feeling ill, but its so close to shift can't call sick
>Do shift
>Go to get ride home
>Ride is not happening
>Could pay for a ride, but it was near christmas, so they were all charging like 3-5 times the norm
>Walk home
>Takes an hour
>Literally 2 mins from home, decide to rush slightly
>It all comes gushing out
Thankfully didn't run into anyone the rest of the way so I just went int, had a shower and put clothes in wash

What's your story pal? We can be poo bros!
>I hope you at least got a vibrator?
No. All I have is shower
You also don't need to eat carbonara, but I'm sure as hell going to.
I was going to go shit
but then I got distracted
then I sneezed.

M, sometimes I do it multiple times a day and sometimes I abstain for a week but I'd say it averages out to 1 a day
Oh that stor yis boring, going to outsource for a better poochad
Anyone else poopoo themselves?
Did you grow up in a very conservative household or still live with your parents?
You have a world of joy in front you still to explore.
I'm a bit more than an inch taller than you and I gotta warn you, car sex is extremely uncomfortable.
>Did you grow up in a very conservative household or still live with your parents?
The later
Ok then it's understandable, don't worry.
Are you looking to move out or live with them longer?
I is very real
I'm going to lobby for imposing a massive tax on foid sex toy purchases

Yes, after 1 orgasm, there's a little bit left in reserve for Round 2, and if you can manage Round 3 there might be nothing, or just a drop.
Third poopants bro here. It happened last year.
>go partying
>drink as usual
>get home
>go to sleep
>wake up
>as I pee, I feel a fart coming
>I fart
>uh oh
>poo is all dripping down my boxers and legs and onto the bathroom mat
>shit wasn't solid but it wasn't straight diarrhea either

It would have been a disaster if I hooked up that night.
*oh and also electric toothbrushes
I have no money to move out
actual shart
We became gf/bf, broke up after 2 years.
I got lucky and my asscheeks caught most of the shit
so unsoiled undies
still changed them though.
then I wish you genuine happiness and a good life, because you deserve it
Not enough times
The thing is, it felt like a regular fart and it took a second before I felt something warm dripping down my legs. I wonder what drink or food combo caused it.
I was cucked out of it by the class bimbo
Nice, thanks
She deserved him more. Why didn't you go for the quiet nerdy boy?
femanons, did you really like the all female versions of movies, like the she-Hulk and Ghostbusters?
Was my best female friend in school from ca. age 15 to 17. We did a ton together and everybody in class we were actually bf & gf, but she killed me when she said one evening, while I was sitting on her bed waiting to get dressed for the evening out, "it's so weird everybody thinks we're a couple… we don't even fit together." - I asked her how and the only thing she could come up with was "I smoke and you don't"
Men how would you react if a girl told you she practiced on herself before having sex with you?
He was the quiet nerdy boy and she dumped him after like 3 months
With who
Sounds like you want to be a woman?
I put on my sister panties every now and then, but to be fair we are twins
I’d ask how
Women has lost the mandate of heaven
I'd find it a bit odd she mentioned it, since masturbation is natural and normal.
Unless you mean like deepthroating or anal, in which case I'd be impressed.
What kind of toys, very important, this is the make or break moment
Why didn't you go for him then? The past doesn't matter, right?
practiced what, how
my first gf bit my dick trying to copy pornstars, wish she had practiced before trying something like that
No, I think those are really pandering. I see nothing wrong with She-Hulk as a character but I don't need her twerking and stuff like that. I did mildly enjoy Ocean's 8.
I haven’t watched them, but I haven’t watched the male version either
I didn't want used goods
Jokes on you i would never waste money on sex toys.
Does muscle soreness occasionally not show up for a couple days after exercise? Seems like normally it shows up next day.
You know what they should do?
Tax sex toys and us that money to make tampons cheaper
depends, sometimes I get sore the 2nd day after
This is such a dumb larp.
Jokes on you, I AM a sex toy!
But only for my future wife
Whom I am destined for
Who is a Scorpio
I have seen it in my divinations
If you’re American your depression doesn’t exist. There are plenty of people who have harsher lives that deserve to feel that way. If you disagree you’re looking for a reason to be depressed, meaning you make yourself feel that way. So get over it.
Nah for me it wasn't hot they were womens clothes, but that they were
A: Forbidden clothes
B: Clothes I could be caught in
Not a larp, but funny you have to cope over something so mundane
Oh so a cross-dresser
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Jokes on you, i am a scorpio.

Huff some gasoline if you have any left and get back to watching for drones dimitri
Girls, could one of you please say you are my girlfriend so I technically have had one?
You can break up with me 5 seconds later.
Can you divinate me
Hit a nerve, huh.
Yes. I am now your girlfriend
>At work
>Talking to a QTpie I get along with
>She touches my arm and asks if I work out, I say yea
>You know, weight lifting, basic cardio, fucking
It was supposed to be rucking
Its fucking over for me
Didn‘t we already do that a long while ago? Or was that another anon?
But sure, i will be your gf. Sup bf? How is your day going?
You said it yourself. America sucks. Being born here is enough of a reason to be depressed. Everyone is a fat retard and their only ideas about improving the situation are totally selfish and idiotic. America deserves to have fire rained down over it like what they did to Dresden, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki. Death to America. Kill the sacred nigger. Eslave the sacred whore. Immolate the sacred jew.
Damn bro got rizz
Thank You.
I was unaware of anyone else doing this. And thank you, but I already have a girlfriend.
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>rejected by anon
I will never recover.
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>but I already have a girlfriend.
this fucking guy
>Hurr durr just work harder and buy yourself more things. Thats the meaning of life.
>America deserves to have fire rained down over it like what they did to Dresden, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki
this, especially Dresden
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>ADHD + social anxiety + depression
My dating pool feels like a puddle, am I supposed to disclose all of this? No girl will fall for this landmine if I just spew it out on first date
>at work
>fixing some circle door thingy with another guy who has worked there for years
>he asks me if I know how to use one tool
>I say yes (I don't)
>he leaves me alone to finish it
>I spend the next hour trying to figure out how the tool works and when I finally do, I get it done in 5 mins
You’re welcome!
Everyone has that. That is like feeling the need to disclose that you have a digestive system on a date.
Have meds?
I am waiting to get tested, really hope meds help.
What was her reaction? I’d laugh at that
Such is life of an idiot sandwich.
She laughed at me and left to go talk to another girl, who looked at me and laughed
im fucking done
Bro about to get a double bj.
You should let people in your life know about this. I would not like dating you.
Nope, not everyone have that. You should be concerned
*digests all over you*
You just upped your chances at getting your dick wet.
Just play it off cool.
I don't wanna die alone.......
Men, do you think women have a valid reason for being depressed? Why or why not?
Such an incredibly retarded question.
Truly amazingly stupid.
So you’re just assuming… nice.
They don't.
You have issues, bud. Kill yourself, you miserable cunt.
Even more reason to be open about it so you can find people that won’t mind, or in a similar situation
Ok, incel.
Uh huh, anyone can be depressed. Been hanging around a lot of incels lately?
What you believe: The best life is to buy more things than other people and hoard them. Pay a whore to play housewife. Ignore children and let them get molested, raped, beaten and indoctrinated at public school.
I hope you choke on your fast food fat nigger pig.
Do you realize that I am hoping to cure your ADHD and Autism Spectrum Illness by masturbating you?
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That will not work.
I'd rather you didn't view me as a walking mental illness fetish
And yet that is one of the many roles you were born to serve. It is an honor that God ordained you for.
Good luck with that on 4chan.
>Clothes I could be caught in
Humiliation fetish then?
No, I've been humiliated and felt nothing sexual plenty. It was just the rush of being bad in some way.
Most men who are sick with autism and possessed by similar mental demons only wish that women would view them as a walking mental ailment fetish.
Stop assuming dumb shit about me. I hate Americans and women who think they have a hard life when they can get everything they want and need and more for little to no money. You people don’t have to work hard.
What happened with Dresden?
>I hate Americans
I'm just afraid of them. Nasty people, those Americans.

Thirdworlder having a mental breakky again?
Did you sleep through history class? It got firebombed in the 1940s.
It got bombed to the ground.
You’re a chink, huh. If your white, you’re just scum.
entire city full of civilians and wartime refugees burned alive with firebombs. even though the city had no wartime significance
it was a deliberate slaughter of tens of thousands. Men, women and children burned alive in the streets.
Where are you from?

I’m from Wales, bud. :/
Called it.
sup femboys and bearded ladies
tell me
how was your day?
I just got a great interview
I also have a job offer for an above average salary
I'm going for a walk
but first I'm probably gonna have a fap
Because it was fairly intense today and I wanna relax
then I'll have some food
and it's such beautiful weather
It was exhausting to be honest. All the trains were delayed and now i will arrive two hours late to my destination and i had no time to get any food since i always had to rush to the next train so now i am late and starving.
At least your day was better. Congrats on the job offer and good interview.
It’s not a third world country and if it is it’s still better than America. Fuck you, and die from your politics.
Deus vult The jew will pay for what he's done
I am white and I'm better than you. Choke on McDonald's and worship niggers, faggot.
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>anon doesn’t know
Don't you guys shag sheep? Isn't it still legal to shoot a Welshman on sight if you see one near some parts of the English border?
aw that shucks
buy a car frend
You'll never regret it
buy a burger on a station generally they've got something
this fuck, and this fuck alone is why I have no sympathy for the brits with their migration problems these days
I'm in Russia. I didn't really learn about it, more about the battles on the eastern front and the Soviet advances toward Berlin.
I’m at my limit
As an American the nuking of Hiroshima and the firebombing of Dresden fill me with a great deal of national pride. It was a time when America took no shit from anyone and established itself as a global superpower. After seeing the military bungles of the Bush and Obama administrations diminishing the power of our nation's military and selling us down the river to foreign adversaries it's hard not to long for those days of yore.
britbong here
i dont even know who that guy is
hes like 3 generations before i was born, i didnt do shit
never get people hating on X people because Y people literally hundreds of years before X did Z thing
I've been telling myself and dozens of others that I'm 28
I literally only realised today, half a year after my birthday
that I'm 27
what the fuck is wrong with me?
Then you should cum hard.
What kind of white?
t. I’m whiter than you, this naturally better in all aspects because I have Norwegian heritage, blond hair, blue eyes, and palest skin imaginable.
>As an American the nuking of Hiroshima and the firebombing of Dresden fill me with a great deal of national pride
I like that Norm MacDonald joke.
>i dont even know who that guy is
he's one of the people responsible for setting the current events into motion
bro ww2 was less than 100 years ago
this time women have gone too far
they will pay for this
The only people you need to be ashamed of are Oswald Moseley and Enoch Powel. Fucking Fascist pricks.
Sundresses are so hot
Usually the 3rd round for me
is he the queen? no? why would i care

i will not be ashamed of whoever the fuck those are or even look them up
same, I've been living the entire year thinking I aws 27, the bank informed me I was 26 when I was there a week back
My misery has no limit
Platoon was a good movie. Charlie Sheen was hot in that.
>win against racis hitler big boss
>end up a minority in your own countries
Hitler is laughing from the heavens at you
>even though the city had no wartime significance
Devil's advocate. Dresden was considered an important industrial and transportation hub in Germany. It had factories that produced war materials, such as optics, electrical equipment, and chemicals. Some historians argue that the bombing of Dresden was intended to support the Soviet offensive by diverting German resources and attention away from the Eastern front.
>is he the queen? no? why would i care
because you’re not a retard. unfortunately, it seems like you are one. carry on
sorry i dont live in the past lol
its nice not being part of a backwards country
It was a time when America gobbled the lies straight from the kikes mouth. FDR filled his cabinet with Jews who wanted to destroy Germany for kicking out dishonest bankers and pornographers because Aryans rising above the filth calls into question their choseness.
At least the Brits wouldn't have been a minority in their own country getting replaced by child raping pakis
you can bomb factories and railroads without leveing the entire city
I have a car but i had to travel by train this one time. Never again. Italian train system is for the trash lol.
Fortunately my brother will pick me up and my mom said she will have dinner ready when i arrive, so that is not bad. A bit of not eating never harmed anyone.
>Why beg or command
Anon is pornbrained
>Don't men want it anyway?
Oswald Mosley was the leader of the British Union of Fascists, a pre-World War II Nazi sympathizer group who called themselves the Blackshirts. Amusingly, the site of their former headquarters is now a pizza restaurant.
I put 2025 on the date today three times. Idk what the matter is with me.
I'm ethically Irish r1b haplogroup and I'm stronger than you and can kill you in a fight.
It's such a mindfuck
I got a full year extra until I'm 30
what the fugg am I going to do with all this time
Imagine deep throating Nazi propaganda this hard. Jesus fucking Christ.
>Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
But by all means, keep watching your TikTok Skibidi brainrot
I feel better when I don't for some reason. I guess my depressed ass can't spare the dopamine
Nice, i have to try this.
Hitler's in Hell, retard. I'm pretty sure he's being sexually humiliated and forcibly sodomized with a pineapple just like in the movie Little Nicky.
watch Gordon Ramsay's Road trip
It's called something like
Gordon, giano or something, and another guy
It's hella fun and they go through Italy first. Great laughs
Is that yakub?
see you're already onto making up things about the other party to insult them because you have no actual argument
i dont have any social media at all btw
go back to watching your 500 year old documentries where people who arent you killed people but it was okay because theyre from your country so you can pretend you did anything at all
Dehousing, and don't think about being a piss baby about morals. Krauts showed their colors long ago in that regard.
>he says while Jewish overlords import another million Hispanics for cheap labour
yeah sorry brah but everyone knows about Israeli control of the US
By her own admission (unless she was just trying to shit test me)
It was important to destroy it because it was beautiful, because America is controlled by bankers and free masonic pseudo kikes since it's founding. The entire purpose of America is to serve Satan.
No, roman the fabulist.
Untrue! I want Stacy's brats to get molested, raped, beaten, and indoctrinated at a boarding school not a public school.
>500 year old documentries where people who arent you killed people but it was okay because theyre from your country so you can pretend you did anything at all
Even that unironically sounds more worthwhile
Excess is the American way. There was also a psychological aspect to the bombing campaign. Allied leaders believed that attacking major German cities, including Dresden, would undermine civilian morale and contribute to hastening the collapse of Nazi Germany.

Also, I forgot that Dresden was a major railway junction. Disrupting these transportation routes could hinder the movement of German troops and supplies.
That's worse though
gotta remember the year bro
what month is it? What day?
Loser divorce rates though
Why? What's wrong with girls cumming?
I have COVID brain fog.
Opposite for me not gonna lie
>/pol/ arrived
Aight, time to do something else, until the mentally handicapped have been banned again.
except they are globally considered the bad guy for their actions
while the ally shits are considered heros
Being from the area where both the axis and allies had control over, its universally agreed that it was much better under the germans
i went to shop and meat was cheap
i boughted the meat instead of sweets
did i do good?
Do you want them to fuck Chad even more?
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I forgor.
I'm still processing it
my buddy told me
and it's an hour later and I still haven't fully understood the implications
You're a vulgar retard. I don't imagine "deep throating" anything you faggot American. Keep saying what you think and showing more proof of your inferiority.
>universally agreed
By whom?
Nope he's in heaven for trying to deal with the synagogue of Satan
It didn't happen btw
and if it did
they deserved it
Positive, she can give instructions
>t. virgin
the people who live here.
im done with this because we're way off topic.
A guy once told me he is 31 when he was really 37 and when i found out he said he felt the most like himself at 31 so he just kept that age since then.
Was very sketchy.
Boarding school is still better because if you don't like it you can stop paying for it. Public school is a money sink and a torture machine.
so did the Americans
no one except some western European liberals think of America as the good guys
the entire Islamic world hates them, eastern Europe despises them, the Chinese want to destroy them, south America wants to displace them. We'll see America die in our lifetime because God is good.
What kind of shit test is that
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So I'm cruising snapchat for hotties and oh boy, let me tell you, ya'll women are whores.

Everyone above 25 is a single mother with a mixed race kid. What the fuck are you all doing, women? Really?
Are people honestly sticking up for Dreden what with everything the Nazis did?
Schizoid personality disorder guy, and BPD girl.
Honestly I also forget everything as soon as I a cute girl in a sundress.
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I can't take it anymore.
>Still doesn't give sauce
>Quits because he has no sauce.
Go back to humping your Hitler body pillow.
You banned yourself so we're good. The truth is here stick your head in the sand nigger.
>anon is - the second day in a row - surprised whores are on a whore app
nigga do you want me to start going around the entire region getting signatures from people or something?
I would be worried that my penis and performance will be disappointing.
That's just the women that use Snapchat, anon.
kids burning to death isn’t nice
>A guy once told me he is 31 when he was really 37 and when i found out he said he felt the most like himself at 31 so he just kept that age since then.
>Was very sketchy.
I'll probably do the same once I hit 30
I'm gonna be 60 but I'll still claim to be 30 forever
Forever Young.
Based himbo
>We'll see America die in our lifetime because God is good.
God willing
Oh look, absurdism. You really can't do this for shit can you.
lefties always want to have the last word because they're sad pieces of shit who live online
irl only tranifa align with you
WAR isn't nice, anon.
Sounds like the narcissist's prayer
Hitler stopped his country from being defrauded and that means blonde blue eyed children must burn in their sleep? I don't get it? What did he do? I don't give a fuck that he invaded Poland and killing communists is good.
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Kinda creepy.
I look so young despite my age I just tell people my age because it confuses them. It's genetic. For example my sister is a mother of 4 plus 2 adopted at 42 and she gets mistaken for a freshmen in college.
Thank you for justifying Hitler's actions. It didn't happen btw. They deserved it btw.
I feel bad for him :( and his son. I hope something happens to that whore.
Maybe, just maybe. Don't start wars if you don't want your cities to bet bombed.
Another Jewish lie. Bombing civilians isn't necessary ever, despite what the American nigger Jewish not white government says.
Yes, you are.
No u
God I love women
they're so
You do realise you're C U T E right? Come on gimme a kiss
>eastern Europe despises them
You mean Serbia?
We have more support in Eastern Europe than we do in Western Europe lmao.
She obviously wan't one.
So a bunch of authoritarians who hate democracy hate America? That's not a good argument against America, you Fascist fuckwit.
*smooch smooch smooch*
Don't tell people that evil is good and good is evil if you don't want to get holocausted.
If you have to say this, it’s most likely not true. But sure, go off.

I don’t know where you got this dumb nonsense from
based genetic permayouth
abuse it and gain access to 18 year old pussy bro
kys leftist jew
Presumably to see how "ride or die" I am, to put it in her own words.
Does it even matter?? She’s still a cunt at least for doing what she did; I don’t give a shit.

You also say that like a woman who’s married can’t a whore. You don’t know what she could have done with other men behind his back.
No u
>We have more support in Eastern Europe than we do in Western Europe lmao.
nah not really
It's a trick
calling everything you don't like fascism shows you're the terrorist authoritarian
no one likes your kind
there's more democracy in china than in the US
Still whining about morality are we?
Democracy? Are you five years old? The people who choose both candidates and choose who can even be nominated get to decide everything behind closed doors.
People chose trump but the oligarchs knew better. That's why Biden got the exact amount of votes he needed to win shipped in ballots at 4am in Michigan. Stupid nigger.
Calm down.
Yes, what she did was questionable.
You better stop or else I'm going to take you down and you'll suffer under my hugs and kisses
And tickles. I will tickle you and you will be unable to flee.
What's the most unfeminine thing you've heard a woman say recently? A with friend and I were talking about cereal today and she said she "could fuck up some Lucky Charms"
No. Don’t be dumb next time.
You don't care that he invaded France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, and the Soviet Union with the deliberate targeting of non-combatants such as massacres at Oradour-sur-Glane in France and Lidice in Czechoslovakia? You don't care that civil liberties and human rights were severely restricted? Freedom of speech, press, and assembly were severely restricted using surveillance, intimidation, and violence.
Oooh he's maaaad! Wittle baby is mad!
I have not heard a woman say anything in many years
It's never okay to kill civilians.
>civil liberties and human rights
cringe shit
Personally, I think fascists belong on meathooks. But that's just my take! ;)
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Not even true. I have a sicrit tickle technique that works 100% of the times. It will be you that can not escape.
>all the villain countries hate America
Don't see what your point is
Okay then. If there's no right or wrong stop crying about the holohoax and muh democracy. Hitler was the ultimate democratic figure because he manifested the will of the German people, not a banker who paid him the most.
Again, be more chill and level headed.
>deliberate targeting of non-combatants such as massacres at Oradour-sur-Glane in France and Lidice in Czechoslovakia
This. If Germans can do it, why not the Allies?
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Today's pol chimpout brought to you by the letter Z and the number 570,120
I think you would lose in a fight because you don't believe in the principle of eternal struggle. Fascists are the most committed fighters and the entire slave world needed to bomb kids to stop them.
You don't need a "valid" reason to be depressed lmao, depression is a bitch
I saw a woman with short blonde hair earlier pushing a pram C U T E
The one where people who tried to bomb a German convoy and got executed equals bombing an entire city with no military targets. An eye for two eyes. Very moral of you.
>Fascists are the most committed fighters
Wasn't there something about the Japanese being trained with bamboo sticks to basically suicide themselves? These were the Japanese people during WW2.
Bit of a weird question I suppose but should I tell my gf I’m currently on the process of donating sperm to a fertility clinic? The reason i’m doing it is literally because I can.
I would be so mad.
I used to work in a nursing home and I snuffed out a us ww2 veteran with a pillow. True story. I'm a nigger go USA!
Oh fuck.
>an entire city with no military targets.
That was shown to be false earlier in the thread.
You can't even make your "victory" statement without a moral standing. Go back to your hug box child.
Meant for:
No I'm taking a shit right here in your faggot thread, then I'll go back to my golden palace of /pol/. Pol is 4chan. Go back to /b/ and jerk it to loli if you love old 4chan so much.
nta but what about Lidice? One Nazi gets assassinated by Czechs and that leads to the total destruction of the village and the deaths of 173 men and 16 boys, with most of the women sent to concentration camps.
It was shown to be false that odur st glane was a massacre. It has shown to be true that Dresden was bombed for it's cultural and historical value, not it's industrial or military importance.
Kek. Mad about die Juden again, are we?
Tfw leftist Jews call me a nazi, and Nazis call me a leftist Jew.
I don't care. It doesn't make the German cause the bad one. I can't be tricked that easily. Obviously the people who are wrong and evil are the ones who sided with the soviet union. Cope.
Both are evil
Dresden had a variety of industries
supported the German war effort. Dresden was a major transportation hub with extensive railway connections, making it an important logistical center for moving troops, supplies, and equipment. Disrupting these transportation networks could potentially hinder German military movements and logistics. It had barracks, air defense installations, and manufacturing. Dresden's location on the Elbe River made it strategically important as a communications and supply route between Germany's eastern and western regions. Controlling or disrupting this route could impact German defenses against advancing Allied forces. It's cultural and historical value was a psychological "bonus", not the primary reason.

Hitler is the guy that ordered the deliberate destruction of cultural and historical monuments, as well as the looting of art and cultural treasures from occupied territories. This was part of a broader effort to erase the cultural identities of conquered peoples and to glorify Nazi ideology.
Well, I mean, I don't wanna use Instagram. Those women have standards.

I might be a 9/10 but I'm too poor for non-cluster b women.
*Dresden had a variety of industries that supported the German war effort.
Yep. The greater of two evils won. Democracy is a lie and always was. The war was started by Britain, USA and the soviet union. Jews undermine Democracy always for personal gain and always because they want to rape children and drink their blood. But Germany was also bad.
>But Germany was also bad.
Do you think Hitler would have gotten satisfied with territory?
He destroyed ugly jewish and communist art and it was a bad thing. But it was good when it was done to them. You're like a jew who shoots an Arab kid in the head for throwing rocks at a tank and then tries to justify it.
Am moid, but you getting paid?
Are you actually black?
I don't care. It was cool when Britain did it and they still jerk off over it. Somehow conquest is bad because it happened after 1900?
>killing innocent people makes you bad
Innocent people don't side with communists.
You ignored my point about Dresden having military significance. That tank has military significance.
You ignored my point about it being leveled to the ground to punish the civilian population for disobeying the Jewish bankers. Kill yourself nigger.

I want to live in a white country.
>but muh Hitler! Muh 6 million! Muh innocent deaths!
Okay. Since you love democracy then defend the Iraq war. Defend the use of agent orange in Vietnam. You have to otherwise you're a cartoon bad guy.
How much money, penis size and look score out of ten do you need to marry a virgin?

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