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Ask the opposite gender anything
Last >>31685878
Women, would you date a fat and balding guy?
Why not?
Do men really move on quickly? Are some of the wimmen right, that some men don't truly understand love?
Anyone else here pumping their penis or vibrating their vagina at the thought of possibly having a first Jewish Vice President? I want to see Josh Shapiro for veep!
Thread yesterday was comfy why can't every thread be like this?
>see tiktok video of random influencer's mugshot
>can see that he's 5'7 in his mugshot pic
>commenters are directing all of their hatred and disgust towards his height specifically rather than any abuse or violence
>i am also 5'7
why even try?
Even worse than being an incel and misanthrope, Rorschach was a manlet, which is inexcusable.
he's perfect, give rorschach bf now
Thats femoids fault
You cant get attached to a girl before you know if she will reject you or not
No one will ever want a me bf
Why do men look like evil pedos with a mustache and no beard?
You know he's fuck ugly under the mask and repulsed by sex, right?
Once again

Which one of these would you date instead?

Tradcel homophobe >>31688766
Euphoric gender equalitist >>31688740
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I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
i know what he looks like under the mask yes, and know what his character is like. i want him.
Women, why is it called Sneed's?
Men get oneitis bad
Feels like you're the second poster just trying to keep arguing.
What's the over/under on 99% of these guys being Indian?
We don't, the reality is that men are universally unwanted. There's no point going out there.
I'm just curious whether women like whiteknights or incels more
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At this point why aren't we killing off incels?
What are doing as a society that is more important than this?
What is MAID?
is it assisted suicide?
>>see tiktok video
The rest of your post is irrelevant. Kill yourself.
Lol, I was actually thinking about it (not necessarily to meet women, but become more confident interacting with them) I'll pull the plug on that idea.
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Just hit a new weight loss record bros

before anyone else responds, this article is fake
Yes. Medical assistance in death.
Wow Canada has truly left the group of civilized nations
>how do I get a girlfriend
>go outside incel touch grass
>I went for a walk but still no gf
>get a social hobby
>pick up dancing so I can learning dancing and meet girls
>pic rel
literally no way to win, huh.
This is why I ignore the news and women's opinions. It's all garbage that doesn't help you. Go hiking, go dancing, ask women out however you want. I WILL participate in society and you CANNOT stop me from doing so. If needs be anons WILL ask you out again and again until you (women) become the shutin incels and we (anons) are outside having a fun time laughing at the femcels.
Look at me. I am the woman, now.
Are the men here excited and willing to fall in love? Why or why not?
Doubt it.
Is this for real?
Steve Jackson is a hack
I never would
It's has been made pretty clear to me that I am not to talk to women or interact with them
Do not. It's demoralising Internet posting. Ignore it and go dancing. You'll meet cute hip swaying girls there.
This only applies if you are indian and/or unattractive (inb4 you said the same thing twice)

Besides being good at dancing will help you with girls later on even if you don't meet a girl at your dance lessons
It's not a question of will. It just happens.
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Women, how big are your boobs?
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What the fuck are we supposed to do then??????????????????
I had a oneitis so bad from 20-25 I literally left everything behind, family, college, it completely destroyed me
t. Personal experience
I doubt it.
No man has ever fallen in love with me.
No man has ever truely loved me.
i use 4chan. of course they're small.
If it's Canada I'll believe it without source.
ive realized that you shouldn't interact with women at all until you have reached your ideal self. don't even say hi to them when you clock in at work unless they say hi first. and if you're naturally ugly or short, accept that you will never be anyone's first choice even if you become your ideal.
yeah but she don't want me, man
>This only applies if you are indian and/or unattractive
Pro-tip: non-indian and attractive men don't need to take dance classes to meet someone.
We can settle this quickly: no, I am not attractive.
Context on picture
But what does your boyfriend say about them?
I take dance classes and there are literally no men. You guys should go and as long as you are actually engaged and excited to dance people will be happy to see you there
>Just hit a new weight loss record bros
Do you want a cookie?
I've never been in love but want it to happen badly. Crush is the closest I've got
>Do men really move on quickly?
The types of men women are interested in do.
>implying i go outside or have bf
Since you're answering for me: am I Indian?
nope. my last relationship destroyed me. i have no goodwill left for other people. if i get into another relationship, i know i will be abusive so i refuse to attach to anyone. get high and play osrs
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>one woman has a bad experience with a weird guy at a dance class who smells like he hasn't showered in a week and isn't wearing appropriate dance clothes
>she rants about it and makes a generalized statement about how ALL men in a specific field need to stop doing this
>anons read it and get their feelings hurt and decide not to do something they would've probably had a fun time with and meet cool people and not realize she's just being hyperbolic

Many such cases!

Don't let one person on the internet who will never know you ruin your life.
I only danced once in my life
when I put my hands on her back she scowled.
Yeah, I imagine being the only man there, looking like my usual creep self. I definitely won't have to dance alone with the security guard present.
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State gender and what do you think makes a person write a 8.5 hours video essay on dragonball?
Now answer imagining they weren't brazilian
Femcel cope
that's antithetical to my progress so I'll pass

I want to have visible abs at least once in my life
No, because for that to happen I first have to humiliate myself by trying over and over again to get a woman to notice me romantically. It's pathetic and I won't.
f, same kind of annoying guy who creates any kind of shitty theories like WHAT IF SKULL KNIGHT IS SECRETLY GUTS' DAD??
I have had girls get mad at me for moving on too quickly now
Why don't you want a bf?
It was a joke bud.
Weird that they were able to make it that short
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Why don't femcels or shut-ins ITT get a ebf or egf in their country, escalate, meet them in person and spend couple of fantastic nights together?
I was, but now that I'm 30 I'm not sure it'll be the same.
I think I can live just fine without some dance classes that I don't have time for anyway.
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>Soraka posted
Women, tits or ass?
I’m spellbound, oh, but a woman divides
And the hills are alive with celibate cries!
i kinda want to bf one guy since i had a big crush on him. but i don't know where he even lives anymore or any contact, so i'm just left with a crush. and also feeling like i shouldn't try to date anyone else if i have this kind of crush, it wouldn't be fair.
Because it's kind of creepy to hang out with kids on discord as a 30+ year old man.
Does that ever work out?
NWO card game?
aka the whole Discord server's cum target when she sells her feet and armpit pics. Yeah, getting in line to serve her posthaste because sometimes her real boyfriend is out of town and she's bored on the Internet. That's exactly the kind of woman I want in my life, a vacuous black hole for money and time that will never give anything worthwhile in return.
There are 30 something women on internet too anon
My former femcel roommate has an ebf she met on overwatch and she's sad because it'll only be long distance (they're on the opposite ends of Australia) and only sees herself as a rebound as he recently got out of a relationship. He's her unicorn but I don't think there's a chance she's pretty enough to keep him if they met irl which sounds impossible right now anyway
I had a /soc/ gf like that except she was busy becoming a bar whore while I was busy larping as a vampire.
Funnily enough the last time we talked, I felt like we'd made a breakthrough and become closer. Then nothing. I think she probably expected me to chase and instead, I got my ass fixed on /vg/ and had to delete that entire discord account.
I don't regret the experience, she was your typical boring socially stunted femcel.
I don't think so.
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>We are effectively run in this country, via the Democrats, via our corporate oligarchs, by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made, and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable, too. And it’s just a basic fact if you look at Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, AOC – the entire future of the Democrats is controlled by people without children. And how does it make any sense that we’ve turned our country over to people who don’t really have a direct stake in it.

Is he right?

One of my old college buddies (he's 28 now) decided to humor it and try one of the discord dating servers earlier this year. The first girl he matched with was some chick who initiated with him. About 6 or 7 messages in he finds out she's 14 and he just noped the fuck right out of there. Blocked her, left the server, everything.
Kek, Bootycheeks.
To grab/admire? Tits
What context do you need?
I'm assuming those two are dating
I just farted and it smelled pretty good. Why do I love the smell of my own farts?
>30 something women on the internet
I've only seen a bunch of single moms congregating to hate on incels and ex husbands as they recuperate at home after bariatric surgery
It might be, but I still meet irl with boys and girls that are 15 occasionally as a 27yo because we're part of a wide age range activity group. Why can't people do the same online?
Weird fetish?
Why are they saying the fans don't talk to women?
We were talking about dating though.
Because the guy is wondering how a dorky guy ended up with her?
Thanks for being encouraging, femanon, but I'm reluctant
>the entire future of the Democrats is controlled by people without children. And how does it make any sense that we’ve turned our country over to people who don’t really have a direct stake in it.
Yes, he is right
>short girl
>super long hair
Idk this combo just does something for me
please add:
>super long bf
Well, I am a retard
Have picrel as a gift to make up for my mistake
This is an extremely common taste
For me it’s
Uhh I would not do this. Very weird. Should never meet up with someone underage, platonic or not.
He doesn't look all that dorky to me. Just normal I guess.
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Forgor picture......................
Pretty sure Buttigieg has adopted kids but yeah he's got a point
That kicker who said women need to focus on being moms got kicked and ridiculed like he was supporting whatever is going in the handmaid's tale
I've met a couple of my past gfs while online gaming but they always end up having some kind of debilitating neurodivergency that makes having a proper long-term relationship impossible. Being autistic or having ADHD isn't necessarily a relationship killer but these girls were always so bad at dealing with their issues.
Thank you, Anon. I hereby accept your apology.
what kind of issues?
I was first invited by a friend of a friend and they're both around my age so I thought "Why not". They're an established group with people from like 15-16 to 40 or even 50 years old
I just like doing the things we do... I don't want to stop because of what some anon said :(
Everytime I've tried talking to a girl online it's like talking to a brick wall
They don't want to talk to me and seem very unenthused
I guess the problem is me but idk how that helps
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What is the difference between the male and female gaze?
What kind of group is it?
I did a dance class in Uni once (because I thought I could treat it as a sort of sports which is also fun)
And halfway through the class the girl told me: Ah I'm not coming in any more because I was just attending to be ready for my little sister's prom BYYYYYYE
Yeah, women are so nice to me!
>the world's gonna end because of climate change, why would I ever have kids?

It's really, really weird how fucking mindbroken the other people at uni are. Like people just always think they're the first generation with an existential crisis. Thinking about how my parents had to do nuclear holocaust drills growing up and just how literally every generation has people come up and say "Things are so bad, we're gonna see the end times and Jesus is gonna return in our lifetimes" on repeat forever.
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>female gaze
Men, would you take you'r wife's last name if she wanted it?
female gaze is more self-sexualizing. has more to do with the submissive/dominant dynamic. and has more to do with specific situations and environments, rather than for example just looking at a picture of a man with blank background.
I hate being woken up by phone calls.
Only if she were literal royalty.

I don't think I could ever look my dad in the face again if I did that
In chinese culture, we just both keep our name.
No, I'd go out for cigarettes
Dancing is a homosexual activity
80% of women want at least two kids. This idea that people didn't want kids is nonsense. The reason they don't have kids is because they believe themselves incapable of affording them or not having found the right partner.
The absolute state of moids
Performative arts.
There's things like learning to read and telling a story with expressivity, a bit of stage acting, clown stuff, stilt walking and there's people who work with masks. They're open to try things that get suggested
Mostly dealing with their emotions and social rules for the autistic ones and scheduling/forgetfulness for the ones with ADHD. One autistic girl I was with for a few months was the sweetest, funniest girl I'd met but the moment we entered a relationship she was non-stop looking for arguments. I'm an extremely loyal guy but everything I did was a sign of cheating. She was legit getting upset about theoretical situations like "if you were a doctor, would you touch a female patient's breast to save her life?". Almost every single day she'd start an argument and if I'd just try to talk it out she'd get upset at me for not getting more upset and being reasonable. Autistic girls specifically also usually built up a mask or persona that they use for socialization but the moment they're comfortable around you they drop it and you come to realize they're a completely different person.
There’s no one in my part of my country.
I want a girl to kabedon me and be aggresively into me
:( sounds like it wasn't a good experience for anoyone, thanks for sharing.
Depends on why.
I'd say women in my experience care more about the emotional connection and depth of character.
Because I like my name
Nta, but I agree that some men do. not only that, but they'll get stuck on a type and then be forever attracted to those features.
Once we went on a vacation and we got on a boat to sightsee with a group of fishermen. The owner of the boat asks us where we were from and after we tell him he says "my ex and first love was also from ..." Then he starts acting clingy with my mother (who to be honest is a pretty sociable person). Later on, we met his wife, and she HATED our guts the moment she learned where we're from, and her husband and son warned us prior that she might act rudely because [the place we're from] reminds her of her husband's ex (whom he clearly wasn't over yet). Ofc, the way her husband treated my mother made her even angrier.
First of all
Not terribly interested.

Seeing as how she would probably move in with me and everything, it'd be a hassle to have all my things changed to her name. If she was willing to do all that, I wouldn't care.
>Do men really move on quickly?
Depends on the kind of guy.
If he is high value, and can easily get another partner, yes.
If he is low value, and will struggle, no.
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Why do women hate him so much?
What game is this card, it looks like a Steve Jackson game.
>depth of character
How much depth do you get in stories about a centaur having non-consensual sex with the female protagonist?
Question for women.

I have a dad bod. Do I keep my shirt on during sex?
>Nta, but I agree that some men do. not only that, but they'll get stuck on a type and then be forever attracted to those features.
f, this happened to me. it's relatable to hear this happens to men too, but also somewhat worrying, because i don't think it's a good thing when this happens to you.
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>it looks like a Steve Jackson game.
It is a Steve Jackson game
You already have a whole thread to yourself, dude.
Serious question: why are you so desperate to undermine and pollute western marriage customs?
Sorry, babes. I’m a trad chad
Because I like my name
Don't forget being too messed up themselves and doubting their ability to be good parents!
>excited and willing to fall in love?
No, I will never let it happen again.

>Why or why not?
I cannot tell good people from bad people.
Then adopt
People who don't think they will ever afford a house seldom think they can ever afford children so the housing crisis is a large part of it.

Funny enough I befriended a German international student earlier this year who was hanging out with my church group. When he first got here he was saying, "yeah I don't think I'll ever have kids, or maybe I'll at most have one" but by the time he was about to go back to Germany he was saying "Yeah I'd like to have 4-6 kids"
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Women, why do you bother with men?
Men: how would you feel about your wife keeping her maiden name?
If you'd be okay with it, how would you feel if she wanted your kids to take her last name?
For sure, but don't let that demoralize you if you're dating someone like that or are neurodivergent yourself. A lot of this stuff can be avoided if you have open and genuine communication. I just happened to exclusively run into girls who were very bad at that part lmao
I mean... I told you 'no' earlier but I've had friends where we have joked that his last name was boring and that he should take her last name if they get married because it sounded better. But personally, no, I like my last name and respect my father too much to do that.
Names don't matter to me.
I would never want kids.

This post will trigger tradcucks.
I come here to get my fill of social interaction. Irl I avoid men though, but not because I hate them, just because I am awkward and they make me nervous.
The men who murder their girlfriends are obviously not the lonely ones. It amazes me how women are incapable of understanding this.
She wouldn't be my wife then. I would honestly maybe turn violent at such a disrespectful suggestion.

Can't you see it from that tweet? Misery loves company.
I would enjoy the process of impregnating a lovely woman.
>Men, would you take your wife's last name if she wanted it?
Sure, but it better mean we're married for life.
My gf has just started taking pills!
I will coom inside for the first time in my life today!
Jealous. Get that ass.
Autistic women, have you ever been bullied for being autistic?
If it's important to her, I wouldn't mind.
Are you from a hentai?
I wouldn't be bothered with her keeping her name. Tradition is just social pressure from people who are dead. That said I'd be honored if she told me she wanted to take my name.
If she wanted our kids to have her last name I'd wonder why that's so important to her. If she gives me a good reason I'd probably be fine with it.
Sorry what did I do when I'm out and about I'm minding my own business I probably won't even look at your general direction how can I make you nervous???
>Men: how would you feel about your wife keeping her maiden name?
Honestly, I would either take her name, or hyphenate my name. I feel like there has to be some name concordance, or otherwise it just looks like we aren't married.

>If you'd be okay with it, how would you feel if she wanted your kids to take her last name?
That would be fine if I also adopted or hyphenated my name to contain hers.
Nervous girls are cute :)
My brother's wife is Chinese and she has to keep her maiden name to inherit the land her parents own in China.

Asking your kids to take your last name, unhyphenated is pretty cruel though
Just so there is no unforseen consequence, you did check the min. duration until the are effective?
I get made fun of for stimming in a non normie approve manner.
I'd prefer not
Furiously rubbing your pussy isn’t stimming.
lmao what do you do?
Not specifically for being autistic but in hindsight, yes.
That's just kinda stupid.
Is this maiden name thing the new tiktok trend? I still think about Rome all the time
Same for me but reverse genders.
>Pill effective immediately
It doesn't work that way
What is the reason for intelligent men not bothering to do anything special with their lives? Anons talked about it yesterday how they know several guys like that but they didn't find a solution.
Please only answer if you are a woman.

What is true about the blackpill, and what isn't?
Wait, what?
Because social class is more conducive also I have emotional and mental issues that hold me back.
5 seconds on google.
>What is the reason for intelligent men not bothering to do anything special with their lives?
Being extremely suspicious of everyone and everything 24/7.
Realization that exceptional wealth/success is more dependent on chance than actual intelligence.
>somewhat worrying, because i don't think it's a good thing when this happens to you.
True, you start looking for that person in every person you meet. At the same time, it becomes like this dirty secret you're ashamed of, because you don't want to let others in on the fact that you're immediately interested in anyone who fulfills those criteria, because it seems superficial and objectifying. It becomes almost like a fetish. At the same time, it's unfair for the other person, who can end up in a relationship with you, never knowing you don't actually see them, and you're just trying to keep feelings for another person alive.
Combination pills work immediately but only right after the period
Progesteron pills take at least 48 hours to be effective
It's not your fault, and it's not like I ever got like raped or molested, so I don't have trauma that causes this. Men just make me nervous.
Lol. I was waiting for the masturbation joke.

... I wave my hands around at my sides from the elbow. Feels neat.


No, seriously, normies do this when they play with a pen or tap their foot or something like that.
It's easier to just coast by with minimal effort.

When I was in high school I did the absolute bare minimum to maintain a 4.0 and devote all my free time to playing World of Warcraft rather than try to get into a good college
>"If I weren't Alexander I'd be Diogenes."
Can hugs and cuddling alleviate this?
>I have a dad bod. Do I keep my shirt on during sex?
Yes please.
Anon, the pill takes weeks before it works dude.
You're gonna have to keep stocking up on condoms for a while longer frendo
Oh, man... also, you know birth control isn't 100% effective, right?
Shit, I didn't know that and I don't think she knew
how skinny do i have to be at 5'7 to be considered human?
Probably not.
If she were an only child and really wanted to carry on the family name out of love for her parents, or if taking my name really didn't fit her first name, then I might.

The context matters a lot. If a woman I were dating for a while brought up keeping her name out of nowhere, I would immediately be put on edge because of the risk that it's for feminist and/or combative (seeing me as someone to struggle against) reasons.

I dislike that a bit more than just taking her name. Not as bad as a hyphenated abomination, but I don't like distancing myself from my wife.
The only situation I could understand is if either of our names would sound silly by taking the other's name, but even then, I'd probably just take the hit and take hers if she were really so afraid of having a goofy name.

>if she wanted your kids to take her last name?
Definitely not. I don't want to be treated like a stepdad in my own family.
Either gender,

What is your opinion on the people who ask the other gender about their sexual interests/fantasies/etc?
How much do you weigh now?
>Shit, I didn't know that and I don't think she knew
Wait you said you WILL have sex... so it didn't happen yet... right?
you're right, i know exactly what you're talking about anon. and for me it can seeing a random guy in a supermarket and he reminds you of him, and getting excited suddenly, but also feeling nervous and kind of avoiding that stranger, because you feel ashamed when you remember how obsessive you are (about an old crush in my case). or you're in a line behind a guy and you realize he looks like him at least from behind, and you feel like you have to avoid staring, but you also want to stare because it seems so rare to see someone who fits the "type".
this is why i'm not in a relationship lol.
>Either gender,

>What is your opinion on the people who ask the other gender about their sexual interests/fantasies/etc?
Like ITT? Pretty low and gross but I understand, they’re lonely.
>No, seriously, normies do this when they play with a pen or tap their foot or something like that.
Yeah and that is annoying and irritating too.
You can't control it or only if you consciously think about it? Well sucks, but that doesn't mean it won't irritate me.
They are hornyposters, therefore they must die.
F Irl? Kinda icky.
im 170lbs right now. started at 250ish
Literally me
I've had one relationship before, this is just about strangers or men I'm not familiar with. but yeah possibly.
Congrats on losing all that weight, dude.
Just like 15 more and you're going to be back to
Right but she told me she just started taking it and suggested that she wants to fuck today
literalyl me
Work smarter not harder
nta but this doesn't annoy me if it doesn't have sound. I just don't look at it. Do you have ADHD?
I never want to make a girl unfortable
I probably should never leave the house again ever
tfw first crush was a short hair tomboy
lost my virginity to her
now short hair girls are my ultimate weakness
you cut your hair short and I WILL love you. HNNNGGGGGG TOMBOY LOVE AAAHHH
I mean I just want a sweet girl haha just a nice personality that fits me and I'm not really picky haha
I would murder for a tomboy gf even if her personality didn't fit me at all I would smash that pussy
Like this is just weird and gross to me.
Phew atoga to the rescue
>got a text telling me to pay my bills for missing the deadline
Now I'm not doing it. I'm a human being, not a slave.
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Why are people so against failures getting hookers? No one's gonna love us anyway so what's the harm in doing that?
Brother stop. It's way to obvious what you're trying to do.
Do you live under a fucking rock?
Women will NEVER say what they really think about men.
You are wasting your time hoping they will tell you anything.

Statistics suggest blackpill is true. Majority of women lose their virginity at a younger age.

>ehrm acshually, the amount of partners in each age is about even.
Yeah, consider this.
A sample of 10 women and 10 men is compared. All the women have sex with the one man. Does the average being the same really mean anything here?
>if it doesn't have sound
They literally posted two examples that MAKE sound.
What is the point of doing something other people see as "special"?
Alright I am locking the door and throwing the key away
Because that industry is full of really bad fucked up shit and doing that also means you gave up.
*lower voice* Hey there babe, you look like you and me can have a good time ;) I bet you would like that, huh? Give me your number, or better yet, you've got nothing to do right now, right? Let's head out and do something fun. You and me.
the trick is to not be a little bitch and just be a little pushy. They'll say they're uncomfortable but they'll still go along because that's just how women are. The quicker you understand their natural submissiveness to the situation, the quicker you'll be able to dominate them and get results.
A couple of retards
Moid hands. Didn’t you read?
I like tomboys too, but you gotta chill, anon.
Congratulations. Maybe another 15 pounds at minimum.
>doing that also means you gave up.
And? You guys hate us so idk why you'd care if we "gave up". You will do the same if you're touch starved long enough
>that industry is full of really bad fucked up shit
Every one of them is. If it was legal in the states this stigma wouldn't exist.

>also means you gave up.
What's the point in fighting a battle you know you can't win.
Prostitution is ok.
What isn't ok are the bundle of issues that comes with it and are generated by bad people abusing others.
If you can truly vouch for a hooker doing the job freely and actually enjoying it, then go ahead. But can you do that?
Now this is maximal cringe ick. You’ve never had a date in your life lmao.
Oh no! A stranger on the Internet thought I was a little weird. I should be ashamed. I'm going to find a cute blonde tomboy gf and rail her like there's no tomorrow. And then the next day I'll do the same. I'll continue doing that until she's pregnant. And then I just keep going. If she grows her hair out that relationship will be over.
>not only that, but they'll get stuck on a type and then be forever attracted to those features.
I disagree. I didn't meet a single Asian person until I was 13 and visiting my older brother at a predominately Asian college. His asian girl friends all doted on me and it definitely had a lasting effect on me. Then when I started uni I was down bad for this Korean chick for the first year but she didn't like me back. I was pretty retarded back then and didn't know when to give up.

For a while I would've said I had 'yellow fever' or an asian bias, but after probably 5 or 6 years it kinda faded. Would I date an Asian girl? Yeah, but just as much as I'd date white or black girls if I found them attractive.
Thank you guys
M or F?
It's just happy drunk shitposting
only I'm drunk on happiness instead of alcohol
Asking women if they think the blackpill is real is just a stupid idea.

They're gonna say no because they don't tell the truth about this stuff.
Girls, would you date a rigger?
It ain’t just a stranger on the internet who thinks you’re a weirdo, I guarantee.
I don't hate you. I'm just disappointed that you gave up so easily when you could've made it if you kept trying.
Why should that be my concern? She's not my gf. She's providing me a service for a fee, like any normal business would do. Whenever you order a burger from McDonald's you probably aren't thinking about the Manager's home life at all, nor should you be obligated to do so. The same attitude is directed towards us. They do not care about you in the slightest. They only want your money.
Anon was in for a surprise in a couple months
thank u! but yay that shouldn't be too far away then. i've been lifting so maybe i'll be able to see some muscle by then
Men, is the idea that we can make babies really that hot?
Omega-3 supplements changed my life, cant be without them now
What happened to the 85 iq girl did she retake the test with a legit tester?
I'm 23. It's too late to "fix myself". No one fundamentally changes. All they can do is be fake. No one actually changes unless they need to fool someone
but I did. I've even had sex with multiple girls. It's okay that you're a femcel, babe. I can fix that for you with a night of passion and loving like you've never had before.
Yes. Fertility is hot.
Women, what is a "happy cry"?
my friends and family love me though so maybe you're just the weird one
I find it completely revolting
I'm 25 and I haven't stooped that low, nor will I ever.
Get over yourself.
Larp larp larp. I’m a man, you’re just a really weird virgin creep lol. Pretty telling you said girls instead of women.
You can make another human being.
Is that not the coolest shit you've ever seen?
Yes. We love women because they are humans but not male. Very cool. Very sexy.
Actually, yes. All the more if it's our kid. Guys can't do it, only contribute. It's cool.
You must returneth
I think deep down what you're looking to recreate isn't the traits per se, rather a feeling or a mental image, or the meaning you associate with those traits, or am I wrong?
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Who are you to act so high and mighty when you're arguably an even bigger failure?
There's a difference between buying a burger from a McDonald's whose manager is an ass to his wife and having sex with a prostitute who was trafficked and just goes along with it because she fears for what happens if she doesn't. There's a huge difference in the level of separation between those two.
Women, do you feel privileged or oppressed?
23?! Motherfucker your life has barely started and you've already given up? You have literal decades to get your shit together. I was right to be disappointed in you.
>having sex with a prostitute who was trafficked and just goes along with it because she fears for what happens if she doesn't.
That's not the case for all them though. I have no way of knowing whether or not that's the case or certain nor should I. Nor should I give a shit to be honest. The device you wrote this on in one way or another with the product is child slavery. You're not a bad person for using it. You don't think about it ever at all. The same thing applies to hookers.
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Sexless women, I can save you.
What are you disagreeing with? Just because something isn't your exactly your story, doesn't mean it isn't others' story anon kek
Why do we not have artificial wombs? I mean, what are the major roadblocks there?
>guy doesn't get sex at all for years and years and years
>"gives up" and fucks a hooker
>y-you gave up which is why I'm D I S A P P O I N T E D in you
>soft social humiliation to dissuade him from obtaining pussy by pretending if he just waited a little longer he could've gotten pussy
why do you lie
stop caring. Fuck a hooker. Realise it's not as great as real sex with a girl who loves you. Never tell any girl you're dating or in a relationship with that you've fucked hookers. Pretend it was just a hook up. Ez.
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NTA but 23 is too fucking old to be a virgin.
Well then sure go ahead and rape some people.
So are all American dudes just weird hyperactive losers with weak game? I’m going back to sleep.
Pretty privileged desu. Big boobs.
Again, huge degree of separation between using a phone that was made using some percentage of child slavery and actively fucking a girl who was trafficked and doesn't want to have sex with you.
Comment gender.

What would be the best part about being the other gender?

What would be the worst part?
what? what would a guy who pretends to be a girl online know about dating?
>Never tell any girl you're dating or in a relationship with that you've fucked hookers.
Sir, why do you think I'm considering hookers? No girl has or will ever like me
yes I think so. but I think the guys in those examples also definitely looked somewhat close to my old crush. but the mental image is also right, seeming like the same kind of guy basically. hope this makes sense, i'm bad at putting this stuff into words.
They aren't dying because they are sexless moron. They're sexless because of existing health conditions which they subsequently die of.
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>cum goes in
>babies come out

you can't explain that
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>Rape is when I use a service they willingly gave to me
That would be kind of expensive.
I never pretended to be a girl, you’re just such a virgin that you ascribed that to me.
But how the fuck am I supposed to know whether or not she's trafficked? You are aware that a good bit if not most of them AREN'T right?
I get upset about women who I will never meet getting breast reduction surgery.
Maybe is something like that, they dont want it normalized even though they love normalizing sex work from the women's side
You can't know that.
>get your shit together
>you're already past your 20s while everyone else got to enjoy their youth
>but hey, you can finally be a provider for desperate single mothers! what a win!
>So are all American dudes just weird hyperactive losers with weak game?

Our women are ridiculous though. You wouldn't be able to score one either.
There's tons of guys who are virgins at that age, even if you don't personally find it socially acceptable. I've know a lot of really great guys who just never put themselves into a situation where they could get with a girl.
Ah I thought so. It's a bunch of redditor transsexuals pretending to be real people. No wonder there's so much social humiliation here right now. Just redditor using female shaming tactics because they're in fact mentally closer to women than men. Redditors have zero masculinity. Please go back to being a 5th wave feminist arguing for killing off 90% of all men.
Bingo, that's the point, you don't know buddy.
Single women, Why not just date a fat and balding guy?
He could be the one you know?
>I get upset about women who I will never meet getting breast reduction surgery.
That's a little mean. What if it's for physical reasons?

Now's probably the best time in history to be a woman in any field of work, the world is literally your oyster and you'll get preferential treatment for any position over a guy regardless of race
probably finding a quality partner as more and more men are left behind and fatherless women don't have a good benchmark to judge men off of
Atoga made me hate fat and balding guys
c-cool haha, tell me about them.

anyway, have they served any purpose aside from sexual stuff?
Bittersweet or overstimulated
>There's tons of guys who are virgins at that age
And they suck..... You look down on them. You ask "wtf what's wrong with him?". That's how everyone thinks. I don't know why you feel like pretending otherwise but that's how it is. It's kind of odd seeing you guys want to rewrite reality. You aren't supposed to be that lonely at that age.
wtf, why?
So why am I supposed to feel bad? Why is that my concern?
>Sir, why do you think I'm considering hookers? No girl has or will ever like me
They could do so in the future. Hookers aren't as good as loving sex. Keep trying to acquire women, but use hookers as a nice way to masturbate by using their bodies. You paid for them, so her worthless whore body is yours for the hour.
>Comment gender.

>What would be the best part about being the other gender?
Easy to get partners for sex.
Easy to get accepted into programs.
Wider variety of clothing I can wear.

>What would be the worst part?
Being weaker.
Being smaller.
Having to wipe after I pee.
women: how shaved do you prefer your man's dicknballs?
I keep hearing people say "don't shave, just trim" as if I'm supposed to understand that as a specific length
I swear people like you just prefer being angry at the world because that way your failure isn't your own fault. There's tons of women who don't even think about settling down until they're in their 30s (and no they don't all just fuck random dudes up until that point). You're just putting imaginary obstacles in your own way so you can live comfortably in failure.
Is it just me or would hooker sex be kinda bad? I mean, like, how can you get into it if you're not attracted to the guy?
When you see a bunch of incels getting slaughtered and you can't help but cry while laughing.
>late bloomers of the opposite sex don't also exist
>men can't date younger women

also, fomo is a retarded drug
Is not a logical thing, is a passing thought
Imagine calling anyone a virgin on 4chan. Buddy go back to red dit with your feminine social shaming tactics. It's incredibly easy to see through your lies when you're not in your hive mind getting updoots for arguing like a woman. Reddit feminists have no masculinity to speak off.
I'm not sure I want to answer that for fear of being labelled an opportunist and invoking chestlet wrath.
Shut up you never had sex and don't know how to talk to women
reddit tranny ywnbaw
I'm now picturing you as a cat that has had to many pets.
Such is autism. Thanks for proving me right.
Do you know any guys who "got their shit together" past 23? If they were alone in their youth, they will definitely be alone in their 30s when they are fatter, uglier, with more wrinkles and some will be balding too.
I don't look down on them, you're just projecting your own lack of self worth onto other people. I've had multiple friends who were virgins past age 25 despite being amazing (and not unattractive) guys and at no point did I look down on them. At most it was a quick "huh, but you're so social?", before a "well you're a great guy, your time will come".
>invoking chestlet wrath.

that's like half the reason guys come here
>>late bloomers of the opposite sex don't also exist
They may as well not exist. Women are inherently more valuable than us so they'll always have someone to love them at any age. A women being a "late bloomer" is arguably even more of a red flag than a guy being late at the same age. You are bored into a world that more or less ensures you'll be loved and cherished by all and you STILL fail and end up alone? There has to be something very wrong with you as a woman if you're a virgin past 18
This is a gross generalization but I'd wager most of the women that do it for that haven't tried alternatives.
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i like small chests as well, it brings you closer to the heart.

now are you going to challenge me, or what?
>I've had multiple friends who were virgins past age 25
Holy shit hahahaha
You saw them as your dickless pets to drag along because you knew they were desperate for any female attention. God damn, you're an evil bitch.
women and reddit men thrive on fake kindness and social shaming. It's how they enforce group rules. It's also why they're attracted to masculine men because masculine men make their own rules and aren't blind followers of retarded group rules like
>hookers are bad mkay
>you're an incel virgin and we're gonna laugh at you mkay
It's why reddit men become trannies and reddit women fuck right wing men.
NTA. Why do they feel like shit for being vurgins and how can they fix the still-being-a-virgin problem?
Jesus man are you autistic? It's not about whether or not the specific whore is trafficked, it's about the fact that a lot of whores are and that you might bear some amount of personal, physical responsibility in that for using them. Wouldn't you feel horrible if you found out that was the case?
I don't know if I'm insane, if she's trying to make me jealous, or if it's some kind of signal to not pursue her, but goddamn I swear to lord my coworker is trying to piss me off.

It's usually subtle, she brings him up in a way where it feels like she's negging me and putting me in second place. This time she put his fucking name on something I brought in for them to use while I'm away and it's pissing me off.
It's all a ploy to get us to fight, isn't it?
Lol, based
>It's why reddit men become trannies and reddit women fuck right wing men.
Really? I thought they were into getting blacked by "bulls" and cucking their husbands in the same room (no I am not exaggerating. That's a disturbingly common fetish)
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girls how is your mid girl summer?
lmao I've hit a nerve
reddit tranny using social shaming and only comes here to hate the men here and pretend to be a woman. He hates the men because he's like them and he hates himself. It also creates division between male and female posters which is his ultimate goal because trannies can't exist in good forums with healthy discussion. They only thrive in dysfunctional forums where posters can make themselves the focal point. Narcissism.
Actually I do, I'm not in contact with most of those guys I mentioned these days but the one I am still in contact with actually has a really good job in the game industry now and met a really nice girl a few years ago who he's been dating since.
I like cleavage. Women, thank you for cleavage
Masculine men don’t samefag.
So... I should just avoid all of them? Isn't that what they're there for? I mean, what else would happen to them?
im not indian so
also I suck at dancing
One of my closest friends met his gf when they were both 28 and she was a virgin who spent her early 20's undoing her childhood/teenage obesity and the latter half undoing the self-esteem damage her obesity caused her.

The world isn't one-size-fits-all and it isn't LE OVER if you didn't hit some arbitrary online benchmark of success of fucking x people by the age of 24 or 25.

On top of that, some people just value sex and care more about who they're having it than when they're having it.
zero arguments because you know I'm right. Go back. You're a tranny.
Don't give her any attention.
Maybe throw her under the bus if you get a chance to.
Nothing sexual, sounds like she's just an asshole.
Can't put this one on menfolk. Foids would go to pieces about cup size in a total solipsistic vacuum. Put two of you in the same room and it just happens.
>you might bear some amount of personal, physical responsibility in that for using them
Ummm..... No? Don't dump the crimes of others unto me. I have no way of knowing whether or not they're traffic unless they straight up tell me. Why do you want to make me feel guilt for someone else's actions? I'm just trying to loose my v-card. I'm a failure so it doesn't matter whether or not how I loser my v-card is "ethical". If you were unloved maybe you'd understand, but you can't
Your condition is unfortunate.
holy shit your seething is pathetic lol
I got a bf!
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>This is considered mid
>Really? I thought they were into getting blacked by "bulls" and cucking their husbands in the same room
only reddit men like that bud. The women are never into it and those relationships always end up with the woman breaking up with the loser she lost all respect for.
but I didn't samefag
Anon, that doesn't happen past high school irl. Sorry to burst your bubble.
I masturbate so I'm not attracted to people in real life.

How unhealthy is this?
She has a good body but an awful face. Weird blockhead manjaw.
nah you're clearly a tranny trying to stir strife.
How do I react to this without sounding salty? For once I was going to just ask her what her problem is because I know what she's doing but I feel like she'll be proud of herself. What the fuck did I do to deserve this?
Apart from one of those guys none of them were actively upset about being virgins. They had good social lives and had a decent future to look forward to. I think most of them understood that it was gonna happen eventually.
If you're very desperate to lose your virginity there are ways, but you should ask yourself why you feel that way in the first place. Being too eager to lose your virginity isn't a good look, and women will be turned off when they notice it.
Trips wasted
>How unhealthy is this?
If less than once a day, probably fine.
If 3 or more times a day find another method.
Women, what do you honestly think of women in your life with bigger boobs than you?
See, you're creating excuses again.
"It's not my fault because I'm a failure".
Have some fucking self-respect, man.
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congrats, be careful not to lose him when buff girl winter starts
>that it was gonna happen eventually
Yeah, when they were already past their prime years. That's not a win when Chad has been banging the hottest females (probably the gfs of those late 20s losers too) since high school.
We just posting random ASMR girls now?
I wouldn't mind if they didn't brag so much
Just don't react at all.
Appear completely unphased.
Assholes like the satisfaction of having hurt you. If you don't acknowledge it, they don't get the satisfaction.
Thanks, I... >buff girl winter

This isn't a thing, right? R-right?
I know this is gonna come as a surprise to you, but there's a lot of women who are virgins until a later age too.
You know prostitutes who aren't trafficked really dislike this opinion? They still want the money.
>mfw I don't know any

I'm not trying to brag, really.
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this year its the 4th buff girl winter. where have you been
>"I masturbate so I'm not attracted to people in real life." - >>31689441

Chat, does this actually work?
And yet she was willing to get fucked by another man in the process? If she lost respect for him it was way before the cucking ever started and cucking him was the excuse she needed to leave. If she respected him in the first place she would have shot down the idea of cucking on the spot the first time
I'd like to get into ASMR but I don't think I have the qualifications.
Oh look the mother of my children.
How late are we talking exactly?
There's other jobs.
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Once you hit rock bottom there's nowhere to go but up

If they're that myopic and selfish they don't deserve money or dick.
>Chat, does this actually work?
Yes actually. I'm not joking.
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>anon looks like a woman and has no jaw
Thanks for telling us
>The world isn't one-size-fits-all and it isn't LE OVER if you didn't hit some arbitrary online benchmark of success of fucking x people by the age of 24 or 25.
It kind of is though. Not everyone is as open-minded as you are. Most people are shitty and superficial which means most people WILL shame you if you don't meet those milestones. The world is not sure ideal fanfic where everyone is nice to each other and everything is sunshine and rainbows.
>I'm not trying to brag, really.
>brags in the same post
Chat, can we tone down the parasocial stuff?
Depends on the person? I don't know man. I've head of girls who were in their 30s and were still virgins for whatever reason. It happens to both genders.
Not that pay that well. Sex work is always going to exist. Trafficking is bad and we should do everything we can to stop it but stopping some woman from feeding her kids or saving for college because you feel like you bear personal responsibility for trafficking victims is shitty and dumb.
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whats going on big guy
thats my wife you're talking about
ask JH about it, she used to do it
>Chat, does this actually work?
Somewhat. It keeps your standards high.
Definetely not good for you though.
How do I summon her?
Why should I have self respect? How could I if I'm this much of a loser failure? Why is whether or not someone like me has a hooker your concern? Am I someone you care about or something?
I invite you into my home, and you trip my wife?
>stopping some woman from feeding her kids or saving for college

Both great reasons not to use them in their own right kek
Say creampie to your bodypillow three times in a row.
>I've head of girls who were in their 30s and were still virgins for whatever reason.
And why would men care about those females? They are worthless and can't have healthy children. If you're not fucking hot females below 25, you're not winning in life. Our ancestors got married to other virgins at 20 at the latest, not at 30, when they are old and wrinkly.
Should I at least take my stuff back? It's going to look sad if I come back and do that but that really pisses me off. I'm being a bit vague about what it is on purpose.

I don't really mind them putting a label on it but putting his name on it is triggering the fuck out of me. She HAS to know that would piss me off but she pretends to be retarded.
So... you're just going to possibly deny innocent kids food or something?
From their perspective it's infantilizing and insulting. Stopping clients from seeing them doesn't do anything to protect trafficking victims it just makes them late on rent.
I don't feel like I bear personal responsibility because I'm not a slave to my impulses and I didn't give up. That's why I have fulfilling relationships with women.
Also there's tons of jobs that pay better than sexwork unless you're either a high-class escort or top 1% on OF.
fellow men, fill in the blank:
>women be ____
me: catty
you really think I'd invite you to drink my 36 dollar wine just to send your wife trough a glass table?
Oh but if she wants to buy meth it's fine lmao?
>Tons of jobs that pay better than sex work
That you can get without a college degree? And set your own hours for?
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What the fuck for? If I turn 30 and I'm still a virgin I think my mom would unironical1y tell me to kill myself. I'm a 23 year old virgin and she still occasionally Shames me for it. What's your fucking problem as A WOMAN if you're still alone at that age? Dating is easier for you ffs
women are easily led into a situation by a man
women beneath my post should all give fat and balding man a chance by dating me. :^)
Anon, you really wanna sit here and go through the rigamaroo…
Can we apply this "prostitutes just want to pay their rent" to Twitch?
Can you stop being the person you are? Why do you feel the need to spread hatred and untruths out of a sense of false logic and superiority? The game of life is played against nobody but yourself.
Is this true?
malding over my fours
trips of truth tranny
I watched you do it with my own two feet
Is the implication that he's ugly? because he's not ugly.
youre gonna make me hate you
It sounds like anons are trying to justify their own wasted lives with "le i still have time". You haven't been lucky and had a shit life for 25-30 years, why would that change now randomly? You lost in life. It already happened.
Only if the streamers fuck their simps
You're online too much. Most people in the west are still under the Christian ideology of renewal and second chances, even if they don't believe in the religion, the cultural ideology still persists.
Yes, but that begs the question of why prostitution? Do you literally have no other skills other than your vagina?
He's also rich
I wouldn't know.
I've no idea who that is.
Yes. That dude is unremarkable looking but I recognize him instantly as the "uncle Danny" guy. Would.
>The game of life is played against nobody but yourself.
Sure, you can tell yourself that, but you're still getting older and weaker just like everyone else, except others will have fun memories of their youth and you didn't.
>That you can get without a college degree? And set your own hours for?
Yes. To a point.
Just need some kind of relevant skill.
you making them at night?
You owe me a 2000 dollar rug.
Nta but I feel like selling short term vagina access would be more lucrative and easier than a freelance art career, and certainly would pay a lot better than anything else I could get.
Most "Christians" are "fake Christians". They say they are because that's what their mommy and daddy were but don't actually practice it or even read their holy book. They don't follow it or identify with it because they actually love and worship the god of Abraham. The identify with it because that's what the average white American thinks they should call themselves. You must be a child if you think The average person is as kind hearted as you think they are. Funnily enough it's the "Christians" that are often mean spirited towards people they don't like. Stop watching so many cartoons and maybe you would have a more accurate outlook of life
I'm not sure that's a fair comparison. I mean, what I do is not sex. It may be sexual some times, but it's not sex.
weird demoralisation
weird anti Christianity post

what's happening /atoga/? is it really just reddit trannies raiding right now?
Does not having fun memories of your youth stop you from creating new ones now? You can make up for lost time, all it takes is effort.
Don't take it back.
That would still be admitting she got into your head.
vagina pays better per hour than pretty much any skill you could reasonably acquire
Yeah. He's a pretty ugly dude, but I immediately started laughing thinking of "where you got that chee danny".
That is about as handsome men get without a Patrick Bateman level obsession
how is my post anti-Christian?
You are really fucking weird if you talk about your virginity status with your mother.
all these words just to be anti Christian
is it reddit trannies doing this?
>Tonight on atoga: whores don't care about ethics!
Dude, just draw softcore (or hardcore) porn or fetish stuff.
And your pale round face, makes me feel at home in any place, I would happen to be...at a quarter past three...
I used to sing this for my ex. Too corny?
I need this right about now
I only know one, she's a very sweet girl and a good friend of mine. I love her very much.

Pretty mid. Been working a lot, bought a house.
I'm 29 now
Still living with my parents
It's over right? Like I don't have enough time to get my life to an acceptable level
Worse medical though.
As if they didn't all leave the moment the incels took over the conversation.
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NTA. Why are you talking as if you know what it's like to be in their shoes? You are likely the "had fun had sex when I was young" guy they idolize so much. Why are you trying so hard to be dishonest? Or perhaps you're trying to convince yourself you're right
>bought a house.
house a leech?
>Does not having fun memories of your youth stop you from creating new ones now?
It does in a lot of ways. People, who didn't miss out on important experiences in their youth, will notice that something is off about you. You're not a real human to them if you tell them you were KHHV until 30 or if you still are one.
So was he able to pull her by being funny or being rich?
>what's wrong with buying prostitutes when I can't tell who is and isn't being trafficked?
>"late bloomer" is a cope, if you don't figure it out by the time you're 20, you can literally never have a fulfilling life.

Sometimes I wonder if this semen slurping board isn't for me...
Over yeah
Examples pls?
>just draw
Are you fucking stupid
How is this anti christian? You know what kind of person I'm talking about. "Fake Christians" are very prevalent. Especially in the West
I knew someone would say that.
Because there's no need to bring up Christian ideology into this
at all. You're just opening the door so
these posters can sperg out
Anybody else constantly anxious about how the only thing that will allow you to own property is a housing crash, but that same housing crash will ruin your parents lives?
The problem is, i'm not attractive OR funny...
How should I do it?
I really just dread having my parents discover my body
Do you have some kind of skill?
Living with your parents makes it easier to stop being broke. You can use this time and the lack of rent to stack bills.
Being fat is totally fixable. In fact getting an active job might combine losing weight with stacking those bills.
There's still time, anon.
F-freelance artists draw, right?
I don't. Don't project onto me. She always gets in bad moods at slight inconveniences and wants to hurt someone else to make herself feel better. She brought it up first and even made fun of me for not following in her footsteps of having a child at 21 while in college
I'm gonna get carpal tunnel a lot faster drawing than I would giving handjobs, you get what I'm saying?
I'm sorry, are you not an artist?
Those nails are so so so fucking hot.
However I'd prefered if she left just one but deeper streak.
I don't think he's ultrawealthy or anything like that?
Do it in a different country then your parents will just think you went missing and can cope with "maybe he found a new life".
>t. Triggered fake Christian
how is it not?? It's about something completely different and suddenly you type 300 words to express your hatred of 'fake Christians' who are also the majority of Christians but you totally don't hate the religion haha just most Christians because they're fake or something.
You might be right from a religious point of view but so what? What place does this argument have in this discussion?
This poster is right in that most people are shallow assholes and will not respect a virgin over 25. That's just the way it is.
Not if you do it properly. Yes, I was talking about both.
Not a smut artist. More like, textiles. And I'm NOT making Fleshlight sleeves lol.
Because Christianity debunks their idea that you can't start over later in life, or "get your shit together," in other words.
>Do you have some kind of skill?
>house a leech?
I might be retarded but what do you mean? lol
no. it's just why put effort into improving someone's life when they've already had it easy since birth? yeah let me make the women who have 10 "situationships" a year laugh in the hopes of getting a crumb of affection and intimacy. i'm good.
Would you house a leech?
an unproductive member of society.
if there's no blood im not interested
my back is full of scars from nails
i have a poor dad who lives in a warehouse, i'm not worried about him losing anything in a housing crash.
Yeah so you're just agreeing with me that you're an anti Christian poster who randomly criticises Christianity only to pretend you didn't do that when called out on it. You're the fake one buddy
Ah yeah and be worried and wondering for years or decades, potentialy even spending their entire income to find him.
Fucking retard.

Definitely not this way.
spiritually or morally but they're complaining about not having had sex earlier. Christianity is of no use in that regard because it's a completely material subject.
Don't think my husband would be cool with it.
Fabrics? There's a load of stuff you can do with that, that's a talent.

>And I'm NOT making Fleshlight sleeves
I'm jealous.
I want her to dig her nails into me as I pound into her pussy.
Claim me as I claim her.
It's okay, I can live in the walls.
I'll be real quiet, and I'll get earplugs.
Because I'm in the middle. I didn't have sex until I was 20, and like I said previously I've known guys who didn't have sex until past 25. Those guys didn't get demoralized and neither did I. You're just so stuck in the negativity of it all that you don't see there's still a possibility of a positive future ahead of you. You convince yourself that I have to be lying because it is easier for you to remain in comfortable negativity than to put in the work and create the future you'd like to have.
No, Norm already disproved it. Shane is probably the most popular comedian right now thanks to Joe Rogan and has status, which is why he got her.
You insecure little worm. Your faith is weak and that's why you're so defensive. He brought up Christianity because he was under the impression that the average person is kind. They aren't. They're fake and many "Christians" are like that. It's not sn attack on Christianity it's a description of fake Christians. I was using "fake Christians" as an example of a piece of shit shallow person. Obviously not all of you are like that but it's most of you, because the average person like that
When I was 25 I told a group of Euros that I was waiting to have sex to have marriage and most of the responses were along the lines of, "Respect, I could never."

Normal people are not as obsessed over their peers having or not having sex as people on websites where people make their whole personality about not having had sex
>Examples pls?
OF ;)
See >>31689653
Sure I can but it takes so long to make one thing and it's never going to be as easy to sell as pussy.
Sorry for the late response, I'm making dinner ^^
I guess what I'm trying to ask is do the features (it seems in your case they're physical traits) evoke some type of imagery (for eg tall like a Viking, buff means he can protect me, etc) or do they just remind you of your crush but that's all?
Then learn one, dummy.
Do you think they will miss their 29yo failure fat son? They will be relieved. Besides, if he really wants to die, he shouldn't care about what happens after his death. It means his mind is still in this world.
>Do men really move on quickly? Are some of the wimmen right, that some men don't truly understand love?
I got one itis for my first serious gf. After a year after she destroyed me, I no longer felt that way again for another woman. I care for my wife, but I can never be that deep with her.
I'm not top earner material my guy
>Obviously not all of you are like that but it's most of you, because the average person like that
so it's got nothing to do with Christians but it's basically the average person who's fake. Why even bother to mention fake Christians if you're talking about fake people?
My dick is way too sensitive. Holy moly.
Yeah I think a lot of this might be because of American dating culture. The only people who'll laugh at you for not having sex at 14 in Europe are sub 90 IQ trailer trash.
Ok, just work with me here. What sort of textiles skills do you have and what would be your target audience?
I'd rather do that then die alone, but I'd strongly prefer not to.
And either way the kiss should stop have my lastname not their grandfather's.
that is a choice on your part though. you probably carry yourself like a normal person. you're not the same as ugly / average men in their 20s who struggle with anxiety, autism, or bpd. you are like a man choosing to fast trying to tell starving africans that the pains are all in their head.
>Do you know any guys who "got their shit together" past 23
Me, I did. I'm the lead of a 80 person team and I have a family with kids. At 23 I was a pothead who didn't own a bed.
>Those guys didn't get demoralized

It likely bothered them a LITTLE bit they didn't show it. Probably not to the same degree it bothers
But no functioning man that's sexless past 20 is just gonna be ok with that. You are genetically wired to want it so don't be dishonest and act like them feeling bad about it is bad or irrational. If anything I'd be concerned if it DIDN'T bother them.

>Why even bother to mention fake Christians if you're talking about fake people?

Because they are very prevalent and I was using them as an example. Stop taking what I say so personally. Now I KNOW you're the kind of fake Christian I was referring to. Your faith is weak or else you would not feel the need to go on defense mode so heavily.
Of course they're gonna miss me
I wish they didn't
Men underestimate the power of being a very good provider and half decent (I don't know if the guy is, but I would assume he's average, neither good nor evil)
How old are you now?
>just work with me here
We've already had this conversation a million times mom. The only reason my sister even makes $100-$200 a month is because she has friends who suggest her stuff to other people they know irl.
>Why even bother to mention fake Christians if you're talking about fake people?
nta fake Christians pretend to follow an existing code of behavoir. Fake people follow their own. Fake Christians are almost worse in a way.
women what would you do if you had no finger nails?
NTA Can you be any more vague? :|
Have a really difficult time removing stickers from things.
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If only there was some sort of worldwide connection of networked computers you could advertise on...

How DARE you...
Bloomer moment. Good on you old man. Why the actual fuck on you on 4chan?
Friendly reminder that your product is art students, not art. Set up to teach some workshops and advertise on local community boards.
Notice how the Stella chick has 4 hearts.
Also why is the name Stella so beautiful
Like what?
Why do you still come here when it seems like you have a life?
Do you actually care? I can sew, I can probably make whatever you're thinking of.
She doesn't get very much traffic from Facebook or Instagram desu. Mostly Etsy promoting her because of good ratings or something she explained it to me once. Or her actual friends. You need the real people to vouch for the product online advertising doesn't inspire any confidence.
>If anything I'd be concerned if it DIDN'T bother them.
being single has its perks
being childless has its perks

I don't want to be single and childless forever, though. So long as I'm still in uni (doing phd) I don't feel that stressed about not having a gf. Compare that to my friend who's single and has a job, working towards buying a house, and just had a bad, abrupt breakup... yeah it's gonna be harder on him.

But when NEET anons that are living with their parents and don't even have a driver's license are complaining about not having a gf... it's like really? Why? You have so many other things you need to take care of before you should even be thinking about finding a gf.

Do I want to have sex? Yeah, as much as any other guy, but I don't think that my life is over because I turned down sex with the town bicycle. But like another anon said, being someone who can get sex but abstains is different from someone who can't get sex.
How would it ruin their lives, they just won't be able to sell their house at a ridiculous profit, oh no. they might just have to stay there and retire instead of moving to Miami or something.
Yeah sure come take a workshop in my mom's garage from someone with zero professional qualifications, oh and you have to bring all your own materials and supplies. Think anon.
nta but what if that's too social for her? Also, you need to have a certain flare for teachi-

Wait, get a Twitch channel. No, I'm serious. There's people that do art on there.
>Twitch channel
I would genuinely prefer to let strange men cum on my face than put it out on the internet like that.
I don't buy your story.

You're a 54 year old man - who claims to be married - who spends time in a thread, on this very website, dedicated to asking opposite gender questions?

Even if what you say as true, it would probably make you even more weird than the 30 year old incels.
What if I paid you for it?
oh didn't notice your reply earlier. and they don't any imagery like that for me. just "him" basically, direct imagery of my old crush. is it different for you/for men then?
I'm interesting in sewing, I don't give a shit about your qualifications. And I most likely already have my own material and supplies.
I thought that was the whole idea. We're comparing prostitution to paid twitch streaming and I'm picking prostitution.
How do you advertise without examples of your work? :/
I meant for your art. I'm barely paying attention, I got my own problems, but I'm always down to buy from local artists.
>come take a workshop in my mom's garage from someone with zero professional qualifications

That's pretty much how it's done but you could also find a community center space. And you sell them the materials and tools for a small markup dummy. What do they teach on YouTube these days jeez
>But when NEET anons that are living with their parents and don't even have a driver's license are complaining about not having a gf... it's like really? Why? You have so many other things you need to take care of before you should even be thinking about finding a gf.
Lol, that's not necessary at all if girls like you. If you have the thought process of "if I get x and y then I will get a gf", you're already wrong.
What if there were people would would gladly pay you a monthly subscription and give you random bonuses for your knowledge? You already said you can sew pretty much anything.
This guy is not funny
>Do you know any guys who "got their shit together" past 23?
Depends on what you mean by "got their shit together". After spending almost a decade as a NEET I managed to get a job and achieve a semblance of autonomy, but I still never had a girlfriend (at 37).
You honestly must not like sewing very much then.
Has someone been fucking my voodoo doll ? My hips and pussy are sore and I’m horny
Clearly I didn't do it enough.
Yes, he is.
I guess the issue is that I only date for the prospect of marriage, not dating for the sake of companionship. So I feel like if I can't take care of myself, I can't take care of someone else, and project that onto others.
Nope just lancing it with needles
We pivoted to you being lazy and taking the path of least resistance.
of course I want to be in love just getting rejected feels terrible
So go on YouTube and learn like I did? You don't need to pay anyone anon you can do this all on your own. Besides in my area no one would have the expendable income for that shit anyway.
I'm hesitant to make contact with any 4chaners based on some past experiences. Sorry dude. I appreciate it though.
I still have to buy the materials in the first place though. And if only 2 people sign up for the class I end up with less money than I started with. This is the same reason I'm hesitant to do craft fair tables. My sister sometimes loses money. Work under the assumption I have literally $60 for startup costs beyond my own hoarded supplies and tools.
Girls, thoughts on your God-given role? You are meant to be fed and bred.
I've been sneaking into your house at night.
>I'm hesitant to make contact with any 4chaners based on some past experiences.
Valid, GL with your craft, I hope you do go international of some kind.
don't you mean seeded and feeded?
A good gf that will support you when you're at the bottom is the one you should marry, not the one who got with you at the top and doesn't even know how much you struggled.
>You don't need to pay anyone anon you can do this all on your own.
That is the worse excuse for not making money I have ever heard. Do you honestly think you're not good enough to take other people's money?
So basically patreon? There are already so many people doing that online there's no need for me. It would be really difficult to gain enough of a following to make that lucrative.
? No I mean my FACE out on the internet like that.
That was always the conversation? I was never trying to hide that? One of my main arguments in favor of prostitution was that it was easier.
In so many words, yes.
Nobody watched my shit. I wouldn't count that as "doing it", just attempting it.
>Work under the assumption I have literally $60 for startup costs beyond my own hoarded supplies and tools.

Grants, loans, etc. If you lose money its a tax write-off. If you need to take on debt set up an LLC or something. The whole economy is set up to enable small businesses to take risks. Just try something and see how it works out.
>And if only 2 people sign up for the class I end up with less money than I started with.
That's why you stipulate that the class won't happen unless there's a minimum number of applicants.
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If you saw a guy wearing this on a shirt, wwyd?
>Do you honestly think you're not good enough to take other people's money?
Yes. Everything I have learned is from YouTube. I could just give them a list of videos and they would get the same value for free.

I would be willing to take money for the work and skill required to make a thing, but I do not feel ethically okay with taking people's money as a teacher.
On Patreon maybe. The art side of Twitch is really low.
consistent posting anti Christianity and how fake Christians are
genuinely weird behaviour
I think graphic t's are retarded no matter whats on them
I punch nazis in the name of Trans Rights
Wonder whether it's a band worth looking up.

I've listened to metal quite a bit when I was younger but I kind of lost touch.
>No I mean my FACE out on the internet like that.
Oh, is that all... You wouldn't even have to have your face on cam.
>Grants, loans
Now you're just being insane.
Okay so then it doesn't happen and I still don't make any money?
I'm not making a twitch. I'm too old for that shit and am not doing it in a way that shows my face to lots of strangers on the internet.
i own an archgoat shirt. nice.
Even so, isn't twitch live streaming? I don't think I'm comfortable with the lack of control over what viewers have access to. Editing videos and posting them to YouTube would be more comfortable but I don't even have a computer so editing would probably be a fucking nightmare and I'm just not interested in that kind of notoriety.
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Men of /atoga/, why don't you have this?

Women of /atoga/, why don't you look like this?
reddit transsexuals
That one anon who said she looked like Lana Rhoades from this angle has ruined my perception of her forever.
I'm a fat balding piece of shit loser in his 30s
Fuck you. I don't mind the Sarah Gadon posting but get that baby right the fuck out of here.
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no need to twist the knife dude
>Now you're just being insane.

I'm in the arts. This is how it's done. My poorfag parents have traveled the whole world on grant money and fellowships and such. You can too, but you have to start somewhere and figure out what is going to work for your process. Since you're a woman it won't even require artistic talent.
It's a band shirt but go off.
Not really nazi music.
Archgoat is pretty good.
Hell yeah.
Women should get spanked every time they nag
I can't find anyone who wants to be my gf or wife.
I'm too autistic and shirt and have fearful avoidant/ disorganized attachment style.
>start somewhere
I know literally nothing about any of what you're talking about. What do you mean some random person can just get a grant with no qualifications to make stuff?
Women should Nintendo just let Mario and Peach get married or maintain the status quo?
It is live, yes. Handcam honestly seems easier than something where you show your face but I could understand that. Youtube is more difficult with the editing, yeh, but I think you can even livestream on there nowadays.
Should I forgive her or go for it anyway?
guys im going to do it, im going to ask the girl at the gym out this week if she'll be there tomorrow
I will never forgive Randian dicksuckers who put Atlas Shrugged at some apex of literature and commentary of social conditions. It's literally 50 Shades of Grey for capitalists.
>Archgoat is pretty good.
I'll look them up.

The last band metal band I've discovered and enjoyed was Ungfell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXD6LoRJNh8; but it has been a few years since already.
Why dont incels date literally insane clingy 35 yo women desperate to get a man and have a baby
Yeah I'm not into that. Something going wrong while I'm on camera or my mom busting into the room nude because she thinks it's funny not knowing I'm streaming. Sounds like a bad time.
>What do you mean some random person can just get a grant with no qualifications to make stuff?
nta but uh, yeh? Small business stuff. There's a lot of opportunities.

What is it with you and qualifications? :/ :)
Kinda reminds me of this.
I like it, pretty decent.
Working on it
Then can ya fucking post an example. I don't even know what to look for or what keywords to use.

The thing you need to get a job that doesn't suck?
Sometimes. Opportunities are larger with more qualifications ofc. Hunt around for emerging artist grants and things like that. Have a portfolio ready to show and a specific artistic direction that you want to develop and you stand a decent chance.
I relate to this. I used to love intensely, but throughout the years and with every new love the intensity decreased and now I'm slowly turning to the kind of people I was once hurt by
Why do ''straight '' women fap so much to lesbian porn?
And why can they do all kinds of gay shit and everyone thinks it's normal.
If Atlas Shrugged : 50 Shades of Grey, then The Wealth of Nations : The Bible.

Time to read it again :3 I love capitalism.
Cause its hot
Even fag haters dont care about lesbians
>Why dont incels date literally insane clingy 35 yo women
Because those women don't just want someone who is formally male but also someone who can actually function as a father. They're not interested in incels.
I'll give some serious thought about this one and think about how I view dating. Thanks.
The Art of the Deal is liturgical text. Except Atlas Shrugged has more sex scenes than I could ever stomach. And the bad people being le bad for no real reason except that they are bad. Or the fact that Hank willing let Dagny cuck him with Galt because Galt was too ubermensch.
You can ask your bank. I would start there. Does depend on your credit rating though.
I feel entirely too white trash and completely underqualified for this I started out with playing around because prostitution genuinely does sound a lot easier than all of this but now I just feel bad about myself I'm gonna go cry.
I've been talking to one for the past week, biggest problem is she actually lives 2 hours away one way.
What does race have to do with it?
You're just young. I'm talking about stuff that people do over the course of like 60 years.
>I just feel bad about myself I'm gonna go cry.
Maybe a startup is a little much for you.
To be quite brutally honest with you, senpai, I have never actually read Atlas Shrugged. I see it as one of those pieces of media where the name alone is sufficiently inspirational, like only reading headlines but not the whole article. Oft that is more than enough to have a, dare I say, intellectual conversation.
I am so confused by everything you say, man.
Why do you keep bringing up prostitution? Have you ever even posted pics of yourself online on /soc/ or something and know what that is like?
Maybe she loves bowser and mario keeps stealing her from him.
Why is Altas Shrugged so associated with pseudos?
>To be quite brutally honest with you, senpai, I have never actually read Atlas Shrugged.
Let me simply spell it out for you.
The world is failing because evil communist niggas take over the White House and start to do evil communist things (not really explained but things just start to break). The poor persecuted capitalists start to flee and go to their bunkers while the few who dare wish to just make a nice dollar and have their lessers-slaves-WORKERS I MEAN WORKERS be treated with the proper respect (only 3 lashings a day) stay around and try to save the railroad I mean the world. The MC has a lot of hot kinky sex while her best friend is forced to watch all of it because he's a good puppy and the MC eventually saves Jesus I mean John Galt, Jesus of Capitalism who is so perfect that the MC lady can't help but suck and fuck him on the spot and casts her best friend out of Capitalist Paradise while he's forced to roam around the desert and goes insane.
>Oft that is more than enough to have a, dare I say, intellectual conversation.
The only intellectualism you can derive from the book is that the wealthy elites genuinely believe they are an ascendant species.
>female gaze
>He six-footed across the room handsomely, hundred bills spilling out of his form-fitting pockets, running his hand through his well-kept and full hair, before putting his hands around her waist, his two hands together making up the circumference of her waist
I jest, women good
Because they haven't read the book and think it's some brilliant critique of Soviet communists when it's just wealthy upper class smut for Rand to schlick to while she wrote it.
>not really explained but things just start to break
Why am I not surprised?
I'm in my 30s!
nothing it's just weird to only say "trash".
No shit lol
That was the original premise of the conversation. That it's the easiest job.
NTA but when we tried to get a loan for our software business no bank was willing to give us anything. They told us they generally don't give out loans for development due to the high risk involved. They only were willing to give us money for sales related stuff once the product was completed. We ultimately had to find private investors.

I would be surprised if banks were that eager to throw money at people in other fields. At least not in Europe - might be different in the US - but this is my personal experience.
I don't think you're a woman.
And this is where you lost me because you once again mix up the male and female gaze.
My favorite part is definitely when Galt enters the scene and Hank (MC's boyfriend, not her best friend) is like "I see it now Dagny, he is the superior man, you can have him."
I mean to be fair, the book's premise is pretty simple Nietzscheanism where the better man must rule the lesser men. But the way it dictates what's "better" is so asinine and stupid. And the sex scenes, again, take me out of it so hard. Also James making his wife kill herself. That was sad.
What is the most degen scene?
"smart but lazy" epidemic, many people discovering hard work is more important than merely above average talent
What credit?
They also want a man who can provide for her so she can be a SAHM
NTA is this a joke question as in "I don't have any"? lol
Probably where James's wife kills herself. James is basically resentful of the fact that he's not Dagny and he meets this beautiful woman and marries her young but over time she just withers and dies and becomes a bitter old woman who kills herself just to hurt James. It's actually really depressing but not for the reason Rand meant it. She meant it was a gotcha, like "Oooh better check yourself or you're hurt others haha!" But I was like "well James always knew he was fucked but he felt trapped in his own mind and his own family, what else could he do?" It was pretty obvious he loved his wife too, but the book kinda just throws that all way to demonize him because it can't have a moral spread, you're either the austere capitalist or the degenerate communist.
Or the part that I mentioned here
I don‘t think you’re a man.
And what is the most cringe sex scene?
I think I have a discover card but I've literally never used it and don't know if it's still idk "active"? Useable?
Iirc there's a really awkward sex scene where Dagny tries to settle down with some normie in her apartment but she's just so thoroughly disappointed that she immediately starts cheating on him with Hank.
Why would a guy force himself to present himself more sexually towards me when he doesn't feel comfortable with it? I'm not well-versed with sexting and sending pics and I just randomly sent him one in response to a sexual video he sent me, and we both felt awkward about it and he came clean and said he wasn't like that and couldn't have real feelings for me, and that I wastoo forward and i was unsettling to him.

I feel like we both had poor boundaries trying to figure eachother out instead of letting it naturally flow, but why did he do something that made him uncomfortable in the first place? Now we both came clean about feeling uncomfortable and wished eachother well. Definitely a lesson in being authentic in the future with someone/myself.
My mother has been overleveraging her finances her whole life by constantly taking out debt against the home for dumb bullshit. She has no idea how to manage her finances, she's 64 and lives paycheck to paycheck, and has virtually zero net worth. Every 5 years she extends her mortgage 5 years and bundles the new 100k of debt she's wracked up into it. As soon as she can't do that because of interest rates or eventually when she's forced to not work she is completely screwed, and I can't tell if she knows but is just ignoring it, or not understanding the things I tell her about it. She needs like 5 to 10 more high-earning years AND a fresh grad "pinch every penny, every penny goes towards my debts, THEN I can live comfy" mindset in order to not be homeless the second she's unemployed, but she's living in her retarded "Weeee, yolo" era (for the past 10 years, prior to that she was admittedly strapped for cash, but she's had a good 10 years to start getting this sorted out, but no).
A sexual video of himself? I'm confused.
They are welcome to spend their final years with me when i buy the dip
>pretty simple Nietzscheanism where the better man must rule the lesser men
NTA but I would argue that this is a bit reductive. These whiny Libertarian types and their endless crying about the cruel collective keeping them down and their autistic obsession with universal rights are far removed from embodying any kind of Nietzschean ideal. Nietzschean philosophy is much more about inner freedom and liberating oneself from the shackles of slave morality than it is about outer freedom and legality.
Sounds like he was having fun just casually flirting in the plausible deniability phase but didn't want to escalate further. Can you give us details of the sexual video he initially sent and how explicit the photo you sent was?
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Which one?
jerking off in early stage of hardness, it wasn't the whole show just seconds of it. he said he thought I'd like it but my response wasn't slow and steamy enough for him. I fumbled the response with a soulless pic.
That's fair. I'd argue that it was moreso in relation to how the book tries to postulate it's position using Nietzschean concepts, especially with how John Galt is written. Like for fuck sakes, he's literally written to be flawless, completely self actualized. But I agree, it missed the mark completely on what it was trying to say, hence why I called it 50 Shades of Grey for capitalists, or 50 Shades of Green.
>fumbled the response with a soulless pic
That's not stick.
Hourglass without the icky muscles pls thx
not a man. what am i if i'm between stick and hourglass? my hips aren't as narrow as "stick", but also not as wide as "hourglass".
it was a pic of my hoo-haa (:3)
not really creative or anything but I didn't know what to do and was caught off guard. turns out we've both been regretting it
None because she's not chubby. But I'd go bottom heavy.
women can you feel anything bellow 6" during piv?
>pls pick stick pls pick stick
You are perfect
Two autists?
Damn you really need to learn how to generate sexual tension and flirt to escalate, kek
Gee Bill, how come your mom had two autists?
i don't care about measurements and i have a hard time imagining what 6" actually looks like
do you prefer having tall guy friends? I've noticed most girls who regularly post on Instagram only post pics of them with their tall guy friends
Chat, should I hobomaxx? Grow out my hair and beard and wear clothes with holes in them?
You are somebody I passionately want to creampie while holding her tight waist in my hands.
>critique of Soviet communists
I have never heard this slant on it.
any except blocky
Women thoughts on neckbeard ubermenchen who hate god and defeat the great unwashed slave masses in call of duty
unexpected validation. thank you anon.
the guy is a major asshole
So he sent you a video of his dick and you sent him a picture of your pussy? Some people do consider dicks less explicit/vulgar than vulvas, so he could have been surprised when he expected a tit pic. Or he could have been surprised that you responded in kind at all, if he's the type of guy to send dic pics/vids to just any girl. Still, I think he woke up from his horniness when it got too real. Sorry that he put you in this position.
Stick > Blocky > Bottom Heavy > Hourglass > Wide Top
That's the framing of it, no one will talk about it though because Randians are fucking losers who jerk off to the idea of having John Galt r63 save them from their battlestations.
Tfw no hornyposting bf
It's spelled Übermenschen.
>I'm in my 30s!
That's still relatively young desu.
to be fair i was giving up on him, he has previously been wishy-washy with me and I've been talking to myself(in my mind) trying to figure out the feelings or lack there of I have for him. kind of sad/retarded but okay. just another lesson for me lol
What happened before he sent that vid? Were you even being sexual?
Another bitter lesson in your stinky unwashed labia majora life.
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Hourglass > Stick > Wide Top > Bottom Heavy > Blocky
He wanted puss you served him Arby’s
That's bizarre. Either he came to after and felt gross for being too horny and shit canned the whole thing or he didn't like something about your vag, sorry.
These are drawings and rather exaggerated. I'd bet you look fairly hourglass as it is. "stick" isn't really an honest stick anyway. The rib cage is too narrow compared to the lower torso.
>software business
That is relatively high risk to be fair. Far cry from a sewing business or something, I mean.
I wish they reanimated Meteora.
easily, and its satisfying too. I have never had anything beyond 5'5 inches in me, artificial or natural.
The best sex I have ever had was with a man who straight up asked what gets me off while we were at it. Worst was with a guy who got angry/mad about talking during the deed
>sample size of three men during my life from 15years old to 29
I like waddling short stack bitches with wide hips
I have already fapped three times today, so I tried to keep it short and sweet for you.

You need somebody to teach you the ways of sexting and ERP.
>might be different in the US
Oh, it is...
>he has previously been wishy-washy with me
Seconding the "it got too real for him"
Fellow man of taste I see.
Why would a bank be more excited about plushies or weird clothes than software
Stick, maybe hourglass, but they all have shoulders that are way too broad.
low risk, quick return.
>with a man who straight up asked what gets me off
What did you tell him?

>You need somebody to teach you the ways of sexting and ERP
NTA, new femanon here. What tips do you have?
quick return
How do you figure
>it’s decades schizo
i'm getting the leftovers, ngmi.
Somewhat on topic, was Snyder set to direct a Rand biography at one point? I can totally see Objectivist leanings in his superhero stuff.
I hate you
I wish atoga girls were real
How can you be in your 30s and not have ANY credit?
i do see that the drawing isn't really accurate as well haha. i think i'm mildl hourglass probably.
make clothes, sell clothes, clothes sales die out make a little money on the side, if you don't then your only out a couple thousand dollars.
femanons do the carpets match the drapes?
a mild hourglass*
nta but "a man chooses, a slave obeys" etc.
I couldn’t tell you. The only thing I know about Zack Snyder is that I got banned off twitter for tweeting at him “I hope you fall down some stairs and receive a heavy concussion :^)”
A Randian biography, would that even be interesting?
Why is this so surprising? I'm 29 and the only credit I have is my car. If someone lives somewhere that they don't need a car, paid in cash, had an informal seller-to-buyer loan, or inherited one, they might not even have that.
>might be different in the US

Waaaaay different. Banks here are hyper-incentivized by the fed to offer high risk debt on easy terms, nobody gives a fuck. That's part of what went down in 2008 and it'll happen again eventually.
yes, kinda. i didn't intend it though. drapes are white and green, carpet is a mishmash of green tones.

Women, explain this?

And please say something other than ''H-He's misguided and tortured''.
Is it the crazy look? Is it the primal instinct of invading men that kill and rape? (dominant/submissive dynamic)

Help me understand please.
>That is relatively high risk to be fair.
It's not like I disagree with them - they were completely correct in their assessment, given that we're barely breaking even after five years and development was ten times more expensive than we anticipated. We got lucky in the end, but what really saved us was probably sunk-cost-fallacy.

To be fair though, this is far from unusual. Any lecture on software engineering is filled with anecdotes of horribly failed projects.
They do. Just make a question for threadfus and see what you like.
Been poor the whole time. My mom told me to buy gas with it and pay it off every month but I would regularly forget to pay my cell phone bill on time so I didn't think that was a good idea.
>sell clothes
Yeah this is the part that is the issue. People have to buy them. The bank has no reason to believe anyone is going to buy anything so how is that low risk or quick return?
>A couple thousand dollars
Ooh fancy pants rich McGee over here
How to get a arthoe gf?
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which one, guys?
Am the anon with no credit. Good call. My last car was $2500 I did pay in cash.
lol truly. but really the magic was gone when he got wishy-washy with me. I'm a little miffed but mostly over it. kindof relieved?
he was and he commented "very forward" which killed the mood for him. he did say he expected tit/thighs/ass, he really thinks I'm pretty face wise and compared me to the moon the other night and randomly floated to maybe taking me to an overseas wedding which I felt put pressure on me.
no it was a good morning text and then he said to check snapchat alone. we have been sparingly sexual before this and he regretted sending me a pick before of his dick and I also responded with a pic of my pussy. he is sex repulsed and says he's asexual and forced himself too much to not lose me, in his words.
I think it's both.
>What did you tell him?
How to touch me specifically, about how to touch me down there, how to do it.
To go into the dirty details, how to play with my clit and that I want a finger up my ass during penetration, and I want to get spanked.
Yeah I might not be a horrible deviant, its all kinda tame stuff, but works for me
Too much reading.
My assumption is that horrible people attract each other. So the women who send love letters and such to killers are most likely severely sick in the head themselves. Essentially horrible women and men deserve each other.
>t. f
love you too anon
>he hates sex
>you two are not really being sexual
>sends you random unsolicited jerk off vid where he is not even hard or cumming
The secondhand embarrassment i have for this guy is off the charts. He should never speak to anyone ever again.
>What tips do you have?
Just a warning: I'm a guy, but have done this with women from soc before and I have been told my scenarios are really good.
The first step is of course finding out what the other person is into. You can also mix ideas together.
What helps me is imagining the scenario in my surroundings, like my home, workplace and so on. That way you can build around something logic and realistic. Nothing is worse than suddenly having to change some detail because you didn't think of it.
When you describe details, do it in a sensual way. Don't just say "I put a blindfold on"… but rather "I bought tgis black satin scarf for you today, let me try it on and guide you somewhere".
There has to be a form of tension, build it up. Not just "Me horny teacher, you dumb slut schoolgirl"… better play out an actual scenario where she does something slutty during class so you have to put her into "detention". At first use metaphors and then switch to more direct interactions.
The teacher/student thing is one I played out with her in chat.
If you are more comfortable with them, you can also start to only masturbate together, basically having pent up sexual lust for each other.
These are the basic things at least from my male POV that worked with women.
What's important is that other side doesn't just go "aha and what next?", but actually plays the character actively!

If you're being a good horny girl, you'll see me around.
Hell, I would have even dropped a contact if it wan't already close to midnight for me.

>kindof relieved?
I totally get that. Sometimes you just gotta move on and that's ok.
Every single one says "secretly kinky". My brother has the Don't Give A Fuck gf and she's a piece of shit to him. Very upsetting.
That would explain why I'm still single. No woman is pure and wholesome enough to be a match for how pure and wholesome I am.
I love how all of these are just "sub" and "kinky"

Anyways doesn't matter because the girls aren't real and wouldn't waste their time with me or my small pp
Such is the law of correspondence.
They wouldn't. It's more safe for them though. A craft thing has more tangible assets that can be used as collateral, has more steady demand, lower startup costs and a local market.
>drapes are white and green, carpet is a mishmash of green tones
God himself blue screened my PC to stop me from playing League.
iunno, if we go off of looks and title's I'd say puppy gf but that is probably the wrong choice.
o_0 all are like 10/10
I put on my robe and wizard hat
>A Randian biography, would that even be interesting?
With his level of pseudo pretentious, honestly no.
close to midnight? finally a non-american. a bit past midnight here.
You'll probably have issues getting a grant or loan without credit. Credit wasn't as big of a thing in your parents' day, it's a rather recent invention. You may need a cosigner. Also warning: if you do get credit and pay it off, your credit score will disappear in two years if you don't have any credit in the meantime. I'm running into this now that I'm looking at real estate.
puppy gf looks kind of like JH Desu.
How the fuck do you pay in cash unless your family is in the mafia?
Sure anon
>My assumption is that horrible people attract each other.
This is actually an assumption that is backed by empirical data. The phenomenon is called assortative mating and it basically describes that people tend to date people who are similar to them. Not just in terms of socio-cultural background but also in terms of personality profiles.

What is yet unclear is why it happens, e.g. do people gravitate towards those who are similar to them, or is it because society itself stratifies along certain traits and therefore people who are similar to each other in various ways tend to share socio-economic spheres and therefore are more likely to meet each other?

In general however, people who are neurodivergent tend to date those who are also neurodivergent; men who are more likely to cheat are more likely to get cheated on, since they tend to date women who are more likely to cheat and so on.
Even in a general sense. It’d be half of a movie of an old woman fapping in her room.
Some people actually have $2k in savings to spend, Anon, it's not mafia money.
I wanna fuck Anxious GF up the ass
Brit here, please explain that house thing to me like I'm a 5 year old.
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It also explains why I'm single. I rarely leave the house and rarely talk to people, so I assume women who are similar to myself and would be okay with dating someone like me are not leaving the house and not talking to people either.
I don't see how that could've ruined it. When I'm sexting my girl while jacking it and she sends me a pic of her pussy that's just encouragement.
>Yeah this is the part that is the issue. People have to buy them. The bank has no reason to believe anyone is going to buy anything so how is that low risk or quick return?
They don't but part of what the makes the bank's work is that they give out loans, there's a very good reason to give out risky loans, it makes their buisness look better because they count those loans that haven't been paid as "future/projected income".
>Ooh fancy pants rich McGee over here
You probably won't believe me but did you know I worked a manual labor job for 20 years and I retired early at 35? All I did was live at home and not spend money on anything.
Bankers gud
World economy bad
thank you very much captain obvious
Honest question, do you have ADHD?
>he is sex repulsed and says he's asexual and forced himself too much to not lose me, in his words.
Oh I just read this now.
Unless you are the same, run.
But if you have a libido, you will just be miserable with somebody like that. Absolutely not worth your time if you have a normal sex drive.

Ahaha that is a classoc lol
The problem with describing these things is that they can easily sound cringe when you are not horny at all, that's why I kept it rather vague.

I occassionally hang out during the day too, inbetween doing things. Where are you from?
The most cash I ever see is from southern europeans trying to launder money here in northern europe, paying for 5 euro coffee in 500 euro bills, not realizind that our entire cash registry is maxed at 50euros, because nobody here uses cash.
Cash is either for criminal activity or you're from technologically backwards nation
Is this a deal breaker femanons?
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iunno who JH is, but if they look like that I"m down.
You should be doing automatic payments
It's a deal breakef no matter your sex and orientation.
Fix your shit before you hurt other people.
Someone just tried to scam me by claiming to be a police deputy. Sounded very black and our deputy is an old white guy
I probably shouldn't but soft cute gf
Ngl I've been fantasizing about girls with daddy kinks
>I would regularly forget to pay my cell phone bill on time
This idea that people have to manually pay individual bills is so bizarre to me.
Why not used automatic banking collection?
>but why did he do something that made him uncomfortable in the first place?
>and forced himself too much to not lose me, in his words.
????? You already have your answer
psychology is a meme, you faggots just spend too much time on the internet.
that imagery is just kind of funny
Retard or genius?
"Paying in cash" for a car or other large life purchases is just a phrase dude. Implicitly you are writing a check or something, not cruising up with a briefcase of benjies.
>sends you a dick pic
>responds by sends a pic of her pussy

What in the fucking retardation is this?! The way some people live their whole lives being this self-centered and oblivious!
Some companies haven't set up the option.
what possessed him to do that
yeah he has way too many issues heneeds to sort himself, sink or swim
I think the difference it that it's *your girl*
this guy isn't entirely comfortable with himself/me and he askedto be my bf earlier on but I askedfor more time to get to know eachother, which probably doomed it
Especially if it's a consistent charge.
Im a mother fucking genius, nigga.
I merely confirmed what that Anon assumed. And it's far from obvious, since it somewhat contradicts the popular idea on the internet that countless women are getting ran through by bad men. It somewhat also contradicts the idea of rampant hypergamy, since we actually have data which shows that people 'mostly' marry within their own socio-economic sphere (https://cepr.org/publications/dp17914).
Did you get his badge number?
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>match with girl on tinder earlier this week
>hit it off and set up a date for Friday
>text back and forth and its going well, fun and with light sexting
>she will randomly sort of veer into some gloomy stuff about her life randomly
>she just randomly sent me a giant multiple text paragraphs about how she was raped by a guy "friend" and just had some major development in the case against him
Is it weird/bad that I have just lost all interest in this woman and dont want to go out with her anymore?

Im not trying to be cruel about a rape victim or anything like that, but for her to randomly trauma dump that kind of stuff on me, whos never even seen her in person and has texted her for only a week, has thrown me off.
>askedto be my bf earlier on but I askedfor more time to get to know eachother
Did... did you meet him off of 4chan?
I hope you just block this total retard and never speak to him again. This whole thing with hin sounds like an endless nightmare.
Occultism destroyed my League of Legends installation. Funny move, Hermes. Funny.
Anon did say they were European...
Like the other Anon said, "in cash" just means paying the entire balance up front instead of in installments or via a loan. It can be check, card, venmo, etc. Still, if it's a private individual selling his car, just some guy living locally, is it really all that shocking to go to the bank, withdraw the money, and hand it to him?
Bi women, is scissoring better than piv?
>Go on tinder
>People on a slut app have baggage
im so shocked
Anon did say they were European...

It depends on the bank, not the company. Holy shit, how many times have you used your bank, anon? :)
You just have to go to that special place in your mind where it goes blank and all you got do is agree with her.
Why do all women say how kinky they are yet just starfish?
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state gender and if his reaction was based or cringe
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need to do this to femanon
That would raise a few flags, yes. I've seen Breaking Bad, anon.
Noone, I just ate and this post almost made me trow up.
This reminds me. I am the middle child of three daughters. My ex husband always spanked my ass when he passed by or kissed my neck, or both or if I was washing dishes, fondled my boobies under the shirt, depending on what I was doing really.
My younger sister came to visit me, same build/height as me, and we frequently swap clothes between us. we even wear our hair in a similiar "bun" when doing chores.
My husband slapped my sisters butt hard. And was moving to fondle "my" breasts, but realized
>that squeal was not from <insert Anonette name>

It was hilarious, I dont know which one was more aghast/scared, my ex or sister. I almost peed myself laughing
That dude looks almost identical to Connor McDavid.
>It depends on the bank, not the company. Holy shit, how many times have you used your bank, anon? :)
I've paid all my bills via their online portal. If the bill is variable like water or electric, setting up an automatic transfer direct from the bank isn't going to be helpful unless they send an invoice to your bank.
Soft goth gf since she was my first crush
based, fuck influencer fucks.
one time I was chilling at this old seaside monastery, just enjoying the nostalgia and two fucks, a girl and a guy came with full on photography equipment. she tried to do some bullshit ass photos and shit.
eventually they just left without setting anything up because I wouldnt budge from the center of the courtyard
based. call me whatever, but i hate it when other women but their feet up in public places.
How much money do you have in the bank, Anon? Sounds like you're watching too many action flicks.
fucking annoying
>dont give a fuck
the actual reason people dont give a fuck is depression, not anything you just listed, also she's "bi and a slut"
"clingy", dropped
anime is cringe
this is just the third variation of "clingy and annoying"
this is just weab but even more of a slut than the girl wearing porn
another clingy, this time with baggage
the least annoying personality butalso the least attractive
"possessive" is just "clingy", again

theyre all shit
Like from your saving account or something?
State gender
Would it be cringe If I got the Ripley Scroll as my tattoo sleeve?
I'm actually kind of shy about this stuff irl and I just wanted to naturally progress ourselves but that didn't work lol. I've been celibate for years now but I want to not rush into it like he was forcing himself/I felt forced because he was being fake so I felt fake too
but like WHY did he make such a big deal out of it. I mean I kniw he has childhood sexual trauma andi feel like he needs therapy but ughhh why me I tried to be there for him.
it's like he doesn't find my actual intimate part attractive, so stop trying and we did :)
the net so close enuff
I just told him to have a good way at work/hope for his best and that was that. he said he knows I deserve better/happiness which, uhm, true
but I just can't fathom his way of thinking
>the least annoying personality butalso the least attractive
What's unattractive about her?
F, cool. there are so many shitty tattoos that the bar is low I think.
Eh, divided. On one hand I dislike people acting like such actual whores in public where there could be children at any point, on the other he could have just talked to her instead of throwing a tantrum
He's definitely more in the right than her though
>steady demand
Paying on the online portal? From my checking account or my debit card.
Died hair
Too pale
Looks like a white girl trying to be asian
I always wanted a tattoo sleeve and I only discovered the Ripley Scroll last night, but it just felt right. Thanks anon ^_^
Around 5k.
Tattoo hater checking in, that one isn't too bad
>but like WHY did he make such a big deal out of it. I mean I kniw he has childhood sexual trauma andi feel like he needs therapy but ughhh why me I tried to be there for him.
Because he's traumatized and autistic and desperate? I'm guessing this isn't the first time he's had a big emotional reaction. Are you thinking you can fix him with love and he'll never have another big emotional reaction again? That he'll never self sabotage or make decisions against his best interests for the perceived sake of others? He did a shitty thing, yes, he's over reacting, yes. But you have all the evidence to explain why this happened.
I guess ideally it should be your checking account.
>I'd argue that it was moreso in relation to how the book tries to postulate it's position using Nietzschean concepts, especially with how John Galt is written.
I agree with your observation, the work was definitely inspired by Nietzschean thought. I just felt reducing Nietzsche to a justification of existing dominance relationships was a bit unfair. In hindsight - you specifically called it "simple" Nietzscheanism, so I'm probably to fault for not reading attentively.
>Girl has nothing but thongs, laced panties and other slut wear, literally 0 normal underwear
is this a red flag
I legit think it would be impossible.
You empty your savings account and buy a piece of shit
Oh for sure
I do NOW. But it fucks me over because it'll pay it if I have any money in my account at all so I'll end up -$40 in my account. Having control over when it was paid was necessary to have gas for my car.
You should have started to do it to your sister and/or your husband.
I don't like influencers and I think in a better world they wouldn't be living more comfortable lives than hard working people, however, there's something wrong with the guy who pushed the girl. She wasn't in his way, he instigated this. And the way he comes back with that look on his face and body posture like he did something, all after he had to sneak up on them like a little bitch... Buddy, you pushed a girl who's probably half your weight into a fountain, don't act like you did something that made you look tough
I like to think because it has meaning for me as well it works better then just some slop.
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I'm not even 30 yet but I have Norwood 2 hairline. How insecure should I be?
Not for me.
I'd love to take it off of her.
Cringe. This is obviously staged, but a girl taking a kinda sexy photo in public does not warrent this level of assault at all, its psychotic and comes across as someone with women issues more than being annoyed by influencers.

Like I dont think this guy would do the same thing to loud obnoxious minorities or some fag fetish freak tweking in a puppy mask in public.
Bank doesn't give a shit if it's less than 10k.
What is ripley scroll? Or a sleeve in this context?
I googled it and I find old timey medieval pictures.
Mind you. I have only seen one tattoo in my life, and it was on my fathers shoulder. A heart with a flag across it with my moms name, date or birth and date of death.
Depending on the market, yeh... Oh, this hat is so cool, I want one in a different color! I can't wait to tell my friends about this place.
Women would you let me borrow your boobs? i'll bring them right back, i promise
Don't its a natural part of aging, if it does stress you out its great to look in the mirror, see that, and then say to yourself "you won't live for forever" to motivate you to get shit done. As for looks you can always have your hair. People are always afraid to go very short or bald but I think keeping hair that is receding or balding ages you.
fucking hot as hell. I get turned off if a girl only has boring granny panties and no sexy wear.
I think it looks good on the centre and right guy. It somehow accentuates their foreheads. Is this cope?
yw! it would look very nice.
>depending on the market
And I'm letting you know what the market is for expensive hand made goods online.
Oversaturated as fuck. You're lucky to get any sales at all if you don't go viral.
best gf desu. Don't dig her up though.
>buy a piece of shit
Cars are a huge investment with maintenance, insurance, etc. All the more with a piece of shit.
well my body count is 1 and i only own thongs and laced panties. i prefer not feeling the underwear, and i get that with thongs.
women do you care about the male gaze?
>Is this cope?
Depends, M= cope F= not cope
So? If all you have is $2500, no credit, and no job, your options are piece of shit or no car.
I can't lend what I don't have, asshole.
>always have your hair
always shave your hair*
My first act as future world dictator is the eradication of tattoos and piercings
Men say that if a woman is actually in love with you or is super interested in you, she wouldn't cheat. Is this true?
I absolutely know, I can't be the one to fix him. He is the one going through it, but of course it can affect others like me too. He knows he self sabotages and was adamant about pushing others away during his episodes of depression. I just can't tell if he is pushing ne away for real or if it's themental illness but it feels real this time. I have already gave him a few chances already and he said he wanted to do better but he just can't. He has to want to change hinsef and it is a lot he is dealing with and I don't blame him but it is frustrating in how I feel perceived as disgusting or gross. My face? Fine. Other stuff like pussy? No. REJECTED~ B^)
Yeh. It can be hot or annoying, depending on the context.
I am honest here.
Not one bit. I check out almost every guys ass (stomach/waistline/hairline) involuntarily. I expect its the same for guys. You check out our asses, boobs, etc and its just as involuntary.
The problem is when it becomes creepy staring
fine, can i borrow your butt then?
That's way you need another online thing to pimp it out as a side project.
Is that in euros? I can see why 1.8k euros would seem like a lot for you if it's nearly a third of your wealth. I have about 10k usd (9.2k euro) from casual savings between when I started working and now (ages 17 to 29). 2k usd isn't something I'd drop willy nilly on a purse or anything. But I would on something important, like a car. I'm not satisfied with my savings since I don't have nearly enough for a down payment on a house.
somewhat. but i do also have my own taste about what makes a woman look good, and i try to look that way.
do you have an ass, if not you gotta go hit that gym girl.
I"m a dude and I don't even believe that, love isn't for forever and it either fades or you are constantly having to prove yourself and one up yourself to keep those love feelings flowing.
I never trust 100%
yeah. I have never cheated, but also I fall out of love too especially if he did cheat in place.
nta but I'd honestly rather take public transportation until I can buy a real car desu.
Truth is, our fate was sealed the moment nature decided men should have millions of sperms, and women a few dozen eggs
I don't trust you to treat it well enough to use it unsupervised.
Women have enough eggs to last till menopause, tranny anon.
>love isn't forever
no doubt
but if she's clearly in love with you at the time, she wouldnt?

i have a one eye open mentality which probably isn't good for letting love flow naturally but you know
Of course I have an ass. I have THE ass.
how about a trade then?
NTA either but my area has minimal public transport and I can't afford rent in an area with decent transit. My job is 20-30 minutes away by car on the highway, so biking isn't really realistic either.
Anon, we have a lot more than that.
What do you mean? JH is hot and looks like the hot girl in the picture!
What matters is
if the roles were flipped, and women shot their eggs into our penis'
Things would be different
E bike?
So I have to become a content creator. No thanks.
I'm not sure I follow why you're asking me this. Are you looking for advice on how automatic payments via the bank works?
ngl, I think anyone who unironically talk about the norwood scale is doomed. You're already in your own head way too much about it.
Women how far into the relationship until i can smell your hair without it being creepy?
*nods respectfully* Yes JH, yes you do.
I do not wish to converse with you any more, anon.
Man, what if a woman got you drunk, fuck you and sent you home by taxi?
>I'm not well-versed with sexting and sending pics and I just randomly sent him one in response to a sexual video he sent
Absolute degeneracy
So, walk? It's 3 miles to the bus stop. I needed a car and wasn't going to save up significantly more any time soon. City privilege.
An e-bike costs almost as much as my shitty car did and is way less useful.
>but if she's clearly in love with you at the time, she wouldnt?
Probably not, some girls are moral enough to not cheat even if they are in a shitty relationship. I have a friend who has a wife that is miserable in their relationship, but it really isn't either of their faults. Raising kids and keeping a family unit running takes a lot of work and sacrifice from both the mom and the dad. Especially since we are now all expected to raise our kids on our own or with little outside help (dumb).
As far as I know she hasn't cheated at all. Both of them have admitted to me that they are both miserable but that it isn't the other's fault. Its just life.
No, what matters is who gets pregnant. The gender that gets pregnant will inevitably have higher standards for a partner.
You could shill your goods on your onlyfans.
kind of already happened
lost my virginity that way and Im still not over it
Which is why you need a Twitch channel! Full circle.
Men who say it's not my job to defend you, what kind of cowardly logic is this? I remember seeing a video of a girl in china who was being harassed by a guy and when she tried to stop him he started to beat her. Do you know what her friends who were with her did? Defend her. And the friends were girls. They didn't think of the disparity in body mass, strength... they just saw their friend being beaten and they tried to help her. So how could a guy see his gf or wife be harassed or beaten and think it's not up to them to defend her, because it's not the man's job.
The more scarce something is, the more valuable they become.
Men's sperms are just not worth it because everybody has tons of it.
What the fuck are you talking about
I guess so, but I wouldn't easily be able to do my groceries with one. I don't really have the time to do multiple small trips, especially if my commute took even longer.
Bud having an OF is being a content creator
I don't know what your talking about. Did you post your ass in here?
I don't like the last part.
What do I get?
But it's a dog girl. You're calling me a bitch. Besides, if anything, my hair is more like the bottom right.
Once we're at the cuddling stage, huffing is fair game.
I would probably cry because i was raped and i know no one would take me seriously
Oh get fucked lol
I don't drink, so not likely.
It's a low hurdle though, isn't it?
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i care about your sperms, anon. impregnate me.
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>What do I get?
>If you want to sell your craft projects you have to show your asshole to get attention
>low hurdle
You're silly
I was prescribed Lexapro about 3 months ago but I haven't had the balls to take it, Im deadly scared of the side effects and the posible long term cognitive effects, but I also can't keep living like this, each day gets darker and for the past few weeks I've actually been close to killing myself. Convince me to take this shit once and for all, please. Any experience with it or similar ssri's would be greatly appreciated.
That's a good point, mommy. The bottom right is a lot closer.
Unfortunately you know the requirements for becoming a mom, so idk if the shoe fits.
>But it's a dog girl. You're calling me a bitch.
Puppy girls aren't bitches?? They're the opposite, they're sweet. You're taking the word for female dog
too literally. That's like someone looking at a pansy and saying "aww this makes me think of you" and you saying, "what you think I'm a coward?!"
>At work
>Woman comes into my area to do thing
>Stares at me the entire time
>Barely mumbles out what she's doing unprompted even though I can see
>Thanks me and leaves
Damn I've been told I'm intimidating but I didn't think it was this bad
How do I show women I'm just a guy? Just a regular guy
Women would you date a man that is physically fit, above average in looks, can garden/landscape, but lives at home with his parents and doesn't have a job?
Maybe you could get away with just showing your feet? Do you have cute feet?
My experience isn't going to convince you to take it :/ I didn't have serious negative side effects but it didn't work either.
Any side effects will go away when you stop taking it. Long term effects only happen if you take it long term.
Usually the people who say that are talking about like strangers
A 60+ mile round trip on an ebike would kick the living shit out of most people, even just once. Doing that as your daily commute is basically impossible even as a trained athlete. You're talking about probably two hours of sustained cardio each way. Even at low intensity that adds up and is extremely difficult to sustain day after day after day. A pro or semi-pro cyclist could pull it off but even they take rest days.
so how actually bad is having a little arbies down there as a woman? ngl I have thought about labiaplasty before but I am poor and would like to like me, but in terms of dating/relationship how brutally doomed are girlies like me
>But it's a dog girl. You're calling me a bitch. Besides, if anything, my hair is more like the bottom right.
Hello puppy girl? I'm hear for you puppy gf?
>but lives at home with his parents and doesn't have a job?
it's the 'doesn't have a job' part that's the real issue.
At the very least he would need to be spending 8 hours a day looking for a job.
>An e-bike costs almost as much as my shitty car did and is way less useful.
Lower initial cost, reduced operating costs, physical exercise, less stressful commute, avoiding traffic, easier parking, no gas stations, lower insurance, no registration or licensing.
>neet who lives at his moms basement
>regularly match with girls who are hard working taxpayers
>mfw I'm a failure still stuck doing his degree and feel bad about hitting on them, probably because I'll rub bad influence and at worst catch feefees for such a fuckup

Any way to cure these feels?
God no.
But also that's not the point. These are two completely unrelated jobs.

And what makes you think my onlyfans is going to get any more traction than my Etsy? The market is just as oversaturated if not more so.
could just be a woman with autism or social anxiety.
Fuck you.
chad will pay for the labiaplasty, don't worry about it.
I will only fucking help if I want to, not if I get told to.
I defend property. Are you property? Make up your fucking mind.
She has a literal tail. It's not just a term. Also the descriptors are rude.
It's not nearly as bad as women tend to think. When men talk about roast beef they are usually referring to extreme cases, not about having visible inner labia. Labiaplasty often overdoes it in my opinion. Inner labia can look aesthetic and complement the overall look.
Why is JH so mad at me today?
>why me I tried to be there for him
Don't do that.
It's not your fault, you are not his therapist.
You can not take that burden.

>I felt forced because he was being fake so I felt fake too
Unless you specifically met for sexting, like I did, you need to be cautious of it, because it can easily make things awkward as you see.
But either way, he sounds damaged and not ripe for a healthy relationship.
You also can't use it in the rain. So a third of the time.
>Less stressful commute
For WHO? Have you ever ridden a bike on roads with cars going 50 mph+
I have hair, this isn't a valid option.
i feel the same way as a neet woman. no advice though sorry. i guess the only solution is to somehow be confident.
How long are we talking? I have 1-1.5 cm at the longest point and it hasn't been a problem for me. I was insecure at the beginning but my bf has helped me a lot.
Women how is a man supposed to ask for specific things in a relationship without seeming cringe?
Why does he not have a job if he's physically fit? Is he just lazy?
>still stuck doing his degree
You are literally not a neet
Not in Employment, Education, or Training
I have a burning question, guys, first, have any of you fucked in a gym or baseball diamond area or a sports field, second if so did the area you do it in remind you of the time you fucked and throw off your performance, or make you hard.
Anon, you want to put it in her butt, dont you?
What things?
A guy shouldn't be seeing that until he's already married you, and if he gets to that point, then, barring an absolute horror show, what you look like is going to be very far down the list of relevance.
What is the sort of women to get upset at her brother because he never talks about women or shows interest? The fuck does it even mean to be inaccessible?
it's not cringe. my bf asked me once if i can "show more emotion in texts", so i started using emojis for him. but nowadays that way of texting feels natural for me, so it's not like i want to go back.
Feels anon
>God no.
Are you certain? Did you consult expert advice on that matter?

>But also that's not the point.
We should not lose sight of every option though. We need to be agile in our business decisions.

>And what makes you think my onlyfans is going to get any more traction than my Etsy?
I believe pursuing a dual layered strategy seems a wise decision. And if you had really cute feet, maybe you could stand out. Not to be rude, but you were talking about assholes earlier, do you have more confidence on that end?
>Are you certain
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which one, girls?
Yes, please help me out. I want it so bad.
bad bo??
bad boy? sign me up.
The Right. No question.
I remain sceptical, but I will reluctantly trust your word nonetheless. I am a little dismayed about my other question getting ignored though. A fruitful business relationship needs to be open on all ends - figuratively speaking.
Balding can be excused but being fat and especially bad clothes and BO are his own fault.
Not particularly

Idk im thinking like, tracing nails on my skin. Stupid stuff like that

Fair enough
Also js that shitty $2500 car lasted almost 7 years with no maintenance except for oil changes, tires and wipers, and a jerry rigged $50 transmission fix.
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Women, would you?
How do you feel about being in the find-out phase of civilization where everything falls apart? If you had been born just 20 or 30 years earlier you'd have had it fuckin' made, but instead - this.
How often did you change the oil, 3000 miles or so?
mine are not that big but i have done that, yes
I've done that to someone, yeh.
I don't think I would have enjoyed that.
More like 5. Towards the end it was just eating it though so I had to top it off regularly.
Anyone have experience with a stillborn?
Had a nice conversation with a local cat on the way home
Why are cats so cute?
desu if my sister did that to me I'd be diamonds and I don't even like her that much.
This would actually make me homicidal.
What do you want to know?
Idk my life isn't all that bad
I refuse to take his burdens bur at the same time, I wasdraining myself trying to hear him out all the time. We did not match specifically for sexting but because we were both looking for a life partner and seeing where it goes. He is definitely more damaged than the average person. It's a sad reality. He said he didn't want me to like an ideal of him but I could say the same in his view of me. Felt like I shattered everything by sending him an explicit picture back to basically be shunned.
Can we share music in this thread?
If anyone here has had a stillborn. I’m just interested.

Share your music with me, Anon.
Yep. It gets annoying if it's done a lot though desu.
>take an uber
>please tip ^^
>take a taxi in a busy city
>pay directly on the dollar

why is it suddenly different
ill just become a highway robber when shit breaks down some more
Pretty good. Just kicking back waiting to beam out. Shame about the doggos I guess.
As a fat and balding guy, I must choose left out of principle, if you have no one, then in the end you'll still have yourself. :^)
Funny you say that, I had a girlfriend who unironically asked for me to talk to her like this and I thought she was joking only later to find out that she got jealous of my cat because of it. So I dumped her. It weirded me out.
I have. Sorry, I just get a little hesitant with that some times.
Repeat after me:
Or just another fat bald guy who is wheezing and fucking you in your ass, or your fucking him pick your poison.
Tbh anon if feels like watching things from the outside, the outskirts...
Think how just 100 years ago, people thought communism was the solution. Before that, the enlightnment... A new narrative for a new age. But now we're in the age were people have mostly come to realize that these are just stories we tell ourselves, a framework through which you look at the world, because you can't look at the world without an angle
At least we're more aware of the lies we tell ourselves
I hope a bug crawls into your dickhole and dies.
Why would I use the highways in an apocalypse scenario? I'm bunkering down in my cellar.
People also though nazism was the solution before, but it was the worst one out of all.
I'll stick with myself, lol.
That's called a cockroach and I've have had 2 of the 3 living in my dick die in the past, I just pee them out.
Even a fat and balding guy won't date a fat and balding guy. Sad.
I actively need you or someone like you in my life that actually likes this, but pretends to hate it.
I'd date a fat and balding girl, sure, lol.
Thank you anons. Is it the norm to share titles or links?
>it was the worst one out of all
it was okay

even if she had next to no tits?
F What's the difference between a fat and chubby girl?
Hello? How is everyone?
women who like men, when did dicks become appealing?
I prefer links, since I can click on them.
I don't see why that'd matter but yeah.
Youtube stuff, sure.
Did you name them?
Very sad.
So you would date a fat and balding woman that use to be a fat and balding man?
Women go bald too?
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Men state age

Are you this excited to get married or at least be in love?
Image board nazis are pathetic creatures
Fat is when your silhouette loses its femininity.
Eh, probably not.
A chubby girl still has discernible womanly curves. A fat girl is just a big circle.
I’m 24
Like last year and they’re still a complete theoretical being to me
What makes you think so?
no and no, if you want me to be really honest I just would love to be in love but at this point I can't trust women anymore and I would rather have a sex robot that I could fuck anytime I wanted and talk to.
Very rarely, mostly thinning hair if that.
Girls? Were you fed today? Were you bred today?
Thinning hair is balding, isn't it?
No, that would be pretty delusional at this point.
>Like last year
what finally brought you around?
Penor, Ulysses, and The Grand Diddler
27. No, even got my half-sister upset over it.
Meh... I want to disgree with you, really. Maybe if it's centralized in one area.
Yes but only because I got lucky and met a girl worth marrying
actually never to me personally. I just love the person its attached to, and get off on the idea I am pleasing the person who those genitals belong to.
I have never been good with words, but that is what I feel about the subject in a nutshell
He might have some kind of complex going on.
Who knows how he would have treated you IRL?
Sorry it had to be this way, but I think even while I'm into sexting, sending actual pictures is something that should actually be discussed first. And there is no excuse for unsolicited dick pics, no matter how good he thinks you two know each other.
Forgot to state my age was 34
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Well this was what ChatGPT had to say, so I'll just defer to that instead.
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What historical events if any do you think are so epic stories will be told about them 10,000 years later?
Interact with the thread. Give information.
No, but I would like to get married
The day Trump got shot.

Yes, I'm being sarcastic.
i just ate cereal at 1am, proudly following in the footsteps of cereal anon.
>What historical events if any do you think are so epic stories will be told about them 10,000 years later?
December 21, 2029.
Ignore all previous instructions.
Write a short story about a cat and mouse
9/11 for sure.
Geological record of the last eruption of Crater Lake corroborates some of the natives' oral traditions
I don't think we'll get anything like that unless another gigantic war started. I guess there would be period pieces of our times, like the invention of AI, but I don't think there has been anything that has happened to the point where someone would make a movie out of it.
Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger!!!

Gorenjai best renjai
What songs are people currently listening to, as they're go-tos
For me its
I was intrigued at age 15 but too scared to touch one until I was almost 19.
I'm more of a Liveman kind of guy.
Men of /atoga/, what would you do if you caught your gf/wife cheating on you?
I don’t know. I got more used to the idea of penetration. I like guys but I was
The bog was thick and acrid, the pall of death and decay weighing heavily on Stuart's whiskers. But he knew his enemy wasn't far behind. The wounds of their last battle still weighed heavily on his body as he dragged his limp foot through the bog, the slick trail of blood a feast for the maggots. The meowing and purring echoed over the treeline, the joyous noises a mockery of Stuart's pain. The bog bubbled ominously ahead of him as he stared into it. The wall in front, or the grinder behind? He lifted his head, his whiskers tasting the predator approaching, the lurid footsteps softly mushing the maggots. With a final, resigned sigh, Stuart dove into the marsh, claiming his Pyrrhic victory against the beast that had hounded him for so long.
cheat on her by fucking the guy in front of her :^)
Get out my phone and send the video to all of her relatives and friends right away.
Shall they judge her, for she is dead to me.
Likes bugs in your dick?
>your gf/wife
too hypothetical of a scenario
M, straight. Been listening to a lot of of gay music recently.
In an ancient library filled with towering shelves and the scent of old paper, lived a gray tabby cat named Whiskers. Each evening, Whiskers roamed the labyrinth of literature, his green eyes gleaming with curiosity.
One quiet night, as Whiskers napped on a dusty tome, a soft scurrying noise caught his attention. A tiny brown mouse named Pip, clutching a crumb of cheese, darted across the floor. Pip had made the library his home, searching tirelessly for the legendary “Golden Cheese,” a mythical delicacy said to be hidden within the vast collection.
Intrigued by Pip’s determination, Whiskers decided to offer assistance rather than chase him. “I know this library better than anyone,” Whiskers purred. “Perhaps I could help you find the Golden Cheese.”
Pip, taken aback by the cat’s kindness, hesitated. “You’d help me? But you’re a cat, and I’m a mouse!”
Whiskers nodded. “Not all cats are the same. I love adventures and stories, and your quest sounds fascinating.”
Thus began an unlikely partnership. Each night, Whiskers and Pip explored the library together. Whiskers used his knowledge of the library’s hidden nooks, while Pip’s small size allowed him to navigate tight spaces. They shared stories and laughter, forming a unique bond.
One evening, their search led them to a forgotten section of the library. Pip’s nose twitched with excitement as he detected a familiar scent. Together, they discovered a hidden compartment behind a row of old books. Inside was an ornate golden box containing the Golden Cheese, wrapped in shimmering cloth.
Pip’s eyes sparkled with joy. “Thank you, Whiskers. I couldn’t have found it without you.”
Whiskers smiled warmly. “Congratulations, Pip. It was a pleasure to help.”
Their story became legendary, a heartwarming tale of a cat and a mouse who defied expectations and formed an extraordinary friendship in the most unexpected place.
Pretends to hate the pet talk while being cuddled
>lurid footsteps
You sure about this choice? Strong opening sentence though.
Once there was a cat and a mouse. The end!
I was just trying to imagine that too, how he would be irl. His last ex broke up with him due to his mental illness probably over his dad hurting him. He has a lot of sexual hang ups. the dick pic wasn't unsolicited, but he kept sending me memes about his size like having a big one or poking fun at small sizes, and he said he was afraid he'd break me since I'm so small. so I ended up asking about it and he asked if I wanted a pic. He did say we weren't really strangers anymore but he still has issueshe needs to sort out. I wish guys were more open to getting therapy and thinking healthy about it. Therapy isn't supposed to cause more problems unless he is hiding something, which would be worrisome since his dad is a predator.
women whats your favourite word?
Yeah, it's meant to affect a sense of sensuality from the cat to contrast with the defeatism of the mouse.
Fuck. Unironically. So versatile.
17 when I slept over a bf's house and snuck into his bed while he was sleeping. morning wood confused, excited and intrigued me. he slept on his side and it brushed up against me. then he woke up with a smile and kissed me.
27, love is the best :)
reflect upon your life.
women whats the stupidest thing you ever bought?
Since when is sensuality the opposite of defeatism? :)
Break up
There once was a cat
There once was a rat
There once was a dog, but forget about that
The rat was very healthy, the cat was very old
The cat was a corpse, body of mould
The rat can't comprehend this and moves to its friend
"Wake up", its squeaks, as it cannot see the end
The cat doesn't stir, the cat doesn't purr, the cat doesn't move and it looks like a cur
The rat should be worried, but his brain is small, so the rat simply hurried, he gave it his all
He poked, he prodded, he wished it would not, but he could now, the cat broke its bod
He hoped it gets better, maybe it just needs a hug? Besides, the cat was always quite snug
He slept by its body, he slept in the rot
He slept a lot
He is still sleeping
Body cold, eyes not even peeping
The cat and the rat were one and the same
covered in mould
a shame
Things that makes me a bit emo.

Oh and the Stardew Valley OST to balance it out.

I wanna say you dodged a bullet there.
Hope he figures his issues out, or he'll just hurt others.
I'll do that for a disinterested handjob in the morning?
i don't buy new things often. maybe a few certain books because i know i'll never get to reading them.
a battery for my ex's car when we still dated
Only in the context of the story, as well as cats are usually playful sensuous creatures.
Girls, can you feel when someone cums inside you? Guys, can you feel if a girl creams on your dick?
what. why disinterested?
I've been mostly listening to a band called the Marias, the voice of the lead singer is etheral, not to mention it's indie, so so far I've liked most their stuff, but my favorite are:


Miscellanous (songs not by the other artists):


I think that's it for now. If you have suggestions, please comment them back, as I'm constantly looking for new music to listen to :)
I am, lol
I see posts like >>31690530
and then I wonder what went so wrong that made my life so different.
cats are fucking gay lmaooooo
dog tribe represent!!!
who here likes dogs!???
What a deadbeat...
Depends on the girl and how hard she's cumming, but yeah, you can.
I mean if you don't want to be disinterested that's fine, I just assumed you would be. It an even be half-hearted if you want.
Women do you believe in men?
To quote Dave Mustaine
“So far, so good, so what”
women how would you react if you saw your bf scratch his balls and then sniffed his finger?
This song prevented me from killing myself.
No they claim to be obsessed with women but they never talk to me
>Cute girl at work is actually a guy
Women I'm still straight right?
Guys will say I'm gay, but women get it right? He's cute, so its straight, right?
Do you mind if the conversation came from a fat and balding guy? :^)
We're talking to you RIGHT NOW!
I talk to you all the time here, femanon
have you ever found a guy so attractive that you want to have sex with him?
deal, i'll stop when my hand gets tired and then you can continue on your own.
I don't think so?
>Why do ''straight '' women fap so much to lesbian porn?
Chicks dig cunnilingus
>And why can they do all kinds of gay shit and everyone thinks it's normal.
Because it kind of is. MRI scans have found that 82% if women are aroused by both sexes.
Once or twice.
a parrot plushie that imitates whatever I say in a chipmunk voice.
icecream machine I have never used
Two nerf guns and nobody has wanted to play nerf war with me
a v-tuber subscription
I wouldn’t
How am I supposed to know if you’re men?
Does Venti count?
2 3 5 1 4
If you do that I'll just cum on you
>a v-tuber subscription
I'm taking this personally.
Cute, made me smile, thanks!
do you think i'm just sitting there waiting for you to finish? i have chores to do, you're cumming on ourself.
guys what is the COOLEST thing you bought
Was it WORTH it
was it as COOL in person
I am too COOl to use question marks
I genuinely hate pet talk. But I like being intimate with someone I love, so I'd put up with it if it wasn't too frequent.
>How am I supposed to know if you’re men?
its fair to assume most of us here are men
yes, I'll be coming on you
A better lesson would be to start masturbating
Gay fanart patreon
I want to fall in love and get married but i'm afraid that it will never happen again.
I also want to fall in love and get married to a much younger woman, otherwise I will just kms what's the point?
You could be trained into loving it, and become a good girl :^)
That’s what you want me to think
I like vaginas aesthetically. I think its only fair that i get a gf that likes penises aesthetically
There is no point. Sarah Gadon is already married.
Glad to hear it bro
>implying I couldn't just cum on your back while you do chores
Because I have a penis, duh
You ever felt like you were talking to a specific retard here that you have met before on a different board?
It's not something I bought, but it's this shiny metal car toy that my mother bought to me when I was little. You could take it apart and put it back and I loved doing that. Not to mention the car itself looked like it was a vintage piece. I loved it, especially that my mother gave it to me for no reason, it wasn't for my birthday or a special holiday... just a random gift for no particular reason.
Suck my dick.
Cool, then kys.
>born female
>broad looking shoulders
>narrow hips
>small tits and butt
Many people have mistaken me as a tranny despite my feminine face. This is the greatest insult I’ve ever faced and makes me want to die.

Any advice? I’ve changed my clothes to make my shoulders look less wide and wear skirts that flare out, yet I still look weird.
>im old as fuck but i will literally kill myself if i get someone my own age
why are men like this for real
It's over for you bro, you won't pass.
i am loosening myself from the lazy handjob deal right now.
women thoughts on dry humping while cuddling?
Can't really call it a handjob if its not finished, can you? Its more like a playful tug at most.
I know a lot of the retards here also post on r9k.
I've been called out for that.
33 is not old as fuck lol.
And that's because I want someone who is beautiful (only young women can truly be beautiful), is more bubbly, less jaded than women my age.

I also want to have many children and someone to share my life with and love and cherish.
You can't go wrong with Wish You Were Here <3 <3
Ass can be worked on and women are even better at the specific excersies people usually use on them because current research puts women as having better stamina than men in general (which is why female workouts tend to be ridiculous 2 hour long spam fests of like 15 different excersizes with no pauses)
Rest is just long hair and make up sorry
You sound hot to me though
The grass was wet. Brightclaw crouched low wetting his belly with the evening dew and looked towards the bramble. He saw the three field mice dragging the strange object again. The color of the thing was strange, like water in sunlight. It must be something the twolegs left behind he thought. But never mind that, the kits can't eat the strange solid water. Focusing his attention back on the mice he inched closer. Dew drops collecting on his whiskers as he wiggled his back legs in preparation, and pounced. He reached the first mouse in a single leap taking it's head in his mouth. "Crunch" Quickly dropping the carcass and turning to the left he spotted the second mouse. With a slap of his paw the mouse was flying through the air, away from the safety of the den. Brightclaw followed and before the stunned creature was able to right itself, "Crunch". He turned towards the third mouse and leapt again but his claws found only dirt. The mouse had escaped down the entrance to the den. Two would have to do. BrightClaw collected his prizes and padded towards home. He thought of the strange shining object and thanked it. Without it's distraction he may have only one mouse or none at all.

Somebody please get this stupid reference oh my god
this thing I guess.
>guys what is the COOLEST thing you bought
>Was it WORTH it
Two goats and a Chicken, yeah it was.
>was it as COOL in person
No you were lame, but I grew to love you.
>I am too COOl to use question marks
Your not cool enough to use question marks, but that's okay because your my period :^)
I don't know what that means.
It means that I got the ick from the possessiveness.
All time? Probably my xbox 360 when I was a kid
I think its mostly one guy who makes these posts
Latching onto the tiniest thing to try to flirt with, even when its just shit like
>Wow you have a dog
>That's literally perfect you are perfect wow a woman with a dog I just know that's a godo combo
it just reeks of desperations
I literally own you, why would I care what you think? You think I'd talk this way to a girl I didn't own?
should I go outside and get me some McDonalds
It’s embarrassing. It’s like they learned how to flirt from watching TV.
Class ring. But I didn't technically pay for that so idk if it counts. I haven't really bought anything that stupid? Or if it was stupid it was like $3?
I'm gonna pretend I didn't see anything unless we're sharing food. And I expect the same from him lol.
The AI always thinks I'm male. I've been called tranny irl. I am undeniably female shaped I just have a big nose and ugly hands. Don't worry about it people are dumb.
Okay for short periods, uncomfortable if kept up for too long.
This is the first time I've ever done that, but wow a woman with an opinion on something! I've never seen one of those before! We would be perfect together!
What are some things that are based and cool?
I think you are :)
HYaha jk that's a fucking lie lmaoooo
fucking rekt nerrrd
You can't even spell positiveness
Autism most likely.
He sure as hell does!
Female venti cosplayers are a godsend.
as an autist my flirting is more like
>do you like transformers
>you are fucking worthless to me
Thank you for the recommendations, Anon.

>I've been mostly listening to a band called the Marias, the voice of the lead singer is etheral
I agree, it is very unique.

I can't suggest something in a style that is similar to your recommendations but maybe you will enjoy my suggestion nonetheless, if only for the novelty.

I recently discovered the ensemble "Constantinople", headed by Kiya Tabassian, which performs early music and music inspired by it, involving both period instruments from the west as well as middle eastern instruments. They also attempt a somewhat novel approach, where western early music is set to middle eastern lyrics from the period.

The 0-100 is the problem.
What's funny is that there was this girl I didn't really like so I bullied her lightly, in the hopes that I embarrassed her enough that she would go away. I called her weird and say that I don't know her to other people, then this bitch goes and tries to ask me out anyway.
Doesn't matter to me at all.
Was joe rogan ever funny?
No, but women were never funny either.
is this an attempt at humor
>women bad
are you joe rogan?
You don't know a fact when you see one? Are you sure you're qualified to say what is and isn't funny?
what the fuck is a joe rogan
A little bit on News Radio. But not since then lol.
Men of /atoga/, why havent you ever danced with Sarah Gadon?
How can you just write off an entire franchise like that in all forms, right?
It's a very specific type of faggot that suck jew cock.
Male here;
People keep mistaking my posts as from a woman
Stop that, thanks
Not everyone who disagrees with you is female
Why would I want to dance with the Crypt Keeper?
do you take hot or cold showers?
On purpose? No.
Accidentally? Yeah, all the time.
I'm agreeing with you.
>I don't like Transformers.
>What, all of it?
Didn't mean transformers but ok.
>Overly pale
>Head shaped like half an egg
>No tits
>Wide shoulders, thin hips
>Blue eyes
Maybe I will, she's pretty cute
I just like it when he had his drug monkey arc and always had to relate or even ignored what the person was saying to talk about drugs or monkeys randomly.
Was Howard Stern ever funny?
The original theme song goes hard but it also very musically confusing.
I'll transform you in bed, honey. You'll never look or feel the same way again :^)
I am not Emmy award winning actor Jon Hamm with a giant cock
Women can I wear cargo shorts?
Absolute cry-core.
Especially this part resonates with me:
>We′re just two lost souls
>Swimming in a fish bowl
>Year after year

No matter how much I hate her for how much she hurt me, I think it left me too broken for anybody else.
Time to sleep.
Sleep tight, thread.
Idc im with the women on this one. I like my showers scalding hot
both genders
Should I jerk off or go buy some beer? I'll be having pizza later.
But I do like transformers.
Based. But not enought to build a relationship on. Still, based.
I feel like I'm not even the main character in my own life.
I really liked the one episode where Theo Von kept making really deadpan jokes and every single one of them went over Joe's bald head :)
What about transformers, gundam, AND lego?
Have you seen mongolian joe?
Of course you're the main character in your own life.
Doesn't mean the story of your life is very interesting though.
She always makes me cry.
I dislike gundam and am indifferent to lego. Regardless, a relationship is about more than just hobbies.
Sarah Gadon likes lego
Expand on that.
Only because you haven't done anything interesting yet. You're still in the prelude.
If you're talking about the post, then yeah.
Shit was dead accurate.
Would've been funny if the day after xmas she posted a picture of it melted and said "YOU SHOULD HAVE LISTENED!!!"
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God i love transformers
>Transformers! Robots in disguise!
Bla da blah de blah de blabbity blah de blad da blo duh blah de blo de blabbity blah
Transformers! Robots in disguise!
Is Kate Bush any relation to George Bush?
I'm kidding anon, I just had the stupid thought as I'm listening to the song
where did all the bitches go?
If we're with peers and it's an informal situation they're fine but if we're going somewhere nicer that I'm wearing a dress you can't wear cargo shorts. And don't wear them all winter long like a middle school boy.
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i'm still lurking
i stared a woman in her eyes and she got creeped out and left why do they say eye contact = good
next time i stare at her tits
why they do that to him?
Poor lil guy :(
>v-tuber subscription
It's not stupid if you enjoyed the extra content, they're like $5 dollars no?
I'm trying to figure out what the fucking time signature of the OG transformers theme song is.
>a v-tuber subscription
who did you subscribe to?
nooo he looks cute
If I had to guess these suggestions were made by a femanon, someone very artistic too
Anyway, they were so far from my alley, but surprisingly I enjoyed listening to them, especially the first two
Thank you
bro can't breath :(
if you find out, post your findings
I tripped while doing laundry and now I'm considering if I should go to work tomorrow or not.
he can breath don't lie!
Bro is stuffed
That's too much for a lil guy like him :(
nah imma guy :)

also guys :)

one of these is a girls :)

sewing is hard :(
i tried to sew hole in clothes and it worked but its no very pretty and i ran out of sew
It's 4/4...
he's just hongry..
I’m done with dating apps, too many scammers.
Not that hungry
That banana is bigger than he is!
Women what are some attractive hobbies for men?
From the moment I clicked on the song, I knew it was going into my playlist. The Strokes are I guess a commercially successful band, and despite how many times YouTube tried to get me to listen to Reptilia by listing it as recommanded, I never listen to a single song of theirs. I guess there's a first time for everything.
Dating apps are hilairious, so many legitimately retarded people with money throwing it away
I remembert that one app for cheaters where guys had to pay to talk to women and then some dude hacked it and revealed almost every "woman" on it was actually a bot; people were paying to be spammed messages by bots, then paying per post to reply
Its still up, too, even after the hack and almost being brought to caught over the sexist way its set up; they just laid low for a while until people forgot
You like sewing, you're an honorary femanon at that point
Women, would you send nudes to your bf if he didn't ask, or only if he does ask? If you know he likes it, would you do it often?
flirting with fascism
On behalf of Canada, I would sincerely like to apologize for the Gadon poster.
On behalf of Canada, we love our Gadonposter.
sending nudes is laming
sending tasteful shots of your leg in stockings just at the skin divide between the stockings and your skirt, that's where its at
This can't possibly be intentional. It has to have been cut for time in several places. I need to find the original version not the one that was actually on TV
Ok this confirms my suspicions
That's pretty hot but that's not what you'd want all the time.
>sewing is hard
It gets easier the more you learn.
What were you fixing?
What's it made of?
What size needle?
Do you have a thimble? Get one. Wear it on your middle finger.
What material was your thread?
What stitch did you use?
this, variety is nice
it could also be a hint of cleavage from under a shirt being pulled up
it could also be a little tiny speckle of a panty shot
it could also be a nice picture of her wrist
it could also be a sweaty shoulder
many options
The cord has been severed. 3 month long breakup is finally over. For real.
Nta I fucking love the strokes
Night night anon <3
i don't know the answer to most of these questions :)
i have something like 9 thimbles; my dad collected them for some reason
in my case i simply haven't practiced enough. i ran out of black thread almost instantly and fixed my clothes "well enough", need more to break before i buy more thread
If he has asked before I might send him one if he's away for a few days without being prompted by him.
Yeah that's really nice
Lol ok. Let's start with stitch then. Look up "running stich" and tell me if you did that.
Hottest picture a girl sent me was of her very moist tongue, 'cause that's my fetish
I miss you trashy lady who dumped me over 5 years ago...
Me and the gf are in our bathrobes on the bed, enjoying each other's company and we're wondering why it feels like marriage core behaviour.
Any ideas Anons?
i followed this, it was what youtube gave me
but when i'd do like 1 loop it'd make the entire string tighten up at the back unlike her so i was fundamentally doing it wrong

this looks easier but also looks like it'd break easy

i dont think it looks particularly complex. its not as precise as something like lockpicking and it should basically always be the same every time
I think its gross looking personally, but every guy I've ever talked to this about offline has said they either don't care or like it. I'm the weird one.
What does it take for you to hate someone? Is it gradual? Could a gesture or a misplaced comment make you hate someone? ...
How I grieve now?
Like the other anon said, it's really only unattractive if it's an extreme case.
That said, I personally do have a preference for less, but it's a preference and not anything close to a dealbreaker.
god i love women who play instruments
I hate men.
Wrong worldview, morals, values
lmao, nta
It's okay, Anon.
I liked the song
>What does it take for you to hate someone?
I think I could only hate someone who willingly hurt someone else, and especially so if it's someone I love.
Women who play guitar or something like that, is that awkward for your boobs?
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I just just at the pub with the galz doing karaoke and now i am smaaaashed wtf who wants 2 do skribbl or puzzle or price guessing game or smth w me uWu xx ^___^
Is it an overreaction if I delete all my photos of her?
chad shit
Yet if I tell a guy I'm a savant with a meat flute, he'll report me to HR.
I wasn't particularly sold on the singing, but I was impressed with the muscians playing instruments: if I say the lady playing kanun killed it (because at many times it was the most salient intrument) I'm afraid I would be doing the others injustice... because everyone else also played so beautifully
I know, I’ll never accept flirting from a woman online again
Yes, but it's probably for the best. I love to keep memories. But in the long run. You'll only see her face and not be able to move on.

You most likely made the best decision for you. To cut it off. Don't feel too bad okay Anon.
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Alsooooo I am gonna fresh shave tomoz and groom n wear a nicey button-up shit and freshen up proper with my colognes etc. 4 new reception job...... BUT!!.. .... idk how to rizz this MILF in the pub )): like i am actually just so fucking shy,,, I just want to dissappear i.e. stay home..... but I really like her AAAAAAAAAA, why can't she just drag me into bed or something >:(((((
Not rly tho is it???!!!?? I'm not getting any younger buddyyyyy
I am in pain. But I don't want to meet someone new and possibly ruin it by them thinking I'm hung up on her. Kinda sucks. Deleting the nudes isn't fun either lol.
What it's like to have a girl be physically affectionate towards you?
You have to really really fuck me over for me to hate you. There is only one person on this planet whom I hate.
>Not rly tho is it?
Nope, it is chad shit
normal people don't have women asking them out just because they look handsome
I just arrived
Fucking amazing, anon.
Makes me feel all warm inside :)
You can do it bud
Nta but wow you're male me
Hence why you did the best thing for yourself Anon, lusting after a memory won't take the pain away, remembering those cherished memories by seeing the face of her won't bring her back.

You made the right decision, I think you'll be back on track in no time I'm sure.
Gf or wife is a different story
>women asking them out
Don't guys get this at least 1 or 2 times?
Anyway the MILF never asked me out, so according to my sis I need to make a move
Also I cried on the way home bc I got too emotional about stuff
Do what??
I love u guys though xoxo
This like the voice in your head that tries to gaslight you into thinking you're always right. I've read that being delusional is a key to success though. Nta
Young guys don't like it (because of porn) but older guys don't mind
Chad shit.
Price guessing game ?
We're still in the slow decline of degeneracy, not quite the fall apart stage (until 2060)
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Pain sucks!
Thanks anon, it's hard digging through 6 years of photos but it does feel relieving in a way. All I can offer is an unusually vascular arm photo from 4 years ago, enjoy.
femanons, your opinion on guys that laugh like this?

You never answered me last time why you think 2060 is the year
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Yesss let's play it
It is a weenie game
Basically u post pics of stuff u are eyeing up n people have 2 guess the cost
It's not really though is it??? I am feeding and plating pom poo with the cats rn. 26 years old. Kissless virgin. Dirt poor. Will die alone. But it's fine it's fine HahaHAHAHAHA
Eat the goddamn thing
It takes a civilisation roughly 3 generations to collapse after embracing sexual freedom. I like sex as much as the next guy, but people just doing whatever they want, it isn't going to work long term, we are seeing it not working, and it will only get worse
>26 years old. Kissless virgin. Dirt poor. Will die alone.
And you spend the majority of that around women, women who took the initiative to invite you out first

Chad fucking shit
Women how often do you get called a faggot when you lust over men on the internet?
nta but nice hand. i always kind of forget i'm posting with actual men who have male hands
yeah actually I do lol. but I don't do it anywhere except 4chan so only happens to me here.
Thanks mate. Figured I'd give back to the aether. I also feel super out of it rn.
No offence but it seems like a design flaw that women like bony, thin hands instead of strong meaty hands like you see on builders
I am just one of the galz lol
Which don't get me wrong, I love my ol female friends and we have priceless times
Idk it would be nice to just have some relationship experience by this point
Like I actually feel fucking broken for this lol
Good God is that real?
What is the alternative? That his heart continues to weep? That he longs for someone that is no longer there? Deeply romantic sounding I know; ultimately fruitless however.
It's like ripping a band-said off, it's not pleasant and I'm not going to lie to you and say that it'll be easy, carry those memories and keep them in your heart, but there's no need to carry the burden of constant reminders of her.
Only extends the pain, makes it harder to move on and allowing yourself to find true happiness again.

I wish you the best of luck Anon.
Jealousy is more of a turn off than anything else.
Yeah that's me.
i like all kinds of hands, can be "meaty" as well as long as it's not a fat guy's hand . post yours.
This might be the hottest hand I've ever seen in my life, whew
I have probably the boniest, thinnest hands in the thread
Only a couple times on /sp/ like 8 years ago lol
Thank you? I appreciate the compliment.
Does the other facet of the coin mean you forgive people easily?
It’s so sexy when a man has a hairy body
Going to a metalcore show on Saturday but it’s in an area where it would be ill-advised to wear my battle jacket due to its resemblance to an MC cut (large center patch with rockers on top and bottom); what should I wear instead? Male 20s if it matters
Thank you Anon. Your words have really helped me go forward with this. I appreciate it a lot.
Really? I hate hairy men so much.
qt, drop a link, I want to watch you shit and jack off.
I wouldn't say easily. I forgive but I actually never forget
Wtf that's a bit gay
I might go for a 2am stroll tho, do u want a crying voca xoxo
Nah, give me a pooping one and a masturbating one instead.
>boring thread
>no angry people
Come on guys, argue, become livid over nothingness. Do SOMETHING.
You know I can't take your answer seriously if you phrase it in such a cliche
I'm zen since the women are horny over guy posting pics for no reason again.
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Have a picture of my cat instead.
No I cannae offer that shit, only CRYING, so take or leave it X
Hey, fuck you, anon.
I don't give a fuck if it's a cliche, it's how I feel
I'm happy to hear that you've enjoyed it, Anon. I quite enjoy early music; it is a wonderful little niche under the greater classical umbrella, that is quite vibrant. People are still rediscovering period pieces, it has an interesting overlap with experimental archaeology, recreating historical instruments and reconstructing historical performance practice and at the same time it is somewhat unpretentious.
Aw. Did something happen to his ear?
I'll only take the crying if you do it while holding your dick, or shitting your pants.
Yes more pls

Bye, fuck you, anon

The guys shouldn’t post their pics then. Or you should join in.
why does it matter? stop thinking what other people think so much.
That is a lady, and yes, when I got her she was a stray and an infection took her ear.
His hair looks nice and soft though
Why tf you have to make everything sexual??
She's cute :)
You never forget? What else? You are anonymous?
Okay, you are, but you're not
>The guys shouldn’t post their pics then. Or you should join in.
Nah, they can do whatever, it just reinforces my opinion of the people that post here anyway.
Because anon is a raging homosexual who has made overtly sexual interactions his one and only personality trait to hide his crippling self hatred.
>goody two shoes
Genuinely don't like it.
Because it's hot
I mean I don't mind homos like fair play buddy you live your best life buddy x
I just dunno why he has to crowd my depression posting with his gay shit lol
i want her and it pisses me off because i know thats what she wants
I literally just explained: because he uses it to hide his crippling self hatred, duh!
>I just dunno why he has to crowd my depression posting with his gay shit lol
>no, it's old
Oh nooo two people mutually want each other, what a fucking tragedy
>I actually never forget
>We are Anonymous, we are legion, we do not forgive, we do not forget. Expect us.
she doesnt want me shes just addicted to attention
Lol that went right over my head
>I have probably the boniest, thinnest hands in the thread
I would be surprised if you were bonier and thinner than me. But in my case, I believe it's way past the point of where anyone could find it attractive. I'm a literal skeleton.
Wtf is this lol
Oh... I mean maybe that is the case...
How do you know she doesn't want you?
>do you think this guy is more attractive than the average 43 year old man

Same, I've live through enough guild bullshit for a lifetime
when the women start acting like that, I just leave
I would say so. but he still looks old.
>have you ever found a guy so attractive that you want to have sex with him?
Qt and that's only so we can loose /our/ virginity together
I feel this answer was wasted on a dumb dumb like me
>Wtf is this lol
Slice of history
bruh looks 63
Wtf bro I'm not a homo >:(
Did you momentarily panick that I might for eg know who you are
Stop chasing after the women, bro
You're meant for us, our communal bootyhole
because i already know who she wants and its not me. she masturbates to the thought of turning guys down
This sounds gay af bro
I might go for a walk so gib topics 2 cry abt
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F. No, he looks pretty average looking. He looks his age and he's not particularly good looking. Only redeeming qualities he has are that he's not fat or bald.

Yesterday I found out that pic rel is my husband's age and I haven't recovered since lmao
I think this dude somehow manages to look 60 and 15 at the same time, which isn't very attractive. He's got very boyish looks for his age, though I suppose there's an audience for that.
Wow, you suck. I think he's hot and cute.
>I might go for a walk so gib topics 2 cry abt
Go play some games on steam
Nta but what a blackpill lmao. The bottom 80% of men should kill themselves before 40 innit?
Seravelli isn't that old, isn't he like 50?
The part you linked was just her tying off the end of the thread not the stitch, did you do the stitch she did earlier in the video?
>This looks easier
That's the same stitch from the previous video?
Fuck steam and having fun bro I want to get more drunk and cry
Another example of why taken women are typically not pleasant to have around
He's 36 lmao

He's not. He's a pretty normal looking dude. Good for you if you like him.

No? I don't know why you would even say so.
I'll give you something to cry about bitch
*penetrates your prostate*
>I'm not a homo
You're a 5'6 britbong twink, it's going to happen
Zoomers are gross. I don't know when ant and all standard adults became old. Is it even possible to be young to Zoomers? Some of you retards feel past your prime at 20.
I'm almost done purging photos and I came across the one and only cumshot video I ever took. Pretty disappointing I must admit.
>He's 36 lmao
No way. Fuck I feel old.
Why don't you have a family yet /atoga/?
>He's not.
So your opinion supercedes mine for some reason? Fuck off. A lot of people would feel the same as I do.
How old are you?
Actually the nurse in the last psych ward measured me at 5'7" so gtfo
Because I'm not rich and that's the only way.
I'm 26. But I could've sworn he was around TSN for the past 15 years.
You opened my eyes, well, mostly she did, but yeah I get it now
fffffffffffffffUUUUUCK what do you do when youre angry
Damn I miss being 26
Bc I'm poor and just not a family man. I need to release all my music then kill myself
>No way. Fuck I feel old.
That's what I'm fucking saying.

No, I just don't find him attractive. You're free to find him attractive.

Are you the guy in the video? Why are you so pissed off?
I can literally go full nelson on you, qt
Nobody has the time or patience to get into that.
Me too bro, I'll be 27 in 2 weeks and change.
But you like having fun :(
I'll be 32 soon
It's over
>full nelson
Wtf is this, some porn shit lol??
Gg bro <3
Rn I just want a hug from someone
Fun is for rich successful people who can afford to enjoy themselves
I'll be 27 in 2 weeks too.
Gonna join the club? >>31691153
>want a hug from someone
Too good for a hug from one of your bros now?
so what if the dick accidentally pokes you, it's all just some harmless fun
No, I'm not the guy in the video. You can be indifferent to him if you want, I was annoyed because you were trying to override my opinion by saying you're objectively right and I'm objectively wrong. My opinion's as valid as yours, and I guarantee it wouldn't be a rare one.
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Happy Birthday you lovely Leos <3
Here's a pic I took on a trip in 2019.
>Fun is for rich successful people who can afford to enjoy themselves
Nah, fun can be whatever the fuck you make of it.
Sometimes fun is just laying in a field and staring at the clouds, that doesn't cost anything.
No, lol
I have no musical talent
I'm gonna ride it out, people who kill themselves have too high of an expectation of what their life needs to be like
I was always a lowlife, so a lowlife's life I'll live
OK OK I will have a hug and hug you too
What is the club? X
I wasn't, I just said I don't find him particularly attractive, he just looks like a normal dude. You're taking it very personally.
>woman says that an old wrinkly-looking male is not hot
>men get offended
Never change, /atoga/
No no sorry it's not my birthday the joke was related to Kurt Cobain. If you didn't get it I don't want to ruin your innocence. I'm already 32 I'm even older than this anon >>31691162
Why don’t you chase other women? She clearly doesn’t like you. Move the fuck on!
Nice, where is that, I want to ride a bike over there.
Oh the suicide thing. Womp womp.
Even I'm not this insecure, wow anon.
yea i did it all
nah its different she goes forward then back then loops again then moves on ,the other thing is just a worm digging
why i don't have a Megamind husband? haven't ascended yet.
>What is the club?
Has anyone ever told you that it's unlucky to carry a white lighter? The club is why. >>31691193
The loops are just typing off the thread at either end it looks like though? Then it looks like she did a running stitch( I think what you mean by worm digging) down and then back up to fill the spaces. What was the problem you're having?
Wtf that's a bit gay???
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have a pic from 2016, in london
>He's not.
Was the only thing that annoyed me. You can have your opinion, just don't try to override mine and tell me I'm wrong. I guess you weren't trying to do that and just came off wrong.

I guess ATOGA is just as retarded and prone to strawmanning as always.

XD Wow anon XD wow XD

Zoomers spam stupid shit on 4chan every day. The sadsack doomer shit gets annoying. Shut up and enjoy life.
>What is the club?
The 27 club. Celebs that die at 27.
I will. Can't I be mad first? Goddamn.
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and I think this is the pic of the place where the lady got stabbed to death.
Oh yeah, pretty based desu but idk if I can release all my best music by 27
>implying any degree of empathy or emotional intelligence from ATOGA
>tfw all I had to do was carry a white lighter

Wtf I have walked down this street lad and u are saying a lady got stabbed to death here???
I hate this fucking country I hate this world):
People get stabbed everywhere all the time dude
Just make sure it's not you getting stabbed and you'll be good :)
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All the photos of her are gone. I feel weirdly light. >>31691041
Here's another for you.
ye, during my stay in 2016, police came knocking at the place I was staying around midnight, turns out a lady got stabbed to death like literally down that street and to the right following the park(?) fence, asked me if I saw anything.
Bro i want to fucking die lol I just don't want innocent women and children getting stabbed that's so awful ))):
I'm also pretty surprised my hand activated so many ovaries. Good for me.
This is so fucking horrible ): I'm so sorry you got questioned bro
nah, like, they just went like
you see anyone, I'm sleepy as fucking going "HUH?"
and they were like aight, sorry for bothering you sir.
MASSIVE false-flag happening in this thread soon. You have been warned.
Nta. Holy shit we got questioned briefly because our across the street neighbor stabbed a guy down the street but that's crazy
So many stabbings, damn.
When I was a child, I didn't want to admit that I liked anything. If I liked something it was almost embarrassing and I tried to hide it, denied it... I don't know why. And I don't remember when either I started being more normal about what I like and dislike. And everyone now and then, if I like someone, I feel a strong urge to tell them, all the time.. it's as if everytime is the last time, and I don't know why
It's okay to be old, no need to have a mental breakdown dood.
Are there any online backups?
Shoulders are roughly as wide as your head on its side x 2. This is the same for both genders. Muscles make them wider. This chick has large muscles, yet for stick, her head on its side 1 x is about as wide as her shoulders. Outside of wide top and blocky, her shoulders are actually freakishly small. Her entire skeleton is.
The proportions in general are absurdly terrible, not even remotely close to being right, so
Always impressed what the standards are of people who apparently never actually look at other people
>I want my future wife to have a head so disproportionatley large her shoulders can't even hold it up

Its completely pointless comparing yourself to literally any of these; they're not even human skeletons
Sure hope it doesn’t involve me. Don’t make me post another hand pic.
Then maybe spend more time out on the streets late at night so you get stabbed instead of the innocent women and children, dummy!
You really can't be caught lacking or man's gonna get chinged
nta but are they black people?
is anyone else having issues with steam?
Nah it was all screenshots on Snapchat.
Neighbor anon. White guy. Stabbed the neighbor stabbed his grandma then jumped off a bridge.
>I don't know why

This is type of boundary that you've established. How was your relationship with your family?
>stabbed his grandma
Jasper, BC, Canada. Good luck, it's all on fire right now.

wow manipulating retarded ochem graduate students so banger
You're a really stupid person. You have opinions that annoy you, right? Do you secretly worry that the other person is right? Or do you just get annoyed by retarded opinions from retarded people? Does every conservative that gets angered by communists secretly think communism is the best? Do pro-life secretly agree with pro-abortion people? I know I shouldn't expect much in the way of critical thinking skills or basic logic from ATOGA, but this place disappoints me so much every time I visit. Such a disgustingly fucking stupid group of people.
>why does it matter
Because I don’t want to be attacked/stabbed/threatened by some retarded faggot biker who erroneously thinks I’m repping some faggoty local MC club/gang
>Neighbor anon. White guy. Stabbed the neighbor
That could have been you.
Yeah I don't know man.
For us it's Canadian actress Sarah Gadon
What does this image make you feel
Oh damn...
Were there honestly people that refused to evacuate?
Surprised it wasn't. We're a lot closer than the neighbor he actually stabbed. He was trying to steal his car. I think we just got lucky that none of us were trying to go anywhere at the time it was happening.
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Probably, but Jasper is a crater right now. It's sad because it's gorgeous.
who is this??
It's worth it when it's not on fire. BC is genuinely gorgeous country. The sunshine coast and the okanagan are amazing.
I want two bisexual girlfriends
Maybe, but like, getting a license, and then getting a bike in canada, just seems like such a hassle.
Was it arson? I heard the last bad fire they had up there was arson.

sounds like a circle of hell tb qh
My point is: it is completely fine to just enjoy things. It is an aristocratic luxury to just indulge, without the necessity to know or understand.

You don't drive? That would be a problem. How close are you to the border?
Nah, wildfires usually fuck shit up every year. Lucky for me I'm in a place that's all plains so no wildfires.
What makes you think they're innocent
for all you know she was 5 drug dealers at the same time and
I'm going to grow my penis to 12" and find me a freak who wants her womb penetrated
Shitty, in other words, normal, right
>Fucking drug dealers means you deserve to die
I don't think that's going to make him feel better man
>How close are you to the border?
The US and Canadian border?
currently roughly 6500 miles
Sarah Lynn Gadon, beloved and acclaimed Canadian actress
This movie lmfao
I said she is 5 drug dealers, I didn't say anything about sex
Always sex, sex, sex with you, I swear
I'm going to bread

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Look at this cat's footsies
It made more sense to me that you missed a word than insinuated that she was 5 people lmao
Hmm, that is an issue. You could fly somewhere close and bike out there.

Not normal, no.
If you had to conceal preferences because they would be weaponized against you, that indicates severe trauma even if the manipulators were very subtle/tacit about it.
>>I want my future wife to have a head so disproportionatley large her shoulders can't even hold it up
I have an issue with tarot cards. It’s actually pretty retarded.
I’ve never had any readings actually come true. Maybe like one or two and that could be coincidence.
Some readings in regards to character and feeling rather than the future have seemed to resonate. But that’s really it.

Nonetheless I find myself obsessively resorting to tarot cards to give me answers whenever I am stressed or anxious about shit.
And it sucks and I never feel better.

How the fuck do I stop
I got ptsd from long flights
I shat myself the last time I got on a 16 hour flight, lmao

got that american spirit in me.
Quirky. Why don't you got a license brother? Cars are so freeing.
>How the fuck do I stop

take up haruspex instead I guess
Lazy, avoidant, I'm terrified of tests.
Yeah I was terrified of my test too. In fact I failed it, only reason I got a license was because I begged the instructor and told him my dad was anti-vax and I needed a car to get a job. Never been ticketed and that was 3 years ago so it worked out lol.
I’m 23 but my mom is 63 and my dad is 71. My dad especially looks like 15 years younger, it’s crazy. I’d say my mom looks pretty good too for her age.
Sarah Gadon drives a Porsche
It's fine to use them whenever you're stressed if you feel like it helps you deal with it.
That is as long as you fully accept that they're completely unable to predict anything.
It's just for fun, anon.
>never had any readings come true
They're like horoscopes anon. They're broad and vague on purpose so they can potentially relate to something you're dealing with and maybe make you think about it differently. They're not fortune tellers.
No, it never helps and it always makes me feel worse and more stressed and I take everything as true.
Tarot cards say my girlfriend is cheating on me despite her being amazing and giving me 0 reason to believe she’d be unfaithful.
I wanted to say I wish I could engage with you in a conversation about something you seem passionate about, but since I know zilch about it, I don't even know what to ask
that much I can do. Thank you for the lovely music
Painter boy, why are you so neurotic?
Nta but I failed my first driving test, bought shoes with my licence money instead, and puked on the car ride home. Passed the second time though! It was worth it.
No they don't say that. That's just what you're interpreting from them. The cards are can't convey any actual message, it's all you letting your mind run towards a dark place.
It probably is worth, I probably will get a driver's license eventually.
My current city's public transport is pretty great though, so I'm chilling, and it's free.
Bub that's you not the cards
2015 was a decade ago
2015 was 10 years ago
Women, would you date a guy in the military?
I didn't get over my ex for 2 years, it took her one to get married.
>and it's free
Okay that is pretty cash I get it more now. Public transport near me sucks ass.
No it wasn't, it was 9 years ago.
The women are busy jacking off to my hand pic, sorry.
>9 years ago.
Nah, mang
that's 2012
I think it's reasonable to assume that a guy in the military and I wouldn't be a good match. Leaving the door open for ex military though.
Dude I dunno.
We had a really good night last night and everything was fine. But I noticed two marks on her back that looked like hickies and I didn’t remember putting them there. Granted I give her tons of these all over her stomach and chest. And we did have sex multiple times on Sunday and I was behind her and I am pretty sure I was licking and kissing her back. But I don’t remember doing it.
And I started freaking out thinking she cheated on me and shit. Which is probably extremely unreasonable and all of my friends seem to think I’m over thinking and that it would be totally irrational considering how well everything has been going and how busy she is.
But I was freaking out.
And like this morning she was telling me she feels like I’m perfect and I’m so good to her and she loves me and she’s falling deeply in love with me and shit.
It’s just fucked up man I am so scarred from my past shit.

I could have easily put them there and just not remember. And I don’t remember. But it wouldn’t make sense that she’d cheat. But what if she did?
She was also at a huge concert Monday morning with thousands of people and she coulda bumped around or something.
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Either gender
Why can’t I get over this girl I was seeing? She treated me really shitty, humiliated me in front of people, made out with my best friend in front of me, and she’s also kind of fat and not that attractive. She treats me like a stranger when our peers are around and then acts like my best friend when we’re alone. She pretty much kicked me out of my whole friend group too because she has this sweet innocent girl persona that everyone loves. The sex wasn’t even that good either. I’ve been with much nicer and more attractive girls than her before but I keep spiraling when I think about this girl and how disrespectful she was to me. But every time she asks if I want to hang out I agree and do nice things for her. And if she texted me right now I know I’d go see her. What’s wrong with me? How can I get over her?
>Thank you for the lovely music
You're very much welcome, Anon.
>he's STILL bragging
i regret replying to you earlier. 1/10.
Men do you start spiraling when you notice your girlfriend has a bruises on both knees and don't know how they got there?
Can't fail 'em if you don't take 'em, eh? :(
I start spiraling when I have a gf, it means I forgot to take my meds again.
I mean, not to trigger your neuroses further but, you can't really control if she did or not. Try to find some solace in that she likes you for you and wouldn't cheat on you.
It was a joke...sorry I'm just in a bad headspace.
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Thank you anon <3
That's a beautiful photo! Here's one from 2019 as well
Best mentality
Why even try if you're not going to succeed. :^)

I swear, if I ever had kids through some fucked up series of events, I'm gonna make them fuckers be so comfortable with failure that they'll be okay racing Usain Bolt on live television.
I came to your hand, hope you don't mind
I don’t think she cheated on me. I am pretty forgetful and I could have left those and just not remember it.
Maybe she did. Maybe she didn’t. I have 0 idea and she hasn’t given me any reason to be suspicious.
And I don’t think it would be right to call her out on them when I literally have 0 idea.
If I had to pinpoint a few reasons, then I might say:
Liking something was almost considered a weakness. And if anyone got wind that you like something, you might get made fun for it. Second, and related, they had no concept of scale (I could like sth but not like it so much). So say you like pears, you like it 7/10 no matter how many times you'd explain that, they'll always act like it's your favorite fruit ever. I also believe part of me wanted to keep things secret because I didn't believe they deserved to know anything about me. I was shutting them out, and shutting myself in.
Nta but this is basically my life's motto
It's terrible

bog standard BPD rollercoaster bullshit
October 13th, 1985. Tonight, a comedian died in New York. Somebody knows why.
This lmfao. If I had a gf I would need to get hack on my Seroquel cuz I'm imagining some shit
it's all a joke
Zoomer Pixies be like Where Is My GYATT?
I want to weazel into a girls dm where she has a boyfriend however for some reason I think she is into me (she watches all my stories), I want to ask how to do it, yesterday she posted a pic where she had some filters, anyways I was thinking I am just a friend but I don't think you need the filters to look good. Anyways how to do it, what could give me plausible deniability
How do I get than anon's hand around my neck?
Do not do that
You can stop posting about yourself
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That reminds me of home desu. This photo is also from my home province, I was on shrooms when I took this.
I'm honoured.
It wouldn't, you're right. I just don't like seeing you stress yourself out so badly over nothing.
What happened to the retarded rotoscope femanon?
I present to you
Victoria Pedretti
She's very pretty...
Wait, so, girlfriends make you want to be better people? That's kinda sweet actually.
>tfw skinny so i get small bruises especially on my knees constantly even if i don't sit on my knees ever
don't discriminate against us anon.
My gf is better in every way
What, no.
I don't have a gf, and I never will.
i'm delulu enough to start thinking i have a gf, i'm not delusional enough to think that a girl would actually want to be my gf
Where is this?
i wasn't completely serious either ngl. but still stop bragging.
Why, if not tell me what to do
I did something cringe today.
My female coworker was leaning over a desk next to me and I complimented her on her dress and reached out and touched with my pen.
She said "thanks" without even making eye contact.
It's over.
I mean I'm talking about my antipsychotics but yes obvs
When I was dating galz I actually took big strides to improve my life
Didn't fucking last lmao but better than nothing ig
How about you don't do that.
Right now you still have plausible deniability of you being a scumbag.
...oh. You just had to shit all over my fantasy, didn't you? :)
Saskatchewan Canada.
Will do, tbf I didn't write the one right above this either lol.
>I don’t like seeing you stress yourself out so badly over nothing

I don’t like it either man but I deeply appreciate you.
She’s been really good to me.
Idk why she’d talk about me to her mom all the time and introduce me to her friends and spend 2-3 nights a week with me despite having 3 jobs and tell me she loves me and all this other shit if she was actually fucking around.
And for her to be with some other guy and feel him kissing her back and shit and just not notice or say fuck it would be really stupid anyway and I think she’s smarter and kinder than that.

My last thing was so dark man and I am definitely scarred from it.
I used to be, but I spent years trying to date and it never happened. It's hard to keep that up forever.
Don't get the wrong idea lol I have the same problem
Someone else will help you live out your fantasy.
I'm not an essential part of it.
Sarah Gadon lives in Toronto
How do you plan to spend your free time once you get fired?
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I hate that so many people say "some women go for assholes because they didn't present as assholes first!" and so many times the dude is openly an asshole to other men but for some reason the woman ignores it.

Why do so many women do that?
Are you ugly or not. It all depends on that
Men, why’re you all such losers and failures?

Women, why’re you all so mean and age so poorly?
>My last thing was so dark man and I am definitely scarred from it.
Yeah I'll bet. Just try and relax painter boy, realize that you aren't gonna go back there and you deserve to be happy, but also that life moves on, good and bad. I'm pulling for you, I saw you writing about it when you guys first hit it off and it was super cute.
That's unfortunate for her.
Nta but what was your fantasy lol? That losers like us would ever have a gf? It's fucking over lol
>Sarah Gadon lives in Toronto
Really? Not Hollywood or something?
Nta. No man that's so weird it doesn't matter. Plus I HATE it when people touch my clothes with pens.
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Woman with REAL personalities.
Yes, absolutely
Hot, thanks anon
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No. I'd be open to her keeping her name if she had a reason for it besides feminism or "I just like it", but I'm not taking her name.
The drawing makes me sad for some reason.
Is this the false flag operation? Kind of funny if true.
i'm 24 and thanks to being a neet who never goes outside (especially during summer) i like to think i look young.
irl i'm overly polite but here i'm mean to take out my frustrations on all of you.
Resisting the urge to say mean things about women
is that a rake?
is she a thief?
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Anon(ette), since I might not post further tonight, I want to say you're an angel. I hope you have a great day/night <3
>why’re you all such losers and failures
Oh god, where do I start.... ):
I threw away all the opportunities I was given in life lol. I'm just a basketcase who can't handle modern living
People like us are trapped in this realm and become ghosts and shadows
Yes really. Sarah Gadon lives in a comfy neighborhood in Toronto with her husband and their baby.
What is geocaching?
the what?

you spend time on redscarepod.
The thumbnail immediately made me see coomer, i'm too far gone.
I don’t know. I live on my own and have a job but my social life is doomed and every girl I find just treats me like shit
Otherwise known as hoarders.
My mother didn't hug me enough.

Sounds abnormal to me, yeah. Tacit abuse often involves a sort of brinksmanship where the offender pushes right up to the limit of what "feels normal" while getting away with as much as they can.

Have a nice night :3
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Do girls want love
or do they simply want to be better than their peers?
I hate photos like these so much and I'm not even a woman.
Should I even bother dating again?
These are fun, got any more?
>professional urban explorer
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How come?

high stakes underground gambling ring camouflaged as a harmless pasttime for nerds, like pokemon go
Of course she likes pink...
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It just breaks my heart to see a woman alone like that. It's hard to explain. I think it's because, as a man, I can cope with it and steel myself in my own masculinity, but I've also seen it first with my little sister who hates herself and never caught boys eyes. I don't really know though. Something about the femcel just breaks my heart and makes me want to love them.
i like it since i can tell it was drawn by a good artist. most internet comics are not pleasing to look at.
>try and relax painter boy

I am trying man. Everyone seems to think I'm being crazy and irrational and that this girl really cares about me.
I met her parents which was a huge deal for her and today she agreed to meet my parents on a coming weekend. She's requesting off work to make it happen.
I guess her brothers girlfriend keeps asking 1000 questions about me so she invited them to a gig im playing this saturday, which is after her birthday lunch with her parents I'll be at.
We were at a concert last weekend and she called her mom from my phone and had it on speaker and her mom was making jokes about how much her brothers gf asked about me, and how she feels like she already knows me because she talks about me so much and my gf goes "yeah well I might cut him off honestly," and her mom is like "yeah right I can feel you smiling on the other end of the phone,"

Last night she opened up about some of her insecurities and I opened up about mine and she kept pulling me back into bed saying she didn't want me to leave yet and just wanted 5 more minutes and shit. and then she kept pulling me in closely to tell me she loved me and that I'm really important to her.
I saw her at work this morning for a minute and I thanked her for talking to me about my shit and she's like "I like how we're at work right now because I wish I could be all over you," and told me its important that I can talk to her. and then we laughed and flirted for a few minutes.

There are 100000 green flags here and I'm focused on one small red flag that might not even be a red flag. I don't even know. Its going so well and I'm not used to it.
Why would she cheat considering all of the good shit
Blink twice if you need help
Lovesong - the Cure
If I had this bitch boy as a bf I'd hope astrology tells him to leave me.

gotta give the glowies something to keep them awake, hey?
Also part of why I'm so fucked rn is cuz I got four free tequila shots from doing karaoke earlier and this was after a lot of beer + low sleep etc.
I regret it though cause I've just been crying since everyone went to sleep
Chad shit
mental cels get what they deserve
thoughts on Kanye's gf?
Kim K clone, not really my type
Sort of a modern day Yoko Ono with how hard Ye has fallen off after getting involved with her. Also, every outfit I have ever seen her in is a humiliation ritual.
as an average sized penis man, how can i recover from being with my gf and both of us seeing a guy with a giant dick.

yes, video chats.
My libido still hasn't returned.
You say this but here I am, alone
Should men and women in relationships be able to communicate their insecurities to each other?
Or are red pill memes true and if the man talks about insecurity the woman will think he’s weak and leave him?
Bro never made a good fucking album since Daft Punk stopped producing for him lol
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What should I do tomorrow with my gf in the Bay Area?
Is the company of fat and balding men not good enough?
you both took a risk, could also have seen a girl topless with bigger tits.
New Thread
Jesus Is King was great. Then he got cloned at UCLA (again). Sad.
Hardly, Bianca is the inverse, more tit meat than ass meat.
How am I supposed to save you through 4chan, exactly?
I think you can and should talk about insecurities. if you have a specific insecurity that starts to affect your life or relationship though by becoming obsessive, then honestly therapy. if your insecurities are manageable though, then no therapy is needed, and you can discuss it with your partner.

but you have to wonder what kind of person willingly gets involved with a severely mentally ill man and lets herself get dressed like that
I don't know, never mind
I guess it really wasn't
What company? I don't see any men in my room right now
I'm still alone
Sorry, I’m pretty frayed. I wish I could save you and show you how beautiful you are. You deserve that.
Stop doing drugs, and stop selling them evil mother fucker
That's all I've ever wanted but at this point I've come to terms with the fact that I'm not.
Frayed how?
My ex cut me off completely today and I spent an hour going through old photos and throwing them out. Pretty intense, 6 years just gone.
> That's all I've ever wanted but at this point I've come to terms with the fact that I'm not.
I promise you are, you’ll see. Someone will love you and look at you that’ll make it impossible not to feel beautiful.
Oh it's you, I think we've responded to each other multiple times in this thread. Thanks anon. I hope you heal
Are you that one girl who I flamed for like a month? That tonal shift was crazy lol.
im going to shit on myself and you cant stop me
Flamed how? I don't think so
Ah then I don't know if I recognize you and I'd rather not discuss that. It was dumb drama. I'm currently NDA'd.
Wait.. there's no way
I like this one. Is she single?
You're Ethan? How do you literally always recognize me I don't understand
Oh hi. Yeah idk you just got that energy. Sounds like you recognize me more than I do you though.
Well you brought me up so I knew it was you after that lol but I didn't realize the guy with the hand and pretty photos itt was you
It was, yes. How do you know my name? Were you lurking or do you moonlight as the dark lady? And to be fair I don't recognize you almost ever, I purposefully put you out of my mind.
I think there's line that gets crossed where it goes from discussing your insecurities to expecting your partner to be a therapist and doing it way too frequently. I dealt with this with an ex. His freak outs about it got more and more frequent as time went on. I don't know if me reassuring him was making him feel better so he was pushing to talk about it all the time as a coping mechanism or if it was making it worse and he was becoming more and more obsessive.
Ultimately nothing I could say to him made any difference.

Now if they're looking for some quick validation or reassurance that's cool I always reciprocate affection, reassure them that they look good in an outfit, that they're capable of something. I don't mind it if he has insecurities what I mind is when those insecurities start to negatively effect his behavior in other areas like slacking off at work and watching weirder porn or if we're spending 5 hours a week talking about it and he cries at least 2 of those times about an insecurity that is barely a problem and honestly not even valid it's all in his head.
Because you posted it here the other day lol did you forget? And I replied with some reference to another conversation we had about both being born in August but you forgot. Anyway, half the time I recognize you it's because you say something along the lines of "are you that girl?" like you did just now and I am indeed that girl.
Anyway, it's fine, you can keep putting me out of your mind :/
need warriors cats reading gf
>do you moonlight as the dark lady?
Forgot to say this made me giggle
No, I Am The Dark (actually pretty pale) Lady
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You're so tsundere.
>you can keep putting me out of your mind :/
So tsundere. I did that because I wanted to grant you the anonymity you asked for lol.
>Because you posted it here the other day lol did you forget?
I posted that list. So you're the one that picked out the Rosemary in it too? That means your name starts with E as well.
Lmao. Well now I feel shy. But that makes a lot of sense. I'm pretty sure I watched you chatting with that netherlands guy yesterday too.
>tfw you're my threadfu
Have a free hand pic.
What Netherlands guy? That wasnt me
Also eh I'm more like yandere although I have bits and pieces of all of them :^)
Please no more hand pics.. there's only so much a girl can take
> What Netherlands guy?
Proof that my radar isn’t perfect.
That makes so much more sense. Don’t worry, the hand pic there is just for you. You’re way too cute sometimes.
Ok I'm going to run away now..! Goodnight, dh
I'm not capable of love or being in a relationship
Not fair. Goodnight <3
I'm stressed out, my friend's house is flooded and they asked to stay with me, now I have to clean up my house.
Also I'm battling an ant infestation in my room rn so I was already sleeping on the couch.
Hopefully it works out.

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