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Ask The Opposite Gender Anything

Literally Me Penguin Edition

Prev >>31919898
Guys of /adv/, is it a bad idea to get involved with a girl who has like 17 online male friends? She has sworn up and down the block that they are nothing but just friends, and that she could never think of them like that, but I just can't shake the feeling that I am going to look like the biggest idiot in the world come a year or two
Both male and female advice needed.
As a 21 yo girl with good savings and wanting family, I gotta choose between:
24 Good genes, kind and gentle, poor (in work ethic, finance, and no property).
22 Shiddy genes, doesn't brush teeth, cold autist, owns land +animals and knows how to manage it all.
They are halfway estranged friends btw
Should I shave my chest and stomach hair completely off or just trim it?
She is attention starved bro. Trust what she says, but know that she will need a lot of affirmations and comforting and effort. godspeed
Once again I feel like just another guy in her rotation. We're supposed to have a "special" bond because we've been friends since adolescence, but the more I see how she behaves with her other guy friends the more I'm left feeling like a simp. I debated even talking to her today and as soon as I did I became sad.
>girlfriend mad and crying cause i wont buy her a microtransaction outfit in her mmo game
I understand its her period but I dont want to pay for that shit out of principle, mtx is fucking dumb and jewish
I'm >>31924462
If you're okay with her potentially telling other guys she loves them and spending as much or more time talking to you then go for it. My friend has a boyfriend who is cool with all of her guy friends and I have no idea how that man does it.
>and spending as much or more time talking to you then go for it.
I mean as much or more time talking to them than you, sorry, my brain is fucked up right now.
I'd break up with a woman who wanted to buy that shit, let alone one who would cry if I didn't buy it for her.
I saw three crows
Replying to the guy in the last thread, but weed doesn't appear to effect my psychosis or hallucinations any more. Neither does coke, which is interesting because coke is what gave me psychosis in the first place.
Were they nice crows?
Women, have you ever hit yourself in the face with a boob?
nta but I have honestly never met a bad crow. I like feeding them.
They were in the birdbath
I didn't want to bother them so I didn't approach
Guys, does your hard dick fit inside the hole in toilet paper?
fuck me now
Is woman hate IT guys? They are just "nice guy"
Just barely.
help atoga

he got triggered today by someone that reminded him of his dad and straight up brought up that he was raped, the word he wasn't comfortable saying to me before. I'm stuck trying to figure out how to go forward, as he also sent another message later changing the subject to something lighter while probably waiting for my reply, and I feel anxious and concerned because I care and he doesn't get to discuss deep things with many people especially since this is so personal, so I want him to feel safe as possible with me.

I want to send a supportive message in response and flow into the next topic too. but I am worried saying a supportive thing is not wanted and he might just want me to comment on the new subject, I don't know
eal, but I date exclusively quant engineers
>I didn't want to bother them so I didn't approach
Me and women.
I think IT guys are cool
Get a trip if you want people to read your posts with context.
I'd rather not
Hi ranjesh.
>bathing outside with my crow buddys
>see cute human
>give him all the signals to approach
>he just walks away
sigh, why did I even do my feathers today
YWNBAC (You Will Never Be a Corvid)
Men, would a girl that is intersex with XY chromosomes weird you out? Externally everything is female but I'm unable to have kids.
Since he changed the topic I'd stick with the new topic. You can come back to being supportive when he seems more receptive.
He might have changed the subject if he thought getting too real would chase you off, "this isn't what I signed up for" or something.
You could address the new topic and then circle back around.
Hi. How a u?
you shouldn't say a single word to him. you should listen to what HE has to say. that's what no one ever did for him.
They don't hate IT guys specifically but most of us are safe because we have demanding careers to maintain and can't afford to fuck around. So they tend to perceive that as weakness.
I don't believe in chromosomes so you're just an infertile girl to me.
I don't want kids, so it would be fine with me.
You wouldn't weird me out much if you're 100% identical to a normal girl but the infertility is a nonstarter.
That happened to me once when I was going down stairs without a bra.
Do women under 25 need their bf to be daddy and mansplain to them until they really grow up?
*clap* *clap* *clap* *clap*
*slowly rises from sitting position to stand*
This is a neutral thread so I won't demand pics for proof but I will let you know that I would strongly prefer pics.
It's not THAT funny...
I do that to my gf who is older than 25
Jeez, how big are your boobs?
it is. did it make a slap sound when it hit you? 10x funnier if it did
Ha ha you're right, you're right, you're so right, don't know what I was thinking, ha ha. Anyway tell me more.
Femanons, how much does the maintenance of a man's hair matter? Can it make or break the overall attractiveness of him?
t. Non-comber
should have brought him a trinket

How do I make a guy feel cramps?
It's actually really important to me. Use conditioner at least.
I personally have quite a big preference for shortish hair. As long as it is kept fairly short thats all that matters to me
force him to eat an entire bag of hot cheetos
>t. Non-comber
Bruh not even for work?
Oh, hi 34H-anon
Food poisoning.
Femanon, WTF is going on with dating? Even the women I know my age are femcels.
My theory is
>radfems spend the last decade telling men they're not wanted
>men believe it and fuck off
>normal women start wondering where all the men went and think men just gave up for no reason
I saw a youtube video about how men are in a crisis because they're not needed and I wanted to see what they had to say but the comments were basically "but they're not needed, fuck off".
Take away all his foods with potassium in them? IDK.
Hey, anon. How's it going?
I shampoo once a week, conditioner if I feel like it.
Hair is short enough to where I don't have to put too much effort into it. Like, if it's blatantly apparent, I'll comb down bedheads
Unable to have kids would be msssively preferred, unless you want and are depressed about it and thus have a hard time coping with it.
You prefer to be braless as a 34H?
Kitchen sucker femanon?
Neither seems like a good option, stay single. One is not going to be a long term partner, and you're not attracted to the other.

No, I just don't care.
Only when I'm home alone. It's less constricting.

Manons, how much does the maintenance of a woman's hair matter? Can it make or break the overall attractiveness of her?
t. weekly wash only
Could be better, been feeling kinda sick lately. I hope you're doing well.
It would make me think he's an unkempt, dirty dude.
neither, find a middle ground or someone completely different

t. good genes, kind and gentle, decent work ethic, frugal and have property
Are you black? It sounds like that's ok if you're black.
As long as it smells nice, she doesn't look like she's homeless, and it isn't greasy, it's probably fine.
Women can get away with it. Women can get away with everything.
Doesn't matter too much to me as long as it doesn't smell like shit.
I'm alright, thanks. What's wrong?
There were simps for the rat girl from suicide squad. Disheveled is cute, just don't cross the line into lunaticcore.
People lack in person connection and online dating does not work.
The actress is actually pretty cute though. Wouldn't work for some overweight uggo.
Good hair isn't going to help a uggo though. That's the point. Men don't actually care about hair that much (considering our own hair, our suicide rate would be even higher if we did), unless you have like a BPD "fuck my shit up" haircut and even then there's a type for that.
nta but what is a bpd haircut?
Being different for the sake of being different.
I think he was receptive, i just took too long to respond... maybe
Yeah.. I feel this was probably a reason, as he has mentioned it here and there before(the abuse) but I just kept learning more when he was ready to mention it. He has admitted a fear of losing me before, especially after telling me. he has expressed he wants me to comfort him.

When I address the new and then the latter portion, can circling around me in one or two messages by me? or you mean at a later time today circle up?

i do feel like he wants to talk about expressing and engaging in intimacy though, because he struggles with being comfortable having actual intercourse. he described it was gross thinking about it and he felt sick/disgusted, and I think he is feeling guilt/shame/anxiety over his body(trauma) and how he might perform. I am wondering if he brings up intimacy again or his troubles surrounding that would be okay for me to ask more about his feelings and perceptions
anon i have to reply so I can listen in the first place, I don't want to hurt or retrigger him if I tell him I want to listen and he doesn't want to talk about it anymore
How do you cope with having never been attractive and thus having missed out on the enjoyable life that so many other people have?
There is still some joy in life even without romance. Some joy. Some.
>When I address the new and then the latter portion, can circling around me in one or two messages by me? or you mean at a later time today circle up?
Probably the former, otherwise it's just bringing it back up.
>guilt/shame/anxiety over his body(trauma)
Unusual way to frame it, I would think the problem isn't his body but what was done to it. Might be splitting hairs, idk.
>I am wondering if he brings up intimacy again or his troubles surrounding that would be okay for me to ask more about his feelings and perceptions
If it's intimacy in general I wouldn't be the first to add trauma to the discussion, but if it's about the troubles around intimacy then the topic is already started.
I’m trying to support my gf and I don’t know how to make her feel better.
She is a very friendly outgoing person and likes having a lot of friends.
Last night when she got off of work she was walking back to her car and ran into an old friend from college and I guess the dude invited her out to drink at a bar with him and his friends. He then asked “wait you have a boyfriend now don’t you?” And she said yes and he goes “wait never mind,” and said she couldn’t come anymore. Lol.
She feels really shitty about this and I think this has happened a couple times since we started dating. She’s expressed that she hates that she can’t just have friends and that it bothers her that guys just wanna fuck and so forth.

She opened up about it a little bit and told me about it but she kinda dismissed it but I know she feels bad about it. She says she wasn’t planning on going out anyway but that it bothers her that she got dismissed so easily because she wasn’t available.

How do I support her in this kind of thing?
>My gf
Not your thread. Go away.
>she feels shitty because a shitty guy who wanted to use her as a fleshlight rejected her
she's not thinking clearly
TALK TO HIM. Tell him that if there's anything at all you can do to help, you want to, but that you're not sure if he wants to talk or if he would rather talk about something else. Ask him which would be more helpful.
You gotta roll with what you have. I was never rich, I have poor health for unavoidable reasons, if I was ever attractive I didn't do anything with it. But I have talents, I have hobbies, I've had several great friendships. There's no alternative besides just throwing away what you have, which is nonsensical.
Men, I got drunk so I'm easy now. This is your chance
I think she just feels bad that she gets viewed that way when she just wants to be friendly. Idk. She’s not that hung up about it but I know that kind of thing upsets her a little bit
Just feeling tired all the time, brain fog, and my sinuses are fucked but that's normal lol.
I don't like your drinking habits, I don't like how you become when you're drinking, and I think we should just be friends.
>Men, would a girl that is intersex with XY chromosomes weird you out?
Probably not, but do you mind if I ask what your variety of intersex is? Is it Complete Androgen Insensitivity?
fanon here, same thing has happened to me (me being your gf). Just provide a friendly ear she can talk to, you can't say anything to change the situation. Some guys are overprotective and would be tilted after hearing her struggles, other can be jealous that girls won't ever act like that for them. Just be there and listen without negative emotions, she will appreciate it
That's it actually.
The /soc/ thread is waiting. Let's see some tiddy.
Good, I need my walls painted. Will you do your friend a favor?
>she's sad she's taken
This is when you start preparing your next monkey branch.
>he's very reserved about it
>better bombard him about it
Not very bright, also not a very male typing style of you.
I hate alcohol.
What struggles? Seriously.
You use people, you're a user.
>>she's sad she's taken
>This is when you start preparing your next monkey branch.
Nta but could that be chronic fatigue syndrome? Does your fatigue improve with rest?
>good dick, handsome, tall
>do heavy dose of mushrooms and weed for years
>get psychosis
>small dick from prescribed antipsychotics
>mentally ill
is it over for me?
I will repay the favor
Sometimes, but not always. I don't really have a consistent sleep schedule though, so that could be part of it.
Does anyone know why imgur is full of retarded leftists?
There's a really, really pretty 6' tall Asian girl in my uni dorm/apartment building. I NEED to ask her out. But I haven't seen her in a minute but I feel like it'd be too weird to go knock on her door unannounced.
Have you considered sleep apnea? How's your thyroid?
>That's it actually
I doubt it would bother me. I couldn't care less about you not being able to have children - I don't want them either. I would have no problem whatever thinking of you as a woman, and I would need no less attracted to you than I would be to an XX woman. The only thing that might make me hesitate for a split second is the question of what kind of sex you like. I'm sorry, I'm going to have to phrase this in the most appallingly crude way(!) but as I understand it people with CAIS are generally born with a perfectly formed with a perfectly formed vulva but no actual vagina behind it (or only the beginning of one). Is that something you've had addressed? If not, what kinds of sex do you like to have?
Just tell me what to do
Not if you seem enthusiastic enough
It's reddit's sewage system.
See this guy >>31924880 is what she is used to, be her support
I think it's because reddit primarily hosts their images there so the images in the "feed" are just from different subreddits, which are generally leftist
>There's no alternative besides just throwing away what you have, which is nonsensical.
I disagree. If you're given a job to do, and somebody gives you a rubber spatula and says 'go mine for coal' I'm not doing that shit even though technically yeah 5 grams of coal per day is more than zero.
Send the supportive message
She's not interested, you're not tall enough for her.
>Just tell me what to do
Take an overdose of Fentanyl.
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holy i love fent
Go into finance, gym and hire escort to learn to fuck. If you do that I am yours
It wouldn't weird me out at all, we could be friends, but I want kids so badly that it would be a deal breaker.
I'll probably die alone anyway so it doesn't really matter what I think.
Doctors suspected sleep apnea after I had a car accident caused by falling asleep behind the wheel, but it was inconclusive. They gave me a CPAP and I used it for a couple years, but it didn't really do anything for me.
I'm really disappointed you drank without me so I couldn,t mix you any cocktails.
I'm sorry, I'm sure you're a lovely girl but >>31924925 already told me to kill myself so I'm booked up
No thanks. I prefer women who don't degrade themselves.
im 5'8 but half white half jap it cant be that bad?
This is basically what women want for men. They want us to die and give them our shit.
>it's ok babe, just tell guys you're single when they ask you to go out drinking with them
stop pining for asian women, you could easily get a much hotter white woman
Do you know what's the most disgusting thing in moids?
Their love for anal sex. Just look at porn videos (99% of them are directed at moids) most of them have anal sex. It's totally against nature, doesn't even give them more physical pleasure and only serves their urge to humiliate the woman they say they love
Yes it can make or break it, it matters a lot, women's hair can be so beautiful it is really offputting when a woman takes no care of it.
White women are the worst.
She doesn't even see you as human, she sees you as a bug.
I find handjobs hotter than anything else for some reason. Anal is repulsive to me
No worries, really! My vagina is actually kind of a hole that goes nowhere, right. I have been doing, uh, exercises to lengthen it and am better with vaginal sex nowadays.
My chance for what?
The screen separates us, even if I wanted to kiss you I couldn't.
Ok ladies.
Norwood 3 or bald?
>I'll probably die alone anyway so it doesn't really matter what I think.
That's the spirit. :)
>It's totally against nature
This will never be a valig and logicl argument for anything.
Love me.
I hear you, but it's not universal. I've done anal, out of curiosity, but I didn't enjoy it as much as vaginal, and haven't really bothered with it since.
maybe, maybe not
I'm not >>31924938, I'm a 5'8" black phd student

I'm talking to a German girl right now that I know through church, but I don't think it's gonna happen + she's only on exchange.
Western women
>I make more money them most men now
>I'm more attractive than the available men
>Most men I meet aren't mature or competent enough for me

many men
>Okay. I get that I'm not economically viable and that my best isn't good enough for you. Best of luck.
>I will go find women who are happy with how much I make and aren't upset with how I conduct my life
>*finds those women in Vietnam/Philippines/Thailand and starts families with them

Western women
>omg that is so GROSS. How can you do that?

Can somebody explain this to me? I genuinely don't know what the fuck they want men to do? This would be like me going on twitter or instagram and complaining that fat people shouldn't be allowed to date until they're attractive enough for me specifically to want to date them.
>I have been doing, uh, exercises to lengthen it and am better with vaginal sex nowadays.
But what is that like?
Are you able to enjoy it?
Doesn't homosexuality exist in nature?
Male animals do not fuck butts. Moids do.
I'll probably never do anal or even ask to do it. If the girl asked I'd try but I wouldn't be too ecstatic about it. Porn videos are filled to the brim with weird fetishes because it's porn, and the excitement that usually comes with buildup and context in real sex is what brings variety to real sex. Porn's only means of variety is either acted buildup (which sucks because most of it is formulaic and you're not exactly hiring creative directors with enough sexual experience) or fucked up fetishes. The latter is easy and exploitable ad infinitum.

Also while I'm not a fan of anal it's not cool to kinkshame, anon.
I can't believe Japan made an anime about a male atogan befriending female atogans. This shit is easily the Anime of the Season, maybe even the AotY.

Only in rape
It really sucked at the beginning, ngl. I've gotten a little better at it but masturbation still kinda feels like homework in a way. It's way better with an actual person.
Most men don't want anal. Most men WOMEN DATE want anal.
Anal is strictly a degradation/power act, it's not an act that belongs in a loving relationship. Not that it should be outlawed or anything, and I'm not even thinly veiling an anti-gay point, the majority of gay relationships don't actually engage in anal very often.
the only time I found anal "hot" was in a threesome video where a guy was fucking a girl and another girl fisted the girl and basically gave the guy a handjob through the walls of her rectum, simultaneously pleasuring him and the other girl. They were losing their minds and it seemed hot.

Otherwise yeah anal is pretty gross
So... anal then.
Kind of related, but last year I started studying ComSci in University and I expected it to be like 90% nerd male and 10% ugly female. It's more like 60% nerd males, 10% chad males and 30% above average to good looking females.
I don't know why so many beautiful women are studying Computer Science but they are. There's like 2 girls in my class of 90 people that could literally be Instagram models. Every single person that sees them would rate them 9.5 or 10, they're like actual models, and they're studying fucking COMPUTER SCIENCE. There's also some really buff guys that you can tell browse /fit/.

I thought it would just be nerds and ugly stinky girls.
>It's way better with an actual person.
Is it actually good? Like enjoyable now?
There's two answers to this: The good faith and the bad faith way. The good faith way is taking what you mean in the most reasonable way possible, and assuming these people exist (they do). And the answer is that stupid and selfish people are just stupid and selfish. It's not logical because there's not supposed to be depth to the logic.

The bad faith view is assuming you're wrong for assuming this (you are, even if technically in a way you're correct). You're making up singular entities in your head based on the sentiments of a loud collective that can be generalized in extremely vague, thus hardly consistent or fully contextualized terms. The problem is that you're seriously believing societal standards to be reasonable in this way when the basis this logic works off of isn't even reasonable to begin with. It's not helping you and the fact you feel like you're mentally trying to wrestle with something related to girls means nothing if you have to be stuck here questioning women in this purely theoretical headspace. Quit it.
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Already do, anonymous female
I mean, obviously, I would have no desire to injure you! I'm very into blowjobs, and fairly into hand jobs, fine with going down on a woman, but not particularly into anal; so, if PIV is, in fact, possible and enjoyable for you, or if some of those other activities include things we would both enjoy doing, then I can't see that your status would be an issue at all. (I do realise I'm getting awfully personal with some of this, but I figured you probably wouldn't ask if you didn't want a full answer!)

I'm guessing they probably removed your testes early in life and put you on HRT? (This is just blatant nosiness on my part now!)
I'm not sure if my experience is really like most girls but it's better than it used to be.
I think you're mostly making up the "western women" attitude, or at least it's not what I see happening around me.
I also don't think most people find it gross if you find a foreign woman and date her. For example, one of my friends met a Vietnamese girl while studying abroad and I don't think any of us ever thought negatively of him for that. Specifically targeting women who are in vulnerable conditions because you think they'd be easier to date is kind of gross.
Aww that is really sad.
It's like a boss who doubles your duties without giving you a raise. They don't think you have any other options and they pikachu face when you do.
I genuinely have never met a woman IRL who had particular issues around how much money a man she was dating made. I know several women who make more than their partners, including my own mother lol
I hate homosexual moids
>Most men WOMEN DATE want anal
>the majority of gay relationships don't actually engage in anal very often.
So they want to humiliate women but not other men? Really makes me think
Glad you agree that this train of thought is retarded either way
My ex's new boyfriend is much uglier than me. Trying to figure out what that means...
For the record that's irrelevant, but I also never said it was about money.
I was being sarcastic, after the last decade men will have zero sympathy for being painted with too broad a brush.
I had internal testicles removed to prevent future possible health issues. I'm on HRT.
I love anal, I always orgasm in 20 seconds but it will hurt afterwards so yeah
The truth is that most men are able to jump over these hurdles that women want us to.
We can't cause we're low value.
Women have deemed us as unworthy of mating and by going to a 3rd world country to find a wife you are admitting you are unfit to find a wife with any standards but that you'll do it anyway.
I think that is what they don't like.
Do you have schizophrenia anon?
Perhaps you can wean out the anti-psychotics.
Tell us your history.
>I also never said it was about money.
Yes you did. Quoting from your post:

Western women
>I make more money them most men now

many men
>Okay. I get that I'm not economically viable
>I will go find women who are happy with how much I make
>I was being sarcastic
Yes I know. I was saying that flipping this train of thought back at them is counterproductive whether or not it's satisfying or justified, and we should know this well by now if our lives revolved around anything more than playing victim.
I'm not >>31924989 I'm >>31925047.
I know this pain, my ex bf is dating a fat bitch older than me. Also she's an oil tank driver by profession
I have a question for women as well as for men.

Three weeks ago I broke up with my gf. We've been together for a month, but we've been talking for 8 months before that. We broke up mainly because she has fertility issues and is worried that I'm not religious. It was her decision to break up, because "she can't give me what I want" (=family) - I'd probably want to stay.

I have a very low self-esteem and don't think I will be able to find anybody as good as her in the future. I'm about to finish uni, my job prospects are not that good (foreign language studies), I wouldn't say I'm that attractive physically or status-wise, but I'm quite charismatic and somewhat romantic and emotional for a man.

I wrote a 5-page letter to her, where I thank for her everything she gave me: the good time, hope, closeness. I also apologize to her for being a coward and leaving her, and also not being who she wanted me to be. I don't mention wanting to get back, but that I will always remember her and she'll be a part of me.

I don't understand myself and why I want her to read that. I guess I want her to remember me well. I want to matter to her, even if I can't be with her. I'm not sure I love her, I've never loved anyone. But life feels meaningless right now.

My friends advise me against it. They tell me I will regret it.

I don't know what I'm gonna do yet. On the one hand - I like her, she's the closest to my ideal partner, but I feel stressed she's out of my league and that later it can turn out that we aren't a good match and can't have children.

I'd like to hear a perspective of a stranger. Thank you.
Modern leftism is all about denying reality and attempting to substitute delusional utopian idealism in its place. They tell women that they can girlboss their way to a 6-7 figure salary and they don't need kids, then when their biological instincts kick in in their late 20s or their 30s, these women try to pivot and find a man, but they're still women so they still want a man who they can see as a provider and protector, even if this goes against every feminist slogan they've ever chanted. But they've pushed a lot of men out of these mid-level positions with their inflated salaries, so the only places they can look for the kind of men they want are CEOs, entrepreneurs, and investors, and that's a limited dating pool. They've also been sold lies about hypergamy, so they believe they can just shack up with some rich dude and he'll give them what they want, but he's just using them.

By the time they realize they've been lied to, if they ever realize it, it's too late. They're in their mid-40s or older, their childbearing years are basically over, and men aren't interested in them anymore. They can either keep girlbossing and pretend it's what they wanted, or they can try to deny this reality as well, but that doesn't work and they'll just end up being used some more by guys who don't care about them.

Feminism is a malignant cancer, and at this point I think it's metastasis is complete.
Women are too well off nowadays and refuse to date a man they see as inferior to them, even though it is mostly imagined. It won't get better until a REAL economic downturn when people start killing each other in the streets over some skewered dog meat
How is that sad? If you don't know what you're missing, you're not really bothered by it.
is this a joke?
She settled because it signaled that attractive guys aren't worth the hassle anymore. Happens.

She supports him emotionally and is probably a net positive in his life.
I know this story sounds totally unrealistic, but I shit you not this happened irl with people I know personally.
>Guy (reasonably attractive normal dude, not a neckbeard) in LTR with his hot hapa gf
>both friends with girl 1 from college. Start hanging around more at chad's house (chad is girl 1's bf)
>realize that girl 2 (chad's other girlfriend) exists
>hapa gf tries to call out chad to the other girls, who just start thinking she's a bitch
>this degrades so much that now even girl 1 thinks guy and hapa gf are just bitches because it might upset the cart with chad if she doesn't, same with girl 2
>the narrative in the group is now is that guy 1 and hapa gf are just uppity cunts and that guy 1 is creepy and was just trying to date up by dating thirdies or whatever and that hapa girl (nice girl, I know her too) is just a greencard grifting golddigger (dude's not well off, and they've been together for like 7 or 8 years)

All this so that white girls could keep pretending their chad's gf. They just hate other raced girls because they're less greedy and scheming than they are and it makes them feel bad about themselves to have it pointed out.
>She supports him emotionally and is probably a net positive in his life.
No. He will cheat on her sooner or later
First of all, half the time when doctors tell a woman she's infertile or will have fertility issues, they're full of shit. I know several women who were told they would never have kids who had multiple children who are all healthy. Leaving her over that is kinda dumb.
Second, you say you broke up with her, but you also say it was her decision. Which is it?

>get niche degree
>don't already have a job lined up when you graduate
You fucked up. Not surprising, you seem kinda dumb.
I genuinely don't even understand what you're trying to say.
>I have a very low self-esteem and don't think I will be able to find anybody as good as her in the future
>I'm about to finish uni
I hate to put this too bluntly but you're being melodramatic. I'm not gonna ask you rip off the band aid and not feel pain, especially since I don't know what you've emotionally invested into those 8 months, but you cannot live your life assuming one person is the most important thing you will ever have. That's not realistic nor is it healthy, and that belief will prevent you from finding a better future more than anything. It's fine to appreciate the relationship for all that it's meant to you. It's not fine to act as if it's the most important thing that will ever happen to you regardless of whatever your future potentially holds.

I don't know you very well so I don't know if sending that letter is a good idea or not. But if you are going to do it, you should do it with no attachment to however she's going to feel about it, and do it for your own closure alone. Three weeks is a really late and bad window to be sending something like that which is why I somewhat agree to not send it at this point. You should have done it sooner, because now you're just building an attachment issue. But if you can really do it without the attachment issues (big if from the sounds of it) then I'd say fine. Though you don't sound like you can.
Did he cheat on you? If so, why?
Yes, with her
Because he's stupid
>girls hate nice Filipino girl because she told them chad is cheating on them, suddenly decide her long term bf is a creepy passport bro trying to scoop up vulnerable thirdies because white women are out of his league
>Because he's stupid
Lol, not a real reason.
First of all you need to get better naming for your stories so that keeping up with who's who isn't an annoying chore. Second, no one is denying there aren't extremely shitty women who have typical behaviors. But what's practical is always going to matter more than what's true, and what's practical is realizing this shit is a waste of time that only ends in trying to give energy, attention, and character, to trying to deal with the whims of shitty people that won't be accountable. Where has that gotten anyone?
I enjoy anal. I've had orgasms from it and remembering my ex fucking me like that. What the other anon said might be right, though, it's a degradation thing. And I used to watch it in porn too.
Imagine being a white man and having the entire hollywood industry propping you up as an ideal mate
Yet your women still fall to the ultimate, indian seduction and handsomeness.
>t. brainwashed by her ex
when shit fills the water supply you have no choice but to start drinking shit
okay, thanks! will do former I think. yes sorry that's what I meant, what was done to him. he's worried he'll say or do the wrong thing, and go soft right as it is about to happen.
>If it's intimacy in general I wouldn't be the first to add trauma to the discussion, but if it's about the troubles around intimacy then the topic is already started

no he mentioned soneone he has to deal with doing something bad that his dad did which thise sort of actions lead to his trauma and retriggering when he started explaining it more to me.

he has spoken to me about the trauma quite a few tines but he felt comfortable enough to express the R word, which is very painful. before he might have wanted to tell me buthe just said he couldn't say the word t the time. other tines he used other words of similar nature but.. yeah.
I know from before he just wants me to hold him and tell him everything's gonna be okay :( but we live a bit away from eachother
I'm just trying to figure out how to word it since I come off awkward in expressing sometimes
I know a homosexual tranny (Think of a gay man so gay and flamboyant he larps as a woman in order to attract men) who dated a "transman"(woman who larp as man) once just so people would stop accusing him of having genital preferences. He had PIV sex with her and said pussy is much better than ass. Crazy how even a gay man could acknowledge that but straight men think ass is better
>women can't have their own thoughts
to add onto what >>31925095 said. modern Feminism is cancer for society as a whole because as women have joined the work force so they can increase the price of everything. before like in the 1950s one man with a single job could support a whole family (wife & 5 children) now you'd need both the husband and wife working at the same time to support the family. this also means higher taxes for the government but It's not like they use that to help us out.

also it's total BS to say that women make $0.70 on the dollar that men make. it's not true because if it were all companies would only hired women and save a ton of money.

the only way to escape modern feminism, as a man, is to make a ton of money like 100k minimum a year, which is already a challenge. and find a nice woman who has traditional values. and most traditional women aren't in America so men find them is places like Thailand and eastern Europe.
>straight men think ass is better
You sound so boring.
Yeah, that was just me being ridiculously nosey! Anyway the answer to your original question is that I can't see that you having CAIS would bother me in the slightest, and I would just think of you as a woman. Hope dating works out for you!
100k a year is still not enough for a lot of women.
>moids do not brainwash their partners
Is it just me or is there a disproportionately large amount of people with disabilities and disorders in the UK? Whenever I see a video like that on youtube they're almost always English.
>I guess I want her to remember me well. I want to matter to her, even if I can't be with her.
Get over yourself.
>I broke up with my gf.
>It was her decision to break up
Which is it?
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>Women are too well off nowadays and refuse to date a man they see as inferior to them
not true, my dad who made like 12k a year at the time married my step-mom who makes 120k but at one point she made +600k a year on good years. now I get to live in a cool house with a bunch of large dogs.
Sounds kinda hot.
I'm not white.
Thanks! You're fine, really. I'm honestly not that bothered. You're right, if I didn't want to talk about I wouldn't have asked.
Thank you for the reply. She was quite certain she couldn't have children after her doctor's appointment. She broke up with me, I'm sorry for the confusion... Regarding my degree... Well, let's just say my whole life has been damage control from the get go - I'm not in debt or anything. I live in Europe, you can get a job with my degree.

Thank you for the reply. I know I'm being a little melodramatic as you point out and I will probably still sound like that when I say that she was the best thing that's ever happened to me - in my mind she was, I was never happier, but still feared she'd leave me...

I'm surprised that you think three weeks is late, though. I don't really have any experience in that matter.

It was her, sorry for the confusion.
I'm trying.
>as women have joined the work force so they can increase the price of everything.
how is price going up related to women entering the work force?
>future possible health issues
You mean like cancer?
>anecdote from 30 years ago
why do I love women so much but at the same time want to dislike them
It's not completely that 'it's not enough for women', it's that it's not enough to live a comfortable life anymore.

Women don't have to live in the real world. They still think that a man should provide for them a 90's family sitcom lifestyle and haven't changed that viewpoint in 20 or 30 years as a group. But men have to live in the real world because they know there's no shot anybody would just give that to them. Most know it's an unattainable fantasy, but women still think it's a reality, and everybody ends up disappointed.
>woman always get brainwashed and even stay that way after they have long broken up
Centuries of inbreeding will do that
>modern Feminism is cancer for society as a whole because as women have joined the work force so they can increase the price of everything
Lower and middle class women have always worked, they just were not compensated fairly for their work - the fight was never to get women working, it was to allow women to get better job and to be paid fairly for their labor.
Not working was reserved for upper-middle classes, pretty much until WW2.
More money going out means more has to come in.
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Why didnt you guys tell me there was a new thread? Mean...
Your dick fighting against your rational mind
You watch anime, therefore you love women for reasons that aren't real and you dislike women for reasons that aren't real.
Involuntary Celibacy
I love women too, I just wish they loved me back
I can't stop crying Why did God put me in this situation if he knew it wouldn't end well
Right. It's not like I could examine them like dudes.
Which country has the most gorgeous men?
I want to know why there are two threads again
It's legitimately all the inbreeding. I say that as an English guy.
All men are inherently ugly
You ever read the book of Job?
Women can i poke your side boob? pleeeeaaasee?
>She was quite certain she couldn't have children after her doctor's appointment.
My grandmother was told when she was 19 that she would never have children. Ten years later she had seven children, all of them healthy. My aunt, on the other hand, had trouble getting pregnant and went to multiple doctors over it. Over the course of 15 years she and my uncle tried everything they could, including IVF. Checked his sperm, checked her out, doctors never found an issue, but she was never able to conceive. Doctors are full of shit, especially when it comes to fertility.

I agree with the other anon though, even if it was immediately after the breakup I think sending that letter would be a bad idea, but three weeks later it's definitely not a good idea. It's melodramatic and obsessive, and you need to move on. She's decided she doesn't want to date you anymore, so find someone else. Probably best if you do so relatively quickly, since dating after college is much more difficult.
>It was her, sorry for the confusion
Then why did you apologise for leaving her?
I kind of want a bf who would rush into the room, steal a kiss from me while groping me greedily, carry me to the bedroom while ripping off my clothes and then fuck me furiously
how do I make him feel like he isn't chasing me away so he stops worrying
Alain Delon La Perfection Humaine
nta but things ended pretty well for Job.
suck his soul out the tip
It's been far too long since someone has played with my titties (a week)
If she's already making 75-100k and he's making 100k, that's enough to live comfortably. Obviously though, if she wants to be a stay at home mom, that's more difficult, but still doable. But a lot of women don't want to be stay at home moms anymore either.
Ok. Be gentle though.
because you pay for 4chan premium...
>Women can i poke your side boob? pleeeeaaasee?
If you don't mind me breaking your finger.
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>You watch anime
havent in years
He's dead
Women, would you let someone touch your clothed boob irl?
Women say shit like this and then make their dating decisions based entirely on the guy making lots of money and treating her like trash.
What's preventing that?
She’s not mad she’s taken she’s mad that she can’t have friends without them wanting to fuck her
Fembotcop got tiddies of steel.
Worth it if you have nice tits.
How doI maek her squert?
>a week
we got a stacy over here

Yes! don't worry, i cut my nails and stuff

Honestly, sounds like a sacrifice im willing to make
>Stop, I didn't mean right now! You were supposed to read my mind and know when I want this and when I don't!
>how do I make him feel like he isn't chasing me away so he stops worrying
Stop running away from him.
Yeah, my husband can touch my boobies whenever he wants.
I'd let people touch my bare boobs
My boobs are fan friendly
Be more affectionate.
Why is being a human being so fucking difficult for women?
Every fucking time it's
>how do I make my normal bf feel better about our relationship?
>Have you tried making it seem like you want to be there?
>Oh, no I mean I just want him to suddenly feel better about me not really liking the relationship. Oh btw, if you talk about 'problem solving' I'll get mad, we're just in a active listening phase of me complaining (never gets to the next phase)
Only if we were extremely good friends.
he joked about me devouring his soul but no xxx stuff rn because he has rightful boundaries
How do I make myself as physically repulsive as possible to women. I've stopped trimming my nails and unibrow, stopped shaving my face, anything else i can do
You're imagining an actual relationship but she's asking about her Discord e-relationship.
Just be yourself
Swap bodies with me
you're already posting in atoga so you're basically done
The problem is that there are like 5 billion people who have soul mates and probably already met them that, but because they both make similar "scraping by" amounts, the woman refuses and now they both have to live in squalor when they could have been comfy together if the woman was less greedy.
I feel like I should've stayed and not just accepted her decision. I feel responsible for it...

Thank you for the advice. I wrote the letters to put my mind at ease and order my thoughts. I'm here because I wasn't sure if I'm actually going to send it.

I'm trying to move on - that's why I haven't done anything since the breakup, but I can't help but think that it's cruel for me to walk away like that, even though it was her decision. I'm scared of being lonely.
Yes, my (imaginary) bf
Is there ever a good reason to dump someone? Or am I just too much of a people pleaser? How do I get past that when I think something isn't going to work out?
Women, if you poke your boobs with a finger, how far does it sink in?
You weren't born rich either, so fuck it. It is what it is.
Stop bathing and deodorizing
Same boat mate. I want an answer too. I'm a people pleaser
Depends where, but at the furthest point, about 2 inches
>anything else i can do
Stop washing. Don't brush your teeth. Never change or wash your clothes.
It's not cruel to move on, it's cruel to keep trying to be in her life if she doesn't want that. It just makes it harder for you both to move on and find happiness.
Women would you hide my phone in your bra?
Penis length
How much can you bench
Maybe a half an inch.
I do it all the time for my bf.
Oh, you mean my peanus? My peanus weanus? That peanus right there with the weanus?
>165 lbs
>idk I don't work out
2 hand spans
150-160 idk
1 plate about 6 times
Pregnant gf broke up with me, looking for a way back.

She has major communication and insecurity issues. Whenever there's a discussion, misunderstanding, hashing out, or argument she just doesn't say anything, stops responding, ignores, dismisses me, guilt trips me and makes the bad guy. So I raise my voice and slam my fist on desks out of frustation (but I have never hit her).

She's had an abortion with her previous ex, and there was some huge drama/cheating there, so I messaged him, because I wanted truths for the sake of the baby. When she found out, she got upset, but got over it. I told her I was on the fence about the situation, her, and she had to do better and show improvement if she wants me to stick around. She agreed, and asked if there was anything she could do for me. I told her to figure it out herself, and that i'll give her her space.

She texts me 4 hours later breaking up with me 100%. Wouldn't return my calls. Blamed my trauma, me messaging her ex, and that its over.

Anything I can do?
>Is there ever a good reason to dump someone?
There are a vast number of good reasons. Anything along the lines of "this isn't working for me and there's no realistic possibility of that changing" is a good reason. "I'm worried it might not work" or "this isn't working but I've done nothing to try to fix it" are generally bad reasons.
About 2 inches where there are no roots at the fullest part.
D.E.N.N.I.S Method
i have never been inside a gym
>Women would you hide my phone in your bra?
Why, are you in prison?
>"I'm worried it might not work"
Why? This is a valid reason imo.
The only way I could really hide it is to put it in the underboob.
>So I raise my voice and slam my fist on desks out of frustation
She's better off without you.
what if I am anxious and bad with words and struggle replying to him hours later? I don't wanna make him feel worse it I say the wrong thing
we aren't normal.
hey our feelings still matter
If she weren't dating you this would be a non-issue because she'd go out with him and probably get fucked.
I need advice on how to stop being a bitch and missing my ex
There can be no secrets between us if I put my face to your chest whenever I get a call. Similarly, I'm going to be sticking your phone in my pants.
I have a crush on my friend and idk what to do.
1. Your gender
2. Gender(s) you find sexy enough to fuck/date irl
3. How much porn is acceptable for your ideal mate to watch?

Women don't watch porn,* so she can watch as much as she wants, so long as it doesn't turn her gay.**

*Women do actually watch porn irl but less so
**The more porn one consumes, the more likely they are to become bisexual for some reason
>Anything I can do?
After you've done all of that shit? Hell, no.
Whatever you do, don't do any kind of cringy anime confession shit
>Penis length
About 7 in
215 lbs
>How much can you bench
No idea
Men, tell me something about your peenor
You should replicate your favorite anime confession
Why does everyone hate sperg girls so much? I don't mean the over the top obvious ones but the almost passable ones that are clearly trying
>we aren't normal.
The fact that you even validated my incel ragebait response with a reply means you aren't mature enough for a relationship
What if the realistic possibility of what isn't working for me being years and years away?
Bro you're retarded. Leave the poor girl alone.
We don't? It's the guys you could make an argument for.
Same. Just don't ruin things with your feelings. If it's too much, break it off. You deserve to be happy.
>1. Your gender
>Gender(s) you find sexy enough to fuck/date irl
>How much porn is acceptable for your ideal mate to watch?
Ideally no porn whatsoever.
He's two toned
It's two-toned. About halfway down the shaft the color suddenly changes from my normal skin tone to a pale pink
Simply stop having a crush on him/her. That's what I do and I am never disappointed or embarrass myself
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Its veiny but not bulging veins. Like this pic rel
Cute. I'm guessing you're both circumcised?
>I'm scared of being lonely.
This is the only sentence of all you have said so far that has any real value.
You are not going to win her back.
Sperg guys are more easily understood and accepted and get help sooner to develop socially. It's the reverse for women. Every sperg guy I know has a girlfriend/wife or easily understood and fits in somewhere. Sperg girls are seen as weird or stuck up and always dislikes
yes u_u
>1. Your gender
>2. Gender(s) you find sexy enough to fuck/date irl
>3. How much porn is acceptable for your ideal mate to watch?
Ideally none, acceptable to watch occasionally if I'm not there to fuck him.
Unfortunately so
He's a virgin
My laptop is on top of it at this very moment, separated only by a few layers of fabric.
It's curved slightly to the left
unsettling, if you got a paper cut i think you'd bleed out in seconds
Women, tell me something about your tiddies
I don't care
Women would you support my balls when they need it most?
nta F but isn't that not good for your sperm?
isn't this what you wanted? you went and asked her ex about the cheating thing because you wanted an excuse to break up with her since she's pregnant

or are you dissatisfied because she got to break up with you first?
1. M
2. F
3. I cannot afford to be picky so she can shlick as much as she wants to whatever she wants
Who cares, it's not like my sperm will ever be inside anyone else.
My sideboob is pretty much just my weird nipples.
I have to shave around my areola before I let men see them. Some of the hair can grow two inches long.
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>Bisexual doesn't like very instrument that turns people into bisexuals
I bet you don't date men who identify as bi either lol (but you have no problem with bi women)
My left one is slightly larger than my right. No one really notices but it bothers me a little.
Yeah could make you infertile if done regularly enough
it cums so much that i've accidentally shot myself in the face many a time
>Dick points upwards
I still have no idea how its supposed to logistically fit during positions like doggy
how do I stop schizoing out every time I have to d something for my family (like drive them somewhere or help move furniture)?
I just get so got damn irritated and can't help but think they are trying to trap me into spending time with them when I could be working out or playing vidya or working on a personal project.
Recognition of the problem doesn't even help, I just end up getting filled with self-hatred for being an ungrateful child.
>I bet you don't date men who identify as bi either lol
Yeah. How did you know? Kek. Bi guys are disgusting slags.
Mine are extremely saggy without a bra.
I broke up with my boyfriend a month ago and still feel such horrible guilt about it. How do I stop feeling this way?
Nta also moid but same lol except I don't shave it. Thankfully the rest of my chest hair obscures it right now but earlier on in puberty it was a lot more visible lol
>Large areolas
Can i just trace it with my finger tips then?
time for a hoe phase
is it guilt or fear of having made a mistake/missing him?
Human beings are supposed to have intercourse facing each other. We are not dogs.
You should probably fuck a ton of random guys. That always works, right? Right?
No, I just know I hurt him
I find it most comfortable to sleep with a towel between them on my side.
I come easiest from doggy position. Allows easiest access to my clitoris. I think it hits better spots in my vagina too.
I am not going to do that
But some women claim to like it more than missionary
I've known them too long to ghost at this point
I've literally tried dating other people and I literally have never met anyone who I've bonded with or has been as perfect as her

And to be clear I haven't been explicitly rejected yet. She's recently single so I might have a chance. But I'm also worried I might not and the problems it would cause
My dick curves down so the women I fuck typically like doggy the best
finna become a radfem accelerationist so that society grows even more hateful towards modern women
what did you do?
Average length. Kind of a small head, and a little phimosisy but the skin does come back over the head. Uncut obviously. On the thicker side.
I broke up with him?
Tell me your gender.
Tell me some things about your height.
Tell me some things about your weight.
Tell me: Despite not being perfect and not applying to all people, is BMI "good enough" for most people?
My cock curves to the right so the women I fuck typically vote red.
Men, can you fracture your dick?
This is what i thought. Since mine points up it wont really work
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It's really only useful for women. Muscle weighs more than fat and it could be unrealable for a guy.

>go out with woman
>after several dates she says “you know you’re not like other guys I’ve dated”
>ask what she means
>”you’re really nice and sweet, most of the guys I date our jerks”
Black pill theory is really true. The nice guy actually does finish last. Why are girls like this
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>Do you consider this man to be handsome, normal, or weird-looking?
>I'm so nice, I will complain about this girl behind her back.
What should I do then?
Jerks are confident. That confidence is attractive at first.
>Why? This is a valid reason imo.
There are obviously exceptions: it depends how probable the thing is and how serious. But by and large, if everything is going great right now, but you're concerned it might not in the future, you should hang in there and take steps to prevent the thing you're worried about from happening. If it doesn't actually happen, it would be silly to have broken up with them on the offchance it might.

Example: "they've cheated on me" is a reason to break up; "they haven't cheated but I'm worried that they might cheat in the future" generally is not. You should give them a chance to prove you wrong.
Since there are two threads, I figure I’ll ask this >>31925465 in both. Anyone who can share any insight into this phenomenon would be appreciated.
F, 26. UK. He's handsome.
My best friend wrote a novel and I'm beta reading it for him. He has other beta readers aside from me, and I take it the feedback from them hasn't been great because he told me a few times he's feeling down about it.

His novel is not good. Should I give him honest feedback about it (obviously I would phrase it kindly and constructively, but I'd still be criticizing his flaws) or should I pretend I think it's fine?
i get that much. but you're not in love with him anymore, you broke up... what's to feel guilty about/like you slighted him ?
Used to be big, but once I hit 28 I started struggling to keep hard. The gays tell me that since I'm not overweight, it's more likely caused by depression rather than aging, but I've been depressed since like 8th grade.
He looks normal. Someone I mightve been friends with in elementary school.
I hate my body so fucking much. Its like every time I go out with the bros and eat/drink whatever I want, I gain 5-10 lbs and it takes for-fucking-ever to get back to baseline
what am I supposed to do, just never celebrate anything?
That won't make me feel better
>what if I am anxious and bad with words and struggle replying to him hours later?
Have you explained that to him?
This was a few days ago. I don’t plan to see her anymore
I suppose that makes sense. But it really seems copy and paste [date jerks first then go for nice guys].
having multiple orgasms on Chad's cock will send you into euphoria, girl
you won't give a fuck about some faggot loser you dumped
go fuck your way across a small euro country
You are not nice and you forgot to ask a question
There's not a single bi woman on the planet who likes men who're bi. Women are allowed to be ambiguous and nuanced with their sexuality, but men are expected to be either 100% straight or 100% gay.
I feel guilty that I hurt his feelings by leaving him. It was the right thing to do but it still caused him pain
I asked a question at the very end
It's a shit test to see what the guy will offer, an expensive date or a cheap one. I'd consider this a red flag.
No, retard.
>I've known them too long to ghost at this point
Then try distancing yourself. Do something to distract you. You probably think about them all the time and that's not good.
I can only speak from my experience, I don't know what city you're in. But I don't like putting people out, so if I choose the location or venue I worry he'll have to travel to an inconvenient location or not like the place I chose. The latter point particularly personally causes me a lot of anxiety - I really worry about choosing the "wrong" place and making a fool of myself. I have since got a go-to date venue; I was emboldened because a date really complimented it :D
It doesn't work very well. Takes 100mg of Viagra on a perfectly empty stomach to get anything useful out of it
Women, I am kind of poor. What would be a good date in this sort of situation?
Bzzt, you are wrong. one of my biggest fantasies is watching my crush get railed by another guy.
Interesting, is it to prevent friction between them or because of sweat?
>Why does everyone hate sperg girls so much?
We don't.
Move on, find someone else.
That's a bit odd, desu. I can't really think of many guys who would care about an extra 5-10 pounds.
>What if the realistic possibility of what isn't working for me being years and years away?
Then you have years between now and then to head off the possibility of whatever it is you're worried about.
Women, you gain 15 pounds. Where does it go?
I'm trying very hard to control my weight.
I worded that incorrectly. The thing I have a problem with won't be solved for years and years, at least.
Sweat mostly. They're rather large and move around a lot so that does stabilize them a bit.
Coffee or a walk in a public park
>Women would you support my balls when they need it most?
What kind of support do they need? Are they depressed? Are they recovering addicts?
Abdomen and arms
I am actually going to try this tonight.
And she didn’t go out with him and told him she had a boyfriend
And then told her boyfriend about it

If she was up to anything sketchy or wanted to hide something she wouldn’t have even mentioned it.
My height is so average.
I’ve never been fat or skinny.
I don’t know much about BMI
My thighs.
I've put on 15lbs and it went fucking everywhere. Mostly my banana rolls and stomach, but also arms, tits, face, neck.
Aren't all boobs slightly different in size? At least that's what they told us in sex ed
Probably. It still irrationally bothers me. :)
That’s the impression it gives to me as well. Most of them who request this aren’t that hot to begin with, so I usually consider it a good enough reason to not try to match with them.

That’s exactly what I’m afraid of as well, which is why I think it’s important to discuss it with the other person a bit and come to an agreement rather than just boldly make a reservation and assume that they’ll accept it. Doing anything else doesn’t make any sense to me.
Maybe if you constantly massage the smaller one it will get bigger
Femanons, do you think you would ever have a threesome with your female bestie?
Great, then I'll be lactating out of one boob...
>girl paid me a really sweet compliment
>what a fucking bitch
>I'm really nice, btw.
Fuck you.
You're a disgusting slut.
1. F
2. F, M, MtF
3. I don’t care
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>struggling with sobriety
>maintaining it means I'm irritable 24/7
>can't be around others so I just sit at home, work out, and wait to fall asleep
I don't know how to break this cycle bros
I feel terrible. Even breaking sobriety is giving me diminishing returns. I used to be fine for a few days after a binge but now I'm back to having terrible cravings after just a day or so.
Give me some advice. Please.
Absolutely not. I am not sexually attracted to her.
Wait, does massaging them do that? BRB
State gender

On a scale of 1 to 10, how dysfunctional is your family?
That's not a compliment though, she is saying that he is getting leftover goods after she fucked the bad boys.
I refuse to care about societal ills or the problems of others until I have a gf.
Really only the nipples.
What if you're both sexually attracted to the guy or girl you're both having sex with?
I would be honest, but constructive. So don't say "X doesn't work", say "I think X might work better if...".
*puts hands down knickers* Ooh, keep going anon.
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That's because you're a man.
My mom's side, 2/10
My dad's side, 8/10
We aren't as bad as some of the fucked up families you read about like the Fritzls but every single person is a myriad of toxicity.
Not at all after dad moved out
>There's not a single bi woman on the planet who likes men who're bi.
Uh, my sister is bi, and so is her husband.
8: all neurotic, but somehow the whole family stayed together. Families with far fewer problems fell apart while ours held strong.
The husband was just shitting her.
Indulge in your hobby
That is true. Disregard that I suck cocks.
>Oi bloody brilliant govnuh, suck on me peckah til me spunk's all over yer knickers, then we'll pop down to the local pub for a cheeky pint eh?
British "people" make me sick
A slightly chubby body is incredibly hot compared to a too skinny of a girl.
I think its some part of caveman brain that says to me "see that belly and that big ass, shes ready to be knocked up"
Kind of deal.


Do women have similar feelings with guys who look like strong lumberjacks / football players versus a skinny twig guy?
>which is why I think it’s important to discuss it with the other person a bit and come to an agreement rather than just boldly make a reservation and assume that they’ll accept it.
Location is more important in this context. For a first date, I'd accept any coffee/drinks venue he were to propose as long as it's conveniently located.
I don’t get why people are dogging on her for saying she had a boyfriend and didn’t want to go out
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>female who's attracted to transwomen
Doesn't exist outside the internet.

But if so, safe to assume you also like transmen?
I agree. A Rubenesque woman is my ideal woman
>The thing I have a problem with won't be solved for years and years, at least.
Are you willing to work on it? Is your partner willing to work on it with you? Are you both being realistic about how long this is likely to take? Then what's the issue?
That was a bit naff.
>how is price going up related to women entering the work force?
prices have gone up but salaries haven't so to support a family now wives also need to get jobs alongside their husbands to support the family (unless the husband makes alot of money) this works for bf and gfs aswell.
Misery loves company. It's not the women who are in stable, long-term relationships making these posts on social media condemning everyone. It's the terminally online who post this shit.

Do you think the anons from /pol/ telling people "You should break up your girlfriend because she isn't white" are happy, fulfilled people?

Apparently I left this post typed up and never hit submit kek so sorry for such a late reply
working out is my hobby
I do other hobbies (chess, piano, learn Spanish) but those don't improve my mood.
I posted on the other thread but I'm curious so I'll post here:
This girl I'm crushing hard on deleted her instagram again a week ago and it makes me curious. Why do women just up and delete social media out of nowhere just to show up again in like 2 weeks?

Is it a good reason to worry? Yes, I know its dumb but when you like a woman everything about them becomes intriguing.
A musical instrument doesn't improve your mood? That's a bit weird honestly.
Girls, do you agree that females who cheat deserve to get beaten up?
I hate being fat. I want to be a skinny, 14lbs underweight BMI 17. I like big fat guys though, lumberjack style with beards and cute hands.
Women do you enjoy looking at naked men the way we enjoy looking at naked women?
Their virtues tell them (rightly so) that it's vain and shallow. So they occasionally delete their SM or all the content, but they are addicted to the attention so generally just make new ones or add to it again after a couple of day or weeks.
Girls sometimes giggle nervously when they chat with me.
Sometimes im just listening to what they have to say looking at them and they go "haha" in random moments

What does it mean?
Recently a chubby girl who worked in cafeteria did that, and this one chick i ser sometimee at the gym
Lots of women will publicly make it known that they're getting rid of social media because they think it makes them look intelligent and "different." Then, two weeks later, they realize they can't survive without the validation it provides for them.
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College campus is already cliqued up how do i integrate myself and avoid bullying if i say something awkward
I'm gonna be really stereotypical here and say most guys don't really take care of their body.
Depression-caused mood swings. My lesbo cousin has no social media because she's chronically depressed.

There's also no evidence she's a lesbian other than being 28 and never having had a bf (or dated anyone whatsoever.)
Of course it's a fucking compliment. "Every other guy turned out not to be what I wanted, but you're absolutely perfect." Only you retards could possibly make that into an insult.
it does at that moment, same with working out, and sometimes if I pull off a good move in chess
but its fleeting
my struggles with addiction are giving me depression and I don't know how to fix that, aside from waiting it out
It does, I exist outside the internet.
I’m not attracted to transmen
You're asking the wrong guy
>t. fifth year uni student, hasn't made a single friend
i take that as a no
Well, weight doesnt say entire story, an athletic built girl with some muscle and healthy amount of fat might have really curvy feminine build, but not be anywhere close to fat

Wide hips, tiny slutty waist nice shoulders is extremely good look.

I understand you dont want to be fat, but please dont starve yourself femanon
Bullying doesn't happen in college because it's neither a high school nor the world of employment. It's the four years of life where everyone's nice.
Not really. I like looking at penises when I see them, though, mostly out of curiousity and novelty-factor because I don't see them often.
>The husband was just shitting her
He wasn't, I've met his ex-boyfriend.
>women bad
women how would you actually dispute this sentiment in good faith?
I'm not willing to go that long
>It's the four years of life where everyone's nice.
How would I know
It seems a little ignorant to just blanket judge an entire group.
Well, I'm not atheltic built and I'm never going to be. I looked good at BMI 17.
Femanons' thoughts on a guy who does 2 hours of psalms, magick rituals, and meditative breathwork everyday?
Maybe i should seek out the other floaters and hope they dont have terminal autism
>girls dont actually like sex chud!
>Hop on normie social media
>Normie girls outright talking about the satisfyer and other masturbation tools and techniques

Uhhh, yeah haha
The people saying this are not worth engaging with
>dudes flash women at work and they run away screaming?
I watched one where the woman fainted lol
Well, then it seems that the relationship isn't working *now*, and won't be working for the foreseeable future, in which case fine: leave.
Height and weight?
Do you do any sports / activities?

From my experience girls who are just skinny look good in normal clothes, but then when they try to wear a sexy dress or something it kinda becomes like a square on their butt
>fails to dispute it.
Alright. I will
Wrong thread
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I want a dutch fitchick gf, but they all want a rich chad with sixpack
>What's attractive to men: women's bodies
>What's attractive to women: men with money/power, hard-working men, smart men, men with penises

Essentially, a slutty woman is a woman dressed in lingerie asking you to destroy her; a slutty man is a guy who shares your interests, is funny, or helps you out with a big project (but not in a scumbag "I'm desperate for pussy" simp way.)
nta dresses are meant to accentuate curves. Skinny girls don't really have any.
Fails to be worthy
Yeah absolutely.
Thus one friend of mine who has pretty big ass and tiny waist looks like a total bombshell in a dress
I kinda did? I say it was ignorant, meaning if you took the time to learn more about it, you'd find that was not the case.
>Height and weight?
5'3. I'm too scared to weigh myself. I've put on a lot of weight. Got myself down to 104lbs two months ago.
>Do you do any sports / activities?
Not really. I cycle and walk everywhere but that's it. I'm not going to be a gym thot, so don't start on that.
>when they try to wear a sexy dress or something it kinda becomes like a square on their butt
Well, yeah, I'm not going to wear body-con dresses when I have no ass. Vintage styles - a fitted cropped cardigan with a high-waisted A-line skirt - looks great on skinny though.
One thing that is very stupid about dating discourse lately is people pretending being the pursuer is a good thing because you get to choose.
There's something actually really sexy about a woman with no curves but the confidence to wear a dress like that anyway.
It pisses me off that women can dress in all kinds of meme ways and it's just cute and attractive (so long as they aren't fat), but guys have like 2 viable ways to dress and even men's fashion shit is like
>well you see, it's totally unique if you use a tie that's ever so slightly wider than average with this outfit.
>have you considered a spread collar instead of a classic collar on your shirt? One is stylish and the other means you're literally a rapist. Which one? Who knows!

Women post examples of guys in outfits that aren't conventional but you still like.
Everything is stupid because women can't emphasise with men.
The worst part about women is that none of them will fuck me in the amazon position while both of us are wearing butt plugs and filming our sex for OF to help us pay off our student loans.
Yeah skirts are hacks for skinny girl
Legs look nice in those
104lbs is pretty damn skinny.
>Im not going to be a gym thot
As if im your bf or anything
how do stop being neurotic?
You wish you were.
Sounds like projection.
I think im two fat for you, im twice your weight and then some, and foot taller.
what is the difference between being a coward and being risk averse?
>a woman with no curves
Even at my skinniest, I had curves, but only looking front-on. I always have a 13" difference between my hips and waist. Getting skinny gets rid of my tits and ass though. Worth it. There's nothing attractive about a flat ass in a bodycon dress though - desu there's nothing attractive about bodycon dresses in general but that's just me.
I sometimes wonder if women like being slim and tiny because it feels a certain way to be manhandled and size differences are appealing.
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Let the worst possible outcome happen once in your life, realize it's not that bad and that you can survive it, and stop fearing bad things happening from then on.
Being scared
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Why did he lie to me? Do I have to forgive him?
Is the risk necessary/worthwhile but you're still unable to do it? You're a coward.
Risk averse people make decisions based on caution. Cowards make decisions based on fear.
Women irl: I like being man-handled by a bigger, stronger man.

You, a moron: I wonder if women like being man-handled by bigger, stronger men...
If you told us some details about what he lied about, we might possibly be able to answer that.
According to white women, Italy.
>I sometimes wonder if women like being slim and tiny because it feels a certain way to be manhandled and size differences are appealing.
Well, when I was fatter than I am now a guy said he liked how he could throw me around in bed. That did feel really hot to hear, not going to lie. He was skinny at hell, too, made me self-conscious, but tall.
So strength doesn't matter, only height does.
Who knows about this?
Women, when you talk about being thrown around and manhandled in bed, what kinda stuff do you mean? Where's the line between that and legit physical abuse?
I don't know how to explain that I understand my thoughts are delusional but I don't know how to stop them. Its the same thing when I suffer from panic attacks, I know there's nothing actually wrong but it doesn't stop me from NEEDING to do something about it.
No, what he says matters. He had the body of a teenage boy. But what he said was hot and boosted by confidence.
It's hard to judge from outside the person's head because in theory it's fair that everybody has a unique level of risk tolerance and that's fine.
In a vague sense you could say it's similar to an addiction and that if the risk aversion is beginning to negatively impact your life then it's a problem. BUT obviously even that is still a bit of a grey area.

I guess if you're being 'risk averse' when the risk is meaningless or intangible then you're getting into coward territory.
>not talking to a woman in public because ... you don't wanna
>not asking out a woman who you work with
arguably a negative outcome has the potential to influence your working environment and career. So it's at least somewhat reasonable.

You just need to really be honest with yourself about what your motivations are for being risk averse in a situation. If there TRULY is a risk, then fine. If you're just using 'I'm risk averse' as an excuse in a riskless situation then it's cowardice. Maybe it's not always cowardice, there could be other more valid reasons why you don't do a riskless thing, but then it's those other reasons, not risk aversion.
It's over.
It's just about being moved around and manouvered by him into whatever position he wants.
okay, how do I prove to someone that my behavior is risk-averse instead of me being a coward?
It's all fucked up because of the jews
Lol what?
If you're truly not a coward you won't feel the need to prove anything.
What is the behavior and why are you doing it?
BECAUSE I should add that only a coward would fear what people think of them.
is there any actual cure for acute depression other than drugs?
>only a coward would fear what people think of them
that is such bullshit
the entire professional world is built around your reputation
I don’t talk about that
Yes, and it's the people that don't give a shit that do really well.
no nigger, you fuck up once and you're blacklisted
This is gonna sound really hypocritical but it's ok when I want it.
Tell that to like anyone working in politics or entertainment or sports or religion or... the only field I could that happening is medical.
Femanons, are you broken?
I'm so tired of being depressed. How do I jump start myself?
Who wants to know
hymen status?
Me, I do.
Someone who believes that you aren't broken, but wants to hear what you have to say.
>hymen status?
What meme do you have in your hymen?
>What meme do you have in your hymen?
No, I mean any connection whatever between the hymen and virginity is just a meme. In reality there is essentially no connection between the two.
Well today I discovered that I’m allergic to the hemp soap I bought last week and have some tiny hives on my chest arms and shoulders.
It means disregard the last post of mine you replied to. Also, lurk moar.
Aww that sucks, maybe get a donkey milk soap.
What a time to be alive. I took a bottle of sensitive skin wash from the guest room.
>What a time to be alive
Very true, the same stuff cleopatra bathed in is available to us peasants.
Bathed in ass, bitten by asp, she truly did have it all.
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Inflation up, cats are the same
That’s such bs. Every girl knows that bad boys suck, but they choose to date them anyways for sex. Then later they choose nice guys. This isn’t a new phenomenon. Girls NEVER look for nice guys first. They always want bad boys
>talking with a girl
>She sends me nudes
>Says she has a bf, shes just bored

Oh, so court jester wasnt around so you are cheating?
Post her nudes. It’s only right.
>in a wheelchair
>I took that personally
And here you are telling us instead of her.
How long have you been spineless?
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Would you rather date a chud or a basedboy reditor
Dating a chud sounds like it’d be pretty awful considering 99% of them are jobless misanthropes. At least Redditors have enough sense to become model citizens.
>men are often awful to women
>instead of agreeing and helping call out the awful behavior the "good men" constantly go out of their way to either outright defend it, or minimize the fact that it happens at all
Why are men like this? I don't understand why when a woman says something like
>I don't want to go to that place again, I don't like how the bartender acts inappropriately towards me when I've been there
their literal friends or even bf will ignore them, and pretend that it doesn't matter or they're overreacting, instead of just TAKING THE FUCKING SIDE of their friend or gf. Why are so many men SO attached to defending their gender as a monolith even if it doesn't apply to them?
stop getting mad about shit that doesn't happen
Any advice for moving on from someone who matched you so well it was fucked up?
And state gender. For thread but also I'm curious if the sexes differ in cope.
Personally, being so suicidal I can't move or eat or sleep or go a few minutes without crying
Women, have you ever worn fake boobs or stuffed your bra or anything like that?
>doing it right now
This thread of all places with the way guys post in here should be the easiest place to do it, and people still won't. 99% of the posts are just "women bad. Dumb whores", and then everybody whines and 2-sides it when a woman posts a 'moids deserve the rope' hyperbole or some shit as though it were equal in any way on both sides.
>turn exhaust fan on to get rid of humidity
should I run the fan on with the door open or closed?
Only when I cosplay.
if you aren't just making shit up, you should dump your boyfriend or at the very least, call him a pussy and say you're going to dump him next time he lets that happen
Get busy and involve yourself in other facets of (your) life.

It's over for NEETs. Is not having a job really that bad?
It shouldn't matter much assuming everything is up to code.
>Is not having a job really that bad?
Is this a serious question?
Yes, anon. The only thing less attractive than being NEET is being either homeless or a refugee. Unless you are insanely rich and don’t have to work because of it. But even then, not having any real world responsibilities whatsoever is usually a sign that you’re not a very reliable person.
Are women only physically attracted to men during ovulation?
Does your boyfriend make a lot of money then?
I am poor in income but rich in spirit and generosity.
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What this anon said.
on one hand, the literally definition for the term basically means you aren't involved in anything but you can still be rich or well off.

On the other hand, some people equate the term with inadequacy and the like - you are underperforming as a default. aka there's something wrong with you
All I wanted was the perfect boyfriend on the first try. Why did I think that would ever be possible?
you didnt know the value of true love.
nta but something like that isn't easily found.
Are you a female? Are you hot? Are you willing to have sex with your boyfriend regularly? Then being NEET is fine for you. No man will ever get laid if he’s NEET unless he’s insanely rich and can take her on expensive vacations all the time.
How do I stop being salty that my work gf found an actual bf and now I have no one?
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Anons your triggering my paranoia again
I don't believe that. Maybe if it's a stacy.
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean I'm not watching you through your windows.
men, you owe me sex.
Aww, come here baby, it's going to be alright.
Nah, fuck off.
my childhood babysitter owes me sex
What's the most unattractive greeting someone can say to you, women? What kind of words give you the ick when they come out of your dates mouth?
What’s the difference between a hot female and a Stacy? I dated a chick who was essentially NEET for a few years and I fell in love with her. I guess you could classify her as a Stacy, but mostly she was just a sultry bimbo who knew exactly what I liked.
Watch out for the stingy boys
Not necessarily the same but my coworker told our supervisor that I made her feel old because I called her "ma'am"
You can redeem your sex points by coming to my house.
If she's hot and has a normie personality, shes a stacy to me.
Women live such vastly easier lives. I wish I could wake up tomorrow and just be a woman. It's like being a man is a nightmare that I am waiting to awaken from but can't. I hate everything about this existence.
I wish a woman molested me when I was a teenager.
What is a way I can try dating without my absolute bitterness and cynicism about life showing through? I'm pretty sure my "yeah I know you won't like me but I still want to maybe find someone who will" vibes are really obvious.
I never liked trannies but then I came to understand them. How come nobody ever says shit about FtM trannies? I will let you figure that one out.
Why's that, Cat Poster?
Lights camera accíon lights camera, accíon if he likes me, takes me home, come on you know you like, little girls, you can be my daddy
Is it okay to call girls you dont know well hun/honey if you arent a boomer?
No. I would get the ick.

sure thing hon
She sent them before she told me
Moving on from someone I thought matched me well.
Anons would give your gf a sponge bath for her allergic reaction to the new soap?
Yeah with my tongue
There's a difference between "artfully tousled" and "a rat's nest." Is it really that hard to spend 3 seconds running a comb through it each morning?

Norwood 3

2 inches

>I don't care as long as it doesn't affect our sex life
Don’t eat all of the oatmeal
>women stop answering qustions
>nobody is gonna ask two or three questions in a row when nobody answered the first one
>thread dies
okay gj women gj
>girls stare at me
>When our eyes meet they look away

Im a freak
RIP Joe Biden
Maybe Kamal will win now
They're slightly fuzzy.

Stomach, upper arms, neck
>asked to help move a couch
>show up
>tell them I'd like to get that done first since that's the biggest thing and what they specifically asked my help with moving
>they ignore me and start moving all the smaller shit
>feel like my time is being wasted
>get accused of being "pissy"
How do I stop being mad?
Dude who fucking cares, be a man and make them help you move the couch
Peach fuzz is nice
Women should have peach fuzz
Dont worry i would be pissed too
Just make up excuse that you dont have much time and need to go water your goldfish and tell closest moid that you are moving the sofa now or you have to go
just leave
Anons I really want to kill myself. Love is the worst
Did something happen?
I learned Trump got shot from this fucking general
How are all the boob poke questions two inches?
2 sumilar boob poke answers are just a coincidence. Three would be a conspiracy
Of course the titcows are going to show off. I'm only maybe half an inch.
>is it possible to teach people who are awful in bed
I slept with a girl for the first time over the weekend, she just lay there and didn't do much. Sort of made it hard for me to get off.

Can these people be trained or taught? I've never considered myself an expert but I have had good sex for most of my adult life. Last partner was phenomenal. This one is very reserved, I think it's a cultural thing.
>posted a pic from gym today
>Got multiple likes from girls
One from the super hot gamer gril that id like to get to know
How do i make it happen
I'm losing my ability to mask how jaded and bitter I am about every thing. Anyone else successfully gotten through this?
You are valid
women are overrated
I dont think janny would like that
It was a clip of me training triceps and flex
Really nice hair and well-maintained hair can definitely make me more (or less...) attracted to you, but I don't mind it not being like that.
Also, different hair needs different amounts of maintenance.
I hate my body.
Speaking of 'kenough'
Love that the most mainstream feminist media now is just
>men, pretend that you don't want girlfriends please, being upset about it is icky
Like a 2 or 3.
We're a great family, and we consider each other close, but we don't talk to each other except at family gatherings... I'm pretty sure it's genetic.
Join the club. Unless you're perfect you aren't good enough.
There are types of hair I like the most but it's not a big deal
being upset about anything is icky, be a stoic or shut the fuck up, pussy
all liars
Should I tell him?
I’d say she was far from a normie, but then again I haven’t met any chick weird enough to *not* be considered a “normie”. I guess if you’re NEET then you’re probably weird in a way that is off putting to almost everyone.
tell him what?
He is dead, but the news has yet to be broken. Same thing with Queen Lizzy.
Source: trvst me
Tfw no virgin killer gf
if you have a y chromosome youre a man

doesnt matter if you have a vagina or penis.
>tfw haven't taken a guy's virginity in over two years
I think I'm not allowed to have that title anymore.
>I guess if you’re NEET then you’re probably weird in a way that is off putting to almost everyone.
wagie cope
every woman wants to be sahm after kids. at least for the first 5-6 years
i caved and bought some sex toys awhile ago, and the site offered like a bonus for buying so many, and the bonus was either a low quality vibrator which i didnt want because i already researched that model and it was super loud and low intensity, or this rubbery dick-sleeve thing with bumps all over it so i took that because i dunno. it's free. but anyway it's hollow inside so it collapses when you squeeze it, which actually makes it the BEST deepthroat toy ever. it goes down but it doesnt bruise or stretch too much. really great for when i just want my throat to feel full.

my question is, is a girl having a (reasonably small) sex toy collection and strange niche use ones like this a dealbreaker? i've never had a boyfriend. this is how i cope.
If you took a guy's virginity while not being a virgin yourself you get that title for life
think he was talking about the clothing item, not being a whore
Women you owe me love and affection
>expect nothing of women
>still somehow disappointed by them constantly
I need a new hobby.
Have you ever met another guy (not related to you) who triggered your protecc instincts?
There was a guy at a dance festival I went to who was like the shyest guy ever, he didn't really know how to dance yet and was starting to learn... as a *follow*... and like... It was definitely triggering mine.
A NEET’s entire life is a cope by definition, kek. You can’t fool me.
Femanons, how much do you hate your dad?
I didn't think that's how that works.
Oh. But I'm not a whore, I was dating the virgins I slept with.
Why are women "like that".
Hard to explain.

>Insecure, but also mean.
>Super responsible, but also apathetic.
>Socially active, but unable to hold conversation.
>Always doing a billion things, yet somehow not really doing anything.
>Moral conscience, yet hyper judgemental and shallow.
>Considerate of others, yet sociopaths at the drop of a hat.
>Smart, but conveniently unsophisticated in arguments.
No but those sweaters are hot too

there are a lot of lonely people these days and nobody sane/reasonable should be surprised or put off by some sex toys existing.
Any sex toys at all is as close to a deal-breaker as it can be (without actually being a deal-breaker because I've already got too many obscure deal-breakers that target 95+% of the population to add any more).
So much. I made him ribs today and he whined that they were too melt-off-the-bone tender. He's always so ungrateful.
I want to fuck women in the ass for their pleasure
anal is for the girl, not the guy
Human beings are walking contradictions. You’re probably the same way.
Yeah nvm idk what I'm drunjk
Anything women do wrong must surely always apply to men too and if it doesn't it's men's fault they're like that
Anything wrong with men is because men bad
Me too. Any ideas ?
when they use the appeal to nature fallacy, I have to wonder what makes them think taking artificial hormone pills to prevent pregnancy is natural in any way? Or jamming copper into the uterus, or wrapping the penis in latex.
You're right.

There's countless atoga threads showing these traits.
Yes. I have a friend who triggers them.
send me money as a hobby
Social dance.
One of the best hobbies there is.

women are like Gollum from lord of the rings. most of the time they're normal-ish, slightly broken and quasi-human. Relatable up to a point. the rest of the time they are under the direct control of an omnimalevolent hive-will entity that doesn't care about anything human.
My little cousin who has autism
Femanons dont you just hate it when men (ew) try to talk to you? ugh
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>Super responsible
Not a bad shout. I went to a line dancing club once and I hated it, but maybe ballroom would be better
State gender
How much time do you spend on your horniness?
No I have no nuturing or parental instincts. I'd be a terrible father
you forgot
>thinks sex is "one dimensional" but reads smut 24/7
Probably combined 20 minutes a week from the 1 or 2 times I fap. Other than that nothing, I try to repress myself sexually when I am able. No fantasies, no erections, no porn

Probably an hour every other day.
nta but sometimes y'all moodswitch several times without talking to anybody and it's weird to say say hi to a girl who suddenly thinks you're annoying and weird only for her to talk to you days later as though you're super amazing.
What do you think about the news that the busted starliner capsule has now turned out to be haunted and making spooky ominous noises?
Do you think it will infect the rest of the ISS?
Try out writing, it can be surprisingly fun to get your ideas and creativity out. Maybe use an AI chatbot to help make some little stories, see if you like it.

Nope, I have always been the one who needs the protecc.
How do I tell my girlfriend her eye makeup is asymmetrical without her being hurt.
Space is gay and lame
He said not related to you, silly!
You stop being a simp. If you date a woman who looks like shit, or is bad at doing makeup, or doesn't exercise, etc. You are just setting yourself up for disappointment and failure when it turns out she doesn't value those things and is not willing to put in effort.
This isn't unreasonable or unfair, it's how women judge men and you should judge them similarly in return. But you can't because you desperately need ANY woman to touch your dick.
Break up with your girlfriend until you find one who values the same things as you about herself.
You mean like findom?
I like ballroom a lot, but be warned that ballroom can be one of the more expensive partner dances depending what you want out of it and how suggestible you are, and there are a lot of ballroom dances to learn so it may be more difficult to learn at social dances.

It's not a bad option, but know what you're getting into- it's far more expensive than Latin, swing, folk, or (presumably) country.
F. I spend all day entertaining my horniness on and off as often as I reasonably can. I set aside a few hours specifically for that sort of stuff every week or so, though.
>strange niche use ones
If you present your collection to me like museum exhibits then I would have an easier time accepting it. If you're showing me your collection for its weirdness value instead of for its pleasure value then I feel less like it's competing with my pleasure-giving abilities.
Usually not very much. Occasionally I'll start up an NSFW game and get lost in the game part rather than the NSFW part, and lose hours.
Legitimately some of those games are better than many SFW games.
no just send me it
We're hitting pick me levels that shouldn't even be possible.

Does dating apps count as horniness? These days I don’t spend much time on it because I don’t take adderall anymore. Now that I’m on Celexa I do it even less.
If I found your collection I would tease you about it and make you show me how you use them
Can you not do this again?
So you mean I can hit it raw everyday?
again? this is the first time i posted that.
If God came to earth and told you that you were right about all of your insecurities, and that life would never improve for you because he/she simply made you worse than everybody else, and that there was no kind of afterlife to worry about repercussions in - would you just decide to die or kill yourself? What would be the downside knowing that for certain you would never be happy?
I don't have insecurities.
I would stay alive and also argue for the creation of an afterlife and the inclusion of people past present and future so long as they weren't party to some specific evils.
It's God, after all, God can just make something that wasn't there before, go back in time, etc
For me, it’s the uterus. If she doesn’t have a uterus, then she can’t get pregnant, and is therefore not a woman. The day science can turn trannies into women with a functional uterus, then I will accept them as females. Until then, it’s a LARP.
No, he doesn't care and exclusively came to tell you because he doesn't like you. He's not going to stick around and argue with, or listen to you.
>would you just decide to die or kill yourself?

If I found out, I would be completely disgusted.
Break up. Whores don't get a second chance.
>being in front of god and killing yourself instead of asking questions
this post has low test
Well, if he has infinite power and is that petty, that means he's worse than me, which makes him worse than the worst of his creations, so I call him a faggot while he's here.
Thank you, ChatGPT
How often are you not horny JH?
ok but im just stating how biology defines it.
if aliens took over, they would separate male and female by who has a y chromosome.
I think a lot (like, daily, for 5+ years) about inserting an IV needle into my arm and just laying in bed while my blood siphons out through a tube into a bucket on the floor and going to sleep and hopefully die. On a scale of 1-10 how concerning is that, and also on a scale of 1-10 is that likely to kill me or would somebody survive that?
I wish women would nibble food items from my palm like several of my favorite animals.
Why is German such a satisfying language?
That's a really autistic take on it.
deer, lambs, piglets, cats, snakes, dogs, monkeys, birds, horses, guinea pigs, turtles
i have many favorites but i cannot remember them all
Coast to Coast
Will be right back~
Men owe me a million dollars
Your body would probably start dumping adrenaline once the hypovolemia kicks in, waking you up. Without sedatives you'll probably realize you don't want to die and stop the bleeding.
why take a million dollars when you can take two Aleve.
Changing genders won't change your life.
You can't escape your fate. Your personality is insufferable and that is why people don't like you. Not because of what genitals you have in your pants.
I owe femanon a rimjob
I have paypaled you $0.00025 to cover my share.
Whenever I'm too tired or busy to notice
I'm horny.
>Clementine will remember this
I honestly miss those a lot, Satan.
How do I get my 100% bottom gf to Dom me? Like she's never teased me 0 Dom bones in her body. Don't really care about physical shit like facesitting yet (idk if i really want it desu) but atleast have her Dom tease me uwu
You can't force a horse to drink.
I would take that trade
Assuming it came with controlling interest in your finances anyway
Bro I saw a 666 today and now 6666. Watching that demon video was a mistake owo
Get a side bitch
>the average stance of the majority of people girls are willing to date
It is a woman tho
No I'm not an animal
In medieval times they used to depict witches at licking satan's asshole
does this make him gigasatan?
It's won't really be domination if you're forcing her to do it, stupid.
Same concept if she has to tell you to get her flowers at random.
So go get her flowers, for no reason. Maybe she'll be inspired to peg you after you cum.
nigga its literally what they teach in biology. ive taken biology as a minor and majored in biological engineering.
will trade for tight wet pussy (marriage contract needs to be signed and marr)
>Men, would a girl that is intersex with XY chromosomes
What does that look like in practice?
like the "girl" who won in women's boxing in the olympics
>weighty pieces of metal but technically government property too
Who cares?
I fucked up.
I was touring a while ago and there was this petit blonde girl, and we got close to one each other multiple times and talked a bit from time to time. she was really pretty and I wanted to ask her out but I chickened at the only opportunity I had to do so after I decided to talk to her...
this was a 1 day thing but I still remember her face, and that only happens when I really like a girl.
should I try to find her? I know where she lives, in a small province of a neighboring country of mine. would it be too messed up to try to find her and talk to her or any of her friends on insta, fb or something?
Yeah but that has nothing to do with the part of the post I replied to.
Exclusively available for white cock. (Measurement irrelevant)
I don't even masterbate.
Plus I have plenty of ass so you'll have to account for inflation.
Anon, that was like 7 hours ago.
If I have to read one more question of a guy complaining about knowing a cute girl who likes him I swear to god I'm gonna fucking kill myself.
...right. because men historically like women who buy sex toys.

are you insane
bro. >>31926725 here. I'm a fucking loser and socially retarded. don't feel bad for me, I'm almost 40 and only had 1 gf and not a lot of sex. guess why...
IF HE LIKES ME...... TAKES ME HOME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I'm literally talking about your post. Fuck off. You have no idea how good you've had it.
>Metals are nonrenewable resources. Coins are government property and thus illegal to trash.
Not my problem.
Stop being a broke bootlicker.
It's also not true. Metals can, for most purposes at least, be recycled perfectly, unlike plastics. It takes energy, to be fair, but that energy can be generated by renewable.
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Dayum bb gurl.
I wanna get a sleeve toy for making my man cum.
He'll be such a good boy toy. I'll tie him up and milk him till he begs for mercy.
I'd date you.
>You have no idea how good you've had it.
no, YOU have no idea. women have done me a lot of bad in my life. I wish I could decide not to like them. I have to restrain myself a LOT, and then I regret not doing shit, but at the end of the day, women are not really worth it, and they can be quite malicious... even women say you have to be careful not to end up in poverty because of bad women.
I really wish I was homo so I could simply not fall in love with women.
This guy keeps playing games with me.
How do I really fucking hurt is feelings?
>How do I really fucking hurt is feelings?
Good morning sirs!
You can't because he doesn't actually give a shit about you or what you think. Just stop inhaling his dick for 5 minutes, the most damage you can do is just ignoring him and when he asks why you haven't swallowed his dick in a while just pretend like you barely know him and that you have more important things to do. It's the only thing that will hurt chad's ego a little tiny bit. But you won't be able to do it.
I'm already doing that and he keeps fucking walking up to my desk at work like the pussy he is
>I will never make a woman this horny just by existing
it's over
>have an opportunity to learn about the opposite sex or express your opinions
>nah im gonna reply to the 10000th post about boobs! lol!
the women here (right now when im posting, not all the time) are awful retards
You have to *stop* having sex with him. When you fuck him and then ignore him he doesn't *quite* get the message. I know this can be hard for women to understand.
I haven't fucked him. Should I just tell him to kill himself the next time he asks me out?
people who *really* want to know about the opposite sex just go outside
this reminds me of my female coworkers, one of which really wanted me to fuck her.. so much that I once found her outside the office after she had been fired and she looked at me like telling me "why won't you fuck me, what's wrong with you"
she fucked half the office though
I'm not here to learn about the opposite sex. I already know everything I need to know, and that's that they decided to get together and conspire to make my life as miserable as possible. I'm just here because at least here I can dish out 0.001% of the impact they have on me back to them occasionally. Even though it's not worth it I can take some tiny amount of solace in the fact that I occasionally make a woman feel worse about herself.
There is not nearly enough information about the situation here to develop a successful strategy.
are you also white. otherwise i will need to discount
lol i just found out onlyfans girls are literally doing "tours" and by tours it means prostitution in different cities across the country.
Don't care. If the thread is alive it's fair game
It isn't a deal breaker just a bit weird which is fine, I just want to find love.
women using vibrators is a dealbreaker for me desu
are you this guy
Literally just dont tell him about your toys. Thats none of his business lmfao. I have 2 toys on hand my bf thought I threw out. If you need a toy he's not doing his job anyway.
But 'that guy' is correct. Explain how he's wrong.
So your bf isn't doing his job?
No but that made me chuckle.
why did you phrase it like 'that guy'
do you doubt that was a moid who posted that?
No, I'm sure it was a guy, I just mean the guy you meant when you said 'this guy' - the guy who made the picture's post.
>dodging the question.
Don't bullshit me either. I've tried vibrating bullshit on my dick before, it just makes you numb after a while.
you dude do practice the daily maintenance fap, right?
Yep, I'm also white.
No discounting my goods.
I don't understand what you want me to say. I'm a dude, I don't know how pussies work. Nor do I particularly want to.
>moid can't imagine twitching pussy on his cock while jackhammer vibrator
Toys are your boys, bros. They're not your enemy.
let me plap you instead
Do I learn Dutch (.nl) or Portugese (Brazilian)? Both would be easy as I know some german and spanish
only an actual nu-male would fall for this pathetic copeaganda
learn a shorthand
a lot of cute and attractive fit girls i see on social media are doing onlyfans. even the nerdy ones. all of them are doing onlyfans.

the only girls not doing onlyfans are ugly/fat ones? how true is this
humiliation ritual
Only an absolute sexless dumb male would go "Sex toys are ick"
Oh I'm sorry that because I don't have much experience with women that I would like it if my potential girlfriend could enjoy normal vanilla sex with me to start, instead of finally finding a girl who will have sex with me after like 7 years of abstinence and being like
>now come into my industrialized fuckroom. I hope you're fucklift certified, I have a c8000, go punch in the start up sequence
>Toys are your boys, bros. They're not your enemy.
They'll say shit like this but never stop the "MEN CAN'T FIND THE CLIT MEN ARE BAD LOVERS" and not see the cognitive dissonance.
Sir the politically correct term is JH.
Why aren't femanons ever horny anymore?
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Point to which country on this map you come from
>Only an absolute sexless dumb male
Aren't you sexless and that's why you've bought vibrators?
It's not completely true. But also sign of economic downturn. Men are giving up on life, and women are turning to sex work to pay bills. Only a younger people suicide epidemic of catastrophic proportions will resolve it at this point.
I'm so depressed I'm sorry. Something is wrong with me
>but never stop the "MEN CAN'T FIND THE CLIT MEN ARE BAD LOVERS" and not see the cognitive dissonance.
How about you actually find the clit and stop being a sex retarded populace?
Or I can just find women who are actually pleasant to be around, who enjoy sex, and who don't need electronic equipment to orgasm.
>only have sex with chads who have sex with every woman and have more sexual experience than any average guy could possibly have
>REFUSE to settle for anything less
>date normal guy because they eventually just mean someone they like
>The hymen DOES NOT MATTER, don't you know HORSE RIDING can break it?
>worship the clit, it's literally IMPOSSIBLE for women to orgasm without their clits you need to lick their CLITTIES like you're giving their tiny penis a BLOWJOB or you're GAY and NOT A REAL MAN!
women: when you see the phrase "short man", do you imagine a guy around 5'7, or a guy around 5'4?
post body in soc atoga and we can get to plapping
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Men, how do I know you're mad?
I kind of imagine it as "shorter than me", so like below 5'4" I guess.
Anyone under 5'8 inclusive.
I am 5'4-5'5.
no number jumps to mind. the physical sensation of craning my neck down is what comes to mind.
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I imagine him.
This pretty boy.
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Why are zoomer women so jealous of millennial women
i have a "boyfriend dick," it sucks because i'm objectively inferior but just big enough to have competent sex
im not. millenials are the annoying reddit childfree generation. i want five kids and a house with windows in it. i'm jealous of the greatest generation.
I make it pretty obvious that I'm mad, I wouldn't be very impressed if you figured it out.

>I don't think anyone wants a man whose emotional intelligence level is thinking that a woman's value lies in being a body
That's literally what most of the guys she has sex with think. Unless he's just assuming she sleeps with a lot of guys.
I hate women so much
the tanlines make her so sexy
ok but is it just a bra tan that's sexy or is my retarded ass farmer's tan sexy too
>top pony with exposed roots
What the fuck is wrong with children today?
>i want five kids and a house with windows in it. i'm jealous of the greatest generation.
We could have it but I'm invisible to you.
NTA but it depends on where exactly the tanlines are. If they're mid-thigh or higher and shoulder, still kinda hot. If they're at your elbows and your knees, not that exciting.
the skimpier the tanlines the hotter they are
nta but that counts too
How tall are you?
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>We could have it but I'm invisible to you.
why is a cartoon of that milf making me hard....im so down bad
gross pickme/

guess what bitch. millennials have more babies than zoomers. Im (25m) going to marry a young millenial girl (27-30) before glancing at one of you vape e-sluts
zoomer girls are mostly cool in my experience
its the near-30 to mid-30 crowd (i.e. late millennials) thats fucking insufferable
weirdly enough, older millennial women (40+) are really cool, I guess because they were adults before the internet became widespread
how old are you?
i find the exact opposite to be true.
late millenials (late 20s-early 30s) are the coolest girls.
The paizuri day ritual works. I can't believe it, but it works.
I'm a late millennial and can't stand these Harry Potter obsessed bitches
most of them hate children too
should I cancel my Audible subscription? I haven't read anything since March and am losing credits
very funny. i don't get your attractions at all. i'll keep that in mind though.it sounds like t shirt and shorts tan is not sexy except for this guy >>31926954
its about the skin contrast for me
five ten

...probably because millenials are older, retard. more time to get pregnant.
Harry Potter is based
most of the harry potter obsessed girls are mid 30s+
zoomer girls are more extreme in worse ways than the "millenial girls". plus they are obsessed with drugs and age like milk

The reason millenial women aged better is because there was a lot more PSAs about dont abuse drugs. sure a lot of kids didnt listen but a lot did. today drugs are decriminalized and legal and every streamer is smoking and drinking encouraging it. kids dont watch kid shows anymore. they watch Kai Cenat yelling GYATT at ice spice.
then i'd be good for that. untanned i could pass for white or latina, tan i could pass as african or native american.
zoomer women are expected to be the mostly single and childless based on current trends.
i don't really care. you gotta be retarded to let statistics rule your life, even dumber for PROJECTED statistics.

i'm one person. i could have twenty kids and the chart would look the same.
>five ten
youre not even a girl kek
if youre over 5'8 might as well call yourself a man
woah... its like being with two women....
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oh shit my delicate feelings. i'm shattered now. anon number 31927013 made fun of me. i gotta talk to my mom. oh wait, i don't have one. oh man. woe is me. i'm so sad now. life ruined.
That wasn't even me this time.
ok you started generalizing and im saying if youre going to generalize zoomer girls are worse.
case by case there are millenial women with 5 kids out there rn. that will never be you, because men dont want zoomer girls for marriage, except creepy incels who want a virgin bride. no zoomer girl is a virgin though so theyre out of luck
I can tell I'm entering a major depressive episode for the first time since I was in therapy ~5 years ago. What are some tips for not killing myself?
That’s ok bb, you can ignore him. I like my ladies to be 5’10. Please come hang out with me and let me kiss the lips between your legs.
if you want to jump into a conversation and start nitpicking accuracies and generalizations and logical flaws, bother OP. he's the one who kicked things off with a fallacy. anything after that is fair play. enjoy jerking off in your weird doom dimension
Lock your guns and get some shoes without laces. No sharp objects.
I've been posting about my current depression episode on /atoga/ for days now and no advice has been given.
Time to lock yourself in the room and try not to kys I guess.
pls date me i'm 5'3
Avoid alcohol at all costs. Try to drown your sorrows in food instead. Watch shows you enjoy. Sleep. Know that it’ll pass, you just have to let time work its magic.

Alternatively, find some stimulant drugs if you’re into that sort of thing.
i have wanted to kill myself for most of my life. the thing that stops me is that someone saved my life once. i tell myself i owe them my life and i can't throw it away before they die.

sorry that i don't have better ideas. that's literally all that is holding me back. he risked his life for mine so i can't.
>People think you want some kind of pep talk, or motivational speech
>what you really want is for them to be honest and admit that they agree you're a loser
generally millenials girls mog zoomer girls.
A LOT of zoomer girls are jealous of millenial women. I (zoomer male) see it all the time.
>Know that it’ll pass, you just have to let time work its magic.
It passes by be becoming numb to it and then nothing happens for a while until it happens again. What's the point when I'm 100% positive that I'm too shitty of a person to ever fix it or get/do better?
>very funny.
I'm serious though. Tanlines are hot partially because of the implication of how much skin she's shown off outside.
what are you? half black/half white?
I'm gonna clean up my apartment and organize my paperwork so that I'll either feel like I've accomplished something, or I won't be too ashamed to kill myself and having people rummaging through my shit afterwards.
Have a good night.
Ladies, I'm practicing my DDLG. How is this:

Femanon, it's time we had a talk, have a seat this is important.

Integrity, is super important in relationships, but sometimes we just, drift apart, as we grow and change. It's easy to forget to cherish the amazing moments in life, like watching the sun come up, or feeling peace in nature.

Life throws us 'curveballs' that can leave us with emotional bruises, making it tough to really connect with others. But when we're really tough, and face those hard times, life literally *can* actually lead us to a better place of mind, one where we can form even deeper and richer connections with one another.

Let's not focus on the bad stuff, let's work on healing and becoming better people so we can find joy and comfort in our relationships again.
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State gender and what this picture makes you feel
I really don't care anymore
that was beautiful anon
doki doki literature gang?
Good for them.
State gender

Have you ever gotten addicted to jerking off to your partner? If so, how do you stop it?
I want to fuck a high school cheerleader so bad. I'm 28 and I never got to.
That's weird.
But if it makes you feel any better, while you won't fuck a high school cheerleader, you'll also never fuck a girl your age who went to highschool around the same time who was a cheerleader at the time.
Had that in middle school.
All people wanted to be us.
Too bad he's a tranny now.
damn you turned him
Nope. He was autistic about gender roles without my influence. He was a lost cause.
I'm happy for u bro. Or sorry that happened
Haven't seen them irl. They're fine though. The only thing I care about women's features insofar as them being attractive is that they are thin. Everything else can be appreciated.
>He was autistic about gender roles
elaborate pls
Guys can be such a pain, always going on about their dicks, it's really annoying. Just get over yourself and maybe try not to be so obnoxious, yeah?
Never seen them irl. Seen pics though. No real thoughts on them.
He really believed "being a girl" would make "his life" better. And when I pointed out all the ways it would make it harder, he just threw a tantrum.
I'd tell you to shut the fuck up, but it's not like anybody else is posting anything so continue being a vapid whore, I guess.
I have them.
They're kinda annoying but I don't think about them too much.
Not my ideal on a partner though.
I have them. I think they're uggo and painful.
Girls, do you have your belly button pierced?
>start studying body language
>realize that a lot of the poses and gestures I make have absolutely nothing to do the common accepted body language meanings
like, I often cross my arms or holding things close to my chest simply because that's more comfortable to me but apparently that's "blocking" and means I'm uncomfortable with the person I'm talking to
Yeh. I thought it'd help distract from my outie belly button, but that was stupid.
>men have lives so awful that many believe being a woman would improve it
>EVEN knowing that they will at best have the problems women have AND the issues that come from being a trans person
>women still ignore that most men are greatly struggling and pretend that every man is the one finance bro they want to fuck
the world was a mistake
so even as a 7th grader you knew he was a troon?
F, yes. Just find something else to get off to.
Not always.
Misspeaking your body language is one way to also be missunderstood.
You should be about at the point in time where you realize that body language experts are all pseudoscience grifters. Enjoy going down that rabbit hole of reading how wrong and unbased their information is though.
There's nothing wrong with outie belly buttons, and I say that as someone who has what I might call a belly button fetish. Don't be ashamed of it.
I didn't even know what a troon was at that age. But we matched kinks very well.
only troons think like this
I am so glad I was born male
periods seem absolutely abhorrent
I think I'm just mildly autistic
I worried about the grifting aspect of it but I'm not the type of person to take things super seriously so its w/e
Well, I was going to respond in a dead thread to some posts I missed.
But then it died.
So here:

>What would 13 yo MKG think of you?
I think he'd be largely satisfied. Probably be a little confused about how I got here. He'd probably be equally pissed at me for not writing more.

>Jenna who? Jenna Moreci? That was the first writer I saw on youtube if you were referring to a youtuber.
>Ok, it's definitely not this chick; there's no fucking way MKG would like her. So which Jenna are you talking about??
Yeah. Jenna Moreci. She's kickass and fun. She has some overlapping tastes and she knows the stuff I don't about the professional side.
I have no idea why you thought I wouldn't like her.
Men, will I get a sitewide ban if I post dark period bloody pussy on the soctoga?
It's just one more weird thing about my body that I don't want to have to worry about but do anyways. I'd prefer to be conventionally attractive in those little aspects.
>But we matched kinks very well
uhh what the fuck?
Not my problem those men are this retarded.
We can only hope
Wow, you're seriously lucky I even bothered to respond. Jerk your cock later, disgusting moid.
>I'm not the type of person to take things super seriously so its w/e
Sounds like a cop out for wasting time learning about literally wrong things, and then pretending to validate them behind the caveat of "oh well I don't really completely buy into it, BUT...".
I don't consider outie belly buttons to be unattractive in the slightest. To me it's just like blonde or brunette. They're different, you might have a preference, but there's nothing wrong with either. Outies are good and you should be happy with it.
every top-earner still uses blackberry
Because they are 87 fuckwit.
I've never met a man who actually cares.
the masculine urge to shit up the thread solely out of frustration because I'm tired sleepy and overworked
nigga I'm fucking bored and just trying to find something to nod off to
why don't you take a chill pill and get off my dick
Do it. Not like there is anything worthwhile going on anyways.
Girls, what do you think of a guy who invests primarily for dividend growth?
They get hard but stay inverted.
I understand that aspects of my body, like my outie bellybutton, could and would be appreciated by some people. But what I care most about is how I feel about my body myself. And when I look in the mirror, I think I'd look hotter with normal nipples, bellybutton, etc. What other people think barely matters unless we're dating.
Hm, I understand. Well I hope someday you're able to love your belly button as much as I'm sure I would.
Any anons have had success making their partner lose weight?
Are we talking economic class or social class?
Personally, if you use either you're generic, but if you have CalyxOS, GrapheneOS, or similar privacy-friendly operating systems on your Android, you get bonus points.
my cute coworker makes fun of me for using an Android phone :(
where has all my cum gone
Thanks. I think I could be genuinely happy having someone I love appreciate my body without the need to feel like I appreciate it the same way.
>invests primarily for dividend growth?
I feel like >>31927172 so they make my money work harder.
Sounds like he is a lil scaredy cat.
That's lame.
Nice, pump zoomer girls full of babies.
As he should. That shit is cringe.
Another weekend where I could barely get out of bed.
I just want to rot
Never seen them irl but they look really hot.
Literally all boys are so blind to shoops and filters, especially one specific video waist editor (CAN YOU NOT SEE THAT THEY ALL HAVE THE EXACT SAME MEN IN BLACK ALIEN NIBBA LONG TORSO TUMMY WTF) and I'm very frustrated about it.
Even if you're a 'good' guy, and you don't have some malicious form of misogyny or skewed standards, you still don't see it.
And it's getting exponentially worse. To stand out, girls shoop more or don't shoop at all (then they are told they are either ugly or 'brave' for being open about being ugly). Men and women are both at fault for perpetuating it.
Moids just can't stop raving about "muh video games, muh dick, muh memes," always saying "lol" like it's the funniest thing ever.
Are you dumb? Ofc they see it. They just dont care.
Actually you wouldn't, at most you'd get a temporary /soc/ ban for off topic.
Why =^(
explain yourself, why would you do that
But should I post dark period bloody pussy for soctoga, with a question to males so they have to look at it?
Just saw it, it looks absolutely fine to me.
Pretty hot actually.
Because coomers and what would you want them to do? Go like nu uh I will NOT get aroused by this pic, it is clearly shooped.
Cause the men here are squeamish babies.
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Girls, would you date a guy who celebrates when politicians die and go to hell?
Yes, soctoga is for degenerates
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>Reading an old mystery novel
>The Stacy is murdered by the Becky out of sheer jealousy
Do women really get this jealous of other women's looks?
Literally monkeys.
Being human means nothing huh
No he sound like an insufferable idiot that throws a tantrum over every minor inconvenience.
Yeah that’s embarassing.
Karma for bullying us.
Did you incorporate toys?
I hear if you can't get your partner off, if you don't go to the ends of the earth to do-so you have failed and are selfish. How capable they are of getting themselves off with a partner does not factor into this equation at all, I'm told.
It probably isn't your fault.
I can't cum.
Did you fondle the balls? If you didn't thats probably the issue.
>a man
>not "my boyfriend" or "my husband"
you brought this upon yourself.
He doesn't love you
Did you tease his nipples at least
Girls, would you call your boyfriend "My King" during sex if he wanted you to?
Only if he had the energy to back it up.
for either if you apply. i remember an exhibianon here a while ago i hope hes around

what is the appeal of public sex/exhibitionism as a fetish? i can sort of see how being watched having sex would be hot but my bf says its not about that, he doesnt want anyone else but him to see me naked ever, somehow its just "the theoretical idea of getting caught" that makes it hot to him. he has me record small videos for him in secluded places sometimes but i usually dont even feel like i know what i should be focusing on because i dont get what makes it hot. i want to understand it a bit better so i can indulge it for him better. this is a bad place to post this but hes less likely to see it within this thread
Humiliation ritual.
I live in a low populace, less than 60 ppl, and these are my only viable options without moving away. Which I am scared to do.
Attraction is no issue, I am perverted :'•S
the risk and potential gives an adrenaline rush, simple as
Just move, those choices are garbage I wouldn't want to be friends with those people let alone in a relationship.
How much of the shit under the sink could I drink before dying?
>what is the appeal of public sex/exhibitionism as a fetish?
Well, it depends on the flavor of exhibitionism a person is into. Some exhibitionists get off on getting aroused / shocked / disgusted reactions from exposing themselves unsuspecting victims. Some instead prefer consenting viewers to watch and appreciate their bodies. And others don't want to be seen at all, they just enjoy the thrill of possibly getting caught.
>somehow its just "the theoretical idea of getting caught" that makes it hot to him
Yep, sounds like he's the third one I mentioned. Taboo is a funny little thing. The more forbidden something feels, the more it can amplify sexual pleasure. It feels naughty, it feels good. The risk of getting caught is a simple and easy way to get that dopamine.
That won‘t work. Their toxicity is grossly overblown.
Not even drain cleaner?
nta but what do you think about the monster girls in that posters pic
Nope. They just spread panic so people make extra sure babies don‘t drink it because they are sick and tired of having to pretend like they give a shit about all the worried parents showing up at the ER for no real reason.
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Mermaids are pretty cool. Also those girls are really attractive.
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I believe you have the etiquette wrong. It's
"Keep ravishing my flower, Your Majesty"
JH is going to hate this meme
I can't beat E2M4 in doom 1 and it's reminding me that I can't do anything right and I'm fundamentally worse than every other human on earth.
so over....
I really don't want to move, but I can. Closest town is a bit faggy but family oriented overall.
I have the means and want to start asap, either kids or establishing territory. My brothers inherited the family lands and homes. I can technically live with them but they have their own families now.
If I get my own plot and focus on myself and my stuff, will men be too intimidated to approach?
Would I be seen as 'that single woman with land, perfect to join her' or 'aloof spinster witch living alone forever'
How do you chat up with a milf? I see her at my work all the time but she usually has her kids with her. I think she's single
If you're not chad you are not allowed women. Move on.
Memes aside bro
Based based based
You think this is a meme?
This fact has destroyed my life. You think my life is ruined because of a meme?
I’m not a Chad but women love me. Then again, I do have a beautiful face. But I’m only 5’8, an introverted alcoholic, and pretty selfish.
Must just be that I'm subhuman scum then.
Summer is officially over.

So /adv/ how did you spend your summer? Did you go anywhere? Make any memories? Have any regrets?
Idk I've neve met a girl like that.
Imo you're still going to have to try to find a guy.
With that attitude of yours, I guess so.
I quit taking adderall, got in a ton of drunken fights with my mom, and managed to get a second job. Overall, it was a terrible summer, but one that I inevitably had to suffer through.
I'm going to kill myself.
I went to some parties with my brother which was nice.
I saw my friends on vacation twice.
It was a good time but I wish I did more, like find a gf, I wad unsuccessful.
I worked, wasted the money that I earned, had an angry fit over my noisy neighbors who kept me awake throughout many nights, and went to the gym for 2 months. I regret not trying harder
For both women and men, what things would you only do for/to someone you'd want to be in a relationship with?
What kind of mental health should I pursue when I know that there is no chance of me ever improving my situation or life enough for the depression to go away?
Continuously show that I love them, that I think of them often, that I support their cause and want to elivate their status.
Take care of them when they're sick, give them a family, socialize with their friends... do close to whatever with them~
Watch a Sarah Gadon kino. She will cure your depression
learn to meditate
Is there a distinction between 'learning to meditate' and simply doing the motion of 'meditating'? Partially irrelevant because I won't end up doing it consistently enough to matter, but also like to know because if I do (in some imaginary fantasy land) do it consistently, if there is a way to do it wrong I will do that way instead of the correct way.
I have a lady friend who often thinks I have a thing for her. I don't. Is there a way for me to say this without being overtly insulting?
Who are some of the worst written characters in otherwise decent stories?
Easy, just start simping for another girl.
What's it like being a man who is allowed to decide who he is in a relationship with?
Yes, anon. Meditating is actually really fucking hard. Being able to clear your mind of thoughts while still staying awake is not an easy thing to do, and once you start trying you’ll know exactly what I mean.
Stick around, anon. You can't miss the tiny hats losing the world order they've so carefully constructed
Kai Leng
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Thanks for ruining my night
She'd probably think I was using them as a smokescreen.

No, she's not interested and neither am I. But she thinks that me being nice about anything is me coming onto her, and she shoots me down, and I find it insulting. Example:
>Me: man I'm glad we can talk again, it's nice having somebody on my wavelength
>Her: if you're hitting on me, I'm not interested
Sounds like you need to friendzone her.
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I'm unwilling to suffer alone
Is that your husbando?
Please delete :(
What should I get from mcdonalds? Just nuggies?
And a strawberry milkshake.
Did a namefag get nuked?
Filet o fish and a mcflurry
Is filet o fish actually any good? I've never had it, it always seemed like a meme.
No, now it's fun >>31927439
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No just the weird femanon.
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I liked Sakura up until Shippuden. Or maybe at least right up until pic related.

There’s something oddly vexing about her asking Naruto to help save his rival. But the complexity of this love triangle between Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke makes it so that it’s halfway believable and really escalates the value of Naruto’s chivalric heroism.

Sakura is a fucking idiot for sure, but she serves a grand purpose in Naruto’s coming of age, and I guess that’s enough.
she's perfect
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If you say so.
More sauce
I’m sure it’s good (depending on location). Almost nothing McDonald’s serves is bad (depending on location). I should try it sometime just to be sure, though.

I may break my amphetamine fast around the time McRib comes back. The last time I had a McRib on an adderall bender was so fucking satisfying.
I decided to clean up, and I brought 4 garbage bags into my room to start at least getting the garbage out. I only got about 2/3 of the way through and now I need to go get more before continuing.
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I don't understand how I'm not even good enough to have somebody like picrel as a gf. I can't possibly be THAT bad, and yet reality demonstrates that I am.
Reality never lies.
Man, I remember these pics. Whoever made these was like the Michelangelo of internet political cartoons.
How‘s that political?
Post the others
So I guess there's no milf advice to be found here
It isn’t, but it borrows a lot from the same satirical imagery that political cartoons usually employ. Whoever is drawing these paints a scathing tale of modern consumer culture. So although it’s not a directly “political” cartoon, it embodies the same spirit of disgruntled judgment.
You're not allowed to have a women. Move on.
I don’t have any on hand, but I’ve seen a bunch of them. They’re all basically the same thing— showing off the room of what the artist views as a “modern” cons00mer in typical wojak fashion.
Goodnight femanons, no work tomorrow.
I'm going to try to so something, maybe go to a festival and eat food like a fat piece of shit.
Usually when we say exactly how, guys still manage to fuck it up anyway.
Try therapy for your autism.
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Good night
You mean like pic rel?
Eh, this one is a lot shittier than the ones I’ve seen. The others follow the same structural pattern (i.e. main subject sitting on their corner-facing bed while the rest of their disgusting room is in plain view for all the world to see and judge harshly).

What you posted seems like a prototype for the rest of the works. It’s in the same spirit, but kinda misses the point due to the person who made it’s own lack of any artistic talent whatsoever.
JH isnt up yet
crystal cafe dot slash img/res/4175.html
State gender
Thoughts on women who raise children of a man they love and other woman?
I just had an eye opener yesterday as to how intuitively people take the woman's side in any sort of dispute. I was reading a story of a woman whose boyfriend was messing with her tickling her when she didn't want to be touched and eventually she backhanded him in the face
Like 1 in 5 replies were in her favour, "you're just setting your boundadies", "you warned him verbally and did the last thing you could do to protect your body", "you were actually the one being abused". Insanity.
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Found some
Like, raising the children of other women?
Based matron behavior. Society should have more communal child care. Most of the people I'm acquainted with now who have (young) children have nobody to help look after their children so they can also have a life, go out on date nights, etc. Kids don't have sleepovers or friends, parents don't have friends they trust. Society is just fractured.
It‘s not insane to take the side of someone that told another person to stop and they did not. He deserved it.
Yeah, I saw that too. I expected a little more pushback from the comments, but what do you expect of that place.
either gender
my relationship almost ended today, due in part to my gf having an anxiety attack and becoming convinced we were harming each other (we aren't). we talked it out sussed out the feelings and everything is fine now, but i still feel extremely dejected. what do?
Goodnight /atoga/
I hate women very much
This is a little bit closer to the ones I’ve seen. I think the darkened room was always a theme in the ones I remember, though. Darkened rooms fit the theme so perfectly that it always amazes me how this person managed to capture this shit so well. It’s like a modern hieroglyph.
>feeling mental stress and anxiety because your gf freaked out over nothing
>not harming each other
Good to know if my girlfriend is ever annoying me people will take my side if I slap her across the face. There's never a justification for physically hitting your SO.
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*slaps you*
They are pretty fascinating.
>this niggeř thinks consent and boundaries of women don't have to be respected.
Brown behavior.
There's not really anything you can do. She might have been right actually. You're in a position where you can't raise these feelings with her because she's in distress. I get that you want to help her, but if she can't provide what you are looking for in a relationship then that's not on you. If she wants to work through it with you and understand that, it can be okay. But given the framing and even just asking it here I feel like it means you don't feel comfortable bringing this up with her. Ideally I'd say wait until a time when she's lucid and comfortable and talk to her about needing to work on these things (together) because of how it makes YOU feel, though helping her is also a benefit in general because you also want her to be good ofc.
These don't even make sense. At least the first one was kind of a known archetype.
So you're not feeling a little traumatized by her mental illness symptoms that she should be talking to a therapist with?
Annoying you is not a reason. Repeatedly continuing to touch you after you told them to stop and them being stronger than you is.
she didn't freak out over nothing, her concerns came from a valid place, it was more like she was jumping the gun regarding the impact our relationship has on her and me.
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It gets more confusing
Women would you date a man who makes less than you? How about if he worked a "dirty"/low status job like construction or something similar, essentially hard work for low pay and that requires little education?
I've been touched when I didn't want to be touched by my gf before, and if it gets really bad I'll just get angry and leave the room. The idea of hitting her doesn't even cross my mind.
Again reverse the genders and tell me you'd say the same and the wide response would be the same. Fuck no.
>cutting marks on thighs
I would prefer if they just did it to their arms, so I can avoid them. Imagine dating a girl you like and when you're in bed, you feel some gross lines on her thighs. I would be very disappointed and block her the next day.
Guy thinks he’s a modern Hieronymus Bosch kek. Too bad he left the artistry at the door.
Because you can leave. She could not if you would not let her because you could easily overpower her. Fucking idiot.
Yes. But only because I will eventually be fired and have to work a job like that too, probably. As long as he can contribute to the mortgage.
we DID talk about those things though, that's the issue, we worked everything out and about how to proceed together in a way that is good for us both. like, despite renewed commitment, i still feel bad about the state of things.

no, her points were valid points regardless of whether or not the anxiety behind them was justified
You can't really feel them. And if they were on the arms, you'd be able to feel them there too when she embraced you. I'm pretty sure a date did stop seeing be because of them though. How they looked, anyway.
>we DID talk about those things though
In that case, if you want to, you just have to give it some time to process that, and trust that she does love you and all that stuff. Trust the plan that you both came up with. If it keeps happening though you have to adjust accordingly.
Alright then. More spine than most men have.
What’s the worst thing a member of the opposite gender has ever said to you?
Mine was “it’s a shame you have such a faggoty voice, otherwise you’d be good-looking” and then she blocked me.
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Anon itt once said I can not have his credit card. Fucking destroyed me.
this didnt happen
No it did not but it felt real to me. Sure I also said some chuddy shit right before that but it was very suspicious how she blocked me two days after voice chatting. Coincidence? I think not.
Idk. Probably that time a weirdo said he was going to rape me in his hotel with 4 of his friends.
I did not go to that hotel.
told me he wouldn't still love me if i was a worm
2947 1164 6094 0037
Brian Cherscowicz
Moid hands
>What’s the worst thing a member of the opposite gender has ever said to you?
"You're a narcissistic man-child and I wish I'd never known you."

Can't really argue with that assessment, to be fair.
It happened to me tonight which is why I’m venting about it
That's it?
wait huh
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Screenshatted for future use. You da best anon<3
F. My dad said "why did you do that, now no one will marry you" as he was driving me to the hospital to get stitches on a self-inflicted wound.
And he was very right.
Damn that sucks.
I hope you have gotten help since then
you'll find love :)
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State gender and eye color
my sister
>I feel sorry for any woman who'll give you a chance
I think the thing that frustrated me the most was after meeting a girl at a bar one night while I was out with a group of people (she wasn't with us originally), we kinda hit it off a little, nothing major but we made out a little bit, I got her number, at the end of the night she was pretty drunk, I ordered us some waters and hung around for a while, and offered to walk her home, she declined, cool np she was with 1 other friend anyway who was more sober at the time.
Next day one of the girls asked if I hooked up with her, I said no, tell her the above. Her response is that I'm too nice and a chump essentially. This from a girl who's boyfriend was (and still is) a cheater (still is) and a chronic piece of shit. Meanwhile my therapist tells me that she's wrong and that if I had gone home with her it would have been inappropriate and rapey because she was drunk. Good, fair enough, I don't wanna be like that.
But you know who always has like 5 girlfriends? The guy who has girls hanging off of him like "why didn't you go take advantage of that girl, fag?". Showed me what the world was really like and that I'll never be able to get ahead or get what I want.
Based reality check sister.
A40 or A50 depending on the light
She didn't really say it I guess, but when I was in high school I had a crush on this girl and when she found out she started crying.
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Boo hoo
M, C20 or C40 ish.
M, A60
well I checked out of dating from that point onward so I guess she was right
A10, A17ish
Maybe a little bit A20
Lmao weakling
Are you black?
Wow so many dudes with blue eyes surely they aren't lying aha
F. T20.
Barring the fact that according to this argument
1) Hitting your partner is okay if they're stronger (there are women that are stronger than men)
2) Every straight relationship is 300 lb bodybuilder man and 90lb 5ft woman
If you're truly so terrified of the man suddenly descending into some sort of primal rage then hitting him seems like the worse thing to do? I just do not buy this shit, I do not think women that have dated men for multiple years still live in this constant fear of "omg he is going to kill me" the internet likes to pretend they do.

Hitting your partner is a symbol of having anger issues. If the genders were reversed people would rightfully say that he stepped out of line and probably has anger issues he needs to solve. It's the exact same the other way around.
It's not that hard, I'm a white person.
M. A40, I think, but like most blue-eyed people the colour depends on the light - they're bluer in daylight and greyer in artificial light.
Yap yap yap
Mostly between A30-C40 I think
skill issue if you dont have them
Me too nigga. But there's no way literally ALL of the guys here have blue eyes. You wannabe Aryans.
no, sea
Bite my ass, cunt.
f d10
Thank you, that was unexpected
it’s morning in Europe and the middle of night in the Americas
fuckin hate 'em I could've had my dad's green eyes but I inherited my mom's
Finally a greenie
I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that no woman will ever want to be in a romantic relationship with me. And that's the only thing I want out of life.
So how do I move forward?
Probably C20 right now
Natural sunlight pics shift lighter A20 now that I'm analyzing.
Why? I like brown eyes
Multiple options:
>become gay
>become rich
>become a passport bro
>succumb to total hedonism to numb and distract yourself constantly
>become a groomer
Which one will it be?
Keep trying
To what end exactly? Achieving the goal is impossible.
Even those that women show romantic interest towards are left behind because women tend to move on. A lot. Partner after partner. Especially if they are at the age where they don't have children yet (as single mothers).
That's a different subject.
they're ugly and pedestrian, nobody really likes them, everybody would look better with blue or green eyes
My dad admitting he cheated on mom
Do you have dark hair?
Of course he did. why do you think your mom liked him? Every man who can get a woman to be in a relationship with him will get as many women to do it as possible, no exceptions. If you have a boyfriend, he's a cheater. Guaranteed.
How long have you been incel?
A couple years I guess. I don't hate women though.
T20s checking in
>everybody would look better with blue or green eyes
Absolutely not the case lmfao
>I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that no woman will ever want to be in a romantic relationship with me.
Well, I knew that without a shadow of a doubt for many years. But it turned out I was wrong. So, there's that.
Let's make beautiful brown-eyed babies, anon.
Sure. If he’s a person I like it doesn’t really matter what his job is
girls, do your booba ever get claustrophobic? if so, what do you do to remedy it?
M who have/are straight shaving, go or no go
practice on your knees to learn how to shave a curved surface
t.someone who straight razors his head
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yeah, just take my bra off, i have small boobs and i kinda like when i can see my nips through my shirt
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I bet you will look really beautiful pregnant, anon
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Nice pic
Sorta. You know when you been wearing sock all day and then you rip them off and it feels so good. It’s kinda like that if you wear a bra for too long
So many pretty blue eyed boys.
Now ask dick size and suddenly a lot of 6’ guys will show up too. Weird how that works
I'll prove it
As a man, I'm genuinely baffled as to how anyone could think the woman was in the wrong here. The guy is literally like a playground bully whining because one of his victims finally hit back. It's beyond pathetic.
Idc about dick size.
I just like that they're probably white.
M D20
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I bet you wish you were white
I meant the dick idiot.
Is 3.8 inches a good penis size?
Eww clean that shit out of the corner of your eye
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God I love white men.
Dating sucks if you're interested in LTRs because women don't want them and temporary shit is pointless.
Why not?
Does not hit my cervix and stretch me. Useless.
Yes. On white men only.
>Is 3.8 inches a good penis size?
It's adequate.
yes if it's white and cute
Sex doesn't count if
>she is older than 25
>she is fat or ugly
>she makes you wear a condom
Moid hands.
>A40, I think
Actually, looking more carefully in the mirror, that's clearly a lie! I'm more like A60.
D30 in some lighting, D34 in others.
So, do women just like men who are retards now?

Is that the meta? I genuinely don't understand the world.
Stone eyed pretty boy
also yes it is the case
brown eyes are boring and nobody even looks twice at them
if you have light hair then light eyes go well with it and if you have dark hair they offer a nice contrast
nobody ever said "they have such beautiful eyes" about a person with brown eyes. there's a reason why they're considered low class
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Does that make me male Medusa?
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>nobody ever said "they have such beautiful eyes" about a person with brown eyes. there's a reason why they're considered low class

Remember it's always TALL DARK AND HANDSOME, cope and seethe
>brown eyes are boring and nobody even looks twice at them
What boring people do you hang out with that look twice at blue/green eyes? Jesus. The only people in Western countries obsessed with eye colour are ethnic minorities. White people don't give a shit.
femanon come back...
I mean it‘s not like she was bouncing on his dick enthusiastically. She is just making use of retards with subscribers.
We were talking about romantic relationships, anon.
I guess so
What does your video have to do with your post broski
Which one
Well that's a problem, I've only got one snake. The others will all laugh at me!
He means the one that got b&
dark as in hair not as in eyes
also how am i coping? i have brown eyes and dark hair
my entire point is that nobody is ever going to comment on brown eyes being beautiful but they will on blue/green
also clearly you've never talked to white women talking about babies lmao
"Ew gross."
It isn't the most detailed thing but the thing is MULTIPLE women have said this to me.
Never believe people when they say you can make it in this world as an ugly man.
Darker than T50 I think.
Before anyone asks I am >white.
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What do you think about doctor hannah fry suggesting that monogomy was just a way to control women and force women to engage with ugly poor men they didn't like?
You don't even need to be tall or handsome. Just be black.
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She must be a genius because that is the same conclusion I came to.
Yes that is quite literally what happened historically speaking she is not wrong at all.
We all know this, the question is can women stop being cunts and let us impose patriarchal monogamy again?
I am so tired of being alone I just want to be in a loveless marriage with a better wife who resents me for forcing her to be with me.
I will not stop being a cunt until women are all able to be bred by chad but provided for by incels.
You can just say I will not stop being a cunt, I already know what you and all other women want.
No it is funnier to say it.
>What do you think about doctor hannah fry
She's right.

t. man
Men - would you want to have a child (let's assume a boy) who will end up having a similar life to you? A stretch to be honest, given global economic circumstances, but let's assume it will only be as bad as your life, and not significantly worse (which it would be).

Would you give that life to another?
Can't I like, change his face, and then let the rest of me be the same? Or is it 1:1?
Hell no I'm still young but already a loser failure. The only way things could be worse is if I was a junkie or homeless.
yeah, no life is without suffering
Idk. I can only emotionally love one person at a time, I think. I could have a room of guys fuck me, but idk if I'd be as happy about it the day after if they all expected me to give them my world meaningfully and equally.
femanon who wanted to get pregnant
Asking men is somewhat pointless. Women should be asked if they are happy after willingly becoming nothing more than items in a few guy's rotations.
No you don't get it, monogamy was done for ugly and poor mens benefit, not womens, so you would be a part of a harem, not a reverse harem, with Chad at the head. This is something you want.
I should say, what do you think about her belief that monogamy is wrong, and the more natural state that people should go back to polyamory, and that this will solve dating apps and loneliness?
I mean he would look similar to you, as any bio son/father would. But not exactly 1:1 the same.
Fuck no we need patriarchy back or full on women enslavement.
Yes as long as he gets Chad face from his moms side. He can save the world if he does.
99% of us can't even pull one bitch and you niggas are already out here talking about some polyarmadillo shit get real
>so you would be a part of a harem, not a reverse harem, with Chad at the head.
Huh, so Islamic polymany. I can see it. If a man is able to completely provide for multiple wives fairly, I'd accept that arrangement. I'd want some FWB though, which isn't the Islamic way, but hopefully he won't find out about that.
NTA but polyamory has been rare and polygyny is becoming much more common, so you could say that we're already there. But it's only solving female loneliness and things will remain that way for the foreseeable because it takes a whole generation of women becoming depressed due to polygyny for society to "correct" course.
> I'd want some FWB though, which isn't the Islamic way, but hopefully he won't find out about that.
>Not even a gigachad king is enough for women
I'm not Chad I shouldn't be mad.
Why am I?
Because a women who agreed that she only wanted to be in a monogamous relationship immediately dumped her hypothetical partner for king chad.
You know this is how everybody thinks on average, and it's upsetting to be faced with the confirmation.
We are not talking about you lmfao


Migrate whenever you feel inclined.
It will solve it but over the span of thousands of years by breeding incels out of existence until nothing but perfection is left.
I just want a FFM relationship where the guy and other woman love each other and me, but they show their love for us a unit by focusing solely on me. They can do stuff together alone, but when I'm involved, I want to be the center of attention and be overwhelmed by them.
Perfection beats you and leaves without a trace after breeding.
Yes that is close to what you would have received.
Do women realize how much damage their sentiments like this here do? You've literally killed people indirectly through sentiments like this.
It's not a harem then, though. I'M the head of it, not the guy. The guy is pretty much just there for his cock and someone strong to throw me around.
In like 9,000 b.c something close to this would have been achievable.
Problem is 2+ women per guy would lead to 80% of men alone.
I have very, very specific gangbang fantasies, but that would a purely sexual thing, so I guess we'd all be alone afterwards still.
That is the whole point.
Bad people don't care that they're bad
>Would you give that life to another?
Jesus, no. Wouldn't wish that on anyone.
M. There is very little evidence to suggest that life-long monogamy is natural to humans. Serial monogamy was probably the default when we were evolving - a couple would get together just long enough for the woman to get pregnant, have the baby, nurse it, and ween it, then everyone would review their options.
Well, if his time is spread between 9 different wives he won't be able to have enough sex with me.
You underestimate him but sure. He would likely have less.
please stop posting about this
Definitely not. Reproduction is out of the question anyway.
I want to be the man in this kind of relationship.
Would you let them double penetrate you (the girl wears a strapon)?
Sure. I didn't really enjoy strapons when I tried them with my exgf, though. Maybe it'd be better getting doublestuffed.
What's your experience with that? When I get it, it's a physical, cold, wet feeling on my brain that prevents me from feeling anything good and makes me tired. My thoughts can be completely positive, but I feel no joy. Usually have to ride it out for about 2-4 weeks
I fantasize about one girl being sandwiched between us as we kiss her all over and make her cum like that.
Sounds like heaven to me.
I cannot see any reason why you would subject someone to life.
It's a shame because it seems like a really underrated scenario.
Are you into the idea of one partner eating your ass while the other eats your pussy?
Never thought about it before. If there's a guy involved, I think I'd much prefer his dick in me whenever possible, though.
You don't like slow, teasing foreplay?
No, that's torture. If I'm naked and there's dick attached to a guy I love within grabbing distance, I want it in me in some capacity immediately.
Would you prefer the girl to go down on you while the guy is inside you, then?
Sounds hot, yeh. Also wouldn't mind sitting on her face while I blow the guy. That's sort of my goto thing to imagine.
You could probably turn that into a three way 69 to be honest
I can't picture that in my head. I'd prefer if both of them focused just on me, though. It adds to the fantasy.
I think I like the idea that you getting to suck dick counts as "focused on you"
Men, what would you think if your girl had hair around her areola? I try to remove it before I know I'm going to be naked but sometimes I forget. O.O
I really, really like sucking dick, if that wasn't obvious from how much I post about >tfwnobftoblow ITT.
I mean i have hair there too so idk. I feel weird about having hair there and im a guy. And im guessing its not THAT much hair desu
I want to know what it feels like to have my cock appreciated this much
Well I hope you find someone special in your life who can make you feel appreciated. I'll admit that it's purely selfish of me to want dick this badly, though.
I'd almost prefer it if my partner is more motivated by selfish reasons to give me head. It's hotter if she doesn't do it just to please me.

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